4 HE HOBIIHIG STAE; Gy WO. H. BEIINARI). x" :l" BLISHED DAJJ.T EXCEPT MONDAY r HAT 83 0 StTBSCRIPnOK IS ABY&IKTS'f -' juc year, (by mail) postaga paid,. . . , M .lix months, ' . . "......,- 00 To City Subeeribers, oenveredln n&yparjt of the -:v Fifteen iblb wm. vaiy Agentamre ;'n; authorised to collect far mere than three mentis n advance. - - --t;,;ir-,. f MORNING EDITION. iintered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. tt, as second class matter. OUTLINES. The ship Anna Morris, from Bremen for Baltimore, went ashore bear Cape Henry sod will prove a total loss. Major McLean is driving Victoria's band of Apaches in Arizona. A- planing mill and sash factory were destroyed by fire at St. Louis; loss $50, WO. Five negro incendiaries were sentenced at Greenville, S. C, yesterday, to be bang Jane 18tb. The argument in the Yeates-Martin c.tutested election case from North Carolina will be begun in Congress next Monday. De Lessep9 has arrived at London. The massacre leporled at the Burmese capital is deoied by a Rangoon dispatch. The defeat of Mr. Parnell'a candidate at the Coik County (Ireland) election cre ates great surprise. Lorillard'a Colt Wallensteiu was badly beaten in the races a! New Mtrket yesterday. Wm. S. Scruggs, of Georgia, has been confirmed as U S. Consul at Canton. Tne Court of Inquiry in the alleged outrage on Whit laker, ihu colored West Point Cadet, is a ll in sessiou;no conclusion has been leached. A fire at Reams' Station on the Petti sburg & Weldon R-tilroad was communicated to the track; cross lies were burn', rails Warped and trains delayed, y s;erdy. Another crevasse is re puted on the Mississippi, near New Or- eaus The President of the Board of Health of Memphis denies the report of yellow fever at that place since last summer. The forest fires in New Jersey are still destroying valuable property. N Y. markets: Money 64 per cent; ,i!..u ti:m at ll$ai2c; Southern flour j n-,1 ami weak at 5 257 00; wheat heavy Jind lUc lower; corn about c lower, un uradeu 5153c; spirits turpentine dullaud lower at 32ic; rosin quiet at $1 351 40. There are some papers that like to see it written Newyork. There is no accounting for taste. Louisiana Democrats have set Acklen asid. It is thought that he will ruu as an Independent and be supported probably by the Republi cans. Last Sunday's New York Herald contained 4,446 advertisement?, a greater number than ever before ap peared in any one paper in this country. Tlie District Attorney, of Phila delphia, has been challenged to fight a duel by one of the persons con cerned in the duel already repotted. It may Lecorae epidemic yet. The Richmond State and Whig have appeared in new and tasteful dresses recently. The State is a fa vorite with us. The Whig is able and might be belter employed. The Richmond Dispatch's letter from Washington, of April 15, says: "A r.umber of Congressmen have said to your correspondent to-night that they are certain Mr. Tilden will not be before the (Cincinnati Convention." During the year 1879 one million and a half hogs died, valued at $10, 500,000. This is from reports in 1,193 counties only. It is supposed that it would require $20,000,000 to cover the entire loss. The leading Republican paper in Michigan is edited by Mr. Bingham who is now in Washington. The Dispatch letter says: "He says that if Grant is nominated 15, 000 Republicans in that State will bolt, and that Michigan and Wisconsin will become doubtful States. He nrges the Michigan Convention to instruct for Blaine." John G. Lamb, a native of Phila delphia, died on the 14tb inst. He was for forty-three years a clerk in Ihe first comptroller's office in Wash ington. His father held the same position during forty-three years. So father and son worked for eighty six consecutive years in the same clerkship. Senator Voorbees is credited with having made an excellent speech in behalf of the Mexican veterans on Monday. The Washington Post says of the pension claims: "If there-is" any part of oar National ob ligations more sacred than any other, if there is any item of the annual budget in which the people take special piide, it is the pension appropriation. There are ways enough in which we can economize with out being stingy to the brave men who fought under the National ensign." The editor of the New York World is named Hurlburt. He is in Wash ington and is reported by "Bildad" in the State as saying: "He says Randall will be defeated in the rennsyivania Convention, and lhatTilden's name will cot be before the Cincinnati convention." As he is not in the confidence of neither Tilden nor Randall he may not know really any more about it than any other man in New York or Washington. - -r'?i.r--'" J r ii--rv v -7 X