THE MORNING STAB By WBt. H. BERNAKIi PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONOa tr'H. HATES or SUB8CK1PTIOJI IN ADVA.NC One year, (by mail postage paid, $1 uu Hix months. " " 4 uu Fnree month " " 2 25 One month " ' 1 Oil To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agent are not authorized to collect for mere than three mutht in advance. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N C , as second class matter. OUTLINE. Charles Neill, absconding catlle dealer from Peoria, Illinois, ia liable for $400,000. A delegation of Cherokee Indians are en route for Washington; they will oppose a Territorial Government to the bitter end. A famine threatens Sillsia. Bri tish barque Maggie, from Charleston, foundered at sea; the crew was saved. j There is no news from Chief Ouray, and it is very doubtful if the persons demanded are surrendered. A steamer with 1,100 bales cotton was burned at Mobile yesterday; loss $75,000, fully insured. The pioneer steamship of a direct line be tween Liverpool and Mobile has arrived a the latter place . A dispatch from the British forces in Afghanistan says that there was uo serious fighting yesterday. The Russian press is violent in its criticism of affairs iu Afghanistan. - Qeo. W. Gammon, an elderly citizen of Columbus, Ga., was robbed and murdered on bis way home Thursday night. Judge Hazel tine, the oldest practising lawyer of the State of New Yoik, died yesterday. Win. McKee, senior proprietor of the Globe-Democrat, died in St. Louis yesterday. The s!eam yacht Henrietta became disabled and was abandoned near Cape Henry. Schooner Whitney Ling was wrecked off llalteras. A shoddy mill baroed at Benniuglon, Yt. ; the owner died from inhaling the flames; his wife, hearing of his death, became a raving maniac. The British have afield force of 15,000 men and 160 guns in Afghanistan. The case of Or too, the Tichborne claimant, is to be taken to the House of Lords for a final settlement. f hos. Wall, who robbed the Southern Express Company, at New Orleans, eleven years ago, of $10,000, was arrested in Chicago yesterday; he confessed the robbery and was committed for trial. - New York markets: Money 57 per cent; cotton nominal at 1212ft cents; Southern flour quiet and unchanged; wheal i(gklc better, with a moderate trade, chiefly speculative; corn without decided change and quiet; spirits turpentine quiet at 41c; 10 jin quiet and steady at $1 501 65. Slavery is to be abolished in the Island of Cuba. Cameron and Keogb. Does thai mean Grant and Settle ? Three steamers left New York on Thursday heavily loaded with freight. There are thirty -two foreign ves sels now lying in the Cape Fear river at this place. Mr. Parnell, M. P., the eloquent Irish defender, is to have a rousing receplion-fn New York on his arrival on the 28th inst. Talmage defeated his enemies by a vote of twenty six to thirteen. He said if he had done anything wrorigt he would apologize. General Sheridan, it is thought will accompany General Grant in his tour through Mexico and Cuba They are "very thick." Hayes has been invited by the obituary poet of the world, Mr. G W. Childs, of Philadelphia, to visit Gen. Grant whilst his guest. The debate in the Senate on the exodus is said to have caused a few flappings of the bloody -shirt by Win dorn, Hoar and little Dawes. Senator Hampton will not reply to Gen. Gary. He relies for bis further vindication upon the letters of Gen. MuGowan and Col. A. C. Haskell which will soon be published. The New York limes, the leading Republican paper of the country, is coming out squarely in favor of Grant tor a third term, bnerman is ac tively engaged in behalf of bis own interests. Gem Grant notifies the country that he has not yet accepted the Presidency of the Nicaraguan Canal Company. He will more probably accept the Republican nomination for a third term. The Richmond State has a good theatrical critic. He gives Miss Agnes Herndon great praise, and eveu prophecies that she will equal if not surpass any tragedienne now on the stage or who has preceded her. Well, if she comes this way, we will see for ourselves whether she has the material in her out of which to fash ion a Janauschek, a Gush man, or a Mary Anderson. The papers have been trying to make it appear that Horatio Seymour would not accept the nomination if tendered him. The New York Herald has specially interviewed him on that point and he did not say he would not. He modestly said he did not The VOL. XXV.