i MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Ob! never sink 'oeath Fortuoe's frown, Bat brave her with a shout of cheer, And front her fairly face her down She's only stern to those who fear 1 Here's "better luck another year !" Another year ! Ayebeller luck another year ! We'll have her smile instead of sneer A thousand smiles for every tear. With home made glad and goodly cliet-r. And better luck another year Another year ! The damsel Fortune still denies The plea that yet delights her ear; 'Tis but our manhood that she tries, She's coy to those who doubt and fear, She'll grant the suit another year I Another year ! Here's "better luck another year," She now denies the golden prize; But spite of frown and scorn and sneer. Be firm, and we will win and wear With home made glad and goodly cheer, In better luck another year ! Another year! Another year! POLITICAL POINTS. In Maine they do the thing without the powerful aid of visitiDg states men. Phil, limes, Ind. - It looks more than ever like Grant and Blaine. If the indications given out by the reorganization of the Republican National Committee amount to anything, and if Senator Blaine will accept the se cond place, this combination is a foregone conclusion. Washington National Republi can. First citizen What do you think of the doings in Maine? Second citizen I think we have been egregiously mistaken in regard lo the Democrats. We have said they were Bourbons and never learned anything, but it appears to me they have learned a mighty sight in the counting out busiueaa. Concord Patriot, Dem There are a lot of political "sil ly billies" who begin at once to call out for a strung man at the head of the govern ment, aod declare that now Maine Green baekers and Republicans are misconducting themselves, Gen. Grant is the only candi date for the Republicans. Senator Hoar is ne of these people. Wash. Dispatch to iV. T Herald. " TWINKLINGS. A twelve foot vein of gold has liteu discovered near New Lexington,- Feny cmiDty, Pa. That was a wise colored man who, in speaking of the happiness of mar ried people, said : "Dat 'ar 'pen da alto gedder huw dey enjoys demselves. " The Philadelphia Times thinks Hayes should have boiled down his mes sage. What would have been the use ? Boil water as long as you please, and only water remains. Kissing by force is a serious matter in Dublin. Two young men who recently forcibly kissed two dressmakers on the streets were sent to prison for three months. A young man at Hacley, England, was recently Hoed 3 5s and costs for kiss ing a girl against her will. Mow cometh the time when the average boy Gim-s out ou the ice-covered lake. With n about ot glie and a laugh of j But the ice orpin to break ; Into the wHer full twenty feet deep, lie is tumbled, and there, unawares, 11 a skate-buckled feet begin to creep Up a night of the golden stairs. i'i:R01vAL. - ' Gov. Seymour says ho reads few papers, sees few men, and receives many political telegrams and letters which he does oot answer. The trial of Mai. John 1). Srniu- ttoo, editor of the Evening Star, Madison, lod , fu killing YVm. Howard, late city Ircasuier. closed Friday, n snUirjg in a ver dict of not guilty. Lord Beaconsfield has three times tendered bis resignation to the Queen within the last six months, and Her Majesty baseacb time begged bim to reconsider bis request to be relieved of his duties. Lon don Truth- Mr. Gladstone has been con stantly witb ber husband during bis Scotch campaign. Sbe never leaves his side, wraps him up wben be leaves a room, sees that be rests wben be is tired, and is de voted lo bis comfort. soutiiekn""itkm. Beer enough to make 700,000 drinks was received in Galveston during October; the bell punches registered only 76,000. A son of the first Congressman sent by EeDtucky to Washington is now in the county poorbouse at Lexington in that state. Three men, named Hailman, Davis and Roberts, were drowned by the upsetting of a boat in wbicb tbey attempted to cross tbe Kentucky river, near ttratze, Wednesday oigbt. Out of. the six men from Mont gomery, Mil., who served in tbe Mexican war, five are still living: F. O. Gaitber, La fayette Griffith, O. T. Watkins, Richard Berry and Alex. Russell. Cotton. LN. Y. Financial Chronicle. Fbiday, P. M., Dec. 19, 18Y9. The movement of the crop, as indi cated by oar telegrams from tbe South to-night, is given below. For the week ending this evening, Dec.10, the total receipts have reached 2 18,907 bales, against 234,876 bales last week, -216,167 bales the previous week, and 249,152 bales three weeks since; mak ing the total receipts since the 1st of September, 1879, 2,804,948 Tales, against 2,376,155 bales