. Jb W Jaar v aM aanw $190 iiaSa-sr-aB-i 1 r- i -1 --v -t ' i r.,iBMSHSD DAILY BXCXPT MONDAYS .ar (by maU P P. . ; V.- ri r.t on.,,(h. delivered In Sht Dart of the To&ln Cents per week. Ow ty Agents are Jiv. to collect far nora than time mntki n aavnce. MORNING EDITION. T ., Tnat Offlc At Wilmington- Tf. n gnterca -.... , ' OUTLINES, i . a nnDolia cadet named W. P. Dar- rlh while asleep, walked out of a fourth story window; his lea wrist was fractured; no oiher injury. a f 4U,uwu nre oc rnrrcd in Baltimore. Ex-Congress- mn Alley, of Lynn, Mm, thrown from a baey;hip broken. liiaastoce'a amend meot io the Compensation bill waa adopted; d,;,l Liberal, introduced a resolution condemning the proposed erection of auiuti to Prince Napoleon; was adopted by a small majority; it waa afterwards amend- . The Georgia Kevenae raiders charged with murder were released by or der of U. S. Judge Wood, on the ground ibt they were in the performance cf their July Dr. Tunner completed the 20th jay of his fast in good condition. -The W'eish Colliery explosion is believed to bi?c been caused by lightning striking the mindiDij car. Hot and sultry weather ,q England, with excessive rain?, overflows sud ruined crops; the bad weather in Ireland has brofcea up. Twenty persons killed hr military in flection riots in Brazil. Col Cisu was admitted to bail at Cheraw, C , in the sum of $3,000; bis son tried to sbool tbe editor of the Cheraw Sun for c,.mmt-ots made upon the recent duel. -New York mat bett: Money 22 per cent; cciion e&sy al UT12c; southern fl.mr quiet and firm at $5 257 CO; wheat, gmJcd red 95c$l 19; corn opened about better, cloiin with the advance lost at 15g49ie for ungraded; spirits turpDline lljc rnsin steady ai $1 401 4?T. The Virginia Democrats appear partly well juwted in their determi- iiaiHin to make no compromiae- with the Mihoneites. A poorfellow attempted suicide by drowning in New Orleans. Three little strangers had just made their appearance at bis home. The Administration has resolved not to engage it the deputy marshal business only in Virginia. There i hey will be used in tbe interest of Mahone. Mr. George D. Wise, a nephew of the late Gov. Henry A. Wise, will be the Democratic nominee in all proba hility in the Richmond (Va.) District. Thus far he is considerable ahead in the primaries. Tim turbulent fellow Rochefort is bick from his banishment under the inera! amnesty and is already throw ing hot shot into the ranks of the men who pardoned him. This is not a dee:it way of showing grati tude. The Sunny South, published at the new and growing town of Tow not, on the W. & W. Railroad, and edited by oar young frieud Theodore Hobgood, formerly of Granville, is neatly arranged and the initial num ber promises well. Price $1.50. It has our cordial good wishes. Capt. John S. Wise, son of Gen. Wise, id seeking the nomination of the Mahone party for Congress, in tbe Richmond District. He is said to be making very bitter speeches. It will be rather strange if the op posing candidates should be first cousins and both named Wise. The following concerns our great leader, and will be read with sympa-lhy- A New Yoik letter of the 14th says: "Tbe remains of tbe little grandson of eu. Hancock were taken from Governor's island to-day, and sent loNorristown, Pa., 'or intermeat, in charge of Mr. Russell tincock and Lieut. Ward. The General came over in tbe boat with his sorrowing o, but bade him goodbye at tbe wharf." We are glad to see that the Wilmington -tar, though tardy, baa noticed that III jued article of the Biblical Becorder wnich we called attention to last week. If "or Democratic press allow such a state ment from a religious journal of tbe influ ence of the Becorder logo unanswered, we JjVJJ1 aa well give up the fight. Warren Oar article was written days before was published. Being a news pa per we give the preference to the ktest and freshest. It all bosh about Don Cameron's bd health. He is busying himself, uena, about the Stalwart success. He is the picture of health. The latest about him is that he is in Washington. .The Baltimore Sun's "Pecialsays: ... th!er8 are Person" here who assert that Cvlor woo,d b remained ill but fnr. vi81t of hl8 venerable father, who 