V- ft !:.!. Ij W:! fiotoaru pabushed daily except, r.o-iy- hl rnontto. 1 00 for one month, to mali riur subscribers A Ui ,ffBif r Y STAR is published, every rnaay I'll" ?fiw oer ycmr. f-)"iIB, 5 a blished uvcry KridAy i I iu - . u- " II 'lire uvt fwvt -w v , Mif i'B M- three weeks, $3.50; .aefjaonla. dEL . J iiiuu. t n no: twelve buuuus u HO - ru at . AoiiPArcU type memo uae -lnwe. ' nnroments of Fairs, Festival, Balis, iU -??ietv Meetiaa. lliticafciieet, ujfs. l. "ilibe charged regular adverojjlag rates eats inserted in Local OulaRin at JV " ... haii of "Citv l price- . , 1 iJticet insertion, and 15 cents per lino for each jUiiTHJUW u-d .T T " ?h,fuirdflof daily rate. a 1 of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Re ' f Eolations of Thanks, Ac. are charged for advertisements, bat only htiJ ""T.r- advertisements, out ofdary u ta advar.ee .oiidfor At this rate 50 KOU p.tfor a simple announcement of Mr,-fJ rJ'".- Death. I -iaenU to felkw reading ntter, oc to 4 iJVy7(ecUl place, will be charged extra ac- I ' , limenw on which no specified number of y,ufaiU-liod will be conUnueO (U teriia," ortiun- of llie mbiigaer, and charged op to o' discontinuance. '.t r Aittt tisoiaonts diaconunuea Derore tne tune cou- .rti-unients kept under the head o New Ad- i- 'inju Auction and Official advertisemenu o!Ur pr aaro for each l.attka. ii nnonceaieou and recommendations of can , , fw.idic, whthe a tk shape of eosamo r otherwise, will be charged as advertiee- uii tor mnaieisiivcaemnia uaa iie ealc in dvance ajiown parties, or atraagers with roference, may pay monthly or quarterW, i irtUore should arway3pecifyhe"aene or auver ac- 1B- , i ii ri mi whHraaisasrfUacrftttbsWiDer, r'-- iBi 0 Dtf Kul . ' is -j nniunelOI e tid proprietor will only be responsible for the LiW of the paper to his address. neautunces must be made by Check, Draft, Poe j ioney Order, Jtxpreaa, or in Keistered Letter, t, -nch rdinittancee will be at the risk of the ,.miBarieaUoiJB? unlese 0er tntk fa important or disccss oricay ana propcriy saojects t nufe.-. not "nted; and. if acceptable in ly subjects of real everr 1 y . . i .i i i 1 l j ni:ne or ma nuumr la wiuinna. Wt l?rlrFTiJ I ; rjLiXi.ivj hj as Jl. a a vxi f Oil i OS A VRUISB. My D-.u-.c is Jolly Dick', As I .nii, es I sailf . , My name ia Jolly Dick, ' As I sail. I -leer my jolly craft . lulu prt ii ud tbea I laugh. And a breaker big I q'dafli As I s iil. I am shou'iog rr the Kf, , 1 ! As 1 sail, as I anil, 1 ' ' A od for Garfield make a ntfiel ? As I sail. . , , JJdi I my become undone--1 Civ.l service der'Oae i .iH May ciiiuHuiaiiliny a j ' As I fail. v" Omaha Bepubtican iu- KemlnlseencoW of Oen. lee. i!V FANNIE liOPEK FEUPflK. Fi 'in II. ligu Herald. H iring t f it; odcupairon of Savannah, i.yi!i l)i:r.-wi fortf , I heard tWftUnl 'mI ;iit- .ill! ivr "Iw6ua4ing' ihe.jicr. o ind vcnX pciarhatit,i of 'G.eufral L , hi H!tiUMr Willi mrjilHry .v ; l : . Ms pubito .-career ; bnt, orie,.f -EltMS 4uwrGijral Lse fierso: ii y, ?ini theOther' Who had navtf him, vaa curious .o loarn some ihing ol ife 'ajmearance-and private traitK of a maitw idolized by lhpeo i. of hw ;.vrft; retftida:. Wl is in- LlLti.lwu iliSfKMtioa J heard iirt, au ijfelcQridq,sio know Ute tT-er. If "afe- 'promptly, with 'r.spokii raaiuiness.: "A plainjnan, v ry ; qoieti "modest; anifnnassuming; iiit uuur .1 v le rese ce"TXocn8oTarerly qaahties, tT all LksOL Audi tbijrVw more in iiiDi, a great deal, lhau wx?rds can inint ; for, were a child lost and friliitMied, to look around for protec tion among a cfaJjof ft pJk9jfand, iih General Arforxhe number, the SiUle oae wouM run ihsririctlvely tcj 'M aims of the brave old soldier; nor "ul. the result, prove Lb at. the child luJ overeUftstfetf tho' character of iu man. A NorthgicregOTfiTJI Uit! array Vruio Potomac, who had.j ieu taken prisoner' and exchanged, as akad by bis comrades after his return to his old command, what he ihoagbt of!Gt4lj(Lioe.iU. He is one "f Namres own noblemen a man . -"lia soldier, eviflijhjTiqff him !" as the cnthusiaslrff replyV 'And I 1H you, comradekj his own men love him so well, that if we could only win General Lee, over to pur aide, this fratricidal war would be ended. For there's never a maf south of tjhe lQrt tomac tluIOwiSli turn Wirmi against the grand old General who is a father to them a,,and wouldn't see "he weakest or even the worst man aiaongst them wronged or ill-used. They all feel toward him as his chil dren would, and, jwctfrtnatttbey be proud of such a faffiit. One more incident, received by the writer torn ajnember ot the battal ia Teferred to. ViU coacltldo this "seich. Among tlie (Jonfederate troops sta- onea cfi