THE MORNING STAR By W1H. II. BERWKtV PUBLISHED DAILY BXCKfM' Mt)NI ts --sisb.objs----- rats? or ausaeuiiTto in AUVANOk one yeitr. (by uiaih kHMUtge paid,.. ..... ft Mi six muntbB " 00 rnree month. " "... ... 8 45 . .,. mouth " . l (Ml To City Subriber8, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Oat City Auir ar uot authorised to collect fer mere than three tnwuthp in advance. (Cuter cd at the Post Office at Wilmington. N a. aa second class natter. OUTLINES. Gen. Hatch will leave White River Agency to-day ; if be leaves without the prisoners demanded of the Ute Indians, it is said there will be war; Ouray affects sur prise that the Commission intend to try the Indians demanded; several of these, it is stated , were guilty of nameless crimes upon the Meeker women. Eighty-four In dians surrendered to the troops in Arizona. Forty delegates were present at the convention of the National Socialists at Pittsburg, Pa.; they report the party in a flourishing condition. A tin factory in Brooklyn was damaged to the extent of $100,000 by fire Friday night -Qea. Gough's reported arrival at Cabul was pre mature. The Maine muddle creates intense feeling throughout the Stale, but no disorder has occurred; indignation is expressed tti Bangor at the moving of arms through the streets on Christmas day; peti tions will be forwarded to the Governor urgiog a reference of the questions in volved lo (he Supreme Court; a specie! from Augusta bays bitter feelings and a chance if trouble seem lo increase; Con gressman Heed thinks blood will be shed before the trouble is over; the Governor expresses a willingness lo refer the points thai have uot already been adjudicated, but he believes these points to be very few, and has a decision of the court to back him in nearly every ease. Qreal damage id appieheuded al Cincinnati from the Ohio river, which is rising rapidly. Quar termaster Geueral Meigs left Washington yesterday lo inspect the piincipal military depots in the South and West. Ex Marshal Bszaine has been refused permis sion to return to France to settle family affairs. Explosion of a coal oil lamp, al New Orleaus, killed Mrs. Clavis, aged 103 years:. Tboa. Edmunds is lo be banged at Ozark, Ark. , for the murder of Miss Az.rbruok and their child; the mui- der was committed in 1878. Tue U. S. steamer Nipsic has been ordered to La Guayra, Venezuela, to inquire into the circumstances attending the expulsion of the U. S. Commercial Agent at that port from Barcelona. An illicit distillery was seized in Louisiana near the Texas line by revenue officials; a deputy collector was fired at and wounded. William Ilepworlb Dixon, editor of the London Athenaum, is dead. Over six thousand ,...'wAr. - - anu;I.KI. fr- ilioLthtiliAM fUUUUO OtCIIIIIg IO BVBI1.UW1VI UUIIIUUUUU for the suffering poor in Ireland from the fund raised by the Duchess of Marlbo rough. Nine Internationalists have been convicted in Florence of conspiracy against the Italian Government. Russia will attack friers and possibly Herat, in ihe spring. In New Brunswick, yesterday, tbe thermometer registered 29 degree below zero. An interoceaoic railroad across the Isthmus of Tehaanlepec is to be constiucled. New York mar kets: Money 7 1-165 per cent; cotton, no matket; Southern flour quiet at $6 15 8 50; wheat ilc beUer, with moderate inquiry at $1 5il 60f ; corn dull at 01 64c; spirits turpentine higher at4243c; rosin $1 521 60. The tin horns have had their blow and now they are mule for the pre sent. The Richmond State says Miss Ague Herndoo's tour through Vir ginia is a triumphal march. On Christmas day the ther mometer registered forty degrees be low zero at St. Paul, Minnesota. The last news from Mary Anderson ia that a haok team ran away with her. This is her third "exciting incident" of the season. If we may judge from our daily ex changes there was a little too much of Christmas on Thursday. John Barleyooru was on a big drunk. Will not some statistican compute how many dollars were thrown away during Christmas in whiskey, fire works and other combustibles. Many millions of dollars were thus burned up. Grant refused to see Belknap the other day. Ah! That was not the way the faithful were once