EVENING EDITION. fRichmoBd Bfate.y 'X' We look upon the following little gem we And in the Religious Herald, and which was read at the memorial services in Grace Street Baptist Churcb, as almost f bot quite worthy of Shakespeare. The author is not Pivx-o, but it is understood to be from the graceful pen of Col. Thomas J. Evans: DR. J. B. JETER, "Know ye not, that there i er prince .and a great man fallen this da$ Shnractr" A prince indepdV nfalLohai iL&ge . a prince ' Uil! 'A; A son of the eternal King of kiogs! Aa heir of God, joint heir with Jesus Christ. As by inheritance, through grace was he Entitled to the robe and crown of jjrince, . So by the qualities of rflirjj aiKj bJertT Q j Which he possessed, waa he a prince indeed. i n-.-o kia in aaa th riahr and riiaprn Tbe false from-toe traeoAeVeUiMS alllidj t No sophistry coma into error ieaa His judgment from the path which reason tread, fiJ v i . 'v f .' J The narrow path of tiuth he always kept, Ad J never turning to the right or lefty. , , fursued it oawardlo the fend of life.1 - r Nor only did he see the troth, himself. He clearly preached 1VTIO blf fellow-mef" TLe word of God R ntnl waSTgospei law Limp to bis feet and light unto his path. Tbe !ife-loogpjfKe-phfaJipbleher tt'.s evtr set miAjoFoMom ftht Tbst otherminnmlghtatfeTywalk: IherelfiTt With wtiat success bis wjtci was acuievea Wili uever be revealed till time shall end, Ami in his crown of glory shall appear ,, The many stars that God has set therein !'i:rn w.ll be Joe with Christ, a prince in. heaven. KAILKOID UTEItATUnB, Wry strong arguments present them welves un both eidesof the question, whether Uii important public improvement should Greenville Etpreu, Jarvu organ. DC soi Suffice it ttr say thai tbe bill has been thoroughly dissected by some of the ablest lawyers in tbe State and its defects have b : made so plain that we venture- to as that no member of tbe Legislature, Alio votes fur it in its present shape, can i v. i face bis constituents with hi3 reasons fur :o iloirjg. Wileen Advance. If the Legislature will appoint an investi gating commiuee we will see that witnesses are forthcoming who will show the ras cal ;ty which is an essential part of the Beet m veraent to depriT North Carolina of her hs; piece of property. We think we can -how the ungin of the scheme and disclose ihc North Carolina Statesmen who co . stated in working it tip. Oreemfboro Male, Sep. Or course it is almost impossible that the bill prepared for the sate of the road will pass the Legislature without amendment. No one expects that, and we have never said that we were in favor of the bill as it ia published, for we knew, as well as we can know anything in the future, that that ques tion would never be voted upon in the Le "islniure The bill, when finally passed, if passed at all, would not be recognized "by us father. Warren Noes, Jarvu paper. Duncan K. McRae has shed more light ou i he New York syndicate than anyone w b has yet opposed the sale of the West ern North Carolina Railroad. He has sii.nvn, as we thick, that the bill ready cut ai'il dried for tbe extra session of the Legis lature to adopt, is most artfully contrived. abd may involve theStateln troublesome! complications, wu.h tbe dunces or. not onjy sacrificing all her; present interest io that gTK ut work but incurring heavy liabilities besides, made for her by a company which will have it in their power to dictate terms And fleece her to the last degree. Sab'bury HatcJtman. IT.RSOSAL. Count deDesseps passed through St. Louis yesterday en route toy San Fran cisco, where be will make a brief stop. He will then retnrn to New York and sail for England on the 31at insC . Mme. de Lesseps is her hus band's jsecood wife. His first wife ia said to have been a r nearrelative of the Em press EugetfieV"' ' The present wife is very attractive She speaks English very well indeed. M. Meissonier, who owns to sixtv eeven vears of existence, has a band- some house fall of beautiful artistic ob jects, and though he bas earned more money than any other painter in France, is so fond of luxury that he is now -not worth more than $200,000. He receives from $3,000 lo .$5,000 for a portrait. . Sam Randall would attract ir Hexvcc in almost any crowd. He is tail, bra a abquLlsred and J very individual in hit personal bearing. His face is a dead sallow white, and stands out in marked contrast witb hUMateasely . jet-black eyes aud coal-black hair. He almost always wears steel-bowed glasses. The lower part of bia face, which ia always clean shaved, indicates bull-d or firmnesB and tenacity. He almost invariablyd resses in bl ack. TWINKLINGS. VV bat cao oatrabKk bad egg ? Wheeling Leader. An aristocratic Limbar ger cheese. If when yod aretn Rome job do as tbe Romans do, yotf 'will fall in love wiib American giris. Tho dancing. ,thal prevails at nresent ( without me nine td phn) stands on h diffeient fooiine from other so-called w.rldly amusements. Central Prt&Mafm. VVilerr