PCCLlsUKtt'S ANNOUNCEMENT - Tan KOaitCJa STAB, the oldort dally neirfp- ier In North Croliaa,U yublished .daily, except - aooaav, at per year, mww tlx moni&s. - ii i5 for three months, tl 00 for one month, to mall iabecribers. -Delivered to City aubscrihefs at tho : rate or is cents per wees iot mdj. penoa rroia one weex to one year, ; TH8 WEEKLY STAR is nanlished every Friday anrning at $1 50 per year, $1 00 lor six months , 60 4bnu ior uuee Boaua. ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY). Ono square Jaeaa7v33.au, two aays,i.70, inreaayB,$s.&u tour days.S3.00; five day. S3.50: one week. S4.00 two weeks, $6.60: throe weeks, $8.60; one month, il(l,00;-two months, $17.00; three months, $24.00; ix months, $40.0ty twelve months, $00.00. Ten .tisea oj aouaaonnarau type maxe one square. AC announcements of Fain, Festivals, Baits, Uops, Pic-Nica, Society Meetings, Political Meet ings, Ac will be charged regular advertising rates. So advertisements inserted In Local Colasm at auv price. t - Notices under Head of "City Items' So cents per une i or nrst insertion, ana 10 cents per line for eacn aucsequeni insertion. Advertisements inserted once a week in Daily will be charged $1 00 per square for each insertion. Kv ary other day, three foortha of dailr rate. Twice a . week, two thirds of daily rate. - -Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Ke - spec, Besolutions of Thanks, Ac., are charged for aa ordinary advertisements, but only half rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Jjeau. .Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra ac- ewuug hi iu position aesirea. Advortlsements on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be continued "till forbid," at the option of the publisher, and charged up to Advertisements discontinued before the time con. tracted for has expired, charged transient rates for &ae hiu actuauy punusnea. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad verusements" wui oe charges fifty per cent, extra. Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements one aouar per square for each insertion. An extra charge will be made for double-column or tnpie column advertisements. AH announcements and yTniTiTatini of can. dictates for office, whether in the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be charged aa advertise ments. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient rates. Payments for transient advertisements must be maae in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac- Advertisers should always specify the issue or is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement , will be inserted in the Daily. Where aa advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the timejhia advertisement u, mid umiiusuw wui vmj oe responsiDie I or me mailing oMhe paper to his address. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos- wmst, Axpress, or in .registered Jbetter. (July such remittances will be at the risk of the pauusner. Communications, unless they contain important iiinwms orieny ana properly suDgects of real Interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every -wj, mey win invanaoiy do rejected if the tjmmmaxnm KWiniMf IB WlinOeiO. laxmnQ By WU.I.IAJtX a. BEBNABD. WILMINGTON, N. C: Wednesday Evening, May 12,1880 EVENING EDITION. THE DOCTORS IN COUNCIL. "Last scene of all, That ends the strange eventful history." As You Like It. We referred in a brief paragraph yesterday to the meeting of the Stale Medical Convention in Wilmington. We stop now to remark upon the very manifest improvement in the medical profession, and the number of skilful practitioners there are now located at various points in the State. The progress in the ability, accomT plishments, and success of the profeji'.' sion is as marked aa are the charees" vflinh tha trior. onrl nnMi f I wuw. , mmm frS.t.WV.'W V . I number of skilled practitioners has in- creased whilst the general standard oi excellence nas Deen mucn elevated and improved. So at least it appears v uuwiwsiuuw uuscrver. I are glad to be able to say truthfully , X-.u . , I so much with reference to the facts as we understand them. . . i lhe whole people are intimately concerned in the triumphs of the medical profession. There can be no I possible discovery in the curative o.cu tu Buail n06 aneci inem. " 1 . M mere can be no possible advance in the ability of physicians that shall uob uirecuy interest tne people, tor their health, and often their lives, J ll 1 'If . T - . I ueuu UUU atLUl 01 ine aoor. Whilst quackery, charlatanry is thfl bano nf thft Trnf paoinn ami an 1 actaal curse to the human family, the mau wi maeuce, 01 BKui, oi aevoiion, ui Bympamy, is a positive inena ana . ' i. medicine have undergone within the on the outside and cheer on the doc last thirty or forty .years. There may tors gathered in council, not be now any physicians of greater Before closing we would pay a ability and skill than there were brief bat nohly deserved tribute to thirty or forty years since, but the one man of cenius who 'was benefactor. Said Lord Bacon. ths U.. wa 1.1 .u. 