8uTiaw .dtarter to the party in his own brpfv 0 tM the Camerons jumped into tbe 8 ? I w the story here that Cameron, . Da! br?uht hia son to see that it will mai2 H !kulk Dat tbftl Political future ,r8 "imperative that he should go to Tw .1 try and Btem tne Hancock tide. brifT.vtf IQhi0 ioflueacea at work to Senator into fcctlve party work Ctmao BO floobt The visit of Amon mero t White Sulphur Springs this T. .v? 1, 4 t r X 1 VOL. XXVI.NQ. 101. week, the suddea departure of the Senator' for home, hia meeting of . Got. Newell here, and the announcement that his health haa b?en entirely restored, are regarded aa aignincani." TUB STiTB OAnPAlSR. QoYernor Jarvia is to 'speak at Katherfordton on to-morrow. Capt. W. R, Myers has been nom- inated for Congress by the Kadicals of the bixth Uistnct. Greorge VV. Patterson is the elector. We hear of several Hancock-Jams Clubs to be formed in the county as soon as the intensely hot weather gives us the go by. Warrenton Ga zette. Mr. Augustus M. Moore, Kepubli oan nominee for Attorney General, is the smart son of ex-Judge Wm. A. Moore. He ought to try to be a bet ter man than his father. Rocking ham Bee. At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee in Onslow, Mr. J John W. Shackelford, candidate for I Congress, made a speech, ibis is I ms second speecn in tne campaign, we believe. Tho A,.im.n .finitiAA tho I blacks down occasionally yesterday when too vehement with cheers ahrd applause at his rotund sentences of J bcarheld glorification, lie waved his I hand gently, and said: "Now hush up; hush up, I tell you;" and the Hamites would immediately relax into a mournful looking solemnity. Charlotte IYcss, 16A. With Wautaga, Ashe, Alleghany and Alexander, and one vote of Ire dell and an assurance that Wilkes will eend a solid delegation to the congressional convention or me oe- veuth District at Yadkinville, on the 5th of August, it may be very rea sonably expected by the friends of Armneld that he will be nominated, which amounts to an election. Le noir Topic. We have been requested ' to state that there will be a meeting of the I citizens of Greene, Wayne and Wil- I son counties, at Hopewell Acaaemy, near Stantonsburg, on .Wednesday, t ho oath rf JnW t 3 n'ftlnftk P. M. I J I for the purpose of oreanizine a hlan- cock and Jarvis Club, and to appoint a day for a grand ratification meet-1 iug and dinner to be held in the grove I of Weslevan ChaDel. near Stantons-1 burg. Wilson Advance. JED CITY. K A I v kutiskci knt, Slkkp Cool. King Tin roofing. J. C Munds Druggist. A. Davxd Big bargains. 8TKVKNSON & Co. Notjce. Mukson Alpaca tuitia, &c. North Carolina Coixegk. T. H. McKoy Large atock. L. Vollbbs Fresh arrivals. Cbomlt & Morris Buggies. Parkbr & Taylor The race. Brown & Roddick Bargains. ' J. H. Hardin New crop seed. C. W. Yates Family bibles.&c. IIornkr SeHOOL Oxford, N. C. P. H. Hatdkh HarneS3 factory. Harrison & At.t.kn 8trw bats. D. A. Smith & Co. New arrivals. MT.T.Awn &jBowdH To tou rials. John Dawson & Co. Brown gins. Gkbhardt &Co. Trunk repairing. WiLijAMS& Murciiison Groceries. Excursion C. M. Stedmaa Fire Co. S. G. Northrop Home-made candy. tp. Aammm nnnrtnnii o The biggest opportunity. -WUmingtonLightlnfantry. Ottxrboubo The Attention Moonlight Danck Wrigbtsville Sound, Dtxb & Son Overcoats and linen suits. Hkinsbkrger Ledgers, day hooks, &c. Altaffkb, Prick & Co. Wire netting. McDougall & Williamson-Advantages Kerchner & C alder Bbos. Bacon', flour, molasses &c. , District coaftrenc. The Wilmington District Conference of the M. K Church, South, assembles at Zion'a Church, Town Creek, Brunswick county, on Thursday morning next, the 22d inst., at 9 o'clock, tbe Rev. Dr. Burkhead presiding. Preachers and lay delegates from fourteen appointments compose tne body proper. The lay delegates from Front I Street Church are H. M. Bowden, W. M. I Parker, J. H. Mallard and S. D. Wallace. Those from Fifth Street Church are B. A. McClammy, W. H. Sholar, E. G. Barnitz, and J. C. Millis, with the following alter nates : T. T. Seeders, J. G. Darden, S. H. Penny and W. K. Bell. St. auephn A. n, SC. Chnreh. On Monday, the.work of demolishing this church edifice, located on tbe cornerof Fifth and Red Cross streets,will