1.1MH 11 WW." ll'innrin--iirni)lTTi tr --T- ' 1 '"rt!!''?8'8'?"' f t ' ! '.A ' i" jf f - . f KI f a-Mw- ' EVENING JBPITION. y' "VtiB ni ws will conK EDWARD OXENPORD. t . The uiftbt may be dreary and sombre and sad. And swiftly may fpeeil. the wild rack a the sky; fbo ocean may ruar.xmt.the wavg-beateo eb ore, Out Ibe dawo of tbo bright golden morn lag is nigb ! Xbe tenpestmay gather, and thuader may roll. . . u And the frighted birds hide from the lighUuDgt sheen; . . But far in the east, from its slumber re leased ' - The dawn of the bright goldeo morciog is seen ! The bitterest sorrow may gather around, -ATuTbaoisb the smile to give place to a tear; But time will relieve all who tremble and grieve, For tbe dawn of the sweet-smiling morn ing is near ! Tbeu lo not despair, O ye weary and sad, Ftff-py will disperse e'en the shade of a Bright days will come back, and the night and the rack Will dee when the dawn of the morning is uigh ! POLITIC A. I. POIWXJs. Gen. Hancock is preparing to mo niize his boom. It is being pnt in light marching order. Chicago limes, Ind. The little Edmonds plants that gm: pure-minded Kepoblrcan brethren are setting oat here aod there require too mafii caro to ever amount to much. Bos ion Post Twenty of Ohio's forty-four iie'enates to Chicago are pat down for Bun e But if Mr. Sherman should roll hi National Bank bar'I io early June, the fkurpd might be changed. Wash. Posty Lkm m m m - O leen V lotona hai arrived at Biden Baden. Fred Grant has a reputatiou of bs 1.4 able io insult more people per day $nio niy other man in the country. Professor Agassiz'a large and frf-q is 'i ns to Harvard College uave &1 waisriijvii bestowed in the most modest mViHe!. di donations amount to $330,000. General Grant says he is de iigowd t t;e; back again, tie says this all tut! lime, aod people have begun io suspect t ut he goes sway just for the fun of com iaiJiAcfc agnio. PhUaddpliia limes. Dr. J. G. Holland, editor of Scribner's Magazine, st present visiting WajijiatoD, h. been forced to forego all social eajjyment while in the capital be-C4U-io he his "an affcctioa which threatens U'ri tr 'ublei unljsi quiet and repose are Judge Tourgee, the author of "A b !' Errod," is said to be having the piensure of seeing bis book selling at the rate of 10,0013 copies a month. There is - .rag-Talk of hiving it published and dis mbu;ed as a KepuUl.can campaign docu ment In the event of the latter determi aiii a being arrived at it might probably iw weil for tbe Democrats to issue "The Mister of Ued Leaf" io pamphlet form. W'ishington Post. A household with a baby is famdeJ on a rock. New Haven Register. The jewel for a frilled shirt- b ijom is a diamond in the ruff Nets Or learnt Picayune Voters should remember that the biirBst poll knocks tha most per3im-ra-ja Tankers Statesman. Foreign hair can be worn so na'uraily as to make it difficult to tell wbich is the switch. New Orleans Picayune. Years ago, according to tradi t uQ, Oineiaoati was credited with the fol- regulation: "No whistling around 5usag-i -stands. " Tonkers Gazette. Chicago Tribune'. "I am now s-.;:raa l that there is a marked difference between (he cigar-ttore Indian and his brother of the plains." Secretary Schurz. Little drops of pepper Mint, aod grains of tea. Doctor up the human breath Qiite iogeniouslee. Indianapolis Journal SOUTHERN TTE333. It is estimated that tho cotton crop of Texas for 1879 will bring into that State $44,000,000. Norfolk ia to have a large, new theatre erected by one of the enterprising citizeoa of that city. The University of Virginia re Pjiu323 matriculates, representing twenty two differeat States. Of the whole num ber 144 are from Virginia. Two men were found hancr in the mesquite chaparral near the Arroyo, uoioraao One of these men was named i arno Barrera; the other was a brother or nephew of Jesus Lira's corporal. The pea did not bear a good repatalioo, and it is supposed that they were found with somebody else's horses. BiownsniUe (lexas) vesmopoutan DRAMATIC AOTES. Miss Minnie Haack ia singing in opera in London- i - Mr. Edwin Booth is playing to targe nouses in Boston. Mrs. Zelda Seeaia hai been sing ing Carmen with the Emma Abbott troupe. Mr. D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby) has sold Vridow BedoU to Mr. J. H . ilaveriy for f3O,000. -TMMmedy M draw ing very largs houses and Mr. Haverly in- i... t t - -1 . li. -: icuub io mug li a specially in uis vinuus theatre?. Mr. J. J. Sullivan, who plays trie part of the Baron in "Tbe Galley Slave.' and Mist Katie Putnam, trow playing at Jlamlia', nave .for soma Years been man and wife: '"Saturday; To "the Circuit Court of Dnnage county, there -was a decree of divorce eranted, separating them. The alleged complaint was incompatibility of temper. Munny paragraph. Newport,, Fr es& Goocls. pON8TATtT BSUK1V1NQ FEKSH DKUQS CalLaa