11 fflLn.BEMrAttH. . nBscmnrio u adtavo : Two aaontha......-..:..-tl Three outha,A..,.r... . 14 OU III bix monuia... o w " I One year,. 60 OS vol. xxvino; iii. To tTpcr week. Our pity AKat are WILMINGTON, N. Ci FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1880. WH6LE NO 4,04a a : 1 ' ...... I fr- ii - ...fi t . i "i ii ii . i . . i i. ii i mi ui i .I. i uiujii -I'll .-' ' , '- I, -. " : ' -" r- . 1 1 . .' . .i j i fiYRNING EDITION, 1 TTThi poet Office mt Wllmingtoa, N. C, tercd t wj eoni cUat matter.) OUTLINES. . yeXica troops -ltd two iftgemetii Victoria bind of Apacbe Indians; lBdians retreated; the lofa was Small on Lb sides. Great preparations ar beinf In CWaago f j the grand oo Aiieot Kaighta Templar on the Iftlfc of j,. 0Be hundred thoaaand inTitations tBe ball have been Isaasd. Reia- jfCea6Bt8 from England are to be sent to Iadir Sir Garnet Wolseley ia urged for the im'icd. Dr- Tanner waa Uken k Wednesday night, and Ihrevr nps Loiiiy of bile; he asked for Deppernainl, but ws refused; he entered upon the 83d j4y of his fast yesterday at nooo. Tnecpt' of the American schooner E. p Xewcooib U puitiv&.lhat the yeaael waa ua miks from the coast of Cuba when i,el ufx" hy a Spanish cruiaer. IV tk mocratlc meeting at New York om ..ieesdey night waa a grand affair; many pfomineot men spoke4, oat-door aneeUacs ere rgoizod by tho fifteen thotttnd pipte Uo were unabie to aJaaiUaaca w the hlU The Greenback 8' ate OteDli' of SjtiuMS net yesterday; XL P. Vnxxaao was noeaiuatttd for Qoveraor. Tb disasser to Oea. Barrow' com- B,aJ ia AfghiuiiMa i creates consternation ia India, depress id lha Loodoo stock taar teu, and upsets all calcalations a to a jfKtdy chcuviou of Cabal; the luta bus--UiDtd by Gen Burrows is ot kaowo;bis ciBimsud wis utterly routed; Rreat euxiety , ;i i.ir tiie safety of Ciiudht.r; Gu, Uurri)w. liiiaself uHuped - Queen V c:m wrote lo tbe Saltan of Taikey tx jinsuMF. 'ri- hope that he would accede to the wiah.a f Europe. -Prospects of u !)u nlani harvest ia. Ireland relief c ifflnuite.i have money enough oo faabd to meet lt tleaiand . Turkey continues fir preparations. Hoatilitiea betweea ilbaaia aad Montenegro have beguo. There is no ground fur ' hope thai Turkey till accept the tloeisioo of the Berlta Coa- feienc. A raviaher was shot to death ij i posse of citizens at Moberly, Mo. Ota. Miie waaaeiiou&lyiii atFort Mou r . -"Ttnck farms near Norfolk, Va. , bidly fooaaedt 6r-hall iaa,d, "Ud - NeY4"BaU-lIey J2t per ttot; ceti quIeVnaeadrl 11 9 tt& 11 11 WJc; sou t tier n floor steady with a fair laquirVat 5 2500; weujjtened ijc bsiuroar? wiafer ungraded 90dp 03$ I cura uyyTOU njiuc iuiuvt, aiirsucu iSc; aDirUA uirpaatiue dqtl at 28iS9c; niaipletuncbaaitedi,. . - . It f in Qfer now for Gem. Ord to stof Sur Vilexicao' Raiiori." It Taiiner-eboald get through safe !; with his forty day' fast some of ilie doctors wiil be disappointed. Look out, John Kelly, you are in Jinger. T!ho New York Tribune is praising him as an honest official. General J. W. Singleton, Ilepre Kuuiivo front the Eleventh Illinois Ji.rict, is making evon bets that Uncock vlU iDlsrry that State. We told yoa the song writers were not idle. The "Hancock and English Democratic Song Book" is already out. Now, let us have it. Hands rouinl. We notice that oar Virginia ex cluogtM are well pleased with the nomination of Capt. George IX Wise, for Congress in the Richmond District. Fur the twelve month ending J une 30, 1830, the excess of exports of merchandise in specie value was -64,061,060. Exeessof exports of win 13,701,441. Ad Iroo Foundry in Philadelphia i making an engine of 100-horae Power for Mr. Edison. It is to be "d in connection with his electric ight experiments. learn from the Louisville Courier-Journal that the Indiana hcala are importing negroes from Kentucky to help oat the proposed f'idalentlectk.". and Bandy are the two Garfield biographers thus far. Om 'was Coffin ! Eaphonioas Bandy I H,PPy Garfield. Coffin, Bundy, Grfildi FhaVyj whai names 1 ' Te Methodists are to hold an Ecu menical Conference in London, next yer we believe it is. Wo notice Hon. Robt. B. Vanco has beoa eIecte4 a lay delegate to the same by jj18 Holston Conference, which era brce. a portion of North Carolina. Tha Philadelphia Press, Kadical 0rgn, publishes a bogus letter of ac PUneefrom Gen. -Hancock. No editor could ever imagine or "demand the principlea of such a m u Hancock. How then could 0ne er write a lotter in i consonance his views? The Richmond JdjwnonwtfttA has ceaaed