B&TES OV AtVKRTlnlt(. v :V:-- :l ',11 &it ny WM. II. BEKWAUD. rMlBLISUED DAILY MXCRPT MONDAY,. batss or aoBsoBimoK nt aovajicx : , mar, IDT mu ikuu,. , 1 w ,.hrM mootaa, o in month " 1 00 i? CUT Sabeedbera, delivered in any part of tho SJSSSSSXJJP-S&S VOL. XXNOi 3; ,., , - - . . .A , .j , : . " ' 1 i. i - -' ' i i mmm mmm m mm . 111 -- it : It . . MORNING EDITION. gBtet A Ci-Poat Offlca at Wllmlngtcm, Jt. CL; OUTLINES. The general opinion of Lancashire ope- ritiTii Ja favor of atrike; employers j P. M., last Tuesday at Nashville in gay mey are nuw io.iuK oiuney. ia i uruer inat t&e crowd miirht hear the ISVServer; Jnl?- iSHI ton's anaanK 1 Lumi nm. pretended to be the representative of j Day's length 12. hours and, 47 a party, great, at least, because of its minutes. 1 1 5 numbers. ' " ''"'& . , t . ; Ueoeipta of cotton yesterday o uuga .iiujournea court at it834oalea. WILMINGTON, N. C. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 880. Injnred. wmie Driving. We find the following in the Philadelphia Ledger of Thursday. The young lady who met with the distressing accident is a daughter of Mr. James H. Chadbouin, of Fete ChampetreJ The Outlook. iwoa&n,.,.,,.. . I 75 tarMdayi,,, .;.. I U foar daya,, ;...!.... a - 8 00 St dayal..i.r.4f . t 64 Una w . a oo . " Thxeaweaka,.!. (cu r-o " " Omamooth, 10 nt " TvomosUie, ..i -tj, IT iw " " Ttraa mootha, 00 - Blxiaontha, MM " " Uaoyaar,......... 00 Mi WHOLE NG 4f&75 wr thought the French Cabinet will accept the letter of the relicious congregations. Tbe preliminary treaty of peace has been signed at Lima between Chili and Peru. . Dillon'd amendment tacking a com pensation for Disturbance bill oo the Ap- fipeeohes of Qeni W. R. Cox, Jas. S. aiue, vol. j. j. Lindsay and others. Gen. Cox took the stand for about one hour, and made a very interestr iuS speecn. lotsnst Home. viov. Jarvis ODened at Aaheboro. this city: "The carriage of Mrs. Everly Pall broke . down at Oxford and North . New moon yesterday morning I treet8yesterday throwing the occupants t 38 minutes after 11 o'clock. ' AT. " PINE GttOVK PARK, WRIGHTSVILLBI SOUND, Prom 6 to 13 o'dodC, WEDNISDAX EVB ' . HraG, 8KPTKMBEB let, 1830. priatioo bill wia defeated In the British. I Mr. G. B. Everett, Radical elector, j .t.f- Rev. J. B. Taylor has returned ind wilix)ccupy his pulpit to day. ; two or three very light' showers 4f rain, fell here yesterday, but not enough Out. Mrs. Hall sustained an id jury to her spine, and Miss Lizzie Chadbourn, a?ed 12 years, a resident of Wilmington, North Carolina, had her left leg fractured. They were removed to Mrs. Hall's residence. No. 130 West Orthodox street, Frankford pro; House of Commons; John Bright said during the debate that -the House of Lords ws determined to make a declaration of war aainVt the "Irish people; he was ac cused of treason against the constitution; Phillip Culian, Home Ruler, was sus peutfed for remainder of sitting because of - -w. n wA tt . i .. improper icLuotai. j uriuor pariicu , A three-masted schooner, name unr known, was reported coming over the Bar yesterday afternoon. replied. Mr. Jr. H. Busbee renlied -Middle Sonnd Acadomv. Mr, to him. Qen. Leach, Mr. Staples, D. M. Fennel! principal, opens first Mon- Mr Strudwick and Dr. Worthall day in September, spokeat night. Thera was aprocea- ! i pn quarter of a mile longr.wUh j Tn.e S8,a Pen air religious Chinese lanterns. This wo learn from meeting will be held this afternoon at 4:80 the Raleigh Observer. o'clock, at Dudley's Grove. Judge MerrimoD, we learn, haa I The Board of County Commis- -Jftt5Str!SS!S C1TV ITJBBIft. THB 1CORNINQ STAB can alwaya be had at tne following places in tho clly : The Purcell nonae, Harrts' Newa' Stand, and the Sta Office. ! . . I hnan insitiul J. a i I . Unot the loss or me uay