VOL. XXVI.NO. 22. It is said the Presidential question absorbs everything in Washington. lilden is still at work trying to cap ture Republican State delegations that will vote against the Democratic nominee. Hancock's and Field's friends are hard at work. The Wash ington correspondent of the Rich mond Dispatch writes: "You hear very little of Mr. Hendricks. but his friends here are not idle, and the members of his club I found to-day send ing off. documents by thousands some to Virginia. Tbe action of Louisiana has stimulated the Hancock men amazingly, and they, too, are hard at work in and out of Pennsylvania. Field's organization is a capital one, and is doing a vast amount of work. Not only has his dissenting opinions been spread broadcast over the whole coun try, but I bear they are to be published in hundreds of newspapers. They say to night, aa they did last week, that the con test is between Field and Seymour. Mr. Thurman, who is the ablest American statesman in public life, has a following, bat it keeps quiet and is doing nothing to wards advertising his claims." It is believed that Pennsylvania will vote for Hanoock. Tbe same correspondent stumbled upon a squad of four Democrats from Connecticut, New York, Virginia and Missouri, and they were all for Seymour, "be cause, they said, he could certainly be elected." As between Grant and Blaine the following speculation from "BildadV letter in the Richmond Stale will be read with interest: "Private advices received here from the North state that Grant will have but two delegates from the six New England States on the first ballot, which is a sad falling off from tbe large calculations tbe third termers have been making. Two delegates from the interior of New York State write in a tone that hints at a revolt against Conk- ling's programme; and information of the same character comes frequently from Penn sylvania, but is stoutly denied by tbe Uraot men here, and by -Don Cameron himself. Cameron certainly feels sure of his power over the Pennsylvania delegates for the first ballot; bat they boast at the Blaine headquarters that Blaine will turn the unit rule against Grant 'at the proper time,' and hold almost the entire Pennsyl vania delegation ; that they will feel secure in doing this because tbe sentiment of two thirds of the Republicans in that State is for Blaine. Blaine will have one-half of Illinois and all the Pacific States, except Nevada, which will-support Grant." Spirits Turpentine. The corner stone of a Baptist Church has just been laid at Charlotte. Col. Wharton J. Green will deliver tb9 memorial address in Raleigh this year. Reidsville Titties: "Lawd, lawd, they're talking of Zab. Vance's being mar ried a'ready. Roll on, vain world." .The Methodist Advance has im proved steadily since its first number. It is a vt ry neat and desirable religious paper. Wilson Advance : As a general thing the farmers in this section have planted much larger crops of cotton than ever before. Greensboro Patriot: Rumor has it ibat tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company has recently disposed of its entire interest in tbe Richmond & Danville Railroad Com pany, to whom, we cannot learn definitely. New Berne Nut Shell: A tele gram received in this city, announces tbe death from paralysis, in Baltimore, on Tuesday, of Mr. Moses VV. Jar via, an old and esteemed resident of New Berne prior to tbe war. Alamance Gleaner: Work on the factories goes merrily on. The Big Falls Manufacturing Company are pusnmg tbe work of building their new factory rapidly ahead. Tbe walls will be com pleted this wees. Machinery will go in mis fall. Warsaw Brief Mention: But how is it in our State? "Everything for tbe cause, nothing for the man," should be the sentiment. Gen. Scales is the strong est man, it is thought. Then Gen. Scales is the man, for undoubtedly we need tne strongest man. The Snow Hill Advocate states that petitions have been forwarded to Hon. W. H. Kitcmoat waaningion, memorializ ing Congress to grant an appropriation for the survey of MocaSin river, from tbe point at which it empties into tbe Neuse to tbe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, covering a distance of 75 miles, more or less. The Hon. A. M., Scales, who re cently visited bis home in Greensboro, is reported by tbe Patriot saying: "I believe Gen. Grant will be nominated. The men who usually manipulate conventions will be largely for him, and he will probably distance all competitors. While this is so I do not believe he is tbe strongest man. There are many elements of opposition combining against him." Ground was broken on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad last Saturday. There were no speeches and no music The