. - , MORNINGTEBITION. -THE IiAJTiiST NEWS. .CiK ivJ ' ' " : J. i5 .mi im.ii, ii - - F&OH ALL PAETS OS ,THB WORLD if Tdir i wri from JFUtm.tT nT bi-ireiiio ?irtr . TlBy Cablo to the Homing St v.1 I LosDQSt, July ft Sr Bernhardt and a complete company will aail from Hftyre on the 16Ui of October next for New York. She will make her debut at Booth's theatre on -the" Stb of November, in Adrienna L&conTreci Jeanne Bernhardt, her sister, 1sJimbme'memhera of the company, which, la now forming, and the etage man ager will probably be M. Belvaux, who was JJaC&el'f . 8Ugo manager during her American tour. . A public meeting to protest against the erection of a monument to the Prince Im perial in Westminister Abbey, will be held at St JameTHall on the 15th inst, Sir WilfretLLawson presiding. PAJtiaaly L--The deereca against non authorized religious congregations will be enforced at the end of the present week ' against the Franciscan, Capuchin, Eudiat and Oblate orders. . Losdoh, JBly 6. A dispatch from Con stantinople says the Sultan and his minis ters have finally determined not to accept the xeccommendaUoos of. the Berlin Con ference. Mahmnnd Nedhim Resba, who is now identified with the English party, was the only minister who counselled ac ceptance. A strong party is in favor of sending an immediate declaration of war to Athena if the Greeks effect any military concentration on ihe frontier. The London correspondent of the Man hnotfjr Guardian says it is believed that tho Gorentmtfnt have' Information which renders them very-desirooa that the com pensation for disturbance in Ireland bill should-become a law. They know that in ,'the distressed districts evictions eannot be enlorcedMlurlng the coming autumn and . winter without producing terrible events, land ttatltTAhe absence of such a law the 'Government's responsibility wilt he much greater than they . have thought proper to state toiler House of Commons. The Powers have addressed an energetic collective note to the government ot Mo rocco,, demanding religious liberty for all subjects of the Sultan. The Pan Bulgarian Central Committee in Phillippopolis has beeu reorganized as a committee for the Union of South Bul garia, that is for adding Macedonia and Thrace to East Roomelia. A large forcTof Bulgarian militia is con centrated iu the old Turkish quadrilateral between the Danube and the Balkans, on a pica of putting down brigandage. Russian officers are constantly arriving from Odessa. SOUTH CABOliUI A. Fur tiier Particulars of tbe Shannon Dae. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. J CiLHtrasTON, Jaly6. The Cash-Shannon duel took place at Dubose'a Bridge, on the border of Camden county. Shannon, who was the challenging party, fired first, the hall utrikinff- the eronnd near Cash's foot. Cash then fired, hia ball passing ihrnnoh Shannon's heart. Death was in- KtnsiBiMKraa. CicA. Shannon denied to the lairhivlng reflected on Mr. Cash in the legal proceedings whicn causea tne irouoie, and challenged Cash on account of the latter's abusive . publication concerning him. Col. Shannon was a lawyer of high character and large practice, and leaves a large and dependent family. The meetiog took place at a o'clock yesteraay aiiernoon. GEOBGIA. A rrest or Internal Berenne cfiloera cn arced wit. Blnrder. By Telegraph to the Xorning Star. Washikgton, July 6. Internal Revenue Commissioner Raum received a telegram last night announcing the arrest, under State process, of several of the deputy col lectors who were engaged in the recent Red Oak affair, in Campbell county, Ga., in which one of a party was shot and killed by rerenne officers, who alleges the firing on their part was in self defence. Gen. Raum, after conferring with Attorney Gen eral Devens, telegraphed the Assistant Dis met Attorney to appear in behalf of the revenue officers who are under arrest, and to take out writs of habeas corpus with a view to transferring the cases to the United States Courts. TEXAS. Orowalaz Accident Dcaperaie and Fatal Aflrar. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Gaiotsxoh, July 6. Prof . N. A. Quin was drowned in Galveston Bay yesteraay. In-an i affray in Campbell's etore, in Atascosa county, between two Dee brothers andtwo McCoys, one of each was killed and th& others badly wounded. While firing a salute at Fort Ringgold, yesterday, ra man had his arm blown oil, a n d was fatally wounded . DB.TAIfNEa. Tne Ninth Day of III Fast. By Telegraph to the Morning titer. New Yobk, July 6. Dr. Tanner's fast entered its ninth day at noon to-day. He has fallen away perceptibly, and has grown petulect and nervous. He says be is now buffering tbe worst of the trial. - He took two abort waits to-day. As yet be uses no water exoepwfco rinse bis mouth. He is hopeful and determined. EliECTTSlO SFAUKSU v. Birnas SearC'D. D. LL D., of Staunton, Va., died at ' Saratoga, N- Y., yesteraay afternoon; aged 77. Gen. Weaver, the Greenback candidate for Preatdsnt," starts on a Southern tour in a few days, and will open the campaign at DiUasyTexaa. on the 15th. The-liabilities of Charles W. Scofield, iroa manufacturer of New York, are $2, 306.173, nominal assets $2,730,260, and real assets $13,850. Among the creditors is tbe Tredegar Iron Company, of Richmond, Va. Doting a 'heavy storm Monday, the dancing; pavilion at the Ocean House, Ty ler IaUadrWas blown down. About thirty people were in it at (he time, four of whom were4urt iut only cne seriously, and he is expeWed to recover. raananteur Secer. ThfoUowing will show Ythe state of the thermonaOcr,VitjsUfiOniranUoned. at 1.31 jerdarrening, Washington mean timet ax ascertained from the daily bulletin issued-yom Signal pfficf in this city ausnu; . ; r... .oo i -jacKSonvuie as A-Uiturtaw. J., . M itey West,.. 90 Charleatomi. ; toble,..vi.."2..08 Montgomery .... .03 New Orleans,..;. 62 Ubariou.-. . . . i Corsicana.,.,... 84 aattUtqpJ';.":.-.a Havana. .83 Indkaola; -f . . .87 PuntaRassa,- ..8 Savannah. ...... .03 Wilmington.... ,88 U: LIST OF I,BmBt"'! i Remaining, in tho City . Rost' Office,. June 80l C1S0, unclaimed :i Mt r tff f f i 4B-R BBranchrVirffilButbsTirH Bills, iM D Broadhurst," M ifj Bloddgoodj? Jno I uenry Bryant, John ttakeruager Barney, llenry Bramsr, Calvin .Blonde Ilebecca Bradley, Clara-- Bryant, Elsie Bransley, Alice Bealty. : C J TCulbrith, Abram Clatk, Hanaah Crawford, H M Cornish. r CS .5 ) D Amelia Davis, Bettle Davis, Maria 'Dudley, Matilda Daugherty. Hi J j jsiiia. ; , .., F W II Farrar. G Lloyd Grames: George Graham. Katie Gause H Annie Hall, Aun Maria Uankins, Chancy Hall, Clara Hollard, Ann Hall, PhUis Hall, col, Charles B HowelL Rev Jno Hill, Juo Hayneswortb, Johanna Holt, Joow lie welt, jno Uoward, James uewew, Thos Harrell. J V or N Johnson. Ellen Jones, Letty Johnson. K Joseph Kelly, Mary Jane Kenegey. L E M Luck, Harry Lee, W A Linenan; M Jaa Mclntire. Richard Madden. Ran dalMayho, R P Meloin, Fannie Melton, Miss Louise Moorhead, Miss L'zzle Martin, Susan Mclntire. N John A Nicholson. P HatUe Pierce. R-B F Rhoads. 8 David Sterlin, Washington Stanford, Skipper, Sally Smith, Samuel Stewart, tl Lucula Stokes. T- Anthony Toomer. Mack J Taylor, Jno H Turner. Miss Lula Thompson. V -Lizzie Van. ; Y r? s; W Geo D Waddell, Columbus William son, Wm White, John Waddell, Fannie Woodard, Eliza White. Ed. It. BSXtTX, if. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. Boatan Boot snoe and Liainer Mar ket, J air S. . . I Commercial Bulletin. A considerable proportion of this season's orders for heavy boots have been placed, and there is a steadier feeling in those goods ; prices having settled to tbe basis of quota tions made by some of tho larger manufac turers at tbe opening or tbe trade, sellers are now eenerally firm at -present quota tions, which comprise an advance ot $45 per case on wax and kip boots, and 3 ou 3 50 on split do over last year. The leather market presents about the same features as last week, though some classes of stock are meeting with rather more in quiry. Others, however, are still dull, and unsatisfactory. - v New York Naval stores' narKei, July 2. Spirits Turpectine there is little doing arid the market is rather unsettled and easy; merchantable order quoted at . 2So for prompt delivery,! and 27ic for deliveries next week. Rosins are unchanged in price; strained and medium grades are especially firm; the belter grades are nomi nal. The quotations are: Good strained $1 47il 50; common do $ 1 421; No. 2EF$1 601 85; No. 1 G H$3153 50; Rood No. 1 I $3 62i2 75; low pale K 2 87t3 00; Pale M 3 12i5 25; extra paleN $3 37T3 50, and window glass W f 3 62r4 00. City pitch $1 903 00. Tar is quoted at $3 00 for Wilmington. Cnarleaton Naval Stores market, July 3. , The receipts were 441 casks spirits tur pentine and 2,134 bbls rosin. There waaa quiet market for rosins, ana mere were no sales of moment announced, ineiasi pre vious orices were SI per bbl for A and B; $1 10 for C and D; $1 201 25 for E; $1 45 for F; $1 70 for G; $1 90 for H; 2 12 for I: S3 371 for K, S3 75 for M; $300 for N; $3 25 for window glass. Spirits turpentine easy. Sales of 20U cssks at Z4C per gallon for oil and whiskeys, and 24c per gallon for regulars. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 25 per bbl for virgin and $1 60 for yellow dip. The substances composing Dr. TutlV Liver Pills are derived from tbe Vegetable Kingdom, and are particularly designed to act with gentleness and thoroughness upon the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and General Circulation. They produce one or two easy passages a day, without any purging or griping. f Coffee, Sugar. &c. 2QQ Backs COFFKB, 2gQ Bbla SUGAR, 250 Bbls ttnd Hhde MOLASSSS e f Boxes TBA, fJJ For sale hy AD I )KIAN St VOLLERS. Flour. :LIeats, &c 1500 Bbla VJJ0Jm' ;QQ Bcxes MEAT, 2500 B,COMI 1000 Bag8MBAL 1000 Balca nAY- ADRIAN & VOLLBR8. For Independence Day. 50 100 20 Boxes LEMONS. Boxes CANDY. Bbls NUTS, And an abundant supply of Cigars, Liquors ana Tobacco. ADRIAN & VOLLERS 8. E. comer Front and Dock aU. JMtr Otterbourg vs. Ladies. A Big Offer. r-tLQSING OUT 8 ALB PRIOR TO HI EARLY vv departure North. Clothing at tout own twice. oeata ue coat ejsiem 10 aeato. wm receive oiaa for Remodeling aad Enlarging Store after the SOtb inat. LAOiea can t uae geaca ciotnmg, out jaaiea hAve influence over husbands, brothers and sweet . Willie wrD no half dozen of theCelebratea Reinforced 75c Challenge Shirts for Major Triedem first. Reader, tbe Cable announce an early return from Europe of Judge Sharp, then look out for Qaicktoa Market Court, and Justice, at Jy 4 tf Men's Wear Depot. Examine Your Trunks. ND IF THEY NEED REPAIRING OE Cov ering scud them to our Saddle, Harness and Buggy Skopa, where they will be put In thorough order by a rr acncai xruns jaaxer. Jy 4 tf GERHARDT fe CO. Turnip j3eed! Turnip. Seed I New Crop, 1880. Grown from selected and tranaolanted Roots. warranted freeh and true to name. Wholesale and MetaiL WM. H. GREEN. Jy 4 tf Market Street. Cool Summer Styles ! Straw Hats ! Harrison a allen, ' Hatters. jy 4 tf 'Pieced Cotton Ties." TpiFTY THOUSAND BUNDLES MECED COT TON TIES for sale to the trade in Iota to Kilt par. chaser a. They are made from carefully selected teek; are all doable riveted, and hare me aeeond hand open .lot buckles. They answer every pur pose of the New Ties, and can be bought for abcat n-Wiirus uo price. . , Provldepce Cotton Tie Ca, ' W. W. .SIMMONS, Agent, . . r. 1 Market bquare, )7 4 Providence, R. X. COMMERCIAL. mi i&r i iCrTPONM'A k k-v: The offlciaj or obefhinir"a notation s Delow are posted tfftheTfoduce Exchange daily at 1 P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. ' i STAR OFFICE, July 6, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market qu ted steady, at 24cents rpe4allinr for (reguT casks at that price, ciosinE steady. ROSIN Market was . firm at . $1 OS for Strained and ft 07i for Good Straioed, with sales as offered. TAR Market tiuoted At ft CO- per, bbl of 86 tfjs tVsafei of Receipts at quo tations. CRUDE TlJRPENTINE-rThe market was steady at fl 70 for -Yellow Dip and IS'SO'pePbbr for Virgin, " with sales at Rotations. . ! . ' :- .-'; COTTON The market was dull and un Changed. The following were tbe offi cial quotations: 6rdinary...i.. cents lb, Good Ordinary....... f Strict Good Ordinary. " " IiOW Middling . .10 7-16 " MiddUnfi... 11 Good Middling....... llf Quotations conform to tbe classification of the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS-The market la dull and nom inal at 3550 cents for shelling stock, 60 cents for Ordinary, 70 cents forFrirne, 80 cents for Extra Prime, 00 cts for Fancy. UBCE1PX8. Uotuu........... . 21 bales. 1045 casks. .1433 bbla. , 220 " . 823 " Spirits turpentine. Rosin.. Tar Crude turpentine . xunKMi'iu naHKHr I By Telegraph to Ue Morning Star. Financial. New-York, July 6 Evening. Money 23 per cent.- -- Sterling exchange 484. Governments firm; new rives 1C34; four and a ball per cents 1091; four per cents 108. State bonds dull. a JJsmmerci&l. TbeCuttou ExehanEe is closed holiday. Southern flour quiet and steady; common to fair extra f5 005 00; good to choice do $5 65. Wheat opened a Bhade lower, but subsequently recovered, and closed lc better nd fairly active; ungraded led $ 1 061 16. Corn a shade lower and tie eidedly more active; ungraded 4051c. Pats lllc better and moderately active at 35c for No. 3. Coffee firm with a good busiuess. Sugar firm and quiet; fair to good good refining 7c; prime 7c; refined firm with a good trade; standard A luo. Aioiasses Unchanged with a moderate inquiry. Rice in fair request and steady. Rosin un changed. Spirits turpentine easier at 27c. Pork higher and Btrocg with a lair trade at $12.8513 00i ' middles qoiet and firm; long clear 7c; short 74c; long and short 7ic. Lard stronger