EVENING EDITION. A S'fOIiBN TMITi - This is her dainty ruom. Where youth and beauty found their per- fectbloom; - This is her cozy chair How oft her form has nestled softly there J Here is her gleaming glass, P Cy which her graceful figure used to pass; And, though she is awayv v rr . r ll seems her smiles are ibere,'fcnd eltll will stay. These are her favorite books, , . The pageslonging f6r Wti lOTing looks. Here is her happy bed The pillow where she nightly rests her head. She comes her step I know: Bless thee, sweet room 1 Alas, that I mast go I ; JGoatow Iranscripl. i I political. eoiiyr. The Hon. Tom Corwia was wont to say that next tcr setting up an infernal ass as a popular leader the most difficult thing was to pull him down again. Sunday Cap ital ' .. ' ' J x;'.' The New York Times declares that John Shermaa is "seeking nomination ud baseless claim," and that he "was not ihc originator of the successful resumption measures" f This, frotu the leading Repub s can organ fin the East, - is1 certainly very levere on Sbermans claim. Hurrah for Grant! aloug the line The shouts resouud, the cheers ascend; With steady tread rank follows rank To fight for him, the nation's friend. If. Y. Commercial Advertiser, Rep. Yes, tuneful one, rank follows rank la that you surely are not wrong; The rank which rides from his reigu And t9 corruption, foul and strong. Courier-Journal, De, m TVIIaCI.G An Ohio newspapei speaks of a man being bruised by "emphatic gestures uf u mule." Laundry girls are too much am. ug flts to be sharp. Waterloo Observer. This is sad irony. Boston, Iranscripl A loving British wtfVa post script to a letter addressed to her .husband iu New York : "Dear William, I have pe rused the police reports and Morgue re turns e?ery day, hoping to see your name." Aft old farmer was wondering "hy in these day&Jt-seems impossible to h ive an honest horse race," when a neigh bor iuu rrupled him with the remark that "u's because we haven't an houesl human nice." In England young s;ek of their fathers as the gentlemen "Governor," "iaier," 'tbe overseer, etc Here we are m ite civilized. We say "dad," the "boss," r the "old man." Ia heathen countries they my "father;" but they are away behind the a.-. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. . Pat : "Well, Dan, and have ye htarii the news have ye heard that Rory i be miller's dead ?" Dan : "Rory the miller ii it that '8 dead now ? Jabers, but ye don't say so, and he was a yoaog man, too." Pat : "Faiih, an' that's threw for ye, Dan; he was such a oung man, now, that 1 expected to ee him at my own funeral instead of me suing to his." A. Cincinnati paper tells a good siury uf n Judge Rice, of Kentucky, a furi ous secession isiTefuie the war, who said in iue of bis speeches, "Why, the Y -.nkt-es! if 1 hey show fight we can wbip ih. -in with pup-guns ! After the war, wliiie riiakicg a 8eich at the same place be whs asked if be said as above ' I did," 8:k) I.e. "and we could have doDe it; but, eoj. they wonldu't fight us iu l tint w ay 1" Bale1 Weekly PEKSO4L. - Theodoie Tilion's son, Carroll, who lives with hU mother, ia studying fur the ministry. there is do truth m tho report trui Miss Anthony pissed herself off on Btittoa people for Mrs. Liogtry. Boston ,pi ople are not blamed fools Boston. Post. Mr.-John Mardock, a Scotch edi- r, viatting friends in Philadelphia, states Abat the laws of primogeniture and entail ment have been a fearful cure to Scotch farmer.--. There is no doubt of the truth of ihi3. Air. Bayard may never be President of the United States, but it should be very comforting to him to hand down to bis children and grandchildren all Ibe handsome things that both Republican' sou Democratic newspapers are saying or him now. Bolt. American, Rep. it is freely stated in court cir cles in England that the betrothal will shortly be announced of the Duke of Genoa. nephew of King Humbert, to the. Princess Bean-ice, the Queen's unmarried daughter. The health of King Humbert is said to be io a very unsatisfactory condition. Joseph E. Temple has presented to i be Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts the sum-ef $50,000 towards a Trust i and of $60,TJ000 which sum will be made up in three years by the accumulation of interest. The interest of this fund, when completed, is to be used in the purchase of American p no tings for a permanent collection. - 'ss-BEansw SOUTHERN ITEW8. A pack of about forty wolves is prowling around Rich Mountain, Ten- uesaee. The reported price of Pinoh- back'a nomination aaNavaf Officer at New Orleans is a 8 her man delegation from Lou isiana. Near Chattanooga a laborer named James Urownover fell from a bridge fifty feet high to the water below, where be supported himself until rescued. He re sumed work in an hour. Notwithstanding the falling off io gram shipments the foreign exports from itiaitimofce dodoc the past :montb show an .increase as com Dared with February. 