S-J "t--11 " EVENING EDITION WHEN t When ?anished is ibis Tapor wo call life, i n,i Ail the fctorms that vex as disappear a .rmw'd sharp thorn, the weary wheel of strife, -s And all the miseries wo feel or fear When of the "day far spenl" a j night hnrn. i P.efore there dawns a day that knows no nicht. ! Shall we who see the glory of such morn Shall we recau, u iwu m uwuuk ucigui, ro tnnrh of this wuu wariareoi me earth The wounds that scarred as, or the tears we wept, i Th in that so beset us from oar birth. ThP woes, the wrongs, the cares that never slept? f n, a.-iii there be a gap betwixt that Time An.i this Eternity which numbs the S6nS ' fipr sudden ceasing of some chime a ipnirtheDed pause makes rest the-more intense? t Pnibear to question, O mine idle thought; Where were our faith it all were come to i sight? .... i ii,i vaio babblings" mus mucn are mi p. taueht. 'Twere vain to breathe them yetllokgfor liglil! A. T. L. : Harper' Magazine. i'OIJTIVAL POINT. The St. Louis Globe Democrat 3ay5 Grant and Sherman will be the ticket, as sure as saoouog. If Gen. fhu. anerman torn a fneod l&st week, as reported, that in the , for the White House Hancock would hPt Graoi. then Gen. Phil. Sheridan iias political sagacity New York Sun. -r- Several Democratic State Con- veatioos have been held this week, with ii-rmomous action in all cases. No dele- iri, -s were instructed, but all were left free to vote according to their individual pref erences in the National Convention. Thus far i be Democratic boom seems to be for the nominee of the Convention. Cleveland Plan Dealer. A New York Herald Washing ton dispatch says: "Gen. Bradley T. John son, of Baltimore, is authority for the state ment ih t Justice Field has a literary bu reau in full operation here. He says it is well organized, aad that it is flooding the ths country with literature which it is ex pected will advance Mr. Field's chances f ir the Cincinnati nomination." TWINKLINGS. A chariot belonging to Fore iaut;li'd circus fell over an embankment at 0.1 City, and was smashed to pieces. One of the horses was killed, (and it is thought th driver will die. The Iowa Greenback Conven li.n dropped into poetry. There is one vcrae w'uich sufficiently explains itself: Gold-bug John Sherman God pity his soul WeBt out one night On the devil's patrol.. A Vallejo father told his charm ing dtuhter lately that she must not listen i.i tiitieiers. "But, papa," she replied, "Low cju I tell thit they flitter me unless I .lo listen? ' "Tur-rue tur-rue, daughter." A id ha leaned ever the end of the piano Hi.de immeuceJ to think. Vallejo Chronicle. It the young woman who sent asih; poem, -'Our thoughts are far too Wert foi word," had stopped with that much, we would have been too gallant to Titve tl sbelieved her, but when she wrote s-.xiccu verses of it it looked a little as if Jhe poor girl were mistaken. SleubenvSLs Hciu'd. I One of the coaches on the Great .Vcstern railroad, of England, has been :umie i iiu Prof. Balmain'a luminous )uul b is in appearance very little dif ferent I rum ordinary paint, but during the lime the carriage is exposed to the light the t uiol 19 rapidly absorbing the daylight, and Len night corses it throws out a mild ra- diancr. It has been employed on life buoys, tendering them visible from a loog disUuc PKSONAL. Thomas llice, a retired New York, merchant, residing at Brooklyn, shot himself in the head on Sunday. His sui cide was the result of unlucky Block specu lation?. - The earnestness with which Mr. Oirisiiancy insists that his wife disgraced him would seem to indicate that he regards the whole proceeding as fashionable if not eDterlaiDing. Atlanta Constitution. Air. Charles Reade, 'since his re ported conversion to Congregationalism, is said to be a most diligent student of the Bible, the whole bent of bis mind being now toward attaining Christian knowledge ud doing Christian work. Mr. George VV. Jeesop, author of ''A Gentleman from Nevada," is a Dub lin gentleman of 34, whose journalistic and American experience was chiefly in San FruncUcn. He is versatile, and noted as a character and dialect poet, and is of a plea sant, social nature. Lord Beaconsfield is completing oove! which he began long ago. Qaeen V ictoria has shown her kindly feeling for him by hanging bis full length portrait at Wiudsor. Somebody, it is said, once asked nim how it was that the Qaeen showed him fwm"c" favor, and got a simple answer: Well er the fact is, I er never