rHE MPBHHTG, STAR . BERNARD. BD DAILY EXCEPT MUNUAfK r'l'l :IJSH , guB8CBirno nr aDvawon; ; . ... ir lllV PWIMJI! k "V lilt J . 4 00 ,.r months, 3 5 I 00 I .1. - monm -v.,. jmlfvertyt In aT nart of tho To CWJES, per week. Our City Agents are ity. ed to coiiocl tut more than tkroemntfcp tORNING EDITION. Tlfu'thT Poet Office at Wilmingtoa, N. C., gjjred si gecond class matter. tUJTL.INES. the University of Virginia T. W. Wil jd of WarreutoD, N. C, waa awarded the 'orator's medal; Mr. W. C. Bruce, of Virginia, was awarded the debater's medal. Ionian Catholics of Montreal to the stent of 2,000 had a procession aod issued protest-against the expulsion of the Jes- il3 from France. A meteor aa large s5 barrel was seen at Macon, Qa. ; there .rrpst consternation and excitement. Wis li,c . Tlie Chinese army has occupied Eatt- M KhokUud, and the Russians are re- -The decrees against unau- liriug- ih,rized religious bodies in France wer forced yesterday; many Jesuitical estab lljaieuts were closed by force. Sev- rn4! prisons were injitreil uy an txplosion , ibe ollk'C f a cartridge manufacturing -C:im(,ny at New York. A Georgian as arrested in New York yesterday for violations of the internal revenue laws t. nceruieg tobacco. There is great ftri.t an ttilack by Chinese inEistern Si Imun. - Cotton weavers at Knckdale li,e icsolved-tt" strike. Gen. llan- a.tk m'le an isformal call upon Governor Tilileu jes'.erday. New York mar- kc!(. : Mv-ney 24 per cent; cotton quiet ..mUleady tit 11 13-1G11 15-lCc; BOUth tru tljur steady at fri 903G 75; wheat l2c !,,wer, elosirsR 8teady, ungraded red $108 1 15; corn stroDger, ungraded 4751,c; .pin:s turpentine 28Jc; rosin unchanged 4Dil quid. John Kelly appears to be tho r .uglily harmonized. Five or six duels are said to have ueciirri'd last week in South Caro lina. Now they say Gen. Hancock at tends the Unitarian Church because hi wifo is a member. (ieu. Hancock is the seuior Major tieiieral of the United States Army, a:,d what a senior he is. If in New York, you also include ilrooklyn, Jersey City, llobokun, ."laleu lsluuil and other tuburba, it is the population will not bo far irciu two milliou of souls. Some of the confident papers are already atTvvork on Hancock's cabi ii-i. lkis is a ittllo early. The ficnr-ral wilt select his own timber aiid it wiijUe well seasoned. The Democrats have three caudi daies for the nomination to Congress Hi the liicbmond, Virginia, District, m the tielJ. They are Messrs. G. D. Vise, Young and Winston. .Mr. Jujiu D. Wise, a Mahone Keadjuater, is out. as an Independent. I here were six cadets at West 1'oinL turned back because of their deficiencies, namely: George K. ttrowu, I-iaac V. Little and Lewis Ostheim to the third class; Biscoe Hincluuan, John T. Knight and Adam 1'. Pentz to the fourth class, "Ion pay yonr money and you takes your choice." Betting has be gun, as the following from the Balti more Sun's Washington letter shows: "A Pennsylvania lawyer, who was here luiday, made a bet or $500 with a lead 'ig treasury official that Hancock would elected and would carry Pennsylvania." 1 he price of cheese has declined considerably. The steamers for Europe from New York on Saturday took out as follows: The City of Richmond, for Liverpool, carried 32, 216 boxes; the Utopia, for London, looo boxes; the Circassia, for Glas gow, h,S00 boxes; the Erin, for "pool, 1500 boxes; the Greece, for London, C00 boxes, The Baltimore American pub llshed a statement in whioh Mrs. lo"ry, the daughter of Mrs. Souratt, a"d her husband, Prof. Tonry, are presented as accusing Geo. Han cock of being "an executioner" and as acting under "false pretences." This 18 emphatically contradicted by Pro fe880r Tnry who will publisba state ment over his own signature. Since We wrote the above Prof. T. has Published a card in the Baltimore tun. The New York World never heard f Dr. Edward Warren. In pub JhiDS a cablegram from him to en- Hancock congratulating him on hls nomination, it said he was a loe! in the Union Army. Dr. arren (Bey), now of Paris, is a very ""nent physician, a native North inian, and served as Surgeon eneral of onr Stt in tho flnn- - - " WWW VW M derate war. The 'big dailiet" do Co1 krow everything. V,' VOL. XXVI. NO. 87; Gen. Hancock's letter of acceptance is to be an elaborate production. The well informed correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger referring to him says : "The General, it may be remarked here, ia one of the most urbane and accessible of men, and it will be well for him if he does not permit these and other excellent quali ties of .bead and