,"5 S .-" J. t JOAQUIN MILLER. Love me, love, but breathe it low, - Soft as summer weather; , If you love me, tell me so,- . . , Sweet-and still as loses bjowr ) Love me, love, but breathe It low! ; ; Tell me only wilh your eyes. Words are cheap as water;' " - -If you love me, looks and sighs Tell my mother's daughter More than all the words may koow; 'i Love me, love, but breathe it low 1 Words for otffers; storm and snow, . , . , Wind and chaDgeful weather, Let the shallow waters flow. Foaming on together; - Love me. love, but Breathe it tow I A correspondent of the Chicago Journal proposes Gen. Phil. H. -Sheridan for the Republican - nomination for the Presidency. If it is to be stolen again this would be a capital nomination. With Tilderr the Massachusetts Democrats polled 108,777 voles. Greeley received 59.5JUU; Seymour, oy,4U; McUIel lao,4745)olarg741rek4wMrgtr ""T-ZTtTilTT Ivl.T H ? r: I - ir f g e, Hte 24 a suicidal act as matters now stand were the National Conventioo of 1880-to renominate Mr. Tilden. With Mr.Tilden as itscandi dale tue Democratic party would be put-on ibe defensive at the ouset and kept there. New York World, Item It is a delightful thing to have Ben Butler, and Wendell -Phillips on the same ticket The voters or Massachusetts who regain a few grains of common sense will be able to kilrtwo bltds.vwnu one stone, rue opponuuity is or the rarest and most delicious character. Uincmnati Commercial, Sep. I'CRSOKAI. Frank P. .Blairs monument, which St. Louis Isio raise.-win cost $30,000. The Princess of Wales is said to reuin her youthful charms to a remarkable degree. " i John Carlyle, a younger brother i.f Thomas 'Carlyle, the, essayists and histo- - Besconsfield- never goes to the l tl.eatre. Liiltie circusseB ju Uahuiaud Zu lulsud afford him amusement, perhapB. - The'fibWe'FUhermadpjf'''Frank- liu couotr. New York, oue Wndi,?:Al'Whee ler, has disappeared from public gaze again, Every Saulsbury, in Delaware who is 21 year,s of age, holds public of&ce Eli, Gove and Willard, and ail their de scendanta and the begotten of the, late John, likewise. ' . ' . ,.'-V-.i:;..'.v,.;.-:. i Mrs. General Belknap is p. favo-I liie lbcr travels in .Europe, where her beauty attracts much attention. To a friend in Washington she writes that she has re ceived nothing but kindness. General Bel kuap i practicing law in New ' York and VVashington. " ' , a : j - Charles VII. is what' the dead beat, Don Carlos, calls himself . Old Cham-' bortl, of the white rag in France, is Benii Y. in bia own estimation. Since the death or the Prince Imperial, the Prince Napo leon is Napoleon Y. : We suppose these titles are a great comfort to the fellows who possess lhem - ,',:.. ' TWINKLINU.".". "' i London's police force is in AlB hftklh year. - -: ;--l5- Iu London there is one poliee initu to every -432 inhabitants; in Pbiladt piiia one to about 700. j Last iweekt $50ftQ0a:wortK fif buiter was shipped from New York to En ftlaud. , The truffle is steadily on, lbe in- ciease. . , i-1 t '.ti - f Great Britain's debt is" now 778.073.840, an increase of 3,400,000 in two years. The increase is the result of too much colonial war. i "What, tskSalVrllerVa ucrcer luau iue cyovi uguuaguuH,u bay ?" Well, we don't know what, oolew I may be it is the other eye. Or. , hold up. we wont give it op yet li'a the nimal it self. Ask as another, one. UoMkeye. v The philosophers are determtued to stand up for the intelligence of man. W hen a man does a smart thing' they say be reached it ry faiareason, but wben 5 won man does the same thing; the philosopher looks extra wise, peeps over bia spectacles, and says it ia intuition, or instinct; We be lieve this is a philosophy that ought to work both ways, Modern Argo. ;r: --.a t wJ; k rrmu iuct reea ul tue pouu, iuc injr . t ; uas risen io raiment wnue, A spirit of aira and waters- ? A form of incarnate light; v . Yet, except for the rooted stem: . That steadies her diadem, ExceDt lor the eartb she-is nourished by. CVnldihe'BMl''Ofl1i'ehiybayeij&d me SKy r , .- .ja Lucy Larcom t-.uu ' is. r- tir. v t ... , .! . . At Uome;.Ga., jreaterdAy, Uus Trammel: while drank, shot and fatally! tacking; adoiher petsori "Jr iTbikMayoT of New Orletns bad received" leiteta from two ladiei, one in New York and one in Baltimore,, express i0t ing a desire ,1q adopt two oi lbe cauareQ the lata Gen. 1. B. Hood. !- .1 ' A homnanv.for the rDaruoae- of '.l mannfactarinir scaDDeroooir wine has been formed in CathVertsGa with.