J ezamiae prices. KUKBA.NK'8 Pharmacy, nnrner Front and Princeu Hta XW The atmoet "Care" used in preparing pre scriptions. jao 11 Sw tt ' - s we Iceilcelce. QN OH ABOUT THE 19TH OT ATBXL 1 8HATJL. te prepared, to faratsa a Ho. 1 qnality of lee at uw agareato taa cittsana w wriimingwn, ana ux a. - -- ' t saare or tnmrpatronM. B. H. J. AHKBN3, febttlm ''. Proprietor. !2F . j v, !oa, u seouid Do understood, rep "ut the wnoicaaje price generally. In rnh-inp a -fcin m-r aishur oncee have to be charged. ir 00 O" nan 10 6 u it 9 e Stilttdura U is e 10 SCO-NortnCartMiAa. Uams. S(nw) Shoaldsra, fi stdtw.w. C. ctoice, S W aXfxm litaoked H313 Ano.i!Jdr., ; Orf 3alU4 1 12 0 6V Btdeafj St ...... ...... i !iioQlder . j H-tJiif Uvo weicat . ,,i 0 fc 0 & 0 & 7J Soconu aand, eaca Sie Me Tort;, each. SowCitj, . 00 CO eo 7 en 30 16 so 1 65 2 00 1 VO SO 950 14 00 SO 80 35 IS 10 "X SO i so 80 5 50 8 110 1SX so 00 10 50 : is 00 : 6 50 ' 7 00 S85 400 'itirTTASon;hGroa."i , CANDLaSSpea, - Tallow. Adamaatlae, fil & CU BBSS Northern Factory $ & Dairy, cream & State, 9 . . CutfPEi Java! 'aj . : 18 0 0 18 10 itS KiOW 9 , Lagdsyra, 9 a Ou&N 1CBAL 9 bo&hoUn aackai COTTON Tiaa Wtodle . ! 75 1 75 0 00 11 IS Ofr 8 60 10 00 6 50 6 50 S 00 3 00 00 DOJtBSTIGiJ ShaoUng.4-4, 9 T& Tarn, v Duaca KlBrf-acireroJ, ki". ,' bbX"'. Ko. 1. 9 bbt Haekerel H. t, 9 bhl. Net, Wbbl ataekoreOjo. S. V bbl Kalieta. 3bbl N.C. amag,Bo,5 ko.... Dry Ood, raaxiij anus PeravUn Uaano, 9 SOtra 3t iJaaH's PhopbsAa, ' Carolina FerUliMr, " Qrotind Bone. Bo&eMsal, ' " Floor, Sav&aea&aaao, Oomplcte Maaure Whaim's Phosphate ' WandoPbosDhace. 57 CO 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 GO 55 0 0 00 5 75 6S5 7 60 7 25 7 75 S 35 14 O 63 50 60 00 60 CO 40 00 46 00 57 00 O 49 00 67 00 8 to 00 70 00 00 00 a 6000 Berber &ats'e Pnosph. " Kxceliensa Cotton Fertilizer riiOOR Fine. bbl 5 00 Sdper. Kortliera. ft bbl 6 00 9 00 ' 900 7 tO 800 853 ; ' 70 80 6 13 125 1 25 1 10 Kxtraau. ft ddi. Family " bbl OJtyltiliBl Sxtra, ft bbl .... - Family, 9 bbl.. . ez.F&mlly. bbl .. o c LUS Corn, in store, in oags. 7S 66XO oor&,uargo, w Dosnai. Oorn.mixedS Duaoel.in bags. Oats, 9 baahel Peas. Cow, 9 ooahol . 6b 60 72 Q HIDES Grace . 9 4 O 12 00 O 1 10 O 1 00 a 3 V KAY Eastern, 9 100 B. HUlbU UIiUi 7 AVr wm. ...... riOOP LRON 9 ton.. LAUD Northern, 9 I ...... 00 00 110 CO 8XO 9 00 o 10 00 o 1 10 North CaroUna. 9 Lms-a bbl LVJ31BSH Ctrx StsamSawjo SWp Stuff, resaweo,w Mft. Ronzh Bdze Plank, IH ft.. 18 00 O 15 00 O SO 00 16 00 Weetladl&CAffgpes.accordiagl toqoauT7, m m. n Oreasea Floarlns, seasoned . . Sianuiasr and Soarat, cosl- 13 00 O 18 00 18 00 O 00 uiuu. y ........ .... !KUL ASSSANew cp iCuba, hhds New crop uaDa, ddis 9 gal.. Porto Rieo,hnds bbls S4aar House, hhds. S eal.. . bbia.$ I vt&d. ois. rat KAIUS Cat. lOd baala. 9 keg.. . )SL& Keroaaao, 9 ttoeeedj, 9 -I. '-"..TV.!. Rosin. eal POULTUf Cblciens.li7e,grown gpring... Tarkeys PSAmTTS Sooshel.... . POTATOES Sweet, 9 baahel.. . Irish, bbl PORK Northern, City Mess Thin, 9 ODI Prime, 9 bbl Rams. V bbl SICE Carolina, 9 Roaeh, 9 own KAG9 Com cry. V . City. S ....... HOPE 8A.LT Alara , 9 bnsasl U-yerpoot, ajsaex, Lisbon, 9 aaci American. 9 sack........... 8TJ9AB Cabs, 8 Porto Rico, 9 B A CoSee, 9 2 a ' 9 a c- 9 5I.C- D CrnmhoJ tS 1 I SOAP Noniiern, 9 B fHrNGL3a-Contract, VM.... Ammoa, 9 a. : ypresdaps 9 M, CTTre Hearts 9 1. STAVES W. O. EbL, 9 M. K. O Hnd., 9 M Cypress. 9 M TALLOW 9 S TD3Ha Shipping. 9 M OM1 rrime, 9 M. Hill Fair, H , Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary. 9 M. wmasiJtY jNortaern. m eai North Carolina, 9 cral....... WOOL Un washed. 9 Washed. 9 W1LM1NGT05 HONEY dlABKEl Szchange (sight) on New Tork, . X dlsct, tsainmore, Boeton, X " Philadelphia, X " Western Cities, X M Kzch&ge SO days 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 85 First National Bank, 76 Navassa fcraano vo. " N.C 3onds Old Ex-Oonpoa u Do. Ponding 195 Do. "1863 ....-8 Do. New 4's 68 Do. Special Tax 4 Da. to N. C. Bsilroad .80 W. &. W. K.B. Bonds 7 9e(GoldInt).llS Carolina Central K. R, Bonds, 6 9c. .40 WU. Col- Ami-S. K. " 00 Wim:sgt9a city soaos, 7 wc so . - DIB 1 f C I new 6 9c. ...85 - 8 9c 85 New Hanover County ... 9c 85 (Car. InO W. A W. Railroad Stock North Carolina E. B " 70 WlLGasLlshtOo. wilminirtoa Cotton uum... . w A Oardto th6 Afflicted. Dr. ROBERTSON, 19 80. Eutaw Street, BaltlmoTe, SXdU From fifteen years experience In hospital and pri- . M.AMn-AA nMnUMfcffln In all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS 8 1 STEM, via : urganic ana semnuu Weaknese, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Nr voos Debility and Trembling', Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dimness of 8ightor Giddiness, Pabts in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, all resulting irom souses m youui ur uomn xu siuumwu. eaes recently contractea carea m nvo wj veu ujo, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys tem. Also all blood and skin diseases quickly cored. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Universi itv nt V rrland. refers to anv of the leading phy sicians of Baltimore. Special attention, given to all female complaints and irregularities. - kii xAmmn.iHnni trlr.tW confidential, and me dieines sent to any address. Call or write, enelo. ALL ABOUT Western Hortli Carolina If von want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of tnc ootita. Bona zor a bjjwuucu wyj u . Tlie Westerri Coxirier. TtU a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, full of lntereatisr reading matter.' and d ere ted t the Interests of Western Korth Carolina. Address - ' "' . - THE COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonville, N. C. JHood's G-reat Book of the! War. " PERSONAL BXXPERIENCES -m ' i : j t '.'i' i " 'iV : IN THE UNITED STATES AND CONFEDERATE : STATES 1 ARMIES. ' . By General J;4tB. Hood. Late Lieut General Confederate States Army. Published for the HOOD ORPHAN MEMORIAL ;FHKD, BT General G. T. EAREGARD; nsw orpins, v, :;. 1?; The entire proceeds arising from'the' sale' of this work are devoted to the Hood orphan Memorial, Fund; Which U invested i QoUee BUVe KVtetea Boada, JocthetiurUMs, care,aBppo and atiueatien of the ten Infants deprived of. their parents last snmmer afNew Orleans, -the melaneboly incidents of which aad bereavement are stUufwah ia.the pub lic mind.) ....... - . - The Book is an elegant octavo, containing 460 page, with a; fine pbotogrsjli UkHnrw auz a. line steel engraving, made expressly for this work, four large maps of battle ftolds, boandte handsome Gray English Cloth, at THREE DOLLARS, or in a Fine Sheep Binding, with Marble Edge, THREE DOLLARS AND FlFTx' CENTS ; S&BAlf Bound Morocco, Library Style. FOUR DOLLARS; or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, fall X3Ut Jsides and Edges, FIVE. DOLLARS, .v ' , . - On the receipt from any person refcdtUng by mall or express, of the amount in a registered letter or by a postal order, bank draft, or check, a copy will be immediately sent, free of postage, registered as second class matter. ; The volume is published ia the best style of ty pography, on elegant paper, with illustrations, exe cuted as highest specimens of art. . . , i The author, the subject, the pmfposp, all alike render it worthy a place in every library, on every desk, or upon the book shelf of everjLhouse in the country. - .- ., t . v Agents wanted in every town and dourrty in the United States, and a preference will be given to ho norably discharged veterans from toe army. To the ladies, who feel a desire to express their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the sale of this book among their circle of friends, will afford an excellent way of ce&tributing sub stantial aid to so deserving a cause. , . For Terms. Rates to .Agents, etc-.,' aodress, with full particulars.: v GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, 'PnbBjher, On behalf of Hood Memorial Fnnd, jan 28 tf , New Orleans, La. j The Best Paper. Try It. Beautif ally Illustrated. &Lh YEAR. ' ' . The Scientific American. rpHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is a largnFirnt X Class Weekly Newspaper of - Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, PROFU3KLX Illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing tbe newest Inventions and, the most recent advances In the Arts and Sciences; In- eluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, i Horticulture, the Home, .Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be found in the. HriwitHi lyrfii), Terms, $3.30 per year, $1.60 half year, wblck in cludes postage. Discount to Agenta. .Dingle co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to ILOdS A CO.. Publishers, 81 Park Row, New York. T A 111 UTTfTfTCJ In connection with the J.JX JL XilM X O. SUIBNTIFIO AMERICAN Messrs. Mnt s. Co. are bolicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on tbe best' terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented throoeh this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sale, or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new. discovery ot.k venUon, can ascertain, nlu or chahss, Vhetne a S stent can probably be obtained, by writing to Iubh & Co. We also send ran our Hand book about tbe Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and bow procured, with bints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUN A CO., 87 Para Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. P. A 7th fcts., Washington, D.C. bov 1 tf jgNCOUKAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Secarfty against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLIxl H03IE IWSUKAKCE k RALEIGH, N. C. This Company eonthiiiea to write Policies, at (a rates, onallclnosne of tnanrable property. , . All losses are pxomptly adjected and paid. Tne "HOME" is rapidly growiag in public favor, aa appeals, wltmeoafidence, to insurers of property ir North Carolina. E&r Agents in all parte of the State. 