heart to be taken advan tage of by the crowds of New York politi cians of all sorts that are now anxious to take him in hand. The unfortunate expe riences of Gen. Harrison, and Gen. Taylor and Gen. Scott, under not dissimilar cir cumstances, are valuable admonitions, which, if he will heed now, will save him a deal of trouble of one kind and another hereafter." Mr. William C. Slam, editor of the Whig, is steadily improving. He has returned to Richmond from his home iu Louisa. He wears a bandage on his lace. Spirits Turpentine. Asheville has 3,000 inhabitants. Wheat in Alexander fair. Cot ton in Iredell is tr.ood. Instead of one death, as aU first reported, Raleigh bad nine deaths last week. Lexington Exchange : Susan Black, of this county, committed suiefde on the 18th inst.,by taking laudanum. Greensboro Patriot : We are informed that about fifty years ago the far mers of Wake county, in this State, hitched steers to the bodies of pine trees and plowed their land with the roots.. lioan Mountain Republican : Mr. Jacob Wallace, of the firm of Wallace Bros., of Stalesville, N. C, passed through this place laet week with an. enormous gray wolf he had caught in the western part of Yancey county. Raleigh Visitor: A book con taining the records of the late war, which belonged o the Stale Library, got mis placed several years ago. And after, sev eral fruitless searches by the different Librarians, was found the other day and returned loJbe Library. Col. Boy lan has caught and caged the singinn mouse spoken of iu this paper a few days ago. The Greensboro Patriot hears that "an enumerator in Alamance county approached a man while at work in a filed. He was immediately ordered to leave, when he protested and produced the law to read to the refractory man. He was violently seized, hurled to th ground and beaten unmet cifully. The United Statea authorities-have taken the matter iu hand and will prosecute the offender. - The Raleigh Visitor gets this off: We learn from Mr. M. Ctiapell, who resides near Kelvin Grove, iu this county, that a whirlwind passed through that vi- cinity on last Wednesday, which waa the most remaikable he ever neartl or saw of. Mr. Cuapell was a quarter of a mile of, and noticed that the whirlwind became station ary in bis cotton field. He heard a loud re- port like thunder, and saw fire and smoke issuing fiom the top which was one bun dred I eel high. Ho says he went over to it, and for the spaca of four feet wi-Je and fifty vards long the cotton was burned to a perfect ctisp. Edenton Clarion: George W, Robertp, a painter by trade, came to this place in 1877, representing himself to be a Good Templar, a Mason, a member of the Baptist Cbuicb and a widower, having lost his wife a few months before aUTarboro, North Carolina. He took an active part in Sunday schools, concerts, etc., and ren dered himself sufficiently popular to marry a respectable young woman. After his marriage he soon forgot his high profes sions and spent much of bis time in drunkenness and idleness. Within the last few weeks it has been ascertained beyond a doubt that Roberts has a wife and two children near Franklin. Virginia." Raleigh Observer of Sunday: What the lawyers call a "long range" case will be tried before one of our magistrates to-morrow. In 1849 a man left an injured horse with a party now living in this city, and borrowed a sound beast, which he took off, promising to return it in a few days. The days lengthened into months and years, but neither - horse nor man ever re appeared. A day or so since the owner of the horse carried off saw the loa missing man in one of the hotels here, and though thirty-one years had passed since the oc currence, recognized him in. an instant. A warrant waa issued for him, and the case set for trial to-morrow. A letter has been received by the Governor stating that a memorial window is to be placed in Westminster Abbey, London, in honor of Sir Walter Raleigh, whose name this city bears. The letter requests a contribution of $25 on the part of this city, for the erec tion of the window. Statesvillo Landmark: The railroad campaign commences in Davie this week. A proposition to subscribe $50,000 to the Virginia Midland Railroad is shortly to be submitted to the people of that county at the polls, and the matter rwill be thoroughly canvassed beforehand in every township of the county by competent speakers. The ghost of slavery is ever present with the darkey. It is stated that the movements of Census-taker Good son, of this township, have excited a genu ine alarm among a certain portion of them in