't ,QOrt 1 ' poets did well to conjoin music with merely state the fact without enlarg medioine, because the office of medi- ing. He did not learn this from the cine is but to tune the curious harp of books, for they were not then writ- man s body." The man of real science is to be honored always. He who can brethren, for their theory and prac enter noiselessly the sick room and tice were altogether different. He sittincr bv the bedside correctlv-can detect r,rw thJ 'r ' , ' , oonuition 01 ine patient and the I patient and the causes of his illness, and then can ap- Dlv such remediM . mill hin o 1 eslablish a cure, is indeed a great Diessing to tne sunerers. iNature is the great medicairix after all, and the man of science will help Nature inJier great work of restoration, of throwing off disease, and will not ob struct or hinder her processes. It is just here, as we apprehend it, that of the difference between the charlatan ana me manor science exists: it is a .t . . 1 just here the close observer may de- tect the author of the note of the cost of producing a pound of cot tectthe difference between the bun- warning sent the colored cadet, ton nndar th.nM.M.tm. - -u gler and the skilful physician.- Car- -IvlflhittPrlvHavathftt th c Ul . nnft1r(i fiitfl not Andad with tha n!.. teenth century. w Shakespeare says 'throw physic to Urgans. They evidently believe that to the dogs," but the greatest of men saia thino aonDt wnen nis liver and alomach were healthful, and thev i tls were performing their proper fano-; tioria. v Indeed, the igreatdramatist said that by medicine - life may , be prolonged." If Napoleon hadbeen" supplied with thirty grains of lacteo peptine or inglavin he would not have lost one of his most important battles. Bad cooking and a disor dered stomach did the work tor him. Ho had the dyspepsia, and his mighty brain and will-power refused to assert themselves. ( The great desideratum in this life is health, mental and physical. Mens sana in corpore sano, said the Latins. The skilful doctor is the best friend because he can help to put the human machine cunningly and curiously and delicately fashioned in good runnrag order. All honor then, say we, to the mau of true science! All honor to the North Carolina Medical Convention, with its examining boards, that tends to make physicians better, in their practice, and to el evate and dignify the profession. All honor to the faithful physician whose mission is mercy, and to whose patient, watchful skill man, "fearful ly and wonderfully made," is so much indebted for health, and even for life itself. Life! what is so wonderful in all' this world as life? What is the physical world, grand and beaatiful as it is, compared with life? What I are the majestic mountains, or "hea ven's ebon vault," or the sounding cataracts, or the foaming, crawling, angry sea, or the night and the day, or the carious tides, or the changing seasons with all their wonder-work- lncr, compared with life? "Life is thesonl of the wrrM hnt. fr ,K5h . . creation were not. It is life which I is the grand glory ot the world;! it was, indeed, the. consumma- I tioa of creative cower- at which I .tr . . . . I a. j I me mornino Btara a-vnrr lAffothaii fn.r i . -& -wSw joy, now sweet is UJe ! What will not a man 3ive for hi life. 9 It I ia I An r 4 v V. Z w. . I. A ll .LI. 13 I w..v. - w utoici vu uuii mail ail LOIS WOTia contain save honor and love. It is . , " 0 then with life that the physician has to do. His potent drugs may bring kA .u , ?. I uaa. wo luaea.e uue io ine iaaing i cueea ot ueauiy or restore to the I wasting frame of the prostrate stal- wart the robust currents of life. To I the man who to patient observa tion and skill to diagnoso unites the Hadibrastio description, 'Learned he was ia medicinal tore," we lift our hats reverently and sav "God speed you!" We have laid asido for the time our political pen to submit these crude reflections. A mere "looker-on in Vienna," and knowing nothintrofmed- .nal Kr,r.Va J I wwkj, Tt W V U I T U LbDU Ul C3 I If nLZlllll - born in Granville county ; was Pro- feasor in Transylvania TJnljAJ Kfintuckv: was endowed with nan- perb intellect which had been finelv cultivated: who wrotft with nrtmim. I hl PipB.nn0 & " i.ioiuu j