: - ' - - - - - - -' iiiiirriifliaiirrrii i- 4AAJM1. X whm l"0 tour On SeosnaA day,. . . Ihrdals THE MORNING STAR. By WW. H. BERNAKH PUBLISHED DAILY MXOMPT OSIaYk KATZ8 OP KUHrtOtUPTIOW IN A DV ANOK : oqeyjM. tby Md,.. ; g slxuioaths, " VV T r,mSh' - - ? To,C18r. AeUveradlA any prt of tbe ri y Fif uD Cents per week. Our City Agent arc mt authorized to collect for mere than three mantbe in advance. I Entered At the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. as second claaa matter. t I 'TLIM KS. George Hinton was abut and instantly killed by James M. "ioung, at Petersburg ; both young and highly respectable. Negro, Frank Baker, was tried at Sussex Court, Va., for murder and found guilty. The relations between England and Turkey are said to be strained ; England de mand the execution of reforms in Asiatic Turkey; this is thought to be exaggerated. - Eleten persons have been executed at Cabul; the innocence of the Ameer is said to be far from clear. Hundreds of cases of typhoid fever and measles reported at Cape Clear. Senator Chandler's re- uiuins were sent to Detroit. All quiet nt Merrill's camp. The commander of the Peruvian warship Huaacar, captured, died bravely; both sides are represented as displaying much gallantry. A mine exploded la the Delaware and Hudson mine, by which five men were instantly killed. A destructive fire has occured at Mound City, Illinois, loss $80,000. Hon. Charles Hewitt is dead, aged 56. A. H. Andrews & Co. 'a furniture factory t Chicago burnt, loss $00,000. Sixty- seven persons hve perished from fires in the province of Menas Qiraes. Ro man Catholic Church at Baltimore was dedicated on Sunday; Bishop Gross, of Savannah, preached. In the elections in England on Saturday last the Liberals were generally triumphant. A violent form of diphtheria prevails in the country around London. The failure of an old estab lished Calcutta firm 4s announced in Lon don. Severe weather is reported at the North, with snow to a great depth, and gales and wrecks on the Nova Scotia coast. A Chicago dry goods firm fails for a million of dollars. The President has appointed the 27th inst. as Thanksgiving Day., The examination in the Tilden income tax case was closed by order, of the Judge vesterday. Business in San Domingo is at a stand-still on account of the revolution; a fight is expected soon be tween the belligerents Gen. Sher man has issued bis annnal report to the Secretary of War, showing the total strength of the army to be 2187 officers and 84,262 enlisted men. Bothfactions are confi dent of victory in the election which takes place ia Virginia to-day. New York markets: Money 77 1-16 per cent.; cot i. .n quiet and steady at 11 5-16ll 7-16 cents; Southern flour quiet and unchanged ; wheat feverish and unsettled, closing about lc lower; corn ilc lower and dull; spirits .turpentine quiet at 46c asked; rosin firm t $1 70 1 75. To-day. is the great contest iu New York It will be safer to say in oar next wbo won the field. The Baltimore American refers to the Philadelphia Times as "a Grant organ." W hy is this thus ? John Sherman returned to Wash ington on Saturday. John says Cor nell and company will sweep the deck. We have not felt competent to the task of writing an obitnal of the late Zachariah Chandler. "God's finger touched him and he slept." Here was the vote of New tty the three last yean: York Democratic. 1870 112,621 1877.... ... 77,189 1878 87,716 Republican. 49,090 58,777 61,702 Mrs. Mary E. Lounsbary, on trial for murdering her hnsband, Rev. Dexter L. Lounsbury, at Stratford, Conu., oo September 24th, has been pronounced " of murder because insane." the JOfML She will be sent to At the Robinson headquarters it is claimed that he will run 10,000 votes ahead of his ticket in New York city, and that he will have 30,000 plurality over Cornell in the State. They give Kelly ksit 20,000 votes in the oity. J aa friends are herd at work trying to elect Uorneli. .Spirits tine. mm -These were sixteen Chaalstte in October. deaths at Revenue receipts in the Fourth District for October $92,818.86. There were twenty-five deaths at Raleieh in October, or these sixteen were coifed. On Friday evening, October 17. Henrv Cacle. an aged and good citizen of Haywood, io attempting to walk a foot-log across Jonathan's creek, tell oil and was drowned. Delegates to the State S. S. Convention, which meets in Greensboro, November 14 and 15, will buy return tickets, as the railway companies of the mmltitih consent to pass them af re- Yonnr Dnno-. K the LitueGiat?to " " ZJaLZ. now a resident of Monti Carolina expresses the opinion that tf JheJitoblicans will put Judge Settle oa their ticket as Vice President thai'H settle it sure. The trouble is that it might settle it out of sight. The project uousiy to the front. n to the of our Goldsboro citi- afoog the line of this teed railway ale give tangible evidence works. J1 " rurren and in a sbaoe that cc zens. tne people proposed and much of this In tier? VOL. XXV.