THE HOBITIITG STAR; By ra. n. BEIXWARp. : - " : 5v fT-;" V fCL!SUKD DAILY -IXCSPT-ICONDAYB. bates o 8trBacrrTiOJ ni assures:"- k y oyvow pajd.., ... $7 w pares n""- , , j oq JTo!catnT8ab8riberi, delrveredta any part of the , Fifteen Cents per week, i Our City Agentt ere ; In thoriied to collect far more than three meathe n advance. . - MORNING EDITION, entered at the Poet Office at Wilmingtoa, N. C., ft aa second-class matter. OUTL1NR9. T Got. Wiltz, of Louisiana, has issued a proclamation establishing a rigid quaran t;Qe The J oly interest on the Lou isiana State bonds is to ba pai(r promptly. . a fishing fleet was swamped at the mouihf Columbia riveri and twelve men were drowned. Sundry artlea, in cluding salt in bags, books and periodicals, have been placed on the free list by a Tola of the House. Outram & Co., cotton miDufacturers at Prestori, Eng., have sus pended. Two men I were killed and two fatally injured by a gas explosion at Sbori Mountain Colliery, Pa. Ten nessee Republican Con rent ion refused Iq instruct delegates to Chicago ; a large anli Graut Republican meeting was held at Louisville, Ky. Senator ; Wallace re ported on the Rbode Island disfranchising aw. George B Roberts sooceeds Col. Thomas Scott as President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. A freght train was wrecked and several per sons wounded no I lie Richmond & Peters burg ttiilroad. The delegates elected id the Cincinnati Convention from New Hampshire were unioslrucicd, except to adhere to the two-thirds lule. The days of tree towns in Germ my are said to be numbered. There is a glaring dis crepancy iu the financial results real zU in Ia-.IU :ial thde promised; a difference f thret; u tivu million pound?. ; There wure only four delegates to the Greenback C.mvcn'ii n nl Greensboro yesterday. Ni.-- York markets: Money 54 per ceul; cotton steady nt lliSHJc; Southern flour qjiet ud uuchanged? wheat lQlc better with a moderate export and speculative busings uiuTHiitd red $1 241 28; coin ifo lietLL-r and moderately active ua graded 50J(g52ic; spirits turpentine quiet tud s'.e.idy at &2c; rain dull at $1 S7i 1 42. During the week nine Stale Con vtutious are to meet. The crops in the Northwest have improved within a few days. The Supreme Court of the United States is no-enjoying a recess until the 10cb. The number of Republican dele gates that will be choseu this week is just 110. The House refused to amend tho law so as to make the manufacture of applejack free. The dry goods business iu iTew Vork is light. Sprague's shirtings have btica reduced to six cents. Some of the Republicans in Con gress do not approve of Uayeb's last veto performance to help his party. The Charleston News and Courier, always one of the best and hand somest, is a beauty in its new 6uit of type. Senator Vance did not speak at the large Democratic mass meeting at Winchester, Virginia. Senator Voor hees opened, Senator Gordon fol lowed, then came Senator Pendleton and others. Mr. Forster, the new Chief Secre tary of Ireland, is a Quaker. His wife is a daughter of the famous Dr. Thomas Arnold, of Rugby, and a sis ter of Matthew Arnold, poet and critic. There was a circus in Washington the other day. The House adjourn ed at 2 o'clock. The performance was at thafhour. We do lot say there were any thing special in the coincidence. We only note the fact. The Stab has been asked several limes lately to advocate this or that man for some special office. We treat all alike. We advocate no one's claims for any office within the gift of the people of North Carolina. But for this serviceable and independent rule we shoald be flooded with letters We publish elsewhere the Poet Laureate's last poem. It was sent by cable to the New York Herald. It does look as if the great poet does not believe in immortality. There is a stanza in that greai poem, "In Memoriam," that squints very strong ly towards universal salvation. Seymour is said to have a very large following in Connecticut, and it is increasing daily. It was thought to he fotTildeD, but the delegation is nnmstructed. Seymour is powerful, andj.hat too without a bureau or any organization to manage' the canvass and manufacture public sentiment. He is immensely strong without any such appliances. The people are with him. " . - - -. -- - , . - . 