Sunday Mobntng May 30, 1880. - ; t MORNING tEDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OF THE "WORLD VHE VfiiniKBU CASK. FlaOlBSef lb Cottrs ( Inqalry-Tbe colored. Cadet Ills Owo AiiHUot IIls Arrest amd donftaoateau i By Telegraph to the Morning Star.J WBOT Poiht, Mtyf 29- The WTiiUaker Court met to day ln secret session, and made op its final report, -which was agreed upon and signed by all the members of the fwirt Tha reoort.1 after reviewiog the facts and evidence in tbe case, gives the following conclusions 1st. The Court is unable to believe that such 8lfgbt wounds as! Cadet Whittaker re ceived could have been inflicted by per sons in the manner ana unaer me cucum otina rlMr.riherl bv him. 2d. It does not seef why a man with his surroundings and in! his condition and frame of mind, as shown by his own evi dence, should have submitted to an assault such as is alleged, without summoning as sistance during the assault or immediately thereafter. 3d. It believes a-person tied as he was, mrxA laft aa ia rlnim; to have been, could have readily release "himself, should he sTurt himself tn do Boi 4th. From the testimony of the Post Surgeon and others, the court is compeuea to belieVe that Whittaker was neither asleep nor insensible when ha was examined oo the morning of April 6th, but that he was feigning. 5th. The Court is hot able to discover an motive that RDT nerson other than Whittaker could have had in making such an assault, and there ja no evidence what ever to warrant the Denei mat any oiner person did make it. flth It hflifYfs that the hair cliDDiDe. flesh cutting and binding could have all hun arvnmnliahen' h Whittaker himself. 7tb. The theory that the note of warning is an imitation of Whktaker's writing is, in the opinion of the court, untenable. The uvm twit to which iezoertain handwri ting were subjected, and their positive tea- jUmony, places it Deyona qoudi iuat n un fiVw himir vrnto tha note of warnioe. and therefore, that he Is not ignorant of the person or persons engaged in the affair. The latter conclusion is strengthened by the lact that one-half of the sheet of paper on which the note is written was found in Whittakers possession, Oninim After . Rtronir arrav of circum stantial evidence, from the. testimony of experts in handwriting! and from the con flicting statements of Cadet Whittaker and the lack ot veracity evincea py mm in cer tain cases daring the inquiry, as shown by th. fvir!enr.f the Court is of the ODinion that the imputation upon the character of Cadet Whittaker, referred te in the order onnven incr the Court, in the official rertorts of the Commandant of Cadets and the Post Surgeon, is fully sustained.. When the report was sent to General Schofield, and carefully read Dy mm, ne caused a -letter to be s addressed to Col. T,71p Commandant of the Coma of Ca dets, directing the arrest of Whittaker and placing him in confinement in his own room. The order was promptly carried out, and Whittaker win remain under ar rest until this case is disposed ofy and a KU&ru wui &cci uuu uuuci dux tcuiaiiv. FOREIGN INTBLL1GBNCE. Eueoartgla: Crop Prospects In Ire- load Powder Bull Expioelon Qneen Victoria' Btrtbdar-Franct'i Political 8Ky Brlcbteolac, e. rBy Cable to the Vnmtntr 8Ur.) London, May 29. Correspondents state that no better seed-time has been experi enced in Ireland for many years than now. The crop is healthy and well advanced. An unusual area has been sown in potatoes, which come up well, asi new eeed has been extensively used, ana it is hoped the crop will be sound and plentiful. Ghent, May zv. Ajn explosion in a powder mill occurred iat Wetteran, eight miles southeast oi nere' Dy wmcn several Dersons were killed or injured. Ten bodies have been found. .London, May zv. 1 ne sixtietn anniver sary of the birth of Queen Victoria was celebrated to-day in tha usual manner. A Paris dispatch says tbat the political sky seems clearing up. The great labor strikes in tbe provinces are ended, the Communists' demonstration has been aban doned by all but a handful of fanatics, and the attack in tbe Chamber of: Deputies on the Prefect of Police mastered only thirty- one votes. LrvKKPOOii, May 29.