thf Georgja col, ataUme when Generic btitial "sit to tsavannah. for the purpose oi Ina . . .... Vr . ""Fwiing me troops and general oe '""gings of the Southern army, was certain battalion that did most ef- '"etive Bervice in Virginia and else- Wlr, aad whieh was noted alike f or' pliant offioors and brave men. .The commander was nnauestionablv oood soldier,, but a man of austere fanners, and extremely punctilious a rogacd to ail the requirments of 'nuiury discipline. As hfunanifested l lUe mmXfott (with Jbil iiik e Of thnm , nnAmTntrknA him find uen, for slighi delinquencies, it was uionght necessarf to "make examples Dome who-tad shown 'themselves ave and trae men, a murmur of dig- -j1 ..nneeat. uivn raT its (DAILY). One equarv ieoi ran alone the ranks. This "lead of proviosr at terror to the evil idoer8,' incited theta rather to more fre irequeu i acta or lusobOrdinatldn j andj 9'15"'rmpouap svassejaom ttalnans j ; VVhei, after hia viiil toheacl qufir ters, General Leo began hia rounds, tefrWrP 4ffktinttfe "l.l J" and ibis he foond quite too- well till ed fWP thei-etttftlityt H featttiron,- fair a record. ''What are those men? :Afe by ovwzrdg 6rdeSfcew?nGren. was showing fura drSond. The of- they were ueither oowardlv. nor un ooaaexlr f;irntU BaDt3 o5iinsub toe rations given, sitting up after HHtpSyVsthft) sd fiskiog itffids witpout permission. , and absenting lhemsNetrolbcam'D Witnoleafe. Fmiltsrfwirig' ouf of" tlieennui and idleness of camp-life " , aaid the vuuuKHmrH uusy, or sive vnem some- thing-tajread, bxn make them motse by confinement, with nothing to do, 'day afteV &iy; eioepVib -Brbodf k?W .they? van es.! 3 Th fn, caUyjg ,the delinquents forward, he qnesiioned eacli in tarn as to the cause of his in carceration. "Well, my lad. what- did you do?" ho asked of thef first, a slender yVuth of eighteen or Ie"ss, wbcp' 1 bad not yet attained te the igo , ofib manhood, nor been long enough under military rule tjayicoept willingly all the" Hardships necessary and unne cessary thereby entailed. 1 complained of my rations, srr. a dof Q fft Wj? jm rl ?&H 1 waited three days, and as there was H PgL no effort made to improve Ufa ejtaltiy ot the cookery, I threatened to thrash the cook : and for this offence one have stale bread and muddy "Turn hira out, turn him out," said' the kind old General to the officer 1n" attendance. "Send the iad bsek to! his post, and have the food properly cooked hereafter. When there is no ngniing going on, nor a anger at nau a, t . 3 . . t - . a oook ing may be done ia camp-as well as elsewhere. A soldier's life is bard ehoagh at best, and mea -can't live on raw food." IIaneock Brlstit Proapvpts. Brooklyn Eigle, Dcm.l ., As the campaign now stands Gen eral Hanoock has stronger reasons for counting upon getting over 250 elec toral votes than Tilden bad of obtain ing half that number at this time four years ago. Serve an Inittactidn oa Disease lj ioviarorating a feeble constitution, renovating al aebiutatea pnysique, ana concam uuuauu uui tntious efrcalauoa wit uofneners bwukb oiv tera, the finest, the most highly sanction ei, and the bivbi popular tonis ana prevenuve in exisiexco.' jror naie 07 an umgguuuiu uaurasjracnuj, JylDeod&Wly ta th sa nmi4 PROVEIiBS. 1'UOVEItBS. "For tdnklotr BpcEs, "500 will be paid for a case that Uop Bit- , teygl;t euro efij "Hop BtteTS brdUU fits, diaziataa. polpiftv- tlonandTow sjnrit& rely on Hop BUfern." rely on Hop "Read of, procrrr Bitters, nd use Bod I Tip, strenguiena mma cares nUaaaJly fjromtitenaoea; , "KJdaejr asttl Vrt- nary complaints ef aU kinds permanently cured by Hop Bitter' ; Rev Cowct Cube is the sweetest." saiest andbast. Aaf children. and you will rw strong lieelthy aod bapp7" Tadles, do you Tront to be strong, healthy and beautiful! Then aao Hop Utters. "The matest appe tizer, Etoriacli, wood and liver regulator Hop Hitters." The Hop Pad forC ClerETine,i-t-aW- Kidney p,lf)rW- era and ladies need Hop Bitters daily." by absorption, ask Druggist. . "Hop Bitters has re stored to sobriety and JiccJth, perfect wrecks from iiiieoiixjraaco." "Sour stomach. tScfe bcadithe e-a-aizpl-ec XXe miter cases 1 D. I. CL Is afrotselate and IrreaiKtible cars (or draakenne8, use . of opium, tooaceo afed 'narcotics, "" ' "All above at sold by drufgisCb flop v,iUia fcjr Amit. IliocTi ester, K. -mmmiaantrai Send for . .Ircillar. Jan 1 oodlmfcW ta th sa arm- Us. Received TMsr Day 50 CASKS BOKDXB5K ft CO ." DKY BOWZY CHAM PAG NK TRKSn FROM BOND, , tImportbr'BPtiie,j V. ' OEO. MYERS, Ageat. 50 fiSD!I TPTiHTirTH RHANI1T. VSOM BOND THIS DAY nil KIT KUS M M M vi. " On ly $L.M for a BotUe.of . . Imported French Brand, At . - OKO. MY KRS' . O r Tabi GILT EDGE BUTTKR ; f.l . 