and moderately active at $7 207 22i. Whiskey nominal at $1 121 15. Freights firmer. ' Baltimobe, July 6. Flour steady and firmer: Howard street and western super 12 75a3 50: extra S3 75a4 75; family $5 00 5 60; city mills super $3 003 50; extra 4 004 50; ramiry f 6 256 75; uto brands. $8 00(6 25; Patapsco family $7 10. Wheat southern easier; western lower and dull, closed easy; southern red SI 05110; amber $1 121 17; No. 1 Maryland nomi nal: western winter red on Boot $1 14f 1 15; July delivery $1 111 11; August delivery $1 07Jl 08; September delivery $1 07il 08. Corn southern easier; western higher and dull; southern white 55 cents; yellow 51 cents. Oats higher and firm; southern 3738 cts; western white 36 37 cents; mixed 35S6 cents. Penn sylvania 3037i. Provisions firm. Mess pork, $13 0013 50. Bulk meats loose shoulders 5c; clear Tib sides 7i; packed 5i 7C.1 Bcon shoulders 6c ; clear rib sides 8c; hams lli12ic. Lard refined tierces 8J0. Coffee strong; Rio cargoes, ordinary to prime, 1316c Sugar very firm; A soft 10ict Whiekey steady $1 Hi. Freights more active. Chicago, July 6. Flour io good demand at full prices. Wheat strong, higher and rather excited; No. 2 red winter 05c; No. 2 Chicago spring 95c cash ; 8989ic August ; 87c September; No. 3 do 7980c. Corn strong and. higher; 85c cash; 35i35fc August; 35t351c September. Oats strong and higher; 24tc cash; 24c July. Pork excited and higher at $12 12J13 15. Lard- strong and higher at $6 77. Bulk meats active, firm and higher; shoulders $4 75; short clear $7 25. Whiskey steady and unchanged. St. Louis, July 6. Flour steady and unchanged Wheat lower for cash op tions andMnsettled hut generally htgher; No. 2 red fall 950 cash; 90c July; 87c August; No. 3 do 89ic. Corn dull; 34c cash; 34ic July; 33i34c August and Sep tember. Oats dull 25c cash; 23ic July. Whiskey steady at $1 08. Pork higher at $13 25. Lard dull and nominal. Bulk meats strong and higher for summer; shoul ders $4 60; rib $6 85; sides $7 10. Bacon .higher; shoulders $5 12,; rib $7 87,7 95; sides f 8 20. CVTTON A1AKK.BT8. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. July 6. Galveston, nominal at 11 i cts net receipts .168 bales; Norfolk, holiday; Baltimore, quiet at Hi cts net receipts bales; Boston, dull at 12 cents net receipts 422 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 12 cents net receipts 94 bales; Savannah, easy at lit cents net receipts SO bales; New Or leans, in fair demand at Hi cts net re ceipts 27 bales; Mobile, weak and irregular at Hi cents net receipts bales; Memp his, quiet at Hi cents net receipts 87 bales; Augusta, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 34 bales; Charleston, quiet at Hi cts net re ceipts 94 bales. . Complete Assortment. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A COMPLETE aaaortmest of Pore Drain, Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Soaps, Bruahea and Combs, Mineral Waters, Ac., for Bale low at i. E. HABDIN'S'Drug Store, New Market. Prescriptions and Family Receipts prepared with tbe greatest care. , jy 4 tf Special Prices. TXTX ARB OFFKHIWJ PARLOB FTJftXITUBB TV of all grades at low down prices. A fine assortment of Lounges and Easy Chairs. Our RATTAN Furniture is conceded to be the beat thing eat for summer Residence g. Call and look over our block ana set prices. D. A. SMITH & CO., jy 4 tf Furniture Dealers. Charlotte Female In stitute. Session begins Sept. 8, 1880. Can give un equaled testimonials from the first teachers and professors in the Booth -as to the thoroughness ad high stan dard or instruction, music ana Art specialties, a Cooking School will be opened every term. Address tne rancipau nev. wm. a. Ai-junouM, Je25D&WSm Charlotte, N. C. The ..Hygeia v, Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Ty J Open all the year; Kqaal to any hotel in the United -States as a 8CMMBK RKSOST. Send for circular aescriDmg nygieoic advantagea, etc. HARBISON PHOKBUS, my x3 3m Proprietor. MARINE. Port AJmaoacJolf .7.x . . Ban Rises . .-. ri ..ViV, 4.15 A. M. Bun Sets.. .i:...;.....5 7.r8 P.M. High Water,(BmilhvilIe);..4 4, 7.37 Even. ... Wilmington). v.ai. a uven. Day's Lengthr,7r..'