.-. I' - THE BltlHQiSTAK .j jSUBD DAILY jKXCSTT MOXDAVH. jTSS OT SOB8CMPTIOM IK ADTXC : One yr. mall) poUge pakt.. ........ SI uu 4 00 3 35 rnree months. rnreemonuiB, ti t; iM i 00 YnnnLQ &.i One roo"- J3C -Qnhjwribert aauvereau ujjwhoi vac TSSpS week. Our CityAgents are ' auttcSied to collect f r more ttan three men MORNING EDITION. -rnrrUie Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C., tercd at matter. OUTLINES. Two Hungarian Counts f ought a duel; 0De will probably die. The Paris Prefect of Police was; rebuked by the Mu nicipal Council forgiving orders that en. croached upon the liberty or citizens. Sir Bartle Frere has not been recalled from South Africa. The race for the Derby was won by the Duke of Westminster's Ben D'Or; nineteen horses ran. - Re. Dr. George L). Boardmaon, of Pennsyl vania, was elected President of the Baptist Missionary Uoioo, in session at Saratoga. . Tenslow & Bush's oil works caught are; several men killed and wounded by aa explosion. Ship Borneo, from New Orleans, lost. No lives were lost at the Brooklyn oil work9 fire ; the schooner Chas. Connelly, loaded with tar, was consumed &UJ two lumberyards; all losses covered by Iuiacce. Augusta, Ga , is to have a Dew cotton factory, the largest in the South ; capital stock $1,000,000. Colo rado sends Grant delegates to Chicago. Charlottesville, Va.; races began yes- terJay with a large attendance. A mileage clearing house association of va rious railroads has been formed with bead quarters at Atlanta, Qa. -A, number of Xibiiiais were sentenced - to death and long ternn of imprisonment -by the Military C.uitat Sf. Petersburg.; Haolao won the boat race at Washington yesterday. At Kingstree (3. C); Court, a prisoner named Ward shot at two of iho witnesses agniiiit bim, aa soon as a verdict in his case was announced; one mah was wounded. Xe w Ycik markets: 1 Money S5 per cent; co'.ion quiet and steady at llflljc; youthens fl )ur dull and declining at $5 10 $6 75; wse.it feverish, irregular and un settled, clubiug stronger ungraded red tl 251 32; coru abouUfileady and fairly active; ungraded 5254c; spirits lurpen liue 25c; rosiu quiet and steady ar $1 35 1 40. It is now thought that Cougreas will not adjourn before Jane 15th. North Carolina funding act bonds of 1S63 sold in New York on Monday for 10. Our second report on oleomargarine is that iho more you tackle it the less you hanker after it. It is better tbau mean butter all the same. The amendments made to the Ri ver and Harbor bill do not change any of tbo appropriations for North Carolina. The bill is nearly com pleted. One Henry Finley is very '.strongly suspected in Washington of being the author of the anonymous letter offering to bribo Representative Springer. The Atlanta Constitution indsg naatly scouts and refutes the flying rumor-thai there had been a bargain and sale in the matter ot the Georgia Setialorship. I Settle is booming. He has two Southern States bearing his "strange device" for Vice-President, namely, Florida and Alabama. He will pro bably get North Carolina also. There is a powerful reaction! pro gressing against Tilden both in'; Mis-' soari and in Kentucky. The former State, it is thought, will send a dele gation uninstructed, whilst Kentucky ill send an anti-Tilden delegation. The Senate by a vote of 25 to 14 lias provided or an honest count of the electoral vote. It is to be hoped Vflat the new" rule will prevent parti san tribunals from cheating the peo ple. Of course the Republican Sena tors objected to going back to Con stitutional methods. ! Samuel Scattergood was a fruit importer of Philadelphia who took bis own life recently. It is a pity that a maji- with so appropriate a name should have got tired of his business and shuffled off in that way. Finan cial reverses closed the shutters and I broke the timepiece. I ExUov. Hendricks attended the unveiling of the Jackson statuejat , Nashville,and was complimented with . a serenade, when he responded in an- elequent speech in which he paid ' handsome tributes to North Carbli ua'a three native sons, Andrew Jack I bod James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson. I If a Senator is a member of Cbn- gress is he not a Congressman? I If a Congressman why attempt to desig nate a Representative by the distinc tive title of Congressman? Is -he Iny more a Congressman than the Seiia lr is a Congressman? If so, bW much more? The common use il to peas of Representatives as Con eoomen. is tnis the best way? mm BE"- r - VOL. XXVI.NO. 57. The Washington Iostt that started the Seymour boom, now says he will not be a candidate