bates of ADVnarisino. ; HE HOBimTffSTAS. .: 'r '"'; r ; . ' 1 " ! yLISEBD DAILY BXCBPT MONDAYS. VI One Souart on. day,... ...... i two days, ... '? 115 three days,... ', 25? " ' four days. !S ; .; -j Oaf week,..t . ... 4 y0 Tw We,... 60 " " Thra. weeks,..,. -i, ......-. .- OiianuVltk . . k" .A ..5i . . 10 00 mm The Morning ratrs or 8UB8cmpno xh a.DVAroz : ..meyesr, (by milpotge paid, $700 4iX AOJltAt , 4 OU rnreemOTths, " (nenjonln . .... 1 w to City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the -,tv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents we jot Authorized to collect for marothan three men the n advance. MORNING EDITION. Entered at tho Port Office at Wltalngtos, N. C., as second-class matter. OLTLINK. OaamAAth. .Two months,.. ......... IT oo Thro. moathaM.Vti.. wVf'; 5? HIv mintha 40 0C ." " On. year,... v-v: IGT-Ctract Advsrtlsssnsts taken at rro Oonately low rate. . Tea lines selld Socparell typ make on. sqnsra. Fete Champetre, -rf VOL,. XXVI. NO. 149; WILMINGTON, N. Ci. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1880. WHOLE NO. 4,081 Cotton crop reports from Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida and Georgia, published in the New Orleans Democrat, it being ten days later than the reports of the Cotton Exchange. Fourteen survivors of the City of Vera Cruz report at Tilersville, Ga. Mar shall O. Roberts, of New York, is dead. At AlUtter, Texas, an Indian was hanged f jr tho murder of Mrs. Washington. John C Chapman, a prominent lawyer, of Alexandria, Va., is dead ; thought to be suiciJe. A $50,000 fire in Baltimore. S. 9. Laprade, an aged farmer, was murdered near Sadliesville, Term. Do Jaruetlc has been sentenced to iniun nt Danville", Va., ou October 29lh. An epidemic of dengue ("broken -bone tever") prevails at Charleston and New OiKanj. A reduction of wages of operatives at Fail River is probable. The French -African expedition came to i;icf ami was o!Hged to go hac k No moie survivors uf the lost steamer Vera Cruz Lave been Lenrd from. Beaver Dim, Ky , had a 10.OJ0 tire yesterday. i'W Yoik markets: Money 23 percent; , o t. n a;eady af 11 ll-16ll 1316c; SoUth r.'u lljur firm and quiet at $4 506 50; wheat heavy, l2c lower, with a fairly ac tive trade,-ungraded red 95c$l 06; corn a. -hide lower, ungraded 50i51fc; spirits Mirj-euiine firm at 35 J cents; rosin quiet and tit m at $1 52jl 57f I lie paragraph in the Star a few thiys :io about the first, duel in the United States ought to have been June 1GS1 instead of 1221 as priuted. B.aine says Maine is all right. Of course. Who doubts it? He still writes to Washington that every Department clerk must be sent home to vote. Dr. Edward Warren, a native of this State aud a very eminent physi cian, now rsident in Paris, is on a visit to this country. At present he is in Virginia. Senator Thurman expresses .him self as confident that Hancock will carry Ohio. We hope so; but seeing is believing. But why not? Hayes' majority in 1876 was hut 2,747. There is immense business now do ing throughout tho North. The man ufacturers are crowded and every thing looks prosperous. Lookout for over-trade; and then a collapse, it may be. Mr. Edison will have a paper iu the next number of the North American Review on the electric light. He claims-now to have solved com pletely the great problem of tho oleo ma light. Uol. Forney estimates that in Phil adelphia up to this lime 7,599 Re publicans have signified their pur pose to vote for Hancock. He says the number will be increased by the dny of election. The Petersburg Jndex-Appeal, in a very complimentary notice of Bish op John Beckwitb, of Georgia, says lie is a native of Petersburg. There 11 a mistake here, we are pretty con udent. We think he was born in ttaleigb. What say our contempo raries of the metropolis ? The Democrats are very much in earnest. Head the following from the Baltimore Sun's Washington epe cial : "Great activity prevails at present at the Democratic headquarters in this city. The force engaged in packing and sending off documents is kept at work day and- night. The average number of documents sent away daily is abont 300,000. They are mostly sent to Indiana and Ohio, but Wis consin is getting a goodly share also." We confess we do not understand that 207 Radical majority in Wil mington, Del., geaerally a Demo cratic