-j jgrninrj ; 4;ur' x.-., cCp EVENING, EDITION. - " TUB LAST TEAR J SHBD. .-- - - - i,.-. .- lV-Bm JOSSKLYS."- '."'v-.-"' ; T" The last tear I shed was the wim one that ; : t. feu. ; . -j-- - t r ? -,i - v-: As I kissed thee, dear mother, and bide thee farewell; T ' f . V". s- . v. . : . . : When I saw the deep anguish, impressed era -'. thy face,- - . -f -- - - . And felt, tor the last time, h mother's ero- brace , And .heard thy choked accents, inipassluned - and wild, -- -: -". ":-' v 'Ood bless thee for eTei V God bless thee," mj child!" V. :-- - - I thought of my boyhood thy .kindness t me,-r,'-; v : ; ... " -When youngest and: dearest I a-it on thy1 knee; . 7'-" ' OMhy lore to me Ter ao fondly expressed. As I grew op to manhood, unconscious how blest; ' - t- Of thy praises when right, and of thy chi dings when wrong; - -While way wardiwitb passions unyielding and strong.-.. .. I thought oT l hy counsels, t unheeded or spuro-d," - - ' A- mirth had r enlivened or sneer had burned;."; "i t" - And bow, whea by 'sickness, aU,helpIus 1 Jay, ' ! -Thou didst- nurse me andSoalha ms by night, and by day; How much I had oeeu bulb Iby sorrow and joy. And my feelings o'ei flowed, and Irweptjike a boy. - - Years, years of endurance have vanished, and now There is paia in my heart, there is care on my brow. The visions of: fancy and of hops are gone, Aud cheerless I travel life'd pathway alune; Atone! aye, alone though some kind one there be, . There are hone here to love me to love me like thee - - - My mother, dear mother, cold-heaned they ;" . deem ; J Tiiy offiprin?, but O, I am not what I sem; Though, calmly and tearless ail changes I : -bear, (J u!J they louk in my bosom, As feeling ia there! And now, sad and lonely, as memory recalls Thy blessing at parting, again the tear falls. iTue author of this is of Northern birth, but ha lived nearly all his life in the South. He belonged to the Holly Springs company ia Jeff DaviaV Mississippi regiment that fought at Buena Vista. Star. The moustache is a great epi cure. It is bouud to get the first taste of any thing. Animal sponges soak up water. Human sponges absorb whiskey, beer, gin and feuch. . Gracefully arched eyebrows, says the Boston Courier, are beauty'd tri umphal arches. A dog's tail is the greatest nov eity of the age. Why ? Because uo one rver saw it before. Ex-Attorney General Williams' onv-e famous pink' satin-lined landaulet is now owned by a Washington woman of 1hj l: I ui character Iron is king. State. It may be iu uuuio places, but in Virginia Manque bold the reignl Virginia Pecp'e. That's irony. Richmond State. The Iowa House of Represen tatives has before it a bill to prohibit the nuisance " cf treating. Treating is strictly an American vice, like pie-eating. It should ic classed with" murder, arson and Pinafore liuctice, and stamped out by rigi i legisla- A Btriking evidence of the re tuiu of better times xo this country is found b the feet that the number of immigrants who nr rived al tbe port of New York for the year which ended January 31, 1880, was neater by over 60,0t!0 than during the pre vtons year. If Dr. llussell, the famous war orrespondent, ia to believed, the English army in Suth Africa is in a deplorabje cti:dition. Beecher Las coined a new plirase "heavenly; drunkenness" which be ap pi.ca to a person who-has "too much re iitiioa." Mr. Beecher himself cannot be charged with being that kind of a-drunk-ant. V--"---' " ; The' late Martha Somerville daughter ef I he famous Mary Somerville, has bequeathed $12,500 to the British Life" boat Institution, for the purpose of forming aud maiataining orl the coast a lifeboat Bta tiou in. memory of ber mother. - x Senator . B. 'Grata. Brown! writes to the Kansas Clitv limei that be re gaida fbe comiog struggle as one of life or. oeatn to tree government. . ta ibis country. He urgrs that the Democrats may attain I erfect : harmony " by nominating Sey mour and HeBdricks.fc; "'-s- Frb f . Nord ensk j oldttbe S wedisb explorer, who arrived at Naples pn Satur day, baa accomplished the remarkable feat of navigating-the- At ctic ocean from the Atlantic to the Pacific :- by way of the Sibe rian coast.- la an interview on Monday be kt ated that he ls convinced of -the practi' cal use of Jiis discoveries in opening Siberia to commerce through the Ubt and- xenjsei as navigable rivers to the Atlantic, and the lina as navigable to the Pacific." -- DKASIATnC XOTES. ..