because he cannot carry New York. An officer of Con gress from Utica, N. Y.,Mr. Sey mours home, tells the Riohmond Dispatch's correspondent! "that Mr. Seymour is a strong t hearty man of sixty-nine," and prefers another man to himself fpr . the nomination, and does not want it. Very good. But suppose the people want him to have it, what theu? Ue has; patriotism enough to bow to the majestic voice of freemen. In that instance the voice of the people would be to him as the voice of God. The Dispatch has this to say: ; "Mr. Seymour has never allowed the use of his name in this connection, but has al ways declined to do so. I Therefore, it won't do to say that he refuses to allow tbo further use ot his name.' 'More over, - as it is absurd to say that he couldn't carry New i York, we do not believe that Mr. Seymour has ever said so. On the other hand, the Post eives us a telegram from San Francisco savins that the entire California delegation will go for Mr. Sey mour if he will accept the nomination of the Cincinnati Convention. Also, one from Missouri saying that in Buchanan county last Saturday, an old Virginian, ex-Go v. Silas Woodson, made a speech in which be declared himself in favor of Seymour and Hendricks. Also, a telegram from Illinois, saying that of the delegates from McDon augh county to the Stale Convention six are known to be for Seymour." Judge David Davis has written a letter bidding for the nomination for President. The Kellyites like it and think it opens the way for getting rid of Tilden. The New York cor respondent of the Philadelphia Ledger writes of what Tammany thinks about it as follows: 1 "They say it is a platform upon which Democrats of every etripe and section can conscientiously stand, and, what is more, the maker of it occupies a pontion, as to personal character, that would make him absolutely proof against the shafts of the enemy. Therefore they are willing to take Judge David Davis at Cincinnati. Gen. Tom wing,who is just now in the city, says there is really nothine new in the issues as presented by Judge Davis, though it is neces sary sometimes that old truths should be retold; and he does not think that, unless be has something better than his letter to back him, that gentleman's) strength in the Convention will be very pronounced. It is to be added, however, by wajr of qualify ing this observation, that Mr. Ewing in dulges the idea that it is entirely within the pale of probability that himself is 'the dark horse.'" Public opinion has pretty well settled down as to the guilt of the negro cadet, Whit taker. That he wrote the note of warning is almost certain possibly altogether so. A writer in the Washington Post thus states the case: 5 "There were four half Bheeta of paper submitted to Mr. Soulhwortb; the expert. and staled as follows: No. 1. Letter of warn ing to Whtllaker equals one-half sheet; No. 2. Letter by Wbittaker to bis mother equals one-half sheet; No. 3. Letter by Wbit taker to his mother equals one-half sheet; No. 4. Letter by Whittaker for postage stamps equals one-half sheet. This ex pert found that Hoa. 1 and 'A constituted one sheet when put together, and that Nos. 4 and 3 constituted one sheet when put tos getner, tne indentation in eacn nail sneet fitting exactly. Whittaker' is known to have written rtos. a. s and 4. nence it is shown, mathematically, that he must have written No. 1." J Ex Gov. Joe Holden. of North Carolina, has written a "Do Profundls" "poem full of Christian hope, in answer to the despairing wail that so recently came across tbe water to us from EoglandTs greatest living poet. The North Carolina Printer Boy, we think, rather gathers the great laureate, in truth at lea8t,if not in poetry. juenmona auue. Kx-Gov. W. W. Holden is the person referred to. His son, Joseph, died some years ago. He wrote one poem of considerable merit entitled "Hatteras." Sliotja turn Ies Correspondence of the Raleigh Observer. Mabion, N. C, May 24. Editor Observer : An altercation on the street here Saturday evening last, be tween W. A McCorkle and W. H. Bailey, resulted in the Utter receiv- . . . v i . rni i ing a snoi in me riguw leg. xue puy- sicianin attendance pronounces it only a flesh wound. j Spirits Turpentine. ' i Two deaths at Raleigh last week. I Miss Aernes Herndon had a small crowd at Greensboro. ! Mr. J. E. Spencer, of Cleveland, Ohio, died at New Berne on the 24th inst., aged 45. Editorial in Stab ;on "Publio Debt" copied without credit by the Dan bury Beporter. Ditto as to taxes in Mis sissippi. Judge Mernmon is to deliver two literary addresses this week, one before Oak-Ridge