w ING STAB. n. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. i0. ' HATK9 Of gtTBSClHFTIOH IK ADVANOK : Oney. (by Pottle fi rnrce months tt 5 he month , . 1 09 To City JabMribora, delivered la any part of the rirv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for mere than three BNtlll in advance. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as second class matter. 1 OUTLINES. Lewis Scoggs, convicted of murder, has been sentenced to eight jears imprisonment in Kentucky. Rain and wind did considerable damage at Paducah, Ky. The .Constitution of Kentucky is safely locked up in the Btale vaults. A fire at Louisville did $25,000 damage. Cincinnati millers have lost heavily on con tracts and flour shipments are stopped ; St Louis mills will probably close until wheat declines. Agricultural Department publishes a report of tobacco, wheat and corn crop. There is much excitement Maine over the rumored intended action of the Governor and Council to count out the Republican majority in the Legislature. The investigation of the Champion disaster continues. The Cohen family has been arrested in New York on suspicion of setting fire to tbe tenement house, and have been discharged. Considerable damage done toPaoli and Princetown, Ind., by a storm on Friday. A boiler ex plosion in tbe Cleveland Rolling Mill dam aged $20,000 worth. Col. John Hay, formerly private Secretary of President Lincoln, has beeu appointed Assistant Secretary of State. - The statement that yellow fever has broken out again in Memphis is denied; there have been only two new cases in the last ten days. E l ward Grammar was burned to death in his residence in Prince George county, Ya., Thursday night. Officials of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad are examin ing tbe harbor at Newport News, Ya., for a terminus for their road. The belief of the complicity of the Ameer of Afghan istan in tbe Cabul massacre is strengthened by developments. Diphtheria is raging in Russia. The Spanish Cortes will suspend its sittings until after the King's marriage. The 8L Petersburg Golos expresses tbe belief that the question of re forms raised by Great Britain in Turkey was put forward to mask the real purpose of sending a fleet to Turkish waters. Tbe steamer Faraday will land the new French cable to-day. The criminal intimacy of his wife with tbe Rev. Conrad, Haney, caused W. P. Greenleaf, a promi nent citizen of Sherman, Texas, to kill him self. A member of a prominent im porting firm in New York has been arrested for defrauding the customs. New 4BIi markets: Money 57 per cent. ; cot ton quiet and steady at 12i12 cents; Southern flour firm and fairly active at $5 656 30; wheat opened l2c belter, closed weak with advance partly lost; corn ilc better; spirits turpentine dull at 38 38c; rosin unchanged. Cotton goods have had another ad vance in New -York. Iu Grant's sixth annual message he held that this was a Republic spelt with a big R. Hear him: "We are a Republic whereof one man is hs good as another before the law." There was a freejtrade demonstra tion at Delmouico's, New York, last week, in honor of a distinguished member of the British Parliament. The world moves and New York with it. -- A little while ago Jo Blackburn, jtho ib eloquent bat not wise, was hot for Tilden. Now he talks "timely": "He might as well be hermetically sealed in a terra-cotta casket and buried twelve ftet under ground as be in his present situ ation. He is as dead as Tburman, politi cally speaking." The Honorable (?) Mr. Voorhis, of New Jersey, who baa been arrested for embezzlement, is a Republican. He was elected in 1878 because of a division among the Democrats. A better man will now be elected in his place. The district usually polls 2,000 Democratic majority. Here is good news in small com pass. Mr. John Appleyard, of Selma, Ala., has been to Westminster, S. C, and examined the "Clement Attach meat." Tbe Selma Times says: "Mr. Aoolevard. who has been encaged in manufacturing cotton goods, in some capacity, for over fifty years, says it is, be yond a doubt, tbe greatest invention of the age; that H will revolutionize the whole cotton manufacture of tbe country, and the eoutb is bound to be tbe gainer." John Sherman and Mr. Burchard, Director of the Mint, got into a qnar rel, whereupon C. S. (cuss words, as Hod. Bard well Slote would say,) flew around lively. This has reached the pious ears of Ratheraf rand Burchard, (as Mrs. Partington calls Hayes,) and he now swears that John shall not attend his Sunday night prayer meet 'iogs until he C. S. R. (civil service reforms) and 8. P. H. -sincerely '"pents himself." 