pvBNINGr EDITION. Xftbk B4HTH,1 MOBTIMKR COLLINS. v i shall Pisa into the Morning Land a, Vow from sleep into toe life of mora; Live the new life of the new world, un shorn ! wt;e the dense JaraucM suddealy with es when Oiiou'j sightless eyes disct-raM the dawn. T.hiH behold it;l6halUeeih utter ninrv of sunrise heretofore unseen, Freshening the woodland ways with brighter green, , . 1 rallioz into life all wings thai flutter. A A throats of music and all eyes of right. Ami driving o'er the verge of the intoler able Difihl. nriruiu world! O marvellous for' days! Jo owe with dreams cf grief dolu Jove, orow bitter, v ,r trouble dim the luster wont to glitter i i,nnv eyes. Decay alone decays; A ! iSomeut-Jeath'- dull sleep is ..'er; and n iot Uie immortal morning air, Earine! KKMGIOUS NEWS. Thp revised New Testament will , ..nr until th3 latter end of the year.. . In the Australiau Methodist .. rl Conference there are 423 ministers, 57 (374 members acd 331,862 adheients. ' It you let a scurvy nominee get sic i.uce or twice on account of bis Zwd cuariicter, the managers will quit ,lUQUIli- such scabby stock . Richmond I'hriitu Advocate iev. C. C. Burr, formerly edi-to-J the New Yuik Day Book, sow a Hud o", county. N. J , polttician of some repute, U challenged CoK Robert IagertoUlo a re joious discussion. A census of the Society of Friend shows that it has about 88,000 members of whom 60,850 are in the United siaie and Canada, 14.735 in England. 3 913 in Scotland and 3,500 iu other coun tries Two full-blooded Iudians, Rev. iileu Wright and Milton Brown, from the iuJiau Territory, are delegates u the Gen--r-i Assembly of the Southern Presbyte rian Church, recently in session at Charles- -J t io, S. C. "I expect to pass through the w,,rid hut ODce," says an aged saint, "and it there is any kindness I can show to any jcllow-being. let me do it now." Take thai a yi.u motto, aud watch for opportunities ivi dams good, if you would be happy in .ins wond acd in the next. Religious Herald Publishing newspapers forphi Umbiopic and not business motives ia a costly business, as" the Methodist General I'outerence is discovering. The National Punitory has lost $30,000 during the past :our years, the Southern Advocate $12,000, i be PacijuJZxist Advocate $13,000, the St. L uis Adcoeate $7,000, and the Golden Hours cvetat thousaed more. Rev. Dr. John Miller, of Prince t, New Jersey, whose case waa a year or :. the subject of much deliberation by tiie Presbyteriau Synod in Newark, and subsequently by lbs General Assembly, and who finally left the denomination, baa built a Dew church hi Princeton, which will be dedicated on Thursday next. It is built on Lis father's estate, which is now in the very heart of Princeton. The Rev. George B. YouDg, pistor of the Kay Methodist Episcopal '.Lurch, Iudiaoapulis, wrote to Brother Patterson as follows : "If you still keep enniug to church and continue your quar rying, yenr will have to experience a pio c si namely, tar and feainer." Brother J'litersoQ called a meeting to consider the ioti'.er. ao.l befoie il was over the two men .'nd a violeoi tight with chairs. In the address of the bishops to tijeQu dreDnial Conference now in session t Uiuciunati the wonderful growth of the Methodist denomination is set forth in a Milking rnauDer. During the past four Stars there has been an increase io the membership of 119,745 persons, tbe total mtmuersuip aggregating 1,700,302. The increase in the number of traveling preach ers w&s 713, and of church edifices 1,322, 'r more than one church for every work ing day in the four years. POLITICAL POINT Mr. Blaine's camphor-bearer should prepare for business Atlanta Con stitution, Dem. Suppose the Cincinnati Conven snows tense, aud the Chicago Conven ts u does not, is it likely that the fools will Kuve in a majority next November. fynm-jUld Republican, Ind. Rep. Senator Hoar is a very nice old Reullemarj, and all that, but he ought not t' be made President of tbe Chicago Con vention, because he has never teen negroes wading through seis of blood. Boutwell to -Boston lost, Dem. PERSONAL. " George Aacrnatiia Sala. has an mcume of something more than $10,000 a ytr. Don Cameron's check-book is tipected to do missionary work at Chicago mong the Southern delegations, remarks le Washington