- - - i -1 MM iormng Star. liBT IT PASS. Be flU swft ti-take offence; Let it pass! Auuer is a foe to sense! Let it pass! ' Brood not darkly o'er a wrong; Which will disappear ere long; Kit her sing this cheery song Let it pass! Tjetitpass! 1 St life corrodes the purest mi ml; Let it pass! Ah the unregarded wind. Let it pass! Any vulgar souls that live, May condemn without reprieve : ' lis the noble who forgive. Let it pass! Let it pass! Echo not an angry word ; Let it past! Think bow often you have eired, Let il pass! Since our joys must pass away mum Like the dewdrops on the spray. Wherefore should our sorrows stay? Let it pass! Let it pass! - If for good you've taken ill; Let it pss! Oh, bo kind and gentle still! Let it pass! Tiina at last makes all things straight; Let us not resent but wait; And our triumph shall be great; Let it pass! Let it pass! Bid your anger to depart; Let it pass! Lay those homely words to heart; "Let it pass!" Follow not tbo giddy throng; Better to be wroQged than wrong; . Therefore sing the cheery song Let it pass! Let it pass! -AU 2 he Year Hound. Confederate HlaUopa. The Philadelphia Times of Monday Hays: "The Confederate brigadier is coming into considerable prominence in the church as well as in the Stale. At least half a dozen of the younger bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church were officers in the Confede rate army, who entered the ministry after the war, aud whose military ex perieuee doubtless laid the founda tions of the character and capacity that are recognized in their elevation to the episcopate. It is not only the Southern dioceses that show a predi lection for ex-soldiers. Bishop Quin tard of Tennessee, Bishop Dudley of Keutucky, Bishop Peterkin of West Virgiuia, Bishop Harris of Michigan, and two or three others, including the Bishop-elect of Louisiana, Dr. Galliber, all served in the Confede rate army, and so did at least three of the missionary bishops appointed by UMHiJftof Bishops -Elliott of Wfiilnrn ICagaa, Wingfield of North em California, and Peniok of Cape Palma. We believe that no. instance of this kind has yet occurred in the Nasfcfa, which if unfortunate; for there is rib doubt that all of these men will make better bishops for hf.ving been good soldiers. The fact -is that all the young men, 15 to 20 years ago, who were good for any thing, were in the army, and in choosing a man-for almost any posi tion, in church or State, an ex-soldier is ureltv sure to turn tin " r j r' y-i-' Twmratr.nins Cincinnati is a hard drinker. There are 3,700 dispensers oi the amber fluid in 4b at city. The disappearance of a New York fur merchant of forty years' stand ing, with $10,000 unpaid debts, may be safely aet down to stock gambling. A Boston woman cut her dress frottra pattern in a magazine dated 1873 before she discovered that it wasn't 1879, and it look three doctors to tide her over that long, lonely night. Nero Orleans lima. "How is the United States bounded ?" queried a Russian to a Yankee. "By the aurora boreal is on the north, by hell ou the south, and east and west aim' been surveyed yet," was the reply. Arkan sas Gazette. "Why should a monument be erected to Adam?" asks an exchange. Well, because we don't want to forget the old fellow; because be never parted bis hair io ibe middle er wore an n later; because he is the only man who ever had things his own Way, and because not knowing when be was well off he went and got married! And oow he's dead; The use of whiskey for rattle snake bites in Texas hasjincrensed so enor mously during the past year that the over wot ked snakes have resolved to leave the Slate unless the Board of Immigration re in rorces tnem strongly. They work on double time, and yet can't do half the biting tbat is demanded by tbe consumers. One Boake, that does business at Port Lavaca, is six weeks behind his orders, and three of the ciefka are sick. Burlington Hawkeye. as PERSONAL. .. . -: The ex-Empress Carlotta is in her fortieth year. Mr. f. G. Bennett's new yacht, just completed, cost only $45,000. Arrr Snllivan says the Boston women are the handsomest in the world. 