J 5 - "' .".., -A- . -5 4: JS1 .te. I From the. Parisian. THE LADY I LOVE. FREDERICK LOCKTER. The lady I aiog is as charming as Spring, I own that I love the dear Lady I sing; She is gay, she is sad, she is good, she is fair, She, lives in a number in Square. ? t r' . . . . Ii is not 21, it is not 23 You never 6hall get at her number from me.; If you did, very soon you'd be mounting the stair Of number (no matter what !) Square. They say she is clever,. Indeed, it is said She is making a novel right out of her head j That poor little head! If her heart were to spare I'd break and I'd mend it in Squaie I've a heajt of my own, and, iu prose as in rhymes, Tbis heart has been fraclured a good many times; An excellent heart, tho' in sorry repair Little; Fiitod, may 1 mend it in Square? "What nonsense you talk." Yea, but still I am one Who feels pretty grave when he seems full of fun; Some people are pretty, and yet full of care And Some One is pretty in Square. I know 1 am singing in old-fashioned phrase l'be music that pleased in the old-fashioned days; Alas, 1 know, too, I've an old-fashioned an Oh, why did I ever see Square-! POLITICAL POINT. The Republican party in Maine spells Indignation with a big black eye. Atlanta Constitution. Gen. Grant says he can see a thousand mistakes he made while Presi dent. This strikes us as being about the best argument yel advanced against his re election. r Bali. Gazette, Dem It is from within, among your eles, from cupidity, from corruption, from disappointed ambition and inordinate thirst tor power, that factions will be formed and liberty endangered. Jackson's Farewell Ad dress llou. W. H. English, of Indian apolis, one of the most prominent Demo crat of that region, says that the migration or freed men to Indiana will help his party, ns not enough colored voters will go there to have their aggregate vote count much, aud the movement has already excited the j.-alousy of the poorer classes of white la borers, aud will transfer many of their villi s to the Democrats. - r llltSO,AI.. Gen, Joe,Hawley has a Presi dential boom a little one at present, con venient for the vest pocket, but it may grow. PAH. limes Queen Victoria has signified her iutention of erecting a memorial cross to the memory of the late Prince Louis Napo leou, on Ike spot where he was felled by Zulu assegais. GailjJlamilLon has armed her self AsiftsUA rolling-pin and a tin boiler cover, and invites the Garcelon gbostd to come and see her if they are at all anxious to find a common grave. St. Louis Pijst Dinpatch. tS Mr. Ruskin's opinions about church architecture are as positive as ever. "I care no more," he writes, "about any moderr chinches or church furniture than ;&bout lh jjdjtbprscene at Drury Lane not to much, indeed, if thetiutb were all t ld." The truth is that Blaine was defeated at Cincinnati in 1876 partly by the defteration and sagacity of his enemies, but mainly by the stupidity of his friends. He bad more than a clear majority of the wbol Convention all the lime Philadel phia lime. ..-jgnripi&x.iKu. John Barleycorn's toast: "Scot laud, with ail iby faults, I love thy still." Did you make any one heart happier Christmas-day ? New York Com mercial Adtertiftr. "Is it wrong to cheat a lawyer?" aks an exchange. No, not exactly; but it's rather reversing the order of things. Appropriate New Year's gift for a printer: A golden rule, set in diamond or pearl. That type of jewelry is valuable in eieease. Broadway engraver recently made this mistake: "Mr. and Mrs. respectfully request your presents at the marriage of their daughter." Pope says that beauty draws us with a single hair. They don't nowadays. .When a beauty gets so bald-headed that sjjue has but one hair left she don't draw much. Detroit Free Press. GeneraKHorace Porter in his speech at the New England dinner said: "A Phlladelphfan was iu Boston, and they were showing him round. They always show people 'around' in Boston. He asked the Boston man. 'Why do you not lay out Boston like Philadelphia?' 'If Boston,' was l0tio9e. 