-NO. 37. Aeheville Citizen : We published an article last week speaking of the Boons of Yancey county, two of whom were then in jail on the charge of murder. Up Thurs day night, the 23rd, the two Boons (one of mem unaer sentence to ue uung on mo aotn of December) made their escape from the Franklin Reporter: Last Friday morning a little, son of Mr. Rickman Dills, HvidgoWCanoogeobayo, and his left ear cut off by a cane mil. Captain W. Li. Tate, of W aynesville, baa the misror tune, while in Clay, of bating the bone of one of bis legs fractured, caused by his horse running away. Special to the Raleigh Observer from Hillsboro. dated October 31st: Bob Bowell, the negro murderer, was publicly executed here to-day, at 1:25 r. so.., oa tne. same gallows on which the Chapel Hill -burglars met their late, a crowd oi people from the country near and far, estimated at three thousand, were present, and missed no detail of the sickening scene. -Raleigh Observer : We are pleased to know that Mr. R. T. Fulghum, lately connected with the Observer, takes charge on Monday of the Greensboro Patriot, hav ing purchased that paper from its owners. He will issue a in-weexty ana a weexiy edition, and has secured the services of Mr. W. H. Harris as assistant editor, mr.jr. jr. Duffy will also for the present remain as sn assistant editor. Warrenton Gazette: The pro tracted meeting at the Methodist Church is increasing nightly in interest. "tne con gregations are large. There have been some professions, and many penitents nightly gather at the altar. A party of gentlemen from Mecklenburg, Va., passed through bete last vreanesaay in pur suit of a Mr. Wimbish. the Treasurer of Mecklenburg, wbo; they stated, had stolen $85,000 of the county funds. Lenoir lopic: Under date of October 19th a gentleman ia Boone writes' us as follows: "Mr. Isaac winner, ais wife and son. being all of the household. died between twelve o'clock last night and twelve to-day. Milk-poison supposed to be the cause. Mr. Winkler and wile were each about 70 years old; their son about 22. They lived about four miles uorin ot noone, Watauga county, on a place Deiongmg to T.J.Coffey & Bro., and known as the Sugar-Loaf. They will all be bnried to morrow together. Goldsboro Mail: Richard Move, noor man. went to sleep out doors in front of a drinking saloon, in La Grange, on Sat urday night last, ia an intoxicated state, and never woke up He was found cold in death the next morning. There are two objects for having police regulations by a town: One is to protect society, the other to;protect those who get in a condition that renders them incapable or taxing care oi themselves. Mr. Robert Sugg, work ing at Ftlyaw & Land's planing mill, in the upper part ot town, wane tnrowing on a band on Saturday afternoon last, bad his clothes caught in the machinery and torn off of him. Raleigh News: The Rt. Rev. Mr. Barham, colored, was before Justice Bar bee yesterday, charged witb assault and battery. It seems that the reverend gentle man wanted to shake money out of a co lored sister who bad chsrge of the Sunday school contributions. -The Raleigh Jockey Club propose having some fine races at the Fair wounds, tnts city, on tne lvtn and 20th instants. A week or two since, while the Rev. Mr. Ragland, of Ox ford, and a colored brother preacner were together, tbey went from nock Spring Church to Jerry Allen's, colored, where Jerry's wife put the birds of a feather to bed together. Tney spoae ior tne same quarters at the ensuing Association. Raleigh Biblical Recorder: The next session of the Sooth River Association will be held with the Concord church.Cum- berland county, on Thursday, the 13th of .November, .Elders rage ana .merman are to preach the stated sermons. The Orange Presbytery, at iu recent session, waived us rule requiring tne completion oi a full course of study, and admitted to the work of the ministry a brother who had not graduated. Rev. E. David reports a good meeting at Liberty Grove, four miles from Taylors vine, i nirieen persons pro f eased failb, and nine were baptized. Raleisb Female Seminary received larce accessions during Fair week, and Prof. Hobgood informs us that he now has as many pupils as usual during tne ian. The school is in a more prosperous condi tion than it was