IIIIIIIIIIBIlaBaa!w,"l"""MM"MMiB A I ... " Turk! nrflKNTNlr STAR. I ' - - - - - i-u.-u.j.-. - ..u.ujm.ji am aby wsl twml 1MIBLISHED DAILY RATES O SUB8CRIPTU1S l ADVtMOK ! One y Jar. (by nmi. prmviMfe paid, 7 oo T irewaaontbs V , " ..... ... S 26 u io month " " ... i 0t To City Sabseri bens, de ii vered in any part of the cliy, Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agent? are trrt authorized to collect far mere Urns three month in tilWlM. I Entered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, as second class matter. At Guysboro, Nova Scotia, the gale 4owo several buildings and two persons were killed; much damage was done to the shipping. Weather very cold west of Coriahe. Manchester cotton market firm. J. B. Buckstone, a famous Eng lish comedian, is dead, aged 77. Jacob Abbott, the eminent author, is dead. Maj. Geo. Jos. Hooker died at Garden City, L. I., yesterday. No new cases or deaths from yellow fever at Memphis yesterday. President Hayes' opinions as to the Virginia debt question are an noueced; he deprecates the idea of the Republicans supporting the Readjusters. Fort Wingate, New Mexico, is re ported to have been burned by the Navajo Indians. - A settlement of the Turkish I debt has been effected by a pledge of the revenues derived from salt and tobacco. One death waa reported at Memphis yesterday from yellow fever. Lieut. (Jorrie, who was with the Prince Imperial when the latter Was killed by Zulus, is to enter the Church. Rev. Dr. White, in the EvaugeUcitl Alliance Conference at Edinburgh, gives an interesting account of religions labors among the freed men in the Southern States. Cardinal Manning has ordered subscriptions to be opened for the relief of the distress in Ireland. An epidemic of typhoid fever and measles prevails at Cape Clear, and numerous deaths are reported. New York mar kets: Money strong at 77i per cent ; cotttin quiet aud steady at 11 5-16ll 7-16 cents; Southern flour steadier at 5 75 7 75; wheal lc belter, feverish and irregu lar; corn lc belter and moderately active; spirfts turpentine firmer at 4747c; rosin1 q lie an d firm at $1 70 1 75. Senator Butler made the agricultu ral address at the Chester (S. C.) Fair. He was introduced by Senator pton. fr Robert Bonner sold 87 fine horses recently. The prices were low, and some of the horses were sacrificed. The highest price was $4,000 for "Keene Jim." Tlie Virginians are confident that thelionor of the old State will be amply vindicated on next Tuesday. so be it. We hope a great victory awaits the friends of the McCulloch bin. It is worthy of note that two bru tal New York policemen are to be tried. The penalty, on conviction, will be twelve months' imprisonment. New York is solely cursed with brutes with clubs. ! i , The New York dry goods market is thus summarised in a letter of 29th ujti i "The cotton goods market continues ac tive sad prices are firm. Brown and bleached cottons are scarce in all leading makes. Prints are in moderate demand; ginghams and dress goods are more active." Money is being freely used in New York iu getting up mass meetings. The Robinson meeting at Cooper In stitute cost $7,000, and the Cornell -blow-out about the same. The office holders and office-seekers contribute the necessary sums. The Richmond (Va.) State, in a graceful tribute to the excellence of . t ii i r I en. erwiee recent aaaress oeiore the Amy of Northern V irginia. says finely: "Tiia orator, insnired bv the remem- 1 i n ijjifJH osNt share in ttoe rfcoble deeds of the time, seemed not unlike the pious sun of old Ancnises relating the woes of bis loved Ilium, as with tearful eyes he looked back upon its Wasted ruins, put with a swelling heart recalled the imperishable heroism of its defenders. But Mum futif" Grant has turned humorist. attempt in that line was at Yii City. We have seen better, wavst 'as it is we lay before our readers: "The fact of the matter is we are more thought of abroad than we think of our selves; yet at the same time We think con siderably of ourselves, and we are a little conceited over our advantages. (Laughter.) .Newspapers and politicians, however, nhink there are a good many bad people' in she world, and that thing? are on the verge of ruin, but 1 guess We are all right. (Laugh ter )" Tun reedman's Bank investiga ttob, cotfftfedted by a committee of eolored Senator Bruce is has progressed far enough to W t the statement made by the Sun's Washington eorres- , thai discoveries have re- cently been made of a startling ehara , and which implicate per- sons names have not hereto fore been connected in a discreditable way withrthe' affairs of the institu tion. among the legal igton that the itovitae eoawtitu- tionahty of the b ederal election Laws, and will so decide. It s because of oh arran ouoreme oourt ooias VOL. 