1879. r pearly $180,000, and of dVer $200,000 as atgainat last month. . . LITERARY GOSSIP. e lioberts Brothers will shortly have a new edition of Jean Iogelow's poems. Tho "Cyclopcedia of 'BfitUh foems," which Mr. JSpes gargeant is edit ing for Harper & Brothers, will contain a thousand pages or more. .s-.. . Carlvle.haa' just concluded the revision of -a new and corrected edition of bis works; he has also' been ' collecting material for his biography. He Is said to take a very gloomy view of the immediate uture oi jngiand. . ... -Tbto 'Athenceup 'says' cordially insi "tne emtor or tne tenth -volume of tit. Nicholas stems bent upoashbwine that the New World' can rival the Old m the pro- nucuon pi children's hooka: as wpllf as in that of cornjand-cheeset and H seems to Tiiioa tnat be hM Tully succeeded. ery dees all kinds of fiindin anil Rniinv in nunllke manner, and at reasonabla prices Mer . Chants andethers aeedinc fieeelnt Books.' or nthr wprk,Bayrlyon promptness in the exeeatloa of - - mvi sy pMISCELILAEOUr W JUST OUT. Hood's Great Book of the War. ADVANCE and ESTREAT. PERSONAL EXXPKRIKNCK3 IN Till UNITED STATES AND CONFEDERATE STATES ARMIES. By General J. B. Hood, Late lieut. General Confederate States Army. '' i Published for the i . - t r . - HOOD ORPHAN MEMORIAL FUND, BY General G. T. BEAUREGARD, NEW ORLEANS, .1330. The entire proceeds arisinr from the sale of this work are devoted to the Hood Ortihxn Mamntii Fund, -which la in rested in United States Registered Bonds, for the nurture, care, support aad education of the ten Infants deprived of their parents last ammer at New Orleans,- fthe melancholy incidents of which sad bereavement are still fresh In the pub lic mind.) - The Book la an elegant octavo, containing 860 pages, wiui a uuxt paowgrapa uaeness ana a lino Bteel exurravin?. made exDresalv for this work, t nnr large maps of battle fields, bound in handsome Gray English doth, at THREE DOLLARS, or In a fine sneep Binding, with Marble Edge, THREE DOLLARS AND KlTV CENTS ; lnHalf Bound Morocco, Library Style, FOUR DOLLARS; or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, fall Gilt Sides and Edges, FIVE DOLLARS. On tae receipt from anv Dersoh remitting bv mail or exoress, of the amount In a registered letter or "j uw otucr, pus orat, or caeca, a copy will be immediately tent, free of postage, registered as second crass matter. - - - Tbe-roinme ia; published in the boststyle-of ty pography, on elegant paper, with Illustrations, exa- eute&ae tig Best hht" of art. - .- - Xbe author, taa- subject, the purpose," all alike zender It worthy, a place In every library, oa every desk, or upon the book shelf of every house lnithe country. r..-.-. . Agents wanted ia every town and county in the United States, and a preference will be riven to ho norably discharged veterans from the army. to tne laaieswno reel a desire to express their sympathy with The Hood Orphaav Memorial Fund, the sale of this book among their circle of friends. will afford aa excellent way of contributing sub stantial aid to so deserving a tense. L - - i iror xaram, uates to Agents, etc, address, with fall parttcJars,-----i:-.-:'cr.: -- UBH.-u; x. uavAUKBUAKDj rabiisher. Oa behalf of Hood Memorial Fond: JaaSStf . New Orleans, La. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautif ally Illustrated. Wth YEAlt. The Scientific American., rpaR SCIXNTIFIO AMERICAN Is a large FlnU a. uiass weekly newspaper or sixteen- .rages. printed ia the most fceaaOfid style, PAOFU8KL liiLUSXK&Tsu wrrn Brusnvw jlhu.ka.v LNGS, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent advances In the Arts and Sciences; ln ciudlng New aad interesting Facts la Agriculture, Uorticalture, the Home, jieaita, nogress, twciai Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers bv eminent wri ters In all departments of science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. S3.S0 per year. SI. 63 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Doatal order to UUNN CO.. Publishers. 