By WHI. O. HEttSAUnl i . , iSlIXD DAU.T BXCXPTONUA Ys,, JBeyear (by mU) pos-ge Pd,. 7 uu 4 00 3 3S fares months.;; 1 00 - r aKrihert. delivered la may part of the month To't. oer week. Our City Aceataara vKotter week. Our City A Sedto coVt for more than &ree ;ilT months aii n4llvnce. fORNING EDITION. -TlTftt the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, gntered ai Becond.claM matter. OUTUNKK. The Syracuse Commercial aaya Mr. Sey mour's oamo will be presented at umcin- ti The trial of Walter S. Lynch began at Hampton, S C, charged with dealing 25.000 from the Bouthero Express r, .nv Tbe Berlin Coo fere nee it rtpH as more or less inclined to accept ,be French proposal. Turkey ia pre paring for war wlLU Greece- . colliers have struck at Leicestsr, England, against reduction. The miner' strike Leadville has been amicably settled. Tne iron Cross arsonist at New Or leans was sentenced tp 30 yeara- imprison-' t Judge J. B. Howell, of lows, died yesterday; he was one of the Southern Claims Commissioners. - The anni versary f ihe Battle of Bunker Bill was celebrated in Boston yesterday. A flwd in tbe upper Mississippi river has sub merged paitof the town of Prairie da Cbien; tbe water is still rising and immense loss is anticipated. The Chinese have lirce contrac:s iu FraDce for arms. A Legitimist coDspimcy it ia alleged has been discovered in France. The Sul tan ot Turkey will agree to the stipulations f the Powers concerning the Greek fron- l!cr Tbe trial of the contested will of Mrs Dorsey was begun in New Orleans yesterday ; tx-Preeident Davis s.i otbers testified. The Ameri ca team shot at Dollymount yesterday ; Furow made an unprecedented score. X. Y. markets: Money 23 per cent; c, too steady at 120124c; southern flour dull bt fa 006 50; wheal heavy sod a snide liwer, ungraded red $1 201 24; cum about c better,, ungraded 4852c; j;. nt5 turpentine firm at 28yC; roeia steady ! $1 401 45. " Thiuk of it patriots and be happy: the country will have but nine months more of Hayes. Dr. Taylor and Mr. Royall were Lot required to testify in the matter of the Kichmond duel. Speaker Randall is in New York. What is up? He has been Tilden'a man Friday in Congress. If Grant wa8'"slewed" because of his professed friendliness to the South then he fell in a good cause. The thinking Republicans in the North are saying that Garfield must rise and explaio. Jordan is a mighty bird road to travel. Henry Ward Beecher in bis last sermon said: "I honor tbe man who slops over." Elegant and pointed ! Did he have any "reference to allu sions ?" Frye and Conger twin Stalwarts and haters of the South bad a tilt in the House. The South looked on and enjoyed the combat. They g ired each other but no blood flowed. We had seen it mentioned that Senator Bayard's name was not pro nounced like the famous Chevalier of France. Bat tbe Baltimore Gazette says it ia pronounced By erd, the accent on the first syllable. One of the negro victims of the Kansas exodus has returned to the South boiling over with disgust. He says that "if Kansas should be roofed io it would be the biggest nigger poor-house iu tbe world." We take pleasure in saying that the Democrats in the last session of ingress, take it all in and in all, behaved well -with discretion and wisdom. They made capital for the party and did the country no serious injury. The following persons will receive votes at Cincinnati, namely: Tilden, Field, Thurman, Hancock, Bayard, Morrison, Hendricks, Davis, Palmer, English and Payu Mr. Seymour has an even hundred to start with, bat his declinature will transfer them probably to other candidates. Geo. W. R. Cox, the Democratic nominee for CongTeas in tbe Fourth (Raleigh) District, is a man of re sectable talents, has a capital war record, i9 a gentleman in the true sense of that badly abused word, is honest man, and can be trusted. He will succeed one of the truest and beat Pea in all this Southern land. The ridgsport Conn.) Farmer 'jnks high as a discreet and able ew England Democratic paper. In ,ls issue of the 10th it says: in(? !?,WOQliDOt understood as doubt- o b lfny I?emocrmt named at Cincinnati n oe elected, for ih nnv.r.tin thPm i! ?TairitT of the voters and can hold Rrert;?m,Der;bQtit would require a : C" effort to dO SO With Mr TilH.n tha kp .iaLe' U Would be foolhardiness to uuoecesaary risk. if, : . V ?! VOL XXVI. NO. 76. FOVBTH OISIUICT. : t ( Uen. VV. K. Cox wasv-mlmiflated by acclamation for 1 tfotfgf eas1 m:'th'6 U Tti:i: ft. it.:. .'!?. 