. Vi Uh 21va' - . -. , ARRIVEp' , f Steamship Regulator, Doaoe, New York, TEBodd. Btmr D "Murchlson; Garrason, Fayette ville, Williams & MurchisoD. Btmr Wave. Robeson. FayeUevllle, Wil liams & Murchisoo. Btearo yacht PaaaDor t. Harper. Bm i tn viil e. plaster. ; ' n'r. 1 Btmr Elizabeth, Bisbee. Smithville, Mas ter; Bchr Annie. Wells. New River, naval ttores to Wilder-& Morloo. Schr Ray. DeoDis, Swansboro,' naval stores to Wilder &.Morioo. . Schr Lorenzo. Russell. New. River, naval stores to Williams & Murcbisoo. Schr E. Francis, Jones. New River, naval stores to A Spruot & Bon. Schr Sarah Virginia, Moore, Rich Inlet, peanuts to P Camming & Co. ' Schr Josiah W. Whitebouse, 270 tons, Furoham, Provideoce, J. H. Chad bourn & Co. Schr Minerva, 210 tons, Philadelphia, Harrisa & Howell, with a general cargo. Shr 8eveoty Six, 196 tons, Robinson, Kennebeck River, master, with ice to J E Lippitt. Schr William, Moore, Sballotte, . naval stores to A Martin. CLEARED. Stmr North State, Green, Fayctteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cas well, BP Paddison. Steam yacht Passport, Harpor.Smith ville, master. Sunr Elizabeth, Liisbee, Smithville, Mas ter. Bchr Auuie, Wells, New River, Wilder & Morton. Bchr Ray, Deouis, Swansboro', Wilder & Morton. Schr Lorenzo, Russell, New River, Wil liams & Murchison. Scbr E Francis, Jones, New River, A Spruct&Sou. Scbr Sarah Virginia, Moore, Rich Inlet, P Gumming & Co. Scbr William, Moore, Sballotte, A Mai tin. EXFOKT8. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 50 bales pinestraw, 18 cotton, 9 bbls peanuts, 50 bbls crude lurpt. 198 do tar, 202,241 (eels lumber; 791 bbls. rosin, 861 casks spts turpt, 8 bags rice, 59 pkgs mdse. MARINE DIRECTORY. Ittat of Veaaela In in fort of Wil mington, ff. C. July 7. 1880. IThis Iiat doca not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Carl Max (Gcr.), 294 tons, Bcrger, E Peschau & Westermann A C Ward, 500 tons, Sherman, Master BRIGS. Fred B Rice, 243 tons, Small, E G Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Imogen e Divcrty, 188 tons, Reed, , Harries & Howell Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. B. Sig nal Umce, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telesram. Do As We Do. jgUV CI1SAP AND SSLX. CHKAP That's the way our FUKHlTURS goes. BBHUEND8 4c 1SDNBOE, h. K. Corner Market and Second sis. j?4lf Wilmington, N.C. In Spite QF THS WARM WEATHER WK AKK SELL lag quantiUea of our BOASTED COFFEE. ALL Q HADES roasted and ground dally, Wc have the best Molasses in the city for 40 cents per gallon, and a full lino of First Class Groceries. Gentlemen if you want good Tobacco and Cigars come and sec us. UespcctfaUy, J. C. STEVENSON A Co. , Jy 4 tf Broofclyn. A Good Investment. 'rjMIAT'S THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU ever made," said the old man to his son when he saw him with a New Eult jost purchased of A. DAVID, Jyjtf The Clothier.' Bv Express. LACE FICHUS, LACK TIES, LACE CAMBRIC Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Glass Doylas, Table Damask and - the beat stock of Towels and Towelling in the city. All cheap. my 8 tf JOHN J. HEX) RICK. Cotton Gins! Cotton Gins! WE ABE AGENTS FOB THE JUSTLY CELE brated Albertson & Douglass Georgia Cotton Gms, We are selling them at the same low igures as last season notwithstanding the great advance in material . Give us a call before purchasing. GILES A MUKCHISON. je 87 tf 38 and 40 North Front St. Spring Lambs. NOTHER LOT OF THOSE FINE SPRING LAMBS, to-day and for the next thirty days, at the CTTIZSNB' MARKET. Good Beef and Vegetables always on hand, ap 15 tf T. A. WATBOM & CO. Now IS THE TIME FOR UGHTNTNG RODS TO BE PUT UP. DRIVE WELL PUMPS. ROOFING done cheap by tho BEST or workmen j y 4 tf PARKER A TAYLOR. Cape Fear Flour ND PEARL HOMINY MILLS STILL IN THE lead. The best fresh ground Meal, Grits and Flour. Will commence making Floor from New North Carolina Wheat next Tuesday. Give na your orders. jy 4 tf Q. BONEY & SONS. Dyeing, QLEANSING .AND TAILORING IN . FAST Colors and First Class Stylo. Pressed like new. No rubbing off. WILMINGTON DYEING BSTAB., jy 4 tf Market, between 3d and 3d Sts. Low Quartered Shoes. I HAVE IN STOCK A LARGE AND VARIED assortment of Gent's Low Quartered Shoes, WUiph I am selling at a very small advance m the Actual post. A full line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Sandal Slippers. Newport Ties in great variety, at very low prices, THOMAS H. HOWBY, je 37 tf Mo. 47 North Market at. MISCELLANEOUS. P. ;L., Bridgers & Co. 22, 2i 26 & 28 Front St' Wilmington. BT. C- - rpHB YOUNGEST ESTABLISHED GROCERY HOUSE in Wilmington I Commencing basinets only a few years ago, In the midst of the most terri ble panic ever known In this country, in the coarse of three years only, by economy in the use of our investments, and skill in business, we have built up one of the best Retail Grocery Establishment south of the Potomac, with a reputation for fair dealing, intelligence, liberality In business, choice selected articles in our line, and