'XXV. NO. 35. this thai Secretary Sherman recently said, according to the report in the Baltimore Sun, that as soon as the Republicans regain control of Con gress they will enact additioual and re stringent provisions with refer ence to the elective franchise. Per haps they will briug forward again the notorious force HTf which the Republicans came so near passing in the dying hours of the Forty-third Congress. ?! Some of the New York Democrats are hopeful. Among them is Mr. W. A. Fowler, Chairman of the Execu tive Committee. He has been talk ing wjlh a reporter of the fferald,ind of course he "printed it." He says the Tammany leading men are all de seriing the Kelly set. We copy: Prom the. manner in which things are going on here now secretly, perhaps, hut it is certainly going on It is safe to say Mr. Kelly will not receive 12,000 votes in the citvof New York. Gov. Robinson will cjUhs city by thirty five or forty thod aaod majority, at least, and if the anti-Cor- nell itepuuiicaos do anything like wnat seems to be promised of them, 50,000 ma jority in the city will be assured for Gov. Rnhiaon No man can overestimate the rottenness of the Tammanv Hall onraniza- lion to-day. If the country Democrats laave any wish m be gratified by its entire de struction it looks now. sa if they were going to be gratified to fas ISM. Democratic or ganization for Gv. Robinson is going oh in this city in an unprecedented manner." The news from London of the 29th of October had an ominous look. Trouble bad broken out afresh around Cabul, all the tribes were up in arms, and there was a good prospect of a general uprising all over the country. There had been heavy snowfalls, anil a sharp fight at one point. We copy a portion of the dispatch: 'The British force detailed from the gar rison of Khelat and Ghilzai is reported to have attacked and defeated a body of Afghans with a free-bdoting force under the command of Sahib Jans. The battle oc curred near Shahjui point, in the vicinity of Khelat. Fifty Afghans are reported killed. The British loss was twenty-seven killed and wounded, including Capt. Sar lorious, whose injuries are dangerous. Both infantry and cavalry were engaged. The Afghans made a desperate struggle, and will, it is expected, soon make a strong and combined attempt to take Khelat, an important post on the route from (Jandahar to Cabul. Spirits Turpentine. Jones county crops are reported good No new cases of diphtheria at Raleigh. The r ederal Court is in s ssion at New Berne "The Byron Combination" was billed for Charlotte on the 30th. -About 3,000 bales of cotton have found market in Kinston so far this season. Judge W. J. Clarke, of NeW Berne, is to edit a Republican paper at that place. Contrary to hone or expectation Col. W. Jr. Martin, of Elizabeth Uity, is ire proving The Baptist meeting at Golds boro is closed. Result: some six or eight additions, Dr. B. F. Arringtoe, of Golds boro, waa thrown from bis buggy and severely bruised. Dossey Battle's las announce ment of marriages is under the head of "Cupid's Culllnge." Thealtkaia isarailing av and around Enfield. Mrs. M. Bell, wile of Co). D. N. Bell, has fallen a victim. The Nashville Christian Advo- Gulc ouyS. vuv . o nrvitt io a m.ciuuuie nuu the ton of a Miailt preacher. They say he ia a man who can be trusted. Biblical Recorder: Dr. Hiden says that the people m some parts of the mountains In wet weather put their guns in the bed and send their children out of doors- New Berne Democrat: The steamer Stout, of the Clyde Line, sailed on Tuesday night . She had on board 002 bales of ewefo mmmmlMBue 75 barrels of tar, 200,000 wooden plates, mer chandise, hides, tallow, &c. Male's . Weekly: The returns of the treasury for the fiscal year ending Sep tember 30th, last, give receipts of $552, 