con tradict and er I bo me times zr forget." SOUTHERNITEWS. The South Carolina State Li brary, which occupies a single room in the slate Capitol, contains 28,000 volumes. A Nashville showman hired a marvellously ugly anefmisbapen negro, put Dim into a huge trough of mud, and ex hibited him as a "human bog." But the mTroved that mud was not his natural element by catching cold and dying of pneumooid. Gen. J. S. Rains, one of the Confederate brigadiers, died at Dallas, Aexas, the other day, of apoplexy. He wa a Missouri man and at the breaking oatjiL the war had just been elected to ongress over ex -Governor Trusten Polk, ae declined to take his seat, however, and Joined the rebel army. DRAMATIC NOTES. Henry J. Byron received $25,000 " u. piay or Upper Crust--Mr. J. L. English com dian, being the Purchaser. r .T" Sothern's new piay, by W. S. filbert, has been completed, and will be Performed at the Park Theatre, New York, next season. : It is understood that the wife of int7 rT1,Dg " aboDt t0 institute proceed ed i a dlV0rce 0 the gravest plea that t-an be urged. rr.a7 AJby climbed op a ladder to a J" window of a public hall, at Madison; Wmis-.f68 lhe Per'nnce of Daprez & SttW leg, and was . fined $25, a su,t for damages to follow. ia Meal, i Sugar Coffee, 7 Molasses; Hoop Iront Nails, Bungs, Glue. &ci FOK SALK BT Adrian & Vollersj . Wholesale Grocers, my IS tf U. K. comer Front and Dock Bts. HaU's Self-FeediDg QOTTON GIN, COTTON GIN FESDBRS and CONDKNSEBS, For aaie by my M tf UBCflNKB A CALDXS BR08. Eastern Hay. 400 Blea Beet EASTERN HAT, For sale iy my tf KBROHNBK OA.LDBR BROS. Corn, Llealand Bice. 4000 Budl CORN (00 BlUh Fresh Water Mill MBAI K Bbla RICE, For sale by mvSStf KRRCRNKR A CA.LDBR BB08 Powder. Powder. 500 Kez" H Kcs and Kcg8 ORIENTAL POWDER, for tale oy KBROHNKR CALDXR BROB. my S3 U Corn, Heal, Hay. 15 000 Baah Prime White CORN. 00 Boah Water Qroand KEAL, 50( Bale. HAY. Flour, Molasses, Sugar 1 0A A Bbla FLOUR. Suoer t 14UU Extra Family. FAA Hhdaand Bbls Byrap New Orleans, uuu ew urop unttm ana rorto tuco mu- OCA Bbla SUGAR, Cut Loaf. Granulated, djj Buoaara a. sxtra u ana u. Bacon, Lard, Pork, &c. 200 Boxes Smoked and D. S. BIDES, . 1CA Tube Choice LEAF LARD. lOK Bbls CITY PORK, OOK Baea u yra and Java, t Cl Boxes 8 XUJ 300 Boxea LYE and POTASH, ijp Boxes Laundry SOAP. 00 Boxes Pare Assorted CANDY, ger. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrel J, Ac. ror aaie tow oy WILLIAMS MURCHISON. ray 33 U i Wholesale Gro. A Com. MerU. Flour, Heal and Corn. 000 Bbla Good FLOUR, 200 Boxes D. S. and Smoked J SIDES and SHOULDERS, At Low Prices by HALL & PEARS ALL. my XS DAWtf Sweet Florida Oranges. A FEW MORI LEFT OF THOSK DELICIOUS Jaicy FLORIDA ORANGES. Also, Bananas, Soda Water, Soot Beer and Pore Fresh Home Made Can dies, -At S. G. NOBTHBOP'8 apX4 tf rrnit and confectionery stores. WALTER CONEY, DXAUEB IN TOBACCO. Imported and Domestic CrGABS, CI- uAIUBTTES, SNUFF and of all descriptions. g WALTER CONEY, apt tf - Market Street Spring Lambs. NOTHER LOT OF THOSE FINE SPRING T.aifRL to-day and for the next thirty days, at the CITIZENS' MARKET. GoodB ap 15 tf Good Beef and Vegetables always on hand. T.. 1 tt inn CONTRACT SHINGLES. XUIaUUU 4, S & 6 In No. 1 Hearts, ' 4, 6 6 in No. S Hearts, & in Bundles of Fifty. 100,000 COMMON BHINGLES, Bundled and Loose, For sale cheap by f O. Q. PARSLEY, Jr., Cor. Orange and S. Water eta. my 11 tf Fly Fans 03 25. NOTHER LOT OF THESE HOUSBHOLD comforts and necessities for tale, and satisfaction guaranteed, by myl6tf GILES A MURCHISON. Crockery Department, Boilers ! Boilers ! pOUR CYLINDER BOILERS,, ; 1 6 Inches diameter, 43 feet long, All la prime ordery for sale by ap34tf EDWARD KIDDER & SONS. V Wire Netting gCREKNS For Doors and Windows. Good to keep oat flies and mosquitoes. Also, - Sash, Boors, Blinds, M ' j Lumber, and Enlldlng Material Generally, i IxTAFFBR, PRICK Co ' ii Viiimvr Orwicx: Butt, near Red Cross st. Foot of Walnut s4. my83tf S Price! Reduced. rpHE LADIES JRE INFORMED TOATMBBf -VIRGINIA A. ORRbaa reduced tlMJwkejof shaping, bleaching, and dylngLadies and. Chil dren's Rats from FIFTY to Tw B N TY-FI VB CTS. RESIDENCE On door east of Frost, on Churtn M5SS &FOnx quotations, n saooia Do understood, rep teent.ua wholeeala prices generally - In maklji .1. tt3smalicraertnljjhcrpnesliavotot)eenarxea. a; Fauns..' BAGGmGnnny.., i . . Standaxdl . oo a 13 U ' r7 Z 9 . '" r . ixsuus, y ipnew. ............ Shoulders, .........-,.. 