treated. Since Grant learned to turn his wine glass down he is not disposed to hob nob with reprobates. We were just about saying that wo look through a Glass darkly when we view Danville and its environs as presented by the Post of that grow ing town, when we found that pointed paragrapher, tbe State, had said some thing of the same sort and in much happier style. Mr. Tennyson's new play has been put on tbe stage at the St. James Theatre, London, and has tailed. He lacks the genuine dramatic faculty it seems. His Queen Mary and Harold are works ot real genius, and with tbe exception of two or three plays from other bands, are the most read able in literature since the time of the Elizabethan dramatists, but they are not successful acting plays, lhey are superb dramatic poems. The r-r- VOL. XXV Nd 82 : i m i As far as we know the feeling ia North Carolina in regard to the exo dus is to give tbe colored people fairly and truly all necessary information, and then to throw no obstacle in the way of their leaving for the cold Northwest. Let all go who have a mind to go. Senator Voorhees, Chairman of ihe Senate Exodus Investigating Committee, is repre sented as follows in the Washington speoial to the Baltimore Sun : "So far as he is concerned he only wishes lo get at the real facts, and he will favor that the Committee shall, when obtained, merely give them to the public and let the public form its own conclusions. Heknows that there ia do demand for negro labor in Indiana, and if the negroes have been de ceived as to this, they should be undeceived. If they came into Indiana of their own. volition, nothing; should be said against it, but if they were brought . there through methods which were not natural and proper, and for sinister purposes, tbe thing should be exposed." The Republican party has always offered tbe negro the hand of political equality and fellowship; and as the negroes can't get them ut the South, they have decided to come North for them. Baltimore Ameri can, Rep. Well, well, and this is gravely said immediately after its Christmas prayers and promises to reform. "Political equality and fellowship!" That's) the tune is it? How many colored men are in Congress from the North? How , many Governors and other State officials in the North are negroes? How many Legislators, Postmasters, Foreign Ministers, &c, are negroes? What a shame it is in any paper to thus falsify the facts? Shame upon you. One of the healthy signs of the times is that the ablest Democratic papers in the country are bold to con demn wrong even in their own party, and the more conservative Republi cans iu the North are becoming alarmed at the prospect of Grant and the .Third Term. Fobt able repre sentatives of that party have declared that they will support a sound, con servative Democrat in preference. Tbe papers too are beginning to show symptoms of fear. THE CITY. n KW a UV KtS1BMKtS KNTS. Mrs. Jack. C. A. Price Fruits. Eabpbowicz Cigars. s Mcnson Fair warning. L. Mkgikkky For reut. S. G. Northrop Fruits. Otterboukg To-morrow. P. H. Haydkn K. K. K. Pv CU it MING & Co. N. B. Harrison & Allen Hats. C. W. Yates Thanks, &c. Gbbhardt & Co You want . 'Giles & Murchison Thanks. Masonic Invitation to public City Treasurer City coupons. J. K. McIlhenny Garden seed. J. A. Springer Coal and wood. Caution Notice Crew Adeliza. J. Dawson & Co. Breech-loaders. Heinsbergbr New year presents. Boatwright & McKoy New year. Parker & Taylor The new year. ' F. M. Krao & Co. 'Marked down. P. Cummin g & Co. Corn, hay,. &c. Bridgers & Co. Santa Clans epistle. Cronly & Morris Piano at auction. Williams & Murchison New sugar. Mallard & Bowden Saddles, bridles. J. W. Gordon & Bro Good resolutions. Kerchner & C ALDER Bros. Hay, molasses, bagging, powder, &c. To-Day'e Indications. For the South Atlantic States, warmer, southeast winds, cloudy weather, occasional rains, and falling barometer. A Revenue BaM In ITIoore t'ouutf- Tht Result . We learn that Revenue Agent Q. H. Blocker, assisted by Deputy Marshal Phil lips and Deputy Collector Downing, on the night of tbe 22d instant, discovered and captured an illicit distillery, running in full blast, near Swan's Station, in Moore county. The