't Convention that met at Raleigh on Wednesday.. , On the aeoqnd .ballot Col. W, P. Green, of ; Franklin, was elected Presidential Elected. J Mr4 B. H. Bunn, of Nash, aud Mr,. A.W. Graham, of Orange, were; elected delegates to the National bonveq- tion. The following persons were appointed the Executxv'eJ"Tnmittee: Col. W. H. Yarboro, of Franklin, Chairman; John U. Monner, of Chatham; J. S. BatUe. of Kaah; N. B. Cannaday, of Granville. Gen: Ksox acceptea ine nomination in a stirrtng speech. Alternated dele gates to Cincinnati are C. B. Green, of Orange, and A. II. WilHama,' of Granville.' Lamar's speech ou the Exodus is spoken of as being extremely fine and effective one of his veryjbeet efforts. "Bildad" writes the Richmond State-. "Although he was almost too- weak to stand, he spoke with unusual animation. and seemed to reel deeply the force of the facts and arguments he presented In de fense of the South. 1 Against the mass of "slush," as be called the evidence Windom read to show that the negroes are' without protection for their Uvea, their nronerty. Lamar quoted from an English baronet who spent some time in tbe South; from Bishop Simpson, an original abolitionlst.and never friendly to the South; from 'Rev. Dr. Hartneld, of New York ; from Rev. Dr. Talmage, and from the recent speeches Of Gen. Grant when be was 'receiving re-r ceptiona' en route from Mexico to Galena. Tbe testimony of these witnesses as all that the most Democratic could wish, La mar handled bis subject skilfully and had close attention on both aides of the cham ber." lie latest suggestion for a Demo- cratic tioket is English, of Connecti-1 I cut, for President, and Engtish; of 1 Indiana, for Vice President; Eng lish and English ! Well, a much weaker ticket might be nominated. Bayard's friends are claiming 165 votes for him on the first ballot. If Seymour is not voted for be will re ceive probably more than that num ber. pirirs Turpentine. A severe hurricane passed over section of Mecklenburg doing great damage to crops. Raleigh Observer: Wake county furnishes two college presidents. Battle and Pxitcbard. Neither was born In" VVake. Ask them ? Stab Mr. Joseph P. Hunt, who died in Granville recently, aged Q7,was a grand son of John Penn, one of the signers of the National Declaration of Independence. He was a moat estimable citizen and Christian. Shelby Aurora : The Baptist Cburcb in th s place has called . the Rev. Dr. Nelson. We hope he will accept the call. We learn that a heavy tornado pasaed through Gaston county last Satur day evening. It deatroyed several bouses and played havoc with the forest timber. t . - Hickory Carolinian: j After harvesting, a great deal of wheat is fonnd to be better than it has been expected. Tbe crop, however in this portion of the State, Uoax reports, seems to be very - irregular. Portions of Catawba and Liitcoln expect to fall considerably below the 'average, while' Cleveland expects an average. Raleigh News:. After a . long career of success and usefulness as Presi dent of tbe Raleigh Female Seminary, Prof. F. P. Hobgood leave thie city, to , institatkw of similar kind i4xfordV Mr. J. M: Poe. a brother-in-law of. Mr. . C. J. Shaw of this city, died very suddenly in Fayetteville last Monday. Warsaw JBjriefMtntiont The thermometer was at 103 last Sunday. Light rains have visited some neighbor hoods in our section while a few have been refreshed by good seasonay -bunn -our im mediate vicinity and . generally, H remains exceedingly dry. The wells are failing and the mill-ponds have all dried up. The Jfaltimorean has thia para graph : "Suspected the new play, by Miss Minnie Camming,-will be produced . in New York during August, with Miss Cum- minn as tbe heroine, under the manage ment of Mr. Paul Nicholson- Mr. Louis H. Haywood, a nephew of ex-Senator Haywood, of North Carolina, will make his debut in this play. Goldsboro Messenger. On the mornine of Wednesday last Mr. Beano. brother of the well-known railway bridge-. builder, had tbe misfortune to have his right arm badly shattered by the explosion of a hydraulic Jack While at work oa tne xteuse river bridge, near this town. A large bolt from the jack hit the arm -lost above tne elbow and' produced a compound fracture of the bone. Everyone must appreciate what ia called the higher education of tbe State. Never before has there been in the State so many and such excellent classical, ecaae mies, while our colleges are all in a most flourishing condition. The Presbyterians are all pleased with uaviasoB, tne aapusta are proud of Wake Forest, tbe Methodists am delighted with Trinity, and the Episco palians ought to be satisfied with Chapel HilL McK. faN.G. Presbyterian. , Raleigh Biblical Recorder : Rev. Dr. T. C. Teasdale left Raleigh