of Vera Cruz I - buuio flpmwies i aionera meet in regular monthly session to- h?e beco received; the captain and officers beUfuil courageously; he was lost an hour before the vessel went down ; thirteen per suus known to be saved; other vessels were wrecked oo the Florida coast in ihe same Ule. Yellow fever ia epidemic in the Tillage of Sao Dieo del Valla, Cuba; 28 deaths from the disease for the week at Iivaua lievi damuel D. Denison, U I)., the Episcopal Church, New York, ia dead. A fire at Salamanca, N Y.. destroyed $157,000 worth of proper ty Attempts to blow up the Russian Kiiitx-ror on hid journey to Lavidia have been frusiiated. New York markets: Mouey 23 percent.; cotton dull and ir regular at 11 11 ICOll 1316c; southern flour ml chan god and dull; wheat lljc better, closing weak; ungraded red 97c $1 OJ; corn ilc better, closing dull and csrcely tKt firm; spirila tarpenline steady nt o(i tents; rosin unchanged at $1 45 1 50. in thn ti.i y;n j i i " UU 1U OWier BeO- I riinrm iftmnnn o O V tions of the 8tate, We hope he may 11 Z ' find time from his professional en-1 I - wpUoserij Prioe, our worthy gagements to comply with these re- I. hbor. master, has returned home after a quests. Raleigh Observer. The Stab f somewhat protracted sojourn at the sound. F. A. SCIIUTTE, - - MANAGER. Table D'Hote supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. .... Boats for Sailing and Bowing. Still Water and Bxat Bathing. Moaic bj the Harpers. The Manager -has spared no pains or expense in preparing for this occasion and can assure all who may attend that everything will be done to promote the pleasure and convenience of hia gaests, as it is his intention to make his "KVfiBY WEDNBSAY" a feature of the Sound. ho objectionable persons allowed in the Park. aeS St su we New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Jfa jumh Auwurmea newspaper ior tne current wees. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this iuuruui IS IT POSSIBLE that a remedv made of ancb I TTTHM A Cf XT TTATTTT common, simple Dlantaas Hodb. Buchu Mandrake. I vttw JJi, JMUJUbV x Dandelion, Ac. , make so many and such marvelous rjN A YXAB OR TWO TOERB WILL BE NO lawyers, doctors, clergymen, or army. Railroad men, editors and poUtlcIans are now, what they sed to be. .When a man can carry a years physic in Us vest pocket,wbats the use of a Doctor. Our har bors will soon be better defended by electrlfl bat keries than cannon and there will be no toidiers. We have no time for speeches. The Banks de the collecting, and soon lawyers will be as scarce as lamp lighters er hen's teeth, bnt people MUST BAT, and so there will always be groceries. FALL OPENING, TUESDAY, 7th Inst; AT HASH'S, P. Lu Bridgers & Oo. 38 Market Street . 30. ai, 24, 2G Sc 28 Front t , unites with the Observer in the hearty wish that he may be able to take a somewhat active part in the " cam paign. No man of our State makes stronger or abler speeches, f and wonderful cures as Bop Bitters do I It must " iw wnen oia ana yoang, ricn ana poor, rastor uiuuva.hh, uiwysr ana wuioi, au testily to nav- iOK been cured by theaa, we must believe and doubt no longer, see otaer column. Jfosu . Professor James A. Sewell, A. M. It., of Medical Faculty, Laval Univereity. Quebec, states: "I have found Ooldem's Liebig's Liquid Extract ef Beef and The Bteamers from Europe are mow crowded with returning visitors abroad.;" The New York dry goods market daring the last week was aoiive, with acchanged prices. Daring August 25,300 immigrants ai rived at New York. This is 4,000 more than any other August within twenty years. . Mr. Alex. U. Stephens will bo re uominated without opposition. He has a troog bold, certainly, on the peoplu of bis district. Senator Bayard and General Roger A. Pryor will speak