ll , PUBLISHER'S ANSOONCEriENT, - . TES MOUSING STAB, the oldest dally newspa- erta North Cif olini, U published daily, except ttouday.at $T00 per year. 100 for aixmenthay t 5 for three mouUis, $1 00 lor one month, to mtf' tutweribert. Delivered to city subscribers at the . -w of 15 cents per week for any period from one eek to one year. - :; .: i";...--'' . TSS WfiSSLY STAB la pabHshed every Friday - " aiming at Si 60 per year, (1 OS for tlx mouths, 5 teata for three months. - ? y,?,'. i4;'-. ! : - "fig ' ADVKBTISINaRJlTitDAILTKOiw-Mttar - me day, $1.80: two days, 1.75; thre dy, $160; v Jour aaya $ 3.00; Are days, $4.60; one week, 4.00; two weeks, 8.60; three weeks, $8.50; one month. -1 510,00; two months $17.00; three month. $4-0G; ix month,-$40.00; twalre month, $80.00. Tea itnea of -solid Nonpareil type make one square. - AirannotmcemenU of Fair. ' Festivals, Balls, : Sops, Pio-Nica, Society Meeting Pelitical Meev ' -i mgs, will be charged regular advertising rates. No advertisements Inserted la Local Oolnmn an - any price.A i .---.- . n-v-'-'v- ""-V - - -i :- - -- Notices under head of "City Items" SO cents per - line for first insertion, and 1ft cents per line tor each . subsequent Insertion. '- Advertisements Inserted once a week In Daily will e charged $1 00 per square for each Insertion. kv- - ary other day, three foorths of daily rate. Twice a . week, two thirds of daily rate. - Notices of Marrlam or Death.' Tributes of iie- apect, Reaoiattons of Thanks, x. are charged for as ordinary advertisements, be only half rates - wncn paid xor stncuy maavsnce. uhuiihoou ; waits will pay for a simple announcement of - ' Advertisements to follow reading mattery or to -- .jceupy aay special place, will be caarged extra ac- tmtaiag to ut post Hon oecorea. SOCTU ailULIK A COTTON XEIANC- iTbft Charjestoii Newsand Courier of the 1 0th is almost exclusivelye voted to writing up the cotton' iriills of South? Carolina That oallook" Ts most : favorable. xThere is a' steady increase in tb-e valaei of their capital, whilst' the annual profits range from 18 toAtfi doubters,' and atop ybar croaking. Tea thousand people jri the State find employment or are supported by the mills. The field for the investment of capital, at" home'. aVd abfoadr"is most invitincr. Oar excellent Charles- task - the autocracy , impose, upo.n him; They compare their ova government with those pt : France, Germany and England., and contrast the 'fact of the order. and the degree of "freedom and 'safety j reauhini from either a republic or- a constitutional monarchy with the chaos of Russian affairs.' greatly to the -disadvantage: of the rule .of Alexander and his adviser?. It Is believed by Jeadfng. conservative.. liberals in Russia that unless the emperor sees m loyieia, us be Has frequently, promiseq to ap, lo-tua demands of bis best subject by the speedy issuance of a decree modilylna the existing, svstem. the country will be the scene of an outbreak, Tn which nhousaridr of lfves will be lost, includlngwlthp bis own, and relief will be purchased at an immense andiinhecessary cost? l' ' There is much talk of a ramored ab dication of the' Czar, ' but this is not the first time that such rumors have been set" afloatl " That the Czar is ! triumph of Kell v. ? .Although; Tbur- mau wa said to have beeu killed by the Ohio" elebtiorv it begins t6Beet, membered that the policy knd candi date of his party in tb at campaign tvere adopted against bis adyicev He. is" unquestibnably the :3able raaojdri the Democratic, side of , the Senate, a man with broad,' 'popular-: sympathies aud'TU&rrred sense. He throttled the twin Bnakes of the Pacific1 rail rpad.-!- ibeDescendabts of -Old 0 t'n : smtm cult tbmik a i i ion contemporary deserves credit for its enterprise. It sent oui one of itat fery nervous and his mind in a very staff, Mr. J. K. Blackman, to every I atatressed, or rather diseasedcondKf through this State via our North' Carolina tate We conv the I UOD, re certain if we may credit re-1 eyv"- -ne eagerness i iaie.. ue copy me I , -r- . .. ... y ... - I raUroad ftvriduf.in rantnre tharereaten'- f VYe believe it to be grtatiy to tie interest of the State to complete the Western North Carolina Railroad to Parqr.ttock; and be Heve the. people are willing to dp, it,"now that the end oMhe road is drawing in signu It is a n reat folly even to think of partlog. from that great public work, now tnat day--ltKht pieices through the mountain': and wbeir the eyes of the great' West are set iu ibis direction,4 anxiously seeking an ouitet ItoKh .CaroliaalliUrcj.'? Ke was captured j m iitt coun ty. . ... :V, . . -r - A wia of cne of the hotels at i - Winston XeatZer : A verv-erreat Selma,A.la.,i5 to be cou Verted into an opera injustice has Deen dODe the tate ot. jNorth Varuiuia, anu especially uer tuuaccu inter 'ests, in the statistics repof texl to the Depart meet, of vAgricnlture, at V. Wasbingtori. Somebody has show n total ignorance of the facta coocernine the great product of -our .0tate,.V,.Iq . the Cincinnati. 2acco VipttmoZ we learn that the number of pounds of to,-. Dacco reported to haver been' raised -in North-' Carolina in 1878 was 12,898.000. i In 1187911,911,744..