on Friday last for bis appoiatmeutsrldBonth Carolina. Wake Forest t50TOge con ferred no honorary titles this? year. - None of tbe brethren needed doctoring.1 The Second Presbyterian Church, waa opened for services on Sunday last. A large con gregation was present and Dr? Atkinson preached us an admirable sermon. This is tbe neatest, cheapest and best church in Raleigh. . . Charlotte . OlserkrilOthdMot net Fira Company left at 12.30 last night with flyiogf colors for Colombia to enter the grand tournament for the $100 prize. : -. The congregation of tbe Baptist Church bss granted the pastor, Rev. Dr. Theodore Whitfield, a leave of absence for two months, which he will spend in Europe. I u IiL ii i. n i . n ' in i i '' i-i i'i "H 1 li'i"" ' I. i ' ' i i ' . 1 1 '" ' ! ' i , . . . . ;. I ...... ,. TTT .... i r-r- 'MINGTON, N, Ci4 FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1880. ifel sail He iwill e'accrjrpanfe'd' W! Iris 1 wife and 4 uie two, expect Jp sail ifqm xtwrk nexi vDaiuraay. we unaerstana tnat eevera other CbarlotteVrplei:coiUemplai tripe -aoroaa auring tne presept summer' pained t6 Irtrn of th of sudden death o( oae or our best friends, Hal. O. M. Grimaley, ,oi di. jonn-s county: r ia. rie-was a na tive ol North .Carolina; a man of extraordi nary mind. A colored man by the pamaor juack snot ana kuiea another col lared man by the name of Tate last Thurs day,. They were both in the employ of tbe Ch$raw & Wadeabogg Jtaroad laying track. It is said by some who saw it, that tne.aimc.uuy -grew cii:oi paying -jrd. As Boon as it was known that the colored ma wooW'dSe -tai neifw Mactc Vnde 1 his escspaod-il4tthetrghthe'ha(4 fconeto aoqin oarolinajkiiioeipiitoiball - aatered Tate's right.eys andipeaetrated tbttbraia ; 4- Raleigh5 Observer: The? - Go vernor baa i dared f W Special te'rm of the Superior Court Tdr Rutherford coahty,!' to begin on the third Monday ib July. Judge McKoy wilt preside. " -In; the rear ' of Loveloy's grove runs a deep ditch, whdse sides are dha' whitish "-earth; among which are fousd small gravel and 'lumps of hard clay. Everyday neero women and cbfl dren may be seen ia this ditch, picking out the !clayey - lamps and devoarrrig them.1 They also eat the white earth, which : is oV the kind used for cleaning hearths,' but do not appear: to be so fond of it. Very often one tof these ueer eaters will swallow From a quarter to a hajf pound Jf the ' dirt. Strange to saj tt is said 'by those who thus eat it that the dirt produces no: bad effect.1 -j QitXjrejawJiii ;:;We' . teanji Revj AlyU Moore preach twice at the union meeting -pf jthe County ; Line Aasociatton,. Primitive Paptiew at JSbeneaer Church,near: Iieasburjr.ijn. the, filth Sundar in Mavi and, haye; no hesitancy.iA .ayin;thaf he, is the opu rgeoa , tnat oicn. uoxooro and Milton are to ; be connected with the outside world by, telegraph.-, Maj. W. . T. ; flatherljp haa decided to put up the wires. and when be decides to an a thing it is half done. Capt J. T. Critcher, of Rox boro, toad a the . ooflla ..for Mrv . . Richard Hartia. In, 1868, of. aasaaf ras .wood sawed out 6t a tree Hargishad cultivated for this purpose. When thexfiffln-waa-nmshed he got in it at RoxborQ to f 'try it oa' carried it home and kept it under4ua bed until be died; which w.ia 1873.! .s.i ..-i-i i r Raleigh Farmer Mechanic : dersed Railroad Company, writes that ar- rangfements hate been perfected by which thA Trll1.lllhBiTltl(1 In rnanlnl Arrlcr In Oxford within ninety days. This wiU be 'good news for our Granville friends. John, Bragg IMilf naming Fiemj at Char lotte, aeserves to do' aouote its size, ' ana twice as profitable. For it neither knuckles nor truckles; add though' we frequently don't agreewithitanotionsweveryotten do. -IThree cases of Bunstroke this week. --Wake Forest College1 is flourishing Tbe Bursar' report shows that after pay ing ait expenses including some unusual' onc&f the sum of $450 remains in tbe Treasury. Few schools do so well. '-- it seems wc were wroet about -the bTAU. At all events the paper resumed Its visits a few days ago, and we were heartily glad to seen, foraa a 'datly-'aewspaper, 'complete in al departmsnts, it- has no superior (we bad nearly written no equal) in the State. Yptf were in err on : .Your oatae was never erasea.., mar,.-.