iaaswpMawwaewiSH"fiwi Ik: f .. . ... . - . a -t-? ,i " t in mA S -a. j inr. KN1NG EDITION. KV . I sat upon the stile, I... r nature seeded to Stmte . ..4- l,Nyuat portion of her anatomy did you ;l-pi chirped tod bopped. L'111, I, in natural hlsfofyi It is tbetr n-' ture io. ti. nska tl ks tue acorns dropped. i Did vou ever see an acorn drep frosnj a mulberry lree? ,,1 .round a gentle hum ' iSature on the buzz, probably. 1 'ke inswrtt seemed td dome 'l Sot BCienticallx jcaralU , . inline west wind whispered, while i newest wind is an abandoned cba ncter, and you ought not to have listened to him. . ,i i cat iinnn the stile. f Vet 'i8 fait time for you to descend, O Jemim&! Kj! though nil was bathed in calm, 'rwrrpnt the poetess,! inJ soft od soothing baarm I Warranted every lime. 1 ties $1-1 Fl!leJ my sl. yt "inerly i r. Y lv witn a half il T Small bot- M Ul my heart, Ob why? Oh why ? Hi 3er ia our aext.-swfeBtesfTI 1 Puck' Annual iheTauner Kxperlmeui. Wellington Post, i There is a disposition on the part ,f certain iiidiiiduala, and especially iiiio:i!l certain members of the medi cal faulty, to aJpuse or rtdioale Dr. Tanner on account of his self-imposed fait. Her he w Joneinoed a triad, ihere a foot and again ajuuatic, Iml : an Thtelligeot, unbiased view of ibr case plaees t Doctor in anything l,i an unfavorable light aud admits uf no reflections on either his hon e,lV) sense or sanity. lie is gentleman of good repute, ji superior intelligence, of scientific education, and it is not to be ques u.)ued, from all the sources of infor mation to which we have had access, iinL he has entered upon his preseut . xperiraent in order to demonstrate ...me theory to which ho attaches urrat valae. No man would subject himself to the suffering that Dr. Taaar w .likJ to rirodeTgai dlj1fl,q bis enforced abstinence, or to the dinner which.it presumably involves,- merely to achieve notoriety or gratify i popular curiosity, and we - can n ircely imagine aay thing more cruel m i contemptible under the circum stances than the attempt made by Dr. BradteyUto ;tJirlrTditredit, on Dr. TanrrerVgod3"1faitK by Intimating t'ni be was procuring nutriment jo j.im surreptitious manner. . Hap pily, however, the effort failed most iuorainioasly, and the confidence trilby the public irp . Mipneuo- I uii'nV sincerity of purpose has ex perienced no impairment. A general hope will now be in-.Jule-1 that the doctor may safely m l successfully accomplish tbe ob ject with which he started ontj but even should hV fail; iia3 already riceeJed any authentic ' record - of r t Lung without food by a person in the full enjoyment of his health and ficnlties. ile has demonstrated a power of will and physical endurance thatThas lii'.herirt seemed incredible, aud con tr.buieJ io physiological science a fact that sooner or later, no dotbt, will be professionally utilized in pa thological inquiry. It may not be tbu all men cod Id pass through a similar ordeal, nor is it essential to the completeness of the demonstra tion that, they should. The point is established tljatib certain conditions life may be prolonged without sus tenance, other than the air we breathe, for an indefinite number of days. reeuTine &. connabla Railroad. Rtthmond Dispatch. 1 A telegram from Charleston, S. C, recently published, stated that there "mid probably be a failure to make tli payment duo July 15th by the purchasers of the Greenville fc Co lumbia Railroad. This is a mistake, l'lier-j will be no failure in making Hie payment. The fact is ; that the cn.!aiun ot the' Greenville & Co lumbia Hailroad, case renders it im paibie for tbe purchaser to pay' with -ifety to bioigeU.- There are two purchasers claiming. ' I he second mortgage bondholders, 'epreseoied by. a conamittee claim 'l't the propertyliraa-VnOeked down i iheiu at ihe price of 12,392,000, hile Mr. Courtenay, of Charleston, claims that it was knocked down to at the price of $2,965,000. Both parties insist that the bidding against r. Cocrtenay after the property was "ied out to th (xrcood OTgg9 wndholders" was frauctufent; and l"e second mortgage bondholders WH file a petition asking that the sale mi7 be set aside ami a new Bale ordered, requiring a cash payment of '-00,000 instead of $20,000. Of C(urse no payment can bo made nn l"is question is passed npon by the cuurt. The tecojadf mortgaga bond 7 ers hav already secured control 01 ovei four-fifths of the guaranteed nJs. Controlling fire-sixths of all e hens upon the road, tbey have . a rra grip upon the property and mean 0 'old it. BQt they do not propose 0 be cheated out of a large amount 01 'noney if they can help it. The nisra report showa that the road knocked oat to them, and their "ey received as cash payment on J"eir bid of t2,392,0OO. Against lr protest the master afterwards Pened the bidding, because of a Ppoaed misapprehension on the part 'a competing bidder. ur npnnU i : larerelv interested in Z ,''?aUer t is right that tbey wb. h kDOv t'intha ease, in 1 1 w.e have gwen above irom an "ntie source.' ' " Cd2f b,?Q, theHon. John (foode te.,;!.