'We told you so." Qrant is really in the field as a candidate for the Presidential nomination in 1880. This is what the Washington corres- -jondent of the Baltimore American, Republican, cays, and it is stated upon the authority of "a oonfidentia letter" received ia Washington "from -a close friend of General Grant." rflTT-Ct Iff AD III The Morning Star. VOL. XXV. NO. 48. We quote the significant part of the American's special: "The object of the writer of this letter, who is one of the principal managers of tbe third term 'boom,' appears to be to re move in good season whatever impression might exist among the admirers of General Grant that he is Indifferent to a re-election to the Presidency, and to infuse renewed vigor ioto the Grant movement. Tbe let ter, after cautioning tbe observance of the greatest prudence and discretion, states that General Grant will, at the proper time, place himself at the disposal of tbe Amer ican people, and that meanwhile it is ex pected that his friends will do everything in their power to bring about his nomina tion, and will lose no opportunity to en hance his political interests." Gov. Vance, as our readers know, has been speaking in South Carolina The Columbia Register does not ad mire stump-speaking, and "would not like to carry a bundle of anecdotes round the country and peddle them out to roaring audiences," but it ac knowledges Vance's power and says: "Yet, be this as it may, ex-Governor Vance is a very extraordinary public speak er. He does move vast assemblies of men with uncommon power, and he touches and thrills the popular heart at times with mas terly force and instinctive eloquence. Governor Vance is a politician, it is true, and he may have their winnin' ways well developed. Rut he is something more he is a man of genius; he has that touch of nature in him which makes him akin with all men and their pursuits. Again, we be lieve, with all the ex-Governor's wit and humor and infinite drollery, he feels the high promptings of statesmanship." THE CITY. nkh auvkbtirbihrnts. Mrs. Jack. C. A. Price Oandy. HRIN8BKRGER Musical. Lock Box 217 For rent. Munson Elegant goods. P. H. Havdkn K. K. K. A David Children's suits. G. A. Peck Lamps and oil. Otterbocbg Dress parade. Ben. White Elbow grease. Gerhardt & Co You want. C. W. Yatbs A GentlS Belle. J. W. Gordon & Bro. Losses. Giles & Mtjrchison To arrive. F. M. King & Co. Closing out. P. Cumming & Co Bolted meal. J. A Springer Now is -the time. Williams & Mcrchison Salt, &c. Parker & Taylor Bon-ton stoves. Boat wright & McKot Groceries. T. H. Howey Ladies' button boots. J. Dawson & Co. Turpentine axes. E. 8. Warrock Job printing office. Bridgers & Co. Popular catechism. Altaffer & Prick Sash, doors, &c. Miss S. A. Strock French millinery. Rob't M. Houston Strayed or stolen. Harrison & Allen Hurrah for hats. Wilmington Dyking Establishment . Mallard & Bowden Saddles, bridles. C. Rosenthal New boot and shoe store. G. R. French & Co. Easy to the foot Kehchner & C alder Bros. Mullets, bagging, salt, flour, meal, powder, &c. Local Vota. Hot, dry, windy and dusty. Twenty-third Sunday after Trin ity. The Criminal Court meets again one week from to-morrow . A pear tree in one of the gar dens of this city is in bloom. The thermometer was up to 81 degrees in this office yesterday. There has been an abundanoe of fish in market for tbe past three or four days. A small house was destroyed by fire at "Love Grove," near this city, yester day morning. The Sunday afternoon service at the First Presbyterian Church will here after begin at 4 o'clock. The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licenses during tbe past week, all to colored couples. It is now said that the meteoric shower has only been postponed until the night of the 27th inst., (Thanksgiving). Cows will get on the streets somehow or other, tbe ordinance forbid ding them to tbe contrary