ft l;?ENiNGl;DITIQ.K i hel'8 de alarm I'm number ooe bux. Lisieu sion.hs, listen! ,i ,k h.iw ernis'ly de angel kqpcks. . lI" Do fire ia hot an hks1n".u el's tappia' D de conscience' bfcH, ' A"K Lleah it, beah it banjjin', ... great big fire deyV Wbftrn tif lielr;" Dat'n why de 'larm bell'd claoRiu. v tiro dat de iDfiinea nebber gel Hr.jund, SiDoabbrilia, fryin' Wbar d3 Bibcock 'dtioohers can't bo found, . -3nr?c a,mP U51.V.,! W 10 s - i . . Flames is a burmn up iKber auVbier-,, Surprising oh .tirpnsln. V .u bs an interest in dat fire. An' de tlamea is still a-risiu'. t no when you beah dat wamin chime;" 1 jump UJ'i uuuu, J"K I, , your do in berry quick time; Now is de time to jump up. Itrpnbllcan Lie Exploded. Philadelphia Times, 'Ind. Tha Iiepublican organs will nd ma terial for the exercise of their con h ..,.iH;Lm in tho fratrSf cofif&sion-that .i.. following averments are. without . . t 'j.it. i i : ilka '.) . . , minion in lacl : That, (jrenerai liacooc. a uouttuot .i.., nrritt hmu was in anv deorrHft T 1 , in liii; - j e- ....i.i.Kln. surablc. That General Hancock, hauled ,j,,n the United States flag 3d au in ducement to General Beauregard to .l.nc with him. r-p A. That General flaYlccrex wrote aiot ter to General Sbermaa declaring his tntentioo to recotfenEderi;asPres ulc'Dt if he should Uero-tfefr-oath) the Electoral CotomUft Wiion to the contrar "TroxwflnBfJndirig. That General IfAnpooprppoeed to General McClellan to turn the army on Washington, clean oat the Lincoln iTovernraejit and avenge JTitz John IWler wrongs.- ' - TnaL General Hancocks owes his nomination to Sur-out& lobbyists, who furnished General 'Franklin the money to pay expenses at Cincinnati. That General Hancock, as Presi dent, of an oil company, defrauded poor investors out of thousands of dollars. Each of these fictitious statements his beeo printed in nearly overy.Re publican organ in the country, and although all of them have been re futed to the satisfaction of every body the first retraction is yet to be made. The copying of", these paragraphs will 1 e ample penance. now io stand it Detroit Free Press. On one of the hottest corners of WooJwardavenue, at high noon yes u-rdsy, a small boy with a bootblack's Lit sit under the full blaze of a sun j..iuring down for all it was worth. The boy perspired, roasted, blis U n d and alinosl'hiilted,lut-he had -Luck there for half an hour, when-a iily justing by halted and said : v "Little boy, aren't you afraid of bo rn:,' suii-atmck?' "Yen, ma'am," was the prompt re "Then why don?t:ymf get into the -hadt'r "I can't." "Did any one tell you to wait h.-re? ' "Xo, ma'am, bnt I'm doing it on in v own hook. It's awful hot and I'm 'in.isLdWbSit 1'vi re got to stand She looked to see if he waa tied, i i i was about to go on and regard him the son of a brutal father in a sa i j . . r i around the corner, when the lad fiplained : Th.tWiA nJ-fc P .That boy up t!i. n is the chap I was, waiting for, ind 1 liad to sit out here to see him nien he turned tnecornor. lie's the 1 1 iler that calfed my sister a poke 'vd rabbit, and Im going to jump in on him and kick him most to 'death ! I ish yootrvb6Ffifhytbor so I can Ljpt the bulge on him afore he suspects anything." An Agnostic Juryman. Sr. James's Gazette. After Sir Thomas Chapbers.(the recorder) tiaO'lafcea iia seit at the lord raayoi's court yesterday (July 5) he was informed that a juryman ob jected to be sworn, although be had answered to his name, on the ground that he objected to the oath. Upon that Jd. Fjicb, the sergeant at Mace, tendered 'to him a printed affirmation in these terms : "I, , lo solemnly, sinceroly and truly af firm and declare, the taking of an 0ith is, according to my religious be hfcf, unlawful. And I do also sol emnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that I will well and" truly try the issue joined between tee parties, and a true Verdict give accoraing io iheevidenoe."- Mr. Ross (tbe jary man) said he re used to affirm in those terms. The Recordcr-r-To what do you ob- "ait m o'ic Mi. RoM That wbioh refers to my religions belief. Foe Recorder Then do you mean you have no religious belief? Mr. Ross I am an Agnostic, and although willing io do my duty, 1 cannot claiitf tojiawe Any. religions be lief, and InMfooseaeWo 'conId"not have any religions scruples in taking the oath. On tbe same ground I cannot affirm under any statute, and W'U not outrage thft feelings of those vho are of a religious f aith by repeal lQg words or going through a form wbich in my case'woufa be ' mockery. ihe Recorder Ob, dear I I hope e are not to liaya the aame diffi 7 here aa has been ia the House of onmona. Peirnapa we bad better aipense with the service of this gen leman andt proceed with, the baai of th oouru 5 rMr. - Ross then witndrew. 