commence X lilU SUU IKiU VtVDD VMWWtM vw vvmillVMWW J This is done for the purpose of makiag room for tbe orpoiiAi. rtf a wm hrik church in its place, work upon which will begin at once. Ia the meantime a large tabernacle or temporary place of worship, capable of seatiag at least one-half of , tbe present congregation, will be erected oa tbe vacant lot in tbe rear of St. Stephen's, the property of St. Mark's. Churcb. The con gregation of St. Stephen's Church expect to be in the basement of their new building in about two months. nartatarj There were two inlermoota in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yester-, day one adult and one taUdVi'' ...-Jz ftVo . Bellevue Cemetery reports one interment, an infantfor the past week. - There were, six: in terments-K)ne adult aad five children In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week. "";.''" - : W r .1,'. ' ' ' WIIiMINGTON, N. C. SUNDAY, JULY 18, 18801 1 Ieeal Dots.- ' '- Eighth: Sunday after Trihityl No City Court - yesterday morn ing. DayV length -14 hours and '16 .minutes. ,. : . 1 About sixty bunches of fish I were condemned, and sent out of the mar set yesterday morning. V r There were 141 oarts in market yesterday morning containing watermelons and cantaloupes for sale. - No services in the Second Pres byterian church this morning. Services this evening by Rev. Alex. Sprunt. It was Joseph McL. Merrick's house on fire Friday morning, and not Ga briel Merrick's, as stated yesterday. The colored, excursionists from Point Caswell returned home ou the steam- ec John Damon yesterday afternoon. r-j- The Register of Deeds issued only one marriage license during tbe past week, and that was to a white couple A lartre nnantitv of iae And a o- -j. j v. auioiuujjuo lvuo WU4 uc lwjr. Rev. D. A. Long, Principal of Graham High School, will preach in Front Street M. E. Church to-day, morning and ntj?ht. The Cornet Concert Club will give an open air concert at Wrigbtsville Sound on Wednesday evening next, at 8 o'clock. -' This section were visited by several - fine showers of rain yesterday. which cooled the atmosbhere and will prove I a great blessing to the gardens and crops. The Wilmington District Con ference of the Method ist E. Church, South, convenes at Zion Church, on the Bruns wick circuit, on Thursday nezt tbe 22nd inst. -The services at the open-air meetinat Dudlev'a Grove this afternoon. at 4i o'clock, will be conducted by Rev. w T Jonea proviaioii will be made for mag lhe appointment for next Sunday, . T TXT- T! r T1 iumiuw, merville, Robeson county, sent us a full grown cotton boll on the 18th, and says: "I have any quantity of them. My cotton is looking very fine indeed. Hurrah for Hancock! Capt. Francis M. James, one of our city health officers, will celebrate his sixtieth birthday to-morrow evening by a pleasant family gatbering,numbering about twenty persons in all. We wish the Cap tain many returns of his birthday. Messrs. N. F. Parkier and John Corbett, who have been having a good time tbe past three weeks, during which time they have been "doing" Saratoga, Long Branch, Newport, Coney 'Island and other places of note, returned home Friday evening. An exchange says: "A Boston artist painted an orange peel on the aide- I Bladen streets, Rev. John EL Lewis, pas walk so naturally that six fat men slipped I tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3 o'clock, down on it." We would like the artist to call this way and paint blocks of ice onjaur J sidewalks about, the present time, just for the purpose of ascertaining bow many de grees cooler the imagination would make it. DaVIa of Mr. Tbomai Wllllaui, of X?nler county. The numerous friends and acquaintances of this estimable gentleman were shocked last night to hear of his sudden and unex- pected death, which took place at the Pur- f f . tell House.Mn this city after a Uttle over a week's illness, of gastric fever. Mr. Wil liams arrived in the city about a week ago irona his home in Pender county, and has been confined to his room in the Purcell House ever since, though his condition was not such as to occasion any alarm until yes terday, when the fever, which had been continuoua for the past ten days, sat in with