7 , ,hbD DAILY SXGSFT.' M&sfti If; rtS or S0BOMFTl"irM.AfW.v.. a ss VDti " 1?MtabserUere, deUvaxsd I any iertof ToCWjSStai week. Our 6it Agenu SSilntoper week. Our CitV Agents ..re .athormn ww r . ...iTance. . -: MORNING EDITION. rTZrfirO poet ffica at Wilmington, N. a, fc0,m icond-tOass matter. , . OUTX.INK. Hew York Greenback Stale Convention ia seflsiont Syracuse. Coknabun Upson nominated for Congreea by lheDxnv oortU ia Sixth Texas District. At Candahar too enemy has opened fite on the to a vita Armstrong guns at a distance of 2,500 yards; infantry fire from the Tillages; but few British troops wounded; the gar rison baa over 4,500 effective men. . 1,843 of bom are Earopeans; the enemy1 force it e, timaied at 10.000. Rioting at Del ist; 8om3 houses haTe been wrecked; mounted police charged, and twenty per-, wn3 were arrested., -r The . M&oooers; QjKl sod Laural were wrecked off the eoaet of Texas; "nomber dT lives lost. Hostile Apaches are In the Siena CaDde llM mountains; Col. Valle is sapposed lobe llU their trail. - Hop. Hiealer Cly mer, t Heading. Pa., was turned over in bis enlace and had bis right arm severely frcmrer. A large -fl-jnrieg mill at Louis burned r Insured far $235,000. Ola Baltiadead. -- St. Louis bad t $500,000 fireyesierday . Many per soaswere wounded and. several killed In tbe riot in Ireland, oo Sunday last. Thirty-four persons were wounded; in a railroad collision near Vichy, France. r Hon. James English is the Democratic nominee for Governor of Conneoiicut. - Cp. John S. Wise has been nominated f, .r Congress by the Beadjastets of Rich mond, V. The State Democratic ('(lovcoliou of Colorado met yesterday. Tne British Bay they can bold Canda- .,,. The American Bar Association met a! Saratoga yesterday ; Stale laws Were discU'S-'), an rquilabie bankrupt law favored. and other matters commented upon; ihe Association bas more than Are hundred members. 'IT. Y. markets: Hooey 22t percent; cotton firm at 11 1116U 13-16c; southern flour in buyers' favor and dull; wheat a shade belter and ftirly aclive; ungraded red $1 OS; corn fairly active and Tlebetler; spirits turpen tine; Srm at"3031c;Vosin firm at l 45 4J1. 50." ' z 1. ' :- ' The increase in travel to Europe from thjs. country this summer was ?0 per cent over 1879.- ' Dr. Tanner is said to look very ca daverous still, lie bas left. New York for Ohio on a visit to bis father. The Boston Herald is often classed in Democratic papers as Independent, h looks to us as if it were one-6fth Democratic and four-fifths Repnbli- nn. The Sonth Carolinians are iq earn est. Wo notice no less than thirty four Democratic mass, meetings ap pointed and published in the Charles ton News and Courier. Tbere . were r: thirty-one thousand enumerators employed in taking tbe census. ;; . Ttigdejajr in paying them is eaused by the" large number. Only five hundred Yoacer8 can be Prc pared in a day. The army VTbsrs arvery anxious that Gen.'Shennsay; two letters to Gen. Hancocl; in iftVft sbould bo pub lished. They ; are . -highly curious to know what oU Teoumseh held at that interesting prioI. But , hp shakes Kis head and refpcj-lb allow it. George B. McClellan contemplates re tiring from pVJaHcaaa fie expiration of bis present term btJbfloe.v George" can always find employment For -instance, he can hire out as a patentditch-digger.- Baiiimore Ameneah:' -- I f heete p, patenL , f Qol-killer be might, find work '.in Baltimore. He is a Demooratio soldter, hepcethe dirty flingl ! '- I Senator Hampton say: there U no truth in the statement that bo said as follows in' his Staunton speech: : "Gonaider what Lee and Jackson would do were tbey-'alivsy These are the same Priociples forwblcavUiey fought four years. Beoter&ber the men who poured forth their Jife-blood cu Vlrgials's aoil, and do not abandon them, now, ; Eemember that upon yoor volet depends- this tnrwr of-the Dem cratie ticket. v;' ; The Radical papers started the lie, Which wa mnnnf nntnrpd nnt of the whole 3tlfcc Brit they1 will take care not to contradict" the falsehood all the tain'e.: We must correct : an error, in oujf leader on the second ' page . We in icnded tosijlarjd not 1,025, as it appears, tit does not seem certain hat wis ergngon'sstrength at K'og's MonJtjrBV-iH is Vifioasly Btated. Cotonels -Shelby, Campbell uu viearelantl'gire 'lhe nnmDer as lO. X)grideoo; we 1 thmki pUoes it at 1400, -whilst Gen. Wil liam Lenoir 83idgi?wasyi,187i He u in the fight and -says that tho Mtacking party (thetWhiga) inum oore gives it at SOO. ' ' i : "2 r r ; - :J.rT T .a .Vi " " t as i : ; a - We made a suggesUon to somq gen tlemen yesterday relative to the grand Democratio cclebratl6n, Q,.the;.24itt when they at once said tous,' ! Why doyonnt insist npoci iwf$ii&tl&l$ It is this: 'that the candidates should speat at a timet, wnen the peopie iiv4 ing y in Pender,1' New ; ; Hanby errand Brunswick can hear them and: then have time to return to thoi homes by supper time , or a little later. There are. 