6. 1 . nr. t 1 - L "f 1 , - J - . - i&ottmn IB wizMurqroir, ir. a Saturday Morning, May 29, 1880. MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FBOM ALL PAETS OF THE WORLD CONGBESS. Doih Hooiei Agree to Adjourn Over to Monday BUI Reported Granting Pensions to Soldiers or Mexican and Otner War, &e. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l SENATE. Washington, May 28. Mr. Burnside . Mr. President, to-morrow being Decoration day, I move when the Senate adjourn to-day it be to meet on Monday next. The President pro. tern, put the motion and declared it carried. Mr. Morrill I ask for ilia yeas and nays. f Mr. Voorheea Why, Mr. President, surely the Senator from Vermont forgets that to-morrow-Mr. Morrill I withdraw the request. President pro. tern. The request is with drawn and that's the end of it . The motion is agreed to. Mr. Call, from the Committee on Pent sions, reported favorably on the bill grant ing pensions to certain soldiers of the Mexican and other wars. Placed on the calendar. The report was not unanimous. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Florida, the joint resolutioa was taken up directing the Secretary of the Treasury to adjust and settle the accounts between II19 United States and the Slate of Florida. Mr. Eaton, from the Committee on For eign Relations; reported a joint resolution requesting the; President to negotiate with France, Spain j Austria and Italy for a re moval of the restrictions on the importation of tobacco into those countries. Printed and placed on the calendar. Mr. Vance, of North Carolina, submitted a joint resolution which waspassed,loaning 145 tents to Ithe Governor of North Caro lina for the use of the State Guards partici pating in the Centennial celebration at King's Mountain in October, 1880. On motion cf Mr. Jones, of Florida, a joint resolution was taken up directing the Secretary of the Treasury to adjust and settle the accounts between the United States and the State of Florida. It pro vides for the payment of claims for Flori da for the expenses of State volunteers in the Seminole war of 1855, 1856 and 1877. The Committee on Military Affairs reported an amendment in the nature of a substitute, directing the Secretary of War to investi gate, aocertain and report to Congress the amoust of such claims. The committee's substitute was agreed to and the joint res olution passed. On motion:of Mr. Johnston a bill was taken up and passed to authorize the bonds of manufacturers of tobacco, snuff and ci gars, exporting the same, to be cancelled at the port of clearance. Mr. Ransom, from the committee on Commerce, reported with amendments the River and Harbor Appropriation bill, and announced that he would call it up on Muuday. Placed on the calendar. The Senate then resumed the considera tion of the Eaton Tariff Commission bill, and Mr. Eaton spoke in its support. Re marks were also made by Messrs. Thur man, Beck and others. Pending a conclu sion of the debate the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was called to order this morn ing by Speaker Randall. The space in front of the Clerk's desk was filled with members seeking recognition from the Speaker and unanimous consent from the" House. Mr. Valentine, of Nebraska, introduced a joint resolution, declaring that all em ployes of the government in the District of .Columbia, including the employes of the government printing office, are entitled to their pay for the 29th of May, 1886, Deco ration day. Passed. On motion of Mr. Hunton, of Georgia, a resolution was adopted for an adjournment of the House from to-day until Monday next. The morning hour being dispensed with the House went into Committee of the Whole on the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill. An amendment was adopted increasing the appropriation for the survey of public lands from $300,000 to $400,000. Mr. Bragg, of Wis., moved to strike out the paragragh appropriating $10,000 to en ffBTe the Postmaster General to purchase the records of the Postofflce Department of the late Confederate government, touching the payment of ante-bellum mail contrac tors. Agreed to. Mr. Blount, of Ga., offered an amend ment appropriating $650,000 for the pay ment of marshals and their general depu tiesT except for the services of the latter rendered at elections. Agreed to without division. The committee then rose and reported the bill to the House. The main question was ordered on the bill and amendments. v ana men the matter went over, and the House adjourned until Monday. WASHINGTON. Maynard' Nomination Dlaenaied In tbe Senate xeenilT session Ap propriation or msalaalppi Levee. IB Telegraph to the