rHE MOBITIHg STAB. Uj VM. n. BERNARD. nr.LlSHSD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. OT SUTSBOBIFTIOB! tH iDTAIIOl : . veju- (by mail) postage paid, -lis months, nr. months, 4 00 3 45 i ,ii l-.fc monui month in ui'it'ni h To City sanaax n7 nu . r7. ... jot iothoriaed to coWt for more than three most. n advance. - MORNING EDITION. TTlt the Poet Office at Wilrctagton, N. tt, gntcreu daae matter. OOTL1NK. Ex-Gov. Seymour affirms that be can not iccept the nomination for the Presidency. Coogress adjourned yesterday tine die; President Hayes' veto message was not acted upon. The Continental Guards, of New Orleans, met with an ovation at Bjston.V A decisiou was rendered by the Suprdme Court of Georgia against Ihe exclusive1 right of way claimed by the Western Union Telegraph Company over raiirod lines in that Stale. Hostilities bavc commenced at Buenos Ayres. The National Division of the Sons of Tem perance is in session at Cincinnati. Keporls to the Department of Agriculture show a favorable condition of the cotton Dj wheat crops. The Berlin Con- f-ieuce met yesterday. Reinforce ments for tbe Russian fleet in E&sttrn wa ters arc ou tbo way. Ooe man killed pother in a dispute about ten dollars, "near N ishville, Tenu. The King of Greece a us received with distinguished honors in Loudon. W. VV. Beaaley was con victed of manslftuguUT in New Orleans; V. J. Fiench fired at a mulatto who had murieti bis sister, but killed a girl named S-i.-nh Sparks. An epidemic prevails in North Adams, Mass. New York markets: Money 23 per cent; cotton dull ai 1212$c; southern flour dull at $5 00 G 50; wheat about lc lower, ungraded red $1 201 24; corn opened weak and closed siruuger and moderately active; iixls nr-r-nme easy at 29c; rosin dull at $140 1 45. Gen. Garfiold was expected in Washington on Tuesday. Old Mad Wells likes tbe nomina tion of Garfield. Of coarse. Cadet Whittaker, who "bit bis own ears,' was ufound deficient." Grant preferred Edmunds, if he could nut gel the nomination him self. Gen. Roger A. Pryor was on the door uf the Seuate Tuesday. lie is for Uayard. Tilden denies emphatically the last leport of bin withdrawal. lie is re ported as vexed. Senator Hampton is not at all san guine of trie nomination of his favor ite, Senator Bayard. 'ihe Washington JPost aska how would this ticket answer: For Presi dent, Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsyl vania; for Vice President, Abram S. llewett, of New York. Cau the astute Philadelphia Times he in earnest when it advises the De mocrats to nominate Grant? Surely, it is working for Garfield and Arthur if it advises such folly and stupidity. Johu Sherman is disgusted with Commissioner Raum's violations of the civil service order, and rumor says he will bounce him. Raum boomed for "the strong man" and wa9 one of the 300 who fought to the last for Mr. Seymour has spoken at last aod definitely. He declines to be a candidate or to accept the nomination if tendered him. We regret his course. It complicates the question of the candidacy. But more of this hereafter. During the debate on the Mexican W ar Pension bill Ingalls intimated that Voorhee?, who was making a somewhat acrimonious speech, was in hqaor. This oalled out the lie prompt-'y- Afterwards Ingalls withdrew the insinuation, when all was serene again. Congress has adjourned. The veto message was laid over for future action. Next winter it may be taken up, hut in the meantime the Repub licans will have all of the deputy marshals, and the election for Presi dent will be over, if not settled finally. The New York Herald's Washing ton special of the 14th says of the way Garfield is regarded by his Re publican associates in Congress: "Tbe Republicans lust now squirm aw fully at Garfield's sins, but they ought to took at their own records. With the ex ception of Edmunds and Conkling there is not a clean man among their prominent People." Our friend of tbo Greensboro Patriot said, recently: The simple fact that Gen. Scales does not want to be Governor makes him the stronger CAndidatA. Tt wnnhi tA a tt 'gbt, and one which the people desire to eea man in an office be did not want. JarVlS Will matr k A ... Judge Powle; but Gen. Scales would make Kooa uovernor and coold be more sure i victory." It is now "hollowing" Jams. ii5 VOL. XXVI. NO. .75. Judge John A. Gilmer was nomi nated for the Judgeship in the Fifth District by the Convention held ;at Durham on Tuesday.' : Ho was nomir nated on the seventeenth ballot. Ex-Judge Ruffin, of Orange, John W. Haya, Esq., of Granville, and Hon. John Mannins. of Chatham. were voted for. Ruffin , received 67 votes on the first ballot and 73 on the fifteenth. Hays reccivd C8 votes on the fourteenth ballot. On