Mr W1LUAM H. BEItPjAKP. WILMINGTON; N,C.x Tuesday KvmaxQ August 3, 1680. WINFIELD S.! HANCOCK, , oy Pennsylvania FOR VICE PRESIDENT : WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, Of Indiana. othxng can intimidaU mejrom doing a 1 be litN to to honest and rlgU.-Hancock in 1S68. nun i'rw nr. cwyM; a&rf, ofthepress, the freedom of speech, the natural right cf persons, and the rights of property, must be preserved. Hanax. in 1831. mien insurrectionary force has been overthrown and peace established, and the civil authorities are rvady and willing to perform their duties, the mM tary power should cease to lead, and the dvU admi nistration resume its natural and rightful domtnwn. Hancock in 1S67. , FOR CONGRESS : JOHN W. SHACKELrOEJ), Of Onslow- Election, Tuesday, Nov. 2.1 MKAOCKATIC ST AXIS TICKET. For Governor Thokas J. Jakyis. Lieut. Governor J as. L. Robensok. Sec'y. of State Wm. L. Saundeks. " Treasurer Jso-M. Worth. Attorney General Thos. S. Kss an. " Auditor W. P. Roberts. " Sup'u of Public Instruction J. C. Scarborough. TAXlTToS-DEaOCBA'llO SAVING. Gov. Jarvifl, in his canvass, dwells upon the economy of the Democratic State Government and contrasts it with the wastefulness and extrava gance of the Radicals when they were in control. He does wisely. The people understand what it costs to enjoy liberty and the protection of law when the tax gatherer comes around. The pocket-nerve is often more sensitive than any other. " Let tJe people understand how much is gained by having Democrats in charge and you make a strong argu ment for their retention in office. Correct figures will not lie, and Ihey establish the fact that a very great saving has followed the advent of the Democratic officials to office. The lialeigh News thus states the case: "If the people wish once more the worst government the world ever saw, and at the highest price, let tham elect the Radical State ticket If they want the beat govern ment for the least money, let them vole for the Democratic candidates. The Radicals collected and paid out millions in money and many more millions in bonds, and there is nothing to show for either money or bonds. The Democrats have' collected little, have issued no bonds, hare paid for everything, and return a good account of stock in the shape of permanent improve ments. No party has ever had a better showing to make to the people than the Democratic party makes to-day." In two years the Radicals wasted and expended 904,559.19 upon five items alone. The Democrats ex panded but $635,719.07 for the same items, but not in two years ..but in four years. Mark that. Gov. Jarvis, in bis Shelby speech, asserts that the Democratic party had administered the State government for ten years for only $100,000 more than the Re publicans paid out in two yean. Re member these facts. Be not deceived by anything you may hear in explana tion. Facts are facts and no denials or explanations can obliterate them There has been a very great saving to the people of North Carolina by the Democratic party. This is appa rent when we confine our investiga tions to the State government alone. But when we go into the counties and see what has been saved to the tax payers by Democratic rale many millions will only express the amount. We should like to see an approxi mately accurate estimate of the amount of money that has been saved to the people in all of the counties that were first nnder Radical control but have been under Democratic rule for a term of years. If the people could realize the vast sums that have been saved to them in this way they would appreciate the beneficence and blessings vouchsafed them by Demo cratic supremacy in State and county and municipal governments, and the last thing under heaven they would think of would be to return to power the party that had oppressed and despoiled the mi - " If you desire higher taxes, then either vote, for Radioal candidates, or what amounts practically to the same thing, stay at home on the day of election, and thus do something in aiding your political emiesV j Since preparing, the above we no tice the following statistics as given by Gov. Jaryis in his speech at Ruth ford ton.. We copy the paragraphs because of the important facts Ihey oontaiC J3m!&. 