'i-ePresident MeCosh, though now seventy years old, is very fond of riding, and goes out in the saddle every day for an boor . ieMflir s tnglish House of Commons is Mr. Christopher Tal bot, who has sat continuously for Glamor ganshire since 8?0. Rev. Dr. C. F. Schaeffer, a prominent divine of the Lutheran Church, died in Philadelphia Sunday, in the seventy thttd year of his age. Maj. Reno, of the Seventh Cav alry, is again undergoing court martial at Dead wood, D. T. Tbe sessions are held with closed doors. Tbe charge is gross drunkenness r, a daughter of the IsA Prof. flnry. is engaged to msrry Mr. Wjrnkoop, a Presbyterian clergyman of vvasriiDgtOD. miss oianton, a aaugnter oi is to be married toJUteut. , of the regul: lar army. - Mrv Hayes, remembering tbe little tarn Grant did bim in 1877, by putting a garrison in Waabington, it is reported will establisn a garrison of six companies at tbe arsenal in South WasbiDgton, to be on band, if Decessary, in 1881. Baltimore Gazette. AtMePpUrOrleHrRffeM Depot, atll cents each, up to 1 each, up to the laciL foourchasef'a R-TT. tOthof Novem- THE GENUINE DR. C. MoLANITS CetebratediW rifaai A WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. rpHE countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, or circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes. become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of tliva; stimy or furred tongue; breath very foul; particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive ; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and bard: uririe turbid: I respiration occasionally difficult, and aoumpauca oy niccougn; cougn sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper vafcable, but gener ally irritable, &c " Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. MclAltE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure.; IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of dding the slightest injury to the most, tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc Lane and Fleming Bros, on die wrapper. :o: ; DR. C. McLANES LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," But in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rivaL AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BIWARS OF IMITATIONS. f- . The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLank and Flkmmo fS?M! tfros., ot Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name J&cLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation, jan U eowDAWly caSa ' , i ZjLi .. ' i .ii The Best Paper. Try It. I Beautifully Illustrated. J5th TEAR. The Scientific American. r pHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN If S large First- x. Class weekly newspaper or an Drin ted in the most beautiful etvle. P Ixteen Pages, PKOFUSKLY Illustrated with splendid enokav I NGS, representing tbe newest Inventions aad the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; in cluding New and Interesting Facts Ja, Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, FMgMM, Social science, natural History. tfasaogT, Astronomy. The most valuable Dractical narjera bv eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the scientific American. Terms. 3.20 l er year, $1.60 half year, which ln- eludes Dostaee. Discount to Aeenta. Single co D18C0UI pies, 10 cents. Sold by aB TluiTi Sjjsi , Bemit by postal order to MUNN A CO.. PnrHstiets, 87 Park Row, New York. - ii 1 ' ' PATENTS. SCSSfnrCAMBRICAN Messrs. Musn & Co. arc Solicitors of American oXT1 world. special noUce is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions oaten ted through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Hy the and sales or int Any person ' vention, can ascertain, nn ov i Datent can Drobablv be obtaii whether a to Mi mk & Co. We also send rasx our about the Patent Laws. Patents, Caveats, Trade- Marks. II I H i ill 11 lISMiMlllBllli Mill I for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or coarwflrftflF TaSMte, I Branch Office, cor. F. A 7th Bts., ' aovi tr aaaaj THE McKOYS, Attorney! ,np flfflBWlfeWittf Office North Bide Market St. between 2d and 3d. aug 26 tf 'TT' N COURAGE : . 