37 Park jow. New York. nArnnilrpa in connection wun ine JTL X JClXl JL Ot SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jtesars. stpaM Ca are Solicitors of American ana Foreign, ratents, nava naa years experience, and now have the largest establishment In the world. Patent are obtained en tha best terms. A dpncUl notice is made-te the SCIENTIFIC AMESI-. CAN or aU inventions patented taroogn mis Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Hy the immense circulation thus given, public at tention, is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or lntroducuoa orten easiry enecteu. Anv Demon- who Has mane a new discovery or m- veuUon, can ascertain, nu or chasob, whether a patent cu probably be obtained, by writing to Mvnjrauu. .we tuowoa ruiou nana dqw about Uri , Paten. Laws, ratents, Caveats, Traae- Marks, tneircorts, and how procured, with hints for prucang advance on inventions. Address for the raptr, concerning Pa tenia, stunn as u., si rarx now, new j ora. Branch Udica, cor F. Ilk bta. Washingtou, D.C. uov 1U THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT SlA'ltlSVlLLK, IREDELL CO., N. C IS THE Leading Newspaper iir Western North Carolina. It la the ooiv Demecratic Paper aublished in Ire- deu county one or tne largest ana weartnwt conn ties ia the State and baa -attained a larger loca circulation than any paper ever heretofore published In the county. Its circulation in Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. ADe- hany, Yadlrin, Davis and Iredell, is larger than XhatWany two papers In the State combined; and u rapidly acquiring a strong rootnoid in jrorsytne. tsurry; itowan ana western jaecxienourg. It is the onbr paper In Western Ndrth Carolina that eaaplOTS a Bwiui CwUTVAsaura Asm. and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thit system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result, THE BEST ADTERTlSlIfG BIEDIUIrl IN WE8TERK NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS, LANOniBK,' Statesvule. N. C. de--u gNCeUKAUE HOMa INSnTUTIONS. SecEiity against Tire THE NORTH CAROLINA nOME INSURANCE COMPANY BALUQH, H. a This CMntNurir eoatiiraes to wnte Policies, at fa rates, on ill classes of in sa rafale property. : All losses are momitlv admsted and paid. The .MHDiiSV iarwidlvKrowmK U public iavcav aad bppeaia, wrai connoence. te tnsuKrs or: property n Nertnuaronsa. iar Agents in all parts of the State. El JOHN QATUNQ, President W SrPRIMBOSg,- Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON ft MANNINQ,' Aaxars, suit l-tf WfJmtnsKm. N. O. TUC RALGiGU " " 2 "l IMIaadPabushedby BLACK & fiEID, : Ealeil, . C. Is the organ of abeut 69.030 Methodists in North ."?r"Un and has tha lararat ieirenlation of anv Da- per in the Stats.- Tt trtvea thai markets, secular and reiigiousnews. , is, a weekly, eijtrt page, reugxons, lamuy newspaper, uniy sx.w per annum, ouu scrihe at once. .. j Advertising rates liberal. - Ian S4 tf 1500 1500 : FIFTEEN HUNDRED BARBELS Pure Seed Potatoes ! FUe Hundred Barrels now In Store, One Thousand- Barrels' on the Way and to Arrive. ' ? EVERY VARIETY. Early Rose, Peach Blows, Peerless, Early Goodrich, Jackson White, Snow Flake. rsfSpecial Figares fer large lots. ; H y- s CHAS. D. MYERS, ieo i u 33, 38, 87 North Water Street. . ::Grecge: Myers, AGENT FOB - - tCHUBDSaK.iSi CO.'S -c-ifBOT-BOUZZ CHAMPAGNE. Sold at Importer's Prices. jsnsou nos 11, 13, 10 sontn rront sx. ; BTOur quotations," aaould bo understood rep easnt tho wholesale prices generally. In ;makinr, aa small orders higher prices have to be charged,! r KTUUiXS. FBI0X8. BAQiaNO-Gunny. i. .. . Standard... . BACON North Carolina, , ' Hams.aj fc(new).....",....i 8hoalderS;v a..J.-..i.i...; . Sides, N. O. choice, 1 fi.. . . ,. . Western Smoked ' Hams..-.. ..... ...i..'... sides, 9 ft...;. ...... 4 Shouldera,..,, . ..1. . Dry Salted 1 .SideaB 1...... I Shoulders ......'....;. . 00 ,11S 13 16 ; o nix no 0 , 0 o i-;. sx i ' X ... ft- V 00 00 eo 00 7 DO oo . is; : . SO o BB&r ure welght..;... ...... 2 Second Hand, each 1 65 1 90 1 90 .20 '8 00 New New fork, each.... .. New City, each . BBESWAZ-HB BRICKS Wilmington, fLM.... TJa?4i arm O 14 00 BUTTER North Cijna' $A"j 20 30 85 - It 10 12 16 x 80 YIH 0 82 i: i 50 8 1 10 14 CANDLES Sperm, f fi. 18 x&uow, v Adamantine. Sa.i.:.. 0 0 & is a 10 s a, o 18; 80 75 0 SA (K) t OUKSSfi-N(ntiini Factory ft iixj,crroai id... . State. 9k.. ......... cuffbb Java. 9 . . Rio, t. CORN MEAL fj .buaheUu sacks COTTON TIES wfbdle... uuMJtaxHjti unecung,t-t, yd arn, v ouncn. BGGS.r FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbL. 18 00 8 50 10 03 6 50 6 50 8 00 8 00 00 67 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 0 00 6 75 635 7 60 7 85 7 75 8 35 14 75 67 No. L U bhl a 10 eo Mackerel. No. , bbl. Q 12 00 fik 660 tiy " W pm, ym... .... . Mackerel, No., V bbl Mullets. bbl..M N.C. Herring, Roe,9 keg.... Dry Cod. ft 7 00 3S5 400 6X FfiBTILUERS Peruvian Guano, V SOU) fcs Baugh's Phosphate, M Carolina Fertiliser, M Ground Bone. Bone Meal, 4 Flour, M M Navassa Guano, " " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate M Waado Phosphate, BergeT Buta'a Phoeph. u Bxcellenaa Cotton Fertiliser O 68 60 & 6000 O 50 00 O 40 00 O 45 00 O 57 00 & 66 00 67 00 70 00 O 7000 O 00 00 60 00 500 6 00 FLOUR Fine. bbl Sapor. Northern. 