, , . ... r, THE MOENINQ 8TAR B) WIS. II. BERNARD PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MON ji. rates or suesctuttiom hi advaj4ck v.w. (bv mall) postage paid. . Ulv !!, ih ' " " 4 00 T iree month " " .... T... 3 25 Oe month " " " I 00 To City Suberiber, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for mere than three month in ail ranee. Entered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, no Bnin cxaoe uhwTiJ OIJTLINBR. A brother in Alabama blew out the bains of bia brother's stayer. The Unitah Utes are on the war path; Got. Hoyt has telegraphed for help. Two Afghans and a Sepoy have been hanged for com plicity In the massacre of the British Em bassy. The Marquis of Darlington made a sharp attack on Lord Salisbury's recen t speech. Louisville stove mould ers nave resumed work. Another heavy frost at Memphis; the epidemic is declared ended; no more funds are needed; a steamer fiom St. Louis has arrived, the first boat sines July 24tb. One new case and two deaths reported from yellow fever at Memphis. The body of George Burr, who ascended with Prof. Wise in the bal- oou Pathfinder, has been found on the shore of Lake Michigan. Woo. Ring troid Cooper, the American on trial for forgeries in London, has been sentenced to fife years penal servitude. W. D, Tomlinson & Co., cotton brokers of Liver pool, bavennmsssl. A courier from i be camp of tbe hostile Iodises reports al 1 the women and children captured at White River Agency prisoners in Johnson's camp; io the Tuornburgu fight the Indians lost 38 killed and two wounded; a grand council is to be held. There was frost at Mon roe, Li., Friday nigbt. at Richmond, Vs., ice formed a quarter of an inch thick. Storms and floods in Spain still con tinue, doing great damage. A Cincin nati saloon keeper shot and killed himself yesterday. Tbe captive women and children held by the Utes have' been deliv erei up to Speeiai Agent Adams. NeW York markets: Money active at 5 7, per cent, closing at 6; cotton firm it llfllic; Southern flour quiet and steady at $5 958 00; wheat feverish and unset tled, closiug iHc better, with a fair busi ness; ungraded winter red $1 381 4.i; corn a shade firmer and fairly active; un graded 6262Tc; spirits turpentine deci dedly higher at 4041c; rosin higher st $1 651 70. Each day reveals the fact that the Bayard boom is making a lively Id Capt. Ri riders, the leading Tammany manipulator of thirty years ago, is out for Robinson. Hooray! The Richmond State praises highly the Sol. Smith-Berger combination as being singularly "delicate and re fined. " The Greenback party still lives. It polled 93 votes in Baltimore. Only 56,000 were polled, however, which Hhould be stated by way of expiana tinn. It Hosts Georgia about $100,000 an nually to make its laws. Tbe great desideratum now is tbe legislator who can make laws that will stand the test of trial and is not afraid to do right. The official vote of Ohio has been ascertained. , Foster's exact majority over Ewing is J 7,129. The total vote for Governor was 698,667, thus di vided: Foster, Rep., 336,261; Ewing, Dem., 319,132; Stewart, Probib., 4,- 145; Pratt, Nat., 9,129. A magnificent specimen of a tiger escaped from it cage in Forepaugh's menagerie, showing in Pennsyluania. He bad been the object of a still-hunt for some time. Finally a Mr. Eckere saw him prowliog around the out skirts of Tor read ale and shot him. Tbe parayaphers certainly say ; a good many good things in the coarse of the year. Here is one who refers to Geoge "Pendleton's conversion to hard money as "death-bed repen tance." It is supposed that all soft money aspirants are either dead or i'i i , , Mm yiswi Republicans gay they are encouraged by tbe result in Baltimore. They do not think it much of a shower. after all. They are eo