f i- 1- J- t ei THE IIOmmiG BTAE. mar l' ft ' Wfm w i n1-'. h . S I Ml pin HiiN,,..,,, i l PU K1JSH ED . DAILY XXCXPT MONDA YB, One year, (by mall) portage paid,.... ....... '$1 Mix months, ; ' " ; ; " , ; 4 00 Tnreemontha -'y 35 Otemonth - f ; 4 .;;..-.;... 1 00 To City Snbserlbera, delivered in any part f the jy part f the I .KSas city, nrteen ixsnui per wees, vur vir not authorised to collect for mere than t invance. Entered at the Poet Ofllce at Witmingtot, N. V., ma Becone ciaae matter, j j A. government Bteamslerwa murdered in Texaa. j Georee McPherson Grant defeats Brodie (Bcaconsfield Conaervatite) fer parliament; ; fxlnce hrto?, ui8 said, will succeed Gortschakoff. Gnv't I said, will succeed Gortsshakoff. ; Gov Jealabad, Afghan," will oppose the4 British cavalryadvance.t ,!-- A: tenement; house in Boston burned by an incendiary; a num ber of persons were burned to death and others - badly iniured. V The rllre at Caribon, Color ado, made . six families homeless; the Ute Indians - are burning the foreata in Colorado through spite." Piano employes in New ToYk have their wages - increased.-" 'The capture of I Kiog Cetywayo by the' British has been fully confirmed." -The 'Independent party of Massachusetts yesterday nominated B. P. Butler for Governor.- Five new' cases and five deaths ' from fever reported at jaempnit yesieraay morning. ; - At a special meeting of the New York Chamber of Commerce a committee was : appointed to aolicit subscriptions in aid of the Mem phis sufferers." Vicksburg has raised its quarantine against New Orleans. More fever-infected vessels have sailed from. Cuba for the United Slates. -Another extensive fire is reported in Rus sia. All of the important Zulu chiefs ha? e submitted. A circular issued by a number of leading Republicans in New York advises the support of the Saratoga ticket, omitting the names of Cornell for Governor and Soule for Canal Commis sioner. The English cotton mills are closing,' one after the other, and thousands of employes are being thrown out of work President Hayes is at the fair at De troit, Michigan. '; A monetary Congress J will shortly be called to meet in Berlin A great deficiency in breadatuffs is re ported io Europe and a rise; ia prices is anticipated. -Secretary Sherman' fa- vorsjhe idea of bullion certificates issued as co treat money, but based on actual deposit, by nations of established , credit. An early summoning of the British Parliament : is hinted at Ten new j casea reported at Memphis yesterday for the day; absent Memphians are to be warned not to return to the city at present New York markets: Money easy at 4 6 per cent. ; cotton quiet at J!H12 cts; flour, lower grades 1015 cen;s better, with a fair export demand; other kinds without decided change; Southern firm and quiet ; wheat unsettled, 13 cents higher and - fairly active; ungraded winter red ft 12J1 18; corn fairly active and X cent better; ungraded 49f50 cents; spirits turpentine nrm at zo cents; roam quiet m i Si 22Wil 25 The two New York city wings of the Democracy are to hold ratifica tion meetings next week. Uiaturb-1 ances are expected. O Hanlan will return to England to row another match with .. Elliott, whom he defeated so easily. The latter sent him a challenge. It is said the autumn trade sale of books will be unusually large. The catalogue contains over 500 pages. It takes place in New York. Kalloch's official majority in San io 1 J28. That mstol of . r . A Tic Ynnnor'a rlifl the hnsinesH. It lit I" 0 - erally shot the lecherous parson into the Mayoralty. Mr. Tilden says he has no corapro-, mise to make with Tammany. It is war to the knife. He goes so far as to say I that the party cannot take Tammany to its bosom . : ;,E ! ;. It aid that the' Republicans are manoeuvring to stave off the trial of the shit against Mr. Tilden for his in come tax notil after the Presidential election.. Jt card. . . ':"S is to be a campaign ---""-j -rrii Mormons lorarons arnvea at ew x ors: irom Europe bu Tuesday? More immi grants to break the laws of ; the United - States. Mr. Bvarts should stir'hlsstamps. jsi i .fi . V. Senator . McDonald, of Indiana, i thinks Tilden cannot , be nominated ! becanse of the two-thirds rule that: wilt be retained jo -1880. He says Grant is tfiV strongest Republican, and if he is hot 'nominated Sherman will be. Old Capt. Isaiah Rynders, who thii ty years ago .bossed Tammany,' has; sent the followins to the New York Sum . . a '..v, s - "And shall old Tammany Hall be crushed? And must John Kelly die 7 Then Sixty Ahouaand Democrat Will know the reason wny.;;:vtV CaftitV whd ediU Harper's JVeeMy, is a Republican who would like to see reform in his' party, but be is power less. He has but little hope of Cor nellV election, and 