darig Utt fprtng term. Greenville news in Tarboro Southern: lfx. Lorenzo McLawhorn lost his ein house and fixtures, and ten bales of cotton by fire Saturday morning. He went in bis lint room soon mat morning wim a lighted torch, and the rest need not be told. Strange how careless some people are. The negroes held a tremendous exodus meeting here Saturday. There were 8,000 in town. The are to meet again m No vember. Nothing was done yesterday ex cept that they came near sacking the town. Five hundred people were engaged in general fisticuff at one tisae, and strange to say no material damage was done to any one. The Methodist Church is ap proaching completion, and when finished, will be an ornament t the Wwa P Diphtheria is raging in the upper portion of the county. No case of it in Greenville. Raleieh News: There has been Kev. Mr. Wright are tne laborers. Winston items : The protracted meeting hold in the Methodist Protestant church last week proved to be quite a success. One is now in progrose in the Methodist episco pal churcb.Withflne prospects, we aretold. A meeting of similar character is progress ing at Mount Tabor, five miles from here. Most of the tobacco factories have closed, or are closing, except those that will run during the winter by the use of steam Goldsbsrfdots: R. M. Johnson's ma chine shop was burned down this morning. There was oo iasurenee. Vise probabbr accidental. Notwithstanding croak ers and com plainers, the crops are turning out finely. Chapel Hill notes: The corn crop is short and the ootton not much better. The University Railroad rests from its labors. It has the consolation of aymg at nome among its inenas . i ne University continues to receive accessions. Charlotte Observer: Marked im provements have been made at the fab: grounds within the past few days. An eUction will. be held in GnJlford county on the 15th of November, to determlaeHbe question of Gilmer and Morehead town ships voting $10,000 to the Cape Fear & YadMu weHejMOBread. It is a rare thing to see a tramp in this part of t country now. Tie contrast between ember this year and especially they before is something altogether remarkabl Georee Lacier, colored, bas been sei During the month of October tee gold and OfflS.Sis yanwanted 'invahfeto $7,570.46. Io addition to this about a dozen ore assays were made during the same pe- WTLTOGTM ,!l .11' 1 1 ii ii m i in ii , , i riod. The editor of the Asheville Jour nal claims he was a Union soldier and Whs at the Salisbury reunion. This makes two. James M. wade, a white man, was convicted in the Federal Court ville of obtaining money from a negro by passing himself off as a 'Deputy Marshal, and sentenced to the penitentiary for eigh- seen months. A correspondent writing from Ore JfcLnob, mercury -4w7 A. PL WBJb diwato m de grees, with high nort Uotton sumption a native oi Charlotte, b moved to came back from Texas yesterday, aud came to stay, tie says they made about a pale or cotton to the ten acres out in his country this year. The drought was awful. Yesterdav moraine the boiler of the engine which runs Mr. R. B. Weddmgton's em. In Providence township, exploded with a terrific noise, throwing some ot tne pieces a distance of one hundred yards. Luckily no ono was hurt. The Pres bytery or uoncora met nst weeK inmui burv. and after an examination of Mr. J. N. H. Summerell, licensed him to preach iue guapi. jafr. ppafBianmaoiv wl sea of the late Dr. Mitchell, of the Unif versitv of North Carolina, lie has recently returned from a stay in Europe, during wnicn ne iook a course ot nuoy a uiuin burg, and is a talented and promising young man. rue military contest win take olace on Wednesday, and tne speecn of Col. Duncan K. McRae, the orator of the occasion, will be delivered on Thurs-1 riv runtein hii with his mrnt oi Hiffh t School, is expected to attend the lair on one i day at least With our four home tha several nlhers that ere; S 9 OITY. I NKW A DYKBTISKfl KNTS. P. O. Box 509. Wanted. M un son Everything booming. D. L. Gobk Mullets, flour, &c. Cronly & Mokris Auction sale. Adrian & Vollbbs Oranges, &c. MASONic-Meeling St. John's Lodge. S. M. EMPra Com'rs sale postponed. Local Dot. $fl- at the Purcell House. Rev. B. R. Hall, of the Fifth Street M. E. Church. goes to Wayne county to-day to marry a couple. I J J r 1 A white man, found droek and down on the street, was taken to the guard bouse yesterday, afternoon. The U. & District Court met yesterday, but, without transacting any business adjourned until this morning. We are glad to see our friend Wade Harris in the editorial harness again I He is associate on the Greensboro' Patriots. I