EVENING EglTIQN. beV ad ii sin and BkNBiam lieu Adhem had a golden doih one day. Wbicb be put out at interest with Jew; year after year awaiting fcimit lay E 4 Until the doubled coin two pieces grew, od these two, four; o op till people said, low rich Ben Ad hem is," and bowed the servile head.,-. ,tu u : i i r ; nen Selim had a golden coin one day, - ti Which to a stranger asking alms be gave. Who weDt rejoicing on bia unknown way,. I3eu Selim died too poor to own a grave; But when his soul reached heaves, angels with pride Showed hiar the.wealth to, which Jus coin had muiupueu. ' -- Saluted. POLITICAL POINTS. Whenever Gov. Seymour speaks. wards of wisdom fall from bis lips. 22a leinh Obssrver, Jjem. How would Seymour and Hen- wk sound ? Beats Randall and McMul- CI lid Lee Uounty( va.) oenunei, juem. Should (jraot be Dominated at Ch cig0 the Democrats will 'fe' able to re ioice over a ponuuv prvy capacuy or outblundering eved themselves Phila- delvhia Junes. J.na, Give us Seymour for President. nj Hendricks, Morrison, Bishop or Palmer for Ve, and the Democratic party will a n glorious victory in 1880,anainst Grant r Huy other man. Livule Post, Ikm. PF.RONAL. Gen. Hancooirweighs about as much as Judge Davisrtjat the avoirdupois is better distributed. The Crown Princess iyictoria, ibe wife of Pnuca Frederick.. .William of Gjnmuy, will visit Roma in April. Carl Scburr is a fiddler of no m an ability, and be might mike music in h Cabinet if he could only strike the nihi Key.-iV. 0. Pic. The gifts of the late Walter tl -n-injs to Llarvard University amount to $40 000. On the death of his widow .VM.tit $100,000 more will go to the Univer i y. The Harper Brothers have re ;, eltui: of their old bookkeepers for life .'i full pay. Might not the Christian Ourcti display ts much concern for ber , 1 1 preachers with great credit to Cbristi- BUitT? Eugene Fairfax Williamson, wb; cojfessss that he was the author of i lie anoovinR letters to Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix of New York, was arrested In Balti more Wednesday and taken to New York i'.ir punishment. TWINKLINGS. There are eighty-two Mormon churches ia England and Ireland. It is estimated that the liquor irnffic costs the United States Government -eren eeo dollars for every dollar it receives f oiu tbit source as revenue. A law worthy of imitation has bcea euacted in &om of the German States f.irbidJiog any lad under sixteen years of in smoke, the penalty being fine or im prisonment. Presbyterian . The Poatoflice Department esti ninea that ibe use of waabed Btamps de fraud the Government annually oat of one sad a half millions. The Senate Postofflce Committee agreed upon a bill to prevent ih in. There are some things that a man cau't put up with. When be falls out 4f a second-story window on to a picket fence, to have hi9 wife come out and ask liim if he is hurt, is more than any man cm stand and not get mad. Boston Post. OUT HE UN ITEMS. There ia living in Morrelltown, Arkansas, a woman who has ber fourteenth hubaed. Little Roek Gazette. Geo. D. &. Hill says that the Arkansas Industrial University, of which ho is President, has now 420 students, and will p ubabiy have 500 before the close of the session. Considerable excitement exists at Columbia, South Carolina, over the fact that the Democratic candidate for Mayor ia opposed by an "Independent," having no little strength. "Welcome, solid South, ex claims the Cincinnati Commercial. Can it be that this is the utterance of a journal which a short lime ago declared that "Solid South" meant "rebellion," "treason" and a "blow to our dearest .liberties." Louisville Courier-Journal, Dem. RELIGIOUS NEWS, There are in London 102 preach ing places for the Wesleyan Methodists, as published in the Watchman, weekly. I was the . bedfellow first of a Bishop and then of a United States Senator. One grunted and the other snored like other folks. Rev. J J, Lafferty. Durins the vear 1879 twelve persons in Europe and the United States save aa aggregate of $3,000,000 for the sup port of foreign mission ..work. The salary of the Rev. Dr. John Hall, of the Filth Avenue Presbyterian Lhurch, New York, has been increased from $10,000 to $15,000 a year. An Indiana preacher made use of the expression, "The iconoclastic segre gate of am," one Sunday, and the next week he received a call to a Congregational church in Boston. - - The Methodist says that ont of 14,000 preachers in the M. . Church r only eleven names have had blots on them, and that two or three did not deserve the black mark. Another important- old manu script has a been f onndU ii a famous Greek monastery on Monnt Athos, which, it is believed, may throw some light on difficult passages in the Epistles of Sl Paul. Bishop Keener preached on Sun day. The sermon needed rhetoric. Fifty Methodists were loaded to the muzzle with a shout, but there was no powder in-the pan. The Bishop piled in too much ore for the fire and tb- bellows. Wind is a great element of a;successful blast. The lumps of metal choked the kindling. mehmond Christian Advocate. Ne? Stoct, Fresh Boots. : QONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH DRUGS fall an 1 examine prices. BURB AUK'S Pharmacy, Comer Front and Princess Ms. 