-er!aiDCa withdraw from the Con- uu wntest in the Norfolk District. Tha Effect tbii Hoidern Article of Com- merce it Likely to Hare upon f ; How AdnJteratioiu in Sugar Act Upon tie Hnmaji Syitem. I. tcrtaln TritCu regrointllcate Pot tioiuofthoBobxv-ASAArtnot Generally Known. , I Hpw : .tiey, are , jeorAfredj s ajid Hoir Centrolled. j KTerjbody ia talking aboat glacoM, the new elej meal which UaUc'oa(liJ gtalt add? Indeed, il ao Important a matter as tae innr we consume It if bcilrAfcrltikkAl BitW.41 lagtrln lti oziahsmt to the knmam bona duet, oa bv the, mtxtota pA pkhar matter, InT atead -of noirtshhijr, ie thei?irrtUtJ tbe kidney ana outer pane or ute aoar. xne relation netweea ua Banna aao, agaiuMia aaaan ta aau tor ooen boatOity. Indeed, it acta like a vtrule&t poison np on those delicate members, apdrprodaoea Bright' a tatOaee A.nmmlnari) tooner an ''ailr k&owri ., ror this reason many persons use stows AttMlr.Tealiauiff the deifeaertof the kidneTsJ the neceedtT ot avoiding aavlrrltatian. BatJ Botwithataadinx this care, kidnef oifficnltiea are the moat universal complaint of the present dar.i The ate camasd brlaiDiiMeaaarfl.xt tatda. bv over! exertion, by indigestion and by nerroaa exhaustion.) Tnoee wao nava aianey tasaoie&eiaonb Know iu as tlreir manlfefetaiiotig are headxehea. pains in the joints, mat weariness, and loea of appetite. On lau accocas cna are mt tna am anaarons, aaa require attention aa soon as any of the symptoms u Taiaealty haarwayibn hi to know what to do for distressed kidneys, and, until re cently, thayaave been conai4ere4 incurable. A pure Tegeiaoie extract, nowever, w arner-a saie aoam ey and proven to instantly relieve an mm blas.-and certalalv core all seated kldnev diseases, whether uey ansa tram ooiajs, exaausuoay lnaigesuea ar nad aneara. Qlocoae has not been ahown to he an abaolntely Injartaas atemeat ia taa preaaratioa of augar, but that adulterated sugars are a dancerona element when'brauzht in contact with the kidneys Jua been provaa berbnd a doubt, while no discovery moaern umea aeema so entirely aaaptea to nou ran and stimulate the kidneys as the remedy above mentioned. It acta directly npon those parts and upon no others. It stimulates and at the-aame time nourishes. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Uatfttora.BisasM siaaaasaaasaaaaaw hold use, and is sold by drtuziriBta uiUveraaUy. At all seasona of .Ike wear mki oadaa aLbeimanatancea it ia a. rewedy which saonid-oe aee oVhaad, for. where suck serious interests are at stake, it becomes invaluable. we tenrm jeSoawSra JOB Pj THE HORNING STAB Stem Printing House, MORNING STAR BUILDING, 1 PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUQHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN TEE CITY. FINK BOOK, NEWSPAPER A MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CA&B. IALSO,' THEATRICAL FOSTERS, PROGRAMMES B TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORE EXECUTED LV QUICKER TIME) AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY OTHER OFFICE MA j WLLMING TON.Z FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOU PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PR IN TLX HOUSE, PRINCESS STREETr WILMLNQ TON, N. C. ORDERS BY MALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK BENT TO ANi.PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.LK SMALL ORDERS . EXECUTED, .. WITM . 2 tut SAME PROMPTNESS AS LABGKRONES. AX . just btrr.. Hood's Gr&at Book of the War. ADVANCE and RETREAT. PERSONAL KXXPBBIKNCXS -O'f! 4TTII IN THS UNITED 8TATXS AND OOrTF KB SKATS 8TATK8 ARMIKS. By General X Be Hood. Late Lieut. Qeneral Confederate States Army. Published for ihev-fr HOOD ORPHatfiHraRlnL FUND, BY General G. T. BOADBEUAIW, HXW OKLKAN9, 1S30. nmreeilm mUttlt Wfacthe lXlflpf this work are devoted to tab -fcoVxT Orphan' Mttnorlal Fund, which U invested ia United Stetee Batared. Bonds, for the nnrtora, tare, Support and education of the ten infanta depxtvea of their aarentslaal summer at New Orleaaa, (the melancholy incidents of which sad bereavement ae stin f reeh in tbe pub lic mind.) . . - n. ?ha Book ia aa elegaat oetavo, containing 160, oairea. with a fine photoferapb likeness and a line steel engraving, made expreaaly for thia work, rour large mape ofbatale field,'' bound ia OuadsOsfta, Kntah Cloth. atiTHlitS MLLABa.'orln Fine Sheep Binding, with Marble Kdge. THKKB DOLLAits orylm:naifMt sound unwVuM r J t,i i m HI