ibis place. We learn that a . number of them held a meeting a few nights ago, in which it was set forth that Gen. Grant hav ing been defeated, and the Democrats hav ing already started a man around tto get the names of all the darkeys with a view to putting them back into slavery, it was nec essary that they take some steps for mutual protection. Some farmers say that the acreage in cotton in this county is greater this year than last by 75 per cent. Mr. George Allen gives good reports of trucking around New Berne. It has nearly doubled the price of land. Mr. J. L. Rbem netted $53 per acre on 75 acres; Jones and Allen $521 on 4 acres; . Wads worth $676 on 5t acres r B. P. Justice $504 on 4 acres; Dr. Small wood $118 on If acres; E. R. Dudley $375 on 4 acres, Mr. Rhem netted $48 per acre on 60 acres in Eitatoes; E. B. Cox $500 on 5 acres; L. M. on monger $875 on 7 acres. The largest yield of peas per acre was obtained by a colored man, Jesse Brooks. He planted nine acres on bis own farm a few miles I south of New Berne, and when nearly ready to pick be sold two acres or the crop at o per acre, and gathered from the other seven acres 921 boxes of peas, the average being 131 boxes per acre. There were shipped from New Berne over twenty thousand boxes of'peas during the months of April and May of this year, and over five thou sand barrels of potatoes. It costs about li HO A 5 iJ 1 i WILMINGTON, N. C; THURSDAY, five dollars . to manure, each acre: of pea land..; -: ; ..' : ' . Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke . at-' tended the celebration at uxrora on bt.1 John's Day. ' She writes to the Raleigh Ifew: I cannot close my gossip without a word on the liberality of the Granville peo ple toward the Orphan Asylum. . I do not speak now of their subscription in money to. its support, but .of.. the constant donations they make to it, wicn,like the drops of rain, serve to keep the" mills going. Mrs. Elliot, who has from the beginning taken a warm and active interest in, i,t, and who has done , "Good work, true work, and work that's i:i -square" ' ' for its success, told me that, mqre than once, when she went out on her daily visits to assiBt in taking comforts and doing sew ing for the institution, she had heard from tle Superintendent that he had not bread enough to 'carry the children through the next day, and she had appealed personalty in their behalf to the citizens of Oxford, and always been cheerfully responded to. Raleigh .News: By appoints ment of Hon. R. B Vance, Mr. B. 8. Pearson, of Morgan ton, has the vacancy for that District ia the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and Mr. Jos. J. McElratb, of Buncombe, goes to West Point. Bradley Saunders .-Johnson, son of Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, and grand-eon of Hon. R. M. 8aunders, was married at the "Castle" in . Goochland county, the resi dence of ex-Governor Rutherford, of Vir ginia, to Miss Mannie Rutherford, one of the belles of the Old Dominion, on the 25th. -The credit of this government received a terrible shock when it was announced in London yesterday that the internal revenue receipts at Raleigh were only $161 52. We regret to announce the sickness of Judge Ashe of the Supreme Court. He was very sick Saturday night but yesterday was better and improving. 1 There will be a meeting of the young men of Ra leigh, at Metropolitan Hall Thursday night for the purpose of forming the Metropoli tan Young Men's Hancock Club." LambertAAifc$6S07iizn Four years ago on the first ballot. North Caro : lina cast nine votes for thelnah who won. This year she did the same thing. -. Fire passed through a portion of Mrs. Mary McMilllan's turpentine woods on the 23d inst. It spread so rapidly that it was im possible to exttnguish it until it had con sumed about eight thousand boxes. Peter Campbell, colored, had his left hand terribly mutilated .last Saturday by James McBryde's threshing machine, which be wss feeding. GV F. Page, colored, stiller at J. W. Ward, A Co. 