-NO. 77. think he would be a strong candidate, and that he did not think there was a general disposition to nominate him. But he did not decline. The Herald aays "it is the prevailing opinion that the success of the Democracy depends or hinges on the nomination ot ex Governor Horatio Seymour for Presi dent." We have published our own views of the Maine affair in our leader of to-day. Since we read the proof in type we have met with the following paragraph in the Washington letter of the Richmond State: "Northei n Democrats do not very heart ily approve of the action of the Democratic Governor and council io 'counting out' the Republican legislative majority on merely technical ground. They fear it will have a bad effect upon the vote in doubtful JS or them States. . Most of the Re publicans whose opinions have been ob tained would advise that no forcible mea sure be taken to regain control of the State legislative and executive machinery, be cause they believe prudent submission, fol lowed by a 'thorough awakening of the country to the grosaness of the outrage,' will result in a leaction that .will swell .Ke- publican majorities in every Northern State. Senator Hoar aays the Maine affair has greatly strengthened Grant for the Presi dential nomination. The question wno shall be nominated depends upon the con duct of the Democrats." Our readers will see that our fears as to the effect are justified by the above. The Democrats will lose more than they can gain. It is thought in Washington that there will be warm work in Wash ington when the pay of United States marshals comes up. The Democrats will adhere to their determination not to vote for the jpayment of deputy marshals to be used for partisan work at the polls. The State's special of the 19tb says : "Recent agitation of this matter has brought to light what seems to be reliable information thai depuiy marshals were ap pointed for service at the California elec tions in November upon the supposition that Congress would appropriate this win ter the money with wnich to pay them. This the Democrats are unwilling to do, and upon this issue may come the warm work of the winter." XH3 CITY. SCW lOVKBTINkllKNt'S. FURNITUKE HcNSON One dollar. X Y. Z House wanted. P. H. Haydbn K. K. K. Military Whiting Rifles. Gkbhardt & Co You want. Stevenson Xmas memoranda. City Collector To taxpayers. Geo. R. French & Son -Advice. W. E. Davis Christmas oysters. Pythian Ball Germania Lodge. C. Rosenthal Boots and shoes. J. A. Springer Coal and wood. P. M. Kino & CO. Cook stoves. Q. A. Peck Christmas presents. Mayor's Notice About firearms. C. W. Yates Christmas presents. Harrison & Allen Stylish hats. J.Dawson & Co. Breech-loaders. Otterbotjrg Merchant tailoring. Boatwright & McKoy Xmas 1879. P. Cumming & Co. Corn, bay. &c. J. W. Gordon & Bro. Almanacs. A. Sprunt c Bon For sale or rent. Croxly & Morris Fruit at auction. T. H. Howry The Long Branch shoe. Mallard & Bowden Saddles, bridles. Parker & Taylor Beau ty and old age. Kbrchnbr & Caldkb Bros. Bacon, bay, molasses, flour, &c. Attempted Bobbery On Thursday night last an attempt was made to rob the premises of Mr. King, on Market, between Second and Third streets. Mr. King says: "1 was awakened by my dog barking, and descending to the work shop I saw a man making across my neigh bor's yard with several of my kitchen uten sils in both hands. As I had previously lost on several occasions by these preda tory excursions, I no sooner saw him than I "turned loose," and from the blood marks on several objects and the howl of pain, coupled with. the very sudden dropping of the spoils, I am inclined to think there is work for a surgeon. A number of gentle men came