839.95; disbursements $577,658.41, leaving a deficit of $24,818.46 for the year. At the commencement of the year there was a K'A'-ISaWW ,here Oxford Torchlight: The census of 1870 reports in Granville 102 manufac turing establishments: six steam engines, fifty-three water wheels, 637 operatives; capital employed, $SM,0W6; wages, $40,370; materials, $291,470, and products $467,204. The census of 1880 will show an increase of over 100 per cent, ia the manufactories of tbe county during the last ten years. And yet this is but a small 'showing compared with the facilities our county offers for a long line of manufactories. Goldsboro Messenger: On Mon day last, while en rente for Jones county Superior Court, we regret to learn, His Honor Judge Ease was unexpectedly called home to tbe bedside of his little son. then said to be rapidly sinking. In consequence no joun was nem iu juucb iuis wbk. We reeret to learn that dnrins the burning of Mr. McLawhorn's gin-house iu Pitt coun ty, mentioned elsewhere, Mr. Matthew siaugnier ana mom as jseason were pain fully burnt, the latter seriously, while en. deavoring to stay the fire. W eldon News: The military display at the Pair was very good, though owine to the fact that many of tbe com panies went to tne xoraiown centennial celebration mere was not The Suffolk Gravs. theEdaecombe Guards. tbe Goldsboro Rifles and the Roanoke Light Infantry were nrsMnt, and drilled In battalion commanded oy ooi. joo Cotton of tbe 2nd Regiment. Saturday last Mr. Richard King,, son of JackKine. living near uaston. wnue re WILMINGTON, I tfiJiRJ ; I ' ' turning home from Littleton in a wagon was thrown out and killed. He was driv lag two mules which took fright at some thing it is supposed, and ran away throw ing Mr. K.mg out, mashing mm between the hub of one of the wheels and a tree by the roadside. Goldsboro Matt: The aggregate market value of the cotton sold here last week was over one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. Another gie cut. This time it was Warren Taylor, of Greene county, who had his hand so badly cut while ginning for Mr. Travis Hooker; a few days ago, that he lost a finger entire. ThemtHof Mr.Rohasoo, in with thenmuer ofDavid Lanier, in the neighborhood of Dudley depot, in July last, and who escaped and has since been at large, was captured in Cumberland coun- here on Sunday night last. ! tm QccAMhato Messenger-. The and stable of Dr. dames U. May, at ton, were destroyed by fire on last Sa nignt. The rise crop in uus turns out encouragingly, and ttWJWI doubtless be largely increased anotner s son. The local receipts of cotton' this market for me month of October w foot up 8,000 bares. The receipts up Saturday last were 0,106 bales. Septem receipts were 2,117 bales. While cotton, thanks to the favorable turns out better than was attficiwrted, the is every reason to fear a scarcity of Cor Our thoughtful townsman, T. B. H man. Esq.. is this week soliciting cashco tributions and donations for the Oxford O phan Asylum, and we are pleased to lea that our citizens are generously respdndia Two white men. giving their names I Wm. Deavers and Kuius JNobles, were rested by Officer Suggs, m this town, last Monday, on suspicion of having a coups of stolen steers in their possession, Which they were offering to sell to the butchers, f I Tarboro Southerner: Mr. Zander died at his residence in Tarboro, saiuraay morning last, or consumption bis 44th year. Me was an amiabJ citizen, without an enemy in the world The new colored JCdiscodsI arrived from St. Leads ao Saturday, his family, and preached to his tion on Sunday morning and evening. Tt is as it should be. The new minister highly spoken of as a man of knowledge and piety. A little daughter of John W . Cotton in running around the corner of a street, ran right into the born et a cow, meeting her. IJeitherakw me other and the cow's horn wounded the little girl's cheek. The Methodists of Battleboro will haw a charch of their own aoonwjt a ship of eighty. A crowd twenty Edi;e combftes left for mond, Ya., on Monday night. farmers in Edgecombe can escape buying corn aext yes- and the sweater qpMtity df oats and grasses ratfleff f or stock the less corn will have to be purchased. Nash items: Rocky Mount is in need of a good baker, and one who