9,1 frrewrs A POUND. . i Choicest Grass Batter. WINES and LIQUOBS ular p,. the other, I don't know which I fT-. ' wlirl been in five days, 'feastinc' on 1 hat -Bastem, ?f-.-.l p 1 "7 !! i cstot the WftaalesaWipricea EeraUr.; lor.maklni' dp "small osahlghej.prtc taye tpbeeharsocu ii us ShoaiderB, Sides. N. C. choic U.At-, b 10 : Western Bmdkddss.- uams i. .rtiVir 13 , 12 i Sides, a.i.jrf..jifc. .,,.-0 8 anooldera,.... to to. ... 3 I Dry SaltedW Sides S E. Slioiildersi...wu... .... b1 Live weleni. (Second Hand. eaekJ 00 tn l ttu rinkMWAT AO tivvr vim. cavu.t.. 3 " ia 2i BiaoisuiitoIf1;ViM,.?:)ii Kortneni. .... j. BOTTKK North Carolina. J ft . ,15 ,A SO iai(i3!jt orthem. v.r.. Ilow. l&.ii... i.daAantme;VB CHSjSomeroVttietorj'i' Si S I Sk a ' a CO 1. .U iJtr DOTIChe'tiili-.feVdi r li r0.j.'M - . ..i . wi;:y, If) oa tail) cereLNo.a.SbDl -j6J50JO 7 00 Too a 3S5 4iWJ loo nilo. HKM ' e "ot V VU..... a. .. .... .1 i;oa. m a ..XU..jf 00 6J irnpfr.m!Pa Peruvian Guano. 8 S000 fcs BTOKfi's Phosphate. DOW O 0' 00 ooia.looo 00 00 a aw"L SoneMeal,1 f 00 00' woo KaataGuaao, IVimnlntA Matii : .; 40 00 & 4400 -t 00 00 67 00i twoo rotator Manare. jWJtBlrn'tiFhhtmhatn' 'f Mtod0Ph6sphaM ' r brA&trtfiibspla", Bxeelloua Cotton ifertlUccr 00 m Tojoo.'i DO 00 O OOOfeiv SM A 60 SO t iws:'.' U185) AW 4 & m. k.i.il. . St . . U1.U . f"$ S5 a 6 to f, e BAFami9.tiabblii Bit W ..u.iJ t 14 a ism 67j50 70 64 'O B7 . 4 5 6 ' 12H . 3 1 15r O ISfi. ' 1 JO i n L ..... --. . . . W r4a.J-N jorn,in twra ia, Q&fQs, porn.usrgo, w tnaaaei.v..i bofaiixedV buflhyA bags. HO Pi IKONr-c tOOuv ..Vtviiki. LAiD Northern, & t'0 00 a &9.C0 'U M I.V - 'I !?: o'im oa a LDMRS-Cnrt hip Staff, reeawod, 9 18 00 00 03. j ros .rliaUanroee.ac to quality, ft M ft . .r. IS 90 18 00 easoayioorins.i 48 08' O 22 00 las; and aofjos, com' mon, w Jb. Is. .1 KuitAosifis mow cp fcu.Da,xinaa 1 Mew cjdprJuaa, ddis v gai t'orto Bicojihds 00 O 41 00 14) .1 00 a , e ' ' oo ' S 25 00 a 35 40 O 80 J100 O 3 60 '11 O H 110 a 146 so a 100. o a 40 22 a 2s it 0 75 a 1 00 55 a 65 r 60 a f , r ODIB..... ... ; ISaiwHoase. hhda, 9 gal'... HAUA VSt) 1UU wouo, HS UtLup-ikeruooao, v ..... Lard, gal . Koein.v PO LTKY- :nlckensutve,grown V spring... Turkeys PKANTJT8 S bnsael fATOKS Sweet, p rmabel.. lBh. bbl , do a ssa.ij PORK Sorthern, City Jleea,.... 00-eo a MM 0060 Sod 00 ooa-5oo hln, fl bbi ......... tm - V tbeL. mm a woo a moo i Caroli-.i ., & . ........ U0. 7X- Kongh, v osHh.... 115 i. ,rlv a 1 so . is uonDt LDtrv; g 2 ixa. . - 1 tT. R . 14MO. - a. M; a, 76. 75 a 80 00 a 7$u- 00 a 3' , oa : 0 a SALjr Aluci, i bnshel Liverpool, ?! sack Lisborr. j eack. ......... imcric. a, t eitk. 8U(jA14 Ouba, fortoRlco, 4 . CoiJeo, 8 a ioo .0 ' a s a . 10 6y 7 00 5 00 , T Ri'! a x.c- e ,. CruBhed, f C. HdLKQLii-3- -j,a tract. ;H-iJ 1 I .-5 a' :L s ue i Gonucoa, & M resB3aps9 M.: .! 4 CO (0 rnrosa Hearts M. STAVES rWO.BM.'5(c-.- lilitv O Ifl-uu ' V) f iA t'M A. K.O Ehd., M CyprciBD. 9 II 1U LK7 VV V'i GO 00 00 0C . 5tf '6 1190 9 13 He po a w oe . C 50 & 1 QC 4 5f ' a -5.tX T AJJuOW-m 8. .... ffiBR Shipping, K w.. ' Mill Prime, f? ..,....'..-. MinFalxrM....T.. ........ common Mill fcferiOT toOsrlmaryV'9 M . WEfe KEY Northern. 8 eal a-eo 'o !-or 1 1 100 afftooj sea ( 26 84 s Washed. lb I 30 Bony Wool. ..I 18.01 20: CaABJKKl ...... JfuWtft, Szelange (eight) on New York, ... gaiLiiiiuiej. 5Faf-.:f.f.?.r I Eicsjuiga-ao days I f-eniw , u p v wowwaaa wm sm Dana 01 new fianuYBf uww.. ........ KNatieialBtolti.V. Miih.ti.i.'J1 Ravassa Guano Co. MS" If: C Bonds OldEi-Coupon,,.,... uo. funaingito-... o Do. . i 16S......,.....S ' Da. . Kew4B...a....u.....G3 Do. ' Spacfal Taj;... .... ..... 4 j Do. to N. O. Railroad. "...80 W. 4- WRJBtnds7 DfieldIag.l3 Carolina Central B. ILBoouit, O.Mc. .60 WU jCoL A An?." TUTL ,r 00 Wilmington cjityuoncB, 7 c ..,.30 -old 6e.....85 NewBanovOTConnty:1. flc ,...85 (Cur. Int) W. Railroad Stock . .65 North Carolina B R iV 70 WLLiGaa Liht Co. . ; ...,.45 .17. -5 llrhinaton Ootton mum.. TH6 StoatiM Wee Of WKBRIIARt 7th wilt contain the ooems 1 ters of a charauag serial etoryvcntiue by mrs.,opb:klia nisokt REID. t Author of, ' iljf. jq$cr'fl laag&rVi? ?ward, 1?- ; asdMrd: Dare."- ' ' - ' . J .t'aos i . null i.'it. --J. Those Who have enjoy eano; BleaSure the; yeraaal of this gifUjd 9 aceqmpU8hed.ady's l prevtoos pjrOQUCona,jKiu aeea ,po wmpenusuus a nf Tula nor Afnua.masi- bucuubbi ui cuuni ui wiu-. pare? them for the rare"' literary"'" traat that awaits, MUFFIT is a story of absorbing interest, andita rmbHrtatiani : will 'row1 inront'n iomciMai vu wa iesaisTjf -the WBKKLY;NEWS and theBNDAT HiJhaeriation 2 a Tear, il for eix months. Mo nev ean be sent Moacy Order (Registered Letter or fixneeai at onxrlfllr..