notwithstanding. Rev. J. B. Taylor, having re turned from the Convention, will fill his pulpit in the First Baptist church to-day as usual. Mr. E. S. Warrock, a brother of Mr. W. 8. Warrock, of the Star Job Rooms, announces that he is prepared to do all kinds of job printing, and may be found at the Review office, on Water street. He is a good printer and has our best A t r o posed Lecture We learn that Rev. S. Mendelsohn has kindly consented to deliver a lecture shortly, under tbe auspices of North State Lodge No. 832, 1. O. B. B., for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum fund oft the District Grand Lodge No. 5. The subject will be: "Anec dote and Aphorism." Tbe lecture will no doubt be an interesting one, the object to be benefitted is a worthy one, and we be speak for the lecturer a large audience The time and place will hereafter be announced by advertisement. Released on Band. James Smith, colored, committed by Jus tice Dixon McRae, of Brunswick county, on tbe charge of larceny, was released from jail in this city yesterday on giving the necessary bond of $100 for his appearance at the next term of Brunswick Superior Court. WILMINGTON, Robeson Superior Conn Tlie Wea ther, dec. Our Lumberton correspondent, A. B. C, gives us some items connected with the Su perior Court, Judge Seymour presiding, which convened on Wednesday last. Busi ness on the State docket is progressing sa tisfactorily and a number of cases have been disposed of. On Monday the jail had twenty boarders, nearly all colored. There are four capital cases for trial; one, tbe case of the State vs. McEachey, for the murder of Jim Carrie, colored, near St. Paul's, came up on Friday, and a verdict of not guilty was returned. Yesterday the case of the State vs. Peter Leach, colored, for the murder of Sam Towcsend, was io.be tried, and to-morrow (Monday) the some what noted case of the State vs. Amelia Linklaw is set for trial and a venire of two hundred and fifty good and lawful men ordered to be summoned. This case, our correspondent says, will create quite a sen sation. Our correspondent adds: "The weather is the warmest and driest ever known here in November, with a prospect to-day of rain. Business this fall has been quite latge and satisfactory to the merchants, who have had to add largely to then: fall purchases, and the spurt in naval stores and cotton hashed a good effect." Mayor's Court. Two trifling cases were disposed of by the Mayor yesterday morning. One of the parties, a white man, charged with drunk enness, promised the Miyor that if he would let him off that tune he would take an oath not to drink any more. The propo sition, apparently made with tbe greatest sincerity, was considered by Mayor Fish blate and finally agreed to, Captain Cowan, the Clerk, being requested to administer the oath to the effect that he (the defen dant) would not indulge in any intoxicating drinks, unless prescribed by a physician, during tbe next six months. When it came to the pinch, however, tbe young man wanted to make an exception of beer. saying he would like to take a glass of that occasionally, but the Mayor told him he must "go the whole hog or none," or words to that effect, and the oath was duly ad ministered in the presence of the Court, upon which the party was discharged, with an admonition and warning as to what would be tbe result if he should be brought up for the same offence again. Old Times In an article in the last Raleigh Chrittian Advocate reference is made to a Conference that was held in Camden, 8. C, commen cing December 24th, 1818, and ending January 1st, 1819. The Conference bounds then reached from Upper French Broad, in North Carolina, to Southern Georgia, and from Wilmington, N. C, to the Alcovi river, in Georgia, was divided into seven Presiding Elder's districts, each district embracing about seven appointments, with forty-eight stations and circuits in all. Among the appointments was W. M. Ken nedy, to Wilmington, N. C. Not one of the seventy-eight ministers who then re ceived appointments is now living. The Rev. W. M. Kennedy alluded to was tbe husband of Mrs. Catharine G. Kennedy, who is still living, and, as President of tbe Ladies' Benevolent Society, devoting her energies to the noble and