success In trade, that are the envy and the astonishment of the "OLD AND EXPERIENCED GROCERIES." our competitors. Every dollar we have now Invested, amounting to thousands and thousands of dollars, is the fruit of oat own UNAIDED EXERTIONS. We have net had to borrow money to meet losses. We have no bad debts. . WE PAY CASH for all oar purchases, and trust anybody that can make us safe The stock of Groceries and the good will at 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front Street, WILMINGTON. N.C. one of the mot extensive, the best and most care fully selected and costly, la held for sale in the FINEST GROCERY STORE IN THE CITY, built (expressly for us, and adapted to our trade, and all paid for eat of the profits of our business during three years of terrible pecuniary distress. It is a lasting aad palpable monument to the busi ness energy and intelligence and Industry of P. L. BRIDGERS, the founder of our establishment. The poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling Glances from heaven to earth, frm earth to heaven, And as imagination bodies forth forms of things unseen. Gives to airy nothings a local habitation and a name 1" Years ae, a mere stripling Wilmington boy, we conceived the design of this Grand KMtablishment, and to-day, If you doubt oar advertisement, 'COMB AND SEE. We have created it from nothing. This store itself so neat, so well appointed, and well filled, and wel conducted, is a grand poem, in glass and wood and willow ware, suggestive of morj pleasant emotions and can aii) g more real happiness than all the works of Shakespeaie or Dry den. We keep NO OLD STOCK. We have no surplus room. We renew our assortment by personal solici tations weekly, so as to have everything in our line FRESH AND GOOD, and sell everytnlhg -off &b rapidly and cheaply as possible. Money Is not made by hoarding it or by waitlag for big profits. It is made by turning over the investment often and keeping it In constant motion. If you want Lard we nave Lard. If you want Butter we sell Butter. If you want Sugar, we sell Sugar. If yon want Glucose, you must enquire for it at the small Groceries. We don't keep tho article. We warrant oar Floor, Whiskey, Crackers, Meal, Bacon, Tobacco and Cigars, Sugars, Lager, Candies, Eatables, Drinkables, fotableu, Caunablee, Bdioles, Sociables, . the most digestible, nicest, freshest and most economical In the South. P. Li. Bridgers & Co. Jy 4 D&Wtf 0 The Glorious 4th Day of July ! LITTLE MORE THAN A CENTURY AGO, when freedom could scarcely Hod a hiding place in this country, IT was a PATRICK HENRY, a good Groceryman, a Mechanic, a Horny-handed Son of Toil, who dared to look the British Lion in the face and proclaim it. BULLY for Patrlci. He was a true patriot, as all good Groccrymen are. I have been Inspired by the memory of the eminent and illustrious Patriot and Groceryman, n this OUR FOURTH DAY OF JULY. I will low add that I will tiy and emu'.ato his good example by selling you GOOD GROCERIES LOWER THAN YOU CAN BUY THEM FROM ANY HOUSE IN THS STATE. Come and Bee me, one and all. THOS. II SIcItOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, jy 4 D&Wtf 5 A 7 North Front St. ;222sr:Di Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribution Company. At Macau ley's Theatre, In the city of Louisville, on Saturday, July 31st, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORISED BY THE LEGISLATURE and SUSTAINED BY ALL THE COURTS of KENTUCKY, according to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE YEARS terminating on JUNE 30, 1835. . The United States Circuit Court on March Si ren dered the following decisions : 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. Sd, ITS DRAWINGS ARB FAIR. The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for . THE JULY DRAWING. Prize $30,000 100 Priaes $100 each $10,000 1 Prize. 10,000 300 Prizes 60 each 10,000 1 rrize 5,000 600 Prises SO each 1&.000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 20 Prizes 500 10.000 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $2,700 8 Prizes 200 each, " " " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, - "900 1,960 Prizes. $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100. Remit by Post Office Money Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft, or Express. To Insure against mistakes and delays, corres pondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of Post Office box or Street, and Town, County or State. All communications connected with the Distribu tion and Orders for Tickets should be addressed to Ii. M. BOARD MAN (Courier-Journal Building,) LOUISVILLE, Ky.,or Nos.;307 & 3o9 Broadway, NEW YORK. jy 1 eodw tu th sa A Word or Two. J3ERSON8 WHO APPRECIATE THE BEST OF any thing, and would eat The Best Flour Made ! can procure that article, manufactured by the most recent improved process, from HALL & PEARSALL. jy 2 D&Wtf Received This Day, Q CASES ROEDBRBR 3s CO. DRY BOWZY CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price. ' GEO. MYERS , Agent. Pft CASES FRENCH BRANDY, OU FROM BOND THIS DAY, And for sale at Tmrorter's Prices Onlr SI. 60 for a Bottle or imported rrencn uranu or Tuba GILT EDGE BUTTER, JiO S3 CENTS APOTJND, - Choicest Grass Batter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. ' At Popular Prices. GEO. MYERH, my 27 tf Nob. 11, 13, 16 South Front st. , w. 'M 1 Now opena n ii r; M. r.ir KfTZ'S, 36 Market Street : CONSISTING IN PA I IT OF B laclt. Co Ioied Brecaded and Fanpy Mrks, Blackywiiltc.' Colored" and Mrlpcd feallna Plain, Striped and iriomle UuniinsH. all Hliudea, Silk and Wool Persian and Japanese !MvcIiIcm, Wool Belief, Bandana .Clotti, French Percales, Lawn and Organdies. The' Beat Assortment lit' the City or mourning Uootl. Vau meres, Henriettas, Tamise, Morale Cloth, mohairs, Mr en. ' adlnes, Australian Crepes. White Goods and Piques, every variety. Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries If you desire to scr ,i (.)H! work as low in price as tbe poor w (irk so ofteu sold, dou'i rail i , xllllllt them. : fatIn Gr os Grain and Cashmere Illbbona. Silk and Lace Ties, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Housekeeping Goods, Linen Micctinga, Uoya' Wear, . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, superb Hosiery and ;h,vr And hundreds of NOVELTIES numerous to mention Eg" All of these Goods have been boaght hi t-xtraorduihry low micl-h, nmi ,.,. many, such as Silks, Satins, &c, will be sold LOWEU THAN KVKK UKFoUK n examioatioo of all will be to our mh 28tf For This Week. Brown & Roddick 45 Market Street, Are oHeriDS some RABE Cj4ANCK3 to buy at RBDUCED 11ATKS; in order to c'.osc oat some OED LOTS. MO ChUdreB'B WDtlTK UOSB. without t'cams, 20c, worth SOc. "SO 2 PRINTJItttACIFIC UWN9, 12 Xc worth ISc; best goods In lb, market 2q g PKINTKDuLINJtN LAWNS, 15c and " 20c worth'35 per ct more to mport jjQ aw 'jjBsnpymvri linen " arKF4,$tWaDcxOTi; the boet value over offered In this market - . . a "IT C Ten.Thotwand FAlfS, all klfada and JJPq Q riQJJES. . .WoMooffertng dreat In doRemoata in this linp. ?A Ac 4c.' a 4c v0- SHOWN A KODDICK,! . ' 45 Market Street je 27 tf Stockhdidjer3' Meeting. JOTICB IS HKBBBX GIVKN THAT UKN KKAL MEKTINQof. thotftOCWlOidera.irfJllS CA ROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COXPA2TM snccesror to the Carolina Central Hallway Oompa-J ny, under tne roreeiosaro sale, will be neia in mo Town of WELDON, North CaroUnK on WEDNES DAY, tho 14th day ot JTJLY1830, forhe election of Officers, tho adoption oTUy-Laws, and other purposes. A. V. STOUT. K. O, FRENCH, A. B. GRAVES, . J. 8. WHKDBEK, V. R. MUKCH1BON. Je 6 tlf Jy ' Porchaalng CommlUeo. Hortk Carolina Railroad Connjany, ' SECRETARY A TRBASURJER'8 OFFICE, , Ooxpaht Shops, N. C, May Slst. 1883. rjpHE THIRTY-FIRST (SlsQ ANNUAL MRRTr I NO of Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail Road Company will .be held In Greensboro. N. C, on the Second Thursday jof Jury, 1880, and the Transfer Books pf the stock ot said Company will bo closed from this date until after the mocking, jo 2 tSthJy T. B. RTJPPIN, Secretary. Coal! Coal! TOO TONS BLACKSMITDS', now landing. r ALSO. GRATE, STOVE and FOUN0RY COAL. O. O. PARSLEY, Jr., Jy 2 tf Cor. Orange. anOJs. Water sts. The New Hat Store. QALL AND AMINE ICY SPRING STYLES of Straw and Felt Hats; they are pretty and cheap. JOHN Mi. ROBIN80N, No. 13 Front St Next to Purcc!l House aplStf INEZ , CENT CIGAR, gold only at BEST IN THE CITY. FRESH LOT HASPROWICZ'S myl4 tt; jt feCjCBmrlap. i mm I HATS', BSPrjSKlSEED, MX' STOCK OF WiiiteLead, Oil and Colors. s Also Ready Mixed Paints for immediate ueC Foe the conveaion c& of my custoaaers I new have Copper FalaC pat upJ In quart and half jpOIoacans. For sale low by i v-t - : uou. A.. rjfcUIS.. Up stairs In New Store, 25 SottthFnintaji j Jyatf Ciiiardl Sttilripti THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE LINE of Steamers afloat, sails from New York every Wednesday. For Through Tickets for Cabin or Steerage Passage from New York to the principal ports of Europe, and for further information, Apply to HEIDB & CO., e25 Im Agents at Wflmlngtcn, N. C. Hammocks! fOU WILL FIND THS BEST MEXICAN L Grass