THnoainnia star PUBLISHED D1ILT 1IOXM' UONlnti bates or otrmttCKWioa ui advamci OaeTAf, (by malt) posiiuja paid, ix month. " " - U diree months. " " " 85 ae month " " ii To City Sooesrlbew, delivered lu any pari or the riiy. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agent are attt authorised to collect for merv than three otathr ia advance. SUitered at the Post Office at Wilmlngtoa, N. O., as second class matter. OUTLINKV From the Island of St. Kills comes the news of the loss of 200 persoua by floods; the losaof property is immense; the entire isl&Dd is wasted. Extensive strikes of cotton operatives in England are immi. nent. Metcalf & Co., London jewel lers, have failed; liabilities $325,000. A destructive fire occurred in Philadelphia yesterday. Augusta cotton factory and warehjmses burnt Tuesday night; loss 180,000, insurance $60,000. There was a wholesale presentation of petitions from women for the right to vote in the Senate. The police force at the Maine capitol has been strengthened; the Fusion Election Committee decided to unseat Hale. Severe storm aod gale reported from Ore gon, with heavy loss of property and small destruction of life. The London 1 imes says the present dauger in Ireland is con fined to the west. A rumored rupture between SjIoo. Chase and Pillsbury is re ported from Augusta, Me., the former opposiag the use of force at any stage of lh8 preswqt dimculiies. At Franklin, La , yesterday. Sidney Cole, a youth of 19, was abut and killed by J. B Wofford; ver dict of coroner's jury, excusable homicide. Elihu A. White was yesterday con firmed as collector of internal revenue for the Second- District of North Carolina. New aimy movements are reported from Candahar, as a counter-stroke to the appruhended junction of the hostile Af ghan.". The Maine Republican Legis lature have sulupjtted a scries of questions i. ; be Supreme Court relative to the muddle. New York markets: Money 64 per ceat ; cotton quiet and steady at 12J13c; Mnutheru flour quiet at $6 008 00; wheal feverish ami unsettled, closing 23c lower; corn t&lc better, with very light offerings; spirits- turpentine dull at 4.444c; rosin quiet at $1 6G1 63. Le Duo ami hia Agricultural De partment are to be investigated. There waa a tie vote in the Hous e on a bill to remove the duty on salt. The excitement in Richmond to see Joe Jefferson is said to be in tense. Quinine can now be bought for z.uu an ounce, rietore tne Uenio- i orals in fcfongress made ii fetched $3.70. it duty frej! General Harry Helh has loai his jlaee'under Hayes. "T was ever thus from childhood's hour, I have seen my fondest hopes decay." Four negroes committed a moat brutal murder in Washington City on the 11th. The victim was George P. Hirth, white. One of them has turned Slate's evidence and given the details of the dreadful crime. They ar m jail. The Philadelphia Times publishes the reports of sixty-eight Democratic papers as to the choice of caudidate for the Presidency. Tilden 15, Bay ard 13, Hancock 11, Seymour 9. There are several scattering, whilst nearly a dozen are on the look for the man to win. Wonders will never cease. Grant is a constant surprise. He is actually shipping as a present to the Mikado of Japan two American trotting stal lions. Both are bays, very handsome, and one is of the Ethan Allen stock. Whoever expected to see the great gift-taker in the role of a giver ? Speaker Randall . wants a short, busy session and no tinkering with the finances. He believes the party will not gam as much in the East as some suppose from such legal tender legislation, and would lose heavily in the West. The Speaker appears to have . his eyes open. In the mean time there are all sorts of financial schemes before Congress. t The way to test pure and imita tion butter (eleomargariue) is to melt the counterfeit, when it becomes pure, clear oil. The genuine shows a de posit of salt, and will not melt read .This on the authority of a New York dealer. We h ave seen ''gilt edged" put on broiled beefsteak, aod when xold you could only see beef suet. The papers in North Carolina that have expressed a preference for the great, pure and tried statesman of New York, Horatio Seymour, for President, are the Wilmington Stab, 3h'otuOierer,(dailies),and Hills boroZTd Greensboro Patriot, Lum Tn$obtsonian,QLor&Frte Lance end ; Chapel. Hill Ledger, (weeklies). There are others probably that have Intimated a similar preference, bat we -do not recall thera last new. We wiU be glad to see the list rapidly and largely increased. .NO. 97. There are two tobacco bills before Congress. One provides "that