self-sacrificing work of providing for tbe poor and destitute in our midst. He was also the father of tbe present, Mrs. Dr. A. J. DeRosett, of this city. Robbery of a Farmer. Mr. Thomas Mashburn, residing below this city, was robbed on Friday last of about sixty dollars, mostly in silver. It seems that a well known youth of this city, by tbe name of An tone Swam, bad been stopping at his house for the two days pre vious. On Friday, about 12 o'clock, he (Mr. M.) went into the woods after a load of light wood, and, upon returning, found that his trunk was missing, and also dis covered the boy hurrying off with a small bag in his hand. Mc Mashburn then com menced a search for the trunk and finally found it in his hog pen, buried under the straw, and his money gone. He then fol lowed after Swarn, but failed to overtake him- It has been ascertained since that the boy -was spending money quite freely in this city Friday night. The loss is quite a severe one to Mr. Mashburn. who is a hard-working farmer. Chemical Fire Engine. The new colored fire company, the or ganization of which was mentioned, in Fri day's issue, bids fair, if properly encour aged, to become a valuable auxiliary of the Fire Department of this city. They propose to purchase a chemical engine, such as is now ia use in several towns that we know of, and has been found to be a valuable assistant in preventing tbe spread of the fiery element. It is supposed that tbe cost will be from $800 to $400, and it is hoped that our property owners, insurance com panics, &c, may help them in securing the amount necessary to purchase their engine, The Chief of the Fire Department appre ciatesthe necessity of having such an en gine. In a note to us he says: "it is very desirable to have one, as they are invalua ble in stopping a fire in its ihctpiency." Brsnnaetle. ' - Wi A gymnaseum club was organized in this city a few nights since and the following officers elected: President Geo. D. Parsley. Vice President W. J. Willard. Secretary and Treasury G. H. Smith. Govern ingJBeard Geo. D. Parsley, M. S. Willard, G. H. Smith, Thes. Rad cliff, and W. Smallbones. The organization was effected under most favorable circumstances, and the club I bids fair to be a N. G.t SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1879. Oar Churches To-Day. St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., pastor, English ser vice at 11 a.m. ; German'.service at 7, p.m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. Catechetical in struction on Friday at 3i p. m. - First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 2 p.m. Young men's prayer meet ing Tuesday night at 7-J o'clock. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 7J o'clk. Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. J. P. King. Sunday school at 9 a. m. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Joseph R. Wil son, D.D., Pastor. Service at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Lecture Thursday might at 7J o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell, streets. Rev. 0. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. ; and 7i p. m. Sabbath school and Bibie Class at 3J p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Scats free. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third sts. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Rector. Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Cel ebration at 7 a.m. ; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. St John's Church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George Patterson, Rector. Twenty-third Sunday after Trin ity, Celebration at 7 o'clock; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock; Sunday school at 8 p. m. St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Services at 11 a. m., and 7i p. m. Sunday school at Si p.m. Seats free. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Tales, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7ip. m.; Sunday School at 3 p.m.; W. A. Parker, sup't. Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ing and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. B. R. Hall, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sabbath school at 9y a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 71 o'clock. Seamen's Bethel, Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap am. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. St. Mark's (colored) .Episcopal Uhurcn, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Hun day school at St Barnabas at & p. m. Seats free. tySee fourth page for other local news All tbatlhave once used it pronounce Dr. Bull's Baby .Syrup the best medicine known lor the complaints of early childhood, no cents a bottle. i CITY ITEMS. Chew Jacksok's But Sweet Navy Tobacco. THE MORNING STABcaaalways be had at t n e following places In the city : The Purcell House, Harris' News' Stand, and the St au Office. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sore cure for nervous debility. premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J. K. REEVES, 48 Chatham St. N.Y. The Piedmont Nursery, of Greensboro. N. a, M. C. Dixon, Proprietor, offers for sale first class Apple and Pear Trees, delivered to purchaser's R.R. Depot at 11 cents each, up to the 10th of Novem ber. Lath Papsbs. The Harris' News Stand, south side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Ntisspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. Hook Biwdbhy. THBMORNuie Stab Book Bind ery does ail kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needine RecelDt Books, or other work, may r sly on promptness in the execution of weir orders. FINK ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men Is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J.& xrr nvllM ...... . hMMtulMM.. trans, Birmingham, England . Their guns are made to order according 10 specmcations ana measure meats furnished, thus nring the right crook, lengtnoi block sc. DIED. AHRBNS. November 14th. 1879. WILLIE B. AHBJBNS, son of Mr. and Mm. B. H. J. Ahrens, aged d years 7 months and 13 days. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at S o'clock, from the residence of the parents, cerner of Sev enth and Market streets, thence to the Lutheran Church and Oakdale Cemetery. "God f orbade his longer stay ; God recalled the precious loan ; God hath taken him away Prom oar bosom to his own." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Look At fUR ELEGANT GOODS FOB SUITINGS, s coats ana rants or vests. Our famous UNAPPROACHABLE CUTTER oaa add urty per cent, to your personal appearance. MUNSON, The Clothier no v 16 It and Mer. Tailor. ui - . Candy. Candy. JUST RECEIVED, A8PINWALL BANANAS, O Fresh Caramels. Pine French Candy, (only 00 cents per pound.) figs. Dates, sweet granges, Apples and Chestnuts. Fresh Horns-Made Candy. Fine stock Cigars ana Smoking Tobacco. C. A. PRICE, novietf South Front St., near Market. DRESS PARADE by the Patrons of OTTER BOURG'S Men's Wear Depot. This grand display of style will take place next Thursday after noon at 5 o'clock sham. The unblic are cordially invited to witness the most imposing scene of ele gance and fit of Clothing ever reviewed by a Wil- muigiun people . From actual couni. mo wm extend irom Marfcet Dock to Thineentn straei. MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, novlStf 37 Market street LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS 1 Just received an elegant assortment of Ladies' Button Boots. An elegant Bex-toe French Kid, French Heel, Silk i op oucvon Boot, decidedly the preiuesi ouue in the market. A verv daalrahle Basket Tod Button Shoe at $3 per pair. Ladies' Pebble float Button Boots, very good quality, at $1.50 per pair. These goods areallnew, of the latest styles, and each and every pair, warranted . THOMAS H. HOWEY. nov 16 tf No. 47 North Market Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bent, A small but comfortable RESIDENCE fn mIUUa . .. ... 