'caption!"5 utmoet'cre" used in preparing Pre- " i iw. 'j j we Ice. Ice. Ice. QN OK ABOUT THIS 15TH OF AFHIL I SHALL J Prepared to furnish a No. 1 quality of Ice at . irea to tiu citiwna jf Witmujgton, and ask a share uf taek fcatonago ' V ! r.voo, B. H. J. AHBJEN8, w lm Proprietor. WHOLBSAL FRICES.. -ur uuuoaa, u aaouid bo understood, rep eu the wholesale prices gouerally. In making u small urlerri higher pncea have to bo charged. AttXICLKB. p&icjcs. BAGGING Qanny. . .. .... .... Standard. BACON North Carolina, r Hams. 9 B(new) Shoulder, f) ft Hides, N. C choice, ft Weetem Smoked Hams Sides. V ft - Shoulder a,.... . . Dry Salted BldM ft . . . ..... Shoulders ...... BJ8BF Uvo weight. . BARRELS BplrttaTorpentinn. Second Hand, each Mew New York, each. .. New City, each. ...I. . bskswax-hs a.......! BHICKB Wilmington, M . " Northern 08 a OTTXB North CaroUna. ft Northern, V ftT77. .7. ' CANBLSS-Siwm. i Tallow, V 9r..;. , CHBJSSB Northern Factory?)' ft urnnj, uwb if B Sta,s ft.. (XJFTCbWava. 9 r LaOTa V.v CXRNMaAl.bniheLhi aaei COTTON TIBS-fJ BidJeTT. . .. . oomsstics Sheetins.i-a, yd x in, ii ouncn. FISH Mackerel, No, l.fj bhL.. no. i V X ooi . CHerrinr, Boe,9 ker.. V- PeraTlan Ooano, V SOUS Baagh'a Phoephate, Carolina Fertiliser, " -Ground Bone. M Bone Meal, " Flour, NavaeaaGuano, " Complete Manure " - Whannl Phosphate ' Wando Phosphate, ' Berger A BuU'e Phosph. M Kxcellenaa Cotton FertHlser FLOUB PiM bhl , Super. Northern, ft bbl Bxtrado. " bbl .. Family V bbl , City MUls Kxtra, f) bbl Family, f) bbl.., 8x. Family, v bbl .. GLUK ft 62 50 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 5 0O C 67 00 O T900 ' 8 WOO 00 00 & SO 00 O 500 to 00 9 00 900 O T60 M88-- a ib GRAIN Corn, In store. In oaxs. vern.variro, uaauei....... Cora, mlxeda oaahel.ln baga. 07 70 68 60 a 72X6 uiu, v Busnw Peas, Cow, ft bushel aiDB3-Green.fi ft .... Dry, ft ft HAYBastern, ft 100 fts Western, V 100 fts North firrer. ft 103 i HOOP IRON ft ton.. .. LARD Northern, ft ft ... North Carolina, f) ft... LIMB V bbl ou 6 13 1SS 1S5 oo o 1 10 a too n 1 10 00 00 OHO 00 8XO 9 00 6 O 10 10 00 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 LUM8XK City 8axSawk Ship Stuff, reeawed, ft Mft. Bouch Sd2 Plank, w M ft.. A SO 00 O 1600 A 18 00 A M00 WeatlndlaCargoeaeoordlng to quauiy, jb. i Dreesea Flooring, seasoned.. S -anuiag and Boards, eoa- mosjfl Mft ... MOL VSSSS New ep (Cuba, hhds New crop Cuba, obis ft gal.. Pjrto RSco,hhdt bbls Sizar House, ahda, ft gal.. . bbia. fltul.... srran. Wa. gal NAILS Cat, lOd baaia, ft Keg.. . EL3 Kerosene, ft gal Lard, ft gal... Ltaseod,fl gal Boein.V ffai POULT K Y ChlckensaiTero wn Spring.. Turkeys ... PBANTJTB bushel POTATO Sweet, ft bushel.. Irish, ft bbl FOBS Northern. City Mesa.... Thin, ft bM prime, ft bbl Sumo. bbl B1CS Carolina, ft ft W 00 A 15J00 00 A S8 00 6 41 35 O 40 38 O 43 00 A as 00 O 35 40 A SO 0 00 A 5 59 11 A 13 1 10 S 1 45 80 A 100 30 A 40 io a is 75 A 100 100 ft 1S5 60 A 75 ON O i 00 00 A 15 00 0009 O 00 00 00 00 O 11 00 00 09 A 10 00 . 7KA 7X 1 15 A 1 60 1 O i)( UXO S3 00 A 75 80 A 85 00 O 75 00 O 85 o OA 10 83iO 8V 10XO 11 SO 6 5 00 O 700 5 00 O S 30 4 50 5 003 00 7 50 00 O 15 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 o 0000 50 6 10 90 O 11150 T75 900 6 50'O 7 00 4 50 O 500 3 00 A 400 1 00 500 1 OC J M 18 O 5 t8 A SO Bouzh. 9 bush KA3S Coaitry, f! City. 9 ... BOPB- SALT Alain , ft bushel UTerpooi, vsaK, , Lisbon, 9 Back , AmorieaB. V saek.. ........ 8U3AB Oabs.ftft rorto Klco, f b A Coffee, ft ft .... . 8 " frft ... , C ft Bx. C ft Crashed. 9 ft I BO VP Northern, ft ft SHINQLB3 Contract, ft M... . Commoa. yi Cypress Saps ft M, Cypress Hearts 9 M. tJTAVBS W.O.BbLftM R.O Hid., M s TALLOW ft.. TIMBHR Salppinx. ft M Common Inferior to Qrdlnarr. W V. . WHISBTBY Northern, fTgaU. North Carolina, fl gal........ WOOL Unwashed, ft ft Washed. ajft WILII1NQTOH JHONBI flABEBI Exchange (sigbt) on New York X dlset. Boston,. K " Philadelphia, X Weetam Cities, Kxehaare 30 dara 1 9 cent. Bans: ef New Kaaorer Stock. 85 76 125 First National Bank,. . NSTaasa uua&o uo. N. C Bonds Old Bx-Coupon ....S .... 