-) ' .;j..: . CITY. ; POBW A DTEBT1 8 BITI BN T M. MxiNSOir--TJmbrelfa'Sj &c. ( A. i David Bathing suite. WtLLABDS Salt andtnoiassw Jas. C. Muin)8-J-Perffimry; &c:' -Tax NoTxcB-County.tqwnahips.jj . HErKSBEBQEK-rPiauoa, organs, j&e-1. W. W.Frkxjcaji Morehead City HoteK i 1 i' i ! Again, no session of the Mayor's Court Evil-doers evidently hare a whble- some jfear of ;aj?ro. tern. Mayor.V ' '; A colored woraati, the wife of David Jones, a well-known dravman.'jrave I ... J - 196- " - ' birth ! to triplets xecsntlv. , Only one of them Survived. ,:m;i ? ' - jTlie storm on " Ptvti&y nigbt did considerable daknage in the country around lefts. Te'nces ahdjfrees were oTown down We see it stated in some of the papers that the Westers Union and the American Union Telegraph Companies are , A colored man, name unknown, was drowned at, flutihvijlp jMnaayTi "iHsfj was bathing in the river, and was seized with cramp, it is supposed. ' The vote of the New Hanover delega tion at the State Democratic Convention ,Was given for Fowle, irGvrmr. New Hanover cast sixteen. votes. , , - The tax assessors for Cape Fear, Harnett And Masonboxu iowjuhips give notice of interest -to residents- pf. the city ownicjg property in said townships. , --Captain C. P. BoUes of this city,' is at home again, flUf jJZ absence on U0 Pacific coast of ,Jaulh America, wherej he has been engaged in government aervice. There is a city ordinance against fast driving; but it is frtquently violated. .Yesterday our attention was 'called to three drays racing on FrontBTTeerT ""The police will citch them at It some1 day. '' 1 !''. j .. . . , t , '7 Charlotte, Raleigh, New Berne, Goldsboro, and all points from which we have" advices, report'1 a bfgher range of 'temperature during the receUtlieated term than was experienced i4ha e4yr- War saw reported J03 degnae.wjBen i the tem perature here was at 22, Titer uometer Beepra The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations' mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday CveniflgTsSnifrgioh mean time, as ascertained frern the darTy buBetin issued from the Signal Office in this city: 1 i .6 ' VV. Atlanta ..76 Au&uata 83 tSbdleston 80 Charlotte 77 Jorsicana, 85 Galveston,. 81 Havana .88 Jacksonville 78 Key West,.. 88 Mobil. ;i 83 Maatcemery . . . . .81 New Orleans,.,.. 81 PuntaRassa,. ...76 Savannah.. 80 Wilmington 78 I jndianola, 83 1' The race between'the- ykqhta BtppU itid JBestleu, C. ' Y. C , came ofl at Wrights vilfe . Souiid. yesterday' afternoon, and was wit nessed ,by quite a large crowd or " specta 'tor a. The contest'was Uie first of r the sea .son, and was gotten UP by a challenge from the Simple ; to sail the Re0ea lot tbe chani piOBsbip.. A stiff wind from the northeast produced an unusually high tide, and there .was; consequently a , plenty of wind and wate.;,x,7, ; 5 Messrs. C C Morse and J. H. - Bradley were tbe judges of the occasion, and the ibeats were started I--- Restless (ar. I .V.' :?.V.C:.T. I .'W. Olm. 00s. 'Ripple at.......... ....... 4h. Olm. IO3. ' The went into the race reefed, and the Rattles was -also compelled to shorten sail after rounding the ocean buoy the firet time, losing thereby much valuable time, which part compensated for by tbe jRipplSi finding a double: reef beceBsary on the second round. The Restless was managed splendidly, and responded beau lifpUy to the requirements of her comraan- 4ar. She finished the race at 5b. 53m. Os., with the BippU distanced (time not taken by the Judges). , . The interest manifested in this the first racejof tbe season, leads us to conclude that the regular regattas of. the Carolina Yacht Club Will be unusually exciting and well attended during the coming summer. Btiib Atiaaapt at Borclery. ' An attempt was made at an early hour yesterday .morning, hy a brace of bold burglars, to force an entrance into the resi dence of Mr. John E. Neimyer, corner of Sixth and Orange streets. The burglars managed to raise the window and prop it up, when the- noise awakened Mrs. Nei- myer, who , aroused her husband. Mr. Neiojyer got up, and, taking his pistol, went out into the yard and arouad the hyuse, thinking to. capture; the rogues, but they had taken an alarm, and be was just in time to catch a glimpse of them as they were leaving the premises.. He pursued Bird shot at the wouldbe burglars several times, but they managed to make good their escape, leaving behind them an axe with which the window was propped up. Several . attempts - have been made re cently, it is said, to break iulo dwelling houses in that' part of the city. Mm tJnlippr Couple. WilUam Evans, eolored, was arrested 00 the cpm plaint of his wife yesterday, who charged him with committing an assault upon, berr Tbe parties live oh Fourth near Church street, and it appears engaged in a regular rough-and-tumble fight a few days ago. : William alleees that his wife gets drunk and will not attend to her house bold 'duties. She charges him with general ill-'paBge. After a hearing before Justice Millis the case was dismissed at the plain tiff's 'costs. 