3 JOHN GATLING, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI CO WPER, Supervisor. . ang 1-tf Wilmington. N. O. THE IipMABK.1, PUBLISHED AT ; v " ' S1A1 E8 YILLE, : inWDELL CO. w N. C IS THE- leading rXiXiAit'SorGa. : Carolina. . - " It In thsnnlT BAmaeratle Paper Bublished in Irs- JeH Connty oneof the largest and wealtbiest conn : tie in the State and has -attained a larger loca circulation than any papetever heretofore published In the county, ' ' , ' Its ciretilatlofilh Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and- Iredell, ia larger than that or any two papers th-the State combined ) and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Burry, ttewaa ana western jaecuenourg. , It is the only paper in Western Nerth Carsaina that employs a ubosujs uajrvaasura abxxt, ana thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing drcalatiuu is the result, tnuMTig the LANDKaUK k : THE BEST Ja.aVBRTlSINQ MEDl um IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. to rr ADBRE3S, - v-XlAWD?TIAKEt,' dera-tf Htatesville. N O: Hale's Weekly. ON TUESDAY, THE TTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1STS. and in the City of Raleigh, the under signed wkL-comisjence the paolteafipe;ef r; . HALE'S WEEKLY, ( 4 A NOBTH CABOliSA DXHOOBATIP NS WEPAPXR. These four worts cotrvey all that a column of Prospectus could tetti tho good of the- State; the success or uro rwy wmva us tue mu ui ma otaus . J . w i t ilir .iiIiTIiiiiHihi nf all -Via nAwa. these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and contribute to the first and second, the subscri ber does not affect to doebt. ,Th People have set their seal of approval mron his past and he does not doubt the future. r H ale's Wisely will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The price will be t per annum. No name will go upon its mail books witoout payment,' and no paper will be sent arter the expiration of we timepaia jor. P. M. HA LB. Raleigh. Sept. 15. 1879. , sept 16 tf The UTarion. Star. rpHE OLDESTNESAPER PUBLISHED IN JL the Pee Dee most and v to those who have adopted the piair mt selling by sample, ani nrrfllftit""'tTi1 wiriMti with a large and influential rlswsaf aierehaatsj me chanics .planters and' naval store men, whose pat ronagels worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business earns lneerteo. on uperai term a. , ,. Great JEicitemettt U ITYVW VTA ' m Wmt if Mor i N. B. PABJSIEN BROANTINB, Prenipertrft' lnmutaoie uair.xpniD,.u.uMe 9 new wuuy.ee. always on hand. feD&tf 0mferSpiacg PRBMPEirrS SHATtNG!jmdV HAIE DjtESSrJSa l .Yr .rl 1 OK mr 'f v'- "! 11 PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SiitoiDtioii Rate,s-Iii kimti DAILY STAR, On Xear, postJiisre paid 7 J - SIX Months -. " .... 1 00 Three Montbt" ..... S5 " One MoaUi " ... 1 CO WEEKLY bTAU. One, Year postage paid, tl 50 SiaMonjne, " 1 00 Three Months" 5ti Notices of the Press? the State, as bright; and newsy as ever. jLong life Thn Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth vear as eood a osDer aa any. people should want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. As a daily journal 01 news it siancs up head." - Concord Register. The Wilmington Stab has entered Us twenty- fifth volume. Therein no better paper published -lathe Stile: Lenoir Topic. TK WflmtaMon Etab has entered UDOn its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Wtrrrenton Gazette. ' fUJ WW 1 11 TV 1 wgUJIl Qi AA XIAO vuwavu lira iiuiibuiiu n-a 1 naa KaWma AHA kt tIA lAlAfl'nO rVS.rVrA f I the South. Oaford Torchlight, The Wilmineton STABfAnot only one of the best edited rj&ners in the State.' but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beaX- enjaacton jteponer. s The'WIlmtneton 8tab Is One of the very best pa ne rs in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to .editorial ability ai d independence. retersourg (ra ) unaex-ppeai. w. litrs (li. Un . o ).n 4t la tbnmnjhlT n11a- V,la .anAA t oa.lMa mnA tu wall anil newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may.tne ctab vwuime, mil. Awy iteurr. Althnnirta at tbe bead of the oress In this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It eoBtinnes to inusrove. It :is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lastreBever wane. The Free WiUJSaptist. The Wilmington (N. C.) Mobhins Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ttlar) paperpublished in the South. IHchmondiVa ) Seligums Herald The Wllmmzton Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarooro tsowierner. The Stab ia aa well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which its thousands ef