-;cprul stocks $10,000; and the pnvrlege 6t in creasine the same to $50,000. Theri'lS VaperDlished at Dupont, Ga4 called toeVJcetfenkean.k The editor is a . flnarlous lLocofokean , named Abracadabra. and be takes Kordikiwoodikee on subaoiptkm.JSaain Gazette, ij-i IU AE2 ATIC MOTES. r y Boacicaalt baa - written another new tolr."tUti the name ot the author la not ziYea.SC.'Louii llmet-Joupuu, , 'iai..km.Mv,M.-) - 7- lha flrraa. t nractifiSI ioker.ilMiliadaa hit in "Betsy," an English version of 'Baby," nowpmjingiIiOToB?V? ?,;- vr Misa Haidee' Heller - will soon resume ' her 'second Bight" performances! with - Mr Wnrrin Wrifrht. Whom 8h3 haft lnatnicted wUhibe secrets rfPf 1 let'MinnU'Hadt gaged by t)sr! Rosa : for bl English X)pera season. fine, wlU sinfc len pigbts, bringing oni ir EagVab the new opera "The Taming ot the fihEew!: She receives by this eon-j-traefcthe sum of 5,000. t :,' PaintoitOiloi i t k. ''r ,i gTRICTLY .PURE WmMLIAO, Raw and BoUed linseed Oil -t " J" ! it ' " varnianes, oruon, peptHtf s i.... v-j No. S5 South Front 8t MISCELLANEOUS. TT 45 Years Before the Public t MrHE CENUirz - DR. C. Uc LANE'S . CELEBRATED LIVER -PHiLS - FOR THE CURE OP " - N QT, GEOaQffa HiJi FOR BOYS. fifteen ilep 1 p '.' 1 . 1 I O from Baltimore, on the Western Maryland B.H. 1 T-T.Ao:-: 1 t :. V lil.V Lreopens Septemler 15., An nnsurpassed EnRlisa 1,m iv(jonio, .ivci Auiupiamc. poias8ialatd Commercial Boarding BchooL Tenni, 1 L l fnmt $300 to $300 per jev PiofT J.O. KINEAH, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HKAOACHR , A. Symptoms ofa D.seased Liveij. DAIN in- the right side, under thfe A edge of the ribs, increases on nre sure y sometimes the pain is in the left side ; th,epatient is srarely able to li oni the left side : 'sometimes the pain i felt under the shoulder blade, and ii Th stomacn affected with loss of appo iandiacknesajthe bowels -in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternativ tth lax j the head is troubled wit m sii awAB. sensation.in:flbacKhirt. There generally a considerable, loss of menv orv. accomoanied wirh a' nainfiit nhrk ' . (Mr of 3 havirigKleft "undone sbixie- ami debility he is easilv fe Tt ar rvfS and he complains ba ' prickly sensai tion of the skirr f his - spirits are tow j and although, he is satisfied thxer j cise would be ? beneficial to him,, yet lie can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try iter In he distrusts every remery.aiSevraliof the above! symptoms attend the disease, btft cases have, occurred where few f-ttentex-i lstedyyet Examination of : theibody, after death, has shown the LiyER td have been extensively deranged. AG U DiO V E R v Dr. C McLan Liver Pills, in 9ftSE?.' C?E. AND :FsyEi$wheii taken with Quinine, are productive of i the most happy results. . No "better cainarac can De usea, preparatory to, or after taking, Qnininer We would; advise aH whir are afflicted with this! disease to givehein a fair- trials I : mT" V V 1 1 " . ' a simple purgative, they are unequaled.; BEWARE OF I7IITATIOK8. - n-i ' - i ne cenuine are never su?ar coatea. i Every box has a tecl wax seal on the lid. with the inrressibiifDi" McXane's Livkk M ' The genuine McEane's Liver Pills bear i the signatures ef C McLane and Fleming ; Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. V McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being lull oi imitatKnstPt tbe,?wOi AlcJuane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. ULP&VK SOAP. Stepjuno Remedy, for Diseases: and t Injuries of the Skin; A HEiTHFPL BeAUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXION; A Reliable Means of Preventing and KhpITMATISM AMT GOUT ANn WVJ9 KiiDMATKM ad uot, and CA&JUNEOTjAiE0 DlSiNFECTANT, -DEODO RIZER AND COVNTER-IRRITANT. Glenn' eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes de- lecis oi ine complexion, ana mparis kj 'gratifying clearness and smoothness. SuInTiur Baths are celebrated for curing . erunuons and otner diseases oi ine sKin, as well as 'Khenmatism and Oout. trienWS Sulphur Soap produces the same effects at a most trifling expense. - This admirable specific also speedily heals sores, orutses, scaias, bur us, sprains and cuts. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair , from falling oat and turning gray i ;'- .", f - Clothing and linen used in, the siclc room is disinfected, and disease communicable by contact with the person, prevented by it. sThe Medical Fraternity sanction its use. . I Prices -25 andMPe$s$er (Me ; per Box (3 Gates), 60c. and $1.20. N.R. Sent by Mai, Prepaid, On receipt of price, and ScenttejMeachCakeiitK, "HILL'S HAIR ASD WHISKER DTE," r , &,rBlaek or Brswa, 50 Cents. septMDWtf 1001000 ?30TT?N BD- fArwhlchafalrnricevriUnepald. .!i.r,f.. .ii.:'. Vi.i i ; r. . ....... -. Apply at XUTT.T. 4 TjriH ft North Water street, .