city. But that will not prove that it is bound to go Radical in November. In 1876 it gave that party 1,200 majority in the city election, but afterwards Hayes only carried it by 53. . Our namesake, of that city, says Hancock will be sure to carry it. It is a mistake that the Bible Re vision Committee will have ready very soon the New Testament. Bishop Lee, of the Episcopal Church, who is of the committee, says, in cor recting borne errors of statement : "The work u not in the state of for wardness which is mentioned. It will be issued, not by the 'Queen's printer but by the University Presses of Oxford and Cambridge. The expenses of revisers in ibis country Are not paid by McMillan, or from any English source. Instead of there being but one member of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United Stales on the committee, there are five." ' Senator Bayard's speech at Colum bia, S. C, gave much satisfaction. He spoke most confidently of Democratic success. We must give one brief ex tract from his speech as reported: : "In 1876 this great party of which you are members polled in the Union four and a half millions of votes. There was a popu lar majority of a quarter of a million that was meant to prevail aud that would have prevailed had not the spirit of revolution and despotism possessed those in charge of our national government, and by a mixture of fraud and force prevented the honest results of a great election by the people. I Cheers. I That majority is not to be de creased. The four and a quarter millions of votes pofled for Tilde n and Hendricks in 1876 will grow to five millions of votes in 1880 for Winfleld Scott Hancock and William H. English. I do not say this as an idle beast; I don't mean this asaoex cited utterance from the. stump;.! say that which I believe; that the current of an hon est public sentiment, what I may term the instinct of self-preservation, will cause such an expression at the polls in November next that no one wiil be so wicked, so dar ing or so dishonest as to attempt to defeat the voice of the great American people as will there be so positively expressed. Pro longed cheers. " In 1868 and 1872 the Republicans carried Vermont by much larger ma jorities than the last. The Philadel phia Times says it is less than in 1876, in proportion to tho aggregate vote. So it might Have been much worse. TUB STA I K OAHPAIGN, The flag pole ot the Hancock-Jar-vis club, presented by Commodore Roberson, was raised yesterday at the corner of Middle and Broad streets, just outside the Rink. New Berne Nut Shell. Thos. B. Keogh was nominated for Congress in the fifth District yesterday. Ball declined and young Everitt received ono-third of a vote from Davidson county. Keogh is now in Florida, but will accept the nomination. Greensboro Patriot. Everitt, the youthful, and hand some man of the Big 3 combination and advance agent of the show, was in town yeBterday en route to Iron Station, where he appears to-day as "Sim Smasher" in the laughable in terlude, "A practical Joke." Char lotte Observer. Mr. George B. Everitt, Republi can Elector for the State at large, has come over to assist Gen. Barrin ger at tho Irou Station meeting to day. Col. Chas. R. Jones and Maj. Montgomery will represent the other side, having been invited by the Democratic friends there. - Mem bers of the old Vance ooiored club met at the court house last night and several speeches were made by col ored men. Charlotte Observer. There is no doubt that Judge Bux ton won no laurels in the Albemarle country. They kept the Democratic speakers off of him until he got to Winston, where Jernigan handled him without mittens. Bat there was no need of any reply. He was his own worst enemy on the occasion. There is no man in North Caro lina who is held in higher estimation by the Albemarle people than Judge Merrimon. He was among Us during the canvass when he was a candidate for Governor in 1872, and the im pression then made by bis personal aud 'intellectual character, has been abiding and permanent. We would all be gratified to have him among us some time during the oampaign. Washington letter: The Radi cals are not satisfied with Grandy. They seem to want Jo Martin, and say he wasn't treated right, and they want another Convention called. Elizabeth City Economist. Judge D. G. Fowle will address