HE LIOEITIITG STAR. A By WW. H. DEBNAttD, PUBLISHED DAILY MXCEPT MOMlYrt. ratxs or scaaaHrnoa avajob'; , ' one year, (by mail postage patd,.. A 4 U f I $1 iix months, " 44 4 rureo months. " '...'.!., .i.- 3 4, uu 00 35 00 oaeraonth 1 To City Subscriber, delivered ta any port of the aot anthorixed to collect for mere than thm months u advance. MORNING EDITION. Entered at the Poet Office at WnraIngtoa,-N. O., as second-class matter. , CUTI1K. Avery fatal fever has broken ; out on Kare Island. - Cunard steamship shares are in great demand in London.- There is but little prospect of obtaining a jury in the Gaily murder oase al; DeKalb, Mis?. The sugar ' planters, refiners, &c, of Louisiana, appeal to Congress in re gard 10 certain changes la the sugar tariff A bill was reported i a Senate protect? in the Potomsc fisheries. . Kentucky Legislature instructs its Senators to urges reduction of the President's salary. The State! aaUiOrutea of Virgiaia have sept' arms and ammnition to theojBtermen of the lower Rappahannock for ,protectian against foreign dredgers. - The Chi nese acnbassAdino'Riiaaii hb negotiated the Kuldja treaty has been beheaded. San Francisco was quiet yesterday. . 4- Mr. Sherman denies the rumor that be has withdrawn from the Presidential contest. The Russian General Mel ikoff escaped assassination owing to a shirt of mail worn under his uniform. Gen. Grant leaves Mexico for Galveston 00 the 18th last. The trial of the Gully brothers at De- Kalb, Miss., was abandoned on account of a failure to secure a jury. The'. Mis sissippi river is very high, and the levees have given away at several places. A nrgro was hanged for rape in Georgia yes terday Miss Lock wood, the Wash ington lawyer, charges Senator Hill with numerous immoralities, which be de nounces as false. 1 New York markets: Mooey 56 per cent; cotton quiet at 18i ($13fc. ; Southern flour more active at $5 75 7 Iiwheat lc better; corn, cash without decided change and a shade better at 59JC0o; spirits turpentine 5051c; rt--in quiet at $145162. Mr. G. A. Snedgrass, of Va., has the Star mail contract for North Car- olma. - The teTflnuo' for 1880. from liquor, beer, tobacco- aod cigars will reach the enormous figure of $120,000,000. We learn tbattlicrrie of the leading New YoraterVfcave given review notices of "Tfee Master of Red Leaf" except the Siw.ji ' v' . ': The Hancock boom is bottled up for the present but will be forthcom ing after awhile. Such is the rumor from Washington. Pi ices in the New York dry goods market coutinuc firm, with a alight advance in some four-yards brown sheetings. Manchester and oriental fancied nave advanced. Representative Stephens's pet from Georgia, Parson Simmons, will not be confirmed as supervisor of the census. It is the longest .pole that gets the Vimmons, it seems. Senator Garland, of Arkansas, is a level headed man at ail times. The folio wiogijfromj the Staffs letter shows how he carries it now: "Senator Garlaad has given notice that he will move to refer the Fitz John Porter bill to the Jadiclary Committee, which would be an easy way to get rid of it for tbia session? re. ir.i What does this mean ? "Should the Spartanburg & Asbeville Railroad go into the hands of the Air Line Railroad, Norfolk will secure the Western trade, which will be another blow to Charleston. ' This is from the Charleston Demo eratt and we do not see by this ar rangement ( where Wilmington or the "North Carolina .policy" comes in. Here is the same old story, and it reminds one of. Nortn Carolina prior to 1870. ' We copy from the Louis ville Courier-Journal : "In Missourff during (he six years the Republicans were in power,, the re was sp propriated only $93154 to the common schools. From 1 874 lolSTO the Democrats appropriated $2,926,665 fox that laudable purpose. ' The T Rfpubiicatsp Wtfjf beir brief power, stole several ' hundred thou sand dollars from the 'sacred school fund.' According ttbeNewTorkeraW of the 11th tbexe are nearly seven hundred thousand spindles in opera tion ia the Sonthern cotton mills. If the Herald yrti?Dsui Polk' North Carolina 'fiand-'oilt win W that North Carpl'm hmrM tyf fire cottoo and wool factories in the State, run- ning 100,530 spindles. This was the estimate a year or more ago; it is gretteKow.0r0iiU0i. is T0U0 E ttienator Pomeroy, of .Kansas, is mining , in this State.' He wasi credited with ' having ' found " wal bonanza and T.tbat he was coining $1,000 a week. But he gives qmte a different acco "Io notmakeepougb to pay. expenses, and that UpreUv well ia . the starts I . live in a bouee ef ;two rooma.f a-Mffro' : . cookvatfd bate c,hebehji jnend. etje" J oiaecraue, man ; .aiioae ,wt. ar ,ot the colored persuasioai but rood men nd the best and. ebespest laborers I ever t saw. in VOL. XXV.