The Bum of $3,446 was turned over to the County Treasurer yesterday.be ing the amount of taxes received during the week. Kit Huggins, the Mayor of ,4Paddy's Hollow," was released from a long confinement in the city prison yester day, his time having expired. A brisk northeaster sprung up late yesterday afternoon, bringing with it a very decided and sudden change in the atmosphere, and at this writing it is very cool. Commencing with to-day, the ordinance, which forbids any cow, calf ox ot bull running at large ta tbepahlit stssets from the first day of November until the first day of Mai. will he rigidly enforced! Harfcor MstetelPriee eepeTts 14 barques, 7 barquentines, brigs, 18 schooaj exs and 5 strnramjgaWe Aips afcaerjhhj jojNfibf ghip does not include small vessels under sixty tabs tun and wife leave for Rockiiighain, Rieaejpnd y. where they go br eiapits- of the Methodist Chnrch a that place, in conducting a protracted meeting. liter the adjournment of the CNySMtoxj, I yWrtf rrrm1ttlh son, charged with enticing seamen from a vessel in port, came up before the Mayor for adjudication, action oemg u&stenea si the solicitation of the officers of the Ger man barque Julie Heyn, who were to testify in the case, and wbo were on the eve of sailing for a foreign port. Defendant whs round guilty and ordered to pay a nae oi $50 and costs or be confined in tne city prison for thirty days. Being unable to comply With the alternative, he want locked Died At tbe UA?t o" ae. A colored man, about 22 years old, and who frju&amJamltocks, died at the guard house , at the City Hall , yester day evening. He was a stranger in the city, and said that be came from Fayetts- ville. He was found by a policeman on Saturday night last, lying under a rosin for bis rener, out ne was so exhausted rromi I iUm.t .U ffiAnlb l "TTT 7 v mm wkih iukHC. - A match game between the Stonewall Jackson and the Oxford Base Ball Clubs (colored), was played on the Athletic GansTesttuyjftonrfm. AUhe fiftfi inning the umpire csTlea"fhe game, on ac count f the illegal pitching of the Stone wall Club, and gave the same to the Oxford Club, the pitcher of the Stonewalls having, after several warnings, as is alleged, made lL - M r ,' ' ' ' tnree iooi dbiaa. lli l ihn Ml Hi ii res down tow de- hwest wind. m. w. vwison, ot Tennessee, oiea nine at the residence of his uncle, , YYliSOB. jmu.. in mis city, vi con wa. nfc.iM T-m - .... m i Mr. Wilson was at Derate tne war then. itev. tion to assist Rev. J. W N. C., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1879. ay'a Ineiemtlooa. For the South Atlantic States, slightly colder, northeast to northwest winds, rising barometer, and clear or fair weather. a Court. The first case called yesterday morning was that of Ella Martin, colored, charged With acting very disorderly in the neigh bo: -hood of Front and Dock streets on Saturday night, between 10 and IV o'clock. Her case being a somewl Jggravated one, and; it not being her first offence, she was ordered fa pay a fine of $5 or ten days ia the city prison. Laura Blalock, charged with acting dis orderly on the streets Saturday night about 12 o'clock, using both profane and boister ous language, was let bin easy, judgment being suspended in her case. Sam Merrick and Henry Johnson, both colored, were arraigned on the charge of indulging in a dispute and creating a dis turbance in the market house Saturday evening, during which Johnson threatened to burst Merrick's head open, and Merrick flourished a butcher's knife in a threatening manner. The eats of Johnson wan dis missed, but Merrick was ordered to pay a fine of $6 and the costs, which was forth coming. The case of James; Anderson, colored, charged with larceny, was continued until this morning in consequence of the absence at . . . IffW 9 U important witness. The case of John Benson, a charged with enticing sailors to leave their vessels, was also continued until this morn- A Oarlaia; Thlet? James Andatseu estored, a recent ar rival from Rock Quarry, Was arrested be tween 9 and 10 o'clock, on Sunday morn ing, charged with breaking open the "lock er" attached to the stall of John W. Cowan, a colored butcher in the market It was a bold action on the part of Anderson. Of ficer Pette way, of the police force, was standing in front of the market bouse at the time, engaged in a moment's conversation With some one, when a colored snaa called his attention to an individual walking through the market, aying, "That man has ust broken open one of the butcher's stalls." Officer Pettaway qutokiy got up with the icuowaao anesteo nam. wneu u was louno TL- " " 1 T 1 l : a- f