glad to gevferee ocmnoflraen out of some thirty, that they regard the outlook with satisfaction. They are philosophers. Hen Hitl has gone home. He went twice to New York to try to recon oile matters, but failed. He appears disgusted no little at the selfishness of John Kelly. He is reported as saying of the bolters that the destruc tiou of tbe JUemocratio . party a . of perfect indifference to them, so long as they can control a good share of the municipal govern ment of New Yorfc city, and fatten off the public crib. They were a spe- of political baodits and outlaws." 5 m"'m m. . Mwpfoenta- tive among the speakers at York- town on Thursday. Mr. Staples spoke. He elftUnjM ,hat she bad the honor of ling the first declaration of inde- Lt wl idV nm i1 One Matte one day. mm i w mm mi - m - - - . j.-..-,-. . - - - I - - . .1 w Tt VOL. XXV.---NO. 30. pettdenoe, and that the first white fe male ever born in America Had the honor of being born on her soil; and that it thev did not cantore Lord Coftrwlryh&il the tar they eould while he was within her borders. Hen is an official aiii ounce man t. The St. Louis Colored Refugee Re lief Society has made a report. It is out of funds, and is heavily in debt. It says: "About twenty per cent, of the refugees are still destitute, and in some oases sick, super an uated and even blind, requiring constant help." This is a good showing for a cold winter. But it is such a good thing to die "in the land of promise." Who would not rather freeze to death in Indiana or Arkansas' than to have hog and hominy in the terrible South? "And etill the villain pursues" (he poor, credulous darkey. SYNOD Off NORlHCiBoUNl. Sixty MX ill Annual Seaaten Openlue Proceedings. Charlotte Observer. Statesville, October 23. The Synod of North Carolina met in the Presbyterian Church in this place last night. The session was opened with a sermon by Rev. Dr. Joseph Wilson, of Wilmington, tbe Modera tor of tbe last annual session held in Goldsboro. The discourse was based on the fifth chapter of Rev elation, and dealt with Christ as the living Head of the Church. Dr. WHsons sermon, while logical throughout, was none the less remarkable for the graces of oratory. At the conclusion of the disco oxse, tbe retiring Moderator constituted the Synod with prayer, in the course of which a touching allusion was maae to tne late uev. Jonn uougias, of Mecklenburg, the only minister of tbe Presbyterian Church who has 1 died this year, and who two years ago presided over the Synod in Char lotte, t The answers to the roll-call indi cated a slim attendance, particularly of elders. It is learned that fully a hundred and fifty delegates have sig nified a purpose to be present. An organization was effected by the election of Rev. E. F. Rockwell as moderator, and Rev. James C. Alexander, of Guilford, and Mr. H. C. Hamilton, of Caldwell, as clerks to assist Rev. W. S. Lacy, who is stated clerk of the body. Rev. E. F. Rockwell, on taking toe moderator's chair, referred to the fact that the spot on which the churob stood, the gospel had been preached an hundred years ago. HW lV Ktt'nKn KiN T8J. Wi. Wa Leave Mtjnsjn Talent will tell. F. M. King & Co. Stand. Gerhakdt & Co Too Want. Heinsbebgek Choice reading. C. W. Yates Something new. Otterbotjrg State reputation. No. 9 Market St. Hay cutters. J. A. Springer Coal and wood. J. Dawson & Co. Coopers' tools. S. G. Northrop Malaga grapes. C. A. Price Home made candy. J. L. Winner New jewelry store. Worth & Worth At low prices. John M. RoBiNSON-Ne w bat store. Williams & Mubchison 3alt, &c. P. Cumming & Co. Corn, nay, &c. Hahn & Goobman Dry goods, &c. Harbison & Allen Sure remedy. Giles & Mdrchison Sarven wheels. Sociable Young Catholics' Society. 