tfsBs3sBttts the noBimra btab. By WBI H BEI1NARD. illBLlSHKD DAH.T XXCKPT MONO . .;..? A VH. un o tCTBuuiiMMi asivajso oce ye, by mail) pow paid, six months, -i month " 4 Uti 9 85 One month - " M .......... M 00 To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the rir Flten Cents per weekv On City Agtnu are iot authorised to collect for more than three months n advance MORNING EDITION. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as secoDK-ciaBB muw.j OUTLINES. The Chicago Democratic primaries elect iSevmour men. Northern Mis De- sola had a terrific hurricane Saturday. Tbe cotton crop of Egypt is backward. wilb a smallsr crop promised than hereto fore The National Repablican Con vention finished its labors and adjourned tine die last night at 7.30 o'clock, nonM oatiag Garfield and Arthur for President and Vice President. Salutes were fired at various places last night by the Ke publieaos io honor of the nomination iof. Garfield and Arthur at Chicago. . r TeoDessee Democratic Convention is in sea sioa; delegates to Cincinnati uninstructed. New York markets: Money S4 per cent; cotton steady at ll12c; southern flour quiet and unchanged; common to- fair extra 5 005 70; wheat a boot lc bet icr, ungraded red $1 191 2S; corn heavy and Jic lower, ungraded 5355c; spirits turpeolioe stronger at 2727,c; rosin quiet and firm at $1 401 45. Tbird-iermism died almost as soon as it was born. Now ior Cincinnati, name the" man ? Who can 12,511 immigrants at New York make up the report for last week. Tbe silent soldier will remain. silent probably. His next trip will be op Salt River. The chief mourners at the burial of Third-termi8m. are Conkliog,Came ron ami Logan. Tbe colored people of Wilmington are much disgusted at the defeat of their friend Grant. Senators Kernan, Call and John ston all made speeches in the Senate in opposition to Kellogg. Lord Iioscoe always 'entered tbe Convention a little late that be might receive his usual allowance of cheers. Who killed Third-termism r I, said Jim Blaine, I did it in pain, I killed Third-termism. In the Kentucky primaries, last Saturday, Uncle Sammy J. Tildetv carried thiogs his own way. Henri Watierson feels more comfortable. Grant's followers stuck to their chief to the eud. Though outnum bered they remained firm and fixed. Tbis will comfort the fallen chief. 'Ye who have tears, piepare to shed them now." Grant at Galena, playing Othello after the news from Chicago: "O now, forever Farewell iho tranquil mind! farewell con tent! Fartwell the plumed troop, aad the big war9. That make ambition virtue! O, farewell! Tbe royal banDer, aod all quality; Farewell! Othello's occupation' gone." It is interesting to know what the United States ship to Europe. The following constitute a part of the cargoes taken out by Saturday's steamers: "Tbe cargoes include 2,000 head of cat tie, 2,500 sheep, 500 quarters fresh beef, and 1,500 carcasses mutton. The Britannic lakes 28,000 boxes of cheese, and the Boli via, for Glasgow, 10,500 boxes. The Hol land, for London, has 600 bales of domes tics." Conkling was the first to congrat ulate the Convention on the nomina tion of Garfield. Only the other day the Chicago Iribune, Republican, wrote of Lord Roscoe: "I tbopght how odd it must have seemed To see him nimbly run. When each a little man as Sprague Pursued him with a guo. I thought, as one by one I saw Tbe: dishes come and go, ' Tbat he who dines on ducks to day To-morrow may eat crow." The New York markets are thus summarized in a New York . letter-of the 5th inst. : "Tbe iron men say they are persuaded tbe worst is over in that line of business. In tea; sugar and coffee, hardware, hides and leather, tobacco and drugs, the feeling Is very quiet, but prices, as a rule, are fairly maintained. Dry goods without any new feature. Cottons in better inquiry, at first hands and some makes of brown sheetings moving freely; prints dull, but unchanged; ginghams, lawns and wide prints in steady "quest; woollen goods quiet, but fairly steady." - herruoaaeter Bccors. The. following will show the ute of the Ucrmorneter, at the stations mentioned, at 31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issuedf rom the Signal Office in this city: A tla nlL 83 Jacksonville ...,.98 Key West, 89 Mobile 87 Montgomery 90 New Orleans,.... 87 PuntaRassa,. ...85 Savannah 90 Wilmington,... .82 A-uusta. . . Charleston, Charlotte . . 'Oorsicina,. Galveston.. ...90 ....86 ...83 ... 