-, v.. -I IB ESTILL, If eb 3 f Savsnnab, Gao. Plant ing;'Pasi; k-rrr j J!tii: 4a. . -1 it f.00 & XIC3alln&lCf i :"! , And for sale by OBTH. Fori TH,E LOCAL POLITICAL NEWS I OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, j Subscribe for. . TIH E F A Ij O QM J i fliisWrb?"l J J A Demt)crttIcrNeW?paptrr- PUBLISHED AT -EJZABffTrl CTIY,' C. 4 3F"Sent to any address'to January 1, 1881, for ONE DOLLAR. my26tf II, J ! II. 1 watet" V yttE&7mWttrr.:'A v. ,. 4--: Wit ! I ehan Ml(;LXAKEOns. : ilwajsliesE f)ae of ithe adtaatiMtoa that TASEANT'S 8KLT iq.APKRIENT betoeadry white powder has- ua' tt l'CTTsfJOvfer maay natural mineral waters, is the fact that it ever becomes vapid or stale. It is, therefore ins most aamiraDio preparauon not oniy ror travel ..I . - 1 1 .V. i. . m.' . " Wei on land and ies but for all who need a bright frosh, sparkling alterative and correct! ye, and it is alyaja .ready. j i lyOTDeodjWSw . . tuthsa tmc2p h & Rlorniite Star I .1 w Ti i I 1 f UJ3LISHED DAILY-AUD WEEKLY W 1. !.- t- "1 '! tit ''"-' ) ! i'. !j I 1 I BUXY STAR. Cue Vcar, postage, paid, 4. ...fr 00 Six Months : ...i 4 0d Three Months" - 8 85 One Month u i" ..i..ii0a WEEKLY STAR,;, Yeatjioataepaid, $1 50 1 00 1 i " Three Months" " 50 Notiees of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one ot tnHcflt papers in th2stete, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to St. Salem Frets. ,Ihe Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Oharlntta Democrat. t y ' The Wllnilntrton btab nas enterea on iuj iwcuui -CfencordE Begttier. : hn wiiminfftAn Svab has entered Its twenty- Aftli volume. TThere is no better paper published th tnet8ts-Zm-38ife. - The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers In the 8teWarrentoieOtette.. ' Ome fyhmwgton Stab has entered its thirteenth year." It baa become one- of the leading papers of thai S4Bt OEfbrtf Torthlkht. ' TelwilmlngtOK Stab Is not only one of the best news and fypoprapbical appearalBce cannot be beat en -j-o JUporter. , ... The Wlimmgtoir Stab Ib one of the very best pa-' per B4he South, in every department from typog raphy np to editorial abuitjr ai d independCHce. FettrOurglVa) fndex-AjpeaL iV, fre like the-STABbeeanse it is thoroughly rella blej candid, fearless, and ad wall and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and ia fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. Jft. Airy FWtory . '. Altboaga at Uie bead of the press tn jthia State in all that makes a paper valuable t&lp reader, still It eoaUnneB to Improve. It is a Stab of the firet Ttrarnltuda May its lastre never wane The JV WUlBaotitL The wnmingtbn (bT. C) Mobhiko 'Stab Is a mo del toewapaperT Indeed, ' we think we do not exas- Ouliea papers in tne sum, " utoniici.o Vi tlts merits wben we say un ine swn 1 papsrpabUtbed in the tJoutlu xtvw3jnav ya.) nous Heraid. ..... e WQmingtoii Stab has now entered upon its unth voar ani i wentv-flfth volnraei. One of thelbeat conuuetea ana exutea papers ui uia wuui, ante, as a North Carolinian, we are prond of it. . The Stab Is so well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which iU thousands of reaaer4donat already know. It if in every respect one of the best dailies Ib the Hoxkh.Eo5esoniaH. . . . ; l4e Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth rar it la a moat excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an 1 v 7 .a a iul rtexnlina, and tn North 4 earpUnaiengaaUaTii - That 'magnme'ent beaming 8tab has completed Its iwent-fsecohd Volume. It 1s ne of the most brilliant, erudite and, sparkling dattiM south ot tne atotfemac. Tbaeyatem in the get np of the paper eurtaafesem alL Tarboro Southerner. , . ' Thei Times IrJinnst say word 1oo goad for tt Wlsmingtea Sta,, . Una Jnat osjehed nef Jff. maavltTrthflava. Aa a nawsnarjer it Is a favorite" Lwitl the State press and is sought after by 'the peo-. pleJ Long ana prosperous use tJ ju. Times. Why Is it that sll the paperswith' thename ot J-; ,tn m an eh kriifht little Vaarnals T Tne WBmug- yewnaw tonrrN.OJBTABthe Washington Siar, Fredeiicks buri Siar, New.York Star, for example There muit be something in a name after all Richmond (VallStaU.1 - u a Wilminrton Stab, we are: pJeasod to notice. still continues on tne mgn roaa to encceaa. n o es teem the Stab very highly; regwdiBg it as onef the very bast ot our exchacgea, and consider it the of any journal punas nea in uw wm.