understands the business would do well here. - Capt. Tom Avent, of this county, says that 1 will not be able to pay bis debts aad have lucre is uut. a lttiuiei iu me uuuuiy woo money to spare. Plymouth news: Tsje corn crop of this county is good. Cotton crop light, at least 20 per cent, less than last year. The people of this county are much better off pecuniarily than last year. Fewer mortgages and debts. Stevenson's mill at this place blew up Mon day night. Nobody hurt. Loss $500. No insurance, Charlotte Observer: The last Meutmie Newspaper, of New York, contains a very good likeness of Judge Wm . a. Cox, the Grand Master of North Carolina. It is reported in Monroe that a negro, in the upper part of Union county, assault ed a young white woman Monday, with an intent to commit a rape upon her, ana that on her giving the alarm, became fright ened, cut her throat and ran off. The wo man will probably recover. A delega tion from Statesville, consisting of Hon R. F. Armfield, Dr. J. J. Mott and Mr. C. L. Summers, came down yesterday mora-J ing to consult wnn citizens oi unarfotte on j the subject of the proposed extension of the I Virginia Midland Railroad from Danville to some Southern connection. -Col. W. H. Chapman, who, as special agent of the revenue department, has had of the VdisuTol of South Caro lina and tbe Sixth District of North Carolina for theriast veaa. has been trans ferred by the department to the district Of Virginia, with headquarters at Alexandria, and Col. Kellogg, of Ohio, succeeds him. One of the trains on the Richmond & Danville Railroad Tuesday night ran over and killed an unknown man near U arris- burg, Cabarrus county. It is supposed tha the engineer of the train which killed hin did net knew of it, ashedidnotstoptoin vestieate the matter, and the discovery of the killing was made by the engineer of the next train that passed, it is probable that the man was a tramp and that he had lain down on tbe track and gone to sleep, or else fell off tbe train that killed ban while stealing a ride. TSJE CITY. NSW A D V KKXI SKTI KNTS. Lost Red satchel. Munson Merchant tailoring. H. C. Brock Cow ordinance Motr Cqgmwi ;?jpft Itta,sjf S. G. NoBTHBOP-r Flprids orangest Munn & Co. Scientific American. Hall & Pearsall Bacon and coffee. W. & W. R. R. Co. Annual meeting. W. & W. R. R. Co. jivideud upUce. H. W. McLaurin Employment wanted. Vollers aot ErJOWBr-Ssle of real estate. Tbermomeier Record. The followina will show the state of the thernjrheJir, at $W ationsmentli$ned, W 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained front the daily btffletuf mm fty: 60rKeyWest,..,,r...80 Mobile...... 69 64 , . . ; ,....78 .67 01 m The river is still falling and navigation is becoming very difficult. 1 A Challenge. The Bull's Con sb 'SMfTfhhAWWfth'slMffeMrh Doctors of the United States to prescribe a J' remedy which is cheaper, more effective, and which can give greater satls'f actios than theirs. 1 member- of about Rich- Few issued from the Signal Office ASanU.:,. Augusta. ...... ..67 I Corsicana, .. 50 PuntaRassa, uaiveston oo oavannan rrrt i i N. C, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1879. Local Dots. A lew more excursionists arrived yesterday. The excursionists are having fine weather. The receipts of ootton yester day footed up 696 bales. Not a solitary case for the May- or's Court yesterday morning. rr To-day is known in the reli gious calendar as "All Saints' Day.?' TheSherifPs deputies are now on the war path after "delinquent polls." I There is considerable sickness, mostly malarial fever, in this city just now. The prudent housewife will soon begin to fatten ber turkey for Thanks giving. There has been but very little dpingJa,masTcWaa for the past two or three days. r-r Hflfi. & M. Moring, Speaker of the last House of Representatives of this State, was in the city yesterday. A party ef foc hunters was out y est erd a y morning, , ted a n other is ex pected, to take the trait this morning. Mr. James MoCormick, the well known tslior, is $tld to be very ill at the residence of Ifr. Geo. P.Lanib, in this City. .i. .' ' f There w broker on the- Wharf who doesn't play checkers, because the game makes too many drafts on a man's intellect. The annual meetiBg of the stock holders of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail road Company will be held in this city on Tuesday, the 18th inst . The oo w ordinanoe goes into effect to-day, and ow Hers of these animals are warned to go vern themselves accord ingly, as it will be strictly enforced. The Baptist State Convention meets at Oxford on Wednesday ; Tbe dele gates from the First Baptist Church of this city will probably be eaawd Sunday mim ing. - Boys who persist in pitching their balls on the streets will ataod the chance of losing them, as the police have instructions to confiscate all such that they can seize, i HeV: J. V: arm who was called away from the citv last week by the I death of his suoer. (ITInfe of Rev. Dr. Dickinson, of Richmond, has returned, and witi occupy ma puipiv iu-murro w aa usuai. We learn that Dr. M. J. De- Roiset, formerly of ftU cHy, but noW of New York, purposes removing to San An tonio, Texas, at an early day. He is one of the editors of the Medical Journal pub- lished in mis place. Mr. J. W. Thompson, Secretary of ate Wilmington Weldon Railroad Company, gives notice In this issue of the I Stab that a dividend of 3 per cent; on the I capital stock of that company has been de clared, payable on and after the 22d inst. We are requested by Col. Brink) our postmaster, to say to merchants and business men, that during the first seven days of November they Wilt facilitate the extra labor at tbe Poetofflee (caused by an I order to count every piece of mail) by handing in their mails as early in thh after noon as possible. TSrs !(ew Poatal Care. The postal card agent has received steel plates engraved with the design for proposed two cent international card a eu by the postal union. It can be sent to all countries represented in the union, in eluding about all of Europe, China, Japan, Brazil , etc. The design necessarily con tains mpce printing than the present card and has a border something like one. At the top are the words: "Universal Postal Ucioa," a little curved, and repeated in French in smaller type beneath. Then come the words in bold type: "United State of America," also repeated in French and than the line, in Eoabah osuy: "Wrie only the address on this side," The stamp is a well designed head of Liberty, sur rounded by ah elliptical border, with a figure "2" on each side and the words: "U. S. Postal Card" around it. The cards will begin to be issued early next month. 4 A ''Drummer" la Trouble. We learn mat a certain "drummer" for a clothing store in this city attempted to frighten an unappreciative customer into purchasing a suit of clothing at the estab lishndent Of his employer, yesterday after noon, by playing the role Of a policeman, placing his hand in his collar and telling him to "consider himself under arrest." The countryman subsequently complained to Mayor Fishblate, who issued a warrant for the "drummer" and . made him pay i fine of $30 for this assumption of authority as well as for other unlawful means he em ployed to force the man to boy the goods which he didn't want. Vfi ; ' r- 1 n asaae asaii. the "StonewaU Jackson" and tbe Ox ford Base Ball Clubs (colored) propose to have a match game of base ball at the Ath leticOlub Grounds, on Monday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock, sharp. The prizes to be played for consist of $25 end a basket of !Faaubh ast mvHed. trate'a tha Sidburv. colored. Was arraigned fmm yesterday afternoon, on a peace warrant sworn out ny .ucj Williamson, colored. The case was dls missed on tbe payment of costs. forty the To-Daji Indications. For the South Atlantic States, northerly to easterly winds, rising barometer, colder. partly cloudy weather, and light rains in the southern portion He Llogeretb still. Stephen White, one of the oldest living impersonators ef the immortal Shake speare, has not yet shaken the dust of Wilmington off his feet, as he promised the Mayor to do by 12 o'clock on Thursday last, but is still quoting poetry and amusing people ob the streets by his quaint utter ances. As there seems to be no harm in the old gentlem an we hope be may be un molested. xsivatat arbv juTaatiHss. f The Norwegian barque Caio is apart- The Carin, from this port, arrived at Liverpool yesterday. VAA The schooner Clara B. Davidson, Ire land, cleared from Philadelphia, for this port, on the 29th ult. The English schooner Julia Elisabeth arrived from Harbor Island, New Provi dence, yesterday, with fruit. The Norwegian barque Caio, Captain Krogen, spoke the Black Swan, on the 26th instant, in latitude 27 degrees north and: 68 west, bound for the West Indies. All well. TUB MAILS. The mails close and arrive at tbe Citv Post Office as follows: " -7- CLOSE. f. Northern through malls. 