93 ...87 Havana. . .81 ndianela 88 i I i vn nun vol: xsjyi. NO. 68. THB RBPOBLICiX NUIIIIHBE.! The Ohio id?" prevails at Cin cinnati. JameiA. Garfield,ex-Meth odist preacher, prigadier General in the Federal Army, and member of the United States House of Repre- sentatives,is thenomxnee at Chicago. The "dark horse?' has won, ; and like m 1876, when the fraud in the White House was takeiup, he is from Ohio sense a surprise, although it need not save been, as in almost all close con tests between rivals another, socne times an unknown! or an unthougpt of man, is chosen.! We are unaffect edly sorry that (rant was not suc- oessfnl. We coal have beaten him easily. Garfield will give us more trouble. We do not regard him as strong as either Edmunds or Waah- burne as a candidate would have been. Garfield wfll hot be able to get as much of the Independent vote in New England knd the Middle Suites as Edmunds: or Washburne would have received, bat he will get far more than Grantwould have ob tained such is our view. Garfield has not afclean record in Congress. This willibe ahown in the pending campaign. His implication in certain disreputable contracts will damage him no little with that class of reflecting, honest Northern voters who are not fully Identified with either party. But he will be a strong candidate nevertheless and the Pern ocrats would do well to see this in the outset. Garfield's ' war record will be paraded and will be made to do service. Mr. Seymdur is the man to carry New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California,! Oregon and Indiana against Garfield; Since the above -wasj written the telegraph informant thai on the first ballot Chester A. Arthur ex-Colleo- tor of Customs in New York, was nominated for tbe Vice Presidency. So the ticket is Garfield and Arthur. It strikes us Seymour and Hendricks can beat that ticket. '! Spirits Turpentine. Davidson College Commence ment on ihe 16ih. i i -.1 -. Some of the: papers are rebuk ing the Governor for his oart; writing pro pensities. : : . rJ - - The Oxford Free Lance praises highly Dr. Patterson's address -betore the Horner School. j 4 '., f One hundred and - twelve stu dents matriculated at- Davidson College during the year. Oxford has 13 lawyers, 5 bar rooms, 3 newspapers, 15 physicians. Min isters of the gospel not given. I Hickory Carolinian: The Char lotte Obterver is now advocating the nomi nation of Gen. Scales. Sensible.! The Democratic war on tbat gallant soldier. Gen. Alfred M. Scales, is now in order, tie may endanger olber folks' prospects. Louisburg7?mes: In our opinion the best paper in North. Carolina, except the lime, is published in Wilmington. It is theMommia Stab. M LaGrange Review of the 3rd inst: Mrs. Mewbern. wile or .Elder r. Mewbern, of the Primitive Baptist Church, died 1 n this town last Sabbath. As far as we are informed the DGonle of this section of the State would be glad to tee dark horses fori both Governor ao itteuttenant uovernor win me poie. j Throughout the State tbe cry is for Cary. BoUeigh Pott. 1 In this section we have heard nothing of the' "cry." As far as we know there is no "Holt" boom either. Lexington Exchange'. Some of our farmers are cutting wheat. We have beard no complaint of a poor yield we think the crop is a fair one. Oats are com ing out welll since the late rains. Corn is also doing well, and cotton never looked better. Elizabeth City Falcon: From gentlemen from Willismston we learn that a negro named Henry Skyles was stabbed in tbe femoral artery on Saturday night in Williamston by a party at present unknown to the authorities, from wnich he bled to death in four hours. Charlotte Democrat Tbe Dem ocrat rs a Democratic newspaper, but a lusi neu concern or enterprise, and under no more obligations to the Democratic party than to the business world generally. We advocate a principle, but do not propose -io work for individuals without pay. Salisbury Watchman : Gen. A. M. Scales is looming up as a candidate for Governor, within the last few days, and if the friends of Fowle and ; Jarvis keep up their sharp words over them until the l7tn, Mr. Scales may sweep in. There will be nothing lost by it: Scales is tbo equal of either of them. ' Iredell Gazette:. .Last Saturday afternoon as Mr. A. 1 Brown, of Rowan county, was returning to hi home from his attendance upon a i meeting at a Lutheran church, some distance below Salisbury, a t rightful accident occurred by which he lost bis life, and bis daughter who was riding with him had her collar bone broken Franklin (Macon) Reporter: The Democratic Convention of Swain