- pounds , are : reported a iohroorid VatitesS gtJod news that ctfaiestrom the uppetyalrey. o-VotmA:;tKat wfirarft kt thiRi?i.wia ty Ho&rj9A jjzz- house;. -Paul Boy ton has " been deliver lectureilor: charitable purposes at Jack sonville, .Florida. , - - esidlngTrrCmm sociatiaa xrnaer tne1 name ot tne "society or Virginia who re- wont the wholesale 'prices generauT P a amall orders higher pne naveto iL iS. I 5aaTicia6a. of the James; The iron men of Pennsyl-.' vania - are '-pour rag1 1 iiveiisi, uujriuif'uuir specular ore lands and matting a handsome 'spec" at once Out of their investment. .Tie ores are taken frtt-J3tattfo'wiHl' will not be long before we shall bave:,our own forges, furnaces and mills, and" then' a new rra will onup jrar,Virgi0ia'a .indus- iir- factory in that State. peated ca rumors from the - Russian The Czar w ' AdvortlsemeBtB on which no specified admfcer of ; insertions is marked will beeonunaed "till forbid, at the option of the publisher, and charged np to . the date of dlacontlnnancft. ' . . ' Ad rertisementa discontinaed before the time con ancted for has expired, charged transient rates foe . the time aotnally pablished . Adrertaements Kept nnder the head of "New Ad--. irtsrUsemeata" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. - Amusement, Anefioa and Official advertisements , ona dollar per aqaare for each insertion. -1- An extra charge will be made for doable-comma or triple ccJoma advertisements, AQ aanoaneements and reeommendatlons of can iklatea for office, whether In the shape of comms . atcations or otherwise, will be charged as sdvenise- 'mentsv,-- . . - Oonuact advertisers will not be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regmar oasmeaa. wimooi extra charge at transient rates.. . .. . 3- -.t . Payments for transient advertisements mast be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with . proper reference, may pay "Q"t"y tn qoarterly. ac cording to contract Advertisers shonldalways specify the issue or u . saea they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement .will be inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper m oe sent to nun ounng tne ume jus aaverusemeni is In, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to his address. . Bcmittances most be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only saca remittances will be at tie risk of the publisher. . . . Communications, unless they contain important uewi, w aiscose oneny ana properly suoiects or real Interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. evi dVritly-" id no lion of a war with suoh powers as Germltriy Euglahd itnd ; Austria, The evil genius of European politics at'thistlmlaMs -Goruchat6if.J If he wef e removed c f foni7: th e" political arena there would be peace. following, which is instructive: "These results briefly stated -are t . That, there are in South Carolina seventeen fac tories (not including the Westminster Cle ment Attachment Hill,) engaged in the pro J aucnon ox cotton yarns and ciotns. . "These -factories have 95,438 spindles, witn l.yso" looms in operation. ': -ThCT .'produce 101,338'yards of .cloth and 17,183 pounds: of yarn for each -wprk- ing aay; consuming for each such- day 54, 049 pounds of cotton. " . ? :ijlo iV "They employ 2,293. operatives, Jtf ho in turn support 7,913 persons who are depen dent upon them, the monthly pay .rolls-be-1 mg over fw.uw. me capital employed la these mills amounls to $3,288,000, and they are estimated to bo worth to-day f2 ,844, 600." The entire article is very interest ing, and full of encouragement. The account of Mr. Blackman's visit to Westminster and the results furnish ed show most conclusively that the It is very full,' and' aboands in pas Clement Attachment is a great sue. sages of uncommon i splendor. But cess. The largest profits mado by Mr. Kinglake is probably better any mill are by the little Westmin known by reason of his celebrated ster The mill is in Oconee,: nine "Eolhen," the most brilliant book of miles from the Georgia line. Mr. travels ever published, far surpassing railroad syndicates to capture that great en terprise, is the strongest evidence of its value. Railroad rings do not form for mere fun hnl lhv nriiMiut tn mnke innncv. coiolfltii ftttTorrt tneinTernaf ; affairSSf nts' j; ; The Board- of Dlroctors, as wo think, want V?ri?Amvmfffri Iam'vHa the'Vihe Wisely declined to recommend thej calling Davidson College has 110 stu dents. ' - Charlotte is to 'If a vii"tlie ' OtJq of the most' noted of living Enltsiwilteraf iie'lcWdieVwiiIiarA'' mnlfae?whole':lit8l8ry: of ihe Cri mean ;Wnr' has attracted 'reatlatteri tion in Englan'dnd is regarded as a most striking literary performance. of an extraordioarv session of tha Legisla ture, at present, to consider the Best pro - postlion. , We have never yet been , able- to see the necessity for baste in a matter which is fraught with the best interests of the peo ple Of the whole State. - If the Best proposi tion is a good one, it will keep Until the people's i epreaentaiiyes are called together by virtue of the provisions of the constitu tion. Nothing to the contrary has ever' been given to the public, at least. In the meantime the State's five hundred convicts are digging dirt on the banks of the Swan . nanoa, and ' the appropriation of seventy, thousand dollars per annum will be in force, until the end of the year at least. 411 the necessary employes,, beside , the convict labor, has been regularly employed until the end of the year, and President Wilson, who voted against the calling of the extra session, does not seem to be in very great distress for money. This sudden inspira tion to get the old thing off our hands, ,and get it off quickly, makes us. begin to believe, there is a "nigger in the wood-pile" some where. Charlotte Observer. By WIHIAM a. BERNARD. WIZMING TON, N. C. : Sunday Mosntko, Feb. 15, 1880. -a - .