1 Boatwbight & McKot Be Candid. Parker & Taylor As we expected. Cbonly & Mobris Fruit at auction. . Brown & Roddick Important to all. j Altapver & PCE,-y8aahj doors, &cJ TT I Hiiflftjy I tliishvka Inez 5c cigar. P. H. Hayden Harness and saddles.! Meeting Stockholders Bellevue Cent Wilmington Dtb3NQ Establishment. Mallard & Bowden Saddles, bridles. Miss Loo Stew art & Co. H a ts.bon n etp. J. W. Gordon &Bro. Fire insurance. Kebchneb AjJtfiaa tWyFjoir, nay, salt, meal, esc. X Iteca aaaeuHt -a.este Hlsb em;, Mr. J. J. Adkins, one of the Cape e Fear , stales Bar pilots, in a communication to us that M4&iynar pit Iba scujoner ?. B. JfclwtenCnfWh" cftatBTrbfh thiapCrt for Bath, He.; on the 19th instant, made an unprovoked assault upon him on- Wednes day last, alter the vessel had cleared the bar. Mr. Adkins says the captain refused to pay his pilot charges, abused him and called him a liar repeatedly, and, while he was seated ava bWinjaie cabin, attempt ing to write a receipt, struck him. He arose and grappled with his assailant, and during the struggle was struck two severe blows on the bead by a man he took to be the second mate. Being on the "high seas," alone and unassisted, he very properly oncluded that "discretion was the better part of valor," under the circumstances, and so left tbe Teasel. Unnallable matter The following is the unmailablc matter remaining in the city post office is, date: Cartafa M. Bereuardl. German m -Belios," Port Royul, ; Mrs. JS. Price, So. Amboy, N. J.; White envelope, at , i m m w m im m 1 1 r 1 m, m m i ., I H LH VI 1 IK I l t I A K I I ll.l j I. , ; ' ' ' 'I- ' I ,, I. H I ' ' ' ' I " " WILMINOTON, Local Dots. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. No sesaion of the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. Called meeting of the Board of Aldermen to-morrow night The receipts of ootton at this port to-day footed up 1,223 bales. The telephonic fire-aiarm con nections are expected to be completed this week. We had a call yesterday from Mr. Robert H. Cowan, of Pittsbor.., N. a, Agent for the Raleigh;06srw. The venerable Owen FenneB, Sr., of Sampson, formerly Sheriff of this county, was in the city yesterday. The Register of Deeds issued only two marriage licenses during the past week, both of which were to colored couples. The Rev. Mr. Black, of Pender county, will fill the pulpit of the Second Presbyterian church to-day at 11 A. M. and 74 P. M. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Wil son, Rev. Alexander Kirkland will preach at the First Presbyterian church to-day at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. B. Taylor, Rev. E. A. Yates wfll preach at the First Baptist Church this morning, and Rev. B. R. Hall this even ing. Some of the farmers and truck gardeners hereabout say there was frost Friday night. We knew it was cold enough, but thought the wind was too high for Jack" to put in his appearance. The "Robert E. Lee" and "Wide Awake" Base Ball Clubs (juveniles) played a match game yesterday morning, consisting of two innings, during which the "R. . Lee" club scored 19, and the "Wide Awakes" 3. There was a base ball match on the vacant lot between Fifth and Sixth and Chesnut and Mulbeny streets, yesterday afternoon, between the juvenile base ball clubs known as the Little Buds and Sun beams. The score stood : Sunbeams32; Lit tle Buds 21. A fine ball was the prize to tbe victors. A Bold Attempt at Bobbery and a Lively (hue- A More Succeaafnl Venture. The family of Mr. Robert Henning left for the North on the 1st of October, and that gentleman has sad his furniture stored in a dwelling on Third, between Nun and Church streets, he occupying a room in the up-stairs. Friday night he wa? very rest less, and about 4 o'clock, la the morning started to rise from his bed, when he no ticed a slight movement of a rocking chair at the