for tbe same period of 1878, showing an increase since September 1, 1879, of 428,793 bales. The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 111,890 bales, of which 73g62 were to Great Unto n a ht k n. Kmimm and 31.0,13.1 to rest of the Continent, while the slocks as made up this evening are now 809,498 bales. l From the foregoing statement it will be seen that, compared with the corresponding week of last season, there is a decrease in tbe exports this week of 0,599 bales, while the stocks to-night are 48,419 bales more than tbey were at this time a year ago. Price Reduced. r.ATffn ARE INFORMED THAT MBS. VIRGINIA A. ORE has reduced the price of .harvlnv KIaa aK(b anil Hun(7 T.ftrtiPft Sflil C?hH dreS'sHats fromPIPTY to TWENTY-FIVE OT8. RESIDENCE One door east of Kruut, on Church treet. oct 1-tf 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. Mo: CELEBRATED liver p: FOR THE CURE OP : I ... Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. DAIN in the right side, under the I edge of the ribs, increases on pres- sure; sometimes the pam is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side : sonafidttes the pain lis icic unaer tne snputper Diaae, anaiiu frequently extends to the top of the i shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken tor rheumatism m the arm. The " Sbt'lt eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation m the back part. There is ory, accompanied wuh a painful sen- thing which ought to nave been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility he is easily startled, his feet are cqld or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are Tow; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to mm, yet i i . a l he can scarcely summon up fortitude I enough to trv it In fact he di;frn I t, gu V xn P, """S18 every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them ex- isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the LIVER to I have been extensively deranged. AGUEAND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No -better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or alter taking Uumme. We would dfsee w ri thSiAi..th!s 1 or all bilious derangements, and as J ; a simple purgative, they are imequaleoL BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid. with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver KILLS. The genuine McLanh's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C, McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. 4 Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C McLane's Liver , PjllS, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name EtcLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. )anll eowD&Wly ch Sa Morning News Serials. A Mew Stiry -H Mr tf SamaL The Savannah Weekly News Of OCTOBER 4th will contain the first chapters of a story or tnsunng interest, entiuea ANABJBL'S SECRE f ! - . BY MRS. J. O. BRANCH. We desire not to easure which the readers of the V from tbe perusal Of t rS will derive Tore ww not speaa or rt ere to say that m the management of an original and intense ly interesting plot, not less than in her powers of description, her life like delineations of character, and the tmwj4kttalione.Qf tier reflections, the ac complished authsr elves assurance that she Inherits the genius of her gifted mother, lira, Caroline Lee Hentz, whose works of fiction have been so univer sally admired and still rank among the most popu lar American hooks of their class. -AnabeTs Se cret" is develoned in California, of which State the auther was at one time a resident, and her vivid de scriptions of some of the most wonderful scenery of that pictareanna region are among the striking features of the story. The new serial will run through some eight or ten numbers of the Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have tbe story complete should send in their sub scriptions at once. Subscription I ftiayear. El fori Jfo- ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered .Letter Express, at bar risk. J.TL ESTILL. sept IS tf 4 Savannah, Geo. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office North Side Market St between 3d and 3d. angastf NCOURAG3 HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THK NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPAN1 RALEIGH. N. C. This Comoanv continues to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes ot insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Tht "HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, aai appeals, vrith North Carolina. I3F- Agents in all parts ef the JOHN GATLING, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. fOLASKI COWPBB, Supervisor. 