8 "8 Do. Funding 186 Do. " 1843 Do. 8pedalTax 4 Do. to- N. O. BafJroad 80 W. A. W. BB-Bonds 7 e fGoldlntl.ll S Carolina Central B. R. Bonds, S fte.. .40 wu. ooi. Aug. r. k. uu WUxilngtan City Bonds, Tie 85 ota o yc so new 6 ftc....85 8 e 85 New Hanover County ...Sfje 85 (Cur. Int) W. M W. Railroad Stock ...,.60; North Carolina B. B. M . .70 W1L Gas Light Co. ,.45 WUmlnston Cotton aius vo A Oardlto the Afflicted. Dr. ROBllTSONt 19 So. Entaw Street, Baltimore, Kid. From fifteen years' experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure ia an diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS 8Y8TEM, via : Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of sexual power). Ner vous Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, all resulting from abuses in youth or excesses In manhood. Dis eases recently contracted cured In five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys tem. Also all blood and skin diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Univers ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints and irregularities. All communications strictly confidential, and me dicines sent to any address. Call or write, enclos ng stamp for reply. aept 9 ly New Crop Cuba 300 Hhds Choice CUBA MOLASSES, Jo st landed ex Schr Mary A.McCanu. I7vnrwui Mill Fair. 9a . . "I'll 3 SLIU rsTNaTDruTi I I1L I l I II I I I J Alee, a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES and DISTILLERS1 SUPPLIES. For sale low by, mh 7 if WORTH Jb WOBThJ MICrjTO.rrS. JUST OUT.- Hood's Great Book of tftcXar. ADVANCE 1 and ENTREAT, PERSONAL BXXPBRIENCKS ' JN TOB UNITED STATES AND CONFEBEBATB STATES 'ARMISiS. ' By General J. B. Hood, Late Lieut General Confederate States Army. ; Publlahed for the HOOD ORPHAN MEMORIAL FUND, , ' . . . by r ; General G. T. BEAUIIEGAUD, "' NEW OBLSANd,' 1830L ' , . , The entire proceeds 'arising from the sale of this work are, devoted, to the Hood Orphan. Memorial Fund, which la invested In United States ttegbtered Bond, for the nurture. eareupport and euopatiaa of the ten infants deprived of . their parents last summer at New Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which sad bereatement atw ettli freth in the pub uc mwa.) .r jiih ,r vi The Book is an elegant octavo, containing 360 pages, with a fine photograph likeness and a line steel engraving, made expressly for this work, four large maps of battle fields, bound in handsome Gray English Cloth, at THRXJB DOLLARS; or ia a Fine Sheep- Binding; with. Marble , Edge, THREE DOLLARS ANijiXFTY CENTS ; InHalf Bound Morocco, Library Style, FOUR DOLLABSr or in beet Levant Turkey' Morocco, rail Ut Sides: and Edges, FIVE lX)LLARd. H ; i f - On the receipt from any person remitting by xiaQ or express, of the amount In a registered Jetter or by a postal order, bank draft, or eleek, a eopy wHl be tmmediately sent, free ef peetagei egiatered-as second ciaas matter. .-!,- The volume ts pubBsaed In "the est style of ty pography, on elegant paper, with illustrations, exe emted as hixheetapeobmeus of ark- r :,. i9: The author, the subject, the purpose, all alike render It worthy a pteoe in every library on misery desk, or upon the book shelf of every house ln,the country. AgenU wanted in every town and county in the United States, and a preference will be given to ho norably discharged veterans from, the army. To the ladies, who feel a desire to express their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the sale of this book among their circle of friends, will afford an excellent way of contributing sub stantial aid to so deserving a cause. For Terms. Rates to AgenU, etc, address, with full particular. GEN. . T. BEAUREGARD, Publisher. On behalf of Hood Memorial Fund, jau 28 tf New Orleans, La.. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautif ally Illustrated. &5lh TEAR. The Scientific American. rpHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First-' A Class. Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in 'Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all department, of science, will be found in the Scientist American. Terms. $3.20 per year, $160 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUMN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. y A III HTLl 'II O In connection with the ralJSiil A a. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Mumn & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the beet terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented throueh this Agen- r, with the name and residence of the Patentee, y the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sale, or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, rnmrn or chars a. whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Muhh A Co. We also send rau our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and bow procured, with hints fer procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patent., MUMS A CO.. S7 Park Row. New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D.C. novi tr jgNCOTJRAGB HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA BOBUS IITJIl AN CE COMPAs . RALEIGH, N. C This Company continues to write Policies, t ( rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are DtomsUv adjusted and paid. Tn "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, an appeal, with confidence, to insurers of property tr feMtlLOaioUvsv " " fW Agents in all parts of the State, fs JOHN -GATLING, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, A.kvyb, augl-tf WUininsrton. N. C THE T i ANJDMARK, -. -j . PUBXJSHED AT SlAlEaVILLEirimDKLL CO.. JIT. 6 . P. -I Ja?THE. ' . La4inlfowiBpiln -WesUra North Carolriia: ' ItistheBenaatexHqervaUiahed in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealth! eat conn ties in the State andrnen attained: a lareer loca circulation than aay pa per -ever heretofore published Tt.VtwMt.BA'nln fVanaOTWrnfwi' A'h. Alio- ghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, Is larger than that of any two papers In the. State combined; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong- foothold in Pony the, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg.. nil the aalrnaner fn Waein Kartb Carolina thatempleya-a Baavnan OairraBsrjro- Amr, and thus kept constantly before The people. Under thi system a ranidlyinereasmg circnlata ia the result. 4 making the jAxpxabk THEBEST ADTEttTlSlNG MKDIUK1 IN WX8TEBN NOBTH43ABOLINA. ADBRESS, det-W-tf " LANDMARK,' StatesviHe. N, C: Hale Weekly. ON TUESDAY. 1KB TTH DAT OF OCTOB SB, 1879, and in the City of Raleigh, the under signed wiu commence the publication of HALE'S WEEKLY, A Nobth CanouHA DnnoonATio Nxwspatxb. These four words convey all -that a eolnmn of Prospectus could tell: the good of the State; the success of the Party which ia the life of the State and the country; the publication of all the news: these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and contribute to the Ant and second, the subscri ber does not affect to doubt. The People nave set their seal of approval ur on his past and he does not doubt the futurei ':!-; ': .x Hau's Wnanxx will. e printed -from new and ! Beauuiui lypvJWBua isix wiaw ii&, j.ua price will be $ per annum :.:ND same will go upon its mail books without payment, and no paper will be sent after the expirattoo. of the time- paid for. i RalelghSepl 15. 'lttA?" ,r " ' sept 16 tf The THE bLDTNEWSPAPKB' PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section; one of the wealthiest and most prosperous in the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchant and Manufacturers, and to those who have Adopted the plan ot selling by sample, an excellent medium of communication with a large and Influential cUaa ox merchants, me chanlca,plahters and naval, store men, whose pat. ronage ia worth, solicitation. Advertisements and .Business earns mtenea on loerai terms. Address THE STAR, . : MarlonT. rj, eptSStf OVEBTHB 'ATTEMPT: TO- BLOW UP THE Imperial PalacejLot;till greater at H. C. PREMPEBT'S SHAVING and HAIR DRESSING SALOON No 1. South Front Street. , t NTH.' PARISIEN BBlIJaANTINE,- Premperfs Inimitable Hair Tonic, (quite a new thing), &., always on hand. feb 39 tf MISCELLANEOUS. r.lorningStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SflliscriBtiQii Rates In tinm DAILY STAR, One Year,postogepala,......$7 00 Six Months " 4 00 ThreoMonthe" " a 85 " - One Month " " ......100 WEEKLY STAK. One, Year postage paid. $1 50 . " Six Moiitas, " 1 00 . Three Mouths" " 50 Notices of the Press: . The Susan is decidedly one of the best ; papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Saltan PrtM. , . , -: The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper aa Any people should want. -'Charlotte Democrat. ' i-"- The Wilmington Stab has entered on iU twelfth vear. As a daily journal of news it stands ."up head." Concord Register. ' " . . The Wilmington Stab has entered it twoaty- flffh vnlrnne There is no ,ietter paper published in the State. Zenoir Topic. i - i The WUmmgton 8 tab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrenton Gazette. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth Sear. It has become one of the leading papers ef io South. Oxford Torchlight. - The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, bat for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat en Jackson Reporter. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid Independence. Petersburg (F ) Index-Appeal. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the stab twinkle. ML Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Frte WiO Baptist. The Wilmington (N. C.) Mousing Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paper published in the South, Richmond Va ) Religious Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarooro Southerner. The Stab Is bo well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which its thousands of reader, do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies in the South. Robesonian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina andto North Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twentv-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dallies south of the Potomac. Tne system in the get uo or tne paper surpasses them all. Tarboro Southerner. The Times cannet say a word too good for the WilmlDgten Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays, Asa newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous life to it. Reidsville Times. Why is it that all the papers with the name ef Star are such bright little journals r The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks burg Star, New York Star, for example There must be something in a name after all. Richmond Va.) State. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. 03- ford Free Lance. The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnignt Associatea ress reports, ana nas Desiaes increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab ia an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deserving. Charlotte Oi server. Tee Morning Stab, ene of the beat dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very beet, has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principal daily in our chief commercial city. Leag may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as oneof the very beet newspa pers that come, to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department is con ducted with much ability. Mergahtcn Blade. Humble in its beginnings, aa was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attendee! the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily '-waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. A. a newspaper it ha. few equals, and no superior, for appropriate selection and ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it amonfronr most acceptable exchangee. UUUborQ Reoorder. The Wilmington Mobkiks Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is due to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper' is all lhat the term of "good newspaper" Implies, and Its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, eaterprisiog proprietor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. -GOtdsboro Messenger. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate; ; Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, RaleigH, S. C. ts the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Oarolinarand has the largest .circulation ,of any-paper in the fitate. It Elves the markets, secular and religions news. Is a weekly, eight page, religions, family newspaper. Only $i.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. ' Advertislag rates liberal. 1an 4 tf The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and the Organ of the Methodist JProtes taot Church in North Carolina, is published at .Greensboro, N. C. - . Terms, ft 00 per annum, m advance. The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tlyity-or fte-agsntat and theeosstaatiy iaoreeia de mand for it among ibe more solid classes of readers IS various eetiomef give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertiflrng public, t-erms very favorable. Oonsult your business inter eats, and address the editor : -- - - 1 - 3. L.MICHATJX, i ' Greensboro. N. C. -MM M SilCHHM; A First Class Weekly Newspaper Published at DARLINGTON C. H 8. C. r?IS ALABGE PAPER 34x40 INCHES ALIVE with news, local, State and general, with special . pains in the departments, for the family, of its out side, which is all home Work. ; . It circulates fat Darlmgton, Sumter, Marion and Marlboro, and herce is a most valuable advertising medium.' - Circulation specially large at Florence. S. C. Address A. A. & P. A. GILBERT, . sept 18-tf Darlington C, H.. S. C ' Pncednod ' THE LADIES ABB TNFORMED THAT MBS. VIRGINIA A. ORB has reduced the price of shaping, blenching,- and dying Ladles' arid. Chil dren's Hats from FIFTY to TWENTY-FIVE CTS. : , RESIDENCE One door east of Frctit, on Church ' ee t. oct 1 tf MISCELLANEOUS. LoweU Hachine Shop, MANUFACTURERS OF EVE BY DESCRIPTION - ' . . v; : "'OF . C0TT01I IIACHINERY "' Of nioBt -Approved Patterns acdwiwl Recent lm pro vrnente. Pape t r1 ac hi n ery ALSO, . . .. TUKB1KE WHEELS, Shafting and i. caring. Hydraulic Presses and Pumps. E levators, &c. PLANS FOB COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, Sup't, LOWELL, MASS. " WM. A. BURKE, 'Treaa. , mh 3 tf . emberloja Square, Boston. GEORGE . . , ... . . r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEB. rpHE LARGEST STOCK OF CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS, CHAMPAGNES, CIGAR 