1 III . UaWn over the Drorjertv for the rent. Address, novtt It LOCK BOX 917, City. Strayed or Stolen, P BOM MT PREMISES, ON THE AFTERNOON of the 10th inst, a White and Liver Colored SET TER BOO. about two thirds grown. Any informa tion concerning him w ill be thankfully received.and a liberal reward will be paid for his return to me. nov id it KUB'T M. HOUSTON. Elbow Grease Will Tell. TUST WALK UP TO MY STORE AND 8KB fnr wwiwlf RSMM all - - J " - " " ' ' V. M. W1UIB) A.UC- Hangings, Cord, Cornices sad Mattresses. Old Sofas and iunges done over. Carpets cut. made and laid to order; Awnings too. BaH WHITE, The Paper Hanger, nov 16 It On Market, between 2d and 3d sts. French Milliner v. Patron hats and bonnets just re- ceived. Styles unsurpassed by any in the city, at MISS 8. A. STROCK'S. Also, Hair Switches made of Curlings, Saratoga Winds, Finger Puffs and FrizetE. Three doors from Front street. novietf 8. A. STROCK. It's a Success TO HAYS YOUR OLD, FADED, LIGHT 8UM X MER SUIT Dyed and Befitted at small cost, and made eood for a Winter's wear. Numbers of our best men can attest to this. Try it at the WILMINGTON DYKING BSTAB'T, nov 16 It Market st, between Sd and 3d . HARRISON'S Improved Copying Tablet A NKW COPYING PROCESS, From 50 to 1 OO ImDressions from an Orielna Writing. Bend your address and receive circular giving full particulars. AUJSWTS WA.NTJSD KVisKY WH.KKK. HARRISON MANUFACTURING CO., nov 16 It 519 Broadway, New York. Notice to Merchants aid Ota! NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE ! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE Presses, Types and Materials of the Daily Re- bw Job Printing Office, begs to announce that he fully prepared to de e verv descrmtion of Plain and Ornamental Printing in good style and at low rates. Office In Review buildmar. S. W. corner Water and Chesnat streets. Orders by Telephone will re ceive prompt attention. Any kind of PRINTING carefully executed for persons residing out of the city and mailed to them free of postage. Address all communications to KDGAR 8. WARROCK, ndvl6 It Job Printer, Wilmiarton, N . C. FRESH Family Groceries FOB OUR FRIENDS In Town and Country! Cash is the Word ! That Can Take Our Entire Stock! The Freshest, the Nicest, The Most Desirable Assortment Of Fine FAMILY SUPPLIES in Wilmington. Our motto is, "Quick Sales and Small Profits," so call upon us and secure Bargains. We have the finest assortment of CANDY, both Ordinary and Fancy, that can bp found south o Baltimore. Also all other articles in our line. FRUITS aad NUTS in abundance . Call on us and spend your money profitably. Boatwright & McKoy, 5 and 7 NORTH FRONT ST. nov 16 BAWtf LOSSES ! All Paid Without Discount!! D. Liteen. fire 8th AncuSt. 1879. said 25th August, 1879... f 800.00 Jesse lves, are 86th September, 1879, paid xta October, una 500.00 Kerchner A Calder Bros., fire 1st October. 1879, paid 18th October. 1879 1 ,479.71 Williams A Murchison. fire 1st October, 1879, paid 18th October. 1879 9 ,351.45 A. W. Keiger, fire 1st October, 1879, paid 4th November, 1879 8,767.90 u. c. Bauer, are sa October, 1879, said S9th October, 1679 600.00 $16,499.06 UNO. W. GOKDOH S BRO., General Insurance Agents, novl6 tf 24 North Water street. Hurrah for Hats ! WHEN TOU OR MR. ANYBODY ELSE want TV J i. i a GREAT BARGAIN, go to the old reliable City Hat Store of HARRISON ALLEN, novietf 29Frontst. .. -, : la -iw i . - i - 'r ; Now is the Time. -yHILE THE WEATHER IS WARM IS THE best time to lay in supplies of COAL aad WOOD from the CENTRAL YARD. Be ready for the cold snap, which cannot be fur on. - lbtr - . a. enasw To Arrive . TUESDAY'S STEAMER, a fine line of FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS, and a further lot of our aew STUDENT LAMP. In Stock Flower Pots, all sizes; Tin Sets, every grade; Butter Pots, ftc , ftc, at GILES ft MURCHISON '8, . novietf 38 and 40 Murchison Block. HUBS. JACK'S DELIGHT, TO DESCRIBE MOCKS OUR SKILL, ; AT OUB FURNITURE'S BIGHT SHE nTHByn MB, GILL. "' This Furniture was bought cheap at the NEW FURNITURE STORE, BEHBBND8 & ISINROE S. B. Corner Market and 3d Sts. nov 16 tf . Wilmington, N. C. Have Ton Seen "BERTHA." A REGULAR "RONTON." ides we can give . you a "Sumiy Hearth," or we can fit up your room so that it will loot "Kurai" or "CLASSIC," as you choose. Indeed there is no "Rival" to our "Bonanza." If you love good light ro to PARKER TAYLOR'S and get a LAMP and some of their BEST OIL. OLD STAND, 19 Front street. WHOLE NO. 3,826 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Popular Catechism. Who has the Finest Store, f P. L. BRIDGERS ft CO., Grocers. Who keeps the Freshest Goods 1 r. i bridgers A CO., Grocers. Who keeps the Greatest Varied T r. u. BruooBRS A CO , Grocers. Who attracts all the Opposition f sr. u. iJKiuoaRs & CO., Grocers. Who