's turpentine still, situated In Cotton Valley, experi mented in setting fire to a spirit barrel from which the spirits had just been emp tied it exploded with a terrific noise, blowing the barrel to pieces and greatly frightening the neighborhood; large crowds from every direction came to the scene with anxious faces to know who was killed. One negro, Frank Monroe, was so shocked that he did not speak for ten minutes after wards, i Charlotte Observer: There is to be a grand excursion over tbe Carolina Central Railway on the 28th of July to the Floral Rir of the Dixie Agricultural and Mechanical Association, which is to be held on the 28th and 29th of the present month at Wadesboro. The farmers in the southern portion of tbe county have been suffering greatly for rain within the past week, and the farmers just across the State line are said to be in a worse condition than they. A car-load of ore, all the way from Nevada, is expected in a day or two. This ore is sent by Reid & Stokes, who own a valuable mine in that State. North Carolina will go Democratic by forty thousand majority in November. A strong pressure will be brought to bear to induce the managers of tbe King's Mountaia- centennial celebration to so re duce the programme as to admit of its being gone through with in two days. Col. Bennett, .elector for this district, was serenaded at Monroe last Wednesday night, and the affair ended in three, rousing, Bpeeches, one from Bennett, one from D. A. Covingtdn, and one from R. P. Davis. TJECEj oity. NBW! ADVBBTISBnENTK. J. C. Munds Removal. Munson Rubber coats, &c. Harrison & Allen Straw hats, j School Misses If ash and Miss Kollock. tJnmallabie Blatter. . The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postoffice up to this date: Mrs. Grace Cooper, W. Springfield st., 72; Miss Elizabeth Beast, Warsaw,; C. V.; postal card with no direction, signed. Lucy, taken from box on Market street. , Aaaamltlnsr. a Soldier. '' A soldier belonging to tbe garrison at Smithville is reported to have been set upon by two colored men, named Sam Kelly and Joe Myers, a few evenings since, and so badly injured that he is not expected to live. The two men were reported in this city yesterday, and it is Loped they may be captured. - '- -. Blaclairace' Court. Edward Stanley and Ellen She pur d, both colored,' charged with an assault, were ar raigned before J. C. Hill, J. P., yesterday, and ordered to pay a fine of $5 each and costs. Defendants craved an appeal and were required to give a justified . bond in the sum of $80 each for their appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, but subsequently withdrew the appeal, paid their fines and' were discharged. Tbermometer Beeord. The following will show the state of the thermometer, '.at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta 86 Augusta. ...... 91 Charleston 92 Charlotte ....82 Corsicana, ...... 88 Galveston...... .-87 Havana 88 Indianola, ...... .88 Jacksonville . 82 88 88 90 Key West, ..... . Mobile Montgomery v .. . New Orleans.... 82 PuntaRassa 90 Savannah.. 94 Wilmington, 71 i A noted divine savs: "I have been using Dr. Tutt's Pills, the past three months, for dyspepsia, weak stomach and nervousness. I never bad anything to do me so much good in the way of medicine. They are as good as you represent them. I recom mend them as the best pill in existence, and dp all I can to acquaint others ' With their great merits. They are a special blessing." Rav. F. R. Osaooo, New York. f t -..'i.-V y."t r-tfc t-' tr I J - tf) t , . s i W (f D R.M1 T(f I Local nou. Hon. A. A. McKoy is at the Pur. cell House. Capt. J. H. Allen is here on a brief visit to his family. Only one trifling case of disor derly conduct was disposed of by the Mayor yesterday morning. Mr. Robert Morton, Superinten dent of the American Union Telegraph Company, is in the city. The storms of Tuesday evening and night are represented to have been very severe at Wrightsville Sound. There was another fall of hail yesterday, during the severe storm wbich passed over the city about 1 o'clock. Considerable hail' fell during the ram storm which passed over this city yes terday morning, between midnight and day. In speaking of the fire in Bruns wick, in our last, we wrote Capf. A. W. Rieger, and the types bad it Capt. A. W. Prigen. The war on draymen, for non payment of their license tax, has com menced. Better "walk up to the Captain's office and settle." Since the fooling up of the census-reports on Tuesday afternoon several additions have been made to the lists, wbich now aggregate 17,605. -'Dealers who have neglected to pay their monthly license tax are beiDg daily summoned before the Mayor, in accordance with a notice published in the Star a few days since. The interior of St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church has recently undergone some very decided improve ments, and the present neat appearance of the walls, pews, etc., reflects credit upon all concerned. : A telegram was received in this city yesterday morning announcing the death, in Duplin county, on Tuesday, of Mrs. W. T. Johnson, of this city, who was there on a visit to her sister. Her