4, Imported and Domestic, IN THE STATE- Coffees, Sugars, Flenrf Hams, D. W. Meat, Shoul ders, Beef 'Tongues," Cakes,' Crackers, Preserves, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts; in fact we have the Largest Assortment of Goods to select from, and the beautv of- all is. THK TxWBT PRICES lanSfftf OSORSnsTERO Large Stock AND FULL , LINES OF! BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER, AT BOTTOM PRICES, AT GEO. B. FRENCH A SONS, 39 N. Front Street. mh 11 tf THE Buffalo Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE! Waters, and the claim, though a strong one. is substantiated by the testimony of many of the most eminent medical men of the country, bothj North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, vis : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially in stone or uravei: Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form. Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es pecially in all Disorders of the Menstrual Function, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished bv anv remedial atrent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medtca or among aunerai waters. They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters. In Cases Of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 perOase at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODB, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springe, Va. For sale by GREEN & PLANNER, Agents, mh 35 tf Wilmington, N. C Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPEB DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HT3 TUKX. riHtl UUL.TUB.B, fRWl'JfiVriOJS OJT GAME, PRESERVATION OF. FORESTS. YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PBACTICB.AND ALL ' OUT-DOOR. RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that tally supplies the wants, and necessities of the OentleinajB Sportsman. TERMS SI 00 a Year. Send tor Specimen &w Farsws 4c SHreauav fnbllstilnc Co.- 111 FULTON btf., (Old No. 103J " NewYorkv Post Ofilee Box SSSS " . sent S7-ti: The Bihlical Eecordeir. PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Drouhton 9l Co. ; RALEIGH, N. C. BEY. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, M&V. H. HATCHES, Associate Editor. Oot of lorn Carotinr Baptists'- ' In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising IXedium TJnsiirpasef Oaly 3.00 per Year, Address - : -BtBLICAL BBCOBDEB, dec33-tf' . Raleigh, N.C. 1V Jt TT ' 1 ; 1 TJl T I I 1 " JLVJL XJ -L7 J- J- - ;; ' . 1 The Savannah Weekly News Of .FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap- i ters of a charming serial story, entitled r i -ar f f i rr , BY MRS; OPHELIA NISBET RKID lor KATOKTOH.aA., Author of "Mr Mother's Daughter," Afterward, and "Mrs, Dt& ' Those who havenjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady'a previous productions, will need no commendation of this her last and moat successful effort to pre pare (hem for the rare Uterary treat that awaits 'then. ? "t 1 i-j '' t 1' . MUFFIT is story of absorbing Interest, and Its publication' wilt run , through some- eight to ten issues of the WEBitLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGBaM. -' ft'-rA Smbecription $2 a year, tl for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express, at our risk. J. H. ESTILL, febS tf ,; " Savannah, Geol The Camden Journal Published Boorv Thvjnday &i Oamden, B. (., I' S THE OLDEST-ESTABlilSHBD PAPEB EN KerchSW county, and has an extenarvecireulattun among the Merchants, Farmers and all olaseaa of business men in the eoitutT. v. : - Itoffers to the Merchants pf Wilmington a desir able Medium f e Advertiain g, tbA Muntry in which Itchrculatee, being conneetedwith that city by steam er on the Wateree . River, and the Wilmington, Co lumbU and Auguste Railroad.' ---IJberalteramwmDeaaadewith.tfcosed advertise. : i- -. ; . Subscription price, $S so per annum. .' ' ; 2M8S, . ' FRANTHAM BAY, feb si f1 " dtors and Proprietors RAILROAD IdrJES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAJL) CO. otkob b Gan'L boi anniCTnDBTrr, ' r Wilmington, N. C Nov. 33, 1879 . 1 Cliangre oT Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAV, KOV'USSd 1B7, Passenger Trains en the Wilmirutton Weldon Railroad will run as follows : . n.vm.ii and RxDrcii Train, unliri Leave Wilmington, Front 8L Depot, at 6 M A. Arrive at Weldon Vfl t,' Leave Weldon.....: .- 8s40v Arnve at Wilmington, Front St. Depot. 9:53 P. M M. M M BTtxnC mall and Exprew Train, Dallj Arrive at Weldon . 2:52. C unenaouu.... . ... -. ---- zri Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.13 A. M. Trains on x arooru onacu wiu ico to wj Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues- a ma. J J of a OA A fJf PfnPnH ing, leave Tarboro- at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Mon-j day, weoneauay ana rnasy wo jJrL. vk i X OS Ua Xxain wuum. wvjm mm ; 4oa for all point North via B&j Line, daily! except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all-j rauroate. 