'f his makes the sixth case tried by the same Justice this week, in which charges as above were preferred against husbands by wives. All colored. AceideBt at Fsisreral. Yesterday afternoon, t tha funeral of Pace by Jones, a colored woman, on Cas tle street, between Seventh and Eighth, a horse!, attached to a buggy in which a col ored ban and' woman, were riding, took fright and ran away, throwing out the oc cupants and frightening tbe horses at tached to a carriage in the procession. These also started to run, and coming in collision with thabeafse, smashed the glass sides of the same. Tbe man who was throv n from the buggy was slightly hurt abou the ankle; hts female companion was UulbjuredV; Aaojber Blcamoaa la tne field. The struggle for the cotton bloom cham pionship goes bravely on; but so far as I beard from CoL Jno. D. Shaw, of Rock lingham, keeps the lead, bis banner bearing date of June tbe 10th, as previously re ported. Another correspondent telegraphed tbe Stab, from Laurinburgh yesterday as follows: ; "Place Richmond to the front and Marin boro ! next. James Scott, of Richmond, furnished U9 a full grown cotton bloom on the 14th inst, and W. L. Leggett, of Marl boro,! on the 16th. ' uFne rains and good crops everywhere, and everybody betting on a dark horse for Governor." t aa Taecdai'i storm. We- continue to bear reports of the dam age dpne by the storm of Tuesday night last, which seems from the accounts furnished to have been more severe in the country than in the city. Some six or seven' miles from town, on tbe road to Northeast Ferry, the storm levelled fences, and cut a swathe through the pine woods about two hundred yards wide, breaking off large trees, and levelling them in all directions. At the place of Mr. Sam Davis, outhobses, trees and fences were blown down and a small frame building was lifted up bodily and cariied some distance. Strolling Player. m Thelue? girW--auppo8ed to be Italiaba with violins and triangle, were on the streets yesterday, going the rounds of the bar-rooms and other places of resort; play ing and singing for tbe amusement of the crowds that gathered to hear them. Tbe oldest of these girls could not have been more ban ten years of age, tbe youngest aboutj flTCj 1 H ' : . yj . Tax Matins; The attendance of tax-payers at tbe City Hall increases. dailyas" the 'time draws to a close. Yesterday 239 persons gave in their city tax lists, and 829 State and coun ty lists. There are many more yet to hear from, and the time is growing short "'.i t r t l-if i'JC'i 1. To-Day , Inaleauona. Clear or partly .cloudy, weather, winds mostly northwesterly,, atationary or higher temperature and barometer,' are the indica tions for this section to-dayi - i v ! 1 : The brig Dos Ouna4o has been pur chased by Mr. ' E. G. Barker and Capt. Fred. Smalt She is ' now under the American flag, with her name changed to the; Fred. 5Z:Bffe7lTrEairfrom Wilmington,' N. C.! ; The brig is"ndw being1 refitted, and will go on the ways next week for thorough repairs, to her boUom. Capt. Small will command . her. There were several inaccuracies in a former statement concerning this vessel. t-Ed. " ' j . THB JBIA.IJU-S., , ' The' mails close and arrive iU the City Post Office as foHOwsr ; . CLOSE. Northern through and way maUs..;. ....... ......... 5:80 A.M. Raleigh........ .550 A. M. audS.-OOP. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, . and routes supplied there-; i from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at.. 5:30A.M. Southern mails for all points' - South, daily. ;.vr:"r.v.. -.T:45 P. M. Western mails(C.CL Ky)daily (except Sunday) 5 KK) P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad , 7?45 P. M, Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston ...... 7:45 P. M. Fayetteville,and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays... ........i.. ...... 1K)0P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 5:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate ofiices every Fridav. . '0:00 A M, 8mithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9:00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at 6.-00 A. M. Wilmington and -Black River -Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at. 9:30 A. M.' OPKH FOB DELIVXBY. Northern through and way mails 7:00 A. M. Southern mails- . 7 :80 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad, ... . 