'tfver gets to ba as dead aa Philadelphia, we'll lay it out.' " Provi dence Journal. SOUTHERN ITEMS. Dr. J. Wnji Jones has been elected Secretary of the Lee Monument Fund, vice Colonel S. Basselt French, re signed. A negro in Columbus, Ga., was put on trial for a murder of which he was innocent, but to clear himself, it was neces sary for him to confess that, at the time of the crime be" was elsewhere stealing a horse. He kept Bilent until it became evident that he was to be convicted, and then be proved the alibi, and went to the State prison for ten years. There was an affair of honor, .so-called, -near Amherst Courthouse, Vir ginia, the mother day. The parties te the duel were Beverly C. Mosby, son of Colo inel John s5Mosby and a pupil of Kenmore rSchoot, od John L. Lee, of Louisiana, a istudentof the University. Nine shots were tired, but neither was hurt. The affair was tben irtertftpted and both parties arrested, but subsequently released on bail. DRAMATIC NOTES. Carlotta Patti will sing in Salt Lake City two nights tbis week. Miss Mary Anderson is reported to be mo3t devout; and while in Cleveland recently went to early mass at the Cathe dral nearly every morning. Miss' Adelaide Neilson is an--nounced by her theatrical agent as about to marry an Englishman of high position. If this is true the -new .husband will be the ex Act antipodes; of the first one . At the request -of Mr. Sothern, Mrs. Haxrj&fc&Mffaw days ago read her play, which will probably be called A Beg gar on Horteback, to the company supporting ' that eenlteraari af the Grand Opera Heuse, New Tor fc-rSortenr and Uie company were well pleased with the play; and it wiU 45 Years Before the Public THE GENUINE DR. C. Mc LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR THE CURE OP Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, nvsrarsiA and sick headache. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. FAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs increases on pres sure; sometimes the painis in-the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side : sometimes'the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite ad sicknes3; the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation of having left undone- some thing which ought to have been done. ' A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IM1TATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid", with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming lROS. on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being tun of imitations ol the name JtlcLiinet speueu oinerenuy dui same pronunciation, jin 11 eowDAWly ca Sa Morning News Serials. A Hew Story ty a Lady of Sayannali. The Savannah Weekly News Of OCTOBER 4th will contain the first chapters of a story of thru ling interest, entiuea ANABEL'S SECRET ! BY MRS. J.O. BRANCH. We desire not to anticipate the pleasure which tne readers of the WEEKLY NEWS will derive from the perusal of this charming story, and there fore will not sneak of it here farther than to say that in the management of an original and intense ly interesting plot, not less than ia her powers of description, her lire like delineation or cnaracter. and the Dare moral tone or Her reflections, tne ac complished auther gives assurance that she inherits the genius of her gifted mother, Mrs. Caroline Lee llentz, wnoee woras or ocooanave nen so nniver fuiliv admired and atOl rank amonz the moat dodu- lar American books of their' Class. "AnabeTB Se cret" ia develonedln California, of Which State the anther was atone time a resident, and her vivid de scriptions of some of the most wonaerrni scenery of that picturesque region ate among the striking features of thestorv. ThA new aerial will (tan thmnph amne etoht Or ten numbers of the Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have the story complete should send in their sub scriptions at once. Subscription ti a year. $1 for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered .Letter or Bxprees, at pur nsa. u- aaiiui, sept 12 tf ( Savannah, Geo. THE McKOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office North Side Market St. between 2d and 3d. ang26tf JNCURAQS HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA IIOIrXE INSURANCE COM I AN RALEIGH. N. C. This Cemnany continues to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The 1 " tf OMJ la rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, wiraconnoence. to usurers or property iz North Carolina. tar Agents in all parts ef the Bute. je! JOHN GATLING, President. W a. PKIMROSEjSeeretaxy. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING. Ao bitts . sag 1-tf Wllminsrton. N. O. a a.dm&k. a. touh A I 111 AN A. TOLLERS, Corner Front and Dock Sta., WI&HINGTON, N.0. XirHOLuESjf LB GROCERS VV IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Country merchants Mil do well by calling on at ana examining our stoca. nov i-tr Atkinson & Ilanning's insurance uoonu, BANK OF NEW HAN.OVXX BUILDING. Wilmington N. C Fire, Marine aid . Life Companies. Aggregate Capital Represented Over (100,000.0001 je n-w Stop and Examines OTALL No 6, MARKET HOUSE, and CITI O ZENS' MARKET, will offer TO-DAY a fine as sortment of Mountain Beef, Pork, Sausages, Spare Bibs ana toes. Done oi me oest quality. Also, a nne lot or xuraeys ana rouitry at uottom Prices. Call early and order your Thanksgiving Dinner. nov26tf T. A WATSON A CO.. Prop's. New Jewelry Store. J.HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the citizens ef Wilmincton and vicinity that he has opened a JEWELRY STORE, at No. 3 SOUTH front STREET, where he will Reoair Watches. Clocks and Cnronemeters at prices consistent with good work. 1 nave aaa twenty yean' practical ex perience. A portion -of the -trade-is respectfully solicited. J. L. WINNER, oc39 tf Jeweller. rlerry Christtrias. Brown & Rodd ick 45 Market St. WE ARE OFFERING BOMB VERY DECIDED BARGAINS, even in the face of a rising mar ket, and would advise all who are in want ef any thing in onr line, to call as early as possible, and avoid the Holiday Hush We subjoin the following from our DRV GOODS STOCK, which will be found both suitable and useful for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SILKS. &HAWLS. CLOAKS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, 8COTCH HOSIERY. BLK and COL'D CASHMERES, CORSETS, KID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, x LADIES' TIES, SILK HAND'FS, FANCY RIBBONS, LADIBS' MKCJi WJSAK, Ac, &c, Ac, &c. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 market Street. Happy IMew Year. Brown & Roddick OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Is situated on the N.E. corner Market and 2nd Sts. OUR STOCK IS OVER TOUR TIMES THE size of former years, and we can truthfully say that for either Variety or Price no such display haa EVER been made in this vicinity. Our space is too small to enumerate any thine luce wnat we have in stock. The following can give bat a very faint idea : Jananese Ware. Ladles' Work Boxes . wax uoiia, luusiraiea nciure naoxc, Nankeen Dolls, Tea Seta, Indestructible Dolls. Cups and Saucers, Blinkinz Dolls.new thtng.Rockine Horses, Sleeping Dolls, Fire Crackers, Dell Carriages, Stoves. Velocipedes, Kitchens, Drums, Furniture Sets, Musical Toys, Noah's Arks, Metalaphones, Animals, Harmonicas, Games, Bay Pipes, Puzzles, wagons, vases. Carts, Trumpets, Tool Chests, writing Dessa, Extensive Assortment or Tin ware. Wholesale and Retail. BROWN & RODDICK, N.S. corner Market and 2d Sts. dec 16 tf GEORGE MYERS, 7, 9, 11, 13 , 16 South Front ISt FIRE-WORKS! IN EVERY VARIETY. FANCY GOODS in every possible variety; FRENCH CONFECTIONERY; ORANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, FIGS; OLD WINES and LIQUORS, WHISKEYS; NEW CHAMPAGNES. Only look at the IMMENSE VARIETY we offer, and "Friccs the Lowist in the City." GEORGE MYERS, dec 19 If 7, 9. 11,13, 16 South Front st. 5 and 10c Counters ! mo THE TRADE : The live business men of the JL day are starting these counters. We are the Originators and Headquarters I We have the only two Excurstvx 5 ana 10c Jobbing Houses in the United States, ay Send for Catalogue and partic- nlara. &m HUlliHH I1UUK., son a 202 BandolDh street. cmcAUU. oct 1 3m we fr su 28 A 28 Chauncv st. BOSTON. THE Buffalo -Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT Iu Chronic Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE Waters, and the claim, thooeh a strone one. is substantiated by the testimony of many of the meat eminent medical men of tho country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, via : Affections of the Kidne; 3? and Bladder, especially in Stone or Gravel Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form, Droosical Effusion. Uremia, or Uremic Poison. Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the pecially in all Disorders of the Menstrual Function, v thev have accomplished results aa remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medlca or among Mineral Waters. Thev are confidently" recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters. In Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, to per Case at the springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for Guests 1st day of Juno. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. t. i i siTswfta a. T? r auktvd a mh 25 tf WUmington,N. C. Hale's Weekly. rvN TUESDAY. THE 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER. signed will commence the publication of HALE'S WEEKLY, A NOBTH C ABO LIN A. DXXOCBATIO NBWSPAPMt. These four words convey all that a column of ProBoectus could tell: the eood of the State: the success of the Party which is the life of the. State and the country: the Dublicatlon of all the news: these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and contribute to the first and second, the subscri ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set their seal of approval uron nls past ana he does not doubt the future. BLixx's WxxKLY will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The price will be $9 per annum. No name will go upon its mail books without payment, and no paper will be sent after the expiration or tne time paia xor. Raleigh, Sept. 15, 1879. aept 16 tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81A1E8VILLE, IREDELL CO., JIT. C IS THE LeadiDg Newspaper in Western North Carolina. Itis the only Democratic Paper published la Ire- dell County one of the largest audi l wealthiest coon ties in the State and haa attained a larger loca circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. Its circulation in Aiexanaer, w us.es, Asne. Aue- ghSyTYadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than thatof any two papers in the 8tate combined; and Is rapidly acquiring a stroni foothold In Forsythe, Barry, Rowan and western . lecKienDurg. It is the only paper In Western North Carolina that employs a RarenaB Cahvabsiks Asxnt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thi4 system a rapidly Increasing circulation ia the result, Trigging me JUAKDXAUK THE BBS's? ADVERTISING OTKUIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS, der-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Gr aMl!hMd?ata! f OPENING. Sol. Bear & Bros. Have the pleasure ol agaia.aBnouncia jj to toe pub lic thaUhey have an DHUSDAL and ATTBACTIYR STOCK ! atd are prepared to offer to their customers one of the Grandest & Cheapest Stocks OF Ready-Made Clothing ! PRICES RANGING IN SUITS FROM $3.00 UPWARDS A beautiful and grand assortment In Gents' Furnishing Goods! Which we guarantee Cannot be Equalled in this City A Fine Line and Latest Styles In Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, In all Qualities and Prices, Imported direct from the Manufacturers, which we guarantee to be of Superior Quality. We have also one of the CHOICEST and LARGEST STOCKS of Two- & Three-Ply & Brussels Carpels s Bugs, Matting and Oil-Clothi, AT A8TONISHING LOW PRICES. PLEASE EXAMINE. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Contains the MOST SELECT. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCKS IN THIS STATE, Consisting of Dry G-oods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c sol. BEAR & BROS. oct 28 tf Til 12 New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. Boots and Shoes for the Holidays, A RRIV1NG DAILY BY- EXPRESS. COME IX. soon to avoid the rush. Immonse sales r ally. My Goods in PRICES and QUALITY cannot be excelled Dy any. None but the BEaT and MOST POPULAR makes in the country. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Another lot of those Scotch Button School Shoes just arrived. Come and examine. The Same Old Prices. C. ROSENTHAL, MARKET ST. dec 31 tf Sign of the Show Case. jr- Salt. Salt. Salt. 21,000 Sacks NOW ON WAY FROM ENGL. AND, AND A PORTION DAILY EXPECTED ! Factory Filled Fine Table, AND Liverpool Ground Alum FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. WILLARDS," NORTH WATER STREET, dec 7 tf WILMINGTON. N. C. For Smithville. OTEAM YACHT ELIZABETH. O Caw. D. W. CHADWICK, Carrvine U. 8. Mail. Leaves Wharf, foot of Market Street, daily, at H:30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithville at 3 P. M. nov 23 tf JOSEPH BISBE8. Agent. USE Hylani's Liglitiiing Healing Powder, As the Quickest and Best Remedy For all Sores on Man or Beast. For sale by GREEN & PLANNER. dec 3 lm You Can Get JJORSERADISH IN ROOTS, SAUR KRAUT, Smoked Eels. Red Cabbaee. German Pickle. Linse Beans, Pearl Barley and bago, Rye and Buckwheat jiour, Appics, iararB, wines. lAa uors. etc., bl uovt Prices, at U VOLLERS', dec S3 tr . as and 88 South Frent street. Steamer Passport,, QAPT, J. W. HARPER, I Will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at ZX P. M. oct 29tf GEO. MYERS. Agent. Price Reduced. rrmE LADIES ARE INFORMED THAT MRS. JL VIRGINIA A. ORR has reduced the nrice of soaping. Dieacning, ana dying Ladies' ana chil dren's Hats from FIFTY to TWRNTY-FIVB CTS. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church treet. ' occ l -w i mi t i The LlllCOlll PrOSTieSS. - ww .wgwa Published Saturdays at Lincolnton, N. C. IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and haa an extensive circulation anions the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes ef business men in thn State. It offers to the Merchants ef Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertisine their business thronshout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements. BUDBcnpuon price, S3 uu per annum lnaavance. Address F. H. dblamc. MISCELLAHEOUa J as . C t S t evet. sOT ?A MARKET STREET, f ft AND ' ' ' Jas. C- Stevenson & Co. BROOKLYN. JBTUHN THANKS FOR THE LIBERAL PA- tronage the year past, and promise for the New Year TO LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED to give to their customers THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY. THEY WILL KEEP ALWAYS THE BEST GOODS FOR THE BEST TRADE. THEY NOW OFFER FRESH CRANBERRIES and SWEET ORANGES at - 91.75 PES 100, ) 30 e PER DOZEN, V DELIVERED. 2 FOR 5c. ) J. C. STEVENSON, Market Street. and C. STEVENSON & CO., Brooklyn Bridge. 1an.S tf Tobacco. Tobacco. 100 BOXES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. SPECIALTIES : UNCLE NED'S TWIST, QUEEN BEE PLUG. Hall & Pearsall. 1an 3 D&Wtf NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT That in the past few days we have shipped "TON8 UPON TONS" of Goods to our patrons, yet there is no perceptible diminution in our LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK, and we hope with our stock on hand and daily arrivals, not only to fill the orders which may be sent or given us far CHRISTMAS GOODS, but also for the SUBSTANTIALS OF LIFE, and every thing UEoally fouud in a large Wholesale Grocery Establishment. Adrian & Vollers. dec23tf PPLKS, CABBAGE, ORANGES, &c For sale by dec 23 tf ADRIAN A VOLLERS. At Low Prices for the Times. 2)Q Hbds. and Bbls Molasses and Syrups, JQQ Bags Coffee, pQ Bbls. Sugars, 500 " Flour, all grades; 50Q Bales Hay, 50 Bbls. and half bbls. Mackerel, p; Art Boxes Seap, Lye, Candles, Ac, JUU 10 tons Hoop Iron, r t ii bis. uisuiiers' uine, 500 tons Grate and Stove Coal. oct26-tf WORTH A WORTH. Wanted ! Old Copper, Brass and Lead. Highest Cash Prices Paid by COOPER, JOKES & CADBURT, 15INORTH SEVENTH 8T., PHILADELPHIA, Pa. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. Correspondence solicited. nov 23 3m The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. 35th YEAR. The Scientific American. TUIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a larse First- X Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most lecent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in eluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, f Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, natural History, ueoiogy, Astronomy. The most vainaDie practical papers By eminent wri ters in all departments of bcieace, will bo found in the Scientific American. . Terms, $3.20 per year, Zl S3 half year, .which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, iu cents, ooia Dy ail Mewsaeaiers. nemicoy postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. Ti A rTITI'TtrrTIO . In connection with the IT A JLXlJN JL Oi SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mesara. Jlcav A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to tne merits oi tne new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who haa made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, tbxb or ohabox, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mums A Co. We also send tbbx onr Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for proCuxiog advances on inventions. ' Address for the f aper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th 8t&, Washington, D.C. nov 1 tf ' Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A -WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL - NATURAL HIS TORY, FloH UULiTUtJS, risurflUTiun ur GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This ia the onlv Journal in the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman . Sportsman. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest & Streatin Pnbltsblng Co., Ill FULTON BT.,(OMNo. 103,) New T"rfe Post Office Box 83l. sept 27-tf The Camden Journal I , , , . , Published Every Thursday, at Camden, 8. 