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A.M. Raleigh . . . ...5:30 A M. and 6:00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad. ! and routes supplied there from, including A & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points ooutn, aauy. . WJUA, SI. and 7:45 P. M. W estern maus to. O. K'y) daily (except Sunday) flrf)0P.M. 7:30 A M. 7:30 A. M. ip.i 6 :00 P. M, 6:00 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad . . ?. . . . . . .... . . . . Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston Fayette ville , and offices on Cape rear itiver, Tuesttays and Fridays. .. Fayettevule, via Lumberton, daily, except Snaalava.,.. Onslow C. H. and. interme diate offices everv Frfdav. . Smithville mans, by steam boat, daily (exceptSun days) 2. -00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hhlv&n ' ureek and Shallotte, every Friday at 6:00 A 31. Wilmingtoc and Black River Obapel, Mondays and Fri days at............. 6:00A.M. OPENVOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails 9:15 A. M. Northern through and way mails 7:00 A. M. Seathern mails 7:30 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 10:35 A M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. andfrom 2 to 50 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp General delivery oeen from 0:30 A, M. to UM P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to A. AA A " : HBWSBSS. - .".'.S Stamna tor mala fttoaeral delivery when stamp office is closed. , MaUscoUectedfrom street boxes everv day at 4.00 P. M.. - ;3r f 3 yjui C1T 1T1 tr Chew Jackson's Sweet Navy Tobacco. B be had at the J a Purcell House, l . Biana. ano tne bau omce. the 8a Office. ELECTRIC BELTS, A sure cure Tor nervous sbUlty. premature decay, exhanation. etc. The only reliable cure. Circular mailed free. Address b Kisavso, 43 Chatham St., N.Y. s ml. j. uolou, nHrwnr, onera xor saie nrac ciaai and Pear Trees, delivered to purchaser's K.H , at 11 cents each, no to the roth of Novem Biad ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable nricee. Mer Ohants and others needing RecelDt Books, or other weasyrelyoa promptaeaa In the execaUonof Abscesseo and Sores of Low ataaSW which oave reauiea iaa operation or omimenta ana waanea, may oe cleansed ana neaiea oy irequeni and persistent washing with Guess's Sulphur Hill's Instant Ajntous Hirh ''Dt: makes old ioias young. , FINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men la invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J.St ti . xvuey, mMBuroarOT or nne Dreecn-ioaaing guns, Birmingham, England. Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus easoring the right crook, lengia oi stock. kc "DON'T KNOW HALF THEIR VALUE." "They cured , me ef Ague, Biliousness and Kidney Complaint, as recommended. I had a half bottle left, which I used for Bay two litUe girls, whs tee doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. I rivethem TOol BlUe?l. They'Sdhem so"much Kooa i conunuea tneir use unwi taey were curea. That is why 1. say yon do sot know half the value of Hop Bitters, and do not recommend them high enough." B. , Rochester, N. Y . !ee other column. American Mural ttonu. as S DIED, 31st, CHARLES REUBEN, only child of Charles R. and Ida May Jones, aged S years 5 months and io uays, Despair waste our last farewell, As closed thine eye; Tears of our anguish cannot tell When thou SuaS die. Worda rwinnt paint ear grief for thee; Slgha are bat bubbles on the t ur our uniatnomea agony. Little i sea Reubie. Friends of the- family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of Mr. J. W. M acorn ber, on Fifth and Chesnut Streets, this morning, at to o'clock. rr z -" i -' , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TY VIRTUE OF A D: Hanover County, t saie, at none : ' uity or Y OF following ( the City of Wilmington : novl St BSST THE MORNING STAB can always rollowliirtiaea ta Sale of Real Estate. BCBEB OF THE SDPE- JL nor court or sew heunder- Bimed will expose ror &ucnon. at ?m.tockMe.to; KsTATB, in SS? baWrnhaU of LoT, "akSjUVlin of isidTjHy. 