Greensboro Beacon says : Hon. D.'F. Caldwell filled tbe first wheelbarrow, and Andrew Joyce, Esq., of Danbury, moved off with it and dumped it on the road-bed. Then the following, in tbe or der in which they are made, each rolled one -Wheelbarrow of earth : James W. Albright, R. T. Fnlghum, J. A. Gray, W. P. Van story, W. A. Estes, Sheriff of Stokes, Lyn don Swain and Dr. J. K. Hall. Raleigh Observer : There are now 710 pupils on the rolls at tbe white graded school. Tbe Democratic Con vention at Oxford instructed tbe delegates from Granville to vote for Gen. Cox for Congress. Mr. John L. Finch was buried at Durham on Monday, with Ma sonic and military honors. He was a mem ber of the Durham Light Infantry. Seve ral of bis friends from Raleigh were pre sent. Snpervisor Card well has com pleted the tub-division of the twenty-five counties composing his district ,into enu merator's districts. Tbe number of such districts is 313. Fayetteville Banner We re gret to learn that the still, 159 barrels of toi pentine and 750 barrels of rosin, the property of Messrs. Autry & Culbretb, were burned at Starling's Bridge, in this county, on the evening of the 7th Instant. Supposed to be the work of incendiaries. No insurance, At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fayetteville MOENING; BTAR WILMINGTON; N. C, SATTJEDAY. Graded School, held in the Town Hall on Monday afternoon, Mr. J. H. Myrover was elected teacher to fill the vacancy occasion ed by the resignation of Mr. John B. Broad foot, who has accepted the position of teller tendered him by the People's National cans. Charlotte Democrat: We learn that two negro children were burnt to death in a house on the plantation of Mr. James JtUDg, six miles from Monroe. The rather and mother left the children alone in tbe house, .when the children probably began playing with the fire, and set themselves and tbe buildine on fire. Same old story. -r It is now thought that the road from Knoxville up the Tennessee river through Rabun Gap to some point in Georgia will De Duut. it does not advaoee tne in terests and welfare of the colored people to organize military companies. The Ob server says there "are less than five hundred men in this city who pay a poll tax." Why is that so? Why are not all who are iiable to a tax made to pay? Are there not at least one thousand men in Charlotte liable to a poll tax? Charlotte Observer: The new colored company did make some organiza tion Tuesday night, and will perfect it on Monday night next at Centennial Hall. ' The Hornet's Nest Riflemen, at their last meeting, received several additional members. The armory has also been en larged, and will be nicely fitted up. Mr. Best and his associates, Messrs. Fish, Grace and Tappan, left New York night before last and are expected to go up the Western North Carolina. Road this morn ing to attend the meeting of the private stockholders of tbe road at Hickory to-day. It is understood that these gentlemen will make efforts to purchase all the private stock they can. It is probable that Mr. Best will make some announcement of his policy at this meeting, as he goes on to Asheville in a few days with his family, and takes charge of the road as soon as the transfer can be made, and the necessity for reserve will no longer exist. Charlotte Press: The Tate Bros, of Mountain Island Mills factory, we regret to learn, sustained a loss of $2,500 on yesterday, by a destruction of their dry ing establishment from a defective flue, which ignited the Wood work and burned tbe entire structure. No insurance. Charlotte will be still more the City of Rail roads If the "Pittsburg Southern," which is heading this way is built and it has been started, and from the way the surveying party is at work between Statesville and WinstOD, the Virginia Midland ia coming. But after all, one large cotton factory is worth a Railroad. Several of these and a few tobacco factories will tend more to make Charlotte what she is destined to be, one of the large cities of the country, than anything else. Logan Harris, of Ra leigh, in his last letter to the New York limes, tells lots of things, some of which may be true. He says Gov. Jarvis and Tom Holt are one and the same, and will work together. Holt is to be Lieutenant Governor, and when Jarvis gets Ransom's place in the Senate. Holt will be Governor. (Very likely! When the skies fall you will catch larks. Stab.) Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. R. J. Soutbcrland. a very clever merchant of Mount Olive; had the misfortune to lose his pocket book while in town here yester day morning, containing about $300 in money, a deposit certificate for $400 on the Bank of New Hanover, payable to Mr. Robert Williams, and some other papers. Col. Wm. A. Allen, of Duplin, was in attendance at our Superior Court this week. We are assured by prominent Duplin De mocrats, that Duplin will give Col. Allen a most enthusiastic and undivided support in the Congressional Convention. To supply a want long felt in this county, we have just completed a contract with Prof. E. P. Tucke, a competent civil engineer and draughtsman, for a large and complete "map of Wayne county," which we hope to have ready for sale by the 15th of November next. The case of Deems 8immons, colored, for the murder of Mr. Lanier, was called in the Superior Court Monday, according to appointment. Richlands corres pondent: lam informed that the Onslow and Jones pocoasin road will soon be cut through. It is a direct line and very level, and a pretty sight to see it Mr. C. Ste phens and others went to Newbern to-day to meet on matters connected with tbe road, and to apply to the Penitentiary Board for the twenty-five convicts who are to work on tbe road until completed. Hurrah for tbe Onslow pocoasin road! It is a fixed fact, and will put as ten miles nearer to Ne bern. TJE3TEJ CITY. NEW ADVBBTISEIRBNTA. Munson Ahead of all. J. C. Lomsdeh Icq cream. J. C. Munds Mineral waters. DkRosset & Co. Roe herring. 4 H. D. Gilbert Bakery reopened. W. C. Fergus Commissioner's sale. Statement Orient Mutual Ins. Co. Hall & Peabsall Iron clad matcbef. Postponement Annual meeting Wil. Com p. & W. H. Co. Local Dot. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday. Captain H. D. Gilbert has re opened his bakery in the new Market House. Mr. James C. Stevenson has been appointed Chief Marshal for Memo rial Day, and has accepted the same. We notice from the Raleigh papers that Rev. Mr. McPherson, wife and daughter, are assisting Rev. Mr. Black in a revival at his church. After all its ups and downs, spot cotton sold in New York yesterday at the same figure -11 cents which it brought the same day one year ago. We learn that at the fire yes terday morning, the "Little Giant" played through about two thousand five hundred fee,tof hose, getting her water from the cistern corner of Eighth and Dock streets. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Company has been post poned to ; Monday, the 26th inst, at 12 o'clock,- when it will take place in the Bank of New Hanover Hall. An exchange says: A one-armed negro boy in Augusta has saved four persons from drowning. This is nothing, however, for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has saved thou sands from consumption. - . t lNCENDlABlsra. Tbe Fire Yesterday morulas. Yesterday morning, shortly after o'clock, fire was discovered issuing from the residence of Mr. Herman Hinlze, on Market, between Thirteenth v and Four teenth streets. The alarm was given, but the party starting it had to run to the cor ner of Market and Seventh streets to reach a telephone box. In " the meantime the flames had spread rapidly, having comma nicated to the store, with dwelling above, owned by Messrs. Adrian & Vollers, and occupied on the second floor by Dr. T. B, Carr. tbe store being untenanted. The fire department arrived promptly on the ground and were instrumental in saving same of the neighboring buildings. The two buildings first alluded to were totally consumed, scarcely a vestige being left be sides the brick foundation and chimneys. The fire was first discovered by Mr.Veaney, residing'on tbe opposite Bide of the street, who shouted fire and then huriied to arouse the occupants of Mr. Hinlze's building, consisting of his children and their nurse, Mr. Hintze himself being absent. The door of the room occupied by tbe nurse and the smaller children had to be burst open, and they narrowly escaped with their lives. Fire had been set to the house, no doubt, and it was apparently placed in such a position as to cut off the escape of the nurse and children from their room, which was on the second floor of an addi tion to tbe main building, tbe lower floor being used as a dining room. Tbe villains had placed three barrels filled with com bustible material on a line with the divi sion between the main building and tbe addition. But for tbe prompt discovery of the fire by Mr. Veaney tbe children and nurse, Ellen Smith,- would no doubt have perished in the flames. As it was, they es caped with nothing but what tbey had on their- backs, tbe entire contents of the building, with the exception or a few articles of parlor furniture being consumed. Mr. Hintze lost, besides his furniture, all of his late wife's jewelry, all of his books and valuable papers, including notes, ac counts, deeds, etc , and $115 in money which he had collected the day previous. Dr. Carr, with the assistance of friends, including