'hundreds :of Voters who will come to Wilmington in their ve hicles or on horseback if they "can ;re-; tarn that .night by bed tiectew v It strikes us there-1 shonld "be speaking at 2 o'clock P Mi sharpy as well as at night. Town people jShonld not be selfish, but provide av feast of good things ior our friends from the coun try as well as for those who may re main at night. . Let Gqt, Jar vis and other candidates speak : in the" after noon, between 2 and. 6 ofdock, and let the night speaking begin at 8$ o'clock sharp and. continue until the "wee sma hours ayent the twah" Such is our suggestion to the Comr- raittee who have the matter in charge. Let them oonsider it. If the most red-mouth Radical in all Yankee-doodledom were to come into any Southern State and to be even pelted with rotten eggs the hoodlums of the Northern press would be for war and wouli have the army sent among ns. - isnt it a JJem ocratio colored man nndertakos to make Domooratio apeeohes in North ern States how is he treated ? Read the following and judge' for your selves: "John H Harris, the colored Democratic orator from Virginia, ia having Jk sough time north of the Potomac. : Lsi weea na was twice violently assaulted la Delaware bv men hf hla own race, who had BO toler ation for a colored man who talked De mocracy. Thursday last Harris attended a picnic of a colored fst 'at South Chester, Pa., but as soon as his political antecedents becama kuowu be was knockeu qown anu beatm anI Bcvervsly injured." , That spit fire sheet, the Philadel phia jPresst hopes that after such treat ment the Virginia colored speaker will not attempt to speak againin Pennsyl vania "and thus antagoniso his col ored brethren" Ah and do you call that freedom of -speech ? It is all right for a white scoundrel to tome South with his lies and "antagonize" the whitec, but uo, negro must go North and dare advocato such a glo rious Union soldier as Winfield S. Hanoock without being knooked down, beaten and severely injured. And that is the Northern freedom of opiniou. The Raleigh Observer of the 18th thus refers to the late Gen. Grimes: , "Up to the time of going to press nothing new has been developed as' (0 the murder of Gen. Bryan Grimts. The cW sens of both Bsaafort and Pitt are deter mined that every possible maDS shall be used to catch the aasaiain.-"No quarter will bo given the murderer if caught, they say. At the same place where the General was killed Dr. John McDonald, of -Washington was shot a few years sgo. He re luroed tho fire until every chamber. of his pistol was empty but one. 'Tbe night being so dark that he could not ftstingui&tbe would-be assassin; tbe latter eseapea unhurt," , - -' . General Rosecrans says that in tW. weeks after the Hancock Legion -was formed m SanPranciscott nnmbered five thousand. He thinks it will number ten thottsanr ;inr the State voi::xxvio . if .L. Vlk-t.-o.lAJaV. Afr-: ilair-CTMdtedofTirltfrsyiat soldiers are admitted 1 UK STATU CAr SUP A .lOfKj.- ;Gov. Jarvis spoke at Carttwga on Monday last. , " ' Col. Kenan and Br. Worth spoke on last Saturday in Wayne cpuhiy.t We have-seen the name, the elector of the Sefenth district spelt fonr waysin the papers within a week. Which is the correct ay? .". ' " Maj. Do wd5 ia going downuintp Stanly "next weekv on the - hnnt .of .a BepabHcan candidate. :fl will pro bably speak in 'tbaV cOuntylm the 24 th t and MiYuiMwijjmB will in all probabiHtj accorany' himi A note " from ;Shelby says: 'A Hancock and Jar r inlob iwas' formed tn hthv on Satnrdar .evening. A great' many joined one or; two nnblicans. :We r arcfcgolne .low Tememberiog that eternaUvlgitance, ana hard work 'are the price ofliber? ty, -Maj.Dowd and CoU Beh; neit returned bandar morainff ffphi Hickory 'where speeches Saturday at the mass meet- ing ana' nag-poie raisipg..i. With ingnlat wiUfing nna nimlty the townships of thja county have ihairnotecTj their" delegatesKto press the claims of onr distinguished townsman, CoUfWOtifrenc for the position of Undge, ana N some of the adjoining counties have eaaght tin -the insDiration. f We have assnranoe from headquarters that it " 4 - ' T tap - 4 i -.f - t Y I J) 8i''"S-ffiMSl';S IsX'ibe.'ppble ;of Gorprnbi Jrxit speak at 6boeI both, but that our . county .; will . be reached later in f the oanyass. ;f7 Theoampaign is -nowi fairly .opening In this rooanty. tpl.