certainly at Co lumbia,' S. C, on September 7tb, at tbe great mass meeting. An excur fion from Wilmington on that day might pay. The New Haven (Conn.) Register thinks thatiState will give Hancock and Ed glistf 10,000 majority. It says: "Accessions to Hancock are reported from all parts of tbe State. Scarcely a town but reports numbers of former .Re publicans who nave determined to vote for Hancock. It is reported that Gen. Fitzhugh Lee and Gen. Payne,of Virginia, have been invited to make speeches in the North by Gen Hancock. They are to give "the Rebel Brigadier" side of the question. A good idea. Our North Cafofina "Rebel Brigadier" M. W. Ransom will make speeches thai will make a profound impression, we have no doubt. The Radical organs are still e row ing away at the census frauds in South Carolina, and that too, in tbe face of the fact that there is no evi dence whatever to prove any. The following is the latest concerning them. The Washington letter to the Baltimore JSun says: "Before tho President left Washington Gen. Walker bad several interviews with him in regard to the allegation of fraudu lent enumerations in 8outb Carolina. Tbe President saw no reason why a new enu meration, should be ordered, nor did Geo. Walker, ahhoogn tf-was left discretionary with Gen. Walker to order a new enumer ation if any subsequent facts should be brought to his attention which would seem to justify iL Up to tbis date no such facts iare appeared." TUK;STATB OARIPAIGr?. K la Pitt county the Democrats have nominated r CoL R, A. Bynam for. Senate; and Dit3.' JIoore and Eliaa C. Blount for House. Mr. TheowF. Kiuttz, Elector for this District, left on Monday in com pany with Col. Armfield. They will do up Watauga this week. Salis bury Democrat. Maj. Henry - A. London, the effi cient sub-elector for Chatham, met Capt. Bledsoe in that county last eek, and proved himself a good rep resectativc of the gallant Cox. Raleigh Observer. W. P Wllfiamsbn, white, has been nominated for the Senate, and C. W. Battle and W. Watson, both colored, have, been : . nominated f or the House' ' by "the , Edgecombe egroes; as we learnfTrom the South- erner. - t M: ' Edenton correspondent of Raleigh AUVKttTISKirilCNTa Ah Otter 1 West & CaFor rent. J. C. Mcxofl Brashes. J. H. Hardih Toilet soaps. L. Vollers Fresh arrivals. Heinsbbbgeb School books. Kino The result in Indiana. Munson Merchant tailoring. J. Hahn Grand fall opening. Giles & Mcrchisox 3 lines. T. H. McKov Fresh arrivals. W. H. Gkeejt Toilet articles. Bbidgebs & Co Tho outlook. D. A. Smith & Co. Furniture. T. II. Howey Boots and shoes. F. A. ScnuTTE Feto champetre. Harrison & Allkk Closing out. C. W. Yates School books, &c. P. H. Hayden Now is the time. Parker & Taylor Tin ware, &c. F. M. Kraa & Co. "Drive wells." Mallard & Bowdrn To tourists. M c Dodo all & Wn.T j a uaoff Yes . W. Catlett Cme Fear Acad em v. P. Cummceg & Co. Meal, corn, Ac. Gerbardt & Co. Examine trunks. Otterbouro Fall and winter stock. Alt after. Price & Co. Sasb,&a. John Dawson & Co. No drummers. Excursion Brooklyn and 1st Bap. 8. 8. Kkrciinkh & Caldbr Bros. Bagging, salt, tits, &c. Oaily Weather flalietia. lue lollowiuK will show the slate of the tiiennometer, at the stations named, at 8.