sells the Best Groceries ? sr. L. BRIDGERS ft CO.. Grocers. Who makes the Most Money ? r. L. BRIDGERS ft Co.. Grocers. Whe keeps the Prices Down t sr. u UK1DOER3 ft CO., Grocers. Who treats all alike f P. L. BRIDGERS ft CO., Grocers. Where do the Ladies prefer dealing J as r. u. stnumsstui A OO., Grocers. Where do the Sea Captains trade 7 a.t r. u. bkiduers ft CO. , Grocers. Where do the Country People trade T At jr. u. juuiwsBa CO., Grocers. Where do the Retail Men trade ? At P. L. BRIDGERS ft CO., Grocers. Where will you meet all your Friends r ac sr. i BjtuDuaKS ce CO., Grocers. Where are you going f vi coarse to r. ju. bjhldokrs & CO., Grocers. Who opens first ia the morning ? P. L. BRIDGERS ft CO., Grocers. Who shuts up last at night f tr. L. BRIDGERS ft CO., Grocers. Kveryone in Wilmington will tell yon that the Store of P. L. BRIDGERS ft CO. is The Centre of Trade I The Centre of Fashion ! ! The Centre of Business 1 1 I The Centre of Attraction 1111 Opposite' the Purcell House; Opposite the Barber Shop; Opposite Munson's; Opposite the Hat Store; Opposite the Drug Store; Opposite the Book Store; Next to the Telegraph Office; Next to Aaron ft Rheinstein'e; Next to the Alley; Next to the First National Bank; Near David's; Near Bank of New Hanover. Bight Here we will be found for the next fifty years, if the world lasts that long, and hope to leave the business to our descendants. A Lectors next Sunday morning. Respectfully and truly, P. L. Bridgers & Co. nov 16 tf LiverpoohSali 9500 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, Striped Sacks. Bagging, Ties, &c. 1000 Whole and Half 1(0118 BAQQING' 3000 BtmdJes New ties QAA Loew BALING TWINE, &JJ 1300 Kegs NAILS, all sizes. Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue. Molasses, Flour, Sugar H"8 and BblBjdOLASSES, 1100 BblB FLOUK' FamiIT teSuper, 1 1 K Bbls SUGARS, Crashed. AleJ Granulated. A, Extra C, aad C 1AA Hags RIO COFFEE, 125 Tub8 CbxAce lklP labd 200 60X68 Pate GANDY, t 225 BblS 8114 60X68 Fr68h CRACKERS, .50 Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, Laundry and Toilet Soaps. Lye and Potash, Soda, Candles, Snuff, Tobacco, ftc., For sale low by WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. nov 16 tf Wholesale Gro. ft Com. Merts. Bagging and Ties. 1 AAA Half Hons BAGGING. 1 UUU X, S and IX lbs n 1 1 ions 4KKUW TUSS. OV New and Pieced. For sale b v nov 16 tf KKRCHNEB ft CALDER BROS Mullets. Mullets. 25Q Vbla B0B MULLETS, For sale by nor 16 tf KBRCHNER ft CALDER BBOS Salt, Flour, Meal. 5000 SaCkS LiTerP1 SALT, 1000 BbleFL0UR' 411 grades, Bush Fresh Water Mill MEAL, For sale by nov 16 tf KBRCHNER A CALDER BROS. Oriental Powder. K A A Kegs Musket, Rifle and OVU Blasting POWDER For ssie by nov 16 tf KBRCHNER ft CALDER BBOS. (Hosing Out ! AT A SWINGING REDUCTION OUR FULL line Old Pattern Cook Stoves. We have no room for any thing that drags. Make way there 1 make way t for the modem kitchener, the famous SAM COOK STOVE. Weather permitting, we will offer next week the finest lay out in Heating Stoves shown this season Dy a large majority." aovl6tf F. at . KING ft CO. CHILDREN'S SUITS ! CHILDREN'S SUITS ! CHILDREN'S SUITS I CHILDREN'S SUITS 1 The largest stock and LOWEST PRICES at A. DAVID'S, Where you can also find GREAT BARGAINS in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. t3F" Remember the "PBARL." watMtf The Best Bolted Meal IN THE CITY GRINDING DAILY. We offer for sale at low figures, Pearl Hominy, Oats and Choice Tuaotay nay. Also. 3 Good Carts, or 3 Good Mules and Horse. etse uuhjuu may neea. vow reaae nov IS PRESTON GUMMING ft CO. KATES OP ADVERTISING. One ggoare one day $1 60 threodajra,." "'."I !!.".".'." .WW" s so ;; fourdays 8 CO flvs days, s so " One week, 400 ,. Two weeks, . 6 60 " ' Three weeks, 8 50 " " Oae month, 10 60 ! Two months, 17 00 Three months,... . 34 00 i Six months, 40 00 One year, 60 CO GsV Contract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. Tea lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HO USE. W. T. POWELL, manager. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 MONDAY NOVEMBER 17. THe Frayie-Many Coiuinatioii ! " ulw3t unuaauc success of the Dav an F!ifd"P5riBe aadleacesta all of In the by riSiSE233E ", na asrope, written CJifton W. Tayleure, Esq., entitled 81 SLOCUM." Beautiful, Exciting and Laughable 8tory or Fron - tier and Domestic Life. The eminent, irfn.mil ..