increased violence.and resulted in hisHeath last night at 8i o'cloek. : Mr. Williams was born in this county, in What is now a part of Pender, and though at lne linie of death he had only reached Bge 0f 32 years, had already obtained a position of prominence in his county and a tQ8 section. He was the Democratic can- dldate for dheriff of Pender county several years aeo. and was the representative of his county on the Democratic Congressiona Committee for the present campaign. He n. (Tenia, kindlv. clever ee&tknan. a I 0 . . . . I useful and public spirited citizsn, with hosts of friends, to whom he was warmly devoted, and who, together with his many acquain tances and fellow-citizens, will mourn the I Idas of a man of solid worth and trua man-1 hood. 1 I Th remains will be taken to Rockv I - ,- V Pbinty this morning's train, and the f u- f neral will take place mis aiternoon, at 4 ociocs, at xr 1Kb ciiurcu, uve miica iiuu i xtocKy rmut -.s i. - i Excursion wcanesoaf. i Dont forget the ezcarsioa to come off on I Wednesday; next- on the steamer Passport, I under the auspices of the C. M. Stedman Fire Company No. 1. The boat will visit Smithville, the forts and the BlackfUh grounds. The Italian String Band will fur nish music for the occasion The boat will leitTe herwh'arrat 180 A. M., and those who desire to participate in the trip, which promises to be a delightful one, should be on hand in time. . ,i . .! Evervbodv knows the .atupeXyinK and deadly qualities of Opium; still there are latge quantities of thU dangerous drug sold aaasoothinE medicine yior cnuaren. ur. BullvatBabTfiyraD contains no thiaa injuria is and will relieve voun baby of tain and l al) disorders or . the Bowels, mce cents. M9 oar CJaareikea To-Day. ' Front Street M. : & Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8p. m.; Sunday School it 5 p.m.; W. M. Parker, sup't.' Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ings and Preaching .Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. , , Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church 3ts. Rev. T. Pace Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 , a. m and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at . 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. ' First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8i o'clock. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 8i o'clk. Strangers invited to participate in services. . Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Sunday school I . i at y a. m I St. John's Church, corner or Tlurd ana Crogs Rev. George Patterson, J Rector. The eighth Sunday after Tnn- ity. Celebration at 7 a.m.; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at G o'clock; Sunday school at 5 p. m. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third sts. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson. Rector, The eichth Sundav after Trinity. Cele bration at 7 a. m. ; Sunday School at 9 a m.; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of nvmi-th nrt Or streets. Rev. T. M. Am bier. Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clk; evening Prayer at 6 o'clk. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. lie v. Joseph li. Wil son, D.D., Pastor. Service at 11 a. m. and 5 p.m; Sunday School at 5 p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Lecture Thursday sight at 8 o'clock. Becond Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. No services at 11 a.m. ; services at 8.15 p. m., by Rev. Alexander Sprunt. Sabbath school at 4J p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Scats free. St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of Gth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Preparatory service at 10i a. m. English service and communion at 11 a.m.; no service at night. Seamen's Bethel. Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap- ain. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. Prayer meeting eve ry Tuesday night. St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church. Rev. J. G. Fry, pastor. Services on Sunday at 10i a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. ; on Tuesday at 7 p. m., official meeting; preaching on Wednesday at 7 p. m. ; prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p. m. JTirst JtTesDytenan unurcn, coioreu ou and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Preaching at 11 O'ciock, a. m. ana 7T P. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. m. St. Lewis Unapel, corner Devenin ana colored, corner of Ninth and Red Cross streets. Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Baooatn scnooiai a.m. Sunday school Bible Union at 5 p.m. Sern vices at 11 o'clock a. m., 3 p. m. and 1 p.m. Bible reading every Wednesday at 8 p, m. Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between Orange and Ann streets, W. B. Banks, pastor. Services at lOi a. m., 3 p. zn., and 8p,m, Sabbath school at 12 M. Wooten'a Chapel, (colored), corner of Bladen and 9th streets,Kev Willis wooten. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., 3 p. m., i and 7 r. m. Sunday School at 9 a.m. Wed lJBic&i 7 . m. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock every Friday evening. Seats freo St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Churcb, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Sun day school at St Barnabas at 3 p. m. Confirmation class at the church 4 p. m. Trinitv CharjeL iM. E. Church, 7th and Brunswick streets, Rev. E. Morten, Pas tor. Services at 11 ; o'clock, a. m., s p. m. and 71 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m : First Congregational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets. vices at 10 a.m and 8 and 7p. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7i o'clock. I HSfot Tlnntiat. P.hinroli rnlftTfifl. on Fifth and CamDbell streets. Sundav School at 9 a. m.; preaching at 10 J a. m.,-8 p. m. and 7T p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastor. Third Baptist Church (colored), between Castle and Queen on Ninth Street. Rev. B fi. Fillyaw, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p m ; Sunday school at 9 a.m. St. Luke's A. M. E. Zion Churcb, corner Revnnth and Church streets. Rev. G. B. th . a 1 . - m anil f armer, jhuhui . j lourviues at xi aandtViJp, m. The public are invitea. Seats freer TaemomeMr Bscora tho following will show the Btat of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at W yesterday evening, utoutfou mean 1 . . - - 11 J ' tane, as ascertained from J flie daii bullet jqiwu mhiwiviuwu. Jacksonville ... . 95 Atlanta. ....o Kev West........ 92 AasuBtit. ...... .,m Charleston,. : . . . .80 1 Mobile. ...... nharldtte . .86 Monteomery . . ... 91 Oorsicana. 90 ;79 New Orleans,. . . .88 a - . - - . Qtt 4 Galveston, Havana.;.;..... .86 Savannah. . . .... .84 1 Indianola,.......80 Wilmington,... .79 Tlt Tatrtcet Practice. Sopxef 'our, friends of the Howard Re lief Pife.CoToijpany inform ua that the glare of the son on the sandy beaclt seriously in tera.a'if'.tiirii abjootbg'ott'nrs-: day, and caused many to -, miss the mark 4 entirely. Bides aome of the marksmen never fired a jua. befoie .that day-r-one of the laitwvwinninij . V,ijaM.Q Tjta : arranger menu wiUbe'i another time. -.zfA 4tlsv,oJ ; See fourth page for other local news. THE MORNIHa STAR can always be bad at tno following places In the city, 7 The Purcell House, fluvial KTnara Stan rt k Omim nm '. Latb Papbm. To the Harrla'NewB Staad, aoath side front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank jjetiws luusinuea jnewepaper rer tne current weayc The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock thla From XHatingnlahed'- Edward Jenaings, M. D., Snreeon City Hospital, Halifax. N. 8. Colden'a LieDic-a uqoia JBctracc or Beer ana Tonic lango ratorls a very asreeable article of diet. In DiDh- theria, Malarial Typhoid Fever, and every depress ing aiaease, its nee wiu ae ionna lnvainaoxe. . Qbksn A Vlxxkwb, Agents, Wllmhifrtou. HONORED AND BLEST. When a board of im inent physicians and chemista announced the dis covery uuu Dy comoining some weu Known valua ble remedies, the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would cure euch a wide range of aiseasesxnat moat au omer remecueB couia oe ub pensed with, many were skeptical: but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to day the discoverers of that Great Medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefac tors. vemocrat.' MOTHERS I MOTHERS I I MOTHERS ! 