Slar. . - Clark Mills, the sculptor, has just been presented by the Tennessee His torical Society with a gold-headed cane, de of hickory from the Hermitage. John Russell Young is said to we made $30,000 out of bis book on the rant hippodrome, whichiscoucU all the jorky hterary bureaus by aery large ma- The fatb.ee of thi House of ominoDa has again been returned to it in .? f"0 of Mr- Mansel-Talbot. who baa ill Y? . ,anWMthiie alnce 1830. Tbe "t that a man 77 ihould have refused a or er,a.e,a?d sought reelection is significant n,J fwcination which the House, re Iw lhe Pleasantest club in London," rcise8 over its members. tern . St' Peterbhrg is to have an in summe0"1 exhibilif n of Photographs tbi. .r,rThoa8aBi of English people Amme?gVu8eelh1 Pdasi V Ober- rThue.,?ew "ork Legislature has -It hasbeenldecided in England wbffaf carriage, the owner r, " 'Ah! mv Idartinf mif ooM Uu" i ja - -.u, nuai wuuiu you sail ,u ' kL?. I am mire. Georee " taar TSW- I never thought queue U,t ? In mV Book of EU widow.r. retL; tea for young HAS Mrvrn CAirpn wbmo aeoords to tb printed dlrectiooa toeteeing-each bottle, and tiferfecilStafrct the moM inexperieZxd, od7 PEnRViDAVIS' PMJ ILLER IS BECOMSXEHDED By Physiciam, by Missionaries, by Minister, by Mechcmjca,j Iturtea in Eotpitala, BT KVERTBODY. PAIM KILLER S Cramps Cboler and aU Bowl OompUHnh. We have tennmerahlo tcnUm(Ui!aIs ftom " parties In all parts cf the world who nave used f t PAIH KTTitiTi'R lnternaliy with BeYerfeiling snccess In cases of sickness of almost every nature. - PARI KILLER to OvB lTVittrld for SloK HMdaeae, Sc 81aaMaa,mUa la tbe Blc,Palii tn the Side, tfhtm matlana, ami gfwralgia. WQUXSTIONABIiT- THB BEST LINIMENT MADE equal having never yet bee found. PAIN KILLER nffiPM cases of Cats, Brwlsea, Spradna Scelda, Severe Bunts, etc PAIN KILLER trusted friend of the Parmer, Plamter, 8aUttry Merlaeiate, and in fact all clasBea wantma a sure and sefe medicine which will arwaya be at hand, and can be freely used Internally or ex- tcnudiy without fear of p"to and irUn certainty of relief. PAINKILLER i la a Medicine Chest In I Itself, and few vessels rave -port without a supply PAINKILLER y or it id hare a place In I CTcm Factory. Manhtne- -nqp ana mill, on every xarm. audiiaiuaUaii. . ; nd in every Household, ready for Immediate .ise not only for Accidents, Cots, Braises, ores, eta, bat in case of Sudden Sickness or .ny kind. No family can safely be without this fnraln ible remedy in the hoaso. Its price brings it within the reach of all, and it win annually save many times its cost in doctor's bills. For aale by &U druggists at 8c0Oc and $1 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, 1 PROVIDENCE, R. I. Proprietors ap 30 eod&Wly rr ra we HVUE(91G See Certificate U. 8. Government Chemist.l Laboratobt Abut Mxmcal Mtthxttx, Wahihotok. O. C, Feb. 11, I860. Dear Sirs : For years past I have been called upon to analyse all the brands of Baking Powder submit ted to the Commissary Department of the United States Army, and I hare found none to equal the "8TKHUNU" brand (manufactured in Baltimore) in the matter of strength, L e., the amount of Car bonic Acid Gas it yields. It is, moreover, pare in an exceptional degree, frpntnlniig no burnt alum, which is Justly regarded as injurious to health, nor any other foreign matter whatever. In short it is a pore and highly wholesome Baking Powder. Bespectfoljyyoars, Analytical Chemist. Manufactured by THE STERLIH& HAHpCTUR'S CO. 168 W- Madison St. Baltimore. FOB 8ALB BY ALL. FIBST: CLASS GROCSBS. ADRIAN A VOLLKRS, Wholesale Agents, my 19 eodlm sn we fr Westminster Hotel, 16th 8treet. Kast of Union Square, N.T. PKRFBCTION1N ALL ITS f APPOINTMENTS. AMERICAN PLAN: J axes A. Jiwiu, fx . G. Schshck, Manager. rrsprietoc -we' fr f febl8eodSm Flour, Meats, Virginia Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Hoop Iron, ft. Nails, Bungs, sCTlu:&jp FOR 8 ALB BY Adrian Vollers, j Wholesale Grocers. : my 1 tf S. B. corner Front and Dock Sts. Price Beaitc'edFJ- JrerrW tmva i'vtf TTTVirffiS''rtTAT MRS. " A VIRGINIA A. ORB has reduced the price of .k.ninr. bleacame. and drlnz Ladies' and Chll- drea'sHata frees FIFTY to f 7KNTY-WVKj 0T8. . BBSIDSHC8 On door esstof Front, on Church Em ':, Oar quotations, aaoald bonnderatrwwt t, !f?.riM Pce en,6Xahj &sW ,n small orders hizher pncea have to be charsea. ajcrious. a . 