nobly to the front, and probably owing to their presence and eff orts to dis cover the rascal, his partner, who was no doubt near at hand, was frightened away They bad taken out of my wood shed about a cart load of stuff, and when discovered were in the act of carrying it off; but that old 'boss' pistol put a stop to further pro ceedings." Prtbla.ii Ball. The second annual Pythian Ball, under the auspices of Germania Lodge, No. 4, will take place at Germaaia Hall on Thurs day evening, January 1st, 1880. Our Ger man friends know exactly how to manage such affairs in order to make them a grand success, and it can therefore be taken for granted that the ball in question will be an entertainment well worthy of the patronage of those who may have an inclination to "trip the light fantastic" on the first day of the new year. Alarm of Fir. There was an alarm of fire yesterday af ternoon, shortly after 8 o'clock, but the flames, which proceeded from a small house on Eleventh, between Market and Princess streets, in the Second Fire District, were extinguished before the Fire Department reached the scene. The damage was slight. Morning WILMINGTON, Loral Dots. See call for meeting of Whiting Rifles. - Solicitor Galloway was in the city yesterday. Rev. B. R. Hall is to preach his first sermon at Statesville to-day. Persons in arrears for city taxes will read the notice of the Clerk and Trea surer with advantage. Revs. F. A. Bishop and J. B. Bailey have been on a visit to this city du ring the past two or three days. We noticed in front of Mr. C. M. YanOrsdeH's, yesterday, a very fine likeness of the late Dr. J. Francis King. There was an abundance of fish and beef in market yesterday afternoon. Among the former were some splendid trout. We learn that thirty-two of the excursionists that arrived here on Thursday evening were entertained at one private bouse. ...... - Rev. . A. Yates, though not fully recovered from his recent illness, is expected to fill his pulpit at the Frost Street M. E. church to-day. The Register of Deeds issued seven marriage licenses uunng we past week, of which two were for white, and five for colored couples. Another fruit vessel, the Sohr Julia Elizabeth, from Nassau, arrived yes terday. Oranges and bananas were never more plentiful in this market. One of our young firemen came near getting one of his eyes put out yester day, while helping to hitch up the horses at the Little Giant engine house. Mr. E. E. Burrus was elected a Trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, od the 18th inst., to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Eli Murray. We learn that there is to be a grand, dress ball at Smithville some time next week, under the management of Capts. C. C. Morse and J. W. Harper. ' Another raid was made upon the premises of Capt. W. S. Noble, on the old Newbern road, near this city, a few nights since, and a lot of fodder, geese, &c, carried off Second Lieut. French, of the Third U. S. Infantry, with fifteen recruits, passed through yesterday for Fort Johnson, at Smith ville, where they are to be attached to Company Battery C, Second Artillery. Isaac Baker and James Baker, the colored ''Twins," were before Justice Miilis yesterday on the charge of commit ting a jsault and battery upon the person of one John Johnson, colored. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs. Pender Superior Court. This tribunal adjourned for the term Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, after doing a good week's work, mostly on the Criminal Docket The case of Oliver Hargett, colored, charged with burglary, and with assault and battery with intent to commit rape, was continued until the next term of the Court, the defendant to be confined in our county jail in the meantime, without benefit of bail. The case of Dock Mathis, colored, charged with placing obstructions upon the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, was con tinned until next term, the defendant to give a justified bond in the sum of $500 for his appearance. William Murphy, convicted of larceny and sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for five years in the State Peni tentiary, craved an appeal to the Supreme Court, through his counsel, and was ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $400 for his appearance. The case of Thomas Croom, colored, charged wild burning ma own barn, was continued until the next term, the defend ant giving the necessary bond for his ap pearance In the case of Nick Baker, col., charged with killing another colored man at Rock Quarry some months ago, the Grand Jury found a true bill for manslaughter, but the defendant was let off on the payment of costs, the evidence tending to show that the killing w-.s accidental. The Giand Jury failed to find a true bil in the case of Buck Walker, charged with killing a colored man named Frank Oliver Hargett,' Dock Mathis and Win Murphy were brought to this city yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Hand, and lodged in the county jail Uo mailable matter. The following is the uu mailable matter remaining in the city post office at this date: a Quick, Esq., Sand Hill. N. C; Davis Burgess, May esville, N. C; W. W . Rich ards, Pender county ; Cm. Enquirer Pres. Cincinnati, Ohio; Sanders & Blackman, Charlotte, N. C. ; Joseph Smith, 1133 Lom bard street; Pacific Guano Co., Charleston, S. C. ; Mrs. Johnson JoiieS, fjftflflfriMdsr phia, Pa.; Miss Mary Jane, Horse Heel and Shure Hill; Mrs. F. F. Blalock, Winston, N. C. ; AllesoB & Addison, Petersburg, Va. ; N. H. Johnson, Sand Hill, N. C; Mrs. . M. Jones, Catlett Station. iM raortaarr. There were three interments in Oakdale Cemetery duiiftt to ek closing yestr dav. the diseases hein? dinhthoria. nnen- i monia ana croup. Belle vue Cemetery reports no for the week, In Pine Forest (cotowdj jjeistrry them were three interments during the week, two adults and one child. ; ; , , - . N. C, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21 1879. Onr Chnrcnn ToDay, St James' Church, corner Market and Third sts. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Rector. Fourth Sunday in Advent. Celebration at 7t a. m. ; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clk; Sun day School at 8 p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. St John's Church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George Patterson, Rector. Fourth Sunday in Advent St. Thomas, the Apostle. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clk; Sun day school at 8 p. m. St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bier. Rector. Services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Seats free. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7ip. m.; Sunday School at 3 p.m.; W. A. Parker, sup't .Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month.' Prayer Meet ing and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7 O'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church sts. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7T p.m. Sabbath school at 9 1 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 7 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and .Orange streets. Rev. Joseph R. Wil son, D.D., Pastor. Service at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Lecture. Thursday night at 7i o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m.; and 7 p. m. Sabbath school and Bibie Class at 31 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7i p.m. Scats free. St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., German servicejat 11 a. m.; English service at 7 p. m. ; Sunday school at 2 p. m ; Catechetical instruction on Friday at 3 p. m. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school at 91 a.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7i p.m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7 4 o'clk. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 7 o'clk. Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. J. P. King. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Services at Tiieston Upper Uoom every Sundav. at 3 P. M., under the auspices of the Christian Union. Public invited. Seamen's Bethel, Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap- ain. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially Invited. St Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun dav school at St. Barnabas at 3 p. m. Seats free. . St Lpke's A. M. E. Zion Church, corner Seventh and Uhurch streets. Kev. u. ts. Farmer, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 3 and 7:30 p. m. The public are invited Seats free. St Lewis' Chanel, corner Seventh and Bladen streets, Rev. John H. Lewis, pas tor. Services atll o'clock, a. m. , 3 o'clock, d. m.. and 8 o'clock, p. m. First Congregational Church. Memorial Hail, corner of Seventh and Nun streets Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday ser vices at 10 a.m. and 3 and 7ip. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday nigbt at 7 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, (colored), 8th and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 7 d. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'ciock a. m. Trinity Chapel, 1M. E. Church, 7th and Brunswick streets, Rev. E. Morten, Pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 6 p. m. and 74 d. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. First Baptist Church, colored, corner of Ninth and Red Cross streets. Rev. Jer ry Patterson, Missionary African Baptist Church, pastor in charge. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. Bible school at 3 p. m. Preaching at 7i o'clock p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Monday night, 7i o'clock; preach ing Tuesday night, 7, o'clk; regular prayer meeting Thusday night, 7T o'clk. Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between orange and Ann streets, w. Banks, pastor. Services at 10 a. m., 8 p. m., and 8 p, m, Sabbath school at 13 M The news from the seat of war is con stantly contradictory,' but not so from Dr Bull's Cough SyruD: every report concern ing it proves it to be the best Cough Syrup known, only o cents a bottle. . x MARRIED. JOHNSON-McDUFFIB.-At the residence of the hride'a mother, hv the Sov TC A. YateB. Mr B. P. JOHNSON to Miss MAMIE McDUFFIB, all of this city. s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. House Wanted. A DESIRABLE HOUSE, containing five to six rooms, and situated in a good borhood. can be rented to advan tage Dy aaaressine dee Silt SECOND Pythian Ball Under the auspices of Germania Lodge.No.4jK. ot P, At Germania Hall. Thursday Even g, Jan y 11 1SSO .CO. The right to refuse admittance Prempert, B. Karlaberg, H 1 Ifj el mincer, while I stmt, skewer kM Mm m the bale hpork,sur inj m So. Pat id cake the even. a tor kiln! Avast. F. M. KING A CO., House Furnishers. Admiaafcmai I bowl and and lard the turkey. MmTSnmed I Smoked Hi i Udns (or CbjlstmsTwlthonta i deSltf Star NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE, TREASURER A COLLECTOR. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, December 33th. 1879. The Attention QP ALL PERSONS IN ARREARS TO THE City for the Taxes of 1879, is called to the foils wing Ordinance of the Board of Aldermen. Please read carefully, and note the dates, as it will bi tnfen-ctd. To avoid the penalties, imposed on me by the law will be compelled to adhere rigidly to the condi tions of the eaid Ordinance ... HENRY SAVAGE, Treasurer and Collector. Obsikaxck Peoyidisq for thb Collection or M AJLEB mil THE tITY . VT WILMINGTON TOB TBI 1BTS. Whereas the dilatory s?Btem heretofore by the City in the collection of its taxes has fceea the direct cause of a large accumulation of delin quent tares, which have eataUed apon the city an additional burden of ezpease In the adjustment of the same; therefore, be it Irdered. by the Mavor and Board of Alriwmon f said City of Wilmington, and it is hereby ordered by the same. That the Treasurer and Collector be, and he is hereby required, under the . penalties pre scribed for non-performance of duty, to make full and complete returns, on the 15th day of Much, 1880, for all and every amount charged to the several tax-payers upon the tax books of 1819, which