6ays his noinina tion was merely Mmachicen work. But that is -the'New York wav.: Curtis . - 4- .. ay . has the dumps.5 f kit I lr1.7 ! V I WI 1 V J 1 V.S4, ! ' " ! . v . t " ! . . . " T " ' " I T '. , .. , . " , u i m': 1 !..;. v&J hsj 4 ij VOL; XXIV -NO: 152:?!:';;;,, .lI-lWltMNGtOKK. ;C:,,FEIDAY: .SEPTEMBEP!19;,rt8.7?,:; Gov, Vance,whilst passing through Washington, was interviewed by a correspondent of the New York World.' He did not approve of Kel- ly a course, but if ho and his folio wrcess., -iThetirphtheriais raging in this ers "shoald be strong enoagh to de feat the Governor, and the rest of the It ! t ' '', i' - "" . t i ; uoKei BQouia D8 eiecteu, i snonia not grieve very rauoh over it, because the State might then be depended upon to support the- Democratic ' nominee for President next year." ' : He is reported as : saying furjiier: -" . "In th South we feel that very much depends upon New York, and of all Slates that should beuha one Mo which Dersonal 88aea should be dropped and in which unia icu uu CU6CUTB woiK auuuiu uc uuuo iur the common good. We believe that a Dem ocratic administration is imperative if pros perity tsto be restored to usv , A Republi can administration means fur Us four jreara of sauertng and tyranny." . . He does not fancy Mr. Tilden. He will not be nominated by the South. He said: '0 t-tf' 'He has been wonderfully mixed up (n trickery and mean transactions. To put him in the field it would be necessary to keep men constantly on the stump defend ing him all through the South.. I do not wish to be understood as saying that he has no chance for the, nomination, for if the majority should choose him the South would not bolt. It would lay aside all per sonal feeling in a campaign and work to gether for the ticket. It would be with us a choice between two evua.and rather than live through another Republican adminis tration we could stand Uncle Sammy. Yet his nomination 'would be a deplorable event, and I hope we shall be able to do better." We take it that Senator Vance has represented fairly a large preponder- ating sentiment in North Carolina. We have not met'' a half dozen per sons who prefer Mr. Tilden- to all others. We have met many who hold Gov. Vance's views. The New York Herald has taken the census of the Chinese living in that city, and reports that there are more than three hundred Chinese laundries, fifty groceries, twenty to bacco stores, ten drug stores, six res taurants and a great variety of other establishments. In-the latter, it is sad to say, must be included several gambling houses, one of which the police broke up Tuesday evening, at 34 Mott street, kept by one Fo Cha, asswted by.Ung Twang. The police uduius was luuuireub ii dculub. Secretary IWarts recently visited Canada, was the guest of the Mar quis of Lorne, who married the """iV- ghly elated with all he saw. He is very sweet on toe irrincess, ana says: tie iouna ine rrincesa ijouise to be a remarkably frank, versatile and intelligent young woman, who is winning golden opinions from the people of the Dominion by means or her straightforwardness and simplicity of manners. He added that in the event of a visit by the vice-royal couple to the United 8tates, which they will make, sooner or later before they return to Eng land, he had no doubt the .irrincess would create a very favorable impression among our tree American citizenship, There is a growing' dissatisfaction concerning the order of the Chief Sig nal officer forbidding that any of the, signal observers should continue at one place longer than two years. The expense caused by this unnecessary. order is attracting attention, and it is not improbable that the restriction: will be removed after awhile. A company has been organized in New York to search : for $5,000,000 which were lost in the British frigate Hussar, that was sunk off Port Mor ris in 1780; "The wreck lies in one hundred feet of water. " Spirits Turpentine thodist meetios;atCary. i - Warren sent ud three and Wil son two couyicts, au colored, -z- In one North Carolina township alone there1 are seven children named alter Senator Vance.'. ;." ...'.;.;::,: , r.-.-- The well-known : Rhdisill ' Hil gold mine, in .Mecklenburg, has been sold to Northern eapttausts for a large sum p-Shelbyurora: Rey. T. Dixon baptised and received thirty-six persons into New Hope Baptist Church last Sunday. The xtandolph Agricultural So- I ciety will be held at Aabeboro, on Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, the 18th, 50th and 21st ol XtovemDer, ion. WUkeboro; irtss" farewell to Toureeet His route trom New" York'wil perhaps be the same as that pursued by the saffron-winged swallow Toinette, his only Ideal of a Southern heroine. 