113erO ' w : BACON North Carolina, ! Hmt ew), -.M...,. ts 10 . Rami - . . - 0" ; Qi .y.0 i'M 1 - .00 00 ;.0Q 00 7 SO 30 15' .rso BBBF-p-Live weiirht.., mb RkkIJS HplritdTarpeatla. . 1 ' s - New New York, eatb. ...... paiCBWUmlngton, V M ' 00 1 0 O KM OiJ.JSCt PALSS-Sperm. i 18 96 HMO o c j . a . 10 o 3S O 75 O '1 .,10 75 2 60 8 CHKBSB Northern Factory V POFsWavaft ..J DMJ, V ....... PUrtN JLSAIi aj.bneheUa sacks WTTOB TUB WlbOle...... .. . DOMK8TICS- 8heetiBC.4-4 V yd o 00 ' 00 18 00 8 50 10 00 & 60 6 60 8 00 S 00 00 67 60 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 oo oe 40 00 00 00 00 00: 00 00 to 00 65 90 0 00 5 75 6 25 '1 50 6 00 0 76 7 50 . 14 60 59 00 : 6o ' ivn, w onacn SI 1 10 1X 30 00 a io 50 Oia eo o 6 6o riflfl Kackerel,No.lV bbL.. o. 1, v Jf- DDI Mackerel, Ne. l, bbi No., jfbbl.. Mackerel, No. 8, boh. .... . Mallets, fjbbl 7 oo SK 400 M.u.uerrlng,Uoe,v keg.... F&RTILLZSRS M-M i w VJ.M 1 . mM -' . Peruvian Guano, V 00U be Bangh'sPhosBhate, " t Carolina Fertiliser, Ground Bone, 1 Bone Meal, . Flour, : " -Navaasa Guano, " . Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ' . Wando Phosphate, Berger Bate's Phosph. M 62 60 60 00 60 06 .4000 46 00 67 00 45 00 8TO0 7000 ; 70 00 00 00 6000 600 00 9 00 9 00 6E0 700 7 76 i$ 72 60 70 63Ji 90 6 13 135 1 85 1 10 95 00 9 10 1 10 FLOUR Fine. bbl...... Buner. Northern. W bbl.... jsxtraao. v ddi.... .. Famil. " obi.:.rr: i City Mills Ritra, V bbU...1 , ramuy, y dm. Kz.Familv. hhl dLUB-S 9 '. GRAIN Corn, in store, in oags,' uexm,uargo w on unm. ...... Corn, mixed V bushel, in bags. Oats, 9 bushel...... Peas. Cow. 9 bushel ..... .. 83 4 o HID So Green, w t.i.&v BYRasterni 9' VoO sU.....". 1 16 a western, y iwi an.... 1 10 1 00 itoOP IRON 9 ton.. LARD Northern, 9 , oo oo a t Noartnoexoana, LTMB 9 bbl 00 o - 00 o LUMBXB Citt SvbaxBa' Ship BtniT.reaawed, Jfr M ft. . Bourn Zdse Plank, af ft... 18 08 15 09 C'30 00 16 06 WestIndU(ree,aooordlng to quality, Oc ft. ! OreeaeaFloorlnK, seasoned.. 13 00 O 18 00 18 00 O a 00 BeantttnK and Boarea, eom- mon, Ja ft.. .i MOLAB8 BS -New cp lOaba, hkds 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 00 40 0 00 11 1 10 90 80 as 10 75 83 60 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o o isno 26 41 41 46 as 35 80 4 50 ia 146 100 40 30 ' . 18 100 115 75 ass 13 50 00 00 1100 10 00 New crop vuDa, ddjs jp gai Porto Eiecshhds.....;. bbla.... Sugar Boose, khds. V . " bbls. al.... a a o o o o o o o o & o g s o NAII Cat, 10d basis, 9 keg! 1 JLU iteroeeae, v Kat...M.k.. Linseed, ai.... .... ttoain.V bsI'. ...... ........ rX)UITB ChlckensJlTejtTowm . spring... TnrBys PKANTJT8 3 bosbel. lOT ATOJa awee t, Daanai Irish, bbl , POBK-JloTthem, City Meaa Thin, v DDi ........ ...m.. Prime. bbl i mup, v . ......... .... B1CK Caroli fl a ti m kkl 0000 7MQ Rough, 9 hash... RAGS Country, b 15 O IXC oo 6 ...... .., 1 DO City. 9 RDPB-. . . sa 75 SALT Alu m , 9 bushel idverpool, weacK, Lisbon J sack.. ....... American. 9 sack... 75 0 75 89 00 00 0 o o o a SUGAR vuds, w .. Porto taeo, w A Coffee, 9 ... B 44 9 0 io 16 IO 10 8X 9 11 6 700 980 5 00 7 50 1500 00 06 00 00 6 13 00 10 00 7 00 500 404 500 60 88 35 20 C 9 , ... .. ...... o o 8 iexo 6 O Si. C 9 jee Crashed. 9 .. ?. SOAP Northern, w 8RTNQLRS Contract, yX.. 5 00 a oo 4 50 00 ia oo io oo 00 00 uommon, v m Cypress Saps a? m, Cmress Hearts 9 M. o BTAYRS W.O.BbL.VM... o B O. DbtLl V Keeee e Cypress, 9 M o TALLOW 9 6XO UNO TUEBHR Ship siiirnm Mill Fair. 8 00 6 50 4 60 3 00 1 00 1 00 35 SO 18 l Jam e Common Mill. a o o o o a WBlSBjry Northern, gal... Monn varouna, v gai..w. WOOL Unwashed, y Tb .... wasnea.m m Barry Wool WILMIROTON AEOIfBX AA exchange (sight) on New York. X disct. Baltimore, x. Boston,.. .v.... .U " v Philadelphia, M " Western Cities X 44 Xschange 30 days 1 9 cent. - Barak of New Hanover Btoek 85 First National Bank, 75 Ntvassa Guaao Co. " 133 N.C. Bonds Old Kr-txrapon za Do. Fuomgiees o Do. 44 1868 8 Do. New 4'a. 08 ; Do. Special Tax. 4 Do. to N.C. Railroad 80 W. A. W. RR. Bonds 7 e(GoldInt).lia Carolina Central S, R. Bpnds, 6 Vc:. . 