-NO. 147. We are really glad to see able and inflnential papers denouncing the pa per monopoly. The New York Jour n&o(jommercet the Philadelphi a Times t and the Charleston News and Courier, alt papers of hieQ,oba.raeter4 have just spoken. The Times says: What was Intended as a Just protection to the manufacturers of printing paper, has been perverted to a most oppressive mo nopoly, and that monopoly is largely if not mainly owned by Congressman 'Miller,5 of New York, and Congressman Russell, ;i of Massachusetts ;: . i : "It is now conceded that the dauae in the UrLflf that protects this monopoly of Repre sentatives Miller and Russell was believed by Congress to have been repealed some years ago; but by an oversight of Congress, or the cunning of some shrewd clerk, the Words 'dried pulp twenty per cent' ad va lorem,' were retaraedift tB-iaw, in pal pable conflict with the terms "Which" place pulp and woods for tbS manufacture of pa per on the free list" 1 For some days the old red shirt has been flapped vigorously , in Con gress. The usual stereotyped phrases, "traitors," "rebel ore w,n etc, have been hurled at the heads of Sonthern members. The State's Waahidgton letter says:.'' EvidenUv the nhllllDDic of Mr. House (Democrat) against the Republican party, and especially ni& admirable showing op or the shameless manner In which the present Administration has rewarded every man connected with the Returning, Board ras calities in 1870, hurt the reelings or me Re publican members, but it opened a way for them to get off political tirades they have been nursing for months. Neither Crow ley, Young, Butterworth nor Richardson bad ever made a speech of any consequence ia Cosgress, and to abuse the South and the Democratic party la so easy.; The two last named are uncommonly good speak ers, but very few. - Democrats listened to' what they said. ! "The. North Carolina members have re ceived information that not one of the State, Committee which yesterdsy met at Raleigh and appointed four delegates at large to Cincinnati is for Mr. Tildca." Special to Richmond Dispatch. We think this is an error. If any delegates were appointed we oyer looked it. The State Committee, as we understand it, exercised no such power. The state Convention will elect the delegates at large. Mr. Tilden will get no delegates from North Carolina unless the people are misrepresented. " There are but few men in the world who possess more grit than Stanley, the African explorer. He is a man of great pluck, endurance and perti nacity. Already four out of his twelve or fifteen white companions have s ttoo urn bod to the influence f the African climate and the severe toil among the cataracts of the Con go, but he still holds to his purpose to cross the continent again, although he expects to lose al his reliablf com pantons on the way. Some of the papers insist that be cause majority of .the papers are fori selling the . Western JUepbant that it is good reason why it should be done. Numbers cannot make a wrong a right. But we do not understand that a majority of the papers favor the Best bill as it is. We rather think the majority is the other way. Spirits Turpenxurg The "KdrrJels and "Houora- bles" are papera. getting thick again inthe news-i Tea tickle me said III tickle you. f i The Lenoir Topic says there has not been a prisoner in either -the jail of Caldwell county or Watauga for four months. The greatest revolution of this sge is the Greensboro Patriots 'revolution on the Best Syndicate. It is now for that nice instrument, from beginning to end. Hooray I According to Hale's Weekly tie total cost olfUerAgrictural Hepart ment f of the 'three 'years Is $4T.25T"74. Guano manufacturers bave paid daring the same tune 901,279 04. Weldon JVetos : The State should certainly be well secured if the road Is sold. Let the bill be carefully examined before becoming a law so that the wily specula tors caunot,.:coastrue it to; sjUtJheaiselyes. MrT TX J Cald w'eli? df Gdilfofof, is in favor of selling the Western North Carolina Railroad "under proper restric tions and guarantees." The point is, does tie Best sell-out give' these "proper restric lionsand jrsrabtees r V ' Charlotte Democrat : Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad stock is sell ing at 60 cents on the dollar, and Charlotte & Atlanta Railroad stock is worth : thirty eight. These are wonderful advances. When the Contentions meet andthe Barnes of J candidates are presented, we expect to express a preference not before. ,.t . TTnfioli SUntinel' TTolif ot- Slnno- ribr Court wDTcohvene next weekv (There are 803 cases orr the dockets, of which five are for capital offences, and will consume thejgreater part of