THE MORHIIIG START By WW. H. BERMARB.', i lil.lSUKD DAILY EXCEPT; ATOXUars. hates of snnscBirnoa la 4Mamoi : vear (by mall) postage paid,. ... ..". $7 uu tlliOjW"- M U lift 4lI months. . w W - - ! to City Subscriber, delivered In any pan of the : , v Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are aot authorixed to collect for mare than three months n advance. .- " ' MORNING EDITION. uttered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, Sn as second class matter. , OUTLINES. Gen. Hatch's command and three ban ned of the Mascelero Apache Indians had sfi.'bt; it lasted six boors; the Indians re treated and Hatch pursued. . The Liberals' net gain in England is 97. - German Parliament discusses the Arm? bHl Hart, negro, still leads in the wakiog match. The negro cadet Wbittaker was examined; he stood firm to bis first report; a piece of the belt found belonged to an officer, and Wbittaker had cever been one. The wife of Presi dent Diaz, of Mexico, is dead. Wil liam StedmaD, a law student at Marshall, Texas, shot himself. White frost at Vicksburg. The Purcell House, Nor folk, V., was damaged by fire to the ex teat uf $9,000; the guests escaped without injury. Hart, the champion in the New York walking match, was presented with a haDdsoma sash by a quartette of ladies; he completed his 565 miles at 9.34 last night, making the best time on record. Y. markets: Money 56 per ceut; cotton steady at l2J12c; Southern flour heavy at $5 2o7 25; wheat ilc better, at 12513o; cjrn K&ljc better; spirits lurptrntine quiet and steady at 31c; nwia q..:--! at 1.42,. The Sherman and Blaine leaders in South Carolina are combining auinst Grant. Mr. Ignatius Donelly asks the Committee on elections to investigate the Manning-Springer matter. Tht Sherman men are engaged just nuw in a mighty big whistle to keep their courage up. A gain of one vole elates them beyond measure. The latest from Washington con cerning the Maitin-Yeales contest in the First North Carolina District is that it, wiil be disposed of at once and in fav-er of Martin. We give it, bot we expect it will be contradicted before a week ends. It is th i?!, tbat Mr. Stephens says that Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia will not for one moment listen to the nomination of Mr. Tilden at Cincinnati. a litter appears in the Phila delphia Record written from Utica, N. Y., which announces with great wositiveness that Mr. Seymour will contest with Tilden for ihe votes of the New York delegation. This leads the Record, an independent paper, to say : "If this be true it mkes an end of Tilden aud opeoa wide the way for either Sey mour or Bayard." The effort to harmonize in New York has again failed, through the obstinacy of the Tilden set. They decline any compromise or affiliation with any other organization that will not pledge itself to support the nom inee of the National Convention,who ever he may be. This, of coarse, shuts the door in the face of the Tammany people. They will never support or agree to support Mr. Til Jen, we take it. Tilden's desire for office is consuming. It consumes him and threatens to consume his party. o pints Turpentine. Mrs. Siddons had a fine audience at Raleigh. A snow fell at Raleigh on Thursday, It was three inches deep. The fourth session of the Uni versity Normal School for teachers will begin at Chapel Hill on the 24th of June, and close on the 28th of July. The Raleigh Memorial Associ ation has decided not to change Memorial Day from the 10th of May to the 26th of April, as proposed by the Wilmington As sociation. Greensboro Patriot: The opera tors in the telegraph office at the depot were stunned and almost paralyzed yester day morning by a charge of lightning which came in on the wires during the storm. Raleigh Observer: JThe fancy for forming fishermen's associations is on the increase. A number of the ponds hereabouts have been leased for a term of years, and several of them have been stocked. - Thanks for the information bat we are under the impression that Senator slangum was named Wtxie and not Willie. as our friend writes it. Warren Neto$. Our impression is it was neither. We think be wrote it Wiley. Stab. Rockingham Spirit: On Friday night of last week, two colored prisoners. Confined in Onr rnnntw nn h.rrrea nf larceny, effected their escape by removing Eorae bars from the grating in one of the windows of the cell in which ther were .uuunea. -Shelby Aurora: The Charlotte Obserusr tells of a woman who said she re membered when the Catawba river was a very small stream, being then in its in fancy. That rcminHa no -if lha mar. ahn kept bis grandfather's little pistol until it grew to be a double-barrel shot-ran. and swore that he expected to keep it until it " oig cannon. Statesville A friends of Mr. John J). Brown, of Balis- ""7, wm De pained to learn of bis death, which sad event occurred at bis home in VOL. XXVI.