5 " mi'.' Sfxauity galnat Kre. THE NORTH HO This rates, on all All HOMH" appeals. North Carolina. BT-AgenUinali parte of the Btate. jqhm eta? W. 8. PRI PTJLASKI a. adbux. ADRIAN Atkinson & Manning's BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDIHGv Wllmlnrton. N. C. Fire, Marine aiPLife Goie& Aggregate Capital Represented Over $190000,006 1 Jv ll-tf - . W CKHUaU Bv A First da WeaMy tmtmPy TTWAIABflEJ oaies la side, which Is all home work. it circulates Marlboro, 8. O. A F. A. GILBERT. immense circulation mas given, uauuc ss- rodnction often easily effected. ! ix it CAROLINA ComDanv ooatmaes to write Polietea, at tat liiiiiliis inlimmin imfi r losses are dioswUt adjusted and paid. The is i ssMa. iiwiiii m public raesn wtifi cmnnyrif ft, to insurers of property in BMQfHatfiilBHtt& h. voiwa. VOLLERs, Cornor III I 111 Wsp MeUmJtM WBSnWXoN, n. c. Circulation stalry large at Florerfce. A. 1 - 1 s IWnrshall M I.ivrnimil Salt, Just In. -f afC Sacks MARSHALL'S 10 UU FINK 8 ALT, Sack LIVERPOOL SALT, Striped Sacks. Bagging, Ties, bosks l J :i 1000 Whole apd EaJf 80118 baqqino 3QQQ Bundles New TIES, ids. jbaiunu twihjs. 1300 Kecs NAILS, all sizes. Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue. Molasses, Flour, Sugar 17d HhdS an Bbls MOLASSES, 111 A A Bbls FLOUR, Family to Super, .1 1 FT Bbls SUGARS. 11U Granulated. A, Extra C, aad C JOK Tata Choice LB AF LARD, , 2Q Q Boxea Pure CANDY, i 2Bbl8andBoxesFresh CRACKERS, Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, Laundry and Toilet Soaps. Lye and .Potash, Sods , Candles,! :s, ssnun, roDacco. etc., - For f Wl MURCHISON. nov23 tf Gfo. & Com. MertS. Easy to the Foot. Our BOOTS, GAI TERS and SBOB0 for Gents," Ladies,Boys and ' wear, and the prices we sell at, make It easy on the pocket Come try us. The ver dict of the public is in our fayor fcy "a large majority. GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. nor let Florida Oranges. CHOICE LOT OF THOSE SWEET ft. ORANGES lust received. Also, AspinwaU Bananas. California Fears, Ma- iga u rapes, Appies, ougar cane, ac rresn nome-aae uanaioa maae i At 8. G. NOI nov 22 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. "t LOWING 1 GLOWING! ALL OVER THE VJT city genial heat and cheerful fire burns in those BEST OF STOVES which we have put up the past week and so many the children laugh, the oi tnem i rrne cats piay, birds sing, all under the kept by PARKER & more j BEAUTIFUL IBfJ FIRE TEST OIL I aovSStf . OLD STAND 19 Front street. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Wilmington, W..C4 F. A. Scliutte, Proper. rjlHB COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE '-EMPIRE HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city. The Table is supplied with the best our Home and Northern Markets aflord. BOARD PER DAT $z ana fx do. CVLarge Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. A First Cms BAR and BILLIARD HALL I connected with mis Hotel. . EVFBEE LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 12.30 P.M. jySOtf Havana Royal Lottery. A Card to tbe Public. nPHB UNDEB8IGNED RESPECTFULLY BEG J. leave to call the attention of their customers and of thepublic in general, to tbe Next GRAND KXTBAORD IN A R Y DRAWING, to take place on THE 23D DAY OF DECEMBER, 1879. the number of Tickets being limited to only 18,003 1 1 I The Capital Prise is 500,000 Dollars, and there will be besides over a Million Dollars mora distributed in smaller prizes. We nave been established in this i city of Hew Orleans since VMS, actwlthstanc Dartles not knowing ear firm can sddIv to any B or Firm hew, tor reference. bobu i or pians, ana address exactly as follows : BORNIO .Tobacconists. New leans, Louisiana. CLVOur prices on Tickets will be the very low- nov 14 lm Buffalo Lithia Waters, I GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic IHseasee. TT IB CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE X Waters, and the substantiated eminent l and South, that in the following enumerated Affections oMhfSaHeys aflu flUder, especially in scone or ravei; jepsia, RheumaUc Gout, Rhwimatimn, ivsis. Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form. Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or. Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, aad in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es-; peciauy in all Disorders of the Menstrual Function, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished oy any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medics or among Mineral Waters. ,. , i They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE PRWSWNC AND DANQBR8 TO These Waters. Half Gal- ;7i J Ion Bottles, 3 p Pamphlet sent to aay MdriBB;- Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor BaaioUthla Springs. Va. For sale by GREEN & PLANNER, Agents,: mfevSatf wlhnington, N . C. Fournal Pubtohed Bury ThurAay,al Camden, & C, EavTASateflBD PAPEMN , and has an extensive circulation among the ana an classes oi n a deslr try in which . city by steam e Wilmington, Co ja JLLL ABOUT . Western HoACarolina "Garden Spot" of the South, send a specimen copy of uriet. ll lmQ0ln Progress, Published Saturdays at 4 ft 1 1 ZT3t ',. J, Dusinees menin we county. it oners to tne Merchants or wumingto er on the Wateree River, and tb Ths WeetwaCo ,(i mtaili bar m.sIUM. ATHRrX)BIEB TCTStTAITY, - .:t.if.- HehdersonvtfieV'JlBTC. . i 1. i-,. m - i . ' andha?an extensive circulation among the Mejr ehll I tieState. . t .j jj Address F. H. DxLANE, Editor and Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Grand! Grand! Grand! OPENING . M . v apev I Sfll KPr & RfAC I wUli UVUI Vt U I J 9 a Have the pleasure of again announcias! to the pub lic that they have aa UNUSUAL aM ATTB ACTIVE STOCK! at d are prepared to offer to their customers . nnAof the st & Cheapest Stocks Beady-Made Clothing ! PRICES RANGING IN SUITS FROM $&00 UPWARDS A beautiful and grand assortment in Gents' Furnishing Goods ! Which we guarantee Cannot be Equalled In this City ! I ,;- ...... 'fs ; :'.yo. A Fine Line and Latest Styles in Hats,. Caps, Boots and Shoes, In all Qualities and Prices, Imported direct from the Manufacturers, which we guarantee to be of Superior Quality. .We have also one of the CHOICEST and LARGEST STOCKS of Two- & Three-Ply & Brussels Garnets ! Bugs, Hatting and Oil-Cloths, AT ' ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. PLEASE EXAMINE. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT ! Contains the MOST SELECT, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCKS IN THIS STATE, Consisting of Dry-Q-oods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c SOL. BEAR & BROS. oct88 tf We Do Not Claim PATRONAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ABB A home enterprise . nor do we expect it at the ex pease of any one's pocket. We do claim that we I i .Tg - J "m j Hflfifl. IlOnrft aTla JSnrinS. " 3 I Or r vht-g in our line, at as LOW FIGURES, and as good worn and material, as can do oougnt any where. Window Glass, Builder's Hardware always on hand. Oar new DRY KILN is in operation, and none but the best Lumber is used. ALTAFFBR PRICE. ; - ataetorv. Office, Cor. Nutt and Red Cross Foot of Walnut Street. nov 16 tf TOE New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OF A FINE Lot Of. , LADIES' KID AND PEBBLE BUTTON BOOTS, in all sizes, from 2 to 7, which I am selling at the Low Price of $1.35 to f 1 .JO. Gome and look at I them and save money. Misses' Pebble Button Boots at $1 .00. Ladies' Kid aud Pebble Lace Boots at $1 00. Child's Shoes from 60c up. And all other Goods in proportion. No advance on my Goods. Come and convince yourself of it. All New Stock.. No old Goods to work off. I am determined to give you a good article. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 MARKET ST. nov IS tf Sign of tbe Showcase. rN TUE8DAY, THE7TH DAY OF.OCTOB V7 1879. and in the City of HaleighTthe under signed will commence the publication of HALE'S WEEKLY, A North Cabolika Dbkocrjltio Nawsrana. These four words convey all that a column or and the ceuntry; the pubUcation of aU the news; these the ODjects proposea, That ne can ao uw mei. and contribute to the arst and second, the snbsen ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set rapprovaiuf on air past ana ne aoes not .BIBT WBI be from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The pr: will be $3 par annum. No name will go upon mail books without payment, aad no paper will sent after the eumeHAL; Raleigh, Sept 15, 1879. sent 16 tf - u Steamer Passport, Will leave WUmington daily Mljfttalbr the Times. n jr A Hhds . add Bbls. Molasses and Syrups, Bags Coffee, r A Bbls. Bbls; es; Eft Bbls. and naif bbls. Mackerel, sa)avi '.