all smoking tobacco and all cut and gran ulated tobacco other than fine cut chewiug, all shorts, the refuse of fine out chewingtwhioh has passed through a rfddle. of thirty six meshes to the square inch, and all refuse scraps, clipping, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco, may bo put up in packages uontatniog two, four, biz, eight, ten, twelve, and sixteen ounces each." The other allows "any man to sell tobacco raised by himself, or received by him in payment of rent, to any persou, provided he shall within sixty days after sale aud delivery notify by mail the collector of internal revenue of the district where the Bale and de livery are made, the name of the pur chasers, and the quantity sold and delivered.1 We get this from tiildad's Wash ington letter in the Richmond State. Edison's electric light stock has tumbled, but the great inventor is confident that he rsjis a great surprise in store for the profane and scoffers. The New York Sun of the 12th thus reports him : "Mr. Edison says thai all the lights are as brilliant as when first set up, and cer tainly they show no loss of intensity to the ordinary observer.. So pleased is be with what he considers, bis almost phenomenal success ia the carbon principle, with incan descence, instead of tb voltaic arc, that be propose soon to establish at least one elec tric station in this city. - Oae of the most curious objects in Edisou's laboratory is an tlectric light that has been completely submerged in a bath of water for several weeks. It is designed foi submarine work and as ao assistance to divers in prosecuting their work in recover ing sunken treasure, and in patching up sunken ships so. that they may be raised. So constantly is Mr. Edison absorbed in bis electric problems ; that his assistants say that be would forget to eat bis meals and Ho to bed if be were not reminded of those things." The New York Sun has again been perverting one of the items of the Charlotte Observer. That paper takes strange liberty sometimes with the truth. Here is the way it did it with "its Utile hatchet": "A young physician of Charlotte, N. C, had wagered heavily that the game cock would w d in a forthcoming fight. In order lo give the fowl a little practice, he and a friendly clergyman obtained a big Shanghai rooster, clipped off his spurs and put him iuto a pen tor the other tokUJ. The Shang hai was informed' that be - only bad about two minutes to live, but be went at the game cock with surprising confidence and vigor, and at the expiration oi ine two min utes crowed aver bis dead body. The phy sician told his sorrows in plain words, but the clerivuisn ex Dressed bis feelings in a sermon on 'Tne Vanity of Unman Hopes." The addition- consists in tthe part the clergyman performed. No such person was concerned in the matter. According to the New York Her ald Washington society has been greatly improved under Democratic supremacy. It says: "The Democrats in Congress have starved out the lobbr and the administration has no jobs of its own on hand, and Washington is as dull as peace ana prosperity can maze it. It is so melancholy a condition of things that it is a wonder some lover of a strong man at the head of the government does not move the impeachment and removal of Mr. Hayes." The Philadelphia Jftss, titalwart organ, has made a thorough canvass of Pennsylvania opinion, and it is found that Blaine is the choice of the people, and Grant is supported only only by politicians. It says the peo ple are found to be against the third term movement. ' Captain Hamlin and Sergeant Fry e (Garoelon's brother-in-law to j whom he does not speak) have taken their seats in Congress. Gen. . iilaiqe ia still at the Beat of war directing the operations of the Stalwart fighting brigade. Hamlin and Frye profess to be very hopeful.' Deel4dlr Rmi. QillsborO Southern Hail. The Wilmington Morning Stab is decidedly the Lest daily newspaper in North Carolina. ? . ,y. Spirits Turpentine. The measles are at Raleigh and diphtheria is disappearing. The Milton Presbyterian ladies made $75 by their dime party. The Reidsyille Nexos has been changed into Webster's Dollar Weekly. The ice crop in the upper couu -ties remains to be made and gathered. Ashe vilfe Bank' has declared a eemi-anoual dividend of five per cent. Ve larie really ratlfierl to learn that Chief Justice Smith is sufficiently con valescent to be again on the street. ' Hale's , Weekly reports the taxes paid in 1879 as follows: State, $495,642 49; County, $919,059 13; School, $333,757 88. Total $1,747,859. . New. Berne Nut Shell: Four of our colored