3,813 NSW j ADVERTISEMENTS. bte SKCRETARY'8 OFFICE, WILMINGTON A WELDON R. R C , Novsxaxa 1st, 1873 jf FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING or the Stockholders of the Wilmington St Weldon LBaffBosd Company will be held in WILMINGTON on TUESDAY, the 18TH INSTANT. baiii., , J. W. THOMPSON, hut i a . , - SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON A WELDON S. R. CO. WrxwHOTOH, 11, C, Nov. 1st, 18.9. A DIVIDEND OF THREE MB CENT., ON the Capital Stock or the Wilmington A Weldon Hail Road Company, has been declared, payable to the Stockholders on and after tle22d inst. The Tranef er Books will be closed tram the nth after the Sid. J. W. THOMPSON, secretary. of wi Gtt)N, tJFFICB CHIEF OF POLICE, October 31, httft v rjB& following section of an oroi- nance, adopted by the Board of Aldermen, . at a aae0ngeld June 7ti, 1876, wffl be enforced on and after TUESDAY, November 4th : bo. 3. That so Cow or Calf, Ox or Ball, be per nutted to run at large, within the city limits, be tween the first day of November and the first day Of May following, of each rear." , H C. BROCK, f nae Chief of Police. Lost, jgETWBBN CORNER OF SECOND AND MAR ket Streets, and the Carolina Central Depot, a large BED SATCHEL. miu-lnMl If vR Th Ant fXHll JSeaberaUy rewarded on leavhvsit at S?. BOUTHKBIHU-a bTABLSS. Qjm&nt I "ANTED AS A BOOK KEEPER, ACCOUNT ANT, CLERK, or in any other capacity. Beet cf reference given. H. W. McLAURIN, nov 1 it P. O. Box 403, City. Beef, Pork, Sausage. -Hood, better and best. vs 2000 LBS. to be sold To Day. Come early and leave your orders. Deli .vend Free and bv nov 1 It JftUTT K V&.M.r 50,000 Pounds Q B. STDB8, For sale by nov 1 D&Wtf HALL & PEARS ALL. Bags TIO COPPEE, V 0 For sale by novlD&Wtf HALL & PEARS ALL. Oranges. LOT -OF FLORIDA ORANGES, the the season, sweet aad juicy; from the same Orange Grove that nrodnced the delicious Fruit that pleased my customers so well last sea-. son. aiso, auuaga urapes, Bpuz aad idy-Finger ayuica, aspinwaii oananaa, uocea-JMUM, CS eanuts. ua tt ainui vanay oi me nnost grade, at ! S. G.OBTHROP'S nov 1 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores We Lead the Trade JN MERCHANT- TAILORING. NO BETTER can do with our INCOMPARABLE COTTER. MUNSON, The Clothier novl It . and Mer. Tailor. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. 5 th YEAR. The Scientific American. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First - Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, in tne most oeauoiui styie, rauFUBihr RATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV- GS. representine tbe newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New aad Interesting Facts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Socfeu Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The a trainable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. S3.20 per year, si. 60 half year, which in- cludea postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, weenie, two, oy au jjewsaeaiera. itemit Dy to siujm as w.. ruDiisners, 37 raric Sk connection with the are .Solicitors of American andF 'experience, iment in the and now have the lareest world. Patents are obtained on the its are obtained on the best terms. A special notice la made In the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen- r, with the name and residence of the Patentee, y the Immense circulation thus given, public at tention is oirectea to tne merits or tne new and sales or introduction often easily effec Any person who has made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, mi ov chabos, whether a A can probably be obtained, bv wrWeur to tnrs & Co. We also send vnas our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints fer procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN fc CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D.C novltf The New Hat Store. o1 ,UR STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' 1 and (IhlMren'a Hats and Cans is complete. do well to examine Derore &-nase. N0NorttFront8t tr yjPSUyiiBBlaaj May uutters, SHELL ERS, Buggy and Wagon Material, Bone, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Coal Scuttles, lire Bogr, Water Backets. Powder, Shot, Ac, allow pace.. o, 9 luqgrggg fW Near the Wharf. octSStf ajfj HR99Mlt m ' msmlFl smsmsHr matttt until ; tl rmrir mDJ rrHE A, prnrtec 1LLC8 IH postal oraer Raw. Hew Yorlr. Messrs. muhn Co. oreum r two . 