- rWilaringon Nv OW r r Houses. and Stores i to? Kent. -i r ".AppljtO ri 3 r THE HcKOYS, - i i Attorneys ;andCoTwsenors at, Law . OJJWd NorlUdOWketBtDetween aaaoa ao. ang26tf fwiyiyt' ENCOURAGR. POMR IN8TITU TIONB. ' 1 1 i . j" y a o; r-.-J f.- ;:u! 1 T.FTW4TrTiTVHwnrr.TTif wsrt I' II finis IMIJAJsUfJsSi Awrauim m t l T , -U r V -t tt ir-rs This Compan'j1 continues io Wtiie PolhJlea," 'at rates, on aUcl8 of, insurable u ;r ;.. ....... a . a 31 V sfjtslw appeals, with 00 JOHN OlTtmtf. PreTnaeiii'0 . W 7 W. B. PRIMROSE, Secretary. - - J f imT.ARKl COWP. 3 ATKINSON G, Aemrrs, rautitf V: :Wununirton. N.O. iDamim Viira nnS SlSaJil . u , BRANCHES. Oosmtry merchants 1U do well by calling on us tnd examining our stock. novl9-tf trequently extends to the top of th rTT is coNFiDKflTi.Y .claimed pok shhnldpr nn" Jo enmon'moe .icJL 1 Waters, and the eraim, tnongn a. strong r ' 1-BnhirtMtiatBd bv the. testlmonv of manvor lor rheumatism m the arm. - Th r meat Ajlsiighvdry cough is sometimes an If'd-.: c - f ( cSoTnDanv. and Ton will ayoid impost' wcdimcM muiucuuKy a ne is easuv i maTUtmAHUJfi amu uAawtaa mvaiaax itj t:wt "rr . t All losses are piompuy aaiustea ana : unnvi ' 1 ranlrHv enrowlnc In- nubile TaVOT. SBS nfidence, to insurers Of property -4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS t A MiUUiUUUUUiMVWA CrJGirJEERlTJG At "the FXSSELAER POLYTECHNKMNSTt- TUTE, TROY, My YVf The oldest engineering tchool In America. ! Next term beelcB Sept: IS. The Register tor 1W9 container Hst of the graduates Tor.the past 63 -years, wluPthelr positions ; also. : U., Keisteratown, Md. ant; 15D26tW4t Buffalo Jthia ,T7aterS A5 A si ,.. ..lit,. GENERAL i REMEDI AI AGENT Oliii t .-'iff it m.-ilfJAJ '-'s' "J sy.l In Chronic Diseases 1 -u t iTW.l THESE One, IB I : . the I eminent medical men of the t country, both I and South, that la too following enumerated I earJri iAi f i - - T I North diseases, iz HA AKecuonB oz ise jucmeyK-ua, xuauuer, cej.cuuui " - in 8tone or Oravel; ' ' , , i DxspepBlavEheumatlceout, Hheumati8iD, tJ j faraiysis. siaiaruu. j eyers in uieir vbiviuc turiu, Dropsical ESuaion, tTremia, or , Uremic Poison . . Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the PonctknuU Dlseaaea Peculiar to Women, moro es 1 pecially in aU,piBoraers of the Msnetrual thev have acoomnllshed results as remarkable as were ever accomplished: by any remedial ffent PBBQNANCY. 4 1-t W lSiiVl lint -tt Its- . 1 'i2ut f These Waters, In Cases of One Dozen Half .3al ion Bottles, as perase ai -tfiacpnngs. : Pmphletsenttb'a Wdres8.i . I Snrlnes ooen for Clnests 1st day of June. - I THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor 1 - ; : ( ., - .. . Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. i h For sale by J. K. UcILHBNNBT, Agent, . f. mh85tf t v ? Ul , v? Wilmington, Thos. C. Wimams B Lucy tHihWrY TUK HOST UNIFORM TOBACCO . MADE. 'THE BEST TOBACCO FOR TUB PRICE. ' ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. I 2gScc that the name, is .on every plug, plea weighs a quarter of a pound. Eachi DEALERS SUPPLIED BY Williams & Hurchison, anglOSmcji sU- WIIJUNGTON,lIiC.' j AtJOIISOll OS t ItlaTHHTIg 8; insurance uuoms, - BANS: OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, '. -1 X'iv WUJanUuctOaU N. C J rife, Marine ani J CompaiiieS.i Aggregate Capital Represented , Over, $100,000.000 1 Jell-tf it. . . ' - : GffiORG-E MYERS, 11,13 & 16 So. Front St I .T AROLE DB HONEUR. WHY BUY FLOUR i JL you have to return, when yon can get the BEST IN THE WORLD at GEORGE MYERS'. We mean what we say "THE BEST IN THE WORLD." Try it and you will use no other. " ' BEST BUTTER M THR WORLD, 25 Cents per! pound. Cooking Batter, two pounds for 25 Cents. : uur rsiue urass, ueimonico, vino uooBe ana Sweet Mash WHISKEYS still hold the supremacy.: "The Finest Goods for the Least Money." i ' Fresh Roasted Java and Lagayn COFFEES yr Clarets, Cnampagnes, Wines, Brandies, Cordials,-; Blackberry Brandy and Port Wiaes for medicinal use. se - i English Pickles and 8aucea. . Deviled Ham, new large fat Mackerel, Codfish,.: Boned Herring ready for table use. We have every variety or FANCY and STAPLE: GROCERIES at LOW PRICES. Jysetf 11, 13 and 16 South Front St C0HHERCIAL HOTEL WHmlnston, ' H ; C. F. A. Schutte, Prop'r, pHK COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE -BM- PIRR HOUSE," having been theroughly renovated and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS In the city. " The Table is supnlied with the best our Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY and $3 SO. ISafLaTge Sample "Rooms for the Cdnimcrtial traaefrt ,s $ ? l-AFirstasrBAR 'and BILLIARD HALL connected with this Hotel. ty-FREK LUNCH dally from 11 A. M.to 12.30 P.M. y - jySOtf Leather is Up ! ' ' ::t t ..; While the price of Leather is upward, and , BOOTS and SHOES are costmg more than here- : tof ore, we are yet sell- : Ing atour former LOW PRICKS. Buy now and ' -l ' eavemeney. - GEO. R. FRENCH SONH, : 89 N, Front st. ; Wilmington.' sept 10 tf" sions. QTBAMPO&fe.fi I O WiU eontinue Rxcurrtons FRtDAY, . UARPKR. AUGUST 1 99thl and eontinne each followinff Fridav until fnx- ther notice, visiting. Fort Fisher, BniUTUie ana laswe easui I trip price. L,.iAug27 tf GJBOi MYKKS, Agent. ' Shingles, All Kirids. " jowkimetock& . :1 " : ' T , v LOOSE OR IN BUNDLES 1 ,xf. ;j3ept3'tf Gat.' Orange and & Water sts; Reyolttlion ffjlc JartervBiiiess7 - TT WIRNER ft H . Ol PREMPERT, THE WEXfi Cl knwa SRM AN BARBERS AND HAIR DRESSERS, nave, owing to the stringency of mo ney, concluded to REDUCE THE PRICE of Hair cutting to SSe; Shampooing to 5c; and Whiskers Dyeing 20c and upwards. ' NO.' T SOUTH and No. It NORTH FRONT JBT8. Jt 13 tf ;We Axe hi 1111! 1 H t SELLING THE BEST HARNESS, : . -t nf; f SADDLES. BRIDLES, COLLARSJ&c., for thd least money: It you don't think so try us once. . j 't,;,.'!.)); - As kTMauufacturlng and Repairing Harness and Vtanks a speeialCj ' t - t a -... 1 MALLARD ABOWDBN,' Jt v ,, 4 ii Noj8 So. Front Bt.Z f. r.septMtl.- ' ' 1 1 u j i. 1 RTiTiTio f Kaftninng. . KS. VIRGINIA A. OKK HAa rusuici v xij IV1 mm nirinir tha LATEST SHAPES for La . -1 l.4.l.. UaKma am ntnnn A Sk A MVMMMfMllA THA M fllTnaTI -V tlOr V U U " amu v jfixcur 1 Fort casweM.-Jtvery care ana sueniann to comma knd pleasure will be regarded.. Music for dancing; Round trip only 60 cts. Children and servants half dies and Misses Hats, and invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She Is prepared to alter old styles and fashion, them toto the most moaemsnapes- . , , i White straw oyea; pibck wuea (wacvai mh best style.- . ' . . . A RESIDENCE -One door east or rrusH, on inurco s : . - .. niuunuivn, n. v. Street,-- oct 14-tf Jeltf 1 9rPersonsjn;20 .jf -SU , ,,. v. .-it v ." t.'i-i .. .'.V . 'Jl'll 1 ( J BBALI?ft 'ill-. fct 3 f 'ft. i V'i The necessity of some, Remedt r FOB WHAT: IS C'ALLSP n Lu f 1 v Jt, XuJk.l,Vj , y xXUSX 1 ! , k i fc . , . - r t'. n r'i r FOR TEAT ,1 I t General All-Goneness, so common, at this season of the year, the &OLM AN ,1 lit 111 U. -f 8TAND8 UNRlVAljLED ' .,r. t . niY .-to omroDvam jnuiQit Arlliu JU.a.,1. ittana. vi.j.uiwuai.ii,i til', 1 -'W. 1 V s - v- Better be Safe than Sorry. PUT ON A PAD fif tliilt AND BK SUBS YOtf GET THB flBNUISIE , Buy none but the HOLM AN PADj .bearing his picture and signature, also r. . All. others aifo -worthleis-rrands; gotten up to ba sold, on the, reputation SI V:, HOLMAN ; LiyER:;:rpi;cb'.i CORNER KING ' AND MARKET ! STREETS j ' CHARLESTON, 8. d j 1013 MAIN STREET, RICMiOND, VIRGINIA.- j FJTZMORRIS & FOSTER, ; i MANAGSHS. THE HOLLI AIT LITER PAD. DISEASE.. From whence does it originate 1 Most physicians treat every 111 or pain specifically, while they are only each a part of a great whole proceeding or growing out of two f ondameutai causes : rim, & DE RANGED STOMACH: second. A DERANGED LIVER. REGULATE THESE TWO AND YOU WTT.T. OTTRR TilNETKEN-TWENTLSTHS Of all the ills flesh is heir to." in this or any other clM mate. The HOLMAN FAD acta directly npon the liver through the pores of the skin, quietly, tho mnchlT. and withoot inconvenience, nerformlnz a r.aM TION, that in its extensive use oy. ana mciaaing all classes of sons, from old aee to helDless ln- fancy. NOT SINGLE CABJE VtT IftdUKZ OCCURRED. Tie Stoiacli is; the Mdnarcli of tke; . System. ; You should CTer remember that thoanso of near-. ly a)i our ills begins at the vital point, tne nrsc bio- tt... that the liver is seldom wrong wnen we sto mach is right, and if they are wrong all the other: organs are struggling to do the work of the stomach, and liver. Hheumausnvandmeaialgia are traceable to the stomach in most Instances, particularly those forms which attack the patient internally and lu the region of the vital organs. THE PAD will relieve and cure such eases, as no other remedy devised by i Human skill nas ever aone. -we nave wuowneu iu effects in cases almost innumerable. We would add that no human being ever had a fever, fever and ague, or yellow fever, who had a sound, healthy stomach and liver. - The PmeiilTe ani Apotal Power of As a prevenUve of any disease that attacks the : vitals, tha Pad is worth many times its weight in gold. It is impossible to compute the value of a , discovery which, WITHOUT DOSING, may be ab solutely renea upon torrus v jhi m bb muw- ous maiames. i' h t - IT WILL PRETENT FEVKR AND AGUE IT WILL PREVENT COLDS AND PROTECT WEAK LUNGS AGAINST CONFIRMED DISEASES.'