-NO. 18. that place on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Brown was a native of Fayelteville. Mr. Best is making an effort to lease the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad. This act ought to afford a key to all Qf his ope rations in North Carolina, if any are able to decipher it. Does it show that the Penn sylvania Central is at the back of Mr. Best, or does it show tbat he is preparing to sell and assign the Western North Carolina Railroad to some other company at a large profit? r Asheville Journal: A heavy haif storm visited the Western part of this state on .Monday last, doing great damage to the growing crops along the Blue Ridge range, from Jefferson, in Ashe county, to the Hickory Not Gap, Buncombe county. On Monday, the 5tb lost., at the Swan- nanoa stockade, Chapel Tweed, Deputy Sheriff of Madison county, delivered four convicts. Two were white. They were all convicted of larceny. Aaheville is rapidly improving in the way of buildings. Some ten or more are now in construction. Most of the peaches in this immediate vicinity are reported to have been killed by the frest. Winston Sentinel: The dwelling house of William Johnston, of Surry, was burned on last Wednesday. Miss Sallie Pate, a competent and deserving young lady, has been tendered and has accepted a position in the solicitor's office at this place. John Rousseau, need 94, the oldest man in Wilkes county, died on the 17th of March. At Nazareth. Pa on the 26th of March. Rev. Charles Kinge breathed bis last, at the advanced age of 79 years. The deceased had, during his life, filled many important positions in the Moravian church, one of which was as administrator and proprietor of the South ern Estate of the United Brethren's Church, at balem, rt. u. - Charlotte Observer : It is not generally known that a letter M is stamped on the neck of the Goddess of Liberty which adorns the new dollar of the daddies-. It is a pretty good test of counterfeit. To one who does not know its exact position it is right hard to find. The Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad still stands ready to put up the wires and instruments tor a telephone line between Charlotte and Statesville, if the people aloDg the road will furnish the posts. It is stated that Col. J. G. Clark, who has just resigned the position of superintendent of the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, 1b to be consulting engineer of the Richmond & Danville Railroad with the several lines it controls. Salisbury Watcunan: Mr. Best also wants the N..C. Road, which will give him a continuous line from Paint Rock to Fort Macon and the Atlantic. If not a humbug this gentleman means business on a very large scale, for he evidently contem plates a line of steamers in connection with his roads. There was a public meet ing held here Saturday for the purpose of reviving the Salisbury & Wades boro Rail road Company. The meeting was well attended. Addresses were delivered by John S. Henderson and J. M. Gray, Esq. Resolutions were adopted with reference to a new organization of the Company, and for a county meeting to be held in this place on the first Saturday in May. Raleigh Observer: Justice Bar- bee yesterday issued warrants for a large number of women of Utile decency and les3 virtue who congregate in low bar rooms and around the maiket. The charge is vagrancy. Twenty-six of these characters were hauled up beiore toe. Justice. u u now saia mat tne statement mat me guage of the Western North Carolina Rail road is to be changed to five feci is a canaid. Those so fortunate as to be present at Tucker Hall last evening en joyed the richest and rarest intellectual treat ever spread Derore toe naieign punnc. Id fact, the appearance of Mrs. Scott tiiddons may well be chronicled as an event in our history. She won favor last evening from the moment when in all her beauty she