'Let him go to Oberlin; f yet what has Oberlin done to us that we should not practice -the golden i NewxBerneJ steamship DsfiancevhfvthliClyde' Line, sailed on yesterday.. Her. cargo. , was com posed in part of 80,000 feet of yellow i pine Jntnhar 9il Qftft f Mt, of ATnrMM anil Man H1 1 j bales of f.6ot.lO6;omt .r4a 26 barrels Spirits turpentine, and 69 barrels of tar and pitch, 'a uvr-a :. - Asheville Journal'. - Wm. liyda, one of the parties who was engaged in the castration of young Morris,' aome' time ago, was convicud at Hendersonvillev Superior Court, on Turaday last, of being guilty Without malice.-' It was 'thought that the judgment would be sixty years at hard lan bor in the peniteatiary. ... T-T? ft H -y'U'jEi 4i vi Asheboro Courier'.' f We- have f uncuatooa that a certain divmeua -this county, speaking : of the great ?evils of, in I temperance, saidJ l He did not think there was any harm in a man taking a.drina 'oti whiskey providing he didn't 'drink: to ; ex I county, bot so s jaonaaonua .Tay -f-Trinity opened i last week with flattering prospects. Durham Recorder: - Mat. vy . 1 Si Patterson has given us a number: lot I curiosities found near the banks of - New Hope Creek ia this county. Few traditions Of Indian history survive, and only the name of Jfino will, mentioned inLiawaon's history, comes down to. us as aa aboriginal dweller upon t&e soil of Orange. rHis vil lage was on New Hope Creek onuiue lands now owned by the Patterson family, in whose hands it has been ' retained through five generations. ; Some years ago, during a high freshet, the waters or the creeK ploughed through a field, and laid bare a ong maaen Dunai piace. , : - Raleigh iVtt: The Presbytery of Orange wilt meet on the 16th of October at old Alamance Church, near this city. At that time the new church is lobe dedicated, and on Saturday, Rev. Ci Ji. Wily, who was raised in sight, will deliver an address, and give an; interesting history of its rise and progress to the present time, and in ad dition will preach the dedicatory; sermon. -Testeraay afternoon while Captain H. Pj Guess, road master on the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad, was riding on his hand-car between the .two depots, the car came in collision with 'a switching engine. Mr. Guess, 1 seeing ' the'! danger. jumped from the hand-car, and being an elderly man leu neavuy ana orose nis teg above the ankle. Hickory .Press: Dr. Wm. Dan- els, a respected citizen of Alexander coun ty, "died at . his home, near Rock : Spring Camp Ground, on the 3rd of September. Some thief entered the dwelling house of Dr. Newlan, of Lenoir, this week, and stole from the premises a trunk; containing about $200 ia cash and about $800 uworth of bonds and other valuables. ' Awhite woman who had been In his employ was arrested on circumstantial evidence - and confined in the county jail. All except the money was recovered. The camp meeting at Nebo. in McDowell county, be gan last Friday and closed Tuesday morn ing. This was the 46th camp meeting held at that place. During the present meeting there were some thirty-five or forty con versions. fX . ... ... rj.jycv ' Charlotte Observer: "The case of the United States vs. Alexander Burton, arrested by Deputy Marshal King for counterfeiting, was called Tuesday.acd the defendant was bound over to the Federal Court in the sum of $200, in default of which he now resides in the county jail. According to the census of 1870 there were only 20.592 persons in the State en gaged in manufactures, mechanical trades and minine. There are 6WJ pupils enrolled in the Graded School. Judge Gilmer holds his first court this week at Mocks ville, Davie county. We had quite a cutting affair in front of the Gregory House last night The parties were Wil liam Hedges and Henry Edwards, both negroes. It seems as if the fuss started about a water bucket, and terminated with several severe cuts on the person of Henry Edwards by William Hodges. A correspondent of the Rich- mono iv a.) ssuae writes : 1 ravening tniny five miles through the bright tobacco belt We reach Oxford an old town, the county sest of one of the largest and the most prosperous counties in North Carolina. Already noted for its healthfulness. Its 1 1 s. a 1 1 1 s . 1 BvuuuiB, its virtue turn mtciugtsnro, it una a base and starting' point which gives it an immense advantage. The infusion of a little progressiTe, BWift-runaing business blood would give it a life and growth its present population has never dreamed of.; I venture no town in the State according' to population has more capital than Ox- lord. And being the centre of the bright tobacco section, its manufacturing and shipping trade will be such as any of the great commercial centres will covet Leav ing Uxiord our line would pass through the grass and gram section of Granville, equal ing that of almost any country. The Raleigh Christian Advo-i cate reports recent revivals as follows: Rutherford Circuit 85 conversions, 17 ac cessions; Rockingham Circuit, 6 convert aions; Warren Circuit, 100 conversions and many accessions; LaGrauge Circuit, 16 con versions. 