linn nnj w xa best Levant Turkey HoKpeeofaU OUt hides, and va viva nnrxARA. un u receipt irom wj uvu ' . y . Af th imnant in a reeisterea letter or by a postal order, bank draft, be immediately sent, tree or postage, registered aa second daaa matter. - . -.t - , The votame ia published In the beat style of ty pography, on elegant paper, with lllaatrajaona, exe cuted as highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, taa purpose,, all alike, render it worthy a place in every library, on every desk, or npon the, book shelf of -every house In the eoantry. :: 'J a , Agents wanxaa m every trwu uu United BUtes, and a preference will be given to ho aorabiv dlacharjted veterans the sale of thia boo among their Circle of friends, will afford aa axeeUent way Of irwrffrlhntlag aab- sunual aid to so aesernng a cause. for Tenoa, Kates to Aaenta etciadieam, with On behalf of tiood Memorial Fund, JanSStf - . New Orleans, La. -WAIiTER...OONEV, ..--- . PlpAT'STW, Kl nur,.'WJc A "tl TA, IaVpartad andJfeMci?-U . of ail deaenptiooa. 'V H WALTJEB CONST, ftp4tf Market Street R IMTIMGr - Sar0urbna6nyirlo(U caent tie .wholesale prices geireraHy'Infciaklng ajj Bshall orders higher pneea bate to Wcbargcdi f K- PKlOaU.. BAGODK Qunn7... . ,.1MK) uVt 8tan 19 BAOON N mmOi aunf fWa. ...... . , Shcraiders, J 1 81desN. d Wioice;v Uams, V t wesiern omoxea ;, m Hama.'l..-iJ41iV..,iJuU..tH l'0l li Sides, V a Uln34Mm.''il 2 ARRKL8 BplrlU Tnrpcntln e. , i8eoood Handt, each. . j ,.v.;.V ' New Mew ork, each. 0(00 A H00 CANDneV-iSw'K:- 18 O J5 OUSKSS Northern Factory V ........ OUJrTRava. 9 roT 1H .Irk ,. 794: 173 Z 00 DOMESTICS 8heting,4-4. yd 7v e Tr. fl aa -1 io lfiro3 20 00 8 60 a IBM FISH-Mackerel, No. X, , .bbL, SUA- la 04 h is 00 ; No.t.aj 6 60 O 700 I Mullets.libbf.i. S 00 O 3J5 : S 00 O 4 00 i 00 O 6 T U A S60 ' N. O. Herring, EoakeR.. .. Qiuujid Buau." MSaVifh 46 00 00 00 f 67 00 ! 40 00 O 45 00 i 0 00 t(b 100 00 00 O 70 00 60 00 O00P0. 65 W tft 60DtH 0 00 O 500 75 ftOOr 6 85 9 00 7 60 O 900 6 W O 6 60 6 25 o a 60 6 75 O 7 rjO 14 O .15 x :TMO . 70 56 O 57 65 O 67r - 53-' 65 85 O 90 4 O 6 WJtf 13 1 16 O 1 25 1 1U 1 35 1 00TO 1 10 90 g 95.M . t0rfi ! i . Oft.A.-.l Wh m a vas sa uaano, Wanda Phappkaaef'.. - Berger A Buta's Fhosph. " - JBxeelleaaa Cotton FertUiaer alhbl OnyMialB .Wbi: u . Kx. Family, bbl. QLTTB ....f.J.i.I,.j... JJ. , Oora;eargot' wDUflhei... i oezm jaaixeu BosaeitUi Dags. uais. v Buaoai... ...... .Peaa, Oow, BJjushal .... BBBroen.Tr ... . .... Western, fi 100 a.... North aiver.fi 100 Bi... M4Vn, rantf atV xU - LARD ortihar&-, LUMBSB Citt StuxhSawto OklpOtag,iBaaaad,j mitT. Dreasea Flooring seasoned. . T8Tf0 SO 00" 13 00 O 18 00 18 00 O 33 00 HtHacf and Boards, com-j ' - an ....... I 1 u 13 00 O 15. Porto Eicovhhds I 00 4) 46 25 35 80 I 3 50 13 145 100 Sagar Hc,JSrdB,'VgaT!v".3 00 O bWBk al.... 00 O 40 O OOO.O 11 O no o 90 O 30 t 15 5 10 fa BR1D.3DDI W Wi... ...... . NAILS Out, lOd basis, f) keg... DILS-!-Keroeenet f) gal.......... I Lard, gal Linseed, 9 sal I an -4 l HiULTRY Cbickea,live,grown " Spring... L mriteys r 75 & 1 00 65 60 0 00 185-- POTATO K8 OwtJet, p buehel . I Irish. DDI TORS Wortafern. City Mess.... IS 35 " Cs 14 50 tX) 00 O 14 50 tThin. bbl ., Prima, 9 bbl Bnmn. V bbl ...... Q0 00 too aoooo. (00 SlJOsiU loo -iyio do n 00 00 sUCS-Oarollni, 9 711 7X 1 Rough, y Duan.. ...... v 1 15 a Katf oob aft try. 9 io&L .?..?r::.v:.v. ::::::: S3 75 SALT Alum, bushel.. .... oo o ljiTerpooi, fiBBCK, 75 O 0 75 r idSDon, v sacx...... 00 o oo .O' ,0 o 0 o Jo 10XO 5 O 00 o 00 o BtjQAB Cuba, tt Ik.. . I Porto Kico, 9 ) A Coffee, 9 w a.. C XX. u v x 9 .1 11 6 7 00 2 39 .5 00 SOAP Northern. 9 t.. ...... . w SGLTNQLSS Contract, 9 M.....I 5 oommoa, 9m..t 1 3 CrDreaaSana m M I 4 50 Cnwase Hearto M. 00 7 50 15 00 C 00 00 a oooo 8TAVKS W.O.BbLtM.. 13 oo T. 60 TIMBB-8hipfing.Mi...... O 48 00' ammme,f m. , MinFair.Alt,.........., Oommom. Jtffl...... InfurinrtiTrMbiu SS.af 8 oo a io oo 6 60 O 7 0 4 SB ; 5 00 5 OA O - 4 00 1 00 O 608 1 00 O S 60 25 O 26 SO fl 33 18 a 20 WtoSKSTY Northern, 9 gal. North Carolfofi,ai galw. WOOL Uawashed, 9 i I waahed. m I Burry Wool.., flange' feijfht) on 'New York, . . . . .V.'.'- Kdlsct. M. " Baltimore, I A. Moeton..... Philaderphia, 7. western owes. KxfehanffA sn dava 1 real. Bank ofNew Hanover Stock ; 85 FUtet National Bank.. ....... v . 75 Nayasaa Buano Co. " 135 N. C. Bonds Old Sx-Ooupon as Do. Fob ding 18 8 Do. " 1868. S-9 Do. New 4s 68 Do. SpacialTax..-........ 4 DoC to Na EaDroadT. 80 W. A W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold lat) .112 Carprma central & jc Bonds, o yc. .40 Wit Col. Aug. IUR. ........oe gtoaCltyl Bonos, 7e 36 .-Old 6 c-... 85 new o vc....cu 8 we. Hanover County.... 6 fic. '....6 c"."."