J.,,,,,iaMMaaWMMMMM"MMfcMMfcM ' ' -- s-yy.VytH- '- i"""--V ' " ' EVENING EDITION, 1NTKKNATIUNAL KPItODK .. ve3 I liked you at first, I iiusl cbafeaa, n'd a week ago I migbt have been won ; njt that is all over," she penaiveljr arghed," -For I find You re on,y a younger .son,". Tl,ere wa3 silence awhile on thai Alpine height, J Tliey could hear the t-oun I f,a mouu taiD stream; -It- iwirled hia moustache and Lis nlpeu -stock, i While she softly warbled, "It was a dream." t We leave to-morrow for France,? tshe re sumed; i , I hope I shall meet you nt Paris next SpriDg; t Now, don't say I've flirted, for culture, you know, U hardly consistent with that sort of thing." ! If it's not a flirtation, what under heaven Would your ladyship call it?" he fiercely said : i nd the question, I own, is one that well Might DOiner me average Jjiiwsu uosu. Slie tamed her face to the rosy west. " Wbcre the flush of dyingday still glowed; 'Tis nothing." she pouted, reflectively, But an 'international episode." Scribner. fOIilTIVAL POINT Notwithstanding Mr. Hayes ad- ministration, the Republican party ia still poiDting with pride to its record. It even manifests a little pride in pointing to Mr. Hayes himself. Philadelphia lime, 2nd. The real platform of the Re publican party was enunciated at Chicago, ,,t by the Hon. Edwards Pierrepbnt, but by one Flanagan, of Texas. It Is truthful nod brief: "What are we here for except i,i jet office ?" New York Sttn, Ind. The campaign of the next five m -mih?, whoever may be tbe Republican candidate, must be fought with very little r.ference to the platform which bis been erected for him to stand upon. The gen ilemeu t. whom- was intrusted tbe,taakof ,U tin iCii the claims of the Republican party i,i c'luiideuce, and tbe purposes which it .mposes to accomplish, have, unfortunate i. proved inadequate to their duty: Nev Yoik limes. Rep. TVIKLIKG. A tract of fifty thousand acres on the Northern Pacific Railroad baa been bought lor a colony from Belfast, Iceland. The bill taxing .insurance pom-pjuiL-s uperating in New York, home and foreign, one per cent on their gross income from business done in the Stale, was among tbimieasures sigued by Governor Cornell before he started for Chicago. i The total cost to the German u'iii.m of entertaining the representatives of the great powers at the Berlin Congress nmouaied to 2,967 10j. So moderate an expenditure,- considering tbe rank of the ilhiatrious visitors, does honor to German limit. Same of the guests expended more lliiii the host. "Aod did you bear tbe sermoo Hose, A.', meeting here to-day?" "Yes, sar, I here the sermint, sab." ' "What did tiie preacher say?" 'lie sea, ses hv, bis text was dis, 'A k'lecliou '11 be look up,' So 'mejitly I retch my bat -An' uutde do' I scup." The celebrated May parade on ili-i Mirsfield at St. Petersburg brought out J.7.000 soldiers with 125 field pieces. The L'zu's body-guard, as usual, vindicated its repu'siion of being the most brilliant mili Uiy body known. All members of the coneoi. hs it is called, are tbe sons of rich t'iiieisinns, including Grusiaos, Lesgbians rtud Jl ih.itnmedjns. Tbey all b ive ofU-cl-i's m&k. l'KK01iAL. Miss Mary Clarke Audersou, waudied at Salem, Mass., last week, at tbe age of niaety-eigbt, is said to have been; a ilirt-ct dtsceudant from Oliyer Cromwell; Robert J. Burdetle, the hunaor "us lecturer and Burlington Hawkeye man, bas located permanently at Nantucket, but will still write for the Hawkeye. Prince Leopold and his sister Princess Louise have been invited to visit Ciocinoati by tbe Mayor, who calls that city "the centre of musical culture in America." A requiem mass for the repose of the soul of the late Empress of Russia wis offered at the Greek Russian chapel, on second avenue, New York, yesterday, in the Slavonic language, Rev. Father Bier 'iK officiating Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone had not left the Queen half an hour after their nrst visitjwhen Lord Beaconsfleld. accom l'nied by Lord" Rowton, arrived, having ;lnyen over from Hughenden on invitation. n.n summons has naturally given rise to niur h gutsip. ; OMIK, ITEMS. i Senator Brown, the new Senator from Georgia, is said to be worth $3,000,000 ihe only millionaire in Congress from the bomb. t Hon. H. VV. Hilliard, United a'.ates Minister to Brazil, is on a visit to Aunmta, Ga. He will return to bis post on 'te 1st of July. James A. Cowardin, senior edi Jr of the Richmond Dispatch, is in very 'eehle health, and has gone to the Warm springs for a prolonged vacation. b J. McCormick, a native of Kockbridge county, Va., but now a wealthy ytiicagoan, some time ajro presented tbe Diversity of Virginia with a tetetcope uug fou.uuu, which is the largest in tbe World. W. H. Vflnrtprhilt hit slnitn nted 135.000 to tha IT ivpraitv f rvr thA ntlr pose of building an observatory, aucttue, rr;"""' ue lnauiuuoo are endeavoring, witti good prosoects of