-French : speaks at Shoe Heel to-morrow. (Thursday) ; CdLRowlahd 'and tTJ' Norment speak: at - Howellsvillejon- Baturday, and Cok& T. Bennett Presidential Elector, will speak at the Red Springs on the same dhrZitmbertdn Robe- 1' Spirits Turrjentiue. 'r .Mr. ' Prederickr J.f JbhW. ops' of. New Berne's best men every way, .is , dead, ; -.Some bf the papers are copying : the llemars' SentineTs style of destroying the use of paragraphs. The whole is a bad imitation of the French It is Frenchy without the point and dash and wit. r i Raleigh bbeerverx Several cases jot typhoid fever are reported in the city. ; -Four hundred and twenty colored ex cursionists were in the city on Sunday. iThey came from DauTille Virginia, and arrived here at 5 o'clock in the morning iThey were very orderly and enjoyed, their jvisit in auulet way. .-, ''':,"r' ' VI 1 'e'Btaiesri iMWaithe 2Tm be' Jgood enough to tell us ho the road (Western North Carolina lBaiI: road) is going to be built ? The American .editor ia much nearer the road than we are, kn&a trip to it will answer; bis question more satisfactoril v than we can : but our bu propion is that the road wilL be buUt by I xaemoers or the American party, wno are hired out to the owners of the road by the State, and whose wages are promptly paid to the Bute. Baleigh New. - i Lumberton Robesonian : .Wo have heard Miss McCall Jtwice, once at her home ia the midst of a large number of friends and relatives, and later at this place bn the evening of the 11th Inst., and on both occasions she came up to the farthest ark of expectation. According to e: census just taken there are but fonr inn tins In iha Rtatathat ahhw as laree an ncreaaa as Robeson Mecklenbnnr. Wake. Halifax and Yadkin. Then 1 comes Bobe- son, with" an increase Btnce 197V oi v.oau. Yadktu county shows the largest per cent, being: over 100. Robeson and Sampson coon ties have exactly the Bame population. j Charlotte Observer : It; is somewhat remarkable : that ' the first bate Of new." cotton? add "to "North Carolina should come from under the very shadow of the mountains, but it Is even so. Mr. John Harrell sent us yesterday from Shel by a sample of a bale which he raised in Cleaveland county and sold in Shelby on that day at the extraordinary price of - At a meeting of the congregation of 8L Mark's TiUtheran church Sunday morn ing. Rev. E. A. Wingard who resigned the pastorate of the church about .a month ago,, was unanimously recalled, , and the church council was authorized to notify him at oce. - 1 The Raleigh News thus refers lb the late Gen. Grimes: "His fame as one of the 'hardest fighters' of the Army of Northern Virginia was won by the intrepid gallantry of bis men and a glorious personal courage. It was the pride of the army. On taa lyth .f Sentember. 1864. after the Umented llodes bad fallen and Breckin ridge's division bad been overrun, uenerai Urimes assumed the command of Rode's division and covered the retreat from that disastrous field. Upon the death of Gen. Ramaeur. one of North Carolina's heroes, Who had succeeded to the command of Rodea division,Gen. Jubal A. Early, made a speciar-wuest ofithe-War-Department tat Gon Grimes should' be 'promoted xrver t&e heads of his ieniors to fill thevacahcy t3at hadodyiataHty attending" ltw . t A correspondent pfthe Char lotte Oosarnjr wriieS concerning the storm 14 IrediUsI find that the storm was not destructive t for- more than flye miles. Messrs. Beir& Brew brooght here this eve ning, at 3 o'clock, a quantity or. ice wnicn Ihair farm . At. 1 2k'dock Friday afternoon, one piece ef iwhkSmea-r sured seven inches in circumferencea The ffmanWhls have -suffered ; most "aro: Messrs.; Bell Bro. , J . - A. Caldwell,' tl. J Davidson, Thomas juaia wen,-xji x. .w. Mott and JfeV O. Houston. The tenants on these farnis isve Indeed 'suffered badly. What they will be able to gather from their; devastated fields will not pay for the guano they used; this too when iheir prospects up toj tho time of the storm we're never better. Many -fowls were 'found dead after the storm." -J-3'-"-.: !' r: .Winston, Xeaderv. There iff arlnW rtfrTnrfenha in the 'noDUlation Of FoS 1 shhiecntt3aiails.