8UK 1-tf Wilmineton. N. O. a anata.a. 41IE1AN ! a. vollku TOLLKEB, corner Front andBoekSt,, WILMINGTON, N. O. WUOLSSA LB GROCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Coon try merchants -rill do well by calling on us and examining our stock. nov 19-tf Atkinson & Manning' s InsurancJIMMMBmS, TJ BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington II. C. Jjj Jg " Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000 1 Stop and Examine. 01 HOUSE and CITI- O ZKN8 sortment ofEer TO-DAY a fine as sortment of Mountain Beef, Pork, Sausages, Spare Ribs and Back Bone of ae of the best aualitv. Also, a fine lot ot Turkeys and Poultry at Bottom Prices. Call early and order your Thanksgiving uuner. nov 36 tf T. A. WATSON A CO.. Prop's. New Jewelry Store. The undbrsigned wishes to inform the citizens ef Wilmington and vicinity that he has ted a 4 kwklkx oTOKis. at ho. a south RONT STREET, where be will Repair Watches. Clocks and Chronometers at prices consistent with good work. I have had twenty years' practical ex perience. A portion of the trade iarespectfnlly solicited. J. L. WINNER, oeS tf Jeweller. ILLS. ate the xA rnunesiory. ana farther than Brown Roddick 45 Market St. J JJ ARB OFFERING BOMB VBRY DECIDED ' TV BARGAINS, even in the face of a rising mar ket, and would advise all who are in want of airy thine in onr line, to call as early as possible, and avoid the Holiday Bash. We subjoin the fallowing from our DRY GOODS STOCK, which will be found both suitable and useful for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 8ILKHAWIA cloaks. t I is.-; scotch hosiery, blk and col'd cabhmbkbs, ?d gloves, Whr tis -i silk hanD'fs, FANCY HISSnsi- neck wear, . Stc, &c, Sc, &c. I BROWN & RODDICK. . 45 Market Street . HapDY IMeW Y ear. Brown Roddick mm OIK CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Is situated on the N. V. corner Market and 2nd Sts. OUR STOCK IS OVKR FOUR TIMES THK size of former Tears, and we' can truthfully say that for either Variety or Price no such display o!iy insi lur viiner v aneiy or ni no sui has KVJSR been made in this vicinity, e"too small to enumerate any thing like have in Btock. The following cangive 3 unr apace :e what we Airimti M. nlnn W. aww faint idea : v ' T Japanese Ware, Ladle.' Work Boxes, WaxDoiia, ', lUustrated Pictnre Books, Sortrneffiboii.. cand saucers, winamg uoiis.new i nin&Kocajnj? itorsea, Sleepine Dolls, Tire Crackers, uou uamagee, Velocipedes, oioves, Kitchens, jrarnJtnre Seta, Noah's Arks, Animals, Games, Puzzles, Vases, Trumpets. Drums, Musical Toys, Metalaphones, Harmonicas, Bay rip es, Wagons, Carta, Tool Uneets, Writing Desks, Kx tensive Assortment ox Tin Ware. Wholesale and Retail, BROWN & RODDICK, I N.E. corner Market and 3d Sts. dec 16 tf G-EORGrE MYERS, I 7, 9, 11, 13, 16 South Front tSt Fl R E - W ORK S! IN EVERY VARIETY.; FANCY GOODS in every possible variety; FRENCH COXFBCTIONBBY; ORANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, FIGS; OLD WINES and LIQUORS, WHISKEYS; NEW CHAMPAGNES. - - . - Only look at the IMMENSE VARIETY we offer, and "Prices the Lowist in the City." GEORGE MYEBS, dee 19 tf 7, 9. 11, 13, 16 South Front st. Just Received, r ARDEN PEAS (New Ctod). VJT Wholesale and Retail; Hos tetter's Bitters, Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, Lenge's Plugs, a substitute for Tobacco, Porous Piasters, Ac, Ac., Wot sale low by decStf GREEN & PLANNER, Druggists. 200 Bags VIRG1NIi MBAL 1000 BUBb WUte and tixed CORN, And lots of Fancy Candy Crackers, Fire Crackers, Canned Oysters, Tomatoes. Peaches, and all kinds of Light Goods for Christmas. Por sale low by u. It. UUJUS, dec 3 tf Noa. j and 8 south Water st. . THE BuiMo Lithia Waters, ASA GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE Waters, and the claim, thoueb a strong one. is substantiated by the testimony of many of the most eminent medical men of tho country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, vis : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially in Stone or Gravel ; Dytnapsia.BheriTwatlr, Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Malarial Fevera in their Chronic form, Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es- in all Disorders of the Menstrual actum, . "' ' , thev have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medlca or among mineral waters. They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OP THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs opon for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODB, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. For sate by GREEN PLANNER, Agents, mh25tf tm... Wilmington, N . C. Hale's Weekly. rKN