40 WU. UOk SE AUg. B. tt. w WOKlngten city Bonds, 7 c. 86 i " 44 old 6 fJc 85 , . new B ye.... t 8 86 New Hanover County.. -.0 ye.. ...... .85 (Cur. Int) W: W. Railroad stock - tu North Carolina R.H. 44 70 Wilmington Cotton Mills.... T u. ums - w. .............. U5 Eivn TJ IF CF1 X T." The SavannaliWeeMyTTaws Of FEBRUARY 7tn w&T contain the opening chap . ters of a charming aerial story, entitled M U F F I O?, a i ! BY MRS. OrnKLIA NISBBT R1D JOI HATOHTOIf , OA., Author of !y'Motanatei,'i ''Afterward, ; ; and "Mrs. Dare.'' Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions. will need no commendation of this her last and most successful effort to pre- Sare them for the rare literary treat that awaits lem. . MUFITT is s story of absorbing interest, and its eiblicatioh will run through some eight to ten sues of the WKKKLY NRWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. Subscription $3 a year. $1 for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express, at our risk. 1 f. H. ESTILL, ' f fob 3 if - . i. il Savannah, Gee-. - i High-Bred Dogs, iNGLISH, IRISH AND 'GORDON BETTERS, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. T . - , . . . Fofsaleby - ts. r. wkjubxi, York Pens , nev 7.BAWtf r ,.ti nift iii .-T.'.-'' f,.' 0 Wjornih&Si PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SscriBtM Rates In Alyaiice DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 " 8ix Months " "... 4 00 Three Monthe" s 85 One Month " " 100 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 44 44 Six Months, 44 IN Three Months 44 " 50 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Press. - - The Wilmington Stab has entered on ita twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. r-Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. ' As a dally journal of news It stands "up bead," Concord Register. i '; The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty. irth volume. There is no better paper published i the State. Lenoir Topic. :. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the beat papers in the State. Warrenton Gazette. The Wilmington Stab has entered ita thirteenth Sear. It baa become one ef the leading papers ef xe South. Oxford Torchlight. ! The Wilmington Stab is not -onry one of the beat edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat ta Jackson JSeporter. The Wilmington Stab is one tf the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence. fgersburg (Fa ) Index-Appeal. i We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. Mi. Airy Visitor. I Although at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first itagnltnde. May its lustre never wane. The Free JVUl Baptist. ! The Wilmington (N. C.) Mousing Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec liar) paper published in the Sooth. RichmondlVa.) Religions Herald. ! The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the beat conducted and edited papers in the South, and, ass North Carolinian, we are proud of it. forboro Southerner. t i The Stab Is so well and favorably known In this section of the State that we cau say nothing of Which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies in the South. Rooesonian. ' The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited' a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina journalism. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system In the get up of the paper surpasses them all. Tarboro Southerner. The Times cannot say a word too good for tbe Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its msny birthdays, As a newspaper it is a favorite With the 8tate press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous lire to It. ReidsviOe Time. i Why is it that all the papers with the name ef Star are such bright little journals T The Wllming ten (N.C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks bnrfc Star, New York Star, tor example There raust be something in a name after all. Richmond (Fa) State. I The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in tbe South. Ox ford Free Lanes, The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising f luce it is so deserrin g. Charlotte Ob server. The Morn 1X9 Stab, ene or the best dallies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered apon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes f ally np to the mark as the principal daily in our chief commercial city. Leng may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon ita 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office. Its nsws columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of oar exchanges, and its editorial department is con dieted with mock ability . MerganU Blade. Humble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily 4 waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. As a newspaper it has few equals, and no superior, for appropriate selection and ju dicioas arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges.? BUlsboro Recorder. Z The Wilmington Mobhtn Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is dae to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper Is all that the term of "good newspaper" Implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enloy many more happy years of usefulness. Goldiboro Messenger. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BUCK & REID, RaleigH. U. C. la the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulatiou.of any pa per in the State. It gives the markets, secalar and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $. 00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. 1an 24 tf i The Central Protestant Al WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS J paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N, C. j Terms. 8 06 per annnm, in advance. - The eligibility of ita location, the number and ac Hvity ef its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronageef tbe adverting public Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter eats, and address the editor J. L. M1CHAUZ; Greensboro. N.-C. A Card to the Afflicted. Dr. ROBERTSON, 19 go. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent care in all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of tbe NERVOUS 8YBTEM, yia : Organic and Sejolnal Weakness. Impotency (loss of sexual power). Ner vous -Debmty-ana Trembmrg, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and NoctnraaT Km 1 wim ettu, all resulting from abases ta yoptbor excesses in manhood. -Diseases recently contracted cured 4n five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys- cured; Dr; Robertson-, a graduate o the Untversfc Ity ot Harylana.- ref ej$ id any of the leading phy;; elcians of Baltimore, ; Special" atteatlan given to all female eomplaints and taegnlaritiBs. 1 : i All communications strictly confidential, and me dicines sent to any address. Call or write, enclos ng stamp for reply. sept9ly iitrtHni?!TrT. a va -rvr-Tv i I MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ' OF )'-v -iiiti'i COTTON HACmNEEY Of most ... - ' : Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Pap e r ft! ac h i n e ry .. . ... AL8Q, : TUUBINE WUEBLS, S hailing and U earing; Hydraulic Presses aad PiiJaip. Elevator, Jkc. PLANS FOR COTTOKi AND PAPER MILLS C. L. HILDRBTH; Sup't; : u ' l6 WELL, MASS. WM. A. BURKB, Treas., mh 3 tf 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. . jgNCOURAGB HOME lNSTTTUTIONB. SecHxity aaiiut lire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY RALEIGH. N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fa rates, oh all classes of insurable property. . All losses are pibmntly adjusted and paid. The 44 HOME" Is rapidly, growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to msurersof property in EforthCaroUna. far Agents hi all parts of the Bute. .MSt JOHN GATLTNG, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Aeauvs, augl-tf WiWnvton. N.C. In WarehoTise. 7000 Sacks Salt. LIVERPOOL SALT, FINE TABLE SALT, FERTILIZING BALT.1 . . COARSE ALUM SALT, Delivered Free on Board Cars. 200 Hhds. New Crop Guba Molasses. OLD CROP PORTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS. SUGAR.HOU8E SYRUP, In Hogsheads, Tierces land Barrels. ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED FEET BEST RUB BER HOSE. Has been in use but a abort time. WILLARDS. mh 25 tf COUIIEECIAL HOTEL ! WHmlngton, N. C. F. A. Scliutte, Proper. rpHE COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THB -EMPIRE HOUSE." having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, is now one or the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city. TKo TaHla la nnnllttl vlth tint twtftt Onr Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY fS and S3 oo. , , aVTLarze Samnle Rooms for the . Commercial trade. t3T" A First-Class BAR and BILLIARD MAiJ connected with this Hotel. ErfKaB LiUNVit daily rrom n a. wh.i p.m. - . Jysotf THE Buffalo Lithia Waters, GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOB THESE Waters, and the claim, though a strong one, la substantiated by the testimony of many .of the most eminent medical men of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated diseases, via : Affections of the Kidney a and Bladder, especially. in Stone or Gravel; .' Dyspepsia, Rheumatic Gdut, Rheuffiattsm, Paralysis, Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form, Dropsical Effusion. Uremia, or .Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es pecially in all Disorders or - the Menstrual Function, c thev have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accomplished by. any remedial agent, whatsoever, whether in Materia Medica or among Mineral Waters. They are confidently recommended by some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE. DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. These Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for Guests 1st day of June. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor . Buffalo Lithia Springs, Ya. For sale by GREEN A PLANNER,-Agents, mh 25 tf WUmiagton, N. C Forest and Stream, - AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL i A WEEKLY! PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS. PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACmCBrAMD-AXtL-- -OUT-DOOR RECBEAXIQN&AtfD STUDY. . This is the cy Journal In 'the Country that fully supplies the. wants and necessities of tbe Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS f t 00 a Year. Bend for Specimen Copy Forest & Stream FabUiblnr Co., Ill FULTON ST., tt)ljSo.'103,r ."NewYork. Post Office Box SSSf. sept 27-tf AtMnson nanning's Insurance Rooms. ; . BANK OF jEWHAHOYES BUXLDIHQ,' .WUmlBgjPBi.lli Fire, Hiirine M iPb j Copies; Aggregate Capital Represented . 0?er ilVKOOQjpm I- ! The HariQEtar rrHB OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBL1SHTJJ IN -i ! the Pee Dee sectioivoneof the weal thiaet and most prosperous in the otate, offers to Commission siid Wholesale Merchanta. and Manafactarers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent mdlam T eomihuntciation with a large and influential class of merchants, me-. chanics,plantera and, naval stort men, whose- pat ronage ia worth solicitation.. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal term a. - Address THB STAR, : sept as tf Marion, S, C, RAILROAD LINKS. Wilmington fc 10eldon ' onwoB ot Qmm't. BtiraauiTajioaaT. 1 Wilmington, N. C, May 18, If 83. Change of Schedule. O1 N AND AFTER THURSDAY, MAY 80, 1E80. Passenger Trains . en tbe Wilmington & j Weldon Railroad will run as follows: lny ITlatl aaol Sxpreaa Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:50 A. M- Arrive at Weldon 12 :50 ?. M. Leave Weldon 3:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, a:53 P. M. Through P absences, Mail, Express and Fmioht Train, Bailt xxcspt StnrDATs. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 3:80 P. Al' Arrive at Weldon - 3:40 A. M. Leave Weldon ir-Jf- Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 2.13 1 P. M. i Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Vnnnt tnr Tarhnm at s in p. M. Dailv. and Tues day. Thursday and Saturday at 6.05 A. aL. Return- UHPj leave xwuum ai xw.wxl.ju.. jui, .uv- aay, Wednesday and Friday at 8 30 P. M. m t The Day Train makes doee connection at w el don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail route. : The 8:80 P. M. train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. JOHN F. DIVINE, i my 19-tf General SupH. General Sup'ts Office, WlItRIINGTON, COLUMBIA All CTJSTA K. R. COJIPANV. WILMINGTON, N. C, May 18. 1680. L4tfSl-i- J Change of Schedule. DN AND AFTER THURSDAY MAY 20,1880. the following Schedale will be run on this Read: PAS9BN8EH, Expbzss, Mail and Thboush Fn eight TRAIH, DATLT EXCEIT SUITDATS. Leave Wilmington 4:00 P. M4 2eave Florence 2:40 P.M. Arrive at Columbia -. 