to live . after career of.biit six' months. It was ably edited and was a very readable paper througfcout.rI?here was do room for it and it died. The editor, Mr. W. U Royall, in hia fare well to hia readers . Cells, this painful "I waa led to hope and believe that 1 should be Well aad amply sustained in the attempt, ,1a .this hope and belief I have been disappointed! The publication of a daily newspaper is a matter of great ex pense; much greater than those who have od experience ia U will think. I have been forced to sustain my paper from my own private means, and from such resources as it could earn.. .These, Jiave Jbeen amalL It has swept away very 'nearly all Ut I had been able to aave fronv the practice of my profession during the . preceding jearf si$ce the war. I am left to-day very nearly where I waa when I commenced life. The OamnwnwdUk, therefore, fails for want of means to sustain it." vVe . have received a beautifully printed paniphlet with this title page: "Bench, Bar and Press. Argument of Alexander K. McClure before Su preme Court for Plaintiffs in Error. In matter of the Roles disbarring Andrew J. Steinman and William XT. Hensel, Attorney. Wo have not read the argument. The Rich mood State may have read it far it says: ? Alexander E. McClure, uf the Phila delphia lvaut has appeared in a new as the tribune aad defender of. the Press x against the Judiciary, in a case in which' two lawyer-editors ia Pennsylvania Were disbarred by a judge for an alleged con tempt of his court in having criticised one of his decision a. The arguateat of HcjClure was an able and exhaustive plea. for. the liberty of the Press, and tnuat gain him great houor as well as entitle him to the gralitade of his guHd. William IL Vanderbilt paid $2V 000 for a trotting mare called Maud S. Her first owner paid $350 for her. She has just mado the unequalled. time of trotting a mile in 2:12 at Chicago. She made tho two preced ing heats in 2:19 and 2:21; She is now valued at $50,000. Richmond, Va., shipped Jobaooo as follows to foreign ports daring the year ending June 30, 1880: Pounds. Value., .Leaf .4.446,850 . 531,027 . 11.131 $238,321 Stems 13,150 1.500 Manufactured. ...... Wo gel these Mate. figures from the According to the Washington Tst, Mr. Charles L. Dabney has been elected to the same position in Cen tral University, Ky., that bo was elected to recently in the University of North Carolina, the chair of natu ral science, if we are" not mistaken ? Which will he accept? suae htatk oa ax a a ion. Capt. Qctavius Coke wiil speak at Hillsboro on Monday next. Raleigh Observer. Governor Jarvis will be at Clinton on next Saturday. The gallant dem ocracy of our sister county, will throw to the breeze on that day, a monster flag, to float from the top of their Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford pole. Gov. Jarvis will address the people. There will be a grand rally. The Hancock and Jarvis Club at Faisons will have a grand rally and pole raising on next Saturday the 3 1st. Mr. J. W. ShackelfordMajor C. W. MoClammy and D. B. Nichol son, Esq., are announced to speak Oar Faison friends are going to work with considerable zeal. Kecansville lead off, Faison follows. Warsaw Briff Mention. . - . m . Spirits Turpentine. Wake county has 4862 inhab itants -increase 37 per cent - Miss Nancy A. Kirkland, in her 71st year, died at Hillsboro on the27tbl Two colored men experienced sunstroke at Haleigb. but aether case was serious. The Raleigh and Rock HilV(S. C J gun clubs tried their skill at Charlotte Kaletgtt 43, If. U. J. Raleigh Observer: Six hun dred people went oa an excursion to More bead oa Tuesday. They had to sleep any where they could lay their heads. ': A Raleigh News special from Hendersooville of the 23th aayt: Ten teams shot. We hate acquired the name of the champion glass-ball club of tbeSoutbt Goldsboro Messenger'. If there is such a thing as a newspaper graveyard Goldsboro is lastly entitled to that title. Since 1867, when this paper was started we find that not less than seventeen news papers and publications have been started ia this town and passed away . Raleigh News : There are fifty one telephones ia active operation in Ban leifrb. . While Mr. Joseph W. McKee, of Orange county, was teaching school at Caldwell Institute, on the 12th of July, he was taken sick and called for water. - Wa ter was brought and poured on bis head, but he died ia a few minutes. - - Lincoln ton Progress'. The mort age bonds of the Chester & Lenoir Rail