a white man kills another h ; ii hone: when a red. man commits a murder be ia treated to a trip to Washing ton. Detroit Free FresL Where be ii drawn and quartered. -SiciowAd State . When the blosteriog winds of winter Cease to blow, about blears. Cornea the gentle breath af: springtime, Qoietinff oar many feara: ' Then we hear the bluebirds chirping. And the poet writes a sonnet. While the yonog wife, red with anger. Yells. "Yon brute. I want a bonnet f And the bill i oaantmoualy passed. and the bouse adjourns, , , LargeiBtock 'ANFTjJJL LINES OF BOOTS, - SHOES aad iV7 ;h LEATHER, . AT OTTOM - - jt5 I PRICES, AT GEO; FRENCH SONS, mhll tf - "-v M fT. Front Btreet. -r-v MT- T-i isf lPO GEORGE MYERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, THE LARGEST STOCK pF CHOJCE WINES, -r - r- .- ' LIQUORS!, ASIAMPA9HES, -CIG4RS, Imported -and Domestic, N THE.fiTATBV : Coffees, Sugars, Flour, Hams', D. 8. Meat, Bhottt' ers, Beef Toegaes. Cakesyj CSackers, Preserves,' Apples, OmrgesV' Leaoas. Cocoa Huts; la fact we bave tae Lsrcest AasorUnent'of Ooodt to select trot. 'audita beaaty of sll Is, THE LOWSBT- itaSatS'' GEORGE MYERf Bv frwvrtr tVoai 4 uvtuuoan, u should bo understood, rep tsentths bolMae prices generally. In making a small order higher prices Have to be charged. .T1CUUJ. raicas. BAQUIsy-Gunay , Standard eo u w 8 10 BACON North Carolina, .... - uama. y sxnew) Shoulders, s) ft .tftdea,N,tX choice. c Western Sjnoked-e, Ham , m Sides, ..;." ".!!!! HI" ! Shooldra... . . ... . - . 3 t pry,BaJW- u r i t i i sid . .. Lv. J.. : Shoviden 10 0 9 It .8 a 8V o a sw 0 O SX Second Band, each."......tX oo 00 eo oo 60 O & 1 65 9 00 1 U0 SO 960 BKICKS-WUmtagtoa, 9 A 14 00 Northern, tt T CAJTDLBS midl at ft. 18 Q IS 3 11XO IS U O 10 CHXBSS Nonharn Factory fj W 0 O UM u a is S 8 soX 75 4 60 o a 8 ouyv. ritis java. w . TJTV P Bio. t Lacraavra.91 ft.." . COTTOK TIBa llb....?. wjnsxitj eneetuu.4-4. V yd Tarn, at onsen JrZ&fi Xackeral, No. i, V bbL.. is oo a so oo o.i, a uoi Mackerel. Ma. r bbL Hovv XbtH.w....., JUckereLMo. bbl.. .. , KulletaTvbbl M.C. Herring, Boa, V keR.... Dry Cod. 8 60 O10 60 OU 00 t 60 O 7 00 O 8S5 O 400 O 3tf 10 00 5 60 6 60 8 00 8 00 00 TSBTlIjLft&KS - Peravlaa eaano, V S0U0 ls Fertfclaar, Ground Bosb. " BoaaMeat, i 2 floar, v " ITavaaaaGaaao, Complete Manaie " Wlian'a Phosphate Waada Phosphate, Bergar &au't Phoeph. KxeeUensa Cotton rertlhaer 6? 50 0 00 45 00 00 00 oo eo 00 00 43 00 00 00 M 00 60 00 eo oo 66 90 a 6150 a 60 00 a soon a 4000 0 4800 0.67 00 O 45 W SevM ' 7000 8 TOM 00 00 O 6000 a 6oo O 6 00 O 9 00 PLOUR Fine. bbl 00 Saner. Northern.. V bbl ; 75 S5 KXtraao. ddi .... Famfiy M bbl..... City lttlla Xxtra, R bbl.... - t Family, V bbL. Rx. Family. bbl . 7 85 O 85 S 14 a 75 O 68 O eo a TSJtfg .. i a- 7.W T. 8 00 8 50 sr,n ft 8 SAIN Corn, la store, la oaga. '2 67 70 uexn,uargo, y oaaDeu...M Oorm,mlxed taahftl,ln baga. I Oata, V aaanai , Peas. Cow, 9 baahal... H1D33 Oreea, HAY&aatenu V 100 1 s' MJfO .. 13 oo a us Westers, v w 1 10 O-l S5 i oo o i to 00 09 QUO 00 8xa: 9 HOOP IRON p ton.. ... LARD Northern, 9 ft.... North Carolina, 9 Lots 9 bbl 0 O ". It 00 o i io i.nMBKa Crrr BraudA' Ship StoS.reaawea, Krt., 18 00 00 00 O 10 00 O18P0 O ssoo Roturb Sdse Plank, V H ft. 15 00 Weetlndla BtIaAiaCrTOee,aeerdingt - i quality, M. ft I IS 00 to Dreaaea Floortns. 18 00 gcenuisjr and Soacaa, A U XOLA88KS New cp rCabakhds New crop Caba, bhla 9 ral.. Porto RleoAhda ssmtHmlm. kbda. V Ml ' " abla. al.. . Syrap, bla, wgai.... HAILS Cat, lOd basis. 9 keg.. JTUA Keroeene, 9 tl. LArd, gal.-. --- .r."-i..r Unseed, 9 Hoeln, V gal POTJLiTKX Calcrena.liTerowB Tnraeys PKAHTJTB 9 boahal POT ATOKS Sweet, 9 baahal. Irish, 9 bbl..........; ..... PORK Northern. City Mese... Thin, 9 bbl Prise, 9 bbl.... ...... Ramp, V dn.... K1CB Carolina, 9 --........ Hooch, 9 jtiAGS Country. 9 Otty. W 8 ALT Alum, 9 baahel . UverpooL, Veack, Lisbon, 9 sack American, 9 sack.. SUGAR Caba, 9 ft - Porto Riso, V ft...... 4. Coffee. ft B " 9 ft c aft Sx.c eft Croaked, W ft . BO A P Northers , 9 ft.. .v-... 8 H IN GL SS Own tract , 9 X Oommok, MS... ........... CypreaaSapa 9 K, Cyproes Hearts 9 M...... STAVia W, O.BbL, 9 H R. O Hho., V X.. Cypreae, 9 ....-.... TALLOW f) ft Mill Prime, VK Kill Fair, 9M Ooraxxon H01 Inferior to Ordinary, 9 X.... W HIS KKY Northern, Vgal. North Carolina, i?al. ....... WOOL Uawaahed. ft . Washed. ft oooo ooooo 6WO 6 10 90 O IQ50 7 75 O 900 O 7 00 O 5 00 O 4 00 O 800 O M O S5 a so 6B0 4 60 8 00 1 00 1 00 18 58 WILRINQTON IIONEY AABKB1 gTchaage Oeiht) on New Tork, ydlset. saitunore, Boston. Philadelphia, X " Western Cities.... Kxchange 30 days 1 9 cent. . BaakofNew Hanover Stock,. .. 85 First National Bank... r- TB If avaaea Guano Oc 135 H.C Bonds Old Kx-Oonpoa .....S3 Do. Fanning 18M i 8 Do. " 1868 8 Do. New 4's... ......Co Do. SpedalTax... .......... Do. to rf. O. Railroad 80 W. A. W. BJSBocdsT ac (Sold Iatl. IIS Carolina Central R. S. Bonda, fc. .40 WiLCoL Aug. B.R., . 