1 ha A -t. it - " i . xxBuevuie tournat. xtaa., re- lata ' p' l ov. Jams aa "the ass from 3 The Prohibition of Military Marching Across the Niagara Foot-Bridge. : , Fears that the Combined Tread fouldT Precipitate the Stxuctureuitd if the River. "Action and Beaction are Eoiial" But United Reaction is Greater. Some Proof of this, and how it ia Caused. Above the suspension foot-bridge which, spans thd Nlaeara river below the falls has Veen placed an iron-plate notice, forbidding any military or other body of individuals TTrrhg aeross the structure. The bridge la strong enonzh to cxrrv all who m crewd upoa it, but to combiad iKMreA 4 putted eiepa wooia sway tne elegant wire caoaeway from iu moorings and preclpiute it into the river Thia uioacracea uie wonoerrol power of united and bar moniona action, true in the physical world aa well aain tbe material. . Oambined. powers wllk destroy, while on! ted and harmonious action will soccess foliy reetst , T llnutrate: i B saehtaaportant parts of the body aa the liver and kidneys are in har monious working order, health ia almost, certain to be the .result. These two organs -constitute the workshop of the system. The refining, purifying, ad ttfsrfmpartiag labor is done by taepu sad when tney harmonise tne nnhappineas of disease rarely comes. Unfortunately, tnoy do not commonly work: in unison, and, as when cither the positive or negative pole or the electric battery ia deranged the current ceases, so when either the liver or kidneys are eoi or oraer tne marcn or aisease is. pare to weaken the structure. .ntrsr-; The question naturally arises, how is this to be avoidast. Tfas answer Is simple. By keeping loth liver and kidneys in perfect order. There have been thousands of remedies for the. assistance of the liver and very many far the kidneys but only recently has any scientific compound been found which will, certainly regulate, relieve amd keep in harmony both of these great bodily organs. War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure does this infalli bly. It furnishes the food which the .'kidneys and liver require, just as meat provides the material for making Dlood. Hotpnly this, but it acts aa a tonic to the entire system; and drives away the lassitude which the uresent season so often Drinzs. There are thousands of people in all parts of tne land te I day who, after hope was nearly gone, haveb ad their , neaitn reerorea sy mis great mooem remeay, - ana . there are thousands of others who are keeping back disease by using it freely. Life ia the most precious thing ia all the world, and health ia next To pre serve Dotn is man rind's greatest aim, ana were is nothing which more effectually does it than War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver core; indorsed by the press, by scientists, and by the people, and for ssie-. y arugguns in au parts or tne worm. It is the embodiment of 'united action. je 3 oawSm, - we tc nrra ! HAS NEVER FAILED When used according to the printed directiona Inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly tafe even in the mott inexperienced hands. PERRV DAVIS' PAIM KILLER IS BECOTtfTtTTINPElV" By Pfrgiiciant, by Missionaries, by- iRntsters, by Mechanics, by flursea ia Hospitals, BY K V KKYBODY D A III 111 I CD IS A STJRE CURE r Hill lYIkbEil for Co. TbnwU Chill. XUtrrlMSMU Cramps, Clwlcrm, and aU Bowi We have innumeralxla testimonials from parties In all parts of the would whehave used PAIN" HULER, Internally with nerer-xailing success in cases of sickness of almost every nstare. . DA III Ifll I CD IS THE BEST rAlli HILLCtl KEMEDYknown to thte Wofld for Sleat Hf Sfh 8esv Sickness, Pain In the Back, Pain In Uxe Side, TJ ttm, and BTemmlgiju TJBTQ,lTKSXIOIf AKLT THE BEST LINIMEUT MADE lit equal haying never yet bee found. PAIN KILLER rases of Cats, Braiaee, SpxtUna, Soldi, Server Boiaik ete. j. , O A III If" II I CD Is &o well -tried and t Alii fVILLCrl trusted friend of the Farmer. Planter, Sailor, Mechanic, and 111 fact all classes wanting a nue and safe medicine which will always be at band, md can be freely used internally or ex ternally withont fear of harm ana with certainty of Tellef. ? f-- ' OA III Vll I CD Is a Medicine het in i Hill IVILkCn itself; and few v t ave port witnont a supply or it. .nd in everv Household, ready for Immediate ise not only for Accidents, Cute. Bruises, ores, etc., but in case of Sudden Sickness of !iy kind. No family can safely be withont this invaln .ble remedy in the house. Its price brings it v ithin the reach of all, and it will annually jave many times Its cost in doctor's bills. For Bale by all dxuggista at 23c, BOc, and 81 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS 6c SON. - PROVIDENCE, R. I. Proprietors 1 ap30 eod&Wly f r su we nrm High-Bred Dogs, English, irish and goroon betters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by B. P. WBL8H, wov 7 PAWtf York. Perm. : Received This Day, 50 CASES BOEDEBEB & CO. . DBY BOW3Y CHAMAGNB, FRESII from bond. At Importer's Price. GEO. MYBBS, Agent. r A CASES FRENCH BRANDY, OU FROM BOND THIS DAY, And for sale at Importers mces Onlv SI. 50 for a Bottle of Imported French Brand At . tJSU. MX J Wr in w Or: Tubs GILT BDGB BUTTER, ' ' ' ZD 30 CENTS A POUND, x Choicest Grass Batter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. At Popular Prices. obo7mybe, my 27 tf Nos. 11, 13, 16 South Front st. tsrOut quotations, u eftooia be enderstood . w . r j- - V'-r- te. - tit- . j.. eth jrhaiesai&i ,prtcdiefaBy. rja ftnkmMsI? I - A I tlfi r Wt 1 81 QTS Ca lamall orders higher -pAces have Wcnaxgoor OF XiTlOLSd. ,Fiaoae BAGK4INQ Gunny i Standard,, BACO&fttartkCar 00 Shoulders. j St j Hides, H. C. choice, tt , i Western Smoked-Hams . a w io ia a a 0 . 8 10 0 ft 8 o o ttj 0 & 2 8houfderB,..V.,. . 1 Dry Salted Sid" vp-. Shoulders .... -. . - . . . BBSF Live weight re weight 0 . 2j BAKIMfcL-M svpi i New Kew i ru i. 00 & 1 90 $21 9 50 BRICKS Wumlneton, 9 Ji I Northern Y5 50 00 ,15 14 00 20 Birrxitiorth Carouna, fj.t.. i or m era, ........ C&JCfDLKS Sperm, 9 ft. Tallow, ai, ....... 1 A n ty an -M w a IO H 20 & 18 & T 0 Q 10 & 10 & 38 Q ia0 18- TO 0 i 16 . & 30 86 13 10 CaaBSB Northern Factory's & 13 10 I State, ft OUVFBS-ava. 9 ft jaio, ft.... . iLaguayra. ft... US 30 ,1?, 20 CORN MKAL aj.bushel.iu sacks! 72 3 50 8 I 10 DOMSSTICS Sheeting, 4-4, 9 yd i tarn, y Duncn BQQS Jit iv. ..jk. . 12 FISH Mack oral. No. X B Lbl... 11 6 Oil 8 50 4i 10 50 a w oo Mackerel, Ne. , boll. .. .. 10 00 5 50 6 50 & AO 3 00 No. S. V j-bbl a 6 50 Mackerel, Nd. S. 9 bbl. . . . Mullets. bbl.. N. C. Herring, Hoe, ft kog. o 7 00 4 00 urv uod. E i . 00 57 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 . 6 Peruvian Guano, & 3000 fts Baugh'sFhosBhate, " Carolina Fcrtincr, " Ground Bone. " Bone Meal. & 60 00 a woo & 40 00 & 45 00 57 oa 45 M not I B 67 00 Whann'B Phosphate ' Wando Phosphate, Berger dt Buts's Fhoaphi M Szcellenu Cotton Fertilizer 00 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 0 00 5 75 O 70 00 O 70 00 00 00 60 00 500 FIX) UB Fine. bbl aa.NavAem-fb... 15 SKI Famny" -rDbl...fI Oty Mills 1 Kxtra, f? bbl.... Family, 9 bbl.. Sx. Family. bbl.. W au 6 00 6 25 C 75 14 67 56 65 52 85 4 12 1 15 1 10 100 6 tO 6 CO 7 00 QlXTS V ft QUAtS Corn, in store, in oags, 70 67 67 55 90 6 13 125 125 1 10 usnuvargo, Dusnei.... 1 Oorn,mixedfB DuaheLin bags. oats, v eusnei...... i Peas, Cow, -p bosnei.. .Mt flISSS Oreen, V B Dry, ft.. HAY Kast stern, 9 100 fts I Western, & 100 fts HOOF IBON 9 ton.. 90 00 95 00 8X r 9 UaiO Nortnern, v .... j North Carolina, 9 ft....... LIMB bbl. 00 10 00 1 10 LUXlJJtit UITT armAKBAwuri Ship stus, resawea, M ft.. RouahBdge Flank. ffM ft... 18 00 15 00 is 00 18 00 12 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 0 so 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 ! wemwuauagpes.acconung I to Quality, UM ft i Dressea Flooring, seasoned.. I Scantling and Boaros, com- 15.-00 38 ' !. 41 41 MULASSBS New cp (Cuba, hhds New ceop cum, ddib H cat..; Porto Rico,hhds bbls.. 46 25 35, 1 Busrar House, hhds. 9 eal.. . a H4llB-Cut,10d basis: fl keg.. . oor 11 110- 3 50 UIL8 Kerosene, 9 gai..... 12 145 100 40 25 20 1 00 - 85 75 S36 lizard, w gal... Unseed, y gai !Uoein,v gai, so POflJLTKY Chlctaaifl.livftgTewni , v fSAr&; . r o . - Turkeys 75 PBANtJTS 9 bushel POTATOB8 Sweet, 9 buahel.. , Irish, bbl PORK Northern , City Mess.... . 1 Thin, 9 bbl ? Prime, 9 bl ' Bump, o L-bl B1CB CarolU..., 9 65 60 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 50 00 00 11 00 10 00 00 00 7 7 50 IX IX 33 75 80 75 S6 Bough. 9 nash.. 15 1 HAGS Country, 9 ft City. 9 ft HOPS SALT Alum , 9 bushel I Liverpool, lsack, 1 Lisbon, V sack American, 9 sack....... 8TJGAB Cuba, ft Porto Rico, 9 ft ! A Coffee, 9 2 B " 9 a JO- 9 !Bx.C ft Crushed. V ft bUAP Northern. ft IX 1 14 00 75 00 00 0 0 10 0 8 81 ,10Q 5 10 10 8 9 11 6 7 00 2 33 6 00 7 50 .-l "HINQLBS Contract, fl M . 00, 1 uommoa. mm. 3 00 . 4 eo CO 12 00 10 00 m eo ! CypreeaSapa 9 M,. j Cypress Hearts 9 M. STAVBS ' W. Q. Bbl., 9 M. 15,00 OO'OO 00 00 ' B.O.Hbd., M. ! Cypress, 9 M............i.. TALLOW 9 ft -.w TIMBBB Shipping. M I Mm Prime, 9K. ' jMIllFalirflM Common. Mill..... ... j Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M. . . . WHISKEY Northern, gal.,.. North Carolina, 9 gal .5 WOO Lr Unwashed, 9 ft ( WashedrffJ ft ! Barry Wool ....... jv. 1, 13 90 13 00 8 00 6 50 4 60 3 00 1 00 1 00 25 30 .18 10 00 7 00 6 00, 40C 5 00 3 50 6 32 20 n WlIiBriNGOIf aXONUY JOAHKE1 attchango (sight) on New York, disc't. Baltimore,............ " Boston " Philadelphia, ' Western Citie " Btrtnanee 30 days I V cent. Bank of Now Hanover Stock. I 85 75 125 First national Bank, (laVassa Guano Oo. ' ... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon . ! Do. Fuading.l86... j Do. " 1868... Do. New 4's 23 8 r8 .08 Do. Special Tax.... . 