-3a thexBegtaterof Deeds f 06 this county, in :aeu nas n a,ou, whila-we-Hiakeit ut819. The rLutsm la Aailed-msbB tohronldle thadeath of anothir highly esteemed cltiaL stn,'DtAS, it yttiuvl tHQil-Sltm! mer, in me pvvu jcj ui wo fnkwears ha iwaS an officer i&Patrick cotanty, Vaarir repr'esentJd ahat ceunty three terms. tn the Virslnia.Legishftnre. '-U That DmhtmEeeortteri sayaThe Rev. C J : XJurtis bidVfareweH tolbe con grfegatfbn of 8W MalQre's, - HUfe&oro, of kiK" ha hA nharira vfottho nasftwelve yekra in an eloquent Mr. CurtisTbaS Decome a -ci2en-ii n placciHe wmdittheaCi2fcts A. DAI ntrfrftaiDBnBToek'WKter ? k Aliaa4-Hats, M. G. Babxeb &C&4-Fresh ttmef iiSxarma FJuWaniDduiorilsil : ttknwHFlfttt. :' ; MaxeTidrdiWard Democrats. I OrapaWO& hy, &c EETlHO ounn vr ara uvmvviav n . nmiia-'N'ArTTrimamachiBesl E h W. MJ i.mt n mm m-m- . . ihiMhlMrinifAtr. , 'One -otlhs vntnaerdus, cows, whic ae. corainuiUy - wandering Moot j the itSefQr seeklnirwhat they may; devour, made her wavinto the front gale, of Mrs. S. R. ara J.ll- .Aalf anAfl fWtn ?&Af.ft.. MtXTtleil Walnut and Red 'Cross, tireets, yesieraaj morntBir: and broke down, a beautiful Ivy ; tarcil oyerthe gateway; besldeydolhg other aami(p w,a . rV.rIlJ.J.- mi , ir. alao coloreeL" and hbzs ieejatd thlnltlhey are prmiegea4 Cbai actersoAonr4Str4eta,ha they, hiavjnd that theySalrl made ahiff mlBtake aorni of tlese daja; i- - - - - - jlh-lrU -t )i oX. VlIJI -I'tii i timii tl L'M&V Jas.' C McRae, -of ' Cdrn- berland;' was fn the city yosteruay. r-Tho first scuppernong grapes of Ihe season were in i market 'yesterday..;. ;J ' ' ' flas the bull-do ordinance ever beon repeaied? if not. Why is it not en foroe'd? ..Stephen .-Richardson ,iwul ,JB hung on the same gallows from s which Al len bathes midehto-exlU C''i i - i- J There wasf aaero wd "onthej Front Streef MethodlsT excursibn yester-i day, and theyhaora flne;day for' ' . Pon't forget the ward meetings to he held to-night complete the pro-? gramme for ihe ratiflcttlon meeting on the ;24thinst. ' v '' r MaryDavisj f colored, , was "ar;J rested and-committed to jail . yesterday, for, Inon-paymsnt , of costs n an old- case tried; ibefpre JastieerMillis; ; ;, cuo ; u f ..... ; I -i: A -planter in tbe neighborhood iof Laurinburg, fttehmbnd cpnnl, in 1 $ private ietterld a' husi i8sys the cotton crop in that section lias hot. oeen materially aamsgea ia jam i iu. r-,AmoBg the speakers who will certainly be at out ratification meeting on the 24th, are Vance, Ransom, Fowls, Lesch and Duncan K. McRae. Can any State in ithe Union heat this combination of stump' ppeakersf '.- ...1 i --- John Thompson, a seaman, who jwas before the Mayor's Court Monday knorning for disorderly conduct, was ar rested yesterday, at the instance of his cap-r iais; and locked up in the guard house for Safekeeping. :: The ladies of Smith ville propose giving a big "hopf' at that place on Friday bight next, and we learn thatqvilte a num ber of the young ladies and gentlemen of this city expect to go down on the steamer Fauport and participate. !- Messrs. ' irkwpod and "Hewes, Locat Board of Steamboat Inspectors for this Distiict, were, in the city yesterday, Mr.Kirkwbod is acWmpanlcd by his wife. JTliey are quite an elderly couple, their combined ages aggregating 163 years. The Young4 ' Men's Hancock, glish and Shackelford Club hkd arousing meeting last ' night af the City Hall, and were addressed ' at length by Mr. A. EL" bldhanx ' The Club will meet again on Friday night to arrange forhe distribution of torches, etc. fce FI rat Bale of New Cation. , " '' j The Drat bate of new cotton for the fresco t season was received h0re yesterday, It waa shipped . hy Mr. G; A Roper, of iaurinburg, Richmond county (as ,then tiooed io a special telegram lo ihe Stab and jpubll&hed in our local comma y eater day), and' was consigned to Mr. E. Lilly, df this city. It was called strict low mid dling, -weighed 63ft pounds, and waa sold to? 12i cents per pounds ?jThit; ia the first rjaW of bow cotton produced rd sold in this State i this season, and is tea days earlier than thai first one received last season, which reached hereon the 28th of August; We are also adytsed that a bale of new cotton for Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros. ' was shipped yesterdsy from Shoe Heel by Me.