-j- Pauline- Markham, the famous beauty of the original Lydia Thompson company, baa been heard from in Arizona. " She quitted her husband and a "Pinafore" - company, leaving a letter in which she said tnai sne was urea oi poth. . " ;J rr They 'say that Sarah Bernhardt. is putts requiring full' dresJ, is so meagre and scrawney that she has to -wear a false ncckmade of many layers of gauze, the outer one. of-which has a thin dressing of wax and a!?ove the laces and flowers of the dress the illusion is perfect. - 'trri The Galley Slave did a business of $8,000 a week at Hooleys, in Chicago. .-and a date in March has been secured for a reproduction of .the "playV Mr. John, T. Ford has organized a third "company! at the bead of which is , Miss Rosa. Rand, to play this piece through the South; begin ning at ruenmona. . ' fc ' : Wes'feninster " Hotel. 16th Street, East or Union Eqaare, N.T. : " FEKFaCTIOK IS ALT ITS APPOINTMENTS THRB3 I OIfJt.ES PBR DAT. " " eb 18 eodiia . - - - , we fr ta , . " - " CGardon-Seedl : TgXTiaA' KAKLY PEAS, "M0IIAWKV BEANS teix Weeks Beans.-Valentine Bean f,". Marrowfat Pepper, Tomato and Turnip Bced, wbolerale and reiau, as . . iV'vi- oui.ai.i;na, usaouia bo understood 'rep esont uuv bolttsaio. price generally. Ia making ,ut- saiall orders higher prices nave to be chargeo. raiosa. ' 00 -& ;. 13 1 . " - standard ..; BACON North Carolina, - -' Uama, fc(new).......r..v -Saoaldera, ft . ldea.N.C ehoiee.fi t ...... , Wuatera Smoked r v. Hani8.. .- - Stdea, ft S 14 , - , IS '0 ,anoDiaera,.; Dry Salted -r Sldt V ft... 0 0 0 -vc - - SARSKLS eplriUTarpeaUa . iJeeond 11 and. each. . a i es : 1 90 1 - SO . .800 Hew Now Tor, each. ....... 00 " 00 BS8SWAX V ..i.w......r. BtCffiS VUmJaxton, 9 M... 00 ' 7fl UUWU..i....Ji. ...... 30 Cft 14 00 dOTTBa North Carolina, Ikjf O - SO t 80 f . 80 - S6 CANDLES 8pem, 9 .'.,r."i. '- 18' IS 10 lox: - Adamanune. B A CilSS Korthera Factory vairy, creamy. s. 8iate ft w. ... lAjJCtritBi JavS. 9 ft. Hk. ft. - . 18 - 88 1SJ(0:V17J - - Laraajra, ? ft,J..4...i.....i CORN M BAlr .baahela aadu COTTON TIBS IHbdle... .....".! DOKKdTICS Sleetlmr.4-4. yd TS'S 9 60 e-o -8 00 Q 1 10 nxa u xara, y rasea. BGQ3.. FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 DM... is oo a 2000 . no.1, y bbl ........ Kaekarel. N. t, V bhl.. - No.x. wbbl.... ....... 8 60 O 10 69 Ois oo- Q 6 60. " o;roo v O 315 : O.400 O 6X 10 00 5 60 6 60 a oo 00, 00 i,0,l,0D4... . Malleta. bhL. ....... N.aHermur.Boa. kez Dry Cod, fl ft.. a.. ........ rsirriLUXRs Faravlanaaano, 9 KMO ft a - Baugtt'e Phosphite, Carouaa Fesffllaer. " ? -QrcondBoae. BoceKeaT, " - " Ploar, -. NavaaaaQaano. , Complete Maaore " WTiaaa'a Phosphate ' M : Wando Phosphate, " ' ; Berger A Bata'a Phoeph. : BxceUenxa Cotton PrtUlxer 6? so: 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 woo 00 00 60 00 66 90 0 DO 6 75 S3 1 60 7 S5 "7 75 8 35 14 . '75 - 67 70 6S60 6000 60 CO : 40 00 46 00 67 00 6600 S700 70 00 O 70 00 00 00 60 00 a too. rwvo iai "........ Saper. Northsxn.' ft bbl..... .... Kxtraat ; bbl. Faially -ti J bblw, 0 TO . 8 00 . 9 00 7 tO". 8 00. 8 50 o o o o o 8 cy KiiiB I sztra, v bbi..... - Family, bbl... 4x.Faatly. bhl... BLUB-8 ft................ . i. . 15X ORAIN Carn.ia store, is oazs. uorn,uargo onanei...... Oorn,mlxedlraahel,lnbags. o 2! 8 6 14 185 1S5,; 1 10 oata, V eaomM..... Pees. Cow. boaheL........ 60 Dry. 9 ........ IS 00 10 westera. V iwm..h,hi 1 1 100 105 CO ' LAED Northern, S ft. 9 - W 10 1 00 SO 00 O 1500. 18 00. O US5 00 00 18 00 00 00 18 00 18 00 12 00 CO 00 35 - as oo oo 40 5S5 11 1 10 90 SO S3 10 75 1 00 60 0 00 00 00. DO 00 00 00 00 OO: LIMK f bbl LUJiaSK Cttt Snuiftivn- Balp8taft,reeaired, Mft.. Roneh Bdiro Plank. M ft... WeetIatoCaivpf.accordlBg togwultr. atrt.......... ureaseartooruia. aeesoBea Dcaaumsr and Soaraa, cox ma U . OOU,f XB. .......... . U'JhlSSKS New cp KTaba, hhds O 15)0 O o S8 New crop Cnbanus 9 gal.. Porto BicoJIihda,. ...... ...... 41 41 43 M 80 5J50 IS -145 100 40 S0 18 100 1S5 75 S85 o o o O o o o o o o o o o aagai-Honae, hhds, 9 gal.. . ayrxp-, bla, VxaU NAILS Cot, 104 basis, J keg.. . Jlia-rSoroeene, w gau... Unsee&i)ai.. ....... ...... aosia.v POUIiTBT CiicitenalveTOwxi ttnmur... -Turkevs ......I POTATolS-Sweet, v'bashei.V. Iria&vir ddi 15 03. ma, W DDI 00 00 1100 10 00 CCUBO, uw. .......... bbl... . ...... R1C CajtoUna, $ ........ Roogh,.V fcaalu........ KAGS Coantry, ? ,7a 7X 1 60 si 75 5 75 85 ,115 ixa 1 00 80 cT 00 00 9 o - IQV o 9XO 10V 8 5 00 S 60 450 CfttT, 9 - ...... ...... KOPB -. 8 ALT Alaxav 9 ttnehel... . Liverpool, ws&tuc,.:... . fAabon, 9 sack. Asierieaxt. V ack...... SUGAR Ob ba.-W Porto Ulcor 9-...... .... . 1 v 800 5 00 . 3x. C . 9 3t AP HorUMsrn, .... ?HmQLKS-Co&tract, V H uoramoB, fa CvpreeeSapa 9 JL,. Cvrxraes Hearts M. 00 76fr 1500 titAVAo W, O. BbL, M...... R.O Hhd., M... Cjrpreea, Jt.. TALLOWw.i. i TIM BBR Shipping, X... IS 00 10 00 0000 00 00 6 0000 6WO c 10 M 7 75 1153 9 08 KUlFal,l.. Common Mill 6 50 4 69 3 00 1 00 1 00 : 18 -.