TUESDAY. THE TTH DAY OF OCTOBER. J 1679, and in the City of Raleigh, the under- I signea wm commence tne puoncsuon 01 - HALE'S WEEKLY, A North Carolina Democratic Newspaper. These four words convey all that a column of Prospectus could tell: the good of the State; the success of the Party which Is the life of the State and the ceuntry; the publication of all the news; these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and contribute to the first and second, the subscri ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set their seal of approval upon his past and he does not doubt the future. Halb's Weekly will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The price be $ per annum, no name wiu go upon its 1 books without payment, and no paper will be . sent after the exp ir&tion of the time paid for, . . : i Baielgb Sept, 16, 1879. -'eeptlOtf ALL ABOUT WestemHorth Carolina If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of Tlie Western Courier. It is a TWBNTY-BBH0P COLUMN WEEKLY, fall of interesting reading matter, and '.devoted to the Interests of Western North Carolina. THE COURIER COMPANY, Henderson ville. N. C. NEWSP SUITABLE '.mSh J - for : ami otner purposes. Can be had at the sept 29 tf IN ANY QUANTITY APBRS. Wrapping Grand ! Grand : Grand ! 11 OPENING. Sol. Bear Bros. Have the pleasure of again announcing to the pub lic that they hare an UKUSUAL aM ATTB ACTIVE STOCK! and are prepared to offer to their customers one of the (Ivan A nor JCr HrioaTtaQf Sfutlro uiuuuusu xi vuuuuuuu uuuq.u i OP "RMd v-MfltiP ClotillTIO- Jcauy - JttUC vlUtlilUg I pbicbs Ranging in suits from $s.oo upwards A beautiful and grand assortment in Gente' Furmshing Goofls ! Which we guarantee J k t. Cannot be Equalled In this City ! A. Fine Line and Latest Styles in Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, In all Qualities and Prices, Imported direct from the Manufacturers, which we guarantee to be of Superior Quality. We have also one of the CHOICEST and LARGEST STOCKS of Two- & ftoee-Plr & Bpaaels Carpets ! Bugs, Matting and Oil-Cloths, AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. EXAMINE. PLEASE OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT ! Contains the MOST SELECT, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCKS IN THIS STATE, Consisting of Dry G-oods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, dec sol. BEAR & BROS. OCt88 tf Anticipating the Wants ! OF 01 , OUR PATRONS, We have laid in a supply of Christmas Goods Consisting in part of Fireworks, Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Candy, Raisins. Prunes. Citron, Jelly, Currants, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, CoceanuU, Nuts, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes , Canned Goods, Sardines, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Pepper and Extracts, For which orders and purchasers are solicited by Adrian V oilers, WHOLESALE GROCERS. s.E. Cor. Front and Dock Sts. dec7tf Salt. Salt.. Salt. liSacks '?si" NOW ON WAY FROM ENGL.AND, AND A PORTION DAILY EXPECTED ! Factory Fifed Fine Table, Liverpool Ground Alum Eittd FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. "WILLARDS," NORTH WATER STREET, dec7 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. For Smithville. STEAM YACHT BUZABBTH, OTgjW. CBADWICK. Leaves Wharf?Sor t Market Street, daily, at 90 A.M. . ok Returning leaves Smithvillo at 3 P. M. nov 33 tf JOSEPH BISBKK. Agent : use : Hyland's ymmt Mm Powder, As the Quickest and Beat Remedy For all Sores on Man or Beast. For saleby dec 3 lm GREEN A PLANNER. 'Till Yet ! A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDI- uiiNisis, unemicais, mancy Articles, rerrumery, Large Pepper, Thyme, Cigars, Brandies, Whiskeys, and Wines, for sale at 1jMleIPrHcjVY Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Steamer Passport. : QAPT. J. W. HAMPEtt, f WIB leave Wilmington dally Sunday excepted) at X P. M. oct 39 tf GEO. MYEBS. Agent. at h. c prkmpert's fashionablb sha. VINO and HAIR DRESSING PARLOR, at o. 1 Sonth Front Street, where you will be served in a No. 1 style. Remember the Big Seven, &c. nov 30 tf The Hew Hat Store. MY STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS' AND CBIL dren's Hats and Cape, Gents' Underwear, Trunks, Yalises and Umbrellas, Is complete. 