THE MORNING STAR By WH. H. BERN4KI). PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT ..MONDAYS - RATES Or StrBSCTOPTIOK IS ADVAMOK One y jar, (by mall postage paid, f! 00 Sixionths, 00 Taroe months, " " " 5 One month " i 00 To City Bubeeribers, delivered in any part of the city, fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for mere than throe mtmthi in utlvance. I Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as second class matter. Murpby still ahead in the walking match; only thirteen on the track; Murphy 389 miles, Faber 818.- An express train in Kansas was robbed of fifty thousand dollars by a band of robbers numbering twenty. The Chilians have captured the Peruvian ram Huascar. 267 Eng lish farmers and families left Liverpool for Texas. Two companies of High landers before Cabul fought two thousand Afghans and beat them; the total Afghan force numbered eleven regiments with ar tillery; the whole country is wild with ex citement and the people would rise at the slightest British reverse; it was expected that the whole British force would to be witbin striking distance of Cabul by 7tb. The Liberals lost 1 10 seats by the recent election's in Qermany . - A French cotton mill was burnt, loss $200,000. No further news has been received at Army headquarters from the Indian war; Merrill's report is criticised for its failure to report the situation at Milk river. Report of the cotton crop in the eastern counties of (bis State chow a decrease as compared wjthjast year. A Molly Maguire was uauged in Pennsylvania yesterday for a murder committed in 1874. A lieu tenant with Merrill's command gives fur ther details of the relief of Payne's com inaud; Major Thornburgh's body has been recovered. ' ; The Gale City Guards, of Atlanta, were the guests of the Fifth Mary land Regiment at Baltimore, uud were haudsomely entertained. The Jasper Centennial was celebrated at Savannah, yesterday, by a grand parade and display. Ten new cases of fever reported at Memphis yesterday; the sick at Harrison burg all died. Murphy had scored 368 miles iu the walking match at 10 o'clock last eveuing. The whole Peru vian fleet is reported captured. Great fires continue to devastate Russia. New York markets: Money active at 7 per cent. ; cotton dull at 10i10c; south ern flour quiet and steady; wheal opened and closed better wilh an advance of one cjDt; corn active at lower prices; spirits turpentine firmer at 30304c; rosin un changed. De Bote's Review, so well known before the war, has been revived at New Orleans with William M. Bur well as editor. The ost Office Department has determined to adopt the most vigor ous measures to make its decision ef fective in regard to the transmission of lottery matter through the mails. Ex-Senator Dorsey, Repubiieau.of Arkansas, is fully satisfied that Grant will be nominated for President, and that fa is invincible. He says also that both Foster and Cornell will be elected, and that Ohio and New York are safe for Grant. So much for this Stalwart's opinion. North Carolina is to have an Independent parly next year. North Carolina is a bold State. Baltimore American , Sep. The only Independent movement North Carolina will probably have will be one got up by the Republi cans. The Dcmoorats do not propose "to divide" that their enemies may "conquer." The Virginia papers have been fighting the Readjustee (the Mahone set) with figures, faots, logic and elo quence. The Richmond State now hurls a scientific brick at them. Rear it : "Herbert Spencer says that morality is a e veloped through evolution, and the fittest must survive is the moral as well as phys ical world. If tbis be trae, what possible ctMteee is there for the Readjustee to sur vive r Row true it is we cannot say, but it is reported that the Ohio Demo crats concluded that it was best that Southerners should not make speeches in Ohio. It is said tbis explains why Senator Vance and others who bad been invited did not participate in the canvass. No Southern speaker is to be asked North. That shows how the bloody shirt flaps. John Logan challenges all walkers to the front. He proposes to "any person in the United States" to walk fifty boors without eating, drink iog or sleeping, the man making the greatest number of hours to take the proceeds, and he adds, "Man and money ready." Now let the North Carolina pedestrians who have been training all summer take a leg and pocket the "money." At 10 o'clock at night, October 