-. O 700 500 O 400 600 O IN O S5 a --so laf erior to Ordinrr. SB .... aryJB If.... Vgal wnutaai nonneni, nonouBamaf wool UBwaaned, wasnea.w b W 1 .BT1 HQTOIf nOJtBV BABKKI Bzehanze (slzht) on New Tor k,... ..Jdlsct . Bostoa,...Tk... .2 " ' Philadelphia, X " Western Cities. " Bzeluim SO dava 1 W cent. - Banc ofNew Hanover Stock. . . . .. 86 Fust National Bank,. .. 76 NavaasaQaanoCo. . - ........... 125 N- C. BOAda Old Ex-Ccmpoa 53 DO. POBdJllf 1856.. ....... S OO. - 1869... Do. New 48 .........68 Do. BDeetal Tax.......... '4 Do. to H.a BaOroad.. ; j-.. ..SO W. A. W. SJSonds 7 e (Qold Iatl.llS Carolina Central B. Bonds, 6 fie... 40 WUmlBgtonCltyBoads, 7e,.;....S5 . ; -- - oia 6 we.. ...to " v new6e....85 "? ..--, 8e. ......851 New Hsaorer CbOBtr-...6 C.........85 (Cot. Int) AW. Railroad Stock 60 North Carolina R. B. M 70 wlL Gas Light Co. ".M....i...'..,.45 v WUminaton cotton itiua.. .V5 A Card to the AMictetf. Dr. ROBERTS ON, 19 So. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Hd. from afteen years' experience la hospital and pri vate pracuce. srnaranteee a -permanent care in au dlseaaea ot the URINARY ORGANS and of the, NKKVoUS SYSTEM, via : Organla And Seminal Weafcaeta, Impotency (toss of aexnal power). Ner vous Debility and Trembling Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal jBmiaeions, etc., all resulting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood. Dia- eaces receasty contractea.cnrea.in Jive jo ten aays. aiMune poison enureiy erauieatea rrom tne srs temr Also' all blood and akin -diseases quickly cared.' Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Unlversv lty oi jiaryiana, reiers to any.Oi .tae leaaing pny sicians of BalOinore . SpeciaL atlentioa given to all female complaints and Irregularities. -, ; - -' au coaunuaications stncuy connaenuai, aaa me dicines sent to any address. Call or write, encloe ng stamp for reply. ' septOly - COnHEECIAL HOTEL : ' Wllml'nstimi, n. e. 4 i - "eawaaw . 4 . . .. xr r- . .? A. Scliutte, Prop'r. rpH8 COKMEBCIAL, FORMERLY THE 'EM PIRE HOUSE." having been taeroughl; renovated and refltted ia now one of the LEADING F1B3T- CLASS HOTELS In the city. ' '. The Table Is supplied with the best out Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PES DAY $2and$S50. - -v ' erxarge. Sample -Booms , for the Commercial tnulM. :V - tafA glrsiCjasalBAk. "and ."!rTJJa;nn..HAT.'L. connected with this Hotel : . ; ' j , .tarr&&S LUNCH dally from 11 A. M. to 1S.80 P.M. Jysotf ;IHB PEE DEE ATCHHH.; A " Krrt r Class r!Wedtty t'lTewspaper h . 7. : Published darl!cngton. ci' bCb: cC-Ti IT IS A LARGE PAPramCHE8-ALIVB with news, local. State and general, with special pains in the departments, for the family, of Its ontt side, which is all home work. - " - It circulates in Darlington, Snmter, Marion and Marlboro, and honce is a most valuable advertising medium. -, Circulation: specially large at Florence. 8. C. . ' . - -Address - . 4 - ; . Av A. SF.A, GILBERT, , -. sept 13 tf - - Oarlinffton C. H.. 8. C IIISCLLLA1TEOUS. GEORG-E; MYERS, ; , - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROGEE ' rpHS LARQEST T0ck4O?: CHOICE .WINES LIQUORS, CHAMPAGNES,1 CIQAR3, Imported and Domestic, IN, THE STATE. , t - , -f-it.''' - Coffees, Sugars, Flour,Hams, P. S. Meat, Shoal lers, lieef Tongues,, Cakes, Crackers, Preserves AppleSvOranges,' Lemons, Cocoa Nats; In fact we have the Largest ' Assortment of Goods to select from; and the : beauty of all Is, THE LOWEST iHTrrtts e-i - - - - janSO-tf GEORGE MYERS. J Buffalo litliia ?aterB, f i; - AS A'" : GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT. - . In Chrbnlc . Dlscaseav IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE Waters, and the claim, though a" strong one, is substantiated by the testimony of many of - the meet eminent "medical men of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, vis : ., - . . ... Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. tSKpvdaUy -1 -, jn stone or travel; -Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Goat, Rheumatism. - -Paralysis. Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form, Dropsical Effnsion.uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptiens, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es- :' , pecially la all Disorders of the Menstrual fi -jr Function, . - . they have aeoomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Jtedica or among Mineral Waters..' - 3 -." : They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. . . - , . - These Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. , Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor 1 1 - - Buffalo Lithla Springs, Va. For sale by GREEN & FLANNER, Agents,; mhSStf ' WllmingtonVN. C. The Savannai Weekly News Ot FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters of a charming serial story, entitled XT iF I T, BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBBT .REID, lOW KATONTOK.QA , Author of "My Mother's Danghter," 'Afterward, U - and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions, will need no commendation of this her last-and most 'successful effort to pre pare them for the rare literary treat that awaits them. - MUFFTP tea story of absorbing Interest, and Its publication will ran through some eight to ten issues of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. Subscription $3 a year. $1 for six months. Mo neycan be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express, at our risk. J. XL ESTILL, febS tf Savannah, Geo. THE LANDMARK, VIIHT,THHKI AP SlAltiSVILLE, LREDEIJj CO., N. 6 " - ' . IS THE Leading Hewspaper in Western North Caroliiuu It ia the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger Iocs circulation than any paper ever heretofore published iH the county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie and IredelL ia larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acqnlriag a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It Is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a RseexAB Caitvassiso Aszxt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thi system a rapidly increasing circulatfoB is the result, making theLAHXtxanx ' THE BEST ADVERTISING BIEDI UB1 IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADBRESS, der9-tf LANDniBK,n Statesville. N. C: Forest and Stream AND BOD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING. RIFLE - ' ' PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND 8TUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that fully Supplies the wants and necessities of the - I Gentleman Sportsman TERMS $! 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest & Stream Pnbllablne Co., , -; . Ill FULTON bT., (Old No. 103,) ' . New York. Post Office Box S88S. - sept S7-tf Hale's Weekly. ON TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF OCTOBBR, 1879. and. in the City of Raleigh; the under signed will commence the publication of V HALE'S WEEKLY, A Nobth Cabouma Dxxoona.Tio.NxwBFapxB. . These four words convey all that a column of Prospectus could tell:, the good of the State; the saeceeaof the Party which is -the life of the State and the country; the publication of all the news; these the objects proposed. That he can do the lasV and contribute to the first and second, the subBcri ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set their seal of approval upon his past and he does not donbtthe future. . . . . . . Hali'j Wxxbxt will be printed from' new and beautiful type and on. fair white paper. - The price will be per annum. No name will go upon its mail books without payment, and no paper will be sent after the expiratiod of the time paid for. -i',-., . . ": j Pi U. HALE. Raleigh, Sept. 15, 1879. sept 16 tf : StffiiieiL PuSdshed JSherjf 27iunday,ai Camden, B. G., I S THB OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county; and has an extensive circulation nmongthe Merchaats,'Farmers and all classes of bnsiness men in theounty.i:- - . . Itoffers to the Merchants of -Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country in which itdrculates, being connecteawith that city by steam er on the Wateree . River, and. the Wilmington;' Co lumbia and-Augusta Railroad. - . . - - : --Liberal terma wfll be made wBh- those deslrlng.to advertise.-"-"- " . . - 1 - Subscription price, $5 Wperannum. - - . t : Address, J".- FRANTHAM A BAY, ' febS7-tf - ' ''- - - Editors and Proprietors. The Biblical Eecorder. f l- y, -'PUBLISHED BY v " '. ' ' 1 Edward, JJroughtcm As Co. ; ; raleIqh, f." c. : , REV, C. T. BAILEY; Editor, l ' . , : . EBV: IV BATCHER, Assodato Editor. drgaii:i)f:"Ho : i jn its 44U Tear, Uv :;. every bait;shotjij):Take rrV As aii MvertisifiUefUiudirnnirpaa .s- '- Oniy.sa.00 peiLTrsur. - : -. : Addrers, BIBLICAL JRBCOBDER, j -' j dec 83-tf . f " . - ,- Raleigh, ji.M. . MISCELLAUEOUS. r JUST OUTr ' -A Iter ADVANOE and RETREAT. --" PERSONAL EXPERIENCES . . IN THE UNITED STATES AND CONFEDERATE I s STATES ARMIES. By General J. B. Hood; Late Lieut General Confederate States Army. . - Published for the " - -; HOOD OBPHO MEMOEInL FUND, ... BT General O. T. BCaIreGARD, NEW ORLEANS, 1830. . The entire proceeds ariBing from the sale of this work are devoted to the Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United Ststes Registered.. Bonds, for the nurture, care, support and education ot the ten infants deprived' of -their, parents last summer at New Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which sad bereavement are still fresh in the pub lic mind.) , -..:.; '- r-r.