11 you wish to save money call and examine my stock be fore purchasing. JOHN M. ROBINSON, del4tf NOffllV P. L. Bridgers & Co. No.l. What Stock He Sends . ... We have lust received the following communica tion from Santa Claus. which we hasten to lay before our customers: -J. NEW YOBK, Dec. 14th. 1879. To P. L. BRI DOERS A CO.. Grocers. Wilmington, N. C. : Gentlemtn Taking a special interest in your wel fare and success, from a careful perusal of your highly entertaining contribution to the advertising columns of the "Star," and anticipating a great nun va your store m tne next ten days, on tne pert of my friends and the public, I have takes the lib- I BrtvtnmMmneiii iwrann t.tin Uttino nf vimrvert lwandUberalorttewforC eniy a lew articles you omitted, you will nndin me nod i sena 10-uay, ALL KINDS QF CANDY! CANDY BY THE BOX! CANDY BY THE POUND! CANDY BY THE BARREL t fto Best, the Sweetest, the Freshest . I Candy Ever Offered in Wilmington ! Also, Raisins, Nuts, Currants, Pickles, Preserves, Jellies. Spices, Crackers to eat and Crackers to Shoot. Twenty-five .kinds of SWEET CRA CKERS. WINK for cooking and table use. CHAM PCiW. imported ail dear. Ton will make more money telling cider and viaegar . than this splendid article irom tne r reacn v meyaras. CANNED GOODS AND CIGARS ! You may assure your customers that I have no gparea time or money in tnese selections . t Tours respectfully. EST" Come and see. Look at the Goods and look at the store, refitted and enlarged; the shelves fairly groan with Goodies. Our location the best in the city. From the front door to the banks . the Bost- office and tne telegraph and express offices only a step . oy means 01 me x eiepnone-in ear once, you mav communicate vour orders from anv Dart of the city, or what ia better, come youvselves. and behold ; the smiling races; the mriqht NEW GOO, the clean floors: the polished elass and mirrors; CHEAP PRICES; the splendid assortment; the airy salesrooms; the rushing tide of thrifty bus! neat; the general prosperous look, at P. L. BRIDGERS & CO'S., and consider that all this magnificent success is the work of YOUNG WILMINGTON. Young men need not go West for fortune -just let them be en couraged Dy oar example, stay at homo and work aa we do, and buy their GROCERIES ot P. L, Bridgers & Oo. Great Attraction! Uausual NoTelties! Free Exhibition Every Day at A-A AVXgOi O JU VU. O MAMMOTH GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT! We this day open at our uiual stand the Largest, Best Selected, and most Expensive mock of Can- i)Im Frnits. fresh, rirv and. canned: Wines. Bran dies, PicRles, Crackers, Baskets, Soaps, &c, ever offered for sale in Wilmington, and invite competi- Doors open from day break to 8 P. M. Admission free. No charge for showing goods. del4 tf At Low Prices for the Times. 20 Hhd8- and Ebl8' Mola88C8 and syraPs 10q Bags Coffee. Bbls. Sugars, . 500 " Flur' gradeg; RAA Bales Bay. g.Q- Bbls. and half bbls. Mackerel, S - DAvaafUan T.o fleviflUa iXvll : . 10 tons lloop Iron, C A Bbls. BistUlers', Glue. JU 500 tons ii rate and Stove Coal. ocW-tf worrru ' WORTH. You Want rpBBSE THINGS YOU SAY MADE SKIL FULLY, or good material and for the least money. You will patronize home industry if it costs no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in apple- pie shape for the manufacture ot Buggies, Wagons Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac See now if we can't please you andikeep your money home, dec 21 tf GERHARDT & CO. j0hn W.Gordon &Bro. Gen'l Insurance Agents, 24 a. Water St. GOOD COMPANIES 1 FAIR RATES 1 LIBERAL ADJUSTMENTS I PROMPT PAYMENTS 1 Call and get an Almanac for 1830. dec 21 tf No Chromos. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautif ally Illustrated. J5th YEAR. The Scientific American. rrRH snTIUTIffin ATkneRTHAW in a lfUfre First- JL uiass weeKiy newspaper or sixteen jrageo, 1 tne moBt oeauuiui styie, rKur usabi LATUU WITH SPLKNUIO JSNUKAV- iting the newest inventions and the ranees in the Arts and Sciences: in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Hortt tne noma, neaitn, rrogress, oociai Science, History. Geology, Astronomy my. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In all den&rtments of Science, will be found in TentlWyea, $1.60 half year, which in- eludes postage, discount to Agents, amgie co Dies. 10 cents. era. Remit by postal orderto era, st rant connection with the K SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreifrn Patents, have had 35 years' experience. and "now "have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice iB made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of jtU layenttena patented tteousrh this Agen cy, with the name ana residence or tne ratentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is aireciea to tne menus 01 me new paieut, and sales or introduction often easily enectea. Anv oerson who has made a new discovery or in- ventton, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can prooaDiy oe ODtainea, j wnuus w Mush & Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how arecured. with hints f er Drocurine advances on inventions. Address for the aper.or concerning Patents, Branch Office, cor. F. & Ttk BSk, Washington, D.C. aov 1 tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT Hunn 5j lu. at I tun xvuw. new iuijw. 