the first week. Mr. J. C. Bellamy was thrown from his 'horse, which then stepped on his breast. - He was thrown into convulsions and suffered greatly -for several days. j-- Raleigh. Observer? Several par ties in this city do. a good thing in: raising and selling choice specimens of Newfound land and St Bernard dogs. , The pups sell readily at frooa ten to .fifteen dollars each. It is tp be regretted that the death cer-i tificates or burial permits are not oftenef signed by physicians, instead of by,magis fites. .at?dtfiiiU.iU Ilutj L Goldsbore JbfatVs f-Mri -Bes. fpr himself, and others, came to Raleigh with bill which they want the liegislatnre to pass in selling to them the Western North Carolina Railroad. , This bill has . been rrnrrrr :;; wn.MiNGTON, printed by the printer to the Bute and sent out to the people at whose 'expense we donf khoweupposed at -the expense- of the State. "This morning another1 printed bill came to us In ab envelope postmarked , Wilmington, and printed by & O. Hall, ' Book and Job Printer.1 Who next?' - ' i Neweine..:;v;MrZ Ironmonger shipped Baturday morning, by express eleven . barrels, of radishes to Nor folk and, Philadelphia, .The eleven .barrels contain 45,O0O.buBcbea, which are worth in the markets to which, they .are shipped, three cents per launch, whicK'arnonnt to $135, . The coat ,-of plueking. prepsnog for market and express freight is f 40, leav ing a Pet profit, of. j $55, and be , baa only commenced. , Need we aski does , ru6klng :PXt?" .ii. !;..'it. ,i ' lili-;- -,; li v.- i -Charlotte Observer: CoL G.'N Pelk, of Lenoir, writes that the report of a personal collision between himself and Mr; James H. Menimon, at the recent term 1 of Catawba Court, is1 entirely unfounded, -j- William Bell, a negro shoemaker 'who bad a shop on the east end of Try on street,nesr the Lutheran' Church,'- yesterdsy morning dropped from his bench and died in a few moments: - : Manager W. T.! Powell; of Richmond, Va., has written to the Msnsger of the Charlotte Operaf Honse for an en gagement or two nights; ineiBtb and 20th of April. He wijlaythe Juvenile Opera j vv eiuou Weldon JVei The revival meetings at the Methodist .church, which have been going on for a month past, were concluded Sunday night. The number of epnverslons is forty five, fifteen joining other churches than the Methodist. If the tram road is built from Scotland Neck to Riddle's Turnout, and trains are run regularly, the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad company will build a warehouse at Riddle's for, the convenience of shippers. - A large meeting was held in Jackson, Monday, to discuss the question of a rail road from that place to Garysburg. . We are pained to announce the death of Dr. Carstarpen, of Garysburg, which took place on Saturday morning, alter an illness of some length. - Ex-Sheriff Snow, of Halifax county, died last Sunday morning, after a long illness. . . . . amnsing 10 near xtasn county oarxey give an account or the way Judge Avery put things through at Nash Court. When the Judge read out the sentence, "two years ia the county Jail," a man in the corner gave an audible rruct. "Take that man to jail, Sheriff," said Hte Honor, pointing to the grunter. ' "uood gracious r muttered another. 'Sheriff, take that man to jail, directing the officer to the man last men tioned. "Great God," said a third. "Sheriff, take that man to jail," repeated the Judge. "I telryer sarsa1d the excited darkey, "I hardly bring; Bay bref in dat court house after dat; but when I got out and crossed te bridge over Stony creek, den -you -bet I' just busted my boots a stamping and a jumping and a lsffin'. Hel bell hell!" Greensboro Patriot: Greensboro ships blackbirds to New York. Mr. John Hunt, of Friendship, one of our old est citizen, we are sorry to ssy, died last Saturday aged 75 years. Mr. Mallet, a brskesuia on the R. & D. Railroad, bad his arm badly crushed while coupling cars at the depot on Saturday last We learn be Will bave to submit to amputation; as gan grene has set in. Wheat in Guilford, Randolph and Alamance counties is look ing tine. Large quantities of bacon are being brought into this market by the planters. The executive.committee, having in charge the preliminary arrange ments for celebrating the Battle of Guilford Court House,- held a meeting on Satarday evening last The meetingwaa organized by the election of Cyrus P. Meadenhall, chairman, and R. T. Fulghnm, secretary. The name of R. P. Dick was added to the committee. : Goldsboro Jlzssenger: Raleigh papers seem to consider it a matter of fact that the sale of the Western N. C. Railrosd ,will to-made speedily upon the assembling 01 the ijegiaiauirej -anemauer .appears 10 have been "cut and- dried," so