--. - - " BENEVOLENT INSTlTUTIOIf S. There are intimations in some of v the Northers papera that there are other so-called charitable institu tions that need to be looked into, and : that the Reverend Cowley of "Shep gj? herdWold," or the Wolf's Den, is S;not a sinner above some other sin 's' ners in the North. A Philadelphia v x paper insinuates that a close in vesti gallon" with certain institutions in that city might reveal some noplea sant facta. It says: "What then shall we say of the city of Philadelphia and of the 8tate of Pennsyl vania, which allow thousands. of snch . children to gather into the Almshouses institutions which no New York child may ever enter and,; leave . them to grow up : amid surroundings' which wilf make pau pers and thieves of them in three cases out oiiour?;:. .r. l be same paper condemns all Or phan Homes as bad. in principle. It says boweYer fair the outside there is ' V: wantin the life of those who are rCi trained there. We quote: "They need the thoughtful individual eare which no matron can bestow upon the multitude she is responsible for. ' They need a mother's lap and a mother's arms. And, as experience shows, there are thou . . . sands of childless homes into which a little v.; . urgency and pleading might secure their in troduction, and whete. as the same ezneri- - ; eco abows, they would soon mske their way Jnto people's affections, and secure : r the best of training for a useful and happy -Jf. v The grand work of the Children's - v Aid Society of New York and its kindred charities, is striking at the very root of our 2yr-tworst social evils, by saving the neglected ; ..; chddren from the life to which, their birth c$i- and environment seem to condemn them." i : v There may be much force in tbisas . - -; . applied to Northern Almshouses and J . 7 .. Asylums. It is because of the pecu--. ..iliar management of the Oxford Or v pban Asylum that the Stab Is its fast yiiMffJP1 are really cared frinestldlySray. ThVSu- .fE."D11 they are jdrawn " r::'1? him in'a way that is quite inexpli " ; cabley' The xnatrdn "is a refined and culUvated lady, of excellent blood,and i MtympalheUc nature. It v?l'K-?k-i to the XfTP8 ,4?nf-thieir responsive affection iKiH006 keeps forekcb their peh njeshd dimes that are given or sent ; .- ."'"'r " t.ujtr. ciuuiing. ana comfort ) V ; '-ar? afferthpotherly deVo tion nd careHerUHMtants appre P responsibilitiesj that rest :-Aupbn them.; -r? ;.;v. fSJ?? and in nie of the laMnjBis Ctbere fare benevolent association that v look af fbe pan . andget lhem homesj inlthe famihes; thrbugtcorHt New " yort there is spmeabusev as children - are sometimes 4laced; in the Homes and Asyldms instead of finding them Blackman found many visitors exam ining the new process. We quote : ; "Before we had gone ten steps I fouod that my companions were Mr; Uofmes Har den, of Chester, the President of the Ches ter. & Leaoir Railroad; Mr. Osman Barber, the represeotaiite in the Legislature from Chester, and Mr. F. H. Birber of .Rock HilU I was informed by - them that they had come to examine the Machine" with a view to establishing - factories in their lo calities. Upon, arriving at the hotel I met another pilgrim. - He bad arrived "the night oerore, ana: was iromisremoncrr Texaaue introduced himself as Mr! T. Jl Hayef of me arm 01 rv nue cs tuyes.J'roprietors1 of large cotton gins in Central Texas. . He tad come, he said; to make a personal exsmioa tion of the Clement Attachment in the in terest -of several capitalists who would upon his verdict determine whether they would establish several factories near Bre mond." The gentlemen who own the mill are delighted with their experiment. We quote again: "The use . of the Clement Attachment, therefore, tbev claim has wrought for them as farmers a swing of $2,250, the amount invested in these gins. The consumption of seed cotton is 500 pounds per day, and the production is 160 pounds of yarn per day. The yarn they are now selling aC23 cents per pound.- The cotton, therefore, per day, at three cents a pound, which js more than they paid for it, would cost $15, Ope rative and contingent expenses are placed at $4 50 per day, which would make the total cost of producing 1 60 pounds of yarns $19 50. The value of this amount of yarn in; the market, at 23 cents per pound, "would be $36.80. or over 40 per cent net profit.:. Tb& estimated profit is one cent net on every pound of seed cotton manufactured. Mr. Stribling is of the opinion . that a mill bf a capacity of 500.000 tcr700.000'poubds per annum would pay 1 cents per pound. ' The net profit for the past twelve months had been, Mr. Stribhrig informed me, $1,800 on a capital of $3,700 invested." Lamarline's once famous "Travels in the East." It has recently been placed in Harper's "Franklin Libra ry," we believe, and is sold for about 15 cents. It was published some thirty years ago in this country by Wiley & Putnam, but the edition was long since exhausted. We find the following interesting history of this remarkable book in an exchange: . "A writer in Bdgravia, who has personal knowledge of the matter, discloses some interesting facts about the secret history of air. KingiaKe's usolben,' wbicb.be remarks by the way, 'has long since taken its rank among the classics of English literature. It was