THE HOBIIIIIGOgAB, OJ WW. 11- BEBMAKD, ! ., ,tsHSIT KCBPT ; MONDAYS, .oeyear. (by ml POSUge pa.,......... 7 iix nionths, . 3 5 rres niontns, t 1 00 a . imHmmJ In nrt of the To7.r-?intDerweek. Our City Agent are y, ,T&ct far mere than tan three i months l0tsaiflu'" n .dvance. u?VRNING EDITION. Port Office at Wflmtagtoa. N. C OIJTL.INR. p. Roberts nominated for Auditor Democratic Convention of North by tbe r.rnliDa. ana J. aiul"uuiu T 1 u .. tKstsi ih T rat Wr nerintendcnt of Public iDBlrucUoD. LwuMto Cincinnati Convention : W.T. nortch Thomas Raffio, A. M. Waddell j j l. Henderson; Electors-at-Large !f Leach and Fab. H. Busbee. a meiican Institute of Homeopathy indorsed .h, nroDosiiion for an International Con. 93 in London July 1881. orityof the Kentucky delegates are for Tilden, but the unit ruie win not prevail. Prohibitionists in cession at Cleveland, Obio, nominate Neal Dow for President, aod A. M. Thompson for Vice President. George Doria sentenced to be hanged AuJUSt 20th at Cossicaoa, Texas. At theBucker Hill celebration at Boston, New Ork-at-e presented a flc to the city of Bos tun rcWl speeches were made. Tbo'mss F. Johnson appointed collector of ni.k.Qs at Savannah, Ga., and Joseph W. ljurk, collector or customs at atoui.e. v,jii ineu were Kilidd in a California gold mine by a car-load of4tuU falling orrthem. The Greeks protest against the action uf iba Porte, and t'ureateu bloody reprisals. l'ke cate f Currie, the Marshall (Tex.) murderer, goes to the jury to-day. Senator Thurman is at Columbu, c ..usuiiiug with friends as to his chances the uoraioiilion at Cincinuali. 5. Y. markets: Money 23 per cent; onion 'steady at 12124c; southern flour juii at $5 00C 50; wheal about 1c lower, luaradtd red $1 181 24; corn about -Jc better, I! graded 4753c; spirits turpen- an'! siead y at 28ic; rosin unchanged. 0U STATE TICKET. We present this morning the full -nate ticket nominated by the Demo cratic Convention Thursday. VYhile we do not believe, taking it as a whole, that it is the strongest ticket that could have been selected, it will receive the earnest and hearty sup port of the Stab, as we trust it will receive the. ejtrnest and hearty sup port of eveiy true Democrat in tbo Slate. The time is now past for consider ing questions of personal preference. Our norniaaiioaa have been made, and as faithful Democrats we must give them our vigorous and energetic support. The issue will soon be joined and every Democrat in North Carolina will have to determine whether he prefers a triumph of Radicalism or a iriQmp!) of Democracy. Can we doubt what that determination will ti when the issue is thus presented? Lei every Democrat do his duty and our State ticket will be elected by a large majority. Suppose we now call it Bayard and Hendricks and commence placing our bets? Democratic Slate Convention. We glean from the Raleigh News the more interesting points in the proceedings of the Convention, omit ting such as were contained in the Stab specials already published. On Permanent Organization, the name of Col. B. R. Moore appears. State Executive Committee First District T. R. Jernigan, J. K Moore, R. W. Wharton and J. P. Whedbee. Second District A. J. Galloway, Henry R. Bryan. Third District Appleton Oak mitb, Isaac B. Kelly, H. B. Short, Jr., and D. H. McLean. Fourth District W. H. Yar 'oroagb, J. M. Monng, N. B. Canna "7 and J. S. Battle. Fifth District A. E. Henderson, Uayid S. Reid, M. S. Robbins and C. Lowe. Sixth District-J. G. Hall, S.J. emberton, John D. Shaw and W. J- Yates. Seventh District-R. Z. Linney, w. B. Glenn, J. C. Wilborn and G. A- Biogham. Eighth District Kope Elias, R. ErwinrmaD' B' F' LogaD and A M M. McGehee, Chairman of the ommntee on Permanent Organiza-port- 8abmitted the following re For Permanent President of this Onventinn Rnn TU TT I, AlOAQIV C.UU or Vice-Presidents: First District, r ' lcerre81dent8: First District, v. r- twuu yiBtrtCfc, v--. i. Mattocks; Third District, C. W. Mc larnrny; Fourth District, T. B. Venabie ; Fifth District, Geo. Wil ZytV Sxth Di8ict, W.L. Steele; SlSf T?i8lrict H- W- Fries H a t Dl8trict, Johnstone Jones. wsr7 Jdon and R M- Furmao anrl fmade permanent Secretaries, 8o.U5,Swifl aoway, A. L. &iSLp- M- Wil8D' ALociale ve?tfegale8 10 lhe National Con iun Were elected. Already pub- Th8 nomination of Hon. John A. S ge of the Fifth Ja. CeCnntnCtwa8 tified by the Yte for Governor: Jarvis, 675 'opruui; Second Distri , r -v ... .... .-' . . ,'i - ".J' , . - - VOL. XXVI.-NO. 77. 