8:15 A. M. Ieave Columbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence 5:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 1:00 P. M. I NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence 2:20 A.M. Arrive at Camden Junction 4:15 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 8:15 A. M. Leave Columbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction 14:00 M. Ieave Florence 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. i Tms Trin stops only at Brinkley's, Whiteville Flemingtea, Fair Bluff and Marion. : Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. ft C. R. R. sstdJB-Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. i Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Camden Junc tion.. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston and Augusta. . Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make connection for Columbia only via Camden Junction and South Carolina Railroad. JOHN F. DIVINE, my 19-tf Gen'l Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OrTIOI GSHIBAL BtTPKMHTairDS 3H3fT I It. 1880.J Wilmington, N. C, May Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER MAY 18, 1880, the following Schedule will De opera tea on tms rtauway: PASSENGER, W ATT. AND EXPRESS TRAIN : ) Leave ,Wilmington at No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at J Charlotte at 6:00 P.M. 1:27 A.M. 7:00 A. M. I Leave Charlotte at 7:25 P. M. Me. 2. Arrive at Hamlet at 12:82 A. M. I " . Wilmington at 8:30 A.M. No. I Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no oaaoection. to Raleigh on Saturdays. iNo. tyain is Daily except Saturdays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. K.- , (Leave Charlotte... 3- f Arrive at Shelby... 8:00A.M. 12:00 M. 2:00 P. M. 6:00 P. M. . 1 Leave Shelby LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington... 6:15 A. M Arrives at Laurinburg 4:40 P. M' Leaves Ckarlette. 4:15 A. M Arrives at Lanrinbnrg 4:00 P. M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:20 P. M. Leaves Laurinbarg ; 5:00 A.M. Arrives at Wilmington.. 4:15 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. - Close connections at Charlotte via StatesvDle, to all points in Western North Carolina and to Ashe vijle. Also via Spartanburg to Hendorsonville, ad jacent points and Ashe ville. : Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M,, wtll arrive at destination at 7 P. M. next day. Bleeplng-Car accommodations on Through Trains to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . There will also be Through Sleepers ran to and f rem Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q- JOHNSON, ' mv !5-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S Tew York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer REQU LA TOR, Cait. JDOANE, WILL SAIL XROM NEW FORE, Saturday, ;june 3. 3rrShippera .can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight EnP'sgements apply to THORIAS K. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Theo. O. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, decfltf 85 Broadway. New York. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000, Casb Capital paid In $300,000 i , -. Sarplns Fund $50,000. ; DIREC1 ORS. JOHN DAWSON CM. STEDMAK D. S. MTJRCHISON ISAAC BATES, DONALD MORAS JAS. A. LEAK H.iVOLLBRS B. F. LITTLE B. R. BREDGERS B. B. BORDER J. W. ATKINSON OH AS. M. 8TBDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President 8. D. Wiiiiioi. Cashier ragg0-tf OjLD NEWSPAPERS, J8TJITABLE t for Wrapping and other purposes Can be bed at the STAR OFFICE; 4s:..,"',.a COTTON GIN Cleans the Seed better. Run Lichter, . Gins Faster and Costs Less Money than any other Gin In the Market," Iverymaohlne fUify and legally guaranteed' f ; Those m&ohlnes are made of the best materials, and the workmanship and finish re unexoeQad. Hare been awarded premiums at all the State fairs, Georgia Alabama, Texas, etc. Upwards of 5000 of our Qnrs are in constant uae la the southern states, over MOO baring bean sold In U7a : Price List of Clns, Feeders and Condensers Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factory. MISCBLLAAOtrS. TJ In..., i f "tf3..-f S I I 2 J A 2 f 4' H "o Z ? - i WMnf Prloa with Prioswlth Btees. SeUVJJeder Belt Fewtor and ujna" or Condenser. Condenser. SO saw $75 00 $100 90 $1X00 S6 " 87 SO 118 00 144 60 ". 