road, says the Yorkville Enquirer ; are in good demand, and about $15o,000 of, them have been sold at 90. At a meeting ojLlhe Board of Directors of the Road, ia Chester, last Thursday week; it WM decided to sell no more for leas than 95, . . ? :'. Raleigh . Observer:' The Uorth Carolina Ieduttrial AMoclation has issued a circular to the colored people Of the State, asking their co-operatioa and aid in making the fair in September a notable success. , The if air begina on the 27th of J : thaf month' knd continues 'for oneweek.;4' We ' had the plea69re yesterday of a cair from Mr. B. Fuller, who wai en route tot his home at Fayetteville. Le will at-1 tend, jtbecouxta of his district as heretofore I :ii Italeigh iJiecorderx; jWe T lern fiat; Elder P. p. Underwood haa informed the church in Oxford that he will close his labors there December lst Br& 117 fYMcDufae, inaypostal about the meeting ww -m, easjsi iaaaa viaua mm aw j a . mm w eleven to-morrow,' July 24, aad others are to join us soon t -rrrl have just; closed one Of the nest meetings"! ever J saw." at at Jtsrassnetd cnurca, says : "l wui baptize Clarwhanm it1 nAntlntinri f tartAnn ' if nv J r : J There were tbirty-Blr additions, to the Church. To God be all the praise. tf. Jf. i r Parham' Plant: o ue of loafing now. . W. T. Blackwell. i&.Go. waat one hundred boys to learn the cigarette business. ' i' The population Of Durham: 181870 was 200, now it b' 2,005. Can 'any ower.towa in xtonn uazotua anowr .a oro- J fporuonate increase,.- Bev. Matthew Terrell is conducting a series of meetings ataeieacnurcb, six miles south ol unt hamv on the Fayetteville ' road. ' Pass Ashley, Orange Factory, has a puppy that has four good eyes, twooa each aide of his head. The pup is now a week or : two old, and if i should lif e will be a great curiosity; Wjarssjwi Mruf .JltcntioHX $We learn that. Major WlgStAV residiajg jaear omub's unajpei, la.pampson county, was stricken withpsralysia on last Sunday, as he was walking la his tottOn field." He was taken so his home and died in a short time. t-Mary Jobjason,.Wire of Robert John son, Esq., of Pender county, and daughter of Mr.Th6mas Joyner, of Magnolia town ship,' Do plfh tounty,' died very recently' Mt her house near Camera, t Mrs. Rackley, of MagriQllatownatip, foaaerlyof lasboov 8ampaoa county, died .very suddenly?t the home of her sonF. P. Rackley, Esq., near itaguofia, a few days ago of 'heart disease. r-The prospect for crops in Sampson' cohatyiia tosv fine. Tbe schools hero opens next Mqnday. Tha prospects are bright. , Washington Press: From a lejt te received from the authorities of the State Penitentiary, we learn that W. R. Brown, who had been sentenced to tht prison foe ten years from 'this County, died Quite suddenly of bowel disease oa the 8th Inst. we were glad to see in our town p few ooya ago, ua Thomas, o. . Jiurbaeav and' leam that he contemplates locating somewhere in (lis section probably in this hif old home. Tom, we wouki be gladVae welcome you in our midst again . Oa thS 24th of June, l88fV09.tbe.farm of Mr. John Rivers, Mr. Mr.. Henry p.jQihbs was thrown twice by a mule while riding from the field to the house.'. The effect of the, falls did not seem to be very serious at the time, but on the following Monday, be was taken with severe spasms, which continued, b' increase and cause1 such agony that death soon resulted. ; Maj. J. W. Wilson, according to the' Greeosboro ' Patriot, is ' responsible for the7 following: 1. That alt matters pers Uining to the satilemeht of the contract fer th pufchaae of the Western North Caro lina Railroad by W.J. Best and his asso ciates hnve been adjusted. 2. Thatjbe in debtedness to the employes.and others along the hoe of the road, will be paid within the next few days, probably during the present J week. 3. rnat tbe amount due the state or. North Carolina on the 1st day of August, 1880. will be promptly paid to the State Treasurer. 4. That Maj. Wilson, in behalf of the management, baa already made a re quisition upon the Governor of the State for the convict labor named in the contract, which he intends to put on tbe route be yond Asheville, and push forward the work of construction without any further delay. 