tho people at the following times and places: Clinton, Sampson county, Wednesday, September 15; Mag nolia, Duplin county, Thursday, Sep tember 1C; Rockingham, Richmond county, Tuesday, September 21 ; Fay etteville, Cumberland county, Wed nesday, September 22; Reidsville, Rockingham county, Friday, Sep tember 24; Tarboro, Edgecombe county, Wednesday, September 29; King's Mountain,. Tuesday, October 5; Shoe Heel, Robeson county, Fri day, October 8; Rich Square, North ampton county, Monday, October 11; Winton, Hertford county, Tuesday, October 12; Centre Hill, Chowan county, Wednesday, October 13; Plymouth, Washington county, Thursday, October 14; Jamesvitle, Martin county, Friday, October 15; Washington, Beaufort county, Satur day, October 16; Kinstoo, Lenoir county, Monday, October 18; Louis burg, Frankjm county, Tuesday, October 26; Brassfields, Granville county, Thursday, October 28; Kit trell, Granville county, Saturday, October 30. Raleigh News. That was a very sensible edito rial of the Kinston Journal on "circus and whiskey." J Biographies of the coming So loes of North Carolina are now in order. The next Legislature promises to be the greatest ever seen. Great men only are selected this year. Selah t The Wilson Advance says of Coup's show: . The performance was, upon the whole, as good as we ever wit nessed, and in many respects it was vastly Superior to any that has ever been given in this place. Charlotte Frets; Senator Vance Ea&sed through Greensboro yesterday on is way to fill campaign engagements in the Old Dominion. TheFay Temple ton Star Alliance Operatic troupe will bo with us on Monday evening next. NEW ADVKUTISBtniSN'rSi, 1F0B SALE. Mtjnds Brushes, f Dvsb & Son- Wanted. ' C. ResEarraAL To friends. ; L. VoLLBBs Freeh arrivals. C. W. Yates School books. F. M.. King & Co. Stoves, &c. B&x White Paper hanging, &c. T. H. McKoy Finest selection. D. A. Surra & Co. New goods. Ottebboubg Men's wear depot. F. A. BchUttb Fete champetre. David S. Cowan Sale real esvut Mat.t.abd & Bowden To touriaia. McDoTjQAiiL & William sou Yes. W. Cateett Cape Fear Academy. ' Heinsbbboeb Pianos and organs. 4 P. Cmoaz-o & Co. Meal, hay, &c. Gebhabdt & Co. Examine trunks. AiiTATFEB, Price & Ca Saab, &. John Dawson & Co. No drummers. Lisette C. BEBNHsnc Select school. Habbison & Allen New fall styles. Robebt Mr Houston Card of thanks. Meeting Stonewall Lodge, K. of P. W. J. & B. F.PEjnrv- Copartnership. Wobth & Wobth Bagging, ties, &c. Stevenson & Co Prices coming down, Pubcblii House Special inducements. Giles & Murchisox "Season goods." Pabkeb & Tatlob The fall campaign. WrxiaNGTON Dyeing t Establishment. Kebchneb; & Caldeb Bbos. Bacon, bagging, coffee, sugar, &c. Local Don. Seventeenth Sunday after Trin ity. Cotton receipts yesterday C59 bales. Day's length 12 hours and 30 minutes. ; The Republicans had a meeting in Federal Point Township yesterday. The Register of Deeds issued no marriage licenses during the past week, Our friend R. K. Bryan, Esq., of the Fayetteville Examiner, was in the city yesterday. Rev. Dr. Patterson, pastor of St. John's, will preach at St. Mark's church this evening at 8 o'clock.' We learn that there will be a Republicau demonstration at Smithville Monday night. Collector Canaday will officiate as spokesman on the occasion. Tho weather permitting, Rev. James W. Craig will conduct the usual open air religious meetmg at Dudley's Grove this afternoon, at half past 4 o'clock. Tho exercises of the. Seleot School, northwest corner of Fourth and Dock streets, Miss Lisette C. Bernheim, Principal, will commence Wednesday, September 15th. J. "W. Barnes, Jr., tho young man who was so badly injured by the ac cidental shooting of himself Friday after noon, was pronounced no better yesterday afternoon, but it is not thought that ho is in any immediate danger. Messrs. W. J. & B. F. Penny have entered into a copartnership for the purpose of conducting a dry goods, cloth ing, and boot and shoe business, etc., at No. 13 Market street Mr. W. J. Penny will also carry on the shoemaking business at the same place. The census enumerators here abouts are complaining becauso they have net received their money yet "The laborer is worthy of his hire," and we can't see why the government should not meet its obligations as: promptly aa individuals are expected to do. The Christian