."""85 (Cur. 85 (Cur- Int) W.RaUroadlltaaK Carou-a k laaXdZattOa. iivE tt if i rnv Tie SavteWfiy ?fes Of f BBRtfARY 7th will contain the opening chap I tera of a charming serial story, entitled idl TJ FP I T, BY "MRS . OFUKLIA NISBKT REID, t Or XATORTOK, OA., Autior bf l,My Mother's Daughter," ! , and "Mrs. Dare." 'Afterward, Jrtose who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by toe perusal of thia gifted and accomplished lady's previous proancuons, win neea no cwmmenuauuu of this her last and most aneceasial effort to pre Darejthem for the rare literary treat that awaits MfFFTT Wa story of absorbing Interest, and its publication will run tnrougn some eigne to ten bauds of the WEKKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TKLEGRAM. A-3 ht Start aia . ra -r . re CZ t OVfllu a - . 'T ti SabscTfpaont a year. SI for six months. Mo ney dan be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Bipreea, at our risk. "; .J. H. ESTILL, fjbq8 tf pavannan, uh. tlantfir) Tt KJlhMViUl j - a-.- - t -sr ' ,:o.5 , -"- A1 BU4 Bashals COW PEASS UU(4tl:. I . -F0' Planting, Intore, .emti nwoia aUtdforaalaby ! ... r-.v Jtorii - '. r WORTH WORTS. liitf rqpjTnE iJll political news Akin rnrrtv VTt?arp TMQTR ffYT yJl" k T E.acF A L O Q N A Deaaborata V i ' ' nm' jiaHEDaaai BLIZABkTH ClTYVi rC; enfeta: ny-addr4JN0 January 1, 1881, for" ONK DOLLAR. m y 26 tf atacaareL. creas5.ir!ff.:dlIS bllow- n wumm Ne W.Ik Nefth MISCELLANEOUS The Porning Stair k , t . s-v , I PTJBLISHEH DAtLT AND WEEKJi? ui - DAILY STAR, One. Year. 'postage paid,. ' Sfx Months" ' ' . u , Three Months " : . " One Month ..." ..: " $7 too 4 DO S 1 to WiSKLV 8TAK. One, Year postage paid, $J 60 !" " Six Moutha, " - , I 40 Three Mouths " " 50 Notices of the Press: The Stab ia decidedly one of the best Tnaoera ia the State, aa bright and newsy aa ever. Long life to i.ncuem JtTess. . j - Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want j Charlotte Democrat. i The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. Aa a daily journal or news it atanas"up La a daily Journal : Concord Register. neaa. uoncora The Wilmington Star has entered it twenty-; fifth volume. There is no better paper published ia the State. Lenoir Topic. 1 Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir-i 4 1. 1 1. . M. Was. no nno n .1sA. 'Stat tie. narrenton tfaeetce.. i. ' ! IttA Ta711mfn4ni Gmav Vioa ontovoi-1 Ifa thti-toaTir fi Sear. It has become one of the leading papers ef I le South. OxfonlTorchiithtr The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of bswi nuu sypograpnicai appearance ctuuiut u tmur ;i enjacKaan jxeporier. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very beat pa pers In the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid Independence. Petersburg ya) inaex-Appeai. , We like the Stab because it Is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. Ml. Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press In thia State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It ia a Stab .of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. TA Free WSlBoDtisL The Wilmington (N. C) Moairnre Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we aay it ia the newsiest (eec ularypaper published m the Soxitii.ichmond(Va.l RetigtousSeraUL. - The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and, aaa North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. T The Stab la so well and favorably known in this section of the state that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It la in every respect one of the beat dailies ia the. Honth. japsraoakw. The'Wtlmlagton Stab has entered on its twelfth la compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina iournaliam. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Jta twenty-second volume. It is one of the moat brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the 'otomac. Tne system in tne get up or ine paper urnassea them aiL Tarboro Southerner. i 1 The Times cannot say a word too for the Wilmington "Stab. ' It has just reach one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite me state press ana is aouencaiier oy me peo Long and. prosperous life to it ReidsviOe Why ia it mtat all the papers with the name ef tar are such bright little journals T The Wlbning- n (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks org Star, New York Star, tor example. There vmst.be something ia a name after ail Richmond va.) state. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, till eontinee an thefelzh road to success. We ea- bem the Stab, vary highly, regarding it aa one of tie very pest or our exenacgea, ana conBiaer it tae of any looraal published In the South : ux- Free Lance. . The Wilmington 8fAB is now taking the regular idniffht Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of Ua reading matter. The stab la aa excellent paper, its prosperity is not Btrprleing rluce it is ao descrying. Charlotte Ob . A Ho&KiHs Stab, one of the best dailies we khow. and aa a BewsDaoer. In our opinion, the very ist baa entered unon itaT twelfth Tear. In every. particular the stab comes ruuy up to tne marx as the principal daily in oar chief commercial city. Lfag may it twinkle. AUanance Gleaner. The Wilaaington Stab has entered upon its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notioe atill continues on the road, to auccesa. . We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it aa one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than 'those of any other of oar exchanges, and Its editorial department is con ducted with much ability .M&rganton Blade. ' Bombje In Its beginnings, aa was inseparable from anj enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, .ha Stab has ateadily ,"waxed'-until It bow beams lendent in the full jdow or a eonstanuy brignt- g prosperity, as a newspaper it naa im iuiub, and no superior, ror appropriate aeiecuon ana ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most .acceptable exchanges. ffitoforo ' Tne Wilaaington KoBHisa Scab has entered npon the thirteenth year ot its existence, and we take thia AvvrwirHivit.v tr ririOTatnlAtA It dtuui If ft nroane- L.ritJ and deaerved poprrtarity. The remarkable suc- ceas of the Stab U due to its strict attention to buSneai." The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), is tfcatit always has the news, and thia is the first thing in journaliam. Otherwise the paper Is all thai the term of "good newspaper" implies, and Its corba of editors and' reporters are thoronehbr edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral lnnpance oi tne btab never ee astaraea, -ana may its kenlaL eaterarlsing proprietor enioy many more haifcy years of uaefuIhe8aT-(jWd6or Messenger. A Card to tie - Affllctedi Dsj.-: ROOEUTSO.V, 19 So. Eutaiv Stref t, Baltimore, Bid. Froa Uf teeh years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, via; Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of -sexual power), Ner vous Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., all resulting front abuses In youth or excesses In manhood. Dis eases recently contracted eared In five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the sys tem! Also all blood and akin diseases quickly Cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the Universi ity of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy sicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints aud irregularities. l I 11 nommunlcations strictly confidential, and me- dieiiicsaent to any addrets. CaH or write, enclos- ing stamp for reply.; sept 9 ly I High-Bred Dogs, English, irish and. Gordon betters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by EVP. WELSH, nov7jD4Wtf York.Penn. Received This Day, QjCASBS KOEDERER &-CO. - " DRY BOWZY CHAMPAGNE, ESH FROM BOND, 1 T At Importer'a Prjlce. s , '' ! GEO. MYERS, Agent. CASES' FRENCH BRAND, ,? t ' OU FROMBOltD THIS DAY, And for sale at Importer's Prices , - .t s :. Only $1.50 for a Bottle of j, - Imported French Brandy, ,:r a- , j At OEO. MYEK . -Tubs GtLT'jEDGE B"UTER,' f r1 " 1 Choicest Grass Butter. WmiS and LIQUORS. of best grades. i i At Popular Prices. GEO. MYKR, my27tf Noell, 13, 16 South Front et. El JVnes ; ' j&i&cell aneousJ tirpwmxtotoi : 'Jt. . ti.iatun i MANU?AtrrURKRS W bvxbzx niisdraFTioif f n't.- j 1- . J i G0TT01I OACHINERY : -'B-' 'T' 9Tr -yaf-:?TOaaa-iigtti JiMjia3aa-' Approve Patterns Parjerivji hinei-v i waTtT smra? . urucor s nsr and Gearinfir.llFdraullc rrcsscs uaiu ruoipi- Elevatom, dec 1 1 PLANS FOR COTTON AND ;PAPitK, Ml-f C. L. HILDRKTH, Supjt, : , ; Lowaw;, mas&. WM. A. BUREBrfai: 8 Pemberton Strjawe n-1 I mh 3 tf n. ENCOURAGB HCMB W8TWrTloN. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSUJiAtfCE COMIPAY 8A LEIGH, N. c This Company continues! to write Policies, at ra ' rates, on ailjclasses of insurable property. ; 'All losses are ptomptly adjusted and paid. Th "HOME " is rapidly growing in. public-favor, and, appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property ia North Carolina. . ,; ; -5, f, . ,;;;.-o C. 