5. That the road from its present terminus to Asheville will be completed within the, next three weeks, probably earlier, cer tainly jusfas soon as the iron arrives;' which President Best' will purchase an send forward at once. ; Oxford Torchlight: Last week, in Dutchville township, a- negro child was smothered to death by ..Us nurse falling to eleep upon it. It was not the falling but tbe sleeping tbat Kilted it. Monqay night of last weekthe residence of Mr." B. H. Cozart, in OxfortU was struck by light ning and cotfsiderat'y .iana2d.i Fortu nately no one was cupyini the -room (oyer tbe ptxlor) whicli was Euuck. Drin , tlie . last ' week we have passed through? portions ofc Wake; and: Orange. The crops are looking aa rising in these counties as they are in Gr&nville; and in sayinglhiv wewm add tail we never saw more eacoursging . prospects , for an abun dant harvest. The corn crop, with favor able seasons from now, will be the largest made in ten years. The tobacco, crop ia a short one, but' looks welUU A negro woman living in Dutchville township4ft her children at home; one daylast week while she went over to a neighbor's house. 4 The oldest of these children was cot over six years of age. The youngest a few months ok). The sir year old stripped the baby aait threw?i;ntolbe welL RBW AOVSCSTISKITIKIMT. MtJN80it Boys' fldita. J. C. Munds Druggist. Sophie Skith Valise lost. Habbxson & Aixkh Bargains. HKTHHBKaGKB Who is your Wife ? T. A. Watsok & Co Stall-fed beef. Caution Notice Crew Fred. B.Rice. oar Katlfleatlen. , , A meeting of the General Commutes having in charge the preparations for the grand ratification meeting to come off in this city on the 24th of August, met at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. Tbe meet-; iog, howsver, was merely for consultation, and no business was transacted which would be of interest to the public just now Among the eminent speakers from abroad who have thus far unconditionally accepted invitations to be present may be mentioned Gov. T. J. Jarvis, Senator Matt W. Ran som, Hon. DaaislG. Fowle and Fab. H. Busbee, Esq. ' 1 . AtteapteelBoaifV Some one attempted to rob the ice house Usstie, between oixro ana Beventn streets, a night or 'two siBce. It was hot the ice, ho weyer,TO6 th!6 fwas after, but money received for the same. Hf. Biddle, the proprietor, -was- fortunate enough to discov box c, but he Bucceeaea in maxing his es- cape; t VA clear brain and a right aim" Is mani fested by alt nurses who keep Dr. Bulfs Baby Syrup handy. It is always reliable and contains nothing injurious. f tieal Dan. " .1... ! Thstorm siiznal was displayed . ?. , . , . - - - - - yestedsy:,v ;:;sy .; r f-iv: Mot ti solitary case for; the Mayor's Court festerdey morning. - We leam that the Greenbaekers ae tdaye a jpole and flag raising in the yfrstWsfdN ;.'V:: t The cotton irop in some Bec- fions of Brunswick has been injured some what by the (Excessive ralas. . : i A splendid bass 4rua) parT chased io New York for the dse of the Wilmington . Light '.Infantry, has come? to i hand, t : -7. VVe are' glad to learn that Capt. J.. T. Harper, whose shouldea was dielo cated a few day! ago by a fall, is able to resume his duties. A large party of excursionists went dOwn oh the steamer Itosporf yester day.:.. By the way. Capt. Harper is talking of making some very desirable v improve ments in the boat so as to hetter accommo date the, constantly increasing travel.- - When some one oik the streets yesterday ahouUd "Quucrudus pro manus gallasl" the average American citizen was at a ioss to know what it all meant. When translated, however, the words were found to constitute simply one of the slogans of Vhe Democratic party for the Presidential 'campaign now apon us. y iWr. Frank JJEoonfx (sometimes oorraptly spelt Koonce) was in the city yes terday. Mr. K. is a Greenbacker this year, and is in favor of, bringing out a Greenback electoral ticket .in this State. He would f also doubtless .consent to aacrifice his pri-- VatecOhTidlons sad inclinations to the pub lic good by accepting a nomination for Congress on that ticket. , U. U. Csw laefja riaf i Nathan Henry,' 'cotoredf was before U. 8. Commissioner McQaigg, yesterday, on the charge of resisting the authority of the ,Captainof the steamer John 3)aweon, on the line between this city and Point Caswell, f Pender coaaty, U hiag the Impression that the case came under the provisiocs of Sec tion 5.293 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. It was decided by the Com missioner, however, that the Slate courts, and not those of the Uutttd Stales, bad jurisdiction in the matter Oeialaw flevlaat. At a primary election held in Onslow county 00 Saiurdayettbet following gen tlemen were chosen as Democratic caadi- dakesfor ibat county at the approaching