10 o is : 0 o- 0 0 o a o & o o 8 oiaeo,. u. cnoice, B ...... Western Smoked - -Hams.. ...1...... 10 12 .L6X Dry Salted 1 Shoulders to BEEF Live weight. BA RRELH Spirits Turpentine. 2H Second Hand, each. New New.Yoikv each.. ..... New City, each . 00 .00 1 65 S 00 1 SO RIERHWaT to IK 00 760 00 IS SO 18, V 00 aurmcta. . . & 14 00 30 80 15 IS Tallow. fi U3a 0 0 Q S3 Adamantine. H . 10 CH BBS B Northern Factory V 18 "airy,crtuay m.. ...... IB Diaie. w s MX COFFEE Java, m 80 xuo, v X.. , 30 CORN MEAL fp.busheLjn Backaj 75 S 50 8 DOMESTICS ShecUnE. 4-4. ydl 1 75 O o 00 10 16 00 8 60 10 00 5 60 6 60 3 00 S 00 00 aru, v Dnncn.... EGGS 1-10 11 FISH Mackerel, No. 1,V bbL.. && 30 00 no. i, v ddi MackereirN.t, bw.... O10 50 Ol 00 O 6 60 O 7 00 a 400 no.i, w m oai.. ........ iLNO.S.S DDL. KilUVM. VJ Ltim .......... N. O. Herring, Ro, keg.. .. Pry Cod, 9 B.. FEBTLL1AERS " " a e FeruTlan GnanO, 9 MOO a B 57 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SO 00 O 63 50 a 60 00 a 60 00. a ooo 8 45 00 67 00 a 45 00 a 67 00 a 7000' S70 00 00 00 a 6000 Baagh'aPhoephata, ' Carolina F fertiliser, ' Ground Bone. Bone Meal, "V ' " Flour, " -Navaaaa Guano, Complete Manure ' " Wnann'a Phosphate Wando Phosphate, ' Bersrer Buta's Phosch. Excellensa Cotton Fertillsor ium ruvun tine, m dim.......... 0 00 a 600 Super. Northern, flbbl 6 75 635 7 50 a 0 00 00 9 00 6 CO 786 Family . " w ddi... City Mills Extra, m bbl.. Family, bbl Ex. Family , bbl a 6 ooi a tuo n 8 oo a 14 a oo a oo a oo a 80 O 4 a lsxa i i5 a i io a i oo a 835 GLUE m 15K GRAIN Corn, In store, In saga. I'M uern,lrgo, V oasnei..... Corn, mixed VI Dushel,in bags. 70 oats, v Busnei Peas. Oow. V buahel. 5! BO. 6 13 135 135 HIDES Green, ft ft Drv. B. HAY Eastern, 9 100Bs..M... Western, V 100 ..... flUUUWTHlT w ...... HOOP IRON ton... .....( LARD Northern, 9 tt. ........ North Carolina, 9 ft . .M ... . LIMB bbl 1 10 oo oo aioo oo 8XO 9 00 00 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 13 00 00 00 10 10 a LUMBER Citt SraaxSa' Ship Stuff, resawed, M ft. Roueh BdKe Plank. M ft.. a 30 00 a i6oo a 18 DO a 33'oo Wes BtlndiaCargpes.accordlng to quality, M ft 71 Dressea Flooring, seasoned Scantling and Boaraa. eom- - V M . a 15,00 MOLASSES New cp ICuba, hhds 88 Mew crop uuoa, ddib t gai Porto Riccshhds " bbla Sugar House, hhda, p gal. ? ' bblsT gal.. 41 00 00 00 00 40 000 11 1 10 90 80 25 10 75 85 60 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 41 6 35 35 80 5 00 13 145 100 40 35 18 100 1 15 75 385 oiav .Lyj, -fP NAILS Cut, lOd basis. 9 keg OILS Kerosene, y gai , Lard, 9 gal Linseed, 9 gal Rosin. gal POULTRY Chlckensivegrown BPring... tut Keys PEANUTS 9 bushel POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. Irish, 9 bbl PORK Northern, City Mess.... a 0 00-a DO UO 00 00 a 13 50 Thin, 9 bbl Prime, 9 bbl Bums. & "bl OOO0 oo oo a ii oo oo oo a io oo . 70 7 1 15 a 1 50 io .IX 1XO IX Ua 33 00 a 75 75 a 60 00 a 75 00 a 85 o a - o a ioxa . lo o a io sa 8 81 9 ioxa ii s a x BICE Caroli'io, 9 ft ..... ROUgh, 9 bUMl RAGS Country, 9ft Clty49 ROPE SALT Alum, 9 bushel Liverpool, v saos, , Lisbon. 9 sack.......... ... . , American. 9 sack... SUGAR Cuba, 9ft.. Porto Klco, 9 ft A Coffee, 9 h. B ' 9 ft. C 9 Sx.C 9 Crushed. 9ft SOAP Northern , 9 ft SHINGLES Contract, 9 M 5 00 3-00 4 50 00 13 00 10 00 a a 7 00 jommon, f m. CypressSaps9 M, Croress Hearts UK. 3 30 5 00' 7 50 a ism a oooo a oooo STAVES W.O.BbL,9M R.O.Hhd.,9M . TALLOW 9 ft TIMBER Shipping. 9 M 00 00 swa 6 13 90 a 13 00 am rrune, m m. Mill Fair, 9 If Common MOl Tfif4n.AnMU. AW 8 00 a looo 6 50 4 50 8 00 1 00 1 00 25 80 18 7 00 500 400 600 t M 38 35 30 WHISKEY Northern, gaU. norm uaroiina, 9 gai...M.. WOOL Unwashed, 9 ft o a n & wasnea.w D Barry Wool WlLKIINGTOn BIONB1 fflABKBY Exchange (sight) on New York, X disci. Baltimore, - Boston, X " Philadelphia, X " Western Cities. X " Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 85 First National Bank, 75 Navassa Guano Co. " 135 N. O. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon S3 DO. Funding 18436 8 Do. 1868 8 Do. New 4's 08 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N.O. Railroad ,80 W. . W. B.R. Bonds 7 9c (Gold Int).ll3 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 9c. .40 WiLCoL A Aug. R.R. " 08 Wilmington City Bonds, 7 9c 86 " old 6 9c 85 " " new 6 9c ..85 " " 8 85 New Hanover County. ...6 9c 85 (Cur. Int) w. A w. Railroad stoat du North Carolina R. B '. 