00 Wilmington City Bonds; 7 we ss oxa a fc eo new te....8S 8VS.........85 New Han over County.... c 85 (Cur. bit) W. W. Railroad Stock 80: Nertk Carolina R. R. 44 70 WlLOaa Light Co. ,.45 wiiminetoa Oottoa jaiua... w -A Card to tKe Afflicted. Dr. ttOBEttTSOIf, 10 So. BaUtW; Street llaltlmore, Bid. . From fifteen years experience la hospital and pri vate practice, gaaTaaiees a permanent care In all diseases or we uaiNaai uuuajnb aaa oi uw NSaVoUS' hYSTSM, vis: Organic and Seminal Weakneaa, Impotehey (lose of sexual power). Ner vosa Debility and Treiabung, Palpltatioa of the Heart, inmnesa oa signtor uiddineas, maim tne Back and xioctnrnai maiaatona, etc., au reeuitmg from abuses In youth or exeeases in manhood. Dis eases recently contracted cored In five to ten days, and the noisoa entlrelv eradicated from tbe svs- tem.-Also au ptooa ana sain aiseases qawsay eared. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Universi ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sician of Baltimore. Special . attaatkta given te au f emale eomplalata aad lrregnlaritiea, . - . AU conMnnnicanona sxncuy cowuneutiai, aaa nw dldnee sent to any address." Call or write enclos- any epfy. ng stamp for rep. n sept frly COMIIEBCIAlViHOTEL Wilmington, if, G. F. A. Scnutte, Prop'r. rpHS COMMERCIAL. FORMERLY THE -a. ; . ... PIRE HOUSE, haviQZ Men taaroogniy reaovacea and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS m the city; -v ;- The Table Is sunplled with the best oar Home' and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PES DAY $3 end $S 60- - . v cVLarze Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. r A Flrstdass. BAB: and. BILLIARD HALL connected witb this Hotel J r;, 1;., ' i z 13F-FREB LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to li J ta: ' ! r 8 ' u'f K- ' to 1.3U Jb AAW MIIIWWAA A IVRiWBBl. published Sotvrdoyt rtLhuirtnhm, JV. 0.r IS the oniy-. paper publlahed la Lincoln county sad has aa extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and aU,eH ssoa ef aasjnsea men la tiui State. -V - AiU -4 - it offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertising their., business throughout Western North Caroflnevr . ; " Liberal terms will be allowed on -yearly advertisements- Snbacrtntljoa-, pries. $ w periABOx JrUeaV'V H::?- ' ; tAWtl -: Editor and Proprietor., t Hood's ? Great B66k of the Wari v..' ii t 1 1 : i l DVANOE m EETREAT.; i j ? f PSRSONAL SXSCPRKISNCRS ,. s , IN TUS UNIT ID STATUS AHD.Q0HFBDXRAT8 STATES-- ARlQSSl"' " '" By OeAeral T:iB Hood. p Re liant. General Cenfederate States Army.. ?, ' r Published fof' thft HOOD DEPHAN MEMORIAL mH, General G.'T. BEAUREGARD, NEW ORLBANS, 133a O The entire proceeds arista from the sale of this wore are aevotea to ue aooa orphan memorial Fnnd, which la Invested in United States Registered Bonds, for the nurture, care, support and education of the ten Infants deprived of their parents last summer at Mew Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which aad bereavement are still treahla the pah. or wnicnai He mind V The Book ia an elegant octavo, containing 360 sages, with a fine photograph llkenewi and a Hne steel ensravlne. made exDreaaly for this work, four large mapa of battle ' fields,' bound in handsome , Gray Bngllah Cloth, at TURKS DOLLARS, or In a Fine Sheep Binding, with Marble - JEdge, THR8B ' DOLLARS AND KlFTY, CBNTa-; in Half Bound MdMcco, Library Btyle'FOUR'-DOLLAH8j-or la beat Levant Turkey Morocco, full Gilt Side and Edfce. MVS' DOLLARS. vn ia receipt irosa any i 'DeraoB anremltUn mail or ezpreas, of the amount In a registered letter or bv a noatal order, bank draft, or check, a codv Will i be Immediately sent, tree of postage, registered aa. eeoonu ciaaa master. The volume ia published ia the best style of ty pography, on elegant paper, with Uluatratfona, eze cuied aa nlgheet apedmena of art. j The author, the subject, the. purpose, all alike render It worthy a place in every library, on every desk, or open tbe book shelf of every house inithe country. Agents wanted in eveij towfl and county In the United States, and a ptef areaae will be given to ho norably discharged veterans from the army. To the ladieaJwho feel a deaire to express their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the aale of this book among their circle of friend , will afford aa excellent way of contributing sub stantial aid to ao deserving a cause. For Tarma, Rates to Agents, etc, address, with full particulars.: . . , GKN. Q. T. BKAURKQARDy. Publisher, On behalf of Bood Memorial Fund, jan 38 tf t New Orleans, La, Hie Best Paper. Try It. 1 Beautifully Ulustrated. Ihe Scientifio American. rpHS SCTJERTIFK! AMSRICAN Is a large FlrsU XI Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed tn the most - beautiful style, FBOFUSKLY ILLUBTaATKD V7ITH . BPXiRNDlD BNORAV- INBS, represenUng tbe newest inventions and tne most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture. Horttcattare, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science. Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. ' The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be round in ths Scientific American. Terms, S&30 per year,. $L60 half year, which In eludes postage, inscoi pies, 10 cents. Sold postal order to MUJ Row, New York. T m mTJt'U'flia In connection with the f AXXf XT X D SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Mtom A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, nave bad 85 years' expert eace. ana now, nave. tne. largest estaouaameni uw world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice la made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN or au tavenaena aateniea tnrouEa tnia Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention ia directed to the merits or the new patent, and Bales or mtroduction often eaaQy effected. Any person who has made a new. discovery or in vention, can ascertain, ran or chabsb, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Ma-am A Co; We also send raaa our Hand Book about the Patent .Lawa. Patents, Caveats, Trade Mf.A their costa, aad new procured, with hints f or procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or eoafernlng Patents, MUNN A 00 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Waahiagtpn, D.C. aovltf ' ' ... THE LANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT SIAlSSyjLLS, IREDELL CO., X. C IS THE Leading Newspaper in Wester a Korth, Carolina- Itla the only Peraeri arle Paper aabuahed ia Ire dell Coanty one of the largest and wealthiest coun ties In the state and naa attain ea a larger loca. circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. Tt (drculatloa in Alexander. Wilkes, Ashe, Allp- rhany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, ia larger than fh.t t any two papers In the State combined; and la rapidly acquiring a strung inouwut in mnjuw, Sony, Rewan and western Mecklenburg. It Is the etuy paper In Western Nerth Carolina that employs a Raee&aa Curvaaaiira Akht, and Urns kept constantly before the people. : Under thl system a rapidly Increasing circulation la the result, TJEEB BEST ADVKHTlSllf O BKBDITJiTl IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADBRSSS, dee-tf LARDXtARK." Htatesrille. N. C; JNCeUHAQE HOMS rNSTTTUTIONB. Seenril against Tire. THE NORTH CAROLINA aoiiis oisiiiiUkcb company v"'' RALElQH. N.' Ci' This Company eoattaaes'to write PoUctea, at ia rates, on all classes of insurabls property. , u - ' v All losses are promptly, adjusted and paid. The "HOME Is rapidly growing In" public favor, ana appeals, with coafideaoe, so Usurers at property In North Carolina. . 83F Agents in all parta of the State, ast JOHN QATLINQj President. W. & PRIMROSE, Secretary. ' PULASKI OOWPKR, Supervisor. ATKINSON k MANNING, Aeaavs, angi-tf WOmlnston. N. o. THE PEE ME WATGHMAll. a writ c reeif :iewpaper: .jm r is ALARGS PAPER-4x40 INCHES ALIVE i un. kvl. State and srcneral. wltii special': pains In tne aepartmenis, ior uie muuujt, aw ur sWeTwhich is all home work. "V " ' Tl.initf it narrnnrtonr Bumterr Jlanon ana Marlboro, and herce Is a most valuable advertising medium. mrCUISnon speanuy jos A. A. F. A. GILBERT, septlS-tf ' Darlington C. H.. S. 43 ; ' jThQ Ilarioii Star rras OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN I the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous ia tbefitate. off era to Oommiasion and Wkolesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who nave adopted the pUn of selling by sample, an excellent medium of communication with a larseend lafluexitial class of merchants, me cnanlcsTplanters and naval store men, whose pat rmaWia worth Bolidtation. AdvertisemenU and 1 flULI TS FT sV AaOffBtsaf r V - AAAA RAOUf ' itepttS tf MstflonS.C Great Eicitemelit iYKR TfliS -AttmtPT W BLOV7 UPTHK o Imperial raiace. out iuu PREMPBRT'S SHAVIHU ana haim unsoBinn SALOON, No. t South Front Street NTS. PARISIKN BRILUANTINK, Prempert'e Inimitable Hair Tenlc, (quite a new thin SO, Ac., lw ays on hand. - febSOtf' "V LD NEWSPAPERS, tSUITAELK pprmr ana ouiBr yiuyuKs. OFFICE Can "be mod at the ST- " M1SOKLLAKEOU8, vc PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY ntaijtiQii Rates Ih Airanca - DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid....... $7 00 " 8Ct Moaths " '. .... 4 00 " Three Monthe" ...... 2 85 v. OneMoath " "' ,iW WBKKLY 8TAK. One, Year poBtajre paid, $1 60 Six Months. " Three Months " 1 00 Notices of the Press: A flrsVclass paper. BatOeboro Adranc. , - i. Emphatically alive paper. Goldtbon Haw. The Stab la a live paper. Sumter 03. O) Wwsa One of the best dally papers nvthe State. Wtldo. Neva. One ot the very best of our dally exchange a. (kmtii Carolinian. : Ranks among the leading Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dallies In the Htsxa.8tatetvUU ' A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pa Dm OourUr Ranks among the leading Journala of tne South. Karion (A a) Star. One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Tirainian. t Full of eral news, and a' credit to Wilmington CUy Nor A Carolinian. One of the best daily papers Southern States. Horn (& O.) published In the Newt. One of our beet Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Fritnd of Temperance. One of the best conducted In the State ; bold. Inde pendent and well informed.