-. -1 .a . . """w,w irww nuuwiiea Guam hooter, Mr. FRANK FRAYNE; the Charming eE?SD?iotioB4i actress. Miss ANN IK . rrr Buppoitea o? mil and em - urau iuDg Lies Macav The celebrated Trained Black Bear. j-f"iU01Dg Pr ma overland Mail Coach. A cUe3a"aS 8cUon' horses BcSkStSl 8eat nW fr 8410 r Heteslrer'. . UVT AO Ob THli New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OF A FINE , -Lot Of LADIES' E1D AND PEUBLB BUTTON BOOTS, in all sizes, from 9 to 7. which I am . .. Low Price of $1.85 to $1.0. Come sad look at them and save money. Misses' Pebble Button Boots at $1.00. Ladies' Kid and Pebble Lace Boots at $1 00. Child's Shoes from 5Cc up. And all other Goods In proportion . No ari vane on mv ftvuia rmA t yourself of it. All New Stock. No old Goods to work off. I am determined to give you a Rood article. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 MARKET ST. nov 16 tf sign of the Show Case. rEasy to the Foot. Our '.BOOTS, GAI TERS and SHOES for Gents, Ladies,Boys and Misses' wear, and the prices we sell at, make it easy on the pecket. Come try us. The ver dict of the public is in our favor by "a large majority." GEO. R. FRENCH SONS, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. nov 16 tf Musical. IIANOS, ORGANS, GUITARS, VIOLrNS. BANJOS, ORGANBTTES, ITLiUXHS, FIFES, ACCORD EONS, Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges. Ac. &c. At the UVS JSUUtt. STORE . CHROMOS, ENGRAVINGS and FRAMES, all sixes and styles. The finest assortment of Vine Htatinnerv In thn city at HEIN8BERGKR' 8 nov lbtr Live Book and Music Store. A Gentle Belle," jgY CHRISTIAN RE1D. The Musical Wonder, the marvelous OBGUI- NETTE, still continues to sell at sight. Pictures, Frames and Mouldings. Frames of any size made to order upon short notice. A fine assortment of Poems, Children's Books, Fancy Box Paner. Inkstands. Gold Pens. Bibles. Hymn Books, Ac, fcc. Blank Books, School Books, Papers, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, always to be had at low prices of nov 16 tf C. W. YATBS. You Want rpHESE THINGS YOU SAY MADE SKIL FULLY, of good material and for the least money. You will patronize home industry if it costs no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in apple pie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac See now if we cant please you and keep yoar money home, nov 16 tf GERHARDT A CO. We Do Not Claim PATRONAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ABB A home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the ex pense of any one's pocket. We do claim that we can fill any order for Sash, Doors and Blinds, Or anything in our line, at as LOW FIGURES, and as good work and material, as can be bought any where. Window Glass, Builder's Hardware always on hand. FJT" Our new DRY KILN is in operation, and none but the best Lumber is used. Respectfully, ALTAFFXB PRICE. Factory, Office, Foot of Walnut Street Cor. Nutt and Bed Cross nov 16 tf Kash Kustomers Kail. AT P. H. HAYDBN'S, Carriage, Dray ana uart, Harness ana Establishment, where you can a Carriages, Buggies, Harness, saddles, Bridles, Horse Blankets, Saddle uiotna, and every thing in his line, at Rock Bottom Prices. Repair ing done at short notice on nov 16 tf Third, bet Market and Princess st. We Are SELLING THE BEST HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES, COLLARS. AC for the least money, rf yon don't think so try us once. f3fMauufacturlng and Repairing Harness and Trunks a specialty. j.lf , MALLARD A BOWDEN, novlStf No. 8 So. Front 8t Turpentine Axes. WE HAVE THE OLD ORIGINAL BOUND Pale and Beveled Bit Boxing Axes, the best Axe and pattern that have ever been gotten up. We hare warranted these Axes for the last five years. All others are but poor imitations of the above Axe. Our prices sxe guaranteed to be as low as those asked for the interior article. The Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON A CO., 19, 31 and 23 Market st , nov 16 tf ;wilmingtoa. N. C. 3 -mm Lamps. Lamps. A FULL STOCK OF BROHZBD PARLOR LAMPS; Perkins A House PATENT LAMPS; . SAFETY OIL, 85 cents per gallon, at GEO. A. PECK'S nov 16 if No. 6 South Front St