citizens died Sunday night and yesterday ; mocniog- i Two of them died almost at the sime moment. , , -Mrs Moon's revival at Reids vllle closed after twenty-four days oontinu ancd. Theconveru exceed sixty In num ber according to the Dollar Weekly. VOL, W..II. ! , 1 WILMINGTON, Sam Gordon was accidentally, foolishly and dangerously shot by Merri- wether Lewis, in Caswell county. The Reidsville limes says this Merry fellow was poking poor Sam with a loaded shot gun. W ade Harris is again at the bead of his old paper, the Concord Sun, and it gives a new and brilliant light. Long may the Sun shine for all and V. H. be the man "to turn on the light." His first number is excellent Newton JSnterprtse: The Monu mental and Historical Association held their regular quarterly meeting in the Court House last Saturday. Dr. Geo. C. McNeill delivered an address and several hours were spent in transacting business. Mr. Theo. Hobgood, one of the most favorably known yonng men of the Eastern part ofthe State,- has accepted the position of travelling agent for the Newt, and has taken the field for active service. Any courtesies extended to him will be duly recognized by this paper. Baleigh News. Hillsboro Mail: Wm. Fitchett, the farmer on Capt Tayerny's place, who made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide last week, has entirely recovered both in mind and body. Misses Sa rah and Mary Nash, of the Female High School, are spending the winter vacation in Brooklyn. Stateaville Landmark: The young wheat is represented as looking ex ceedingly promising, 'but from different Carts of the county come reports of damage y the fly. One farmer tells us that, settled upon his wheat in the early morning, they look like a fog. Between the 1st of September last and the 1st of January, all of 1.000 bales of cotton were sold in that market . Greenville Express: The town has been full of fire insurance adjusters and satisfactory arrangements have been made with the insurers. Property in the burnt district is fast changing bands at fabulous prices. The work of rebuilding has begun. The old jail is fall of folks and the two guards stationed in there at night have prevented many escapes. Pitt county is now without a sheriff and will be until U)p 1st of February. Hale's Weekly, Raleigh: One of the patients at the Insane Asylum, Mr. David Kersey, of Guilford county, was fonnd dead in his bed on Thursday morn ing. There are at present in attend ance at the public schools of this county 14,863 children. Of this number 7,818 are white, 7,044 colored. A Massachusetts man, howeVer, bought a corundum mine in Macon county, and as the proceeds of the mine, employing only an average of three regular miners, and they not working during the winter . of 1877-'78, he has wagoned, to the Air-Line Railroad, from August, 1878, to December, 1879, two hun dred tons of corundum. A New York party has also bought a corundum mice in Clay county which they have not yet operated. Concord Sun: Henry Groner, of our town, baa lately acquired a wonder ful .skill with the rifle, and has sent Texas Jack a challenge to meet him in a shooting match sometime during the coming spring. The cbnrisnge is for plain target-shooting, at a distance anywhere between 100 and 2,000 yards. "Rah for Hen. Rev. Luke Dorland, Principal of Scotia Seminary, a colored institution, has bought the lot ad joining the Seminary ground on the East, owned by Capt W. W. Robinson, and will build a brick church where Capt Robin son's residence now stands. That bright little neighbor town of ours Mount Pleasant has expressed its intention of having a railroad, and has already taken the initiatory steps ia the matter. The Chicago buggy man was in town this week and commenced the sale of bis buggies on the Court House green. He had about fifty, open and top, and sold them all before the close of the week, and as a consequence, one can scarcely turn around without seeing a stylish turnout whirl by. Revival is no the ; word to apply to the recent rising up of tha.Gran gers ia - Cabarrus and Mecklenburg ceun tiea. Col. W. H. Cheek, Master of the State Grange,' has been among them, and the effects or his talking has had a won derful influence in waking np the mem bers of the ordep - -Raleigh: Observer: Dr.Pritchard baptized six students at Wake Forest on Sunday last. - "The boys are pouring into Wake Forest and a large increase is expected. Goldaboro, correspondent : In the months of October and November 475 exodustera left here for Indiana, and twenty-two for Kansas. In December 650 purchased tickets for Indiana, and January 1st, 