far as that may be possible. There is a rumor that a caucus has been determined on, and that this partisan machinery is relied upon to force the Best bill down the throats of the Democratic opposition. We truly hope that there is no foundation for this rumor. - A correspondent of the Reidsville TfaafcZy, in advocating the sale of the W. N. a Railroad, speaks of "Mr. Dorteh's Gu bernatorial aspirations. . We repeat what we said some weeks ago, authoritatively, that Mr. Dortch has no such aspiration and will under no consideration suffer his name to go before the, Convention. His opposi tion to the Best teU is based noon honest. conscientious motives, and not inspired by - any personal consideration or office aspi ration. . ; . ;-,0 ; ....... . , ; Charlotte -?Ves: There is some talk of building a fine theatre inthia city at an early dsyV - A little negro boy, four years old, left -with three other younger children veaterdav-trr Its mother, on the property or Mf.J.TI Csld Well six' miles from this city, caught fire from the fire rjlaceand waSorribry traTned. ' "- Io the ebicketf msio.' Norttr Oaroliaa won three and Georgia four fights, -and the score stands: North Carolina. 5: Georgia, a. Thai formes ... has to whip six and 'the latter two battles to win. the main. 'and. it.: is almost more than pro- Kahlfl . that Georcia will carry the dsy. The Dnoktown nrons of the Western North; Carolina Railroad will run for a long distance through the -three score and ten thousand acres, of . George W Swepson's land in Maooiuj Jaokson, , Cherokee, etc. RAndaraonTiUa naDers reDort that acorn mittee of Air Line Railroad men have been examining theSpaxtanburg.AsheviIJe or McAden Railfoadi with, intent to pur chase. HBW ADVIBTHBTBBrJTS. LorrLsdy'sfufCspe. . ; ; Mtjksos The King of shirts. - ' Bibwjr & RoiCK-rtss goods. ' j A." DAvm--Suits' made -to order, t, , ' ' HrjtTZ8 and Tn.T JV-oTbe-beat beef. ) CaowLT A MoRKisHoriee at auction. iTiie'foUbwink irill'shoir the state of the SVqmfttfir! at fl HT"1 'mentioned, it Issued from the Signal Office tak thli' Wtft' Atlanta . Augusta. . . . . . .57 Charleston, ..... .63 Charlottes t . J Jacksonville..... 84 Key West, s Mobile....-..,.. .78 Montgomery ..... bo New Orleans, . . . . vw S5Ste':.::: Galveston 69.! Havana liM Indianola 69 ilminjrton.... .04 H-ThetUaiiSrwV8Tborndke, 'from Rockland for this port, was at Booth Bay on the 6th iDSt' r ; ... .ct , , . . I i i i i i .i . l. n , in . i Mi 'j ' ; l ' I ", ;!i u ,i . in' i n. c, Saturday, march isr tsso. Iipcal Dots. , . -Tne VV adeBboro Jueraca con firms the report that Oglesby came back and delivered himself up when the prison era escaped from the jail a few days ago. We see it intimated in the Ra. leigh Observer that "Blind Jim, the short stick shaker," died in that place recently. He disappeared from Wilmington some months ago. Phillis Moore, the crazy colored woman alluded to in our last, was turned over to Superitendent Mott, .yesterday morning, and tsken to the Poor House for confinement in the insane department. Ovetaina tle Newmarket. Early yesterday evening, the New Mar ket was thrown open for the inspection of the public, and shortly after 7 o'clock its spacious interior was thronged with visitors who came to view the gas-lit structure in all its perfection;and completeness. A few of the stalls only were occupied, many of the proprietors being unable to make the trans fer to their new quarters on the short no tice given ; but the suspended quarters of fit .beef and sundry carcasses of plump porkers hanging on the hooks, betokened business on the morrow. A bsnd of music was in attendance to enliven the occasion and the ladies of St. John's Church, who had engaged a stall for the occasion, dispensed refreshments and bouquets to the throng. "Mr. G. P. Lamb, who occupies s stand in the building, displayed a handsome collec tion of plants and flowers. A constantly augmented crowd, of all classes and conditions, kept the place filled until a late hour, and withal there seemed to be but a universal expression of approval of the plan of the building, its appoint ments and convenience, and of gratification ai its completion. Death Ireaa a Spider Bite. Last Thursday, Jimmie Yarnam, a little boy about 15 or 16 years old, while picking up roots, &c, on the fsrm of Mr. Columbus Swain, ia Brunswick county, was bitten by a very poisonous spider, of the black kind, having red spots on it, snd died within twenty-four hours afterwards. He was bitten on the left wrist, near several large veins, and the poison was carried so rapidly through his system, and the pain so severe, as to almost paralyze his left leg before be could reach the house, which was only a short distance from the field. Every