'wiiiy . ; 'Bar Agents in all parts of the State. .jbM ; JOHN GATEING.lTeaident. W. 8. PRIMROSE. Secretary. - PULASKI COWFER. Snperyieor. ATKINSON A MANNING. Ae COLIIiIEBCIAX HOTS H Wilmington, N. C. ' F. A. Schutte, jProp'r. rpHB COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE "EM PIRE HOUSE," having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city,. The Table is supplied with the beat our Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY $3 and $2 50. . cV Large Sample Rooms for the Commercial trade. f3f" A First -Class BAR and BILLIARD HALL connected with this HoteL I&-FREB LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 13.30 P.M. jy 30 tf Forest and Stteaini, AND ROD AND GUK, I: HE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS ; TORY, FISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAMS, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTLNtt AND BUAT1NU, AUfLlS PRACTICE. AND ALL OOT-DOOR RECREATION S AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that fully r plies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. . ERMS ft 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy f J Koreas c 8tr in vrn.von kt foi.n Nn. ms.i new luib Poat Office Sox 3883 . .iept-27-tf Western North Carolina i " , 1 H you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of . : . The Western Courier. litis a TWENTY-BIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, full of interesting reading matter, and devctod to the interests of Western ,North Carolina. J Address THE COURIER COMPANY, ! Hendersonville, N . C. A . t- , -vr-r .., , , ii li t The Central Protestant k WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS A. paper and the Organ of the' Methodist Pro Us tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, $3 00 per annum, in advance. . The durability of its location, the number and ac Uvity ef Its agents, and theconstantlyincreasing de- nd for it among the more solid classes, of readers . various sections; give 'the CENTRA! -peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertiang public. Verms very favorable. Consult your business Inter eats, and address the editor 4. Li. aujiia.uA., Greenaaoro, N. C. Atkinson & Manning's Insarance Rooms, . BANK OF NEW HANCV4R BUUjflCfNG, ( Wilmington, N. G. 1 ' A.,. .', .Oil" Fire, MM Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,800,000 1 Jell-tf- i iild'.-4li -' ' ' J . 1 ' The lilarion Star. IE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and at prosperous in tne Btate, oners to uommissron and wnoieaaie Aiercnants ana Mtmuracturers, ana tomosewho have adopted the plan of selling by sample, aa excellent medium of communication witp a large and influential class of merchants, me chatalcs,planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal term s. - ndisaB, ? r rvxfifig ept33tf - i -Mirfon. 8. C. Tqo Thin to Wash A LTHOUGH IT COMES FROM AVERY THICK jfxj source. H. C. PREMPERT wouldadvise his viiiiing friends and patrons not to heed the report. that he hae removed to Raleigh,'5 a thftlrpmy' aone Dy aongning -persons to Try ana injure nis busfciess, but be sure and call on him at No. 7 Froht Street, two doors below Mat ket. His Saloon second to none in the city. - je 6 If Tie FayettevDle' Examiner, " A . '. Weekly DemocratlHfewspaper, ' Published, at - - FA tETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Terms $2.00 a year in advance. Send for a ape- cimea copy. my 6 tf I iTHE PP DEE' -5:.!'" ul4MBdaai T T ISA LARGE PAPEIB-4xMINCHS--ALIVE 4 I -X' WitU news, iOCBL, OMIUna BjJaiiu nains in the departoeatafOf the. family, of its oulx akeiWbh w aUhomawBBBaf !: w-vi , it circulates ig DarlmgteajTSnmterj Manoa and Marlboro, and hcpceifl a most valuable advertising medium. Circulation epecially large at Florence. 8. C. Address A. A. & F. A. GILBERT, septl8-tf Darlington C. H.. b. C RAILROAD LINES. RAILROAD CO. pynoa. oif aaa'r: Suras-'iaiuaiiiS t , WilmlngtoBi N. CaaJ ; i ' f;W3w 1 ..a,,- ' 'J:. '".';, WSCS faaaviEuu.i jk aaj Cliansre of SciieclalOs F-VN , ANT AFTHR MONDAY. JTJNR ' 14, Js 1E80, Passenger Trains n the-WHtningtoti A : Weldop Kauvpad wut rum as f ouowar Day Alall and ExpreBa Tralii, Jalr Leave Wilmington, Front SU Depot, aa 6JW A. at M. M. aiiiin m . w. ciuum ........ .....-. . . . i. Amveat WibBba4i)0n, Fiont SC Depot, 9:58 P.jM. E pASSKIaKlt' AHD FBBISBT TBUS, DaJLT XZO iMtwi wlmtiteFioBtBt. Depot, at 80 P-'M- ArjrtypafiWewoaj...... $? Leave Weldon . . ........ -.- .... ;1:wa. Arrtve at Wilmingtou. Front St. Depot, LaJP. $ i TraTn w" h Tfirhoro Branch Road ' Way KO( Moftnt lor Tarboro at 6.10 P. M. Dally, and Tuesday-Thursday and Saturday at 5.05 A. M. Betnfn ffigjleave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M. Daily, and Mfn- aayj wedneaday and Friday at so r. au ' 'Pmnv Train nakM close ootuteetkm at Wei' don for all points North tia Bay Lime, dally except Sunday, and dally, yla Richmond and au- rau rente. . !Tluv&ddPM train makes close connection s at Weldoa.PejUsrBburgandRichmoad. '. , . JTOHM j DIVINR, j -' je 13-tf . Geaerai Sup'U rl ' O .A. ' riXt2A iwiintnoTO!:, OOLTJlIlIf A ' At- Gtf STA R. B. COMPiNir. . ' WILMINGTON. N. O.i JonelS, If M ;4Clrttoge of Sciettule Qtf AND AFTER' JUNE 14, 1880, ; the ' fpllowirj SchedBie wUl be ran on this Road: ' : n J -v j Passxtokb, Expbess, Mail andTaaovos Fbbmut Tbadt, Dah-t xxcarT Sukdatb.. Leave Wilmington Leave Florence. ... Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia , Leave Florence. ...... 4UW P. M. 3:40 P. H 8M5 A. M 5UH) P. M 4:80 A.H 1 1 Arrive at Wilmington 11:80 A K. i . i .1 rtauu-ar asjajfaaKiiFi 'a k a i r ivauyj, h Leav VEniinrta ... 10:t8 PI ls J Leave Floreaoe.. 3:30 A. M; irArrive, at Camden Junction. 4:15 A. M i, at uamaen junction...,. :i&a.jh int Columbth..... 8:15A Mi OalusabUi... 5:00 P. Ml Camden Junction.. 13:00 M. Florence... 3:80 A. tMJ II Arrive Columbia ... 8:15 A M 1 Leave Leave Leave Arrtve at Wilmington 6:30 A Ml This Train stops only at Brinkley's, Whiteville , Flemlngton, Fair Bluff and Marion. ' PaBsengars So Columbia, and all points onG. 4 CR. R. and in Western North Carolina, via Ceium-j bis and' Spartanburg, should take Night Express! Train fronr Wilmington. ; Pasaengera for Augusta should take 'Night Ex-i press Train, which connects via Camden Jnnc-i tiOB. ...... ' Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains fori Charleston and Augusta. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make' connection ror uoMunma only Tia vamaen j unction and South Carolina Railroad. - - JOHN F. 'DIVINE, Je 13-tf . Oenl Sup't. CAEOEIHA CEHTRAL RAILWAY CO. J OHIO! GSHZBAL Stjfxbqi tbm ubht WlliTlhgtonrif C., June 16, 1880, w a . ' Change of Schedule. fm AND AFTER JONEjlS, 1880, the following vr Boaeaum wiu De opcratea on tnis ttauway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXBRE8S TRAIN i 1 Leave ,Wilmington at . . . No. 1. v Arrtve at Hamlet at ; ) Charlotte at .... 6 :00 P.M. ....1:35 A.M. ....7:00 A.M. i f acb w vuotivuvu aaw oau No. 3. V Arrive at:Hamlet at... 1:37 J. I " Wilmington at..l 9.00 ! No 1 Train ia Daily ezcept'Sundays, but i 8:30 P.M. 37 A. If. A. At. makes pooonnecnontoRaieign on Saturdays. ! No. jt Train is Daily except Satardays SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS- '" SEKGER AND EXPRESS. ln - (Leave Charibtte. . . 0-. i Ajrrye at. Shelby . 8:00 A. M. 130 M. bo 4 1 Leave Shelby, 3:00 P. M. j ." f Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 P.M. ' LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. yes Wilmingtou..:,.,..' 6:45 A. M. tves at Laurmbarg i . . ......... 5:10 P.M. leaves Charlotte 4:15 A. M, Arrives at Laurinburs 4:00 P. M. leaves Laurlnburg.' 5:30 A. M, Arrives at Caarlotte.-. . .... 4:30 P.M. Leaves Laurlnburg ; .... 5;O0A. M. Arrives at Wilmington. ... 4:15 P. M. i These Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte 'faesd ays Thursdays ana Baturdaysj Laurlnburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . Close connection at Hamlet to and front Raleigh, and at Charlotte via Statesvlllc, to all points ia Western. North Carolina and to Asheville. j Also, via Spartanburjftft Heodcrsonville, adjacent aofnts and Asheville. JPassengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M, will arrive at destination at 7 p. M. next day. iSleeping-Car accemmodattons on Through Trams rt iul frnm Oil aVto an1 Wllm1nn.n vaw wa-Irwm-m. iv wma w ataa i . k fThrough Sleepers will also be run io and from imieign ana (jhariotte. . IV' , . y-VOHNSON. peH-tf . J; General Superintendent. 1 CLYDE'S JTew Tork and, Wilmington Steamship Line. 1 The Steamer It fi Q- XI iL A TOR, ! Capt. "I0 LL SAIL 'FROM NEW FORE, Matnrday, Jnly IT. r"Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING ! of Steamers as advertised. .afS i . . '..'i:.t - .'- --- I For Freight Enpagemehta apply to TIIOITIAS ft. BONO, ' Superintendent, j Wilmington, N. C. Tlieo. ft. Ejer, Freight Agent, I New York. W. P. Clyde dc Co., General Agents, decOtf 85 Broadway, New Yorh. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital 81000,000. Cash Capital paid In ' $300,000. Surplus Fund 936,000. DIREC1 0R8. JOHN DAWSON b. r murchison DQNALD MoRAE . C. M. STXDMAll ISAAC BATES, JASwA. LEAK ft F. LTTTLE K. B. BORDEN H. VDLLERS JwWi ATKINSON ---- - X tf j Ui s HtftTEPMAN, ; m;' ts i8aAC BfATES, Vlee Preatdenl' V B'D. VAtic: Cashier ' faugSO-tf f. fXLD NEWSPAPERS, fSUITABLB vy for wrappn for Wrapping and other Durposes Can be hod at the btak ojrriujs; he hod at the HTAK OF IN . ANY.Q UANTITT A.KX ri ;!n..vv iS:G0TT0f':filJ -CeerktUel bir.'Runa ilBSbter, . Ofna Farter and Costa Leea Money than any other Gin ID the Market. Every maohlna ' fully and legally sruarraataed , ' 5 X ' ? I I IML"' Vl ' a t .... I U &kJ) 5 Theae maehlaes are made of the Beat anaieriaB; aad tk wirlrtniiahtamf fliabaraeaeBned. Barti a aard4 aumliiaii ataU ta Stat Ur 0 ula llibaaa, Tom, eta. upwards c Mas o nr flan anmaaaaaaataaala the aoatbara