Horning Star. WASHHfGTOir,-May 28. The greater part of tbe Senate executive session to-day was devoted to the pending nomination of ex Congressman Horace Maynard, of Ten nessee, as Postmaster General. Senators Beck and Yoorhees opposed the confirma tion on account of Mr. Maynard's extreme partisan course during the reconstruction limes in Tennessee. Senator Bailey, of that estate, spoKe ta lavor 01 the confirmation; taking tbe ground that in view of Mr. JUaynards unquestioned private integrity and. ability, bis extreme partisanship during the exceptional period referred to should be overlooked in the Interests of peace and reconciliation. -Pending further discussion the Senate adjourned. The probabilities are that Mr. Maynard's nomination will be confirmed at the: next executive session. The Committes on the Mississippi Levees htve directed a pill to be reported to carry out the recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission. It appropriates $8,619 -000, including $250,000 for Vicksburg and $250,000 for Natchez. 6 The Senate to-day confirmed tha nomi nation of William W. Jenkins as postmas ter at Charlotte, North Carolina. VIRGINIA. lieaalt of tne Election at Peter aba re. JJJy Telegrapa to toe Morning Star. Petebhbtjkg, May 28 .The official re , turns show that in the municipal election yesterday the Readjusted ticket, headed k7 Y&' ?kSameon for Myr. elected byabout 850 majority. The Funders elect eonour candidates out of twelve for the City Council, thereby securing a maioritv of sixteen to eight in that body, which eives them control of the legislative department of the city for the next two years. . The Parafflne land Wax Works of J Parkharst, Jr., .& Co., at Canton, Balti more county, Md., were burned yesterday. Lou $20,000 to $30,000. Insured for $16,000. ' MIDNIGHT SPARKS; WASSIINOTON. . Actiou of toe Senate Committee on tue Hirer and! Harbor mil Appro priation foribe Cape Fear Increased $30,000. I By Telegraph' to tbe Morning Star.l Washington, May 28. The Houeo Committee on Patents agreed today to make an adverse report lo the House upon the "Springer bill,?? to amend the VoeUer wood pulp patent. I The River and Harbor bill, as amended by the Senate Commerce Committee, was reported to the Senate to-day. It contains new items or amendments increasing tbe House items to an aggregate of $651,000, but on the other band deductions are made amounting to $503,000. The following are some of the additions to the House bill: Savannah river, Ga , $8,000; Charleston harbor, $45,000; Waccamaw river, S. C, $6,000; Yadkin river, N. C, $2,000; Cape Fear river, N. C, $30,000; Neuse river, N. C, $30, COO; Scuppernong river, N. C, $1,000; Tar river, N. C, $3,000; Trent river, N. C, $5,000.? . The House Committee on Levees and Improvements, to-day instructed Repre tative Gibson, of Louisiana, to report to the House at the earliest opportunity a bill making appropriations for the construction, repair and preservation of the levee wor.ks on the Mississippi river. The appropria tions in the bill are based upon recommen dations contained in the report of the Mis sissippi River Commission. Tbe total ap propriation contemplated by the bill is six million one hundred and fifty-one thousand dollars. t The Senate Pensions Committee to-day voted to report the House bill granting pensions to certain Soldiers and sailors of the Mexican and Creek, Seminole and Black Hawk. Indian wars. The bill pro vides that all pensions under it shall be at the rate of eight dollars per month, except for persons now receiving a pension less than that amount, who are to be entitled to the difference between tbe pension now re ceived and eight dollars per month. The bill provides that the provisions of the act shall not apply to any person while under political disabilities imposed by the four teenth amendment lo the constitution, and repeals section 4716, Revised Statutes, which prohibits the payment of pensions lo any person, or to allow children or heirs of any deceased person who voluntarily aided or abetted in the late rebellion. FOZCEIGH INVGLLIGEHCE. Hrltlsb Parliament Proceeding; Affairs in Soutb Africa-Mr. Glad atone and Sir Bartle Frere. By Cable to the Morning Star.l London, May 23. Frederick Sharpe, stock broker, has failed, owing to losses in the American department of the stock ex change. I la the House of 'Lords the burials bill promised in tbe Queen's speech at the opening of Parliament, permitting the bu rial of dissenters in all churchyards and cemeteries without the Church of England service, was read for the first time. The Aborigines Protective 8ociety has received a telegram from Cape Town.dated