1 ...... : VOL. XXVI. no; 39. Dr Thomas X Woody monthly bulletin foi Marcluconlains useful in form I lion. We notioe that the . pre vailing disease in almost every part of the State was pneumonia. . Ca tarrhal also was generally prevalent The average temperature in some of the .towns we will give: Jefferson, in Ashe, 49 degrees; Conoord, 60; KenansviUe62; Tarboro', 70; Ox ford, 04; Greensboro', 48; Veldon, 5o Charlotte, 79; Wilmington, 56; Lumberton, 56; Salisbury, 50; War renton, 42. I An important movement is said to be on foot among the Southern col ored voters to compel the Republi cans at Chicago to place the name of Senator Bruce, of Mississippi, on the ticket as Vice President. This is true ,we trustl It is a very proper movement. The negroes have been voting for fifteen . years to keep the Republican whites in office, and it is full time that their services were be ing substantially . recognized. The Philadelphia Times, Independent, thus places the matter before the country : "Milton Turner, a leading colored man and Minister to Liberia under Grant's ad ministration, is authoiHy for the statement that a movement has been on foot for months among the colored leaders of all sections of the country, hut particularly in the South, having for its object the nomi nation at Chicago of United ritatea Senator Brace, of Mississippi, a colored man, for Vice President on the Republican ticket. A Bruce literary bureau will be opened at ; Washington within a few days and the Bruce, boom made as big as possible. The col ored people will endeavor to strike a bar Rain with the third-term managers, because tbey profess to have the greatest amount of interest in the welfare of the colored peo ple, and a ticket composed of Grant and Bruce would be just the thing. Mr. Tur ner says the time has gone' by when the jjegro is simply the political instrument of the white man, and as the colored voter is expected to pull through two or three, Southern States for the Duke of America he cannot well be overlooked." ; We have seen no report as yet of Senator Vance's speech on the Kel logg case. It appears to have been a good oue, and the humorous speaker inade so raj fun as he progressed. We m e x;opy the louowing irooi a vvasn- lugton letter in the Philadelphia LPress, a cantankerous Radical sheet: "Vance continued by reading some of the cipher telegrams and translating them as the Committee supposed tney scouia read. One ran aa follows: " 'lo Gen. A. A Badger.CoUedor of Customs, JSew Orleans: "'Please crown ash and zebra fan per manently important. II at all can while pear absent. Hwiey little easier fear away Eweek. Amity. ? "Mr. Vance translated it thus: I " 'Please appoint and perma nently. Important. Appoint all you can while Sherman is absent. Hawley is a little easier. Sherman away this week. . " 'Kkixogo.' i "Air. Vance supposed the Senator from Louisiana would correct him if his translation- was wrong, and, Mr. Kellogg having left the Chamber, raised a laugh by reciting the well known lines: fle smiled a kind of sickly emile and curled up on the floor, -And the subsequent proceedings interested :- him no more.' "The telegrams were so. numerous that 'Mr. Vance could read but a few, which he Interpreted as implicating Kellogg in tam pering wuu witnesses ana airecung we movements of the persons working in nts Interest. Marks, an officer In the Custom House, told one of his friends who applied tor a place: 'I can't appoint my friends now; I am obliged to appoint these a a hounds and curs to keep them from squeal- Ing on Kellogg.' The sitting members never traversed this testimony, it was aiso proved that men who began to squeal were in fact appointed and immediately the aound of their squealing vexed circumam bient air no more." Spirits Turpentine. nr . i . ;, warren cuuuiy wuesi is luuaiug badly. Charlotte went Democratic. Sir. De Wolfe was elected Mayor by 217 majority. I' Greenville Express'. We learn that another colored man was drowned at cne of the seines near Washington last ifriday morning. t Concord Sun: They say it is the effect of the fence' law that our farmers have been buying fine imported stock. Every few days a box of pigs from Penn sylvania or New York are received by ex press here for some farmer in the county. I TheJWilmington Stab? of, last Saturday copied qutie a number of Salis bury items from this paper, but credits them to the Salisbury Watchman Give us what little credit is due us. Salisbury Democrat. The printer performed that Ifjtle trick, we suppose. Stab. J Southern ITome: The fish law, as it now stands, makes it unlawful to take fish except with hook and line from the 1st of April to the 10th of June, from the Ca tawba, South Fork, Pee Dee and Yadkin rivers, under a fine of not