proprietor, Wesley Stone, was cap tured in tbe distillery, with a boy named John Gales. Tbe distillery was located in Stone's kitchen. Nine hundred gallons of beer were destroyed, together with a quan titv of low wines, malt and meal. The still was shipped to Fayetteville. Pertonil. Mr. John D. Williams, Jr., who has been a leading buyer in the cotton market at Goldsboro this season, representing Messrs. Williams & Murchison, is in tbe city. Mr. Williams will shortly extend his "limits" at Goldsboro, by locating, permanently and establishing a branch house of the firm be represents, under the name of Murchison & Williams. He has hosts of friends in Wilmington, whose best wishes for success attend him ia his new venture. In alludieg in our last to the burning of the residence of Mr. J no. F. Garrell, at his Sans Souci plantation, near this city, on Friday last, we stated that bis furniture was not insured . We since learn that our informant was mistaken. It was insured with Messrs, J. W. Gordon & Bio., in tbe La Gaits Generate, a French company, for $1,000. We also hear that a good deal of his furniture was saved. WWyawaMBeWasijSJaapBaM IMorning Star WILMINGTON, Local Data. The days have gained one min ute in length. Cold and high winds are pre dicted for to morrow. At 6:30 yesterday morning the thermometer was down to 25 degrees ia this office. There will be a partial eclipse of the moon to-night, but it will be invisible la this latitude. "there were nb cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. There is always a calm after a storm. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the past week. There was one in Bellevue Cemetery, but it was brought here for interment We are requested to state that the German, at Germania Hall to-morrow night, will commence promptly at 9 o'clock. Over twenty couples will attend. John W. Cameron, Esq., editor of the Durham Recorder, is now paying his annual visit lo Wilmington. The Star was pleased to receive a visit from him. There will be prayer meeting at the Fifth Street M. E. Church this morning, at 11 o'clock, and preaching at night by Rev. James W. Craig, the pastor being ne cessarily absent. Tbe Register of Deeds issued twelve marriage licenses during the past week, the number being equally divided between white and colored couples. Pretty good for Christmas week. The officers of St. John's Lodge and. Wilmington Lodge were installed by Past Master Samuel Northrop, of Wilming ton Lodge, at. Masonic Hall, yesterday morning at 10. o'clock. The installation was private. The waters of the mineral spring on the turnpike road, near this city, are to be analyzed by Prof. Ledoux, of the University Experiment Station. Several other springs in the city will be tested in the same way. Mr. A. B. Wannett, of Mason- boro' Bound, says be stood in Mr. Geo. Peck's piazza, one day last week, and counted nine whales in one school, in the ocean abreast of that point. And it wasn't a good day for whales, either. Alluding to Rev. B. R. Hall, the Statesville Landmark says: "This di vine preached his introductory sermon, lsst Sunday, us pastor of the Methodist Church in this place. He delivered a very inter esting and appreciative, discourse on tbe subject of God's Love to Man, from Col. S: 'When Christ, who is our life, shall ap pear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory'' " an - Murder In Dnpllu. Between two and three weeks ago, in the lower part of Duplin county, near the Lenoir county line, a difficulty occurred between two brothers named Thomas and Warren Mai pass and a man named John Lewis Holland, during a shooting-match between the parties, which culminated in a fight, and, while Warren Malpass and Hol land were struggling together, Thomas Malpass cut Holland with a knife, inflicting a terrible wound, from the effects of which the stricken man has since died, a jury of inquest having been held over the body last Sunday, the 21st instant. The- place of the difficulty was near one Windell Davis' mill, about fifteen miles from Eenansville. Holland is said to have been sober at the time, but the Malpass brothers, who bear a very bad reputation, were drinking. Deceased leaves a wife and several children. There had been no ar rests up to within the past two days, tbe Malpass brothers having fled the country. ' iasi Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned," at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin ssued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta... 46 Augusta. 