81A1E8 VILLE, IREDELL CO., N. C IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger loca tinmlattWI fltfin T ppear hmtnfam piiW1.hl uithecowtty . -. , ; , . . its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie aid Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong rootnoia in rorsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It if .the only in Western North Carolina mat employs a fTLAB CxNvassiiro AexsT, and y before the people. Under this tnus is increasing circulation is the result. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM 51I8sWESTBBN NORTH CAROLINA. d8- IiANMteksvn!ct V. ' lwua, represei most recent ad uoitt oy au JNewsaeai vuzra. a co.. nwu Wilmington & WeldoD RAILROAD CO. omokoi Gn'l smnfmsmt, I Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 38, 1879. f Change of Schedule. AND AFTER SUNDAY, NO V'R 23d Passenger Trains on tne wimmpoB Uroad will run as follows : liter Haiti and Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6.50 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa R Leave Weldon 8:40 P. M. Arrive at Wibnfcigton, Front St Depot, P. M. drtil M and Express Train, Bally Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 3:40 P. B Arrive at Weldon 3:80 A. M. Leave Weldon ... ,:A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.13 A. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M. Return - elda TaeDayTrain makes c connection at re xarDoro ai iu.iw a., m. uauy, auu xauu- Wel- don for all ooints North via Bay Line. daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and rail route. Night train makes dose connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. . Sleeping Oars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN P DIVINE, fnorSS-tf General Sup' i. General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & At' GUST A It. B. COMPANY. WILMINGTON, . C. Nov. S, Xtn9. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV 28d, 1879, the following Schedule will be run on this Bead: Day Express and mail Train Dally. Leave Wilmington .. 9:',0 A. M. Arrive at Florence 8:00 P., M. Leave Florence 3:60 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington 10:13-P. M. Leave Florence ....... ........ 2:80 A M Arrive at Camden Junction 4:b A.M. Arrive at Columbia 9:00 A iM. Leave Columbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction . ......... 11:00M. Leave Florence 2:30 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A.M. passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Charles ton junction ana uamaen junction. Through Sleeping Cars on all Right trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. Trains leaving Wilmington ; Saturday nights do not make any connection for Celumbia. JOHN P. DIVINE. nov -tf Oen'l SnB'u CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO, OmcE General Stjpkulntbn okkt i t ) Wilmington, N. C, June 7, 1879. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AMD EXPRESS TRAIN : ) Leave .Wilmington at. . No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. . . . . S " Charlotte at.. .7:00 P. M. .2:27 A.M. 8:S0 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:25 F. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:32 A.M. t " Wilmington at 9:50A.M. No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, hut makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 3 Tram is Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. w a I Leave Charlotte. Ba f Arrive at Shelby. 8:40 A.M. 12:30 P. M. Wn 1ft 1 Leave Shelby . 1:15 P. M. No-10 f Arrive at Charlotte 5:05 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 5:35 A. M, Arrives at Lanrinburg 4:00 P. M. Leaves Charlotte 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Laurinburg 4:15 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:30 A. M. Arrives at unariotte i:xu r. jb. Leaves Laurinburg. . .. 