123 took shipping-for the same point Total 1,253. .'' On or about the 12th and 14th of this month some .5,000 or 6,000 more wiH go from Wayne and Johnslpn counties. Parties from Pitt county inform us that 800 or 1,000 will leave there about the 19th or 20th of this; month; There is an exodus agent in town to-day from Green county for, ttiV purpose.. of chartering a train to carry exodusteri from that county. He in forms me 'that about 1,500 are ready and are going Within a' week or ao. Some of the parlies that are interested In the move also inform - me that a goodly number are geingfrom Wilson county. ,within a few days. -r Charlotte Observer: . Charlotte, itjeema, iajo havt another -portunlryjof getting a telephone. There are, now fifty-one persons In the county jail, and it is a month till the Inferior Court meets. The store of David Bhuf ord, in Catawba county, was brokfn open one night last week, and nearly the whole stock of goods stolen. The small grain crop of Union county is reported as promising. It is reported that the wheat crop of Alexander county ia being damaged by the fly, owing to the warm weather. The spring ses sion of Rutherford College opened last ' week, with-about one hundred students present the first day. Mr. Josiah As bury, well-known building contractor of this city, left yesterday morning to join in Philadelphia the Messrs. Oates who left some days since to purchase the machinery for their ' cotton factory. Revenue raiding parties have been operating quite extensively . in Cleaveland county and have destroyed several stills -and made some arrests. On the 8th 4hey seized 200 gallons of brandy, belonging . to Sam Black, of Cherryville. The raiding party was in charge of Captain Stockton. At least three of the railroads running into Charlotte will soon have other connect ing roads. In the course of'a month or so the Carolina Central will fiave the Cheraw and Salisbury at Wadeaboro; the North Ca rolina Railroad will soon have the roadto the University, and the Air Line a road from Gainesville to some point in North Georgia. Besides this may be mentioned the Winston, Salem & Mooresville Railroad, which is to connect with the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio Road at Mooresville, and on which the work Is now progressing satisfac torily. ' ' . . - i . , ' Il ls asserted that Misses Kellogg, Ab bott Oates, and .our . other famous song stresses manage to keep their voices clear by the use of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. t MOIIN N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1880, TJEC JED CITY. NJBW ADVStBTiaKnKNTS. Munson Overcoats. A. David Fairly rushing. Habbison & Aixkn Hats. Notice To merchants of Brunswick. CnoNiiV & Morbis Vehicles at auction. mm Local Dots. There were no cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. It is Col. E. S., not E. G., Lati mer, of the Second Regiment N. C. 8. Guard. The Sheriff yesterday received a receipt in full from Treasurer Worth for New Hanover's quota of the State taxes, for warded on Saturday last. A blanket had been torn up and madeinto a rope by the prisoners who at tempted to escape from the county jail on Tuesday morning, which was ready for use in lowering them from the windows in caso they had escaped detection. Besides the pleasure the leap year ballists enjoyed at German ia Hall, last Tuesday evening, we understand they did a really good thing in donating eatables to St John's festival, and eatables and a snug sum of money to the Ladies' Benevolent Society. This was dancing to some purpose. There seems to be no such thing as stopping cattle from running at large on the streets, and the worst of it is that some of them open gates and depredate upon plants, evergreens, &3. A case of this sort happened yesterday morning, and not far from the same neighborhood a heifer en tered a store, and was about helping her self to Irish potatoas, &c, when discovered and driven out A Ciood BearlnnlBK We print this morning the official pro ceedings of the meetiag held at the City Hall, last evening, to adopt measures to aid the present distress in Ireland. The handsome sum of $245 was subscribed in stantly, and it is not to be doubted that when the committee, appointed for that purpose, puts .the full machinery in opera tion, this amount will be swollen to such a degree as lo indicate the deep sympathy of the people here with the woes of Ireland. The object in view is one thai demands practical, earnest effort; that calls: for some thing better than wordy demonstrations; and we trust every one in this community will add something to the stature of his manhood by contributing to the relief fund however small the sum each individual may be able to bestow. The preliminary meeting of the commit tee, appointed at the meeting last evening, will be held at the First National Bank to day at 12 o'clock. Local Iniaraaes Statistics. We give below some local insurance sta tistics, obtained from the Secretary to the Board of Underwriters, which may be of interest to our readers: Fires Inside City Limits During Year 1879. MONTH. NUMBER FIRES. January 5 February 6 raa. paid. $ 9.608 72 4,262 60 0.000 00 810 00 8 00 588 25 4,566 40 800 00 1.975 00 50,887 38 15.796 83 263 00 March 1 April 8 May 2 J une ..... ...... 