remedy that could be thought of was applied, but without relief to the sufferer. For about ten hours before be died he had very severe 8pssms. in rapid succession, which con tinued until the breath left the. body. At the time of interment, which was about twenty-four hours after he died, the body was very much swollen, and large black splotches bad formed about the face and neck. Mr. J. B. Mercer, of New Supply, Bruns wick county, from whom we have the above particulars, would be glsd to know of some pertain remedy for the bite of this dreadful insect. E.ara car Fires shipment of oet ; ten to Baaala. ; The Danish barque Elene, Cspt Dshl, which cleared from this port on the lit h ihst, f or Cronstadt, Russia, and was. re ported in our marine column yesterdsy morning, took out 2,020 bales of com pressed upland' cotton, weighing 953,711 pounds' TTbe Etaisl&yUQ tons. i-lt ls claimed byjfce stevedore Mr. Haas: A. iureto vtot (according o - tonnage), the largestcajTgo ever shipped' fromWHmiiig ton,:and 911 pounds more per registered ton than tie best earz'b ever shippedLfcbm aharlesipaSThe pressmg wis doneMhe Wilmington Compress Company's establish ment ;- -i'f'i ' -3 ; 1 - ' By the way, we did hot know at the lime, that it Was the first cargo jef eetton ever shipped from Wilmington to a Russian port, but since learn that such if the casei Messrs, - Williams & Hurcbison ' were the shippers. . 1 tb Nw r John Biwit- riat,fv; e. The new steamer' Vn Dawson, recentlv obostroctedyor CipU P.-.PadUsonand David ShermaBpandle be Under command of the latter gebtieman, made a trial trip down the river yesterday af ternoea, hsvidg as passengers quite a party of guests who had been invited to participate in: the short biut pleasant excursion. Champagne "hiid been provided Jor thoccasion, and epn tiibuted Hi share W thr"generat gbcd f eel ing which prevailed. One and all pro riouaced ttarJohn Dams aniceboatfwbilB: her speed more than equalled thelrexpec- tatioss. Shs was handsomely decked with flagsand streamers. Capts. Paddison snd; Sherman have our best wishes for success in their new venture. . The John, Dawson will run between this city and Point Caswell . . ' Another Flrons IdanMnnnra. A special telegram to the Stab, from our correspondent "Wanderer,"inforras us that the enterprising little town of Lahrtnburg was again Visited by a destructive confls. gration yesterday mornrag, about 2 o'clock, tQUly destroying the residence of Mr. F. Fountain and the Messrs. McKay Bros.' earriafftt and' blacksmith ahops. But for the fact that .the wind: was blowing in a proper direction, accompanied by plenty of rainftt is2lkely 1 that all of the business house would; tartnshared th : ste of the buildings mentioned. . Easy expectoratfoa,rmcTeasedpoWer of tho Liursa. and the subsidence of irritation. manifest from cessation of cough and. the eSjoyment of rest, are the rewards; upon taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, by ell con sumptive patients, rrice 2o cenu. t n SSA.TOft8 C9DBT4; Highway Kobbery, HonaebreabUnK ..ana lUarcenv Caht in Trp, J. Green alias John- Merrick, aadi L Walker alias B. Baucam alias Charles Davis, were arraigned on the ' charge' of 'eaterlng the Tobacco Factory on Chesout ; street, Thursday night, for tb purpose of rob bery. It seems that Chief of Police' Brock received ' mf ormatibn to of. three , days since to t the effect that ; these- men were, noted housebreaker ' Hetbereupon placed the matter Into ' the'1 hands !;j0ifici8f Carr,.wbo had an : inter view- with Thos Puryesr and Wm. Tafleyi two eolored men, who had glyen.ip'imjrtjbV isbove parties, and it was the opinion of the officer that evidence 6 a more',' direct and positive cbafaiiter would be'Veqatsite to fix the -erime upon them.- It was there fore arranged : with the decoys, Pur yesr and Talley,.. who had formerly been regularly, employed in the To bacco Factory, that the parties should make a raid upon the factory Thurs day night, so that they could be caught in the act. Officer Carr',. with policemen H. Woebse, Lewis. Gordon and Robert Moore; stationed themselves in the fsctory. and a few minutes before ten o'clock Mer- tick, Baucam and. Puryear entered the building through a window leaving Talley outside to watch. . When they had fairly gptten into the bouse Officnr Carr flashed the rays of a dark lantern suddenly into the face of one of the thieves, and he com menced praying. : They were all immedi ately secured, the pistols in the bands of the determined looking policemen con vincing them- tbst-resistance- might prove dangerous, and Merrick and Baucam were forthwith manacled and taken to the guard house. Puryear and Talley testified that they had formerly worked in the factory, but