--.- wtfr - - ' K AA Boxe8 L1 Candles, &c dWW 7, 10 tans MKIa tUaHTkm nino JTV Hnru SAOn T.. PanH M JfrJ..- Iron, O U 500 tons Grate aad Stove Coal. WPBTM WORTH. At The Cash Store. JUdW TRICE DRESS GOODS 1 CORSMTS, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. Neckties, Towels, Cash meres, and a f all supply of Domestic Dry Qw Goods,: j net received. 25 per cent, saved mouymgri rrom novStf Front and Market sts. Wh : DEALERS IN es, ' " nt Medicmes. Sets, c . &c Hiirh- .4, .a iPsis-ow rliumT.TAn. FRTSFf ATTD QAPT. oct29tf Qpsaar Oreen a Planner. 0LESALB AND RETAIL Tnilet Ar&tles. Pate narleaBaetLOadan Bflvi5tf At Reduced Rate, ,-5 1 TlW frfedHlOnt mrmA DngR. TomolW hicko aoVrDAWtf ' York.Penn. MISCELLANEOUS. T "f1 Esiate iiwpay Awuree tu je urevxosuxe. 1T VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF -ijuagment or i at the Jane Term, 1879, of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, in a certain civil action pending in said Court, between Alexander D urown ana wukm Koddick, partners under the Arm name of Brown and Roddick, Plaintlfls, and urm name or Drown ana Koaaics. Piaintuls, and John H.Allen and Racfiael Alien huswife, Daniel A. Smith and Nellie Smith his wife, and Raehael M. Thompson, Defendents; the undersigned. Swift M. Empie, Commissioner appointed by; said judgment and decree, will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, for cash,at the Court House door in the City oi w umingron, m ine ijouniy ana sutie aroresaia.on Monday the Third day of November, A . vD. 1929, at 12 o'clock, M, a certainUot e r parcel of Land, situate and being in the said City of Wilmington, aad bounded as follows: Beginning in the "Northern line of Market street at a uoint about one hundred (100) feet from the-North Western intersection of j sixth street with said Market street, said point whfci formerly belonged to theateN&ie A? er, thence running Northwardly andparaUc s land Walk- running Northwardlv and oarallel with Sixth street one hundred and forty-seven (14T) feet, t n ence West warily and parallel with Market street f ortv-six (461 feet to the line of a Diece ef land form erly posessed by the late Robert S. McComber, i taence ooutawaraiy ana parallel wim Bixin sureei, one hundred aad fertT-eeven a47)feetto the North ern Hue of Market st. and thence Eastwardly with said northern line of Market st. forty-six (46) feet to the Beginning, and being the same Piece or Parcel of Land which the above named Defendants conveyed to the plaintiffs aforesaid by a certain deeer of mortgage, which bears date the 18th dav of Decem ber, a. D. 1877, and is registered in the office of the Register of - Deeds of the said Countv of New Ha nover, in Book "N.N.N." at pages 470,471, 472, to wnicn reference is given for greater certainty. This 27th day of September, 1879. BWIFT M. EMPIE, septSStds Commissioner. . POSTPONEMENT. "This sale is continued until the- 3 C OF DE CUMBER NEXT, at same hour and place, novitf Assignee's Sale. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, AS AS8IGNEE OF THE M. estate or v ick 5. will offer for sale, bv puduc auction, at the united states court House, in the cltv of Wilmington, on the 6TH DAT OF DECEMBER, 1879, the following described KEAL jtBTaxjs, ine property or me ttansrupts : 354 Acres, near Moss Neck, in Robeson county, formerly the property of John Taylor, deceased. 77 Acres, about six miles from Bed Banks,in Ro beson co., formerly owned by John A. Humphrey. as o Acres, in uiaaen county, rormeriy the pro perty of Thomas O. Brown, on the Cape Fear Ri ver, about 45 miles from the city of Wilmington. 