5 accessions: Yancewilla Circuit,! 7 conversions Nash Circuit, over 100 con-I I 1 . ' versions: Forsyth Circuit, 86 conversions, 23 accessions; Craven Circuit, 17 conver sions, 13 accessions; Pekin Circuit, 03 con- Versions, 40 accessions; Stokes Circuit, 2ft conversions, 25 accessions; Shelby Circuit, 100 . conversions. -45 accessions ; Clinton Circuit, good revival and many accessions; Happy Home Circuit, 15 conversions. 17 accessions; Buckhorn Circuit, 19 conver sions, 10 accessions; Surry Circuit, 22 con versions, 17 accessions; Bethel Church, 26 Conversions, 14 accessions; Lowe's Church, Burnt? conventions sua accessions. Charlotte Observer: The pre-; mium list of the Carolina Fair Association, the next exhibition of which Will take place on the Fair Grounds, near this city, on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day, November 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, has just been issued from the Observer job presses and is now ready for distribution, The list of premiums is quite large, cover ing a great many articles, ana is Buuiuieui- ly attractive, it is believed, to draw a large number of exhibits. -Since the steam shovel was introduced on the Carolina Cens tral Railway seven treaties have been filled In and it is now at Work on the eighth. As soon as this is completed work will be com menced on the last one between Char lotte and Hamlet so that , in a few months there will not be a 'trestle On the line from Charlotte to Hamlet ; At Dallas, Gaa toh.counlv. af ew a davs aeo. the colored Baptist,. Association held, a meeting, and after mature 'deliberation decided to expel two of the members, mother and son, for profanity, and accordingly it was an nounced that their names bad been stricken from the rolls. The expelled members felt that they had been very much injured and made ; threats of breaking up the "whole concern tJunoay nigm me . cnurcn waa burned to the ground, and they were ac Atian1 a t ha nnntA ai nri a wreMitarl Raleigh iXWttal K Recorder: "Ask Bro.,A. C. Dixon in what dictionary I can find the, words xesurrect' and resur rected,' Which he uses in the exposition of the Sunday School Lesson for September 7th." - The next session of the Shaw University will commence on Wednesday, October 1st Bro, J. Jl. Montague has held meetings at Bethel and Buffalo; twen ty-three united with the first and nine with the latter church." Bro R. B. Gaddyi of.PolktonrirriteansthataReY. AK Ben nett has succeeded in building a neat house of worship tNMWoodi iJWey coaoty Harmcndff the 2nd Sunday in September. Bro. P. H. Fontaine sayst "During the summer i'JMjd at MadisonVat BtateLine 5, and.at Sharon 9,'! meeting with Canton church;' St&hly county f 'MmV -aaamwaej mmwm mmum.-m LL jaaaeBtSmMg, fmmMMrimU J ' ' ' "J nri - I , - - - if- ,fx.j T f f 18 professions; Ho was assisted- by brethren 14. niwiiipo m jx. n witiuva.: Bro.w. A. wmmons assisted the, pastor, Bro. Taylor Verhonin a meeting , at Oak wgeuureoiu " fiv conversion,' 8 were baptized;; Bro. f I Faison,. reports a meeting at Haw Blaff church ; 18 baptized and 1 received by letter. ' Rev. Wm. J, Fulford has just closed t?-ii nnnGr- Twentw-on war added . thahnrch hr baDtiam. He was aided by,Bro. 8- F, . Conrad. Bro. H.-K7 Hayes tells us of a meeting held by Bro. G. M. Duke with Mt Zion church, Nash coun ty, at which there were 23 conversions 12 of whom were married couples. -- Bro. R. D. Harper eives an interesting account of a meeting at Pleasant Grove church, in Nash county, held by Bro. M. R. PurnelU assisted by liro. i'erry. Twenty-two aaai tions to the church, among them a? Metho dist preacher. ?:V ,;:,.vHi of - . NEW, SDVHKTUBIUBNTl. Fob Rekt Market stalls. .. , , , , ; Mtjnson Cadet uniforms. , Heinsbebgeb School books,' &c . A. Dayid Fall end winter clothing. , ; Hall & Pratmat.l Bacon and flour. ; G. R, Feench & Son Boots and shoes. Kelbchkeb & Caldbb Bbos Bacon, su gar, molasses, &c- . Iiooal Dote. Dull in magisterial ciroles yes terday. - -v Cotton receipts yesterday footed up 764 bales. Col. J. R. Davis was registered at the Pdrcell House last night. We notice a good many new buildings going up in Goldsboro. The Fay Templeton Star Alli ance has engaged the Opera House for September 29th, 30th and October 1st Mr. C. D. M. Cobb, formerly of this city, but now in the tobacco business in Hickory, is here on short business visit. Mr. John F. Robitzsch, an old citizen of