stepped upon tne stage. Elizabeth City Carolinian : There is a good deal of uneasiness in Demo cratic circles about this District. The engineers on the railroad have reached the Virginia line, ana tne graaing is uciog pushed forward. One thousand hands are advertised for. The doubts of the skepti cal are disappearing. The road will be built, and speedily, loo. We see that Rev. F. C. Woodward, the eloquent pastor of the Methodist church at this place, has been selected bv the Y. M, C. A., at the Chapel Hill University, to deliver the annual address before that body at commencement. Something worth hearing may be expected. The whalers camped at tne soutn enu of Hatleras woods saw a couple of whales close into the shore one day last month, and put out in their boats and fastened on to one of them. After an exciting chase of about two hours, during which they were unable to get near enough to the whale to kill him, tne other whale rose under the boat and tossed it into the air, smashing it and capsizing the boat's crew into the water. They were soon picked up by an other boat and again fastened to the whale, but night coming on they were obliged to cut their line and let him go,' he having towed them oat near the outer end of Hat teras shoals. So far they have been unable to capture any whales this season, but hope to do better between cow and the 20th of April, when they break camp. congressional ExeentlTe committee. WrxiONaTON, N. C, April 2, 1880. The Executive Committee of the Demo cratic party for this (Third) Congressional niatrirt will meet at the Purcell House, in Wiiminrrtnn nn Wednesdav. the 21st of April, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Those unable to attend, will please notify the Chairman and send proxies. Chaa. D. Myers, Chairman. ap4 d&wtf. Tnermomeier Reeora, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta 64 Augusta. 08 Charleston, 66 Charlotte 65 Corsicana, 71 Galveston 71 Havana 73 Indianola, .78 Jacksonville 67 Key West........ 72 Mobile .69 Montgomery 68 New Orleans,.:.. 69 PuntaRassa,. ...69 Savannah. ....... 66 Wilmington,... .63 "You can't come it," said a customer to a druggist who endeavored to palm off his own mixture when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was asked for, and Bull's be got. Price 25 cents a bottle. Lira Papms. To the Hairla News Stand, south side Front Street, we are Indebted for copies of the New York lAdgt, Chtme Cornr and anA Lullf $ lUvtiraUd Ntwpafxr for the current week. The Stand will remain open, until 11 o'clock tus morning. TBE KORNHfO STAB can alwayabe had at tne following places In the atr : The Purcell Boose, Harris' News' Stand, and the 8ta Office. Morning Ft WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY. APRIL 11, 1880. NUW AUVKBTlSBinBNTS. 100. , Dteb & Bos Sam. A. Davto Clothing. Munson Something new. Jomt Hbdbick Best goods. C. W. Yates Velvet.frames. P. Ctjboong & Co. Sundries. H. C. Pkkkpbbt Barber, &c. 8. 8. Nobthbop Soda water. Mrs! 8. N. Pottbk For sale. L. Vollkrs Nice resh goods. Jas. C. Muhds Mineral waters D. A. Smith & Co. Furniture. F. M. Kino & Co. Sam cook. J. Dawsou & Co. Grain cradles. Pakkkb & Taylor Parker cook . Boatwriqht & McKov Elected. Hkiksbkhgkr Books, pianos, &c. P. H. Hayden Carriage factory. Stevenson & Co. Four cent flour. Harbison & Allen Spring styles. Hqwey Gent's low quartered shoes. McDotjgall & Williamson Work. . Wilmington Dyeing Establishment. P. L. Bkedgkhs & Co. For Baltimore. Giles & Mtjbchison Ice cream freezer?. Gebhabdt & Co Buggies, &c, for sale. Mat.t.abt) & Bowden Harness, bridles. Altaffer, Price & Co. Sash, doors, &c. Annual Meeting - Wil. Com.&. W. II. Co. Kerchneb & Caldeb Bros. Corn, flour, bacon, coffee, &c. Local Dots. Second Sunday after Easter. Days length 13 hours and 2 mi nutes. The political excitement has subsided. Changeable weather predicted for to-day. From a private letter received from Statesville we learn that it was snow ing there on Thursday. Brunswick Superior Court meets at Smithville one week from to-morrow. Judge Eure will preside. The Criminal Court adjourned yesterday morning for the term, after dis posing of quite a number of important cases. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses during the past week, one of which was to white and two to colored couples. There was a heavy frost in this section Friday night, and it is expected that considerable damage will ensua to early vegetables and fruit. fcnow fell to the depth of about two inches at Fayetteville on Thursday. It had been preceded by a heavy rain, how ever, and soon melted and disappeared. The thermometer indicated 37 degrees in the Stab office early yesterday morning, being one degree higher than on the morning previous at the same hour. We learn that on Monday the health officers will inaugurate more vigo rous sanitary measures, looking after tbe cleanliness of the lots more particularly. The pulpit of the Fifth Street Methodist church will be filled at the usual hours to-day; in the morning by Rev. Frank H. Wood, andjn the evening by Rev. Jas. W. Craig. We are glad to hear that Messrs. Hinson & Cumming, of New York, whose suspension was announced a few days since, will resume business to-morrow, and that the firm is entirely solvent. The meeting of the visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, which was postponed on account of the weather, will take place at Hook and Ladder Hall on Tuesday, the 18th instant, at 4 p. m. St. Paul's (Episcopal) Rectory will be opened to-morrow (Monday) eve ning, at 8 o'clock, for another of those Penny Readings, which have been found so charming heretofore. Wilmington's favorite singer will again be present and add her usual attractiveness to the occasion. mortuary. There were four interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yester day, two of which were children and two adults. One of the latter Mrs. Jane Sel lars, a native of Brunswick county was 96 years of ege. Bellevua Cemetery reports one inter ment an adult. St. Thomas Catholic Cemetery reports one interment an adult , brought here for interment. Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery reports three interments for the week one adult and two children. Dr. Prltcnard'e Lector. The next attraction at our Opera House will be the lecture by the Rev. TH. Pritchard, D.D., President of Wake For est College, to be delivered on Tuesday evening next, the 13th instant, under the auspices of the Wilmington Library Asso ciation. The theme selected is "The One Thing Necessary to the Development of North Carolina," and our friends may rest assured of a rare intellectual treat. Dr, Pritchard. is a Ood elocutionist, and withal a very pleasant and entertaining speaker. Slandering Women One Mary Fails was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday morning. charged with slandering Sarah Holt. This action was based on section 1, chapter 156, Laws of 1819, to proteft women "against persons who may attempt in a wanton and malicious manner to destroy their reputa tions." The defendant was ordered to en ter into a bond in the sum of 50 for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. Oar Chnrenei Xo-Dajr. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Joseph R. Wil son, D.D., Pastor. Service at 11 a. m. ; no service at 7 p.m; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting ; Tuesday and Lecture Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, -corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. No services at 11 a. m. services at 8 p. m. by Rev. Dr. Wilson. Sabbath school and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every "Wednesday at 8 p.m. Scats free. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8p.m.; Sunday School at 3 p.m.; W. M Parker, sup't. Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ing and Preaching Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church sts. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 9J a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 7i o'clock. St. James' Church, corner Market an Third sts. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Rector. Second Sunday after Easter. Celebration at 7 a. m. ; Morning Prayer at 11 a.m. ; Sun day School at 8i p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. St. John's Church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George Patterson, Rector. Second Sunday after Easter. Cel ebration at 7i a. m. ; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clk; Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 4 p. m. St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 31 p.m. Seats free. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school at 9$ a. m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7ip. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7-i o'clk. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 71 o'clk. Strangers invited to pasticipa'e in the ser vices. Second Baptist Church, on 6tb, between Ch-rch and Cattle streets. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m?, and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Sunday school at 9 a. m. - St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. Q. D. Bernheim, D. D. Sunday school at 91 a.m. English service at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Services at Tileston Upper Room every Sunday, at 31 P. M., under the auspices of the Christian Union. Public invited. Seamen's Bethel. Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap ain. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. Prayer meeting eve ry Tuesday night. 8t. Lewis' Chapel, corner Seventh and Bladen streets. Rev. John H. Lewis, pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 31 o'clock, p. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m. bt. Mark's (colored) episcopal unurcn, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 71 p. m. sun- day school at St. Barnabas at 31 p. m. Coo urination class at tne cnurcn 4 p. m. During Lent daily morning prayer at 71 o'clock; evening prayer at 5 o'clock. Seats free. St. Luke's A. M. E. Zion Church, corner Seventh and Church streets. Rev. G. B. Farmer, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 and 7:30 p. m. The public are invited. &6&ts free First Presbyterian Church, (colored), 8th and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 71 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. ffi. First Congregational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday ser vices at 101 a.m. and 3 and 71 p. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 71 o'clock. First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at 91 a. m.; preaching atlUl a. ni., i p. m. ana 71 p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastor. Third Baptist Church (colored), between Castle and Queen on Ninth Street. Rev. B. H. Filly aw, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7pm.; Sunday school at 9 a.m. See fourth page for other local news. CITY 1TJEB1S. ' - Chew Jackson's Bbst Sweet Navy Tobacco. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only rename cure, circulars mauea iree. Aoareea j. &. kee yes, 43 cnatnam su. . x . hook KnrTnT TraHoims Stab Book Bind ery does ail kinds of Binding and Rulirc in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of CONQRB88 WATER. None genuine sold on draught. Its superiority as a cathartic and altera tire consists in its entire freedom from every thing bitter, acid or crude tbat produces neaaacne. inter nal soreness, and tends to destroy the mucous mem brane. All mineral waters that are dangerous irri- ants may be known by an acid after-taste. PROFIT, $1,200. "To sum It up, six long years of bed-ridden sickness, costing $300 per year, total siytuu; au or inis expense was sioppea y uiree bottles of Hod Bitters taken bv mv wife. She has done her own housework fon,a year since, without tne loss or a day, and l want everyDoay to Know it, ror tseir Denent. n. je. jrarmer. FIN EVKNGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports nidi is uTimi w iuq aaTwuj9ciuaik wi jmlcbo&o. v . w W. Tolley, manufacturers of fine breech-loading to order according to specifications and measure - lllOULO 1 UlUUSUrju, KUIUB CXlCUXliAK U lgus awa.s 1 v 4-s. HIGH AUTHORITY. Dr. W. B. Scott, Presi dent of the College of Physicians, Montreal, writes 'I have recommended Colden's Liebur's Liquid Ex tract of Beef and Tonic and Invigorator asjihe best preparation used for Debility, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, jrever. Ague, ana .loss oi Appeuie." Gxsek A Flahkeb. Agents, Wilmington. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the nrescriDtion of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used ioruurty years witn never-railing aaretyand suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the reeoie iniant of one week old to tne aouiw it cor rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, re gulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and com fort to mother and chila We behove it the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases ef DYSENTERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bot tle. None Genuine unless the f ac-sunile of CUR TIS PERKINS Is on the outside wrapper. Bold by all Medicine Dealers. 