1 75 .... 860 a oo . . . . 3 60 .... 4 00 6 60 8 60 .. .. 10 SO 17 00 94 09 ... 40 00 63 00 three days. asm..... . five daya, One week..:... Two weeks, ... . Three weeks, .. . One month,... Two months,. .. Three months,. Six months, .. . One year, ! Advertisement taken at propo- tionately low rates. Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENT Grand! Grand! Grand! c lui-riiinir t afsrwT" ' 3: Sol. Bear Have the pleasure of again asaoanclas to the pub Be that tsey have an UNUSUAL ail ATTRACTIVE STOCK ! and are prepared to offer to their customer one of the - Grandest & Cheapest Stocks OF t PRICES RANGING IN SUITS FROM W.C0 UPWARDS A beautiful and grand assortment in Which we guarantee be Equalled ill this City ! a Fine Line and Latest Styles in Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, In all Qualities and Prices, Imported direct from the Manufacturers, which we guarantee to be of Superior Quality. We have also one of the CHOICEST sad LARGEST STOCKS of Two- & Tiiree-Plv & Bmsels Carpets ! Bngra, Matting and Oil-Cloths, AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. PLEASE EXAMINE. OUB WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT ! Containsthe MOST SELECT, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCKS IN THIS STATE, Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats; Caps, &c SOL. BEAU & BROS. OCt 28 tr Hew Coal & Wood Yard. FotLEB & loHmoi, mmm. gTOVE AND GRATE COAL, AMD ALL KINDS of WOOD on hand. Orders promptly attended to. COAL, at LOWEST PRICKS, delivered without extra charge. NOVA SCOTIA and ENGLISH COAL. FOWLER A MORRISON, octS91w Water, bet. Orange and Ann Sts. Steamer Passport, J. W. HARPER, rmotl iM, Will leave Wilmington daily. (Sundays excepted) atSjf P. M. OCtSatf GEO. MYERS, Agent. TMSSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIPS XJ heretofore existing between Ue ed. under the firm name LTTiefl nf of ANDERSON & LOKB, in the Commission and B1NFOKD. LOKB & CO., in the Grocery Business, are this day dis solved by mutual consent. The Grocery Business will he continued by hakky lobb. llWa- . JAMES aWDBKSON, , JACOB LOBB. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27th , 1879. set SB 1 w New Jewelry Store. UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the citizens of Wilmintrten oiid vicmitv that he has opened a JEWELRY STORE, at No. S SOUTH FRONT STREET, where he will Repair watches, Clocks aad Chronometers at prices con sistent with good work. I have had twenty years' practical experience, a portion or tne traae is re- ruuy solicit ea. Self J. L. WINNER, Jeweller. . : ; For Sale, . 8UMTER COUNTY. '., uu tt . v, am a. n. A., Two Turpentine Locations. Three Stills, Eight Mules, and Three Wagons, with complete oatnt. The property will be divided to suit purchasers. Address J. H. JOHNSON, octasim .. Magnolia, 8ontn Carolina. For Rent, rpHAT DESIRABLE WHARF, at foot of Mul brry Street, lately j"03 tfhed1'3 &x.BnAlso, ?he COAlL and WOOD YARD, corrfer of Front and Mulberry Streets, at present occupied by J. A. Springer. Apply to sept j 30 tf v B. NUTT. Coal. J tlOm, OF BEST QUALITY, FURNACE, GRATE, STOVE and NUT, Delivered promptly uy at prices as W AS THE LOWEST. oct 21 tf Cor. Orange and S. Water at v. va. PARSLEY, Jr., Fire-Dogs, SHOVELS, Coal-Hods, Sifters, Coal Tours aad Shovels. ': .. ., For tale cheap at GEO. A. PICK'S, No.sSBosth Front st OC 26 tf We Oy, ii M : r,UR FURNITURE AMB PRICES TO TALK J tot themselves. Ten will find it to your Inte rest to examine them before pnrenaatng your Fur niture. An invitation MX . . . T S HERB EXTENDED TO ALL TO CALL AND see the Beautiful New CHROMOS.ENGRAVINGS, and numerous other attractions at HEIN8BER GER'S Art and Music Gallery. Baojoa, Violins, Accor- The Cheapebt Place to buy Books and SUtionery inthecity. The most Complete Stock of PRESENTATION GOODS at HEINSBERGBR'S, cSOtf . Uve Book and Music Store. oct t6 tf 8' Cmer MIVmmgton,tN . C. f.r,

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