n uubo i conversational powers were of tha 1 r,;w Kn r.u " - o" - - - , w-w a viivwui w i drink and perished when his fine in- teIlect was at meridian. We allude to the late Dr Ldton G Watson I who8e eenius tor medicine was aom! thing to be wondered at. He has been in his erave thirtv veara Twenty years before he passed away hehad discarded the'practice then in Vogue. It is not too much to say 'J that Dr. Watson was full thirty years in advance of his times as is well u . . . i , . , kuuwu vo ine oiaest ana most erai- nent physician now living in that county, with possibly one exception. His practice in 183o, for instance. I n aa uuuo li&c tuaii JL OOU. Tf O ten. He did not learn this from his .k- ' rvuM """" - iuguiuu8 mind that, vna an rinViltr ofnrarl anil an I mind that was so riohlv stored and so original. He deserves a memorial. i' - i .., ' tur vjruu uau euuuweu mm wuu ex- traordinary talents that had been Welv improved bvstudv and reflec- tion. In honoring his memory we honor the noble profession of which he was bo rarely sifted a member. jw The or&rans do not like the nsnpf t tbe Whittaker case. The two ex- rlerts in hand-writine who werfl summoned to West Point to de- of with the hope that it would fasten six .u t a g""' up"" wuhch ana pos- we .;m .u r I Biuijr upuu Bwuio juuiu uom me South, have rather surprised the said Whittaker is "the author of his own note, and, if so, is the author also of the 6wn mutilation. Th orni aw f I . J 1 fiach evidence js; not enough, i v Sap pose they V had . said ' the noteV was. clearly writtenjfry Cadet Secesh from Alabama. oula not the testimony of such experts hare been deemed sufficient to warrant the most un measured denunciation of such South era barbarity, &&? We know it would. Then the organs f insist that Whittaker had no reason for treating himself as is alleged. But there is the handwriting, besides other evi dence, to fasten guilt upon the negro. A COLOBED CANDIDATE. We are delighted to learn that the Republicans in Washington are dis gruntled no little over tho threatened candidacy of Senator Bruoe for the Presidency. It will be the proper thing if such a retribution overtakes the unfaithful Republicans. They have uaed the negro for their own questionable purposes, and now they are threatened with a penalty the very thought of whjch produces nau sea. The poisoned cnalice is now commended to their own lips. "They digged a pit, , They digged it deep, They digged it for their brother; Bat, to punish their sin, They did fall in The pit they digged for t'other." Tho Washington special to the liichmond State says : "The Republicans are vexed at any men lion of Senator Bruce, of Mississippi, as a candidate for Vice President, even though they depend upon his race to nominate Grant and to poll half of their vote on elec tion dav. In fact, thev declare that Tur ner, the colored ei-Minister to Liberia, has been bought by the Democrats just because be is urging the claims of Senator Bruce. The Senator will find that white Republi- cans care no mnrn fnr him than thpir n.mn do for Cadet Whittaker. Senator Bruce I - . . - presiaeatneotnerday in the Senate, and Ui&CIiargej tlJe duties of Vice President most acceptably." Why should not the colored voters press the claims of their own race for a high office ? Thev are equal before u l rrii Ti 3 tuQ law. jlub ueuaunoan organs ana . D eternauy prauog aoouo the social eaualitv of the negroes a w - n UTltti V mttif Aa TriAt. n ... a n I I. n.n uo huhco. xucy owoat lucia , ,. J . 8hall be equality at West Point. Why , ,. 3 not have equality then in the distn- bution of high and important offices? Tk. i a i :r ir . wwisu puupio, ii ocii-ieepcui- tu Wlli UUb agree to ue enuuueu uy their white allies much longer. Why should the colored people be re quired once every year to rally to the Republican flag and do some strong voting, and never get a chance to grease their chops in lhe Government smoke house or fi" tbeir Btom&chs with bread from tbe Government corn-crib? Turn aboat is fair Play- Pang on the flhoalder a little bit of hand-shaking now and then botter n0 parsnips and 8atl8fy HO paOgS Of hunger. It is - - - - earn 10 do a iacc tnat in many sec tions of the South there is an active movement on foot in behalf of Sena tor Bruce. The Norfolk Virginian reports such a movement in that oity. We quote : the Read-mater element in this cltv now ff SiSitT? JS, tLi oiuerwise no combination can be effected. ?.i?e' " la.Ida "P8 the ueau witn a ringing iorce wnen be asserts '!hat he 8668 DO "ason why the Conserva- "It -8aminraUo.n 'h2ld. not. "main in uiuue, ou iar as it auects tne colored I0Pe Pleaf . there.. .is . to be SET SSSS" tSJTl ,traiSht0Utt' or llow matters to remain as t&Sf U "This Hoe of DOlicv ia to be annlierl tr the RepabRcan party, not only in mani-. cipal and State affairs, but also in the Na tional contest. An important move is now on foot among the negro delegates to the Chicago Convention to secure for Senator uruce, or Mississippi, the second place on the National ticket." The leader of this movement as to the Vice Presidency is a distinguished colored man named Milton Tamer who was Grant's Minister to Liberia. We see it mentioned that a Bruce i: 1 . "T1" uureau 18 10 De Penea " Washington and the Bruce boom is to become a reality. So be it. We have heard of no stir as yet in tis seetion. Whether the colored people want office or not does not just yet appear. Possibly they may be satisfied to sit around and see the white allies eating the roasting ears. Xne office of Lieutenant Go u u. . T"6.. " . pia? Bme luree eanant governors have be- come Governors. James Harris or some other intelligent colored leader would make a good candidate. No man will be estimated higher than the estimate he puts upon himself. If the colored voters are satisfied with voting the Democrats will not complain. A South Carolina planter, in one tho naneraof that Si.t. ..t....M cents. Thi i. tl. Wat . , nave seen xn a long time, and we - incline toine belief that it is an un- der eHtimif0 Tf s a. a more than !,...!.. farmer will set rich ,ht. Ma ; course of time-asiW onnf , r.r.r.-n a .a .1 . uuiilj-auu allien or iweive 1 cents Ae .ought to.have a falUarder and a , well lined purse all the year - ' - " - - ..... . luuuy c - " ' .j v - The Grant men-are still whistling 16ud to keep' their courage up. v'lt i& evident ihev are in trouble The "strong . man" somehow does not ap pear aa strong aa he , did a week or two ago." The following from thff Mates special is not witnout'inlerest: 'James It. Youd, of the Philadelphia Star, who ia bu ardent Grant man. and brother of John Russell. Youag, who ac- companicd the ex President around the world, writes to his paper in rather a despon- rl(nt tone. 'fin Ihn mtrtacf. ' ha snva 'it would seem that the Grant lines wefe about to waver, and that it would be impossible for them to remain unbroken with the heavy fire that is directed against them.' Hesug gesls that a combinatioa will be necessary now to beat Blaine. "A prominent politkyau in this city states that be has letters from two influential Pennsylvania delegates to Chicago, in which they positively declare they will not under any circumstances vote for Grant on the first ballot. "It is understood that with Grant out of the way Garfield will consent to make the Sherman nominating speech; and no man could do it more effectively than he." Wo like to do good and to admin ister to the necessities of those in distress. The presenee in our city of so many members of tho JSsculapian art reminds us that it is a merciful act m Tf T, tuna th,t r offlintn nA r J ...w.v. to relieve the pains or those that are sick. We play, therefore, the part of a good Samaritan, and apply the fol lowing porous piaster to the back of the Sherman boom in North Caro lina. The Richmond State's corres- I pondent writes fiom Washington on the 10th "Aiiy substantial weakening of Grant will lend to Strengthen Sherman, nnrticn- laily in Massachusetts. Vermont and New IT S- - . . i ... ey- woe oi ine snrewaest itepuDlican politicians remarked tome to-day that he must admit, though reluctantly, that ubsoou as it shall appear that Grant cannot be nom inated, many Republicans in the New Eng land States- would go for Sherman to beat Blaine. Hitherto thev have felt it neceesa- Zln L"rJ JK?.to P . - i u umiue, wuu is reearueu ov ine masB of Renublicans in the EaatRro tRtP cept Maine, a very objeclioD aole candi de on account of his vulnerable record." rpi . .. r r . Ihe attention of botanists is being Arnmn , ,u -a .a drawn to the magnificent flora of xrnrlh rnrrti;nQ Trrtf Ai n tha mftaft . . - i jorjj paid our State a visit some time ago. The reader will find a refer ence to it in our State news depart- ment of yesterday. The botanists should visit this section. In Bruns wick county, we learn, there are very rare flowers, two speoimens of which are now in the Kensington Gardens, in London, .and are amongst the greatest curiosities in the wonderful floral kingdom. The late Rev. Dr. M. A. Curtis, who had a fine reputation, as we happen to know, among Lon don botauistf, said that in an area of six square miles in Brunswick be found more strange and striking flowers than he had ever known else where. Enniss's North Carolina Farmer is an excellent publication of the kind and is well worth the subscrip