3 ii 8 Si Cf "I hoto In Behind a 'carefully prepared, statement, Ukso from, the. recoida oj tha State Treasury, showing' the cost -of tun niog the State government for each' year, from July 1 lWHd-ihe 1st of July, 1880, : wclnalve He had only time, he regretted to find, to notice a few of the prominent facts. , For the fiscal year ending October 1, 1869. -tho Henublicans1Dent."t77fi,478f4. For the fiscal year endiat October i, tsf the Democrats snent' t5BfcTIJl85". a f Uel ence in favor or Democratic ruie rds.tq. For the flscaljearfiMin U 1870, the Republicans speni fi.ioo.ias. 80. Up to the 1st of June, 1880, the Demo crats spent $i43.O00and ieisthwor$100,000 more, will complete, (he nea making id our fv$r a tfftenjDca if o5irjj6QXl000. He defied any Republican to show out of iheh-vwrwpTmarTOreWd Single" uWlaf lllal had been applied to permfnenr !arpr"5e-l; ments of any kind in the Btale. TUB CONTltADIOTIONS. ANU; IhHt CONSISTENCIES OF STAWAXIT, ilSIH. . , , . ., i The Republwupftjp-4s commit ted to the abominable and'datigercrus dbctrine that this country is a Na-. tjo'n and that States' . i.igts are i4 a thing of the past. The iwhQle ten- d'enoy of Radioal legislation is to de f sroy the -reserved.,: rights, ml the States, and to paralyse thev feenefita' apd privileges o4t local sjsiC-gOyern?' mont. But how chanfcernel18tf6-. 77? When the 8 wero engaged in taeir work of cheating th? whole eq? . pie and robbing the eleotoxs of. two Southern States, they tlie 'Infamous 8 acted upon the strongest States' Rights dogmas. They were such rigid, unbending, unflinching friends and exponents of the most stringent interpretation of the Constitution in 1876, that it was a viola tion of the reserved rights of States to go behind the returns and examioe into the Question of frauds. Of courso it was the most, bare-facod hypocrisy qn their part, but here is what Senator Hoar, of MassaohusettSjStated to haye been the. rale of- law and reason adopted by the 8: "The Commission held that the 'power of deciding who had been duly chosen erec-; tors wu in the States. They held that the vetes of such persons were to be' counted, as the tribunal chosen for that purpose In each State had declared to have been duly; appointed by its electors. They beM that Congress had no authority, or pretense, of suggestion of mistake, misconduct, fraud, o any ground whatever, to usurp the pow er to determine who 'had been chosen elec tors in any Stfte, or to reverse or brertufn, oa any pretense whatever, the State's de cision by its own constitutional tribunal." These fellows, become strict con structionists when it suits them. Just now they are latilndinarians of tho broadest stamp in matters rrtjuning to the Constitution. In 18T6 it was the States a Union of States a ttnion of States with' reserved and inviolable rights under "the Constitu tion. In 1880 it is a Nation a Na tion that has so completely " absorbed the rights of the-"States that it is a great political heresy to hold other wise or to talk of Stales' Rights. In all the world before bejejwas never such a party without principle or ho nor or conscience. Tha Richmond LHspatch, after- copying what Hoar saicL, as given in the above extraotfthaavtbie-to say: "The Southern Stales ask van. Mi; Hoar., and your . party to sUck to that teaching i What reason can you give for appofetrsg- ft batch 'of deputy United States jnaishats to supervise the election of Fr&siaeoUai eloon tors if Congress has oo right to revmeor bVerturn on any tsftteBse1 iTn hatever the State's decision by its own coudtatlaaaT X You can't go beaiad the rascal r you ca.o reverse uxe win or tha people Jbjl - .1 ,rt - . Ti ' -Ti. m. t ba bed supervisors aad depty marsnals. Tr'r I A fia Repuhilc epuUicans are." I The following, paragraph from a recent issue of that Stalwart orgao published at Lemars, IoWa, an4 known as the 8mtinilzdtxovtB what the Garfield set mean by a Nation. That straight-on t Republican sheet says : "'All the Sentinel seeds to knew is whether its official standard Lester, recognizes the doctrine that Arhorica ls a Nation, that thai States are mere provinces, wholly subordM nate to the National authority;, that this 1 itepuDucxtS- & unit not a 4o. ana jthat America la a State aad net aggregato at Stales. In the eitation we makexfroni his letter Qarflehl says: llie:UnUMSta(es. is a Nation.' And he pledgeahimseif , tnc&se. of. bis election.' to exercise his Jmere Ulan regal authority to mainiain,.tU : supremacy. V. we care naming joruarjuia i ttrtitesor vices. Aad here tha &n&n4Tdeolarcs it takes Oar field as the embodiment of the Republican par tys ideas of centisf&aliaiL and aaka hanjiefc lions." 