9 12; Fowle, 453 .11-16; Scales, 108; Before the vote was announced Harnett, Halifax. Caldwell and John stem counties, in the order . Damed. changed their votes solidly for' Jar vis.: . .. -T. C. Fuller, of Wake," also in a neat speech changed the vote of w ase solidly from Daniel Gj Fowle to 1 nomas J. Jams. " 1 Gov. Jarais was taken from his office and crowded through the vast crowd to the President's stand and hoisted upon the table, when the President declared Thomas J. Jarvis the nominee of the Democratic party for Governor, and introduced him to the Convention. His speech was an able - effort. full of strong thought and deep feel- "g. .. ; Judge Fowle was loudly called for1 ana not oeing on tne ground.; a com mittee was appointed to invite him to address the Convention to-night. Vote for Lieutenant Governor: Robinson 571, Carr 307, Holt 228, Craige 114. Second ballot, Robin son 746f, Carr 338 1-16, Holt 53, Craige 98. Col. Saanders, of Wake, was elected Secretary of State. Dr. Worth was elected Treasurer by acclamation. The vote for Attorney General: Kenan 860, Watson, Cald well and Strong each received the votes of several counties. At night, Gen. W. P. Roberts, of Gates, was elected Auditor on first ballot. The candidates were Dr. S. L. Love,of Hay wood, R. A. Shotwell, of Cleveland, Rufns Aimes, of Granville, W. P. Roberts, of Gates, James G. Burr, of New Hanover, Thomas Sparrow, of Beaufort, Thomas A. Nicholson, of Iredell, W. A. Darden, of Greene, Capt. Amiss name was withdrawn before the ballot washad. The can didates for Superintendent of Public Instruction were, J. C. Scarborough, oi Johnston, Bickley, of Cabarrus, C. C. Dodson, of Davidson, C. B. Den son, of Chatham, N. B. Cobb, of Cumberland. R. L. Abernathy. of Bnrke, J. S. Hill, J. E. Dagger, of Warren, Dr. John Wilson. Mr. Scar borough was elected on first ballot. We have published the delegates elsewhere to the National Conven tion. Col. W. H. H. Cowles reported from the Committee ou Resolutions. The report, which was 'unanimously adopted, was as follows : Jtesoloed. lhat the Democratic party of North Carolina are in favor of an honest and economical admin istration of the government, Na tional and Stale, under the constitu tion and laws of the United States and ot the State of North Carolina, and rely for their success up'on a free ballot untrammelled by military interference. Resoloed, That the Central Execu tive Committee arc authorized and directed to prescribe and publish per- manent rules for the party organiza tion. Hons. James L. Robinson, James M. Leach, Thomas S. Kenan and John M. Worth came forward in re sponse to loud calls, and in brief terms thanked the Convention for the nominations conferred on them. Delegates to Cincinnati. Raleigh Observer. First District T. G. Skinner and Geo. H. Brown, Jr. Second District Geo. Howard and J. A. Bonitz. Third District C. M. Stedman and J. A. Rowland. Fourth District A. W. Graham and B. H. Bnnn. Fifth District John N. ; Staples and J. A. Long. Sixth District r. B. Means and It. L. Steele. Seventh District Charles Price and G. M. Mathes. Eighth District R. M. Furman and S. McD. Tate. Deleeates at large W. Ti Dortch, Thomas Raffio, A. M. Waddell, J. S. Henderson. Alternates W. J. Green. T. T. Clingman, L. M. Long, Charles R. Jones. oaviosuN coHurxEPiCEiriEriT. Oeetnalna f (be Exefelaea of tne FlraiDar Spaeen ol Dr. Bozz ICharlotte Observer, I7lh.l The exercises properly began San- day when then baccalaureate sermon was delivered in tne old cnapei Dy Rev. Dr. Hepburn, the President, and the annual sermon before tne Williams Association Sunday night, by Rev. S. Taylor Martin, of Hender son ville, N. C." i The attendance yesterday morning was somewhat smaller than usual on the first day. Rev. Dr; W. E. Boggs, of AtlanU, Ga., the orator selected to deliver the address before the literary j societies, was escorted to the chapel by the students and spoke for nearly two hours to a delighted audience. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. W. S.L4oj was to have delivered the annual address- before the mem bers of the Alumni Association, and 7 o'clock was the hour fixed for the orations of the representatives of the Eumenean and Philanthropic Socie ties. This occasion has been render ed doubly interesting in recent years by the fact that the orator's medal is awarded on the test to iwbich the representatives are then subjected, by a committee selected by the fac ulty. .vV,. ':.-Ul'J' -. 