experience meet ings held at the Fifth Street M. E. Church, Soutb,every Sabbath afternoon at half-past 3 o'clock, are said to be very interesting as well as profitable to those who attend, and we are requested to invite all Christians to participate in them. The alarm bells should abe more generally rung in caso of a fire. Only the market house bell was rung yesterday morn ing, and the consequence was that very few even of the firemen knew anything abont the fire until they heard it down the street after it was all over. Tha Mayor has given orders to the Clerk of the Market to allow no more grapes to be sold on the sidewalks on Mar ket, between Frbnt and Second streets. This is to prevent the accumulation of grape hulls on the sidewalks, which have been the occasion of several persons getting se vere falls Tlae Fire Yesterday moraine. The alarm of ' fire yesterday morning, about 5 o'clock, was caused by the owning of the kitchen attached to what is known as the bid Bailey house, located on the northeast corner of Third and Ann streets, owned by Mr. E. P. Bailey and occupied by Mr. Robert Houston. The kitchen was entirely destroyed and the dwelling badly damaged by fire and water together, the weather-boarding on the eastern side being badly charred and the roof considerably injured by making, holes in it for the free passage of water into the building. The fire department was promptly on hand, and everything possible was done to prevent the spread of the flames. The building is said to be one of the oldest in the city. The loss, which is esti mated at from $600 to $800, was covered by ipsnrance. Norwegian barque Goto, Kroger, sailed from Liverpool, for this port on the 8th nst. Tbenoanmeni to Or. Klos. Tho erection of the monument to the late Dr. J. Francis King, ot this city,-, in Oak dale Cemetery, heretofore alluded to, has been completed. It is of blue granite, from Columbia, S. C. It rests upon a founda tion or grassy mound sixteen inches above the surface of the ground, with three bases, the first being fourteen inches thick and five feet square, the second twelve inches thick and four feet square, and the third eight inches thick and three feet six inches square. There comes a "flint," or square block, with the name "King" in raised let ters on the face, which block is twelve inches thick and two and a half feet square; between, comes the "die," which is two feet square, with raised pannels on each face, which i9 surmounted by a moulded cap two and a half, feet square and six inch es thick ; with the octagon shaped obelisk two feet square at the base and running up eleven feet, tapering to about eight inches square at the pinnacle, the entire monument being about twenty feet high. On the front panel is a record of the birth, birth place, age and death of Dr. King; and on the right and left sides appropriate inscrip tions, one of which is, "Erected by His 'Friends and Patients as a Tribute of Their Respect." It is a handsome monument, and attests the high esteem in which the de ceased was held by his many friends io the community. The monument was erected under the supervision of Mr. John Maunder. JDallr Weatner Bulletin, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 8.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 P. Mn as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal .Officer at this Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. Atlanta 60 Augusta. B0 Charleston 77 Charlotte 70 Corsicana 87 Galveston 77 Indianola 81 Jacksonville 83 Mobile 81 Montgomery 72 New Orleans 79 Savannah 73 .16 .37 .00 .00 .00 .57 .00 1.27 .20 .05 .19 .33 .00 .12 Cloudy Lt rain Cloudy Cloudy Clear Lt rain Fair Fair Clear Lt rain Cloudy Lt ram Fair Cloudy Wilmington 85 Pensacola 81 The following;are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Stationary or higher barometer and tem perature, northeast to southeast winds, partly cloudy or cloudy weather, with oc casional rains. A Carious Flab. A fisherman at the Souud on Friday night caught a specimen of the finny tribe which is somewhat of a curiosity to per sons not versed in "fishology." It was about two feet and a half in length and two'inches in width at the widest part of the body, the tail terminating in an elon gated point about the size and shape of an ordinary leather shoe strong. Upon refer ence to Webster's illustrated unabridged dictionary we find it described under the name of "Irichirurtu." &Un called hair tails, from the elongated, hair-like filament that terminates the tail." It was caught with a gig. mayor's Court. Sol. Nixon, colored, was arraigned on the charge of acting disorderly on the streets between 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday morninc, for which he was arrested by Officer Pette way. He was let off on the payment of $2.50, it being his first offence. 