kLknMi L. Tefugntioa showed thai the fastening of Cowan's "locker" had been broken, and it is supposed that Anderson intended to help himself to its contents at his leisure. We learn that the "locker" to the stall of Am brose Moore, another colored butcher, was also found broken open. Anderson will nave his preluninaxj examination before tbeMawoo.tris A Darin A ue pi at Robbery A daring but unsuccessful attempt was made Sunday night to rob the residence of Anthony Morgan, colored, on Princess, be tween Tenth and Eleventh attests. It that Morgan's little girl, as she was about tie retire, discovered an object resembling a man under the baa. She called her mother's attention to the feet, and the old ridiculed the idea; hut just at this the footsteps of Morgan were heard ap proaehing from another part of the house, when, sure enough, out sprang a colored individual from beneath the bedstead, wbo quickly disappeared through a window in the room which the thief himself had 1 opened, and through which he had ejected ln entrance. . Morgan punned the man, but fsiled to overtake him. Upon return ing he found tiMhaapd shoes of the felloe' outside toe house, where he bad left them when be entered the building Salea At Beat BalAte. - At a Commissioners' sale of real estate.at the Court House door yesterday, under de- eree of iemclesnre, Mr. 8. W. Davis, tioncer. Ois tsOAwtng assom of Hie Car tot, south side of Market, be twesn Front and Second streets, brought ,860, Mr. John London being the pur chaser. The Agostini plantation, near this city, was bid off at $1,825, Mr; Osrrell hi inl the purchaser. ' : 1 ' A lot on Bladen streeL the property of D. Shehan, was knocked off to the Bank of New Hanover for,$35a The Petteway property on Princess, be tween Ninth ami Tenth attests, t W$ j MW50$4 the Bank of New Hanover being ya nnlhAr Raat Ball OTar The amfml at Bhji antrih game of base ball between the Stonewall Jackson and Oxford (colored) Base BaU Clubs, yesterday afternoon, called the game at the fifth in ning and gave the victory to the Oxford Club oa a teehaicalUy, by a score of nans te nothing, although tbe other side were twenty runs ahead at the time. Much dis satisfaction was the result, and there were several scrimmsges between the opposing sides, hut without serto consequent. ko pUeb4i hoiog, after dee - 7-- - ' i" .' ' TTT nT; warning, made three foal balks. Uliam Love, white, and Wilson WU llams, colored, of Cumberland county, ed in jaU Sunday night, John X Smith, charged wi itflltoitflltwl by dealing in "crooked whis key." They arrived here on the steamer North State, Sunday nfghi awd Wflt W hSlfl for trial at the present term of the U. S. VIBHIVf WWSi purchaser. ICOTJNTY GOnmiSeiONBBS. roopu Af ProeeeAinK- Seaalon. The Board met in regular monthly ses sion yesterday afternoon. Present, Col. W. L. Smith, Chairman, and Commissioners ontgomery, Grady and Bagg. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer of the County submitted his monthly report, showing a balance on hand of $5,087 $f, which was examined end approved end it was ordered by the Board that hereafter the Treasurer pay no order of school committees, except for the hire of hi isajiani unlftnn the same is approved by the Chairman of the Board of Education. The Treasurer's report on General Fund, showing a balance in band of $1,742, Was examined, found correct and ordered on file. Tbe Treasurer submitted his monthly re port on Special Fund, showing a balance on band of $5,431 95, and surrendered fif teen bonds of $500 each, due 1st of March, 1879, numbered 13 to 99, oae coupon of $15, No. 13, and 48 coupons at $8 each, numbered 1 to 44, paid by him and included in his accounts, which said bonds and coupons were burned. Tbe Register made bis monthly report of marriage licenses, exhibiting bis receipt for $18 15 paid to the County Treasurer, which was received end ordered on file. Quite a number of corrections of clerical errors in tax assessments were made. Tbe following were granted licenses to retail spirituous liquors: John F. Rulfs, John W. Gerdts, Wm. Ulrich, D. Otten, A. Rush, J. Fernberger, R. F. Eyden, Henry Bush, J. H. Gretgen, John M. Bremer, R. J. Scarborough, John F. Stolter, H. Schul ken, J. G. Oldenbnttel, A. C. Wessell, A. 0. Wessell, Chas. Wessell, Sarah J. Mayer, C. Michselis, A. K. Heyer, Carl Mugge, August Duemelandt, Edward Bryson, Jno. Haar, Jr., George E. Burden, J. D. H. Elander, J. W. Duls, J. D. Stelgers, Geo. F. Colin, C. Schulken, Wm. Futrel, E. W. Doscber, Henry Leitgec, Geo. L. Shutte, N. Hullen, Clans Stemmerman, W. H. Grotgen. Petition from citizens of Mesonboro township, in