Pender, died at Ashlon, in that county, on Wednesday last, aged 85 years. In ah article in Tuesday's issue we alluded to Bishop Gross of Charleston. It should have been Bishop Gross of Sa vannah. There was a general (suspension of business among our citizens of the He brew fwUl J?1' bonor of the Jewish New Year. The meetings at tho Fifth Street M. E. Church are held in the afternoon and at night, instead of morning: and even ing, as ataied in our last A quantity of fish and about Seventy-five pounds of beef and mutton were condemned and sent out of the mar ket Wednesday evening and yesterday morning. We see the report confirmed that boxes of geraniums and calceolarias and mignonette plaeed in dining-room win dows will save the family from the annoy ing company of flies, The match game of base ball between the Champion and Home Clubs, alluded to in our last issue, is to come off on Wednesday, the 24th inst, instead of Thursday, the '25th, as at first announced. During a two weeks' sojourn in Pamlico county, recently, we found that corn and cotton had suffered considerably from the late August storm, but the iodica tions are, notwithstanding, that very good crops willbe made. : : The American Gold and Silver Coil Scale and Counterfeit Detector, alluded to by us a few days since, and for which Mr. George Fate is the agent. Is on exhibi tion at the Mozart Saloon. It certainly seems to bean "infallible" test, as it claims. A pleasant sight, as we passed along the Ai & N. C. and W. & W. Rail roads, on Wednesday, was the numerous white fields-filled with busy cotton pickersi A great deal of the Btaple was arriving at Goldsboro, the most of which will find Its way to Wilmington. In passing throagh . Goldsboro,! a few days since, we found our . former townsman, Ephralm Wescott, busy at his favorite amusement of f 'cracking corn,"i and was glad to .learn that he waa doing a good business in that thriving burg.1 He has charge of the Goldsboro Mills. The cases for trial before the Mayor's Court .yeaterdai morning Were continued - over until this morning. They consist of Mary Anderson, white, and Jane1 Bines' ' and. Martha , Hall, .Colored, charged, with acting; disorderly at the Whitp field house, in the ' southern section of the city; : - ; . ? ,; 'aszeialiasr'. ctu&s& sus s;;it "1 'A small party of fox -hunters f roar this Citjr bad an exciting chase about m ven mlles below Wilmington, a few days sgo.i They started at the cry of Foxl foxf frotn two 0f their waggish companions, and soon I n' -..it .. . j were in hot pursuit of their supposed game. stimulated by the fierce yells of . the.; dogs and the shoUta of their friends in the rear. Their, ardor; however .Vwas? cbnslderabiy dampened a j lew'." mUtntes lateri when: -the dogs treed the abhnal and it was - found to be a big black cat beloi . .-; . l r ng to a family In the neignpornoooe 'I Hae Tovaa BehBjler. '-' In a match ' jme of base ball between i tu Dtoc jjikum buu VI 1UO anun, - wvii iutentiecittbil,c ' streets, yesterday afternoon,' the Star Lights BreicfcnWs,lhavh iiendH to 4the iCu,,, m t ,-f . I; tuted the prize to the.wiching club, r r. iMa -. . "5 - TOHKHiya Indletl6. i Forthe utfclatitiC ltafe; Increas- j erly winds, becoming: variable, lower ba. rometer, and stationary or higher temper-- Mure, ,tre jQdusaQOosnaav, ri I Djam0iicKO.UWn,r.COmrda JMS; arv raiffned before JnaticiLGardner. -resterdaT. I charged with'commlmhtfsul teij 00 the person ef his wi&KteRobtn sont; Casea dismissed on the ; payment jof CDStS.. , t.,,n , ; tI : I The same defendant was arraigned oh a peace Warrant sworn out by Kate." Robin- aon.-which was dismissed - on the payment Of costs, Robinson beihg also required to " . . . . . , 1 give bond in the sum Of 9100 to; keep the I peace for three, months, . in ; default of which he was committed to jail. . . Tnermonaeter Beeora. :,...;:. The following will show the. state of . the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city r- Atlanta........ ..83 Key West,.. .....79 Aurusta. ........88 Mobile... 84 Charleston, ......81 Montgomery . .86 Charlotte .Hi New Orleans, . , 4.-87 PuutaRassa,..:. .73 Savannah'. . . . . . . .80 Corsicana, , . . . . . 91 Galveston,... ....01 Havana. i.. . ...83 Indianola, ...... .82 St. Marks,....,.. 