49 Charleston, 52 Charlotte.... 38 Corsicana, 53 Galveston,. ..... 61 Havana. ........ .75 Indianola, 54 Jacksonville .... . Key West........ 74 Mobile. 48 Montgomery 45 New Orleans 51 PuntaRassa, 73 Savannah ........ 51 Wilmington 46 Run Over njr a Harse A little son of Henry Brown, the barber, was run over by a horse on Christmas day, near the corner of Sixth and Nixon streets, and at first it was thought that the little f eh low wts seriously injured, hut be is now improving. The horse was ridden by drunken colored individual, and we learn that several persons, and among them one or more ladles, came near sharing the fate of the boy above mentioned. U a mailable flintier. The following is the unmalable matter remaining in the city post office at this date: John R. Artie, 342 Church street, Nor folk, Vs.; D. B. Stanrand, Calabash, N C; Sallie D. Manjn, 5 Jefferson street. Tremont Laundry. is RIVBR AND MARINE. The barque Jemmel, from this port for London, arrived at Gravesend yesterday, with loss of foremast, main topmast and jib-boom, by collision. We learn from a dispatch from the Signal Office at Smithville that the brig Silas N. Martin, bound for this port, Is ashore between : the inward and outward bar. No other particulars. . Do not stupify your baby with Opium or Morphia mixtures, but use Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup, which y is always safe and reliable and never disappoints. aoc. f N. C, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1879. ST. JOHN'S ny, Celebration by tbe Masonic Fratern ity of Wilmington. St John's Day (December 27th)' occur ring this year on Saturday, the Masonic fraternity of this city concluded to defer their celebration of the day until Monday, the 29th. Judging from the programme, which we subjoin, tbe affair will doubtless be a great success, and the proceedings very interesting, not only to the fraternity, but to the public generally. The members will meet at St. John's Hall, Monday morning, December 29tb, at half-past 9 o'clock, and form in the follow ing order: Cornet Band.. Officers and Members of Wilmington Lodge No. 319. Visitftig Brethren. Officers and Members of St. John's Lodge Orator and Chaplain. And move, under the direction of Bros. John L. Cantwell and John W. Perdew, Marshals, up Market to Fifth street, coun termarch to Fourth street, up Fourth to Campbell street, out Campbell to Oakdale Cemetery, at which the following .exercises will be held: Dirge Band. Dedication of Masonic Lot by tbe Officers of St. John's Lodge No. 1 . . Qde Choir. . Introductory by Bro. J. I. Macks. Address by Bro. E. 8. Martin. Dirge Band. Benediction by Rev. Bro. Geo. Patterson, v. v. At half-oast 7 o'clock, P. M., the Lodees will reassemble at St. John's Hall, form in Drocession. and move, in above order. down Market to Front, up Front to Princess, up Princess lo tbe Opera House; and there the exercises will be Music Band. Prayer by Rev. Bro. E. A Yates. Ode Glee Club. Introductory by Rev. Bro. Geo. Patterson. Address by Bro. Fab. H. Busbee, of Ra leign, a. u. Music Band. Tbe Committee consisting of Rev.Georae Patterson, Col. W. L. DeRosset, W. M. Polsson and H. H. Munson, request all Ma sons in good standing to participate, and the ladies and gentlemen of the city gene rally are invited to be present at the dedica tory services at the Cemetery in tbe morn' ing, and at the Opera House at night, on both of which occasions there will be inte resting addresses. That in tbe morning, at tbe dedication of the Masonic lot in Oakdale Cemetery, will be delivered by Eugene 8. Martin, Esq., a talented young lawyer of this city, and we have no doubt he will ac quit himself handsomely and give an enter taining and attractive address. At night, at the Opera House, Mr. Fab. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, will deliver an ad dress on behalf of the Masons. He Is a young lawyer of gifts, who has made a good reputation as a public speaker on similar occasions. Oar c bur cnes" To-Day. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third sta. Rev. Dr. A A Watson, Rector. Sunday after Christmas. Celebration at 7t a. m. ; Morning Prayer at .11 o'clk; Sun day School at 3 p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Services at 11 a, m. , and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 8 p.m. Seats free. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Frost and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. ; Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; W. A Parker, sup't. .Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ing and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7i o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church sta. Rev. T, Page Ricsud, pastor. Prayer meeting at 11 a. m. ; services at 7i p.m. by Rev. James W. Craig. Sabbath school at .9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 7i o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and ; Orange streets. Rev. Joseph R Wil son, D.D., Pastor. Service at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Lecture Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell., streets. Jttev. v M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m.; and 7 p. m. Sabbath school and Bibie Class at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7i p.m. Scats free. St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernhelm, D. D., English servicejat 11 a. m.; German service at 7 p m. ; Sunday school at 8 p.m. ; Christian Association at 4 p. m. ; Catechetical instruction on Friday at 8i p. m. .First Baptist Church, corner of Market aud Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school at 9i a. m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7i p.m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday niaht at 7i o'clk. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 7 o'clk. Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p.m., by Rev.' J. P. I King. Sunday school at 9 a. m. . ' Services at Tileston -Upper Room every Sunday, at 3 P. M., under the auspices of the Christian Union. Public in vited . Seamen's Bethel, Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap ain. Services at 4 p. m. , to which seamen are cordially invited. .- St 1 Maries, (colored) Episcopal Church corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day .school at St Barnabas at 3 P- m. Sc&ts f roc First Congregational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge. Minister. Sunday ser vices at 10 a. m. and 3 and 7p. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Keturned Home. Alderman F. W. Foster, who has been to Richmond, Norfolk and Petersburg, working for tbe proposed extension of the American Union Telegraphic Company's 1 ines in that direction, has returned home. He says the scheme met with a very fa vorable reception among tbe business men of tbe three cities. m nti - Qmruplw Huiim. Fan the WomaiON District ot the Method ist B., Church, South Post Round, 1830. Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chapel, Jan'y 1; Cokesbnrv. at Cokesbory. Jan'v 3. 4: Bladen, at Bethlehem. Jan'y 10, 11: Elizabeth, at Klizabethtown, Jan'y 17, 18; Whiteville, at Whiteville, Jan'y 24. 25: waccamaw Mission, at Bethesda, Jan'y 88; Bmtthv Wllmli Wilmington, at Fifth Street. Feb' v 7. 8: Wilmington, at Front 8 tree t, FebA 14, 15: TopiaU, at Ijospect , Feb'y 21, 22 ; New River MUsion, Feb W 25; Onslow, at Swaasboro, Feb'y $8. 29; Duplin, at Magnolia, March 6, 7; Clinton, at Andrews' CbaDel. March is. 14 A full attendance of the District Steward ia re quested at the Parsonage of the ia Wilmington, on the 13th of F st. Church, , atiu a.m ii. B. BUBKHBAB, err A. DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several 8leeDleM nlshtB. diatnrhtrl hv th r.n. and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing byrup was just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home aad acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it ad- laen. HnhlrnlrifV v,,.m r. .V.,. ..n... . i ... m f. i.:V . Ustill werse, and while contemplating