-. .,.-,-;-;-r:: - The Book is an elegant octavo, containing SCO pages, with a fine photograph likeness and a line steel engraving, made expressly for this work, four large maps of battle ' fields, bound in handsome Gray English Cloth, at THREE DOLLARS, or in a Fine Sheep Binding, with Marble Edge, THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ; inHalf Bound Morocco, Library Style, FOUR DOLLARS; or ia best Levant Turkey Morocco, fall Gilt Sides and Edges, FIVE DOLLARS. on the receipt from any person remitting by mail or exoress. of the amount in a registered letter or by a postal order, bank draft, or check, a copy will be immediately sent, free of postage, registered as second class matter. : The volume is published in the. beet style of ty pography, ton elegant paper, with illustrations, exe cuted as highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, the purpose, all alike render It worthy a place in every library, on every desk, or upon the book shelf of every house in the country. " '' , . . ... . Agents wanted in every town and county in the United States, and a preference will be given to ho norably discharged veterans from the army. To the ladies, who feel a desire to express their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the sale of this book among their circle of friends, wfll afford an excellent way of contributing sub stantial aid to so deserving a cause. For Terms, Rates to Agents, etc., address, with full particulars, GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, Publisher, On behalf of Hood Memorial Fundi jan 38 tf New Orleans, La. THE New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. Boots ant Shoes for t&e Holidays, BRIV ING DAILY BY EXPRESS . COME soon to avoid the rash. Immense sales daily. My Goods In PRICES and QUALITY cannot be excelled by any. None but the BEST and MOST POPULAR makes in the country. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Another lot of those Scotch Button t chool Shoes just arrived. Come and examine. The Same Old Prices. C. ROSENTHAL, 32 MARKET ST. dec.21 tf Sign of the Show Case. For SLtiithville. STEAM YACHT ELIZABETH, Carr. D.W. CHADWICK, Carrying U. B- Mail. Leaves Wharf, foot or Market Street, daily, at 9:30 A. M. 'Returning leaves Smithville at S P. M. novS3tf JOSEPH BISBEE. Agent. Atkinson & Manning' Insurance Roonu, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, - Wilmington, n. c. Fire, Marine ani life Companies.. Capital Represented Over f 100,000.000 1 The New Hat Store. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SILK AND STIFF HATS. Also a fine line of BOYS' HATS. All cheap for cash. Call and examine. JOHN M. EOBINSON, NoS North Front St. South of Puree II House. Jan4tf flAAT ALL SIZES, IfUiiL, BKST QUALITY. 100 .Cords Seasoned Black Jack, 100 " Spilt Oak. 100 " Good 'Split Ash, CO " Fat Lightwoed. 60 ' - Pine Wood, SO Swamp Wood. Fouale at Lowest Prices for Cash. - O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., feb 6 tf Cor. Orange and 8. Water sts. pNCeURAQB HOME INSTITUTIONS. . Secarity against Fire THE NORTH CAROLINA IIOIHE INSUKANCE CtJMLPAN 1 RALEIGH, . C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fa rates; on aU classes of insurable property. AH leases are promptly adjusted and paid. Tht "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, aa appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property ir NeTthCarolina. far Agents in all parts, of the Bute. Ijggt JOHN GATLTNG, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. x PULA8KICOWPEB, Supervisor. " ATKINSON MANNING, Anm, aug 1-tf : , - Wilmington. H. O. The Lincoln Progress, - Published Saturdays at JneobUbn, N. 0. - - IS the only paper published in Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and all classes ef bnsinesa men in thARtata. . - . . ' -- : - It offers to the Merchants ef Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertising their business throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements. . Subscription price, 00 per annum in advance. . v ' Address ! F. H. DiLANE, - - : v Editor and Proprietor. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILYNEWS naner and the Ormn of tha Methodist Protes tant Chtfrch in North Carolinais published at jfreensDoro, . s. ,..