9:15 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 550 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp olfice. General delivery onen from 6KK) A. M. to 6 :50 P. M. v and on Sundays jffom 8 :30 to 9 :30 A. M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every ay at 3.30 P. M. T4 G. Owens, Druggist, Altoona, Pa., writes: "Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup has a won derful reputation -the demand for it is real ly astonishing. Mothers will have no other. It is destined to supersede allolber Soothing Syrups. " " f t Quarterly meeting- Fob tbm WrunHSTOH Disraior, Mkthodist S. CHOWS, South Tanu Kookd, Ooharie Mission, at Averyiboro, Bladen, at Mew Chorea, Cokesbory, at Bethel, Elizabeth, at Abbottsborg, Waccamaw Miasien. at Wne Log, . . WhitesTille, at Peacock's, Bntnawick, at Zion, (District Cknf.) SBUthrule, Wilmington, at Front Street. Wilmington, at irth btreet, Onslow, Topaail, at Herring's Chapel, Duplin , New River Mission, June 3587 Jane 8627 July 3 4 July 10-11 . Jalx .14-15 July IT 18 Jary 8425 rjoly 8788 JnlySl, Au 1 Aag. 7 8 Aug. 7 8 Aug. 10-11 Aug. 14 IS A tig. 1415 Aag. SI 23 minion. Ik S. BubkhxA1, Presiding Blder, C1T1T 1XSIS. THB MOENINQ STAB can always be had at tne following places in the city : The Porcell Hoase, Harris' News' Stand, and tbe 8ta. Office. . PREJUDICE KUXS. "Bleveo -years oar dangb tar Bo&ered on a bea of misery, under tbe care of several of tbe best (and soma of tbe worst) physi cian s, who gave her disease various names, bat no reliefi and now she la restored to na in good health by as simple a remedy-as Hop-Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years before, using it. . We ear nestly hope and pray that ho one else" will let their sick- suiter as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine a Hop Bitters." Tbe Parents. Telegram. WHAT BMUfBNT PHYSICIANS 8AT. PfflS VKsrrrs or Maubu.-Colden's Liebig's Extract of Beef and Tonic Invlgoratot is particularly use ful when tonic are required, being tolerated wbea otberjforma of animal food are rejected. In Diph tbarisj, Ague, Malarial, Typhoid Fever, and every depressing disease, we nave prescribed it with ex ceUenlt success. 3. H. Leslie, "M. V.. Q. P. Copp, M. D . B. Parsons, M. IX,- & A. Vaughn, M. U, Dra. 8. 1.. and J. C. fitidelet, aU of St. Iiouis, and many; others.' i -i . UaasM A jahssb, Agents., Wllmhigtnti.. MBS. WINSLOWS 800THTNG 8TBUP. Rev. Sylvanns Oobb thus writes in tbe ".Boston Cbristiaii Freeraan" : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine wbibb we did not know to be good particularly for infanta. Bat of Mrs. Wins low's Boo thing byrnp We can. speak .from knowl edge; In oar own, family it baa proved: a blessing indeed, by.gbdng an infant troubled with colic pains; quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken reefat night j Meet parents can appreciate these blessings.: Here is an article which works to perfection, and which is harmless;' for the sleep which it asorda the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as bright as a button." ' And daring the processor teething its value is incalculable. We have frequently Ream mothers say they would net be without tt from tad birth of the child: till it had finished with the teething eii 1. on aav considera- tion whatever. Sold by ail cents a bottle; new,, abverhsements. ; Tax Notice. pHB ASSKSSB3 TOS 'CAPB FSAB, HAB- NfiTT and,MASONBOBO TQWNSHlPS will be at the Commissioner's Boom, at Court Hoase, on SA TURDAY, 19th instant, to take tle Tax Usts of those residents 6f Wilmington wning'property in said Townships. jo 18 It Nice Silk Umlfellasj QNT THREB DOtLABS. ; t ' ' " Best SHIRT in the city, only $1 25. ALPACCA SACKS, WHITE VESTS. -8UMMEB TIBS, at MUroOH'S. Clothier and je 18 It 7 Merchant Tailor. Perfumery. .A- EOS ADOBA WATER, MTJLTIPXORA WATER Violet Water, Lavender Water, Florida Water Colognes, Soaps, Soap Boxes, and ether Toilet Ar ttclealagxeHvane, v r , - JTAMES C. MDNDS; Druggist. Prescriptions compounded at auboars. jel81t Bathing Suits. yK'HAVB JUST RBCKIVBD OMB IMOB BATHING SUITS, ranging in price 'from' St. (XT to S4lso. ' .; ..v .'