yesterday declared for Jaiviv Robinson, Samuel ii Love and tbe other incumbents. " - - If there ia a FoWle man in Macon county he' has not yet made , himself known. - Macon county is solid for Jarvis, the Raleigh PotSt Macon (Raleigh) correspondent to the contrary notwithstanding - .. The Goldsboro Messenger says of the Wayne delegation to State Conven tion: "Tbe delegates having preferences may be said to be about equally divided aB tit ?0 ST?J .u :x si ilUltlltl i II 4 1 . u li J li'.f u j il '.; WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, I I n -t! l' to choice between Gov. Jarvia, aqd Judge irowle both have warm Jrienps in the delegation, t butt a considerable number. fully one-thirdof the deJegaUpnappear not to haye any decided preference, tor.' either or, jn$,iwo Rafting aspirants, ana consiaer Gen. y. Scales . more available than either uarvts or xowift,- : , it.,. ., a ; . Moore -'Index: -The railroads are even nronoslnv to ; eonvevmen to the State Convention free of charge if they wilt support jartis, - The agents aad conductors on some of tbe roads-even stop- the train; to electioneer the crowd.' This information is from reliable men and is not hatched up to prejudice the nomination of Jarvis; we do say, however' that it - looks a little thin, and that It is wrong for the good people of a country to be defeated in their choice of a nominee by' Railroad ' Combinations and PoBticals "Rings. " ,J ': ' ''!' Oxford Free 'Zance Col. Clarke, of the JSiqTiai, makea, a considerable histori cal slip up when he says Col. W. F. Mar tin surrendered his command at Roanoke Island. , It should have been at Hatleras. Neither was Joe Holden present in order to "break his sword." When history is ap pealed . to let it be correct history t "There ia no such town, village or depot in North Carolina . as Kittrells. WiL . Star. After investigation we find such Js the fact. It should be Kittrell, without tbe closing s. The postoffice directory says so, , . Reidsville limes: The Raleigh Observer Bays Gen. Scales cannothelp being favorite wherever he "is ' Itnown True. --Whatif Jarvis did stop a "ballet with his arm ? Gen. Scales stopped two ' with his leg. But that's neither here nor thefe. Pour negroes were sent to the peniten tiary to-day Alf. Smith, for stealing: 1 skillet, 1 pot, one year; Frank Mebone, for stealing tobacco, two years; John Scales, for stealing 1 Dint of corn whiskey. 25 cents, two years, and Mathew Hairston, for stealing oats, two years. - They all seemed in good spirits. B CITY. HEW: aDVBBTISBnBNTS. Munson Bathing suits. Heiksbkrqeb New books. J- C Munbs Siphon bottles. P. Cxjkktng & Co Bolted meal. j H. L. Bback To phosphate dealers., j Wm. H. Grkkn Chloride lime, &c. i BLaXJi & PKABaaxii--Moaet&in butter. E. L. JomrBOW Canvassed hams, Ac.- Local Deis. - ' i This section was again visited by fine rains yesterday. The dog cart will bo out in ; a few days. Better purchase your badges In time. Among the dog badges issued by the City Treasurer yesterday was one Ao "Samuel J. Tilden." Valentine Howe is the name of the foreman of the Cape Fear S- F. . Co. No. 3, hIij was reelected at tbe meeting Monday nigbt. It appeared io yesterday's Star Valentine Moore. . . A letter from Southampton, dated May 25th, mentions the safe arrival of Mr. B. H. J. Abrens and family, aad Messrs. John D. Steljes and Wm. Doscber, of this city, at that place. I : It should have appeared in the published reports of the proceedings of the late Congressional Convention at Fayette- ville, tbat Dr. W. C. Murphy, of Pender county, was one of the secretaries. Mr. F. M. Fremont, of this citjr, has been admitted during the present term to the practice oT law in the Superior Court of this county. We bespeak for the "Counsellor" a successful career in the profession he has chosen. We now learn that Mr. W. C. Elam, editor of the Richmond Whiff, al luded to in our last as having been wound ed in a duel with a son of ex-Gov. Smith, was a sergeant in Company C. Third N. C. Infantry. Oar informant ought to knejw whereof he speaks. . . nayrt oenn. ; J. A. Montgomery was arrested yester day morning, about 5- o'clock, by Office: Costing charged with, violating tbe ordi nance of ihe city In relation to market carts. The case came up. for a . hearing . before Mayor Flahblate at 10 o'clock, Mr. Jno. L- Holmes appearing for the defendant and Mr. F. t, Darby, the pity Attorney, repte enting the city : 1 . j . The testimony showed -that Jefeudant backed up his market cart against' the