9 bbl..... jcxtrauo. v dpi...... Family " V bhL..... City Mills I Extra, 9 bbl Family, 9 bbl.. . Ex.Family. bbl... 9 OCII 9 03 7 10 800 850 GLUE 9 S !6X GRAIN Corn, la store, In oags. 77 68 73 63 70 6 14 125 1 35 cern,uargo, ousnei....... Corn, mixed busheLm bags. Oats, V bushel Peas. Cow. 9 bushel..M.... 70 63 HIDES Green. 9 & w... 4 Dry. 9 ... ............... ,i 13 00 1 10 1 00 HAY Eastern, 9 100 Da, Westarn, 9 100 xs 1 10 HOOP IRON 9 ton.. LARD Northern, 9 m 100 00 8105 00 9 9 00 00 18 00 00 00 13 00 18 00 13 00 North Carolina. W O 10 00 LIMB bbl LUMBER Citt SYaaxSAWXD Ship Staff, resawed, ,9 M ft.. Boazh Edge Plank. IX ft... 3000 1500 18 00 IP 35 WestlndiaCargoes.according to quality, VM ft.... ...... j uressear uxtnng. seasoneu.. and Boards, com- aa v UlVUt - .... MOLASSES New CP ICuba, hhds 15.-00 00 38 New crop Cub, DDIs 9 gal.. Porto Blco.hhdB.... bbls Sugar House, hhds, 9 gal.. . 00 41 4) 3 24 25.2 80 5 50 13 145 100 40 80 13 1 00 135 75 3 85 35 a o o bois. gal.... 1 00 40 525 11 1 10 90 30 S3 10 75 1 00 60 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Byrup, SDis, w gai NATLS-Sut, lOd basis. 9 keg. OILS Kerosene, 9 gai... Linsee(L9 gal.......!!.. Rosin, 9 Kl- POULTRY ChickensOivejo-own gpring... 'lTirEeys PEANUTS 9 bushel.... POTATOES Sweet, 9 bu&hal.. Irish, V bbl PORK Northern, City Mesa.... 15 00 Thin, 9 bbl Prime, 9 bl Bums. 9 bl.... 00 00 1100 10 00 00 09 BICE Carolina, Vb 7 7X 1 50 Kougn, w (ran 15 IK 1 BAGS Country, 9 .... IX Cltv. V ... . .......... IX 33 75 85 75 85 ROPE 14 00 SALT Alan, 9 bushel Uverpor.i, vsaex, Lisbon, sack American. 9 sack 80 00 00 0 O SUGAR Cuba, 9 Porto Rico, 9 D A Coffee, 9 B 9 C 9 ft Ex. C ft 0 10 0 8 & 10 6 eh 10X 10 8X 9X 11 V 700 300 5 00 Crushed. 9 ft I SOAP Northern, 9 ft SHINGLES Contract, 9 M 5 00 3 60 4 50 00 13 00 10 00 00 00 oommoa, 9 a. Cypress Saps 9 M, Ovnress Hearts MM. 7 50 15 00 00 00 00 00 STAVES W. O. BbL, 9 M nno.,jg M Cvpreas. V M. ....... ........ TALLOW 9 ft sua e TIMBER Shipping, IH 10 90 11153 Mill Prime, 9 M Mill Fair, II Common MQ1.. . 7 75 6 50 4 50 3 00 1 00 1 00 18 38 O 7 00 500 4 0C 5 00 t 60 25 SO Inferior to Ordinary. 9 M WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal.. North Carolina, v gai.. .WOOL Unwashed, 9 ft waanea. v a WlIdrlllfCrrON fflONEi fllBKEI Exchange (sight) on New York, dlsct. Baltimore, Boston, " Philadelphia, " Western Cities, " Exchange 30 days 1 9 eent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 8S First National Bank, 76 Navassa uuano uo. " i N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon 23 Do. Funding 1845 .'. 8 Do. " 1888 8 Do. New 4's 68 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Railroad 80 W. . W. R.R. Bonds 7 C (Gold Int) . 1 5 2 Carolina Central B. R. Bonds, 6 9c. .40 WiL CoL Aug. R.K- " 00 Wilmington City Bonds, 7 9c 85 " old 6 e 85 " new 6 9c... 85 " 8a 85 New Bauover County . ...6 9c 85 (Cur. Int) W. A W. Railroad Stock 60 North Carolina R. R. M 70 WU. Gas Light Co. ,.45 Wilmington Cotton Mills.... .. 5 A Card to the Afflicted. Dr. ROBERTSON, 10 So. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Bid. From fifteen years' experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent care in all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, via : Organic and 8eminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Ner- mmum Ttohflitir ami 'PnimhHniT. Pulnitfttlon of the Heart. Dimness Of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the . . . . . i . ii i sack and JiOCturnai Amissions, eic, tui raiuuug from abuses la youth or excesses in manhood. Dis eases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys tem. Also all blood and skin diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Universi ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints and irregularities. All communications strictly confidential, and me dicines sent to any address. Call or write, enclos ng stamp for reply. sept 9 ly COHHERCIAL HOTEL Wilmington, N. C. F. Sclmtte, Prop'r. rpHE COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE -EMPIRE HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated and refitted. Is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS In the aty. ' The Table ir supplied with the best our Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY S3 and $3 50. ' tF'Xarze Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. t&TA First-Class BAR and BILLIARD BALI C9FREE -LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 13.30 Tbe lancoln Frogress, PtililiiTied Saturday at LincolrUon, If. C. IS the only - paper' published In Lincoln county nri him itn extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men In If offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable - meal urn' lor - aavernsing tneir ouamess hrm1iont Western 'N'orth Carolina. '' ' ' Liberal terms will "be allowed on yearly adver- tlsemeuts , eunsenpuon prn;e, yi wyw nimm Sfilrw1' ' J " H. DaLANE. editor anrl Proprietor. MlSCEaLEOlIS JheJ porn i rigtar vS!V. - - PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY StariBtion Rates In Aiiaiice DAILY STAR. One Year, postage paid, $7 00 Six Months " . . 