Academy and the other before Greensboro Female College $ He also de liver the address at University Commence ment. - Raleigh Recorder: The com mencement exercises of the Raleigh Female Seminary will take place on Wednesday, Jubc 2nd. The annual address will be de livered by Prof. C E. Taylor, of Wake Forest College, in the Seminary Chapel t 8 o'clock P. M. ! Warren News'. Wo saw an old lady from tbe Dutchville neighborhood, of Granville county, at .Henderson on Wed nesday, with two piles of tobacco, weigh ing 406 pounds. Before the sale, she was offered $225 for the lot, which she declined. The tobacco sold at auction for $223.74. - WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, There are now, according to the blowers, eleven persons who would like to be Superintendent ot Public Instruction who "are eminently suited for the place. Just so. Under the present law any book keeper, business man, or old-field teacher can fill the bill. Abolish the office or make it worth something. . Concord Sun: Our enterprising merchant friend. Martin Phifer. is just starting a bee farm in Watauga county, where he has bought a small tract of land. He begins the work by setting out several thousand sour wood trees for tbe bees to feed from, so as to make clear, white noney. North Carolina Presbyterian : A friend writing from Kockingbam. N. C. informs us that the Presbyterian Church at that place has secured tbe services of Rev. S. C. Alexander for the present year. At the communion services held in the Second Presbyterian Church of Wilming ton, N. C, on 23d inst, six young persons took their places for -the first time at the Lord's table. Of these three received bap tism. One gentleman was received by certificate 4 . Winston Deader: The ease of Miss Lillio Leigh vs. the town of Salem, claiming $5,000 damages for alleged inju ries received by the upsetting of a vehicle, occasioned by an embankment on the streets of Salem, excited a great deal of in terest. The case was given to the jury on Monday evening, and Tuesday morning they returned a verdict giving $1,600 to Miss Leigh. It is thought the case will be taken to the Supreme Court " New Berne Record: The efforts made by incendiaries to set fire to the city on Saturday night should be thoroughly overhauled by the authorities. As be tween Fowle and Jarvis, the preference of this journal is for Fowle, though we had rather see Merrimon Governor than either. But it is well understood, that Merrimon does not seek the place, and would not have it unless by the voluntary, unsolicited action of the party. Lumberton Robesonian: . Cot ton is dying badly through this section for the past week from some unknown cause. Now that booms, are the order of the day, we are rejoiced to see a real boom coming near us. - We have reference to Col. H. B. Short for Lieutenant Governor. His own county, Columbus, is pledged to him and the Rmiew says he is the choice of the city of Wilmington for that position. Short stock has been far above par in this county since 1876, and we feel sure that Old Robeson would gladly support him in Convention for Lieutenant Governor. Quhele items: We understand that the dysentery is prevailing in the country. All cotton and no corn in this section. If we can stand it, the West can. Early cotton is doing well. Raleigh Observer: Dr. Fab. J. Haywood. Sr.. who was attacked with pa ralysis last week, became much worse yes terday. Trie improvements at St. Mary's School, which have just been fin ished, will add still more to the complete ness and efficiency of the musical depart ment, which has already attained such a high position under the supervision of its energetic director. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and daughter have been invited to unveil the monument of the Stonewall Cemetery Association, at Winchester, Va. At the target practice of the Fayette- ville Light Infantry, at Fayetteville, on the 20th of May, Col. T. C. Fuller, of Ithis city, who is an honorary member of the corps, was the winner of a prize cup. i ne fact that it was a tin one, and was won by the poorest score, does not at all diminish its value in his eyes. Col. S. McD. Tate arriyed in Salisbury Sunday morning from New York, where he has been in communication wan Best'& Co. He says that the delay in tak ing charge of the Western North Carolina Railroad has not been because of any in ability, or any disposion to fly the contract, but on account of serious disagreements oe- tween members of the syndicate as to the management The syndicate was to have an official meeting on Monday, the 24th, when