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, aud also the amount of rainfall in inched -or the twenty-four boars: ending at 3 P. M., as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. Fair Fair Clear . Clear. Cloudy Cloudy: jrair Cloudy 'Fair ' Cloudy irair Fait Lt rain The following are the Indicatiflws for the : South Atlantic Stater today: s.jfgk? Stationary baroibtax. aad temjpej4tux6' DIED. LUCAS. At the residence ef Mr. R P. nnvintr. ton, to this city, on Saturday, the 4th inst., Miss MARY LUCAS. Faneral this (Sanday) morning, at 8 o'clock, thence to BelleTue Cemeterr. BRINKLEY. At Brinkley's, Columbus county, oa Saturday. Sept. 4th, Mrs. MALViNA B. BKINK- LE. aged 6S years. The funeral will be at 9 a. m. Monday, Sept. 6th, from St. James Church to Oakdale Cemetery. ; The thermometer in the Star office yesterday registered 88 degrees at 11 A. M.,89 at 12:30 P. M.,'and 90 at 4:30 P. JUL The Scaffold UDOn Which SteDhen I Tonic Invigorator particularly useful in advanced . , r I stages of Consumption, Weakness, Dyspepsia, and itichardson suffered death on Friday last I H Nervous Affllcuona. In pregnant womenlt has Was taken down and packed away the same I releected. I can recommend it as conyenientTpala nlffht I table, and easy of digestion." i waiiw FLAximu agents. Wilmington. I Go to church to-day. Be in time, if possible, and do not retire before the congregation is dismissed, if you can help it. . The Board of Aldermen have their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, instead of Monday, as usual. - Judges and registrars for the coming election' are be appointed by the County Commissioners at their meeting to morrow. - The . Register of Deeds issued fQur marriage licenses during the past week; of which one was for a white and two for colored couples. I Mr. J. H. Carrie, of this city, is announced to speak at Burgaw to-morrow afternoon, ut 2 o'clock, on the political issues of the day. Astronomers tell us to expect intense heat, .earthquakes, destructive cyclone;! terrific thunder storms and rain daring the present month. Mrs. A. Liebman and son, and SUCCESSOR TO HAN8LEY In this city, Sept. 4tn, Mrs. ELIZA IAK8LBY. wife of the late Wm. H. Hanslev. in the Wth year of her age. Funeral service at the residence of her son-in- law, 3. M. Henderson, en 4th, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, this afteraoon at 6)4 o'clock. -Friends and relatives are invited to attend. The remains will be taken by railroad to Rocky Point Monday morting for interment. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Excursion. rpO SMITH V1LLE AND THE PORTS OF THB . JL First Baptist and Brooklyn Sunday Schools, on Wednesday next, tbe 8th inst. Number tickets limited to eighty. Fare fifty cents for the round trip. Boat leave wharf at 9 ocloek sharp. seSlt Wilmington, N. C, are only one of the ninety. About one ia a thou- and ef all Che people you see sell WHISKEY, MQLAHSKS. I DRIED AND CHIPPED BEEF, TOMATOES, POTATOES, GIN, SUGAR, B PICES, MOLAESSS AMD COFFEE, for a living; something to eat and to wear; while the rest are fed and clothed oat of the profits of the BO at Wright & llIClOyt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL aROCBRY BUSI NESS, ia which tho now Celebrated Establishment of P. L. Bridgers fe Co. 20, 22, 24, 26, ft 28 North Front St. , Wilmington, N. C, holds the leading part We understand and appre ciate the reasons of oar success in building up this trade, and they are briefly thete: WE KEEP THE BEST GOODS I WE SELL FOR THE LEAST PROFIT I We give credit to those who secure us from lose. We keen a fresh stock, anri h inb- in Investments, sales and purchases. We consult no opinion other than that of our C?mei: w,e keP Pod in aU matters con nected with Groceries and Grocery sales, and above all ! SELL OUT AT THE PROPER MOMENT. Keep no stock over for the next season, and have no useless expenses. This enables us to divide profits with our patrons and to KEEP PRICES fjvWN. We have done more to make groceries . Wihningtoa than all the other Stores combined. We are in no tins or c liana, and bainixr to no body or corporation. Hence it is that bust neae Is alwaya briss: with ms, and strangers coming tl town Invariably enquire for the Immense Estab lishment of WITH AN ENTIRE STOCK OF FALL GOODS For Bent, Atlanta 86 .00 Augustat 89 .00 Charleston 88. 