4 00 n .. Three Months'" " j 35 " - One Month V ....100 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 ' " Six Months, " : 1 00 ThrcoMonths" " 50 Notices of the Press: A first-class papex.licUtltboro Aitnanc. Emphatically a live paper. Bcldtboro Jew. The Stab is a live paper. Sumter OS. C.) New. Ons of the beet dally papers in the 8tate. Wilde Netos. One of the very best ot our daily exchanges. South Caivlinian. Ranks among the leading Dallies of tho State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dailies In the State. SteiuviUt InUWqdncsr. A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend tt. PmDs Courier Ranks among the leading journals of tne South.- Marion OS. C.) Star. One of the beet and most desirable papers in Nortb Carolina. Norfolk Pirrfniaa. Full of ceneral news, and a credit to Wilmington Elisabeth City Nor A Carolinian. One of the best daily published in the Southern titates. Horry )Newt. One of our best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State: bold, inde pendent and well informed. JBUsboro Recorder. XklJ VUAtfCU, " ' ' ' ' n Vrf. VIWIUWU TT 1IT .11 JITHU. volumes of comment on its influence. Magnolu jtonuor. vuw auu ouu uynauu aw iuiu aawv i imw wuv largest circulation of cny Dally In the State. PUd- fiitiMl MAsh nvit'll r rXmt 4r had tK a montrrest. The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. EnJUUt Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point ef enterprise and literary merit. UAester lo- u.i Jitooner. Unauesuonably the best daily journal In North Carolina, ana has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro CS. C.) Timet. iror euiioflai aouity, general news, correct maraei reports and fine literary selections the Stab has ne superior jtoaat mouth eiat. Is well corducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Daily in the stale. vrarrtnzen uaseu. This paper, though not many years old. is one of the best dailies in the State, aad well merits the support It receives. Louitourxi Courier. One of the best dailv lonrnais en oar exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good oi the people. SavannaA. Mirror. The WQminsten Monanro Stab is amonx the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on Xime."AsheviBe Expositor. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country.-Eoctingkam Observer The Stab Is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet beautifully printed and conducted with marke ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for efforts in 1 ournalissi.--Raleigh SentiieL Those of our readers desiring to take a daily of weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better tnantajco tne wunungton btab. uneraw vs. v. Dsmocrat. No paper evei started In North Carolina has crown so rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five years old, U is now a fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence ana a prosperity second to none in tne state.' 8aHsbvrv Watekman. The Wilmington Stab is in the front rank of. on Southern dailies, well edited, full of .news and selec reading matter, telegraphicreports, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many such paper our State would be the gainer by it. Greens, patrto GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. rjMIE LARGEST STOCK OF CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS, CHAMPAGNES, CIGARS. Imported and Domestic, IN THE STATE. Coffees, Sugars, Flour, Hams, D. S. Meat, Shoul ders, Beef Tongues, Cakes, Crackers, Preserves, Apples, Oranges. Lemons. Cocoa Nuts: in fact we have tho Largest Assortment of Goods to select from, and the beauty of all is, THR IXiWEST PRICES. jan 33 tf GEORGE MYER MTJFFI T-" The Savannah Weekly Hews Of FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters of a charming serial story, entitled im; tt it it i t, BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBST RElD 'OT BATOSTON, OA., Author of "My Mother's Daughter," "Afterward, and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions, will need no commendation of this her last and most successful effort to pre pare them for the rare literary treat that awaits them. MUFFIT is a story of absorbing Interest, and its Sublication will run through some eight to ten isues of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. ney can be sent by Money Order. Registered Letter m a. w tt TKutTiTT T Or AXUlrBBj BL UUT rioja. . sj. XX aHOA i isi f eb 3 tf Savannah, Geo. The Camden Journal Published Every Thursday at Camden, & C. IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kerehaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Fanners and all classes of business men in the county. I toilers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium fer Advertising, the country in which itcirculates, being connected with that city bysteam ex on the Wateree River, and the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad, . 