had finally accepted Situations on the rail road, near Florence, but they were not suited with .their employment and deter mined to come back to , Wilmington ; tha they met up with Merrick and Baucam on the road, and they proposed to go "forag ing" in other words, committing highway robbery; that they were afraid" of the men and concluded to fall ia with the arrange ment, and they formed themselves into, a regular band of highwsymen and robbers ; that they stopped a tramp on the road who had three, silk handkerchiefs, and the two men proposed to kill him and take the handkerchiefs, but Puryesr and Talley pre vailed upon them not to do so ; that after they reached Wilmington the witnesses were in constant fear of Merrick and Bau cam, who threatened .them, with death if they did not join in their house-breaking schemes, etc., and finally to nd themselves of the persecutions of the two men they lodged information against them. . . . Officer Carr testified as to the plan de vised for capturing the thieves, snd the facts attending their apprehension; and po licemen Woebse and Gordon were also ex amined. Officer Gordon testified that he took two razors from Merrick,6ne of which wss concealed in one ol.his. hoot-legs and the other in bis breast-pocket. .. .. . I John Merrick stated, that he was born and raised in Wilmington, and E. Baucaam, as he gave his name in Court, said he was from Wadesboro, Anson county, and formerly belonged to Mr. AlfredBaucam. . The twp men were ordered to give a jus tified bond in the sum of $250 each for their appearance at the' next term of the Criminal Court, and John Merrick was re quired to give an additional bond of $50 for carrying concealed weapons. Both were turned over to the Sheriff and committed to jail. : ' ' We learn that there are several other cases' sgainSt Merrick, one of which is for stealing a pair of boots from s eolored men at Florence. ''. ;. We should bsye "stated in. the proper place that Mr. Meadows, one of the pro prietors of the Tobacco Factory, testified as to the; good character of Puryear and Talley, who came here wth him when the factory was first established.. . James Baker, one of the "Twins," was arraigoed for disorderly conduct at a danee house on Water street Thursday night, and was ordered to pay a fine of $5 or go below for ten days. "i ' ? Tucker Townsend, a smell colored boy, who was arrested for' stealing scrsp iron. was released, the evidence not being suffi clent fo fcbnvfct.'' ' " ; BIVER AND UtAKIttie. The Jerbuen, hence, arrived at. Bristol yesterday. , ; : v-h.j" r; . . Schooner BmSjf Ai baffler Fisher, hence, wss at Vineyard Haven on the 9th inst. ' : ; ' The Maria tawibt Walker, hence, for Glasgow, put! in at. Holyhead on the 27th list. ..".rsi 'yU:'-" '.s: .: Schooner Lavbiia F. Warren, John son, bence, : was at Pernambueo on 'the 9tbinst.!i; '' The steamers Governor Worth and Wave report twentyv . ifect rjse, wjti about' thirty feet of water on the shoals. When tiiey left Faieteyille, Tlmrday moinr. ing e-.raia wa.tiU ,f Wn there, but: the freahetWMMMtaaa-tilL; . ; -t The steamer D. Murehuon, CapL Gar lasoo, from FayettevllleVeafne down 4n the fresbet"Bsierday ,ta3qufCkr time", making the run;TuS SWtfi&&tii W&t, iniatagW Ki'm mM inj Ols city aiiooJlBte"'ap, Gaijrason reports tile rireT as poomfng with rise of "thirty feet ajola prospect of morel , r ; WHOLE NO, 31925 To-Day'a Inftlemtlons. j Falling barometer,' northeast to southeast winds, 'stationary; or higher- temperature, and cloudy, rainy weather, are the weather indications for this section to-day. ; - . TUB HAILS, I! The mails close and arrive at the City Pi-tot rtflRno oa rxllnn.. ciiosa. 1 Northern through mails. 7:45 P. M. Northern . through and way i mails. . I. . . . . jJii ... i e:so A; M. Raleigh.... v, .5:30 A, M. and i .00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there- ' ' 11 : from, including A. & N. C. j Railroad, at. ... . ... 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points : South, daily. .8.-00 A. M. and 745 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily Cexcept Sunday). .......... G0 P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad. . : 8.-06 A. M Malls for points between Flo- 11 renceaad Charleston 8.-00 A. Fayetteville.audofflcesonCape - rear ruver, mesaays and : Fridays.......... i:00P M jrayetteviue, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays. . I . 6KX) P: M. Onslow, CH. and interme- . diate offices everv Fridav '. B -00 i K. Smith ville mails, by steam boat, daily (exceDt Sundavs a .-00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town "' urees: and Sbaliotte, every . Friday at' 6:00 A. M. Wihnington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at 13:03 P. M OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails. ..... 