9th, 1879, in our office, the tbermom ter stood within a fraction of 84 de greee. Thus far the heat has been most extraordinary during the month. In the day the thermometer has ranged from 82 to 85 degrees. We cannot recall such a heated term in October. It has been general in some sections of the State it has been as high as '90 degrees. The VOL. XXV. NO. 16. A correspondent of the Washing ton Post, writing from Cincinnati on the 6th inst., says the Democrats will probably carry the Legislature, but will fail to carry the county offices that pay. He thinks Taft will suc ceed Thurman in the Senate if the Legislature should be Republican, but Thurman will certainly be his own successor if the Democrats are successful. The carrying of the Leg islature is much more important than eleoling the Governor, because not only does Tharraan's election hinge on that, but also the complexion of the delegation in the House of Rep resentatives. The Democrats had Control of the last Legislature, and redistricted the State. If the Repub licans get control they will redistrict, and leave the Democrats not more than six members of Congress. The Irish living in New York are going to hold a rousing meeting at Cooper Institute. The object is not to excite revolution but to encourage their countrymen to come to the United States. They think this is the best way to teach England a les son. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger writes: "The idea is, that if a wholesale emigra tion from Ireland could be started at this time, England would become alarmed at the threatened depopulation of the country, and would voluntarily make concessions to home rule which would not otherwise be listened to, at the same time that the land lords, as a matter of self-interest, would be but loo glad to reduce their tents, to keep their tenantry at home. Should there be a disposition to act on the suggestion, on the other side, it is believed that funds could be ruiseii here, wilhoul any difficulty, to carry it into effect. The sort of labor that Ireland can supply is said to be in great demand at present at the West and North west, and its transfer thither would not be a difficult matter." We have received the first number of Sale's Weekly, and a handsome, well arranged and attractive paper it is. Price $2 a year, cash in advance. It is published at Raleigh, P. M. Hale, editor, with Fred. A. Olds tn charge of the local department. Mr. Hale has had considerable newspaper train ing, is a practiced and foroef ul writer, and knows how to make a readable and useful paper. Mr. Olds has done service as city editor of the News. They have our best wishes. That veteran editor, Mr. Edward J. Male, resumes his labors as the New York correspondent. He will add no little to the interest of the paper, which will be thoroughly Democratic. That notorious reverend murderer of Connecticut, W. H. Hayden, who is believed to have first deiioured and then killed his victim, is again to be tried for the offence. On the first day the trial hung fire over an error in the indictment. If the fellow is really guilty of the horrible crime charged it is to be hoped that he will have full justice and a quick shrift. Thus far the State bonds funded in Virginia aggregate $8,083,144.83. Spirits Turpentine. The Adah Richmond troupe is billed for Charlotte on Friday and Satur day . Wadesboro has handled 1,400 bales cotton this season an increase of 310 bales.' f- Rev. John Douglas, a well known Presbyterian minister, died at Char lolle on the 8th. Lenoir Ionic. The Wilmington Star has entered its 25th volume. There is no better paper published in the State. Hillsboro Recorder'. The weath er last week was excessively hot and dry, The mercury on Friday and Saturday was 90 in the shade. The neat and drought are conducive to sickness everywhere. As usual Judge McKoy wins golden opin ion?. . Asheboro Courier: President Kemp P. Battle.of the University of North Carolina, has accepted an invitation to de liver the address at the Randolph county fair on the 21st of November, 1879. The school at Franklinsville uow numbers ninety-four. Raleigh Farmer & Mechanic: We learn from Auditor Love that the origi nal draft of the Constitution of the "State of Ffankland." (now Tennessee), North Carolina's rebellious young daughter, turned up recently among tbe old docu ments on file. Handsome new houses are going up on nearly every street. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: A gentleman who has exported Urge quan tities of jute, manilla, &c, from India, for many years, says if our people will go into the culture of jute he will come down and set up the machinery for its manufac ture, either at Raleigh or any other conve nient point. South Carolina is already making extensive tests at jute-raisiog. . Raleigh News: The following is the programme of the glass-ball shooting at the Fair: The first and second matches for the breech-loading guns will be shot on Wednesday of Fair week. The third and fourth for the rifle and hunting-suit on Thursday. In the first match twenty balls will be shot at; in the second, eighteen; in the third, sixteen; in the fourth, fourteen. The Raleigh Christian Advocate reports the following revival news: Mt.Airy circuit, 11 conversions, 9 accessions; North Guilford circuit, 14 conversions; U wharrie circuit, 43 conversions, 23 accessions; Roles ville circuit, 16 conversions; Tryon Street Morning WILMINGTON, Church, Charlotte, 15 accessions; Smitbfield circuit. 50 conversions, 42 accessions; For syth circuit, 9 conversions, 8 accessions. The North Carolina Farmer publishes ah article in reference to the man ufacturing of shoes at the penitentiary. It says we heard a most worthy shoe-maker of the city of Raleigh, who has a family to sup port, say that the mantuacturing or snoes at the State Penitentiary was ruining his business, and he would have to move away. We submit the question, is it right for the State to interfere with the rights of private industry in this way ? Superintendent Mills, in bis Sep tember report of the Orphan Asylum, says: 'Our hospital, though not entirety nmsneo, is occupied, and our doors are now open to a larger number of orphans. During Sep tember two orphans were adopted, and several others went to honorable employ ment. One boy, who ran away in August, was arrested for crime in September. He came here too late, being about fourteen years of age, and posted in every vice. Wadesboro Herald: Pee Dee Baptist Association meets in the Baptist church, in Wadesboro, to-morrow evening. We learn that there is a meeting or more than ordinary interest in progress at the Methodist church in Lilesville. We sa w Rev. Mr. Guthrie, the pastor of the church, on Saturday last. He says it is the most remarkable meetingneever witnessed. Up to Sunday evening there had been 22 professions, and at night there were 39 penitents. Charlotte Observer: Mr. A. L. West, architect, of Richmond, Va.. arrived in the city yesterday for the purpose of drawing the plan for the new Baptist Church. Mr. A. B. Myers has dis covered on his place, twelve miles from Wilkesboro', what he conceives to be a valuable silver mine. As Mr. John Hoover, a resident of Lincoln county, was driving home from church Sunday, the coupling tongue of the carriage broke. This frightened the horses and they began to run. The vehicle was turned over, its oc cupants were thrown out, and a little child, four or five months old, in Mrs. Hoover's arms, was instantly killed. The lady her self also received painful bruises. Charlotte has been singularly free from fires during the last six months. Within that time there has scarcely been one worthy of mention. TIKJS CITY. NEW ADVBBT1BBKIBNTS. Mtjnson The "King" shirt. Lemmebman & Coney Dissolution. Williams & Murchtson Groceries. Heinsbgrger School books, &c. G. R. French & Son Fashionable goods Local Dot. Not a solitary case for the Mayor's Co;irt yesterday morning. The heated term continues, but a cool change will probably take place in a day or two. Th-j annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, which was to have taken place yesterday, was postponed. We learn that the Greenbackers held a meeting in the Fifth Ward a few nights since in five different language;. "Of course justice is cold, be cause it is just-ice." Exchange. Not as coal as the fellow who was just ice-stealing, and declared that he was only taking cold. We have received the Premium List of the fifteenth annual Fair of Samp son County Agricultural Society, to be held at Clinton on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of December, 1879 The flag of the British Vice Consulate and the flags of several of the shipping in port, were at half-mast yester day as a token of respect to the memory of Capt. Samuel Hooper. Thanks to H. R. Godfrey, Secretary, for a complimentary ticket to the eighth annual Fair of the Pee Dee