members of the fire department, succeeded io saving about all of bis furni ture, a small portion of it, however, being ia a damaged condition. Mr. Hintze bad $1,000 iusurauce on bis dwelling and $500 on household and kitch en furniture, in the Royal, of Liverpool, represented by Mr. Norwood Giles. Messrs. Adrian & Vollers were insured for $2,100 on building and store fixtures, in the Franklin, of Philadelphia, represented by Mr. Norwood Giles. Dr. Carr's loss on furniture was covered by insurance in tbe Wilmington Mutual, represented by Mr. S. N. Cannon. Since writing the above we learn that Mrs. Von der Leidta, a German lady, em ployed as housekeeper by Mr. Hintz?, lost about $209 in clothing and furniture, upon which there was no insurance. Tbe nurse also lost her clothing and effects. Not a a AflrajV We find that tbe item in our last, headed "An Affray in Pender" does injustice to at least one of the parties mentioned. Mr. Mahn, who is now in the city, informs us that there was no affray; that he was not a willing party to the difficulty; that he went to Mr. Barden's place at tbe solicita tion of his (Mr. Mabn's) brother, and ac companied by him, to look after certain stock which he claimed Mr. B. held with out his authority and sanction, with the view of making a personal demand for the same; and that upan making such demand, and endeavoring to secure possession of tbe property, be was assaulted by Mr. Bar den be (Mr. M.) only acting in self-defencc,and in the interest of justice and peace. We knew nothing personally of tbe affair, and of course intended no reflection upon Mr. Mahn as being otherwise than a peace ful, law-abiding citizen. Champion Alligator. There was a huge alligator on exhibition at the head of the old market house yes terday afternoon. His alligatorship was shot and killed by parties on the steamer John Davison, during the early part of the afternoon, about sixteen miles up tbe Black river. It is said to be the largest alligator ever seen in this section, measuring just eleven feet in length, five feet across the arms, eighteen inches from the tip of the lower to the tip of the upper jaw, and sixteen inches across the mouth; bis weight being estimated at about four hundred pound?. Tbe monster's mate, about the same siza, was killed at tbe same lime, but sunk to tbe bottom of the river, and could not be secured. His alligatorship attracted as large a crowd as the "Lightning Calcu lator" or Dr. Red Syn. Tbe Infanticide Case. The jury of inquest in the case of Susan Waddell, colored, met at the Court House yesterday morning, at 10 o'clock, and after deliberating some hours finally returned a verdict that the deceased child came to its death through tbe intentional neglect of its mother, Susan Waddell. The girl was subsequently committed to jail without the benefit of bail, provision for ber accommo dation being made in the debtor's room for tbe present. - Lecture. Judge Cant well.w ill lecture before the Historical and Scientific Society on Tues day evening, the 20th lost, at 8 o'clock, at St. James' School Room, his subject being "Fort Johnson." Tbe public are invited to attend. APRIL 17, 1880 To-Dafi Indication. Falling barometer, warm shifting to cooler westerly winds, partly cloudy weather and occasional rains, are the indi cations or this section to-day. Alarms of Fire. The roof of a dwelling on the corner of Seventh and Church' streets caught flre at about half past 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing, but the flames, were extinguished without much damage, by the prompt ap plication of a few buckets of water. There was no general alarm . A regular alarm was sounded about 12 o'clock, caused by tbe ignition of the roof of a building in tbe neighborhood of the Cape Fear Fibre Works. The employes at the Messrs. Kiddei's mill made a simulta neous assault upon the fire and squelched it without the aid of the fire department. Conntr Convention. ' The Democratic Convention of New Hanover county will meet at the Court House this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Democratic Congressional and State Con ventions. It IV EH AND fflaHlNE. Schooner John P. Eelsey, Stedman, hence, arrived at Baltimore on tbe 14th inst. Schooner John Douglass, Parker.bence, arrived at Point-a-Pitre on the 18th of March. Schooner B. H. Drummond, Higgins, hence, arrived at Bath, Me., on the 12th inst. TUB ill AILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: ' CLOSE. Northern through mails. ..... 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A. M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. j Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points Boutn, daily.. 5W A. M. and 7:45 F. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y ) daily (except Sunday). . 6:00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 8:00 A. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Cnarle8ton ...... 8:00 A. M. Fayetteville,andofBceson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays. ... 6.-00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . 6 :00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) a KK) A. M. Mails for Easv Hill. Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at 6:00 A. M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at r 12:00 P. Mt OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails 9:45 A. M. Northern through and way mails...-. 7:00 A.M. Southern mails 7:30 A. M.J Carolina Central Kauroad. . . . 10:35 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:80 A. M. to 6.-00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. ' Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. Ia regions where Liver complaint and Bilious diseases prevail there has long been felt the need of a medicine that would act specifically on the Liver, be safe from after effects, and yet so simple that it might be used by any one. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills supply this want They are prescribed by the most eminent physicians. CITY 1TEBIS. Chew Jaoksox's Bxst Sweet Navy Tobacco. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sore cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable core. Circular mailed free. Address J. K. KKSYJKS, 43 Chatham St. N.Y. FINBlENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. & W. Tolley. manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England . Their gnns are made to order according to SDecincations and measure - ments furnished, Ithua ensuring the right crook, lengtn or block, oc BOOK BIKDHBT. THSnORITUiie STAB BOOk Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other wo,mayreiy on promptness in tne execution oi their orders. CONGRESS WATER. None eenoine sold on draught Ita superiority as a cathartic and altera tive consists in its entire freedom from every thing bitter, acid or crude that produces headache, inter nal soreness, and tends to destroy the mucous mem brane. All mineral waters that are dangerous irri tants may be known by an acid after-taste. Extract of Report frem the Celebrated Physician, Erasmus Wilson, of London. England: "Several se vere cases of incipient Consumption have come unaer my oDservauoa tnat nave oeen enrea oy tne timely use of Colden's Liebig's Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigerator." ' ubikk & jtlahhxr. Agents, wunungton. THE GREATEST BLESSING. A simple, pore. harmless remedy, that cores every time, and pre vents disease by keeping the blood pore, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, Is the greatest messing conierrca upon man. nop miters is inac remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and eared by It Will you try it r see anotner column. MOTHERS'! MOTHERS M MOTHERS ! ! 1 Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your res bv a sick child snfferins: and erring with the excru ciating pain of catting teeth ? If so, go at once J SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There Is not a mother on earth who has ever nsed it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the moth er, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ef one of the oldest and best female physicians and noises in the TJnited States; Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. omca COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., April 10, 1830. ESPECIAL NOTICE. Judge Brown, of the United States Circuit Court, on March 81, made the following decisions: r. That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. S. That Its drawings are not fraudulent. . The Postmaster General has therefore rescinded his order against the delivery of mails to this Com pany; - Registered Letters will be delivered and Postal Orders paid aa formerly. The Nineteenth Drawing will take place April 89th. Send orders to I R U RntnnifAN nrnirlw.TAnn.l RtriMllir. I Louisville, Ky ., er 897 and 309 Broadway, N. X. I WHOLE NO. 3,954 ;onsreeaioBsu Executive Committer. Wilmington, N. C, April 2, 1880. . The Executive Committee of the Demo cratic party for this (Third) Congressional District, will meet at thePurcell House, in Wilmington, on Wednesdsj the 21st of j A full attendance is earnestly requested. Those unable to attend will please notifv the Chairman and send proxies. . Chas. D. Myers, Chairman. ap4 d&wtf. Lias or Appointment by Blahep At kinson, for hli Spring Visitation. Washington, Third Sunday after Easter. . April 18 Zion, Beaufort county, Monday.. ..April 19 Bath, Tnesaay St. James' Chu, Beaufort co, Wednesday. . April 21 Makelyville, Hyde county, Friday April 23 Swan Quarter, Saturday .'