5 , - . , i . Whilst agreeing with the Baltimore Gazette in the general opinion that hanging criminals by mobs is not a preventive of crime, we must add that the courts do not seem to be a preventive either. The Gazette very pertinently, in vier of the fear ful epidemic of crime ' and Mllairiy, and violenoe now ravaging the whole land : "Eveiy civilized hDTnaabeinjj, of what ever race, is interested in the discovery of an effective safeguard sgaiqst the repetition jof such atrociUts;iPuttiCatttM5Xperi ence can be relied on as proving inything at all, it ought to be evident that lynching,' at now cooduated, exerts no deterrent effect, while the degradation of our courts, which it nccetsaiily involves, cannot fail to exert a pefpiciooaio fluence." .!Wo grant alt this, and yet it must be admitted that the law's delay sJa$ the protecting shield thr9wn over murderers and scoundrels by tho legal dodges arid' the Inefficiency of' the courts, are well calculated to prompt r unthinking, rash and indgjn.sit men w taxe tne matter xr swarenng pun ishment in their own' 'hands. ' Whit protection ib'life ia.there in Pennsyl vania or Texas ? . Wheri niurderers of the deepestdye are pardoned in tho one Staboand acquitted in the olhefl byl a oor-it -jury,; as Irf ihy oaselpf XJrie, hat chamuu-has: uml J lifandQirhat feartfUiavrf, riminats ? ttev lauirh at tnelaw and snap their fingers i n the very face of the astounded andt panio- stricken citizeB? t TU f) Wu are uu'auuluuisufm IjfutUUw i or any other form of-mob violence. At6nelfeve ft isspd;thelav to take . its. ,oouEse .bu we rarejaon etraiaed xxs sajiitblsr atf long as joxties kie corropV andoitl' niefficnl'tria the 'pardoniiMis freely used J VirifK .-Kilo :u:!tHq -iiifsfo x4'l there will be ..cases f lynohins ..In eHrjomnittny, qun-fin dozons; 6t mjan whe will patioipai in iiangt- lrJg a'reat' iyillaitf tett then i8any dttnfas tb hlsbelhfrimkffiwier1 p ocess or law. Wjhen,eyjeri thft people begin, to Jc se AQQfidenoj, mi . th .certainty pf P inisliinf; -crime and in the protection k E6rded society by- g"dod laws ' and their faithful execution, fusi'theii you1 jwiil see restiveness anu.a aoiermina- ttbn ;to give arirnjnala a s , if t aaaage( from the sow of murder or' rape to too retributions ojf ejeraistyl ; dsn HsiWkW -in otticaoo. Gen, m&mH rdaBter, Qm. NS- P.Batiks, of Massa- cliuseits, has turned up at Chicago., 0 n yesterday a week ago he delivered h mself pi a speeehj T e h,ae seen the textof said Bseoh' teCeiUty and ,wja refer to i " d say tha). waj f ulj pi venom and fcatred lo the ' South wWiniensely.' secliob'ai, and asyfuH ,o ' lies as an egg is of'" meat. He "fl tunted the old ragged bloody shirt jiom firsCto laJst, anT the whole piir p e of the speech was to create the m ost intense prejudices, against oux, people whilst exalting the deepest alarm among h hearers as lo the designs of the South if the Democrats should iriuraDlu It is a very vtle ,apeech'7-1lhe speeoft 'of a gmiir de'lna gbgue withot boiios and without Wuthi' He iets but wiih "a batcti' , of falsehoods abat are equal to his niendapious reports of battles with Which he was wont to tickle the hopes pf expectants at headquarters during the "late unpleasantness. I his lien. Banks, all the way., from Massachu setts, opens with the following gush-, of assurance: j"ltr. President , and, Ifcjlow-Citizaoa. This Kepu oilcan party oi this country was never as perfectly united as if Is at this mo ment. I Loud cheering. 1 It was never so strong as it is this hon-Q;ie& of 'Good ! and renewed applause. it was. oeiQf . so certain of victory in any election as it is this year, 1880. I Loud applause. " (.Now that sort ot stun: needs no comment. The lie is too patent and b6ld to deceive any one. There is Bft a well-informed , Republican poli tibian in America, whA beUoves one word ot lit. . Tho troth is, the most 8agaxio9l hV0 alnlOSt'ivon tip the contest; They know that the people Of this great country have not 'for gUe the great crime of the century perpetrated in 1870, and they mean 11 !! 0;a: rr - e . of following Banks. He is a fit re t eienutlv. of tb.t type of Northern flmall-beer demagogues who fatten on oe garbage, and who are false and antra omctbinjrv - Wo will collate a jfeW segregated passages to let our readers sec what1 this political Mun chausen told the Chicagoans about ns : , ' f 'I coma here to ask. you iL in addition to; the power oi the House and the control oC the Senate, you are'wiflfnir to irtre them that which is necessary to make-their no- Mocal control f thfis7ntiBfg lhaAlnt'' and jedmplete? Lories of ,NoV and 'Never I'J Np., It will. not be done. , Iknow it will not be done, IA voice: 'Give us the J&xftcuiivtc Departnsastjof Che Goverav meat shall be in the possession and ander Ihe control of The South they will have realized what was the dream, what was the txchmum boMun. otlhQ political bhilosonby on their great Southern leader, their great nullifler, their great , secessionist, the great enemy oi tne 'xovernmefli