4 ; Do. to N.C. Railroad..... 80 W.A. W. B.B.Bonds7 c(GoldInt).112 Carolina Central B. R. Bandsre 9C.. .40 Wfl. Col. A Aag.-B- B. L -0 5 wnausetGa city sonas. v wc......rss " new 8C... New Hanover County.... 9 flc... Wj W. Railroad Stock ........ North Carolina B.B. " 85 85 (Cur. Int) 65 70 WO. Gas Light Co. ." . WOrslngton Oottoaj M Qlw 45 . . Hi The SavaunaK WeoBylNb'w's or!ffxUBUAKX7TAWiU contain tne opening cnap-rj ters of -a charming serial story, entitled BY MRS.. OPHKLIA N IS BET REID, . or eatOkton,sa., Author of ily Mother's Daughter," and "Mrs. Dare." Afterward,,1 Those who have enjoyed thff pleasure afforded by the perussl of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions, will need, no commendation of 'this her last and most successful . effort : to pre pare them for the rase literary treat that- awaits thtra. if-f't '.'fit.-..- .'. : MTJFFIT- is a story of absorbing interest, and its publication .will run .through some eight to ten issues of? the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TBLBGBAM. . : , f Subscription f 2 a year. $1 for six months. Mb ney can be sent by Money OrderJBeglsteTed Letter" or Express; at our risk: J; BC BSTILL, - feb 8 t -Savannah, Goo; 300 Bushels COW PSAS, For Planting, in store, jeStf WORTH Jk WORTH. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, . - Subscribe for, . r : .A Democratic Newspaper. . . , PUBLISHED AT BLIZABSTH CITY, N. C. KT'Sent to .any address to January 1, 1881,' for ONE DOLLAR. my 26 If ' . . ' -.- - . L.BJ" - -- '-;tmum- 4 t, iLTlll V & WrT5". 13. 1 PfUBLJSHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Sa-scriptmn Rafis-'-lf Unm 41 DAILY TSTAB, One Tear, postage paid,. .f7 00 4 00 . Six. Months " , Three Months" One Month ' k 25 1 00 Weekly star. One, Year postage paid, SixMoutns, 4 Three Months" " St 50 l be Nptijqep pjf tjie Press i The Stab is decidedly ime"6f the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life toiit. Salem Frets. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as geoa a paper as any peopio Bnouia want. p'hartotu Democrat. TheWHrnin!rton 3tau has entered on its twelfth year. As adi'y Journal or news it stanas up naad." Vbncora Register. Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty - fifth ydlume.'. There is no better paper published in, tne tate. istnoxr Jvpte. rho WllmTiarn RTiihna nnterAri nnan its thir- stcetith vftar. It. in nnn of the Tvept i nanfirs in the Tate. warrenton uaeetfe 1 . ... . The Wnminerlon Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one ef the' leading papers ef the soutl. VKftxi TortAimMi f3 me nummgioaBiAXiiiiut uiujuuuui muuesi irwi . ' j& . : a. 1 ...... . .1. . L AHx jeajtea paBors in tne state, out ior iresnnessoi ewB and typographical appearance cannot be beat- 1 eJOCJC3on neixrrur. The wnmin man Stab is one of the very best pa pers in the Sooth, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence . 1 v. i .. ... a . i . i fe like tne stab Decease it is t&orougniy rena- fs, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, sy. spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long y the Stab twinkle. Mt. Airy Visitor. alju conti mast lthoueh at the head of the press in this State in that makes a naner valuable to the reader, still it itinues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Free YKUlBattist. ' : - The Wilmineton ra. C.) morning Stab is a mo del newspaper, indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec- paperpuhliahed in the outh.ichmond(Va-) ijuereua. 4 Phe Wilmington Scab has now entered upon its rtcentn year ana twenty-nitu volume, une oi he best conducted and edited papers in the South, rjd,-as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. The Stab Is so Well and favorably known in this ction of the state ithat we cart say nothing or ich its thou sanaa of readetajdo-not aireaay Know. ltn. jtooesomm. e Wilmington tak "has entered on its twelfth It is a most exteHentrnewspaper; well edited a ftomnendlum of all the news of the day. and an nsjnor to its city, to jNortn uaronna ana. to rsortn CArorlna lournaQsm. Charlotte Observer. , That magni&Qent beaming Stab has completed Itj twenty-second volume. It is one of the most biflliant, erudite and sparkling dallies soutn oi tne Petomac. The system In the get up or the paper sqrpaaeQstneto aiL waroem uoumerMr. The Times cannot say a word too pood for the WUmletott8TAB. It has lust reached one of iu the State press and is Bought arter Dy me peo- Loag and prosperous life to t.Jtieutsvuie ... v la If that all the naners with the name ef Star are such brisht little journals T The Wilming ton (N. 0 )fcTAitfthe Washington Star, Frederieks burg Star, New York Star, for example These must be something in a name after all Biehmend IW.tstau. i The WUmmston Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We es tefem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of