'i ;--r -r- ; A very large crowd is expected to WILMINGTON attend- the graduating, exercises to "V&C ---iiilat InlBaaecomoe.;.;y,i:.j-..'; V Righ Observef ; V At a Republican meeting at Tar- boro yesterday ' there, was a not, which assumed a most serious charac ter. A. MoCabe, a prominent Re publican, was killed by a pistol shot. One Daggan, a white Republican, was shot and seriously wounded. . Spirits Turpentine New Berne will show a popula tion of more than 8,000. It is feared that Col. Junius I. Scales will live but a short time. He has heart disease. . " Wm. R. Morrison's father is a native of Iredell county, the Salisbury Democrat says. There are only twelve of our editorial entrees copied without credit in the last Weldon New. Raleigh News-. Norwood Latta, alhigbly respectable citizen of this county, committed suicide Sunday afternoon by hanging himself. Greensboro JPatriot: Wheat .harvest is about over In this section. The yield is a little Better than was- expected, but still Bbort of an average. The Salisbury Democr&t is of the opinion that the Republicans will carry the State if the issue made is the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad. Graham Gleaner: In & very few days we will have three tobacco fac tories in. operation, and the prospects are that we will have more in a short time. Darham Tobacco Plant: George Lipscomb, a member of a colored base ball club of this place, played In a match game at Hillaboro - Saturday, drank too much whiskey and ice-water, and died from a sunstroke. Asheville Journal: About 5 o'clock P. M., on yesterday, a man entered the dwelling bouse of Mr. E. H. Merri man, who resides in the northern portion of the town. Mrs. M. being in the yard in the rear of the house came running in when the villain knocked her down, plundered the dwelling and made his escape. No ar rest up to the time ot going to press. Raleigh JPost: Whatever is, is right, and perhaps the State Convention cannot make a mistake. Party spirit is the weakness of our system, and taking advantage oi tne partisan insanity oi tne peopler the consolidated corporations com- Dine to control the ascendant party, dic tating ita nominations, and shaping and controlling the course of chosen officials. Charlotte Democrat: All right, except the statement that Major Dowd has amassed a fortune and is President of "one or two banks." He is President of the Commercial National Bank, but has not amassed h fortune because he has a large family oi young children to support and educate, besides msking liberal contribu tions to the church and other worthy objects. Charlotte irm: Syndicate Best and his Secretary passed down to Ra leigh on yesterday from the West to attend the Convention. Fifty-two young ladies in a special car from a Columbia school passed through this afternoon on an excursion to Washington City. Cotton in Union county is half leg high, and never looked better, we are told, while the corn crop, strange to relate, is tremendous. Fayette ville JSxaminer: The Enumerators for Fayetteville estimate that the population of the town, exclusive oi suburban population, will be about 4,000. Col. Cantwell delivered his eloquent Fort Johnston Lecture last Thursday eve ning, before a cultivated and appreciative Fayetteville audience, in Williams' Hall. ilia style Is chaste, classical and correct; and we regret that he bad not a larger au dience to listen to his really beautiful ad dress. Charlotte jPress: Lieut. H. R. Lemly, TJ. S. A., will, under appointment of the United States of Colombia, found a national military academy at .Bogota. The President has accorded him a three years' leave of absence in order that he may ac cept this duty. He will sail up the Magda lena and will cross the Andes on muleback. The academy at Bogota will be in a fortress convent two hundred years old. Lieut. Lemly is a native of Salem, N. C. Weldon News: A fearful hail storm passed over Jackson and vicinity on Tuesday of last week, says the HeporUr, doing much damage to crops and gardens. It lasted nearly half an hour. Some of the stones were as large as marbles. At 11 o'clock Sunday next, the 20th, Mr. Wai ter J. Smith, of this county, will be or dained to the ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church, in Scotland Neck. Mr. Smith is a native or Scotland Neck. Two negro men broke out of Halifax jail last week. They succeeded in reopening the hole which was cut by Taylor, a month or two ago, which had been bricked up. They made a file out of a piece of steel and when the jailor visited the building they were missing. Reidsville limes: There was a severe storm at Oak Ridge in Guilford county last Saturday. It was about half mile wide and swept everything before it. 600 trees were estimated to be blown up in one body of woods. In a single orchard 25 trees were blown up and great