written many years before it was published, and, after being revised in a keen spirit of criticism, was placed under a lock and key, where it remained for. a long time. . When Mr. Kinglake finally offered it to the English publishers, tney iciusea It, one and all, upon any terms. The author at last walked into a bhop in Pali-Mall and made a present of it to the publisher, provided ho thought it worth printing. In this way it finally rot into print; but the first edition lingered in the publisher's hands until Lockhart called at tention to it in the Quarterly Review. Then its success was assured, and for many years afterward the publisher, on every Christ mas day, sent Mr. Kinglake a check for $500." POLITICAL POINT. Everybody concedes that Grant's second term was immeasurably worse than bis first. This is not one of the arguments for a third. Washington Post, Dent. To antagonize the American soldier and to favor the Chinaman and thus oppose the American laboring man, seems to be among John Sbermau's strong points. Cincinnati Enquirer, Dem, Gen. Grant's position, according to "an intimate friend," is that he docs not want the Republican nomination unless he can get it; and the same was the matter with the fox in quest of high-hung grapes. Boston Herald, lnd. PEltSOXAI.. The New England traders are pressing Congress heavily for a na tional bankrupt law. They . want such a law in order to strengthen their purchasing power by giving them more credit. They contend that the necessities of trade demand such a law a law that will operate The yarns' made actually command I a"ke m parts of the Union. ; The a premium in the market. They are in great demand and are'pronounced by Philadelphia manufacturers .to "Be of the very best. Why,' then, can not these mills be multiplied indefi nitely ? A few farmers "should com bine and manufacture their own Stab has already taken - ground against att ; sucbj; iawtthis time. The " people were swindled most sbamefuiry by the old bankrupt law and the wrecks are scattered all over the country. . The country has, not recovered yet from the evil effects of cotton. Bat inore of this hereafter, the lav that was repealed. After a North Carolina has more than fifty years it may do to talk of a new mills, bhe ought to have hundreds, law. This was prepared days ago, but was crowded out. CDRBEUT COHMKNT. - We might be misled into be lieving that as GrantV strength is so great he would antagonize the other candidates, -and-that -they would in this event combine their forces to de feat him. Bdf tbis difficulty wiH not --j4P.-t-.- - - - " ... Mrs. Agnes Jcnks declares for John Sherman as her first choice. A statuo of the late Senator Morton is to be erected in Indianapolis. ; Fred Douglass says of his old master, who died at -St. Michael's, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the other day : "Cpt. Auld was an upright, temperate, pious and conscientious man." A Mr. Harris, formerly of Pres ton, England, has left lhaf town $1,250,000 for educational purposes, and $500,000 to what is known as the Queen Anne's Bounty Fund for aiding poor clergy. Krupp turns out 300 cannon of ihe largeBt calibre every month, and often doubles that number 15,000 in two years. He has battened qn war. In 1810 the firm employed 10 men, in 1843, 100; to-day many luouoniiuo ui uperauves u raw wages from him. Charles Jones, a third owner of a Liadvuie-mine worth $1,000,000, died without making a will. A lawyer, taking advantage of a small mortgage, got fraudulent-possession of the property, but some miners discovered the scheme, and nave found heirs in a poverty stricken Vermont family. . Kiiig Cety wayo has dictated the history or the Zulu cation and the Zulu war to Captain Poole; of the English army, and it has been published in MacmiUan's Maga zine. It appears that tbe King, when dic tating the story, occasionally divested him self of neaily all his clothing to give his ideas fair play, which would tend to show that tbe eccentricities of genius are not confined to civilization. ItELIGIOUS NEW. Of the 872 Anglican ohurches in London only 270 have free seats. Professor Swing has also refused to have his salary Increased from $7,000 to $10,000. The Earl of Kin lore is the Only nobleman belonging to the French Church of Scotland. He frequently preaches. The British Wesieyan Thanks giving Fund; up to December, reached $1, 112,000. Manchester and Bolton Districts gave about $100,000 each. The Rev. Dr. Jacob Ide, the oldest Congregational minister of Massa Cbusetts, has died at his home in WestMed way, aged 94'years and 9 months. Rev. Henry Clement, of tha Virginia Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, died recently; iu- Baltimore, after a brief illness. Mr. Clement was in his fonv- In our State news of yesterday the matter credited to the Goldsboro RUSSIA. Mw&naer in the third col nmn ahnnlrl w.rer? w an increase in jiave been credited to the Mail. The me revolutionary agitations m Rus- first article clipped showed that. o. jluo voouiuon-oianairs is grow ing more alarming daily, and it can not continue much longer without a" fearful explosion.: It is said to be a fact that the mind of the Czar is very muca aneetea, ana ne is in constant apprehension, that he . will all a vio tim to the well-laid plans of the Ni hilists. At Vienna recent intelli gence has been received from St. Petersburg to the effect that the feel ing of hostility Tto the autocracy is spreading and