- BUltboro Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speak vommea of comment on its Influence. Jfanoit. Monitor. . Onward and upward It goes until now It has tha largest drauatlon of any Dally in the State. Pied mont Preu. ' The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. XnJUd Timet. . he Sas stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit. -Clutter (A C.) Reporter. Unquestionably the beet dally journal In North Carouaa, and' has no superior in say other Southern State. Marlboro 13. C.i IXmet. For imW1 ability, general news, correct market reports and fine literary selections wo bus ass ne ipenor Jsotxy jhm jaa. Is well conducted and has ss much and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Daily In the State. Worrsnsn BatetU. This paper, though not many years old, la one of the beat dallies In the State, aad well merits the support It receives. LouUbwo Courier. One of the best dally Journals en oar exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good ot the people. Savatmah Mirror. The Wilmington Moajrure Svaa Is among the beet newspapers In the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and on ttmeAmeviOe JBxtneitor. A staunch and Independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first Jour nals oftae Southern eonatry.-.0dHa0&0 Obeerver The Sraa Is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet beautifully printed and conducted with aiarke ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for efforts in journalism. Baleigk BenUnL Those of oar readers desiring to take a dally of weekly paper from North Carolina cannot dob etter than take the Wilmington Stan. Cheraw (& C. Democrat. No paper ever started In North Carolina has grown so rapidly aa baa the Stab. Though only five years nU. it la now a fixed iaatltatiou. enlovinff an Influ ence and a prosperity second to none ia the State. The Wflmlrifrtori Btas la In the front rank Of OU Southern dailies, well edited, full of .aews and selec reading matter, telegraphireports, and in every roa pact a first rate Journal. Ii we had many such paper oar atate would oe tne gainer oyu. u reene. rwrw New Crop Cuba Molasses. OA A Hnda Choice CUBA MOLASSES, Jo st landed ex Schr Marr A. McCanu. Alse, a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES and DISTILLERS' SUPPLIES. For sale low by! mh 7 tf WORTH WORTH. -I Hale's Weekly. ON TUESDAY, THE TTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1879. and in the City of Raleigh, the under signed will commence the publication of HALE'S WEEKLY, A Nobth Cabolika DutooaATio NSWSPAMB. These four words convey all that a column of jrrospecius cuuiu van; uia eooavi uio wv success of the Party which Is the life of the State and the country; the publication of all the newsft these the objects proposed. That be can do the last and contribute to tne arst ana secona. ouootrv ber does not affect to doubt. The People have set their seal of approval ut on his past and he does not doubt the future. Halz's Wxaxxx will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The price will be $ per annum. No name will go upon its mail books without payment, .and no paper will be sent after tbe expiration of the time paid for. P. M. HALS. Raleigh, Sept 15, 1879. sept 16 tf THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK &BEID, RalBigi, H.C. Istheorjmn of about 69,000 Methodists In North Carolina, and has the largest circulattonf any pa per in the State, It gives tha markets, secalar and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only EsjOO per annum. Sub-, scribe at once. . .. Advertising rates liberal. ' lanaatt n The Central Protestant A WEESXY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS J. paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes . tsnt Church In North Carolina, ia published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, fa 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of its locatioa, the number and ac tivity of its agentSi and thecoaatantly lucreasinir de mand lorn among tne more soiia classes oz reaoers la various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertiaJng public Verms very favorable. Consult your business Inter ests, and address the editor 1 J. L. MICHAUI, : qreenBsero. h.kx. AtMnBon nanmiig's lnnnanee noomi, BANE OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, , , WlisnIns;ton N. C, Marine,, aniviife Agpate Capital Eeprcaented 0 ver $100,000)001 iter V-t. Tomtit!) Li6well r - - . - MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRlPTIOlf " i. " C0TIT01I IIACHINEEY Approved Patterns and with ttecent Improvements. At