readers do not already know. It is in every reaoect one of the beet dailies in the South. So6esonia7i. The WUmlnGton Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium or autne news or we uay, ana an honor to its city, to- North Carolina anl .10 North Carolina journalism. Charlotte Observer. A Uab I If epr.U I II TV lr WVOttJ AAJ W A am uaw wuavv't a iAt.anAn1 enlnma Tt 1st AtlA ft tVin mnt brilliant, erudite and sparkling dallies south of the rotamac. ioe system m ue gei uu vi uie ijcr Burpasses tliem aXLTarboro Southerner. The Ttnies cannot say a word too good for the Wilmingten Stab. It has just reached one of ita many birthdays, , As a newspaper it is a favorite with tbe State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous lire to t.BeidsvWe Times. . n. XH It Ulal all 11113 niui buu uaiuo i Star are such bright little journals ? The Wilmlng- burfc Star. New York Star, for example There must be something in a name after alL Richmond (Fo ) State. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues oa the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one or the very beet of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. Ox ford Free Lance. - The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular tnidnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. The bTAB is an excellent paper. Its prosperity Is not SurpflSlEg llnce It Is so deserving. Charlotte Ob server. Thb Morsiso Stab, ene of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, In our opinion, the very beet, has entered upon ita twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principal daily In our chief commercial city. Long may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. : The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its IStb volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department Is con ducted with much ability. Mergantcn Blade. Humble in its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily '-waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the fall glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity .Asa newtpaptr it has few equals, and no superior, for appropriate selection and Ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges. EUlsborv, Recorder ' The Wilmington MoBjrora 8tab has entered upon tbe thirteenth year of its existence, and we take' this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is due to its strict attention to business. - The boast or tha Stab (rightfully too), is that it always has- the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and Its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enloy many more happy years of usefulaesa.-M(fsooro Messenger. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, RaleigH, H. C. i Is the organ pf about 64,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest .circulation, any pa Der in thtateu- It elves the markets, secular and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religions,. family newspaper, only $.ou per annum, duo scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. 1an 34 tf The Central Protestant ; a WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS LA oaoer and the Orean of the Methodist Protes tant Church Jm JSorth jCroliBa U.pabllflhed at JreenBDoro, jn. u. : Terms t!t 00 per anngrn at advance. ' The eligibility of its location, the number and ao tivity f its agents, and thecoastatrtlyincreasinx de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers In various sectlona, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public. t-erau very favorable. Consult your business later ests, ma aaoress tne eaitor f - - ' 4 - 4. X MICHAUX, ,1:. v. u . Greensboro. N. Oi THE FEE DEE WATCHMAN. A First Class Weekly newspaper Published at DARLINGTON C.E.8.G IT 18 A LARGE PAPER 34x40 INCHES ALIVE with news local. State and general with special pains in the departments, for the family, of its out- aiae, wnicnia aunome won. k-.- It circulates in Darlington, Sumter, Marion and Marlboro, and heree Ira most Valuable advertising medium, Circulation, specially large at Fiorence S. Q. AidBSSt .tj.-sa-.-.-M 'tP.S z". J. A. Ai FA. GILBERT, septl8-tf v. DarllnianO.L.&C Price Reduced. HHHR LADIES ARE INFORMED THAT MRSJ JL VIRGINIA A. ORB has reduced the price of Shaping, bleaching, and dying Ladies Vend Chil dren's Hats from FIFTY to TWENTY-FIVE GTSt I kbsiuence One door east of rraat, on unurch trset. oct 1 tf ? ri n MiT 1 TT Lowell Machine Shop, - Lowell, Mass., MANUFACTURERS F EVERY DESCRIPTION .. . 1 OF : C0TT0H IIAUHINERY . Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper f1ach i n ery ' "; also, ' CTUBJE WHEELS, . ; liafllDgr and earlgr. Hydraulic Frescs and Pamps. j Elevators, &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLBJ O.VHILDRETHjSup't. LOAELL, MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treas., 1 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. ' mhStf GEORGE jyEYERS,1 WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL GROCER. rjMiB LARGEST STOCK OF CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS, CHAMPAGNES, CIGiR. Imported and Domestic, IN THE STATE. Coffees, Sugars, Floor, Hams, D. a. Meat, Shoal- ders. Beef Tongues, Cakes. Crackers, Preserves, Apples; Oranges, Lemons. Cocoa Nuts; in fact we have the Largest .Assortment-, of Uoods to select from, and the beauty. of all is. TEH ItWKoT jan 8.1 tf GKORGS MY BR Large Stock AND FULL LINKS OF BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER, AT BOTTOM PRICES, AT GEO. R. FRENCH St SONS, mh 11 tf 89 N. Front Street. THE Buffalo Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Clironlo Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE Waters, and the claim, thousrh a s irons? one. is substantiated by the testimony of many of - the most eminent medical men of the country,' both North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, via : Affections of the Sidneys and Bladder, especially in stone or Gravel: - Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis. Malarial Fevers In their Chronic form, mopsicai situs ion, uremia, or uremic roison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es- pecia rune eciauy in all Disorders of tbe Menstrual coca, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medica or among Mineral Waters. They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men aa a PREVENTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, In Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $3 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. Fob sale by GREEN A PLANNER, Agenta,"! mh 23 tf Wilmington, N. C Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING. RIFLE - " ' i PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. , This is the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest 3c scream s?ttMtett!n&t Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 103,) New York. Post Omce Box I88S. sept S7-tf The Biblical Becorder, PUBLISHED BT Edwards, Broughton A. Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, REV. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of Hortli bapolina Baptists In Its 44tli Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Mvertisiiig Medium Unsarpassed only .uo per ear. Address dec 88-ti ' BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh, N.C. "HsL TJ FF I T." The Savannah Weekly News rt9 VPnDTTlOV ! wfll MAtifdf n fha MnAnlttff rxrien tr n-iiy" sua wui wuvwu vawM vhwbjt ters of a charming serial story, entitled HUE TT 3T IF I T, BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBET REID 'JOT KATOKTON.OA , Author of "My Mother's Daughter," 'Afterward, and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productiansVvrill need no commendation of this her last and moat successful effort to pre" ?iare them for the rare literary treat that awaits hem. : MUFFIT Is a story of absorbing Interest, and Its ablieaUoa will run through some -eight to tea esues of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. . BakvrlAttATi' mlratr .1 for t&ir mnnthn Trfrt- ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter orSxpress, at our risk. J.H.KSTILL, -feb 8 tf . Savannah, Geo. Ganiden Jonrnal IB THE- OLDBSlVBSTABLISHirD PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has as extensive circulation among tho Merchants, Parmera.and all clsswos of business men in the county. .' , . . ' Itoffers to the Merchants Jf wllmiiigton a deatr able Medium for Adiattisinsviaa country in which it circulates, being coanected with that city by steam eroB the Wateree River, and the Wilmlngtoa, Co lnmbia and Augusta Railroad : Liberal terms will be made with those deslrtng.to advertise. . . . , ...'........-, y. -; i Subscription price, ft SO per annum. ' sa, - FRANTHAM A HAY, feb 87 f Editors and Proprietors RAILROAD LINES. Wilxninstoii I ?; Selddn RiUJLROAD CD; Omoa or (UrX SmrBBUrauM. f . Wiiaingtcm, N. C. Nov. S3; 18W t Chaage of cIiedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. NOVR iSd 187V, Passenger Trains n the WUmlntrtoa A WeMon Railroad will run a follows: Oar IHaU aad Espreae Train, IUT Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at I M A. aj Arrive at Weldoa 1 - Leave Weldon.. 3 Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot. ;63 P.: . lftsrtig OlalX aod Express Train, JDally Leave Wilmmgton. Front St. Depot, at S:40 P. M Arrrveat Weldonr... . 