the ninth ballot Manning had G7. Gilmer got 71 votes on the first ballot. On the sixteenth he had 94. Judge Gilmer is an excellent selection every way. Mr. Speaker Randall is somewhat cooling in his ardor for Tilden Binoe he found out that he had been dropped by the Grameroy politician for an other coparcener. This leads the New York Express, Democratic, to say : "Perhaps it may occur to Mr. Randall that had he let Mr. Sam Tilden alone five years ago and devoted all biatlme and tal ents to the service of bis country, the whole coonlry and nothing but tbe country, ma king no bargains with anybody, indulging iff no 'futile dalliance' with the Republi cans on the one hand, or ciphermongeraon the other, he would be at tbe top of the Democratic party to-day, and its most available candidate for President." The following concerns the Repub lican candidate for President. We copy from the State's special from Washington: "Garfield record ia undergoing a thor ough sifting at the hands uf the Democrats and all his mladoincs will be collated and arranged for publication iu pamphlet form. AmooK the interesting articles it will con tain will be extracts from editorials pub lished in tbe leading - Republican newspa pers about the time the Credit Mobtlier and Districts Ring swindles came to light. This bit of history may be illustrated by eouies of the cartoons that appeared in Harper's and other publications about that time. ' The Richmond State of the 14th says: "This morning Messrs. James B. Walters and William L. Royall and Drs, Hugh M. Taylor and M . B. Carter were before tbe grand jury uf the Hustings Court, tbe latter three as witnesses. Dr. Taylor and Mr. Royall refused to testify, bee h use they said they couid not do so without crimicating themselves. Nolbinx li is lieeu heard of . ol. Smith and his stcoud, Mr. Greeu." Foreign importations last week ag gregated very nearly 12,000,000, and more to bear from. This does not look well for tbe oountry. Spirits Turpentino. Raleigh suffered at 27 degrees Saturday two more than Wilmington. The irregularity of the mails between bete and New Berne is passing strange. Raleigh handled 476 bales of eotlou last week. Increase, thus far. 2,050 bales. Total, 43,872. On Saturday the thermometer reached 100 at New Berne. Wilmington was satisfied with 95. Greensboro Patriot: Mrs. W. B. Bo z ait died at her residence in this city on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after a lin gering illness of several months. We learn that the Good Templars oi this city realized the sum of fifty-five dollars clear of all expenses from their excursion to Dan ville, Va., on last Friday, llth inst. New York correspondent Ra leigh lieu: "Mr. Robert Tannabill, who has just been elected President of that im portant corporation, tne new xonc tjotton Exchange, is a North Carolinian. It is an honor well deserved and worthily be stowed, for Mr. Tannabill is universally esteemed and respected as an honorable man and merchant." Raleigh Visitor: The Sentinel reappeared Saturday, 'with a patent outside and Mr. Joetah Turner as editor $2.50 per annum. mere ts noose on tne roaa between Oxford and Henderson said to be 112 years old, in a good state of preserva tion. It formerly belonged to tbe Stone family, and has been occupied by them or other families ever since its erection. A communication in the Raleigh Observer says: "We may infer from a re mark recently attributed to Mr. Best, as having been made by him in the West, that be bad abandoned bis New York syndicate, or the New York syndicate has abandoned him, we -don't know which at any rate, that the syndicate no longer exists. That it ever did exist is very doubtful. Doubtless it was all a little game, and Mr. Best played it like a little man." . Raleigh Observer: Mr. John E. Ray left yesterday; for London, Eng land, to be present at the World's Conven tion of Sunday School workers, which be gins on the &Sih lost. Mr. Ray is Seore-t tary of the tfapust Ban oat n ocooei &oiaa of North Carolina. There are now seventeen street letter boxes in this city. Tbe postman makes twocollection rounds each day except Sunday. It requires two hours' time to make the trip. We learn that K. P. Battle. President of the University, will deliver the literary address Ht tha Commencement of Salem Female College, on tbe 17th inst. Lexington Exchange: It may be of interest to your readers to see what some of our farmers? near Lexington did in ihd way of big hogs last winter: Eli Zimmerman 8, 2,840 founds, average 355; Francis Stone 1, 445 pounds; L. Ii. Conrad 1, 515 pounds; Lindsay. Weiman 1,. S4tt pounds: P. N. Tysinger 3, 1,015 pounds, average 838,; T. S. Welfare 2, 649 pounds, average 274,; Lewis Williams 1, 419 pounds; Lewis Williams 1. 