- B. S. McCbrmic,eing the first from thaf place. !'W will be beire fcoM' dav. Also, that Messrs. Williams4 Murf chison were Vdvised y esterday of the shfp- ment to mem or a new oaie ifom ouiuwi, routh Carolinaranii Mr. E J. Covington oi ono to him from Laurel Hill, NprlhJ Vance flag of ,6.Speeches were QarSlna: " t delivered by MessfSrlauske, W. G, j aw Jii ftlerfy-, nd fcspE B? lPowersf The pole Anna Sherman and Josephine Piftford, two colored girls, were arraigned on the charge, of i being engaged : an . aflray, t dhring ! which the o latter was severely wk)inde6on Ihe bcad by a ' brick thrown by the former.' v Anna Bher man was or dired to be locked up In a dark cell for a n .ahdltben," . iurnedovsr r.f httlse whooromiaed o send . hei out of the Oily. a case ;ilnsf! Josephine- Plgrordfwas. - aucnargeu. eorge Pittelow, charged with.drnnken- neas MdrhttftjSl' the, , pice was Ordered toj pjiyjtOuiioX 410,v which oondiiion .; he comphd vtth and was released. ", Jtev. Dr. J. R. "Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyrian CrMttchoJf, this cityhst left his post for an absence of sorno. weeks. Tie Prabyicrian says: "During Dr. W.'s absence he will attend the General Council of Ith'ePresbylerians throughout ihe World; wiich meets ia Philadelphia on September 23d. He is expected to present , Id i the Council a paper on the subject of Evangel- wja if m a'iriaite Hla ' f.ifa ' - -: . The condemned .maP Stephen Richard? Bot) , requestwi ! yesterday that one of his lawyers be senr to'hinvas be wanted ito haVe hla will written. He was asked by Ms; half brother Jleayedny, and he replied that he ptifedMjM thne,4 Several of jthe colored, ministers have ; visited hirn. crops lm Oolnmnna, .. . . V. fllle, Columbus county, says: "The crops a tila county , are Injured jrVflrynuichjby 1 fyiij Thereiwill be uotalngiUkeagood f ikar aAM ITlh'WS A 1 ; ,-' ; ffilaslstrate'a coprss l'-:' i Zilohla Boston." cblbred, was arrihjned Dsfore Justice Itots;;a peace aabt; f-J W Defendant was ordered' to pay the; costs ahdiglve bond in the Sam or50 to ke the peace for fonr mohihs.1"' n ' rv-iiii fcQu?'i t- 1880,- Ttoo axaiifieacioia nee'tina; Nexti fail . The time df aws nlfih for io great ratjflr cation meeting In this city, and the neoes. sary arrangemehtSi'aeheinjj 'puaheji viort ward;; by, tha varioaa committees .having them; In charge: IFrom present : appear ancea it will be ono 'qf the grandest aCairs or tne Kina mat ever. tooK-juaco .m hu mlngtoo. 1 Indeed, 'when -the. number of eminent speakers to oe present is taaen into COTlldeaitpp m$f$&ii f kthere evejwas sxush an oneJ Jheld In tbej State. ' Among those ertaitftjpheherd.' from abroad may be mentioned SonatorsV Gen. J, M. Leach,! Gov.; Jfrvia and Hon I D. Gi Fbwle, which pteseiits atr array of talent and ability calpnlaiea to impress .yie minds of the people , with, the importance of the occasion, if anything can . We exV pect to see a large crowd . of people here ; from the surrounding country, and also: from along the lines of the various railroads !all of which base reduced their rates as an inducement to that end.. . Come on, gentle men, and let ns. give "one long pujl, a 8trongpuu ana a pau aiiogeiner ior nu icock and English, Jarvis and hfa co-nominees on the State ticket, and for bqr Con jgressional standard-bearer,: J. W. Sbackel iford. ....... - ssatlv waatner Bulletin, i Thai following;; will show the state of the thermometer, at.the stations named, at( 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean lime, and also the amount Of rainfall fn Inches for the twenty -four hours ending1 at BP. M, as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: . " Tem. R, F. Weather.- Atlanta. . 77 ;09 XX) .00 .00 .00 .00 .11 00 .04 .00 .00 "OO Mi .48 .03 .00. .00 .00 Cloudyi Cloudy Fair ' Tht'ng Cloudy" Wear f Olondy Clear : Fair! :t Frit Fair" Fair Fair ' Fair ... Fair Foir Fair 'Fair Augusta. Charleston....... Charlotte......... garsicana alveston........ Havana. IndlahOla. Jacksonville. . . .:. Key .West....... Mobile:.!....... Montgomery. . New Orleans....: Panta Rassa Savannah. : ...... Wilmington...... Cedar Keys...... Pensacola ....... 83 84 75 08 88 85 88 84 86 91 80 84 81 ,30 87 ! The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: j Stationary or falling barometer, nearly SlaUouary temperature, north to east winds, partly cloddy weather and local rains. t i v k bj j Ait tf- irxA tain av; '; Up to the; time, the steamer D, Jftrr chiton left FayeUerillo on Tuesday morning last there bad 'been a rise of about three feet in the river, caused fcya heavy rain along the upper Cape Fear Sunday night, irhere are now about twelve feet of water bntbeshoalB. " For the Star. : 0BRXOC&AT1C HIGKOBlr POI.B. j FATETXEVmJB, Auguat 10, I860. ' Mr, Editor: Last Friday eveniogcaTled le fiewa scene which can only be cherished by ttHie Democrats. At 5 o'clock the stal ari4 Democrats of the bldKFirrt Ward of Oils city could he5 seeit gathering It Flag pole Sqriare,1 f or the purpose of raising Democraiic pole At 5:30 cTc)ock thel pole stood 60 feet erect in the air, with a pair of rjuck horns on iu toplhe same horns used four" years sgo. "Half. piut;egt 'cjoc 4cing the, .arjrlnted7thne' .iof hoisting, the flag, quite a concourse1 of Democrats! had t gainereo. .xue up&waa ufanu vuo vtenorabfe old DemocratHaTdy Depo, who is characteristic for hkvro arawn - up the Polk and Dallas flag eri84o and , tne TUtlen ii a beautiful hickory; procured from the lanu oi JUr. J. w . ajiaravm waaen couniy, and through the oourteey . at.