9:45 A. M. JMortnern through and wav mails.. ..v... 7:00 AL M. Southern mails 7:30 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 10:35 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 50 P.M. Monev order and Begister Department open same as stamp oiuce. 1 ; . General deliverv ooen from 6:30 A. M. to 6. -00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8 SO to Stamps for sale at general deliverv when stamp office is closed. Ijlat of Appointment by Bishop At klneon, for hie ttprlns Visitation. Wilmington, Sunday before Baster ..March SI sc. jun a unnrea, Morning; Bt. John's Cborch. Kvaninc. Boekfish, Good Friday. ..March S . .March 27 ..March 8 ..April 4 ..April 6 ..April 7 b. Jowpa . raysttevuie, Baster JCve. St. John's " - KaBter Day. Tarboro, First Sunday after Baster .... Marlboro. Tuesday.....;.... 8new Hill, Wednesday St. John's. Pitt eoantT. Frlrlav ...April 9 Greenville, Second Sunday after Baster. April 11 arr. ...... Anvil waaniryrton, Third bunday after Easter.. April 18 Zioa, Beaufort county, Monday. April 19 Bath, Tuesday April SO St. James' Ch , Beaufort co, Wednesday.. April Si Makelyville, Hyde county, Friday April 83 Swan Quarter, Baturday April 24 8 .Georee. Hyde co., 4th Sua. aft Baster. April 25 Fairfield. Monday April 28 Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday April 80 Ncwberne. FifOi Sunday after Baster.... May S Beaufort, Tuesday May 4 Kinston, Ascension Day . . .. May S Holy Innocents, Lenoir county, Friday. . . . May 1 Wilmington, Sunday after Ascension. May 9 St. James' Church, Morning: St. Paul's Church, Evening. Warrenton, Whit Suaday May 16 Rideewar. Monda-r in Henderson, Tuesday May Oxford, Thursday. May KIttrell's, Saturday.. " . . May Loulsburg, Trinity Sunday May S3 Quarterly meetings Pea thb WrxjaHSToa District, Methodist B. Ckukch, South Sscoks Bound (in part). Ooharie Mission, at Hopewell, March 2021 Cokesbnry Circuit at Salem, March 2738 Bladen Circuit, at Soule's Chapel, April 8 4 Elijtabeth Circuit at Bladen Springs, April 1011 White ville Circuit, at Wayman, April 1718 Waccamaw Mission, at Lebanon, April 2425 L. S. Burkhkad, Presiding Elder. CITY ITEMS, ChewJACKsoa's Bis Sweet Navy Tobacco. THB MORNING STAR can always be had at tne following places in the city : The Purcell House, Harris' News' Stand, and the Stab Office. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, prematare decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J.K. RBEVBS. 43 Chatham St. N.Y. MAINS NEWS. Hop Bitters, which are adver tised In our columns, are a sure cure for ague, bil iousness and kidney complaints. Those who use thsm say they cannot be too highly recommended. Thoee afflicted should give- them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative properties. Portland Argus. FINENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men Is invited to the advertisement 8f Messrs. J. it W. Tolley. manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England . Their guns are made to order according to specification e and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock. &c From Thomas S. Boston. MD. New Orleans. 1 have given Colden'i veeiven uomen's IA iebig's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator a thorough trial in several chronic cases of females, debility and weak ness, and find it more efficient and much more ac otptabie to tht ttomach than any other preparation I have ever used. : i , : Qrbex St FI4XXZB, Agents, Wilmington. MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes fn the "Boston Christian Freeman" : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which, we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs, Wins low's Soothing byrapwe can speak from knowl odcre: in our own family it has moved a blessing? iadeed, by giving an infant troubled with oolic pains, quiet sleep, ana us parents unDrosen rest as sight. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Hera is an article which works to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as bnght as a button.' And during the process of teething its value is incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teethmz slese. on anv considera tion whatever. Sold by ail druggists. S3 cents a ootue.. i . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost, ; jAST' EVENING, IH THE NSW MABKir, ON Front Street or Princess Street, a LADY'S HEAVY FUR CAPE, dark color. ' Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at J. C. MUNDS' Drag Store. mhUlt The King 0F BHIRTS-REINFOBCED. The only Shirt that has a PATENT 8LEBVB AD8U8TEB. Be , mhl3 1t Best Shirt for the least money iLlS each. llade to .Order, "' V: k4ok BTJITa,lOF IMPORTED ; i : ecofpQH CAS8IMERE8. OVER ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT- STYLES ' I : TO SELECT FROM. ; . ... . , To Largest, Stock of CasBlmeres oyer shown here i AH New and the Latest Styles. , ;. PEvery Garmetit Wananted te, Fit, or no.nle inh 13 tf : The Clothier and Merchant Tailor. . . tnriiM4. - . ..175 4' 14 four daysT!... v 8 00 " ftve days.a:. ,,..,. -. 