95 cents a bottle. 3 r " St a m . Xo-Day'a Indication. Warmer, clear er partly cloudy weather, southwesterly winds, falling barometer, generally followed by winds veering to cofder northwesterly and by rising barome ter, are tbe indications for this section to day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Annual Heeting. fJHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of the Wilmington Compress and Ware house Company will be held at the Bank of New Hanover Hall, on Saturday, the 17th Inst., at IX O CIOCK M. UJSU. BliUAN. ap 11 St su sa Secretary and Treasuier. YalnaMe Real Estate for Sale. QNK OF THE MOST DESIRABLE RESIDEN CES In Wilmington, with handsome Lot and Gar den, corner of Second and Orange streets. Terms very easy. Apply on premises. ap 11 1W MRS. BA'li a. JrUZTJEK. Mineral Waters. JJUNYADI JANOS AND FRIED RICH8HALL (Bitter Waters.), Congress "C," Saratoga "A," Ha- tuorn, jtxceisior ana vicney, r or erne oy JAMES C. HUNDS, ap 11 It . Druggist A Rhyme for tbe Times. The skies are fair; Earth's robed In green ; Tbe political outlook is all serene. And what there has, or what might have been. Ought not to prevent your clothe being clean. For the dust of the "canvass" must be mushed away. And the spots taken out ere election day, At the W1LMLNUTON DYEING EST AB., ap 11 tf Market, between 2d and 3d Sts. 1 gPRING AND gUMMER 'TYLES. HARRISON St ALLEN, Hatters. ap It tf Sam Left an order for his weddiag suit. His Underwear, Linen and Ties; From the crown of his head 'to the sole of his boot. Hell be furnished by us till he dies. Likewise many others, and their orders run Early and olten to Dyer and Son. ap 11 tf Something New. gIGNAL SERVICE BAROMETER, or STORM GLASS AND THERMOMETER combined We have them. M UN BON, Clothier and Merchant Tailor . ap 11 It H. C. Frempert, Y7ASHION ABLE BARBER Ss HAIR DRESSER, A? respectfully announces to his friends and pat rons that he may still be found at his saloon. No. 7 South Front Street, where he will be pleased to serve au wno may ravor mm witn tneir patronage. none dui r irui uiass worsmen employed, ap 11 tr Popular and Superior. THE NUMEROUS SALES AND RETURNING testimony la a cmarantee of the SUPERIORI TY of the "PARKER" Cook over any thing of the kind in the market. He ivy stock of TIN WARE, made by ourselves, on hand and cheap. Low down isourngure. ap 11 tf PARKER Ss TAYLOR. In Stock. COMPLETE 8TOSK OF STANDARD AND Miscellaneous BOOKS, and all the latest Publica tions of the day, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. A Bare Chance. SECOND HAND PIANO AND ORGAN, IN perfect erder, as good as new and at half price. Call at once if you want a bargain, at HELNSBERGER'S, ap 11 tf 39 and 41 Market st. Our Four Cent Flour TELLS THE TALE. -y-E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUP ply of Preserves and Jellies by the pound. Feach, Pine Apple, Cherry, Blackberry, Orange, &c. Coffee, all grades; roasted and ground daily, so you can get fresh at any time. Try our 75-cent Tea, Ferris' Hams and Strips, B. St CHams and Strips, Shoulder Butts. Candies always fresh. The Chiquita is very popular. J. C. STEVENSON St CO., Brooklyn, ap 1 1 tf Just over the Bridge. Frost King Soda Water. rpflB FROST KING MATTHEWS APPARATUS, with new end handsome Improvements, has opened for the season, dispensing fare Soda Water, with a large variety or Choice syrup. At 8. G. NORTHROP'S ap 11 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Say TTTHICH SIZE YOU WANT (NUMBER 6. 7. 8 YV or 9), and we will forward to your Depot a BAM cook stove, with u census ana pipe, to Be uaid for to vour K. R. Agent if pleased with it. If not don't take it. Guaranteeing it will work to your entire satisfaction or may . be returned and money reran aea. csena ror uut ana rnces. ap 11 tf F. M. KING Ss CO. For Men and Boys. rpHE BEST GOODS SOLD N THE CONTI nent are manufactured at Salem, N. Oi Just re ceived a great variety, which will be sold at Low races. ap 11 tf JOHN J. HSDRICK. 