head of his bed, followed by the sud den uprising from the rear of the same of a colored individual, who darted out of the room and down tbe stairs. He was followed by Mr. Henning, who gave him a lively chase down tbe stairs, through a dimly lighted passage and into a room, through a window of which the darkey was just disappearing, his heels jbfiing only visible as Mr. H. entered 'the room. The thief entered .by this window, the shutter of which had been prized open, a pane of glass broken, the fastenings displaced, and the lower sash hoisted, and consequently there was nothing to impede his exit. In vaulting through the window as he did the scoundrel bad a fall of about ten feet, and the prints of his "claws" were plainly visi ble after daylight where he had scrambled in the mud beneath the window after his lean. i Mr. Henning's clothing was hanging on a chair near the head of his bed, but the thief had no time to go through them, and the only things missed from the premises were two ducks. About an hour after the above attempted robbery an entrance was made into the testa , as Mr. DeLancey Evans, at the residence of bis father,; in the same neighborhood of Mr. HeBning, whose clothing was ransacked, and a pock et book containing about $15 in money and some valuable papers, stolen. The robber entered by a window opening into Mr, Evans' room, which happened to be the only one about the house that was not fastened, but made his exit through bf front door, which was toucd open yester day morning. Tbe police should keep a sharp lookout for these robbers, as their depredations are gettiq, tuite freojiilMaMely. Alarms of Fire Yesterday, The alarm of fire yesterday morning about 8 o'clock, was caused by the igni tion of a bale of cotton on a fiat car at the Wilmington & Weldon depot. The flames were ;al6itjsllyti8bed, and without damage, but not before some one had started din alarm, which speedily brought the engines, book & ladder and bucket companies out, to find that thew servrces iirere not required : aa The engines had not got cool before an other alarm was sounded, at 11:30 A. M., aad it was found that the roof of a house on Sampson's between fourth and was on are. Bf prompt apf cat ion of water the fire was eat before the engines arrived, After burning a hole in the rooj i j in mMt" - L'i ma was and it was is4l61hisfUm soon got ten under control. Tbe house belonged to Fanny J. Sampson, the mother of the Reg- I ister of Deeds, and is occupied by her daughter. Tan most of the f urnitute was removed from the building. N. C, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1879. magistrate' Court. Hezekiab Atkinson was before Justice Hall, yesterday, on an affidavit sworn out bjr S. A. E. Drake, wife of the "Paddy Hollow" shoemaker, charged with assault and battery. Case dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. '..William Gordon, colored, was arraigned before Justice Gardner on the charge of committing an assault upon Jacob Thomp son (net the old secretary). Case dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. Public meeting;. A meeting of merchants and other busi ness men will .fee held at the Produce Ex change tomorrow (Monday) afternoon, to hear tbe report of the Committee in regard to a proposed excursion. SEgSee fourth page for other local news Doctors are to guard human life and bring relief to tbe sick. So does Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup; it contains nothing injurious and is always reliable, to ne had at an drug storeem our city. Price 25 cents. SULLIVAN. Yesterday morning, 25th instant, WM. T. SULLIVAN, in the 55th year of his age. The funeral will take place this (Sunday) after noon, from the residence of R. R. Sullivan, corner of Fifth and Bladen streets. Friends and acquaint