it was hoped to reconcile those diner- ences, and jar. ues;, or some representa tive, is to be in Salisbury to-night. In case, however, the differences prove irreconcil able, Col. Tate has made a proposition to tbe syndicate to assign their purchase, with all its conditions, to himself and other gen tlemen, on behalf of the private stock holders of the road. Information was re ceived here yesterday that Mr. Best had left New York, warranting the presump tion that the difficulties referred to by Col. Tate have all been adjusted. The white companies of the city fire depart ment attended in a body yesterday aiter noon, at 4 o'clock, the funeral of Mr. Mil ton Moyer, of the Pioneers, a worthy young man, who died at the residence of his mother, at 7 o'clock, Sunday morning. The Republican .Executive uommittee of tbe 7th Congressional District met at Yadkinville on Saturday. Every county was represented. The District Convention for nominating a candidate for Congress, elector, &c, was called for August 7th. Tbe following persons were appointed dele gates to the National Convention at Chi cago: Thomas JS. tjooper and J. J. mott, of Iredell; D. L. Bringle, of Rowan, and Major Pinkham, of Forsythe. All these are Grant men except vr. won, wno is understood to be for Sherman. OTJELIE CITY. HKiV AUVKBTISKMKNTM. J. B. Wobth Lemons. Notice Dog ordinance. J. H. Durham A card. M un son King of shirts. Lawn Party This evening. Jas C. MxnrD3 Lubin's extract. . Habbzsok & Allen Tropical hats. Masonic Meeting St Johu'd Lodge. Hkxnsbbbgeb Knabe pianos for sale. Geo. Myebs Champagne brandy, &c. Local Dots. Strawberries aro selli ng at five cents per quart The dog ordinanoe goes into effect on the 10th of June. See notice of City Clerk and Treasurer and govern your selves accordingly. Capt. Jr E. Leggett, who has been confined to his room with severe ill ness for the last four or five weeks, is able to be up again. In our issue of the '16th instant we noticed the fact that Col. Murdoch McRae, of Robeson county,' had sprouts six inches long from last year's cotton stalks, and now Mr. J. M. Chasten, of this city, informs us that be found two of last year's cotton stalks, at his place near Teachey's, Duplin county, upon which there were resh sprouts three inches long. ' ' I I J 1 ' ' Jj"' ' ' " ' ' "I i . . , I, - - ,M, I.,, - - Tor Day' Inateauona. Stationary barometer and temperature, winds mostly northerly and clear or partly cloudy weather, are the indications for this section to-day. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of yes terday: State vs. John Green, charged with keeping an unlawful fence. Motion to quash by defendant. Motion by State to amend the warrant: Motion, to quash granted. Appeal by State. State vs. John F. Garrell, charged in three cases with permitting prisoners to es cape. Defendant found not guilty in one case; nol. pros, entered in the other two cases. - State vs. Isaac Corbett, charged with false pretense. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to six years in tbe State penitentiary. State va. John Burnett, charged with as sault and battery. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended on the pay ment of costs. State vs. Isaac Corbett, charged with for gery. Defendant submits. State vs. Isaac Corbett, charged with false pretense. Defendant submits. State vs. Beverly Scott, arraigned on a peace warrant. Case dismissed at prose cutor's cost, and prosecutor in custody of the sheriff. State vs. William Dabney, charged with breaking into a storehouse. Defendant plead guilty to a charge of trespass, and was ordered to pay ono penny and the coBts. State vs. Charles King, charged with as sault and battery. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to six months in the House of Correction. State vs. Chas. Tate, charged with carry ing a concealed weapon. Defendant sub-mite- Stale vs. Mary Giles, charged with the slander of women. Defendant found not guilty and discharged. State vs. Lewis Green, charged with as sault and battery. Lewis Gause called and failed. Judgment nisi. State vs. Chas. Tate, charged with as sault and battery. Case ou trial. Runaway on Water street. Yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a horse attached to a buggy, tbe property of Mr. S- W. Dunham, got frightened at the corner of Chesnut and Water streets and ran away, turning into tho sidewalk direct ly after starting ond causing considerable of a panic among the pedestrians on that busy thoroughfare. In his course the in surance sign of Messrs. DeRosset & North rop was demolished, and the wheel of the vehicle