remains were expected to arrive here last even inc. The champion onion was laid on our table yesterday by Mr. D. J. Mc Millan, of . South Washington, Pender copnty. It is of the species known as the "Giant Rock of Naples," was raised with a great many other?, and is one of the largest specimens of tbe onion that we have ever seen. meeting of tbe Democratic Kxecuilve Committee or tbe County of New Hanover. Tbe Democratic Executive Committee far New Hanover county met at tbe office of Messrs. Darby & Macks, yesterday af ternoon, for the purpose of effecting an organization. Present, W. J. Mott, Gar rett Walker, 3rW. Perdew. P. T. Dicksey, It. W. Price, F- H. Darby, Jas. W. King, A. Adrian. Mr. A. Adrian was called to the chair. On motion, an election for permanent chairman was entered into, when F. H Darby was elected. : Jas. W. Kiog was elected permanent secretary and R. W. Price treasurer. : On motion, the meeting proceeded to fill the vacancies from the Second Ward occa sioned by the resignation of Col. Roger Moore and Dr. J. H, Durham, which re sulted in the selection of Messrs. S. P. Collier and W. W. Shaw. J. W. Perdew moved that the Executive Committee request the Democratic voters of tbe different wards and townships to meet and organize next Tuesday evening, the hour and places to be hereafter designated, to appoint three from each ward and township to act in concert with the Executive Committee to take Into consideration the practicability of having a grand ratification meeting At an early day, the committees from the different wards and townships to meet with tbe Executive Committee on Thurs day, the Sth of July, at 4 o'clock, p. xa., at the City Hall. There being no further business, the committee adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. Severe storm op tbe Road. We learn that there was a terrible storm of wind, rain and bail at Charlotte on Tuesday afternoon. At Matthews' Station, on the Carolina Central road, as we learn from John Holloway, loute agent, the wind was terrific, but was not accompanied by any very great amount of rain or hail. The storm struck that place about 3 P. M., and prostrated trees, fences, etc. A barn was blown down, and in the case of a house belonging to a Mr. Greer, which bad been deserted by the inmates, who left the door insecure, the wind burst it open, scat tered the embers in the fire-place, and set the building on fire, which, with its con tents, wss consumed . To add to the gene ral consternation a white man named Ross was crushed and killed by a falling limb. At Monroe and other places on the road the storm was also very severe, one or more buildings at the former place being un roofed. . Fast Mails. At the last session of Congress an in creased appropriation for mail transporta tion was made. Under this appropriation a fast mail service will be established between- New York and Jacksonville, Fla., and between New York and New Orleans by wsy of Atlanta, being the first introduc tion of this,, service in the South. It has been decided, however, not to put it into effect until about the 1st of November, next, as we learn from a gentleman of this city, who is good authority. St a R JULY 1, 1880. To-0ri Indications. Partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, southwesterly winds, stationary or higher temperature and stationary barometer, are the indicatronB for this section to-day. Killed by XlKlttBlns-'Aeeldental Deatbe. 4c e. During the prevalence of a severe storm near Faison's, Duplin county, on the line of tbe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, on Tuesday last, a house containing a' large number of colored people : was struck by lightning, and one Rsyford Thompson, was instantly killed. Singularly enough,' he was the only one injured. Deceased leaves a wife and seven children. In tke town of Faison's, yesterday morn ing, Johnnie Cowan, a son of Mr. Henry Cowan, was in the act of climbing up on a wagon loaded with lumber, when he fell and the wheels passed over his body, in Aiding injuries' which resulted in death within a half hour. The unfortunate youth was aged about 15 years, and his untimely death is deeply regretted by tbe commu nity. Luelcv Flabermen. Our friends who went to the Blackfish grounds on Tuesday, on the Steamer Pass port, made a very successful trip of it. The thirty-seven who wsnt outside, eighteen being left on the rock at New Inlet, caught about six thousand blackfish, or about one hundred and sixty-two to the man. Some caught as high as from two hundred and fifty to three hundred fish, while others