877 pounds, 15 months' old; A. M. Jones 1, 410 pounds; John Cal bet 1, 430 pounds; W. B. Hammer 1, 347 Eiunds; Capt. Harris 1, 460 pounds; A. C. ege 5, 1,570 pounds, average 314; A. C. Hege 1, 227 pounds, 9 months old. Charlotte Press: TheDemoerats of the county are five to one for Scales. The county should have had, under these circumstances, another bearing for a true expression of sentiment and , probably would have bad but tbe executive com mittee of tbe county are Jar vis men. H WlMlN&TbN In oar. article Saturday, we stated that Vail Jar via delegates, it is understood axe to be passed to the Convention at Raleigh JThura. day.f ree over tbe Richmond &Dnville Railr. road.?? . They are not exactly to po passed free, but tickets are to be I sold at a mere nominal figure, where they, are not in posses sion of r, passes. . .But since publicity , has oeen ar&wn to tne fact a different determi nation may be resolved upon. , Jarpit .it tha railroad candidate. .LL Raleigh JVJjws: 'For the Jast fiscal jrear Mr. Scarborough reports : . , Teachers of schools for whiie, $183,867 65 Teachers of schools for colored, 110,651 73 School houses and sites. .... . 6.599 43 8choo houses and -.sites. , , B . . 5,207J 07 ;To couBlyexamioerSi . ,. . To clerks Co. Boards Educate, ' Insolvent taxes refunded....: Sheriffs serving school notices. For other purposes. jTreasurers' commissions. ..... ;i;u3j76 1,516 27 494 45 1,469 58 9,597,78 Total amount disbursed. .:. f $326,040 85 Balance on hand Sept, i, 1.879. t .147,170 94 ; TolalT.?.:V.,V-.,..-47311 79 Raleigh News : Surry county's : delegates are instructed for Jarvls. Those from Wilkes for Fowle and' Robinson, and for Dr. Tyre York for Secretary of 8tate, and W. P. Caldwell, Esq., for' Attorney General. Rer. Wm. RoyaH. D. D.v has accepted the ehair of Modern Lan guages tendered him by thq trustees of Wake Forest College, and Mr. W. L Po teat has accepted the assisUnt professorship of PbyBieal Bclence at the tame institution. i Rev. T. H. Prltchard, D. D , of Wake Forest College, will deliver an address be fore the Academy at Garysburg on the 24th inst. Dr. Prltchard has also accepted an invitation from President Battle 'to ad dress the University : 'Normal School on the general interests of education in the State some time during the summer. ' New Berne JSecord: JL severe wind storm passed over this city yesterday afternoon at 7 o'clock, lasting about twenty minutes, and tearing hugs limbs off many trees in various parts, of , the city, and up rooting some of the smaller ones. Even Settle who, in the judgment of honest men. gave Vance as much as he oould ;swiag to, Is; vastly inferior ia mental force, axgumeniauTe power ana personal inno ence to Bynnm. Do we propose to put up against this energetic canvasser a man of straw, to be knocked down in the presence oi tne peopie t xi so, let us . nominate gov. Jar vis. The latter has excellent political talents of their kind, and in a sphere of political effort adapted to his resources is one of the most useful men in the State. , Lumberton Hobesonian : Crops in this neighborhood are looking well. Tbe fruit crop is much better this year than it was last. A waeoner from Chatham county says the wheat crop in that county is better than it has been in twenty years. We predict that Dowd will not have a competitor. But whether this will be an advantage' in the way of bringing out the rote, we cannot Bay. In deed, we thick a thorough campaign-would be best. We were handed recently some wheat which was 6 feet high, and oats 5 feet 7 inches high. It was grown by Mr. Jack McQueen, of this county,, who can beat the wheat just one inch. And this reminds uj that Mr. ; Mc Queen is one of a family of twelve, which measured 75 feet, or an average of 6 feet and 2 inches each. Rev. L. A. Mc Lean, who was ordained at the last meet-' ingof Fayettcville Presbytery, preached at this place last Sunday night. He intends to start to West Virginia in a few days to enter a field of ministerial labor there offer ed him. r Charlotte Observer: The ma chinery for the Oates cotton. factory is ar- riviag daily. Rev. Mr. Mason win praach only one sermon each Sunday du ring the summer months. A part of. the machinery for the ice . factory to be started by Col. Frank Coxe, arrived yester- rta. Polk county, in convention, on Tuesday, tbe 8th, declared for Thos. J. Jar- vis for Governor; . A nomas a. jieaan, lor Attorney General; John M. Worth, for Treasurer. Judge Wm. M. Shipp, of Char lotte, is authorized by - proxy to cast Polk's vote in the State Convention. At the Buncombe County Convention held Saturday, tbe delegates to the State Convention were not instructed, but