or the United TBtateewiMr Calhoue; o South1 Cicolina. I . ODialon, is. suppressed : everv State oi tha, South opinipn is suppessedV add,Jtherefore; the Senators representfng tins section or we rjepuDHO nave more re spbnsibility to puWlaoninjani i Tbwr.ssia. uduoub it uocb out matter, w,neu meir tefmfl expire, beeaarJehey can ledttnl again od laeii i exactly 'Olthjaic type. PibHa oriinloa is destroyed absolutely in the South, lOries of 'That is a fact.'f Therefore ir mere a soiaier nere appjausei cnes or 'Lbtcctf theC tfkoJiaavuevcKi been iathe rebel, I BUtajyiiexfUieorer froiahe peor pie of his State, or the President oMhe Uiited States.1 these judicial officers' can take him from his Tume and ;und Afln- into the South ia be Jrjfdforv7i&teserctewH. offense tney may ptease to charge, against him. Twill not speak of the" candidate Of the Democratic ajarty recently-Dominated as soldjex or as man. .IsiWill not speak of biaxat all in Jhat connection bid i say, will jou, because you believe him to have been a soldier, and a gebd Sofdherwlll you place him in a position where ae. will be obliged to (conform to thosejlendsiiLthe South er people? I Cries of 'No.' 'No.'l L have seen the best men that I have known in I the SouthV Intelligent,1 hprighti'hdnbrahte 1 man,.'Wbdiad-WOfkea-rdr theifJ living and who ;bsd-ootrjuJated.Jiai JirUl property, who have told me -with, tears 4n their eyes betausfe the "welF-dressed brjgfmoffws call taetti eotltherd men', Demosrats, rebels, and,whai3flpJbcbeeattseoltha wajl-dressed, and wtll-mounted, b'saQds4, political brig-ands-l do not say brigafidSln tbe sefisu of robbei tint J apaato of men-wbor bavaia .PoUUWiCJIUB wJiichihey.wUhtQ msiHtai, ana defend: they have tWs form of the SYdNmotrhted "inwellaBdbMtfcaT btigaadi tikenOQ'thryhighWsy front -these pper laboBiag men theirproperty.'' -; This is more than enough you cry. Now it is such abominable falsehood -and slander as this that' is resorted to ilheortt! ex&ectea t healthyhpr? nary Northern voter Is so ignorant of history arid Politics when he has such Utachers is i&tci plo&G$ .Ig55 ra wis, tioaii,"'-adaetpeBd Banks. What can North Carp.lftfa5 eer gain by the success of such a party with such exponents and offi- .csais TiHE NIHCOOLB IN THE . f OF LUHD8. ( , Thp liberal bill, chepk evictions. in Iceland having passed lb,? House' of Common, only twenty Liberal having voted against it the stiraggle'.wiU now. be- la ther House of lirds. The Home Rnlers id the nam ber! of thirty-seven : voted with the liberals. Mr. Gladstone "made a splendid fight in the House of Oom pJOus, but he has greater difficulties to encounter among, the Peers! ( It is believed he will, triumph if he stakes his continuance in office upon pupcess. I he shows to the Lords that he, will resign or dissolve Parliament sooner thao . abandon tho bill he will force iLi-;u;ii.w ikm.v rit iM jviioiuimj, . j willing to do in Viejfr the excited ..-. ..m: tv,ZnA .ho .wr. mV trrd nv to do awaV with herdd- aa in.. iu.u iiu a cuaiai ax. tm ra mm m-w aav w Mm - 4 . m . itaijr y ecu age. , xuv w vv. .w not, however, unanimous in support of the measure. Earl Grdy, a Liberal,! Iflitrt'mnVe'lta reiecliofi Lord Ports- latO move US rejeoilOU. uoru runs mouth, on the other haud, who owns niaoh lad in Uel.nd, d.fed thel principle of the measure. He reminds tbc E.glUh and Scotch opponent. that the Irih tenant, furnl.h the buildings and not the landlords as in England and Scotland: and that the bill only proposes to prevent the con fiscation of the tenant's interest. Ue gave expression io a www aonumeuw le said tlfat he thodght "confidence egendered by fair dealing was the best weapon to use against commu nism." There is a Tory Lord, George Hamilton by name, who belonged to the Beaconsfield Ministry. In a de bate he was stupid enough to com pare the case of the Irish peasant "to the Ryots of the Deccan." We see it, mentioned that the allusion was apeoialy unfortunate, as the late Ministry had carried a bill to pre vent the eviction of the Ryots in the Deccan. It is unfortunate for the Tories that they are less willing to show as magnanimous a considera tion for the Jrish as they manifested for the Ryot. VTe note these things for two reasons: first, there are many readers of the Stab who are deeply interested in all legislation that con cerns Ireland; second, we know no history so interesting and instr native to an American as that of England. The two parties are uow contribution; a! fresh chapter to the History of England in the Nineteenth Century. 