-i- e WilmlngtoaSTAB is now taking the regBlaa. midbigbt Associated Press reports, and nas oeaMes increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. IU prosperity Is not Burprteipg eince it is so deBerving. Chariotte Ob-, SeTVfr' ... -;T ; . m': . - ' 4 Ttn Mobhtso Stab, one of the IbektdailleB we know, and as a newspaper, In oar opinion, the very best has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particul&r the Stab comes fully np to the mark as the briaelpai daily ta- our chief commercial city. Leag may it twinkle. AtonatC,;oitr. Tie Wllmtagton Stab lias erAered upon its Wthh volmae.and we areplsasod40 nottee stUl eoatinaea on tie road to access. We esteem the Stab- very highly, regarding it aa one of the very best aewspa-. oeti that comes to 'this office1. Its news columns ire ilways a Uttle fuller than those of any other of. our ixetuuMes, end its editorial department is con ducted wUlTmich ability. Morgantan Blade. H amble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from aa enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, theiTABbaa steadily -waxed!' until It now beams resplendent in the fall glow of constantly bright eninfe prosperity -vAaa newspaper, & has few equals, adso "superior, for appropriate selection and ja dici6as BiTaBsBmeat, and we are prond to irank It among OBraetjBccepiBblf) exchanges. EUlsporo a CTlMMnofan tfniinHaSTAS has flittered OTXn he thirteenth, year bfUe existence, and we take tbisopTortuBlty to congratiilate It upon Its prospe rity Etna deserted popTMarity. The remarkaeleeac ceesfof the StabSs due to its. strict attention W bostaesa. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), la-tHat it al way's has jthe news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper Is all thatfthe term of "good Be-iopaBert'amplies, and its corrJs of ottjtora and reporters are ttuwoaghly jdu eatea newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never oe retarded, and may Its denial, enterprising proprietor enloy many more happy years of nflefnlaeBa Ooldsboro Messenger. k Card to- the Afflicted. nnitr.RTsnv so sa. fintaw w j 'Stfeet, Baltimore, Md. "mftfteeareara' exjreriencein hospital and pn Vatej practice, gaaranteee a permanent core ia an ataalaaa nf th TTRTWAHV uimano ana vi ui NBEVoUS SYSTEM. Tia: Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impoteaey (loss of sexaal power), Ner- pepuitz ana Trembling, raipiwuoa ui w- Anmneesoi oigntor uiaamooa, rnn m iu d Nocturnal Emissions, etc., au resoinn front abnees in yonth or excesses ia mannooo. vis eaves recently contracted .cured in five to ten days. andthi (Ami . e poison entirely eradicated irom ww r"- Also all blood and skill diseasea quickly Tir3l ' JfYrJ Knhertann . a rraAnate of the i univertu- u i . . " . . , . i : i Hy oi Jiaryiana. -rfirB xn rnnrff' f i-ihuuh vuj- iIa mmnlAlntn arid frpAcrnlarltieB. oonimuBfeatione strictly confideatiaL and mo- seat to any aaareatv ucau or write, ouuiu- 40 Steam Engines jrQULDNT BAYS' CREATED, A mujH excitement than did our last Advertisement,. -ellUigthepeople of the tremendous sacriiice at our 4More7 CJohfcgJaoV IlgomKfor a -'Mere oiking."TB people are-raahiiif' for these bar- gaiaB. . Tna . enlargement oi oar store wui buuu. commence, then note the change at ' OTTBRBOURG S y 25 tf Men's Wear Depot. rt ,MTSCIKTJANEOP L NTJPACTURKR3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ,f..i.5q-ji C0TT01I LIACHINERY t '- i Of most i". f I Approved Patterns and with HocenJ Improvements Pap e r P ach inery XU11D1IVC WUEBLS, Prcssci fUid Poina. , PLANS FOR COTTON. , AND PAPER MILLS, i 1 ' C. L. HILDRBTH, 8up ' '' ' '. .L -i.WjEtiMSS.' 1 WHA. BtJRKE, Treas'.,'- Vt mhStf XjiNceu 8 Pembfrton Saoate, Boston. NCGTJRAGS HOME INSTITPTMWe. fpecBiity 'aalriat Kra. Tin? north - Carolina hjokiis insijbance company I aiiiEiGaJ . c. ; This Cemsaay eonUanes to write Poltcies, M fa.. rates, on all classes of insurabje property. AllloseareMomptly adjBsted and paid. The "HOME " m rarddlT growing in public favor, sad appeals, wltueonadence, to Insurers of, property la oruutroiioa. , i ar Agents tn all parts of the State, .jet jbB GATiNGjIheBiaent , . W.S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PiTluaKl CTWPE 8spervieor, ATBINSON MANNING, Asunrw EB0Ia.lt HOTEL Wilmington, J Ft A. ScHutte, Proper rjUB COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY TUE ?:SM PiaK nOU8Ei,"'havtiiE been therooghly renovated and: refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST 4 CLASS HOTELS in the city. The Table snppUedr with the best oar Home an$ Northom Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY, aslnd $3 so. , 1 .; lLanre Samnle Rooms for tiie Commercial J tr&ae. ... . , 3f-AFIret71a8S BAR and BILLIARD HALL connected with this Hotel.' .. 