me atia, stating mat me papers Deiore Par liament include a dispatch from the admin trator of Basutoland, acquainting the go vernment that there is an excessive strain on the loyalty of theBasutos, owing to their disarmament, &c. The reports are that the agitation is widespread, that the whole country is bewildered, and that the prestige of the government is at a low ebb, and c ills for physical force. London, May 28. The Daily Hews, an nouncing the adjournment of the meeting of Liberal members of Parliament, in rela tion to tbe recall of Sir Bartle Frere,says: "It is to be hoped that an immediate nrl definite statement from Mr. Gladstone as to the limit to be placed on what is understood to be the temporary retention of Sir Bartle Frere as Governor of the Cape -f Good Hope may remove the necessity for Par liamentary action in a matter on which the feeling of the country is being daily more emphatically expressed." The health officer at Philadelphia gives notice to owners, captains, consignees and pilots, that all vessels bound to Philadel phia from foreign countries and from any port of the United States south or the Cape Fear, must stop at the quarantine station for examination on and after the first of June. TEXAS. Vllent Storms of Wind, Hall and Rain Towns snbmersed JOany Llves Lott and KXacb Property Ce troyed. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Gaveston, May 23. The News has the following special from San Sala: "During the rain storm last night the family of P. M. Kountree, living near here, took refuge in a cave near the house, resulting in the drowning of two of his little boys, aged two and six years. His wife, a little dani?hir and a young lady with them were taken out in a drowning condition." Calvebt, May 28. A heavy wind, rain and hail storm prevailed in the eastern part of the county yesterday, blowing down houses and fences and ruining crops. Brackett, May 28. At 1.30 this morn ing the heaviest and most disastrous rain storm set in known to the oldest inhabi tants. It ia still pouring in torrents. Alljof Brackett, except the portion onjtwo hills, was inundated. In the main street the water was iron five to eight feet deep, and washing down the street with almost in credible rapidity. The floor of every busi ness house is under water. 8everal men, who were at the mercy of the waters, went down, all efforts to save them being of no avail. Great anxiety is felt for the safety of families. Along Los Moras Creek more tkan twenty people were drowned, a uubu uuuees were, wasnea away, and it is thought some bore human freight. Many houses were washed from their founda tions. All tbe residents in the lower part of the town are being taken out as fast as po6siDie. ine greatest excitement vails. pre- TENNESSEE. Failure of tbe Vulcan Iron and Nail Worki Compiny. I Ey Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Chattanooga. May 28. By a fiat of the I Chancery Court of Hamilton county, on a general creditor's bill filed by the share holders of tbe Company, the Vulcan Iron and Nail Works were to-day thrown into bankruptcy under the laws of Tennessee, and James C. Warner, of Nashville, was appointed receiver. The best information obtainable is that the liabilities are $362, 000, and the assets available about $200.- fWV TU, TTI TIT 1 . 1 . wv. iid 1 uitau ttuihb was me largest 1 nail, bolt, spike and bar mill in the South, I cuipiuycu nuuui ow iiana9. l ne re- I ceiver is directed to continue operating the mill aa Inn o. n n U. 4 1 ,. m I mill as long aa he does not imnair the assets A large portion of the liabilities are held by business men of Chattanooga. The' failure causes much excitement here. The reason assigned is (he shrinkage in iron, a large stock of which was on hand. CbarleatonQ Rt1 Stores may 26. fllarket, The receipts were 351 casks spirits tur pentine and 1,108 bbls rosin at easy rates, bales of 2,000 bbls were effected to-dav at $1 00 per barrel for A and B; $1 10 forfC and D; $1 20 forE; $1 451 60 for P; $1 rJ5 ior u; f l 70 ior n; fa iz tor i; fa 85 for K, $2 90 for M; $3 00 for N; (3 25 for win dow glass and water white. Spirits turpen tine quiet; last rates 22c per gallon for oil and whiskeys and 23c per gallon regulars. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 per bbl for virgin and $1 50 for yellow dip. PttESBTTBBIARIi Tbe General ' Assembly Proceedings Yesterday. ' . ? By .Telegraph to the Morning Star. 7 : Charleston, May 28. The Presbyterian General Assembly voted a substitute on the matter of Church deliverances, declaring that nothing is law to be enforced by judi cial prooess bat that which is contained in the Word as interpreted in the Church. The courts differ from them in these de liverance?, in that the former determine, and when proceeding from the highest court concjude, a particular case, but both are alike interpretations of the Word by the Church Constitution, and must be sub mitted to unless contrary to the Word and Constitution, of which there is the right of private - judgment belonging to every (Jhurch court, and also to every individual unurch member: A discussion is going on relative to the removal of the Board of Home Missions from Baltimore to St. Loais.x The Assembly now holds two sessions daily. NEVADA. Democratic state Convention Dele Kates to Cincinnati Instructed for Xllden. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, j &an Francisco, May 28. The Dem ocratic State Convention of Nevada met at Winnemucca yesterday afternoon, and elected six delegates to Cincinnati. It is understood that 3 prefer Tilden, 2 Thur man and 1 Field; but the Convention, by a vote of 58 to 36, declared Tilden the pre ference of the party. Geo. W. Cassidy was nominated for member of Congress and C. H. Belknap for Supreme Judge. Three Presidential electors were chosen. BLEOTBlO SPARKS. Chailes Bulling, colored, was hanged at Hanover Court House, Va., yesterday after noon, for outraging little girl in April last. Governor Hartraoft, of Pennsylvania, has accepted an invitation to address the Literary Societies of Roanoke College on June 15th. An accident occurred near Reading, Pennsylvania, 00 tbe Northern Railroad, yesterday, in which a freight and passenger train couiaea. Ten or twelve passengers pwere injured, several of whom will die. Wallace's tannery and thoo factory, at Rochester, N. H.. was burned vesterdav. Nine buildings were destroyed, and a quan tity of lumber in the yard. Loss $50,000; partially insured. Four hundred hands are thrown out of employment. Weekly Report of the Liverpool cot ton Trade. By Cable to the Merning Star.l idVKRFoou May as. This week's cir cular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' As sociation says: "Cotton has been quiet throughout the week and quotations show some decline to- day. Thursday, there was increased business and tbe market was rather steadier. In American only a mod erate business was done and quotations were reduced for good ordinary 3-163 and for other grades id. In Sea Island small business was done at previous rates. Fu tures have been generally dull and inani mate. After small fluctuations, the final rates show a decline of 1-163 32J for near and 3-32d for distant positions. " New York Naval stores market, nay 36. Spirits turpentine There was little de mand to-day, and prices are still unsettled; a small lot in merchantable order sold at 25c, with 25ic more generally quoted, and the leading holders asking more. Rosins are firm and unchanged. The follow ing were tbe closing quotations: Good strained $1 40 1 42J; common do $1 35: No. 2 E F $1 551 75; No. 1 G H $3 10 2 37i; good No. 1 1 $3 62f3 80; low pale E$3 (XXgtf 12J; Pale M $3 253 50; extra pale $3 62r, and window glass W $3 75 4 00. City pitch at $1 903 00. Tar is quoted at $2 U02 10. Life 13 rendered miserable when the di gestive organs are impaired. Food becomes repulsive; the body emaciated; the mind depressed, and melancholy broods over you. Tutt's Liver Pills is the remedy for these evils; they produce sound digestion; create a good appetite, impart refreshing sleep and cheerfulness of mind. ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, Montgomery County, Va THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE controlling interest in this celebrated WATER ING PLACE, ana aasamed the management, has pat it In thorough repair for the coming season. Ita reputation ia now ao firmly and widely extended, and ita waters so celebrated for the enre of the dis eases ef the Digestive Organs, and all diseases ari sing there rrom, he will merely announce the fact thai he will be prepared to entertain his friends and the public generally in a style equal to any wa tering place in Virginia, and at the very low price of w per moo ul, $10 per wees, 2 3U per day. A fall supply of Ice has been secured. Pamphlets containing a fall description or the place, and certificates of some of the remarkable cores effected by the ose of the Water, will be fur nished on application. myaaiHi C. A. COLHOUN. Kice Mill For Sale, J OTFEB FOB SALE THE HILTON RICK MILL now working and ia first rate condition. For price, terms and any farther information apply to GEO. D. PARSLEY. Wilmington, N. C, May 15, 183a my 16 nac 16 A 33 and D till 80. Tropical and Tourist Hats ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. my 87 tf For Sale Low, WO 1 HORSE TRUCKS, ONE ALMOST NEW, Both io thorough order Can bj bought cheap. Apply at y 20 tf this office. Send in Tour Orders JpOR CORN (WHITE or MIXED), HAT, PEASE, and the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY." andlwe will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION In Quality and Price. PRESTON CUMMING 4 CO.. my 26 tf Millers and Grain D&lera. UUT N ba"o"aknbss, bridles, sad- dies, Trunks, Ac. have arrived, and are now open. this market. All thd latest . Jarg"" assortment eyer tiro light to ments. Old Stand. No. 8 South Front s BiyiBs ana improve my S3 tf MALLARD A BOWDBN. 