70 W1L Gas Light Co. ,.45 Wilmington Cotton Mills 95 it TJ iF1 X T." The Savannah Weeklv News AliO oayouuau ittorwJj liona Of FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters of a charming serial story, entitled M'TJ 3J1 X T, BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBET REID lor KATOSTOH, OA., Author of "My Mother's Daughter," ."Afterward, and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and. accomplished lady's previous productions, will need no commendation of this her last and most successful effort to pre- Sare them for the. rare literary treat that awaits lein. MUFFIT Is a story of absorbing Interest, and Its publication will run through some eight to ten Issues 'of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. Subscription $3 a year. $1 for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Jf rpress, at our iisk. .n-aoriWi, f eb 8 tr Savannah, Geo. High-Bred Dogs, NGLIShJ IRISH AND GORDON BETTERS, of the Choicest Breed; with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by f-a . r a s. p. welsh; v - nov7J)&Wtf York. Pern? . The T.lornm PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Snliscription Rates-IB Afirance DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid,. .$7 00- . 4 00 8ix Months " - Three Months" " " " One Month " " . 2 35 1 00 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 Six Months. " 1 00 Three Months " 50 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of the best 'papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to .isuem tress. The Wilmintrton Stab has entered on its twelfth year as eooa a paper as any peopie snoma want. vnarmu vemocrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Us twelfth year. As a dally journal or news it stands np neaa." voneora jsegtsusr. The Wnminerton Stab has entered its twenty- fifth volume. There is no better paper published in tne state. lnotr Topic. The Wilmintrton Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year, it is one of the best papers in tho state. Warrenton Gazette The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers ef the south. Oxford Torcnitgu. The Wilmintrton Stab is not only one of the best eaiiea papers in me Biaie, duk ior iresnness oi news and typographical appearance cannot be beat en jacKson reporter. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence. rtiersourg ; ya ) inaex-APpeat. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited. newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect newspaper. Long may ine &tab iwinjue. mi. Ary yuuor. Although at the head' of the Dress in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It. is a Stab of the first magnitude. May Its lustre never wane. The Free wtujsapiist. The Wilmington (N. OMormko Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paperpubllshed in the South. KichmondiVo.) Meugious Merala. The Wilmington Stab has now entered noon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South. and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Torooro soutnerner. The Stab is so well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of WBCtt its thousands or readers aonot already mow. It is in every respect one of the best dailies in the bouth, JioOesmian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an UUUUl aw tk. Va. IA J., Ul WA. VfUVIUl. .11 IV Haiia. tn a Mt. n u.., lonllna a -rt -1 1 n pw AM n Carolina jonrnaiiflin. unarioue uoserver. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the paper surpasses them all. Tarooro southerner. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmtogten 8tab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought a after by the peo- pie. Long and prosperous lif ts it Btidsviile lVmet. Whv is it that all the nanera with the name of star are sncn orignt iituejournais r xne Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star. Fredexicks- burg Star, New York Star, for example There must be something in a name .after all. Richmond The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very beat of our exchanges, and consider it the peer or any journal published in tne south. vx- jord Jfree lanes. The Wilmintrton Stab Is now taking the regular mianignt Associated rresa reports, ana nss Desiaes increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising eince it Is so deservin g. ChariotU Ob server. Thx Morn ins Stab, one of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes f nlly up to the mark as tne principal aauy in our cmei commercial city. Leng may it twinkle. Alamance (Meaner. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa oers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any oher of our exchanges, ana us editorial department is con ducted witn mucn anility .juorgamon juaae. Humble in its be&innlnes. as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the 8tab has steadily '-waxed" until it now beams resplendent In the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity, as a newspaper n nas iew equals, and no superior, for approDriate selection and Ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges. uuisooro necvruer m The Wilmington Mobhin8tab has entered upon the thirteenth year or its existence, ana we uute this opportunity to congratulate It upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab Is due to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too). is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the. healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enloy many more happy years of usefulness. Ooldsboro Messenger. TIIE RALE I GIT Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK k BHD, ' RaleigH. fl. C. Is the organ of about 69.030 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation.of any pa per in the State. It gives the markets, secalar and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $3.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. 1an 34 tf The Central Protestant a weekly religious and family news iL paper aiidttoOixan of the Methodist Protes tant Church in Nor unurcn in north Carolina, is puDiisnea at Greensboro. N. C Terms, S3 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tlvlty ef its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronaere of the advertia.'ne nubile Verms very favorable. Consult your business Inter ests, and address the editor J. L. aUCJUAUJL, Greensboro, N. C. A Card to the' Afflicted. Dr. ROBERTSON, 19 So. Entaw Street, Baltimore, Sid. From fifteen years' experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent care in all diseases f the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS 8Y8TEM, yiz: Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Ner vous Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and -Nocturnal Emissions, etc, all resulting from abuses in youth or excesses In manhood. Dis eases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys tem. Also all blood and skin diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Unlversl ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints aud irregularities. . All communications strictly confidential, aud me dicines sent to any address." Call or write, enclos ng stamp for reply. septSly MISCELLANEOUS.? r LoreU ilachine ; Shop, Lowell. Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! - OF COTTON MACHINERY '.Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Pa p e fflic h i n e ry ALSO, TURBINE WHEELS, Shafting and caring:. Hydraulic Presses and Pumps. Elevators, &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HILDRBTH, Bapt, LOWELL, MASS . WM. A. BURKE, Treaa., -mh 3 tf 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. pNCOURAGB HOME INSTITUTIONS. - SeoBxity against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE INSURANCE COBS PAN V RALEIGH, N. a ThisCemnanv continues to write Policies, at tn rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are niomntlv adlusted and nald. Th "HOME" Is rapidly growing In nubile favor, ant! appeaiB, wrmconnaence, to usurers or property v nennvarouna. M Agents in all parts of tho State. .J0 JOHN QATLING, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPEB, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Assay, us 1-tf Wilmington. N. C. In Warehouse. 7000 Sacks Salt. LIVERPOOL SALT, FINE TABLE SALT, FERTILIZING BALT.1 COARSE ALUM SALT, Delivered Fiee on Board Cars. 200 Hhds, New Crop Cuba Molasses. OLD CROP PORTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS 1 SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, In HogBheads, Tierces and Barrels. ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED FEET BEST RUB BER HOSE. ' Has been in use but a short time. WILLARDS. mh 25 tf COHnERCIAL HOTEL Wilmington, N. C. F, A. Sehutte, Prop'r. rpHE COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE "EM PIRE HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city. The Table is supplied with the best our Home ana Northern Markets aoora. uu&iw ran aiax $3 and $3 50. ESLarsre Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. W A First -Class BAR and BILLIARD HALL connected with this Hotel. Bp FKKS LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 13.30 f. ju. jy su u TIIE Buffalo Lithia Waters, AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Clironlc Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE Waters, and the claim, though a strong one, is substantiated by the testimony of many of the most eminent medical men of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated oiseases, vis : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially in stone or uravei: Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Goat, Rheumatism, Faraiysis. malarial Fevers in their Chronic iorm. Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the a.- uutiuvuai AasTvcaoa a n, ii i itii w vv viuoui juva o pecially In all. Disorders of tho Menstrual Function, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by any remedial agent whatsoever, whether in Materia Medica or among mineral waters. They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a FRRVBNTIVE OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal- ion Bottles, $5 per case at the springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THUS. F. uoujjjs, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs. Ya. For sale by GREEN & PLANNER. Agents. mh35tf Wilmington, N. C Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, 7ISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE . PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal In the Cwmtry that fully supplies the wants ana necessities oi tne Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS- 00 a Year1 for Specimen Copy . Forest & Stream Publlihlng Co., Ill FULTON ST., (OU No. 103.) New York. Post Offlcp Box 3881 aept 87-tf Atkinson &EIaimiag;s insurance uoomi, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, WUmlsgtsn. R. O, Fire, Marine M Life .- Companies. Capital Represented Over $100,000.000 1 The Ilarion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN th TV Dee section, one of the wealthiest and nvostprosperoua in. the State, offers to Commission and wmiesieswcnaiM anu sMwuiecMirers, ana to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an . excellent medium of communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me elumles,planters and naval store men whose pat' ronageis worth solicitation. Advertisementa and Business uarasuweneaoaiiBflrai lerma.- - . - . - - Address - THE STAR, septSStf . Marion, B.C. RAILROAD LINES: r - Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. omoa or Gone, SonanmK&m, Wilmington, N. C May 18, It 83. f Change of Schedule. rtX AND AFTER THURSDAY, MAY SO, V 1ES9, Passenger Trains en the wummgtoas weiaon uauroaa wui run asouows: J9ay Slall and Express Train. Dally Lnm WftmlBcrtxm. Prnnt Ht Derxit. at 6:50 A. M Arrive at Weldon ... 43:50 P. M. Leave Wcldon 8:40 F. M. Aznve at Wilmington, Front St. Depot.- :oa 1. m. THBoueH Passshokb.Mah., Extbkss and FnsieHT Traih, Daily ixcm Sukdats. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 3:30 P. V Arrive at Weldon.... .... 8:43 A. M Leave Weldon ..' ... ..... ; 8:15 A. M. Arriva at Wilmington. Front St. Depot, 2.15 P. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P.M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5.05 a. si. eturn ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, andMon- 1.U0- WunAai anil fPri4av at B 80 P. M. The Day Train makes close connection at Wei don for all noints North via Bar Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- rail route. The 8:30 P. M. train makes doss connections at Wcldon for all points north via Richmond. JOHN F. DIVINE. my 19-tf General Sup't. General Sup'ts Office, WIIiBIINGTON. COtUBIBiA & AD OUST A R. B. COMPANY. WILMINGTON. N. C, May 18. 1880. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1880, ldae following Schedule will be run on this Read: PASSKNeBB, Uxpbsss, Mail andTHtt .CGH Fn EIGHT Train, Daily bxckpt Sundays. Leave Wllmintton 4:00 P. M. Leave Florence 3:40 P. M. Arrive at Columbia 8:15 A. M. Leave Columbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence .; 5:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 1:00 P. M. RIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave WUminEton 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence..... 3:80 A.M. Arrive at Camden Junction 4:15 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 8:15 A. M. Leave CelumbU 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction 11:00 M. Leave Florence 3:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. This Train stops only at Brinklev's. Whiteville Flemington, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train rrom Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Camden Junc tion. Through Bleepine Cars on all nizht trains for unarieston ana Augusta. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make connection for Columbia only via Camden Junction ana csoutn uaroiina jxaiiroaa. JOHN F. DIVINE, my 19-tf Qen'I Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OlRGS GSHKAIi SOFSBOTXHSSHT WUmington, N. C., May It, 1880. Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTER MAY 18, 1880, the following w scneauie will be opera tea on this uauway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ) Leave .Wilmington at ...6:00 P.M. No. 1. VArrive at Hamlet at ....1:27 A.M. 1 Charlotte at. . ...7:00 A.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 7:95 P. M. No. . 3. V Arrive at Hamlet at 13:32 A.M. Wilmington at 8:30 A.M. No. 1 Train Is Daily except Sunday, bat makes no connection to Jtaieign on saturaays. no. s Tram is uauy except aatnraays. SHELBY -DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. I Leave Charlotte.. No. 3. 8:C0 A. M. I Arrive at Shelby 33:00 I Leave Shelby f Arrive at Charlotte . . 2 :00 P. M. No.4 6:00 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 6:15 A. M Arrives at Launnburg 4:40 P. M Leaves Charlotte 4:15 A. M' Arrives at Laurinburg 4 :00 P. M. Leaves Laurinburg , 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte SW P. M. Leaves Laurinburg ; . 5:00 A. M. Arrives at WUmington. 4:15 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesaays, inursaays ana siaturaays; jaunnDurg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections at cnariotte via stateavme, to all points in Western North Carolina and to Ashe- vuie. Also via partanourg to uenacrsonviiie, ad jacent points and Ashevilie. r'assengers ior ABhevtiie via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at 7 P. M. next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains to ana rrom unarioiie ana Wilmington. There will also be Through Sleepers run to and rrom ruueigu ana unarione. v. q. JOHNSON. mv 15-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer REG- UL A TOR, Cap!. jDOANE. WILL SAIL FROM NEW FORK, Saturday, .May 22 "Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised.. For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND. Superintendent. Wilmington, N. C Tbeo. C Ecer. Freight Agent. -New xonc W. p. Clyde & Co.. General Agents. dec9tf 85 Broadway, New York. JJajJj Qf JJ ew HanOVer. Authorized Capital 8t,000,000. Cash Capital paid In $300,000. Surplus Fund 050,000. D IR EG 1 OR8. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAE H. VOLLERS . C. M. STEDMAK ISAAC BATES, J AS." A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE B. B. BORDEN R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STUD MAN, President. . ISAAC BATES, Vice President 8. D. Waixact. Cashier iang80-tf LD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE s : for WraDDineT and other dutdoms Can be bed at the STAR OFFICE; - - ,an X .V U AMT1TT sS39Swsm MISOELL AiJEOTjB. It -b A 0OTT0.T Gl Oteans tha Seed better. Run Llarhtar. Oints Fnsxer and Costs Less- Money than any wener win in mo marxex., a.very maoninsi - fully andrlesally suarranteed. ..?. These nuiehineg are made of the best materials, and the workmanship and finish are unexcelled. Have been awarded premlnms at all the State fairs, Georgia Alabama. Texas. etc Upwards of 6000 of our Gnrs arelnoonstantUMta the southern states, over MX baTins been sold la 187. 4.- Price List of Gins, Feeders and Condensers ;. Boxed ready for shipment tuid deUTered at our factory. 2: f 2 Priee ot Prtoo jh Prleewita QtoT Self Feeder oad"' or Oondenaer. Coadenaer. J" SOsaw $75 OS $100 00 SU6 M 40 " 100 00.. 123 60 166 00 - AS " 11S 60 10 1700 60 185 00 100 00 MW00 . . SO " 140 00 180 00 tS 00 :'SJ 70 mo oo .mas : -: ww 80 " 180-00 8SS100 . ! 