--Hon.: James Rus sell Lowell, American Minister to England, has received instructions or advices from Secretary Evarts relative to the fisheries question of a much more amiable charac ter than the reports Congress. j WASHINGTON. secretary Evarts anil tbe Mexican Award. IBj Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Washington, Hay 29J Over one million dollars of Mexican awards are now tied up in the Dtaie department uuouza uiunc- tions and other legal proceedings growing out of disputes of lawyers oyer their fees iu the cases. Secretary Evarts has decided. as he is empowered under the law, to take the matter out of the hands of the courts and arbitrate upon the claims himself, with a view of securing an immediate distribu tion of the money to the parties interested. CALIFORNIA, i ! I Oeuts Kearney on (be War Pa lb Again. IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l San Francisco, May 2d. Last night the wqrkingmen, headed by a band, escorted Kearney irom his house to the Sand .Lots, w here a very large crowd gathered. Kear ney addressed them in his usual style, an noancing his intention of taking up the agitation where ne had left it and making ii more outer man ever. NEW JEBSIiY, Decision In an Important Will Case. By Telegraph to tbe Honing Btar.l Mewabk, May 29. Chancellor Runyon mis morning aeciaea me Ajewis will case nuainst the claimants and? in favor of the United States government, holding that Lewis Was Of snnnrl minrl mrhon ho pTunnloH the wiUad that he had n6 relaSves. who legal representatives. ?1to Persons Insfleteol for s7lrln tbe uotioa 8blp. i . IBy ft4egrat)k to-the HonOal Star 1 - NkwObxkahs, May 29.-iThe 'District Attorney to-day filed information against five prisoners, arrested as accessories to the hnrairnf nttrm mt tha Mn)T.. n. Prisoners will be arraigned on Mondav and The proposed fight between Gosa and Rvan for the heaTv weie-ht o.hnmninnahin J n .- U 1. u . J- has been arranged to take place witbia five mileeof PRtsbnrg, Pa., oa or; before Wed nesday next. 1:1 VIRGINIA. Arrest or BJllicereBt la Richmond. IBy Telegraph to tbo. Morning BtarJ Richmond, May 29.;-WmhL.' RoyaU, editor of the Commonwealth newspaper, and W m. U. lie vend ire, of this city, were ar rested to-day on a. charge that, they - were aoout to commit a breach ot the peace. Their arrest was in consequence of the ap pearance on the streets of printed placards. the contents of which the city papers had refused to publish, and In which Mr. tte veridge Inveighs In the most scurrilous lan guage against Koyall for ".caving on seve ral occasions written me (Beveridge) up in your (Royalfc) sheet." Both were admitted ; to bail in $ 1,000 each, for their appearance before the police court on Monday. an aa-aaaa1aaaBaa'S,Bataaaa- aaW-a-' - Hostile ludlans in North Park Ap prehensions for the Safety of Sec tier. -i IBy Telegraph to tha Hernias BUr.1 Laramie City. May 29. A large body of Indians being reported near Illinois Creek, tbe entire party of men, women and children, numbering about thirty-five, at Holden's Camp, packed up and retreated to Pinkham's, in tbe north end of the Park, where they are loruhedj They are poorly armed, and great fears are entertained for them. There are about seven hundred miners and prospectors in North Park, and the Indians will probably kill many of them before they get together in sufficient num bers to oppose them. GEORGIA. Trouble Over Ex-Governor Brown's Appointment. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar.l Augusta, May 29. Qoverno'Colquitt's appointment of ex-Governor Brown to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Senator Gordon causes confusion among the Democrats of Georgia. The friends of Hon. Joseph B. Cummin, of Richmond county, ex-Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, will press him for Sena tor to fill Gen. Gordon s place at the meet ing of the General Assembly in November next. ; ELECTRIC SPARKS. John Brougham, tha well-known actor, is dangerously ill in New York and is rapidly sinking. His physician says there is no possibility of his recovery, i The Health Officer of the port of New York announces that all vessels entering that port from New Orleans, Savannah, Charleston, Mobile, Galveston, Key West and all Gulf ports without a bill of health, will be subjected to quarantine of observa tion on and after the 1st of June. The weekly statement of ;the New York Associated Banks shows the following changes : Loans increase 53,439,800; spe cie increase $553,900; legal tenders in crease $377,900; deposits increase $4,436, 900; circulation decrease $65,900; reserve increase S3,3j,475. The banks now hold $16,128,458 in excess of legal requirements. A barrel of kerosene exoloded on tbe English ship Sophia, lying at a pier in Delaware river, Philadelphia. The vessel took fire, and the clothes of five persons on ooara ignited, iwo apprentice boys and a seaman, while in flames, jumped over board and were drowned. The other two were seriously but not fatally burned . The fire on the vessel was soon extinguished. We do not believe in 'medicine for chil dren, but we do believe in Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and assert that no family should be without it. f CITY lXEns. TUB MORNING 8TAS can alwava ba had al tna following places in the exit : The