40 " 100 00 139 M 106 00 46 " 118 DO 146 00 .170 60 60 ' 126 00 180 00 186 00 60 " 140 OQ 180 00 820 00 70 " M0 00 806 00 Stf Of 80 " 180 00 SSS OS 884 00 ty Terms given on Appllcatloit.9 ... From 184S to 1858 we manaf actosed Oina at Ootombea, Qa.. under the Arm name of E. T. Tatlob & Co., afterwards Cumohb, Baowx & OOi, and mad what mttaealawvn as the Taylor Gin, Doring the year 1858 we removed (Othls place, where we have been exclusively enag-ed In manu facturing Gins ever sinoa. With, long experience, the best labor saving machinery and skilled workmen, we possess advaatageaaotenjoyeabyany other manafaatureria our line, for producing the bkst work for the uast money. The demand last year was so great that nearly 300 orders remained unfilled, out we haTe doubled our manufacturing capacity and hope to be able to meet all demands, still it is the wisest plan to get your orders In early. Send for illustrated pamphlet giving meu voluntary teMUwumialm from over 600 Uro, enterprising planters, Pressea,ngloes sad complete outfit furnished when desired. Addrasa BROWN COTTON GIN CO., raw uxsnxm. coitk. JOHN DAWSONI& CO., Agents, mh 16 D&W5m Wilmington, N. C. QRAWINC8 & PRICES FREE BY MAIL, PiOrtEER ' VYORK9 a 2 -wf,4 BIRMINGHAM, Prices in England. $68.00, $78.f5, $89.36, $100.00, $135.00, $1S0M Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in clusive : $103.38, $117.79, $131.97. $150.53, $184.28, $218.00. ! The above may be ordered "Full Cheke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now making small bores of Nos. 14, 16 aud 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in owet to the larger bores. Weight of 20-Bore from .....SXlbs. 44 1416 44 6 4' ,4 13 4 IX 44 44 10 44 8J" 44 Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now usin? our gnns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N.C. Capt. D. R. Murchlson, Wilmington, N. C. Col. B. F. Little Little's Mills, N. James A. LeakvBsq ., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq. , Wilmington, N. C .; J. &W.TOLLBY. Pioneer Works. St Mary's Square, oct 3 D&Wtf Birmingham. Bneland. Boneset Bourbon Tonic. REGISTERED. An PXEGANT COMBINATION OF BONBSBT and other fine tonics with a pure Old Kentucky Whiskey, sueh as connelseeurs approve andiinvalide must have; not a drop of any other spirit is used. A rich, wholesome and delicious stimnlant Tonic for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, Ac. Delicate women, "over worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out nurses, sufferers from bron chitis, and the feeble of every age and class will find it a delightful lnvigorant. CHAMBBRS & BROWN, mh 17 DfcW6m Louisville, Ky. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK THB GREAT TRADE MARK ENGLISH RBM BDY. An unfail ing cure for Sem inal Weakness, Sper matorrhea. c Impotency, and - all diseases that follow, as a se quence or ceir IEF0RE TADlB.Memory. Unlver- AFTEI TAUIB. sal Lassltnde. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. - CVFull particulars in onr pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. t9The Specific Medicine is sola by allBruggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent tree by mail oa receiptor the money, by ad dressing . THB GRAY MBDICINB CO.. No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. 8oldln Wilmington by GRBBN fc FLANNBB, Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every where, mh 5 D&Wly MARBLE r.10lIUf.TENTS AND Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICKS. DBSIGN8 BBNT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATHAN CO,, ST IafayeKte Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form,fot sale to the Trade. dec4 DWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE For the ipeedyCarefSeariaalWearaetStLost Manhood, Premature Debility Bervoasness, Betpoadeney, Confaglon Of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory; sad. all Disorders Brought oa by Secret Habits and Exsses. Any druggist has ike Ingiedienta. Address, DR. JAQUES A CO.. 130 Vest Sixh Bt, CISCIKSATI, OHHI febllS lyDAW H. A. 8TEDLTAH, Jr. Attorney and CoBBjellor at Law, BL1ZABETHTON, .BLADEN COUNTY, R. C , Office Up stairs, In Brick Building, eeeupledhy Rinaldl Co. Special attentioa to Claims. Colieetlens on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, 'e.JT specialty. ap5-DWtf IS Street. a-" "

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