1 Liberal terms will be made with those deslrlng.to advertise. ;' Subscription price, $J 50 per annum. AAflr ss, FRANTHAM k HAY, feb7 ... .JdHnrs and Proprietors thepee;dee iatchmah, :, A First Class Weekly ; UTewspaper Published at pjJSUBXQ'TOTi C. Bl, 8, C TT IS A LARGE PAPEtt-14x40 INCHES ALIVE I with newa. loeaL State and eeneraL wish special pains in the departments, for the family, of its out side, which is all home work. . .. --' Tt. rdrcnlatea in DarlmsrtAn. Sumter. Marion and Marlboro, and her ce Is a most valuable advertising medium. Circulation specially large . at Florence. S. V. i Address . A A F. A. GILBERT, sept 18 tf Oarllngton O. H.. S. C V MISGjEXLANKOUS. . TUB i v i . - , New; Boot and 1 Shoe Store, 32- MARKET, STREET. Eoots: aM Shoes for, tbc Holidays, BRIVINQ DAILY 5 BY EXPRESS. COME soon to avoid the rush, Immense sales daily, r My Goods In PRICKS and QUALITY cannot be : u-:. . i -i ; excelled by any. . .. ... ., None but the BEST and MOST POPULAR makes ia the country. - . . . NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Another lot of those Scotch Button School Shoes just arrived. ' - - 'lr;y' Come and examine. ; The Same Old Prices. C. R C SEW T.H A L ,: 32 MARKET ST. dec SI tf ; ' u sign of the Show Case. THE Buffalo Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic . Diseases. XT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE Waters, and the el aim. thou eh a strong one. is substantiated by the testimony of many of the most eminent medical men of the country, both North and south,- that m the following enumerated diseases, via : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially in Htone or Uravei ; Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form, Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, aad in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es pecially In all Disorders of the Menstrual Function, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether In Materia Medica or among Mineral Waters. They are conHdentlvrecommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet Bent to any address. Springs opea for Guests 1st day of June. THOS F. GOODS, Proprietor - Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. For sale by GREEN fc PLANNER, Agents,; ma 25 tf Wilmington, N. C Hale'a Weekly. ON TUESDAY. THE TTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1879, and in the City of Raleigh, the under signed will commence the publication of HALE WEEKLY, A North Caboljka Dkxoobatio Nxwspapxb. These four words, convey all that a column of Prospectus could tell: the good of the State; the success of the Party which is the life of the State and the country; the publication' of all the news; these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and contribute to the first and second, the subscri ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set their seal ofapproval uron his past and he does not doubt the future. " : Hauc's Wxkxxy will be printed front new and beautiful type and on fab white paper. The price will be per annum. No name -will go upon Its mail books without payment, and no paper will be sent after the expiration of the time paid for. P. M. HALE. Raletg , Sept. 15, 1879. - sept 16 tf Forest and am, AND .. ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FWH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION F FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL ' OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Gauntry that fully supplies the wants and neoassities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS--! 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest Ac Stream Publishing Co., Ill FULTON ST., (OLD No. 103,) New York. Post Office Box 1831. sept 27-tf The Biblical Recorder. PUBLISHED BY Edwards,Br6ushton & Co. RALEIGH, Nv C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, REV. U- HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of HortH " Carolina , Baptists . In its 44th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an AftreTtr1riT1g'M'MTTm Unsurpassed Only SfS.oo per isar. Address dec 23-tl BIBLICAL, RECORDER, . ! Raleigh, N.C. Tke Central Protest ant i. l.:.,;:r.