400. QUR FOUR HUNDRED WHITE VESTS IN stock and sold this season. Our reputation for keeping the largest and most varied assortment or IMPORTED and DOMESTIC DUCK and MARSEILLES VESTS will be MAIN TAINED, and we now offer some of the prettiest that can be found In the Northern Market. (1 CO ONE DOLLAR $1 00 win tuy a nice Stylish White Vest at ' A. DAVID'S, Where also can be found a MAMMOTH STOCK of Clothing for MenTouths, Boys and Children, ap lltf Gent:s Low Quartered Slioes. LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF Gent's Low Quartered Shoes, comprising all the novelties In that line, notably a Light Top Low Quartered London Toe Buttoned Shoe. This is decidedly the nobbiest Shoe in tike Market. THOMAS H. HOWRY, an lltf - No. 47 North Market st. WHOLE NO. 3,950 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Baltimore ! QUR P. 11. HAS GONE 0?F TO BALTIMORE this week to replenish the stock of Stnlford's Coffee, the sales of which have astonished the natives. He will return in a day or two with some other Nov elties. Meanwhile we have Hart &, Leary's Pepper, Direct Importation, prepared at 23, SL Mary's, E. Cheapside, London. A splendid article. Also BOSTON BAKED BEANS, in cans. . Oyster Bay Asparagus. A favorite vegetable in the Cuisines of the Huh. A few cans of which' will make any man spout poe try like a native of New Zealand or the Cannibal Islands. For the Ladles we have unpacked an assortment Flavoring Extracts, and some nice paper boxes of RED, WHITE AND BLUE ROCK CANDY, which, ;soaked in Stuart's Rye, will cure Consumption in three weeks. And if you want Cigars and Tobacco, We have on consignment, from Richmond, a few select varieties. Also, Toilet Soaps, in endless profusion. Our success in business Is to be attributed to the fact that, besides all the ar ticles to be found at the smaller Groceries, we keep on the watch constantly for every thing in the trade which can gratify the cultivated tastes of our customers in town and country. Polite Clerks, a spirit of accommodation, elegant and well light ed Sales Rooma-and fair profits, and customers are welcome whether they come to buy or to look at Goods. No one will be disappointed. LNo charge for showing Goods, and no dissatisfaction afterwards at P. L. Bridgers & Co., 2) 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St. Wilmington, N- C ap 11 DAWtf Bpatwright & McEoy STATED TO YOU IN THEIR t LAST ADVERTISEMENT THAT They were Candidates. BO THEY WERE. Make no Mistake about that. Now they are hapr y to Inform you that all or the Townships and Wards have been heard from, and they have been elected BY A LARGE MAJORITY ! AS THE Best Grocery Bouse in ky of f iliiigton We are sure the District ard State wiil sustain them. Boatwright & EIcKoy, 5 and T NORTH FRONT ST. ap II D&Wtf Corn, Meal and Hay. 5000 Bueh CORN' 5Q0 Bosh Water Mill MEAL, 400 Bale8Cnoice hay For sale by ap 11 tf KBRCHNER St CALDER BROS. Flour. Flour. Flour 300 Bbl Bob Wbite FLODR 400 Bbls 6911X1118 do 800 Bbls J'LocrR various grades, For sale by ap 11 tf KBRCHNER St CALDER BROS Bacon and Molasses. 150 Bie Sm andD- S- SIDES, OAH Hhds and Bbls New Croo AW CUBA MOLASSES, Jill I D18 uia iTop ana . u. MOLASSES. For sale bv ao 11 tf KBRCHNER CALDER BROS. Coffee. Sugar. Bice BaS COFFEE, all grades, O Bbl9 SUGAR, C, Ex. C. and A, O Bbls Carolina RICE. For sale bv ap 11 tf KBRCHNER St 'CALDER BROS. 100 T ABY CARRIAGES. We are aeents of the re- AJ nowned Whitaev's Manufz Co. Carriages, and offer them Wholesale or Retail at Manufacturer's price. For durability and elegance they surpass all. For sale at the NEW FURNITURE STORE of BEHHENDI St BI UN ROB, S. E. Corner. Market and 3d Su., ap 11 tf Wilmington, N. C. Nice Fresh Goods. BEEF TONGUE. S. C. HAMS AND 8HOUL ders. Table and Cooking Butter, Coffee. Sugar, Flour. Cakes and Crackers, Cabbage, Apple Butter, Dried and Green Apples, Twin Brothers Yeast Cake, CDcoanuts. Lemons, Barley, Split and Green English Peas, White BeansSouced Pie Feet, a full line of first class Family Groceries, Tobacco, Ci gar. Wines. Liquors. - ap 11 tf 28 and 28 South Front street. . .ItiTBSOP AOVGRllVlNC. -- . One Square one day , . i 1 1. -2 a.. $l Off""' " two day,. ... ; r .-,.Tt-ii t 76 ,V - three days, ....... ..,-'4 M . -nire 0ya-.. i.i S-60 - One weeny.,v..... .-.... 4M ' .'Two weeks,..,.,......"..-'.- . 6 50r " , Thrcweeka,. ...t.. 8 80- " ne month -. 100 1' Two months, v ...wHW . Three months,..: .. 34 00 . - . : si.nL.Hu - . . . -,Att till """" " One year,.-,...,. - tf. 60 U0 Precontract Advert! eement. taken at proot ;-. tionately low rates,, ." ' f. 1 Tea lines salld Nonpareil typ make nw square, r - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.:- V." ltf . CnO.M LY, A UCtlonccr. - BY CRONLY St MORRIS. 