Agri cultural and Mechanical Association, to be held at Cberaw, S. C, on the 5th, 6th and 7th of November, Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta 80 Augusta 82 Charleston, 81 Charlotte 80 Corsicana, 86 Galveston, 84 Havana 84 Indianola, ...... .85 Jacksonville 82 Key West, 84 Mobile 77 Montgomery 84 New Orleans 84 PuntaRassa 79 Savannah 82 St. Marks, 85 Wilmington, 81 Columbus Superior Court. The Superior Court of Columbus county, Judge Seymour presiding, closed its session yesterday afternoon. The only important case tried was the State ve. Wiley G, Ganus, or Gurganus, charged with the murder of Stephen Foley, which occupied the attention of the court during the entire day of Wednesday. The jury retired about ten o'clook Wednesday night, and after an absence of five minutes returned a verdict of not guilty, on the ground of self-defence. Personal. Rev. W. S. Black, Pastor of the Edenton Street Methodist church, South, Raleigh, N. C, and one of the editors of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, is on a short visit to the city. Mr. Black was for four years the popular Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District. K1VKB AND MAB1SB. Barque Prosperiie, Beraldsen, sailed from GravcBend for this port on the 29th ultimo. British schooner George Sooth, Jones, sailed for this pert from Rio Janeiro on the 7th ultimo. The steam-dredge Woodbury, connect; ed with the government works, was at one of our wharves yesterday, receiving some slight repairs to her machiaery. THE MORNING STAB can always be bad at toe following places in the city : Tbe Purcell House, Harris' Mews' Stand, aad the Stau Office. N. C, FRIDAY OCTOBER 10, 1879. On tne War-Haiti. It has leaked out lhat the "Deacon" (so known by bis friends) shaved up a day or two since, put on his good clothes (so as to defy recognition, some one wickedly sug gested), and embarked on the steamer Elizabeth for Holmes' wharf, where he was to take passage in a private conveyance for the Town Creek neighborhood, to indulge in a little recreation, hunting, etc., for a few days. Now let ail "allergaiters" and sich keep a sharp look out, lest the "Dea con" should fit a key to their mouths and ock them bard and fast to the shore ; and likewise the coons and the 'possums, and their "sisters and their cousiBS and their aunts," who inhabit the wild woods and forests of old Brunswick, should keep their eyes skinned, "for the avenger is at their heels. The "Deacon" has the reputation of being a good shot on the wing, and especially successful as an artillerist, in consideration of the fact that he was attached to the engineer corps (of a steam saw-mill) during the late "unpleas ant neap." And, finally, it is recommended that a delegation from the various base ball clubs meet our "Deacon" at the boat on bis return, in readiness to take charge of the various zoological specimens, of which it is expected he will have a large collection Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterday i State ve. Daniel Richardson, charged with burglary. Defendant arraigned, a special venire of fifty ordered, and trial set for Saturday, the 11th inst. State vp. Thomas Foy, charged wilh lar ceny, me prisoner s counsel enterea tne plea that the defendant being once tried and placed in peril of imprisonment and of a penalty, be cannot be tried again for the same offence, as the Constitution of the United State, forbids a man being put twice in jeopardy of life and limb, and conse quently, by construction, of putting a man in peril of imprisonment and a penalty twice for the same offence State vs. Margaret McCumber, charged with assault and battery. Defendant found not guilty. State ve. Towers und' Atkins, charged with an affray. Defendants found guilty and judgment suspended on thu payment of costs. State vs. Wm. Brown, charged with embezzlement. Case continued for de fendant. Several other cases of minor importance were disposed of. Funeral of captain Hooker. The funeral of Captain Samuel Hooker, late commander of the British barque George Davit, who died on Wednesday morning last, took place at Smith ville yes terday. The body was conveyed from the ship to the shore at 12 o'clock. A huge concourse of citizens followed the remains to the Methodist church, where the ser vices were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bark head and Rev. Mr. Wiley. Thence the procession repaired to the cemetery, where the remains