less than f 100 and not exceeding $300. t I Salisbury Watchman: Melvin Marsh, son of Mr. E. H. Marsh, made a narrow escape from a terrible death last Friday. He was caught by -the belt that runs the sawing machine of bis father's shop, and was thrown violently to the ground, receiving only slight injuries.,. x f jjU- Louisburg Hmes: The row on the streets yesterday between a man named Dodson and Edward and Eniver Watson, caused a great deal of excitement. It was with difficulty that tbey were arrested. Ddofson received some painful, though not serious wounds, from a knife in the bands of E. W. Watson. a y -Raleigh Observer: The great 1v.1 at Mfttrnnnlitan Hall Still COQthlUeS with unabated Interest. Twenty persons m . .... - a TY a fh.t IUmbaU were oapuzea aiwe oeconu jsauiwhisuuiwif ".ML --. " . j ... - i --7-v -- . -v.--. a- - - " WILMINGTON N. C.a THURSDAY, Sunday An inquiry comes to us from Sap.Francisco, California, for . the children of a. man named Bushrod Carpenter, who are supposed to be living in North Carolina. Lumberton : iRobesonian: Mr. David Butler: was thrown by a mule, which be was attempting to ride, and his jaw-'bone was badly fractured. He was just con valescing from measles. Fayetteville elected her entire Democratic ticket by a large majority. Mr. W. E. Kyle was the Democratic and A. Q. Thornton the Re publican candidate for Mayor. Prof. Hidden in Morganton Hade: "North Carolina has been very pro lific in meteorites. No less than fifteen different 'falls' are recorded and credited to this State. Buncombe,' Haywood, Ran dolph, Rockingham, Nash, Madison and Davidson counties have furnished meteo rites. The Nash county fall (1874) was of stone, not of iron. In the last month I have heard of two new ones in this State and have hopes of soon bringing them to light. Raleigh Visitor: We learn from a source entirely reliable that the firm of W. T. Blackwell & Co., of Durham, on yesterday effected a sale of $500,000 worth of their smoking tobacco to a Chicago firm, for cash. This is the highest sale of the kind ever made in this State. Raleigh can boast of having the poorest market in the South. Nothing but a small quantity of spring salads and onions, with an occasional spring chicken, about the size of a sparrow, which the owners gene rally ask from 25 to 30 cents apiece for. Lenoir (Caldwell) lopic : The peaches are nearly all killed in this section. There may be a few left but only a very few. The cherries are all killed, and the crop of apples will be small. The pears are also killed. Measure 200 feet on each side and you will have a square acre within an inch. Wheat is looking well.. Fresh fish sell here for ten cents per pound. The dried fruit crop of North Carolin a is valued at $400,000. Miss Painter, the noted revivalist, is now at Rutherford College, where Bhe is preaeh ing to large congregations. Nashville, Nash county, corres-J pondent of Uoldsboro Messenger: "Among the visitors to our town yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting Maj. George Eyans, who is now in the ninety-seventh year of his age. He is now, we think, the oldest man in the county; his step is yet elastic, his mind is bright still; he says he was in the army of 1812, that he was in the militia service. The Major says that he is now in a few steps of his centennial year, that he can, with pleasure, look back in the dark past for nearly a hundred' years with the happy consolation that he has never given any person, intentionally, any cause for offeuse, or done any man an injury. Verily he is an honest man, the noblest work of God. Reidsville Times: Parham Bo ley, a saddler in Milton, a man of fine fame, and with all the imposing pomp of the judg ment day, yet imagined that be was a horse from having drunk too much liquor. Ed. Howard, a well known printer, bridled him up and led him down the street, Boley sometimes kicking up behind, and neighing at a terrible rate. He led him to water aU the Country Line creek, and tied him in the stall just back of Wrastead & Smith's store. He would let no one approach him but Howard.and he chewed complacently upon two bundles of fodder placed in his rack. But when the old thing died out he found himself too securely tied to the stable rack, and there he thirsted till morning when they turned him loose. Charlotte Press: It is a settled fact that Mr. Geo. N. Talcott. a brother of the Superintendent of the R- & D. R. R., has been appointed Superintendent of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail road. In the