1 Wilmington,. . . .81 Jacksonville 76 PoandlBK Xei-ty. Our friends of the Second Presbyterian Church "got loose" last night and "pound ed" a very worthy lady on Red Cross, be was tempted to say "Hold, enough There I was a goodly n umber present, and we learn that the doners enjoyed themselves to an extent calculated to verify the truthfulness of the saying that it is even "more blessed to give than to receive." j Ornm-alBK.Wlttaoas m Iilcenae. j A drummer for a New York Rubber and Belting Company was arrested yesterday, by .the ever watchful Meyer, our City De tective, and taken before Mayor Fishblate, charged with soliciting custom without first obtaining the necessary license. The Mayor imposed a fine of $10, and reqalred the defendant to take out his license, which swelled the amount to $13. "Anotber Blehmoad In tbe Field.' I Another candidate for President of the United States, in the person of Mrs. Victo ria C. Woodhnll, has come to the surface, the Stab having been the recipient of a neatly executed picture of the aspirant f dr "first honors," with lengthy endorsement from the American IraveUer, published in London, and purporting to be "The special American organ in Europe." RlVBIXIArfD UAH INK. Ne arrivals in below. The brig Lternan, from this port, ar rived at Hamburg on the 17th. Ne Fayetteville steamers yesterday in consequence of the lowness of water. THE HXAIIiS. The mails close and arrive at the City Jfost Office as follows: CL088. Northern through mails. ..... 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mails..... 5:30 A.M. Raleigh ..5:30 A. M. and 6KK) P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, includine A. & N. C. Railroad,, at ...... 5:80 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily;.730 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails fCL C. Rv dailv (except Sunday) . 6.-00 P.M. Mail for Cheraw Darlington Railroad.. i. . ... .... . .. . .7:80 A. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston . . . ... 7:30 A. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays;iV.v..;i.;viV;.; 1KJ0P M. Fayetteviller Yia Lumbertonr ; daily, except , Sundays. . . . 6KK) P. M. Onslow C. H.. and interme- - diateofflces every FridaY. . 8-00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 2 .00 P. M. Mails tor Jfiasy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte. every Friday at 6:00 A. M. Wllminrtnr ; And Rlnr.lr River Chanel. Mondays and - Frir ! days at.... 6KK) A. K. OPEN FOR DELIVERY, Northern through mails. . . . . . 9 :15 A- M. Northern through and way mails........ ........... 7KJ0 A. L Southern malls r7 M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 105 A. M. ; ouuop um open irom o jo., to xaou . and from 2 to 50 P.M. . Money order and Register Department open same as stamp ofllce. General delivery open : from 6:30 A. Mi to 6:30 P. M., and on Sundays from 80 to :80A. m. ' -1 f Stamps for sale at general delivery when cIqttit nffiflfl la rinaaA -. l ' Mails collected from street boxes every aayatft.wjrM. . -J 6 x a Blahop AtMlneon'a Appolntmente, ! Rutherfordton, Octobers. ' -: : ' Shelby, Octobers, P.M. . . . ? --. Lincolntoa, October 5. Seventeenth Sunday after xnnuy. Beatty'B Ford; October T. ga Bnoaia, uetoDer v. toala. October 10. f - J V - 4 Charlotte, October IS, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. - Statesville,- October M. y-. Morganton, October 15. . ; , v 8tJanIrell o., October 17. . A Monroe, October 19, Nineteenth Sanday after Tri nity, j i-lK "Hi, iii. . ;!i:Jr. ,.i.iv.;.-i-;.-- wadeaboro. October SI. -tfAnaonrhle,CtoberStri:?''5!''a:- ' "; Rockingham, October S3., , Laurel HUL Octobers. V ii Re S : Colleetieu at each of these places for Diocesaa Mlaatona. ivK. Atvitvn.:. : .. i ? ..:.:,- !l!sij;i:! Quarterly AleealBisre Peiatrila BaaiBel for tbe WiUmiBKtVB blatrtet, m, B. OMreh BobUi. t a i W '- 4 Wiatevme,atLDJerty..v.kA;.wii.V.Bpt. SO, S5 Waccamaw Mission ......BepC M, SS Branawtck.Wj Sept-ST, 88 Wilminirton, at Fifth Street.,,,. . .,.Oct - 4, 6 Smithville Station.. ;.;..-...n...?...)cC ' 7, 8 Wflmhigton, Frent SWeetiv. : v. :.Oetu ' 11, U Dnpllj a Wesley Chapel. ..gVjijj S Clinton; at McGee'a......-......,Nov.T 8, Voharie Mission, t Wealey Canel;.MNoT. J tl, It voKesoory, at ceioe. ; ........ , now 19,. m il lit. r;.Jt; ii'ft 4 . 1 WHOLE NO. 3,776 . .Do not poison your JitUa ones with kny soothing remedy co soothing remedy, containing Opium, Mor- t Dt: Bull's Baby Byrup contain any opiates or anything injurious to the infant system. ! yjj ..Chew JxCkaoH's But Sweet Navy Tooacoa ttg&nnO BKLTS-A sore cure for' herrou. .oebuity, prematare aecayj exhauatlon, etc. The s; bbkyj care. Circtilara mailed free. Addreaa ttOutbam 8t H.Y. m ' w Hook. BamanT.-r-TKXHoRjriss Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of BindlnR and Baling In a work TaawHkn manner. and at reasonable crlceii. Mer chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other warK,aayriy oii promptnea utne exeemttoa or . tneir proera. , . 'JINK ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of aporta men la invited to the advertlBement of Messrs. J. & w a i . 