it is learned from a reliable source, will stand 18 for Jarvis and 7 for Fowle. Messrs. M. E. Carter and W. Jfi. Weaver were nominated for the Legislature ; tbe former having served in the last General Assembly. Tbe Senatorial Convention has not yet been held. Both Gov. Jarvis and Judge Fowle will be . put on the defensive, and the Republican party will offer the records of Democratic newspapers in evidence. We do not admit that either of these gen tlemen have done anything wrong, but in a close campaign it is bad to be on the de fensive. , rrjEBim gitit. NEW AUVKBTISBMKNTM. Munson Umbrellas, &c. L. VoMiKHS Bird seedy &j. J as. C. Mund3 Perfumery, &c. ; Harrison & AiiEK Straw hats. ; Notiob O- MV StedmSn F.ro Co. C. C. Railway Change of schedule. Gebhakdt & Co. Examine your trunks. G'avad !.. The earth around - the entrance, to the large Eewer on Third, between Market and Princess streets, caved in .yesterday niofn ine durine the raio. makioic h deep bole about ten feet square arouud tbe grating, Workmen were at once engaged in repair ing the damage uoder the. energetic direc tion of the Chief of Police, and for the time being the flow of water was diverted to the aunken lota corner of Princess and Third streets. Unroofed. The dwelling boUse on the corner of Fourth and Nixon streets, occupied by Mr. James Shewih and owned by Mrs. Caro line Roberts, was unroofed by the wind during the storm of Tuesday , night last. The interior of tbe dwelling and Its con tents were deluged by the -rain which was falling at the time. The roof a metal one was rolled up and blown over to Fifth street, whore it was found yesterday morn ing. . : - ' LooUUna Lottery. The following numbers drew the capital and Other large1 prizes In this lottery at the regular drawing; on Tuesday last, Tie: No. 42.8(to, ilOOOOi .M?; 2838, c3O.OO0t 28,846 tlO.000; 71,671. , $10,000. I Ifonebt these Was he!41rii!thl8 city, how- ever. - N.' C THURSDAY, Local D. ' v Thermometer registered 77 de grees in the Stab office yesterday after noon. ,.. . . Xi There will be a special meeting of the C M. Stedman Fire Company to night at 8 o'clock - A race between the yachts Sippie and Restim is announced for to-day at WrightsviUe Sound. ' y A number of delegates to the ! Stale Democratic Convention left here for Raleigh yesterday morning. The schedule of-the Carolina Central Uail way has been changed so as to run in close connection with, trains on the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line road. Pender Court. j We learn that this Court.in all likelihood, adjourned yesterday afternoon, tbe busi ness of the term being pretty well through with yesterday morning, when our infor 'mant left Burgaw. Only four criminal cases were tried at tbe term. Joe Williams, colored, charged with jburglary, in breaking into the storehouse of ITbomas Williams, at Burgaw, submitted to !a verdict of larceny and was sentenced to the State penitentiary for ten years. ! George Harrelson was sent to the State penitentiary for five years for breaking into a store on Topsail Sound. ; Two cases against Mr.' W. D. Mahn, of jtbis county, for assault on Mr. Barden mention of which was made in the Stab 'at the. time of the difficulty ware dis missed at the cost of the prosecutor. ; Pennington, the colored school teacher who was convicted of larceny in stealing a jwatchfrom one Cudjo Larking, colored, was sent to State's prison for five years. ASTraya. ; People living on Second street, between jAnn and Nun, were alarmed Tuesday night iby loud cries and a -general disturbance that aroused the whole neighborhood. iSeveral persons were attracted to tbe scene, jahd fonnd a regular battle in progress be- I ween xsaac storas anu Harriet aiuuibiuu, colored, In which brick-bats, stones and 'sticks were thrown about in a vigorous 'style that augured ill for the safety of by etandere. Tbe disturbance quieted down latter awhile, to be renewed by the same parties yesterday morning on Front street, bear Castle, in which the brick-bat per- fotmance was repeated, ending with Storks throwing the woman down and beating her with a slick. The parties were arrested for the affray and brought before Justice Millis who imposed a fine of $5 each and the costs on the belligerent. ini isiooma Booamlna "About this time," as the almanacs say. "look out for" blooms. -Not iron blooms, for these we know little about here; nor the bloom upon the rye," which has "all seasons for its own;" hut tbe pretty purple cotton bloom, which gladdens the heart of the planter and causeth him to rejoice over bis less fortunate neighbor. Tuesday last tbe first of the season put in an appearance at the Stab office, and was duly chroni cled in these columns. To-dsy we