tion, $1 a year. It is strictly a S monthly. New York is to have another hist dog show. There are 219 entries from New York alone. Gen. Roo-er A. Pryor sends a fine dog. The Kelly men need $50,000 and are hard at work trying to raise it. This, they say, will be done. But Uncle Sam has "barrs." OVit MTATB OVMTEnPnnAUIKII The time rapidly approaches for the an nual College Commencement. We hope the usual number of D, D.'s will be omit ted, unless they are made out of better ma terial than the average ones. The title is so orten unworthily bestowed, it has almost 1 1 J: . w . f1160 ia disrepute. Tftarrenton Gazette, We agree emphatically with the senti ment that good moral men should be nomi nated for office, but while this sentiment probably commends itself to a majority of the voters, who has a well arranged plan by which the sentiment can be enforced ? We ask the question with solicitude, because we would gladly cooperate in carrvine out so important and so necessary a principle. Greensboro Protestant. MATURES OWN REMEDY VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE ni nnn 1 nirn a ti mirvrr DLUUU.UVLrAOtlMUMtT CURATINE. A medicinal com pound of known Tftlne combining la one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the Blootl, the , the .Kidney. Harmless In action and thorough in its effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of ail Blooa Dim eases such as Swf iila, Tttmora, Boils, Tmtter,Salt JUsew , JBJsewttusMvm. 2Tet eurUU Xtmmnino, also Conatijf a Hon, geation, Hour Stow ncH, Retention of Urine, etc ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. For Blood Diseases. CURATINEi Fox Lirer Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. curatIe, For Bhenmatism. CURATINE, For Serofnl Diseases. CURATINE, TEE BR0W1 CHEHICA? 1 For ErriijwUj , BIotelMS, i, Fimplu, lid i BALTIMORE, 1 dec eodlT DAW tu th sa r.LD nkwspapbrs,suitablb ., - tfh.2!rWHa?fo"Sdott purposes. IN-amv or IN; ANY QUANTITY I I I II a,TW 1 . 1 II I f ITXh X II If IV UJ II N 1 Ilk f 'I 11 II I I J J JHE lAST'NEWS.' V COMMERCIAL FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD l : WASHINGTON. Report of lit Senate Committee on B-'oat Office Appropriation mil Im - poriaot Amendments. s- . , Uy Telegraph to the Morning Star.l . WASniNGTON, May 12. The Senate Com- mitloo nn A nnrnnmtinna t Hia mnrnlnnp va. I cei70d a report of the sub-committee on the Post Office Appropriation bill, and after considerable discussion instructed Mr, I Wallace to report the bill to the Senate j with a number ox important amendments, The committee BtriKe out the wnoie oi the Houserequirementajfor: reletting theex I pedited Staf service contracts, and also the clauie authorizing the Postmaster General tnrfimit In favor of the nToniM nf Kiw Oaledora and New fionth Walea. ao mnch of the charge for overland transportation the Australian mails as he may deem just.' The committee, add the following amounts to the Rouse items fur the purposes named : $350,000 for railroad mail transportation; $50,000 for steamboat mail service; $25,000 tor the pay of mail messengers, aDd $75,000 to provide new mail locks. I'UKEIGN IM'rBblilGBNVU. The strike of the Blackburn Cotton Operatives No Perceptible Influenee on the manebeaier market France and the- Unantborlzed Rellcrlona . commBDltlci. - By Cable to the Horning Star. Blackburn, May 12. A meeting of delegates from twenty-five towns in the northern counties, after hearing the result of the Manchester meeting, resolved to re- . commend operatives to remain at work. I A meeting of oOOO weavers, however, re- soiveu iu striae. Blackbtjbn, May 12. From ,27,000 to 85,000 operatives will.be thrown idle this morning on account ol the strike. Many towns in North and Northeast Lancashire have promised support. A protracted struggle is apprehended, and precautions against rioting have been taken. Makchestek, May 12 The Manchester Guardian, in its commercial article this morning, says the strike of the Blackburn cotton operatives and the "short time" by which it will be accompanied in other districts in North Lancashire, have ezer- cised no DerceDtible infiuenco on this mar- mi'. ... , Kei. jiub Buppiy oi kooos m comparison with the current requirements is ample, and buyers do not seem to anticipate any scarcity. The Masters' Association, of Oldham, recommend a week's holiday. a- a tjto rvi o xt i -jl a a Am nttiAia l in a Ixhm Paris, May 12. A semi-official note has beenlentroYhrProvincrai ZwL "STunV i . -. r r1 ln lne 9'reclors " "PP 2 .f"' liie delay fixed by the decrees, without de manding authorization, and then, if ex pelled, invoke the law against a violation of domicile and private