- It will prevent summer complaint, and keep the bow els regular. It wilt prevent DYSPEPSIA, v It will prevent heart disease. It will prevent sick head aches. - ft the Pad is put on when the first symp toms appear, the attack; will be avoided.. tTninlcor this ye martyrs to the painful malady.) In snort the UOUlAX Ji V t,ri nnV tUt has tiverfJUsease affeetiB.gthe vital g that naa i Jwi ;:..fopittrtvGratsflil, Kane seem to Mcetve such seneflWandAone show such piefosnd gratitude and interest in prornoting the, n nf tha PAD as woman.- It Seems to OS the Only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many His the j sex Is almost universally subjected toV : Many very remarkable cures are constantly occurring and he? tihiteandtS Attention at theneoole: rywhere cutting down our friends, and desolating noussnoiasi evenwe,wno uuBuvunain have disease qmeuy anmoeringvnns. reaaT tnotnent to rtee and aRnme Its oewer to in rttut anrt ABunme its newer to- ue- stroy Are we then ready to adopt this simple, yet effective remedy, and add years to our lives and happiness to our. somes T To a certain extent we are tne directors 01 -our uestmy : snau wo umu u most important part of the direction and thus shor ten life, er shall we de pur duty and prolong it. , j 1 - ( " ' - . t 1 ; impTlant littte to Patients. ir-l-n c. inn T !-t7t- - -iff v ti'fS rnj ? ' There are no doubt a tew who, after wearing the Hoiman Pad a few weeks, feel that they have not received as much relief as they xpected. . W say ts all suen, call at ths office, and we will eherfuUy ofvA vnn tha fnrl benefit rtt rmr, eznerience free Of charge.' We have by giving timely Information en couraged many to persevere with our Remedies who are now rejoicing with good, health whereas they were about ready to give up and pronounce tne Jra a fraud. ' Many chronic cases need encouragemenw and tt is often a great satisfaction to know that we nave met with similar desperate and almost help leas cases that have been completely cured by our treatment" ' ' " ,. , The price of the regular Pad, $8 : Special pad'(one third larger), $3? XXX Pad, which rovers th sto mach, liver and spleen, and is a sovereign remedy for all chronic diseases growing out or diseased sto mach or UveTrprlce $9 . Absorption Salt, six packs. ?es for $1.25, used for twelve baths. Medicated lasters Price for Foot Plasters, per pair, 50 cents; Body nastero, each 60 cents. Sent oy man on re- ceiptei pnoe postage ireej i:n i - " i Consultation at our office or by letter, free., ; Sep-; arate roomioriauiesm cnarge or a laay. - .-. .i,(S in is-i ...J-t.'. in ,, .... jt -I-'- ti v HAVE NONE BUT TUE a 1 m I. -Si Ju-'ST . 1 rrtvt tt att.t tttt?-o u at, aua I r. THE ORIGINAL 1 - THE GENUINE t; 1j THE ONLY l<AllLE Tt.i ti-s ilk .uft o r.i r w it xuuuitu o, iuiuiuia,Uiicuirau I ? . - ; .SOEJLLAKEQUS. J . IT FALL IGII Jttv WILL' UOMMKNU1C;' a f? t I I Weatber bits' been too fhot for : V4, i. - rf. t " - c - : - v ;i " full line ,of;: Fancy Groceries v 1 , Jtf STi RECEtYJSD ? AT : s i "tar" UP: K 3f idgers & CoJ 0500Eeward! For a Cigar'al the same price that equals our, .. . ,.n TiM P-U-I-N-CI-P-E. A& Sr i J t "8250 FOR ONE THAT BEATS SOLON 1 SIIING1.E. OUR - i : ' u J 8100 Reward ! For an alt-Tobacco Cigarette, of same;! fltyle, finish and squality, that can i be sold as low as our ' 'j - ROSE AXD LILLY. ' ' ' sept 3 tfj . ... ; Horning Hews Serials. A Mew Story ty a Lafty of Saramli. The Savannah Weekly News Of OCTOBER 4th will contain the first chapters of a story of thrilling interest; entitled SECRET! BY MRS. J. O. BRANCH. We desire not to antieiDate the cl the readers of the WEEKLY NEWS will derive from the perusal of this charming story, and there fore will not speak of it here farther than to say that in the management ef an original and intense ly interesting plc4.net less than in her powers of description, her life like delineations of character, ana tne pure moral tone or ner renecuons, uiu as eompHshed anther gives assurance that she Inherits the genius of her gifted mother, Mrs. Caroline lee uenu, wnose woras oi ncoon nave peen bo univer sally admired and still rank among the most popu lar American books f their class. "Anabera Se cret" is developed in California, of which State the anther was at one time a resident, and her vivid de scriptions of some of the most wonderful scenery of that picturesque region are among the striking features ef the story. The new serial will run through some eii ht or ten numbers of the Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have the story complete should send In their sub scriptions at once. Subscription ti a vear. 1 for six mouths. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express, at our risk. J. H. ESTILL, i sept 12 tf Savannah, Geo. A Card to the AfflictecL Dr. ROBERTSON, 19 So. Eutaw Street, Bal timbre, Sid. ' From fifteen years' experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all aiseases-or tne ukirahi viwanp anu ui uc NERVOUS SY8TEM, via : Organic and Seminal weakness, impotency (loss or sexuai power;, tsr Vons Debilitv and Trembllnsr. PalDitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal tttntaaiw. etc.. all resulting fmm abnaes in vouth or excesses in manhood. Dis eases recently contracted cared;in five to ten days, and the poison entirely: eradicated from the sys tem. Also all blood and akin diseases quickly tared. Dr. Robertson, a Graduate of the Univers ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sicians of. Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints aad irregularities. . All communications strlctlv confidential, and me I diclns. sent to any address. Call or write, encloi i , fc n v ,s( ; ? geptiy encios- N TUK8DAY, THB TTH DAY OF OCTOBBR, U79, and- in the City of Raleigh, the under signed will commence the publication or . HALE'S WEEKLY; A Nokts. Caboijha DixoobatiO Nxwspatxb. These four words convey all that a column of Prospectus could .teDs the -good of the State; the success the Party which is the life of the State wi cenatr: tna rmblicatkm of all the news: these the objects proposed. That he can do the last : uid mnt.rlhnte to the flrat and second, the subscri- - does not affect to doubt. -The reopie nave set 1 ,r rThVtfha dMaMt s -- -- -r - -. . - -j-- Annht ttia fntnra. HALB'S W xsklt Wul ne prmiea irom new anu beautiful type and on fair whits paper. .The price will bS3 ner annum- No name will to upon its mail books without payment; sent after the expiration of thi aau.ou paper wui us e time paid for. ...Raleigh; Sept. 15, 'lffW.' sept 1 tf . J . , . ... .f : THE ntfiflllfi. ' Leading HewsftefJo4 Western North Ttia the nnlv Damaeyatic janer BBblfaoedta Ire dell Connty--one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained -a -larger loca circa lation than any paper ever neretoiore pa Diisned in the county. . ;r ' i ' s v--r-j- ...I. i . .tw Jtii ItodrxatioamAlexantor'Wnke Alle- ghany, Yadkin Davis and Iredell, la larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenhurg. ; ritia tne eniy -Dapev in vweeTern wenn uarouna that employs a BsoCHVASBn Aan,.ud thus kept cxiMtsntiy before the people. 1ertii ; system erapldlytacxeag circulation is the results THKBESTVEttTl8lNOBIEDlteirX t " IN WESTERS NORTfi CASOlJNA.'t; ; ADDRESS,', " 'UHDIIIARK v j.-v etatesville.X. -. r r.1- --v .. . - : j ' e s-ti wwi'tu among merchants, fanners, and all classes of busi ness men in ine ataxe. Tne trtutaa is s WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER I , . . . .-.I! i . . .- T .i,in nit I H.TW-li .1 J'l HT'r.w.V-Tatnri'TnTW.1w AgentJ j! A tawba county, and has an extensive tfrculation J Just received, RAJLKQAD, LINES, &o. 1 , Wilmin&toii' ft'CTeUon' H '3 Omoi o Gct BuwmuiTMiawt.c -1 j ; Wilmington, N. CL, Jane 13; t99 f ! AVTKK"' ' 'SUND AT." " JUNE 15th 17 . PAMftttowr Trshis en tha Wilmington & Weldos Railroad will run as follows: . y 1 , V7 IUU IHf .JBi..JWM. jJmjijf.',w Leave Wumingtoni Front SV. Depot, at i7;l a. . i ArriTeat WeiSoajV-fl.-M- t VA P ?i I Leave Weldon.... ...... a.dr. ja. i .v. , -f .- .,. i -o-Mi -mJ: i vt-i Kfit tfi i -BlsptfB'. Leave wnmington, FrbntlSfc. Do at lS:4-P.i M. Arrive at Weldott...H;i mm a.ikrfLS:60 A. M. Leave Weldon.... ...... v, -."t;l 43" Arrive at Wilmington, Fro St. Depo V 8.45 A. H. i Trains on Tarboro . Branch Boad - leave Roekj Mount for Tarboro at 6.00 Pi M Daily, and Tuea- day. Thursday and Saturday at 4. CO A. M. - Ketarnr ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Da day. Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P A. M. DaUy, and Mon- iay at B ao r. jOi ---: - i The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don, for points North ei Bay-, Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Eichmond and alt- i rail-route." i Nieht train makes close connections at w eiaon for all points north via ruenmoua. . ; Bleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. . . , - - .i? . - - - JOHN F. DIV3NB, Jel8-tf i Oeneral Sap't. General Snp'ts Office, OU8TA . H. COBIPAN. . 4 .! . WTLMTNGTON. . C, June 13. IK9 fSMM&tit SbhiBdiile: t I I ftf AND AFTSER 8UNDAT, JUNK -15th, 1879 the following Schedale will be run on this Road: r-ii :; . -' ! Day ' Express Leave Wilmington.... Arrive at Florence..:. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. 95 A it 1:25 P. M; 8:50 P. Mi 80 P. M. Leave Wltmtngtoa..... ....... .. ... 10:13 P. Mi Leave Florence..... ........ 8:50 A. M' Arrive at Colombia.... 9:00 Ai Mi Leave Colombia 6:00 P. Mi Leave Florence. ... . 8:55 A. Mi Arrive at Wilmington.... 6:50 A M. ' This Train, stops Only at Flemington, White vllle, Fair Bluff and Marion. " Passengers for Colombia, and all points on G. 5S C R. R. and in Western North Caroltoa. via Colom bia and Spartanburg, shook! take Night Express TrauiXrom WilnUngton, Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex- ress Train, which connects closely via Florence I and Charleston Junction. Through Bleeping Cars on au Bietxt trains ior Charleston,' Savannah,; Augusta (via Charleston Junction), and for Colombia. ...V ... a . u., . dOHN F. DIVINE. jane 18-tf : ;. y , -tten'I Sunt, j CAR0LIN4 CENTEAL RAILWAY CO. OrflCI GSTOBAL SCTZBIKTXNDSNT 1 U -''j'. -' V ;','f f;iii" if r ; i Wilmington, U. C, Jnne 7, 1879. ) Change of Schedule, j ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedale will be operated on this Railway : , PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN r J,; " 1 Leave .Wilmington at.... ... .....7:00 P. M. No. 1. V Arrive at HanUet at.'. 2:27 A M. - - Charlotte at o:iua..: 1 Leave Charlotte at.. , 8:25 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at . 1:32 A.M. I Wilmington at 9:50A.M. - No. 1 Train is- Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 2 Train Is Daily except Saturday. t i SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS-. 8 ENGER AND EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte, f Arrive at Shelby . 8:40 A M. 120 P. M. . lil5P.M. . 5:05 P. M. No. 9. ia A mt. usn ouoiujr . . . . . . A0.1U r lln miarlnttA LOCAL FREIGHT SB ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington . ....... 5 :35 AM, Arrives at Laurinbure: .- 4:00 P. M. . Leaves Charltte......i....... 5:80A.M. Arrives at Lanrinbnrer. 4:15 r. M. Leaves Laurinburg. ........... . ..... .... 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte ., .... 4:2u.r.M. Leaves Laurinbarg.... 5:00A.M. Arrives at Wilmingtoa.............. 4:20 P.M. These Trains leave Wilmington ana vjnarioiie Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections made at Charlotte with Trains Of A G. A. L. R. R. and A; T. ft O. R. R ' Passengers for AshevUle via either route, leaving Wilmington at.T R. M., wiU arrive at destination at 9 P. M. next dav: .-:-; . - Sleeeinsr-Car acceinmodations on Through Trams both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington There will also be Through Sleepers run to ana from Raleigh and Charlotte.. my 17-tf General Superintendent. . CLYDE'S f ; lw, Tor kand Wilmington Steamship L. ine. z:i: THe( Steamer -: - Capt. JONES; TORE, saiardsy. September 20. . Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING ' -Of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to ' ' THOMAS E BOND, .... Superintendent; P Wilmington, N. "ti'-- Bv 0t.i jW. 1, Clyde & Co,, General Agents, ' aug 8 tf ; 35 Broadway, New York. , B pf If ew Hanover; Authorized Capital $1,000,000, Gash Capital paid 1h $300,000. Surplus Fund -j :i " v 05O,OOO; . JOHN DAWSON ' J C M. STEDMAN i ill A ISAAC BATES, D. R. MDRCHISOS InnsWrilMIll . 3 AH. A TJSAK I .""i! "r - . , ' I Hf-fr. ' ' , V 1AVTIM 4Miv.Wfirs9 - Bi' R. ERJDGERS K. K BOBPES 4V VJtTKINSO?l'r1 i. t : -t!-- CHASV 'STITOMAN. Pregldeat " i. as ,aiiutAi;rjsAT'9 rice iresiaent. - B,D.AXxAot;Cashlet: -- JVf -tf ' .'ill CZJ V7 CZ1 t. , i and for sale whelesale and Retail T GREEN FXiANNKlvB, aug 83 tf , , Market Street MISCEOJLNlSOUh. -1 1 . Brovn1S Roddick rI?45iHar TTTB HAVE JUST r. FINISHED TAKiNO OUR uf T annual account of stock, nd are now dally receiving NEW GOOJDS from ho Northern Mar kets, suitable for the ' ' Fall' anu' Winter Trad6, king their purchases as early in the teaxon as a n enlent.es the general indication Of the market liave an upward tendency - -j '. s , sand YARDS BEbT C. '' r we nave juet receive over tw thiu C'ALIUU. fJUK 0 ITS t.' . , '. it - 13-WnOLKSALB BUYSBS VOUld do cll to VALUE. Fansan Closing oat the balance at GREATLY REDUCED PLAIN, STRIPED AND CHECKED NAINSOOK MUSLINS. The beat value ever offered, U ... , , . . Calland examine, a - LINEN LAWNB FROM 1S Td SO CBNTR. Dress Goods; ; OUR VARIETY IS LARGE. OUR PRICES ARB LOW. 8 CTo. UPWARDS. Xaces. BRBTONNE, TORCHON and ITALIAN LACES. : We have very much the largest assortment that has been offered m this city, and our prteesithpr by the yard or piece, CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Quilts. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED QUILTS. OUK , j STOCK OF, THE. ABOVE It LARGE. , Wc have -marked ww if in price, proferrlng to : t give oar patrons an opportunity to Eupply .! ; . war uh u uio via jiiicca, - ; TABLE LINENS, TOWELS & NAPKIKS Our present assortment excels any thing we nave ever snows. fvCall and give our stock a look over. Oar Buyer is fat the market at present, and we are re ceiving many Novelties. OUR ... j . 5 and 10 Gents Bazaar - id sitoatcd - t OnS W- Corner Second and Market Sts and every steamer that cOmes into this port brings a FRESH LOT of the most surprisingly CHEAP and USEFUL GOODS that ever were offered in any market under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Bayers. - BROWN & RODDICK , 45 Market Street. aug 17 tf Hamburg Edging. QNS THOUS!lND YARDS. Your choice at 15 cents per yard, worth 35 cents. Received to-day an assortment of LONG LACS TOP LISLE GLOVES, M1LLISERY and FANCY GOODS, At EXCHANGE CORNER aug 21 tf , N. H. SERUNT.. .ViNCS.it -iilU9 FREE BX MAIL PIONEER WORKS Ltf.. BIRMINGHAM Prices In England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.25, $100.00, $125.00, $150.00. Delivered in New York, duty and aU charges in elusive : , , $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150.63. $184.28, $218.00 The above may be wdercd "Full Choke," Me dium Choke, 'or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now making small bores of Noe. 14, 16 and 30 gt , which are scarcely inferior in own to the lartrer bores. Weight of 30-Bore from .5V lbs. ex " . 12 " 10 ; Our "Giant Grin" Aetion has 1 lb been aware edaDi- ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. ecna ior maetraiea oaeeis. , We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen who have purchased and are now usin? our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N. 0 . . capt. u. u. juurcmson, wummgion, a. v. CoL B. F. Little. LItthVs Mills, N. ('. James A Leak, Esq.. Wsdesboro, N. C. . Wm. H. Bernard, Keq., Wilminrton, N. C.t , J. A W. TOLLEY, u -j s -pioneer Works, Sf Mary's Square, i oct3DWtf is -' Birminghamr England. PRESCRIPTION FREE Tjto the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness; Lost JJ Manhood, Premature Debility, nervousness, Despondency, Confusion of Ideas, : Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, sad all Disorders ' Brought on by Secret Habits and Excesses. , Asr druggist has the Ingredients. Address, . ; DR. JAQUES & CO; 130 West Sixth St, UiHUiSililTI, OHia , feb 16 lyD&W ; ;:' .. . : -.-), HABBLE TS ill AND' "FIRST-CLASS "WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOltS C. . - PRICES; DSS1QMB T X ssAirtw PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK,- '. TO ANY PAKT FTHE SOUTH. RICHARD triTHAM CO., 3 Wattian's Mdnumenitai Dernghs, In booh form.f oi sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf . .c ' -l : j-'ji 11 - j'i-v.-h ' .i 'j '.. .. A.1,; STEDHAH, 'Jr. . Attorney aiid Cferaxuellor at Law, i . SI ISL1ZABBTHTON, BLADEN 5 COUNTY,- N. r.t. Office Up stairs, In Brick Building, occupied ty Special attention to Claims. Collections on sums of IlOO and upward made-for Five Per Cent, if without suit. . Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Aca DUWUUWT . - - High-BredDogs;, "English, ikibh and Gordon setters. of the Choicest tsreeo, wun gusranweo. seuigreca. :-:-.,-): For sale by ... ...l,iti. W ENOLAND nov7D4Wtf - Mit i York, Pens.-'-: The : Lincoln rPrornress: ; : JVimi Satwrdayt a&Incctouni& JU.: 1 . - st . . .. ' v- --.( v,, , ; . IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extenafrvo calculation among the Mer ehantsarmerf andaUclaBses ef business men in It offers to 'the XenihanlA'ef Ivilmlngton a 'da-. airable medium for advertising . their business . throughout Western North CaroUsa. ,vi --"a '..'li'l lAberai terms vw oe auuwea, on yearly ; saver at I tisements. euDscnpuoR price, w per annum . F. H. DkLANS, r ttdltor and Proprietor, " in advance. I Address