-r.;i'i! We arc eloalhg ottt at A8TONISB1NQLT IiOW PRICES some Sails that we have left, and to the EXCURSIONISTS we extend a cordial invitaUon, promising them entire satisfaction m-any order they may be pleased to give na. " A. DAVID, The Clothier, 1el8tf or. Front and Princess eta. I; n ij I ;rAf v. WHOLE NO. 4,008 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE - New, Morehead Oity . Hotel, IIOREHEAD, X V I fTHiS NEW AND 8PLENDID SKASinR rr. 4AJBT w be thrown open for the aceommo- wwu w mo puouc oy tne sist or done. . The Hotel is entirely new, and affords anuria at- commoaationa. The building is supplied with wa- kw, ua uu aeairsoie. conveniences; The rooms are large, thoroughly ventilated, and wtll irniane. witn ixew JTHmiture throuzhout. : we exaggerate nothing ia saying that this is the mOflt '.delightful. KnTrrmAl- SMnd: m th. Coast It is safely locate near the water, and com- Rngnwicca sceon view ana a nne rerresn ine sea breeze. fieing.lopated on the JCorehead side, visitors, oa getong off the cars, are saved the annoyance of crossing (be water in beats, so fatiguing after a long journey, and especially at night time; or in stormy weather. ;-.7, )j . '.7- The building is so constructed as to render It pe culiarly comfortable aad attractive to persons seek ing health and pleasure. THE TABUS wiil be supplied with all the delftsa cies of the season both land and water. . Servants polite and attentive, and nothing will be left untried to render guests and visitors comfortable. ! : BATHING AND SAILING. Splendid bathing arrangemento witbin aahort dis tance from the hotel, and Sne facilities for open bathing. The surf is only about a mile- distant-, fast sailing boats can be bad at all times for surf bathing, fishing and sailing, with experienced boat men in charge of them. We bite a; splendid Ball Room, and tio Italish Band is employed for the season. , .,?i'B87Wiir d7' S3-00; y week, $13 00; and by the month, t40.0J. Special arrangements made, with families. W. W. FREEMAN, frsuwe Proprittor. jel3eodlm Pianos and Organs, (JOLD ON THB EASY MONTHLY I INSTALLMENT PLAN, At HEINSBERGBR'S. Blank Books, JplAPBR, ENVELOPES. INKS OF ALL COLORS, ; ' MUCILAGE, INKSTANDS, 4c, For sale cheap at HSINSBERGEB'S. 39 and 41 Market Street. je 18 tf In Warehouse. 6000 Sacks Salt. i LIVEBPOOE SALT, FINE TABLE SALT, FERTILIZING SALT, COABSE ALUM SALT, i . . Delivered Free on Board Cars I l25lilids. New Crop Cuba Molasses. OLD; CROP POBTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE SYETJP, ; In Hogsheads, Tierces and Barrels. WILLARDS. E Je 18 tf Straw Hats ! ! At Low Prices I HARRISON A ALLEN, , Hatters. je 17 tf Examine Your Trunks. 1D, IF THEY NEED REPAIRING OR COV- enngsend them to our Saddle, Harness and Buggy Skopa, where they will be put in thorough orderly a Practical Trunk Maker. je IB tf GERHABDT & CO. 1 ' Bird Seed, rWlBBACK, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC BO Jlj logna, Sap Sago Cheese, Eingemachte Bardie- Oat Meal. Corned Beef in cans. Fulton Mar ket Beef, Rye Fiour, a loll line of Family Groce- rlea,jrobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors. Will seii wow ror uaen. -- l, voihhb', je rr tf 26 and 28 South Front street. HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT, , . A delightful Nutritious Beverage, f . Lubln's Violet Powder, LiUDin's itxeracts, German Cologne, Hair Brashes. Tooth Brushes, -Toilet Articles far great variety.; WM. H. GREEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Market btreet. je K tf -- A Large andiFull Stock OF atEOCERIBS AT Eercltner & Caider Bros Wholesale Dealers & Commission i MerchaHts, N. Water St. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, IFLOUR, MEAT, HAY,! CORN, SALT, BICE, STARCH, ' MEAL, SOAP CANDLES j - CANDY. CRACKERS, ' j SNUFF, TOBACCO. : Agents for WILSON & CHILD8' WAGONS, and . HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN. , je 18 tf - i Pure Extract iif Yanilla, MADE FROM THE BEST VANILLA BEANS, aad guaranteed PERFECTLY PURE. Also a Stock of selected Drags. Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Cigars, Brandies, Whiskey, &c All of which 1 will sell at reasonable prices.. JOHN K. MoILHBNNY, Druggist, jel3tf ' ; . Oor. Market aad Front streets. . Tourists AND ALL PERSONS WANTING ' TRUNKS ; and Traveling Bags can be furnished at tbe lowest-prices from our new stock just arrived. ; - Oar Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be beat for Latest Styles and Best Goods for the least moaeT. No.- 8 South Front St jel3tf MAT.T.ABH ABOWDBN. When You Can OB SEND TO TOWN," DROP ID AT KING'S and see the SHACKELFORD COOK STOVK. The SAM ia right along side of it. If they are not a couple of beauties we wish we never get to tbe top of the Matterhorn. Sold only by JelSU KING ft CO. t ' BATBSOl? ADKBTISIWCl. x ' js iiiV.t;'J ft A. t 4 sai'.i -. j .it-, two daya...wi..J.v,HM ...... .., 1 75 . - thraedays, foar daya,....x.. j,.r...i .t ; -: ' avaaya,iiv.-.-l..-, . .? ' ' One ffftftlri,......,;... - 4 0 ' ' -Two weka,.;........r'..-... S 8 Three weeks, ..... ; 8 5 " Oneinootb,. ,...,....10 00 " : Two inoaths,.. 1700 " Three montha,... .............. 84 00 " - Sixmonths,... ........... 