election: For the House Wm. P. Ward. j ' For Sheriff K. MurnlL For Register of Deeds D. E. Humphrey. It is reported that Mr. J. H. Fuy will jraa ae an independent candidate against Mr. Ward. f Onslow, Carteret and Jones vote together for Senator; " im m 'an A Jfaalce mt neater. ' , Mr. A. G. Hawkins, of this city, has a silver badge which was evidently the pro perty at one time of a soldier in the Mexi can war. It bears the representation of a palmetto tree, with the inscription, 'To tbe Palmetto Regiment," and the names 01 certain battles, such as "Vera Cruz, Conr treras, Churubusco, Chapultepee," etc. It also bears the name or "James Goff" on a scroll. The badge, which is a little larger and heavier than the standard silver dollar, was found by a colored man in a ioid of coal. Blake Alklassa Weree, Col. John W. Atkinson, of this city, re oslved a telegram yesterday summoning him to Baltimore. His venerable father, the Bishop, is much worse and serious apprehensions are felt as lo the result. Until Tuesday his improvement for a few daVs had been marked, but he became suddenly worse and his condition now is very critical. His present attack is bron chial, accompanied with blood-spitting. TUB BAILS. -4 Tbe mans close ana arrive at tno uity Post Office as follows: CLOSB. ' Northern through i and way , mails.. ....... .4t .... m . . 1 5:80A.M. Raleigh....; . ..5:30 A. M. and 5KX) P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there- . from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at........ ..... 5:30 A. Southern mails for all. points 8outh, daily.......,..:... 7:45 P. M. Western maiM(aC. R'y) daily (except Sunday)........... 5 OOP. M. Mail for Cheraw Darlington Railroad 745 P. M. Mails for points between Flo- . rence and Charleston-. . . , 7 :45 P. M. Fayetteville,andofacesonOape Fear River, Tuesdays and t Fridays IMP H. Fayetteville, via Lumberon, - daily, except Sundays.... 5 .-00 P. V. OnslolC H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays...... .......... 600 4 M SnUthville mails, by. steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9 .00 A. M. Mails for Easy -Hill, Tbwn & Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days...... ........ 8 :00 A. M Wilmington, and Black River , Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and -Fridays. ........ 5 O0 A. M. OFXHVOB) DSLIVBBT. Northern through and .way mails. 7.00 A. M. Southern mails........... ... 70 A. M. CtoolUja (Antral Railroad.... lO.OO A. M. fitamb Office boen from 8 A.M. to 12M.. ajmtronij iofimlneotd&md RgirBepartrjieali oxjen aaine as stamp omce. .i..5 . w General delivery open from 6.00 A. M. Xp t JSO P. IL, and onr Sundays from 8:50 to fc30A-'MJ '. 1 "y .t a Atamnfl for sale At Mnnrtl deliverv when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 8.80 P. M. To-Di lDdlcationa. j Cloudy or 1 partly, clpady weather r, with occasional rain,winds mostly northeasterly, nearly stationary temperature and barome ter, are the indications for this, section to- -day. : - frbermometer seeoret. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin 'lisuedfrom the Signal Office in thia city: Atlanta. .... Augusta. . . . Charleston, . Charlotte . . . : .84 JacksonviHc ..... 80 .78 Key West,... 93 .82 Mobile ,,.89 . 86 Montgomery .....81 New. Orleans,. . . .87 .84 Punta Rassa, . . . .85 .86 Savannah.... 87 .87 Wilmington 81 vuraicauit, ...... Galveston, . Havana. .. Indianola, We heard the question mooted yesterday: "Can a woman be made to serve on a coroner's jury ?" Sometimes it ts allow able tinder certain circumstances. " TUB MOENINQ STAB can always be had at me. ToUowlng places In tbe city : Tbe Parcell House, uams' Mews' utana, ana tbe HXAvomce. s From Dr. S. J. Belt, Baltimore,- McL: "I have prescribed Colden's Liebig's Liquid Kxtract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator, ana cheerfully Btate that it iih iiiet my uiuab Htuiguina expecuiuuuis, giving iu parents .enfeebled by chronic diseases, debility, weakness, loas of appetite ' and indigestion, Jthe needed nutriio and nerve food" " Obxxx St JTLANxaB, Agents, Wilmington. . 