who tired of tbe sport, and some who got sick, did not catch so many. It was no trouble to catch them; all the fishermen bad to do was to bait their hooks and throw them into the water, and by the time they touched bottom the fish were ready to be hauled up. Altogether it was the best catch we have beard of In some time. IIIVEK AND MARINE. Barque Arctic, hence, arrived at Lons don on tbe 29th ult. . Barque Katherine Maria, hence, ar rived at Greenback on the 29th ult. Norwegian barque Eva, Zachariasen, hence, arrived at Rotterdam on the 26th ult. CITY ITEM. THB MORNING STAR can always be had at tne following places in tbe city : The Pureell House, Harris' News' btand. and the Sta Office. Opinion of Saiinent Dr. H. R. Walton. Annapo lis, Md. Colden'a Liebig's Extract of Beef and Tonic Iavigorator, ia a most excellent preparation. It ia par excellence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or any thing ever used in wasted or impaired consti tution, and an excellent preventive of malarial die eases. Grxxn & FLuna, Agents, Wilmington. PREJUDICE KILLS. "Eleven years oar daugh ter suffered on a bed of misery, under the care of several of the beet (and some of the worst) physi cians, who gave &er disease various names, but no relief, and now she is restored to us in good health br as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we bad poohed at for two years before using it. We ear nestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sictt suffer as we did, on account of prejudice against bo good a medicine as Hop Bitters." The Parents. Telegram. SEMI-CENTENNIAL STATEMENT. It is fifty years since the business of Messrs. B. A T. Fair oanka A Co., scale manufacturers, was established, and in celebrating their semi centennial anniversa ry, they have the satisfaction of knowmg,that, oat of a little basiness established in 1830 in Northern Vermont, there has grown up an industry which now reaches to all parts of the world. The scales bearing the Valrbaaks' stamp are as wen known to day in Moscow, in Hong Kong, in Bombay, in Lon don, aa in the cities of our own country. The .principle established at the outset by the manufacturers of Fairbanks' Scales that nothing but perfect scales, irrespective of their cost, should ever leave the factory has been followed out to the E resent time, and the result haa been that each year as seen an increasing demand for the Fairbanks' standard. A BENEFACTRESS. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our "Susy" to say, a Diesamg en mib. winsiow," ior neiping ner to survive and escape the griping, colidcing and teeth ing Siege. MK3. WINSLOW'8 SOOTM1NU 8Y- KuP relieves the child from pain, and cures dysen- tery and diarrhoea. It softens the gumB, reduces ; inflammation, cores wind colic, and carries the in fant Barely tnrougn tne teething period, it per forms precisely what it prof eases to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. i Winslow know her only through the preparation of her 'Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." 11 :we had the power we would make ner, as she is, 'physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists, sea cents a nottie. MERCHANTS, READ THIS. To those subject to ills Incident to the vexations of basin ess life. Uyspepsl. and a feeling of debility and f re trainees, .we say, without equivocation, take Simmons Liver Regulator. This remedy is unequalled in the Care of Piles, Constipation, Bad Breath, Sick Headache and Bilious Complaints. The Regulator is free from any injurious mercurial substance; net dis agreeable; can be taken at any time, without inter fering with business or pleasure. It is so gentle, aa' e. and sucn a good digester, that it la often used after a hearty meal to settle the food and relieve any apprehensions that the meal may disagree with you. - "Having been a great suffer for many years from general Debility and Indigestion, I concluded to try your valuable medidae (Simmons Regalato r) in email doses and found It 10 be what is was recom mended for. Yon can use my name at any time you wish in its praise. J. F. DUMAS, Merchant, Haddock, Ga." DIED. JOHNSON. In Duplin County, N. C, on the 99th inst., RACHEL, wife of Wiley T. Johnson, and daughter of the late Thomas C Craft, aged 37 years. Xhe funeral will take place this Thursday morn ing at 9 o'clock, from her late residence, corner 8th and Princes i streets, to the First Baptist Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaint ances are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Removal rjQ HANDSOME NEW STORK, FRONT ST., second door from Princess street My friends and the public will find me prepared to serve them to day and hereafter. J, C. MTJNDS, If 1 tf . ' " " - Druggist. Straw Hats! At Low Prices ! HARRISON ALLEN, Hatters. ir i tf Select Boarding and Pay School lllllsboro, N.C. . rpHB MISSIS HASH and MISS KOLLOCK win resume the exercises Of their School on 80th July, and close them ltth December. Board and Toitioa $100. Circulars on application. JJ 1 Hivim " WHOLfi NO. 4,019 NEy ADVERTISEMENTS. Bubber Goats ! R AIN UMBRELLAS I BATHING SUITS t And ether articles for wet weather, at jy 1 It MUNSON'S. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. It Is SATISFACTION TO KNOW THAT WE ARK grinding daily the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY.'' Every thing else in the GRAIN Line. PRESTON GUMMING A CO.. je S) tf Millers and Grain Dealers. For This Week. Brown & Roddick 45 Slarltct Street, Are offering some RARE CHANCES to buy at REDUCED RATES, in order to close out come OED LOTS. JjT-Q Children's WHITE HOSE, without Seams, 20c, worth 53c. Xq 2 PRINTED PACIFIC LAWNS. l!c worth 15c; best goods in the market No 3 frwthi unbm lawms i5c SCc; worth 35 per ct more to import NO 4 8C0Dzei1 QSNTB' WHITE LINEN .. . ' HDKFS, $1.50 aDosen; tbe bestvalue ever offered in this market JjQ Ten Thousand FANS, all kinds and qualities. JTq 0 PIQUES. We are offering Great In ducements in this line. &c. Ac. Ac. &c. BROWN A RODDICK, 45 Market street je 27 tf Capon Springs and Baths, (AtKAUNK LlTHIA WaTSBS,) . HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, W. VIRGINIA. Also Chalybeate Waters, rich in iron, and a fine White Sulphur in the neighborhood. OPEN FROM MAY 13TH TO 15TH OCTOBER annually. Unequalled by any mineral waters ia America, for the cure of acid dyspepsia, kidney and bladder troubles, uterine ailments, gout, diseases of the skin, catarrh affections, rheumatism and func tional heart troubles. It it an unfailing tolvmt qf calculi. These waters have proved of great value in many other diseases, but can be more confidently relied on in tbe above named than any other mine ral springs in this county, 1 guarantee a cure if cu rable by mineral waters. The baths hot, cold and shower are unexcelled anywhere. The new and elegant swimming pool of alkaline water, the lar gest In the United States, tf not in the world, is es pecially attractive. 3rNo safer or better place for ladies and children to learn to swim. The sir of this elevated region is pure and delicious. It Is here that bay fever patients part with their troubles. For pleasure or health the traveler need not go far ther. Board by the month, $43, $49 and $56. accor ding to loot tion; board by the week. $13 to $15. A discount for the season also to Ministers. Good music, boating, hunting and fishing in season. Good livery. Passengers from Norfolk and vicinity come via Washington, aa the .shortest route. (Send for pamphlet direct or call on Santos, druggist, Nor folk, Va. Those suffering with chills and malaria find entire relief at Capon in less than a month, of ten inside of two weeks; W. H. SALE, je 19 8m Proprietor. Kerchner & Calder Bros. GENERA Commission Merchants and Grocers, Agents for Hall's Self Feeding Cotton Gins, And Wilson, Child & Co. it Wagons, THEIR STOCK OF O-BOOBBIBS IS ALWAYS Large enough Tor the WHOLESALE TRADE, and they GUARANTEE PRICES with any house in the city. IT SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. Je37tf Tourists AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Bags can be furnished at the lowest prices from our new stock just arrived Oar Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be beat for Latest Styles and Best Goods for the least money. No. 8 South Front St je37tf MALLARD JbBOWDEN. Cotton Gins ! Cotton Gins ! WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE JUSTLY CKLE b rated Albertaon A Douglass Georgia Cotton Gins. We are selling them at the same low figures as last season notwithstanding the great advance in material . Give us a call before purchasing. GILES A MURCHISON, je 37 tf 38 and 40 North Front St A Regular Smash J-OWN IN PRICES TO-MORROW AT THE Corner of Front and Princess streets. Our Cleaning Out Sale commences, and In order to make it a complete success we will Offer such inducements as were never known here before. We are determined to close out A. DAVID, Jo 37 tf "The Clotbier." C. W. Yates, JLANK BOOKS. SCHOOL .'