5 south Front St. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for! rn tt "P 1 JCJ falcon:, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. t Bent to any address to Jan nary 1, 1681, for ONE DOLLAR. myS6Jtf I8 J SglCOMiVmRGIL WILM ING TO N MARKET. ' The official or opening quotations nelow are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE, May 28, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Silea report ed of 100 casks at 23 cents per gallon for regular packages, being an advance of q 00 last reports. Market firm ROSIN The market opened firmat $1 03 for Strained and $1 07i for Good Strained, with sales reported of 953 bbla at $1 00 $1 05 for Slrtiiued and Good Strained, and 2.000 bbla Good Strained at $1 10 per bbl. Alsosales of 50 bbla- fine rosins at $2 75 for lx GoocTLow Pale, $3 00 for M Pale, and $3 25 for N Extn Pale- Market easier for these grades. . TAR The market was firm at $1 25 per bbl of 280 lbs, wilbjales at quotations. I CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market irre gular at $1 50 for Yellow Dip, and $2 252 40 for Virgin. COTTON The market was weak and lower to sell. Futures for June opened in New York at 11 37 and closed steady at 11.39; September opened at 11.19 and closed steady at 11.23 The following were the official quotations here: Ordinary 9 cents IR bl vjtuuu uramary iu Strict Good Ordinary... Low Middling lOf 41 " Middling 11 Good Middling .". 11J Quotations conform to tnc classification o. the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS Small sales reported on a basis of 5060 cts for shelling 6tock, 70 cents for Ordinary, 80 cents for Prime, 90 cents for Extra Prime, $1 00 for Fancy, and $1 05 for Extra Fancy. Market quiet. RECEIPTS. Uouou baie Spirits turpentine 267 casks. 8l 486 bbls. Tar 4 Crude turpentine 397 I By Telegraph to tke Morning Star. Financial. New York, May 28 Evening. Money 34 percent. Sterling exchange 486. Go vernments irregular; new fives 103$; four and a half per cents HOf ; four per cents 108J. State bonds nominal. Oommercxal. Evening Cotton quiet and steady, with sales to-day of 184 bales; middling uplands 11 11-10 cents; Orleans 11 13-10 cents; weekly net receipts 2,768 bales, groes 13, 652 bales, exports to Great Britain 11,151 bales; to the continent 5,724 bales; to France 300 bales; to the channel 1,917 bales. Southern' flour dull and weak; com mon to fair extra $5 105 75; good to cuoice ao $o ow&o 70. vy neat generally in buyers' favor; ungraded red $1 211 27. Corn opened ic better, and closed firm- ungraded 53i55Tc. Oats heavy and la lie lower; JXo. 3. 44c. Coffee quiet with rather more steady prices and unaltered. Sugar dull and easier; Porto Rico good to common fair 7c; fair to good refining 7 7fc; prime 7fc; refined in fair demand; standard A 9i9c. Molasses steady and in moderate demand. Rice in fair request and firm. Rosin quiet and firm at $1 35 1 42$. Spiiits turpentino firmer at 26c rors in buyers' favor and moderate de mand at $11 00; middles dull and weak; long clear 6$c; short 6Jc; long and short 6fc. Lard lower and less active at $6 90. Whiskey nominal at $1 13 1 15. Freights dull. Cotton net receipts 383 bales; gross 8,967 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales of 63,000 bales, at the following quota, tions: May 11.3511.36 cents, June 11.89 11.40 cents, July 11.5611.57 cents, Au gust 11.6311.64 cents, September 11.23 11.24 cents, October 10.7210.73 cents. .November 10.52ai0.54 cents. December 11.5311.54 cents. Baltimore, May 28. Flour fairly active and firm at Ihe following prices: How ard street and western super $3 254 00; extra $4255 00; family $5 256 00; city mills super $3 504 00 ; do extra $4 255 25 ; Rio brands $6 006 25; Patapsco family $7 10. Southern wheat firmer; western strong and higher; southern red $1 251 80: amber $1 S01 32; No. 1 Maryland red $131; No. 2 western winter red on snot $130rl 31; May delivery $130; June tSSSSS'JIWSrStS oywbuviu mm auu active; western nrm huQ. ami tftAfin A rw . a I