500 Acres, in Columbus, county, formerly the property of Archie Toon and others. A House and Lot, In the town of Mt Olive, in wayne county. A.t the same time and place will be sold the un collected Notes and Accounts belonging to the Bankrupts' estate. Terms or sate uasn. E. E. BURRUSS. Assignee. Particulars may be obtained from my Attorneys, Alex. T. ft John London. nov 8 zoo Morning News Serials. A Hew Story liy a Lady of SayaM. The Savannah Weekly News Of OCTOBER 4th will contain the first chapters of a story or x arming interest, entitled ANABEX-'S SECRET ! BY MBS, J. O. BRANCH. We desire not to anUrfoate the Dleaanre which the readers of the WEEKLY NEWS will derive from the perusal of this charming story, and there fore will not speak of It here further than to say that in the management or an original ana intense ly interesting plot, not less than in her powers of description, ner life-like delineations of character, and the pure moral tone of her redactions, the ac- comnliahed author eivee assurance that she inherits con the i of her gifted mother, Mrs. Caroline Lee Henta. whose work ks of notion have been so ttniver- I sally admired and still rank among the most popu- I lar American books of their class, "AnabePs se- cret" is developed in California, of which State the author was at one time a resident, and her vivid de scriptions of some Ot the most wonderful scenery of that picturesque region are among the striking features of the story. I The new serial will run through some eight or ten numbers of the Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have the story complete should send in their sub scriptions at once. Subscription $2 a year, il for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered .Letter or express, at our nam. j. n. ssaTUAi, sept i tr savannan, oeo. THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT S1A1ESVILLE, IRmWLL CO., N. 0 IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coon ties in the Bute ana nas attained larger loca circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe. Alio : ghany. Yadkin, Davie and bedell. Is larger than mat oi any two papers m me state comoinea; is rapidly acquiring a strong iooinoia m Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only paper In Western North Carolina that employs a Rssblab Canvassing Aoxst, and thus kept constantly before the people Under this system a rapiaiy increasing circulation is me result, making the Landmark THE BEST ADVERTISING KEMVIl IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, deoJWf LANDMARK," Statesville. N, C. Forest and Stream, AND " ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WBBELT FaFEBFDE VOTED TO SPOKMS. PRACTlXSaOJ NATURAL Bis TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that full supplies the wants and necessities ef the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $t 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest & Stream Publlsblns Co., Ill FULTON-8T., (OidHo. M8,) j Post Office Box 4839 . -; . sepriTtf The BibUcal Recorder. PUBLISHED BY rite j Edwards, Broughton RA33EWHJ"N. C. . c T. J. D. ffUF. Editor. W. T. W. D. D., Agricult'al Editor In Its Fortieth Year. SVBBT BAPTIST SHOULD TABLE IT I UBIJ per isi Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, 1an30-tf The WWLWi Star. T'HB OLDEST NEWSP. X. me roe Dee set mostprosperouain ana wholesale jaer to those who have an with a large' andinfl; s,plani 1 Cards inserted on Aaaress AS. sept 22 Marion. 8. C. The Central Protestant orjs and famtt; tantiCUTCh in or me Memooii Carolina, is pub! RATT.WV. BdUer HAM. Associate ALTERS, Organ of Nortn. Carolina Baptists. APES PUBLISHED Bl: theSUteoff ers to Commission coanis ana manaracturers, ana adoirlraelan Of soiling by nential class of merchants, me- ;ers ana naval store men, whose pat- vnrt.h nliclfation. Advertisements and liberal terms. . i HA YNEW8 t Protes llShed at oixr aaovraiRa cLd naeiuoWe ef thevertisJniz oubUc. TB THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED fZfXi"' ",JU," ; orrnti f rmers. and all JM - -' iruMis .ditaM fvj w Tiwnn mnnLv. auu uai sau pawiubi t p L. MICHAUX, Greensboro, N. C. RAILROAD LINES, &c Wilmington ft Weldon RAILROAD CO. ommoTi w ilmington, N. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV'K 23d 1879, Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Weldoc Railroad will run as follows: Day Mail aad Express Train, Dally Leave Wflmhagton, Front 8t Depot, at 6:80 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa Leave Weldon. 3:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:53 P. M. Night mall aad Train, Dally Leave Front St Depot, at 8:40 P. M- 3:50 A. M arrive st Leave Weldon 2:13 A. ill- Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.13 A. M. : Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Eon- day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P.M. The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don for all DOints North via Bay Liae. daily except Sunday, and dally via Richmond and all- rauraue. w-r - j Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmoad. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trams. JOHN F. DIV1NB, nov2S-tf General Sup't. General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, OOIiVMBiA Ac All OU3TA B. K. COMPANY, WILKINGTON. N. O, Nov. 23, 18J9. Change of Schedule. VN AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 33d, 1879, J the following Schedule will be run on this Read: DaF Express and. Mall Train Dally. Leave Wilmiatrton 9:38 A. M. Arrive at Florence.... 3:00 P.M. Leave Florence 3 :50 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington , 10:13 P. M. Leave Florence.. 2:80 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 9:00 A.M. Leave Columbia... 9:00 P. M. Leave Florence 3:80 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington.... .... .. ... 6:30 A.M. This Train stops only st Flemington, Whiterille, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on Q. A C. R. R. and In Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and spartanDurg, should taxc Night Kxpress Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects closely via Florence i and Charleston Junction. Charleston, Savannah, Augusta (via Charleston junction), ana ror uoramma. JOHN F. DIVINE, Qen'l Sup't. i nov 3S-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Onus Pinna ij, s i Wilmington, N. C, June 7, 1879 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated oa this Railway: I PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : ) Leave (Wilmington at 7:00 P. M. 1 No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at S :37 A.M. ) Charlotte at.. 8:10 A.M. 1 Leave Chariot at 8:S5P.M I No. 2. V Arrive at H4 et at.. 1:33A.M. I Wilmington at.. ..9:50 A.M. No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, bat makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. NO. 3 Train is Daily except Saturday . i SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. t m. 8:40 A. M. . 13:30 P. M NO. 9. A,-i-. Zi a,oTK t t ov.il.n 1:15 P. 5:06 P. M M. Arrive at Charlotte J LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Wilmington at Laurinb ia 5:35 A. M, ttbure........ 4:69 P.M. Leaves Charlotte ... 5:30 A.M. Arrives at Lanrinburg 4:15 P. M Leaves Laurinburg.... 5:30 A.M. Arrives at Charlotte....... 4:20 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg....: 5:00 A.M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4:30 P. M xnese xrams leave wummgion ana vnarwite Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . Close connecuons maae at unanotte wit n Trains of A. AC. A. L. R. R. and A.. T. & O. R. R Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 7 P. M. , will arrive at destination at y r. bl. next uay. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilminston. There will also be Through Sleepers fan to and j rrom naieign ana cnariotte. V. O. JOHNSON. my 1T4t General Superintendent CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. m w G-TJLF STREAM, "bant, ixgraiti, WILL 8AU4 FROM NEW YORK, Saturday, November 2 ' arShippers can rely upon the PROMPT BAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS B. BOND. SUwBington,N.a Thaw. G. Freight Agent, New York. W. p. circle & Co.. General is. augatr . ureaaway. ew York. Bank of New Hanover. - - . ' Capital Jl, OOO, OOO. Surplus Fund DIREC7 OBS. JOHN DAWSON ' C.M STSDMAN m p, .MXrROHISOH ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LBAB B. F. LITTLE DONALD MoBAB H. VOLLERS ,R. B. BglDOBTW S. B. BORDEN s.V .:W. ATKINSOH CHAS. ML STBDMAN, President ? ISAAC SATES, Vfce PresldeBt 8. D. Wauaoa. Cashier Press, BXr N, 0., nese men in the State. The PRESS is a WIDEAWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER. 5Tw lffir7W9lltSS898B881 MlWiifcl. The Steailier MISCELliAN Ki. 