ances of the family are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sociable ! By THE YOUNG CATHOLIC FRIEND SO CIETY, at Meginney Hall, Wednesday Eve ning, October 29, 1879. Music by the Italian String Band. The Ladies will provide a fall supply of Refreshments. Admission for Lady and GesUe man, 75 cents. oeMSSt Notice. THE SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK -holders of Bellevue Cemetery Comnanv will be held at the City Court Room, at 7V o'cl'k, F.M , tussuax , xsin instant . JNO. 8. McBACHBRN, Secretary and Treasurer. oct SB It Five Dollars S ALL WE CHARGE TO TURN YOUR Light Spring Suit into a good Black Winter one. Wilmington Dye Establishment, Office in Benj . White's Paper Hanging Establishment, Market, be twean Second andThird streets. octSBll Coal and Wood ! jSST QUALITY OF GOAL AND WOOD, AT BOTTOM PRICES. At my new Yard on the Wharf. OCtaStr J. A. BrniNuKK, rpOLD YOU 80. WHAT f THAT JOHNSON I HICKS have the only COMPLETE STOCK of Upholstery Goods and Wall Paper, Window 8aadee, Curtain Fixtures, Cords. Taaaels, Ac, Ac , in the CITY. We guarantee First Class Work only. or No Pay. Come and see ns at our new norm or i. a. smitn x uo.'s jrunuture OctSSH JOHNSON A Miss Lou Stuart & Go. WE HAVE A PINE ASSORTMENT OP HATS which we will sell cheap f or cash, and are osianuy aaaing to our stocJt. Mourning, Bilk d Velvet Bonnets made to order. A fine lot ot Braids, Puffe, and Real Water Carls. Ali kinds of Hair Work done. octSS tf A Sure Remedy -pOR A "HEAD COLO." ONE OP HARRISON A ALLEN'S FASHIONABLE WINTER HATS. TRY IT. ocSStf gfj FRONT STREET, Talent Will Tell ! A S EVIDENCED BY INCREASING PAT- XX ronageinour TAILORING DB- PARTMENT, - It our new COT fit von as ANY New York, Pal lad hia or Baltimore don't buy of us. NSON. The Clothier OCtSS 11 and Mer. Tailor. nre-Dogs, TPONGS AMD SHOVELS. JL Coal-Hods. 8ifters, Coal Tonga aad Shovels, Tor sale cheap at GEO. A. P a I OCS6 tf No.S5 8outa tst The New Hat Store. UR STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' anawuioren s jaau and caps is complete. we propose to sell as low as the lowest . We orODOse to sell as have a large assortment of Silk, Cl Silk, Cloth, Scotch and , Also, a large line of Astrican caps, very cheap. Umbrellas. Those wishing ai do well to examine before mi in our line will JOHN M. ROBINSON. octMtf No. 6 North Front St . uorn. meai. ate. Am w w j CHOICE LOT OF TIMOTHY HAY JUST received ex schooner Silas N. Martin. A full supply Prime White Cora. Best Bolted Meal in the State grinding dally. octMtf CUMMING CO. Coopers' Tods, X BUSS HOOPS, BOARD AXES. ADZES, and Stave Jointers. Hammers. Chisels. P Leveling Planes. Drawing Knives. Dowel 11ns chines, Horse Heads, Ac. The largest stock of aDemcpeosin u city and or canlbOwSndat the oldlaUt ed Hard? JOHN DAWSON A CO. As We Expected. TTOOSB SELF-FEEDERS ARB JL being put comfort of many. Plenty on - Hands ail busy ana our Dave wilts, ing Line that's : in tne House rurnmu octl9tf PARKER TAYLOR'S. r ; i '5 t,0UB AMD PBI You will find them before a mm oct6tf ' Wilmington, N. C. Sarven Patent Wheels. A LSO, A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER- MINDS ; fa-i -:ist I ism,1crf t oi j :r.(- - wsi : ' . ' a m- .V- . r or sate ai oatsstf 38 and 40 Munmlapn,BlocM. Candy. OANDf at 80c pet pound. Ac..c T Si C. A. oct 6 tf South Front St, near AM MERCHANT ER cannot Bin LtJ HEAD BEAUTIFUL up to the Everythtae needed, at Leave CBS TO TALK It In vonr inte- TJRENCH AOTles chMfanote NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Flannels. LL COLORS AND SHADES, 95 PER CENT. CHEAPER Than at any boose in the State, At HAHN GOODMAN'S, - oct W it .. , , Eourth Street. 