1 1 Ate yon disturbed at night and broken of. your res by a sick child suffering; and crying with the excru dating pain of cutting teeth T If to, go at once- ana get a ootue or M.ua. winsui wn buutillnu SxaUF. It will relieve the noor little sufferer im mediately depend upon it; there is no mistake aoout it Tnere ib not a motner on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the moth hq relief and health to the child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ef one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight Dance. iHERE WILL BE A DANCE AT 8CHTJTTETS GROVE, WRIGHTSVILLB aOUNO, To-Morrow (Monday) Evening July 19th, 1880. Special arrange ments have been made with Capt Southerland to carry parties to the Sound and return for 75 cents. Ambulances leave Commercial Hotel at 7 F. M. sharp Admission to the Dance. Lady and Gentle man, 75 cents. jy 18 It Moonlight Excursion, ON STEAMER PASSPORT, TO FT. FISHER, MONDAY. NIGHT NEXT, JULY 19th. Leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock, f. M.; returning atlA. M, prompt. Music and Refreshments on board. Only a limited number of tickets will be old, and good erdet will be kept. 17 n it j. w. tLAJW&ii. Agent. Excursion QN BOARD STEAMER PASSPORT. TO Smithvule, the Forts and Black flsh Grounds, on WEDNESDAY. JULY 21st. 1880. for the benefit of the C M. Stedmaa Fire Company No. 1. jKouna-i-np 'iicaeta Aauits au cents, vnuaren over six years 85 cents. The Committee reserve the right to exclude all objectionable persons. No spirituous liquors al lowed on board. Refreshments fnrnlnhad at city prices. Music for dancing by Italian String Band. Tickets mav be procured at the Boat or from the members of the Committee. Committee Q. W. W. Davis. J. A.:8needen. G. W. Mitchell. H. O. Rankin. J. P. O. Sullivan and Toney De Staflna. jy IS It ilmmSon Lilit Infantry. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY will be held MONDAY, July 19, 8 P. M, By order of the Captain. F. A, LORD, tfec'y and Tress. jy 18 It North Carolina College, jyOUNT PLEASANT, CABARRUS CO., N. C. The next session of this Institution begins the first Monday of August, 1880 Instruction is thorough. and total expenses for ten months range from 135 to $160 jrer runner iniorsaatton aaaress jy 18 4tDltW MM A. I AIM, U V., f resident. Notice. jnO R. S. EMPLOYES AND OTHERS LIVING in the Northern part of Wilmington. The cheapest and most convenient place for you to buy Groceries is at J. C. S. & Co.'a. We keep always on hand a fall supply of the Best Goods. N. C. Hams, Sides and 8houlders, Baskets, Buckets and Tubs, N. C. Roe Herring and Mackerel. Give us a trial and if you are not suited we will say' no more. itespeccrauy, J. C. STEVENSON Co., Jy 18 U Brooklyn. If You Want THE LATEST AND BEST READING CALL AT JL HEINSBBRGER'S. Ledgers, Day Books. QASH BOOKS AND RECORDS OF ALL SIXES and Styles, at the T3IAN0S, ORGANS, CHROMOS AND STEEL JL Engravings ror saie at jy!8tf HSTNSBSRGSR'S. JAMES C. MUNDS, DRUGGIST, B5 NORTH FRONT ST., (NEAR PRINCESS,? WILMINGTON, N. C. Sleep Cool! EXAMINE THE PATENT HAMMuUsk JTOUU ING BED I : Shuts up folds up hangs up. A complete Bed 1 Can carry it in your: hand, are exclusively at tne ctew iminuvBtum If iSUftaJKnius ce. nunnuB, . 8. E. Corner Market and Second Sts. jy 18 tf - i Wilmington, N. C. Large lien AN BE FITTED WITH ALrAUA HAVS.B, WHITE DUCK VESTA. THE BEST OF SHIRTS, ,. HALF HOSE, Ac, at MUNSON'S, Clothier and jylttlt Merchant Tailor. Overcoats SD LINEN SUITS MADE TO ORDER. TAB Klonatch "Bound Bosom" Shirts at 65c, 75c, f 1 60 $15. jytt ' DYER SON, Tailors and Furnishers. 