5:00 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4:20 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections made at Charlotte with Train s of A. AC. A. L. R. R. and A. . T. & O. R. R Passengers for AsheviUe via either route, leaving Wilmington at 7 Pi M., will arrive at destination at 9 P. M. next day. Sleeplng-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from itaieign ana unariotte. V. O. JOHNSON. my 17-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. Steamer GrTJLF STRE A M, Capt IXGRiM, WILL SAIL FROM NEW FORK, Saturday. December 27. IVShlppers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers ae advertised. jA For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Then. fl. Ksrer. Freieht Azent. New York. W. P. Clyde Sc Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of New Hanover, Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid t 300,000. Surplus Fund 50,000 DIRMC7 0RS. JOHN DAW8ON D. B. MURCHISON ' DONALD MoBAB C. M. STEDMAB ISAAC BATES, IAS. A. LEAK H. VOLLER3 B. F. LITTLE JL B. BRIDGERS S. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. B. Waixaos. Cashier angaO-tf High-Bred Ddgs. English, irish and Gordon setters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by B. P. WELSH, aov'D&Wtf York, Pens. The INC. THE MORNING STAR Steam Printing House, MORNING STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRtiiTltt G OFFICE T.V THK flJTV J FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER db MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES dt '.TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIPi STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER tlMK . AND BETTER STYLE THAN B I ANY 0 THER OFFICE 2A WILMINGTON.: FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N, C ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANi .PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. '" . SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THU SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. Notice. M B. GEORGE H. STJMMEhRI! I. HAVING been admitted a member ef our firm on the 1st in stant, the name and style will hereafter be A L TAFFER, PRICE A CO. Respectfully, dec 7 tf ALTAFFER A PRICE. Kerosene Oil 7 Gents Per Gate I TO MEET COMPETITION I OFFER A NO. 1 I JL article of KBROaBNE OIL at 1 cents per I gallon. Sold only at retail. Sash. Doorp. Ulindp, Paints and pus at Bottom Prices. Send along your orders. dec9tf GEO. A. PECK. Safety Oil at 15 Cents a Gallon. J AM SELLING A BEAUTIFUL OIL, PBH- fectly reliable, and GUARANTEED SAFF, at 1 6 CENTS A GALLON. It prodnceB a superior light, and is comparatively free from odor. i dec 9 tf GEO. A. PECK. Pi ON EE R WORKS BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND Prices in England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.35, $100.00, $135.00. $S.i. Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in clusive : $103.38, $117.79, $131.97, $150.53, $184.38, $318.00. The above may h ordered Full Choke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now making rmaii cores or nos. 14, is and 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in owe to the larger bores. Weight of 30-Bore from 5M lbs. " 14416 f X " 13 7J( ' " 10 " " Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now usinr our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingkam, Rich mond county, N. C. Capt. D. R. Murchison, Wilmington, N. C. Col. B. F. Little, Little's Mills, N. ' . James A. Leak, Esq., Wadeaboro, N. C. Wm. H; Bernard, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. Pioneer We St. Mary's I inare, Inarland. oct 3 D& Wtf MARBLE IRON TS ...... : - AND Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOHK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY. PAST OP THE SOUTH. RICHARD W A THAN St CO,, 67 Lafayette Place, New lorn. Wathan's Monumental Designs, ia book form.fo sale to the Trade. decs PftWiw PRESCRIPTION FREE For tne speeciy cure or emiaat ncnes, uoki, Manhood, Premature Debility, Hervoesnesa, Bespewdeney, Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, and all Disorders Brought on by Secret Habits and Excesses. Any druggist has the ingredients. Address, DR. JAQUE8 A CO., 130 West Sixth St, OiKuiSSATI, OBlQ feb 15 lyDAW H. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney and CobtusIIot at Law. ELIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. t. Office Up stairs, In Brick Building, occupied bj Rinaldl A Co. Special attention to Claims. Collections ou suuih of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if Without nit. Drawing Deeds. Mortgages, Ac.a specialty. ap S-DAWtT The Marion Star. rrHE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLKHED IN X thePeeDee one of the wealthiest and most prosperous In the State, offers to ommirsion and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those wno nave aaopu w "T"., ' sample, an excellent medium or commnnlcatiou with a large and influential class of merchants, me- chflnics.t: navat oujro mim WBUVupm- ronage is worth Advertisement t OKI Businegs Cards inserted on liberal terms. Address TBE STAR, sept 83 tf , Marion. S . C. JOB Pi 1 ard - i