Pap e r MMtiM&r? Shafting and Wearing. Hydraulic Presses and 'Pomps. , Eleyators&Q, t PLANS. FOR .COTTON, -AN p PAPER MILLS. C. L. HUjDRETH, Sup't, - ' LOWELL, at ASS. WM. A. BURKE, Tress., BihStf 8 Pemsertou Square, Boston. A Musical Library la DITSON tsri.'froin' me 'td'tfne Wa13ier iogei ther their best, choicest, most suocessful and popu- 1 .a... m nVinni mnale sinyl VkVH trlOVrl 1T1 rtain1. imS LUCtXO Us DUCVJb lUUSlUt BUU. AA4aS vuvua sa m aa, ' some volumes of from 300 to 350 pages, Sheet Music 'siae. There are now 33 books or tne series, voi- leativeiv. tnev contain neariv au tae reauv coos. annnt mama m Duousneai HDinwiT PMHiucreu each book is independent of the ether, and holds the best songs o pieces of its kind. The very mo derate cost commends them. Price in Boards t 00; Cloth $9.60; Gilt (3.C0. The following are the VOCAL books only : Sanshina or Song. 68 popular Songs. World of Song. 95 Songs. Great variety; Gema ef English Song; 79 Songs. New book. Household Melodies. 3 vols. 147 Songs. Moore's Irish Melodies. . 1C0 famous airs. Silver Chora. 160 Songs. Gems of German Soug. 100 German Gems. . " Scottish ' 1(53 Scottish Gems. Sacred 110 of the best. Shower of Pearls. 62 capital Duets. Wreath of Gems. 96 Songs, quite varied. Silver Wreath. 60 Songs, Duets and Tries. Operatic Pearls. 93 Favorite Opera Bongs, Musical Treasure. Vocal and Instrumental. Any book mailed, post free, fer the retail price. Oliver Ditson & Co., BOSTON. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO. t J. B. DITSON CO ia3 Broadway, N. Y. 1 933 Chestnut St., rnua mhlO-dawtf Wed to Sat THE Buffalo Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic Diseases. TT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE I nr.fnM nd Vu ivvi trirknorK si mtrexntr nnA in substantiated by tbe testimony of many of the most eminent meaicai men-or tne country, ooia North and South, that in the following enumerated , diseases, viz : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially in stone or uravei: rei; TWanenaia. Rheumatic Gout. Rheumatism. Paralysis, Malarial Fevers In their Chronic form, Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women; more es pecially In all Disorders of the Menstrual Function, thev have accomDBshed' results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medica or among Mineral Waters. Ther are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, In Cases of One Doeen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5. per case at tne pprings. Pamphlet setft to any addresa. Springs open for CJuests 1st day of June. i nun. jr. uuuua. rzonziautr Bunaioutnia Bpnngs, vs. mh35tf -. ' Wilmington, N. Forest and Stream, " " AND ROD AND OUJI. THE i AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S, JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS GAMEl preservation of forests, : : YACjEnNQ AND- BOATTNG, -RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This ia the only Journal In tbe Country that fully j. . j . ... ... .... Supplies tae wants ana HeceBBiues ui uia ! GenUena, Sportsman. TERMS $4 OO a Year. Send for Specimen Copy ' Pol-eat i: Stream Publlahtni: Co., Ill .FULTON 8X4 (OmNft tOBi- New York. j Post Office Box - sept87-tf The Biblical Eecorder. i ; PUBLISHED BY , Edwards, Brousnton & Co. , RALEIGrH, N. C. ; RE'. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, REV. H. HATCHER, Associate. Editor. . Organ of KortH: CartflHiai Baptists - In Us 44th Year. VERY BAPTIST SHOULD TABUS IT : As an Artisliua TJnsrirDa&sed :; i; ; iOnlyOO.yer .,- Address ; BIBLICAL RECORDER, ;dec23-tf Raleigh, N.C. if IT." The Savannah Weekly News ' ' . - ' - ' ' - - Of FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters or a Charming serial story, entiuea Tvr tt "R "TP t t? , B MRS. OPHELIA NI8BET RKID J i 'JOT BATOHTOir.aA., ; Author of "My Mother's Daughter," "Afterward, and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have en loved the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions, win neea no commenuauon of this her last and most successful effort tovre- pare them lor the rare literary treat that awaits tnem. . . . . i . . . . mtiwfit is s story or aDSoreine interest, ana its publics n on 'Win run tnrouga some eigns o iob . issues of the WKK&Lx, NEWS ana tueuuiNJJAI TELEGRAM-,. . ;. -:- . . Rmhnrxtntlon ft2 a year, tl for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Jfxpress, at our nsa. i. cu ooium, leu o LI - "oaTnnimn , vrou. The Camdenoiixnal Published Boa? Thwriday, at (hmder B, 0., TS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN 1 KerOiawmnntv.ajidliaaanextenalveetrcalatlon amonzthe Mercnants, jrarmera ana au classes oi hntrinMamenin theeountv. " TtnTf!ra to the Mercnants of Wllmlnzton a desir able Medium fer Advertising, the country la which it calculates, MmgcoHnecimmuiuuncicy oysieam eromthe Wateree. Biver, and the WUmington, Co hnM. Mifi AmtramtM Railroad-' : - i Liberal terms w be made wtb those desiring, to axiveruse.' . ' - Bubscnpuon price, a ou per annum. 