1 n HONOBED AND BLEST. When a board of em inent physicians and chemists announced tho dia eoverr that bv combining some. well known valua ble remedioay -the most wonderful medicine was proaaceo, wmcn wouia care sacn a wide range or diseases that most all other remedies could be dis pensed with, many were skeptical; bat proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to day the discoverers of that Great Medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefac tors .Democrat . It is not nxcbssabt to keep on taking this medi cine continually, using a syringe, or. dosing day and night for months at a time; the bowels are re stored to regularity, the digestion strengthened, the blood purified, the bad breath made sweet by a short systematic use of Simmons Liver Regulator, it leaves the system in a healthy condition after its use, which saves the patient from continual dosing. X was cored by Simmons Liver Regulator, having applied for the medicine while in a most wretched coadition some two months ago, and now am so changed a man that lam a Bubject for congratula tion by my family. ISAAC MULL1N. ! Kliand Lancaster AvaPhlla. r" fAIRBAKKS' 8CALK? OBTAIN THB IMPB- I D11 r tindortu u.n . t t of Jane 2d announce thafthe jury of the St. fe teceborz Permanent Exhibition of lMachin.ery.con. uected with the Ruaaian Imperial Technical Socie- ty.'have awarded to Fairbanks & Co., New York.on their exhibit of scales, the Society's Medal, this being the first prize. The jury and committee of 'experts examining the Fairbanks' Scales of various liaises, exhibited by their representative, Mr. Block, maxe me rouowmg statement: -we nave round, first, a remarkable sensitiveness in the Fairbanks Scales; second, a superior workmanship ift finiBh of each and every part of the scales; and the com mittee, ln consideration of these qualities, and taldng in view the world wide renown of the firm, and also the popularity and wide distribution the ccales have receiyed,and seeing the great usefulness ootained in Russia from this invention, we award the firm of Fairbanks Ss Co., of New York, the Medal of the Society. MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING STEUP.-Rcv Sylvan irs Cobb thus writes in the "Boston Christian Freeman'! : We would by np means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be food particularly for infants. Bat of Mrs. Wins w's Soothing byrapwe can speak from knowl edge; in oar own family it has proved a blessing udeed, by giving an infant troubled with eolic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at sight. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And daring the process of teething its value Is incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth oT the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any considera tion whatever. Sold by ail druggists. 35 cents a bottle. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Valise Lost. ON FRIDAY LAST, A BROWN VALISS. with handles and straDB. containing Clothlnsr. was taken by the Steamer Passport to Smlthville. It was taken eff there, bat 1 have not been ablo to re. cover it. Any information concerning- it gladly received, and any person returning it will be rewar ded by applying at Mitchell 3s Sons. jj ov lip ssyjrtijji Bail 1 11. Ship Notice. All persons are hereby forewarned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the irig FRKD. U. KjlCB, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Master or E. G. BARKER & CO., Consignees. JyS0 3t Stall-Fed Beef! T CITIZINS' MARKET and FOURTH ST. MARK ST, On SATURDAY MORNING. Fine Pasture Fed Beef the ensuing week, jy SO tf T. A. WATSON A CO. 1 ; ; TROYS' CASSIMERE SUITS, Children's Suits, Short Pants, Children's Blue Flannel Sailor Suits, Only a few in stock, and will close them out Very Cheap. ' MUNSON, Clothier and jy 30 It Merchant Tailor. JAMES C. MUNDS, ,f DRUGGIST, 85 NORTH FRONT ST., (NEAR PRINCS3,) WILMINGTON, N. CT Notice ! Notice ! JHB GREATEST BARGAINS IN STRAW AND all Summer Goods.! ' ? Glreueacafl. - HAR1UBON & ALLEN, - ' City Hatters. Jy 30 tf , Who is your Wife ? A COMPLEX CONUNDRUM COLLOQUIALLY CON SlDEKEDi By WALDORF Hi PHILLIPS. PabUehed by E. J. HALE & SON. The work Is full of humor and keen satire; it is decidedly a most original and novel addition to American publications, &nd it la confidently be lieved will prove the literary sensation or the year. Price, in paper binding, 60c: In cloth 75c. Can be had at r JySJtf HETNSBERGER'3. ' Comforts i . Geaf 8 Boston Garters, comfortable and cheap, Peerless Hammock attachments, applied to any Fateteeve Supporters, nseful and convenient 1 FStf i HangCTsi Jdst wnaif Is wanted. (' ' "' Water Proof linen Collars and Cuffs, "Celluloid. " : Monarch "Boond Bosom Shirts and "Crown Collars. 