sncceas. to raise n sad.iioDai $50,000, to be applied to the DRAMATIC NOTES. -Joe Jefferson will play "The . m next ea9on. supported by a strong -John McCulloagb, John T. Ray "IUU, BOlhern anil Miaa Jinaa PuikUn ere among the passengers for Liverpool "-""nay on me liritannic Mrne, !e'f during J anauschek amused her one vacation bv translating Vante'a Inferno" from Italian intoBobe m,an. and then back into Enelisb n.:A8e"e8 of portraits of Edwin uj i, in characters, irave been completed iwhSi McE?tee. B wUt.lw pubs ri ,-.u ""uiaro in a promu tai with appropriate text. uf!erIy 8 Maatodon rQinalrel ThPv , r arooe on the 7lh'of July. Ay VT.lU appear at Her Malestv'a theatre. Drinnin D. .aftef Which lheV Will Visit tbe ciues or luoRiand and Scotland I21ST Popolar Monthli X Urawin, A$ Mnetkuley Xbeatre, la the city of Loaiavllle, on Wednesday; Jiirie 30,IJl880. 13 K A. WlKua .' AUT II O RIB Ku BY TBtff; LKQf.8LiA.TURB and BUSTAINBD ; BY AT.T. TH.) OOOKTSof KBMTOGKT.ceoMiaantract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will ' MONTH, Sondaya andridaya excepted, tat the period of FtVJS XKAKS, teraupatioe on JDNB 30, 1853k i:, s: r:i .i (; ;t , li.tr -if The United States Circuit Court on March SI ren Oarod the folW)wing 4ociaioja : i1t ., ,- lat THAT-TIM? tXtMMbN WKKL't fl T)ISTfiI- ii.iTa Biuwraag A&axot fcjcatr&uiSOT. I The Management call attention to the liberal I theme which aa aael jwith-tapafmpalar ayor : heretofore, and which will again be presented for Price $30,000 100 Prises $100 each $10,000 1 Prie..,;. 10,800 aoOPxlaeaitMleach 10,000 tl Prue: 5.000 600 Prises i SOeaeh Ji.nnn 10 Prises $1000 10.000 1.000 Prizes .10 each 110 OCfl Pristw 608 10,000 " -iT - 4 9 Prises $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $9,700 Prises S0O each, " s 1,800 t Prisea 100 each. : i 900 1.960 Prises. $113,400 - Whole Tlekata. i- UalTtckatujitl , t Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets; $10a Remit bv Boat Offle Mrmnk ifinlncl t Blistered Letter, Bank Draft, or Express. jt To insure asalnst mlstakea and nelava. correa- pon Seat -will vjeaeewrite. their aazaes ami places of residence plainly, giving number of Poet Office box or Street, aod Town, uootUy or State. - All eommonicationa connected with the Distribu tion aad Orders for Tickets ahoald be addressed to R. - M. BOAKDMAM. Corler-Journal Boildine.) UOUI8VILUK. Kt.. or Noe. SO 7 A, 3o9 Broadway. MKW YORK. I my 3 eodaw tu th aa ' ' ? Board of Dental Examiners THX BOAJtD OF BXAMXNBBS AFPOINTKD by the North Carolina Dental Association under the law enacted 7th day or March, 1829. will meet In the City of Kaleieh on Mondar. the 31st day of May, 1880. All persona holding temporary certificates, and those wishing to commence the practice of Dental Surgery without a diploma, are hereby notified to appear at that time for examina tion. All persons who have commenced the prac ttce of Dentistry since the TthoLMarch, IZtXmUam oat a diploma or certificate, are doing so in direct violation of the law, and areJiapl to-jthe penalty inereoi. a V. fi. TURNER, President. D. E. EVERETT , my j lia Secretary Board gxarnioera , ; :, ii j i t, ii ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, M on Isomer y County, wa.; THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE controlling Interest ia this celebrated WATER ING PLtAC'E, and assumed the management, haa pat it la thoroogh repair for the coming season. Its reputation ia now so firmly and. widely extended, and its waters ao celebrated for the eare of the dis eases of the Digestive Organs, and all diseases ari sing there 'rom, he will merely announce tha fact thai he will be prepared to entertain his friends and the public generally in a style equal to any wa tering place in Virginia, and at the Very low price of $40 per month, $10 perweea, fx so per aay. a run supply or ice aaa Been vecarea, PamDhlets containing a fall deecriDtion of the nlaoe. and certificates of some of the remarkable cares effected by the use of the Water, will be fur- nlahed on application. t my 33 1m u A culuuun. Boilers ! Boilers! JjV3UR CYLINDER BOIXAKS, ' 26 Inches diameter , 40 feet long, All ia prime order, for sale by ap 24 tf EDWARD KIDDER SONS. . THE I New Boot and Shoe Store, H2 MARKET STREET, i I give A Cordial Invitation ! TO CALL. I No troublo to show Goods or to send them to the nojae when leaving brders. Try tbe New Boot and Shoe Store, at 33 Market St. Sign of the 8how Case. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 34 IHARKET ST. f t my 9 tf Sisn of the Little Boot. The Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Ta. ! . Situated one hundred yards from Fort Ma&roe. Open all the year. Xqaal to any hotel in the United States as a BUMMER RESORT. Send for circular describing hygieaic advantsges,te. . - f my St 3m Proprietor. WALTER CONEY, DEALER IN j TOBACCO. Imported and Domestic CIGARS, CI UAKSTI ins, Huirr ana trunks of all descriptions. WALTER CONEY, sp4 tf Market Street The CentratKoffesttoit A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW 3 nnr and the Onran of the Methodist Protes ti.t chmreh in North Carolina, la published at Greensboro, . C Teams, $x w pct annum, nuarwoa. v . . The eiiMhilitr of its location, the number and ac ttvityofTts ageata, aad the constantly fcocreaaing de mand font ue more soiia classes vi rtwutsrs in varkms aeetkms, give the. CENTRAL peculiar i-iiimi nnnn the Datronsee ef the advartls. nz public 'iwmiTwT farorable. Omisaltyoubaameas inter -est. na soaress me eaiun . Gfeenshoro. N. C. Hale's Weekly, j vN TUESDAY, THE TTH DAY prOCfOBER, J 18TV, SQd in US laty or jaaga, i.aeiiatr signed will commence the publication of g HALE'S WEEKLY, j A North CaaouaiA Dxaocaxno Niwspapxr. These four words convey all that a colnmn of Pm.Mrtii mild tsll: tha rood of the State: the success of tha- Party which- is tha- life of the State ana tne country; uw puoucauwif yi.u, uw c j v4 tbes the objects proposed. That be aado th last, I sad wartatt to tha first -as4 sacsaa, tW anasefiH ber does not sfiect to doa&fc. , .Tne- X eopie nave sei their seal of approval at on hirtst ana he does not doubt the future, ...... -t ..l.ii, E. mi,1! Wmxt wm-Wbrmted front nw and J aeaatifal type and on fair white, paper. The price will be $9 per '""i" ko aims wiu, go upon no mail books without payment, and no paper will be sent after the expuauoa of tne umepara ir. Raleigh, Sept. 15 187SL ' eept ftf The Lincolii 3SS)reiili . 18 tha omly paper pabUansd im Ltoaoln ooanty . and has an extensive circulation amongnhe Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the State - ii ' '"'7,jA rrcpJ : R offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable menium for -adverttalmr tate business throoghoat Western North Carolina. if , . Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tises ests SahaerinUon price, $2 00 pea anaam rAM H. DaLANK. dJtoTsnrt Proottetor: THE 1XAL.CIGII Christian, Advocajte, KdHedandPailishadby J BLACK & EEID, RaleiiH. fl. C. . t- v. ... i .hAnt na nm if nthivllata In North V .UW V. 1- I per In tha State. It gives tha markets, seealar and. raUctoaasews. Is a weekly, eight page, religious family newspaper. Only $2.00 per annum. ; Sub scribe at once. - Advertisinz rates liberal. tan 24 tf ELQtthe; 1 BfOur quouuona, lTaaoaiteanaratoodtjret' eeont tho wholRaJ, rfjfmriiv la maklne Wwa)teMgberirKtovetfe 1 AJtTlOIt. oil w i. raioaa. W'4 is ; 1 eaH aiHthadarA.-.ijl. .i lU i BACOIWforth34roiina; ; v i : , , Hama,.l(newl....,..k.... idee, N Ct cboice, A.-. . . . iWester Smoked-- ,!i . . . . 2Ja Pr. f - WoaWeri,.. , ' ; . : Dry fialtel 1 wm i.- Shoulders ,tam BAPBKTfi . HpiiHaTarpaatmo. Second Hand, each. New New York, BRICKS WUmiagtoa. ft M.-.. CTTEBoCaVaVinaV '." cimmu8r . . m AdamantlnA. m B ; . CHEESE Northern Factory V m uairv.creamw a X wrriut-wava. v..l.i.L. O 80 rO 75 8 O 110 O 20 00 a 10 m iM 00 Rio. V B..i.L r . .i, A Laguayra, J. CORN MEAL V.bvsheUa sacks DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4. yd iwqT'va;::::-::-'- FD3S Maacerol,No.l, bb7; zto.i, y m nw erel Ne. 1, 9 bbl 5 60 a 0 60 6 60 O TOO 8 00 to 8 J5 8 00 O 400 1 ' Of O-- 6 stJio 1 o e M' 000a ,obo 00, S00lQ 60 00" siaiiets. VDDi.v.........!.'.. N.O. Herring, Roe, keg.... Drv Co, tl.... ll FERTILIZERS FernvUn Guano, V SOW fea , , Baugh'aPhosphate,' Carolina Fertiliser. " - QroandBoBe. " Bone Meal, " Flour, NavassaGoafcrV ' Complete Manure ' " Whann's Phosphate ' . Wando Phosphate, . . Berger ButsTs Photrph." Sxeellenaa Cotton Farttllaer tOdft oooo oooaafioa, 00 0a O6700 40 f 45 00 00 OO 'O 6t 00 oaofl) o ooo 00 00 O TO 00 M00 500 09 66 90 & 60 00 FLOUR Fine. bbl..... 0 00 O 6 00 Super. Northern, ft bbl... -.. 576 6 25 8 00 isxtraao. v not...... Family " bhl.M... ratrMillB I Extra, bbl 9 00 900 6 tO 7 00 7 75 IS !- S . 6tt , 7 90 6 13 125 125 1 10 95 00 '9 6 00 S 1 60' 8 - m a - 6tMO 60 O n o 1 15 O 1 10 O l 00 f Family, bbl.,. : ax.nmiiTi v dm GRAIN Cornin store, in nags,; corn, cargo, m Dosnm..... Corn, mixed bushel, in bags. uata, v BUBneuM.. Peas. Cow. 9 bnahal. HIDES Green, ry. HAY Eastern, 9 100 ma.. Westera, V ioe .. -T . W Dlw.. MIAAlhi HOOf ito v ton.. LARD Northern, 9 ou oa "-'-8' Sfurth oarDnna," 00-1 "18 " 1 10 LIMB bi. - A.t LUMBER Cttt SrtJLkSawnD Shii stuff. resawM. w M ft.. 18 00 B 20 00 ttl OdJ 18 00 O 22 00 , RonghBdgePiaak,a Mft.j.J 46 00 WestUua(rgoes,acoxaing to qnality sJfrti j .. I Dressoa Flooring, seasoned.. 18 W 18 00 19 00 00 80 00 00 40 0 00 11 1 10 90 as 25 10 75 Bcantllsf and Boarda, com-! mon, v ai(.iu,,t(Mai MOLASSES -New cp Caba,hhd o o o a o o 0 o v o 15:00 88 41 4) 25 25 80 M 12 lie 1M 40 35 18 ' 100'. 1 16-! ; 75 . New crop caoa, ddis v gai.. rorto Bicatnaaa. . . .