2:SA- Leave WeUoa . . S:13 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Frabt St. Depot, 8.13 A. ia. Trains oa Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Dally, and TuesJ day, Thursday and Saturday at 4.00 A. M. RetBxnf Ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Dairy, and Jtonr day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. j The Day Train makes close connection at Wet don for all points. North Ma Bay Liae,, daily except Sunday, and daily via: Richmond and ali- Night train makes close connections at Woldoa lor au points uuna via auuwuMu. .... .. . i Sleeping Carn attached to all Night Trains. . JOHN F. DIVINE, MnovSS-tf General Snpt. i i General Snp'ts Office, j XVIXi WtlNGTOSf , COCUCTBI A & A t-t OC8TA K la. COBISAK . Change of Schedule. 1 ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 23d, 18m the following Schedale will be run on this Read; Day Express ana Mall Tram JDailri Leave Wilmington 9:t0A. M Arrive at Florence :00 P? M Leave Florence. .... 8:60 JVM, Arrive at Wilmington . 840 P. iflOHT EXPRB88TBAIN (DaUy) Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Arrive at Camden Junction Arrive at Columbia .. Leave Columbia... . ... Leave Camden Junction Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington . 10:18 9. M4 8: tO A. Mi 4:16 A. ili 9:00 A. M; 5:00 P. M, la:00 M. 7j 60 A. M4 This Train stons onlv at Whiteville. Flemlnirton. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points MB.a C. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. . Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Florence, Charles ton junction ana usmaea duacuun,. Throuzh Sleeplnz Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Augusta and Columbia. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do net make any connection for Columbia. dim.! jr. uivuiBi nov 89-tf Gen'l Supt. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. 3f-W iiiMiafi'U Miiirrt-fc-rnMEta mrv OrnoB Gbitsbal 8trPBanmixDairT 1 WUfflingtohi N. C, June 7, 1879. ) Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated oa this Railway: PASSENGER, rTT. AND EXPRESS TRAIN : ) Leave Wilmington at 7:00 P. M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at 3:27 A.M. I " Charlotte at. 8:t0 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 8:35 P. M. No. 8. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:33 A, M. t H Wilmington at ........ 9:50 A. M. No. 1 Train is Dally except Sunday, but makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. t Train is Daily except Saturday . SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS . I Leave Charlotte 8:40 A.M. MO- f Arrive at Shelby 13:30 P. M. . ,n (Leave Shelby 1:15P.M. i-10 f Arrive at Charlotte 5:05 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 5:35 A. M, Arrives at Laurlnbiirg 4:00 P M. Leaves Charlotte : 6:80 A. M. Arrives at Laurihburg 4:15 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:80 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:30 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg ; 6:00 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington ... 4:30 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections made at Charlotte with Trains of A. C. A. L. R. R. and A, T. & O. R. R Passengers for AshevHle via either route, leaving Wilmington at 7 P. M., wlU arrive, at destination at 9 P. M. next day. Sleeping-Car aocemmodattons on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. my 17-tf General Superintendent CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington! Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR Capt, JONES, MILL SAIL FROM NEW TORE, Saturday, April 3. tar" Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. JEl For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N.C. Tbeo. O. Eger, Freight Agent, - New York, W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf 85 Broadway, New York. Bank of New Hanover. Aathorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in $300,000 nrplus Fnnd 50,000 DIRECT ORB. JOHN DAWSON C M. STEDMAft D. R. MURCHISON ISAAC BATES, DONALD MoRAB -IAS. A. LEAK EL. VOLLKR8 a F. LITTLE R. R. BRIDGERS . S. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. 8TRDMANi President ISAAC RATES, Vice President; ; 8. D. Waixaos. Cashier angjfr-if High-Bred Dogs,, English, irish and- GOHKJNSBTTatRS, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigree For sale by X. P. WELSH, York, Pens nov 7 D&Wtf . . . i j u, t ' - -.V v.i'-ii -ljfS 'Xi the.-. BROW! Ctaana the Seed better, Run Llshter, Clrui Faatdr Alia poet. Less Money than any xttier Oln 1 tha Marvel Cveiytnacnine fully ancllasaHy guaranteed. -1 iL a a. ft Tmsiv nurlAujl bm mHjh !aT tha haaS materials, and tha mork iinhipanrtflBigharoTmrrrened.; Save been awarded pranrama at all the Uto fairs, QeergJa Alabama, Tcxaa, etc Upwards of SOW of our Giro are to constant use In the southern states, over K00 haylngbeen sold ldli870. Prtoe List of Olns. feeders w4 Condenaera V Awed -ready for shipment ami dellyered at oar factory. COTTON GIN mm ( t o ; Mn. Pita) wtth Frloa'vlth Sizes. otS: BeU Tender SeU yaedar and umg' or OflmnjDDCT. pondenser. 