1 July 5 August 1 September 5 October 5 November 5 December 2 Totals. ...... .41 $88,566 06 This sum, $88,566 06. was actually paid by Fire Insurance Companies through agents here, on losses sustained within the city limits during 1879. If we add to this the losses paid on property burnt within a radius of eight miles from the city (princi pal of which were rice barns of F. M. Moore and A. W. Reiger, and dwellings of D. S. 8andera and John F. Garrell) amount ing to something ever $20,000, we have, say, $110,000 paid out here by Fire Insu rance Companies last year. The heaviest losses' to companies by sin gle fires during the year were that of the Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Company, on October 1st, $49,386.52, and that of Colville & Co.'s milf, &c, on No vember 22d, $14,750. Our informant can not now state exactly the profit and loss resulting to the companies of the city on their business for the year, as none of our agencies here keep an accoilhff receipts on city .business . separate from that on country. He is satisfied, nowever, that for very company which made any money In Wilmington last year, there are two which lost, and that it will require all the local profits of some of the -latter for several prosperous years to come to repair their 1879 losses. The city losses paid by the companies in 1878 amounted to $63,286.71. BnffiloBIU. Of the new drama, "Knight of the Plains," in which our old acquaintance, Buff alo Bill, will appear at the Opera House on the 22d inst, the' Indianapolis Journal says: VThe, papers everywhere speak most highly of Ingraham's drama, 'Knight of the Plains written expressly for the.Hpa.W F. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bjlf, and having last night winessed the performance of the play, - we ; willingly ' endorse the universal sentiment of the press regarding its merits. ' Festival Tonla:Iit."' This evening the promised festival.under the auspices of a committee of ladies of St. John's Church, will, take place at, the old National Bank building, northeast corner of Front and Princess streets,, the proceeds to be applied to the extinguishment of the debt of the church. : Those; fond ; of the good things of this life should make It con venient to attend. Star TIi Fire Yesterday nornlne. About half past two o'clock yesterday morning the alarm bell sounded for fire. which was finally found to be at the bouse of Louis LeGrand, the well known porter .at Messrs. Cronly & Morris', the building being located on Second, between Dawson and Wright streets, in the extreme south ern section of the city. Louis says when he awoke the side of his house next to Mt Olive Church was in a light blaze, and the fire was between himself , ..and wife .and their children, four of them, the oldest not more than ten years of age, being in a room to themselves. The fire was also within about five steps of Louis and his wife, when the infant in its mother's arms awoke them by a peculiar noise it made in its efforts to get its breath, the smoke having nearly suffocated it There was no way of reaching the children, except through fire and flame, and the almost distracted mother finally sprang from one of the windows with her infant in her arms, and, running to the vi cinity of the room where the children were sleeping quietly, all unconscious of the dead ly peril by which they were surrounded, commenced shouting an alarm which speed fly awoke them and they all jumped safely from one of the windows into the yard. . Id the meantime the flames had spread with such rapidity that very little of the fur niture could be saved, all but one bed, with the covering; and a few chairs,, being con sumed in. the bouse. The fire communicated to Mount Olive A. M. Church, of which Rev. Cornelius Sampson is pastor, and also to the kitchen on the premises of Louis LeGrand, both of which were completely destroyed. All the benches, lamps, bible, etc., were, saved from the church. Another house ia close proximity to the burning property, owned by LeGrand, and occupied by his mother, made a narrow escaps. LeGrand had insurance to the amount of $500 on bis house, in a company represent ed by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, but his house and kitchen furniture was cot in jured. He estimates his loss over and above insurance at between $800 and $850. The Mt Olive Church building was a frame structure, and was, together with the( church furniture, insured for $1,000 in a company represented by Messrs. W. L. Smith &Co., which will probably cover the loss. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Ttee Hop- Tuesday Bveatnc. The young ladies are to be warmly con gratulated upon the great success of the Leap Tear Ball given by them at Germania Hall on Tuesday evening last In point of attendance and pleasure experienced the hop surpassed anything given here this winter, and certainly reflected the greatest credit on those entrusted with its manage ment An elegant supper was served abou t midnight, to which the guests of the eve ning gave their attentionwith a zest indi cative of their appreciation, and over which , attended by the young ladies as waiters on this special occasion, they liogered long and fondly. The young ladies were unceasing in their attentions to their guests, and as a conse quence the boys, with singular unanimity, pronounced it the most pleasant dance they ever attended. There were no belles, nor no wall-flowers; it was seen that no one was neglected, and henee all participants had a pleasant time, the only regret being that the young ladies cannot give a leap year ball every week. rttsreaosaster KseorsU The following will show-the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the dally bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta ..46 Augusta 51 Charleston, 54 Charlotte 44 Corslcana, . . . . . . 60 Galveston, 69 Havana.......... 78 Indianola, ...... .68 Jacksonville 53 Key West, 76 Mobile 63 Montgomery 54 New Orleans,... .65 PuntaRassa,. ...70 Savannah 54 Wilmington,... .52 magisirata's Court. Betsy Willis, colored, bad a bearing be fore Justice Gardner, yesterday, on the charge of committing assault and battery upon a child. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. ' ssj' aw B1VBB AND SiaHINE. The Russian! brig Mermo, Nickelsen, sailed from Gloucester on the 10th inst. for this port f : The schooner John A. Griffin, Selover, cleared from Philadelphia for thi3 port on the 12th inst. The steamship Gulf Stream, Ingra ham, from this port, arrived at New York on the 12th inst, and cleared the same day on return trip. ' ' The brig Alice Lea, Capt. Foster, Which cleared from;tbispdrt for Philadel phia on the80th nit, went ashore -on Watchaprigue on; the 8th inst, and will probably be a total! loss. - Her consignees at this port were Messrs. Harriss & Howell, and her cargo consisted of 123,000 feet of lumber, She : was owned in Wilmington, Delaware, where she was built in 1854, and registered 297 tons. , Both vessel and com mander are. well knownin Wilmington.and Capt. Foster has many very warm friends here. A letter from his father, in Phila delphia, received; by Messrs. Harriss & Howell. . confirms, the above . Information,, hut gives np additional particulars! Watch aprigue U aJi island on thd Virginia 'coast, flfteetr miles' south of Chihcoteague, r and it is supposed Iho Alice Led grounded on the shoals off the island. " WHOLE NO. 3,875 To-Day's Indications. For the South Atlantic States, falling ba rometer, warmer northeast to southerly winds, increasing cloudiness acd light rains on the coast. Bale or city Bonds. Two of the new city bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest and each of the face value Of five hundred dollars, were sold at auc tion at-Exchange corner, yesterday morn ing, by Mr. Seth Davis, auctioneer, at 85. If the number had been larger it is probable that they would have sold for even more. Bonds of the same denomination, we are informed, sold about four years ago, before the present Democratic administration came into power, for 62f This is a good showing. Aid lor Ireland. A large and intelligent meeting of the Citizens of Wilmington assembled in the City Court room on the evening of the 14th instant, pursuant to a call of Hon. S. H.. Fishblate, Mayor, to take into conaidera tion the subject of the telegrams which he had received from the Lord Mayors of Lon don and Dublin in reference to the famine which now exists in Ireland. On motiom Hon. 8. H. Fishblata WAS