slde- walk ob Market street, between Frpnt and Second, and persisted in aelliug vegetables in violation of said ordinance, which pro vides for the removal of the market cans from Market street to Front between Dock and Of ange;etc This statetnent ef facts was not controverted by thedefendahf, whee- upon ALr. montgomery was; reqaireo to give bond in the'sum of $50 for bis appear ance at the next ter. of Jbe Criminal Couft. This is understood .to be a ease intended to test the validity and constitutionality of the ordinance refutive'to the removal of the market carta,; ' . . , , . . ! Robbtus Bwlmmlna,r Party. We learn that a party of young men wetre in swimming1 In' tbe southern part of the city1, a few days' ago, and when they came Aut-and went -to dxaaa -one-oX them missed a gold watch-which bad hepaatolen frQm his vest-pocket while fee Was in the water, while another one was minus a gold collar button tbat had disappeared in the Same manner. A colored boy had been set lounging in the neighborhood of theclothlpg while the young men were swimming, hut the idea did not occur to them that he was watching his opportunity to steal. DnmalUble natter. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postoffice at this date Caroline Blaioey, Live Oak Bluff ; Powell ' We have no - hesitation whatever ,in re commending Dr. Bull's ' Baby Syrup for children teething or suffering from' Wind Colic, Diarrheas or Dysentery. "V t v &m TO'Dai'a Indleationa. . Stationary barometer, stationary or higher temperature, southerly winds, and partly cloudy weather, are the indications for this section to-day t ' JL Tounc Cyclone at WrlcbteTllle. ; A sort of cyclone visited , Wrightsville Sound between 2 and 3 o'clock Monday afr ternoon. It was about one hundred and fifty feet wide, and in -Us course from the northwest twisted limbs of trees off and sent them flying through the air, and in some cases prostrated both trees and fences. , A handsome new residence, just north of Piney Point, being in its course, was lifted bodily from its pillars and carried about four feet, where it was dropped. An out-house, situated about twenty or twenty - five feet from the dwelling, was carried about the same distance. Three of the rooms of the main house were nearly strip ped of plastering, and the south room was considerably cracked, but the north room (front) was but slightly injured. The house was also somewhat twisted by the shock, but strange to say, not a single glass was broken from the win dows. Rev. Dr. Beruheim's dwelling, only about two hundred feet north of this bouse, suffered no damage further than the twisting off of one of the window shut ters, neither was Cspt. Manning's house in jured. There were several workmen in the house at the time, and they were not aware until they went out into the yard after tbe force of the gale had spent itself that tbe house had been removed from Its foundation. ea a A Pleaalnc Incident andaFlaiierlas Compliment. In the London Court Journal for May 22nd we find the following pleasant inci dent, which will be of interest to our readers when it is known that tbe Lieuten ant Colonel O'Connor so flatteringly al luded to is a brother of Mr. Daniel O'Con nor, of this city : AX tbe last levee an incident occurred illustrating the extraordinary faculty pos sessed by so many of the royal family of re membering faces, and, at the same time. the goodness of heart of the frince. A number of officers of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers attended the levee, and among them Lieutenant Colonel O'Connor, V. C. By some mistake he was announced as Lieutenant O'Connor, The Prince said "No, no; that is wrong; it is my friend Colonel O'Connor.? and shook bim heartily by the hand, and addressing the Colonel, said "I remember quite well when I was a boy seeing my mother decorate you with the Victoria Cross, after your return from the Crimea, for your gallant conduct at the battle of tbe Alma. 1 am glad to see you, and hope you are quite well." Tbe inci dent caused a considerable sensation among those who witnessed it, and it must have been extremely gratifying to the gallant Colonel to find that the Prince of Wales still remembered him and the occasion of his decoration! after the lapse of nearly a quarter of a century. .ifortnary. From Dr. J. C. Walker, Superintendent of Health, we have the following reports of deaths in the city of Wilmington for the month of May : Whites Males 3, females 3; 3 adults aad 3 children. .Total 6. Colored Males 