1880 New Crbp-1880. N: XW CROP OF TURNIP AND CABBAGE ... . ; ' ' . Seed, aH varieties, In Store and for sale low. Try a bottle f Fanlensnna Cologne Water, an elegant perfume, awepared by . Jjii,'-. . j; H. HABJm, Druggist, jy 18 f j JNew Market, Faniily Bibles, XT- botxot?, eurrABija:, ron prescnti Ebbtograph Albums,,-all -' sizes; Prang's dayScbool Oaxds,iew and beautiful de-r signs; ursnoy winwg jaji wu vvwa, . ux .ouva. iktTr t. n;l YATEBOOk STORK WHOLE NO. 4,033 :; NEyV: .AP.VERTISEMENTS. THOMAS H. MCKOY -,-':,y,: SUCCKSSOB TO Boatwright & HcKoy, WILL STATE To his Friends and the Public generally, thsagh It be the dull season of the year, still we 3 keep up a LARGE STOCK Of Erery Article in tie Grocery Line. FRESH GOODS arriving by every BaUroad and Steamer DAILY. I guarantee we can cell you AS LOW aa any house In the 8tata . Giro me a trial. ' ThOMAS H. McKOY. i P. S. THOSE WHO ARB INDEBTED TO THE rQLD FIRM OF BOATWRIGHT A McKOY, I AGAIN INSIST THAT THEY COMB FORWARD AND SETTLE. jy 18 tf THOMAS H. McKOY. Bacon, Flour, Molasses, &c gQ Boxes D. S. SIDES, Q do Smoked do 1200 BblsFLOUK' M ertde; mn Hhda and Barrels 1UU CUBA MOLASSES, una cnoice fohto kico do. 3000 8ckB LIVitRPOOL 8ALT BAg COFTEB' 911 shades, 3000 Bu8t COBN 5QQ Bales Choice HAY, 2 Bbls and Half Bbls SNUFF, 100 30x6,800 A 300 Kegs NAILS. 0 Bbls RICE, 300 Bags SHOT, Soap, Candles, Matches, Candy, Lye, Potash, Ac., For sale by jy 18 ti HUKCHNEK A OALDER BROS. Corn, Meal. Hay. 15 000 BUh Prime White CORN. 600 Water Ground mkaIj, 500 Bales HAY. Flour, Molasses. Sugar 19 HA Bbl PLOUR, Super to Extra Family, fAA Hhdsand Bbls Syrup. New Orleans, JJ7 New Crop Cuba and Pc orto Rico MO- LASSES, OtA Bbls SUGAR, Cut Loaf. Granulated, awOU Standard A, Extra C and C, Bacon- Lard, Fork. &c, 200 60X68 Smok:ed 11110 D s bidb8 20 Tubs Choice LEAF LARD. Bbls CITY MESS PORK, OOC Bags COFFEE, tiO Rio, Lagnyra and Java, J50 Boxes STARCH, 300 Boxes LYE and POTASH, 80X68 Laundry SOAP 100 60X68 Pnra AjBOrted CANDY, Snuff. Tobacco. Paper. Matches. Shot. 8nlce.Gla ger. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Ac. jf uc saie low oy WILLIAMS MURCH2SON. jylgtf Wholeeale Gro. Com. Merta. We are Really Offering gOME "BIG BARGAINS" IN CLOTHING. Suits at $4 75, worth $6 60. - 8uits at 6 00, worth 8 60. Suite at 8 00, worth 11 00. And so pn up to the finest Everything maraed down so low that it will Induce every one to buy. Who will favor us with a call t A. DAVID, -"The Clothier." 350, two hundred and fifty, 850 White Vest, at 75 cents, eeventyflve cents, to close. Jy 18 tf Straw Hats! A T LOW PRICES I RECEIVED TO-DAY. HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. jy 18 tf Homer School, Oxford, N. C. EU8 SCHOOL HAS BEEN UKDHR ITS PRES ent management for the last twenty -nine years, etsupno claim to pre-eminence, but In the itai and moral training of boys It acknowledgei mental and moral training of boys It acknowledges ne superior. This boast la justified by the hign ne supenor. i nis maat is jusunea By the nign standard the Students from this School have main tained In the various Colleges and Universities of the Country. . i we assure our patrons mat no pains win ne spared to furnish tho school with tbe best tdu uonal Advantages. - The next Session begins the 16th of August. or catalogue apply to JyS lm J ft HORNER Home-IHade Candy. J3URE, FRESH AND NICE, MADE AS USUAL. SODA WATER also, with a ' Variety of Choice Syrups, At S. G. NOKTHKOP'8 jy 18 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Tho. Biggest, THE GRANDEST, and THE RAREST OPPORTUNITY ! CLOTHING AT A DEAD SACRIFICE at OTTERBOCRG8 Men's Wear Depot and Jy 18 tf Cballenge Shirt Agency. New Arrivals OF COMMON AND MEDIUM PRICED Chain, Tables. Bedsteads, Washstands, Toilet Tables, Bureaus. Looking Glasses, Children's Chairs and Carnages,' Safes, Sideboards, fcc. For sale low at Dv A. SMITH CO 8.. jy 18 tf Furniture Dealers. The Race. EMOND GOODS, CHEAP i dO AND BSs1,r ?T;' PARKER TAYLOR. JyI8 tf ... . ' . wwV P.. " ..;t m .-. .( .. j a aj thMMt riltra ' roar dsra.. . . U t. " . H in diTt..-.. iitii jns wek..wi,... . " .f araeweiiVw.v,..,M.. M ...... DV ' iwam1lin.ill ..,, . " v Two months,.... i m... .17 00 Three saantha.. ..., ...! CO . Blxmontba,... cc One year, ... tm to fCoatract AdverUexsttalte& al pfofxx UonatelylowraUs: ;:r'-' rf;f ' Ten Ones send Nonpareil type make oet sqaare NEW APVERTISEMEN'I'S.i M- CBOM Auetloneer. BY CRONLT' MORtttS. WE ARE ' ADVISED OF SHIPMT BY LOUDJ COOK of j c. f " 1 It TOP BdBGIES,' . e6pen''u ; S Blie bar M S Handsome PHAETONS, ' 1 Neat ROCK A WA Yoasetbtsg new Will reach here abosfitd Last" Parties who have enraged can then beeippUed. Jy 18 It T .. . ... Brown & Roddick 4&r Slarket tttreel. GENTS' JEAN DRAWERS, oar ob maaafac- ture, uxc; regular pnos $ Lts. THE