7 Tahatle Real Estate at Auction rrHAT VALUABLE PIECE OF REAL EST ATV, Two Story Brick Building and Lot, upon Princess,' between Front and Second Streets, the late rest- dence of B. Baxter, deceased,' duly advertised and V? salepos'ponedby J. I. Macks. Commissioner, will be sold at Public Anction. at Exchange Corner, on . ; WEDNESDAY NEXT, April 14th at It o'clock M. . " ap 8 tds .s: M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY St MORRIS. City Bonds at Auction. ON WEDNESDAY, April 14th, at 18 o'clock, M., we will sell at Exchange Corner 1 $10,000 City ef Wilmington Six Per Cent. Honda. ' ap 8 tds Itt. CKOMLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY St MORRIS. rpHAT M08T VALUABLE UNIMPROVED LOT, 66x830. Nor h side of Ann 8treet. running from Fifth to Sixth Street, will be told at Auction on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 14th Inst, at U M.. at Ex change Corner. Terms a sale. ap8tds AN INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED ft Stock of Furniture solicited. Another invoice of those handsome and well made POPLAR and - WALNUT Chamber Suits of OUR OWN MANU- FACTURE received to-day. and will bs sold at . Low Prices D. A. SMITH A CO.. ap 11 tf Furniture Dealois. . ' Velvet Frames and Easels BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT; FIELD CRO QUET, all prices; Family Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Ac, &c, at ap 11 tf YATES' BOOK STORE. Ice Cream Freezers. QOOCH St BLATCHLEY'S Upright and Horizontal, For sale cheap by aplltf GILES St MURCH1SON Sundries. RAIN, HAY, BRICK. FEED. Ac . And the BBST BOLTED MEAL in the city. PRESTON CUMMING Si CO.. ap 11 tf Millers and Grain Dealers, Grain Cradles. WE ARB THE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR the Celebrated Grant's Southern Pattern Grain Cradles, lhese goods are given up to be superior to all others. We rave a full assortment in stock, and at as low prices ss the inferior article. Send your orders to the Old Established Hardware House of ap 11 tf JOHN DAWSON Ss CO. Work! Work!! Work!!! McDOUGAL Si WILLIAMSON'S CARRIAGE SHOPS IS THE RIGHT, BBST and cheapest place to get your Carriages, Bug gies, Carts, Drays and Wagons built and repaired. Harness made and repaired on short notice. Paint ing and Trimming a Specialty. Horse-Shoeing carefully executed. Give us a trial. On Chestnut, Between Front snd Water Sts., ap 11 tf Wilmington, N. C. Lecture. THE REV. T. EL PRITCHARD, D. D., President Wake Forest College, will deliver a LECTURE, for the benefit of the Library Association, at the OPERA HOUSE, on TUESDAY, APRIL 18th, at 8 o'clock P. M. Subject : "The one thing necessary to the development of North Carolina?' Admis sion S5c. Tickets for sale at the Book Stores, ap 10 8t nac For Sale, rpURPENTINB STILL AND WORM. In good condition. Capacity Eighteen Barrels dip. Bids solicited. Address ROBERT B. E. LODGE, sp 10 lw Box 487, Newbern, N. C, Brown tt Roddick 45 Slarket Street, 2BUTTON KID GLOVES, 85 CENTS A PAIR,"' In Opera, Spring and Dark hades; Sizes BX to 7. A BARGAIN IN SWISS TIES. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS A Full Line. BROWN St RODDICK, mh 31 tf 45 Market 8 tree L We are Making All kinds of DRESSED LUMBER, Sash, Doors, Blinds. JND ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK AT OUR Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut S reet. Call and Examine. ALTAFFER, PRICE Co.," -apll tf Office, Nutt, near Red Cross 8t. Carriage Factory. V I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON m AND M Y ' make of Carriages, Buggies. Wagons and - Arvl Drays: Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Collate, il it Ste. PataUng, Varnishing and Repairing done at short notice Call and examine and get your money's worth, at' P. H. HAYDENS, ' ap 11 tf Third, bet. Market and Princess st - Our N EW STOCK OF HARNESS, BRIDLES. SAD dies. Tiuuka. Ac have arrived, and are now ODfm.- We have the largest assortment ever brought to this market. All the latest styles and Improve ments. Old Stand. No. 8 South Front SL, aplltf MALLARD BO WD J&N, For Sale, 20 TOP BUGGIES, ' IS Open Buggies, lO Carriages, " -1 lOO Sets of Harness. Repairing done in all Us branches by Skilled , Workmen, at ap 11 tf GERHARDT st GO'S,

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