500 P air Blankets. T ENORMOUSLY LOW PRICES, At HAHN GOODMAN'S, 3 oct 2$ It Fourth Street. Quilts, Comforts, T YOUR OWN PRICE, At HAHN A GOODMAN'S, oct V, It Fourth Street. Black Alpacas ND CASHMERES, AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER KNOWN B3.FORE, At HAHN A GOODMAN'S, oct 96 it Fourth Street Calicoes. T 5 CENTS PER YARD, At HAHN A GOODMAN'S, oct S3 it . Foarta Street Dress Goods T YOUR OWN PRICES, At HAHN a GOODMAN'S, oct 26 It Fourth Street. How be Candid. JID WE NOT TELL YOU WEEKS AGO that Goods would be higher, and advised you that was the time to buy. You that did cot take ad vantage of our advice, if you will step this way we Will whisper something in you ear, (but you must keep it to yourselves ) viz : we have a very large stock of Choice Groceries ! on hand, bought at the LOW PRICES, and if you will call soon we will DIVIDE PROFITS on your Purchases. Is not that fair 5 We are selling Goods CHEAPER than they are in any of the Northern markets. Then why send off your orders t. Our Goods are on the spot. You can examine them before purchasing. Boatwright & McKoy. 0TWa have an elegant STOCK OF LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, which we will sell low at Whole sale or Retail. Call and etamirtc for yourselves. Boatwright & 5 and T NORTH FRONT ST. oct6 BAWtT Fire Insurance. JIVEBPpOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, COLUMBUS 1KB. & BANKING CO. PAMLICO INS. & BANKING CO.. JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., -; j. UK I - f :ti if ;i 'Yf -r .'. i , i - J v l 'J ' f . - J . i , , ' , , Agents, OCtXB tf J4 North Water St. Hay Cutters, fORN g HELLERS, Buggy and Wagon Material, Rope, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Coal Sentttei, Eire -Dsns, Water Buckets. Powder, ahos. Ac., at low WSaTSV TUST RECEIVED, MALAGA GRAPES in large fj bunches. Oranges, Bananas, Apples and other ChoicePruiu. . , , It, Pure Freeh Home Made CANDY always on Mna' r&186BTHBOF8 oct sEtrs BENtt jfalTWsilfetlSMery Stores. TATE REPUTATION FOR OTTERBOUBG'S : SalU and Overcoats received 3 wear, Hosiery, aad gold i Kb octSStf :'s Wear Depot. B I B : 1 1 - . - - gj-jt jt aiABssaB ssklL iu -" '"pHB tfTOERaKiWEp WIBHE8 TO INFORM ht hte oosatd f JSSSW STKBET, where he will Repair iraffbil fjWH aisTJg Btf H BO1 gpjfj - so try us and No. 8 So. Front St. UDCIWB. I nri.aa Nil U M A aj7r". ,u.-.- . -Tn Tim uc I vm Near the Wharf. OCUO II rare I . ' r . l:ua'lMtMiM i raTTLitttMfv4iiMi ' Watches. Clocks asm Chronometers at raw con- 8racal Apot2sSS srctfuUy soiiCJled. ,IfcWm JeWBef J W?e Are for the least money. If you don't think J Traiiaa asgessatty. arket. 1 octtttf ! WHOLE NO. 3808 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Important to All. oat' own Roddick 45 Market St. NOW FULLY EQUIPPED IN THE Dry O-oods Line, I falr8y-.tor AS EMERGENCY. Having been I in the Northern Market for the last seven weeks, I we had every opportunity of making careful selec- rT'ru,. "? aavaniage or any gooa cnance ar reting itself to boy below the regular market value. We can with every confidence trathfnUr assert to our fnends and the general public that at no time SKEW'S fSJii nave we ever had a LARGER, MORE VARIED, or CHEAPER ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL DRY ooons n TT. TTSSLi I fact that a great revival in trade has taken place all 1 1 h v "J- a oeuer reeling exists, and brighter business hopes are now entertained than for many yean past. Let its hope that AT LAST the long looked-for "GOOD TIMES" have come again. PRICES ARB UP. Every one you meet says so. We claim that it de pends entirely when purchases were made. A lonz anri ; j . . . . particular or business. Lower prices have been quoted than at any other time during the season. Having been on the spot waiting patiently for such opportunities, we are now prepared to offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS I to our other atrona than we possibly could do under aiso Knowing from years of experience in thl hnalnoaa thar vn .tnj.r. .v... interest of the public we are advancing our own at uiiiic. rye buujoih tne loiiowinc List of Prices, simply for the benefit of our friends at a distance, as those in the city can always have the opportunity of looking over oar Stock and judging for them selves, aad compare Samples and Prices. Never be bashful in bringing in your New York Samples for comparison. We know you get them, and we lose many sales by your not comparing ttem. We invite yon cheerfully to do so. for No OMR can count threads or retain quality with the eye. Always bring your New York Samples aad compare with our prices, and remember, it is lust the same in Dry Goods as in politics. All the tal ent is not centred in New York. The map of the country tells us there is a North, kouth, Bast and West to it Bilks. The CHEAPEST LINE from Auction we have eV,"hf,77$1V(U1',l5 1 i-ST. L60, 1.76, .0J. Colored Silk for Trimming, all shades, 75c. , Brocaded Satins for Trimmings, $1.50, the latest stylea. Black SilkYelvets for Trimmings, $1.50, 1.75, and 3.09. Black Silk Finish Velveteens, 75 cents, a good ar ode. Fancy Dress Goods. The largest and most varierl usanrfmant in th. city, embradner all the Novel tip.n. At from ISMc to 75c. Colored Cashmeres from 15c to 75c, Our Mourning Department is bow replete, having added the new fabrics of the wwon. ciacK uaanmeres we make a sDecialtv. BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a fnll uwirtmmi oil ,i from pure clean Batting. Flannels. A very laree Stock, too nnmerons far rfAtnlla Bottom Prices guaranteed. LADIES' . GETTTS itnrl nHTr.nRKNM nvnup. WEAR, HOSIERY and GLO V Es. 3sTJ ust give us an opportunity of showing what have got, and we do not fear the result. we C ASSIMERES for Men and Boys' wear, all prices Bleached and Unbleached SHEETINGS. Bleached SHIRTINGS and HOMESPUN. No space to quote prices, but you can relv thev are as low as any thing in the market i LATEST NOVELTIE8 In Ladies' Ties & Neck Wear. BALMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, From 50c to $3-53. of suace nreventa as from addins- more, or quoting as many prices as we desire. We have a great many SPECIAL BARGAINS, which we are offering AWAY BELOW MARKET VALUE. Just give us a call. It is much the safest way of securing any of them. ' BROWN & RODDICK. 45 market Street. oct as tf Salt. Sialt. Salt. QQSeIOOLsacka, R A A Sacks MARSHALL'S FINE SALT, vvv iarge wnue sacks. Flour, Bacon. Sugar. 1 200 Freah 'i-OUR, N grades, Boxes a. a. and Smoked SIDES, ' Tubs Choice LEAF LARD, -lOf Bbls SUGARS. Onahed. i L&O Granulated. A, Extra C, aad C Cheese.Crackers.Candy '100 ei Bxtra CREAM CHEESE, ; 125 Bbls m& 80X68 Fresh CRACKERS Ylffr Boxea Pnrc CANDY, Sagging, Ties, 0QQ Whole aad Half Rolls BAGGING, 3500 Bundle9 Ncw TUS AAA Lbs. BALING TWINE. IVXfV 1500 Kegs NAILS, all shtes. juancnesier x arns, ut&t ueorge sneetuigs, For sale low by WILLIAM8 & MDRCHISON. oct 2S tf Wholesale Gro. & Com. Merts Choice Reading. .WAR! Second A i the Councillors. The Little Morland Princess, Ti H : w selles' Secret, o Destruction and UJ JUU9U. lor. JIANOS AND ORGANS. The largest stock in the State, sold on the in tal - tent plan , st the octC tf LIVE BOOK A MUSIC STORE. .- 1 . 1 tour davs?'. ... 1 60 .. 00 . S 60 ftvs days,.. . . . . . . Two weeks,. Teret rhree weeks. . u r.n , , u w Oaemonth,. ........ ., . io 80 yo months, n oo tree months.... 21 01 Sixmoaths, ... 40 op One year, 6D tt iar Contract Advertisements taken at propo tionatcly low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CROXLV, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY a MORRIS. '- Auction Sale QF FRUIT BX SCHR. CARLBTON. ORANGES, BANANAS, PINE-APPLES, Ac. Continued MONDAY, 27th instant, 10 A. M. Oct 28 It Something New ! THE "COPYGBAPH" One Hundred Impres , .5 ?ni??