Parcel! House, nuns- news- puna, ana we stab umce. Laxx Pafxbs . To the Harris' News Stand, snath aide front Street, we are indebted for copies of the new zotk meager, vumitey vomer ana Jrratut Leslie i lUuaraUd Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. - wntmsss WA.TJSK. none Pennine sold on araugnt. its superioritr as a cathartic and altera - tive consists in its entire freedom from every thing bitter, acid or erode that produces headache, inter nal Bareness, ana tenas to destroy me mucous mem- DTsae. aji mmersi waters tost are aangerooa irri tants may be known by an acid after-taste. Professor James A. Sewelk A. M. M of Medical Faculty, Laval University, Quebec, states: "I have found Oolden's LiebUr's idauid Extract of Beef and Tonic Inrigorator particalirjy useful In advanced stages of Consumption, Weakness, Dyspepsia, and all Nervous Afflictions. In pregnant women It has been retained while every other article of food was rejected. I can recommend it as convenient, ptls- kauio, uu ehj oi ausuon. urxxx x jTLAinrxB, Agents, Wilmington. 1 1WBT WANT .THAT HTUFF la what S lady of Boston said to her husband when he brought horns some medicine to cure her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for lourteen years. At the first attack thereafter it was administered to her with such rood resalta. that she continued its use until cured, and made so eamuaiaaac m ua praise, mat sue mancea twenty- iwu vi uuo mi lammes m ner circle to aaopt a as their regular family medicine. That "staff" is Hop uitkcra. suuaunk THIRTT TSARS KXPKKTtNtTK OW AT OT.Ti NUBSK. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-failing safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It cor rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, re- pnlatea the riAwnla nA b4m Mat kuitk iart to mother and child We beheve It the Best and Surest Kerned? in the World, in all cases of DY8KNTKEY and D1AKHHCEA IN CHIJuDRKN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bot tle. None Genuine unless tbe f ac-aimlle of CUR TIS A PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold uy an meoicme ue&iers. sa cents a DO cue. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. TEAR. The Scientific American. HPHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN la a lanre mrat. JL Class Weekly Kewsnaoers of Sixteen Paraa. printed in the most beaotlfal style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV- xjnub, representing tne newest inventions and the most recent advances in tne Arts and Sciences ; in cluding; New and Interesting Facta in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, jiealtk, Proeress. Social Doaiw, nHinu cusuotj. ueoiogr, Astronomy. The most valuable practical oauers bv eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in us oaenunc junencan. 4 Terms, $3.30 per year, $160 ball year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Slnele co pies, 10 cents. Bold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to 1LUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park TJ A mTivrmQ in connection with the JCJXXJSia O SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. atuHX A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 Tears' exnartanM. and now have the largest establishment in the woria. ratenis are ootainea on tne best terms. A special notice is maae lu tne bcucntific amkri. CAN of siLInveatiens patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at- msuuub u uuwuw vu we menis ji tne new patent. am yersoa who nas msae a saw aiaeoverv nr in. eation,caa ascertain, ran or Chamx, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mun & Co. We also send ran our Hand iwiv about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trads- siarKs, tneir costs, ana now procured, with hints fer procuring advances on inventions. Address for tne raper, or concerning ratents, KUNN 3s CO.. 8? Park Row. New Vr,v Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Bts., WaaMngton, D.C. HOT 1 tf ' THE PEE DEE WATCHHAH. A Pint Class Weekly ITewrDftner - 5 i K Pabhshed at DABUNQTON C. H., 8. C rf IS A LARGE PAPXB 84x40 INCHES ALIVE w.u. uvnD, awm, nuv WlhU Special nalna in th dAmrhnimlx. fivtha ffamflw r I.. . I side, which is all home work. s it orcuunes in usnmgion, Bomter, Marion and i Marlboro, and bcreo Is a most valuable advertising medium. Circulation specially large at Florence. A. A. F. A. GILBERT, sept 18 tf OaiiiMtoo O. H.. b. C LOGAIi NEWS. TtT "HnvrrU oacnarenoav. 'Eirst Baptist' t 'corner' Of Market and Fifth Btreets .Rey., James B. fTaylor, pastor. Subclttf ech'ool kt V fn.' Services at 11 a,m. and 8 p. m., by Rev. Dr. Teas- dale. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. m. Services may be expected in the church during the week. Bible services as usual. Second Baptist Church on 4th between Church1 anol Castle ''streets. ' Services at" 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Bev. J. P. King, PaBtor. Sunday school at 0 a.m. St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, earner ot $th i ;and Market fftreets. Rev. G. D. Berhheim, D. D. Sunday school at 9 a. m. English service at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Christian Associatton at 3 p.m. Front Street M. , E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. iu. A. Yates, pastor. '5 Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday School at 3 p.m.; W. M. Parker, aup't ToungMen and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ing and Preaching 'Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church 3ts. Rev. T. Page Ricand, pastor. Services at 11 a. m and 8 D. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third sta. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Rector. First Sunday after Triniiy. Sunday School at 9i a. m. ; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Morning service at 11 o'clk; evening service at 8i o'clk; .Sunday school at Si p.m. Seats free. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at lla.m.; none at night Sabbath school at Si p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Scats free. Services at Tileston Upper Room every Sunday, at3i P. M., under tbe auspices of the Christian Union. Public invited. Seamen's Bethel. Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jaa. W.Craig, chap ain. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. Prayer meeting eve ry Tuesday night bt Stephen's A. M. xi. cnurcn. xiev. j. O. Fry, pastor, bervices on Sunday at 10i a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p. nL; on Tuesday at 7 p. m., official meeting; preaching on Wedneaday at 7 p. nut .prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, (colored), Bin and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 7i p. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. m. St Liewia' ChapeL corner seventh ana Bladen streets. Rev. John II. Lewis, pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., Si o'clock, p. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m. St Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Sun day school at St Barnabas at 3i p. m. Confirmation class at the church 4i p. m. 8t Luke's A. M. K Zion Church, corner Seventh and Church streets. Rev. Q. B-. Farmer, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and Sand 7:30 p. m. The public are invited Seats free. First Conzre rational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets Rev. D. D. Dodee. Minister, eunaay ser vices at 10i a-m. and S and 7ip. m. Praise and Conference meeting every weanesaay night at 7i o'clock.- First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at 9i a. m.: nreacmn? at iu a. m.. o v. m. aau 71 d. m. Rev. F. R. Howell. Pastor. Third Baptist Church ( colore a i, oetween Castle and Queen on xiinth Street. i(ev. a. H. Fillyaw, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 D.m. : Bund a v school at 9 Trinity Chapel, M. E. Church, 7th and Brunswick Btreets, Rev. E. Morten, Pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., a p. m. and 7 d. m. Sabbath School at a a. m First Baptist Church, colored, corner oi Ninth and Red Cross streets. Rev. Jer ry Patterson,- Missionary African Baptist Church, pastor in charge. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. Bible school at 3d. m, Preaching at 7i o'clock p. m. Young men's prayer meeticz Monday nieht 7i o'clock; preach ing Tuesday night, 7 O'clk; regular prayer meeting Thuaday night, 7i o cik. JSbenezer Baptist cnnrcn vcoiorea tui, between Orange and Ann streets, W. B. Banks, pastor. Bervices at 10i a. m., 8 p. m. and 8d.hl Sabbath school at iz m. Wooten'a ChaDel. (colored), corner of Bladen and 9th streets. Rev Willis Woo ten, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., 3 p. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday school at v a. m. wea nesday services at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock every Jfriday evening, rseats free Tahlnc the Tax Lists. The Committee, consisting of the Mayor and Aldermen Myers and King, have ac cepted the bid of Mr. J. Kent Brown for taking the Tax Lists and making up and completing the Tax Book for the City of Wilmington for 1880, in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Aldermen passed at their meeting on Monday last. Mr. Brown's bid was $294 50. For Fayettorllle. We are requested by the Committee of Arrangements of the New Hanover dele gation to state that the Cornet Concert Club will accompany the delegates to the Fay- etteville convention on the Bteamer Murchi aon, and that the boat will positively leave her wharf at 9:39 o'clock eharp Tuesday morning. Be on band in time, or you will be left behind. 