4 .00 Charlotte........ 87 JOQ Corsica n a 87 . .02 Galveston 79 8.03 Indianola 85 .03 Jacksonville 89 .49 Mobile 83' .03 Montgomery 88 .16 New Orleans 86 .30 Savannah 88 0O Wilmington. 88 .00 Pensaoola . 78 r .4$ winds mostly south cloudy weather. or west, and partly Mr. B. Goodman, of this city, who have been on a visit - to Europe, arrived safely in New York Friday evening on the steamer Wiine. There were no interments in Oakdale or Bellevuc Cemeteries during the past week. In Pine Forest (colored )Cemete ry there were six interments, four children and two adults. The Jewish new year begins at sunset this evening and ends at sunset to morrow (Monday) evening. There was an error in our item on this subject Wednesday morning. This being the first Sabbath in the month, tbe sacrament of tbe Lord's Supper will be administered in many of our city churches, in accordance with the prevalent custom. Night services at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, which were suspended for the summer, will be resumed this evening. The hour for tbe Sundsy School has been Change from 91 A. M. to a p. m. . , ' . .. . , The only case before the Mayor yesterday morning was that of a colored man from Brunswick county, arrested on suspicion of having stolen a steer and altered the mark baUhe bide, but be was . ' saaBasBBjaw house. se4lt THB LARGE AND COMMODIOUS House en Third, between Princess and imeanut streets, next te tne uity nail. y aoaptea ror a Doaramg noase. adant ill rent either a nortion or the whole Apply to WEST St CO. Our Cutter, jyjR. M. H. CURRAN, HAVING RETURNED home, our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPART MENT will be In foil operation this week. Call and leave your orders At MUNSON'S, The Clothier re 5 It and Merchant Tailor. Brushes. rjpOOTH, NAIL AND HAIR BRUSHES, A large assortment; Soaps and Perfumery of all loads. . For sale by J. C. MUNDS, Druggist, seStf 35 North Front street. 3 Lines 3. ARD WARE, TINWARE. CROCKERY. AU for sale at Northern Jobbers' Prices. QPFERS THIS WEEK FRESH ARRIVALS.V1Z: 30000 LbB 0 B SIDBS 800 Bbla FL0UR' 15000 LbiLASD Bbls SUGAR, J5Q Bags COFFEE, 2QQ Bbls IRISH POTATOES, JQq Cases LYE and POTASH, PjQ Boxes SOAP. "JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, ij Boxes CANDY, g 0 Q Cases CANNED GOODS. JQQ Packages CRACTKERS, IQQ Boxes STARCH, AC, AC. Also the finest and largest stock ef LIQUORS ever offered in this market TUOS. H. McMlOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, seSDAWtf 5TNorth FrantSt. AFTER THREE WEEKS' CAREFUL BXAMI nation of goods in the Northern markets, I succeeded, greatly to my satisfaction, in par chasing one of the largest and finest varieties of Clothing and Man's Furnishings ever exhibited to -Wilmington. Stock for Pal and Winter contains all the latest novelties in reversible Ovrrnuti and Ulsters, S and 4 Button Cutaway Coats and Derby Sacks. Am determined to carry tho banner this season. ju j . -ottekboukg'S au8tf Men's Wear Depot. Closing Out JLL STRAW AND BUMMER GOODS AT AND BELOW COST. dive us a call, bo 5 tf Consisting or Latest Patterns and Designs or Elegant Drcas Goods Ever Drought to this City, ut Hahn's, 38 Market st HARRISON ALLEN, City Hatters.' Excursion. CT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 1. F. A A. MASONS. of this city, will give an excursion oa Tuesday, September 7th, to Bmlthville, tbe Forts, and the Blackish Grounds, for the .benefit of Qui Oxford Orphan Asylum, thai affording our cltfsena an ex celient opportunity of not only enjoying a pleasant np ana we aenguoui sea Dreeae, out aiso or as sisting a most worthy charitable Institution, which uoaia engage weir sympawuM ana niu. Whole tickets, 50 cents; children and servants. 