- Capt. A. H. Worih, abdHr. , J. E. Flowerawaa trans ported trom its woodland"homeJ' up .the Cape Fear" on ! the' steamer Hurt,' and do nated to the First Ward Club, where it now stands, with a Haucocki Jarvis and Shack-. elford, flag 5 boating: from, ite topmast. Everything, points to a vDemocraUc Tictory Lin eomberiand in November nexr.7 1 f 1 Tntra' BXitjB ! DaicbbB at; - 1 .;; I m m an . 1 - ' XfilB HIAII.8. The mails close ajjd; arrive at, the City Post Office as follows:.; ; " . "7 ..n , , t:'!; -vcnosa;- s. ... NjrtherA through andky 13 101 ' !i maUsj.rt'....LL....U e:50 A. M. Raleigh. w,v.,5:30 A. M. itnd 5K)Q P; M. Mails for the N. 0. Railroad, , v ' from,' including-A. ctUVu"'1 ' Railroad at. ..V;. ..vii' B:30 A. M. Southern malls for all points . ; South, daily 7:45 P. M. Wsternma(C.aR'yJd (except Sunday. ............ 5,-00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darliagton " Railroad.ii.k .. . .v; . i.. i- ?45 P M. Malls for points , between Flo- ' 1 '- rence. and Charleston ....... 1 :45 P. M. Fayetteville.ajidofficeBonCapft - : JreaT" River.Tuesdays and ' " "" a.Fridayswi'.";.i......'...'i. 1KX)P M. Fayette ville, ; via Iimnberton,. :- aa4ailyr except Sundays.. ? 5:00! P. M. OnsTow 0 V BU'V and JtotermeT f diate offices; Mondays and . ; Tburtdayai .feiVl.-iWi.,i.1..-.'J6aW A;;M' Smithville mails,' by? Steams ' boat, daily (except Sundays) 9a00 A. M. Mails for Eaay. Hill, . Town Greek, Shallolte . and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days . iV. .Xh?. i . . . . 6 KK) A. M Wilmington and lack River (Y Cjhapel, Mondays Wedaes- -jr- djava and Fridayif. .... 5:00 A. M. ' ' ! -: '-' ';opbh won .DEUVKIIV. 1 ; ; . Northern 'through - and way mails. . VWi 7.-00 A. if. r Ronthem-mbila.r. . . .u. . . J a 1 1 :30 Ai M, Carolina Central Bailroad. blO AM. 1 BtaBip.'Offlce open from 8A M. tola Jt, andfrom a to30 PM. "Moaeyrirderahd Register Department open same as ' stamp OBltto,ho3inteqxi c" ' ; iGeneral dcUveryjopen Irom ftWA. M. to 6i50 P. M.,jmd OASuAdayafjomSO to an?rf foi"sal5 atliefaiiefivery - Mails coueciea irum bitco uoxes every day at 3.80 P.M. t "... f i ."ii;f f i ' tii I -TfV i.r-ir-sjii" uWh i i.' j -,!OT6!b60 a un&KD si as a- ' ; jn b mr i bo-op inti ' lherevkU bo a Grand Mass Meeting and ZorchligTdProemion of the Democratic Pitr ty onZuaday Auffutt 24ii, 1880. at Wil- Tbe following named gentlemen have ac-! cepiea invitations ana win do present anu address' the meeting ! ..ii s - donT J.'JABvrs, J - ' ' ' HonZ. tit VAKCH, I, Hon.jM. W. Raksov, , f;K-Honi Dl'G.Fowiit. : - . ; 1 i Hon. J. M. Lkach, . k F1. Hi BtJBBKK, Esq.'," i D. H. McLban, Esq.; .CpL DKwMcRae, , ni Mai. C M. Ottoman, " j( Mai D. J. Dkvahe. --.-. And the following have also been inyited and it is hoped willbe present : ' j j i Hen . A- a MkuXtmok; ; r . r. J, W. SHACxstFOBD, Esq.. - li!Hen.,(A.MiWAlmKix; " "jn 'l CaP Oct. Ooxk. f '' ' The Wilminston & Weldon and Wil- mington Columbia & Angnsta Railroads wiil issue tickets good for three days at two cents a mile each way, and ,the , Carolina Central Rail way will ieeee return tickets St greaUyredoced. rates- for, which see (circu lar. The ' Fayetteville and, Black' River boats will Jssfai lckeu for tbe round "trip for one fare. . . r . . , : . All Democrats are invited! to participate. .'By ithe General Committee, 1 F. H. Dabby, Chairman. Jamec TP. King, Secretary. tf. Tblral Concreaaional District Joint CaOTtii; :MesrsV Jj W. Shackelford and W. P. j Caoadsy will address the people at lbs fol lowing times and places : :c' "V. , Aug, 24; Hunting Quarters, Carteret Co; t zo, ueauiort, 28, Newport. " : 27t PelleUer. Mills, r r. 28, Swansboro, Onflow County. . ' : . !. j;.. , vr acsBoovuie, . "81, Catherine Lake, -r Sept 1, Chinquepin, Duplin County. 2, Kenansville, " 8, Branch's 9iore ! Other appointments will be made in a few days. - : ! v , D&W-tf ! District papers please copy. . 