KIQHMIB DRB88 SHIRT. The best Citing Shirt in' the country! lha Bosem ean be rrn for a week wl thorn s break or wrinkle. Try them once and yea will ass no other. SHETLAND 8HAWT8 W- are dealing oot a bhetland Shawls at f 1 each: they are certainly worth $3. LADIES' COLORED kUMMER SKIRT from 60c to ii.ts; a I eaaural line. WIDE PRINTED ENOU8H CAMBRIC, lOepar jaru, regular pnoe lc. PRINTED PACIFIC LAWNS, If f e per yardi sold au oYor lam country at toe BLACK CRAPES, a large invoice )nat received oi single, uosoie ana Triple, uiUbie lorVetl lag and Trimmings. SOLE AGENTS for the WIDOW'S CRAPE for tne u&itrtibT muvttniiiQ. A BIG DBIYS In OEKT8' LINEN ULK. ft 60 a UULBB. GENTS' STRIP BU 8 K'K- ; a pcal ot ai SS cu a pair; they are Jbeeutlful quality, and wenb more monej. s Give us a call and look over our ock We hive a good many things we are cl. li oot v-rjr mac below price, as we don't it nd carrlog ocraai oddLoU BROWN oiUk, Jy 18 tf 46 VI vrkrt atr rt Brown & Roddick 45 MARKET STREET, ARB OFFERING HOaE CKKaT BARGAlNr in Domestic Quilta sulublo for the punxmer. Full Bise Honeycomb QullU ..a 1 Oil bridal Onlltr Fringed Its The Bates Quilt 1 Mi English Marseilles Qntlu all flaes aad qda iUes, at prices rangiog for f 1 75 to fe 00. my nan dkuwh a KOiiica. Steamer Passport TXILL RESUME HER REGULAR TRIPS TO Smithville and the Forts JUNE tJTH, lesTtng her Wharf, feot of Market Street. 9.80 A M. j . w. uiHria. je27oawtf su Master and A gen t . . . i G-leii Alpine Springs, BurfrCo., MC. rpHE MOST ATTRACTIVE SUMMER RESORT In North Carolina. Hotel accommodations uniurpassed. Board from $19 to f 80 per month 8pecial arrangemeota mads with families. A. 3. RUTGES, jy IB lot nae Proprietor. Brown Gins. TIME WILL BE OUT THIS MONTH TO X place orders for lha Celebrated MOWN COTTON GINS. Ail those who Intend getting those superior Gins should get their orders with as atones. We guarantee these Cotton Uiaa to be superior to all others and prices eaUsfsetory. JOUH DAW DON CO., jy 17 tf l. tl and ft Market . Wire Netting SCREENS For Doors aad Windows . Good to keep oat flies and mosquitoes. Als, Sash. Doors. Blinds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFKB, PRICE Co., Factory : Omoi: Foot of Walnut at. Nutt, near Red OrosS s( jy 18 tf , -;. ''Advantages."1 PEH80NAL ATTENTION, AND , A WtU. regulated workshop, have placed our establish ment far In advance of all others. We tarn out npe lor work from every depsf ment, d vnaraa tee satisfaction in every respect. Tbe patrnt ' i wo-bow" Top Buvgy manarae ured only Vy MoDoUGai.l. WILLIAMS jy 18 tr chesnut, bet. At era Front 8ta Examine Your Trunks. ND IF THEY NB BBHAI' f 'i-H'u.T' enng setid them u our eeddio. nviiit ani Buggy Mbops. where they will be put u ''bfeagh MVe1 i' a Practical Trant- Maker Jy 18 tf ..KtUiAUT Tourists AND- ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNK and Traveling Bavs saa be furnished at tbe lowest prices from our new steck Jstt arrived . Our wholesale and Ketall Harness nsubluhmont can't be beat for Latest tttyle and Bet O oas 'or the least moaev. NO 8 buuth Fron' St jylStf atALLArw at Bo y lv "; Harness Factory aav I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND MY V make of i urrlages. Buggies. Wagbss ana Arvll Drays: saddles, Uarntee, BrkHes. vllasr Vl 71 Ac. Painting, Varnishing aad Kei airing done at abort notice Call and exam toe aad get your money's worth, at P. H. HAYDKN'8. Jy 18 " Third, bet, Market and Princes l Fresh AiTivals: t RUNES, DRIED APPLEA, COOOAAXUTa, X Pearl Barley sad Sago. Another -lei of that nae Fulton Market Beef . Nerthers IrUh tatesa. A lot ef Brooms, will sell low at retail; Wood end Willow Ware; a full Raw- ef FaanDy Uraeerlea, Ci gars, Tobacco and Liquers, all at Bottom Prices Call sad see, . . , ' L, VULLXittH , jy 18 tf 16 aad i$ Bouti Front street - 1 1 ' 1 1 " " Tin. Hoofing j rff OR OUT TOWN. GET OTJR ETTMATtfa.'' Msrchants, send foe or prioes Ttsrware be-, for placing your orders. Take aa afaatcy lor the ' cheapest, largest, aad by aU odds the be-t Mad ealckeetseUlngCook Btsre eff ured. The hAM. ZS Investment required. Baaplee farnlshed. f . ; , - . Stova Dealers, Metal Workers and r -v t J j 18 tf V House FojnJahera. ' - two iys:i;.......;. r i