1 Removal ( market Crv The location for the , market carts was changed yesterday from Market street to positions on Front, bet ween ; Dock and Orange streets, in accordance with an or dinance passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting oh; Monday last. Tbe re moval was effected with but little trouble, under the directionaof the Chief of Police. Festival Tinerrw NlcbtY The young ladles of 'the First Presbyte rian Church wilt give a strawberry and ice cream festival at the City Hall to-morrow (Monday) evening, for the benefit of the poor. We hope the young ladies will re ceive every encouragement in their lauda ble effort. Wayne XsiatF Baslteai. We learn that the Republican County Co'nyehtlon held at Goldsboro" yesterday was chaf,aer1stIcaUyiJinharnlQni and disordeTiy. The- Hunphrey-faction, find ing itaeltin the jniity'bbl bnt, as i enstomary; claim a majority of the Con vention. "r '-'!:- Tbe Open j Air .fffeettncs-aaspenslon j . The hour forthe open air religions itteet ings At-badley's ?Qfove Jin the Severn portion of the city, has been fixed at half ' past 4 o'clock, and tbe services will be held every Sunday afternoon that the weather . permit.', ... .; -r Kt :-,a r f -? 4; Rev. Jas. W. Craig will officiate at the meeting thia afternoon, at the above hour. AH are invited to attend. Inconsequence of the scarcity of ship ping in port during the summer months. services have been suspended for tbe pres ent at the Seamen's Bethel, and an invita tion has been extended to all seamen to attend nod participate in the open air meeting. Tberinometer Record. The following will dhow the state of the thermometer, 'at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta 82 Jacksonville 82 Key West, 83 Mobile 81 Montgomery ..... 87 New Orleans, ... .83 Punta Rassa, . . . .85 Savannah 83 Wilmington,... .80 Augusta 8G Charleston, 82 Charlotte .U4 Corsicana, 85 Galveston 86 Havana 81 Indianola 89 Housebreaking;. A few nights since a thief effected an entrance through a rear window into the house of J. 8. W. Eagles, colored, living on McRae street, in the northern section of the city, and Blole a pocket-book from the pocket of bis wife's dress containing $6 in money. A watch and other articles of value were not molested. The smell of chloroform was strong in tbe room when the family awoke. The thief left the win dow up when be retired. Kllllos a IBIad Dos Yesterday about noon Officer F. M. James received informatioa that there was a mad dog on tbe premises known as the Whitfield lot, on Front, between Church and Castle streets, and upon 'repairing to the spot he found the animal foaming at the mouth and snapping at everything tbat came within bis reach. Seizing a favorable opportunity Officer James dispatched tbe dangerous brute with two blows of an axe. Cumberland Connty. The Cumberland county Democratic convention met at Fayetteville yesterday. and ratified the action of the townships in tbe appointment of delegates to the State and Congressional conventions. Our tele grams state tbat delegates to the State con vention were instructed for Jarvis and Robinson. The delegates to the Congres sional convention were not instructed, and will vote according to their individual preferences. Sale of a Hallroad. The Carolina Central Railway, with all of its appurtenances and belongings, will be sold at public auction, under a foreclosure of mortgage, at the Court House door in this city to-morrow, the 31st insL, by Messrs. Nathan A. Stedman and Junius Davis, Commissioners appointed under said decree. The sale will take place at 12 o'clock. RIVKH AND HIAKIlfK. Schooner A. U. Quimby tailed from New Toik for Smithville on tbe 27tb instant. 7 Norwegian baique Amaranth, Torgen sen, sailed from Baltimore for this port on the 26lh instant. . Schooner Charley Bucki, Fuss, hence, for Boston, arrived at Vineyard Haven, on the 26th h. slant. Life is rendered miserable when the di gestive organs are Impaired. Food becomes repulsive; the body emaciated ; the mind depressed, and melancholy broods over you. Tutt's Liver Pills is tne remedy for these evils; they produce sound digestion; create a good appetite, impart refreshing sleep and cheerfulness oi mind. t TUB fflilLB. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as louows: CLOSE. Northern through and way mails... 5:30 A.M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 5. -00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily Western mails (CO. R'y) daily (except Sunday) Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston Fayette ville,and offices on Cape 7:45 P. M. 5.