have another, to report, received by mail from "Cov.,n at Laurel Hill, which the sender says bloomed on the 13th inst., and "was pulled from an average stalk in a fiftyacre cotton field belonging to Mr. S. R. Town- send, near Laurel Hill." The writer adds the gratifying informa tion that crops ia that section of the county were never belter for this time of the year. straeaf M Licfctalas. The residence of CoL-Jno. W. Gordon, on Seventh, between Chesnut and Mul berry streets, was struck by lightning jdurieg the violent storm of Tuesday night last. Tha electric fluid struck tbe brick chimney, following it to the roof, where tbe force of the current was apparently di vided, a part following the water pipes from a cistern' through the 'roof iuto a room that was unoccupied at tbe time, for tunately. Several bricks were knocked out of the chimney in this room and the place filled with soot, which covered the furniture. The lightning passed down the pipes through this room to a bath-room below, where the wood work was splin tered and scorched. Col. Gordon was seated in another room close to a fire place, at the time, and experienced a severo shock. Bevond this, tbe inmates of tbe house escaped. Railroad Blatter. The Charleston Nines 'and Courier of Tuesday says: "Mr. J. F. JDivine. to-day takes charge as General Superintendent of the Wilmington & Weldon, Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta, Cbera w & Darling ton and Cberaw & Salisbury Railroads; and the Northeastern, which is an important link In the Atlantic Coast Line, will here after also be under bis direction. Mr. C. S. Gadsden is the Superintendent of the new Charleston, & Ssvannah Railway, which is also a link of the Coast Line. It is probable that Mr. A Pope will be made the General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Atlan tic Coast Line." Xbermaaaeter Hoeor. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: ' Atlanta ,74 Augusta. ... i ,7Q Charleston, ;". .85 Charlotte. !.....;. 70 Ooralcana,.,.... 87 Galveston,. T..... 89 Havana. ...80 Indian ola, ...... .87 Jacksonville..... 8 Key West,.... ...92 Mobile., ii....... 86 Montgomery 76 New Orleans,. 586 PuntaRassa,. ...84 Savannah...... r. 93 Wilmington,... .7q JUNE 17, 1880i To-Dar'i Indication. Partly cloudy weather. Occasional rains, variable winds, mostly from the northeast to northwest, stationary or, lower tempera ture and higher barometer, are the 'indica. tions for this section to-day, Tne ceaiai. : Tbe census enumerators finished up their lists y esterday-Tsso . daya. are. allowed however for leetification: of all omissions and mistakes,, and, for this purpose the enu merators are.requi.red to give notice by ad vertisement of their presence at the Court House for the purpose of correcting such errors. A good many extravagant estimates have been made as to the population of this city. From all that we can. learn, we doubt if it will reach 20,000. . ?ae Warraat. Amos Boston was arrested - yesterday on a peace warrant and! for an assault, on Robert Morris, colored, and brought before Justice McQuigg for trial. The case of assault was1 dismissed at the cost ' of the prosecutor, and bond was required of the defendant in the other. Both parlies ap pealed to the Criminal Court. Tax Eilatlnar. Up to 6 P. M. yesterday 2.161 persons had given in their city taxes, and 2,187 their State and. county tax. About two thirds of ibe ' number liable for taxes and but a few days longer to take tbe remainder. There will evidently be a grand rnsb to wards tbe close. Onaliundred and ninety four persons listed yesterday. Steamship Benefactor, hence, arrived at New York yesterday.. Cryingisa prime evidence of naic When the Baby is fretful and inclined to "Crvioe Spells," remove the cause by usine Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. f 4 tuti naiLs. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CXrOSK. Northern through - ahd way maua. 5:30 A.M. Raleigh. 5:30 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at.!..... 5:30A.M. Southern mails for all points Soutb, daUy 7:45 F. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 5HX) P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 7:45 f. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston ...... 7:45 r. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays....... 1:00 P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 5:00 P.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . G ;00 A , M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9:00 A. M. Mails .for Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 .00 A. M. Wilmington, and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and .Fri days at 9:30 A. M. OPENVOB PBIJVBBT. Northern through and way mails. 