35 cents, to be had at the Express Office and at Par- zer as xayiers I The steamer will leave Market street wharf at nine o'clock SHARP. seSStfrsu Fresh Arrivals. P. L. Bridgers & Co. 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St. Wilmington, N. C- '; e 5 DAWtf : Salt, Bagging, Ties, &c. 2QQQ Backs SALT, 1000 RoU' Hdf BoUs BAGGlM 3000 BdlB New ad Floced TIE8 2000 BnBhelB wwte d Mixed CORN, 150 C0FPBB' Barrels SUGARS, 800 Bbl" rU)UB' 111 K'ades, 100 60X60 8mokcd and ! S- SIDES, JQQ Tierces and Tubs LARD, 4QQ Bushels Fresh Virginia MEAL, 200 akAfland Bbla CUBA MOLASSES, fTCHhds and Bbls PORTO RICO HO f U LAbSES, 60 do 8. 8. MOLASSES, JQO Boxes TOBACCO. 50 SNUFF Hjdf 8NDPP' 78 C" T5 Bbl 60x08 CRACKERS, 200 KtaNAIL8' g00 BPIREr OABKS. Barrels, Flannels! Flnnnels! Flannels! The Most Extraordinary quali ties, Shades, Ac , nt Iiic-s IV ever Before Known In this Hj. Black Alpacas and Cashmeres! The Largest Stock or Alpacas and Casnmercs Ever Ucpt In flits Clly, and at Prices that will Astound l'ou at Hahn's, 38 Market st. PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, , COCOA-NUTS, Pearl Barley and Baeo. Another let of that nae Fulton Market Beef. Northern Irish Potatoes. sefttf t A Tons Hoop Iron. Glua, Iw Bunes. Ac Ac.. Ac. For sale by KBROHNER A CALDBR BROS Immense Quantities or Domestic and Other Staple Goods. se&tf GILES A MUBCHISON, 38 and 40 North Front St. ape 9m ltle f?arBa; - JL correspondent'; wriMnVfrom Bruns-. wick countyr tsys ha haa.jast.Aa4?ta , pleasure of going around tbe ride fawffbf - T" " F. M. Moore, Esq., wiUi''Mr.mttei afijit''' The street f ores ia engaged in the manager, ud - that it made-brmTeef running a sewer from tbe corner of Fourth proud of old Brunswick once mart, to see I and Brunswick, west to Third, north to the beautiful sight of nine thousand busbels I fijaden and down Bladen street to the of waving grain, now about eidy ifo te run off the large amount of water that is in tbe habit of accumulating in tbe I everything as it should be send yot We are Still Grinding rjnBE "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THB CITY." Special' Inducements offered in MEAL, CORN, OATS, HAY, Ac.. Ac. PRESTON CUMMENG A CO., sea tf t Millers and Grain Dealers. ITo Drummers. TKTS DON'T BEND OUT DRUMMERS V V scour tbe country for bueine A lot of Brooms, will sell low at retail; Wood and wiuow ware; a nui one or ramuy urocenes, ci gars, Tobacco and Liquors, all at Bottom Prices.,. Call and see. L. VOLLERS. ' se Stf . 18 sad 88 Booth Front street. TE 8! - 'Wb CAN MAKE THEM t BUGGIES. CARTS, Drays, Wagons, Harness, and anything in our line. 'Want itrepairedl" did yon say I We can make it aa gooa as new. , JHasg u in and haye U done In , ncBi-ciass sryie oy ' - ' i r . . . , MODOUG ALU At WILLIAMSON, SeStf Chesnut, bet, Water A Front Ste. sickle, the result of good management, ener gy and industry. .Oar 'correflTndent. Bays thst this and other instances that nave late ly corns under bis observation remind trim of the good old. times, long: past wnea that beavily-ladsa fields of golden grain slong; tbe grand Old Cape Feaf gladdened the hearts of men, and' that be now has reason to hope ihi the time is Dol lar distant when the rice farmers of this section wil( resume their former posUlbn on" the blgU'road d, prosperity. - Tbe AV.ortO'a aVtxaia 18S3-larrnna The xecutive femttmee!ot the7 United States Internaiipnaxow Tofk, desire a list lof lbose' persons in Cur Staie and iocnty ftcladUflTcryifoml- nent manufaaiers'and.;prodjBrr- who there may be reaaon- to Relieve would par ticipate and - mike "credltabla exhibits of their own particutsr prodactiona in tbe World's Fair In 18S3. This rnf ormatlon Is required because the preparatoyf1' work of tbe' exhibWon , ZneceasltAtes T immediate koqwledgdas lo'howmucb .: space is likefy to be demanded by ezblbitors lit fba bjilld- ings to ue owicu oyioe cemmissroB' ior exhibition purja43tfessrs. BT YMc-1 A.uen, m vwww. ; ana. aeitae ot Wilmington, axe. the CGmmlislooerft fox the neighborhood of Fourth and Brunswick streets. TO Keen our men at heme, thereby saving an expense of five to ten per cent., wniea we can give our customers ine Grammars yon expenses. If you want send vour orders to ' . . dUXtf AlAWDUXt SS W.t seStf 19. 