11, females 21; 14 adults and 18 children. Total 32. Grand total 38. Tax Lletinc- Tne city tax listers have made out lists of real estate taxes, so as to save time and trouble when the tax-payer comes in to give in his list. It will be a matter of some convenience to those who have but little time to spare to find their lists ready for them when they come in, when probably only a slight amendment will be necessary, lilST OF LBTTKBS ; Remaining in the City Post Office, June 9, 1880, unclaimed: A Mrs Rubv Adams. George H Adams, B Mr Cbas Bladenkopf Jonas Blocker, Ned Baty, John D Burdye, Nellie iiisnqp, Richard Bond, reter Bowdem C Sarah Croom. Samuel Carr. L C Cowles, Carmer&Co, Fannie .Calhoun J W Cottrell, James Cburcniu. ; D A R Davis. I - E-Wm Evans, Mary L Ervin, James A Ecerton. Jfi Jjinelensen. FHenrv Faulk. N M Farror. H B Finch. iG-Prof S Gruber, John Gal as pay, Green! Jane Gray! H Jennie Holmes, 5 B Hugnes, Lizzie Howard, J. H Howard, Eliza Jane Mar grove. Bets Hargrove.: J J W Jordan. . K Margaret King. Frances King.. L Mary Eliza Lively. Nancy Larkihs, Charlie Latham, Melisea Lewis, Joseph Lewis. P Lineham. ! M Charlotte Moore, Benton Moore; John McFarling, Bobt AJklarvia, R P Mel yf n,VYm Morgan, Ransom McMillan, W B MMan. Willie J Macnen. .Bryant aicmu Jan. WmrMarstellax. G W MicheL John McLauehHri, EdMbrriss, Frances 'Mc, Sil- vev MooreMarv Ellen Morson, John Mad dox, James T Mills, J E McMillan, Laura Moore,. Edward McKenzie. . ; P Elizabeth Perce. S F Potter, Pinah Pylea '' -:.-- I R Tsnilnro Rfwii. - - ' ' : k-AquiUa Slocmn, Ber S T Smith, Liz zie mtth, Hopbia JSpreweii, uenry onaitn, W W Btradwick, Andrew emitn. , , T Melra Tavlor. Eliza Turner; Frank D W Taylor, Jennie Towers, Lucy P rTraCy, OV Tnm. XXTwrt TftlloO . i W Willie WaUaee. Redding Wbitebeak, Nancy Williams, Joe WUlis, Jos WaddelL John r WilklnsoD, Hayes wiuis, jiarry Waistead, George Waddell, Frank Wilkin son. Catherine Williams. A E Wilkinson. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not cauea ior within thttty days ineywut ueseni to the Dead ietter Office. Ed. R Bbikb:, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fey vers which prevail in miasmatic districts through the Summer and Autumn are in variably accomnanied by derangements iof the Stomach and Liver. There is always a weakness of the stomach, and torpor of tbe bowels. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills are peculiarly adapted to such cases. t JUNE 0, 1880.. Bobbery riOlothlnat, . ; W. H. Howe, the stevedore, has the use of two or three old railroad cars at his wood-yard near' the old' tfhion Depot, in which a number of the hands in his employ sleep. One of these cars Was entered Satur day nigbt d"urrng tfie temporary absence of tbe occupants, by some- party unknown, and the entire wardrobe i of una Redding Whiting toleni inclading a suit of clothing, a number of articles ,of ..underwear, a valise,' etc, A colored man by the. name of Charles Tate also, lost a coat. No clew has aa yet been -obtained -to the perpetrator of the theft. - " ;;;J ,: 'f'''-'. : courtesies Appreciates; . ! 'v We should have' mentioned in our last that the delegates on" the steamer D. Afur- chmn held a aeeting -on the return trip from the .recent Convention, lover whiph, on motion of Major ; McClammy, , Cspt.1 Ellis, of Columbus, presided, and Dr. W. C. Murphy was appointed' secretary, when Messrs. F.H.: Darby J' E. Murrell and As W. Reiger were appointed - a-committee to return the thanks of the delegates to Capt Garrason of sai Bteaffleri and o Messrs. A. D. Brown and, P. Bemsbergeri Committee of Arrangements, for the many courtesies extended to the excursionists. K1VEBAKO JnARINE. , Schooner Lizzit Lane, West, hence. arrived at New York on the 6th inst. i The Maty Frost, Williams, sailed from Liverpool for this port on the 27th ult. We learn that the' Lydia peseiau, for whose safety some apprehension has been felt, arrived out yesterday.' She cleared from this port for London. - 1BKIBAI1.S4 The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows t . ,; CLoax. Northern through and why mails 5:80 A. M. Raleigh 50 A. M. aad 5.-00 P. M. Mails or the N C. Railroad, and routes supplied there- ; from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A.M. 7.-4S P. M. 5. -00 P, ki 7:45 P. M. 7.45 P. M. 1X)P M. 5 .-00 P. M. 6:00 A M. 9:00 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily'. ...... Western mails (O. C. B'y) daily (except Sunday). ....... . Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad.. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston Fayette ville, and oflBceson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays ana Fridays Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... Onslow, C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . Smithville mails, . by . steam boat, daily (except Sundays) Mails for Jfiasy Mill, Town Creek and SbaUoUe, every Friday at 6:00 A. M. Wilmington, and Black River (Jhapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at 8:30A.M. OPEN TOR DKUVKKY. Northern through and way mails 7.-00 A. M- Southern mails. ....... , 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . ; - 9:15 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. tol2M., and from 2 to 50 P.M - Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. ,; General delivery open from 6:00 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. : Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mans collected' from street boxes every ay at 3.80 P. MV THE HORNING STAB can always be had at tne folio wins: places is the city: The Poreell H6ase, Harris' News' Staad. and the 8ta Office. CX)NQBBSS WATER. None genuine sold ion draught. It superiority M a cathartic and altera tive ooasiaw m its enure ireeaoiairom every uung bitter, acid or credo that produce headache. Inter nal soreness, ana tona to destroy me mncooa mem brane. All mineral waters that are dangeroas irri tanta may be known by an acid after-taste. ' BABY PRIZES; $600. An eminent banker's wife of . N. V.. has induced the proprietors r that great medicine. Hop Bitters, to offer $800 ia prizes to the youngest child that says Hop Bit ters plainly, in any language, between May 1, I860, and Jaly 4, 1881. 1 This is a liberal and later es ting offer, ana every ooay ana bis who snoaia seaa we cent stamp to tne uop mners tug wo., nocnesier, N. Y., V. 5. A., for circular, giving full particnlaTS, and beein at ones to teach ) the Children to say Hop Bitters and secwe-.the pHae, :..o:- Dr. Wm. Alex. (reeneBtcon. Geu. writes. ' 1 cheerfully state that X have tested the virtaes and efficiency ef Golden' s Liebfg's Liquid Extract of Beef ta my private practice ia cases of generar debility, weakness, depression, dyspepsia, loss: of appetite and nervous aflUctiens, when medicine had Mni mnr t.hiui niuilMa- T have fonnd it the beat remeoy 1 ever esoa m earoam atcunoiiani, wwn his Btomacnia always irruaoie,ana xooa. reqajrea 10 nourish and Invigorate. Objuh St IAJnrait, Agents, Wilmington. THB FUTURE -BONANZA LOOK. All the world and his wife are now deeply Interested in the tales of lucky miners Who" set 30! (IhltaM and sell oat for a fortoaa. will take a slate and pencil, ana, alt down and do a imnlarnle of .three, the cannot helD bat come to the conclusion that intA of droDDtnff work and oing across the eoatment, tbe heat way to strike a Tin TfllS U mil CI IB UI KIIB IfUZB mma faU UEU. II I M mm lor apart or wnoie-or. anaia jbbo nrawuig- OI uu, Louisiana ,Biaw V9wmjtvo aa. a- uwuuui. New tbleansv-Xa., or same person No, 81 Boad- wayrJNewyoik.'CttyjN.X; ; .a; - . t . - 1 " SSBSSl I SSBSSfc t J I I J i'l (ssssyWrsPrsssWl 1. .MOTHERS! MOTHERS 1 1 MOTHERS Ill- Ate von disturbed at night and broken of your res- h aTict.hii4 snflermff and crvme with the excru- UI:nr naln of cattlnr teetii B . co at oace andget a bottle of MRU. WIaLQW8 bOOTHLKGr AXituir. : is wiu reueve wm bow uwn tuu uu medlately depeitt upon It; there Is no mistake Hhont it There Is netf a mother on earth Who has ever need It, who will not tell yen at once that is, will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the moth er, and relief and health to the child, operating like, magic, It Is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States; . tiold everywhere. 85 cents a bottle. "' ' ;NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. ' IX) PHOSPHATE DEALERS. A msnnfactarer A of Phosphate la Baltimore, whose factory is ca pablexrf prodocing 4000 tons of Aaamsjated Phos phate, having bat limited capital, woaldhke torn Mr into arrangements with some party at the Sooth te manufacture for Uem fer Ue coming season . A ...nfinnr'n nroflt would be reaulred only, and av grade of Phosphate made reqnlred. and at a i.wtno tr the dealer. The subscriber's own nnmd of - fertiliser has a high character andieputa iT w.t n nnllil ta the oalv barrier to success. Address H. U BRACK, 73 Exchange Place, corner South; Baltimore. . 