-: bbla.. SagarHouse, hhds. gal.. bbts. gal... SyrapjMS, gal NAILS Cut, Wd baaia, m kag.. OILS Eeroaene, m gal frd. Unseed. gal.. POULTRY Chlckenaive.grown a nrfntr TaMtera pkasttth bnahal 85 0 0 00 00 00 MM 00 M MM a POTATOES Sweet, 9 bnahal.. . o o Iriah.aj ddi. PORK northern, City Mesa.... 2S5 O 18 50 Thin, bbl Prime, 9 bbl., Rums. V bbl...... v a oaoe o 1100 tio 1 10 TO BICE Carolina, V m.. 1 60 IX IX Bough, m busn.... 1 15 RAGS Gauntry, ft City. m 1XQ KU ft" . a e 22 T5 80 75 85 SALT Alirm , J bushel . TOO Liverpool, v sacx, .. . Lisbon, V sack. ..... , American. SJ sack.. 75 00 00 s o o susau uuna, w a? . 0 0 Porto Kleo, va A Coffee, 9 .....-..... 10XO 103tf 10 SH 9 11 TO. 230 6 M 7 64 0 O 8. 8VO 10XO 6 O 5 00 O 2 00 O 4 60 M C Sx.C .. . .. .. Crashed. WZ. SOAP Northern, 9 .. ....... SHINGLES Contract . M uommoa,f mm..-.. Cypress Saps f MV ....... Cvnress Hearts M. STAVES W.O.BbL, f?M 12 00 10 00 O 15 M MOO K. u. una., w at Cypress, 9 M.;... ALLOW m.,., TMBHR fihipptai. 9 M. ....... Mill Prime mil Mmabr,lni., Common Mill.... MM ftOOM 5UO 12 90 8 00 6 60 4 60 8 00 1 00 1 M 25 80 18 18 00 10 00 1 00 SOS 400 6M 9M 00 82 20 fWHZSKBY Northern, gal4M Hons i,vninu. m m.. WOOL Uawaahed, V D . Washed. ........... Barry Wool. . . . . .'. . . WllvrrllNUTON HOMEY JftAHtKin jsiCh: ange (sight) on New York. ii discM.i oaiumore, x UVS MU. ............... Pailaaeipnia, .. Western Cities, . change 30 days 1 9 cent. or New Hanover bioc National Bank. 85 75 125 .ansa Guano Co. ........ N. C Bonds OldSz-Ooupon ,....23 r Do. Fuadlng 18C, ...... 8 : DO. IBM. ........... -o ,Do. New 4!a . 08 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Railroads .... 80 wv.o. irMiAouiuiyvluiut;.ii barattna Oeatcal B. B. Bonaat 6 9c.. .40 W1L CoL A Aug. S. K. " 00 Wilmington city uonaa, 7 vc so rA Br 8K new 6 Ve 85 8a 86 New Hanover County.. ..8 "pc....,..85 (Cjqjr. Int) Wr, vT.aBoaStpeX 44 A&O , h- NsEthJUaroima a. it.- -. - . y . .70 W u. Gas Light Co. "... .46 BVUmington Cotton muis 5 The Savaiinali Weekly News Of FEBRUARY TtaV will contain the opening chap- ters of a chaxaiingealtory, entitled BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBET RElD ot xlTOHtoir, ei..; Author of 'My Mother's Daughter," "Afterward, and "MrSi ' JJateWM Those who have erTovedlinVDTeasure afforded by tbe peroaal of this gitted ;and accomplished lady's previous productions, win need no commencanon St this her last and m sat Lssufiil fffort to pre are them for the rare literary treat that awaits tbem. - - - 'J-' - .1. .- T MTJFFIT is a story of absorbing interest, and its publication will ran through some eight to ten issues or the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. i Subscription $2 a year? tTforsix months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Ordr,.Bgi8tered Letter t Express, at our risk . J. H. ESTILL, fcbS tf . .Y - riK Savannah, Geo.. ! Work! Work!! Wawk;!!! tMoDODGAL AWtLLiAMSON'S ARRIAGB SHOPgg-'gy RIGHT, BEST and cheapest place to get your arxiages. Bag gies, Carts, Drays and Wagon built and repaired. Harneaa made and repaired pa short notice. Paint ihg and Trimming a' Specialty: Horse-Shoeing carefully executed. Give as a triaL. On Chestnut, Between Front and water Sts., my 30 tf Wilmington. N. C. The Famous Seltzer. Spricg of Germa ny in Every American Home ! TABB AST'S SELTZER APERIENT, Based upon a scientUc analysis of this celebrated German Spring, is its concentrated duplicate, with! thirty to forty sparkling doses in each bottle. Sold by Druggists the world ever, je 1 Leod&W 8w ta th. aa The r.lorni rig Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In Alliance DAILY STAB, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 8ix Months " . .... 4M ThreeMontha" 2 25 " One Month " " 1 00 WEEKLY STAK. One, Year postage paid, (1 60 Six Months, " 100 Three Months " ' " 60 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Press. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. As s daily journal of news it stands "up head." Concord Begister. The Wilmington 8tas has entered its twenty fifth volume. There ia no better paper published in the HUHe. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the beet papers in the State . Warrenton Gazette Tha Wilmington Stab has catered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers ef the South. Oxford Torchlight. The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat-ea-Jactson Reporter. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best pa pers is the South, in every department from typog raphy op to editorial ability aid independence. Petersburg (Va ) Index-Appeal. ' We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, t earless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may tho Stab twinkle. ML Airy Visitor. Altfeoagh at the head of the press in this Stste In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of tbe first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Fret WW Baptist. The Wilmington (N. C.) Moaanro Stab ia a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate Its meritawhen we say it is the newsiest (sec alar) paper published in the Houth.2ticAmorui(Va.) JReHguMS Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the beat conducted and edited papers in the South, and, aaa North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Turboro Southerner. The Stab is ao well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can aay nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies in the boath. Bobesonia. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited' a compendium of all the newa of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and.to North Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab haa completed Ka twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite aad sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in tbe get up ef the paper Borp asses them ulLTartoro Southerner, ! Wllmisgtan Stab. It baa Just reached one of its many birthdays, Aa a newspaper u ia a lavorue with the State press and is sought after by the peo plet. Long and prosperous life tD it. Reidsville Timet. Why is it that all the papers with thenamaef : Star are such bright little journals 1 The Wilming ton (N. X Stab, the Washington Star, FTederlcks bnsa Star, Haw York Star, for example There must be something in a name after all Richmond (Va.) State. ' The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, , etlll continues on the high roadto success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one at the very best of oar exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. Ox ford Free Line. . The WDmtegton Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. .The Stab is aa excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising rince it la so deservtn g. Charlotte Ob server, ! Thx Mobhinb Stab, ene of the best dallies we 'know, and as a newspaper, la our opinio, the very best, haa entered upon its twelfth year. Ia every particular the Stab comes fully ap to the mark as the principal daily in our chief, commercial city, Leag may it twinkle. Alamance Cleaner. ' The Wilmington .Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to Una office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of bar exehaages, aad its editorial department is con dacted with much ability . Morganton Blade. Humble In Its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that f ttanded the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, he Stab has steadily '-waxed" until It now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. As a neatpaper it has few equals, and ao superior, for appropriate selection and Ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among onr most acceptable exchanges. Elllsboro Recorder, Z The Wilmington MHKia8TAB has entered uporr the thirteenth- rear of its existence, and we take to congratulate it upon us urweiw- ipaiarity. - rae remarKaoie wao dme to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), is that it always haa the newa, and this is the first thing in Tournalism. Otherwise the paper, ia all that the tern of "good nawspapsr implies, and tta corps of editors aad reporters are thoroughly eda eated newspaper men. May tha healthful, moral influence of the Stab sever be retarded,- and may Ka genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy yeara of uaef ulaeaa. Qoidtooro Messenger. A Card to the Afflicted. Dr. ROCEHTSON, 19 80. Entaw Street, Baltimore, Sid. Prom fifteen years' experience tsv- hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, via : -Organic and 8eminal Weaknees, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Ner vous Debility and TremblingPalpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight er Giddiness, Pains in tha Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, all resulting from abuses In youth or excesses in manhood. Dia eatfes recently contracted cured In five to ten days, and the poison, rnitlrrtyr etadlanswrt from the sys tem, Also f all Wood, and akin, diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a . graduate of the Universi ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy atciaaa of Baltimore Special attention given to ajl fanalA fytmplaiiif gr4 ryegnlSrt-a'- A)l rxrmmu&lcation strictly confidential, aad me dlcfnaa sent to any address. Call or write, enclos ing stamp for reply. septfily Hii?h-Bred Hosts ' NGXISH,' tBJ8H' AND HDON SETTERS, of tne Choicest Bread, with guaranteed pedigrees. i ,,,M-t iv troaaioy r ft. P. WELSH. nov 7 D&Wtf York, Penn . MISCELLANEOUS. ' LowelllIiicliinelSliopi 1 ; Ijowell. Mass;; i . ..., M AND r AOTURBRS QF EVERY DESCRIPTION -OF ' -' ' cottohMey Of BlOSt ; j Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements, Pap e 1-f.l achin ery; TLHBINE WHEELS, Shafting and iearln4?;. Hydraulic Presses aid Pumps. Elevators, 4ke. - ' -.V. i ..: - PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS, O. L. HILDRETH, Snpt, ' - j LOWELL, MASS. WM. A. BDRKS.Treaa.,- mhS tf; . ' 8 Pemherton Bquare. Boston. I JNCOTJRAGB HOME INSTITUTIONS. Secajity alnat Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPAN1 RALEIGH, N. C This Company continues to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are piompUy adjusted and paid. The "HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, aad appeals, with confidence, to tnsnrers of property In KerthCatolinjui i - ! W Agents In all parts of the State, JOHN GATLTNGl President. ! W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULABEJ OOWPKR. Supervisor. ATKINSON MANNING, Aaxwva, aagl-U Wilminaton. N. C. I In Warehouse. 