Raleigh Municipal elec tion in this city on yesterday, the Dem ocrats elected eleven and the Republicans six of the Aldermen . The Board of Alder men elect the Mayor and city officers. Concord and Statesville elected Democratic Mayors and Boards, and Durham and Hlllsboro ditto. In Monroe, George McClarty, Democrat, was elected and a Democratic Board of Commissioners also. The Republicans carried Salisbury yesterday, electing their Mayor "Ramsey, ("sugar cane" they call him), and a Repub lican Board of Town Commissioners. JE3 GI NBV ADFJBBTISBnBdTS. Muxsoh Sack suits. J as. C. Munds Druggist. P. Cukmixg & Co. Peas. I. O. R. Special meeting. HxmsBEBOBB New books. N. F. Pabkxb Lands for sale. Habbisor & Allkn Spring style?. Kioeal Dot. Ascension Day. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. The storm flag again floated from the Signal Station yesterday. The election at Fair Blnff re sulted in the triumph of the entire Demo cratic ticket Today being Ascension Day, there will be service in St. Paul's (Episco pal) church at 11 o'clock, A. M. We are informed that the bell for Mt. Olive A. M. E. church will be put in the turret for use to-day, between 13 and 1 o'clock. ' , The Independent Order of Recha- bites will have a meeting at Temperance Hall this evening, at 7 o'clock. Business of importance will be brought before the meeting. Henry Harrison, white, and Calvin McKoy, colored, were locked up in the county jail yesterday. They are charged with violating the Internal Reve nue law. A Penalon Worthily Bestowed. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Eliza M. Walker, widow of the late Major John Walker, one of the oldest and most re spectable citizens of Wilmington, has re ceived a certificate from Washington en titling her to a pension of $100 per annum, in consideration of the services of her hus band in the war of 1812. Major Walker was a private In the" regiment, we under stand, of which the late Governor Dudley was major. We hope Mr e; Walker will live long to enjoy this manifestation of her country's gratitude and appreciation. Tbe Question mt ProtUMtlon at smith- villa. - - v Y ' 7 . There seems to be a difference of opinion as to tbe interest taken in the question of "prohibition" at Smithville on 'Monday. Our correspondent in yesterday's issue claimed that the anti-prohibitionists did not rally their forces, whereas a gentleman from Smithville who was in the city yes terday claims that they did their "level best." He also says that the prohibitionists have good authority for the assertion that the election was strictly legal, as expressing the will of the people, and that the result will be lawful and binding. Our Smith" rille friend also says that the colored people, as a general thing, took a decided stand in favor of the "dry" ticket. The JUratery solved. It has now been ascertained that a young man by the name of Lester E. Smith, an swering to the description of the one allud ed to in our last, did come here in the schooner O. M. Forier, and there is now no donbt that he is the son of Mr. Albert Smith, of Ellsworth, Maine, from whom in quiries were received by Chief of Police Brock, and not tbe young man who an swers to the name of McLauchlin. Young Smith left the vessel while here and shippedjon the German brigantine Clara, bound for Rotterdam, which cleared from this port on the 17th of April . Chief Brock has transmitted tho facts in the case to Mr. Smith, at Ellsworth. r tj. s. Dlairlct court. The following cases for violation of the Internal Revenue laws, &c., were disposed of by this Court yesterday: United States vs. 8. Albritton, for selling liquor without a license. Defendant found guilty. United States vs. T. J. Douglass, for sell ing liquor without a license. Defendant found guilty. United States vs. John Rogers, charged with the same offence as above. Not guilty. United States vs. I. L. Dolby, for retail ing liquor without a license. Nol. pros. United States Vs. Henry Harriss, for re tailing liquor without a license. Defend ant found not guiliy. United Btales vs. A. Caton, wholesale dealer, for selling without a lie nse. Nol. pros. United States vs. Henry Uarris3, for sell ing tobacco without paying the proper tax. Defendant found guilty, United States vs. Julius Cason, wholesale liquor dealer, f jr selling without a license. JSW. pros. United Stales vs. George Godwin, charged with illicit distilling. Rhody Lowry was expected to have a bearing before the Court yesterday for vio lating tbe Internal Revenue laws, but failed to