-. -.. ,.. Terms, S 00 per annnm,-tn advance. " ' Thaeibrlbilltvof its kcatint. tha siimber and: ac tlvity efits agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon tne patronage or the adverus-ng pudhc. n-erms very favorable. Consult you business inter este,ana aaaxesB uia eaicor . , . J. L. MICHAUX, t - Greensboro. N. C. TDE RALEIGH Christian; 'Advocatev , . EdltedandPHhlishedby..r . ,y BIlCK&BHD;i;: , Balelli,'.H..C, : Is the organ or about a,030-Metnoaistsin orw fiiwillin arul hA tha lurffnut. r.imilatian OX anV DS per in the States It gives the- markets, secalar and religious news. im wwuj, eigu family newspaper, oniy fa.ou per annum. pui scribe at once. ' - t- ."-'..' -. Advertising rates liberal. ' ; Ian 84 tf ' MISCELLANEOUS. Brovn rA. iloci click 3 Jr"- 45 1IarketSt. w E DESIRE TO . CALL SPECIAL ATTEN- non to the following " LIST FOR THIS WEEK t ' LADIES' MADE-UP. UNDERWEAR Walking Skirts, Under Skirts," Night Dresses, Chemise, &e. Every one must be aware of the advance' in Dry Goodsfand mose particularly In Cotton. -Now is the time to make your purchases, as the above have not been advanced. Our assort- : mentis large. ' ' SOMETHING' NEW GENTS EIGHMIE PAT-, ENT SHIRT. We are sole agents for thesbove. It is really the best and most original cut to be seen. Cannot break or wrinkle in wearing. Call and look at it or get circular. - - SUN 5HADES AND PARASOLS. We have re ceived our full Summer stock, having- bought three months since to save the advance.. Many" Novelties.. - CLOCKS. See our wonderful dollar's worth in the above. . . ".;. . - , KID GLOVES. Two and Three Button Kids for 75 cents Four Button Kids for SI.Ojl Really ; the beet article for the money ever offered In .this city. , - rown Roddick 45 Market Street. feb 8 tf Fresh Candies ! Fresh Candies ! JUST RECBIVED.CARAMSL8 ALL FLAVORS' Bon Bons, Walnut Taffey, Walnut Shrimps (very delightful;, and other Fine Candies, and Fresh Mixed Pure Candy, at SOc per pound. Fresh Gum Drops, pure, at 15c per pound. My Candies are sold at GROCER'S PROFITS, are always Fresh, because I sell them rapidly. The place by all means to buy. . - I am receiving weekly, MOUNTAIN BUTTER, selected expressly for my Retail Trade, which gives entire satisfaction, at 23c per pound. The PATAPSOO is eraininir erreand dailv. It is worth your while to try it if you want a REALLY JTAMUX ITLUUtt. JAMES C. STEVENSON. febHtf Market Street. Choice Fruits. EVERY THING NICE IN THE WAY OF FRUIT and CONFECTIONERY on hand. Pine Apples, Bananas, Sweet Florida Oranges, Grape Fruit, Shaddocks, Malaga Gripes, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts, Ac. Fresh Walnut, Peanut and Cocoa Nut, and all grades, of Candies, and Soda Water, 7 At 8. G. NORTHROP'S feb 14 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Stop and Examine. , STALL No 6, MARKET HOUSE, and CITI ZENS' MARKET, will offer TO-DAY a fine as sortment of Mountain Beef , Pork, Sausages; Spare Ribs and Back Bone of the best quality. Also, a fine lot ot Turkeys and Poultry at Bottom Prices. Call early and order your Thanksgiving Dinner. nov SO tf T. A. WATSON & CO., Prop's. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. ' 35 tb YEAR. The Scientific American. rpHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is a large First A Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, rrinted in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY LLUSTRATED WITH . SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most iecent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social 8clence, Natural History. Geology, . Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3.30 per year, $1 63 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit fay postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park bow. New York. Ti A f H U KJ f H CI Ia connection with the JLf AA JBlll X D. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. hunk a oo. are soucuors or American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. -Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of - all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention ia directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales introduction often easily effected. - Any person who has made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, rams ov charse. whether a patent -can probably be obtained, by writing to Mush & Co. We also send ranx our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for we raper, or concerning .raceme, - MUNN & CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D.C novl tf Flagg's Liver Pads A ND GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL VARIETIES on hand. ' Also a laree stock of Braes. Medicines. .Whiskey. Brandy, Cigars and Tobacco, aold for reasonable prices, at i. J&. Maiuuiuxax-o, . Drug Store, febltf Corner Market and Front streets. & r ReiinfloE Mm MacHines. A SUPPLY OF THESE CELEBRATED MACHINES, on hand and for sale cheap, by GEO. A. PECK. jan 11 U No. 35 South Front St. Handsome Hosiery ! H ANDSOME NECK TIES I Handsome Handkerchiefs I - - - - . - - ; . Handsome Low Price Dress Goods, v Best 50c Black Cashmere in the city . OHN Ji HEDRICK. dec 14 tf Corner Front and Market sts. Notice; M R. GEORGE M. SUMMERRILL HAVING been admitted a member ef qur firm on the 1st In stant, the name and Btyle will, hereafter be AL- TAFFER, PRICK CO. . " ' 4 S:-1 V.5 Eespectfuny.v,: : a dec T tf . V ! ' - - ALTAFFBK ft PRICE.'" ( - fWILLARD BB0S.;L jj N. C. jf&S0 ..RAILROAD LINES, &c. XJilminijton s& j Weldon . " Oryios oi Gss'i. StrpsBornDroaifT - l . ' . WUmington, N. OV, Nov: 82, 18T9. f 3KSSS i Chasso of Schedule. V ON -AND AFTER - SUNDAY, KOV'KKtt 187V. Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will run asreuows: Day Alstll and , Kxpress Train, llr Leave .Wilmington, Front St; Depot, at 6 :50 A. M.; Anivaat Weldon. ............. 13:60 P. M Leave Weldon .---v.i-v. : .? 2 Arrive at Wilmington, UTont Bwxnsput, w.uo Nlsnt mail and Express Traln'Iatly Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at S:40 P M? Arrive at Weldon;.. . , -- ' 8.-60A. M. LeavoWeldon..,, M" Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot, 9.13 A. Jt w. m..i.. H I'lriA.kMwt DMnaK TffaA laflTTA T?fiP.lTt. Mount forarboro at 6.10 P. Mi Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M- Return lng, xeave xarooro at iu.uu a. sn.. utuiy, ouu day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 SO P. M. s Mk&TiAim.atn .vMnlvAei fAetaa iwn uHvn Js.tr WAl- don lor all points North via Bay Llmev daily except Bunoay, ana aauy ru iuuuuuuu - buu but rail route. ' . ! Night train makes Close connections at w eiaon for all points north via Richmond. M - a . . . . a i. .11 aTi a. j. Bieepmg uars anacaea m tui niut xrauia. r V 8 JOHN F. DIVINE, nor 32-tf " : General Bup't General Sup'ts 0fiit3e, WH.OTINGTON, COLUBIBHA A At GOSTAR.B.COHPANV, WILMINGTON. N-C Nov., J819. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV S3d, 187, the following Schedule will be run cn this Road: Day itxpreaa and Mall Train Daily Leave Wilmington. ;. 9: 0 A. M. Arrive at Florence ... S:00P.M. Leave Florence . 3:50 P. M- Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P M. ItlOUT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington ... . . 10:13 P. M. Leave Florence 2 :S0 A. M, Arrive at Camden Junction 4 :is a. ja . Arrive at Columbia. ... 9 :00 A. M. Leave Columbia.... 5:00P. M. Leave Camden Junction 1:00M. Leave Florence 2:80 A . M. Arrive at Wilmington .. ... e:tsuA.M. This Train stoDS onlv at Whiteville. Fleminston. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Charles- ton junction anauamoen juaction. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nignts ao net make any connection for Columbia. JUUH JUiVlJNlS, nov 22 -tf Gen'l Sun't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OmCI GKS3SAL STJPKBIKTEHDSHT Wilmington, N. C, June L 1879. Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave .Wilmington at. 7:00 P. M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at 2:27 A. M. " Charlotte at 8 :J0 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:25 P. M. No. 3. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:32 A.M. I Wilmington at.... v... 9 :50A.M. No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. - No. 3 Train is Daily except Satarday . SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. 1 Leave Charlotte, i Arrive at Shelby. 8:40 A. M. 12:30 P. M. . 1:15 P.M. . 5:05 P. M. No. 9. w , 1 Leave Shelby .. . MO-10 Arrive at Charlotte . LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington... 5:35 A Arrives at Launnburg .. 4:00 P. SL Leaves unariette Arrives at Laurinburg. Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Charlotte Leaves Laurinburg. ... 5:30 A.M. 4:15 P.M. 5:30 AM. 4S0 PM. .... .... 5:00A.M. Arrives at wunungton... 4:su P. M. These Trains leave Wilminston and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections made at Charlotte with Trains of A. AC. A.L.R.R.and A., T. AO. R.R Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 7 P. M., will arrive at destination at 9 P.-M. next day. 81eeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. my 17-tf General Superintendent CLYDE'S Hew York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer R E G- TJ L A T OR, Capt. WILL SAIL -FROM NEW FORRt Saturday: February 21.fcSl ISS prShippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, - Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Theo. G. iBser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde &. Co., General Agents, dec9tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of Hew Hanover, Authorized Capital $1,000,000, Cash Capital paid in $300,OOCt Surplus Fund $50,000 DIREGl QR8? JOHN DAWSON C- M. STEDMA& D.