11 and 83 Market St. JBxearalon. : - It is hardly necessary to again remind our Citizens of the excursion down the river on the steamer Passport, under the auspices of S'SiKf!,!' - j - . . . t r - uuavisot wavy wnasva9s; I John's Lodge No. 1, of Masons, on I Lamp Goods at smaU pi MERCHANTS LAYING IN THEIR FALL stock should call and examine our stock of stj Tdesday, the 17th inst. but the Orphan Asylum for whose benefit tbe excursion is given, is such a worthy and charitable institution, and one in which we feel such a TIN-WARE aoade by ourselves and put up with care, which we sell at prices comparing with New York,' Cook stores the very bast, both Flat Top and Range styles, which we are selling at a small profit, and guarantee satisfaction to the most f as- s, water nucxetSi iiamps ana prices. t Examine YorTniiil -ND.IF THST NXEO RBPATRTNa OR COY enng send ttem to our saddle, Harness and Buggy Skobs. where they will be out m thorouah order bv Practical Trunk Maker, se&tf GEBHARDTAOO. An Offer ! ! r0 PARTIES DESIRING TO REFURNISH their houses for the coming season we offer a large and- fashionable' stock of FURNITURE ' 10 per cent, lower wan any nonae in tne state. BEHBESOS A BIVRBOBt S. S. Corner Market and Seeond Streets, . se5tf , Wilmington. N. C. Toilet Soaps. N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TOILET Soaps Just received, and for sale very low at 3. H. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, sotf New Market. CI T V T 1 OUilUOl JDOOKS. jrt HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY OF School Books and School Stationary. Teachers and Parents will find it to tkeir advantage by first calling at HEINSBXBGER'S. HThe Lifo of General Wlnfleld S. Hancock; Personal, Military and Political. By Rev. D X. Junklns, D. D., and Frank H. Norton. For sale at Housekeepers take Notice that at Hahn's, 38 Market st. Is the Place to aret Bargains In heeUng, Tahle Uncus, Tow els, Nolllng-ham Lace, Hundreds or other Artleli Numerous to mention at Prices far Below those or the Panic. and seStf THB LIVE BOOK STORE. State otNostbCSarclma; - ' 7a,iTaBreMj-sjBfcj'jj i Lvjg g?vtgi4 Ton , need ?tMfc neglect'. ottr Iraaittesa when troubUd wittt a Coaeh of Ooldif you only use a ' reliable remedy ' at once. Lr. uuii's uougn riyrup is tbe best remedy we know of. Price only 25 cents. Drive Wells" JTT UT DOWN ' ANYWHERE IN OB OUT OF i. . kit .v. i wwn. Buooeae iianmteea every uine ur uuy. rSat interest, that we mast express the I With pure water and good food-cooked in a SAM wish that the excursion tony -be ttberally Stt8 yoara WnU patronized by not only tbe Masonic f rater-j ; f. m. KieD-' nitFj but urcltlzena generally.- I seStf wumington, n. c. Mnfaiaign the Toilet. tic Milton the afflaavlt or lizzie Aimer, i j tjbin's extracts, soap, ant was found guilty and ordered to pay one Tourists BR80NS WANT! and Traveling ;Bags cap. be famished at th A ND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS pennyand the costs. The same defendant was next arraigned on -a peace warrant, -sworn out by Lizzie Miller, and wu'ujiry.tlUte. costs and give bond rim ihe sum T of f 50 to keep the' peace for four months, In default, of which be was, coinxiliUed to.llie BheriiT. .aUisea!ainaf;'5 : .j.;,; " . oThere w0 be tap "excursion Yq Bmitbviiie