7 .-OOA.M. Southern mails. 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 9 :15 A. M. Stamp- Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery ooen from 6:00 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., and on Sundays 4rom8S0 to 9:30 A. M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every ay at 3.30 P. M. Quarterly SI ee tinea Fob Tn Wiuaa-qroH Dmtbict, Mbthodut K. .Chpkch, Sbera Thib Boukd. Coaarie Mission, at Avetytboro, Jana Si 97 Bladen, at Mew Church, Jane 16 XI Cokeabary, at Bethel, July S 4 Elizabeth, at Abbottabore, July 1011 waccamaw aussien, at nne Log, ou.ij 1410 Whlteavule, at Peacock's, July 1718 Brunswick, at Zlon, (District Conf.) July tt 25 SaUthviUe, IJaly 2738 w ummgron, at rront Htreet, i oiy si, an 1 WUmlnaton. at fifth btreet. Aok. 78 On Blow, Aug. 78 lopsau, ai ierring unipe!, ABg. iu 11 OnpUn. Aqk. 14 IS New Elver Mission. - - - Aug. 1415 Clinton. Arm. 2133 Lb. BtraxaiiP. freskting Bloer. CITY 1TEEZS. THB MORNING STAB eaa always be had at tne following places in the city : The Puree 11 House, llama' Mews Btaaa. ana ura tsrx umce. PREJUDICE KILLS. "Eleven years oar daugh ter Buffered on a bed of misery, under the care of several or tne nest (ana some or tne worst) pnyst ciana, who gaye her diseate variooa aamea, bat no relief, and now she is restored te us in good health by as Unple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years before uaiag it. We ear nestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick Buffer as we did, on accooat of prejudice against so good a medicine : aa Hop Bittera." The rarenta. Telegram. WHAT EMINENT PHYSICIANS SAT. Paa- TSNTira or Maibia. Colden's Llebig's Extract or Beef and Tonic Invigorator ia partKolarly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. - fax Diph theria, Ague, Malarial, Typhoid Fever, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed it with ex cellent success. J. H, Leslie, M. D., Q. P. Copp, M. D., 8; B. Parsons, M. D.. A. Vaughn, M. D., Drs. S. L. and J. C. nideleW aU of St. Louis, and many others, . . Obxxh gLsaaak Agents, Wilmington MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STBUP. Rev. Svlvanaa Cobb thus writes in the "Boston. Christian Freeman" : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs. Wins low's Soothing: isyrup we can-speak from knowl edge; in oar own family it has proved a blessing inaeed, by giving an' infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article which works t perfection, and which ia harmless; for tha sleep which tt affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething its value Is incalculable. We have freanentlv heard mothers sav they would net be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any considera tion whatever. Sold by ail druggists. 35 cents a bottle. . ; m We have known persons to doctor for years for Consumption, ail to no effect. Though they had a in.tr fait rutin 11 in tha Langs, were deoressed. weakVand many other symptoms tending to that disease, yet there was no structural unsoundness of the Lmin. all these symptoms being caused by the Laver being sluggish, and the Stomach weak. Ia all ani.h oum theelseased conditions vield readftv to Simmons Liver Begoiator, and tha paUent la iava- riably brougnt Daca to neaun. . T have been down terr years with Liver' Disease. I have had a severe, pain in my left side for three years with dry cough; uus last Fall the cough be came severe, and I coughedVap half a gauoa a day; The-best, doctor in Atlanta aad Bay settlement said it was the last stage of Consumption. " I was weak : eaed Aown so by New TeaCa Bay. that I had to take mv bed. .. i sent aaa got joat mefltcine, (Simmons Liver Regulator), andhave taken it regularly. ' My cough is nearly gone; I am able "to ait up half the 1 day. . u. au uvuu, a, r., sast reint, ua. WHOLE NO: '4,007 H1VBR AlfDiKAJIlNK. ; Norwegian brig SaUero, Hoyer, hence, arrived at Hamburg on the 12th inst. j Parties here are negotiating for the purchase of the steam yacht Tdstport. There are many persons who would be glad to know that she will remain on the river.;:: . ! The 8ignal Service Station at Kitty Ha Wk, ; G M reports . that the schooner Mary Emily, belonging to James Powers & ;Co., of Norfolk, which has been working on the wreck of the 'Huron, eight miles south of the station, was driven ashore at 4 A M. yesterday. Cargo and crew safe, bn vessel almost a total loss. -r The Spanish brig Dos Cunadon, which has been lying at this port for. a .year or more, has been purchased by Messrs. J. G. Barker and Capt. Small, of this city, and recbristened Ihe, a lhot..R Rice, of Wil mington. The new owners are fitting her up, with new masts, cabin, &e. . When these repairs are completed she will make an Initial voyage to the West Indies, and on her return go on the ways for S thorough overhauling. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. JlHEBB WILL BE A SPECIAL MEETING OF the C. M. STEDMAN FIRE CO., TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend, as business ef importance is to be considered. je 17 It By order of the Foreman. Straw Hats ! At Low Prices 1 HARRISON & ALLEN, Je 17 tf Hatters. Examine Tour Trunks. ND IF THEY NEED REP AIRING OK COV- enng send teem to our Saddle, Haraees and Buggy Shops, where they will fee put In thorough order by a Practical Trunk Maker. Je 18 tf GERHARDT 8s CO. Nice Bilk Umbrellas, QNLY THREE DOLLARS. ; Best SHIRT in the city, only $1 25. ALPACCA SACKS, WHITE VESTS. . SUMMER TIES, at MUNSON'8, Clothier and je 17 It Merchant Tailor. Bird Seed, ZWIEBACK. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC Bu j logna. Sap 8ago Cheese, Eingemaehte Sardie- nen, be JTorellen, Anise, Carreway and Mustard Seed, Oat Meal, Corned Beef in cans. Fulton Mar ket Beef, Rye Flour, a lull line of Family Groce ries, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors, will sell Low for Cash. - L. VOLLBRS', Je 17 tf 28 and 28 South Front street. Perfumery. ROSADORA WATER, MTJLTIFLORA WATER Violet Water, Lavender Waler. Florida Water' Colognes, Soaps, Soap Boxes, and other Toilet Ar ticles in great variety. For sale by JAMES C. MTJNDS, Druggist. Prescriptions compounded at all hours, je 17 It CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Omen GjxxshaIi Sufxbiktxhdxmt Wilmington, N. C, Jane 16, 1880. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JDNE115, 1880, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave, Wilmington at... 6:00 P. M. No. 1. -Arrive at Hamlet at 1:35 A. M. I ' - Charlotte at 7:00 A.M. . 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:30 P.M. No. J.V Arrive atrHamlet at 1:3?A.X, 1 " Wumingtonat 9:00 A.M. No. 1 Train Us Daily except 'Sundays, but makes nO connection to Raleigh on Saturdays. No. S Train is Daily except Saturdays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. No. 3. Leave Charlotte Arrive at Shelby. . . . . . 8:00 A.M. ..13:00 M. H.i 1 Leave Shelby "-4 f Arrive at Charlotte . 6:00 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT St ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 6:45 A.M. Arrives at Laurmborg . 5:10 P. M. Leaves Charlotte 4:15 A. M, Arrives at Laurinburg 4:00 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg. 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:30 P. M. leaves Laurinburg....;... 5:00 A.M. Arrives at WilmingtoB. 4:15 P. M. These -Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Siesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, ondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, aad at Charlotte via Statesville, to all points .in Western North Carolina and to Ashevlile. Also via Spartanburg to Henderson ville, adjacent points and Asneviue. P&ssenzers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at 7 P.M. next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trams to ana rrom unarioiie ana wunungton . Through Sleepers will also be run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON, je 17-tf General Superintendent. H OFF'S MALT EXTRACT, A delightful Nutritious Beverage. Lubin's Violet Powder, Lubin's Extracts, German Cologne. Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles in great variety. WM. H. GREEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Market street. je 16 tf Home Again ! T5 ACK TO CUR OLD BTAND AT 33 SOUTH Front Street. Fresh Bread, fresh Cakes and fresh Pies. Complete accommodation for Cold Milk aad Pie Lunches, at H. D. GILBERT'S, je 15 tf Reliable Bakery. ' How is this for Low! rjiHS YESY BEST FLOUR AT 4 CENTS FEB lb., or $7 80 per bbL ; Martin's GUt Edge Butter al 30 cents per lb., fair Batter at 35 cents ; N. C. Roe Herrings, Mackerel In Cans, Kits or Bbls.; Oat Meal, Toilet and Ladftdry Seaps, Starch at 5 cents per lb. We guarantee to sen the very best goods as low as any House in this city. We keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of First Class Gro-cerlea.- Remember-oar guarantees. Come and see us. . j. C. BTKVKNSON A CO., , . . : ' , . r.-: Brooklya.-. . ' Je e tf Just over the Bridge. One Square one day,... I .... . ..TVT " "twO'dayav.f..,.'Jii.-:i.i.--?l TO -.mt throodaya,....4.,v .j,....,,. .2 50 " , ' fouxdaya,..., ..I....;........... ': " k. ava-dayaji,;-;-. vif'4 rvf M ,; , one week,;.Jt.;r.v ? i-- ? , Two weeks,.; 1 " ; Threeweeks. 8 " Oaomonth,........ i. 10 00 " Two months, ;.'.:-:; 17 00 ' Threo months,... 34 00 .. - - Stxmontha,... i..u....