3y FREE LUNCH dally from. 11 A. M. to 1840 r.M. . . . Jysotf . orest and Stream, - ! AJL ROD AJtfO GllK. AMERICAN SPORTSMAS? JOURNAL j THE A WEEKLY PAPER DEYbTED TO " FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIB TPRY, F1SU UUlTUob, ftajriSVTIVH UJT iGAME, PRESERVATION OF. FORESTS, YACHTINO AND BUATINO, KUTLiK PRACTICE. AND ALL UT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. Is the only Journal In the Ceontrv that folly lies the wants and necessities of the - Gontemori Sportsinaii. TERMS $1 00 a Year. 8end tor Specimen Copy i ' Foroat & Streaaa fribUotilnsr Go,, i 111 FULTON aT.(OLD No. 1S3J New York. Ppat Office Box 883. sept 87-tf "j j AJU ABOUT W esternlrth Carolina If vfeu want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of The Western Cotirier. v Ithaca TWENTY-ODGHT COLUMN-WKEKXY, falibt interesting reading matter, .and devrted to the Interests of Western Nofth Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, .Headeisonville, N . C. M Ceilxal Protestsint A WEEKLY RELIGK)U8 AND FAMILY NX W 8 XaJDaoer and the Orsad of the Methodist Protas 1 tant Chorch.ln North Carolina, 1 published at reensooro, . v. v Terms, sx oo per annnm, in aovance. The eligibility of its location, the Bumber and rod tttity of its agents, and tbcmstantly mcreeaujr de mand f or it among the more solid classes ox readers in- mrions sections , give the CENTRAL ' peculiar pon tne iatronagc ec toe aavaraang poonc. verv favorable, uonsoit your pasineas inter and address the edi-oat-' 3 r. isTrrtTATnr I Greensboro, N. C. At kins 6n It anningTs insurance uooms, JANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING. " WUmlnstons N, Hariie ana Life - CmjanlfiSr rate Capital Represented Over EIOO.000.000 1 Tlie HariOii Stare OLDEST NEWSPAPER" PUBLISHED IN . ihe Pee Dee sectiotx. one of the wealthiest sad most prosperous in the State, offers to Commisssoa and iW holesale Merrhantadarnt M tnaf rrnrers. and totltosewho have adopted-the plan of selling by sample, an excellent mcoinhv or communication wfth a large and influential class of. merchants, me- os.pianters ana navar store men, waoso pat- ronage is worth solicitation. . Advertisements ana Bushiees Cards inserted on liberal terms. , . Address THE STAR, sept tr ,.. j .- .' Marion. o.u. i .. . jd i I ,i nr.. .i ...i. f bdltlaiii to WasH. " A LTHOTjrfeiT cOsrJ9 frBiI A.vilrtTTHicSr a.konrcaT H. C. PREMPERT wenrtdadvige his ylsir frsndaaimpatronanot tdnedd the report tbathehaa removed to BAlelga' BI that is- only don by designing persons to try., and Injure, his business, hat be tare' and call tm hfm at No; 1 Froa t Street, iwoeoors oeiow ataiaet. an dmiovb second to none in- the city, t JeStf : The Favetteville Examiner, i ',. .:a f - ' ! Weekly Democratic Newspaper, ' Pobllshed at- FAYETTEVILLE, NOJITH CAROLINA, JEb. K.BBYASr Terms $3,00 a year in advanoa. iBend.. for a spe cimen copy. ' ' my 5 tf. , j ihe mm siiMHflis; !pttliBhedhtlaJtIJlTOTOHaffl, L TTjSAIABGBPAP tnaina in the departmentsJot tha f ajniiy, of iia ont aldeTwhich ia all home work, . , . - - . . , r b (Wit.B news, local, nun ana mrnorat. vna buccibs i-; Itcircolate in iwimgiew-anner, Jtanon and Marlboro, and heroe 1 a most vaioable advertising minm, Circulation speciaUy large at Florence. S. C Address ' A. A A F. A. GILBERT, sept 13 tf Darlington C. H.. H. C t bun 'Thia npi Atrgrci I 2 eb i -i RAIXaROAIaXIKES.' ." 7uibJii0t6n & Weidon' , O.MW TT ...... i oywoa oy GsWl. fowsHjagBBoaartv I 1 . WUmingtonN.a,June.W, jffiir . . Change of 6cic4ue. rf-aN AND AFTER MONDAY. -JUNE 14. J 1S80, Passenger Trains on the WUBUngtoa weiaen jfAuroaa,wui ran an rouowc: Day Atari and Ea-preae TTraln, Dally Leave wilmlsgton, Front St. Depot, at G.50 A ia. Arrive at Weldon.... ... H:50 ?. M. Leave Weldon Sr40P. M. ,AWB Wilminetoa,FroBtSL Depot, :B3 P. H TAssaireKB ht FaiiOHT TbainDaiiLt xxctpr - " ' SmtDATS Xdave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 8:80 P. M Arrive at Weldon.. 8:40 A. M. AeBveWetdoa... .. '. 'lt A. M. Anrivrfat Wirmiagten,yBoat St. Depot, M9P- a on 4 aruoro prancn noaa uiva auuj MAunt f orTarboror at 5.18 r. K. Daily, a , and Toes- da? .'Thursday And Saturday at B. OS AM. Return ing, leave ixar doto at taeu a. m. ,Aa Daily, ana. Mon weonesaav ana jTriaar siaair. heDayTTaln makee close connection at Wel- MtAUUnofnta North via Bav Llae. dally -Bonoay. ana. aaur via gtepmona ana au- beS.So P. jA'. train makes close connections at doa, Petersbunr and Richmead." t! ' JUttLN jr. DIVIHJC, 13-tf , Oeneral Snpt eilGral Hun'tB OfHce. fii.iriinrGTON, coXunniA' - OITSTA It. H. COMPANY, AU' WILMINGTON. N. C June 18. IE80. , Change of Schedule. A.ft AND AFTER JUNE 11. 