'In the last Oxford Free Lance the editor, Gapt. William Biggs, is out in a. two-column "card," in reply to Col. Hargrove. lie says he has other cer- ti&catea to establish the poneotnw at the reoort of the sneeoh of the Radical Elector. The following is only necessary for us to copy to place ther whole matter before oar readers, emitting the merely personal part. Chpt. Biggs says, referring to Har rgfove'fl cerwners: "And now a word as to the men who tes tifjf im this behalf.' With aierw azeeptiona they are Granville Rads and members of ih& rotten aod corra pt 'riag, ' which for twelve long years plundered and. outraged tnp people of Granville. Look at them: iithn Janet. M. B. Jones. Bill Jenkins. Jim l$6re, B. H. Cozsrt, and company 1 jNfcafly all of the signers of the certifi cates are bitter personal and poliiieal nraRmiea of the editor, of , the . Jrree iAnce. caused so by ''the eXObSUtes of their t manifold rascalities and corruptioai through the eolumns of that paper. T thai saeei and its editor they mainly attribute the fact that they and their party were hurled from power two years ago, and hence their spite nd venom. MThej? .have nearlv all sauirmed and wfitbed under the excoriations of "the. Free IAnce for their mimbeness misdeeds, ana this is the way they seek 4o revenge tbem- se vea. i :Here is a part of a tender epistle itten by a modest, blushing widow I td starving Dr.- laerw il is irom tne gusning pen m eosmoreu mrs. Maggie Milltqne, of Fremont, Ohio: n ?'Seeing by the papers that you ca,n go without anv kind of food, except water, I take this opportunity of kBeeliag' at your feet and offering you my Aar asa .oaoa, ntfor dear Doctor. I imolore voa to accent tha,leap year oner irom a young wiaow. or. twenty-seven years. X0 Children to potherf ijetyou intoajrMTey-makinipOT Dofiaa. as a ereai many wmuo. now. uear Apiftf Ut hrft nbt leasf 'I nromise von . T ' --iSsafaJWFa----- 1-- Uiai as long as we live we wiii neirer uayti . raan cabbage ana. -nog, meat" on ouriaoie. ear Doctor Tanner, ff you Ibofc favorably '-onjmy. suit please inform .m by i return Atartm!, going Eaatln weeks, , If on. do not IV w ailO lJUn 1 UV uvi vwj vu ubi ts fuunuJiLKWiMliflfAiiF '.it ' bAhW4ied,''., h, f'Anounceof civit, good apolne-r :rXeCearf lettof Ueoi fid HoaV plaocu &bfs f ernhe-brdf- r cafy t" V Gotham has a new ; sensation. On Saturday! tbere wasfto have been a ork: be -The impntibeatre;idcattd at the cwner of Sixth avenue and, 116ih street; will ac nrpmnHnta 7,003 or 8,000 peoplerand every inch orspace tn irwilt probable be flHedr ftve oMtick M. Uttiebour for the com bat it togin.ATbeaoimalsterOm Tkxhh, Vainamorn. ma rtpanmn gtiniiPn maflkhu be; ibeir principal aatagy b ist , says 'tljey ate i$ liveiy'4ttima!s'a8;ahr with wlm he ever ha4 tq dJiqTMadridV :' ' ' ' ;th att;Waint consfifeld plttnced England . iS inoob more oostly than .Tory estimates led llii nannla tn nollOVn. It ltt' nflV . rT , 4? tJJ ,r y, known triat tttere was a misiaae.oi 10 rjloeiiLLin inaj8.pr5p per oeht. lfi the record of "aoltfarexi- rr j , '. t.-.'.i' i l pjsnses Mobile .Btartsff iov ne,.;aijr:TV.;:aud;ougbt in by native meaaeneer from Can- irlvea an Oarhestof a SweeuinDemo- :. i . : .?-: it- .'; u Crane victory ifUiuugiiuuii Aiauauiu, despite the coalition - of the'so called Groenbackers and Radicals.' O CTi HUNT COM MKN'f. His letter contrasts favorabiv5 with Gen. Garfield's in the frankness a.u i' 'A..a. Vw c.LZ, and inoisiveness of its utterances. It 1 betrays riono of th Studied, larVS of MH'..W raSBiS 9a.l4 Ad AClt IftdlO iiinKllh E lltflAI St. - i V-??y W:5Vricf . o0DJiq,,not;;inaye)3 spoken. wifcU more I dlreanesacr and Lfield that-toadasir inamff "imifrortaL - w w w defence of the trae principles off IteO tnsUtouons. no, voter, ; i&tortn . 0f jjoutn.-can- mistaice ne ponoy nat I wiU contr$ tts ao v tissues. settled by W:9P a. . j. n 1 u . k. i 1 i . - I " 1 . Avaairtnand dmitrl 4ab- Philad. Times. Ihd. ; Gen. UaD!ook.8 letter MiSJ'3Sy,M-ht 1 iug the nomination of the Democratic American who really loves his'cotrn - try and sincerely desires the happi' ness and prosperity ofthe whole peo pie. The. letter is briefs bu it con tains in its few DaracrraDhe the'entrre - i pian 0f our government and tbepiih J ciples upon, which it, shnld be con- ducted, as intended by it80fbrjrrders, and the spirit of which has been in no respect .changed or modified by sub- .1 sequent alterations in the plan, ren dered necessary by the march of events. lUchmond ( Va) State, JJetn. OUH STATU COtfrBnliUAIllH. Buxton, while on the bench, protected his part iz ins and punished bis enemies. Jeffreys did the same thing. Bat Jeffreys never insulted public decency by asking a' free people for their suffrages. yftartotfs' Vbserver. None