--'i... 00 One year j SO 0 ffarXtontract Advertlmnen laken -at propor ttoaatehr lowxatotJ i,VUvFr v ? . i.- . Ti,'. .'V Tea lines saQd Nonpareil type make one eqtare. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steamer Swan at Auction. By LacUoacer. -V-rriLL BB BOLD. ONTBCRSDAT. JDNB 17th. VV 188), at 11 A. M.. atregnall's Wharf, Charies-A ' THB LIGHT DRAFT .STEAMER 8WAN, 316 49-100 Tons, Hull of iron,.' Length 183 feet, Breadth of Beam 27 feet. Depth of HoM 5 feet. Draft (loader) 4 feet, two high pressure aeginea, di ameter ef cylinder 14 inches, length cf stroke 5 feet, together with her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture.- - : .' - ' ' t. Terms Ono-third cash; one-Uiird in 8 months, and one-third In 6 months, with interest on credit portion. Purchaser to pay for papers. " Je 13 4t QUILTS. Brown & Roddick 45 ' market STREET, ARB OFFERING SOME GKKAT BARGAINS 1b Domestic Quilts suitablo for the Summer. FuU Size Honeycomb Quilts .$ 1 00 Bridal Quilt Fringed. 1 15 The Bates Quilt 1 50 English Marseilles Qallts. all sizes aad qualities, at prices raugiog for $1 75 to $6 00. myrau Douwfl inwuiua. Sign of the Big Boot. I.AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL, iOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gaiters 1 40 " Custom Made Gaiters 2 40 - Laced Calf Tie Shoes.. 1 30 Ladies' Foxed Shoes. 1 OO " Newport Ties 90 " Opera Slippers... :. 1 2& " Strap Sandals .1 20 " Crcquet Slippers 65 Misses Strap Sandals ' 1 15 Buiton. Gaiters 1 20 Childrens' Strap Sandals 90 Button Gaiters 90 & BLUMSNTHAL, No. 40 Market Street. my 16 tf nac ; BaKGAINSr" CAN BE HAD BY PURCHASING YOUR FURNITURE and BEDDING of as. Wo are constantly receiving new goods, and you will find that eur Stock contains all the latest styles and newest designs. Wholesale buyers will find it to their interest to call on us before placing their orders. D. A. SMITH & CO.. je 13 tf Furniture Dealers. New Drug Store. I HAVE IN STORE A FULL SUPPLY OF Malt Bitters. Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure, Bitter Water, (U) Congress Water fresh from the Spring, Mocking Bird Food, Cigars, &c. J. H. HARDIN. Apothecary, Je 13 tf New Market Latest for Hot foatluar.. Oe C. ft R. S. BETS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR; Summer Outfit, 85 cents; Gauto Hummer Undor- shtrta, 30 cents; White Duck Vests, $1 00; "Crown" Collars aad Cuffs, "Monarch Shirt." je 13 tf DYER Ss SON. Greeting ! THE NEW FURNITURE STORE GREETING its patrons and- fiiends would respectfully in vite them to examine our large and fashionable stock of Furniture, to be sold at Wholesale and Retail at lowest prices. BBHKEND8 & RKCNROK, S. B. Corner Market and 3d Su je 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. Cropet, Areliery (tools, JgTANCY BASKETS, CHROMOS, PICTURE Frames, Sunday School Boeks, Blank Books, Ac, Sec, at 1e 13 tf C. W. YATES BOOK STORE. Work! Work!! Work!!! MoDOUGAL & WILLIAMSON'S CARRIAGE SHOPS IS THE RIGHT, BEST and cneasest place to gst your Carriages, Bag gies, Carte, Drays and Wagons built and repaired. Harness made and repaired on short notice. Paint ing and Trimming a Specialty. Horse-Shoeing carefully executed. Give us a trial. On Chestnut, Between Front and Water Sts., jel3 tf iWirmtanrton. N. C: The Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Va. Situated one hundred yards from Fort Monroe. Open ail the year. Equal to any hotel in the United States as a SUMMER RESORT. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. , . : HARRISON PHOEBUS, my 21 3m Proprietor. For Sale, 1 A A Bbls Fresh PEARL HOMINY, 1UU Very Cbosp. 560 Bales Gilt Edged TIMOTHY HAY, 20O BushSKBD PEASE, And tha "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY.'J 1b any qaantlt?. PRESTON CUM MING A CO.. ; je 15 tf Millers and 3 rain Dealers. I BINGHAM SCHOOL, IS now PRE-EMINENT among Southern Hoard ing Schools for Boys, ia age, "numbers and area of patronage. The 173rd Session 1 egine July SWth. For catalogue, giving fall particulars, address ' je 11 lm Ma. B. BINGHAM, bup't. Syrups & Soda Water. THE BEST QUALITY OF SODA WATER AND SYRUP of my awn. maanfactare, eoatiating of Lemon, 8trawberry, Pine Apple, Vanilla, earsa parilla,tiinger, Blackberry. Orange. Nectar, Orgeat, ' Nutmeg, Cherry, Coffee, Banana, Chocolate.Crram, Artie Mead, Otakl Boot Beer, c, . . At 8. G. NORTHROP'S je 6 tf Fruit aad Confectioner Stores . Slippers; Slippers T LADIES' SLIPPERS OF EVERY LMAGIS ABLE Style from 85 cents up, Ladles' Button Slippers at at 00 per pair. Children's Sandal eUpperS: at BO cents. Children's Sandal Shoes at 95 cents, and Hhoes of every description at jroportionate'.y Low PriW'at . THOMAS H. nOWEYSi h ,, ; jtltf No. 47 North Market st.