.BOOKS AND Stationery. Country Schools supplied at reason able prices. Chromos, Frames, Archery Goods, Croquet, Ac Organs sold on the Installment Plan, at 1e87tf YATES BOOK STORE. Expecting TH REMODEL AND ENLARGE OUR STORE, A. we will eommenee from this date and continue for 30 days to sell at cost Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Umbrellas, Valises aad Furnishing Goods. New arrival of Gent's Blue Flannel Bathing Shuts; ,ust the thing. 0KRBOUBG'S Je37tf Men's Wear Depot. OLD NEWSPAPERS, I8UITABLB for Wrapping and other Durposes Can be Sed at the STAR OFFICE: IN ANY.QUANTTTT RATES OsT ADVBB TlSIflCJ. One Sstiara one day,'.;..-CO . , J . two days,,.,,, ,.....;" I 2jJ ! i ra-i... ., .. " 'V iOMmiL.. ... .... L.i... 4 Oo Two week. t.tm. Threeweeka, ' ' ' Two months,. .. ..; .. , . ?,., IT e Three moothe,. ,..,!.'..:; 40 Six months,.,; ....i.;;.V.f?.V.' 40 DC " . M One year, . A . .. , . v -J . i i -aa OS rarContract Advertisements ti t)pro4M tlonately low ratafe -. :-; r-;' '. r '"Jj .".jV-r. Tea lines solid Nonpareil typ make oa sqtara." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT OUTRAGE! -t ; . Bold Robbery I QN THB NIGHT OK SATURDAY, THB tS fH last., daring the momentary absence of the 1Mb ter's Devil, one of the eH laws of Wilmington. whose curiosity would not be rcatraloed, by bolls or bars, until Sunday morning, sacctsaia w fate lng tbe door of tbe Advortitlog Room of tbe STAR OFFICE, with tbe intention of reading In advsace our popalar Advu.tlscme.-it, whoa the retara of ih aforesaid P. D. frightened .him off. Bat being de termined not to ba cheated out of hts treat, be made his escape aafely, carrying off bis precious spoils; and as oar P. L. (who writes alt of oar advertise ments) is out of town, we aro compelled to ak tbe forbearance of the public fee taolc having been de- frauded of their usual weekly treat We hereby offer One Gallon of oar famous Stew att's Rye Whiskey, Ono Barrel of cur renowned Rex Fleur, and last but not least, a Box of car Celebrated rrincipe 'Cigars, as a reward to any oa for the safe return of our advertisement to Noa. M, 22, 24, 26 and 33 North Front 8trcet, or for leaving the same at STAR OFFICE. P. L. Bridgers & Co. je 30 DAWtf QUILTS. Brown He Roddick 45 MARKET STREET, ARB OFFERING BOMB GREAT BARGAINM in Domestic Quilts tuitablo for the Summer. Fnll Size Honeycomb Quilts $ 1 00 Bridal Quilt Fringed 1 15 The Bates Quilt 1 50 Bngilsn Mareeuiea Qauta. all aiaea aad qualities, at prices ranging for si 15 to $6 00. mysstr vuuwn kuddick. Sign of the Big Boot. IAM NOW OFFEMNO TO SELL. OR CASH OH L Y, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gaiters 1 40 Custom Made Gaiters.... 9 40 Laced Calf Tie Shoes 1 90 Ladles' Fcxed Shoes 1 OO Newport Ties 0O ' Opera Slippers 1 96 ' Strap Sandals 1 9 ' Croquet Slippers 6S Misses Strap Sandals 1 15 BoOon Gaiters , 1 SO Childrcns' Strap Sandals Button Gaiters 9-0 8. BLUM ENT1I AL, mylStfnac No. 40 Market Street Hancock and EbeM Boom ! (top Goods Ecom ! At PARKER A TAYLOk'S. JeSttf Drugs and Chemicals. pUTICURA. CUTICURA RESOLVENT, CUTI- cura Soap, Malt Bitters, Cray's Specific. Hatty's Chin Cure, Bitter Water. Bird Food and , Cigars, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Soapa, Brashes, Combs, Ac For salo low by. J. H. HARDIN. D ran 1st, jo 37 tf New Mara Pleasure. riOME AND ENJOY THE COOL BRK1ZE OF to you " oar 110 dog. in the shade" and a pair of 'Gent's Boston Garters," or a fine "Fancy tohlrt." "O. CAR. 8." aad a -Fun Suit Banger" Jest what is wanted, all from DYER At SON, je 37 11 Tailors and jmrnianers. The Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Ya. Situated one hand red yards from Fort Monroe. Open all tne year. Kqaal to any hotel In the United States aa a SUMMER RESORT. Send for circa la describing hygienic ad vantages, etc HARRISON PDOEBU9, myilS 8m proprietor. Come Hither 1 , LL YE GODS OF THE TJHiT ESSE AND L witness this splendid achievement! Maneeck and English have been nominated," said a Dem ocratic friend at the dinner table. And straight to tbe Joint went tbe carving knife. Tes, Indeed" cried his wife, who is a trifie deaf, mistaking bis exultation for praise of bar cookery. aines get ting the SAM bTOVE verythiag has been cooked delightfully." Sold only by je37tf F. M. KING A OO. Bird Seed, rFWIKBACK, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC Bu iu logna. Bap Sago Cheese, Elngemacbte Bard le ft en, sea Forellen, Anise, Carreway aad Master Seed, Oat MeaL Corned Beef In cans, Fulton Mar ketBeef, RyeFloar, a full line of Family Groee ties. Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Lienors. Will seU Low for Cash. L. TOLLERS', , Je 37 tf So aad 38 South Front street,

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