strengthening in spite 6f all the government can do. Asen- ttnent in favor of ; constitutional government:- is' inereasifig jwTthex ceeding ratynb lie nobility and mercantile classes. A; demand: for such a change will ' soon be made." We copy an interesting paragraph from the summary of the letters re ceived at Vienna ; , , : . a.m. m ..... ." I I . " ' T-,-S" - i "xneramrminattn&countrvia wMrv nr I worai iu uis pnncipiesor&rovernmant. I v..i auia the reii of terror whlfth h.. V " ' 1 lnArmXnJA4iZ-Z& . -H.T.'i. 1 ? ",V-:'"rr m - -. sm. af w I alvrh' wast and wm kum :h . ' t s occur.: Fori jant will not suffer 1 llz JB", ,u naoo, ng- "w vuo-uLiuau: tuay.aei.su." eitner ShajQBIaTnte.aW candidate"sa;Md3:ill probably be; too strong-foram'prdmis not strong VnOtVgy'tor- be elected. This will not be Grant's fate. He wiir bo strong enough toienter upon his o wn4 way and to march oyer it in trinmpb, not needing just a few votes more to win sticcessand disdaining to be the iecond " cboice'of ' a majority in the convention. liiShnibh d (Va.) State, Pern. j Senator Bayard is i candidate pf the first order, scholarly, ;punctili ous of honor, national , and personal, a thorouffbdnJeffersonian "Dmn. ; The Southern Methodists are asking for Bubscriptiohs for lhe erection of a monument over the grave of tha lata nr. Lovick Pierce. The memory of the good old man is held in f sucny lovimr-remem- brance by many thousands bf people that bmuovi uuuiu ... ft? , slUcral SQQ the prompt. The grave is a t Columbus," Oa. Over the. triple" doorways of an Italian cathedral, there, are three inscrip- lions spanning the splendid arches. Over one. is carved a beautiful wreath of roses, and underneath the legend'An tfial pleases is. but for a moment," Over the other is sculpturecr a crbss; hud thererarethe wbrdsv f All that uoublea 6J5ut for a underheatbyther great central entrance, in ilie maiv'aislevisthe i'nBCnptlbn;"That only: is important which' is eternal." : .. The. .ILstabliflhed Church in places ia kind families. , In the Oxford I Tailed; that the peaceful and profitable Asylum children are trainpd ami I r J , t ,"uo no manuiaciures la jmuiwuuuren are uainea and par-1 impossible while any man is liable to be tially- educated, and then homes are. I followed- by unexplained .suspicions, .the espionage oi. me ponce, and summary ar rest and punishment by arbitrary and un reasonable authority," and that the estate moment oi a .COnsuiUUOnal mnnarrhv we oniyremeajr7ior -the"rcurse - of. and sound "on :the" fin&ncial ? not a broad man : touna ior tnem oytne vervTXrSTJ,! Superintendent.'.- SomeVfeV'are sent to the bigbef institutioi5 . ; wh ere. tb'ey are received J'tnefifcra ;: ies.'':Wo "belleyafgehtlf vr Charlotte is -."ngagedW wcrV :ot gathenng-belpie'ss -and finding them bomes; v;;;""p question pefnabs. but a safe and bonesjt bnanot a politician or nntnager'buitTtdevoted patriot of ; Pitt oouWioiitrdeband has good judgments amounting- to $J,6J0,C ; Greenyilje; has no towiihgoyeru ment, and gets along ;very"welf without it. The Raleigh. Christian Advo cate has a new stilt of type and is otherwise improved. . - Capt. C. B. Densbn had been, reelected Secretary of the N. 0. Stale Ag ricultu raj Society. Mrl Canfebalv ifd fetfred from the Char Itffie ObservermvhH Vakenf charge of another department of the; paper. The Winston zXeader says. Davie. and Da v idaon cou nliesare making preparations for a large" tobacco lcf op' this year.".;.- . ' . . Mr. William. B. Wright, a ven erable and prominentjajwyer of, Fajptte ville. died on Thursday last. lie was more thap 70 years age. ' '- Shelby Aurora: The colored girl. Alice Ellis, who- was outraged m the 28io of January; died Jasi Fr iday morning. The verdict of the corOnef V Jufy'waslhat she was raped and murdered by one Daniel Keigh. - Oxford T6?cffighl: It inayT on mo uui icbucis at) uciiou w ueu we olBio that there is not - a retail store iu Durham that keeps a bag. of smoking tobacco f or sale, nOr cad yod oujr 1 irigte bag in the place; yet such is the fact, The Rockidghain LBee wariis" us agiiiast the danger of " (Tubbing soniarrich man "Kurnel" who . hired a substitute. There is danger, foVther breisate U thick as the bi)f Waisro.SamlrffibiJbttfily when all the little boys and girls are ankle deep in happiness". Raleigh held an Irish " relief meeting. Go. Jartis" Cd. IV C. -Fuller, Judge Merrimooy Judge Fowle, R. 11. Bat tie. Jr., Fab .11. Bualiee. Rev. J.M. Atkin son; James Doyle and Patrick McGoWan all spoke. A committee to canvass for funds was appointed. Alamance Gleaner: Rev. W, L. Wright.a young Baptist pre'acher, at present in attendance at the Theological Seminary,' at Louisville; Ky., has accepted a call from the Baptist Churches at this place and Hills bbro, and will become' "the pastor of those chutches about the middle of -May. Raleigh Dispatch: Mr. Richard son, of Philadelphia, will tbis , week com mence tbe manufacture of stone pipe at Ihe penitentiary, arrangements having been per fected between him and the authorities of that institution. This is a new enterprise in our midst, and it is proposed to take the place of thb old clay pipe now being used. Charlotte Observer: The arrest in Columbia, day before yesterday, of Lou Bales and Jim Harrison, bo.th white'.; by Constable Ore. Is Jhe, culmination of. a scheme Which the'pfflcers have beeu Work ing several weeks to discover the parties who were engaged in the robbery of the powder house of A. R. Niabet & Bro., on tbe outskirts of the4 cltyV NeBer(iee?iraf : We leaf n that on ThdrsdaVlast," 5th Inst:,-a 'very un foitunate and fatal affray occurred In Hyde county, about five miles from -Lake Land ing. A Mr. Milton Sadler and a Mc Wes ton erot into an altercation in regard to a gate, when Mr. Westorrtwcame so thorough ly excited and enfaeTrwarbe seized an axe and dealt Mr. Sadler, a blow on the head, which resulted in' his death. Q reen 8 boro Patriot'. Mai. H. L. Grant, of 'Gojalbbro,. was" in i "purham yesterday, with 1 pdrtfon 4of his 'crop of tobacco. : He ibid at 1 be Parish warehouse nearly 3,000 pouada; at an average price of 15 cents. -Mr. Shade Woolen, of Le noir county, was also in .Durham withO.OOO pounds of tobacco which war be sold to day. . We mentioa these, facts.tpshow'what: progress tobacca"gr6wers aie making in Eastern Ndrtb Carolina: New York corrodeiice of Ha&t Weekly - Ar presenttheVeiltre'dulte a' number of nptw CarouniaCs oere wao are Students in one or another of j the fine arts; among them, Miss Williams and Mr. Uan gerfield, of Fayettevllle; rafld"twb Ulsfles Long, of Randolph, grahddaughleis of my old friends, Hon, JohjL Long and Dr. James Webb. At least, one . of .the .four, perhaps more. stafid in' id need brtfie pe cuniary results of success,1 and Is, therefore, I suppose, drawn by pure love to wield the pencil. . .- - Washington rlfreess . We now' have a weekly steamship dine to and from Hyde county, and' the thriving Villages on the south side of the Viver.'-South Cretk, &c, aad the recreant" trade that hy right Washington ought to have, andf once did own, .and was prdud of, is gradually but purely returning. -Our ' tCwrr'shb'ws evidence of progress' : Wherever- ybu -go The whizzing of steam saws aod '-grist mills greets tbe ear at either end of the town, while another mill 'is befng erected on the Castle, opposite town.; ' The whistles of a locomotive and of maBy steamboats greet the car every day. Charlotte Democrat: The bat-' ties of King's Mountain and Torktown are to be celebrated next "year.. Wfi presume the next will be Gultford'Coori ITouse'ahd Cbarlbue. . If-WeMiy he 'allowed to make a; suggestion about College orators at ipproapblng "Commencements" in this State, we :$ssujPwaeftga8Drof hfthe bratorsvnativea rsftraenr of the State, v. The non-residems have idisappoiht'; ediis loog enougbynd wejy enture to sajr lhaf such men a George Dayis, Duncan K. McRae, DavidJ Sdhehbkand "many "other taieniea citizens, wouia araw as large qrowds as any obefTOhTauroad: ' tion 20,000.600 pounds, of North' Carolina tobacco.: Then the Country manufacturers will use at least 3.000.000, making A graod . total 01 30,UUU,UU0.- - ' : SftJ.?- r- Rockingham J5e6. What; shall we do for Water? j Our' wells do no( : afford a sufficient quantity, and our people are hauling from the creeks. Died, in Harri son county, Texas, on the 15th of January, 1880 of consumption Mrs. RachaeL Wil liams, consort of Judge Charlton Williams, aged about 50 years a daughter of Eras mus: and.: Mourning-Love, who for. many" years resided in Rockingham. -" Mr. It. T. Covington, n. native of Richmond", cbunty, and who has. lived near Meridian. MiS3 . for some ten years pist,- rcftrned here on . last Mondar, and will remain. ' Norman McDonald was fount! dead, on Thursday morning, tbe lSth ihst'ilrthe road about one mile from his burnt;. H- ;was in Rockingham on the 11th, and started home in the evening apparently as "well as usual. It Is supposed be died suddenly that evening. He was one of our. oldest citizens being, perhaps, nearly 80 years old. -We are reliably informed that Mr. Thomas M. Whitlocb. of Wolf Pit township, in this county raised last year, with one horse, 6,800 pounds of lint cotton, which' he sold for $824 50; 150 bushels of corn, and the- peas, fodder and shucks that ueually attend such a crop. The same gentleman informed us that Mr. James R. MeLaurin raised last year, on forty acres on his farm near Lau rinburg, in.this county, 42 bales of cotton, weighing 500 pounds each. BA.QGU8G Gomiy .... - Standard . SAOOSr NorthCaroBna, r ;?rHain8, S)itew). j - Sir: v. caoice,w b . JTx 5 WeBtern Smoked-. - i - - 2idee" ... r.,3hoalders,.... . Ory. Salted aides gtov - r Shoalders....... ' , - V" saa?-UTe wok-SuS ". . ' ' &ARKSLH SplrTuTar peaUB " ' j r Second Eland. ec , ' Sew UewYorfc eac!.-' " i NewUlty, aaS...7: KaBSWASw ft" ! .tTrnira urri k . - " nuraera... ........ ....... flUTTfiQ North Careiiaa. ft . ?KWS&Zi?rr: CHfiBS2 Northern Factory ft : Dairy, cream fl lb ...... otaie, V 10...... 0UFFK3 Java. 5 ft 0ft a. 10 o 13 ' 0 0 0' 0 M it" U "i 19 16 "mi 6X ... ' b ayiik. v' x... ..... . O :& O (ft Lkdjl Will Ul4M-WUJl.LIUJjiWJ it.'iJlMLJ4 I 111 I ! I ! III I -r-lp..