1 30c Undershirts and $100 White Vests. '- ' DYER SB SON, jySStf Tailors and Furnishers. - NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMAS H. McKOT -' 1 ' fcUCCESSOR TO ; ,; ( ' - : Boatwright & HcKoy, j .. Can sell yoa bod Groceries J f : AS LOW t AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY f f. i txuet those that know me won't tor a moment think I am gushing. Don't take my word for what I have written. Come and examine,. Goods and Prices, and if I can't convince yoa then 1 will pro mise to retire from the Grocery business. We are prepared to sell to Country JCerchants a low as he who sells lowest I desire all onr Country friends when they vieit our city to come and see ns. TUpS. si Mcitov, Grocer and Uqnor Dealor, jy 25D&Wtf 57North Front bU. White Lead, Oil, &c, &c. " f HAVE REPLENISHED MY STOCK OF L White Lead. Oil and Colors. A lso Read y Mixed Paints for immediate ase. For the convenience of my easterners I now have Copper Paist pat up in quart ana nan gaiion cms. x or sue low by UKO. A. PECK. Up stairs in' New Store, Jy 3 tf 85 South Front fet. Brown Gins. npISSK WILL BE OUT TniS MONTH TO li place orders for the Celebrated BROWN COCTTON GINS. All those who intend getting iiiutH) eupnnur uiob snouia get meir oraers witn ns at bnce. We guarantee these Cotton Gins to be superior to all others and prlc ea aati factory. JOHN DAWSON CO., jrn . i'J. i ana ki jaarxet bl j Shoes ! Shoes! AVBRY FINE LOW QUARTERED- SHOE AT 2 75. Gent's Low Quartered Button Shoes at $3 $0. formerly Bold at $5 0& This is decidedly the Cheapest Shoe in tho market. Ladles' Strap and Strapless Slippers, Children's Shoes of every imaginable Style, at very Low Prices. I t THOMAS H." HO WET. No. 47 North Market sU Trinity College, N. C THE FALL TERM WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 1st. and end December 81st. 1880 The whole expense for all items is from $63 to $80. We have a good Preparatory Department, and every accommodation for those who wish to take a Special Coursr.- Bond for Catalogue. -1 t. O. Tri nity College. N. C. jy X7 lm ii. .cuavjsw. President. 1 'Advantages." - PKESONAL ATTENTION, AND A WELL reflated workshop, have placed oar establish ment far in advance of all others. We tarn out superior work from every department, and guaran tca satisfaction in every respect. The patent TWo-bpw" Top Bnegy manufactured only by McOOUGALL & WILLIAMSON , jy 25 tf Chesnut, bet. Water & Front Sts. For Sale Low, JWO 1-UORSB TRUCKS, ONE ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough .order Can b3 boalit cheap. Aj'f'ly at my 23 tf TII13 OFFICE. TOE New Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my, friends and the public generally, that I am now offering the balance of my Spxmg and Summer Goods, consisting of BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS. SANDLE3, &c, AT COST, in order to nuko room for a Very Largo and Fino FALL AND WINTER Stock in my line. Call and examine yourself. Respectfully, OSERSXH AL. 'I 32 ITIARILET ST. jy n tf Stem of the LIUlo Boot. For the Sound. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY A HACK WDLL RUN between the City and Wdghtsville Sound. Leayo tho city corner 3d and Princess streets every day at 6 o'clock P. M., (except Sunday's). Returning leave Pincy Toint, on Wrigbtsville, at 7 A. M. Fare for the Round Trip $1 CO. jy 7 tr T. J. S0UTHERLAND. Wire Netting gCSEENS For Doors and Windows. Good to keep out flies and mosquitoes. Also, f Sash,: Boors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFER, PRICE & Co., Faotoet: Foot of Walnut st. jy 25 tf Owrca: Natt, near Red Cross st, Charlotte Female In stitute, Session begins Sept. 8. 1880. Can give un equaled testimonials from the first teachers and professors in the South as to the thoroughness and high stan- dard of instruction. sansio ana art specialties, a. Cooking School will be opened every term. Address the Principal. . Rev. WM.. R. ATKINSON, je 25 DAWSm Charlotte, N. C. WES LEY AN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUN TON, VIRGINIA, opens its 81st Session Sep. tember 80th, 180. Among the first Schools la the United States for young ladles. Climate -unsurpassed. Surroundings beaatifnL Pspils from sev enteen States. Axexa tn iuowxs ,fxBJU.nt tbb TERMS : Board, Washing. " Lights, English Coarse, Latin, French, for each half of the Scholas tic year, $ 1 1 5. All extras very low.' For Catalogue, address -v Rkv. WM. a. hakkis, v. u., rTesiaent, . . jy 7 eod&WlmW6w we fr in Btaanton, va. NEW AJyERTISBMKJfTV Brown f&Rfiild i c k 45'T3tirUo MINTS' JEAN DHAWKCK, oer, vwa maoBfac- tnMxcirlarprtcf tjf TUB EIGOMIB DRKSa SH1ET. ' Tae be fiUlnf Shirt in the country; tha Bosea oaa he wora for a week without a break or wrinkle.' Try them onco and vqu will ho no othec. . . saBTLAND eaAWL8. We are cleatles vmt J bhotland bbawls at $1 each . Ibey are certalal worth $1 LADIES' COLORED bUMUKR BKIKT8. from BOo : to $1.75; a Leaatlfol line. . . WlDK PRINTED ENOLUH OAMBK H 10c yard, regular price 14c. PE1NTBD PACIFIC LAWNS, Hljc per yard; eoJd all over tho couotry at 15c r BLACK CRAPES. A large invoice jnt rornid of single. Doable and TrlylerelUbto for VeU log and "1 rlmmloga, , Ji:.