higher; southern white 56i57 cents; yel- iww uu cia. kj&is sieaay ana quiet; southern 4243 cents; western white 4243 cents; do mixed 3040i cents. Provisions very quiet. Mess pork $11 2511 75. Bulk meats loose shoulders, 4jc; clear rib sides 6Jc; do packed 5 and 77ic. Bacon shoulders 5c; clear rib sides 7i7jc; hams 10i12c. Lard 8c. Coffee dulr-and nomi nal; Rio in cargoes, fair to prime 12i 14ic Sugar quiet; A soft 94c. Whiskey steady at $1 1011 11. Freights nominal. Chicago, May 28. Flour dull. Wheat in fair demand and lower rates; No. 2 red winter $1 05; No. 2 Chicago spring $1 13$ 1 14 cash and May; $1 101 lol June; 99ic July; No. 8 do 8889c. Corn unset tled and opened strong and higher, closed at inside prices; 37a371c cash and Mim 35ic bid June; 35$c Jrriy. Oats easier; caBh higher and options lower; 34c cash and May; 28c July. Pork steady and in fair demand at $10 00. Lard dull, weak and lower at $G 47. Bulk meats steady and unchanged- Whiskey steady and un changed. St. Louis, May 28. Flour dull and lower to sell; fancy $4 85 bid ; family $4 50 asked. Wheats unsettled and lower: No. 2 rati full $1 0Cil 07icash; $1 061 09 and May; v v?uuuuc vAira uigBcr at open ing but declined; 35i36ic cash ;85ic May; 84i34fc June. Oats dufi; 31ic cash; 30c June. Whiskey steady at $1 08. Pork fairly active at $10 25. Lard dull at $6 37J. Bulk meats nominal Bacon quiet; should ers $4 50; ribs $0 806 85; sides $7 05 New York comparative cotton State ment. New York, May 28. The following is the comparative cotton statement for th week ending this date: llTT . 1880. 1879. Net receipts at all United States ports during week. T 23,558 10,396 Total receipts to this date 4,749,998 4,874,665 Exports for week 56,180 ;7,889 Total exports to this ' date 8,444,704 3,393,733 Stock in all U. S. ports. 438,912 254 709 Stock in all interior ' towns 78,111 26,368 Stock in Liverpool 767,000 6 10,000 American afloat for ' Great Britain 218,000 143,000 Selma missing. fOIISKM AIARjt&tVrs. By Cablo to the Morning Star. LrvKBPOOl.. May 28, 5.15 P. M. Cotton Uplands, 1 m c, June and July delivery 6 1-1 6d. Futures closed steady. Sales of cotton to-day include. 4 700 bales American r v ' ' v - ' 1 - . .. -. - - r CTTOH filARHJBTS. ." , ' , By Telegraph to tae Morning StarJ May 28. Galveston, nominal at lOf ' cts net receipts 10 bales; Norfolk, quiet at ill cents net receipts 2,077 bales; Balti more, quiet at llf cents net receipts 65 bales; Boston, dull at 12 cents net re ceipts 710 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 111 cents net receipts 280 bales; Savannah, - I easy at 11 1-16 cts net receipts 193 bales; New Orleans, dull and easy at Hi cts net receipts 493 bales; Mobile, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 93 bales; Memphis, easy at 10 cents net receipts 57 bales; Augusta, quiet at lOf cts net receipts 58 bales; Charleston, quiet and lower at Hi cts net receipts 414 bales. Wbkbxt Receipts. Galveston, 1,135 bales; Norfolk, 3,990 bales; Baltimore, 82 bales; Boston, 1,601 bales; Philadel- Shia, 1,135 bales; Savannah, 1,011 bales; few Orleans, 5,845 bales; Mobile 507 bales; Memphis, 1,039 bales; Augusta, 373 bales; Charleston, 1,820 bales. MARINE. Port Almanac may 29. San Rises 4.46 A. M. San Sets 7.09 P.M. High Water (Smithville) 11.56 Morn. " (Wilmington) 3.66 Even. Day's Length 14h. 23m. ARRIVED. Stmr Wave, Robeson, FayevHle.ilW te-t liams & Murchi8on. 8tmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Steam yacht Passport, Harper.Smithville, George Myers. Stmr Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithville, J. Bisbee. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cas well, R P Paddison. Scbr Mary Wheeler, Justice, Calabash, N C, naval stores to D L Gore. CLEARED. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Wil liams & Murchison. Stmr Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithville, J Bisbee. Steam yacht Passport.Harpcr.Smithviile, George Myers. Nor barque Arctic, Hansen, London, Alex Sprunt & Son. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. London Nor barque Artie 1,500 casks spirits turpentine, 200 bbls rosin. MAKINE DIRECTORY. List or Vessels In tbe Port of Wil mington, ff. C. Slay 29. IS80. IThlB list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Viking (Nor.), 264 tons, Rasraussen, Heide & Co Arctic (Nor.), 263 tons, Hansen, A Spiunt & Son Erna (Qer.), 567 tons, Vos?, EG Barker & Co Sus e (Br.), 302 tons, Small. Master Sirene (Ger.), 500 tons, Calliesa. E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Hilding (Nor.), 236 tons, Jorgensen, CP Mcbane Gazellen (Nor.), 262 tons, Wiebye,- C P Mebane SCHOONERS. Etta M Barter, 272 tons, Barter, E O Baiker & Co Lizzie Lane, 231 tons. West, EG Barker & Co Florence N Tower, 173 tons, Adams, E G Barker & Co Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telepram. P. L. Bridgers & Co. To our Country Friends WE HAVE JUST THU TO BAY. P. L. Bridgers & Co. Do business in the IIANDSOME3T AND MOST 1MPOSINQ STORE in the City of Wilmington. This b?tu- Ui'ul building takes np Nos. 20, 22. 