property. Govern ment has taken measures to meet that emergency. The Prefects, as soon as the Military Councils of Revisions have finished their labors, will be summoned to Paris to receive verbal instructions regarding tbe carrying out oi ine aecrees. ELECTRIC SHARKS. The Nevada Republican State Conven tion yesterday instructed tbe delegates to Chicago to vote for Blaine. Judge Solomon E. Withey, of Detroit, Who has been in Nashville, Tenn., hearing argument ia mo suit ot tne oonanoiaers SSdWSS ffi, SZ sion is that his decision will not be made for many weekSv TUTT SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. TjOss of Appetite. Naqaea bowels coativia. Vain in tneaentSTiiulisengaUonTa trie ba'paTErTBlSder memory , with a ieelirur ol having neglected some duty, weizana 1? lntter Wat the Heart. Dota berbrethjeyee ateoSBnTBeadaelie. KestlessneBBsfc night, mstiljcoliSSnSrSSTmmmmmm IF THESE "WAItirmGS AKE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED.' TO IT'S FILLS nro especially adapted to such cases, one dose eflectssuch a. change oi icciiuH aa ro oxioniBii me Bnncrer. A Noted DiVlUG SaVS." Dr. TUTT v-Dear Sir For tan mm T)i,n V martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation andPilea. Last jpriuKjour Pilla wore recommended; I used them 1 am now a wel 1 man. haye good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, pUes gone, and hTe gained forty pounds fleshThey are worth their weightui sold RiiV. R. K SIMPSON. IxxiiayillR. iCy. They IncrcasetCeTppetltend cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system i3 nourished, and by their Tonio Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular Stools are pro duced. Price 85 cents. 35 Murray 8t., N. Y. TurrrfflnoYE; Gray Hair oh Whiskers changed to a G lobby Black by a single application of this Die. It im parts a Natural dolor, acts Instantaneously. Sold by JJruggjsts, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ap 13 DeodAWiy tu th aa Purest and Best Medicine erer madeJ A eombinatlnn f n. t i . . 13 an tlve and Health B38tnrinv a r. .rrrJL No disease or Ul health can Dosrihrr n llM mw Uf mU -Asm to die sd and laflm. thrJu?1IS0-e5lploymenta canselrregTxlaritrof are inTaliiahl -iTv. mwers LnMSZ or symptoms am 11 TJ-" liunUreda. "nay Wolnotcnrs or !enins5??iSJdrr,drnn mader tl n-i.l,"11, calcine erer no Person orfashoid KoVt. M Oct some this dar. m HOP Cow Cvixinggt, safest and best rior to aU others. CnreBbjahsorptton. Ask kSold - "jiiLu, jixuxx ana narooacs: "JgSUtfc J lop Bitter, Mfg. Co. RocWer, K. Yv 1 for Circular. T" jan 1 eodlm&W tU thl Board of Dental Examiners. THB BOARD OP EXAMINERS APPOINTED by the North Carolina Dental Association tbla?J.?natl day of March, 1879. will j y;& ul -nieign on monaay, tne Slst May'1880- All persons holdtag temporary certhlcates, and tbose wishinz to commence the v j. , du,w u oi wwcri, lsra, wi ta enia diploma or certificate, are doing so in direct vlalation of the law, and are liable to the penalty V. E. TURNER, President. D. E. EVERETT, Secretary Board Hxaminers. my 2 lm Hdy. Hay. Hay. 200 Balea Ho? 1 TIMOTHY HAY, For sale by my 9 tf EERCBNER A CALDER BROSl WJ L'M J NGTOK.U Alt K E T, STAR OFFICE. May,12,4 P.JL SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was dull at 27 cents per gallon for regu lar packages, with no sales to report. . ROSIN The market was irregular at -1 $1 (XX&l D2i for Strained and f 1 05t for Good Strained. No eales to reborn ucd iuWux TAR The market was steady at tl per bbl Of 280 lbs, With sales of receipts - . . jjuotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE The market l was steady at f 1 00 for Hard. $1 75 for Yel e I i, --j n -ct: r, An tt .u - 1 9-wr v.rg,u,wn saiea 1 quotauons. ; COTTON The market was quoted nomi I : I . ... ... . Ina, wllD DOlUmg doing. Futures for May of I opened in New York at 11.53 and closed at 11.47; August opened at 11.60 and closed at 11.60. The following were the last official Quotations here: rt;ar ,,, . ,v flriart rrrintkTT mi 4( 44 wve vm j iv Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling 10 Middling. Gpod Middling. 11$ ti it tt:i!IKisVlV BIAHHhTS. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. ' Financial. Kkw Vobk, May 12. .Noon. Money strong at 56 percent. Sterling exchange long 485, short 488. State bonds dull. Governments quiet. Chmmerciat. Cotton firm, with saln nf 17ft HbIpb. middlings 11 11-16 cents; Orleans 11 13 10 Cents; futures 6teady, with sales at the followinc prices: May 11.45 cents; June 11.53 cents: Julv 11 fin nto- AnnaJ 11 ftfi cents; September 11.25 cents; October 10 Cents. Flour steady. Wheat active and higher. Corn quiet. Pork firm at $10 50. Lard firm at $7 25. Spirits turpentine 30 cents. Rosin $1 35. Freights quiet. i' OKBlON itl AttH tc E'?.. By Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool, May 12 Noon. Cotton steadier; middling uplands 6 ll-16d; mid dling Orleans Cfd; receipts 10,300 bales, of , -To ------ -- T v,ww ulbo, I wnicu b.uuu Dales were American; j&len 5,000 bales, of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export. Middling uplands 1 m c, May delivery 6 9-16, 0 19-32 and 6fd; May and June delivery 6 9-16 6 19-32d! I June and Jnly delivery 6 9-166 19-32d; uuuc aiiu ,i ill v 1 1 1 1 vtrv n 4. i wrrww i c n Julyaod AuguTt deiiveVo M6. 6 iS i i u. . c.-. . . . , .. oSSKr, ftii kX&SL October delivery 6 9-166 19 32d; October and November 6d; November and Decem ber delivery 6 5-326 3-16d; December and January delivery 6 5-32d. Futures firm. Pork 65s. Short clear middles 3ft R1 3.00 P. M. Uplands 1 m c. May and June I delivery 6 9-166 19-32d; July and August delivery 6 19-326fd; September and Oc- tooer aeiivery o 9-1 66 19-32d. 8ales of cotton to-dBy include 4.2C0 bales American. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Fairest in the World. Popular Monthly Drawing of the 1IWMWH1B DistriMoi company. At Slacauley's Theatre, lathe city of Louisville, on Monday, May 31st, 1880. THBSB DRAWINGS, AUTHORISED BY ACT ?T3JtPQlI&rXJR OP 1869. AND BUS TAINED BY ALL THB COURTS of KENTUCKY. OCCUR REGULARLY ON THB LAST DAY OP SifSSJiONTH (Sandaya excepted), AND ARB SUPERVISED BY PROMINJSNT STATE OFFI- The Management call attention portnity presented of obUInitg for only f 2 any ot THB FOLLOWING FRIZES. , glze $30,000 100 Prizes $100 each f 10,000 J Prize 10,000 800Priise 60 etch 10 000 ,1 SS iAAA .6000 600 Prizes 20 each li,000 10 Prizes C1000 10.000 1.000 Prifl inh innnn 80 Prizes 600 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, ApprpximsUon Prizes, $2,700 9 Prizes 200 each, " i 00 rnzes loo each, goo 1,900 Priaes. iui.lo0 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $i! 87 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made to the heme office. . Full list of drawing published in Louisville Con ner osrnal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. Remit money by Mail or Ex- press. Address R. ZFS JS?14') LOUISVU-LE, Ky.oratNos. 30? & 3o9 Broadway, NEW YORK my 1 eoQAW tU th sa THE New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I give - A Cordial Invitation ! TO CALL. No trouble t show Goods or to send them to the Hoase when leaving orders. Try tho New Boot and Shoe Store, at 33 Market Et. Sign of the Show Caee. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 MARKET ST. mY 8 tf sion of the UtUe Boot Spirit Casks, Glue, &c. 1000 New New york SPIKIT casks. 100 BblB chIce GLU Tons HOOP IRON, IQQ Pkgs RIVETS, For sale bv my 9 tf KBRCHNBB CALDKB BROS Salt. Salt. Salt. 3Q00 S4Ckfl LIVERPOOL SALT, Forsaieby ESRCHNEK A CALDBHgJBBOS. my 9 tf Bacon, Corn, Meal. 75 Boxes D. S. and Smoked SIDES, 3000 Bush CORN, 00 Bush Water Mill MEAL, For an! a my u tf KBBCHNBB C ALDER BROS. For the Seaside. c HESNUT FURNITURE IN BUTTS OH SINGLE salts, Rattan Chairs. Rockers and Ixmnoo, n "Long Branch" Rockers are acknowledged to be the most comfassable male. Woven Wire Mat tresses, Spring Bottom Cots, Tin and WIra Meat Safe, &c. r-V-" Out assortment of Beasonable Goods Is large and varied. Purchasers -iimrHtt,. .-i " i look over our stock and firfee before purehastoK. ,, 'H,ftAOft.-I A. 8MITI North Front st. rMISQKLLANEOUsT CoBimlssIfliier Sfle' orle?! T UNDER DECBEB OP POUKCLOSUKB. ' Term. A. D. 1879. or the SpertaTtWtf Hanover County, sute of NorthCarS ?-f -e tain civuacuon pending in saldConrt hl?J" k of New Hanover tni Khr VottpSn Bank 1 au aueAauuci 4? CUvUIicr. William A n , Wil 07J McPherson. as adminKtr SPfF" JJ'ii. and ' -.: I CD ucimiii. mr hi. v r her sob, Margaret L. McPheMon.'fur'S1-- 25 !?n'?!-5SPhSon',and.Roea aXmmS eon DefendMita. Iha nn'" McPhe,. at I well. Commissioner appointed by said i0111- ...V. I DUUi Iwl GIlUBll LB. XIIH linnaM1lKAj n . lifP. jrdCat judgme suu ucun, win ecu ut paoilc anctian :r6'eni est bidder, for cash, at te OuS Ho?6 Wgh' and decree, will i aer, tor ca WllmlnrH MJKSSSlf said, onMenday, the 81et dav of M.Vore- - I ?i 18 S cloct M the following bkal hVw.' 1S8j ciocK M., the foUowinp HTi 'i'"-W). , . I.r,t?wenty one(72nH.Sij I .Jr,S?T. SiSfX "ren ran SVSi rmPv the West aide of North Water Street : i?T ii beiD8 on I SHSS?? IS?,'0?1 k' NSwJUMOVr. and suti ! I Noh Carolina, and bounded and deiX.0 lows : Beginning at a point in the WeS .f8 '0 North W&Ler stwpt n,. efiern line n (186) feet, Southwardly from tto fcS?fcSh 1 Moiberry Btreet, and.rnnninc thenVwiu.iule " parallel with Mulberry 8tre2reK fleSX?d thence Bonthwardly parallel mth7Zil) ,8e( Street forty eix (46) feel thence IZTA I Western line of North Water 8trt j the I f A- a-.aA J u. llue or North Uf wilu jutuuorry oireat eigatv flve(8-; fT.?"""