damage done to nearly all tbo others. Haw river will soon be lined with cotton facto ries. We hear that DavidBon & Gaot, at Morton's 8tore, in Alamance, are pushing ahead on, their factory, and that Geo. Ker nodle near there has been offered $4,000 for bis mill site, and Swepson baa refused $15,000 for an old mill site below Ker- nodle's. A well known toper with something less than a gallon - of blue ruin on on went home Saturday -night and began beating; and cubing his wife and children, when some fellow in disguise called him out to the bashes to see bun a little bit on business, and be well nigh wore him out, giving him an unmerci ful flogging, and while it may be unlawful, still the verdict with the community is, it served him right. It won't do for a man to hit his wife in these days. Goldsboro Messenger: It is now said that the well known steamship firm of W. P. Clyde & Co., form a part of Mr. Best's Syndicate in the Western North Carolina Railroad. We hope this is so. A negro "yarb doctor," named McQaaige, was committed to Snow Hill jail recently, by John G. Britt, Esq., for attempt at rape apon a Miss Sauls, living on the lands of R. E. Best, Esq. ; We hear that the evi dence is pretty strong against the fellow. We learn that he is from Robeson. Raleigh correspondent : . Among the - im promptu speeches of the week, none have been so much praised as those ot Dr. Gris som, of our city, both upon joining' .the Di Society and in presenting the; Mangum N. C. SATURDAYj medal.- -The Charlotte Democrat and other papers commend, them highly. , Dr. Oris Bom and Gen. Cox were at Wake Forest on Thursday, and were called but for speeches by the boys in f visit to the Enzelian Soci ety there, and ucariuy appiauaea. ? --information from Columbia yesterday is to the effect that the Hornets were defeated in the firemen's tournament, the first prize having been carried off by the Eagles, of Charleston, and the second by the Wash ingtons, of Angnsta. THE CITY. NEW ADVHBT1SBHIENT8, . MtrusoN Cass, suits very low. Jas. 0. Mtjnds Perfumery, &c. J. H. Habdin New drug store. So tJTHERLAND Milch cow for sale. W. H. Sam Capon Springs, W, Va. m m m Local Dot. Send us some cotton blooms. Some of the delegates to the State Convention returned last night. . The enterprising news gatherers of the Associated Press sent in last night's midnight dispatches an account of the De mocratic Convention at Raleigh, held the day before. An express messenger on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad was re ported to have fallen from the express car while the train was going north, near Duplin iRoads, on Thursday last. The train backed-down and picked him up, but our informant was unable to tell what in juries he sustained, if any. Dlatillerj Darned. The Savannah (Ga.) New contains an ac count of the destruction by fire of the tur pentine distillery of Meters. Wilder & Co., at Brunswick, Ga., on the 14th inst. Mr. Wilder is also a member of the firm of Wilder & Morton, distillers, of this city. He removed to Brunswick a few months ago, for the purpose of establishing a branch of the business there. The Neva account says: "Yesterday tbe citizens of the northern portion of the city were thrown into panic, almost, by the conflagration ot Wilder & Co. 's turpentine works- It seems some ladies were present for the purpose of witnessing the manufacture of rosin, and it is likely that the workmen, through their courtesy and attentions to the visitors, failed to perceive in time that the liquid was about to over flow, and hence the catastrophe. The damaee to the company and Mrs. Golden (who lost ber two houses and their contents) is estimated at aboct $20,uuu. sso insu rance. Tbe Fire Company was on hand, but, as usual, found their efforts ineffec tual from the difficulty of getting the heavy antiquated machine at a fire in time, and the trouble of keeping enough men on the brakes to throw the water. "One of the operatives, a colored man named Albert Croomes, was severely in jured by the flood of flames and smoke, which enveloped him before he could es cape. . No .other casualty is reported." A letter from Mr. Wilder, received here, gives the loss ot the firm at about $1,500. The damage to the distillery was Blight, the loss being principally the turpentine de stroyed. Profit of Telegraphing;. Tbe whilom agent of the American Union Telegraph Company in this city puts but little faith in the current rumors ot that company meeting the fate of its predeces sors in being swallowed up by tbe Western Union. It is cot likely, however, that the monopoly so long eo