4iMv ss f. FRANTHAM & HAY. lfebS7f - Editors and Proprietors RROAJD CO. f ffl Omn o Gax'x. Bci r, - i 1870. f. Wllxalngtoiu N. Bp Nov. 23, 1870. ' Change of Schedule. ; , ' S . ATTTJ AFTER SUNDAY. HOVB Wl- KJ 187V, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington A Weldon uaurpaa wiu ran as rouows: jDsiy SlaU ata4 JBiai-Tysin. Huy. T.. WiWniastnn." VNmt St DanAr.. at 8:50 A. M. . r i . u ii...... fj . r i - . l Ml.,t W.MM . moo . au lAtm Weldon....... 8:40P. M, Arrive at WUmington, Front St. Depot, 9:63 P. M. NIsMt MaU ana Express Train, Dally Leave Wlmilngton. Front St. Depot, at 3:40 P. M. Arriveat Weldbn.... . 1 : 5' t.mWMhi . ... 3:1SA.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Fio&t St Depot, 9.13 A. M. Trftinn nn Tarboro Branch: Road leave Bock Mount for Tarboro at 6.1U tr. m.. xiauy, ana ubb- t. Thnraday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M. Return ing, leaye Tarboro at 10.00 A.M. Daily, and Moa-s na vtsvTra.in milm elaee connection at ' Wel- WMiuiniTinn n tihkt m.1. n nut kt . jk. doa for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and dally via . Richmond . and all- Night train makes close connecttens at Wcldon Tor all points norta via mennwaa. Sleeping Juars attacnea w &u nixut atsihs. JOHN F. DIVINE, .npv2S-V , : . . General Sup'U General Sup'ts OMca, SriLWINGTON, COLTJDIB1A ;3Lj- OTJSTA it. O. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. a, Nov. S, 1879. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV- 33d, 18TO. . the followlns . Schedule will be run ou this Read: Day Expreae aad flail rraln Dally. Leave Wilmington Arriveat Florence.... ... 9:10A.M. 2:00 P. M. Leave Florence . 8:60 P. M. Arrive at wiimmgxon 8:80 P. M. NIGHT EXJPRE88 TRAIN (Dally). 10:13 P. M. Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Arrive at Camden Junction Arriveat Columbia Leave Celumbla. 3:80 A. M. . 4:15 A.M. . 9:00 A. M. . 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction . li:00 M. Leave Florence Arrive at WUmington .. . 3:30 A. M. 6:30 A.M. This Train stops only at Whltevttle, Flemington, Valr Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on u. n. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and SDartanburz. should take Night Express Train rrom wumington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Cbarles- toa junction anacamaen ju action. Throueh Sleenlns Cars on all abzht trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. . Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do net make any connection for Columbia. aov -tf Oen'l Sno't. CAROLIK A CENTRAL RAILWAY GO. .-.iV'Ml .SV.. i fis ire Otfim GmrsniT. StrraamwuiuaHT I Wilmington, N. C June 7, 1879. ) Change of Schedule. irvN AND AFTER THIS DATS, the following J Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXSRBSS TRAIN 1 Leave .Wilmington at ....7:00 P.M. No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at 3:37 A. M. ) cnariotte at e:su a. au 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:35 P. M. No. 8. V Arrive at ;Hamlet at 1:33A.M. I " Wilmington at :&ua.i. No. 1 Train Is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Kaieign on tsaturaay. SO. irain is Dauy except oataroay . SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. mo. . r a H - ahoihv 14-sn P. 11. . n I UC.1G VUOllWK . .... o. w a. L I Leave Shelby 1:15 P. M. -luf Arrive at Charlotte.... 5:05 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 5:S5 A. M, Arrives at Laurinbuzg.. 4:00 P.M. Leaves Charlotte 5:30 A.M. Arrives at Laurinbnnr 4:15 P. M. Laayea Lanrinbure 6:80 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte. 4:20 P. M. Leaves Laurinbunr . 5 :00 A. M. Arrives at Wilmlmrton. 4:30 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Tanrsaays and Baturoays; Aaannonrg, - Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. . iUlose connections maae at unariotte wiin x rains of A. A C A. L. R. R. and A.. T. AO. B. R Passengers for AshevHle via either route, leaving WUmington at 7 P. M., will arrive at destination, at 9r.M.nextaay. Bleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains bath to and from Charlotte and Wilmineton There will also he Throueh Sleepers run to and ; jrpm Kaieign ana unariotce. V, - knv 17-tf General Superintendent. 5 . ' CLYDE'S New Tork and VTOmington! S t e amship L i n e . The Steamer B ENEF ACTOR, Cap. JONES, V1LL SAIL FROM NEW FOBS, Mttorslay Usrch 13. Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Enragementa apply to THOnil'E. BOND, Sunerintendent. WUmington, N.C Tneo. 5. Barer Freight Agent, ; New York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf - jaeaaway, new xora. Bank of ITew Hanover. Authorized Capital $1900,000, Cash Capital jald in ' $300,000. Surplus Fond 950,000. DIREC1 ORB. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STEDMAM D. R. MURCHISGS . ISAAC BATES, donald moras h. vollbrs ; JAB. A. LBAE a F. LITTLE. . - S. B. BORDEN R. R. BRIDGERS J.W.ATKINSON CHAS. M. 8TEDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. Wasxaob. Cashier (aagMf High-Bred Dogs, J&NGLISH, IRISH AND GORDON SETTERS, of tbe Choicest oreea. wua gnaraniBea peaigrees. roreaiepy -y 7 " E . P. WELSH, nov ?DAWtf :. ... - York.Penn. ! - t IK i MISCELLANKOUS jOBpRiraTiiucr THE nOEHIHG STAE Steam PrintiDg House, - i MORNING STAR B THLDINO, v frincxss strsxt: . MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINJST BOOK, NEWSPAPER MMROANTIIiM ! ' ' PRIN TINGAND B I20INQ1 ' CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES A i -.TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, I BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER T1MK AND BETTER STYLE THAN Hi ANY 0 THEROFFICE A WILMINGTON IV i FhtSt CLASS WORE: AND LOW PRICES , t ...... THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTJN HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, . . " W1LMING TON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK BENT TO ANlrPART OF THE UNITED BTA TE8, I V. V. if. .. , SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH ink SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES HRAWSNCS it PRiCCa 1 i fREE BY MAIL. Pi ON EE R WORKS ( Bisuiunuaia rum AMD rm r i m w Prices In England. 9S&.0Q, $7&75, $89.35, $100.00, $126.00, $150.00 Delivered in New York, duty , and all charges in elusive : $103.38, $117.79, $131.97, $15053. $184.28, $318.00 The above may e ordered "Full Choke." "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. we are now matting small bores or rios. 14. it aud 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior In owet to the larger bores. . weight of sto-uore rrom . . . . .6 ids. " 14 16 " 63 " " ' 13 " 7J4 " io " 8Ji " Our "Giant Grin" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. send ror mustratea sneets. We resDectfullv refer to the follewlnc eentlemen. wbo have pnrchaced and are now usintr our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele. M. C Rockinirham. Klcb mond .county, N. C. oapt. a. k. Murcnison, wumininon, n. v CoL B. F. LitUe. Little's MIUs, N. O. James A. Leak, Esq ., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H, Bernard. Esq., Wilmmgton. N. CZ i J. W.TOLLBY. Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Square, pctSD&Wtf Birmingham. Eneland. GEAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE- TRADE MARK THE GREAT TRADE MARK ENGLISH REM EDY. An unfail ing cure for Sem inal . Weakness, Spermatorrhea. Impotency, and all diseases- that: follow; aa a se auence of Self 1 ' A mm. . Tiui nf i BlFOXf TAKIX8.Memory, Unlver AfTEI TAIIII. al Lassitude. Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Prematore Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. EyFnll particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. - EVThe Specinc Medicine Is sold by all Druggists at ai ner nackaire. or aix Dacka&es for $5. or' will bo sent free try mail on receipt of the money, by ad- I ofessiag THE GRAY MKUICIKB CO., Sold In Wilmlneton br. GREEN & PLANNER. Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every where. .....,!:. mb5D&Wly UABBLE r.ioiuu r,i e wts AND ' ;' ! ... . Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK, ATLO WEST NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORE . PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE BOUTH. ' RICHARD WATHlIf Sc CO,, 5 T Lafayette Place, New York. IWathan's Monumental Dencns. In book form.for sale to the Trade. - 1 ..: dec4 DAWtf PHESCniPTlOfJ FREE XVthesneedvCreefSw-laalWsalcaass,Loat iood,Preaaazare DebiUty Sewroassess, saev, Coafadoa of Ideas, Avnaloa to Defective Memory, aad all Disorders ea by Secret Habits aad Exes was. Any arareistsMtAelBadieats. Addrssai . . DR.JAQUESAVU., ISO Vott &ix& eMafiCEISAlI, OEKl feb 15 lyDAW; U. A. 8TEDIIA1T, Jr. Attorney aiid Cpiinsellor at Law. ELIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. Office Up stairs. In Brick Bulldlnr. eccupied bi BInaldlACov ... , Special attentioil to Claims. Collections on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds.. Mortgages, specialty. . apS-DAWtT ALL ABOUT WesteniilTortliCarolina 'itO ' - ,, .'.'.j IriSS t-'-il Ii yon want to know all about tne "Garden Spot" of . tne noun, sena ior a specuvea wvj oi , . The "Western Courier. It Is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY full of interestine reading matter, and dented to the interests of Western North Carolina. - - Address 1 -- . , THE COURIER COMPANY, , Henderson vlllo, N . C. Tnrp entine Tools. ICXTB ARE NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST VV assortment of Turpentine Tools ever brought to this . i uacxers. jruiiers, xnppersv waet ters.FUea.Fiae Back Stones. We also nave In stock a fiae assortment of Cooper's Tools ot every descriotioa. Goods ana wnces euaranieea in ai Instances. Tbe Old EsUblished Hardware Hoose of l JOHN DAWSON CO.. mh7tf ; f .- W tl and 23 Market Bt, i J a, 'wtMiMaar