Hammock at ' HXINSBEROER'S. BAItOMSTERS i AND THERMOMETERS. What will the weather, be to-morrow t. Tbla Article Is perfectly reliable, and should bo In every house, and is invaluable to Farmers. . For salo at BEINSBERGER'B. LI?? PIANOS AND ORGANS, CHROMOS AND Steel Engravings. For sale cheap, at - - 1 x -v jy 4 tf rXEINSBKRQER'S. Biri Seedyii rj WIBBACK, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC BO aIu lognaSap Sago Cheese, Elngemachte -Hardle- nen, Bea Foreuen, Anise, carreway and Mustard Seed, Oat Meal, Corned Beef in cans, Fulton Mar ket Beef, Rye Flour, a full line of Family Grocer rfes. Tobacco, Cigars, Winea and Liquors. Will sen ixw roruaen. voLiLKics'. Jy 4tf 26 and 28 South Front street. mutual In ncttt ZLVE lL. EZ ATZ, 36 Market 8treet. Gapon Springs and Baths, (Alkiumx Iitbia Waters.) HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, W. VIRGINI A. AJuo Chalybeato Waters, rich In iron, ami it r,i, White Sulpbur ill the neighborhood . OPEN FROM MAY 13TH TO 15TH 0riXllKii annually. Unequalled by any mineral wi, , America, for the cure of acid dyapopHla, klduy ud bladder trouble, nterine allmenu,goat, dliw i' of the skin, catarrh affections, rheumatism and func tional heart troubles. Hi an unfailing mlvtnt of calculi. These waters have proved or prtat value in many other diseases, bat can be more confldcaUr relied on in the above named than any other mluu ral spring in this county. 1 guarantee a care If cu rable by mineral waters. The hatha hot, cold ana shower are unexcelled anywhor. Tba new and elegant swimmlne pool of alkaline wator, the lar gest In the United states, if not in the world, la ci peclally attractive. HNo aafer or better plan for ladies and children to learn to swim. The air of this elevated region is pure and dellclou. it u here that Lay fever patients part with their trouble. For pleasure or health the traveler need not go tu ther. Board by the month, $42, $49 and $56, accor ding to locitlon; board by the week. $11 to $15. a discount for the season also to Vlnlatera. Uood music, boating, hunting ana flahtng in seaaon. Uwod livery. Passengers from Norfolk and vicinity come via Washington, aa the, shortest routs, send ir pamphlet direct or call on Santos, drugget Kor folk, Va. Those Buffering with chills and malaria find entire relief at Capon in'leea than a month, of ten inside of two weeks; W. H. 8ALK, Je 19 2m . Proprietor Syrups & Soda Water. THE BEST QUALITY OF SODA WATER AND bYKUPSof my own mannfacurc, coociatini: of Lemon, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Vanilla, aria parllla,tilnger, Blackberry. Orange. Nectar, Otj;'ai, Nutmeg, Cherry, coffee, Uanana. Chocoluie.l rin. Artie Mead, Otaki Root Beer, Ac , At 8. O. NORTlKors je P tf Fruit and Confectionery HUnw Boilers ! Boilers JfOUK CYL1NDEU BOIUCUa, id Inchos dlarncter, 4 ) fvl .". All in prime order, fur alc by ap 24 tr KDWAKL) KIUDKH A M)N. Pore Eilract of Vanilla, MADE FROM THE BEST VANILLA llKANs, and guaranteed PEKPECTLY PUKE. Aloa Stock of belected Drugs. Medicines, Tolloi Article), Perfumery, Cigars, Urandles, Whimey, Ac. All ( Which 1 will Bell at reasonable prices. JOHN K. MclLUKNNY, Dnu'glll, je 13 tf Cor. Market and Front atrecu. BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANSVILLE, N. C. ESTABLISHED IN 1TD.1. Is now PRE-EMINENT among Honthcrn Board lag Schools for Boys, io age, numbers and an-a of patronage. The 173rd Session leglna July Will For catalogue, giving fall parUcnlaxa. addrea Jo 111m Maj. K. BINOllAM, hup I, WALTER CONE, DEALER IN TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic cm A HS. rl UAKSTTKS. SNUFF and PlPSe of all desenptiona. WALTKK CONBV. apJ4 tf Market htn-rt Planting Peas. 3QQ Bnsucls COW PEAS, Kor Planting. In amrc, And for sale by jeatf WORTH WokTU Corn, Heal, Hay. 15 000 0,h rrime wulu cout,' '600 UB Water Ground MEAL, 50Q Bale, HAY, Flour, Molasses, Sugar 1200 Bbl. FLOliR. !-,., rrnA nhdsand Bbls Syrup. New urleai'. OUU New Crop Cubs and Port Rice 250 Bbls SUGAR, Cut Loaf. Oranulau-d. Standard A, Extra O ami C, Bacon, Lard, Pork, &c, OA A Boxes Smoked and D. 8. SIDES, 150 Tnb" Cholce LK1F LAKU' 125 Bbl" CITY MB88 roRK T225Bag'CO'rBVug0,r.and. 150 BozM btaecu 2QQ Boxes LYE and POTASH. 175 Boxo Laundry BOAP 100 DOZM Fun Assorted CAN1. Bnttff, Tobacco. Paper, Matches. Shot. Sptcc.n ger. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrela, AC. For sale low by ,v,M WILLIAM 8 tURCni80N. ' je27 tf Wholesale Qro. Uom.WgftP. , For Sale Low, T WO 1 HQR3E TRUCES, .h . v QUE-ALMOST NEW. I 1 I ' BothtettK'" " Cau bo bauKbt cheap. Apply at TQI Or-rMi'- say 2) tf n