joyed by the latter will be broken up. The profits are too great to be quietly surrendered. To see what these are it is only necessary to refer to the published report ot the Western Union for the quarter ending with the pres ent month and which closes the fiscal year. This, it is stated, shows an increase of over $1,600,000 gross, and $1,000,000 net earnings over the previous year. The net profits of tbe year will, it i3 estimated, be about $5,300,000, or llf per oent. on the capital stock, after deducting fixed charges for interest and the sinking fund. Out of this," 8 per cent, in cash dividends will have been paid to the stockholders, and $1,- 543,000 invested in new property and held as a surplus fund. To understand the true inwardness of these figures, tbe public must bear in mind the fact that the capital stock of the company in question has been watered," or doubled up without any ac tual corresponding outlay of money, about seven times the par value of the original shares. A net profit of lit percent, on the amount of-the present stock is, there fore, equivalent to a yearly dividend of about 75 per cent, on the original invest ment. A Bad Lot. There are some facts of physiological in terest brought to light by the arrest of the two young colored men named Hill men tioned elsewhere. They belong to a family of six persons, father and mother and four children. The parents are represented to be honest and industrious persons, against whom so far as known no charge has ever been brought, but the four children 'are notorious, and have all been in the clutches of the law on criminal charges. Besides the two mentioned above, a sister has served one term in the penitentiary for larceny, and another, brother, under bail, charged with house breaking, forfeited his bond .'and disappeared some time ago. 1. T The Paaaport. The latest rumor in regard to this vessel is that she has been purchased from the owners by Mr. J. T. Harper, of Smith ville. It was also stated that she was libelled and tied up on arrival by the agents yesterday afternoon. - TJnmallable matter. -. I The following Is the unmailable matter remaining In the city postoffice at this date: Sarah Herring, Gloversville, N. Y. ; W. A.. Alderman, Maxwells, N. C. - JUNE 19, 1880. To-Day'o Indications. Clear or partly cloudy weather, .winds mostly from the northeast to southeast, sta tionary or higher temperature and barom eter, are the . indications for . this section to-day. - y. . . t . A. Garfield Gathering. . wnai prooaniy was intended to be a grand rally of the Republicans, bat which turned out a rather tame and spiritless affair, was held at the Court House last night, the understanding being that the meeting was held- to endorse the recent Presidential nominations at Chicago. A band of music was broueht into reouisition to aid in getting up sufficient enthusiasm to make tbe affair go off creditably, but the attemDt was futile. desDite the efforts of Geo. Price and other dark and bright lights of the party hereabouts. The Court House was not crowded, but little interest being manifested by the colored masses. Geo. Mabson addressed the meeting. His men tion of the name of Daniel L. Russell . pro voked a weak cheer. A Garfield and Arthur Club was organ ized, and the crowd adjournedto the Cus-. torn House about midnight to serenade Collector Canaday, who was telephoned for. While awaiting the Collector some of the crowd got to fighting, when tbe police came up and arrested two of the bellig erents and carried them to the guard house, the greater part of the crowd following them. The Collector didn't appear. Trial Jastleea Gonrta. The following is tbe text of a law Dassed .-... ! i at toe special session oi me oiaie ijegisia - r - ture, and ratified the 26th day of March, 1880. We publish it as a matter of inter est to the general public : "That in ail proceedings and trials, both criminal and civil, before justices of tbe peace, the justice before whom the writ or summons is returnable, shall upon am davit made by either party to the action that he is unable to obtain justice -before bim, move tne same to some other justice residing in the same township, or to justice of some neighboring township if there be no other justice in said township ; rromdea, That no cause shall be more than once removed." Tnernaonaoter Beeora. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta TJ Augusta -. .85 Jacksonville 80 Key West 90 Charleston, 80 Mobile 87 Montgomery 83 New Orleans,.... 84 Charlotte 79 Corsicana, 87 Galveston 84 Havana 88 Ihdianola 85 Punta Rasa a, . . . .