camo in contact with Mr. E. Kidder's buggy. Reaching the corner of Princess and Water street by which time the buggy had been turned bottom-up, the horse was stopped by Mr. Dunham himself, who hap pened to be standing opposite the Ex change when the runaway took place. Mr. Dunham's buggy was badly demolished, but Mr. Kidder's only received slight damage to the axle-tree. Seat to (lie County Insane Aerlum. There being very general complaint in the neighborhood in consequence of the boisterous conduct of Peter Silverthorn, the one-armed crazy man who was sent to jail a few days ago for safe-keeping, an order was given by Col. Smith, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, yesterday, for bis removal to the insane department of the County Poor House. Instructions were also given for the remo val of "Crazy Nathan" Graham at tbe eame time. They were accordingly taken to the Poor House yesterday afternoon, and once more "quiet reigns in Warsaw." Tbermometer Record. The following will show the state of the hermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta 79 Augusta 84 Jacksonville 82 Key West........ 82 Mobile,.... 77 Montgomery 85 New Orleans,. . . .75 PuntaRassa,. ...84 Savannah 83 Wilmington,... .85 Charleston, 81 Charlotte 85 Corsicana, 93 Galveston, 86 Havana. 85 Indianola, Tne Lawn Party inla Even ins. The lawn party, or fete ehampetre, to be given in the City Hall park this evening, bids fair to prove as charmingly entertain ing as it will be novel and attractive. The Cornet Concert Club will furnish music, and the Italian band will play for the dancers in the Mayor's office. Another enjoyable feature will be the awarding, by ballot, of a gold-headed. cane to'the most popular gentleman. Look ont for Snealc Thieve. A lady on Eighth street left her Sunday-go-to-meeting hat on the rack in the pas sage, yesterday, while she went to get her dinner, and when she returned she found that some sneak thief had popped in during her absence and stolen it. Housekeepers cannot be too cautious while so many of the light fingered gentry are around. RIVER AND MARINE. German brie Dr. Looker, hence, ar- rived at Havre on the 21st inst. . Norwegian barque Gefa, Ellingsen, cleared at Boston for this port on the 22d inst. Norwegian barque Christian WUhelm, Ulricksen, hence, arrived at Liverpool on the 23d inst.' Up to the time tho steamer D. Murehi m left Fayetteville on Tuesday, morning there had been a rise of about three feet in the river at that point, caused by recent rains in the upper Cape Fear. MAY 27. 1880. ATTBIIIPTBO JAIL DELIVER V. A Darius Attempt to Break Jail One of the Coneplratora Prepared to strike tbe Jailor Down-How tne Attempt wae Frustrated, Ac.' Yesterday morning, about 4 o'clock, Daniel Howard, the jailor, was aroused from his slumbers by the vigorous shaking of the front door of the jaiL He got up and went to the window to listen, and while standing there a policeman on the . street told bim that some one in jail was calling him. Howard hastily dressed himself , and in the meantime Officer Everett, alluded to above, was joined by Officers Nelson and Williams, who were just oil night duty and starting home. The four then went into the jail yard, when Nathan Graham, com monly known as "Crazy Nathan," who is in jail for safe-keeping, sung out to the jailor, "Look out how you go in there; there's Some one loose in the passage!" The jailor opened tbe outside door, when, through the lattice door on the inside, be espied one of the colored prisoners stand ing at one side with a piece of board some four feet long drawn back, as if ready to strike any one who should attempt to en ter. The jailor ordered him to retire, but be never stirred. He then told the prisoner that if he didn't get away from the door he would shoot him, drawing his pistol at the same time. At this the prisoner jumped back behind the heater, the large "drum" to which almost completely con cealed his body. Howard discharged his pistol as nearly in his direction as possible, when the prisoner got frightened aud ran off. The jailor and police officers Everett, Nelson and Williams then entered, and the two prisoners engaged in the attempt to escape were captured, put in their cell and securely ironed, so there will be no possi bility of their making another such demon stration. The two men proved to be George Myers, awaiting trial for burglary, and Joseph Campbell, a prisoner from Pender county, charged with breaking into the store of Mr. Thomas Williams, at Rocky Point Quarry, some weeks ago. Upon examination it was found that the two men had