regard to opening a public road, was referred to Commissioner Mont gomery for a report. Tbe following persons were drawn to serve at tbe approaching term of the Crim inal Court for this county, which meets oh tbe 24th inst : John J. Beesley, A.T. Hewlett, J. J. He- drick, P. H. Hayden, F. V. B. Yopp, P. Heinaberger, L. Flanagan, Joseph O. Bow- den, C. S. Love, Wm. Gilchrist, H. B. Eil- ers, F. A. Newberry, William O. Johnson, John A. Hargrave, John W. Galloway, John F. Gilbert, William Futrol, John H. Swee ny, T. B. Henderson, DeWitt C. Love, George Grady, F. W. Ortman, T. M Gar rison, Halifax Leonard, John H. Freeman, H. B. Willis, A. W. Watson, R. R. Sulivsn, R. B. Wood, Henry Davis. The following were drawn to serve during the approaching term of the Superior Court, which meets on the first Monday la December: First Week Thomas Post, Robert Hen ning, R.B. Wood, Jr., A S. Heide.Thomas Washburn, C. H. Schulken, C. B. Wright; S. W. Skinner, E. Schulken, L. Greeao- baum, C. H. Ward, G. L. Shutte. Seconal Week O. S. Yarborougb, John 8. McEachern, Roderick McRae, Ashley Gilbert, William Ulricb,E.TanLear,Thomas Rivers, J. W. Bobbins, L. J. Thornton, C. B. Futch, Patrick Ghtvin, D. H. Lyons. The Board then adjourned until tbe first Monday in December, at $ o'clock. Si e-st aroEaiantN. Proceeding- of Regular Heotblir ttAAtia. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session at the City Hall, yesterday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock. All the members of the Board were' present, Mayor Fish- Diate presiding. Tbe committee on Fire department re ported progress on the oil standard matter, and also favorably on the ordinance in re gard to paying the Fire Companies when employed rfci , najpgi bail ariss, am the or dinance was adopted, after amendment fix ing the charge for day service of Steam Fire Engine Companies at ten dollars pet hour, and for night service fifteen dollars. The committee on Streets and Wharves reported progress in the matter of moving ymmmm the of I the city wharf, and recommended that an AiruwiAian.u, maun iw we, wor a un uw doch aad whM ntlPOV ol Bed Cross J The committee on Finance reported pro gross on petition of Cato Bunting, and also On petition pf Csfli Treaattrer oawaaib. A communication from the Tha si i of Audit and Finance was read, aad on mo tion, so much thereof as referred to the footway over Boafy Mttte- was referred hackee the Board foTjfliereonBrder at ion and consultation with Aldermen Foster and Lbwrey. ThepWdnbfllesirt, Chess, Csrley & Co., for permission to erect iron tanks and sheds on Iiotfto. hVBtoek 260. was granted. Tbe paiAnjit handf far increase i of wates to ena dollar perdsjr m re- eeived, aad Da motion of Alderman Bowden f tha UirraawaiiallatHd from Noraavher 8L Jfijo. taUfarchlst. 189B. T Jr 9. W The Mayor recommended that the pay of the police force be increased, and on mo tfonof-Aiasiliisn Fmaner, ia jaceaee of 5 per month Heft made from .November r offered the following sWMiptlt excessive tariff levied b the Western Union Telegraph Co. Mat. .iaaiv.. - W1TOLE NO. 3;&5 dispatches sent and received through their umce ana over meir jtnes, to and from Wil mington, for many years past, have been onerous aad oppressive to a degree that has reiaraea Business, net only in our city, but throughout the whole South; and, whereas, the great monopoly Star-chamber, tbe Western Union TeleeraDh Com Dan v. have repeatedly refused to lessen tbe burden some rates upon our business men, &c. tnereiore, ne it Ordered- That the telem-m-th Imsinpssnf the City government ha tAiwlprcrt tn thn American Union Telegraph Company tot a won ui uve years to ail points reached by vueir unes; provided, that they extend their lines to Wilmineton within one vear. and establish a rate not less tbsn 20 per cent, under the present rate of the Western union company; also, that a copy be sent Mr. D. H. Bates, President of the American Union Telegraph Company. The petition of 8f. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, for the use of the City Hall, was granted. The report of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department was read and ordered to be' put on file. Sundry petitions for positions on the police force were read and ordered on file. On motion, the City Clerk was instructed to notify Messrs. Worth & Worth, steam boat agents; that the wharf occupied by them is reported in a dangerous condition, and must be repaired immediately. Tbe Committee on Fire Department re ported in regard to bids for keeping the fire cisterns filled and pumps in repair, that all were excessive, and on motion of Alder man Myers the report was received and the matter laid upon tbe table. Oo motion, the Board adjourned. KIVBR anj xhakink. Schooner Gettysburg, Norbarg, cleared from Philadelphia for this port on the 30th ult. p The German barque Von der Heydt, Michels, from Rto Janeiro, is reported in below. Schooner James Pender, Robinson, cleared from New York for this port on the 81st ult. Capt. Garrason, of the steamer D. Murchiaon, reports tbe river still falling. Sunday, he informs us, is the worst day in the week to cross over the shoals when there is but little water, as the fact of the milk being all shut off makes a difference of about two inches in the depth. Public squares are a great blessing to the community, we can say tbe same thing of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup; it is the best remedy lor tbe cure of all diseases Baby- nooa uasHo encounter, r rice only 20 cte. CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Bast Sweet Nary Tobacco. THE MORNING STAR can always be bad at tne louowiuK piaces in tne city : xne furceU House, Harris' News' Stand, and tbe Sta Office. Abscesses and Sores of Long Standing, which nave resisted the operation of ointments and washes, may be cleansed and healed by f reqnent and persistent washing with Glenn's Stjlphub Soap. Hill's Instant akaods Hair Dtx makes old routs young. ,,m ml "DON'T KNOW HALF THEIR VALUE." "Tbey cored me ef Agne, Biliousness and Kidney Complaint, as recommended. Hhad a half bottle left, which I used for my two little girls, who the doctors and neighbors said could not be cored. I would have lost both of them one night if 1 had not good I continued their use until they were cured. That is why 1 sar too do not know half the value kitcli uui nop Diners . x nay am una so mucn 1 say you do not know an id do not recommend them high eater. N. Y. Baa other calnmn. American turat nome. NUNN. In this city, on Mi 3d inst . at 3 o'clock, P. V., of dipi ihtheria. KD iFUS MONK, in rant son of J. F. and C. S. Nona, aged two years i out eon or 4 . i and ten months. The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, on Walnut, between 4th and 5th streets. METER. In this citv. on the 2d Irutat WRKn BRICK WILLIAM, youngest child of Mrs. Sarah ti . meyer, agea o years o months ana 4 days. Dearest Freddy thou hast left oa. We thy loss most deeply feel. It is God who has bereft n. He can all our sorrows heal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. JOHN'S HALL, WILMINGTON, N. C, Nov. 4, 1879 WILL BS AN KM URGENT MSHTTNO OI T. dUUflD lAJDQSt 1 No. 1. F. A A. M. This in the Bntered Apprentice di o'ciocK, ror wora By order of the nov4-H JAMES C. MUNSS, Sec'y. Wanted, BOY OR YOUSfQ MaJT, WHO CAN WRITB a good legible hand, to do office work. Address nov 4 It P. O. Box 609, City. Everything is Booming. QRDERS ARB CROWDING IN. MORS WORKMEN WANTED That pair of S HEARS is telling. Come on, we ain't afra MUNSON, Tbe Clothier nov 4 It aa Mer. Tailo Mullets. Mullets. irhA-A nwo aosMma ittttt wra : A Mil AJAAAATJAM AWJLUiiSJLD. 1MU !0 Bbls BOB MULLETS, -till I DUU 'wufl, au Kiaaea, O VU 1000 Bash White and Mixed COBN. ror saw iuw oj , D. L.OORE, nov4tf Nos. 8 and 8 Sooth Water st. Oranges. ORANGES. For sale by - . - ADRIAN & VOLLBR8. ao4U Mullets. 1 A A BABBBli, Extra Size, and guaranteed, ivv ror saie dv nov4 tf ADRIAN ft VOLLBRS. Roe. OC BARRELS some of the flneat ever brought this market. jror saie py ADRIAN nov 4 tf - : W yy uafcifT . a VO 100 WtSiSS Rib Side and nov4tf ADRIAN A VOLLBRS. -r on The A PPLES, CABBACjB, rov4tf . B. corner Front aad Dock Sts. oi nop uuiers. enough." a. Boat ADRIAN i VOI.I.KRH at the Verv Lowest Price-, at O0 1 16 S 50 3 00 S ISO 4 00 GO 8 CO 10 80 17 00 S4 01 40 00 63 CO One week. Two weeks,... Three weeks,.. One month,... Two months... ' " Three months, " "' Six months, .. . " Oae year, , HTOontract Advertisements taken at propoi tionately low rates. Tea lines sHd Nonpareil type make one square NKW ADVERTISKJiEN TH. Auction Sale CALKS ROOM PULL- 7 THIS DAT, TUESDAY , 11 A. M. CRONLY a MORRIS, Auctioneers. nov 4 It Coarmiesioner's Sale of Baal Ia ate Under Decree of Foreclosure. BY VIRTUE ARB IM PURSUANCE OF A iudement of Foreclosure, rendered at thn .Tnn Term, 1879, ot the Superior Court of Maw Hanover uounty, state or worth Carolina, in a certain cih action pending in saM Court , between Atoxaator D Brown and Wilkin Roddick, partners under the name of and Boddick, Plain ttfle, and John H. Allen and Rachael Allen hlstwlfe. Daniel a smitn and Heme smith his wife, and Rachael M Thompson, Defendants; the nndcrM&ed. Swift M. Bmpie, Commiseioner appointed by; said judgment and