-85 Savannah ..80 Wilmington,... .79 Tax Llatlnc The tax listers were busy as bees yester day. Two hundred and sixty-eight per sons gave in their city taxes, while two hundred and sixty-seven listed for State and county. The total number listed to dale was 2883 for the State and county, and 2668 for tbe city. There are about 500 owners of real estate who- have not yet listed. The' books wili be open only four days longer. Arrested. Two young colored men, Virgil Hill, Jr., and his brother Clem Hill, were taken up Thursday night last, on suspicion of being connected with the recent burglary of Mr. Neimyer's house the night before. They were brought up for examination before Justice Gardner, and the evidence against them being sufficient they were committed to jail without bail. War on tbe Doss. Hostilities against vagrant canines began yesterday on the part of the city authori ties. A round dozen . were scooped up. taken to the City Hall and a quietus put to further howlingand midnight prowling so far as those dogs Iwere concerned. The campaign is expected to be an active one and to continue until the last unlicensed cur bites the dust. Accident. A little boy, aged about three years, son of Mr. P. Heinsberger, fell from the upper piazzi of his father's residence on Third street yesterday afternoon. The child was picked up from the ground insensible. The physician who attended him said no bones were broken; but the little fellow -com plains of his back. It was a most miracu lous escape from instant death. An Affray. A serious affray is reported to have taken place in the southern part of the city Thursday night last, between two young white men. One of the two was badly beaten. The other was arrested by the police and reported for trial yesterday morning at the City Court, but the other party had left town and the case was con tinued. Kxcuralona. Two excursions are on the tapis for Wed nesday next, the 23d instant. The Sunday School connected with St. Paul's Evangeli cal Lutheran Church will give an excursion by rail to Waccamaw Lake on that day, and the Young Catholic Friends Society pur pose to have one on the steamer Passport to Smithville and the forts. mora Blooms. The cotton blooms are coming in freely, with several counties yet to hear from. Mr. Joseph A. Shine, of Mount Olive, . Wayns county, writes to the Stab under date of the 17th inst., enclosing a "blossom," and Mr. W T. Hall, of Bogue P, O., sends one from the farm of Mr. Thos. Barefoot, iu Columbus county, of the same date. , : - Horsford's Aotd Phosphate is more convenient for making "lemonade" than lemons or limes, and is healthier than either. - f WHOLE DO. 4,009 Bound Over. Amanda Furman was arraigned "before Justice McQaigg yesterday, charged with perjury. She 'waived examination and gave bond for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court for New Hac- over county. . " Advice of an old nurse The baby would "I ue aiways nngni ana cneerrui if an occa sional dose of Dr Bull's Baby Syrup were auminisiereu. . . : ; ; f C1TV ITERS. THE MORN IN ft STAR can alm t no iwuuwms piacea in we city : xne arceii Mouse. OoSe?. le istSLHSS tf'iKft ri I extremely aaefalln cases of depression, debility p lugMuua requiring BirenKinerung nour- Gbksk Ss Fmnrot, Agents, Wumlngton. PREJUDICE KILLS "KIp.vpti mm nnr ri.ntrh. ter suffered on a bed. of miaerr. nnHr th several of the best (and some of the worst) physi cians, who gave her diseaee various names, bat no by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years before using it. We ear nestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice reiiex. ana now ane is restored r. n in tmnn hanith aguiui bo gooa a meaicme as nop iJltters." The i menus. jeiegnun. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, havtnir niuuod BVTsicu. uccpicBB- uiKuis, uisturDea Dy tne agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winslow's Snot.hinir MTrnn ma jost the article needed, procured a supply for the hiuui vu mnciimg uume ana. acquainting us wire with what he had done, she refused to have it ad ministered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That niffhtthe V.hUri id i passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning stUl worse, and while contemplating another sleep less night, the mother stepped from lhe room to at tend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered apor ruon oi we Booming syrup to the babv. and dthing. Thatnightall 1 said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and i the little fellow awoke in the moraln ui iuub leuow awoxe m ine morning nnght and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed with the deception practiced upon her, has con. tinned to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the gyrap never yet failed to relieve the, baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold oj au vruggniB. z& cents a Dottle. BBBBBBaBnSBBBSBSaSBBBBBSjgaaaBB DIED. BELL. In this eitv. on the 18th inst . at 9 nVlivlr x . vaf nauiaa Juan, sva ui w. ana Caran X. D W XTT . T rTt I ) T T. I. . . rr -r ... . uen, agea s years iu montns and 16 days. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this after noon, at the residence of the parents, on corner Of btn and Princess streets. The friends and acquain tances of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Capon Springs and Baths, (Alkaukk Lithia. Waters,) HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. W. VIRGINIA. Also Chalybeate Waters, ri in Iron, and a fine White Sulphur in the neighborhood. VPBN FROM MAT 13TH TO 15TH OCTOBER r annna v. Unea nailed bvanv mineral watAn in America, for thecare of add dvoiwrisin bladder troubles, uterine ailments, gout, diseases of tional heart troubles. It is an unfailina anlmm.. nf um um, caiarrn anecuons. rneamansm and fuse- vmM. iiuHHMi aave proved or ereatvame In many other diseases, but can be more confidently relied on in the above named than any other mine ral springs in this county. I guar an tea a core if cu rable by mineral waters. The baths hot, cold and shower are unexcelled anywhere. Tho new and elegant swimming pool of alkaline water, the ar ses i in the United States, if not in t.h wnrM fa m. pecuuiy attractive, safer or better place for ladies and children to learn to swim. The air of this elevated res-ion is Dure and deiir.inn it. is nere tnat nay i e rer patients part with their troubles. For pleasure or health the traveler need not eo far uim. ni vj uw muuui, Qi, ji ana zoo, accor ding to location; board by the week, $13 to S15. A discount rer the season also to Ministers. Good music, Doatmg, nun ting ana tuning in season. Good livery . Passengers from Norfolk and vicinity come via Washington, as the '.shortest route, mend for pamphlet direct or call on Santos, druggist, Nor folk, Va. Those suffering with chills and malaria find entire relief at Capon in lees than a month, of- wu uMuin m lira WCCKB, W . H. DAJjJE, je am - rropnetor. Milch Cows for Sale. 'jpWO FINE MILCH COWS,; From Sampeon County, Can be seen at je 19 St SOTJTHBRLAND'S STABLES. We WiU Make T ALANCB CASS. DIAGONALS. SERGES, into FASHIONABLE SUITS, VERY LOW. MCNSON. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. jeJ9 It Perfumery. T OSADORA WATER, MTJLTIFLORA WATER, .. vioiet water, lavenoer water, Florida water, iwiognes, soaps, soap Boxes, and outer xouet Ar ticles in great variety, For sale ay JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist. Prescriptions compounded at all hours, j e 19 It New Drug Store. I HAVE IN STORE A FULL SUPPLY OF Malt Bitters, Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Care. Bitter Water, (C) Congress Water fresh from the Spring, Mocking J Etfiro rood, cigars, J. H. HARDIN, Apothecary, New Mi je 19 tf arket. Straw Hats ! At Low Prices ! HARRISON & ALLEN, Hatters. Je 17 tf Examine Your Trunks. AND IF THEY NEED REPAIRING OR Cov ering send them to oar Saddle, Harness and Buggy Shops, where they will be pat in thorough order by a practical Trunk jnaaer. je 18 tf GERHARD T & CO. Bird Seed, ket Beef, Bye Floor, a full line of Family Groce ries, Tobacco, Cigars, Wises and Liquors. Will sen Low for Cash. L. VOLLERS' je 17 tf , 38 and 28 South Front street. A delightful Nutritious Beverage. Labia's Violet Powder, juuDurs ax tracts, German Cologne, Hair Brashes. Tooth Brashes, ToUet Articles in great variety. Wholesale and Retail Droegtst, Market Street. je 18 tf Fully Satisfied . TTTITH THTE BBSTJLT OF BUSINESS LAST W week, and bavin settled oa the opinion that the weather was "hot"yesterday. The tmptvroi" rm.iimM Rnti-t win ha sold aa heretofore at 75 cts. and also the Summer Outfit at 75 cts, ' and Clothing at redaced rates. ' 1 - Jelltf Men's Wear Depot, f n&Tcsotf A&vcimsirtu. toM one 47,,it,.J, ,...,111..."..... $1 - H - xwo aaya.,...,'..'.i'.i.-... -l 73 three diyi. 60 four day -. .,.-....,(.... five days, i,. ...... ,,jr & Ono week).tt...M..4......M 4 0 Two week8i.....i..I i... . . 56 Tliroowceks;. ..t,.. 8 5" Oae month. ......... ? . 10 00 . - s Three mo&tha,... . 24 00 . . Slxmoiitie...,.....; -.... 