broken out of the cell in which they were confined by wrenching three iron bars a half inch thick from tbe door, which left a hole sufficiently large to permit of their egress. They then went to work and tore up the tank in the corner of the room, connected with the water-cooler, and boxed up so as to cover a considerable space, the supposition being that they thought there was a hollow space beneath through which they might effect their escape. Failing in this, they next com menced ripping up the flooring, and had succeeded in getting up two planks, when they discovered that the floor was a double one. Their next move seems to have been the desperate one of attracting the jailor to the front door, and as he should open it and attempt to enter, as they evidently thought he would do, to strike him down with the piece of board and make their escape over his prostrate body. Jailor Howard is not certain which of fhe men was standing at the door, as he could not see him distinctly. Samuel Grice, colored, charged with tampering with the mails, and awaiting trial at the next term of the United States District Court, occupied the same cell with the two men, but did not go out with them. He says he was asleep and didn't know when tbe others broke out. Myers, one of the conspirators, will be put on trial to-morrow for his life. Tbe band that rocks the cradle, is the hand that moves the earth. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the best remedy for all com plaints children are subject to, such as Dysentery, Diarrba, Summer Complaint, Wind Colic, etc. Price 25 cents. f TUB XDIAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A.M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 5 KM) P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 P. M. Western mails (O.C. R'y) daily (except Sunday). 5:00 P. M. Mail for Oheraw & Darliagton Railroad ? 7:45 P.M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston 7:45 P. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays..... 1:00 P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 5:00 P.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday.. 6:00 A M. Smith ville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9:00 A. M. Mails for Easy ' HUL Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at.. 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at. 9:30A.M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. 'Northern through and way mails ........... 7.-00A.M. Southern mails 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 9:15 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 to 5 30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. ftonaral rlllvrv nnen from 6:00 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. BL. Stamps or sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from 'Street boxes every ay at o.ov r. jxu Horbford's Acid . Phosphate in Con sumption, Dyspepsia, etc. I have used Horsford's Acid Phosphate in several cases of' dyspepsia, to my .general satisfaction ; and also have tried it in two consumption cases where I think it has done them a ser vice. . . J. H . Forester, M. D t - , Middleton, O. WHOLE NO. 3,989 CITY ITERS. THE MORNING STAR can always be bad at tne uuuwing piaces in tne city : Tne rurcell House, HfllTlft1 Vaw. fitanil Mlik.a...Aja.. wwfii. autt OIHVUKB. n iSxtract of Report from Ue Celebrated PhvBlclaa, Erasmus Wilson, of London, England: "Several s- Tcro vows u incipient uonBumpuon nave come under my observation that nave been cored by the timely use or Colden's Lieblg'a Extract of Beef and 6Hffl 4s Flakkik, Agents, Wilmington. CONGRESS WATER. None genuine sold on draught. Its superiority as a cathartic and altera tive consists in its entire f reedem from every thine www, wiu vr croae uih produces neaaaene. inter nal soreness, and tends to destroy the mucouB mem brane. All mineral waters that are dangerous irri tants may be known by an acid after-taste. '1 DON'T WANT :THAT STUFF," la what a lady of Beaton said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to core her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable lor fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter it was administered to her with such good results, that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praise, that she induced twenty two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff 'r is Hop Bitters. Standard. WHY WILL YOU WHO ARB SUFFERING HESITATE LONGER 7 The days of healthful life are golden, and they are ceaselessly slipping from Eon. You cannot afford to doubt It is folly to de ty longer to accept