but a dceamcr would eaterlain the desire attributed to Democrats by General Barringer. But this declaration suggests a query, ueneral liarneger was unce a slaveholder, aad when he. charges the lMmaertla wuh fmlsphfuul whn rionv lha wish to rt-establish slavery is lie judging4'n.W be scene, but who were formefly sec- others by himself? Does he regret the' regret the loss of his slaves, and does Jh -desire to have bis slave property restyrelO'im ? II no s.ys no, men ne must ciain superior veracity for himself over some of' the vety best men id or tn uaroima wno make the declaration. The elakn is- preposterous. If he says es, then he stands Self convict- Let mm choose whichever horn of the dilemma he Ukea.FayeUeviUe Examiner I01MTIC.L, P(MVT, ine more caret uuy ieoeraLi Hannnt'aranftnfiaiiUniiiihTiaht itshlnea-ZtoftWisi.Zfem. ! When Arthur looks forth and beholds loag columns devoted, to Garfield in the New York Iribune, he wishes ihe were also guilty. Atlanta OonUitution. All nghtf f or- Sigel firfrtsr this - ." za a. i v w .a a - . mw m w. - I veteran Corps that is now organizing all UTUI tug UlfUUUJT Ague Cure a purely vearetable bitter and ful, tonic, and. is warranted . a spce certain cure for Fever and Aerue. and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Tl Ill A. w-n w a. a "i?? S'al ianai disorders, in miasmatic di3- t spine extremities, are only premonitions. of he severer symptoms, w rhich terminate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever aaa proiusa perspiratioa. . ( . l . ' It is a startling fact, . that uioine, arse gt&S. aJSte nic ana otner poisonous minerals, form tb jrever'tod Acn "Tonics," in tho mark market. The nrenara. nons maae irom tnese mmeral poisons, aifuongu uiey are - paiatanie, and may. break the chill, do not cure, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing quinism, -dlzamess, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more1 formidable than the disease they were intended to cure. AirpR'8 Ague Curb thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the svstem. , arfd. always cures the severest cases. 16 coiatauis no quinine, mineral, or any thine "Tlthf'Mftllll n J .1 A. .1 . 1 . . . rwiii luuw injiiiu 1110 iuuau ueucaie pa tient; and its crowning excellence, above Hs certainty to cuxaia.jtfcit leaves the as Ireo from disease as before the I pos Liver Complaints, Atek's Aguk CrjltE. bv direct nfinn nn t.IiA livw anA -biliary apparatus, drives otii the poison wmnH. jirouuce tnese complaints ana sunin ulates the system to a vigorous, healthy 20haHion. '; - We warrant it when taken according to directions. Oi'AMSmrl till n. I f . I ia, the rapid pulse, coated toneue. thirst. 1 lnnoUii1. 1 t 1 1 I . f woaimuo, juaa Ul HUIJeum, Ucllll in ine DOCK I "pu aad loins, and coldness - of the snine and i fire ' ; Practical and Analytical Chemists, ; " Lowell, Mass. : ' MU BT AM. DBUOQISTS ETERTWITEBS. ap 3 eod ly fr aa we nrt& THE ILNEWS. "Kr" Sr. ARTfe F THE WORLD f i M- LLIHUNUK. Partieulars of the Disaster lo Oeu. Borrow' command One-bait of bla Forces glaagnvtered Torktih Fore InCTAaaedllurTlieMair Kpirtia -4 , ICy Cablotfl the MoraUijttr.J :u London. AagU3t3.r-The limes has the following from-Candahar, Atigust 2d, by Teiegraph company, - L iOn thS -morning of July' 27ih 'General I;3nrrowa,eagaged, Ayeob Khali' , force iz.uuu men ana iweniv cuns. ntiv mi beyond Cahdshar. After foof hour? strvere' PfighUngfflen. Jiuwews was repulsed and t forced to retreat to Oandahar. British lns killed t and missjng, mo&tof the losses oc currine on the retreat. Three ' horse artil- j 'lery guns were abandoned.'. Preparations are making ror a siege in Uandahar. . i nn unjaivi inn rnrotrnt n rr navra oaa I dkbdr and elgraphcl from Killa Abduilai :J a postfTOrtyrour - mties oa 4be Oaodabar siuaror Qaetta. a - . f : ?; jThe lime sajs: "We may sesume that the messengers utt Uandahar on Saturday. Vfe learn for ' the first time that General Burvows -Was the aasailaat, aad as; the Afehans'do Bot take nnaorjers. we fear all ot tfiefmuisiog may be reckoned as killed. 