. April 24 lrge Hyde co., 4th Sun. aft. Easter'. April ss Fairfield. Monday , April 26 Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday Apiil 30 Newberne. Fifth Sunday after Easter May 3 Beaufort Tuesday jjay 4 Kinston, Ascension Day " " .-" May 6 Roly Innocents, Lenoir county, Friday .".".'."May 1 -Wilmington, Sunday after Ascension.. ... .May 9 St. James' Church, Morning: m St Paul's Church, Evening. Warrenton, Whit Sunday May 16 Ridgeway, Monday May 17 Henderson, Tuesday Mav 18 Oxford, Thursday. Mav 20 Kittrell's, Saturday. Mav 22 Lonisburg, Trinity Sunday. , !".'.!.".'." May 93 Quarterly Meetings; Fen the WmnHSTOH District, Methodist B. Chxjboh, South Second Round. Whiteville Circuit, at Way man, Waccamaw Mission, at Lebanon, Wilmington, at Front Street Do. at Fifth etreet, Brunswick, at Macedonia, Smithville Station, Topsail, at Rocky Point. New River Mission, at Oak hill, Onslow, at Jacksonville, Duplin, at Providence, April 17-18 April 34-25 May 1 2 May 8 9 May 1314 May 15-16 May 3223 May 2930 June 5 6 June 1213 Jane 1980 vunton, at saiem, L. S. Bvbkqsad. Presiding Elder. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Postponement. rpflB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of the Wilmington Compress and Ware house Company has been postponed to meet on Monday, 26th inst. at 12 o'clock M.. in the Bank of New Hanover Hall. GEO. SLOAN. ap 17 2t 17 25 Secretary and Treasuier. Roe Herring. FEW KEGS NORTH CAROLINA . , , . ROB HERRING, Just received and for sale by P 17 It DuROSSET & CO. Capt. H. D. Gilbert JJAS REOPENED HIS BAKERY AT THE NEW MARKET. Will have FRESH BREAD for sale this (Saturday) morning. Friends and patrons are reauested to endorse their tirimta or han than. in and get new ones, as many of the old tickets uavc uccu iuu an 17 It Ice Cream ! Ice Cream ! J BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that I have reopened my Ice Cream Parlors for the please order on Saturday. ay ii i i. J. C. LTJMSDBN. Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate. T Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A DE JL cree of the Superior Court ef New Hanover couuiy. maae in tne case or Washington C. Fergus and wife and others, ex parte, the undersigned Com missioner, appointed by said Court, will exnose for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auc tion, at the Court House door, in the city of Wil- iuujkhmi, u munaay, me aisi aay or May. 1883, at 12 o'clock M., the following describedReal Estate, situated in the city of Wilmington, and bounded as follows : 1st Beginning in the eastern line of 2d Street at a point 198 feet from the southeastern intersection of u ouu Aim Dixeets, running tnence southwardly with said line 66 feet, thence eastwardly parallel wiui Ann street ik reet, thence north parallel with 2d Street 66 feet, thence westwardly 165 feet to the beginning, being tbe west half of Lot 4, Block 114. 2d. That other tract beginning at a point in the wwktu uae oi oa street oo reet north or the north western intersection of 3d Street with Nnnn Ktroflt. running thence north with said line of said west eiae oi aa street to reet, thence west parallel with Nunn Street 165 feet, thenea sonth narallel with sm Street 66 feet, thence east parallel with Nunn Street 165 feet to the beginning, being east one half of Lot o, xuuco.114. W. C. JTiSRUUS, ap 17 oaw6t sa Commissioner. Ahead of All TS -OUR "KING" OF SHIRTS. Another case opened makes our stock of sizes perfect Call and sappiy yourselves at MUNSON, Clothier and ap 17 It Merchant Tailor. Mineral Waters. TTUNYADI JANOS AND FRIEDRICHSHALL JUL (Bitter Waters), Congress "C," Saratoga "A," Ha- taorn, Axceisior ana vicney, For eale by JAMBS C. MUNDS, ap 17 It Druggist Iron-Clad Matches. PARLOR AND SULPHUR MATCHES, In Iron Boxes, Palm Soap, Babbi t's Pure Ball Potash, Potash and Lye in Iron Cases (O. 8 ) Laundry Soap in great variety. Candles, Starch, Ink, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags and Twine, Baking Powders, Horsford's B. P. Blacking and Blueing, Candy, Crackers and Cakes. Send orders to ap 17 D&Wtf . HALL to PEARS ALL. ValflaUle Real Estate for Sale. QNE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE RESIDEN CES in Wilmington, with handsome Lot and Gar den, corner of Second and Orange streets. Terms very easv. Apply on premises, ap 11 lw Mks. SAM'L B. POTTER. Brown & Roddick 45 Market Street. 2'BUTTON KID GLOVES, 25 CENTS A PAIR, In Opera, Spring and Dark Shades; Sizes to IX. A BARGAIN IN SWISS TIES. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. A Fall Line. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street mh 21 tf Grain Cradles. WE ARE THE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR the Celebrated Grant's Southern Pattern Grain Cradles. These goods are given ap to be saperiorjto all others. We have a fall assortment Send your orders to the Old Established Hardware RAnianf - V ap 11 tf JOHN DAWSON ft 0. season, ana am prepared to furnish ICE CREAM made of PURE CREAM, at 50 cents per quart. Parties wishing Ice Cream fnr Rnnnftv rilnna. will RATESOP 4PVBRIKINU. $1 DA three days,.,, ,,,.V)...,..t,.. 8 M - "four days,. .,.,.., 00 ' , - S ' , - An days,.,,.. 8 -One waek..-: '-.it . ':';::-.-i.Li;i:.4 ltd---- Two week,...., ........ 80 Three weeks,. .-.. v. ...,.;. -8" 80 Oaemonth,.....,. 10 00 Two months,.. .... noo Three months,... ,... 2400 u - . - : - - . six montns,... .. 4u w ; ;.-h- . iarContract AdvertUementr taken " at propot i5---tionatafcr tow.fatafc'.K?: " .N.iC""-T Tea Ones solid Nonpareil type make one square.' " 'NEW advertisements: S T A T E Kl E KKT Shewing the Condition of the ORIENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COi Of New York.. ASSETS. December S'sU 1879 : Value of real estate and ground rents - - -. :t owned by the Company, (less the " . amount of encumbrances thereon). 3 0 0.29 lft Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other re states, also all other stacks and bonds absolutely owned by the Com- - ,-s Danv ssi nrn on Interest due and accrued on stocks and other securities.. 519ifa Cash in Company's principal office and , Deionging to the company, deposit ed in Bank T04ft75 Premiums unoaid 4a.ioi an - All other assets, detailed in statement 8.253 43 Total Assets $1,10.043 15 " LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, including those resisted 134,315 00 Reserve, as required by ' law 144.765 10 All other claims 84.954 39 Total Liibililirs. 294,034 49 Surplus as rezards oolicv holdc ra.. . . . t2fi or 8 s Total Income. .'. 631,100 8 1 Total Expenditures. 535,0(5 35 - NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 187). Risks Written (Marine and Inland). Premiums received Losses paid on risks taken Losses Incurred l,01t,0 5 CO 7,858 61 1,171 73 1,171 7 SAMUEL NORTHROP, General Agent, Wilmington. N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OFFICE OF SECEETARY OF STATE, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. RALEIGH, 14th April, 1380. In compliance with Section Eight of "An Act concerning Insurance," ratified March Uth, 187T, certifythat the above is a true extract from the sworn statement of the Orient Mutual Insurance Company, of New Tork, to December 81st. 1879 now on file In this Department and the statement is hereby approved. W. L. SAUNDERS, ap 17 It Secretary of State. Boatwright & McEoy STATED TO YOU IN THEIR LAST ADVERTISEMENT THAT They were Candidates. SO THEY WERE. Make'no Mistake about that. Now they are hapry to Inform you that all of the Townships and War is have been, heard from, and they have been elected BY A LARGE MAJORITY ! AS THE Best Grocery House in city of Wilmington - i We are sure the District atd State will sustain them. Boatwright & McKoy, 5 and T NORTH FRONT ST. ap II D&W tf Spring Lambs. NOTHER 1LOT OF THOSE FINE SPRING LAMBS, to-day and for the next thirty days, at the CITIZEN 8' MARKET. Good Beef and Vegetables always on hand, ap 15 tf T. A. WATSON A CO. Hats! JEW SP8ING STYLES I HARRISON to ALLEN, Hatters ap 15 tf Ice Cream Freezers. riOOCH to BLATCHLEY'S Upright and Horizontal, For sale cheap by GILES to MURCHI80N . ap 11 tf Frost King Soda Water. rpHS FROST KING MATTHEWS APPARATUS, with new and handsome Improvements, has opened for the season, dispensing Pore Seda Water, with a " large variety of Choice syrup. At S. G. NORTHROP'S . ap 11 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. OF OUR LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED Stock of Furniture solicited. Another Invoice of those handsome, and well made POPLAR and WALNUT Chamber Suits of OUR OWN MANU FACTURE received to-day, and will be sold - at Low Prices. - - D. A. SMITH CO.. -aplltf Furniture Deal e is. AN INSPECTION "C1 ' " " j Work ! Work ! f Work III, MoDOUGAL WILi.TAMSON'S , . ' -f CARRIAGE SHOPS 18 THE RIGHr, BEST - 1. J mrf thtuiMt rAatt tn vet ronr Carriazes. Boe- v gies, Carts. Drays and Wagons built and repaired. -H .rnM.miilA Mil Kmairnl an abort notice. Paint- ' - ing and Trimming a Specialty. Horse-)? hoeing carefully executed. Grre as atrial. - - t UDjestnat.Betweenron.iiwaMwpiBw- v: , aplltf Wilmington, N.C - I t . - . - -kA. h -t- " f MA 1 4 1 i J. Jft 1 -i V ' - - C i . : ,4 til HI ,4. 4- . - ' x u - 1 ' - O 4 r . lis - , : '.'.ft'"' t- p . r 2-. 1 .1:

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