1 Jt isuM, jMrmingniwn, naigiana. - uneir gnng are maae to order according to specifications and measnre- nentB raxniBneo,' tnua eaannng me ngm ctook, length of stock Ac Beantlf y the Comnlexlon. and remove ntmDles. spots, barns, scalds, stings, chapped lips, prickly heat. and all irritations of the akin bv nslne Gunra's 8uxr hub Soap. In casea of Goat and Rhea- matiam it ia also very emcaciooa. . zoong ueaas on via - onoaiaers proaacea y Hill's ijjstahtahbous Haib Dtb. , . i imw e e "TOR CPWAKDS 09 THIKTY YEARS Mrs Wnt blow's 8oothi8 Btbuf has Been need for cnudren it corrects acidity of the stomach, relieve wdcd oouo, regulates the bowels, cures dtbbmtxbt eadiMABBBOU, whether arising from, teething or ouier causes. An 01a ana weu-tnea remedy. 26 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cadets p F. M. ACADEMY, Call and leave your Measures Fit enarantecd. Price lower than for Uniforms, any other house in the city. ny other h sept 19 It MUNSON. IlarKet otallS IOF Beilt At Public Auction. jq-OTICE- 13 HEREBY' GIVEN THAT THE Stalls lathe Market House will he Rented out at Public Auction, on FRIDAY, S6;h Instant, to the highest bidder, for one year from October 1st, 1879, The Rentine will take Dlaee at 11 o'clock. M . in the Market House, and will be positive. . By order of the Mayor. T.- If. Wir.T.TAMS sept 19 It Clerk of the Market Leave Tour Measure FOB , FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Grand display of Frtnch and English CLOTHS and CAK IMERES for Business and Drebs Suits, All Grades, aU Colors, all Styles . Prices as low as any where in the country. A. DAYID, Clothier. BeptUtf School Books. . rES M08T COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL Books, Book Bags, Book Straps and Clampf, Lunch Boxes, Slates and Pencils, of every variety, In the City, k at HEINSBERGBR'S. Pianos and Organs, TJROM LEADING MANUFACTURERS, SOLD X on the Instalment plan at the very lowest prices. Guitars, Violins. Flutt sjlfes. Accordeons, Ac. ; , Strings for all Instruments at the sept 19 tf LIVE BOOK STORE AND 100 60X68 D 8" ui Smoked SIDES, JQQQ Bbls Good NEW FLOUB, - At close figures by sept 19 D&Wtf HALL St PEARUALL. Hoxr is the Time. The PLACE Ne. 89 North Front Street. ' The THING to buy- '4 stock ef BOOTS and SHOES at the present Low Prices at which we are selling. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, ' 39 N. Front at ..Wilinington. eptlOtf I 'rnrnontinA I .anno in lenroia I Pw"Wi"" -jvw I ttor sale, about twelve thousand X' 4 ACRES OF FINE TURPENTINE LANDS, located on the Salts, where vessels- may load at the StiU and proceed to sea. Only from one to four miles to haul to the 8tHL ' Plenty of other Timber can be procured adjoining. . Enquire of Editor of Bacon, Sugar, Molasses Q; do: Smoked do.- tjj Bbla, SUGAR, all grades. . 1 0 K Hhds and BbU CUBA MOLASSES 1AV - - JQQ HhdS SUGAR-HOUSE .. do. . 25 Hfcde choice PORTO RICO do. 10 00 Bb10B STade : s KHfl SNAILS, ot New and Second-Hand tOUV SPIRIT CASKS, ;OA Tons HOOP IRON, . f &J- - i inch, 1 Inch and Inch, ;r-15(BNs6LUE. . ?-. , , . r .. Kit ft Half Bolls BAGGING, : OUU ' 3 and SX lbs 1 AAA BdlB New ARROW TIBS, r 1UUU . New and Pieced, E K A A A Boah CORflT, White and Mixed, ,' , Seepv Lye, Powder, CandleSj Potash, Shot, Oysters, Soda, Cape, Candy, Crackers, Rice, r ..fA W ' . -sept 19 tf' ' KERCHNBS C ALDER BROS. EHOSENI OIL lsj s3BN FIE GALLON, No Oil chanted or deUvered at the above nrlce. i.AnOl Cbemical Paint. Paints. Oils. Glass. 1000 pairs Sash, and Blinds, and a great many Doors, all ataes.aSVeryLowFlgareav''. i( -:---julw Mbl . . BAxiOOCK A DAGGSTT, , , -.septSeoalni'i Viwe fr sa iuaj Market Bt. . - i it -i r 'jit 1 "Si v v - ttATES OP" 4k?:XltTl9lftW; One Bquartoaeday,.;.':..'..:.;,3.., fi ( ? . jj two oaySMi.4..r,l,,i".f..., i jj ; three dajs,.., Jtf .. one week,..., ....... 4 .- :7wo woeltB,.... ai-.,,' i i.v Three weeks,. 8 0 : " Oae month. ..... ..10 00 ..' Two month,. . ... . n 00 ' '"Three montha,... 84 00 Six months,. . 4. ... 40 00 ij One year,. . A i.wi ii . ,. 60 ( E-Contract A-dvertiwrmenU taken at prot tionately low ratea. ; : , ; -' i " Tea linea aelid Nonpareil type malfe one squire NEW;: ADVERTISEMENTS. ,y nORONX.Y Aactloneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. RICE M.ANTATION. TRUCK FARM and BRICK ildpi ir . . 