put in her appearance. Bofsaw Election. The following ticket was elected at Bur gaw on Monday: Mayor M. M. Moore. Marshal M. R. Butler. Commissioners J. H. Tienken, A. H. Pdddison, W. E. Cowan J. W. Cowan, S. H. Bell, A H. Williams, W. H. Herring. For tbe Star. A CARD. Mb. Editor: Your -report of the pro ceedings of the County Convention of Bladen county seems to have lost sight altogether of any one else's strength in that county save Major C. M. Stedman's. I therefore take this means of informing you of certain facts not published in the account given in- the Stab, and am ready to give you my authority if necessary. Instead of there being a solid Stedman delegation, I am reliably informed that four townships withdrew from that Convention, refusing to vote as a unit, and declaring their right to vote as they Baw proper at the District Convention. Respectfully, 11 W. B. McKov. The report as published in the Stab was the official proceedings of the Convention, signed by Col. Jno. A. McDowell, Chair man, and Messrs. J. Morris Bryan and Elihu Meares, Secretaries. Ed. TUB ffll AILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSS. Northern through malls. 7:45 P. M. Northern through and- way mails 5:80 A.M. Raleigh ..5:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Malls for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily.. 8 KX) A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C.C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 6:00 P.M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad. 8:00 A. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston 8 KX) A. M. Fayetteville, and officeson Cape Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 PM. Favetteville. via Lumberton. daily,' except Sundays.... 6:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday.. 6.-00 A M. Smithville mails, bv steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9.00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at ; 12KJ0P. Mt OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails 9 :45 A. M. Northern through and way mails 7.-00 A. M. Southern mails 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 10:35 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:30 A. M. to.-O0 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30A.M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. MAY. 64 1880. To-Dayo Indleatloaa. Stationary pressure and temperature, di minishing northerly and variable winds, and clear or partly cloudy weather, are the indications fr this section to-day. Thermometer Reeora. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.S1 yesterday evening, Washington mean ime, as ascertained from the daily, bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta .....74 Jacksonville 80 Key West,.. 85 Mobile. ...81 Montgomery 76 New Orleans 81 PuntaRassa,. ...79 Savannah. .77 Wilmington,... .70 Augusta. , . .80 Charleston, . .76 .75 85 .81 .81 Charlotte ... Corsicana, . . Galveston,.. Havana. . ... Indianola, 77 L W. Tibbetts, Dacota, Minn., says : "I am using Tutt's Pills and am having better health this spring than I have had in thirty years. I have suffered much with dyspep sia, but your pills have mastered it. I feel like a new man. Go on with your good work and may God bless you, which I know he will do." v f THE MORNHSQ STAB can always be had at tne following places in .tha city : The Pnrcell House, IT arpfs KTaw.) AfamA an A fh. tt.i. fYffiA From Eminent "Dr. C C. Clark, Oswego, N. Y. : " I hare made sufficient exuerlmeBt of Colden's Iiebig's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigo rator, to enable me to aay it la by far the best or all the preparations of the ldnd (pood and tonic) that I have ever osed. To the g offerer from chronic dis eases, or the convalescent, it is invaluable, being Dow nounsning ana streagtaeiung." Gbkxh Si Fjlahhsb, Agents, Wilmington. TIMELY CAUTION. Genuine Hop Bitters axe put up in square paneled, amber colored bottles, with white label on one aide printed in black let ters, and green hop cluster, and on 4he other side yellow paper with red fetters; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which genuine Hop Bitters are put up, and tlte sole right to make, sell and use them is granted to the Hop Bitters Ma nufacturing Co., of Rochester, N. Y.. and Toronto, Ont, by patents, copyright and trade mark. All others pat up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like ft or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the people ou the credit ana popularity of Hop Bit' ters. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup .was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it ad ministered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering, and tbe parents without sleep. Returning home the day following, the father found the baby still worse, and while contemplating another sleep less night, the mother stepped from the room to at tend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he admlalBtered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed with the deception practiced upon her, has con. tinned to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sola by all Druggists. 85 cents a bottle. A LETTER FROM POSTMASTER-GENERAL KEY. The following U from Postmaster-Genera Key's recent letter about Tne Louisiana State Lottery: "On the 13th of November, '79, 1 issued an order forbidding payment of any postal money order ad dressed m. A. Dauphin, roat Office Box 69S, New Orleans, La., or 819 Broadwvy, New York City. This party having presented a certificate of the Go vernor and State officers of the State of Louisiana that he has complied with all the legal require ments of that State, and other evidence, and, being satifled from the evidence iubmitted to me that -saidM. A. Dauphin is not engaged hi conducting a scheme or device for obtaining money through tie mails by means of false and fraudulent pretences, representaftons and promises, Ihentry autkoriz and direct Uu suspension qf said order." The next (tne 120th) monthly drawing will take place on Tuesday, May 11th, when for ft any one investing may draw $39,000. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. 0. B. Special Sleeting. THERE WILL BE A 8PECIAL MEETING AT Temperance Hall, this (Thursday) evening, at 1 o'clock. Business of importance. By order C. R. THOS. JE. bKIPPER, my 6 It Secretary. JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, WILMINGTON, N. 0. mj6 tf "A Few Sack Suits, jLKGaNTLY GOTTEN UP, received yester day. More on the way. HANDSOME FROCK SUITS, for Dress or Busi ness purposes, at MUNSON'S. Clothier and my 6 It Merchant Tailor. TTiOB SALE. Foar Tracts of Land, In Bladen jl county, sunaDie iot jrarmin ana biock raising. On one Farm of 800 Acres there are 115 Acres un der cultivation, a six -room Dwelling, Kitchen, S ta mes, jsarns, wonc cjnop, ana an neceasaiy uui Buildings. Dwellings on each of the other Tracts. jror runner lniormauon appiy to ARKEB. AtHallAPearsall's, Wilmington. N. C. my 6 It Spring Styles ! JOW PRICES I HARRISON ALLEN, Hatters. my 6 tf Peas, JLACK EYE, BLACK, SPECKLED and .CLAY. Sastern and Western Timothy Hav: White. Yellow and Mixed Corn; and "the best Bolted Meal in the city PRESTON CUMMING CO.. my 6 tf Millers and Grain Dealers. Zola's liana,' OEQUEL TO "L'ASSOMMOIR." Over 308,000 O Copies sold in France. Price 75 cents in Paper Cover, or $1 00 in Cloth. Nana, "Tj'ASSOMMO OEQUEL TO "L'ASSOMMOIR, BY EMILE OZOLA. Price 78 Cents in Paper, or $1 00 in Cloth. L.'Aasommoir. T Y EMILE ZOLA. Price 75 Cents la Paper, or Xj $ I 00 in Clout. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, 89 and 41 Market st myOtf Einslow Kerosene 'rpHE WONDERFUL FAMILY SAFETY OIL. A fresh supply just received. - It is a real luxury as an Illuminating OIL -Price 30 cents per gallon. my5tf CHESS, CARLEY Ss CO. WHOLE NO. 3,971 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Opening I gPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY ! THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY At " mygt MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN'S. V Boilers, ! Boilers! JfOUR CYLINDER BOILERS, 26 inches diameter , 4 feet long, All in prime order, for sale by ap84tf EDWARD KIDDER Si SONS. Cane ! Cane ! Cane! LIBERAL PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR GREEN CANE delivered at our works in this city. Far particulars apply to a? S4tf EDWARD KIDDER & SONS. Brown Roddick Job Lots. A GREAT JOB IN SUMMER SHAWLS, with out doubt the best value ever offered in this city. $1.00, worth 14.00. bhetlan Shawls in White, Blue, Cardinal. Black and White, and Plain Black. Full sizes 1.50, cer tainly worth $3.00. Hose in Black and Mode, Ingrain eclars, 3'c and 35c; a decided bargain. Corsets we have about IX dozen left of the Job Lot we have been selling for the last week at 75c. Call an i give theee,Uoodsa look over. It will pay you. brown sb Roddick, mv 3 tf is, Market Street Cotton Gins. WE ARK NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR THE Celebrated Brown Cotton Bin for Kurlv Wall Delivery. These are the Finest Gins made, every one guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Prices same as last year; factory rates . JOHN DAWSON St CO., 19, 31 &23 Market Street, my 3 tf Wilmington. N. C. Call and See. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC BOLOGNA, SOUCed Pic Feet. Hama. nmntnnti Oraniraa Lemons, Dried Apples, Prunes, Vanilla, Baker's and and Crackers, a full line of Family Groceries, Ci gars, Tobacco, &c , all at Bottom Prices. - L. VOLLERS, my 3 tf 36 and 38 South Front street. Our JBW STOCK OF HARNESS, BRIDLES. SAD- dles, Trunks, &c, have arrived, and are now open. We have the largest assortment eyer brought to this market. AH the latest styles and improve ments. Old Stand. No. 8 South Front St, my 3 tf MALLARD Ss BOWDBN. Carriage Factory. I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND MY make of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Drays: Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Collars, Sbc. Painting. Varnishins and Renairinir done at short notice. Call and examine and get your money's worth, at P. H. HAYDEN'S, my3 tf Third, bet Market and Princess st Get Up and Dust ! FEATHER DUSTERS, Piano Dusters, Counter Brushes, Crumb Brushes. THE BEST COOK STOVES, at my 3 tf PARKER & TAYLOR. , Fishing Tackle. FULL SUPPLY AND LARGE A8SORT- ment of Fishing Tackle, consisting of Poles, Lines, Hooks, Corks, Sinkers, Bobs, Ac, Ac, always in stock and for sale at Lowest Figures by my 3 tf GILES A MUHCHI80N. By Express. LACE FICHUS, LACE TIES, LACE CAMBRIC Handkerchiefs, Silk HandkercrSefs, Glass Doylas, Table Damask and the best stock of Towels and Towelling in the city. All cheap. my 3 tf JOHN J. H ED RICK. A Large Addition. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, PER STEAMES and Rail, a large addition to my stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Philadelphia Improved Trusses, Brandies, Whis kies, Wines, Cigars, Ac., which I will sell at prices to compete with any Drug House in the State. J. K. MoILHENNY, my 3 1 f Corner Market and Front streets. Organs, UPON EASY TERMS, at YATES' BOOK STORE. PECQUET, $1 50, $3 00 and f 3 00 per set A RCHERY GOODS, Very popular, at all prices. my 3tf Attention ! ET YOUR CLOTHING CLEANSED OR DYED At tho WILMINGTON DYEING ESTAB., my 3 tf Market, between 3d and 3d Sts. Truth in Prose. THHB REASON WHY OUR PRICES, FOB THE JL same goods, are rar below any outers is piain: We do not aire a Cutter, but have one of well known ability, without extra expense. Besides, all of our expenses are comparatively small. The experience of twenty Tears, and a reautation well established. aro Buffleient guarantee for superiority qf workman- snip ana excellence qj Jit. rrompt to tne minute. JOHN DYER Ss SON, my 3 tf Tailors and Furnishers. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Fairest In the World. !20TH! Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribution Company , At Macauley's Theatre, In the city of Louisville, on Monday, May 31st, 1880, laAOJi iAanAnw. w a uvauoiiv aj a ova OF THE LEGISLATURE OF 1SS9, AND SUS TAINED BY ALL THE COURTS of KENTUCKY, OCCUR REGULARLY ON THE LAST DAY OF HVRRY MONTH (Sundays exceoted. AND ARB mmNiTji nmwnMa s TTmrrriPTfl gn wxr A rfrsl SUPERVISED BY PROMINENT STATS OFFI CIALS. The Management call attention to the grand op portuity presented of obtaining for only f3 any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. Prize $30,000 100 Prizes $100 each f 10,000 1 Prize. ... . . . 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 10,000 1 Prize....... 5,000 600 Frizes SO each 13,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 30 Prizes 600 10,000 9 Prises $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $3,700 9 Prizes 300 each, . " " 1,800 B Prizes 100 each. - - saw 1,960 Prizes. $113,400 Whole Tickets, $3. Half Tickets, $1. 37 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made to tne neme omoe. - . 3 j -d m KiiiRiiH.n it nrtM. Journal Building,) LOUISYTLLE. Ky.,or atNos. DOT &8o9 Broadway, NEW YORK.' . myyl eodaw tuth sa I Full list of drawing published in Louisville Cou-Irier-Joarnal and New York Herald, and mailed to I all ticket-holders. Remit money by Mail or Kx-, niTES OF ADTERTIIIIIU. One Square one day Ome month. w.. ... 10 00 .iwooays, ,....,. iw. ; Y S-? thxeedaj8,7..r..,v....v-.j' - 3 60 --. f ' four days,... i a CO - t t fte daya,..... ... tO s . Ona week, . .-.. .,. . .-..-v 4 Oo . Two weeks, -i.. 6 60 V- ! 1 -. ' ThTMweeka,... ;.'8 60 . Two"months........... 