4 1. Je St 1000 IS.PKIME P ANY ASS ED HAMS. ; a 141-Average, at 10 eta. per lb. Mm trnntltAhi BU'lTE Iieepbonetantly on, hand ateiectea stocaor w LYj&RaUBS, which 1 sell cheajer CASH. . V CaU and see me, ,, , JP. JOHNSON. jeOlt ' FTont Street. 1 .-.,( WHOLE NO.' 4,000 NEW ADyjERTISEMENTS. Siphen: Bottles, T7OB SISrSNSINO SODA WATER. WITH -a. 1 -- these Bottles the , Soda Water can be carried ,out, and It will be as sparkling and fresh as when drawn from the fountain. tfor sale by . , JAMBS C. MUNDS, Druggist. je it kt jKST BOLTED MEAL 1 IN THE CITY," .' " GRTJSrpiNq DAILY. PRESTON CUMMINQ CO.; -Je 6 tf Millers and Grain Dealers. or Oceanv T ATfilNG SUITS, ')",':. At ' ; ' MUNSON'S,' Clothier and Merchant TaQor. je It pB!LORroB LTMB AND COPPERAS, J , For Disinfecting Sick Chambers, Cellars, Drains, &c, Ac Toilet Articles. Tooth. T7aH and HaircBniBhea. Combs, Poll Boxes. Luhin's Hxtracta, Ac., . . WM. H. GREEN, Wholesale and Retail Druffgiat, je 8 tf , t . Market btreqt.. History of Korti Carolina, JROM THB EARLIEST DISCOVEBIES TO the Present Time. By John W. Moore. New and Enlarged Edition. 1 ' TOrjRGBB'S CODE, with Notes and Decisions. BUSBEB'S NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE imd 3- ; FORM BOOK. All for sale at HEINSBEKGEK'S Je 9 tf Live Book and Music Store. Mountain Butter FEW SMALL KITS MOUNTAIN BUTTER, Just received by HALL & PEARSALL. Je 9 DAWtf l All the' Rainbow Shades "QYBD IN LADIES' SILKS, At WILMINGTON DYEING ESTAB., Market, between 3d and 3d St. Je 8tf Beceived This, Day, CASES ROEDERBR & CO. DRY BOWZr CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price. GEO. MYERS, Agent. RA CASES FRENCH BRANDY, OU FROM BOND THIS DAY, , Importer s Prices. . Only $1.50 ior a Bottle of Imported French Brandy, At GEO. MYERS'. OfC Tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, ZD .30 CENTS A POUND, Choicest Grass Butter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. At popular prices. GEO.' MYERS, mytftf Nob 11.13, 16 South Front st Too Thin to Wash. X LTHOUGH IT COMES FROM A VERY THICK l. source. H. C. PREMPERT woaldadvise bis vlilting friends and patrons hot to heed the report that he has removed to Raleigh, at that is only done by designing persons to try and injure his business, sut 00 sure ana can on mm at mo. -s Front Street, two doors below siaiket. his eaioon is second to none in the city. J6tf Sd6ne In A WELL KNOWN STOVE HOUSE. (Enter -Onslow delegate from Fayetteville Convention. chin slightly depressed, wind oS the quarter and steering badly). "Hic-er uon'i see wnaterwani." uot it, mougn. "Hetehl Well, peraps yon'll tell me what tia." Peace and harmony, leastwise something taat Will brhtg them. - - - . ' r eacu ana-mc-noney 1 ah rigut, nu me ,up, len gallon keg." ' ! Bibulous friend Tor ad such, we tako lheer in thy present mixed condition to be; it Is not a liquid we wot of , it is a New Coek Stove the . Shackle ford. It will bring peace and harmony-to every household in Onslow; nay to every household, political or otherwise in the District. - Order one and may you be forever happy t "One I One 1 1 Send me two gress." "Goodbye Goobye, steady there I Hardaport! aad out he went . . J ' The Shacklef ord Is sold only by JeStf KING CO. Cotton Gins. WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR THE .Celebrated Brown Cotton Gin, same to be de livered Beptember 1st. All those intend getting these Famous Gins should get their orders in aa early aa possible. Last year we had orders to can cel by their not being handed in early. Prices same as last year, Factory Rates. ' JOHN DAWSON A CO., Je8tf 19, 11 and 23 Market Bt, Ho Elan ILYAPPRBCIATJ weed Challenze 8hl nAS PROPERLY APPRECIATX THE MERITS of the Reinforced Challenge 8hirt now selling rapidly atTO cents until a. trial has bean xtv Have Just received a great novelty In Neck We The Summer Outfltv and also additions ta: iven. ear. The Summer Outfit.1? and also addlnoas to: our Stock of Clothing. , ,...J.,J, ' OTTERBOURG'S ; Je 6 tf - Men's Wear Depot1. Syrnps & Soda Water, rpHE BEST QUALITY OF SODA WATER AND X SYRUPS of my own manufacture, consisting of Lemon, Strawberry, Pme Apple, Vanilla, Saraa parilbv&inger, Blackberry, Orange. Nectar, Orgeat, Nutmeg, Cherry, Coffee, Banana. Chocolate, Cream, Artu.Mead.OtaklBBee. je 6 tf Fruit aad. Confectionery Stores. - Hew Drdg Store. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL ' SUPPLY of Malt Binera. Hop Bitters, Aromatic Camphor, Bird Food. Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure, and a splendid line of Five Cent Cigars, Ac . : Prescriptions compounded with great care and accuracy. J. l. HARDIN, Apothecary, . Je 8 tf New Market. Cotton Gins ! Cotton Gins ! WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE JUSTLY CELE brated Albertson Douglass Georgia Cotton Gins. We are selling them at the same low figures as last-season notwithstanding the great advance material. r&lj,i jaBtf 38 and 40 North Front Bt o LD NEWSPAPERS, 8UITABLB for Wrapping and other purposes . uA . thn STAR OFFICE" . SBSSJ . 1N;ANY QUANTITY AsVrrtES OP Ally EttTISICIU. One Square one nay, r3 ',.-: tjjrn days,, .,,.. .....,.,....... 176 tfiftedaa.:r..,..,v j.:iA.r.' Ififl four days,.; Rva daya,...4m.. :.M5' - R jfcweek,........V... ..f.., 4 0 1 Wft weeks,. ji S S Throe weeks,..- 8 5 One monUi.-. i. . -..j. i. .. 10 00 Two months,.... ..iv.V' Vi'7'.:.. 17 00 Three months,;-. . .. A ;v.; . 84 00 Six months,.... 40 00 One year,... 60 00 t -1 tf Contract AdvertlsemeBts taken : at propo Monataly low rates-;.'? Tea lines seUd NonpareU type make! one sqnar. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sign of the Big Boot- I .AM NOW OFFERING TO BELL, if or csn v JSfD y, AT EXTREME LOW. JPftltJES, THB Y LOWING; GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gaiters'.. fl 40 " Custom Made Gaiters.... 40 Laced Calf Tie Shoe ; 1 ao Ladies' Foxed Shoes. ... ... 1 OO "" Newport Ties 90 " Opera Slippers.... .. 1 J6 " Strap Sandals...... 1 ao " Croquet Slippers 05 Misses Strap Sandalfl. .... 1 15 Bu on Gaiters 1 20 Childrens' Strap Fandals , 90 14 Button Gaiters ,. 90 S. BLUMENTHAL, No. 40 Market Street. my IS tf tiac No Trouble At All ! -jyjY CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR PASS BOOKS EVERY morning, and get their FRESH VEGETA BLES at exactly the same price they would have to ply If they attended market in person. It is a great convenience. I am in tbe Market every morning, and procure the best and freshest. I make contracts with the best farmers for their best Truck, ' This is another inducement for new customers. Martin's GUt Edge Butter, SOc, at JAMES C. STEVENSON'S, Je 8 tf J Market Street. FURNITURE ! TY7HOLE8 ALE AND RETAIL I T T . New Styles and Low Prices I At the New Furniture Store. BBHREHD8 A S1I7NBOB, S. E. Comer Market and 3d Sts., Wilmington, N. C. Je 6tf We Always Knew rpHAT WE COULD GET tho BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONBY, at PARKER A TAYLOR'S. Je6 tf QUILTS. rown & Roddick 45 MARKET STREET, ARE OFFERING 8OME GREAT BARGAIN 8 in Domestic Quilts euitablo for the Summer. Fail Size Honeycomb Quilts 1 00 Bridal Quilt Fringed , 1 25 The Bates Quilt 1 50 English Marseilles Quilts, all sizes and qualities, at prices ranging fo? $1 75 to $6 00. myaatr urtowjs & koddick. FVRMTTJUE. fU& BFFORT8 TO FURNISH THE PUBLIC with First Class Goods of home manufacture are being appreciated, as is evidenced by the iu- amand. This week we have put in stocic Inut and Poplar Chamber Suits, Tin and Wire Meat Safes, Lounges, Ac. We continue to sen tne most uomrortaoxe ltocaine ana assy vnair made. D. A. SMITH CO., Je 6 tf 43 North Front st. Hovelties. OUMHSR OUTFITS ONLY $1 00. C. C. & R. S. Fancy Sets, very latest out, selling rapidly, at DYER SON. Tailors and Furnishers. JeStf Tropical Hats ! Straw Hats! HARRISON ALLEN, je 0 tf Hatters. A Big Run. TTTB ARE MAKING A BIG RUN ON OUR Nebby Btyiea.and are fairly RUNNING them out of the STORE. The excursionists eamo In crowds to my Store and carried piles of : goo4s away, but still we can hardly miss them and my Immense stock is still complete. V - 1 ; Give me a call If yoa want to be "SUITED." ' A. DAVID, Jofttf -; - The Clothier. WireHetting SCREENS . For Doors and Windows. . Good to keep out flies and mosquitoes. . Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds , Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFER, PRICE it Co., Factobt: -Foot of Walnut st. Je 6tf Omci: Nntt,near Red Cross st. Tourists AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Baas can be furnished at the lowestprices from our new stock Just arrived . Our Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be beat for Latest Styles and Best Gooos for the least money. Mo. 8 South Front 6t. . jeotf MALLARD A BO WD EN. Harness Factory. V ikBBPCONSTANTLYON HAND MY V make of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Mryli Drays; Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Collars, ,M i" Ac. painting, Varnishing and Repairing done at short notice. Call and examtoend get our money's worth, at P. H. maxdeh , Je fl tf Third, bet Market and Princess st.