another eleep- uuiuc ug uai luuunuiK. lucs iBLUKr luann T.n no nv tend to some Vamestle duties , sad left the father with the child. Daring her absence he administered icbb utxub, we muiucr swuDea irom me room to at. a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept weu, and the little fellow awoke in the moraine bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed with the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the ba aad overcome the prejudices of the mother. Bold oy au wruggisis. cents a Dottle. HAHU1ED, WILLIS HARD WICK . In this eitv. on the evening of the 84th instant, at the residence ef the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. B. Taylor, Mr. WIL LIAM B. WB41 and Miss LIZZIE A., daughter of Wm. Hard wick, Esq.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE TREASURER A COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, December 97th, 1879. City Coupons. LL COUPONS DUE JANUARY 1ST, 1880, will be paid on presentation at the Bank of New Hanover. All Coupons due previous to that time will be paid at this Office. Notice is hereby given that no interest will be al - iowea on coupons arter January 1st, 1880, BY SAVAGE, dee S3 St Treasurer. Masonic. rjHB PUBLIC GENERALLY ARB INVITED to attend the Dedicatory Ceremonies of the Ma sonic Lot, at Oakdale Cemetery, at 10 o'clock, TO MORROW (MONDAY) MORNING, at which time and place an Address will be delivered by our townsman, E. 8. MARTIN, Esq. At night, at 8 o'clock, at the Opera House, FAB. H. BCsBKB, a gif tedjrpeaker f rom Raleigh, will address we hope The Cornet Band aad an excellent Glee Club will furnish Music for the occasion, dec 88 It COMMITTEE. For Bent. yy H1TE SPRINGS, ia Brunswick county, a few miles from Smithville, to Rent for one year. About 390 acres Turpentine Trees. A rare opportunity. L. MEGINNBY. dec 38 It Review copy. Executor. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ABB HEREBY cautioned against harboring er trust ing any of the Crew of the British Barquentine ADELIZA, " Captain Nicholas, from St. no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Master or Consignee. C. P. MEBANE, Consignee. dec88 St f e Offer at Bottom Figures 1000 BALBS GILT EDGE TIMOTHY HAY, 5000 BU8HELS PMME WHITE CORN. The best Bolted Meal in the city, grinding daily. Pea Meal, Wheat Bran and Feed of all kinds galore. dec 88 tf PRESTON CUMMING & CO. v Hb-v.-Bs "PROM THIS DATE MR. THOMAS MUSE alone is authorized to make collections for us. dec 38 It PRESTON CUMMING & CO. Fair JINENS AND MUSLINS ARE ADVANCING. After January 1st we" shall be oblieed to advance - the price of our UNKQU ALED "KING", of Shirts. " dec 29 It and Mer. Tailor. ' North, South, Est, West TJVROMTHB NORTH, choice Catawba Grapea JD- and Apples; SOUTH, Florida Oranges ana Ass pinwau EAST, Sunny SpaiBi. Malae- Grapes and .Valencia Oranges; WEST. California rears. aii meet ra 8. G. NORTHROP'S dec38tf Fruit aad Confectionery Stores. CIGAR&! SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN ENDLESS variety, and at low prices at KASPROWICZ'S deetStf Garden City Cigar Emporium. JD ANANAS, ORANGES, Jo': if Sill aotl APPI i, DATES. i ft At C. A. fRIC&S, dec 23 tf South Front st, near Market I ATAEKED DOWN WAT: DOWN ALL OUR 1TL Heating 8toves-a spli idid assortment em bracing all the most popular styles and sizes will be closed out at Rousing Bargains. No abatement hi the fever for our famous Bam Cook Stoves. They cleared the track months ago. Very cheap. Thir teen ernes. Write for cut and prices. Only at - ' F.M.lOMGesCO.'S. de8itf .House Fnralshei s. Breech TTBAVE.A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF VERY VV desirable ureecn ixtaaug b not uune, wmcu t MO- remarkable low prices. Tuese Gnns we can anfelv WW- J e also have a fine assortment Cartridge Beli Its, m- men. Shells. Wad. Powder. Tools. Ac . at the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON A CO., dec8tf - 19, 31 and 28 Market gt front presiding Kid i ; -f rfjEero 'u l-t stfnr. Vi , WHOLE NO 3,860 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SANTA CLAUS TO : ; ... P. L. Bridgers & Co. 1 (s$ac ZJIHB OLD GENT, ON HIS TRAVELS ROUND the world, with a sprained foot, delighted with