-! i A WEEKLY RELIQIOU8 AND FAMILY NEWS nanecandthe Onraa of the Methodist Protea taut Church in North Carolina, is published at greens ooro, m w - - -Terms, $3 00 per annum, in advance. ti ,1 Hhiiifrr nf its location, the number and ac t.Mt-w affta airanta. and the constantlr increasins; de mand for it among the moxeaolidilasses of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar rtm upon therAtronagef the advertising public, 'lerma very favorable. Consult your business inter ests,anaaxiare8staeuTOr .. . .. ui - ttj j.-fj. MICHAUX, Qreensbero, N. C. BANB. OF NSW HANOVER BUILDING, a WUmlnston N. C Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000.0001 SLlSTICPABLS ." i v- . 'jsc t WffPJSe other nnrposea fee led atthe sTAIf OCB - f; 7 IN ANY QUANTITY. Can ifffrlLiiiBOSiM V -rA WlXMIIi"GT0ir, J j it AIUIOAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldoxi RAILROAD CO. omos o Gaal.rS07ii&TaTasiaMT, a or Gaa'i StjpiiitKTHSDKKT . t Wilmington. N. C, Nov. a, 119. f ; Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV'RS3d 187V, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will run as follows: - Day Mall and Express Train, JOallr Leave Wlhnmgtou, Front St. Depot, at -B0;A..M. Arrive at Weldon i.. ... ,1:Q Jj Leave -Wejd.......-....... ........ :: 8:.f.M. Arrive at Winningion, jfTont ds. xepoi., Nlfflit SlaU and Eipresi Train,Dally Leave Wilmington Front St. Depot, at 9 :40 P, M- amvB n. weiauu r irr.ljA. . 9-151 A. M. MIT, 1TWW. ....... .. - . " " " " Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.13 A. K. Trains en . Tarboro - Branch Road leave Rock) Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4. CO A. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 AM. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday af 8 30 P. M. . xne Aiay XTcun muns ciuso wwmuwH .r w in f In Tuvtnt. -NTorth vir Ttev T.I on iftilv HW .W. au ..WW. vw V . m except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and ali- rati route. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for aU points north via Richmond: BieeomK jars attacnea wi iui njui ramo . - JOHN F. DIVINE, nov 22 tf (General Sup't. General Sup'ts Oiace WILMINGTON, COLUPIBiA & At' GUST A R. B. COMPANY, WILMINGTON: N.'C; Nov: 22. t8!9. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV 23d, 1879, the following Schcdele will be run on this Read: Day Express and fllaU Train Dally. Leave Wilmington . 9:0 A M. Arrive at Florence s:uu if. m. Leave Florence 3:60 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P M. RIGHT EXPRESS TSaIN (Dally)., Leave Wilmington 10:13 P. M. Leave Florence 2:20 A M. Arrive at Camden J unction 4:15 A.M. Arrlverfit Columbia 9:00 A. M. Leave Columbia 5:00 P.M. Leave Camden Junction 12:00 M. Leave Florence 2:30 A. M. Arrive at WHmington 6:30 A. M. This Train Btona onlv at WbJteville. Fleminsrton. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R B. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Charles ton junction ana uamaen junction. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do net make any connection for Columbia. nov 22-.tr Oen'l Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. -" Orncs Gbsxbax. StrPBmsTKDKHT Wilmington, N. C, June 7. 1879. f Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following schedule will be operated on tms Railway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave Wilminetcn at. .7:00 P.M. ..2:27 AM. .8:20 A.M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. . . ) " Charlotte at. Leave Charlotte at 8:25 P. M. No. 2. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:32 AM. t " Wilmington at 9:50 A.M. No. 1 Train Is Daily except Sunday, but makes no-connection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 2 Train is Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. tj- o (.Leave Charlotte wo- (Arrive at Bhelby . . 8:40 A M. 12:30 P. M. Leave Shelby . 1 :15 P. M. ao-lv f Arrive at Charlotte 5:05 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington... 5:35 AM, Arrives at Laurinburg 4:00 P.M. Leaves Charlotte 5:80 A. M. Arrives at Laurinburg 4:15. M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:30 A.M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:20 P. It. Leaves Laurinburg 6:00 A.M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4:20 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections made at Charlotte'with Trains Of A &C. A. L. R. R. and A, T. &0. R. R Passengers for AshevUle via either route, leaving Wilmington at 7 P. M., will arrive at destination at 9 P. M. next day. Bleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q- JOHNSON, my 17-tf General Superintendent CLYDE'S N ew York and Wilmington Steamship Line The Steamer R E G-aU L AIT OR, apt. DOANE, ' WILL SAIL FROM NEW FORE, atnrday ITIareb 6 far-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT 8 AILINC of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to TIIOTO AS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. TUeo. G. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,OOO,OO0. Casti Capital paid in 300,000 Surplus Fund $50,000 DIBJSC7 OUS. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STEDMA& D. R. MURCHISON ISAAC BATES, DONALD McRAB - JAS. A LEAS H. VOLLERS & F. LITTLE R. R. BRTDGERS E. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President : 8. TJ. Wallaob. Cashier faug204f :vffiliredl)og : XiiNGJLlSH. IRISH AND GORDON BETTERS, Ot the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees ' v. Foaleby.. .r E- P. WELSH,. nov 7 DWtf York. Pear. MISOIuLIalllLOUS job PRnuxijrac-; THE "LIOEHIHG- STAR ' f '' lidBXlNO STAB BUILDING: TRINCESS STREET. MOST TROBOTTOHLY EQUIPPED PRINTiXO OFFICE IN THE CITT. FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER & MERCANTILE . . PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH., - ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES '.TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS. CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER T1MK AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY 0 THEE OFFICE 7A ; WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICKS THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINT1N HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. " WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO-AND WORK SENT TO AN1 PART OF THE UNITED STATES. C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 'lUh SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. THE HcKOYS, Attorneys ant , Counsellors at Law, Office North Side Market St. between Sd and 3c. aug 26 tf New Crop Cuba Molasses. 3S0 Hhds ttnd Tierces Cn'ce New Crop MATANZA8 MOLASSES. Per Schooner "MATTHEW KINNEY." Now due and hourly expected. For sale by jan 18-tf WORTV - WORTH. ORAWINCS & PRICES FREE BY MAIL. PlONEERTwllrriS .4 DlDMllimu wr pa.mlMI. aa s a Prices frt England. $68.00, (78.75, S8a.25, $100.00,.. $125.00, $l&0.0t Delivered in New York, dnty and all charges in clusive 1 $103.-28, $117.79, $131.97, $150 58, $184.28, $218.0a The above may h oiered VFull Choke." 'Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices we are now making, small bores or nob. 14, is and 20 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in ower to the larger bores. .. .. Weight of 20-Bore from ....5XlbB. " 1416 " ..... . X " 12 IX " "10 " 8M " Our "Giant GriD" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. send ror illustrated sneets. We respectfully refer to the foDowinr eentlemer. who have purchaced and are now asms our guns : uon. waiter u. Hteeie, M. 'J., itockingaam, .i-h mond county, N. C Capt. D. R. Murchlson, Wilmington. N. C CoL B, F. Little, Little's Mills, N. C. James A Leak, Ewj., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C " J. & W. TOLLEY. Pioneer Works. 8t Mary's Square, oct3 DAWtf Birmingham. England. MARBLE r.iowu M E 1MTS AND . " ' Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORB PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHIRD WATHAN & CO., 57 tarayeUe Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form, for sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf F r the speed yCaref8BiB al Weakaets, Lost Xaahood,Prematars Debility, Serroasness, Despoadeaer, Coafatloa of Meas, Averstoa to Society, BTeTe-MmoTV and aU Disorders BroughtoubySecretHabtts aad Excesses. Any druggist ha the Ingredlenta. Address, DRiJAQtlES" CO.. 130 tort Will St, OITOAlI.OHIO. "feblS lyDAW::"W'': - I?. A. &TEDIIAn, Jr. Attorney and Connsellor. at Law, RL1ZABETHTON, q BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. n M fU. n ft JI - - " - WK umce up nam, iu unu xii im ing, "wccnyigq oj Rinaldl Co. - Special attention to Claima lloliectlens on sums of $100 and upwards made f ot Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, .Mortgages, 'AcJi specialty. -J sap 5-DAWtf ALL ABOUT Westirxa If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of The We3ti9m Courier. It Is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY full of interesting reading matter, and devrted to the interests of Western North Carolina. , Address COURIER COMPANY, : j7 , . ' Hendereonville, N . C. Pnceptjedted,, THE LADIES ABB-INFORMED THAT MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR.has reduced the price of shaping, bleaching, and dying Ladies and Chil dren's Hats from FIFTY ta TWENTY-FIVE CT8. RESIDENCE One door east of Frouk on Church Street. .' ' ' - - oct ltf PRESGniPTIfiriFREE