-00 P. M. 7:45 P. M. 7:45 P. M. Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 PM. Fayetteville, via Liumoerton, daily, except Sundays.... Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at Wilmington and Black River 5:00 P. M. 6:00 A M. 9:00 A. M. 6:00 A. M. Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at 9:30 A. M, OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and , way - mails .......... . 7:00 A. M Southern mails k ....... . 7 0 A, M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 9:15 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 13 M., and from 2 to 5 :30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp omco General delivery open from 6:00 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamps fox. sale at general delivery when stamp omce is ciosea Mails collected from street boxes every . a nrv i-i ma ay at o.ou r ju. Quarterly Ideatlnc Fob tub Wiuuhotok Dibtbiot, Mzthodibt B. Choboh, Sooth 8coai Bomro. New River Mission, at Oak Bill, May 2330 Onslow, at Jacksonville, . June 6 6 Duplin at Providence, , . ; . June 1313 Clinton, at B&lern, . ' Jane 19 8 L.S. BuBKHaan. Presiding Elder. University of SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly), be gin 8th July, 1880, and end 8th September. Have S roved of signal use 1st, to students who design j pursue their studies at this or other Law Bchoel j 3d, to those who propose to read privately; and SraV to practitioners who nave not had the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular applvTp. O. University of Vs.) to JOHN B. MINOR, Professor Com. and Stat. Law. myslttaw4w COMMERCIAL. W ILM IN6T O N MA RO TV JJ .vt:i'm.rIA'- ' --: - " --- Jt--t---., :! - tir wJ The official or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 v. H. , and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE, May 29, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened, firm at 23 cents, per gallon for regular packages, with sales reported later of 40 caska at 23, and 8 do at 24 cents, closing firm at 23i bid and 24 cents asked. ROSIN The market was firm at $105 for Strained and $1 10 for Good Strained, with sales reported of 4,000 bbls at quota tions. TAR The market was firm at f 1 25 per bbL of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market irreg ular at t 60 1 60 for Yellow Dip.and $2 40 per bbl for Virgin, with sales at quotations. COTTON The market was nominal. Futures for June opened in New York at 11.39 and closed easy at 11.32; September opened at 11.22 and closed easy at 11.12. The following were tbe last official quota tions here: Ordinary. 9 cents &. Good Ordinary 10 " Btrict Good Ordinary. " Low Middling lOf " " Middling 11 Good Middling Hi Quotations conform to the classification of the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS Small sales reported on a basis of, 5060 cents for shelling stock, 70 cents for Ordinary, 80 cents for Prime, 90 cents for Extra Prime, $1 00 for Fancy, and $1 05 for Extra Fancy. Market quiet. RECEIPTS). Cotton 21 bale. Spirits turpentine 507 casks. Rosin 1,306 bbls. Tar 8 " Crude turpentine 287 " lUITf KtTIU BlAHHaTK. (By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. New York, May 29 Evening. Money 34 per cent Sterling exchange 486. Go vernments quiet and generally steady; new fives 103i; four and a half per cents HOi; lour per cents lOSf. State bonds nominal. Chmmereuu. Evening Cotton steady, with Bales to day of 85 bales; last evening 595 bales; middling uplands 11 11-16 cents; Orleans 11 13-16 cents; consolidated net receipts 2, 592 bales, exports to Great Britain 6,275 bales. Southern flour unchanged and quiet. Wheat irregular, feverish and unsettled, the settlement of contracts for May option up setting the whole market closing easier; ungraded red SI zZ(ml 29. Corn stronger. closing somewhat unsettled; ungraded 53i ogc. Data heavy and 23c lower; Ho. 3, 42c -Coffee quiet and very firm; Sava- nillo 12i 16ic; Rio 12i15c. Sugar dull and heavy; forto Rico vc; Demerara cen trifugal 8rC; fair to good refining 7f7c; prime 7fc; refined Blrong; standard A 0i 9ic. Molasses unchanged and quiet. Rice flrnrand in moderate demand. Rosin un changed. Spirits turpentine steady at 26c. Pork about Bteady and very quiet at $11 05 11 10; middles dull. Lard a shade easier and dull at $6 90. Whiskey nomi nal at $1 13 I 15- Freights quiet. uotlon net receipts loo bales; gross 276 bales. Futures closed easy, with sales oi 66. uuu Dales, at the following Quotations June 11.82 cents, July 11.4711.48 cents, August 11.56 cents, September 11.12 11.13 cents, Uctober 10.6610.68 cents, November 10.4710.48cents, December ll.48ll.49 cents. Baltimore, May 29. Flour has a belter feeling with prices unchanged: How ard street