0. T8THS OLDEST -ESTABLISHED . PAPER IN A Kerehaw ronntr. and has an extensive circulation amons the MerehanteJfarmera and All classes of business men in the county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for- Advertiaing, ttie country in which It circulates, being connected with that city bysteam eronthe Wateree Kiver, and the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad. , . . Liberal farms will be made with those desiring te advertise.- x . ' a- bflnluivlnHjui nrlM C9 M tiaf Mnnitt. Address, JTKAJ7I J.JXAJB. e naif reo Ti-tr Editors and Proprietors. RAILROAD LINES, &c ilMng6iif& Weldon RAILROAD CO. Omca op Ghi. SuraBiMTiMDaKT, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 82, 1879 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV'RSSd 18T9, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington' Weldon Railroad will run as follows: Day Mall aod Express Train Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6.50 A. M. Arrive at Weldon ... W:60 ?..M Leave Weldon 3:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:53 P. M. NlKbt Rlall and Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Be pot, at 8:40 P. M- Arrive at Weldon 3:60 A. M- Leave Weldon 2:13 ATM. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.13 A. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Dally, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. The Day Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and dally via Richmond and all rail route. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, nov 22-tf General Sup'u General Sup'ts Office, WIL9IINGTON, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA R. R. COMPAN, WILMINGTON. N. C, Nov. 8i, BSE"" Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 23d, 1879, V tl the following Schedule will be run on this Road: Day Express and. ittali Train Daily. Leave Wilmincton 9:i0 A. M. Arrive at Florence. 8:00 P. M. Leave Florence 3:50 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington 10:13 P. M. Leave Florence 3:20 A. M. Arrive at Camden Junction 4 :15 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 9:00 A. M. Leave Celumbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction 1 :00 M. Leave Florence 2:30A.1L Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. This Train stops only at Whiteville, Flemington, jrair juux ana aianon. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Celum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night. Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers ror Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Charles ton Junction and Camden Judction. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do net make any connection for Celumbia. JOHN F. DIVINE. nov 22-tf Gen'l Bnn't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO, i!t OrTJC! Gehssal Sttfebih tzm dekt Wilmington, N. C, June 7, 1879. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave .Wilmington at 7:00 P. M. No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at 9:27 A.M. S " Charlotte at..... 8:J0A.M. i Leave Charlotte at 8:25 P. M. No. 2 V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:32 AM. S Wilmington at.'... 9:50 A.M. No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 2 Train is Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. No. 9. I Leave Charlotte J Arrive at Shelby 8:40 A. M. 12:30 P. M. . 1:15 P.M. . 5:05 P. M. WftinlLeaye Shelby " i Arrive at Charlotte LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 5:35 A M, Arrives at Laurmburg 4:00 P. M. Leaves Charlotte 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Laurinburg 4:15 P. M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:20 p. M. Leaves Laurinburg. 5:00 A.M.. Arrives at Wilmington . ... 4:20 P.M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close-connections made at Charlotte with Trains of A. A C. A. L. R. R. and A..TT AO. R. R Passengers for Asheville via either route, lenving Wilmington at 7 P. M., will arrive at destination at 9 P. M. next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains ootn to ana irom cnariotte and Wilmington. There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON, my 17-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S Few York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer RE G- U L A TOR, Cam. DOAXE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW FORK, Saturday, January 10. f0r-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised, apt For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Theo. G. Ejjer, Freight Agent, New York. W. I. Clyde &, Co.. General Agents. dec 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid in $300,000. Surplus Fund 950,000 DIREGIORS. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAB c. M. STEDMAK ISAAC BATES, -TAS. A. LEAE B. F. LITTLE S. B. BORDEN H. VOLLERS R. S. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President ISAAQ BATES, Vice Preaident g. D. WALLAoa. Cashier tang ao-tr Higli-BretiilogSa English, ikish and cordon setters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by - ; S. P. WELSH, .; aovTDAWtf York, Peon. ' wiHwr 1 ; the noEnniG star : fStajjiJiiitiingJlotisei MORNING STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINE BOOK NEWSPAPER A MER OA N TIL A PRINTING AND BINDING, . CHEAP FOR CA&H. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES it TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP; STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER T1MK. AND BETTER STYLE THAN B 3 ANY OTHEROFFICE 1 WILMINGTON.'. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, W1LMINQ TON. N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK BENT TO AN11PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THK SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. Notice. M R. GEORGE M. SUMMERRILL HAVING been admitted a member ef our firm on the 1st in stant, the name and style will hereafter be AL- TAFFER, PRICE A CQ. Respectfully, dec 7 tf ALTAFFER A PRICE. Kerosene Oil 7 Cents Per Galton. rpo MEET COMPETITION I OFFER A NO. 1 A article of KEROSENE OIL at 7 cents per gallon. Sold only at retail. ' .Sasli, Doors. Blinds, Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices, - Send along your orders. dec 9 tf GEO. A. PECK. Safety Oil at 15 Cents a Ballon. , J AM SELLING A BEAUTIFUL OIL, PER- fectly reliable, and GUARANTEED SAFE, at 1 5 CENTS A GALLON. It produces a superior light, and is comparatively free from odor, dec 9 tf GEO. A PECK. Pi ON EE ft WOKS- BIRMINGHAM: ENOUAND Prices in England. f 68.00, f 78.75, $89.35, $100.00, $15.00, fiBOja.. Delivered in New York, duty elusive : and all charges 1b $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150.63, $184.38, $318.00. The above may fee ordered "Full Choke," "Me dram Choke or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. we are now making smau oorea or ptos 14, H owe aud 30 1 eauee. which are scarcely inferior iu to the larger bores. Weight of 30-Bore from 5X lba " 14 16 " 6X " ' 13 7 " 10 " 6H " Onr "Giant Grip" Action has been: awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now usirnr our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N. C. capt. u. a. atuxcnison, wumingion, a. v. Col. B. F. Little. Llttie'S Mills, N. (J. J ames A Leak, Esq ., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. J. ft W. TOLLEY, v Pioneer Works,, St, Mary's Square, octSD&Wtf Birmingham.-England. H. A. 8TEDIMH, Jr. : Attorney and ConfiMllor at Law. ELIZ ABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied by RinaldlACo. Special attention to Claims. Col lections on sums of f 100 and upwards made for -Five-Per Cent. If without uit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, c,Ss specialty. ap5-DAWtf TjIABBLE V raorou pewits AND ' - Crave Stories. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORE PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATHiS CO 5 T l.f y et te Place, N ew York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. " ec4 DAWtf PRESCniPTO FQEE For the speedy Care of Somlaat ITeakaess, Lost Manhood, I'rematsre Debility. Hervoasaess. Despondency, Confasfba of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, aad' all Btsorders Brought on by Secret Habits and Exeesses. Aay druggist has the lagredlesita.i ss. Address, DR. JAQUCS Av CO. . 130 West sixth st, cmcunfATi osia febl5 lyDAW? ' : i ALL ABOUT WestemHortlifiarolina If you want to know all aDoiitthe "Garden Spot" of i the South, send for a specimen copy of Tie Westrourier; ' It Is a TWENTY-BIGHT COLUMN WEKLY. full of interesting veading matter; ana yjevote to' the interests of Western North Carolituu'. -i this wuoiaa vusru it . Henderspnvijle. TT. XT, r gS&2 "JRAWINCS & PRICES P f- (-. 'I 1 1 1 - a ' 1 .oe puj ip renearsai in jrnuaaejpuia at ubw, Statesville. N, C; Editor and Proprietor. i

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