1830.. the followin i KJ Schedale will be run on this Road; f ASSEBOBB, EXPBK8S, MAIL and TBBOtTSH FbBIOHT i Tbain. Daily bxosft Sundats. ,ve Wllinlncton 4:00 P. M. wFlorenee.' ' 3:40 P. M veot CoUmbia .' 8:15 A. M ve Columbia 5:00 P. M stp Florence.. 4:ao AM. v at Wlimington 11:30 A M. IGaariSXPRlESSXItArN (Pally). ve Wilminrton ' 10l3J. M. ve-Florence. 8:40 A. M. Arrive atCamdea. Junction 4H5 A M. Arrive at Columbia..,.. . 8:15 A. M. Letve CelumWa.. f.. 6:00P.J4. .Leave Camden Junction . .- l :00 M. Leave Florence., y. 1:80 A.M. Arrive at WJimingtOn 8:30 A.M. ' This Train stone onlv at Briaklev'sl WhHevUle .Hl4rrlTicrtrTi Valr Rlnrf and l Paaaeqgers for Colombia, and all points on G. A tA tu ssi anam western motvb usxoiina, via uoium blaf and Spartanonrg, saoald take Night Express Train from Wilmington.. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Tram,- which connects via .Camden Junc tion. .; ;c.'tH... '' . - Throogh Sleeping Cars on all night train for Charleston and Augusta. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make connection for Columbia only via Camden Junction and Sooth Carolina Railroad. . 7 JOHN V. DIVINE, . JelS-tf 'Gen'l Suo't. tJ4R0IIrJA CESTRAL ElILfiT CO. OWOl GXimAX SCTBBlXTBKttBirT I . , Wilmington, 8. C, Jane 16, I860. Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE! 18, 1880, the fotlowlng Schedule will be operated oa this Railway: PASSENGER, HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : Leave .WllTning'too at . .' ... 6:00P.M. No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at. . .....1:85 AM. I Charlotte at. ........ ...7:00 A Mw I Leave Charlotte at 8:80 P. M. No. 8. t Arrive at Hamlet at 17 AM. M Wilmington at 9:00 A M. No. 1 Train lis Bally except' Sunday a, but makes po connection to Raleigh on Saturdays. No. 8 Train is Daily except Saturdays. SDEtulY DIVISION MAO., FREIUHT PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. h' o ( Leave "Charlotte 8:00 A. H. .. 12:00 ,M. ...AM. P.M. ... 6:00 P. M. f NoM. Arrive at Charlotte . LWAL-FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION . Leaves WOraingtoo 6:45 A M Arrives i at Laurinburgv..... 6:10 P.M. Leave Charlotte. . . 4:15 A. m, 4Kh)P.M 60 A M. Arrives at Laurinburg. jjeaves AAunnDurg. Arriv ves at Charlotte. . . : '4:80 P. M. Leayea laartnhBTg 6KX) A. M. Arrives at Wilmington. ......t.- ... 4:15 P.M. xnese .iTaina, leave Wilmington and coariott Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laaiihbarg, BtoBaaya, vceanssaays ana rnaays. lose connection at nanuet to and from Raleigh, I at Charlotte via Statesvllle. to all oointa in W stem rorm varonns ana to A&nevuie. so via Spart an borg to" Henderson viile, adjacent nokU and Asneviiie. Passengera foe Asbeville via either route, ieavmg Witmlngton at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at TPM. next day. Sleeping-Oar aotmmodatiats on Throngh Trains to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . Through Sleepers will also be rua to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. i V.Q.JOHNSON. Jel7-tf ,: , f. enerai Suiermteadent CLYDE'S If eW York and Wilmington 1 Steamship Line, Th6' Steatner BjBNEF AQTOR, Capt. JONES, SAIL JPBOM JfBW 70RR Saturday, Antuit 7. tsrjshippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING : j , or Steamert as advertised. ja ' Kr.Fmipbt Kntagemoits apply td rm WW rmm ma m V. ituutas jd. uvnwi Superintendent, Wllmincton, N.CX ICaer, Freight Agent, New York. Tfao. ii. DVj P. Clyde Ol Co., General Agents, dejctf' . ' aS BreadwayTNew York. of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital 31,000,000. Cosh Capita! paid In 9300,000. Surplus Pund 650,000. D IU KWi OR 8, DAMSON . U M. bTAUMA ISAAC BATES, JAB. A LEAK B. F. LITTLE B. B. BORDEN murChisou IALD MORAS rOLLER BRIDGERS ATKINSON" , " " , 4 . .CBAhV M. 8TEDMAM. asresldeat . SSMC. BATES, Vce President, 8dL WALiAaB.jbashier V t Jang80-U jptLB NEWSPAPERS, tSUTTABLB XJ tor Wrapping and other purposes Can be hod at the STAR OFFICE; 'IN ANY.QUANWTY JBT, .i.iaa..Wi ... aa, , ia srw , i3UsSSSem asBf a ' j OOTTOii GIN nnovu Ofeans tbo Sooct patter. Pun Lighter, Olne merer anal Coeta Loaa Money than any ; other Gin In tha Market Cvorymaohlna full And lae-allw uarrantaad. m - - 4 ,Tho3e mafiblnes are made of the beat materials, and the wrm.mMp.fu1 WnUli .nn-ffl RaV bOB awarded premiums at all the State fairs, Oeorgia Alahama, Teaaa, 'eto. Upwards f 000 of oar Ones are la eoastant ass ta 'the southern states, over KMnariar been sold la im frioo LLat of Olns, Feeders) and Condone r Boxod ready for shipment and delivered a oar factory. Prtoeof rktowah Feeder) Half ' 80 $78 00 S7 a too 04 tlfl 00 taooo 140 00 M0 00 U4 00 $100 00 11 00 1360 140 00 100 00 10 00 M0 00 B3S 