said several cnarges amount in tne aggregate to s . Ordered, further. That for the Durrxrae of carry ing out the foregoing ordinance, the Treasurer and Tax Collector is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to give legal notice, by advertisement at the Court House door and three other public places ia the City of Wilmington, for thirty days, com mencing with January 15th. 1880, of all real estate taxes remaining nnpald-an that date. On February lDtn, leo'j, tne Treasurer ana Tax collector proceed to sell and dispose of said real estate, in satisfaction of said taxes; Provided, however, that at least ten days before such sale each delinquent i I, ... . . biuui uo uuuueu, oy penwuu service 01 so mucu or said advertisement as relates to said real estate: and. Provided, further, that in every instance where a aeunquent snail nave samcient personal property to satisfy his said taxes, his said personal property, wherever the same may be found in said r.fW shall be levied on, and, after ten day a legal advertise ment, sola in sausiacuon or said tax nerore nls said real estate shall be sold for said taxes. In all cases where poll or personal property taxes are due, the Treasurer and Tax Collector shall, after living ten days' notice, before the first dav of Feb ruary, 1880, levy upon the personal property of such aeiinqaeni ana sen tne same as oy law provides, to awn j wuu pou tuiu personal property taxes. AT.fl thenniH Tnwinr.. Tar nIU.u. (.. said settlement to be made on the 15th of March. ioou, biuui not am auoweu to snow tne saie or any real estate or the return of any delinquent as insol - tual levy and return, that he has exhausted the per sonal property of sueh delinauent real estate tax-. payer before selling his said real estate, and tout he naa exnaustea tne Dersonai Drooertv or each de linquent poll or peraetial property taxpayer before reiairumjj mm as insolvent. uraerea, further, That interest, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, shall be char-zed and collected on an tues remaining unpaid arter tne let or Janu ary, 1880, Ordered, farther, That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent with this ordinance, are uwcu repeal eu. Passed by the Bo;rd ef Aldermen of the City of Wilmington, N. C., December 16th, 1879. HENRY SAVAGE, dec 31 It City Clerk and Treasurer. MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, ' December 31, 1879. rpHE FIRING OF ANY CANNON, GUN, Pis tol, or any other Firearms, in say Street or Alley, or upon any Wharf, is prohibited by a City Ordln eace. Canton Crackers and other Fireworks can be fired between the S4th day of December and the 1st of January. 8. H. FISHBLATE, decai-lt Review copy. Mayor. Whiting Rifles. M1 EMBERS OF THE COMPANY ARB HERff- L bv notified that a meetbw wfil he held TO MORROW (MONDAY) NIGHT, at Tjf o'clock. A fall attendance is desired, us It win probably be the last meeting oi tue organization. By oroer or tne captain. dec 31 It - H. O. KAN KIN, O. S For Sale or Rent. VXTB OFFEB, ON EASY TERMS, THAT DE- sjrable FARM, comprising Nine Hundred Acres viMmi mu ty wa uuiii, situate on Middle sound, nua Known as tne "wewxuK riace." Apply at once to dec 31 St ALEX. SPRTJNT A SON John W. Gordon & Bro. Gcn't Insurance Agent, 94 Br. Wafer St. GOOD COMPANIES t FAIR RATES 1 LIBERAL ADJUSTMENTS 1 PROMPT PAYMENTS ! Call and get an Almanac for 1830. NoChromos. Beauty and Old Age TTVBCLARB THAT OURS IS THB PLACE TO U go for CHRISTMAS GOODS if you would buy things SUBSTANTIAL and USEFUL. Come and see wnat we nave ere yen bay.: - -Cook Stoves, superior; Heating Stoves, the best uamp uooos, guttering. PARKER & TAYLOR, dec SI tf 19 Front street Christinas Oysters. QCHOONER O Daniels. LYDIA WILLIS, BEAUFORT, 300 GALLONS FRESH FROM THK SHELL, Apply to W. E. DAVIS, or Captain of Schooner, at saaiaiiswcK. aecaiii Cheap Coal and Wood, T CAN SELL COAL AND WOOD AS LOW IF NOT LOWES than any other yard in the city. Guarantee good quality and good measure. dec 31 to J. A. SPRINGER. One Dollar! QNLY ONE DOLLAR TOR THK "KING'': OF SHIRTS, the very bast Shirt hi market, and the only one having the PATENT SLEEVE ADJUST ER. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. MUNSON, The Clothier dec 21 It and Mer. Tailor. Stylish f T THE LOWEST PRICES I S1 S3 itf Hi HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. a pay dacSltf Christmas Presents. "OEMINGTON SEWING MACHINES, SINGLE and Double Barrel Breech Loading Shot sK Paste Lamps, Ladies' Scissors cases, GEO. A. PECK'S, dec 21 tf No. S Sotth Front St. WHOLE NO. 3,855 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1879. XMAS. 1879. CALL UPON THE GROCERY EMPORIUM OF - THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, FOR YOUR Family Supplies AND Fancy Groceries FOR CHRIST M A S! WE WILL SELL YOU AS LOW AS ANY IN THE CITY. OUR STOCK OF FANCY SUPPLIES IS THE LARGEST ! And our Prices are tne Lowest ! WE KEBP EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE THOUGHT OF IN OUR LINE, And we will give you eery attention, with the beet of Goods, palite and attentive Clerks, and the Very Lowest Prices! . Withal, DELIVERING THBaC FREE AT YOUR DWEL LINGS ! We hope to have a call from all. Come One l Come All ! And as money appears to be plenty, let us have a Good Trade and a Happy Christmos. Boatwright & McKoy, 5 and 7 NORTH FRONT ST. dec 21 B&Wtf J- C. Stevenson's CHRISTMAS MEMORANDA. A STORE GROANING WITH GOOD THINGS TO EAT. A splendid assortment of Cakes and Crackers; Fancy. Plain and Mixed Candies, 15c, I6c, 20c and aocperpouna; Fresh Cocoa Nuts and Sweet Oranges; Dried Figs, Assorted Nuts. Malaga Grapes, Shelled Almonds, Lemons, Gelatine, Tappioca, Minced Meat; Preserved Cherries, Peaches, Pine- Appies ana cranberries for sals by the pound, pronouncea Dy connoisseurs to oe very une; Fine Roasted Peanuts, just from the Roaster, 4?c a pecs; Ferris' Beef Tongues and Hams; London Layer Raisins at retail, 6 pounds for $1.C0, or auc per pound; Fresh Cranberries and Celery; leave your order for ueiery, ana you win oe suits tu ubtit. You will find EVERY THING OF BEST QJJAL ITY. Arrangements are made to wait on all with alacrity. James C. Stevenson. dec 21 tf the New Boot and Shoe Store. 32 MARKET STREET. Boots ani Shoes for tlie Holidays, A RRIVING DAILY BY EXPRESS. COME soon to avoid the rush. Immense sales daily. My Goods in PRICES and QUALITY cannot be excelled by any. . None but the BEST and MOST POPULAR makes in the country. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Another lot of those Scotch Button School Shoes just arrived . Come and examine. The Same Old Prices. C. ROSENTHAL, 33 MARKET ST. dec.21 tf Sign of the Show Case. For Sale. A MOST DESIRABLE PLACE. ON MASON BORO SOUND, with beautUul Water Front. and the finest Ocean View on the Sound. Two story Dwelling with six rooms, large piazxas, metal roof: fine Cistern and Spring; two r com Cottage andKitcnen, besides Servant Rooms, Stable and Carriage House, Bath and Boat House. All new and built of best material. - Parties desiring to examine premises will find Keys on place. For further in for mauon appiy to cec w a. u. caau a Breech Loaders. TTJB HAVE ANOTHER LOT OF THESE GUNS V Y on the way. which we will sell as before very low. ror nrst class goods tney cannot De sur Dassed. Also have a fine assortment of RODGEES' fine Ivory Handled Table and Dessert Knives. Plated Forks, Spoons, Carvers, Nut Crackers, Picks, Scissors, fen linivee, c. we nave a large siocn or sportsman s uoous or every aesenpuon. JOHN DAWSON A CO., decSltt 19, 21 and 23 Market st Branch Shoe. IS IS DECIDEDLY THE LATEST AGONY entirely NEW, NEAT and HOBBY. C THOMAS H. HOWEY, dee 31 tf No. 47 North Market Street, in the way ef Shoes. Itis a combination of both Tin &nd nuter. PumD sole, olalfi toe. Something all and see It A TBS op A over rmisu. One Square one day, ' twodays,... $1 00 1 W .1.1 s im s so 4 00 6 80 8 SO in oo 17 0ft 94 00 40 00 60 CO three days. - rour days five days,... One week, Two weeks, Three weeks. . . . One month, . . Two months, . . . Three months,.. Six months One year, (JET Contract Advertisement taken t prof-o tiotuttcly low rates. Ten hues selid Nonpareil type make one aquau NEW AD VEHTTSKM K N.Try M. CROXLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A M0RRI8. Choica Selected Fruit at Anctioa. -pUB 8CHR JULIA ELIZABETH, CAPT. W- a Kis; nas inst arrived withalcareoor very CHOICE selected 5 ORANGES, BANANAS, GRAPE FRUIT, COCOA NUTS, SUGARCANE. M SPONGE, Ac. ruuu wiimiviwiw tiua wuu at auviiuu, ui on. NANA8, at o'clock M., on MONDAY, 83d in-t. Jam at 1 t Christmas Presents. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT.CON8ISTING OF Fine Rusiia Leather Desk, Work Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Odor Cases, Jewelry Casket, Ac, Ac. A new and beautiful supply of Gold Pens; Pearl, Ivory and Celluloid Pencil ; Swiss, Scotch and Japanese Good?, snch as Work Boxes, Baskets, Carved Vases, Match Safes, Brackets, Card Cases, Ac. A large sto -k of Teachers r.nd Family Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymnals, elegantly bonnd; Hymn Books of all denominations. Poems handsomely bound in Ctoth and Morocco, Standard Books for Boys. Annuals for 1879 Chatterbox, Nursery. Little Folks, Wide-Awake, Ac, 4c. My line of CHILDREN'S BOOKS U the most complete I have ever had. The choicest and moet elegant stock of FAN- Y PAPETER1ES in the city. Be sure and call at ' Yates' Book Store. dee El tf HOMER SCHOOL, OxiM, N. C. INSTRUCTORS : J. H. HORNER, A.M. J. C. HORNER, A.M. R. W. WmSTON. A. B., (Univ. of N. C.) The Sprlne Session will beein January 19th. 180. Board and Tuition per session of five months $1C0. tor circulars, aaaress decl98t nac Iran we J.C.HORNER. FURNITURE JOW FOR CA8H AT THE NEW FURNITCRE STORE. BEHREND8 A 1BDNROB S. B. Corner Market and 2d Sts. dec 21 tf Wilmington, N . C. At Length w E HAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE 10)0 Bales choice Timothy Bay. 1000 Bush. Choice C. F. Seed, Rough Sice, 000 Bush, choice White Corn. Peas, Wheat Bran, Ac., in large quantities, dec 21 tf PRESTON CUMMING A CO. Mercbant Tailoring Department BEING IN FULL BLAST, WE ARE PRE pared to make Suits to Order in First Class Style. Great specialty in Three Button Cutaway Sacks. Big-nm on Ready Made Clothing last week. Jtxtra rorce employed during tne aonaays. U TTBKBO U Ktt'B dec 21 tf Men's Wear Depot. Advice from Santa Glaus. Combine the Useful with your Gifts, and buy your friend a nice pair of Shoes or Clip pers. The baby will crow over a pretty pair of Shoes from GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, 39 N . Front St., Wilmington. dec 21 tf Eastern Hay. 300 Bales Choice EASTERN HAY, For sale by dec 21 tf KBRCHNBR A CALDBH BR0 Molasses. Bacon. f KA Bhds and Bids CUBA lOU MOLASSES, 100 d0 8UQAB"HOU8B da- Unds choice PORTO RICO do. 7 K Boxes D. S. SIDES, i v por sue by KBRCHNBR CALDBH BROS dec 21 tf Bagging, Ties, Flour. OA A Half Rolls BAGGING, ZUU 2 and iX lbs 1 fialASBdls ARROW TIES, J Ulflr New and Pieced, OAA Bbls FLOUR, all grades, yoreaie ay KBRCHNBR A CALLER BROb dec 21 tf Oriental Powder K A A Kesrs Musket Rifle sad OXJXJ . Blasting POWDER, OAA h Eegs Ducking do Vnr a a a h dec 21 tf KEROHNEK A CALLER BROb. Yoti Want rpHESB THINGS YOU SAY MADE SKIL FULLY, of good material and for the least money. You will patronize home industry If It costs no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in apple pie shape for the manufacture of Buggi, Wagons Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac See now if we can't please you and keep your money home. dec21tf - QRRHARDT A CO. Kash Kustomers Kali. A. AT P. H. HAYDEN'S, Carriage, Boggy. whaBf. Dray and Cart, Harness and Saddle Establishment, where yon can get li fir Carriages, Buggies, Harness, baddies, Bridles, Horse Blankets, Saddle Cloths, and every -thing in bis line, at Bock Bottom Prices. Repair ing done at short notice on dtcSltf Third, bet Market and Princess st We Are SELLING THB apSJSIggf88. . SADDLES, BRIDLES. COLLARS. Ac. for the least money. V you don't think so try us once. f3rManufacturing and Repairing Harness and Trunks a specialty. tm MALLARD ABOWDKN. dec 31 tf No. 8 So. Front St.

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