'Susan Franks, colored, charged with being drunk and down on Second, between Market and Princess streets, about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, was sent below for ten days. m m mi mortuary. There was only one interment an adult in Oakdalc Cemetery duriDg the past week, and the bodty was brought here for burial. Bellcvue Cemetery reports one interment an adult for the week. In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were nine interments during the week, of which two were adults and two children. Bow at Florence. .Intelligence was received hero yesterday to the effect that a big row occurred at Florenee, S. C, on Friday night, between some of the attaches of Coup's circus and a number of colored men, during which one of tne colored men was killed and Beveral others badly beaten. We have not heard how the difficulty originated, but whiskey was probably at the bottom of it. Injuring Live Stocic Stephen Moore and Emanuel Allen, both colored, were arraigned before Justice Millis, yesterday morning, on the oath of Nathan Foylea, charged with injuring live stock. At the close of the investigation the parties were required to enter into bonds in the sum of $50 each for their ap pearance at the next term of the Criminal Gourt. UnnaailaMe Letters. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postoffice up to this date: G. W. Mills, 8need's Ferry, Onslow county, N. C.j C,S. Ellis, Savannah, Ga.; Sandy Bell, Shaw Branch Church, Pender county, N. C. ; Washington Letlow, Pitts burg, P. o. Caroline Jones, of. Columbia. Pa., says: "Ssnd meone dollar's worth of Tutt's Pills, I find them to be the best medicine for Sick Headache and Indigestion I ever tried. My acquaintances have fallen in love with them, and desire to have them. ToU have conferred a great blessing upon thousands of suffering females-" t CITY .1XJSM6. THE MORNING STAR can always be had at tne; following places in tne city : Tne .rnrceu noose. Hams' News' stancu ana tne tWAuumce. Lato Fafkbs. To the Harris' News Stano, soath siae front street, we are indented lor copies or tne New- York Ledger, - Chimney Corner, and Frank jjetu'$ luuezraiea isewspaper ior tne current weesu The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. IS IT POSSIBLE that a remedy made of such common. simDle Dlants as Hods. Buchu. Mandrake. Dandelion, Ac, make so many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do 1 It must be, for when old and young:, rich and poor. Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, aU testify to hav ing been cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer, see otoer column. roeu WHAT EMINENT PHYSICIANS SAY.-Fm-TSUTiya or Malabia. Colden's Liebig's Extract of Beef andToaic Invigorator Is particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Diph theria, Agae, Malarial, Typhoid Fever, and every depressing disease, we have, prescribed it with ex cellent success. 3. H, Leslie, M. D., O. P. Copp, M. D., S. B. Parsons, M. D., R. A. Vaughn, M. D., Drs. S. L. and J. C tiidelet, all of St. Louis, and many others. Green St JfitUtxsR, Agents. Wilmington. . FAIRBANKS' SCALES. A gentleman, connect ed with the Fairbanks' Scale Manufacturing Com- pany of New York, writes to a Bangkok correspon dent as follows: '"The year has opened with very heavy business, and we are now running our Scale Factory at full speed. Last week we aad orders for sixteen hundred scales, and we are dally melt ing twenty-five tons of iron. We are behind our orders some four thousand scales. This indicates a revival of business in our country and all over the world, for our trade reaches to every quarter of the globe.' It is quite certain that there is no Instance in the History of American industries in which persistent efforts to manufacture the very best arti cles in their line have been crowned. with & more triBmphaat victory, than that which marks the suc cess of this perfect instrument for weighing. Th9 Si am Wukly Advertiser, Bangkok, May 29, 180. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed Beveral sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it ad ministered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the- child passed In suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning home the day following, the father found the baby still worse, and while contemplating another sleep less night, the mother stepped from the room to at tend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence be administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and Bald nothing. That night all hands slept weU, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed with the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies aad restless nights have disappeared. .A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 36 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stonewall Lodge Ho. 1, K. of P. MEMBERS OF STONEWALL LODGE ARE hereby notified to be present at their "Castle Hall" MONDAY Evening, ftept. 13th, at S o'clock, as business of importance will come up for their consideration. JAS. W. KING, sell lt Review copy. K. of R. & S. For Sent. DWELLING HOUSE ON EAST SIDE of Second street, between Market and Dock, at present occupied by Mrs. B. M. Cashing. L. MBGISNEY, Executor. seia 2t Select School. N.W. CORNER FOURTH ANDfBOCK STREETS. THE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL commence Wednesday, Sept. 15th. at a. m. Parents are early requested to send their daughters punctually at the opening. Terms, $35, SO and 236 per year. For farther information apply to LISETTE C. BBRNHSIH, sel32t BUtu 6th, bet. Market and Princess. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE su perior Court of New Hanover County, I will, on Monday, the 4th day of October next, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse deor in Wumington, sell at auction to the highest bidder that valuable lot, with three-storied brick dwelling and necessary outhouses, on the N. B. corner of Fourth and Ches nut streets, and well known as the residence of the late Mrs. Robert H. Cowan. third cash, balance in tlx and twelve months, with 8 per cent, interest. DAVID O. COWAN, Commissioner. DuB. Cutlar, J. Davis, Attorneys. eel2 lot se 12, 14, 15, 19, 31, 24, 26, 38, 80 and oc S. J DESIRE TO THANK MY FRIENDS, BOTH white and colored, for assisting me in saving my furniture and other household effects from destruc tion at the fire yesterday morning. Sept. 13, 188J. EOBT. M. HOUSTON, sel lt Copartnership Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RBSPECT fully announce that they have entered into a copartnership, and will keep a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Notions, &C, at No. 18 Market Street. - Our W. J. fenny will carry on the shoe-making business and guaran tees satisfaction. The patronage of the public is solicited. Respectfully, sel3 lw W. J. & B. F. PENNY. Special Inducements J N PERMANENT BOARD FOR YOUNG MEN and business men given at se 12 lt PURCELL HOUSE. Here I Come Again "YyflTH AN ELEGANT STOCK OF NEW Shades, Paper Hangings of all colors, all prices to suit customers. Elbow Grease is telling and don't you forget it. . BEN WHITE, The Paper Hanger, so 13 lt Market, bet. 2nd and 3d Sts. Pianos and Organs, JN TONE. FINISH AND DURABILITY su perior to any In Market. Music Books. TtyTELODIANS, GUITARS, VIOLINS AND ALL other mislcal instruments. Blank Books, INKS, MUCILAGE, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, Stationary of every style and variety. . For sale at BOl2tf HBINSBEEGER'S. For Sale ! THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK of Furniture, Wholesale and Retail, at Bottom Prices, at the New Furniture Store. - BEHBEnDS 6c SI UN ROE, S. E. Corner Market ana Second Streets, sel3tf ' Wilmington, N. C. , , .in) ir, i Wanteds Sewing women to work for good pay; Tailors to werk by the oo or the day: Old Bachelors and young, will please call too. And married, also, weTlI show you throtrph. And after we have finished, and our work well done You will gladly order from ; DYER SB SON, ee 13 tf "Tailors and Furnlehers . " THOMAS' H. McKOY SUCCESSOR TO Boatwright & McKoy. VTISHES IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that he has In stock the finest selection of both heavy aad light groceries ever offered in this mar ket. Those who buy at retail know that they can't do better than with him. To his conntry friends who bay in quantity he will stato he Is able and will sell good goods as low as he who Bells lowest. Then why tend your or ders North when he can demonstate to you in a short time that you can bny from him lower f Come and see him or write for prices THOS.II McKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 6 & 7 North Front St. selS DAWtf To my Friends and Cus tomers. J AM NOW DAILY RECEIVING Mf FALL Btock of BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of all the Latest Styles. My past Btock and my success speak for themselves, and I only, ask a continuance of your favors so liberally bestowed on mo. Please call and examine my stock as regards quality and prices. No trouble to show the goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 171 A UK ET ST. se 12 tf 8Um of the Show Caee. New Fall Styles. gTIFF AND SOFT HATS At HARRISON A ALLEN'S, City Hatters. Be 12 tf The Best Display QF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND WORSTEDS in the city, making to order In the most approved styles. Leave your orders early. MUfiSOH.The Clothier eelSlt and Merchant Tailor. We are Receiving BY EACH STEAMER FULL SUPPLIES OF "Season Goods," which we offer to the trade at Baltimore and New York Jobbers' prices. As we are brought dally in competition with these men we know hw to meet their prices. U1XlK mukchisoh, se 13 tf 38 and 40 Murchison Block. NO "PENT UP UTICA !" "WESTWARD HO I Next door but one towards tha river the stream of Stoves and General House Furnishing Goods takes its way from our old stand. No. 39, to the large store No. 35 Market street, where wo will open in a few days the best assorted stock in our line ever brought to this market about Wednesday. jr. ol. ikirtu at uu., Stove Dealers, se 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. The Fall Campaign OPENS AND FINDS US WITH ONE OF THE finest stocks of Heatinuland Cooklnsr Stove. in the Southern country. We can furnish you at prices astonishingly low and of superior quality. Cook Stoves from 15 to 30 different kinds; and Heating Stoves well, we haven't time to stop and count. se 13 tf PARKER St TAYLOR. The News from Ohio gAYS THE BLACKS ARB ALL TURNING vftiU. ' So the white suits are all turning black. brown and blue at WILMINGTON DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, re is uaraet, oetween 3d and Sd streets. Gape Fear Academy. A CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMER CIAL SCHOOL. Session begins September 37, 1880. Commodious and convenient rooms, with all late improvements, situated at Menginney's School. 4th Street. Instruction thorough. Prepares for Universities. Especial attention also to Eng lish. Full corps of Instructors. The Principal is determined to make this a first clsss SehooL auiB oaw7t sa W. CATLBTT, Principal. THE CHANGE WAS A NOTABLBSONE. HE became popular, secured a lucrative position, and seemed once again a happy man. Do you ask the cause of all this? Clothes, my boy. Stylish, well-fitting Clothes; garments made by experienced workmen, and calculated to increase honest pride. Ask him where he buys his clothing, and see tho smile on his face when he mentions the well known L. J. OTTERBOURG'S sel3tf Men's Wear Depot. Booi Hews From BrooHyi. JJRICES COMING DOWN; FRESH GOODS received every day. Pearl Barley, 5 cents per pound; White Sugar, 10 cents per pound. The Celebrated Magnolia Ham, Ferris Huns, Btrips and Shoulders. Goods delivered promptly and in good order. We keep well posted and never allow any House iu this city to undersell us. Respectfully, J. C. STEVENSON St CO., se 13 tf Brooklyn. New Goods. W B ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR NBW stock, and by the 30th inst. will have on exhibition at our Warerooma one of the LARGEST aad best assorted stocks of CABINET FURNITURB,Chalrs, Mattresses, Ac., ever exhtbitea in tnis city. O. A. SMITH se IS tf No. 43 North Front Street. School Books, JLANK BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, PLAIN AND Fancy Stationery, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Chromos, ViolinB, Bows, Guitars, Banjos, Strings and Pegs at se 13 tf YATES' BOOK 8TORB. No Drtimmers. WE DON'T SEND OUT DRUMMERS TO scour the country for business. Keep our men at name, thereby saving an expense of five to ten per cent., which we can give our customers tha benefit of. In buying goods from drummers you are compelled to pay their expenses. If you. want everything as it should be send your orders to JOHN DAWSON CO., selS tf H TZ ,rT1 a 19. 