trie verv best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal pubashed in the South. Ox-' ford Free Lance. The Wnmineton Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated rress reports, ana nas uetuuen irareased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper; Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deservin g. Charlotte Ob server. JThk Mohnixo Stab, one of the best dailies we kow. and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered upon ita twelfth year. In every particular the 8tab comes fully up to the mark as tne principal aaiiy in our cuiei commercial city. LeHgmay it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we aro pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa- rtera mat comes to cms omce. its news coiuiilub are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, ana its caiionai aepartmeni is con ducted with much ability. Morganton Blade. Humble m its beginnings, as was Inseparable from nse Degun amiu tne wrecx or fortune inat ded the collapse ef the Southern Confederacy. the Stab has steadily '-waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. As a newspaper it has rew equals, and no sunerior. ior -appropriate selection ana ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges. lausooro Recorder. The Wilmington Mobkxhs Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take Shis opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity ana deserved popularity, xne romarxaoie sac- cess of the Stab is due to its strict attention to bufeiness. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu- reAted newspaper men. May the healthful, moral I influence of .the Stab never be retarded, and may genial, eaterpnsing proprietor enjoy jnany more , hapF py years or usouuii&aa.(ocasooro Messenger. 7 A.Dard td the Afflicted. . Dr. ROBERTSON, 10 So. Cutnw . Street, Baltimore, Hd. am fifteen years1 experience in hospital and pri :e nractice. iruarantees a permanent cure in all eases of the URINARY ORGANS and of the NtKVoUS SYSTEM,, via: Organic and Bcminal WeakneeK Impotency (loss 6f sexual power), Ner vcfiB Debility and Trembling; Palpitation of the irt, jjimness oi oignt or waninem, x-ains in ui ;k and Nocturnal Emisaions. etc. all resulting m abuses in, youth or excesses ht manhood. Dis eereeenrlv contracted Cured in ffve to ten .days. anrl fh 'noiaon entirely eradicated from the. svs-. tem.. Also, all blood and skin diseases quickly cutedr Dr. Rebertsonia graduate of the Uniyersl-' itj of Maryland, refers to any of the leading phy- Biclana of Baltimore, special attention given to all female complaints ana irregularities. . Tajl commuaicationB strictly conildential, and me ditines sent to any address. Call or write, enclos ing stamp for reply. sept 9 ly Home-Made Candy. URB, FRESH AND NICB, MADE AS USUAL. SODA- WATER also, with a j Variety of Choice Syrups, ! At o. u. nuttTtiaujr-o y 18 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. i . FresK i-rivals. i 'RUNES. DRIED APPLES. COCOA-NUTS, Pearl Barley and 8aro. Another let of that. fine Fulton Market Beef. Northern Irish Potatoes. Ajot ef Brooms, will sell low at retail; Wood and Willow ware; a iuu line or Family oroceries, ci gars, Tobacco and Liquors, all at Bottom Prices. 1 Call and see. L. VOLLBRS, in 1 tf 26 and 28 South Front street The Camden Journal PubUahed Ewry Thursday, at Camden, & 6., T8 THE OIJ)BST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN X iKerehaw county, and has an extensive circulation aniong the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business men m me county. I tollers to the Mereaaata ot Wilmineton a desir able Medium f er Advertising, the country in which ttolrculates, being cxMinertedwith that city by steam r oa the- Wateree River, and the 'Wilmingtoa, Oo lumbia and Augusta Railroad. . - Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to advertise.' Subscription price, $2 50 per annum. 4W- SB, FHANTHAM HAY, feb27f Editors and Proprietors Lowell nachiSllop 1 LowellfMass. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION' . .. ivn. lijt. ,- . ; i " COTTON HACHINEEY ! Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. er Twlachinery ALSO, TuitBINE WHEELS, Shafting and Clearing. IlFdraullo 50 Presses 'and Primps. Elevator a, dee. i 'LANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HiLDRBTH, Sup't, I LOWELI,MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treaa'., mh 3 tf . 