11?? npshot of the story is that out of 2,400 1 men not more than bait dome ot whom are wounded) followed General Burrows into UaDdabar ." ; A Bombay dispatch, under date of Mon- W ;em f - mmm wwMwawaMa a T UBIUTV IVUUOII IU tJ; Thevemment it Bom- Ituay-jaoaoa spw.aoy'iMiropsjaa 'iroops tor i reanioroementSi '!' - - v . :.. dispatch from r?raf ?es twt tbe t-orte has deter- mw , m MaM as. m li 1 iDbreas. the4rbo ps io Tbessaly and Epiru. td iflfryihousaad; Of these nwedtv-slx f nusaua win serve in messaiy and four T,?81" h4msaid of 1 inn w niim inrnsi win nca ra inanian. vAiiiniaAva r irpm uowaioft awoet tm mowing, says 1 "Mr. Oladstonn nnol n fir niht Ti,r is noincreasein thelocalmalady with which I Marquis Hartington, Secretary of India, oS&Sl AStSL j cdncinded,by saying that the government J fobkjhis step with regret, btcuuse, while Ha Bartle irere'a views differ from the views of Ministers on important questions. iney xuiiy recognize nia nign personal quali ties ana aesuneuisned services. iA Rome dispatch savs the Liberal Dress express coneern ror Mr. uiaxmone's ncailb, aiid hope his speedy recovery.' The French ana u-erman press ' also comment on Mr. Gladstone's condition. DRVILISU WOlCli. Attempt to Wreck a Train on tha fladtnent Uatlral-Narrow Eacape f-Arreat or Two t Neeroo Cbarfced Wliu the Crime. tBy Tolegriph to the' Morning Vtar.l DAnvillr, August 3. Last Wednesday nigui uie iracK or mo rieamont rtatiroad wha obstructed! by.cross-ties fastened udod it for the nUTDOSe Of Wrecking .tha train At anexceeaingiy aangerous point, known as tbie State line trestle, seven miles s6uth of Danville. Ihe northward bound mail iraiu, wuwueu wun passengers, mauo a marvellous escape from destruction. The railroad authorities employed detectives to rerret out the guilty wretches, and vester- day Detective Wio, of Richmond, arrest ed two negroes, employed asjarm laborers. I -"u "anus on me ranroaa. rne evidence against them is said to beconclusive. Their 'motive is said to be reveDge against the section master for discharging them from ineir ranroaa employment THE tJ1BT. Ttie Treaty els Uapldir Slsnod aaervatlB to ba Opened ror seitle- ruent in One Year. i lB Telegraph to the Kornln" Star Dknvkk. Co Auguat 3. A Los Pinos . J x. i."u,auo ououuj I lu commissioners quarters an aay Irday to sign ihe treaty . The chiefs I lelrfel that unless their ' names aro for- a nairinit oi wnoi i a wa m a m a naa.M 1 warded to WashiBfrton tbevwill recti no I part of the sixty thousand dollars which I the .commission ia authorized to pay out as HrXP8 arogement3,for the removal a w u u uv.Aaiaiwu. t u ii, ii n in in uii sioners leave here about the 4th for the SOuta TJte Agency, except Col. Meacbam. wbo roraains at Los Finos to take the cen. sua. The removal of the TJtes is only a question oi lime, roe commissioners are hitrrying matters as fast asTJOBsible, and a year irom. tais Jail vrMl probably see the iwurvuuuu opea io Beiiiemeni. NEGRO RlOTlNUS. Ai aegro Democratic Voter Ntabbed 3eueral mtelee One JVaxrp Kllla An- Oiber-Lrnch Ltw Threatened. : ,LBy Telegraph to the Jornlnj? Star. . Cincinnati. August 3. A dianatch from Lexlnetofi. Kv.. savs a necro who vota tne. uemocrauc ticRet was slabbed bya Itepoblican negro. The marshal,- in suempusg io maae mo arrest. was aa- eaulted and stiuck on the head with a rnrk. "when a general melee ensued, in wbhh two UaibstCitF. otBarrvlCrenshaw.bvAlsTan v'ii''i iwu, ; wnuuaw wcm ou (oiqmei a noisterous erowa oi negroes, and from a doublebarralnd Rhnt.vnn v!th fatal effect. Ellison wad arrestedand it is leared he will be lynched to-hfght. MJsXVtTVQMLV, Tfc estate feleetfanDensoerata sweep trery ttktna: ritta rev HxeepnioiTa. OuisvUiLK. Ky.. Aueust 3. The eleo lions yesterday passed off very quietly tbloughout the Btate. NotHlnatiobs were madebv nerrublieafls in verv few counties. and Ihe Vbte boiled ; wa ' Itehtl Circuit uupges aod UommouTVeanh'sr Attorneys ' . were elected in each of the eighteen indicial diatrfcta. and Democrata were elected in at leastntteen. Ithe, Eighth Oongrgsional. ii8trici ine xemocrauc nrimarv election aomiaated PhiL B. Thomoson. Jr.. for re election, to Coneresa. Circuit clerks, sher iff I,- magistrates and constables were elected in nu tne counties, ana municipal, omcera in many cities and towns. Democrats were elected generally. 1 " At.aBAiria. 't - ,- 1 it. . i.a :.. .v, . Oemoeraue; aiaorliy la the Stat Fifty. Tbonaand. MOBILE. AuinslS-Sottikls t6 the'la,- llJll ' . . " . 1 . .... I vietcr tnyw y 1 asoaioeea, inerry, xiauas,-1 eat nesTirv- 'uernecrauc.. 1 ireroTnaf iram 1 XT artiann TJmoatrWA atlAir. Xfntrtrar, .. I hitthlv- favorable. There Will '! be fiflv 1 thousand majority at least for the State I I I AT dV and 4 etor arrests were made. " J' 1 15.000 Twweiw u east oca were anoi ana several fleriniioiv cut i U6" Flhi- at Wvull..,l Uf ill :i . L I I lllil i iwa. ua uuuaouLa iiLiiin. r i m. iiii hh i rum i ticket. taXAi, US ' Tbre Klin By TelaKrph to th Mnralng bu, , Galveston. Anguit 8. The jvL. i the f olio wlngspecitlii Paris, August 3. Joan Palmar . .1. a,d instantly killed Saturday b, jlf Jfewion. the reeuH of a difficult XttlU J San Antonio, Augu.l 2. John . rhM ba ari sated ch.rKeU wh. ,b! T"1 .k .