his Cape Fear friends, promises to come again next year. Perfectly carried away with Wilmington, but has an eye to business. NEW YORK, Dec. 26th. 1879. MYDEAR PRBS :-Nching I ever saw in Paris, Berlin, or Amsterdam, where I have been in the .tpeding my Christmas ef late, equalled the Jollity and festWUes of Wilmington. My re ception at your J Great Grocery Establishment, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C , was glorious. The illumination was superbly sue cessful; the sales there surpassed my hlghestlex pectations. The Banks and the Old Stockings poured out the cash as if they had all the small change in America. I got my foot caught in a tele phone, somewhere about the old Cape Fear Bank, next door to your magnificent store, stopping there!i!&FJ,re8 to connect with the 8F8?HwSKnessWY Spring Trade of 1880, and get my beard tangled in one of Mr. Lamb's palmettos, and came near being caught sneezing, falling into one of your truck, loaded to the dri ver's ears with the choicest pr DURHAM'S SMOKING TOBACCO ! and HAVANA CIGAR8 ! which, in the crowded condition of the Store, had to be unloaded in the street, but a "wee drop of your splendid Stuart Eye, the best and cheapest in the world, which 1 tupped in the alley next your store, has revived me. Pres. give my love to Old Wilmington and wSfJffliton' WilminatolTaad "White Wilmington, high and low. rich and poor, and tell them while memory lasts I shall never forget their genereug and magnificent response to ray Invitation to yonr reception. - j On 1st January, 1880, Jv?JS:Te $very thing REMODELED ond REN OVATED. I am resolved that P. L. Bridgers & Co. shall be rewarded for their liberal and intelligent efforts to improve Ihe trade and extend the busi ness of my favorite "City by the Sea." Yonr friend. dec 38 tf SANTA CLADS. Now ! QHBISTMASISOVBB, I THANK THE PUBLIC for their very liberal patronage. Having added largely to my stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, I am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and at reasonable prices. dec38tf C. W. YATES. New Year Presents ! rpHB LARGEST STOCK AND GREATEST variety of NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS and CARDS n the city, can be seen at the . ... -;. -' ' - - t jj',.. LIVE BOOK STORE. Diaries for 1880. All sizes stid styles, from the Smallest Pocket to the very Largest Cap Size. Blenn's aad Turner's N. C. Almanac for 1880, wholesale and retail, at HEINSBERGBR'S, dec 88 tf . 89 and 41 Market St. Coal and Wood, JOW PRICES STILL BULB THE DAY AT the CENTRAL YABB. Send yonr orders early in the morning, aad insure quick delivery for the best COAL and WOOD in town. dec28ts f J. A. SPRINGER. HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. d3c38tf Good Resolutions ! y-HILE MAKING GOOD RESOLUTIONS FOR the NEW YEAR, do not forget to see that your PROPERTY ISNSURED IN GOOD COMPA NIBS, such as are represented by JNO. W. GORDON ft BRO., General Insurance Agents, dec 28 tf 24 North Water street. We Thank You All. THE MORS THAN GENEROUS PATRONAGE extended? to us by our friends during the Christmas 'season calls forth;our heartfelt thanks. This practical appreciation of our new- enterprise encourage s us, and we promise the public for the future fuller lines of Fan cy Goods at equally low prices. GILES & MURCHISON, dec 33 tf . Crockery Dep't. JANDRETH'S CELEBRATED GARDEN . SEEDS for 1880. A fresh and well selected stock of Landieth's Seeds of all kinds on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. Also Drum,- Medicines, Fancy Articles, Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys, Cigars and Tobacco at J. K. MoILHBNNY'S, Drug Store, decSStf Corner Market aad Front streets. To-Morrow ! ALL AT OTTERBOURG'S MEN'S VJ Depot and examine the "Challenge" Shirt, only 60 cents, best and cheapest in the market Red and White Flannel Unierwear, Furnisninguooas, and leu in Readv Made Clothing. Business Suits bto0fL!ToCRBOUR6i ; decSStf 37 Market St. The New Year, 1880. PDlbS-TJS WITH A K STOVES of various which is the LEADER t SUBSTANTIAL and THE "PARKER." Tin Ware, Lamp Goooe, Oil perfectly Pure and Safe, at BJdec 38 tf PARK BR TAYLOR. OF THE MARKET, tha SPLENDID OOOh.SK, RtTK" OP AIVCflffl. fi gqnsra one day Si oo " ' r two days .. in - threeamys.... a &s four day j oo " J five days,... 