decree, will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, for cash.at the Court Bouse door in the City of WUmiDgton, in the County and State af oresald.on monoay tne TDira day or November, A. D. 1879, at 18 o'cIock, M, a certainllotcr parcel of Land, situate and being in the said City of Wilmington, and bounded as follows: Besnnlmr in the Northern line of Market street at a point about one hundred uuu;ieet irom xue norta weitern intersection of Sixth street with said Market street, said point ig ue oouin western corner or a piece of land ch formerly belonred to the late WUle A. Walk er, thence running Northwardly and parallel with Sixth street one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet, thence Westwardly and parallel with Market street forty-six (46) feet to the line of a piece ef land form erly posessed by the lata Robert S. McComber, thence Southwardly and parallel with Sixth street one handled and forty-seven (147) feet to tbe North ern line of Market st. and thence Kastwardlv with said northern line of Market St. forty -six (46) feet to the Beginning, and being the same Piece or Parcel of Land which the above named Defendant convrort to the plaintiffs aforesaid by a certain deed of myrtle, wnicn sears aateineisu day or Decem ber, A. D. 1877, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of the said County f New Ha nover, in Book "N.M.N." at pages 470, 471, 478, to which reference is given for srreater certaintv. This 87th day of September, 1879. SWIFT M. EM PIE. septSStds Commissioner. POSTPONEMENT. iprThis sale Is continued until the 3C OF DE CEMBER NBXT. at same hour and place, nov 4 tf CITY OF WILMINGTON, OFFICE CHIEF OF POLICE, Octcbib 31, 1879. rpHB FOLLOWING SECTION OF .AN OBDI nance, adopted by the Board ef Aldermen, at a meeting held June 7th, 1876, will be enforced on and after TUESDAY, November 4th : "Sxc. 8. That no Cow or Calf, Ox or Bull, be per mitted to run at large, within the city limits, be tween the first day of November and the first day of May following, of each year." H C. BROCK, nov 1 St nac Chief of Police. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON a WELDON R. R. C8., Novbmbbb 1st, 1873. rjH FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEKTING Of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Wei don Rati Road Company will be held hi WILMINGTON on TUESDAY, tbe 18TH INSTANT. J. W. THOMPSON. Secretary. nov 1 tf SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON a WELDON B. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 1st, 18.9. DIVIDEND OF THREB PER CENT., ON the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road Company, has been declared, payable to tbe Stockholders on and after the SSd Inst. The Transfer Books win be closed from the 17th instant until after tbe SSd. J. W. THOMPSON, cov 1 tf Secretary. Let me go to the store where I first saw tbe light. To the New Furniture Store let me go. Of their goods and low prises I've dreamt all the Let OB go to BEHRBND8 & MUNROE. Thus sang a lady to her husband. Contrary to the role of dark Stores, yoo can see what yon buy at the S. B. Corner Market and 3d 8ts . nov S tf Wilmington, N. C. ! '" ' ' . .'.' i ' New Coal a Wood Yard. FOWLER & MOBfilSON, Proprietors. gTOVE AND GRATB COAL, AND ALL KINDS of WOOD on hand. Orders promptly attended to. COAL, at LOWEST PRICES, delivered without extra charge. '' r iS y BUI OS - NOVA SCOTIA and ENGLISH COAL. FOWLER a MORRISON, : ; ire Jo j t;n - oct29 1w Water, bet. Orange and Ann Sts. Organettes. NEW SUPPLY OF THESE BEAUTIFUL cheap Instruments just received at the STORE. y If nil The Markets of Paris, by Zola; The Conquest of Plassane, by Zola ; The Karl's Secret, by Pardee; .fcPj' a companion w "Pique" ad All for sale at SBINSBaaGBR'S, nov 3 tf Live Book andMosic Store. Notice. it. 3d 5 A . ALL PERSONS cauuoneu i from Bio. as bo Aeht contracting will be paid by the or Consignee. nov32t C. P. MEBANE, Consignee. ALL cautioned i 1 aeainst harboring or trnnt- lng any of the Crew of the British Barquentine ia, cape as AA Aaots Henake, from of their contracting will paid by tbe 2 2t CTP.M Consignee. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ABB HEREBY captioned against trusting or harbor - any or tne crew or tne norwe Baraue "CATO." Jeuskroeer. tcr. from Martin ham. S. A., ai bo ta or their contraettog will be the Master or Consignee. paid nov2 3t C. P. MEBANE, Consignee. And there von will find carnages, coggies, nannirfi MarnesB, wraps. TIUlBSJt BjMAf ofaUkuds. Third, bet MarkrtdPrtnciss st. nov8tf V ARE HEREBY a umixna kimitu ' ' of their OUK ANN be -lBAAAaAaBBBBBA' J , I 3i