00 AIM 00 144 00 It 00 17. e m oo b oo at i M i a 60 so TO 'as OT Tewraa Kbon oxi App4saatlon0XI 'From ISIS to U6I we maoofartared Otasat Ootembna, Oa., Tinder she fina nam of B, T. Tattoos a Oo., aftorwanla CSMmom, Baowa J Oa.,aod seed wha was Obea kaeva as the Taylor Gin. DurTna; the year ISM we removed to this tAtum. vhM a Ii. mm baaa. exclaalvelv aaa-avad la factoring CUas e-roraliioa. Wlte lone ezperwaoe, Abe eact labor savm- maeiilnery aad skilled work men, we posara nan, we poai faeiarer lac nil lantacf ant nnjirrrif trr any other line, for prodaolna; ine bjcst work for The detaand last year w so ri eat 1 r the KaAST monev. soyieaO that nearly too orders remained anftUed, bet we aare doubted ear nauufarturiiia capacity and hope to be able 0 meet all demands, sttUltla the wisest plan to : your oraara tm oariy. aena for iuostrated I pennwilet ri vlaar laaf aw tlmmtmtgli from over 600 lire, entrprilna planters. Pi'eaw ., Knglnes aad eomplet ontdt f arniuhed when desired. Ad areas BROWN COTTON GIN CO NEW UJHTDOSt. OOVK. JOHN DAWSON! CO., Agents, mh lG.DA.W5m Wilmington. N. C. rjRAWINCG ib PRICES FREE BY MAIL PIONEER WORKS MJtt BIBMINGHAM, Prices In England $2.00, $78.75, (89.35, $100.00, $185.00. $150.0U i . DOHvercd In New York, duty and all charges n claslv : , $103.88, $n7.79, tlH.77, $153.53, $184.88, $118.00. ditm Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at them prices. We are now niaklng small bores of Noa. H, 11 arm 80 gauge, which are acareoly inferior In ower to the larger horea. Weight of ICKBore from 6X Iba "1116 6 IS Tlf ' 10 " '..Sis' " or Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition, fend ror Illustrated sheets. We respectfully refer to the following rontlomm. who hav.parchared and are now usiag our guns : Bon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Kockingham, Jilrk mend county, N. C. vapi i. u. Murcnison, wiimirrton, N. C. foL B. F. Little, Llttlo Mills, N. . James A. Leak, Esq.. wadesboro. N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wllmlnaton, N. C" J. A wTtolley, Pioneer Works. St Mary's Seaare, Oct 8 DAWtf BirmlUKham. England. -fr r . i . Boneset Bourbon Tonic. REQSTEIE0. N ELEGANT COMBINATION OF BONESET ano other fine tonics w)th a pure Old Ken tacky Whiskey, ouch as eonnofasenrs approve andJnvaHd. muht have; not drop of any other spirit la used. Aach, wholesome and delicious stimulant Tonic for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, Ac Delicate women, over worked clergymen and physicianSt wora-out aertes, enffercrs from bron chitis, and rho feeble of every ae and dans will flhd it a delichtfal Invtgoraat, CHAMBERS ft BROWN, ah IT OaWtm ' Loulsvlllo. Ky. GEATS SPECIFIC MEDICDTS. TRADE MAilBl THE GREAT TRACK MARK nTflT TO tf WW SBav A"AJUVOU AVA AIA BDY. An an f su ing cure for bem lnsi Weakness, j Abuse, as Loss of "-'4r llrtllTAIIIi.Mernory.Unlv.r.Amt TAKII8. sal Lasattade. Pals fa the Back. BimBeae of VI. Ion. Prematura old Age, and many other Dsenaaea that lead to Insanity ec ConaompUon, aad a Premaiare wrave. aarTTill MulicnlarS in onr oamrhltet. whlrh we desire to aend free by mall to every one; ursine bpocum Medicine u sold r as Drardou at 11 per package, or Six packages for $5, or will he sent free by mat! on receipt of the mrmey, by ad areas lag THE GRAY MEUICTNB OO , i no. iu aiecnanics' biock, uearoit, Mien, Sold In WilmlBffton bv GREEN A VL.AJ4NU.It Wholesalo and Retail, and all DruggsU every where, tnh 6 DAWly i , MARBLE moroiraERiTs AND Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOKB PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WO Kit PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUK RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. HICIIARD WATHIN 4c COM 5T Lafayette Plaeo, Row Yark. Wathan Monumental Desima. In book forra.foi ale to the Trade. e4DAWU PRESCRIPTION FREE Xlortho aaeedr Car efSetslaal WeakBesLast, A asahooeJTaiararol.bllltT. aerveeaaesa, Tessa4faeyv CoatasAea of Idea. Averss i ta ftoriety, Pefoetlv Bonry, aad all Disorders Btfoefht a ky Serret Uahlu aad Ex Arantst has the Iarredleata.- Addreee. OR.JAQUE9 ACQ.; 120 Vest Biith Bt, CWILaATI0illIi feb;i5 lyDAW Hi A. &TEBTIAIT. Jr. Attorney ahfl CovEsellor at Law. KUXABB-rnTON, ' BLADEN COUNTY, It. C, . OfccUstalrs, In BricIBnlUl&Ej ccapled b BpecUdataaetaBe Claims. OTieeoesai ea aam Of ilOOaad opwards made for Five Per Coat, tf without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgagee, Ac.. specialty. apa-D4Wtt THE U. T r cm f o p e r matorrnca. 1 jsfc ItJ'1 Impoteaey, and JNitr aU disease that Y ? t, foUow, a a ee ILs -IVvJV auence of Self o M V 3 3 e F my 27 tf Noa. U. 13, 16 Sonth Front Bt.