860 . one week,..;,,,,,,,. ,,..... 4 00 .. .. -pweweeks,..T...,v,.Vt..-.. 60 " Threeweeks,. .. .... ... 8 60 " Oae month,... ....... ; - i'? IS 00 .4 jj, Twosaontlis.iU.i.i.i,M...;17 00 -4, ... Three months,... . 84 00 Six months,... .; 40 00 " " One year.i. . 60 00 farContract Advertisements taken at proper Uoaately low rates. Z 'x . Tea lines solid Nonpareil typo make One square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS?" Saddle aHd Harness Horses at Auction. THIS MORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK, we will sell at Kxchange Comer 10 No. 1 8 ADD LB AND HARNESS HOKSKS. Just arrived from Baltimore all in good order and condition. CRONLY A MORRIS, mh 13 It . Auctioneers. The Best Beef. yrB BID NOT MAKE ANY DISPLAY AT the GRAND OPENING, on last Evening, but If our friends want some of the THB BEST BEEF IN THB NEW MARKET, This Morning, CALL Ar STALLS, NOB. 7. 8. S3 and 84. : Wchave kept the BEST BEEF for our Reuit Customers. Respectfully, H. UIN1ZS, mh 18 It G. F. TILLEY. 1680. SPRING and SUMMER DRESS GOODS. WE WILL OPEN THIS DAY OVER 160 DIF ferent Styles and Colors of NEW DRESS GOODS. Having purchased the above three months since, we are now prepared to show not only the Largest Assortment, but also thj Cheapest Line that will be offered this season, t all and examlae. BROWN St RODDICK CALICOES. T7WM SIX CENTS UPWARDS. BROWN St RODDICK. ma 13 tf 45 Market Street. DAILY DUES AT P. Lu Bridgers & Co. 2 22, 24, 26& 28 Front St p L B R I D G ..nactaally every morn in. . ...eave my orders fo.... utter, Meal, Hominy,... ..ranges. Salt. Beer, Snjar,. .nnamen, Spicea, Citron.. G K 0 C . .ibles of all. kinds, Ginge. J oodies in all ehapes Ever.."TT pt..venlng before I go homeward TJ....eplenieh Btock if shor... g ending homo all I ought t. . ND, buy Goods fo. . f ash on city acceptanc . . . . . s T 0 E 8 0 rder or draft at ten day.. Behold the Busy Bees ! P. L. Bridgers & Co. 20, 22, 24,26 & 28 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N C. BACON .Sides, Shoulders and Stripe : BARRELS of Crackers; BASKETS in endless variety; BAY RUM in neat bottles; BEARS, Peas and Vegetables generally; . . BUTTER, and not Oleomargarine or Laid; . BEES, Ale, Porter, all kinds; BERRIES of any sort for pies and pastry; BENZOIN, another name for Whiskey; BISCUITS innumerable and splendid; BLACKING, which makes your soles immortal and i your understanding water proof ; BOLOGNA Sansages; BOTTLES of all shapes, sizes and every price; BRANDY the best qualities; BREAKFAST Strips; BRUSHES in immense quantity; BUCKWHEAT Flour, fresh and nice; All cheap for cash at P, L. Bridgers & Co, ; 33, 23, S4, 28 & 88 FRONT STREET, . WILMINGTON, N, C. feb 89 DAWtf . ' BB OunFORTABLE. TTPPLY YOURSELF WITH A WOVEN WIRE O MATTRKSS,Xhe meet comfortable Spring Bed ia use. An elegant assortment cf Louages, - Easy Chairs and Baby Carriages Just in, - Curled, tialr Mattresses ef our own manufacture.' Our price are as tew as aar, for First Class ttoods. r . D. A. SMITH" A CD'S., !mb7tf . : i No.- 48 Horth Front St. i ' " ' i -- -Fed Beef. WK WISH TO CALL THB ATTENTION OF our friends and the pablic generally, to our nneuufLii cuumtx a. PORK, LAMB and 8AU8AGB, also, at Citizens' Market, and stall Mo. 6 Citv Market House arae mh ; Lh 13 tf T. A. WAToUM JU, Steam Poetry. Fire up "the old steam engine," "' ' ' -' Let 'the political cauldron boil," : Bolt your meal Hhe best in the city," . w Bat never "bolt" your friends at alL ) For the Best and Cheapest Flour, Corn Meal.Hay, 0UMNB4roi SONS. mhlStf . . At the Oape Fear Mills. ALL S1ZB9, mvm'W AVI. I 100 .Cords Seasoned Black Jack, 100 " " Split Oak, " ,100 Good Split Ash, J f FatlJhtwood, ' ; Lb--!aBied,-J.- AiV: i. 60 . Bwamp Wood.- . At Lowest Prices for Cash. O.-G. PARSLEY, Jr., lebSStf - - ' Cor; Orsage and 8. Wotor su. Boots and Shoel TUST RECEIVED A LARGE' ASSORTMENT CJ of Ladiea. Misses' and Children's Shoes, of the latest btyle sad Best Qualitr. My children's Shoes m aniMtad with emu care ia reeard to comfort . I and durability, andeveryplr warrntd. No lafe- vIat floada In mv ostablishment. ' I have tho reouta. tion for selling Good Good on y at extrensoly low prices. A iatt uiai is spncitea ana ooua ssusracuon guaranteed. iBuau niavniiii -: . No. 4T Nor Market st, V. ieozsu !

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