7000 Sacks Salt. LIVERPOOL SALT, FINE TABLE SALT, FERTILIZING 8ALT4 COARSE ALUM SALT. Delivered Free on Board Can. 200 Hhds, New Crop Cuba Molasses. OLD CROP PORTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, In Hogsheads, Tierces and Barrels. ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED FEET BEST RUB BER HOSE. Haa been In use bat a short time. WXLLARDS, mh35 tf COMMERCIAL HOTEL Wllmlngrton, N. C. F. A. Sohutte, .Prop'r. rpHB COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE ' "EM PIRE HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated' and refitted, is now one or the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city. The Table is supplied with the best our Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY $2 and $3 50. . , ... ... CTLarge Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. raA First -Class BAR and BTTJ.TARD HALL connected with this HoteL ' , . , . PB-PKBS LUNCH dally from 11 A. X. to 1J P. M. JT tf XHE Buffalo ItBHOirp) " ' AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT In Chronic Diseases. IT IS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE Waters, and the claim, though a strong one. is substantiated by the testimony of many or the most eminent medical men ' of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated dtewawsa, via : Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially ia Stone or Gravel; . . . Dyspepsia, RheomatieGoatt Jlheamattam, Parlsia7Malarial Fevers in their Chronic form. ;DropaicalEiruaieiUnmiia,or cnronieontanaona jtrapBeasa, wuutw -Foncttoaal Diseases Peculiar t Women, more es pecially in all Disorders of - the Menstrual Fonotisn, v thev have accompUahed results aa remarkable aa were ever accomplished by any remedial agent -whatsoever, whether in Materia Medina or among Mineral Waters. ; . . v. ? ' I They are confidently icommen Jed by some eml kent Medical men as a PRBVBNT1VB OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY. : These Waters, in Cases r One Dozen Half ' Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. ; Pamphlet aent to any address. - Spnnga open fox Onesta 1st day of Jane. BJOS. F. QOTirPrbpetor rr- . BaSalo utMa'Sprmgs, Ya. For sale byGREEN & FLANNERt Agents, ' mh 35 tf . Wilmington. N. C Forest and AND ROD AND GUW. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPEBInEfijCq FIELD SPORTS. PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FIBMTjULTURJ8:P0TaXOTONOF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, : PRAOTICANff-AiLi, xr. . ODT-DOOR SJSCBEATIQ AND STUDY. i - . i ! JgOg zifiJZ: Tt t ia only Jonraal ta the Oaontry that fully supplies ths-wasUs and nucesmtlaaiDrthe " ,!- : ; OonUeman Spottiman. , TERMS $4 80 a Yean - Send for Specimen CJopyi : Foreat Striata Ftilillahln Cd., ' U FULTOH BTtOijNo. 108, New York. Post OfBef Box 8888. sept 87-tf Atlonson & naaning'o Irforanee UoNas : BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wllalmirtaiu . Fire, larine aiIil6 GomiaiiiBSs to Capital Represented Over 8100,008,008! 11-tf - ' - . : ' The narion Star. fTHB Of DaT' igBOgggAPEB-'l BUSHED IN X the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperons taa ae; eff swto Ortsaiiilsslon and Wholesale-Merehaiita 'and-Maniifactuieia, and to those who haveadop .thereof aalHng by aatwpia, an, excellent medmm or aoinxannieaaon with sTsrro ittrl innnrTirinTTl't merchants, me cbanlcaiplaatera and naval store men, whose pat. ronaga is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. - - Address THE STAR, sept 28 tf Marion. B.C. liAILROAD LINES. 7ilmingt0i RAIEEOAD: CO. - Oman ov Gsar't. Bupxanrvsaroxirt , I WUmlngton, C, May 18, If 83. f CJhange or Schedule. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1880, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington fc Weldon Railroad will run as follows: Day ma.ll and Express Train, DsttlF Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6 .50 A. Arrive at Weldon 13:50 T. M. Leave Weldon. .. ...... 8:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, J:53 P. M. Thbouqh Pjlssxkou, Mailt, Expbxsb and Fhbight Tbajk, Dailt axcaPT Eunbats. Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot, at 3:30 P. a Arrive at Weldon.... . . .. ....... 3:43 A.M. Leave Weldon.... . a:15 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot, 2.15 P. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily; and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5.05 A. M. Retum ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday as 8 80 F. M.; ; The Day Train makes close connection at Wel don for. aB points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail ronte. The 8:30 P. M. train makes dose connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. JOHN F. DIVINE, my.l9-tf " General Sup't. General Sup'ts Office, WILrVflttaTON, COliTJHIBIA 6c ATJ- 17SXA CU B. COMPARX, WILMINGTON. N.tJ., May 18. 1880. Change of Schedule. OK Amy AFTER THURSDAY, MAt 80, 1880, the following Schedule will be ran on this Head: , PasssxaiB, Expbksb, Mail andTnuouoH Fbkigut Train, Dailtexcbpt Sukdatb. Leave Wlimingtoii 4:00 P. M. Leave Florence 8:40 P. M. Arrive at Colombia 8:15 A. M. Leave Columbia 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence 5:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 1:00 P. M. NIOHT EXPRE88 TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington.. J.... ... 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence 3 :S0 A. M, -Arrive at Camden Junction 4:15 A.M. Arrive at Columbia 8:15 A. M Leave CalumbU 5:00 P. M. Leave Camden Junction 1 :00 M. Leave Florence 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington ... 6:30 A.M. This Train stops only at Brinkley's, Whiteville Flamlngton, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Colombia, and all points on G. A C R. R. and In Western North Carolina, via Colum bia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train, from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Camden Junc tion. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston and Aogosta. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make connection for Colombia only via Camden Junction and South Carolina Railroad. dOHN F. DIVINE. my!9-tf Qen'l Sup't. CARBLIHA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OmCi Gassaai. SuFXBUiTaauaaT - I WQmington, N. C, May 11, 1880. ) Change of Schedule. O AND AFTER MAY 18, 1880, the following Schedole will be operated on tnis Kaiiway: PAS8EBTGBR, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave Wilmington at No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at I Charlotte at 6:00 P.M. 1:27 A.M. 7:00 A. M. Leave Charlotte at 7:85 P. M. No. 8. V Arrive at Hamlet at 12:32 A. M. i " Wilmington at 8:30 A.M. - No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Baleiga on Saturdays. No. 8 Train is Daily except Satardays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. n , I Leave Charlotte f Arrive at Shelby 8:00A.M. 12J03 M. 2:00 P. M. 6:00 P.M. v. . 1 Leave Shelby MO-4 f Arrive at Charlotte . . LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 6:1SA.M Arrives at Leannbnrg 4:40 P. M Leaves Charlotte 4:15 A. M, Arrives at Laurinburg.... 4:00 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:80 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg ; 5:00 A.M. Arrives at Wilmington . 4:15 P.M. These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8atnrdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connections at Charlotte via Statesville, to all points In Western North Carolina and to Ashe Tille. Alto via Spartanburg to Hendcrsonville, ad jacent pointa and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either ronte, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at 7 P.M. next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains fo and from Charlotte and Wilmington . There will also be Through Sleepers run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. 1 V. Q. JOHNSON. my 15-tf : . General Superintendent. CLYDE'S JTew York and Wilmington Steamship Line, The SteameT jBENEFACTOR, Capt. JOKE, 'KILL SAIL VROM NEW TORE, Sat a r alar, Jane 12. f far-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THORIA8 TB. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Ttaeo. . Kcer, Freight Agent, New York. ! - W. P. Clyde &. Co., General Agents, j dec9tf 35 Broadway, New York. Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000, Cash Capital paid In 300,000. kurpltis Fund $50,000. DIREG1 OR 8. JOHN DAWSON C. M. 8TEDMAR ISAAC BATES, JA8. A. LEAK B. P. LITTLE E B. BORDEN D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAS H. VOLLERS K. R. BRIDGSRS j. W. ATKINSON . CHAS. M. 8TBDMAN, President. j ;. ISAAC. BATES, Vice President. 8. jCL WataAoa. Cashier : fang 80-tf fLD NEWSPAPERS, IBUTTABLE. - ' I) for Wrapping and other purposes Can be hod at the STAR MKC3K1aIaA!E9US. EiMuCOTTOilGlfJ Cleans tha Seed better, Rune Lighter Ctna Faster And Costs Leas Money than any other Cln In the Market. : Every machine fully and legally guarranteed. TJ o tn vt c o O a a o CI o (0 o These Tiwctilnes are made of the: best materials, and the w-lnnansljlp and finish are onexoelied. Have been awarded premiums at all the State fairs, Georgia Alabama, Texas, etc." Upwards of 6000 of our Onra are In constant use in the southern states, over MOO having boon sold in B7. ' Price List of Olns, Feeders and Condensers Boxed ready for" shipment and deDrered at OUT factory. p-ta. Price with I Frioairlth ' KUes. qZS Self Ieder SelT Feeder and uus, or OondenasE. Condeawr. 