24. 26 & 28. North Front St. Yoa can't miss it. On the right hand side of Front 8tre2t, as you come cp tow from the Depot, and almost opposite the FURCELL HOUSE. Now our handsome Store is only a Emill part of what we wish to t how you, for when you get In the Inside of it, you will find there the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stocks of Groceries ! IN THE STATE 1 And in proportion to its age, we are safe in assert ing that we do the Largest Retail and Wholesale Trade ! IN THE STATE. tss wme ana Bee us, and out our prices, and look at our Goods before you purchase elsewhere. ana it we can't sell you we will bo happy at least to make your acquaintance. Respectfully, . P. L. Bridgers & Co. 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St. Wilmington, H. C. my 23 DAWtf Sea Side. j o i aa.ia.jiK PASSPORT WILL LCOM- STEAMER menca SUNDAY TRIPS April 35th, and continme aP8atf GEO. MYERS. Agent. Not the EailroacTBest, gUT BEST COOK STOVES, Refrigerators and Wekeep. ICeCteam PrecMW' my 23 tf PARKER A TAYLOR. SPRING AftID NOW 01'. ti. KATZ'S, 36 Market Street CONSISTING IN PAUT OF ' Black. Colored, Brocaded and Fancy Mlks, Black, White, Colored and Striped Satins Plain, Striped and Momie Buntings, all shades, sllk and Wool Persian and Japanese ftovclties Wool Beiges, Bandana Cloth, Frcneh Percales, Lawns and Organdies. The B!t Assortment 4n the City of Hloiirnin" meres, Henriettas, Tamise, adlnes Australian Crepes. White Goods and Piques, Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries wur uh iow iu price aa me them. Satin, Gros Grain and Cashmere Ribbons Silk and Lace Ties, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Housekeeping Goods, Linen sheetings, Boys' Wear Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, superb Hosiery tunl Gloves And hundreds of NOVELTIES ton numerous to mention fi All of these Goods have been bought at extraordinary low r.ri many, such as Silks, Satins, &c, will be ISfAn examination of all will be to JSL. JSL mh 28 tf SPECIALTIES. rown ic 45 Market Street, Desire to call particular attention to the follow ing. Onr space is so small we cannot possibly give any idea, but endeavor to change oar advertisement as often as possible. A visit to our establishment only can cover the ground, for we are daily receiv ing and closing cut Lots every day. CASSIMERSS, for Men and Boys' Wear; Plain and Figured LINEN for Stairs; White and Colored CANTON MATTING; CORDUROY and TERRY, for Ladies and Chil dren's Wear. GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. We are closing out a lot at $1 to a dozen, that is reaijy not nair tne regular price. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Our variety in this department is withont exception the largest we have ever shown , our prices are low. LINEN LAP ROBES. We have still a few of that cheap lot on hand. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market street. my 16 tf Black Walnut JUST ARRIVED. Cheap for Cash, At the New Furniture 8tore. BBDRERDS & fflUNBOE, a. B. Corner Market and 2d Sts., my23tf Wilmington, N. C. if Above the Clouds." Away we go to enjoy the fua, Fitted and furnished by Eyer & Son. Impromptu. Ahem ! " mj23 tf Gooi Fooi Properly CooM QIVES US GOOD BLOOD, SOUND BONES, healthy brains, strong nerves and firm flesh, to say nothing about good tempers and kind hearts. Get a nam (jooKBtove. Water Coolers, I. C. Freezers. Bath Tubs and prices, all fc ummer goods marked aown at my23tf KING'S. Grain Cradles. XT& HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF IT Grant's Celebrated. Southern Pattern Grain Cradles, which we are veiling Low Down. We guarantee these goods to last as long again as the common cneap Cradle kept in thu market. If you want a first class article in these goods send to the iua jtBiaBiisneo. uaraware uouse or my 16 tf JOHN DAWSON & CO. H. C. Prempert, FASHIONABLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, respectfully announces to his friends and pat rons that he may Btill be found at his Saloon, No. 7 duuib r roni street, wnere ne will be pleased to evrvo au who may iavor mm witn tnetr patronage. Unn. 1... 11. 1 . 