-..T - SYMPTOrVIS OF A I sW m B BaaSF asm B -Cr Efi n J?of ?4MtiteBovel3 costive, Pain in uwucuu, wiui a uixu. a ensauon in tne oacx r larti Pajniondorthosiioalderblade, foli nesa after eatinpr, with a disinclinaticu to exertion of bodycr mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, -with a feeling cf ha v ing neglected somo duty, "Weariness, Diz ziness. Fluttering at tho Heart, Dots bo- fore the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally oyer the right eyo, llestlesanesa withfltful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE "WASHINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WHJ. SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such eases, one dose efiects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. CONSTIPATION. OiAy with regularity of the bowels can perfect health be enjoyed. If the constipation is of recent date, a single dosa o TTJTT'S FILLS wiU suffice, but if it has become habiiual, one : pill should be taken cveiy nlght,gradnaU y lessen ing the frequency of the dose until aregnlar daily movement is obtained, which will soon follow. D1: ? Gnyiewis, Fallon, Ark., says: .JZQr'a Practice of 25 years, I pronounce TUTT'S FILLS the best anti-bilious medicine ever made." Kev. F. H. Osgood, New York, r.aya : 1 have had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach end -.Nervousness. I never had any medicine to. do me so much good as TCTT'tf PILLS. They are . bs good as represented." Oflleo - 85v fllurray Street, New York.""- TUTT!S HAIR BYE.1 rJ31?8 eneod to a 6x-Ossr UlaCK bj a single pplicution cf this lTE.t It im parts Natunl Color, acta lnstontanoonsly. tnd, U as Harmless as spring water. Sold by lirugsiats, or ntbyerpress on receipt of SI. . -to,w Offlce 33 Murray. St., .Mow York, fob S3 eodly D&W : wefr sa NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. -A medical essay, comprising a series of lectures delivered at K aim's Museum of Anatomy, on the cause and euro of premature decline, showing indisputably how lost health maybe regained, affording a clear sy nopsis of Impediments to marriage, and the treat ment of nerroas and physical debility, being the result of SO years' experience. By mail, 35c. , cur- raicy, or poewge sxamps. Aaaress secretary Kahn's Museum, 688 Broadway, Mew York, dec l.eod4m sa we fr STATB OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW UANOVBVt COUNTY. SUPSBIOB COURT. January 17, 18S0. Mathew P. Taylor, Plaintiff, against James M. Orraes, Defendant TO JAMES M. OSMES : Take Notice That an action against you. for the" recovery of Thirty Thousand ($30,003) Dollars dam ages, was commenced in this Court on the 19th No vember, 1879, and that yea are hereby required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint of said Plaintiff, at a Coart to be held for the County of New Hanover, at the Court House In Wilming ton, North Carolina, on the thirteenth Monday af ter the first Monday of March, 1880, or the Plaintiff will apply to said Cenrt for the relief demanded In the complaint. This 17th day of January, 1880. 8. VAN AMBINQE, Clerk Superior Court Jan8Joaw6w sa New Hanover County. i We Offer JgACON. POEK. LARD, FLOUR. SUGAR. COFFEE. MOLASSES, HOOP IRON, GLUE; POTASH, LYE, Ac At close prices. feb 6 D&Wtf - HALL & PEARSALL. Hlount ain Rolls. FEW PACKAGES FRESH -r 1 - MOUNTAIN BUTTER, For sale by fcbi5D&Wtf HALL A PEARSALL. COTTON TI ES fti SMfe DOMliaTlOB MhtseUust.4- j J I . xmji, basctt-, I iHMiis ....... - . Sll&ti- Mackerel. t. e hbi.;: c-io. i, yi bfcl ..... Aacierer. N. S. &5si". ' No. S, )g bbl. . : ... Aaciceiol, No 5, 9 !&!. .... . AliUlets. bbl..i.V. . tiiV. Herruig; liae.J ke. . Dry Cod. F3BTlldERS-r : : v Peravlan ttnane, S S008 . Bangh'ePhosshate, ' Carolina FertJIiBsr, . , Ground Bo&e. . Siene Keel, . . - : ' ' , Floor, . -Navasai2tia0. O-omplete Junre WTiaan's Phoapbate Wando Phosphate, - Berger A Bote's Phosph. r Sxcollenaa Cotton Fertiliser FLOUB Fine, 9 bW '.. Super. Northers, S bbl.,,. ....... Extra do. fi bbl... . Famil? " bbl .. . CHyMiBd 1 Extra, $ bbl. . . Family, bbl. ax,F6jaiiy. W bbl . WLUK-S t... ..-,.;; GRAIN Corn, in etoro, in oags, CtornCargo, 9 besheL Cora, mixed bushcl.in bags. uats, 9 eyssei. .......... p6as, Cow, ? bnshol..... HIDES Green. 9 & Dry, 9 2 HAY Eastern, 9 100 fte..... western, V as.... . North River, 100 fcs.... HOOP IRON 9 ten.. ..... LARD Northern, 9 S North Carolina, 9 LIME bbl ... .. . LUMBER Cut bmx&nno- Ship StT32,reeawed, M ft.. WestlndlaCargoea.accordliiir to qoaUty, 9 M ft..,. ,.TTI? uressea jr iconitg. seasoned.. Sc&ntilnr and Boaroa. com mon, Bit " 00 00 00 -00 7 60 - W 15 -so 18 IS ' so g H 0 . 1)0 . -i sir :s tf i 10 0 f 6 60 60 S 00 Z 00 nw cO 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 0 00 65 90 0 00 5 75 6 25 . 7 50 7 35 7 75 8 26 14 75 67 70 60 633 , 18 00 1 10 1 00 95 00 9 00 00 18 00 00 00 18 00 18 00 1 65 1 9u 1 M SO 800 O 14 00 O SO 30 : is : to IS is 80 V ll fell S 50 -95 13 it iu t. It 'JJ 6 tu 7 10 it 6 4 U; . 6) ' i" & 6C 0 e ( to Q 45 0o 7 00 6t. w iKi 70 1-0 a 70 on oo oil 60 00 6 ( 0 9 00 9 0) 7-0 8 00 8 50 S '.0 (i 14 135 1 25 1 10 1C0 CO ft 9X O 10 O i oo G 90 01) O 16 00 O18 00 &V 25 MOLASSES New cp jCuba.hhds new crop uaDa, ocis 9 gal.. Porto Rico.hhds " bbls.........., Ssgar House, khds, fgal.,. bWs. al.... Byrsp. bls, 9 gal NAIIS Cut, lOd basis, 9 keg.. . jILS Kerosene, 9 gal.......... Lard, gal Liaooed, gal Hosts, $1 e.sl POULTRY-ChiciienE,live,grown Bprmg... Turkeys ...I PEANUT3 bushel .... . POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel IrtEh, 9 bbl FOSK Northern, City Mesa.. Thin, t& bDi .. Prime, $ bbl. Ramp. bbl. K1CB Carolina, O fe... Koneh. S bona..... 11AG3 Country, 9 S Olty, 9 KOJa ........ , SALT Alum, f bushel., idverpooi, saoav..., Ldsnon, 9 smb.. American. 8 Back... Porto UlcO. V B. A Oofioe, 16 . c Bx.C Crashed, B) 8HINGLES Contract, fl K.. Common, 9 M CypressSape $ M,........i Cypress Hearts Q M , STAVES W.O.EbL,M... rt. u una., w ja. a CD O o o o a a o & o V lb .... . ! a.. J . 1 Cypress, 9 M TALC6w-f ....... TIMBER Shippine. & .... ?M.t.......-.;--.-. Mill Prime . Mill Fair. Common MB Inferior to Ordinary. W M. S3 00 CO 00 S5 38 00 00 40 5 25 11 1 10 -90 1 10 75 1 00 v 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 0Q00 00 00 . 