31 and 83 Market St AT SCaUTTEi'4 SEASIDE PARK, WElOflTSVlLLl SOUND. From to 13 o'clock, WKDNI8 DAT EVENIRG, SEPT'R IBth, ISM. F. A. SCHUTTE, - MANAGER. Table D'Uote .applied with all lb. D.llcaot. of the season.' Boats for Sslllrgsnd Rowing Still Waf r and nrf Bathing. Music by tho Harpers. The Muiager has spared no pains or expense In preparing for this oceaalra, and! can aasoro all who may attend that .vary thin? will b. tlona to promote Ibe pleasure and convenience of LI. gacstr, as it is his intention to mako his '-JtVKKY WEDNESDAY" a featnro of the Sound. No objectionable verfoa allowed In I ho Park. io lt lt w Bacon, Bagging and Ties. 100 BZM Smoked .lid D. 8. KlDIC. 1AAA Ha!l and rf.lf Rolln, t Hnd J 1UUU lbsUAUtilMU. 4000 Bu NcwaudIleced TIKS For sal. by KERCHNER St D ALDER BROS. Coffee, Sugar and Flour. 15Q Bg COFFEE, lOQ Barrels SUGARS, 1000 Bbl' FiOUR, For sale by KERCUNKK C ALDER BROS. Hoop Iron, Glue. Spirit Cnsk. JO Tons llOOPIRON, 100 Barrels GLUE, 500 N Y 8PIRITCAiKS For sale by KBRCHNBlt St C ALU BR BROS. Oriental Powder. 400 Kogs Rifle and BlasUng POWDER, OA ft Qnartar kegs Wild Fowl and Dock lng POWDER. For sale by KERCHMKR A OALDBK BROS. solSU For Sale at Low Prices. 300 1000 100 500 100 300 300 Bolls and Half Rolls BAGGING, Bdls Arrow and Delta TIBS. Boxes D. S. and Smoked BACON, Bbls FLOUR, all gradof. Bags COFFEE, CO bbl. SUGAR. MO kegs NAILS, Bdls HOOP IBON, 1,000 New and Second-Rand SPIRIT BAHKBLH. Oases Sosps. Lye. Potash, Ho off. Tobacco, toda, Crackers, Cheese, Lard, Ac, Ac se 1) tf WORTH A WOltTO. Now is the Time fjV) GET YOUR BUGGY, CARRIAGE, CART OU Dray. Harne, Saddle, Bridle, Collar, Whip or anything in this line at Hock Bottom Pricos. Re pairs noatly executed at short notice, at P. U. HAYDBN'S Factory, se 13 tf Third, bet. Msrket and Princess at. Fresh Arrivals. PRUNES, DRIED APTLES. COCOA-NUTS, Pearl Barley and Sago Another let of that fine Fulton Market Beef. Northern Irish Potatoes. A lot ef Brooms, will sell low at retail; Wood and Willow Ware; a fail line of Family Groceries, Ci gars, Tobacco and Liquors, all at Bottom Prices Call and soo. L. VOLLERH, se 13 tf. 3d and 38 Booth Front street. Brushes. rjX OTH, NAIL AND HAIR BRUSH KS, a large assortment; Soaps and Pcrfamery of sll kinds. For sale by J. C. MUND8, Druggist. solStf 8) North Front .ireeL Tourists AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Bags can be furnished at the lowest prices from our new stock Just arrived. Our Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be boat for Latest Styles and Best Uooas lor the least money. No. 8 South Front 81 se 13 tf MALLARD fiOWDEN . We are Still Grinding rpHB "BEST DOLTEO MEAL IN TUB CITS'." Special inducements offered in MEAL, CUKN, OATS, HAY, Ac. Ac. PRESTON CUMMINO A CO.. se IS tf Millers aud Grain Doalera A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors. Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL VVOHK, LUMBER, LATHS, Ac, FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE CO., Faotout: Ottios: Foot of Walnut St. Nutt, near Red UroM st . selStf Examine Your Trunks. ND IF THEY NEED REPAIRING OB Cov ering send them to our Saddle, Harness and Boggy Shops, where thoy will be put In thorough order by a Practical Trunk Maker, se IS tf OERQARDT St OO. YES! V E dAN MAKE THEM I BUGGIES. CARTS, Drays. Wagons, Harness, aad anything la oar line. "Want it repaired I " did you say T We can make ltaa good as new. Bring lt In aad bars It done la flrst-dsss style by pvsrvvvn mmm mm w aassMAaasyvJi Chesnut, bet. Water Front Sts. OUUUUA14t SB WlUdAMsUJIi selStf Have You Seen Our 10 BIB UMBRELLA T BROWN A RODDICK. nave Yon tecn the JEAN DRAWERS WE MANUFACTURE t BEOWW ICODD1UK, llavo Ton Seen tho ' NEW CORSET WE RETAIL AT W CTBT . BROWN RODDICK, Have You Soon That JOB LOT RUFFLING AT M CTS. A PIECE T aa 39 U BROWN RODDICK.

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