! Weatern line of North Water SiiS rSXH the ter Street forty ei (46) feet to the benX? Wa" being a part of Lota number Three (aT' &nl inBfockNo. 19D, according to T Jamil a"dW(4) 1 . u i . a This 23d day of April. 1880. EDWARD CANTWKLL 'ommiieioner. ap S4 tds Sale of Real Estate under Mortoie. T)Y VIRTUE AND IN PriRsiT.Kn .. XJ certain Deed or Mortgage. execntPri 7 J1 day of March, 1875, by Nell uerken tut Ti. kenhia wife, to U. fernnhild & Bro (said ttr htingregiatered among the records of LWse ver county, in Book K. page 4M 8t p secure a certain note, whic.i said note has ht! h U aisned and transferred to th r.;.T.1i"- ver. the undersigned, aa Attorney for & will exposejit j nblic auction, to the htoffS tSiS'' tecSkia'lStffi. mington, Cpnnty of foew Hanover, and s?.". SvVf "io'tiwb- SfX,!!1?; lJLl'?IlowlnS.I'emiSei.fituat?' 80 Beginning at the southwestern interaction mTI anS M1J lni5ald city. $ street 100 feet, thence southwardlv in b. aY parallel to Sixth street 66 .feet, thence J?lT and in a direction parallel" to Mnir.l" feet to western line of said SUth bum T northwardly along the said weatern lSfJ" 5en? Sixth street 66 feet to the Beginning .e . t U mington. V. H niBDV my 13 lOt Atty. for Bank of New Panowr. Executors, Notice. rTpTTii TTMnT.nQrnITjiri TT.Tr. nf I uavihu duly oua. lined ftaExecutora of the last will and teat... . T leaiament ot n ' BaUey 'deceased, late of iew HanDvtr county, hereby eive notice to an n uiaiuid oaiiiDL Liieir mhii-t tstotap r a. claims againat their aaidtestator.to pre8ent .hem '( Those who are InrtAht.H ,n. will please make immediate payment " JOHN MAUNDER ROBERT THORbURN, Wilmington, N. C, 8.h April, 18 0 XecHtor8 ap 8 oaw6w Th Molasses, Coffee, Sugar ft 5hd8,?nd Bb,s SymP.New Orleans JJJ New Crop Cuba and ortoKico MO LASSES, OCA Bags COFFEE, AOyJ - Rio, Laguyra and Jav 97C Bbls SUGAR, Cut LoafGranulated Standard A, Extra C and C, 19ft ft BblB FOUK. Super to liJJ Extra Family. 20ft Boxe8 Smoked D. S. SIDES,, 125 BblsCITY MKSS pokk. 150 Tnb8Cll0ice LEAF LARD, 175 Boxe8 STARcn 200 B0Xe8 Laandry and Toilet BOAP 3QQ Boxes LYE and POTASn, 100 80X09 Aborted CANDY, 10 000 Bnsh PrIme Wbite CORN 3000 8ack8 Mar8ha,1'B Fiae sali'. 6000 8a(SiB LIVERIooL salt Snuff, Tobacco. Paper, Matches, Shot, Eplcc.tlin ger. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, A c For sale low by WILLIAMS & MUECHI80N, my 9 tf Wholesale Gro. A Com. MerU 1500 - 1500 FIFTEEN HUNDRED BARUELS Pure Seed Potatoes! Five Hundred Barrels now In 8tore. Oae Thousand Barrels on the Way and to Arrive EVERY VARIETY. Karly Rose, Peach Blows, Peerless, Early Ooodrich, Jackson White, Snow Flake. CCEpecial Figures for large lots. CHAS. D. 1HYKRS, mh 5 tf 33, 36, 37 North Water Street. New Butter, PERFECTLY ELEGANT, At a reasonable price GuJO. MYEKK. CALIFORNIA UAMS, 10 cents, at QUO. MYKU- KAf Pkg3NEW GOOD? O v Received this da v at USU. MYERS. WINES, TEAS, LIQUORS, 250 Bbls Flour, Lard without water, at UitO. MiKKs. MULFORD'S ROASTED JAVA COPFEB. In 1 lb. Packages, three for $1, at GEO. M KICKS IF YOU DSSIRB THE CHOICEST, FRESHEST GROCERIES, AtLowKs'rraicss. Call at the immense establishment of GKO. MYER, apl30tf Nos 11. 13, 16 South front ut. Sea Side. HS STEAMER PASSPORT WILL t'OM inencs SUNDAY TRIPS April 25th, and conlims Daily Trips to the SEA SIDE, leaving at 9.30 A. M. until further notice. ap23tf GEO. MYERS, Agriit. Molasses and Corn. AOO Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop a 1 O.OOO Baehels prime White and Mixed COKN, SOO Bales Choice HAY, l.SOO New and Second Hand TO SPIRIT BAKRBLS 75 Boxes D. 8. SIDES, BOO Ubls. FLOUR, various grades; I OO . tugs JKIO COFFBB , 1 0 Tons SPIRIT BARREL HOOP IKON, 30O Kega NAILS. , Soap, Candles, Candy, Lye, Potash. Clieeie Crackers, Qlae, Bungs, Tobacco, Snnff, &c , & Forsaieby . . ap SO tf WORTH WORTH By Express. LACE FICHUS, LACE TIES, LACE CAMHKI0 Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Olaas Doylas, Table Damask and the beet stock of Towels and Towelling in the city All cheap. . my 3 tf JOHN J. HEDRIC'K Ice Cold Soda Water, B'SffSSSff .SAWN FROM BLOCK TIN LINED tWL- "rB - fitagayi GREEN, Surviving partner of Green & Flanner, my -a tf holcgale and '"SBS Gerhardt & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN VAJAOSS, BUGGIES, BARNSSS, J."y.X5ai&i oo moderate ters Give us a call and be convinced of thefact. Factory-Thhd Street, opposite w Hall.

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