1 11 aj , - Headache Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the 8tomach. Bad Taste in tha-Month. Bil.v jidus Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency aim xoreoouings 01 xivn, are tne onsprings of a torpid Liver. For lhase complaints Dr. null's ijiver PiU has noaqual. A single! uuse win convince anyone. f 1 jwmuu BiMn can aiways oe ana at ine foUowing places In the raty: ThePnrcoll Uouse. arrls' News' tttand. and tha Sca Office. ODteioa of Knfnent Th. B ' T Xir.lt Aa' 11a, jBtd. Coldan'a.Uabig'a Bxtraet or . Bef aa4 QXMua imvigorater, to a moat exeeDentiraparatlon, lt ia is par excellence. UoDerlor to flod.Llier Oil m j thlnR erer need in wasted or Impaired consu ation, and an excellent DievantlTe of malarial diseases. . Gsjonr A- Fxjunma, Agents, WllnUnirton. Ay uiiiiauiaui. on. : i Washington, U. C. writes: "I beUero it to be all waong- and, eyen. wickd ' for darcrmen or other public men to be led into girlng teatunoaiala to Qoack doctors or vile staffs called nadiclnea, bat When a really merltoriooa article made of valoable remedies known to an, that aU phyaielaas use and trust la daily, wo shonld freely commend it. 1 therefore cheetfattjr and heartily commend Hop vuwn iut ute kwu uey nsve friends. SrmlT baUsrlnr tfafrr hare no equal for ramuy nae. I win not be wlthont them AW ton. fptut ya8(t.s : WHO IS ItBlL WTWSTOW A. w rrsqueatly asked, we will simply say that aha Is a may wno ior npwaras or thirty years has untiringly devoted Iter time and talmta as a female Phyatoian and nam,' principally among children, bhehaa especially studied the consUtaUon and wants of this anmeroos class, and. as a result of this ffnrt and practical knowledge obtained la a lifetime spent as none andpbjatclaa. she has compounded a Booth- ins: Dyropror cnuaren teethins. It operatea Uae iCm-HOTUIff reat and health, and Is maraorer snrs to regulate the bowels. Ia consequence of this ar tlclelfrs. Wlnslow Is becoming world renowned aa a benefactor of the race; children certainly detanua nrand bless herr esneciallr ia this tha cam in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup ara DAH.T sold and used here. We think Mrs. WinaloW baa ImmortaUaed her name by -this invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from aa early grave by Its timely Wi mam, u minion a jo. anoorn wm snare ua bfcncflta, and unite la cafliag ber blessed.; Ho mo ther has discharged - her duty to her suffering little one, la our opUOon, until aha has giveajt the bene, fit of Mrs.' Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, m- thera--TKT IT MOW. LlUjaf VLtUnr Nm- cay. "Bold by an Drtigglata. 5 cents a bottle. , NEW, yERTJEAPENm First Vaiitta tne Froal! , ,T ALLY TO TUB DBMOCKATJUBUGLB CALL, JX Victory Ites-wltbia your Grasp T - Tou are here- oy notiaea 10 aim ereatpuy TiqMT, at 8 o'clock. Business pertaining' to the Grand Katift catloa Meeting. August S4thT to be transacted: A rail attendance la requested, . . l- S-t'tOOH- ll'DTJDLBTi President w, n. btbauss, Hoyy. genew copy, an 19 it .. SeconilWard Democratic CInl), fBMBBB8 OP Tflk SSCOND WAKD DBMO iA' ! ::Ti(f& rjc .irtf ;C CKATIC CLUB are requested to meet at tbe Court House, at S o'clock. P. Jf.. thttrsdav.. tiw ifttb instant, to make arrangements for the BatltcaUen Meeting oa the 14th. auisst . BONBY. VlcePrea't. TMri ari Democratic Clnl). rTHBBB WILL BB 'kX MBBTIKG OP THB.CLUB TO-NldHT; at MUNDS' HALL, to make arrange. mento for theEatincation Meeting on tbe S4th. A fnU attendance desired. , .. ;JaS.W.EING, auM it Kerlew copy ' Secretaiy. Attentlofl Democrats DBMOCKAT8 OF THB POTJRTH WABD ABB requeated to meet at the CITY HALL, Thurs day Bveaing,19th instant, at 8 o'clock, to complete the programme for the General .Ratification oa tha Mth but. Business of importance wilt be trans acted. , W. P. OLDHAM, Chalrmau. , . Jaans KajromcK, Becry. - T an 19 if l iffi fari A LL DBMOCBAT8 Tjf THIS' WAKD ABB BB ;XA1 quested to attend a meeting of the Club, at tbe Btednvaar fire Company Bouse coraer of Vlftb and Hub Streets, en Thursday BTeoJng. 19th Instant, at 8 o'clock. Business of Importance m be attended to.' P. T. DICKSBV, President, Paajra Wnuaxsow, Ssc'ry; . aal is it - ' .f. KAA Bales TIMOTHY HAT, OUU : v iPeas, Pearl Hominy, aad xne "nest uoiiea meai m iu u nr. . ; as ngnres tnat will asumtsn tne ni ) PBBSTON CUMMING an 19 tf v 1 ft Mlllera and Grain Pealera ; vfi, - : ir.-A Deep.EockWater, OH DRAUGHT, ICB. COLD, . . , . . f . . , For sale by , , . , . ,e I-K; J. a XUSDS, IMUgglst, ... 'it 6, tJit.J aul9tf 85 North Front street. uaTxaov ADTcniiimu. , Ofi arua c&4a9,;M...r...,,..Ji Of ' 7 twtf aja,..Uk..wi'.rMU 1 IS m., iAflaa..(....,&:'...i...i' SO iht steajr a,. .....,s... 