-B, MURCHISON ' ISAAC? BATES, DONALD McRAB JAS. A. LEAK ' S, R. BRIDGERS S. B. BORDEN t J. W. ATKINSON - - " ' - - CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. , ' ' ISAAC BATES,' Vice Prestdeht. 8. D. Wattaoa. Cashier . i tang20-tf HigMJred Dbgsr; ; -English, irisH and Gordon setters,' of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees ; - , v.;' -t - For sale by j . ' -- . K. P.-WELSH . . aovTl&Wtf - f' - y i vork.Penn. . JOBj-PQEJuTirJC, j C 5 J.Zj.yX fl- 4,'. THE II0EIIIIIG 8TAH ; ; Steaaii tj-Hpiisei - ? V MOST fllQllOUGJXLYSQZripj'ED PMXTIXG.- " OFFICE IN THE CtTT: T V FINS. BOOK, NEWSPSPKa t 1USRCANTJL8 . , ' CHEAP FOB GA&UI THEATRICAL POSTE&St PJ!tOQJtAMMES t'-- 'TICKETS, imukACE 'PEJfNTI '-' BILL HEADS, CIBCVLAbsV CABD& DODOBBS. . STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND BA1LB0AD ! wobk executed m qmaEETiMk, AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bl v -" ' ANYVTHEROFFICEIH sav-v WILMIN&TON.i FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE M0BNIN& STAR STEAM PRINTJNCT HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET WILMINGTON, N. a. , ORDERS BY MALT, PROMPTLY ATTENDED u r - TO AND WORK SENT TO ANiPART "'' -' !"'' OF THE UNITED STATES; C. O.D. ' - -"" SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS f LARGER QNES. " . ? THE HIcEOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lawrv'-', . Office North Side Market St. between 2d and Sd. '"X aug26tf . " " i '; UT H. C. PREMPBRTS FASHIONABLE BHA-." VING and HAIR DRESSING PARLOR, at No. t South Front Street, where you will be. served in a ";'" No. 1 style. . ," '' Kemem&er the Big Seven Ao . nov 80 tf ' -. New Crop ? Cuba r.ldlasses; 350 Hhds and Tierces Choice New Crop MATANZAS MOLASSES. C Per Echooner ."MATTHEW KINNEY." Now due and hourly expected. For sale by' . ' A2 WORTH i WORTH. ' ' jan 18-tf wff., SIR M IN CHAM, J5 ENQ1.AND Prices In England. PiONEER , WORKS ' -?rv- r ' t & - 68.00, $78.75, $89.25, $100.00, $125.00, tlCO.UO;'. r Delivered in New York, duty and all charges to: s elusive : . . ' $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150.63, $184:28,-$218.00. '7 -r The above may ordered "Full Cheke," "Me- . - ' dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. .- We are-now making small bores of Nob. 14,16 -and 20 gauge, which are scarcely Inferior In own to the larger bores. - ' ' ' t . -Weight of 20-Bore from . ..,.6XIba 1 1416 " - , 6r. "' '.V ' 12 ....-. t. 7X 10 i , . . Our "Giant Grip' Action has been awarded, a D'.- 4 , ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition.., -.-,1'' -, Send for Illustrated Sheets. - w---' We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, v . ' ' who have purchased and are pow using onr guns : ' . Hon. Walter U Steele, St. C.Bockingham, Rich :. , mond county,- N. C - . Capt. O. R, Murehlson. WUmlnfeton, N. C. 1 - ; - J ' . . Col. B. F, LitUe. LltUe's MUIsN.C, .i-'J " ' --- : James A. Leak, Esq.. Wadesboro, N. C. 1. "''"s""',' Wm. H. Bernard, Esq., WilmingtonN. J "V - JJt-WV'rOLLEiV1 4' -Pioneer Works: StrMarvta BonartL .. , '- - oct 8 DA Wtf. ., ,-irmlhgham,- Fugland. ', ' : " XertlwspeedyCawaTsemiBaineaaeiM,ije jl; Hanhood, pren store veeiiiiyi AerroaAiwa, . Despondency- Coafnslon f Ideas, Aversion to . Broaght oa by Secret HablU and Excesses Any druggist has the Ingwdleats. Addms, v no .iiitnee a nn ' an urng wfcw w. wa , 130 Wert Sixth Bt, CISCDnrATIi 0Siar feb" 15 lyDW. A. 8TEBIIMI, ; Jr. Attorney and Corinselior.at Xaw, ? ;- ELIZABETH TON, , BLADEN , COUNTY, N. C V Office Up stairs, in Brick Buildings occupied bj i RinaldlACo. ' " ,' 'v Special attention to Claims: Collections on sums ' of $100 and upwards, made for Five Per Cent, if without suit. Jrawing Deeds. . Mortgages,; e.J ; specialty. -t ' v , P 5-DAWtr r.lOWUuTlEWmS: Graven Stones; C FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOU'a, , v PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK . PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK. TO ANY FART OF THE SOUTH. RICHABn WATEtAIf CW ' i'. iwm: .vaat.a. niaiA. , iu-MsC irAsit fW;':. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.fot - , sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf TTestemlTortliCaroliia If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of ; . the South, send for a specimen copy of A T&e 1 Western Courier It is t TWENTY-EIGHT COLU3IN WESKLY, full of Interesting reading matter,' and tdevoted to the Interests of Western Lorth Carolina, . ?;-"' '-. 1 Address - . -. . .- 'J r - THE C0URIS3 COMPANY, - ; . Hendorsonviller N. C - t - ,: - -.V

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