were interred. Quite a num ber of floral emblems, wreaths, &c, had been prepared and were placed upon the grave by the ladies of Smithville, which will be both soothing and gratifying to the bereaved family and widow in England, evidencing, as it will, the kindness and re gard manifested by the citizens of Smith ville. and especially the ladies, on the mournful occasion. Quite a number of gentlemen from tbis city were present at the funeral. We learn that Mr. Campbell, lale first officer of the George Davit, has been placed in charge of the ship by ber owners. Oar Colored Firemen. At a regular meeting of the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company No. 3, held at their Hall on Monday, the 6th inst., it was resolved that a vote of thanks be re turned by the officers and members of the Company to Messrs. Williams & Murchison and the Wilmington Compress Company for the generous appropriation extended to them; and it was the sentiment of the meet ing that hereafter, a9 in the past, no efforts will be spared by the Company to give our merchants and citizens generally all the protection possible against the ravages of fire. Complimentary allusions were also made to the gallant Chief of the Depart ment. Col. Roger Moore, The meeting was presided over by Yal entine Howe, Foreman, with Emanuel Jones, First Assistant, and Godfrey Willis, Seeretary. The "Unknown." Mr. John A. Stevens will appear at the Opera House next Wednesday in "Un known," a successful play of his own con caption and construction. Both the piece Mr. Stevens and the company supporting him have been highly commended wher ever thev have appeared, as for instance the following from the Philadelphia Prett "Mr. John A. Stevens as the 'Unknown, in his play of 'Unknown,' has done a very successful business here during the past week. He is a good actor, and has been well received, having been the recipient of the honor of a call before the curtain at every performance. The play is an excel lent one, and could easily have run a loage time." Death of An Aged Lady. Mrs. Naocy JR. Chadwick, a native of Carteret county, but for several years past a resident of this city, died at the residence of her son, Capt. J. R. Chadwick, yester day afternoon, at the advanced age of S9 years and 6 months. More than one hundred and twenty-five thousand bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup have been sold by a single firm in Balti more Messrs. Wm. H. Brown &Bro. Star To-Dafi Indications. For the South Atlantic States, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, southerly winds, nearly stationary temperature and barome ter, are tbe indications for to-day. THE JUAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City 'ost Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails. 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mans 5:30 A. M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 6.-00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, ana routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. .7:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily texcepi ounaayi 0:00 Jr. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington ivauroaa 7:30 A. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston 7:30 A. M. Fay ette ville , and offices on Cape Fear Jtuver, Tuesdays and Fridays. IKK) P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, aauy. except Sundays 6:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . 6:00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundavs) 2: 00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town ureea ana onauotte, every Friday at 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Unapel, Mondays and Fri days at 6:00 A. M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails 9:15 A. M Northern through and way mans 7.-00ArM Southern mails .. . 7 :30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad 10:35 A. M Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp omce General delivery open from 6:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to :3U A.. BL Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp omce is closed Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.w r. M Bishop Atltluson's Appointment. High Shoals, October 9. Gastonia. October 10. Charlotte. October 12. Eighteenth. Snndav after Trinity. statesviiie, October 14. Morgan ton, October 15. St James', Iredell co., October 17. Monroe. October 19. Nineteenth Sunday after Trl nlty. waae Doro. October 31. Anson ville, October 2. Rockingham, October 23. Laurel Hill. October 24. Collections at each of these ulaces for Diocesan missions Quarterly meetings Fonrtta Round for the Wilmington District, III. 17. Church, South. Wilmington. Front Street Oct. 11. 