and western super $3 254 00; extra $4 255 00; family $5 256 00; city mills super $3 504 00; do extra $4 255 25; rtio brands $6 UU6 25: Patapsco family $7 10. Southern wheat firmer and a shade better; western on spot higher, futures quiet; southern red $1 251 30; amber $1 28 (ffll 32; JNo. l Maryland red $1 32; No. 2 western winter red on spot and May de livery $1 841 34; June delivery $1 23i 1 24; July delivery $1 13il 1S; August aenvery i ioti it. uorn southern steady; western on spot higher, futures quiet; southern white 56 cents; yellow 56 eta Uata firmer; southern 4444i cents; western white 4344 cento; do mixed 41 41i cents; Pennsylvania 4344c. Pro visions quiet and unchanged. Mess pork $11 2511 75. Bulk meats loose shoul ders, 4c; clear rib sides 6c; do packed 5 and 77c Bcon shoulders 5ic; clear rib sides 7vZa7fc; hams 10iai2a Lard 8c Coffee unchanged; Rio in cargoes, fair to prime 12f14sc Sugar quiet; A soft9fc. vvnisKey dun at f l lUil ll. Freights un changed . St. Louis, May 28. Flour very dull and unchanged; fancy $4 85 bid; family $4 50 asked. Wheat lower; No. 2 red fall $1 06 1 06 casb;9292Tc July. Corn lower; 3Si35ic cash; 840 July. Oats dull at 31 31fc Whiskey steady at $1 08. Pork dull at $10 25. Lard nominal. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Bacon Bteady and unchanged. COTTON fltAataCKTB. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. May 29. Galveston, nominal at 10f cts net receipts 449 bales; Norfolk, easy at Hi cent nek receipts 683 bales; Balti more, quiet at 11 cents net receipts bales; Boston, holiday net receipts 606 bales; Philadelphia, holiday net receipts bales; Savannah,-easy and lower to sell at 11 1-16 cts net receipts 123 bales; New Orleans, in fair demand at Hi cents net receipts 140 bales; Mobile, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 185 bales; Memphis, easy at 10 centsnet receipts 215 bales; Augusta, quiet at lOf- cts-net receipts 85 bales; Charleston, dull and easy at Hi cents net receipts 20QL bales, i r roBJuen aiAttavafra. By Cable to the Morning 8tar.l London, May 23, 4 P. M. Spirits tur pentine 36s. H. C. Prempert, TTIASBIONABLB BARBER A HAIR DRESSER, J? respectfully announces to his friends and pat rons that he may still be found at his (saloon, No. 7 South Front Street, where he will be pleased to serve all who may favor him with their patronage. None bat First Class Workmen employed. ap 11 tf . Lawn mowers, &c. -HB NEW CHARTER OAK LAWN MOWER, just out. Sample on hand sold out Lot received this day. Prices tow.. Damaged Nails for sale low, soluble for any kind of work, by . GEO. A. PECK, mytf - Front Bt. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF TBB FIRST DISTRICT, Sabseribe for; THE FALCON, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH 3ITY, N. C. t3?8eEt to any address to January 1, 1881, for ONE DOLLAR. my 26 .tf SPRIWCi 'ArtlD SM fj. rl." lftTZ'S, 36 .TtlatStreett ' j CONSISTING IN PART OF Black. Colored, Brocaded and Fancy Mlks, Black. Wbitb. Colored and Striped Sal ins . " ; Plain, Striped and Blomic BuntiDga, all shades. silk and Wool Persian and Japanese iVoveltle, Wool Beiges, Bandana Cloth, French Percales,. Xawng and Organdies. The Best Assortment? In the city of mourning Goods, CaW meres, Henriettasj Tamlse, Slomle Cloth, Mohairs, Greo- adihes, Anstrallaii Crepes. -1 White CJoods and Piques, every variety. Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries, ir you desire to see real good work as low in price as the poor work so often sold, don't fail to examine them. - ' -." Satin. Gros Grain and Cashmere Ribbon s; i ''' Silk and Xace Ties, Xaccs, Handkerchiefs, v .1 Honsekeeplng Goods, Linen sheetings, Boys' Wear, -'-ir -i i , Staple and Fancy Jry Goods, superb Hosiery und Gloves Aod hundreds of NQVELlttES too numerous to mention. : fi"All of these Goods haye been bouftht at extraordinary low prices, aod a grea many, such as Silks, Satins, &c will be sold LOWEK THAN EVER BEFORE. n examination of all will be to our -3. s: mb 98tf MARINE, Pore Alnaatnae Alar 30. Sun Rises. ............ ....... 4.46.A. M. Sun Sets 7.09 P. M. High Water (8mitb.ville) . ..12.47 ETen. (Wilmington)... i. -4.47 Even. Day's Length.. 14h. 23m. ARRIVED. 1 ; Steam yacht Passport, Harper,SmithvUle, Qeorge Myers. " , ; fi Stmr Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithville, J. Bisbee. Schr Ontario, Morgan, Tubbs Inlet, na val stores to Kerchner & Calder Broa. CLEARED. Stmr Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithville, J Bisbee. Steam yacht Passport,Harper,Smithville, Qeorge Myers. " ' : ' ' Schr Ontario, Morgan, Tubbb' Inlet, Kerchner & Calder Broe. . 