3 50 One week 4 00 . ssspi Two weeks, t So " " Three weeks, 8 so " im9- oeo " TwnaMsrtta,..., 00 " Three months, 24 00 Six months 40 Oft One year, sa to fcS Contract Advertisement taken -i pnK -tionately low rates Tea lines slid Nonpareil type make one squa: c NEW ADVERTlBEMEK"iV Piano at Auction. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 818T INSTANT, at 11 o'clock, A M. , we will Sell at our sale roema. Sontii Waer street, a First-Class PIANO. 7-Octave, btandard Make, Fine Tone and Finish, suitable for a New Year's Present. Can be seSfit our office until day of sale. - oa CRONLY A MORRIS, dec 28 It Auctioneers. Christmas is Over WITH THE ADVENT OF WE BEGIN AFRESH I With a hope that we have satisfied all oar patrons' both at home and abroad, during tbe past year, and with a determination To te Second to Koue in our City, we cordially extend an invitation to alt to call upon us before making their arrangements. If you want THE BEST AND FRESH RST 03DS ALWAYS 1 llf you want articles th tt can be TilO ROUGHLY RELIED ON 1 S3B-lf yon want the Most Cordial Welcome," Lowest Prices, and Prompt Delivery, during the year 1880 ! Call upon Boatwright & McKoy, 5 and t NOKTU FitONT sr. dec 38 D& W tf New Crop. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW ORLEANS f- - MOLASSES and SUGAR, Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCBUGN. Bacon, Coffee, Flour. 200 80X68 Dry SslteiBIDES. OKA Bags RIO COFFEE, v . Blo, Laguyra and Java, 1ftAfiBbl8 pOUR, Super to' ' lVVf Choice Family, '100 choie LEAF LARD. yg Boxes Pure CANDY, Bbl" and Boxes Fresh CRACKERS. 100 Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, 250 80X38 ToUetand Laiiiidr 0AP8, 100 Bozc8aDdHalf BblsSODA, 300 80X68 POTASH. m Boxes CANDLES, rv n , Half and Whole oxes , -I f A Half Bbls and Boxes . WW R. R, Mills SNUFF Salt, Bagging. Ties. 1200 8ack" Marshn's salt. 700 Whole Imd u&u 110118 bagin. 2000 Bandlea New TIES 1 000 Kegs NAILS- sizes' OKA Bush Water Mill MEAL, For sale low by WILLIAMS MURCHISON. . Wholesale Gro. A Com. Merts. dec 28 tf Eastern Hay. 3QQ Bales Choice EASTERN HAY, For sale by dec88tf KERCH MER & C ALDER BKwf Molasses. Bacon. X A Hnds and Bbls CUBA MOLASSES, 100 do 8DQAE10DSB do--0 Hhds choice PORTO RICO do. - ij Boxes D. 8. SIDES, For sale by dec 38 tf KERCHNER CALDBB BRJft Bpgging, Ties, Flour. 9 A A Half Rolls BAGGING, 4VvT SsndSy lbs 1 AAAJBdl8 ARROW TIES. J UW New and Pieced, gQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, For sale by dee 38 tf KERCHNER CALDBR BROS Oriental Powder. E AA keirs Musket. Rifle and wVU Blasting POWDBH. 200 X Kegs Ducking ' do For ssie bv dec 38 tf KEBCHNBR OALDBJt BKOb. R1R8. J1CK Win TBASBO About Jack kissing Mrs. Gill, . But our Furniture so pleased That she'll kiss Jack if he will. About the Furniture bought low at tbe NEW t U K- nu uni Drxvnp 01 - BEHHEND8 A IT1LNROK 8. E. Corner Market and 3d Sta. dec 33 tf Wilmington, N. C. HORNER SCHOOL, Olftrt, N. C.SI INSTRUCTORS : J. H. HORNER, A.M. J. C. HORNER, A. M. B. W. WINSTON. A. B. , (Univ. of N. C.) The Spring Session will begin January 19tb, 1880. Board and Tuition per easioa of Ave months $100. H ' For circulars, address decl98t nac f r su we J. C. HORNER. 1 S4 ! You Want rpHESE . THINGS YOU SAY MADE SK1L- You, will patronise home industry if it costs no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now la apple pie shape for the manufacture of Buggiee, Wagocs Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. See now if we can't please you and keep your money home, dec 38 tf GBBHARDT A CO. ! : 1 I H We Are SELLING THE BEST HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES. COLLARS. Ac. for the least money. If yon don't think so try nm t3FManufacturing and Repairing Darners and Trunks a specialty. 1 7? Km; MALLARD & BOWDEN. decS8tf r No. 8 So. Front St Kash Kustomers Kali. AT P. M. HAYDBN'S, Carriage, Buggy. Dray and Cart, Banes and Saddle Si! Establishment, where you can get- saddles, ItvMlaa- Hone thing in hie line, at Rock Bottom Prices. Repair ing doae at short nonce on Sec 38 tf Third, bet. Market and Prir cess st