sTndtke Forts on .Wednesday next, the 8tb insi. :theeli( auspices of the lta.3hkljfi Sunday; Bcboola Tbe number of tickets be limited to eighty-five. GERMAN COLOGNE. TOOTH BRUSHES, HAND MIRRORS, f SPONGE, AC., AC, ror eaie by WM. H. GREEN, Apothecary, Market Street. Have Ton Seen Our 16 SIB UMBRELLA f . BitOWN A RODDICK. Have You Seen the JEAN DRAWERS WE MANUFACTURE T BROWN A KODpICK, i I .... Have Ton Seen thu ci 1 REW CORSET WKKBTAIL AS 79 urar , ;-: b;:KBowN; a boddick. ITave You Seen That JOB LOT RUFFLING AT 60 CTS. A PIECE? lowest prices from our new stock lost arrived. . Oar Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be beat for Latest Styles andVBeat-Geods for the least money. No. 8 South FrohtJSt ' ' se&tf MALLARD A BOWDBN. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Boors. Blinds. ALL KINDS QF MILL WORK, LUMBER, LATHS, &4.t FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, : -AT"' : . : -I.'.;. ' ALTAFFER, PRICE A Co., . The Eesnlt in Indiana ND AN OLD SUIT OF SOILED, FADED clothing dyed to look new are the prevailing ex citeQo&tej WILMINGTON DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, .-. Market, between Sd and 8d Streets, is where the latter originated. Be 5 tf D. A. Smith & Co., TX7HOLKSALB AND RETAIL DEALERS, AND Manufacturers Cf1 Fashionable Furniture. Bedding, Window Shades, Ac. seStf No. 43 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. Faotoby: Foot of Walnut st. seStf Oman; . . Nutti'neaf Red Cross st. Now is the Time ....''!' npo GET YOUR BUGGY, CARRIAGE, CART OR . JLl Boots and Shoes. TUST RXCXrVSD A '.FEW OASES OF MENS tf and Boy's Heavy and Fancy Boots, which I am offering, at a bargain. , A full use of Penitentiary Brogans. Women's Grain Shoes, good quality, at f 1 (W per pair. For goodgoods and lowpric call at seStf No. 47 North Market st. ; Cape Fear Academy. A CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMER CIAL SCHOOL. Seaakm begins September 87. 1880. Cora motions and oonventont rooms, with allf lata improvements, ; situated at Menglnney's SchooL 4th Street. Instruction thorough. Prepares for Universities. Especial attention also to Eng lish. Full corps of Instructors. The Principalis determined to make this a first elaas SehooL . an oawTt sa W. CATLETT, Principal. CorsetsI Corsets! CoTittst Hahn, 38 Ilarkot st., Keeps the largest stock ever shown In this city. The celebrated GLOBE NURSING CORSET. The INDESTRUCTIBLE HIT CORSET and a down other improved and superior kinds. Calicoes, Calicoes, Calicoes. The nicest line of Fall Prints, from B CENTS ant upwards. . J Kid Gloves, ' ;!,KuaioTet: The larf est andfiaest lot of KISOLOVXS ever shown to this city.. We guarantee every pair ef our celebrated GLOBE Kid Glove, ami wiH' ref ssii the money fee every pal not glvtog. saUsfaotton. , Re member we have a Job lot of BOO d.tsa Kid Oioves at 15 CENT! per pair. Dont forget Ue daUOfthe Oraad Opening, and rensaabet that -rr . J 0. W. YATES WlSHEB TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF Hflllli'fl' flft Wfirlrfit. ftf ' hew and Parents to his complete stock of , ""T"-" : - - Teachers' and Parents to his complete : I School Books and School ctatlonerv. Those want I tm th tkiM m m mhi TWn.RarnAaa- RmAAn Ttrldla. Oollu UThln m I Inantn Kn w will 4trA it trt thAlr Mjw.r.rm n .11 I. . - " 7- anything to this line at Bock Bottom Prices. Re- I correspond with him Sunday-School Books, Hymn I 1 r r T ttto TT a tvht pairs neaUy executed at short notice, at I Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, and Reward Cards, la JUXjXUo H AHINI .jt au39tf BROWN A RODDICK. se5 tf P. H. HA YD EN'S Factory. Third, bet. Market and Princess st I great variety. WW w YATES' BOOK STORE. seB tSMABXXT BT.

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