00 - t W Terms grven on Applloatlorl.1 w . From 1813 to 18S8 we manufactured Ginsat Commbus, Ga.. : under the firm name of E. T. Taxijob & Co., afterwards ' CliXnoifs, Baows & Oo., and made what was then, known ' as the Taylor Gin. rmrlnUie yer 1868 we remored tothla place, where we hare bean exdumlTely eng-asrod la manu factarinK Glna ererafnoa. With long experience, the beat jauor twvuis iiiwjumHry uaBuiiwiirunneB, wepoai adrantiLea not enjoyed by any other nuuxaf acnirer In line, ior proaucmg- uie juasx won ior ue iiijiST money. The demand last year was so great that nearly SM orders remained unfilled, but we nay doubled our manaxactuiinir capacity and hope to be able to meet all demands, still itS the wisest plan to srat vour orders In exrlv. Send ablet tyoui tcrlrini for lasstravea pampmet prlring nme voluntary testimonial irom over ow uve, enxerpnamg' puuners, iTOSOf. saurii r Mantera. PraaoM. Rnaintta and complete outfit furnished when dealrod. Addreas BROWN COTTON GIN CO xanr xxnnxxer. conU. JOHN DAWSON: CO., Agents, mh 16 D&W5m Wilmington, N. C DRAWINGS & PRICES PIONEER WORK8 tt BIRMINGHAM; Prices In England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.35, $100.00, $135.00, $!50.0l Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in elusive : , $103.38, $117.79, $131.97, $150.53, $184.88, $918.00. The above msv be ordered "Pull Choke." "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now mutrtTio small bores of xlng small bores of Nos. 14. IB and SO gauge, which are scarcely inferior In owe to we larger cores, larger I Weight of 30-Bore from V5X lbs, .'6 " " 1416 " IS " 10 2 8 Our "Giant Grin" Action has been awarded a nt. ploma of Merit at tho Paris Exhibition. send ror illustrated Sheets. We reSBectfnllv refer to the fnllowtnv trflntlAmm. who have purchar ed and are now using our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele. M. C. Rockiiurham. Klr.h mond coun, N. C. vapt. u. it. Murcnison, Wilmington, N. C.Z Coh B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. 5. James A. Leak, Esq ., Wadesboro. N. C. . -Wm. H. Bernard . Esq. , Wilmington, N. C J. awTtolley, Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Square, -oct 8 DAWtf Birmingham. England. Boneset Bourbon Tonic BEEISTJRED. A.H ELEGANT COMBINATION OF BONESET and other fine tonics with a pure Old Kentucky Whiskey, such as conneisseurs;approve;andIInvalids must have; not a drop of any other spirit Is used. A rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tonic for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, Ac. Delicate women, 'over worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out nurses, sufferers from bron chitis, and the feeble of every age and class will -find it a delightful lnvigorant CHAMBERS SB BROWN, mh 17 DfcW6m Louisville. Ky, GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICIHE. TRADE MARK THE GREAT TRADE MARK ENGLISH REM EDY. Anunfall. Ing cure for Sem inal Weakness. Spermatorrhea. Impotency. and all diseases that follow, as a se quence of Self1 A buna, aa Tnaa of IEF0RE TAUMQ.Memory, Unive AFTER TAII1B. sal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. a' Full nartlculars in our namnhlet. which we desire to send free by mail to every one. tSfThe Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free Dy mall on receiptor the money, by ad dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. ho. io Mechanics' biock, Detroit, Mich. 8oldln Wilminston bv GREEN As FLANNKR. Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every- where. mh 5 DAWlv JSABBLE MONUMENTS AND ' Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NSW YORK - PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK. ' TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. " BIOHARD WATHAN 4c CO v V 57 Lafayette Place, New Ysrk- Wathan's Monumental Designs. In book f OriajTcs sale to the Trade. dee 4 D&Wtf PRESCRIPTION FREE For the speed y Care ofSKiBal WeakBess,Lot Hanhood, Pren atare Debility. Merveasasss. Despoadeney, Ceafssloa ef Ideas, Aversion to Society. Defective Memory, and all Disorders Broarat en by Secret Habfta and Excesses. Any druggist has the Iagredieuta. Address, DR. JAQUES & CO., 130 West Sizb fiiiL0I55AIt OSia febJlSlyD&W . , IT. A, ; 8TEDnAITf JTr; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SLIZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Up stain, bt Brick Building, ccupied by x Hnmlal attention to Claims. Collections on turns of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent. If without suit. Drawing Deeds. Mortgages, Ac. ,Ea -specialty. .sp ft-DAWtT ENGLAND, V5i SK ; t v 5 I 1 f ii V It 1 4, 5 'A 4 Ire. is- ..if'.- p r -mm .31 O'er.1 31 i j J V t .. .... .i" I - - -, ' s ' J i if. J - V U r:Ul -iH f vl. -5 : s III i: i t J - v. a- ' : 1 v. 4 ir J" f r - v.. ; - 4-