-P on.e writing In a few minute . Prl-.e VELVET FRAMES, Handsome assortment, all siaea. A complete stock of Plain and Fancy Stationery, hchool Books Views &c Ac16' flymn B00k' bCI08cP,, ORGANS, At Prices to Bait every hndv Depository for fate Board HJL "Kg adopted by the 8TA ur auuvaiwfl, OCt let! C.W.YATES. At Low Prices for the Times. Hhds. and Lbls. M ilasscs and Syrups. IQQ Bags Coffee, 5Q Bbls. Sugars, gQQ " Flour, all grades; 500 Hty 5Q Bbls. and half bbls. Mackerel C AA Boxes Seap, Lye, Candles, Ac., C A Bbls. DlstiLer.. 10 tOM JJ 5C0 tons Grate an'ri RtAv. cni OCt26-tf WORTH WOUTU. Eastern Hay. FyQQ Bales Bast EASTERN HAY, ire sale ay KERCHNER A CALDER BROtt oct 28 tf Salt. Salt. Salt 5000 Sacks LIVERP()OL 8alt. Striped Sacks, in store and to arrive, For sale by oct 20 tf KERCHNBR a CALDBR BROb Bagging, Ties, Flour. . ft O. A Half RoUs BAGGING, OVV UtT.SSJidlXlbs 9000, Bdls New ARROW TIES. WUU New and Pieced, 1000 BW FLOUR' " 8rades' For sale bv oct 23 tf KERCHNEK A CALDBR BROb Oats, Corn and Meal. 1000 OATS' 25 QQ Bu8h CORN, While and Mixed, g QQ Bush Fresh Water Mill MEAL, . For sale by Oct 26 tf KERCHNBR a C ALDER BROS. Come and See He ! And there you will find Carriages, Buggies, Saddles. Harness, Whips. Ac., nt all blnJ. st the Very Lowest Prices, at r. a. HAYDEN 'S oct 26 tf Third, bet Market and Princess sts Stand T3IGHT IN XV one side, i FRONT-SO. NOW LOOK 1 On one side, gtretchin? awsv in the nH a , i,-nn of one kind, embracing aU the leading Old Patterns. on ue ptner tne NEW. Of the first many are Seen and few chosen, whilst of the other the Sam Cook Stove we have onr hands fnll tn vor. n orders. Sold only by F. M. KING & no. ocI6tf m Market street. Tax Notice. T WILL ATTEND AT THE TIME AND PLACEh Taxes for the year 1819 : j. BiHxia.au. oeiow. io collect State An A fVtntitw Northwest, J. Do. J. thwest, J.P.Murrell's Store, Wednesday, Oct. 2!) Do. J.J. Gay's do. Thnrsdav. " SO TownCr'k, Cannon's Frida 81 Sai Nov. 1 vy after that date. TAYLOR, Bh'ff. For Sale, AT LYNCHBURG DEPOT, SUMTER COUNTY, 8. C.,onW., C. A A.R.R., Two Turpentine Locations, Three Stills, Bight Mates, and Three Wagons, with complete outfit. The property will be divided to suit purchasers. Address J. H. JOHNSON, oct 231m Magnolia, South Carolina. IteJtant, RESIDENCE N CORNER OF SEC - ond and Orange streets, from October 1. Apply to GEORGE CHADBOURN. oct 12 oawtf su For Bent. N aBaaBBsEcorn From October 1st that large DWEL LING, now occupied by J. L. Maffett, aer Front and Ann Streets. Apply to ang 81 ftswtf su fef JOHN F. 8TOLTER. We Do Not Claim I T ATRONAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ABB A 1 JL home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the ex pense or any can fill any on ' one's Docket. Wk oo claim that we order for Sash, Boors and Blinds, Or anything in our line, at as LOW FIGURES, and as good work and material, as can be bought an- J where. Window Qjlaas, Builder's Hardware always Our new DRY KILN is in operation, and none but the best Lumber is used. Respectfully, ALTAFFBR A PRICE. Factory. Foot of Walnut Street. Cor. Nutt and Bed Cro8 oct 3S tf You Want rpHESE THINGS YOU SAY HADE SKIL FULLY, of good material and for the least money. You will patronize home industry if it costs no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in apple pie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, j Cart, Drays, Hsrness, See now if we cant please you and kesp your money home. , OCt3tf GERHARDT A CO. ..I (doik 5 ir ftfifet.'r - 5 CENT WL. I CIGAR attests its ceuencc. Freeh lot just received I I SUUBTitUWlU' E .... 5m ifi. aiAe o W I! r 8 SJ'.vfiH popaiaruy ana ej md sold onlv at GARDEN CITY EMPORIUM.