40 00- a aa a - .' " ' ' .... " v ',M 1 - ' A fan ' tarContract Adverttitementt taken at propor tionatery low rates. , .. . I? .. . : Ten tines Mild Nonpareil type make one square. xrcvjrr -. . a t uudtto v c vtmiq Brown & Rodd i c k 45 MARKET ' STtiEKT, ARE OFFERING SOMB GREAT BARGAINS in Domestic Quilts rnitablo for the Bummer. Full Size Honeycomb Quilts I 0 Brldaf Quilt Frlneed... 1 26 The Bates Quilt ... .. 1 50 ' English Marseilles Qailta. all sixes aad qua'ttles, at prices ranging for 1 '5 to $0 00. my sta u ukuvvm a huddick. Sign of the Big Boot. 1 AM NOW OFFERING TO 8KLL, FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gaiters. 1 40 Custom Made Gaiters 3 40 ' Laced Calf Tie Shoee l 20 Ladies' Foxed hoes v 1 OO Newport Ties ' 9 ' Opera Slippers.... .. 1 25 ' Strap Sandals 1 20 Croquet Slippers..... 65 Misses Strap Sandals 1 15 Baiton Gaiters. 1 20 Childrens' Strap Eandals ........ OO ' Button Gaiters 90 (a BLUMENTHAL, -. No. 40 Market Street. my 16 tf nac How is this for Low ! rpHE VERY BEST FLOUR AT 4 CENTS PER lb., or $7 SO per bbl. i Martin's Gilt Edge Butter at 30 cents per lb., fair Butter at 25 cents; N. C. Roe Herrings, Mackerel in Cans, Kits or Bbls.; Oat Meal, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Starch at 5 cents per lb. We guarantee to sell the very best goods as low as any House in this city. We keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of First Class Gro ceries. Remember our guarantee. Come and see asa i. v. BTitv&Maun aw., Brooklyn. je6tf Just over the Bridge. ..I BAltCSAlNS: CAN BE HAD BY-PURCHASING YOUR FURNITURE and BEDDING of us. We are constantly receiving new goods, and you will find that ear Stock coniains all the latest styles and newest designs. Wholesale buyers will fiad it to their interest to call on us bet ore placing their orders. D. A. SMITH & CO.. jel3tf ' Furniture Dealers. New Drug Store. I HAVE IN STORE A FULL SUPPLY OF Malt Bitters, Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure, Bitter Water, (C) Congress Water fresh from tbe Spring, Mocking Bird Food, Cigars, Ac. J. H. HARDIN. Apothecary, je 13 tf Now Market Latest for Hot Weather. O. C SB. S. SETS, ONLY ONB DOLLAR; Summer Outfit, 65 cents; Gauge Summer Under shirts, 20 cents; White Duck Vests, $1 00; "Crown" collars aad Cuffs, "Monarch Shirt.'1 je 13 tf ' . , DYER ft SON. Greeting ! THE NEW FURNITURE STORE GREETING its patrons and fiiends would respectfully in vite them to examine our large and fashionable stock of Furniture, to be sold at Wholesale and Retail at lowest prices. BBHBENDB & BtTJNBOK, S. B. Corner Market and 2d Su., jo 13 tf Wilmington. N. C. Cropet, ArceTy Goods, F lANCY BASKETS, , CHROMOS, PICTURE Frames, Ennday fchool Boeks, Blank Books, &c, c, at 1el8tf C. W. YATES' BOOK STORE. Work t Work ! ! Work lit. MoDOUGAL ft' WILLIAMSON'S ; CARRIAGE SHOPS IS THB RIGHT, BEST and cheapest place to get your Carriages, Bug gies, Carts, Drays and Wagons built and repaired. Harness made and repaired on shore notice. Paint ing" and Trimming a Specialty. Morse-Shoeing carefully executed. Give us a trial. On Cbestnut,Between Front and Water Sts., jelStf ;lWilmhuttn. N. C. The Hygeia Hotel, . Old Point Comfort, Ta. Situated one hundred yards from Fort' Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any hotel in the United States as a SUMMER RESORT. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. HARRISON PHOEBUS , my 21 8m , r; . - ; . Proprietor. For Sale, 100 Bbls Fresh PEARL HOMINY, .1 Very Cheap, SOU Bales uiit adged TlMOTHx uax, '200 Bash SEED PEASE, And the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY," ia any quantity. PRESTON CUMMING ft CO.. je 15 tf , - , Millers; aad Grata Dealers. I BINGHAH SCHOOL, Tyj.BAj.STOA . jmtaJIIBMa 1193, Is now PRE-EMINENT among Southern Board ing Schools for Boys, in age, numbers and area of Satronage. The 173rd Session 1 egins July Stith. 'or catalogue, giving f nil particnlars.address je 11 lm Mar. H. BINGHAM, Sup't, Sjrrups & Soda Water. rpHB BEST QUALITY OF BODA WATER AND J. SYRUPS of my-own manufacture, consisting of Lemon, Strawberry, Plae Apple,- Vanilla, Sarsa-parilbK-Gmger, Blackberry, Orange. Nectar. Orgeat, Nutmeg, Cherry, Coffee, Banana. ChocolatcCream. Artie Mead, Otaki Boot Beer, ftc , : rAt 8. G. NORTHBOP'S je 6 tf ; : Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Slippers! Slippers! LADIES' SLIPPERS OF EVERY IMAGINABLE Style from 25 cents np, Ladies' Button Slippers at $1 00 per pair, Children's B&ndal Slippers at 50 cents. Children's Sandal Shoes at 95 cents, aad Shoes of every description at proportionately Low Prices, at THOMAS H. HOWBY'8. jtltf No. 47 North Market st