- SOLE AGENTS for 4k WiDOWB CULM er LE AGENTS for -the- WiOOW-'E UaDEEPattT MOIialiNWt c A BIG DK1VK In GEM IS' UNES llDKrs, ft ft a docen. i.v . GENTS STRIPED SOCKS; a Special Lei ai Met a pair; they are beautiful qaallty, aad wmti moraHgari . , : rr, j ' : Ol ve us a caU aad look over bar Stock. We have agooa many things we are closing oet Tory much below prieo, tau dual Utwad carrying over aoy odd LoU BROWN HODDJCK, 43 SUrkM sUMt. Jy 18 tf Groceries, &e. FULL, STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND, CON sleting in part of Butter, Cheese and Lard, . ... . . ' Uama, 0. C. Canvassed. , . . ' Meats, Smoked aiid D. 8, 1 Floor, all grades. Meal, Water -ground. . Potatoes, Northern Irlrh, Cider, Sugar, Crushed, Powdered, Oranalated. A and Yellows. Coffee, Java. Lsgutra aad Uio, all gradee. Molusos and Bynipn, Tobacco, Cbewlag and Smoklan all ffradesi Nails. AppeilnarU Mlaerat Water, fresh arrival. Sea Foam. Sterling, PaUpseo, and other brands Of Baking Powders, Scapa. Laundry and Toilet, Starch, Ac., Ae.' ADRIAN VOLLEU8. WheJeaale Umm. j35tf S. E. corner Front aad Dook sU B O.TJIXiTS. i ( Brown & Roddick 45 MARKET STREET, A RE OFFERING SOME GREAT BAKOklNM Xin Domestic Oullts snltablo for the Kami Full Sice Honeycomb Quilts f I 0 Bridal Quilt Fringed. I ID The Bates Quilt 1 10 English Marseilles QaUU. all aUea aad qaalltlee at prices ranging for f 1 15 te t oa my 23 tf BROWS RODDICK. Horlick's Food JPJOU INFANTS. ' RI QUIRES NO COOKING. Lubin's Powder and Extracts, llalr. Tooth and Nail Brashes, Comlt. Toilet Arttclii, , Ac., at Low Prices. WJL M. ttRBBN, Drafgwa, jy 28 tf Market KlrerU The New Hat Store. i QALL AND EXAMINE MY SPRING STYLES of Straw and Felt Hats; they are pretty sad cheap. JOHN M. HOBWROX, No. 13 FroBt 8L Next, to Pmrce U Umm ap!8tf Faojenanna Cologne J8 AN EXQUISITE PEUFUMB FOR TUX BATH and Toiler. It is without an eqaaL A trial will coa -vlnce yon of Its snpeftoiity over all other Cbtogaee. 1 rtpareu ana soia oniy ny J. B. HA ED (If, Druretst, New Markt-t. 85 tf By Steamer To-Day, 1AREBR COOK AND TAYLOR RAN it E. - ALSO. Lot of MOCKING BIRD CAdlB, At PARKER TAT LOk'S, Front at. 87 tf It Beet Tourists AdTeK?BaS lotrnat nrl!M f mm nnr n PER8ON8 WANTING TRUNKS can be farnlahed at ta lowest prices from oar new stock Jest armed . Our Wholesale and Retail Harness gstibneksa t caq't be beat for Latest Styles and Beet tieoos tor us least money. jyistr No. 8 Month rrontim.. . , MALLAMD BOWDSW. Harness Factory. - I KEEP CONSTANTLY OTf HAND MT make of Carriagea, Baaxts. Waajoas and Drays; Saddles, Uaraese, Bvtde, Owllata, Ac. Painting. VarnUhiag aad Reoslrlaa doSe at short notice. Call and examine and lei your money's worth, at F. H. BAYDEXra, jyitotf Third, bet. Market aad Prtoeees at Crockery LRECT FROM THB ENGLISH POTTKKXE&. GILES MURCHlaxm, ' For sale by jy85tf 88aadaiKorlaFKtBt. For Sale, - rpHE LARQEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK Aj of Furniture la tho fttate at IMees. Wholesale aad RetalL Paaiors and ooaatry saot- chants are especially Invited. nituuBriDs a nuitnoB, S. B. Corner Market aad aeooad ais. Jy25tf Wlimlagtoo. M. C. f Family Bibles, TTANDSOMELY BOUND, SUITABLE FlR o-a. Latest Styles, at lyreu TAXES BOOK 8 TO EE. Goods ELL BOUGHT AND. HALF BOLD, COME ana see ia bw4iib we are oirerinf to pi sera of-FURNITURE aad EODl0. ' A stock to select from and- low prices. Will be ear to please yoa.. . D. A. feMITQ UU. Jy25tf , raraitare Dealers. he; Hygela, ' Hotel . Old Point Comfort, Tn. Situated oaa hundred yards froea Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Xqaal to any hotel la tho United States as a SUMMER UESOKT. Bead for cbxalar describing hygienic advantagea. ete. 1 r, HARiUSOM PHOEBUS, . 'my.liSm Ptovrtetor. presents. c.; rnotograpa aiDama. ail suos Prang's Sunday School cards,Dew and beaatlral sizns: Fancy Writing Paper and Cards. U boxes. r . 1 3 1 i

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