called to IheNchair, and Col. B. R. Moore was requested rto act as secretary. Upon taking the chair the chairman an nounced that Co). McRae had been ex pected to be present aod address the meet ing, but information had iuat reached thf hall that this gentleman was absent from" sickness- Calls were made for a sneenh f mm V TT Darby, Esq., who addressed the meeting at considerable length, giving an interesting" and glowing description of the tenures by which the lands of Ireland were held, and the results therefrom that are the immediate causes of all the distress that now prevails auu uoa uuucau prevauea in xreiaca. Alex. Bprunt, JSsq.. beme called unon. excused himself from makioe: a SDeecb. saying that be came to contribute rather than to speak, knowing as he did that there was no more worthy object for the charity of all who are disoosod to be r-harit&ble than Suffering Ireland, and that every Eng lish and Scotch breast would respond to the present cry of distress. Rev. Dr. Watson, beinc called uDon. stated that it was sufficient for him to know that distress and famine afflicted the people of Ireland, and it was not necessary for him to go into the causes. He came to offer his sympathy and contribution. Mr. T. U. Kingsbury sooke eloouentlv in behalf of the cause for which the meeting was called, tracing rapidly the characters or some oi lreianqs men of letters and science, giving a glowing description of their worth and talents, and saying that it was sufficient for: him to know that there was suffering among any people in order to open bis purse-strings to contribute bis mite, but when this cry of suffering came from the land inhabited by such men as be had described, and their descendants, he only regretted that be was able to do so little. His speech was received with the heartiest applause. Col. John McRae also spoke, expressing his hearty co-operation in the cause and willingness to contribute. On motion, a committee of nine was ap pointed by the Chair to constitute the Irish Relief Committee. The Chair appointed the following gen tlemen on this committee: Col. F. W. Kerchner, Capt. D. R. Murchison. H. Brunhild, A. D. Brown, A. Adrian, Esqs., Col. J. W. Atkinson, L. H. Bowden, Alex. Sprunt and F. H. Darby, Esqts. On motion, the meeting then adjourned. 8. H. Fishblate, Ch'm. B. R. Moore, See'y- XHE MAILS. The mails close and arrive st the City Post Office as follows: close. Northern through mails 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A. M. Raleigh .5:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at... 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. .8:00 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y ) daily (except Sunday) 6:00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 8:00 A M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston ...... Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays Fayetteville, via Lufnberton. 8:00 A. M. 1KX)P M. daily, except Sundays.... 6:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every. Friday. . 6 :00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 0 .-00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hyi, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at. 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at 12:00P.M. OPEN FOB DELIVEBT. Northern through mails 9:45 A. M. Northern through and way mails 7.-00 A. M. Southern mails 7 :30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 10:35 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., andfrom 2 to 5:80 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80A.M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. C1XY 1TK3IS. Chew Jjlcksox's Bass Sweet Navy Tobacco. THE MORNING STAB can always be had at tne following places in the city : The Pur cell HouBe, Harris' News' Stand, and the Stay Office. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J. E. REEVES, 43 Chatham St.. N. Y. w JINEHZNGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men Is invited to the advertisement of Messrs. J. St W. Toiler, manufacturers of fine breech-loading gnns, Birmingham, England. - Their guns are made to order accoifling to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock, ate. Eminent Dr. J.J. CaldweflTBalUmore. Md., states: I hare used Colden's Llebig'B Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator largely in debility, feb rile and nervous diseases, and I have found it on, of themost reliable ot. nutrient tonics now In use or to be found in pharmacy." Obikn A Flaitmb. Agents, Wilmington. J ,"K GUILTY OF WRONG. Some people have' 'a fashion of confusing excellent remedies with the large mass ot "patent medicines, and in this they are guilty of a wrong.' There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that is asked tortfcem, and, one at least we know of Hop Bitters. The writer has had occasion tanse the Bitters in Jast such a climate as we have most of the year in Bay City.; and baa always fonnd them to bedrsr class and. re liable, doing all that is claimed for them. Tri bune. - ' RATES OP AttVttfcl tl two days....,.. - l 75 thxesdava.......... ........... 