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. JNCOITRAGB HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOSIE INSURANCE COafPA1 RALEIGH. N. C. Phis Company continues to write Policies, at r 58, on ail classes oi lnsuraoie property. t losses are DiomBtlv adjusted and bald. The IOME" is ranidlv erowias in public favor, aae appeals, witnconnaence, to usurers or property tr i i i ' Agents in all parts of the State, .a JOHN GATLING, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI OOWPBB, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, AeiH-rs, 4ug 1-tf WOminrton. N. . COMMERCIAL HOTEL Wilmington, N. C. F. A. Schutte, Prop'r. nnHE COMMERCIAL, FORMERLY THE "BM- a. PIBB HOUSE,' ' having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, is now one of the LEADING FIRST CLASS HOTELS in the city. The Table is supplied with the best our Home and Northern Markets afford. BOARD PER DAY . (2 and $2 50. "Large Sample Booms for the Comstercia HTA First -Class BAR and BILLIARD HALL connected with this HoteL erB-KEK LUNCH dally from 11 A. M. to 13.30 tr. m. lysotr ! Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL i A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TOliX, ITiaii CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF"FOREST8; YACHTING. AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RKCREATIONa AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that fnllv supplies tae wants ana necessities oi tne Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $1 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copj Voraas & Streasat Pobllsblna- Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 103,) ' -New York. Post Office Box 2832 . sept 37-tf ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina If iyou want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of tne south, send ior a specimen copy ox The Western Courier, It is a TWENTY-BIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY. full of interesting reading matter, and devcted to the Interests of western North Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonville, N . C, The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS Jr. Dsner and the Organ of the Methodist Protes taut Church in North Carolina, is published at otreensooro, r(. j. Terms, S3 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tltty ef its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public 'rerms very favorable. Consult your business Inter - eets, nd address the editor J. L. MICHATJZ, Greensboro, N. C. Atkinson & Miiing's , insurance Aaooms BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING. WIHnlnartOB N. C Marine Companies. ate Capital Represented Over $100,000,0001 e li-tf . The Marion Star. nnHE OLDEST .NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN. A the Pee Dee sectioni one of the wealthiest and most prosperous la the State, offers teOonunlseloa and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent meainm ox. communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me- enanicavpianters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. .Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. Address THB 8TAB, sept 13 tf Marion. 8. C. Too Thin to Wash. A LTHOUGHIT COMES FROM A VERY THICK ft. source. H. a PREMPEBT woaldadvlse his visiting friends and patrons not to heed the report that he has removed to Raleigh, ai that' is only done by designing persons to try and injure hi. ' huslnesaaaut be sure and calt on him at No. 7 Front Street, two doors below MAiaet, 111. saloon second to hene in the city. je 6 If The Favetteville Examiner, Weekly Democratic NeUrspaper, Published at FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, -By - Terms $2.00 a year in advance. Send for a spe cimen copy. 4 my 8 tf THE PEE DEI! WATCHMAN. First Claw - Weekly KewBpaper Published at DARLINGTON C. H., 8. C. i TT IS A LARGE PAPER 24x40 INCHES ALIVE 1 ' with newsi loeaL State and geaeraL with special. pains in tne depanmeni, ior vie ismiiy, or its out iaA, which Is allhome work. -' - ;o '. . It eirculates in Dartmgton, Sumterr Marion and Marlboro, and hevce is most valuable advertising medium. Circulation specially large at Florence. O. U. AuarcsBc . A. A. A F. A. GILBERT, septl8-tf Darlington C. H.. 8. C Fire, ant Life Aggree 3 HAIIiHOAD LINES. Wflmm WeldoB ! RAILROAD CO. 'x , -ri Wilmington, N.C, Jane 13, If 80, f Change ot Sehednle. AND AFTER MONDAY. JUNE 14, 1880. Passenger Trains en the Wilmington A 'Vfeld eiaon uauroaa. will run as rouows: 5 lay SI all and Express Train, Daily i . Leave Wilmington. Front St. Depot, at 6:60 A. M. Ahiveat Weldoa 13:50 ?. M. Leave Weldon. 3:40 P. M. Arrrve at Wiuni>on, Front St Depot, :&S P. M. Passbrbb An Tit lie ht TaAm, Dau.t xxcxrr j - - 8CSSATS. Leave Wilmmston. Front St Depot at 30 P. at. Arrive at Weldoa . . . . 8:40 A.. M. Leave Weldon.... ....... .. 1:00 A. M Arrive at WOmlngtan, Front 8t Depot, 1.30 P. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Bocks Mbuat for Tar bora at 4.10 P. M. Dally, and Tues day, Thursday ana Bataraaj at o.os A. M. uetura- ing, leave 1'arDoro at iu.uu a. m. Daily, ana Mon day. Wednesday and Friday at 8 SO P. M. ThoDayTtain makes close connection at Wel don for all mints North tia Bay Line, daily except Bunaay, ana aauy via itichmond aaa aii ratl route. - ' The 80 P. M. train makes close connections at Woldoa, Petersburg and Richmosd. i rfUAUl jr. U1YU4.B, lS-tf General Sap't eeral, Sup'ts Office, IVILMINOTON, eOXUfllBlA AD- i y;st. IX. U. COIVPAN V. WIT.MINOTON. N. C. June 18. 