12 Topsail.. Oct. Onslow Oct. Duplin, at Wesley Chapel Nov. Clinton, at McGee's Nov. Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chapel.... Nov. Cokesbnry, at Bethel Nov. 18, 19 25, 36 1. S, 9 U, 12 15, 16 L. O. BUKKHKAU, Presiding Elder. CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sore cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J. K. tUSjBVMo, 43 (Jnatnam St., SH.x. . w FOB UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS MBS WrwsLOw's Soothtko Stbup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates tne Dowels, cures dtskntzbt and diarshcea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. - Abscesses and Sores of Long Standing, which have resisted the operation of ointments and washes, may be cleansed and healed by frequent and persistent washing with Glenn's Sulphtb Soap. Hill's Instantaneous Haib Dye makes old folks young. FINK ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England . Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure -ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock. fcc. MARRIED. SHOLAS LOCKSY. At Fifth St. M. E. Church, September S5th, 1879, by Rev. B. R. Hall, Mr. H. B. SHOLAK and Miss JULIA F. LOCKSY, all of this city. RIVENBARK WO0LWINK At residence of the bride's father, September 30th. 1879. by Rev. B. R. Hall, Mr. A. W. RIVENBARK and Miss LAN Y WOOL WINE, all of this city. No cards. DIED. CHADWICK. In this city, yesterday afternoon, Mrs. NANCY R. CHADWICK, aged 89 years 6 months and 13 days. The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of Capt J. R. Chad wick, corner of 8th and Princess streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution. rpHE FIRM HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER the name of LEMMBRMAN & CONEY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. T. LB If MERMAN, WALTER CONEY. Wilmington. N. C, Oct. 10th, 1879. . It Our Large Sales fV THE "KING" OF SHIRTS evidence thees- timation in which they are held by the Shirt wear ing Public. Another case at hand. MUNSON, The Clothier oct 10 It and Mer. Tailor. Buy Your gCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATION ery. Gold and Steel Pens, Novels and Standard Works from the LIVE BOOK STORE. Also, Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins, and Gen eral Musical Merchandise. Chromos and Engravings, Frames, all sices and styles at HEINSBERGER'S, ec 10 tf 39 and 41 Market street. To be in the Fashion You should bay your BOOTS and SHOES where the Fashionable Goods are kept. You can always be "fitted up in style" at bottom prices at GEO. R. FRENCH SONS, oct 10 tf 39 N. Front st ., Wilmington. WHOLE NO. 3,794 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Flour, Bacon, Sugar. cess, Arlington, Orange, Washington JSU1B, xc "" 250 60X68 D" S and Smoked SIDES. 5Q Bbls City MESS FORK, 125 Tnhe 0110106 LKiP ird. 1 K A Bbls SUGARS, Crushed. 10r Granulated. A, Extra C, and C Cheese,Crackers,Candy Jg Boxes Extra CREAM CHEESE, 125 Bbls md 60X68 Fre8h CRACKERS, 2QQ Boxes Pure CANDT, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap. Starch, Buckets. Paper, Spice, Pepper, Giager, &c. Bagging, Ties, Twine. 1300 Wh0le and Hatf 80118 BAGGING, 4000 BnnUes New TIK8, 1 AAA Lbs. BALING TWINE. ivfVV 1700 Kees NAILS. Manchester Yarns, excellent article. iaae weorge aneetings, For sale low by W1M.IAMB Si MUKUH1SON, Wholesale Gro. & Com. Merts. oct 10 tf All Visitors rpo THE CITY, AND THE PUBLIC GBNERAL JL ly, are informed that I continue to run the SCARBOROUGH HOUSE, on South Water Street. and furnish the BE8T MEALS in the city or State at UHJLiX So UJSNTS. A1BO, BEST OYSTERS, Fried or Stewed, for 35 CENTS. If a good square meal is not furnished at above price, i guarantee to reruna the money. Call and see me at my old stand, oct 8 lm R.J. SCARBOROUGH. Lamps ! Lamps ! U UST RECEIVED A STOCK OF HANDSOME Parlor Lamps, Perkins & House Patent Lamps, Night Lamps, and "Kinslow Kerosene," non-explosive, at GEO. A. PJsCK'S, OC5 tl No. 85 8outh Front 8t. For Rent, That desirable STORE, also HALL on third floor, hewlv fitted ud. corner Mar in ket and South Water Streets, together or is