1-'., ., Ik . nAKIPiE DIRECTOKY. Itlat of Vessels la sue sort at Wil mington, N. C. may SO. 1880. IThls list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. " Viking (Nor.), 264 tons, Raamussen, Helde & Co Erna (Ger.), 567 toDS, Vos?, EG Barker & Co Susie (Br.), 302 tons, Small. Master Sirene (Ger.), 500 tons, Callics3, E Peschaa & Westermann BRIGS. v Hilding (Nor.), 236 tons,- JorgenSen, - s OIMebane Gazellen (Nor.), 262 tons, Wiebyel C EMebane SCHOONERS. - M Etta M Barter, 272 tons, Barter, c . E G Barker & Co T.Iit?o T.ana 0511 nna Wnot Vi? EG Barker '& Co Florence N Tower, 173 tons, Adams, E G Barker & Co Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. 8. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telepram. SPECIALTIES. Brown 6 Roddick 45 market 'Street, 4f& Desire to call particular attention to the follow ing. Onr space Is so small we cannot possibly give any idea, bat endeavor to change our advertisement as often as possible. A visit to onr establishment only can cover the ground, for we are daily receiv ing and dosing out Lots every day. CAS8IMERBS, for Men and Boys' Wear; Plata and Figured LINEN for Stairs; i W&te and .Colored CANTON HATTING; CORDUROY and TERRY, for Ladies and Chil dren's Wear. GENTS' HANDKERCnJE FS . We are closing out a lot at $1 B0 a dozen, that is really mot half .the regular price. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Our variety in this department Is without exception the largest we have ever shown, our prices are low. LINEN LAP ROBES. We have still a few of that cheap lot on hand. BROWN ft RODDICK, 45 Market street my 16 tf Black Walnut FURNITURE TTJ8T ARRIVED. r f - t t3 Cheap for Cash, ' ' ' ' ' ' At the New Furniture Store. BEHRENDS & IU UN It OK, ' b.B. Comer Market and SdSts., - ray 23 tf - Wilmington, N. C. FTJRNITURie. THE IMMENSE PRODUCTION OF FURNI ture by the Furniture Manufacturing Company of Old Fort, N. C, enables us to duplicate North era and Western prices,, at same time give better goods for the money. . Please call andexamine Stock and Prices and favor as with your eiders. D. A. SMITH A CO., my23tf 48 North Front st The New Hat Store. QALLAND EXAMINE MY SPRING STYLES of Straw and Felt Hats; they are pretty and cheap. t JfOHH M. SOBmsldft M No. 13 Front St. ap 18 tf Next to Puree II House I Am Dy eLag: Tlxein jq-AVYBLUB, DARK BROWN 9! h Last Summer Salts, and they all pass for new,' 1 ; WILMINGTON DYKING BSTAJLi ' 1 mylStf Market, between 3d and 3d Sts. QDERniGOOOs: mutual benefit. 36 Market Street. P. L. Bridgers & Co. To our Country Friends Wft HAVK JUST THIS TO BAY. P. L. Bridgers & Co. Do business in the IIANDSOMSBT AND MOST IMPOSING STORB j in the City of Wilmington. Thiebean tif ul building takes np Nos. 20,22,24, 26 & 28, iorlli Front St. Ypa can't mles it. On tbe right hand side of Front Street, as yon cotne cp town from the Depot, and almost opposite the PURCKLL HOUSE. Now onr handsome Store is only a (mill part of what we wieh. to ehow yon, for when you get In the inside of it, you will find there the LARGEST aod BEST SELECTED Stocks of Groceries! - IN THE STATE 1 And la proportion to its age, we are afe in aseert ing that we do the f Largest Retail and Wholesale Trade ! I IN THE STATE. Come and see us.hnd cat onrpricet, and look at our Qooda before yoa purchase clscbere, and if we can't sell you we will be happy at lr&st to make your acquaintance. 1 Respectfully. P. L. Bridgers & Co. I 2d, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St Wilmington, K- C my 25 DAWtf Spring Lambs. InOTHBB LOT OP THOSE FINE SPK1NU LAMBS, to-day and for the next thirty days, at tbe t CITIZENS' MARKET. i Good Beef and Vegetables always on hand. 'aplStf T. A. WATSON &C0 1 flA AAA CONTRACT SHINGLES, lUUaUUU 4, 5 & 6 in No. 1 Hearts, 100.000 U1L0 I : For sale cheap by O. G. PARSLEY. Jr., my 11 tf Cor. Orange and 8. Water Ms. -t- BoUers ! Boilers! XpOUR CYLINDER BOILERS, - i ii 2B Inches diameter, 4D feet long, All In prime order, for ae by - nAUU ap 24 tf EDWARD KIDDEK : ! 4Jape Tear Mllli. YOU MAY SHAKB HANDS WITH JOUK Aunty, and buyMrv Sam Cooks, Mr. Bosfsw". or ny other . Stoves, but if you ,faU to buy u best FLOUR, CORN MEAL, GRITS, HOJlI &c4 you wlU never have good bread. Our braM" are U warranted freshly ground and of "fJP ity.l which le demonstratld by thetacreaeea de mand, compelling us to grind day and nignt. my 16 tf " ! : . G. BON BY 80NB. . r f. i 2 .- ' - lK CENT CIGAR. Sold only at , f KASPROWICZ'S myl4tf ; '' Qarden City Cigar Bmpgrlsm. The Place npo BUY DRUGS; l6'K ' r """ PATENT MEDICINES, & BURBANK'S Pharmacy, Corner Front and Prlncese St . my 2 2iw f tarn TT7 Bv Express. I ACRWCHUS,. ILfi Handkercniefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Glass Doy las, -Table Dsmask and Towelung i , ...l,!f, , 1 All cheap. my2 tf , JOHN J. HBDRICK-

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