these facts and profit by them. Simmons Liver Regulator ia so simnie anil innii and yet it has proven itself a eovereign remedy for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, BickZHeadache. Billions Colic, sour Stomach, Diarrhwa, Billiousness, and other like evils of a disordered Liver and Stomach. How can we find words adequate to embody these facts. They cannot be too often reiterated until they have carried conviction to every household in the land. Try it. The first trial will be satisfactory. "I certify I have used Simmons Liver Regulator in my family for a number, or years for Sick Head ache, Billioaeness and Liver Complaints with great satisfaction. B. F. TIGNBK." White Sulphur Springs, Ga., Nov. 10, 1876. WHO IS MRS. WINSLOW T-As this question Is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, ara result of this effort, and practical knowledge obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Sooth ing Syrup for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle Mrs. Winslow is becoming world renowned as a benefactor of the race; children certainly do bibb up and bless her; especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are DAJir sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mo ther has discharged her duty to her suffering little one. in our ooinTon. until she haa criwa it. tha Kona. fit of Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, me-thers-TBT it now. Ladies' Viktor. New Xork city. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. JOHN'S HALL, Wilmington, N. C, 27th May, 1830. rpHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF A ST. JOHN'S LODGE. No. 1. F. & A. M.. will be held on This (THURSDAY) Evening, at 8 O ClOCK. my 27-lt JAMES C. MUNDS, Sec'j.T Lemons. BOXES A NO. 1 LEMONS, Received to-day per Steamer. For sale low for cash. my 27 It J. B. WORTH. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, May 26th, 1830. Notice. jgY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN the DOG ORDINANCE goes Into effeot on the 10th JUNE next. Badges can be procured on application at this Office. HENRY SAVAGE, my 27 St th sa eu nac Tax Collector. A Card. jyR. EDITOR : While I appreciate the courtesy shown mo by the action (of the recent Democratic Convention of New Hanover County, in electing me a member of the Executive Committee from the Second Ward, yet private as well as public rea sons compel me to decline the honor of serving, and I tender this my resignation to both members of the Committee and Democratic voters of the Second- Ward. Respectfully, my 27 It J. H. DURHAM. Lubin's Extracts, HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PER fumery, Soaps, and an endless variety of Toi let and Fancy Goods, For tale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist l9FreEcriptions compounded at all hours day and night my 27 It Knabe Piano. QNB SECOND HAND EN ABE .PIANO, Seven Octave, Rosewood Case, in perfect order, will be sold at a Bargain. The Piano baa been but little used and is guaranteed for five years . Call and Bee it at HEINSBERGER'S . - Live Book and Music Store. Blank Books. TAPER. ENVELOPES. JL Ink of all colors. Mucilage, Slates. Lead and Slate Pencils, &c , For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. my27tf Tropipal and Tourist Hats ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. my 27 tf It is Not Strange at All THAT THE "KING OF SHIRTS" should TAKE and KEEP the lead. The reason is they are made of Wamtutta XX Muslin, cut lengthwise the cloth, are Reinforced, and have the Patent Sleeve LAdjuBter. The price is no more than inferior Shirts are soia at. MUNSON, Clothier and my 27 It Merchant Tailor. Eeceived This Day, 50 CASES ROKDERER & CO. ' DRY BOWZY CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price.. - GEO. MYERS , Agent. KA CASES FRENCH BRANDY, mo . OU FROM BOND THIS DAY, And for sale at Importer's Prices. Only $1.60 for a Bottle of Imported French Brandy, At GEO. MYERS'. 25 Tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, Choicest Grass Butter. WINES and LIQUORS, of be GEO. MYKRH, ; my27tf Nos 11, 13, 1 South Front et " , ! BA-TSSJI OF ADVCZXT13INCI. V One Bqaare one day,.,.. ......-,;' $1 -. two uays,,.; 1 79 tJfereedajrB,. ...,.., r. ,rs-50v four days,,.., -4. ..v,. ."... ftve days,..,...,.,.,,,,,.... "fr One weekr.. 40 V6 V6CkS,ittM14M(.' S S ,; : Three weeks, , S 6' One month,. v.. I0 00 Two months,..;... ......... 17 00' Three months.,., -...i. ........ ST 00 3 ' Six months, ............ 40 00 v " " -Oncyear...... 60 W EContract Advertisements takes at "propot, Oonately low rates. , . Tea lines selid Nonpareil type make one square.! ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lawn Party, ftlS 'TWERE WILL BE A FETE CHAMPBTRE given in the yard of the CITY BALL BUILDING, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, 27th instant will be under the management and control of expe- riecced.Ladies and Gentleoren. The enclosure will be lighted by beautiful transparencies, and refresh ments will be sold from tents A band of music has been engaged, and there will be dancing la the Mayor's Office. A beautiful feature of the eve ning's entertainment will be tho awarding by ballot, of cn elegant gold headed cane to the moat popular gentleman in tbe cily. Admission te the grounds only 10 cents. -my 87 It Gongressional Convention AtFayeilevIlle. rpHB NEW HANOVER DELEGATION TO THE X Congressional Convention, which maota at Fayetteville, June 2d, have chartered the fine pas senger Steamer f. MCRcJUISON. Cpt AlonzoN Garrason, to take delegates to tnd f rem tho Con vention. The Steamer will leave her wharf nromntlv t 9:30 A. M.. TUE8DAY. JUNE 1st ' FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. MKAfJl IN. CLUDED, 83.00. Tickets mav be had of either member nt tha Committee of Arrangements. ueiegaies rrom au tne counties of the District, except Cumberland, Moore and Harnett .will fled the route via Wilmington the most comfortable, con venient and economical. Delegates comlnsr via the Wilmington, noinmhi & Augusta and Carolina Central Railwava mav reach here in time to connect with the Steamer by Tuesday morning's trains. Those coming via the Wilmington A Weldon Railway will have to reach Wilmington by Monday night's train. A VI UV VV P. HBIN 8BBRGBR, J. B. 8PRUNT. Committee of Arrangements, nac A. U. BROWN, my 32 tf Valuable Real Estate for Sale or Rent- ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE CORNER Lots in Wilminfirton lor sale, with handsome. Dwelling House, Stables and Flower Garden, Lot fronts on Second street 99 feet and on Orange ies feet The stable lot would make a good buflding lot. Terms very easy. tWAppiy on ine premises. myI9 2w rown St Roddick 45 MARKET STREET, ARBOFFB$KG 80MB GREAT BARGAINS in Domestic O nil ts enltablo for tha Knmmpr Full Size Honeycomb Quilts S 1 00 Bridal Quilt Fringed l 25 The Bates Quilt l 60 English Marseilles Quilts, all sizes and qualities, at prices ranging for a 1 75 te $6 00. myretr BKOWN St RODDICK. Sign of the Big Boot. I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL, lOR CASH OULY, 6 AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed U aiter s fl 40 Custom Made Gaiters 2 40 Laced Calf Tie Shoes.... 1 20 Ladies' Foxed Shoes 1 00 Newport Ties GO Opera Slippers.... 1 25 Strap Sandals 1 20 Crcquet Slippers 65' MisEea Strap Sandals 1 15 Button Gaiters 1 20 Childrens' Strap Sandals. 90 " Button Gaiters 90 S. BLUMENTHAL, my IS tf nac No. 40 Market Street For Sale Low,- r-pWO 1 HORSE TRUCKS, . ONE ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough order Can be bought cheap. Apply at my 30 tf THIS. OFFICE. Send in Tour Orders pOR CORN (WHITE or MIXED), HAY. PEASE. and the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY," and we will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in Quality and Price. i my 26 tf Millers and Grain Dealers. Soda Water, ICS COLD, WITH PURE FRUIT SYRUPS. Insect Powder, Fly Paper. Camphor Gum, Fresh Bird Seed, Ac, For sale by WM. H. GREEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, my S6 tf Market Street Jape Fear SXills. - . YOU MAY SHAKE HANDS WITH YOUR Auntv. and bnv Mr. Sam Cooks. Mr.. Roar more. or any other Stoves, but if you fatt to buy the best FLOUR, CORN MEAL, GRITS, HOMINY, ac., you will never nave gooa oreaa. uur arenas are all warranted freshly ground ana or nest qual ity, wnicn is oemonstratea py we monaeea ao- mana. compelling us to gnna aay ana nigac. my so tl u. Duma i a suns. Sea Side. THK STEAMER PASSPORT WILL. .COM-" mencs SUNDAY TRIPS April 25th, and continue - . Daily Trips to the SEA SIDE, leaving at 9.80 A. ' v until further notice. -v. - ':. ap22tf ubo. MX JttUJ, Agent. Not the Eailfoad Best, TOUT BEST COOK STOVES, Refrigerators and. Ice Cream Freezerf , PARKER TAYLOR. We my 13 tf Hew Drug Store. A COMPLETE STOCK OJT run vnvwt -Chemicals, Patent Medicimes, Fancy and goi ; tat Articles, Cigars. &, win dj njuna ru v. i J. H. HARDIN. new Market. l arPreacriptlons compounded with, care and ao curacy. my nit - f - - 1 MIT 3- - '-Mt .1. '4 . f -Ji S V,, 4 f i ' ..s if ' i. V t i 'it 1 Hi V i 1 i ft 4 Mi jut 4 - t' 11

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