- . i . " r b a -mwmim airu. nini. oil j. J&tffle fast, August 27 lo "effort lo re- Capture; Ove escaped prlmueu yfi one deputy sheriff and ., J? killed i n.u Austin Rneriai ia ika 7 a a . .William WUliam. and biii.t t ft""- s.L I (both colored) yeatardart VICTOKIA'S hard, 1 1 l Plain Vlll,a Oamma.a Ati.rk lk ; lalaa-Tbuitr UmIu IDy TalaKTaph to tha Moralng ur ' aALVESTON, August 8.-A special to ifof. from Ban Antonio, i.y. dilp, Jj w,aj received at headquarters, jesierda. ssying that Victoria's baad atiLSlV' pass, north between Eaalu k. . . Quitman, when an encasement entu.,1 wbich the Indians were reputed ami ih pbsltioo held until tho arrival of CiW, Viele, when a sharp encounter look il between his troops and the Iun.n. . iStter were repulsed and satco wcrt killf,i atid many wounded. Captain Viele Ion ,,. man mnea; L,ieut. fjallady was woud.I. ,1 The engagement lasted tbrae houu KLBCTKIO MfaiCK. The Saratoga races for to-day wue po4rt. ppned until to-morrow oo account f Weather. ,uc ! The censas returns of l'vivrhburu v. jSbl completed, show the school population there u be 6,893 while 2.90U, colu,td 8,428, or nearly one-fourth of the eDtife populauou of tho city. Tho return hbow a decrease of 1,025 duriD the natt ni. yeais. COMMKKCIAL. W 1 l. M INUI'ON MAKK (. i. ST Alt OFFICE, AujUt3. 4 1' il SPIRITS TURlENTIHE-Tl.e iiu.kH continues firm at 20 cents per gallon f,.t regular packages, with Rules reported of 500 casks at that price. ROSIN The market was firm at or, for Strained and $1 10 for Good Hlraincd, with sales as offered. Also talcs of l,V) bbls fine rosins at $2 00 for I Kitrt No 1, $2 25 for H Low Pale, f3 50 .fur M I'.le' and $2 75 for N Extra Pair. TAR. Market quoted firm at $2 35 per bbl. of 280 bbls with sales of riceipu t quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Ttie nuiktt was steady at fl 80 for Yellow Dip, lt)d $2 25 per bbl. for Virgin, with mUi i quotationc COTTON The market was nomioally unchanged. Futures for August opcoed in New York at 11.38 cents and closed steady at 11.39 cent; October opened at 10.53 cents aod closed steady at 10.56 oeaU. The following were the oQlcial quotations here : Ordinary 8 cents y It) Good Ordinary U Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling 10, Middling 1U Good Middlini: Uf A li i v . lily 'I'elctrrauh to tko Morntny Htw Financial. Nuw Vouk, August 3. Noon. Mim irregular at 22J pt-r c nl. Sti lling x change 43248-it Stain bond dull .ml uachanged. Govenuucuts quiet but (inn. (jmmerciai. Cotlou dull, with sales of 181 bales; mid dliogs 11 S-1G ccnU;X)rleans 11 11 1(1 cent; futures steady, with sales at the followioK quotations: August 11.37 els; September lJ.S4cent8; Oclobet 10.54 ceaU; oem ber 10.43 cents; i3ecemuer 10.44; January 10 51 cents. Flour steady aud quiet. Wheat white a shade stronger; red less firm and moderate ly active. Corn firm. Pork quiet at $14 00. Lird steady at $7 CO. Hpirita turpentine 28 cents, itopin $1 42J. Freights quiet and firm ftlllKlUN ItlAKKKlN Uy Cable to tho Horning Mm I 'Liverpool. Aueust 3 Noon. Cotton steady; middling uplands 0 13-10d; mid dling Orleans 6 15 lftd; sales of 10,000 baits, of which 2,000 bales wero for speculation and export; receipts 2,700 bales, 2,000 of which were American. Middling upiaoun, 1 m C. August delirery 6 11-lOd; October and November delivery 0 7-32d. Futures afti fist. Iisrd 89s 6d . Meats long clear middles 33s Gd; short 40j Gd. 1.30 P. M. oreadsiuus sieauy. 3 P. M. Uplands, I m V Auguat aod September delivery d; November aud December delivery OJd. 6:15 P. M. Uplands, I m c. ScplcroDer and October delivery 0 13 ld. uiurei weak. . . Bales of coiton to-day include 8,4-w ii American. Common rosin 4s Gd. Corn, Meal, Hay. Bosh Prime Whit COKN. Bosh Water (1 round MS At. 50QBalo.IlAY. mi nv , a.. n- I JFllU llTj XLLUllDOCD ougiu 1100 Bbl. FLOUR, Boport. r HA Hhdaand Bhla Byrop w OU0 Now Crop Caba aaa torw W LaBBKH OKA Bbla MJAK. Cat Uoaf. OraaaUuO. ZOU Btandard A, Extra U and C, Bacon, Lard, Fork. &c 2QQ Boxas Baok4 and P. 81iKH. 150 Tmb Cho4oe tJU9 LX1U' 125 BbU CITT MKSS P0BK BozM STABCU 300 L,K roTA811 175 Boxo" LanJry 80 Al 1 00 80,06 1ur Aaaort4Ml OANWV, T.l D W.toKa Ihnl OUUU, A UUWA, . FI.UJ " w got. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Bptrlt UarreU, e ror aaia low dt . WILLIAMS MUBCnlSON. if 18 It Wholaaala Qro. Q The Lincoln Progress Publiihed Saturdays at LineobUpn, If. C- Td v M1. mb. nnhllahMl la LUMOla CMBtJ JLf1ir,r- tadStata. T4 .. . V Wa)llll f VflBllllM '' r-.. u ik r.mi.n iii!:iiM. k .iwMd on raarly aaTf r tlaamcnU UuhacrinuoB pnoa, an ""i.. " ' r n. DbLAK i ' a,lloTaai1Prlw"