1 Night train makes close connections at Weldonj EOT all pomie uunu via niniiirawyia. :' Sleepinr Cars attached to all Night Trams. . . DiffiKws JOHN y DTV1NE, - nov33-tf - General Sup't- General Sup'ts Office, OflltSIINGTON. COtCHflSlA" A ATJ GTJSTA BU B. COBIIAN Y. WILMINGTON - nCc.NOV. 23. 1879. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 23d, 1879J the following Schedule will be run on this Read: ' ' ' ; .'J Day Express and Mail Train Dallyj Leave Wilmington.... 9:R4 Jf Arrive at Florence . - Saw P, M Leave Florence..,.. , ?:50 P. Ju Arrive at Wilmington. 830 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington Witt P. Mj Leave Florence S:tO A M Arrive at Camden Junction 4:15 A. M Arrive at Columbia... 9:00 A, M, Leave Columbia 6:00 P. M, Leave Camden Junction........ ..! 11:00 M. s Leave Florence S:80A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 60 A.M. This Train stops only at Whitevllle, Flemlngton, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A C. B. B. and in Western North Carolina, via Ceittmi bia and Svartanbunr. should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. ( Passengers ror Augusta enema taxe rtignt BKess Train, which connects via Florence, Charles ton Junction and Camden Judction. Through Bleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. - Tains leaving Wilmington Saturday1 nights do not make any connection for Columbia. JOHN F. DIVINE. ; SS-tf Gen?l Sup't. CAROMA CENTRAL RAILWAY HI I Omoa GBarxnAr SuFXBnrrasiwfHT Wilmington, N. C, June 7, 1879. Ghange of Schedule. O .i; AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Hcneouie wiu do operatea on ims Kaiiway: i PASSENGER, MATT, AND BXI3RESS TRAINS I Leave ,Wilmington at 7:00 P. M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at 2:27 A.M. " Charlotte at. 8:S0 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:45 P.M. No. 2. Arrive at Hamlet at ...1:32A.M. S " Wilmington at 9:50 A.M. No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makefe no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. ' No. 2 Train is Daily except Saturday. t SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. lleave Charlotte MO- f Arrive at Shelby . 8:40 A. M. ...120 P. ?. M. Leave Shelby 1:15 P. "w-iw f Arrive at Charlotte 9:05 P. LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington... ; 5:35 A. I Arrives at LaurlLnburg 4Bi H. Leaves Charlotte. . . . . OliJU A. JU. 4:15 P.M. 5:30A.M. 4:20 P. M. 5:00 A. M. Arrives at Laurinburg. . . Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Charlotte Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Wilmington. . . 4:30 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington ana unarione Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. f Close connections made at Charlotte with Trains of A. AC A. It. B. B.and A, T. 0. B. R I Passengers for Ashevifle via either route,' leaving Wilmington at 7 P. M., will arrive at destination at 9P.M.nextday. , f gleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . ; There will also be Through Sleepers run to asd from Baleign and Chartolte ; V. Q. JOHNSON. ! my l'-tf - - Qeneral Superintendents CLYDE'S Hew York and Wilmington! Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Capt. JONES, YtlLL SAIL FROM JfBW rOR&r sainrdar. April 3. Sjr-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOITI AS E. BOND, Soperintendent, Wilmington, N. a Tfaee. C Effer, Freight Agent, New York. W. 1. Ctye & Ce., General Agents, dec 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid In 9300rOOO Surplus Fund $50,000 DIREG1 OR 8. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLERS R. B. BRTDGEBS C. M. STEDMAK ISAAC BATES, AS. A. LSAE B. F. LTTTLB B. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON " f CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. . ISAAC BATES, Vice President 8. D. Wallace. Cashier Iang80-tf High-Bred Dogs. English, ibish and Gordon betters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. , XPa mm. a ho For sale bv t E. P. WBXSHj York. Peon. nov 7 DAWtf mm B5! MISCELL AN WOUH. THO DR0VI1 - Cleans tha Saad better Rons Llshter. Clrie Fhsxer ahd CdSts Less Money than any orner wtn in me aiantet. - Every macnlne t till , , These machines are made of the best materials, and the wortrnvuwhipnnff finish areunexcePed, Have been awarded premroms aMdl the State ftrire, Georgia Stabauia, Tea, eta ' Upwards' ef SMS qf ear Oanarelnoenatantuseln the southern states, ever havincbeen aold inUDV. Prfoe Littof Qtns, Feectere anct Oondensers .