40 00 . - , Oayear,.,.v.. . CO 00 l& Contract Advertisement -taken . av prop, Uonately low ratee - V " ' I t - - Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Brown & Roddick 45 MARKET H TR&ETi. J RB OFFERING SOME GREAT BARGAINS " in Domestic Qoilta Eultablo for tne Summer. Fall Size Honeycomb Quilts.. Bridal Quilt Frlneed..-.? $ 1 00 ........ ...j. IBB JDltteB U11K ...... .... i. DV - English Marseilles QaUtst all sines and qaa'ities, at prices ranging for si 75 to (0 00. - 1 SO D7U . IMtUWni St ItUUlilCiV. Sign of the Big Boot. I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL. XOR CA81I OJNLY, AT EXTREME LOW . PRICES, TQR rOL- LOWING GOODS:. Gent's Sewed Gaiters ............... 1 40 3 40 1 20 1 00 OO 1 2 Custom Made Gaiters .... Laced Calf-Tie Shoo? Ladies' Foxed f- hoes. Newport Ties Opera Slippers , Strap Sandals ... t 20 rcqnet Slippers 65' Misses Strap Sandals... ' .... 1 15 Burton Gaiters 1 20 Children' Strap Sandals 90 Button Gaiters ..... 00 8. BLUMENTHAL, mylStfnac " No. 40 Market Street. How is this for Low ! rjTOE VERY BEST FLOUR AT 4 CENTS PER lb., cr (7 60 per bbl. : Martin's Gilt Edge Batter at 30 cents per lb., fair Batter at 85 cents; N. O. Roe Herrings, Mackerel In Cans, Kits or Bbls.; Oat Meal, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Starch at 5 cents per lb. We guarantee to sell the very best goods as low as any House in this city. We keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of First Class Gro-. eerie. Remember oar guarantee. Come and see us. ' j. v. BTUVJUisuxf auu., , Brooklyn, je 6 tf Ju8t over the Bridg Pianos and Organs, (gOLD ON THE EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN, HEINSBERGER'S. At Blank Books, JAPR, ENVELOPES. INKS OF ALL COLORS, MUCILAGE, INKSTANDS, Ac, For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. 39 and 41 Market Street je 18 tf Bathing Suits. yyE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SOME NICE BATHING SUITS, ranging in price from $1.00 to $4.60. We are closing out at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES some Salts that we have left, and to the EXCURSIONISTS we extend a cordial invitation, promising them entire satisfaction in any order ' they may be pleased to give as. A. DAVID, The Clothier, - 1el8tf - Cor. Front and Princess m. Latest for Hot featlifir. C. C. &R. S. SETS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR; Summer Outfit, 5 cents; Gauee Sommsr Under shirts, 20 cents: White Duck Vests, $1 00: "Crown" Collars and Cuffs, Monarch Shirt." je 13 tr DX&R SON. Greeting! THE NEW FURNITURE STORE GREETING its patrons and Mends would respectfully in-- vite them to examine our large and fashionable ... stock of Furniture, to be sold at Wholesale and . Retail at lowest prices. asaEaaHjsnjvs x nunBOE. 8. B. Corner Market and Sd Stt., je 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. ' Cropet, Arclery Mi, TANCY BA8EETS, CHROMOS, PICTURE Frames, Sunday School Boeks, Blank Books,' Ac, Ac. at je 13 tf C W. YATES' BOOK STORE. For Sale, -t A A Bbls Fresh PEARL HOMINY, 1UU Very Cheap. 560 Bales Gilt Edged TIMOTHY HAY, 200 Bush S8BD PEASE. And the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY, in any quantity. PRESTON CUMMING 4 CO.. . " jelStf , Millers and Grain Dealers. - :binghaii school, u MEBANSyiLLE, N. C. ESTABLISHED IN 1793, i Is now PRE-EMINENT amonar Southern Board -1 Ing Schools for Boys, in age, numbers and area of 't- patronage, ine lisra session regms July mi. For cat taiogae, giving iou paracniars, aaaress je 11 lm Hi. B. BINGHAM. Sup't, Syrups & Soda Water. , rpHB BEST QUALITY OF SODA WATER AND A SYRUPS of my own manafactare, consisting of Lemon, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Vanilla, Sarsa- , parilla, Ginger, Blackberry. Orange. Nectar, Orgeat, " Nutmeg, Cherry, Coffee, Banana, Chocolate, Cream , Artie Mead, Otaki Root Beer, fcc, - At o. u. flun-i'mswr'a -je 6 tf ! Fruit and Confectionery 8 tores. Slippers ! Slippers ! . T ADIES' SLIPPERS OF EVERY TJCAGDQ ABLE at SI cents. Shoes of every description at proportionately Low -e. . ' Jaltf No. 47 North Market fit. Tourists X AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Baas can be furnished at the lowestprieea Iromour new stock just arrived. Our Wholesale and Retail Harneea BatabUshment . can't be beat for Latest Styles and Beet Goods for: the least money. Mo, 8 South Front St ' Jel3 tf r MALLARD A BOWDEN. When Ton Can ; f OR SEND TO TOWN, ' DROP JOT AT' KTW8 and mm tha BHACKBLFORDCOOK STOVE. The hah fa rli-ht alonar aide of It. - If they are not a couple of beauties we wish we sever get to tho top of theMatterhsrn. v "J je IStf KING A CO, ! 1 vtl t I''..... J t 1 i r 2 -7 r

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