1F80. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 14, 1880, the rVlUowin Sched.le Will le run on this Mead :- PlssKNana, Bxp&sss, Mail and Thbodoh Fbkiout i ABAIX, UAU.X XXCEFT DuNDATS , Leave Wilmington 4:00 T. M. Leave Florence... t:40 P. M rrlve at Columbia 8J5A.M save Columbia 5:00 P. M save Florence. 4:o A. v Arrive at Wilmington 11:80 A ,at- rflOaXa" EXPRESS TU A IN (Di Leave Wilmington "10:13 P. M Leave Florence. Arrive at Camden Junction. Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia........ Leave Camden Junction 2:80 A. M. 4.15 A. M. 8:15A. M. 5:00 P. M. 1:00 M. S:30A. M.. 6:30 A. M. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. This Train stops onlv at Brinklev'a. Whlta111a r nauuuiva w bit diujz ana Jianon. r-assengers ior UDiumbta, and all polnU oa G. Jk CR. R. and in Western North Carolina. Tia Oalnm- bia and Spartanburg should take Nhrht Exurcs A.MUlllVUft TV IllUiUvVU, Passengers for Augusta should take Night Ex press Train, which connects via Camden Junc tion. Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston and Augusta. rrains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights make cwuiecuou lur vwiumuia oniy via uamaen junction aqa ooutn Carolina xtauroad. . JOHN F. DIVINE. e!3-tf oen'l Sup't t '. 1 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. 'Oriryja' QxiOtuAXi SuikuiNTXpKaf ' WUmington, N. a, June 1G, 1880. Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTER JUNEflS, 1880. the following vj ocncauie wui oe operatea.on tnis Kan way : PASSENGER. MAIL AND. KXBRBS8 TRAIN : 1 Leave .Wilmington at 6:00 P. M. I Arrive at Hainlet at 115A.M. w viuuiuHfl.... ..i;w n. a 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:10 P. if . ko.z, arrive at Hamlet at 1:STA.M. I Wilmington at 9:00 A. M. No. 1 Train (is Dairy ozeeofSnndaT.. bnt make. no connection to Jtaieign on Saturdays. rtu. s i ram ib jjaiiy except Bar TUays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS- , 8ENGEB AND EZPBESS. I No. 3. .Leave Charlotte... 8:00 A. M. J Arrive at Shelby 1 1 :00 M No 4 liiTOBBioy S;UU tr. M. f Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 P. M.- i LOCAL FREIGHT-A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmingtoa ., 6:45 A. M. Arrives at Laurlnburg . . . .1 8:10 P. m. Leaves Charlotte 4:15 A. M, Arrives at Laurinburg 4 00 P it Leaves Laurinburg. 6:30 A. M. Arrives at (jnariotte 4:30 P.M. Leaves Laurinburg....; 5:00 A.M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4:15 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmlnrton and nharlntt Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Aumaay a, Wednesdays and Fridays. (uiose connection at iiamiet to and rrom Raleigh, and at Charlotte via Statesville. to all points in Western North Carolina andj to A sheville. Alio via Bpartanourg to tiendorsonvilla. adjacent pomts and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at i r. js. next aay. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trams to and from Charlotte and Wilmington Through Sleepers will also be run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. I V. . JOHNSON. Jo 17-tf General superintendent CLYDE'S lew York and Wilmington Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR. Capt, JOXES, tflLL SAIL FROM NEW TORE. samrdar, Angnti T. syshippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING . Of Steamers as advertised sr4 For Freight Encagemcnta apply to T IIO!TI AS B. BOND. Snperintendent, WUmington, N. C. Tfieo. i. Beer, Freight Agent, New York. W. p. Clyde Sc Co., General Agents, 85 Breadway, New York. ec tr Sank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital SI, 000,000. Chsh Capital paid In $300,000. Sarplns Fond 50,000, DIREC1 0R8. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MTRCHISON DONALD MoRAB C. M. 8TBDMAB ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LTTTLB B. a BORDEN H VOLLERS B.1 R. BRIDGE R8 J.iw. ATKINSON CHAS, M. STEDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President B. 'D. W am. Arm. Cashier fang SO-tf OLD NEWSPAPERS, fSUTTABLB for Wranoing and other pui poses Can be hod at the STAR OFFICE: IU ANY.QUANTITY " 1 L - MISCELLANEOUS. THE"- BRQVH Ofeana the Sood hotter. Runs Liht.r. COTTON-GIN Ctna rarrer and Ooeta Lose Money Than any vuraruininnwaantu. Kvory mstonino fully and legally sruarranteod. i y J j lyiM If i Theso maohlno. are mads of th. host maUiiala, and lb. WorfananahlpandSjUihareiinasoened. BaveiMaawerdd premium, at all tbo State fain, Ovorgia ' - Teuu. Ae. Upward of 6000 of our Qm ar. la ooaataal m. la .