7va 1 15 Q v-l-'t N 00 : 60 o 00 o 00 o . 0 ft 0 e 10Q o o 100 5 00 S 60 4 SO 00 it 00 10 00 00 00 10 0 o J5;oe f8 41 41 3 SAX 34 80 6250 12 146 too 46 SO 18 100 135 75 S 40 ft 15 00 5 00 01) 11 Of. O 10 00 . . .7 1 to lk J 9S 75 6 . '76' 85 10 10 . 8 6k 7 00 8 00 5 06 7 50 15 0C 00 00 00 or 1153 Y UiMKKy-Hprthern, gal.... North Carolina, a aI.. . .. ... WOOL Unwashed, fj fi .... . Haea.BB.., 1 75 9 0 . 60-ft'. 00 4 60 S 6 01 s 00 o 4 oc 1 00 O 6 00 OOo s sor rcissots s 8;- 80 : WllillXIMUXON MONK iflAtMtKC'J Eichiinjfe (sight) on New York, . j.vv7 olsc't Baltomore",...........k; V BoatOB... i..;-,.;.M- Philadelphia, . ....... , WeBtrn Cities, X Exchange SO days 1 9 cent. ; . .! . :. Bans. 01 ew Hanover stock.......... .. - t. 76 Ftret National Bank, . . navassa uuano 00. . " N. C. Bonds Old Bx-Coapcn. ...S......23 go. unauigi;.,.?.,,f, 8.0 - On ii ......i8 . W.&W.ands7e(GbVd'lS) 100 Carolina Central It B. Bonds. 8 McL .40 '. W Wll. CoL Aug. B. R. " A,i x80H? WllmingtoB caty BondJ, ev.i..; olrc....70. fc New Banover County ...0 flC......w78fCBT.;lnO W. & W. Rattroad Stock ...;45 NCUna& B.? " ...,r.i- WiL GasLihtCo. H .....i.w46 s--' Wilmineton (totton MlUs 'n'ttiMJM - A Card to the Afflicted. Dr. UOS1ERTSO.V, 1 So. Uutaw . Street, Baltlinor, Mgl Wanted ! Old Copper, Brass' and Lead. Highest Cash Prices Paid By ; ; COOPER, JOHES & CADBUET, . 15NOBTH SEVENTH ST.V PHILADELPHIA, Pa. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. - ' ta?Correspondence solicited. . . noy 22 3m : IGenidne Black! Seed Oats. THBOTNLl BROWN SEED OATS; WESTERN J WMte Feed Oats; White and Mixed Corn, aad JlmprHay. AIm a f idl stock of -Pearl Hominy, Feed Grits, Corn Meal,' Wheat Bran.Corn Bran.Oorn Chops, Cracked Com, Ac, allfrcshlT ground every day. Our Cera Meal guaranteed equal to "Virginia water ground, or money and freight refunded. . feb 12 tf - .. - -r. Q. BONBY A SONS. Seed Potatoes. 25 Bbls' PEERLESS, ' K( Bbls PEACH BLOW U ww .- For sale low. From fif teen years experience in hnimliat vate practice, guarantees a permanent care la All 5,iSea??"0i ySiS'ABY ORGANS, and of the w 1 t 001 ai, yus : organic and: Seminal TOUS J Heart. Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc all resulting ..va. iwuwb u jwutu wussnes ja.mHUMaa, Dis eases recensly contracted cored in five to ten days." and the poison- entirely eradicated Jrom the svs tem. Also all blood and skin diseases quickly - cured.-Dr. Robertson, a graduate of theUnlveraf Ity of Maryland, refers to any of the -leading phv Bif ot Baltimore. Special i attenUonvea to all female complaints and irregularities. - . . All communications strictly confidential, and me dicines sent to any address. Call pr write, enckta ng stamp for ieply. - i v, septOly1 - COMMERCIAL HOTEL Wilmington, rv. i, L .V" - For sale low. cena in yonr orders to - J. B. WORTrr 17 North Water Street, feb 7 Iw Ulules for Sale. 28 bisbopsr 4 9uflraj;aD bUhops, 80 deaos, 74 arcnaeacoDa. iu ..rnrai l dearur urn oa . 1 ; .- rii.i.w .iL-.--.. ... t f - AND FARM Twnr.Ra S??9S5.1r ttSSSr ?SSiSSaKfeSSiSSSSffi ia Nihilism. The "conservative eannot, bo racccased not 'taahnessN n aoeAWqlfaljintintellectual ie -. cane - or I r ' t r . fr? -tram.--1 'liberals who j 8mal atbot if,thejjvlto? 7Pen n wiaeIjroo man ia eqaal totha immenaa I nation AnnrZt,,": One thousand pounds a year isthediaconal average;.-There are16,000 ;barohe8r-The cross income of the Established -Chnrch ia 3,000,000 per annum,-and " tha Ghdrch popnlation 13,000,000. In Ireland there fefcrif forwarded (or tbe relief,of Ohe. soflerine people or Ireland. tf--f-Dj'r Tr BD Pritch-. ardrProentxef'iTOWitlIeg popoiauon "iOwyw,ww. xn lreiana there 1 i . Vs ' z . 7 .reP8archb!.hops, 10 bipa; 1.238 lioIh .... -Jf .ii,uv ;wuv .uuuk uccucu iur the development orNor&UarolTn-, i J.D.' Grinaley yearerdsyroucbt -ap acd lamed over totb6 'ftutborltfeV Heriry' Wfl-Uams,-coloredrwho, ' in;f the 6f jTanu: ary, escaped from the gang on" the' Western 80TrPTm'RT. k ion Livery and Sale Stables, ------ Third Street. F. A Sohutte, Prbp'r. PIRB HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, la now one of the LEADING IKT 1 CLASS HOTELS in the city. . - . " - r - j ... ... . The Table Is snpplled with the best our Home : : and Northern Markets afford: BUABO PER -J3AT '' & and $2 60. .WX.; 9Lar:e Sample Booms for the. Commercial trade. , :- v - - .-r .j. --- rBA First Class BAR and- BTT.T.T tm n a f .1. connected with this HoteL s . . . i , i 3r-FKBK LUNCH dally from L.teiMi ' P.M. i. Jy JO tf ; i - Eeady. flees, and 2,000 clergy..; The chnrch-gorng 1 Charlotte has contributed 'ti62 to the Irish Uelief Fnnd. . - . 1 ""aiJttOiUJtJiD HAYS COMMHNfTCn reaI.aabtoS?S ? the most . e of SprmBfinitrags and Paita Patterns " i-s' v w acuuus ana prices."" s- i - veryrespoctrnlly, . - . . JOHN OYER & SON. - feh8tf THE PEE;lJEE'f ATCHlIiH L First; Class i Weekly ; JXmq&ffi .. Published at p ARLINGTON a H., . G.:Z:. IT ISA LABGS PAPBB 94x40 INCHSSAUVB - With news, local. State and ireneral. with ,nl.l r pains in the departments, for the family, of lis out-"- juwi w ui u ui ouug won, - i-r - c t f.- -- - -V -It circulates ia Darltngton, Sumter, Marion and 4v Marlboro, and hence la a most valuable advertising -. -medium. Circulation specially large at Florence. 8. C Address '; v - A. A F. A. GILBERT, ' sept 13 tf 4 - ; . Oarlinston C. H.. S.43 ; " i

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