separately, rrom tne 1st or uctooer. Apply to sept 11 tf H. B. EILBRS. For Rent, THAT DESIRABLE WHARF, at foot of Mul- J- berry Street, lately occupied by the Baltimore Steamship Company, complete with Offices, Sheds, &c. Also, the COAL and WOOD YARD, earner of Front and Mulberry Streets, at present occupied by j . a. epnnger. Apply to sept 80 tT H. NUTT. Come and See Me ! And there you will find Carriages, Buggies, Saddles, Pdmaao TJJViina Srn of all kinds. at the very Lowest Prices, at P. H. HAYDEN 'S. oct 5 tf Third, bet Market and Princess sts Cheese, Butter & Lard. -j K A Boxes Extra Cream CHEESE, 1UU Tubs Choice Dairy BUTTER, jQ do. do. Goshen do. do. Good Cooking do. JPJQ Tubs Choice LEAF LARD, 2Q Tea do. do For sale by do. Ha & Pearsa II. ...- oct 9 D&Wtf Bacon, Bagging, Ties. -J A A Boxes D. S. SIDES, K A do Smoked do. 1000 Half Rolls BAGGING, 2V. 2 and IK lbs RA Tons New ARROW TIES. 0J New and Pieced, 1000 BAXJSQ TWINE, For sale by oct 9 tf KERCHNER fc CALDER BROS Flour. Flour. Flour. 400 Bbls B0B WHITB FL0UR' 500 Bbls BELL MILLS do 300 Bbls ottier Qrades' For sale by . ' oct 9 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS Hails. Hoop Iron, &c. oO 0 Kegs NAILS' assortcd sizas OA Tons HOOP IRON. L3 1 inch, 1 inch and IX inch. rA New and Second-Hand OUU SPIRIT CASKS, For sale by oct 9 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Corn. Meal, Hay, Oats. 2000 BUSh C0RN' White and Mixed, qqq Bush Fresh Water Mill MEAL, 3QQ Bales A No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, 600 Basb OATS' For sale by oct 9 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Fairbanks' Scales. m I HE MOST CELEBRATED IN THE WORLD. These Scales are used exclusively bv two-thirds of the business men of the whole country. We keep a rail assortment in stock at manufacturers' prices. We also keep a stock of cheaper Scales, such as Howe's, Union, Diamond, ana outer graaes, at low est prices. ilium uawoun s vv., oc5tf 19, 81 and 23 Market street. Wanted, 50,000 Dollars! For which we will give full value in MEN'S, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS. A. DAVID, The Clothier. oct 5 tf Change of Schedule. s TBAMBS PASSPORT, t f!APT. J. W. HARPER. On and after SATUKDAX , ucrooer n, win Leave Smithville 7.0A.M. 1 ootio Wilminonn 3.00 P. X. octatf GEO. MYERS, Agent. The Fall Styles fN STIFF AND SOFT HATS, DAILY ARRIVING AT HARBISON ALLEN'S, oct9tt Hatters. BITES OF ADYfiftUSlNU. Oaa Square one day, , i l 00 two aaju, ......... . i to " throe days 2 6c - four days, 8 00 " five days, 3 50 . " One week,.... 4 00 " Two weeks, , ... 6 50 Three weeks, 8 60 " One month, io 80 Two months, 17 80 Three months, -.. 24 01 ' Six months,... ... 40 00 " One year, 8J CO gar-Con tract Advertisements taken at propo;-. tionately low rates. - Ten lines selld Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS New Confectionery. TH2 UNDERSIGNED IS NOW RECEIVING A stock ef New aad Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac. , Ac, at the store recently occupied by Mr. N. Greenwald, on South Front, near Market street , ana invites tne attention or the public to the excellence or his goods. He will also keeD on hand a full stock of Fine Cigars. OCO m U. A. PRICK. Great Excitement ! In the iron, market, yet we keep cool, and are selling at the low figures those Cele brated Stoves, the "Parker" and "Ressmore" Cooks auu an graucs ui jaeaung otoves. OCID tl JfAJUS-lfiit TAXLUH, Mullets and Flour. 100 BUs MDLLBTS BblB NSW FLOUR. DJJ from New Wheat, For sale low by n r. nnuir oct 8 tf Nos. 9 and 8 South Water st. The Best. ' rjHE LARGE SALES OF THE INEZ 5 CENT CIGAR attests Its popularity and excellence. Fresh lot uft received and sold only at EASPROWK'Z' GARDEN CITY oct 7 tf i'IQAR EMPORIUM. Mountain Beef. I WISH TO SAY TO MY FRIENDS AND THE public zenerallv. that I have 1nat received Car Load of FINE MOUNTAIN BEEF, which I will offer for sale at CITIZENS' MARKET, and STALL No- 6, at prices to suit the times. uasn orders respectfully solicited by sept 26 tf T. A. WATSON & CO.. Prop's. To-Day's Indications RB, THAT SOME CHOICE BANANAS, First Crop Orangf s, large Apples, foda Water and Pure Home Made Candies, will be sold at . G. NORTHROP'S oct 4 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. pi v . riUMu-Jutr, (J ate or the firm or Werner xx. & Prempert,) Fashionable Barber aad Hair Dresser, would respectfully inform the citizens of Wilmington and surrounding country, that he has removed to No. 7, S. Front St, where he would be pleased to see all who are in need of his services. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on me in the past I hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same in the future. Kespectrully, Ac. sept 4 tf H, C. PREMPERT. Powder. DuPont's ! Powder. 1 AAA Kegs, Half Kegs and Quarters, RIFLE, 1UUU SPORTING, DBEH and BLASTING. Also, EAGLE DUCK. For sale at Factory Prices by O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., oct 7 tf Cor. Orange and 8. Water sts. SHERIFF'S SALE AT OTTBRBOURG'S MEN'S Wear Depot. In fact we claim the largest na- tronage, "officially," over any Clothing and Gents' Supply House in the city. Sheriffs, County Officers, City Fathers, and everybedy alike feel it to their interest to deal with us. Mr. C. L. Cowles, the best Cutter and cleverest man in the world, has control of Merchant Tailoring Department wiuiaxe pleasure in snowing and explaining our new Electric Lisht Apparatus. OTTERBOUhU'S. 27 Market street. ' ocSlf New Operas. Carmen. Opera by Bizet $8.00 Carmen is an Opera that has gradually and surely won its way to a great nonularitv. Althonoh the book is large, In fact what one might call a "four auuax oook, it is got up in elegant style witn mu sic and all the words, English and foreign, for $2. Fatinitza. Opera by Suppe $2.00 Splendid new Opera that is a decided success . ' A Iarge,flne book, with English and foreign words . and the opera in every way complete, for a low price. Doctor of Alcantara, bv I Bichierg.... fi.50 A famous opera, now brought, bv the popular price, within the reach of all. Orchestral parts $15. BjUs of Corneville. By Flan 0 A great success. This, with the "Doctor" and the Sercsrer" ($1.00) are well worth adopting by com panies who have finished Pinafore, (still selling well for 50 cents) and who are looking out for new and easy operas. Remember our first class Singing School and Choir Books, VOICE OF WORSHIP and THE TEMPLE, each $9.00 per dozen or tl .00 each. Send for copies. Also always remember the MUSICAL RECORD. published weekly. It keeps you well posted as to musical matters, gives 6 or 7 pages of music per week and costs but $3.00 per year T Oliver Ditson & Co., BOSTON. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. I J. E. D IT BON CO.. 843 Broadway, N. Y. 922 Chestnutst., rhila rtnt- ,.rf f XXfnA Mw U.4 Boatwright & McKoy OFFER TO THE PUBLIC NEW ARRIVALS I NAMELY, The choicest Hams, Pure Lard, Cheese of every description, Flour Our Pride, Plant's Extra, Arlington, be sides half dozen other brands. Mackerel, Smoked Beef, Smoked Tongues, Large Early Rose Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Pickles, put up in every style, from a barrel 1 1 a pint. Elegant Table Butter. Cooking Butter, Cooking Wines and Brandies, The very best flavored Teas and Coffees, Sugars, from Cut Loaf down to Yellow, Roasted Coffees, the best m the city, Smoking Tobacco, any brand you can name. Canned Goods of every style and variety known to the trade. Cigars, numberless brands; Pareppa is our fa vorite: Finest Syrups, Buckwheat, Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies, Gins and Rums, from thirteen yean old down to two months, Ac, Ac. In fact, we have EVERY ARTICLE IN STOCK that you can find in any first class Grocery Store. We extend to all an invitation to call and examine Stock and Prices. We are satisfied with very small profits. Boatwright & McKoy, 5 and T NORTH FRONT ST. " octoD&Wtf We Bo Not Claim PATRONAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ARE A home enterprise, nor do we expect it at tbe ex pense of any one's Docket. Wa do claim that we can fill any order for Sash, Doors and Blinds. Or anvthinsr in onr line, at as LOW FIGURES, and as god work and material, as can be bought any- wnere. w inaow uiass, oumier a naraware always on hand. y our new DRY KILN Is in operation, and none but the best Lumber la used. ALTAFFBR PRICE. T, . nffin. Foot of Walnut Street. Cor. Nutt and Red Cross ot 5 tf . - Hardware. Hardware. NOTWITHSTANDING OUR LARGE SALES of the last few weeks, our stock of Hardware is complete in all its branches. We have a roll line of Axes, Grub Hoes. Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills. Cutlery, Iron, Steel, sc., which we are still selling very low. Give us a call. Don't forget it, we are Headquarter, for gJ Ml tf 88 and 40 Murchison Block.

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