8 6u ftve days,..; . a 60 une weeav. v.;.: 4 oo Twoweeka,...; a 60 Three weeks........ 8 60 " Oae month. .. 10 tti " Two months,. ........ 17 00 " " - Three months, 84 00 " Six months, ... 40 00 ' One year, 60 Co , IVOontract Advertisement taken t prof oi Uonately low rates. Tea lines sslid Nonpareil type make ou rquftf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O P ERA HO U S E . OSTB NIGHT ONLY-SATURDAY, JAN'T 17TH. O. B. JEFFERSON ...MANAG&it JOSEPH JEFFERSON Rip Van W inkle ! Supported by his own Dramatic Company. A Popular Scale of Prices only. Admieslon SI. No extra charge for Reserved Seats, now on sale at Helnebetger'a. Gallery 60c. Jan 14 4t Rockaway and Buggies JAT AUCTION, AT EXCHANGE CORNER, THIS DA (THURSDAY), at 11 o'clock. A, M. CRONLY A MORRIS. jn 15 It Auctioneers. HATS! ALL GRADES i LOW PRICES i HARRISON it ALLEN, janl5tf Halters. Overcoats AJRE NOW THE CORRECT THING. A FEW (received during Christmas times), on hand and will be sold low. MUNSON, Clothier and Jan 15 It ' Merchant Tailor. BRUNSWICK COUNTY, January 13th, 1880. JOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN TO ALL MER CHANTS to send in a sworn statement of all pur chases made by them since the first day of Jaly" 1879, ap to January 1st, 1880. All persons who have failed to list is subject to be dealt Willi ac cording to law, as the time prescribed by law has already expired. H. K. RUARK, Register of Deeds, Jan 15 D&Wlt Brunswick sonnty. & " Fairly Bushing. pHB COLD SNAP HAS CREATED A DK mand for Overcoats, and we are equal to it, having a GOOD STOCK on hand, and will close them out at LOW FIGURES. Now is the time to buy Winter Clothing cheap. Call on A, DAVID, The Clothier. Ian 15 tf Notice. THE BRIDGES AT THE DOWNEY BRANCH, on the Wilmington and Coast Turnpike, being under repairs, the public are notified that the Com pany will not be responsible for damages aiiBing during such repairs, a road having been opened in order to pass around said Bridges. Jan 14 tf S. JEWETT, Sec, and Tress. Wanted, 3Q EXPERIENCE RICE FIELD BANDS. OR those accustomed to working in ditches or on banks. Apply to Jan 11 tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON . I3STEZ, Fresh lot just received. BEST 5-CENT -CIGAR in the city. KASPROWICZ'S Sold only at jan 11 tf Garden City Cigar Emporium. For Sent, The Dwelling, Store and Out-honses, with Seventy -Five Acres Cleared Land in L la high state of cultivation. Also, Five Hundred Turpentine Boxes, at Castle Hajne, nine mfies from town, the property of Mr. Claus Schriever, deceased. Apply to MRS. A. SCHRIEVER, ' On the premises. Or to ADRIAN A VOLLBR8, . Jan II lw Wilmington, N. C. For Sale. 25,000 POUNDS GRANULATED TOBACCO STEMS; the very best Fertilizer for Truck Farms, Gardens or Flower Yards ; will kill all Bugs andl n sects; a Superior Fertilizer for alky crop. Apply to Jan 11 lw CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS. Sixty Cents TyiLL BUY A CHALLENGE SHIRT. BEST and CHEAPEST in the msrket. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS, At OTTERBOURG'8 Jan4tf Men's Wear Depot. ; We are Still Prepared : To furnish our friends and patrons with Easy, Nice Fitting, Comfort able and Durable Boots and Shoes at Low Pri ces. Money can be saved by baying of GEO. R, FRENCH A SONS, sal of 69 N. Front Street. We Axe r vr T ixiri nn nnm rr a Tj-amaa ST l.B O SADDLES. BRIDLES; COLLARS. Ac for the least money, once. tf you don't think so try us tafManufacturing and Repairing Harneea and Trunks a specialty. - . MALLARD A BOW DEN. Jan 11 tf . - No. a So. Front St. Gill turned around, Saw Jack kissing his wile. With pistol and knife He threatened Jack's life, and with an Oak Chair bought cheap at the NEW FURNITURE STORE of t - i . BBHRENDS ft mUNROB , t . a S. Comer Market and 3d Sts. . Janlltf Wilmington, fi . C. Stop T B.. C. PREMPERTS FASHIONABLE SHA VING and EA13 DRESSING PARIJOR, atrNo ."7 South Front Street, where yon wUlibe;arved.ta a Remember the Big Seven. Ac. ' J r " ' ' nov 30 tf e!!!i sVbbbbbbbbbbIMbsbbs

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