17 00- - M Three months, 34 00 - - SlxTOmtha,... .... 40 00 " One year....... 0 00 a i- laT'Coatraet Advertisements taken at : prepot V tionately low rates. : ''y' h' '.- Tea lines sslid Nonnareil tvM make ona aobare. ' v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, , 9 Just to Hake it Lively, AND for me Benefit of the Customers OF J as . CVSt e v e n s o n - V . -He has eoncidded to sell to the Tra3c, " . ' " ' Three Pounds Gilt Edge Butter for $1.10; ' Good Sweet New Butter at COe per pound t ' , ' Cream Pilot Crackers, lOcrper pound J Extra Family Flour at 4c per pound, retail ; , . ' White Ex. C. Sugar at 10c per pound; Light Brown Sugar at 9c per pound;! Granulated and A. Sugar at 11c per pound; Extra Sugar Cured Hama, naked, at 13c; $ Celebrated Magnolia Haas, 13 ic; Eleven pounds Prunes for $1.03; . Crown Brand Condensed Milk, lRc; And all Goods at lowest prices for best quality. tayI do not cater for the Jobbing Trade, there in do not lav in atock for it but keea th brut Goods for the best Family Trade, and instead of splitting profits with the Jobber. I offer mv cnatnm- ers this advantaee either in the ennarior auaiit nr lower pries of goods. I am under no obligations to iioia up prices, ana won't ao it. , Ten inch Plug Tobacco let&illng at 8c and 10c. ( JAMES C. STEVENSON, my 1 tf . Market Street. To-HTorrow E WILL OFSR SOME SPBCIAL'BAR- gains in Sack Suits. We have a Fine Lot that we ai e specially anxious o close out, and in .order to do so we have marked them WAY DOWN. Our stock of White Vests cannot be equaled In this market, and for Shirts we can beat any House In this trade. The Pearl still maintains the lead. Call en A. DAVID, myJtf "The Clothier." 1500 1500 FIFTEEN HUNDRED BARRELS Pure Seed Potatoes ! Five Hundred Barrels now in Store. One Thousand Barrels on the Way and to Arrive. EVERY VARIETY. Early Rose, Peach Blows, Peerless, Early Goodrich, Jackson White, Snow Flake. E9TspecIaI Figaros for laree lots. CHA8. D. MYERS, mh 5 tf S3, 86. 37 North Water Street. Iron-Clad Matches. PARLOR AND SULPHUR MATCHES, In Iron Boxes. Palm Soap, Babble's Pure Ball Potash, Potash and Lye in Iron, Cases (O. S.) Laundry Soap in great variety, Candles, Starch, Ink, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags and Twine, Baking Powders, Horsford's B. P. Blacking and Blueing, Candy, Crackers and Cakes. Send orders to ap 17 D&Wtf HALL Ss PBARBALI.. Refrigerators, WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, all. kinds; Tin 8ets, Cooler Stands, Rosin Dippers and Skimmers, Brass and Iron; Rosin Strainer'.Cloth, Hat, Hip, Plunge and Infant Baths, Water Carriers, Foot Tubs. Lots new goods open ing every day at KING'S, -my 3 tf where the Sam Cook Stoves are sold. Oerhardt & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, HARNESS. Ac. A full stock constantly on hand and at low prices. Repair s of all kinds executed with dispatch on moderate terms. Give us a call and be convinced of the fact. Factory Third Street, opposite City Hall. "myStf FURNITURE. rpo THE TRADE. DEALERS IN OUR LINK of Goods are requested to call and examine onr Extensive Stock and prices before placing orders .. Our largely increased facilities for producing all grades of Goods enable ua to offer them at prices aa low as any manufacturers or dealers in the country. , D. A. SMITH Ss CO.. 43 North Front tt. my 3 tf Large Stock AND FULL LINES OF ' BOOTS, 1 u C SHOES and LEATHER, - V : AT BOTTOM ' , PRICES, AT V - f mh 11 tf 89 N. Front Street, 5000 jgAGS UVERPOOL SALT, v Full Weight; Striped Sacks. Special Figures to the Wholesale Trade. , apStmyie JAS. T. ELLIOTT. , Coifee. Sugar, Flour. , or A Bags COFFEE, OOU Rio, Lagayra and Java, z Bbla SUGAR. ( Standard A. Extra C and C aa Rhiii trunn K. 8nDerta Extra Famllv. inna jsusnrnme wuwwiwi frWV ;q A A BblS EARLY BOSK POTATOES, 125 BbL 0111 10688 0KK ' Tubs Choice LEAF LARD. , -jfj Boxes STARCH, ' " 250 Bozes LamdrT &nd Toilet SOAP. . , ; ' - BLTBpoTA8n 150 60X68 AMOfted CANDY, T ' 35QQ Backs Marshall's Ftoe SALT, QQQ Sacta LTVERPOOL SALT,r i Snuff, Tobacco, Paper, Matches, Shot. 8pteaOte,V -ger, Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Stc. f , rr. For sale low by ' ' - ' WILLIAMS MURCHISON. - . - , ap 18 tf , , Wholesale Gro. Com. Marts. ; ; OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE for Wrapping and other purposes -Can be hod 4t the STAR OFFICE vhhiiwhw IN ANY QUANTITY -a - - V 1 s V V " , J ' - ( v '...-. .;J.V ."-- ' - V. -J 'f ' v. t ,4 A.. J i I i 1 4 -I :v - J 1 , T f t 7. -V" -