--.. fram-tof-sniia aoliliaim. Prloo List of Olns, Feeders and Oondensers Boxod ready for ahlpment and dellmrod at oar factory. Prtoeof Ulna, Prion vita Self KMdar or OMirtanir. rrloawtta af IMmoi CXtndaanr. Maw i M . M " ib " to " 0 " " SO " 75 00 ST M loo oo 111 50 lib 00 140 00 MO 0 180 00 aioo m 11. 0 13t 60 IM 00 1M S) 1 OS $iat o. 1M M IM 0 7t M IM 0. M. M SN4 00 00 WTermi given on Application.! From UAS to 1S6S we BaaimfBCitBrMlOlnaK. (Vihnhn. n. ender the Arm name of K, T. TirunsOO., aftorwarda Quuioira. Baovni A Uo aad wha. ni Una ku.. aa tha Taylor Qln, During tha yaar la-4 w ram orad to Uila re naya eeaa noiiuiTaly aacrasw Ib rnanu. treranfla. wiin lomr antarianoM. tttm i labor Baring machinery aad akll lad Work maa. at Doa cry aae ttlllae work maa. ra poa adbvanT oUber mannfaccorar In adTant .go. not anjoyafl by any ouber mannfac una, zor producing w a aa-n wore ror tha tun monar. Ttoeetaa-ullaat Tear was ao great that aaarly 8n urmra remainea nanuea, out we nave, aouokea oar maauBaotiir i we hara donblad oar manuBantnrliur oapaoity aad hope to be ablate moat all damaoda aeu) It la the wisest plan to -get your orders In early, sand ny. for Olastrated pamphlet glrlng am votimlani ttliwumialm from orar 600 IIto, iU-n-Jn alaatam .-"-fni. aad oomrdnwi ouult f uralahod whea -laanl aodaaa. BROWN COTTON GIN CO nrw lovdow. oosv. JOHN DAW80N: CO., Agents, mh 10 DAW5m Wilmington, N. C. QRAWINC0 ic r-HlCt FREE BY MAIL. BIRMlNriH An. ' .atr riiniilitn bisi.r.r-VIMUt lrJcc In England. $13.00, $78.75, $69.25, $10B.0O, $195.00, tlM.Oi. Delivered In Now York, duty and all charges n elusive : $108.38, $117.79, $181.97, $150 58, $184.18. $118.00. The above mv M ordorod "Knii rainira " "Me dium Choke,' or Cylinder Bore, at those prices. we are now making small bores of N 14, It OWN and SO gauge, which are soared v Inferior In to tne larger bores. Weight of SO-Bore from R 1416 ...BXlhs. IS 7 10 . Our "Giant Grin" Action ha. Im miui a m. ploma of Merit at tho Paris Exhibition. pond ror illustrated Sheets. We reSDectfullv refer to tha fnllowlna who have, pur chafed and are now uslnv our gun : Hon. Walter L. Steele. M. n.. Ror.kini-ham Kirk mond county, N. C. Capt. D. R. Murchlson, Wilmington, N. C. ' Col. B. F. Little, Uttle's Mills, N. James A. Leak, Esq., Wadesboro, N. C. wm. 11. Uertari), Esc.. Wilmington. N. ( J. A W. TOLLEY, Pioneer Work a Bt. Uin'iMnnim oct 8 D&Wtf Birmingham. England. Bonesst Bourbon Tonic. RECISTEREO. An ELKGANT COMBINATION OF BONESBT and other fine tonics with a rare Old Kenlnrk Whiskey, such as connoisseurs approve andjlnvalld must have; not a drop of any other spirit Is n.ol A rich, wholesome and deUclons stimulant To for Dyspepsia, Debility, Malaria, Ac. Delicate women, over worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out nurses, snffcrers from bron chitis, and the foeble of every age nod class will find it a delightful Invlgorant CHAMBERS A BROWN, mh 17 DAWCm Lonl.vUl.. Kv. oeAts specific medicine. TRADE MARK THB GREAT TRADE BfARK ENGLISH REM EDY. An anf ail ing cure for Sem inal Weakness. 8 p e r matorrbea. Impotency. aad all diseases that follow, aa a se- A Ian ma mm Tsmm rt aUaVi IEF0IE TAIIIlMemory. Unlver- AHIt TAK1I8. sal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dimness Of Vlslos, Prematura Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption, and a Prematura Grave. tff 'Full Particulars in our namnhlut. whlrh desire to send free by mail to every one. E9The Spectflc Medicine is sold by all Druggt.ta at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent tree by mall on receiptor the money, by ad ores lag THB GRAY MEDICINE CO . ho. io Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. Bold in Wilmington bv GRKKN A FLANneii Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every where, mh 5 DAWlv MARBLE r.iomu m ents AND Grave Stones. FIR8TOLA8S WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOKa PKICSS. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIU WOKE PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THB SOUTH. RICHARD WATHAIf aV OO,, T Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form,ra ale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE F the sseesy Care efSea.1 eel Weeaaeea, Leas MsaheerrematareIeMmy.Bervea.aess. ltasseadeaev, Coafstlea of Ideas, Aversion to Soefetv, Defective aery, aad all Pleorsers Brought ea bv fteeret Uabiu aad Kaesassa, Aay drsrrUt has Us lagredleaU. Addreas. DR. JAQUC8 A CO.: 230 Wen &ixta BW ClaCISXITL oftm febUS lyDAW H. A. STEDILUT, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, BLIXABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTT, W. O. OffleoTitalra, la Brick Banding., oc&plod by' Speeial attention to Claims. QpHacttsaa oa saia Of tlOO and upward, made for Five Per Cent If without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgagf, , specialty. apo-DAWtf r aT. ' 7a o 3 3 TJ