43 Hum uukcuib vuuv nur&men employed. ap II tf Lawn Mowers, &c. "jHK NEW CHARTER OAK LAWN MOWER, just out. Sample on hand sold out Lot received this day. Prices low. Damaged Nails for sale iow, suitaDie for any kind of work, by . GEO. A. PECK, my 8 tf Front St, John K. Mcllhennv. yHOLESALBDRUGQI3T, AND DEALER IN everything usually found In Drug Establishments, and I guarantee to sell anything in my line at prices kw wuucui wiiii any urnz nouse in tne state. my 16 tf N. B. Cor. Market and Front streets. I Am Dveiner Them w 0 JlAYY BLUE, DARK BROWN AND BLACK, LastSummer Suits, and they all pass for new. WILMINGTON DYKING ESTAB., my 16 tf Market, between Sd and 8d Sta. Slippers, Newport Ties. NICE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEWPORT TIES, LOW-QUARTERED SHOES, and SLIPPERS. Prepare for summer. , THOMAS H. HOWEY, my6tf , No. 47 North Market et. The New Hat Store. pALLAND EXAMINE MY SPRING STYLES of Straw and Felt Hats; they are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front St aP W Next to Puree!! House The Fayetteville Examiner ..a Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Published at " & FAYETTEVILLE,'NORTH CAROLINA, By xerms .uu a year in advance. Send for a ape-1 SUKIKIER GOOD? OPEN A T - caSh Momie Cloth, Mohair,, Gre ererjr variety. If you desire to see real good poor worn so otten sold don'i fii . exainint ,.. .v.c, ami sold LOWER THAN EVElt BEFOUE our mutual benefit. jjii-a 38 Market Street. THOMAS H. McKOY Appreciating the EXTREME SCARCITY OP MONEY and the GREAT DEARTH OF BUSINESS DURING Tflii COMING SUMHSK, He gs leave to offer TO TilE TRADE & HIS CUSTOMERS A Choice Stock of G-BOCBBIES Of Every Description, Fresh and palatable, at prices low enough tocnabe even the most needy to invert. Call and examine my stock, ask my prices, and if I do not sell you it will be becaase you do noWant to bny. T-IIOS. EI. McSiOY, Grocer and Liqaor Dealer, y 23 tf 5 & 7 North Front a First and Second Wards. ATTENTION, TX7E AK3 CANDIDATES FOIt YOUR TflADE, Tf and should bo elected for tho followim; reasons: We can furnish you at ail t:m33 with freeh cro- cenes We keep only the beet goods for family trade We buy eoods from first hands onlv to retiil!- you therefore pay only one profit. Our Store is attractive and clean. We arc convenient to your house 3 It is a pleasant walk to our Store. We always have a complete assortment. We are always cfferiDg inducements in prlcoe. We are always willing, able and glul to accom modate good customers. Out Store is open until 8 o'clock, P. a . We offer you the following prices: Martin's Gilt Edce Butter. 3 pounds for $1 00. received fresh twice a week: Sweet New Goshen Butter, 25c per pound: Extra Family Flour, 4c per Eound; New Catch Roe Herring, 253 per doeen; ardt guaranteed free from water, 10c; Ferris' Hams and Strips and Pig Pork, not cheap out most reliable meat in the market. Meal, 20c a peck; Hominey, 30c a peck; Caba Molasses, 10c per aaart: Lieht Brown bugar, 9c per pound; White Sugar, 10c per pound; Granulated cut Loaf, Pulverized, Citron, Nuts, Baisuis, Car rants, 11 pounds for $1 00; Cocoonuts, Lemons, all kinds Canned Goods: Cofieea. all trades and kiadf, Roasted and Ground daily at my 23 tf Brooklyn Grocery. FTJRNETCHK. 11 THE IMMENSE PRODUCTION OF jruaw ture bv the Furniture Manufacturing ComWJ of Old Fort, N. C, enables us to duplicate Horw era and Western Drices. at same time giw ww goods for the money. Please call and eianm"- stock and Prices and favor us witn your oruci. D. A. smith w-. my 28 tf 43 North FrontH Come Down Tc-Morrow JND EXAMINE THE BEST AND Cliw' Shirt In the city, the "Reinforced Challenge,'! 75 cents, at my S3 tf Men's Wear j)cpo AMion Y(M Ladies- ...rf PI ALL AND SELECT YOUR BOWS. A lot of Archery Goods just received. Organs Organetts. Organs sold on the Instalment Plan. ' my23tf YATES' BOOK STORE. Gall and See. riERMAN AND DOMESTIC BOLOUWa, T u 1 -ri th . n.n. rwnanntg. OraDgW; Lemons, Dried Apples, Prunes, VaniUa, Baker ? German Chocolate, prepared Cocoa, rreeni- and Crackers, a full fine of Family Groceries, w gars, Tobacco, &c , all at ttomryoj;LBRS, my23tf 2S and 23 South Frontj", Work! Work!! Work!!! McDOUGAL & WILLIAMSON o IS THE RIGHT, and cheapest place to get your Carriages, j flarta Tirana onr! WaconS Dalit vVr.it. arness made and repaired on short notice. , inz and ii j UKU. -j ViT KtB.. e UB n uuu. on unestnut,cetween irroni auu az u C. no wilmineton. n-y: Gerhardt & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CABB1AGES, BUOOISS, BASSl A full stock constantly on hand and at iow Repairs of all kinds executed witn wv.nej(A Utr.ncm w -- Vis'dw . II ! r 4 i 4i til j II lmencopy. my6 tf a 11. my - j 'it " ; . v 1 Tef t -

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