staUa, oyer Hot aeylae seaa a14 (a XaTS. Price Lis of Qlne, Feedara aaa Ooodaweera BoiMt ready for shlpaaaaasaViswdMeat Baetnry. PrteaoC . Glaa rHeewttn Self ar oeadeaMr. ai a as L S3' ute J MBM " lata- He a . im a. "t OS mi at :. M ta-Terme W1 a,ApMlaattoi.3 rmm iau o uaa w maaftweai a OinaM iaw o, ander tba Brmx tux of SL T. Truja ACo tum mmrii CbBHVMra, Baowa a XK, aM vmWm kmovi a lb Tjlor Ulo. Vmrinir th jtmr m i hmm Muuy pbfceTwnar waaya0a rrrltuiyoly iMrd in Mm. faaotla- Ulna n ataoa. WJtb to -ayii , aa aat labor Bavin naoMaarr aaa aailUa nrk - w nm mm adyatag aot cpjoyetfpy aay otiinr m&aafftnMr la ow Uae, ror proaamna ui mmn warm ror m Lun nrmmf. , in annuo iaa Jrmkr mm wo i mm. imi mmmrij mm onm rwiwi r"", "- italartarlna' oanaolty and hop to bo abU to hopaaobaaliuaoaawa Uil'iiiH .aUUUtf laa ar aret four ordara ln early. Soad d ravmph totatyaaa a ia ml lull ! )llre, ntnrw-in lagw. Ia r, lfH s taavwawaa ptaa fnrfllmatratad r from otot ftuOllre, ntnrv"in a4anlora. I j a ' , Jii aaa eotapieM oaun lurauaoag waaa aoatrott. a aura BROWN COTTON OPf CO new Lcnrpoif . oora. john dawson: co.,arnta !- mh i6,DkW5m WHmlngton;"N. G. DRAWINGS V PRltCt rHCC BY MAIL PlONErCR . VQRKB V birminchAwT ENGLANDf Irlcct In England, . . . -t . . . . . $68.00,' $7175, $89.36, $100.00, $13100, $15040 Delivered la Now York, duty and all charges a- clnsive : $103.38, $117.79, $13L97. $150.53, $184.38, $318.00. The abovo may he ordered "Fall Choke," "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at theae prices. We are now making small bores of Noa. 14, It had 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior In over to the larger borea. Weight of 30-Boro from 5 lbs. & 1416 , W . ' u - rjf " "Y""b4 Our "Giaat Grip" Action has beea" awarded a Di ploma Of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. , . Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who ha ye. purchar ed and are now a alar oar gnus : Jr.. r BMie, jt, u uocunahaaa, lock mond Tjonnty, N . V. Oarit n n u .v Marchlson. WilmlnvtOn, N. C! lttla. Llttlo;a MUlaTfc. tT OoL B. F. Little. UtUels MUlsTN. James A. Leak, Kao., Wadeaboro, H. O. , WllmlniOon, N. c.: J. wTtollky. Pioneer Works, St Mary's Ban are. oct 3 DAWtf Birmingham. Eos atad. Boneset Bourbon Tonic, . i A-N ELEGANT COM BIN ATION OF BONESET i . ;. i l i .' (- And other One tonics with. fiPurs QldKentocky Whiskey, such as eonheiaseura approVs anajnvallds )". mart have; not a drop of any other sstrtt Is sd. L rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tok ror Dyspepsia, Dcblrlty. Malaria, Acv 1 Delicate women, 'over worked clergymen and physicians,. worn-out nurses, sufferers ftom broa- cjiltis, and the feeble of every age and class will find it a dellghtal lnvlgoranU ' CHAMBERS BROWN mh 17 DAWcm LoblsvIDB, Ky. GRAYS SFECmO XtXDICDTS. TfeADE MARE TBI GREAT TftAOBXatAJ EDY. Ahunfall Ing cure for Bem laal Wealrnesa, . Spsrmatorrhea. -.t Impotency, and . au atssases mat J follow, as a a auence of , Self L lErmTAKIII.Mem,UnWArTri TAUXt. sai Lassitade, Pais In tbe Back, Dfmnees of VIsloa, Prematura Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead ta Insanity or Consume Uo a. and a Preaaatare Grave. : SJWFull particulars in our nam phlat, which ws desire to sead free by mail to every one. OTTbrn Specifle Medloma at aold by aN BragalsU at $1 per package, or six paokaaas for $5 or will be sent free try mail on receipt or the mrr, by aa oroBslag . THE GRAY MEa.'nsiBroO , . J7o 10Mechaalca' HocaYlJtrtsDtt,MloV, ' Sold In Wilmington by GREEN aa FIaJIMaJL Wholesale and Retail, and. all .Druggist ayary. where. - m6B DJtVlr . i TiTATtHLE t uTOIUU MfJ.ii . .,13 .LZ ..VI . -Gravestones; 'tJCKHrpXTOT v TVT BY MAIL. WO&K PACKED AND Bl..rETVATOUR RISK, ; TONYPAiQTHJieoUTm, ' i HICQAIU lATilANi' C4,; ..' 7 i H kit9ilf Vlaiaa, Near Varht. Wathaa's Mens , In book fonnoi ' sale to ta Trao.- . nave Aaawtr PBESGRIPTnirmiEE For the speedy Care ffaeail a al W akasaa. Lost Maaaeed, Preaaatare ttoaUlty, leryeaaaaaa. lepoBdeaev, Ceafasloa ef Ideas, Avsnaea e (tacietr. Defective tlMaory, sad all Dlasrdara lsroaalc aa ay gserelBaalls Bad Exesesaa, Aay dxaf gist has Us lagredieata. Addrsaa, 7 -''-- OR JAQUCSat.-00.il. 130 Watt eitta &qaagAri,otrrti . feb;i5 lyDAW . , , ;' . . , , . . N. ! A.: STEDttAn. 'Jr." . Attorney and Cotnuellor it Iw; ' , ELlZABXTnTON, '( BLADslf . COUNTY ItlALr i ' ntrlaa TTn atala. t ftrim- fanlMl.g aftfaalsJ lis i Rlnaidl Oo. i - T" Special atteatioa to Clalma. OoJlectiaasoa saaas of $100 and apwards made foe Five Per Cat, tf ' without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgagee, jt.Xa Biwclalty. - apMAWU 'LBaaaWSaaaBaMaaaaaaawaawaaavM y "" "TJ m Cair o If s tf f, ,' ; i ,

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