- Boxed ready for shlpntaiLderedatiour'ractory. COTTON GIM . I 1 e I Ml 11 1 an 1 ,rt,'r" ' Prioe with- -Prieewtth ixF'L -8eKrdE Beirreeder and . j . j, orCendanser. OondenasE. . sonw $76 09 sio . .suaoo 86 " - 87 60 - 11 00 " ' 144 SO . -40 ' . ... losoa:. m . . ;i jhh 46 " US 80 , . 146 06 , , . 178 iO 60 - M6e'- ' - MOW !'.- 1HM i - , , 56 l5oo . sos w 65 oo SO 1MM I- 0 ' S84 &Terms stven on Application-.49 FremiaatolwemutafacturGteOofamiULOa., mmder the Sim name of JB. X. XAXboa A Oot. afterwards Clkkohs, Baown & Oo., and made what waaibea known a. th.Tajrlor (Hn. DurmStheyearlSMwereiaovedtatliia place, where we .nave been exclusively, engaged in manu- im long enxuianoA, tbe best ig enMrtsnea, tl L workmen, we i r numnfaetnretr err and .killed advantage. Sotrnjoyed by Miy other numnfaetnrOT In our 11 n. tot srodoeiiic the Bxsx wok far tb uin bmht. MB remained unfilled.'Vu xaa owiwiMi uniwmin pwiinw nearly mi oraora we have deobtod our tnnnnfactaring capacity and nop. q pa able to cane, an dfrnanrtH, squ It la the wtoeet plan to sat your ordera In aarfv. J it 18 Send for llinBtrated Mamhlet sriTinar new votmntara tetuimmlala from over BOO live, enterprtsiiur plantera "i 1 rwi ' i , Knglnfm and complete oatot fiiriMaaeaxcheudealred. Address BROWN COTTON CfrNX;0 " N4W LUJPOK, CONK- JOHN DAWSON A CO., Agents, Bjh 1 DA W5m . WUmingten, N C, QRAWINC8 & PRICE8 BY MAIL, Pi ON EE R WORKS ui! . 3IRMINGHAM, Ji' ENr.l.ANO Prices In England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.86, $100.00, $136.00, $150.00. Delivered in New York, duty and all charges In clusive : $103.88, $117.79, $131.97. $150.53, $184.38, $318.00. The above may he ordered "Full Choke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now making small bores of Nos. 14, 10 aed SO gauge,- which are scarcely Inferior in ower to the larger bores. Weight of 30-Bore from .... 5X lbs. " 1416 " bjtf " 18 " 7 " 10 " 8jf " Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now usinr our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Klr.b mond county, N.' C. Capt. D. R. Murchison, Wilmington. N. C Col. B. F. Little, Little's MUls, N. James A Leak, Km ., Wadesboro. N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C" J, & W. TOLLBY. Pioneer Works. 8t. Mary's Square, oct S DAWtf Birmingham. England Boneset Bourbon Tonic. RE61STERED. An ELEGANT COMBINATION OF BONESET and other fine tonics with. a. pure Old Kent acky Whiskey, such as conneisceurs approve and invalid s must have; not a drop of any other spirit is used. A rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tonic for Dyspepsia. Cbility, Malaria, Ac. Delicate women, - over -worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out; no rses, sufferers from bron chitis, and the feeble ef every age and class will find it a delightful invigorant. CHAMBERS A BROWN, mh 17 D&W6m Louisville, Ky. GRAYS SPECIFIC HEDICEHE. TRADE MARK THE GREAT TRADE MARK ENGLISH REM-' RDY.. Ananfail. lag eure for Sem inal " .Weakness, 8pe rmatorrhea. Impotency, and all diseases that follow, a. a se quence 'of - Self ' a hnu a J xva. it IEF0SE TAKIMt nWry. Unlver AfTEt TAIIMQ. sal Lasaitade; Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that 4ad to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. taF-Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. rarThe Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, Or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receiptor the money, by ad dressing THE GRAY' MEDICINE CO.. No . lS-Kechatrtce Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold in WBmington by GREEN A PLANNER, Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every where. mh 5 DAWly HABBLE r.?orour.iEiTs Ki. it.., AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. -DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORE . PACKED AND fiHIPPEDi AT OTJR RISK, TO ANYAB OjfTHE SOUTH. RICHARD WaTHAS A CO., 57 Etafarvsse Place, New York. Wathaa's Monumental Designs, in book form.for sale to the Trade. flee 4 DAWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE nor the speedy Cue ofSemiaal Weakness, Lost J; Haabood, lH-ematare Debility, KerrousneM, Despoadenev, Coufmdoa of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, and alt Disorders Broaght on bv Secret Habits aadifeeesses, Any druggist Jim the Iagredleata. Address,, PR.JAQUE3 & CO.: 130 Vest Sixth St, OiilOlMJUATI, OSia feblo lyDAW ' ' IT. A. 8TEDIIAIT, Jr7 Attorney and Counsellor at Law, EL1Z ABBTB;TON, , BLADEN CUNTY, N. O. Office TJpstairB,-lH Brft Building, occupied by Binaldl A Co. ' - j - ' Special attention to Claims. ' Col'ectlons on sums Of ilOOand upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgagee, -Ac JJt specialty. apfr-DAWtr 0 ysxx - FREE TT

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