'KtnweeaV..:'.V.st!i..v,.1IM .4 CO ..ye uayt,u..Jtia. a a t 1 1 in wnii.. ....... rr. a m ... s s a i ' Cw'tWnCract Aarmttnnx -tatnk aH prefo tlonatrfytowTaU;,';; '" Taa Uses aalld Konj.arcfl lfT daks nai aqaara. r'NEW- iA5VEUTISEMl!rNmv f , im , v i j ! jasaa'. TflBRnt is'6 8KwWn MxrjRiNsVigVi UB ,Habt roDhe hBWJiOMV. rkw, Mire., ! Jura about thirty Wi1oim lo rty fOk, laat opened, and if you doa't come soon le e (hem, and then purchase oae. they will all aooa be rooK, then yoa most not blame ua. rrlees 13) endSt0. The Madaomest Kactsme or the market, wlih many adraatajrea over all Macbtaes) ea 1 also aire tar. rer's kUnlrarsal Hoffle Attachment, can do aey kln of roffllng desired. Any person wishing Shr. ring or any extra work done can call at my (face fortnformaUoR. Prices seasonable. I also bare yairar's eelf-Taraadlnf KhatUo. Can-thread H without looking at iU Now, ladles, I Invite you once more to coma and aae for youraelre, Ihrnt buy any Machine made anttl yoa oaae aad see the celebrated 14 ht KunnlnK.Mew Home. May Oed bless you all. . , KeepecUally. . -. aulStf . " . s. H. PAKttAK Fresh Lime 1 J A A BARBELS ' ItVXJ JUST JLANIJ1NU, Auu a vm asaav m au 10 It . g, q. nAKKEit a 00. Straw Hatai!, r I'U. -x ,-ml.ifl if! Silk Umbrellas ! ' 1 QAtfltlSON ALUni, l! 1 I. ' .,- Uatiem aulS tr w ALKISQ GAKX 'AKO CAMP fcHAlR COMUINED Jest the thing for PDBLIO . XBSTINOB. IZCUFslONS, Sc. an 19 It - MUHSOirs. mt m - .ii. ' - We Are 0611111 - OMB VEST HABOVX' QOOUS AMD IN- ylte Inspections. M ,y .i.-cO. t EVERY THING NEVW MBRC3ANT TAILORTNQ DKPARTaliT . )H COMPLBTB. . .. The Largest and Best Selected 8tock of P1UCB GOODS that will he exaiMttd. ' ' A. DAVID, au 19 tf '' "Tho Clothier." For Bent, . , The BBSIDKMCB at tho Houthwet corner or Market and Sikth Ha. MrST WfeBNTBD. Apply' to- ;r aunW j. l: CAOTWBLL. For Bent or Lease, TUB DWBLttNa, corner bf Prent and Mulberry Streets. ''' Applyte ' aulSlw LT. ALDBBMAN. Fflr Bent, PItOM 1ST OOfOBSIt MBXT laiai I The large new Iron Front Store, at pre- a sent occapled .by P, l.,rlflgra Co., laei L Grocer a. Pour pleasant Office over above, statable for Lawyora, roctora, MUUnery-14. . .... - : .: AL8U, , Tha lanre Ksw Store, on North Water BtreeL ad joining noara or 'iraae ttooms, ana two ane piea aaat Oflloee erec same, adjelnlag oaseof oavaMa uuano company. j A coir In ij U eodU th au U Salelmiml , .1! SMART, ACTVB IpPHa MAN, with op4 habits, can obtain a attaaUon. and ona that will be permanent and advancing. Una who bas h4 expe rience behind the. counter preSarrod. Address for fire da; lays, 17 5t LOCK. BOX 6VL, au Wilmington. JSL Q. Soda Water, FIYB C2NTS A GLA88, . Wttn Choke Frhtt 8f 1 ot I DBBP BOCK and VICUt 8PBX2IG 1 W ATJtkH. Five Cents a Glass. . . . ' WM. H. GElBN, Drogrlst, Lau 17 tf Market btreot. i ...,. . ,.,ti .. t;. XI ; Elegant v Cc u . a . ) ' ;n j j.- . . . 1 1 1 1 OTTAQB COAMBBB 8 CITS, HANpSOMBLV . panelled. Just received. We are now lecelrmg new goods' dally and offering graaS BABGAlIa to pur ' PnrnUnre Dealera. . , fi-Fonthe Sound.. .TABD-AFTKR TO-DAY TUB HACK fctfW; KJ nmg botween tbe City and WrlghtSTUle Sound, wiiusnvetne vitytVOBaer aa ua mDcwiunwi every day at ft o'clock P. M (oxoept Sunday's). Keturnliig leave Pmey Point, on Wrtg Al U. Pare for the Bound Trip 9100. alStt .' . ui":i i i T. A.SOJJTU ire rmey roun, m r nparuw, UBBXAKO. i Fjot SaleV LTTPON THB M08T REA80NABLB TZBM8, IjJ''. . i t i i;i . .4.. ( i 4 ' i : : ' t oae of the Largest and Beat 8sppprte4 KBWSPA PiBS In Wjaatern NorUi Carolina. jj , 411 is st , appiy to S-JJliU D t An. 4.1 I 1 I . 7 V.'-!j -n ill. . j .. '. ! .:! ta .ij4., ' .... Brown Roddick ; 45 MARKET .STREET, , ' a! BB OFFEBIVQ BOMB OKBAT .BABOAIBa , XI in Domeauo vuuts rutiaoio tot us vummer. BngllahMaraaClea Oallta .PrAfl h k Arrival ft-ir vioii TJRUKKS-' TMrin APPLKS. COOOA-lfrtJTTl, li Peart Barley and Sago. Anotber lei of thai . , and Fulton Market Beef.ortbera Irteb Potatoea. Aletef Broome, wUl sell low at retain Wood aad. ,, WlBowWareta fuU Una of Family Groceries, tit'1'- ' wuivw rw gers,Tobi 8 tf Tonaceo ana wauors, au at tKtwm rnnea. , Call aad sea.' - ' I-VOliBlur, ' J , aa ana n bouu Front atreK, -, 1 FuU BlaeHooeyeombfttulltBw,k..a D, ' Bridal Qallt ringed.. ...... 1 U Tha Bates Qnltt .........1.'' 1 Mulv Bnffllah Maraaillea Oallu.' ail sues aad auallttea PnvilfilftTinv-T4 vlo? ' i - . mmt . 99 IMW A1W ! .-:..'l tiVix 9.no4.itnu:i itl.' ni ; t p 0 u famf AlOflT HBWj Ci.fl 4e Y Hiia re!Jvpti) .yic iK.fi"rif.ilI V ,.--.' i , vw..t la thorough , wder . Can Usoaiebbsp.''' - nciOTii 5aj m I JJiw n rTt!jiii JUkii .-;laitil Apply at . ..... .. .v my sou THXSOFFZCS, v. 'i f .1 it .