'US JOB PR4MT1NC THE MORNING STAR Printing House, MORNING STAR BUILDING, S ii.T. t PRINCESS STREET. is : p. t MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING .OFFICE IN THE CITY, F1NE BOOK, NEWSPAPER db MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CA&H. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES dt TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, 4 CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIMM AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY OTHER OFFICE 7 A WILMINGTON.: FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES t THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON,, ft ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND W0RK8AITT TGAITi PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Hew Market AWAKENS CONSIDERABLE INTEREST, BUT not more so than the . ; POPULAR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ES TABLISHMENT OF GEORGE MYERS, 11, 13 & 16 So. Front St Because of the lively interest that is being kept up receiving fresh Groceries and filling orders. "PAROLE D'HONNEUR," and other choice haanaa r-f 01mi mmA n a anllmn T TMaab ! V. out regard to the advance. Supply yourselves at once and save fl per barrel. weam Aie ana sweet ciaer oy me uauon. Fruits and Fancy Goods. T he Largest Stock in the State to select from at popular prices. xne Rosa uoncsra uayana cigars Five c.nts held the supremacy. GEORGE MYERS, sept 36 tf 11, 13 and 16 South Front St. H. BRUNHILD, L. BRUNHILD. W. L. MEADOWS, Henderson, N. C. CAPE PEAK TOBACCO WORKS Manufacturers of ALL GRADES of PLUG TWIST .and SMOKING TOBACCO. Wilmington, N.C. Try the TRADE MARK. jy 13 tf TRIUMPH SMOKING TOBACCO Goal Wood OF BEST QUALITY, OF ALL KINDS SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES. Orders promptly filled. Orders sent through Telephone will receive prompt attention. O. G. PARSLEY. Jr.. nov 18 tf Cor. Orange and 8. Water sts. rjRAWMCG r-RICEft FftEt BY MAIL BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND Prices in Ensland. $68.00, $78.75, $89.25, $100.00, $125.00, $160.00. Delivered in New York, duty and aB charges in clusive : flOSJM, $117.79, $181.97, M0.B8, $184.88, $918.00. The above may He ordered "Full Choke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now makine small bores of Nos. 14, 16 and 20 gauge, which are scarcely inferior In ower to the finer bores. 141S . . ftV " g IS - 7M Our "Giant Grir" Action has been' awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. 8an,1 for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased aad are now using our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M . C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N . C Capt. D. R. Murchiaon. wiiminKtou Col. B. F. Little. Llttles Mills. N. (' C. James A. Leak, Esq., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C. J. AW.TOLLEY, noneer woras, ot. mary s oquare, oct 3 D&Wtf Birmineham. Endand. MARBLE MONUMENTS AND Grave Stones. NEW YOKE TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD W A THAN & CO,, 5 T Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Iweagns, in book form,for de to the "rtade. -; 4ec A DWtf N A. 8 IBBK AN Jr. AttorxiesLEAd jnjoaellor at Law. ELIZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. Building, occupied by HInsMI ( S Dedal attention to uiaims. uoi lecuons on sumr of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if suit. Drawing Psoas, irortgagea, w FREE Weakness. Lost Manhood, re Debility, Hervsanaess. of Ideas, Aversion to Defective Memory, and aD Disorder Rro.ht nn hv ffeeret flabits aad Exeeases. lar araggist ass Itte laseaAiBeBBj, Ot, JAyUES A COii 130 West Sixth Bfc, 0TH0TJWATI, Oma feb 15 lyDAW specialty PRESCRIPTION Preatati 1 4 sept 18 tf Darlington C. H., 3. C