111 lno weu Known plantation "BELV1DKRB," npon west aide Brunswick Biver. abont two miles from this city. . ,-4 m ryr W ednesday, October sin. at ia o'clock , Tr . "" "k ivirnange uorner, mat ue Birable PlanUUoa well and favorably known in this vicinity as Belvidere. enntolrJna i an ra. aim timbered, 800 Rice lands, 80 acres Track Farm in a lugu suite oi cultivation. Sold for and on acceont of former purchaser, he having failed to comply with contract made at former sale. Terras One-fourth cash, balance one and two years, with 8 per cent. Interest. Title re served until last payment is made. - septU5t-21ctl319ai - Fresh lime, JUS r RECEIVED, 1500 BBLS. -b.w-.x,,- No-1 ROCKLAND L1MF. The hen article ever offered in this mrM Th. only fresh lot in the city. roreaie low by sept 3 3w we fr bu B. G. BARKER & CO 7 Per Cent! ANal ADVANCE OF 7Vf PER tvmai hk already been made bv mAnnfnr.tnwra m n,i- of Stoves Oar contracts enabla na to hnM hii longer yet to old low flgareB-partlcaJarly for our celebrated 8am Cook-bat present prices wiU not be iuhukcu - mo ciurant wees:.' ue uuiCi- 1 Write as for any information desired, cats, prices, only by ww uiu Jim uuo iu select irom. Him uook- no i eept 14 if V. M. KING A CO. Bagging and Ties. OA A Half RoUs BAGGING. UU 603 Bdls TIBS, pieced and oLherwfoe. 1 A Tons HOOP IRON, JLVf 1J tDIS -SUJNU3. 60 Bbls GLUE, Also, a fresh snnolvof QRonRRiRM an vi. on hand and for sale low by ' ' D. L. GORK sept IS tf Nos. 3 and 3 8oath Water at. Sash. Doors and Blinds. TjTB ARB MANUFACTURING SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, out of Thoroughly Seasoned, Kiln Dried, Selected YELLOW PINE AND WHITE CYPRESS, guarantied to dp better than White Pine goods in every respect, and at less moneys Our Goods are endorsed by all of the prominent Contractors and Builders in the city 2f?Give us a call and we will prove what we say is eo. Respectfully. ALTAFFER ft PRICE. Factory. Office. Foot of Walnut Street. . Cor. Nutt and Red Cross. sept 14 tf P. L. PEACOCK, J. W. HUNT, W. N. HOLT. C. S. ELLIS. PEACOCK, IlUiT &, CO. Factors and Commission Alereliauis, SAVANNAH, OA., Will be pleased to correspond with parties in North Carolina who propose to engage in the Turpentine Business in Georgia. sept 18 dlw w3t "Shoot Your Old Hatv ND BUY A "CHEAP 8TRAWOF HARRISON St ALLEN, City Hatiers. eept 18 tf The Best. rHE LARGE SALES OF THE INEZ 5 CENT CIGAR attests its popularity and excellence. Fresh lot juet received and sold only at KASPROWICZ' GARDEN CITY sept 18 tf CIGAR EMPORIUM. JITIZENS' .MARKET. At first we thought poor Bryant gone. Knowing that drinking w as his habit Bat when we brought the thing to light 'Twas nothing but a rabbit. The rabbit is now before as dead. With no tongue to chat or prattle. But to-morrow we hope to see old "Bry" With another fine drove of Cattle, sept 18 tf W. P. H. Fine White Bolted Meai, Q.RINDING DAILY BEST" IN THE CITY. Prices unchanged. ' ' ' ' . Plenty White aad Mixta CORN, TIMOTHY HAY. OATS, PEASE, fec Ac. sept 17 tf PRESTON CDMMING & CO. Now! IS THE TIME TO BUY BEFORE GOODS AD vance. We have a fall stock of Tin Ware, Honse Famishing Goods, Heating Stoves, Kerosine Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Pomps, Lightning Rod well, there is no telling what we havn't get and so low 1 Farker-Roesmore Porf ectloii sept 14 tf ' PARKER St TAYLOR. 1.0. FT. ALL SEASON GOODS IN OUR LINE AT THE disposal of prompt paying customers. Exam ine one prices and. compare with those yea have been paying. We are sore yoa will find oar prices ROCK BOTTOM. . GILES St MUBCHISON, sent 14 W ;.. 38 and MMnrchlson Block. Cotton Scales. (T IN BANDS FOB COTTON GINS,' TACKLE JT Blocks and Ropes, Wagon Axles, Tire Iron, Nails, Shot, Powder, Caps, Axes, Hollow IWare, Feed Catters, Com Shelters. Shovels, Spades, Forks, Rakes. The largest stock of the above Goods in the city can ne foana at r sept 14 tf A JOHN DAWSON & CO. J: Hay and Straw, rutters,, t WAGON, CART AND BUGGY WHEELS, and Wood Work for same. Otter and Mink Traps, Guns, very chaap, Seine Twine, Coal Hods, Horse Backets, Coffee Mills, Measures, Rope, Ac Ac, for sale cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see for yourselves. ROBERT HBNNING, -.5 . t No, 9 Market street, ' NbabthbWhab. septl4DWtf JNO. W. GORDON. " W. J. GORDON. Jno. W. Gordon & Bro., Insurance Apnts M: Aijnsters j BepresehtinK Qyer 070,000.000 riLssets, i ' i ; : 'Flre. : lAfe ' Slariiie; i: 1 '' K!..i ; 0? J';'-U U North -Water StwetV-i" aeptltf-ioa''i Jiv? r-WIlmlngtonNibV' rrms NEW FUBNITURB STORE 8TTLL AD- X heres to Its former principle of selling the most fashionable and durable Goods at the lowest prices. BEDREND3 ft IICNROB,' .. N. B. Corner. Market and 3d Sts.' -! Wareroonis Sd 8t. bet. Market aad Princess, ?.eept.lltf -:' f,Ai jif (jWUmington. i. GL iaessii v siria Harness;:;. $ t bo to $ as 60 AS DOUBLE .' do. .2 U X0 t 135 00 ?rri001iLAR8 65 to, .5 00 LJUiTT brtolks, wbipsV jfce.,"- Carriages and Harness Repaired, and Horse Shoe ing done at Bottom Prices, y Come and see rao.- ' sept 14 tf . ; P. H. HAYDEN. OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUIT ABLE ; . , - tor Wrapping and other Purposes -Can be had at the STAB OFFICE - " Ctepttftf ' fi- rm ANT dtJAHlTtt J

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