80 saw $75 00 $100 0 ' $136 90 85 " 87 60 IMS 1M60 0 " 10000 133 60 165 00 it " 1U60 1400 1760 60 " 1S6 00 100 00 iao 60 " 140 oo 18000 saoos 70 160 00 S06 00 MS 80 " 180.00 83S00 tat 00 Terms given on Application. 1 From ISiS to 1868 we manufactured Oinaat Ootnmbua. Oa., under the firm name of K, T. TatmACOw, afterwards CUEitoira, Bbowx A Oa, and made what was then known, as the Taylor Gin. During the year 1868 we removed to this place, where we have been exclusively engaged in. nuura factoring Gins ererslnee. With long experience, the best labor saving machinery and skilled woncmen, iMposBeas advantages not enjoyed by mj other manufacturer In our line, for producing the vstsx work for the LEAST money. Tha demand last year was so great that nearly SW orders remained unfilled, but we have doubled our manufacturing the wisest plan to set your orders In early.. Send for illustrated pamphlet giving new voluntary testimonial from over 660 llro-, enterprirfng planters. Presses, Engines and complete outfit furnished when desired. Address BROWN COTTON GIN CO., NEW LONDON, CONK. JOHN DAWSON: CO., Agents, mh 16;D&W5m Wilmington. N. C. capocisy ana iiupu ou m aoie m metro iui ueimnuus, euii lb is 3RAWINCS & PRICES BY MAIL. pioneer . Works BIRMINGHAM. V ENGLAND, Prices In England. $68.00, $78.75, $89. SS, $100.00, $125.00, $150.00 Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in elusive : $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150.63, $184.28, $318.00. The above mayihe ordered "Full Cheke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at those prices. We are now making small bores of Nos. 14, 16 and 20 gauge, which are scarcely inferior In ower to the larger bores. Weight of 20-Bore from 5X Iba. "1416 " 6itf " " 12 7 " " 10 ' 8 " Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. ' Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have.purchaf ed and are now usine our guns : Hon. Walter l. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Bic.b mond county, N. C. Capt. D. K. Murchlson, Wilmington, N. C. J CoL B. F. Little. Uttle's Mills, N. '; James A. Leak, Bsa ., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C " J. & W. TOLLEY. Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Square, oct 3 D&Wtf Birmingham. Ensrland. Boneset Bourbon Tonic, REGISTERED. An elegant combination of boneset and other fine tonics with pure Old Kentucky Whiskey, such as connoisseurs approve andjnvallds must have; not a drop of any other spirit IS used. A rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tonic for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, &c. Delicate women, over worked clergymen and ... physicians, worn-out nurses, sufferers from bron- m chitis, and the feeble of every age and claaa will find It a delightful lnvigorant CHAMBERS & BROWN, mh 17 DfcW6m Louisville, Ky. GRAYS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK THE GREAT TRADE MARK ENGLISH REM EDY. An unfail ing cure for Sem-. inal Weakness, Spermatorrhea. Impotency, and all diseases that follow, as a se quence of Self ' AknM. aa T.nnji of BEFORE TAIIIlH.Meinofy. Univer AFTER TAKIRB. sal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Tn sanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. tr-Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one . t3PThe Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt or the money, by ad Or easing THE OKAY MEDICINE CO.. . No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich, 8old in Wilmington by GREEN & PLANNER, , Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every- -where. rah 5 D&Wly MABBLE ri o i) u r.i e iuts . AND : . . Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORE PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. ' RICHARD W A THAN A: CO,, ST Lafayette Placed New .York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form,for sale to the Trade. dec DAWtf 1 1 PRESCRIPTION TREE For the speedy Care of Seminal Weaknes,Xort anhsed, Prematare Debility Herveasaess, Despoadeaey, Coafksioa of Ideas, Averaiaa to Society. Defective Memory, aad all Dlsordera Breea-at oa by Secret Habits aad Excesses. Any druggist has the Ingredleats. Address, : DR. JAQUES A CO.. 130 Wert Bixk St. (OTCaHHAll, OSia feb;i5 lyD&W , : H. A. STEBIIfiJT, Jr. Attorney and Conniellor at Law. ELIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Up stairs, ia Brick Bonding occupied by Rlnaldi Co. i Special attention to Claims. ColectIriS on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Pet Cent. If without suit. Drawing Deeds, MortgagesAca AVaA - FREE

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