41 so saw a76 00 ; ( ioo oo jmoo 40 " 100 00 .. .. USM WOO s ty m . usee i4a - it m 60. " 1S . lft H6 CO 60 10 00 " .190 00 230 00 70 " too oo ; . .t. sesos. taoo 80 " 10000 83SW tSiOO . W Terms tfven on Applloatlonae From tut to USB weiaannjEacturedGlnsat Oohnnbus, Ga., tmdor- the' firm -name - of XL T.- TATLoa A Co., afterwards Oucicohs, Bbow A pa, aad aoade what was then known as the Taylot Gin. Duringtbeyeaj-1868 weremoyed tothls plaoet wbare w hayssaao excloalvely eagaa-ad in m&nu-factarlna- Gins eyerainoe.. With long-azprieaoe, the best labor Baring- machinery and skilled workmen, we possess adrantaces notenjoswfby aay Otkernianntseturer ia our line, for proaneins; ne bkbz were xor wae-uujn money. Th dAimuid last yaar waa-ao aMaS tha nearly SSO ordera remained unfilled, but we haye doubled our soanufacturina eavaoity aod hope to be abletomee aUaeHaanda, still it is thewiaesa plan, to neat your orders In early. Send for Illustrated paiajttiiet giving voluntary tetumtmUilm -froakovarSoaiSreyeotnrprfcdng planters. Presses, Sninea and oosnjuete outfit xunusiiea whenaearea. Aaareu ;i (. i COTTON GEN CO arsw London, coinr. ' ; " iJOHN DAWSON A CO., Agents. mh IS D&W5m Wilmington, N C. ' :' iv -i r DPfAWINCS & PRICES MnF bv as a S f.M la I N H AW. , Prices In Englaud. $68.00, (79.75, $89.25, $100.00, $135.00, $150.01, Delivered in New Tork, duty and all charges ii. - elusive : . $103.38, $117.79, $131.97, $150.53. $184.38, $31S.0C. The above maye ordered "Full Choke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now making small bores of Nos. 14. 16 and 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in ow?r to the larger bores. weight or so-JBore from ox lbs. T 1416 " 6)4 " 13 - 73d- " "- 10 ' 8Ji " Our "Giant Grip? Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at tho Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We reaped fully refer to the following gentlemen, who have.purchat cd and are now aainar our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham. ItM mond nounty, N. C Cap:.. D R. Murchlson, Wilmington. N. C CoL B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. '. James A. Leak, Esa .. Wadesboro. N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C J. A W. TOLLEY. Pioneer Works. 8t- Mary's Square, oct D&Wtf Birmingham. Bntrlaud. Boneset Bourbon Tonic. REGISTERED. An ELEGANT-COMBINATION of BONESET and other fine tonics with a pure Old Kentucky Whiskey, such as connoisseurs approve and invalids must have; not a drop of any other spirit is used. A rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tor.ic for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, Ac. Delicate womeB, over-worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out nurses, sufferers from bron chitis, and the feeble of every age and class will find It a delightful invlgorant. . , - CHAMBERS A BROWN, mh 17 DfcW6m t . ' Louisville, Ky. GE ATS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK THE GREAT, TRADE MARK KNGLIBH KitM- EDTv - AavunfaiU. ing cure toy pem ual : .weakness. Spermatorrhea, vjnrooteaeyv 'and aOtofftfSrLthat., . IVUv VV a H f . BJO- ooeacv Jot - Self' Asni&jt iM or tum TAjr.Iia.Mmpry. Univer AFTER TAUI0. sal Lassitude, Pain; in, the Back, Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Cdnsbmptien, aaff a 'Premature Grave, w--. ' i.-' I t(sy. . : ; ' iarFull particulars in our - pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one ' - EyThe Speclne Medicine la sold by-aU JSrurgists at $1 pr paekage, or six packages for or wulbe sent f ree ov mail oh receiptor the money, by ad- t dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. o. luaiecoaiMcs- ioca-usnaoit men. Sold to Wilmington by GREEN A PLANNER, Wholesale and Retail,, and all Druggists every where, mh 5 D&Wly MARBLE r.i O fl U f.T E W T s Grye; Stones. 'FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW TORE PRICES DESIGNS SENT BV MAIL. WORK ; .PACKED AND 8HTPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. BICH1RO WATHAfl Sc. CO., '. ST IafSFetc"tlaee, New York. Wsthan's Monumental Designs, to book form, for sale to the Trade. -s4rv dec 4 1)Wk PRESCRIPT10M FREE : Tor the speedy Care efSemlaalWsataesa, Lost 1? Haahood, Prematare Debility, Seryoasaesa, Deapeadeaey, CoaAratoa ef Ideas, AVeralea to 1 Society, Befeettve Memory aad all Disorders - Brooa-ht oa by Secret Habits and Excesses. Any dnrxflst has the Iagredieats. Address, DR. JAQUE3 A CO.; . 120 West sixth et, (aEanriiAii, oekx feb lS lyDAW ; '' r': ' IT. A, STEDIIaflIT, Jr. l Attorney and CotiiiUot at KLlZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. i Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, eccopied by RtoaldlACO. ; ... ; Special attention te Claims."' OWecttons on sums of $100 and upwards ipade for Five Per Cent, if without salt Drawing Deeds, Mortgages,-Ac X specialty. ap5-DAWtf ...... --afc'lC- a' m a Ska- m