I Ik WLLMI1TGT0N, N.. a: Sunday Uosxnjsfci epu 121880. pNING EDITION. TH E LATEST INK W . FBOM ALL PASTS 0? THE WORLD pitttElGN ISTEIiLKJKNOK. IBS Cable to the Marning Star.l TURKEY AND THE POWERS DISASTER TO THE FBJBH-AFEICAN EXPEDI TIOK THE StESENDEB 01" DULCIG NO AND THE NAVAL DEMONSTRA TION. London. September 11. News has been received from the French expedition to Africa which started up the river Niger, on Ihe 4lh of April last, under Capt. Gallieni. Oa the 11th of May the expedition was at tacked by 1.000 natives, and after several hoars' fighting, Capt. Gallieni retired with a loss of fourteen killed and eleven wound ed. All the baggage was lost. The expe dition was refitted and started again by an other roule. Constantinople, September U--meetinof Albanian chiers at Argyro Caa tio ' waived to declare Albania mder pendent the Porte, rather than permit the cession- of Dulcigno to Montenegro. The ambassadors of the Powers at this court have not yet given official notice of ihe intended naval demonstration, though it has been mentioned in individual inter views with Abeddin Pasha, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The demonstration will not be made before a formal notification is given. Paris, Sept. 11. A Cabinet Council un der the Presidency of M. Grevy, President of the Republic, has been summoned by Premier deFreycinct for the 18th inst.. to decide on the course to be pursued regard ing non-authorized religious confraternities. London, Sent- 11. A dispatch daled Constantinople,' September 10th, says: The naval demonstration has been post poned for a few days, as the Ambassadors of the Powers recognize-the good will or the Porte and the difficulties besetting the surrender of Dulcigno- The Austrian and French Ambassadors pointed out to Abed din Pasha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the dangers- for Turkey which might result from the naval demonstration, and in con eequence the absolute necessity of a sur render of Dulcigno. Russia favored im mediate action against Turkey, but was in duced by Eogland to share the more mo derate views of Austria, and accede to a postponement of the demonstration. Riza Pasha has assembled the notables of Dulcigno and explained Jo them the ne cessity for a surrender of the place. The bultan, ;be said, would reimburse them from his personal revenue for the costs of Ihe fortifications they had erected. This week's Economist, commenting on the position of the Imperial Bank of Ger many, says while we hardly think Germany would improve her position by reverting to a double standard, it is clear that unless the state of commerce keeps the balance of trade in its power, the Reichbank will find it very difficult to preserve the converti bility of its bonds and notes, meet its ob ligations in cash, and maintain a sufficient specie reserve. A telegram dated the 8th inst., from the officer commanding the naval forces in the Dutch East Indies, announces that the stone lighthouse on the first point of Tan ging Kostonge, on the west coast of Java, has been thrown down by a violent earth quake. Paris, Sept. 11. M.Devas has refused to convoke a meeting of groups of the Left to protest against the policy of the Minis try. He says when the Cnamber meets it will pass judgment on the acts of the Min istry. Until then we must restrict ourselves to expressing our individual opinions. On the London Stock Exchange during the week prices were weak until fears of a rise in the bank rate were allayed, but on Thursday and Friday there was a good re coverywith rather more business doing, and if the threatened gold withdrawals for the United States should be avert ed the appearance is certainly in fa vor of well supported quotations. Bank slocks and American . securities exhibit strength. Home railways have varied ir regularly, but American railroads show a very substantial improvement. CH132ES A5D OBlMlJiAM. MURDER OF AN OLD BACHELOR IN TEN NESSEE DE JABNETTE, THE VIB GINIA MJEDEBEB, SENTENCED TO BE HUNG. By Telegraph to tie Morning Star. Sadlsbsytlle, Sept. 11. The body of L. 6. Laprade-, an aged bacheier, living aloao on his farm near here, was found yesterday in a sink hole half a mile from the house. There was a bullet hole through bia heart, and his throat was cut. He had been mtsaing sines last Friday. Danville, Sept. 11. In the Corporation Court here to-day a motion for a new trial in the case of James Thomas Da Jarnelte for the murder of his sister, was overruled. The case will eo to the Court of Appeals on a lengthy bill of exceptions of the rulingsJ of the lower court. It is alleged that one of the jurors was incompetent because of mental aberration during the that After u motion for a new trial in the case was overruled this morning, the Court sen tenced the prisoner to be hanged on Octo ber 29th next. WEST INDIES. HEAVY BAINS IN DOMINICA DFSTBOYED, ETC. CROPS (.By Telegraph to the Morning Star Havana, September 11. On,the Island of Dominica continuous heavy rains and big'a winds prevailed from August 15th to the I9.h, putting the whole Island under water.The crops were rotted and de stroyed. On the island of St. John's phosphate of lime has been discovered in large quantities. Much anxiety is felt in Havana to learn the names of the saved from the wrecked steamer City of Vera Cruz. MASSACHUSETTS. THREATENED SEDUCTION OF WAGE3 OF MILL OPERATIVES AT FALL BIVEE. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Fall River, September 11. A meeting of manufacturers was held at the Board of Trade rooms this forenoon, at which a committee was appointed to consider a re duction of wages, in view of the present low prices of print cloths. The probable reaalt will be a general redaction of ten per cent- A Little Rock dispatch says it will lake an officiarCOUnt to decide whether the pro posed amendment to the State Constitution is defeated or not John C. Chapman, a prominent lawyer of Alexandria, Virgiaia, was found dead in bed this morning, with a pistol in bis band and a ballet in his head. The National Board of Health, at Wasb ington, has advices that an epidemic of dengue prevails at Charleston, South Caro lina, there being 2.000 cases, and that the disease also prevails at New Orleans. Hon. John F. Hocse was nominated for Congress from the Sixth Tennessee) dis trictby ihe Democrats. : j J ' ;if The agent of the coder wri ters telegraphs from Jacksonville, Fla., that no more of the passengers or crew of the' steamer City of Vera Cruz have been heard from. It is reported at Concord, New Hamp shire, that Hon. Frank Jones, whose name has been mentioned for the Democratic Gubernatorial nomination, has positively declined to ..accept the candidacy. The Convention meets next Wednesday. The weekly statement of the New York Associated Banks shows "the following changes : Loans increase $1,773,400; spe cie increase $905,600; legal tenders de crease $593,200; deposits increase $1,163, 700; circulation increase $11,800; reserve' increase $71,475. The banks now hold' $5,700,875 in excess of legal requirements. oar rhnrones To-Day. First Presbyleiiau Church and Second Presbyteriau Church unite in joint ser vices, conducted by Rev. C. M. Payne. Morning service in Second Church at 11 o'clock, and evening service in the First Church at 8 o'clock. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Brooklyn Sunday school at 4 p.'m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'coclk. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 8 o'coclk. Strangers invited to participate in services. Second Baptist Church, on Gib, between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Sunday school at 9 a.m. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third sts. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Rector, lGlh Sunday after Trinity. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock; Sunday School at 9 J a.m. St. John's Church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George Patterson, Rector. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Celebration at 7?. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clk; evening Prayer at 6 o'clk. St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D. Sunday school at 3 ,p.m. Eogitsn service at n a. m. ana o p. m. Front Street M. K Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. K A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday School at 5 p.m.; W. -M. Parker, sup't Young Men and Women's Christian Association first and third Tues day evenings in each month. Prayer Meet ing and Preaching-Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South, situated on Fifth, between Nan and Church 3ts. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 D. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Seamen's Bethel, Dock, between Water and Front streets. Rev. Jas. W.Craig, chap ain. Services at 4 p. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. Prayer meeti ng eve ry Tuesday night St Stephen's A. M. E. Church. Rev. J. G. Fry, pastor. Services on Sunday at 10 a. m., 3 p.m. and 7 p. m. ; on Tuesday at 7 p. m.. official meeting; preaching on Wednesday at 7 p. m. ; prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p. m. Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between Orange and Ann streets, W. B. Banks, pastor. Services at 10 a. m., 3 p m. and 8 p, m. Sabbath school at 12 M. Wooten's Chapel, (colored), corner of Bladen and 9th streets, Rev Willis Woo ten, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., 3 p. m., and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Wed nesday services at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock every Friday evening. Seats free. St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day school at St Barnabas at Si p. m. Confirmation class at the church 4i p. m. Trinity -Chapel, M. E. Church, 7th and Brunswick streets, Rev. E. Morten, Pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m First Congregational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday ser vices at 10 a.m. and 3 and 7p. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Third Baptist Church (colored), between Castle and Queen on Ninth Street Rev. B. H. Filly aw, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7pm.; Sunday school at 9 a.m. St Luke's A. M. E. Zion Church, corner Seventh and Church streets. Rev. G. B: Farmer, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 3 and 7:30 p. m. The public are invited. Seats free. . First Presbyterian Church, (colored), 8th and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. m. St. Lewis' Chapel, corner Seventh and Bladen streets, Rev. John H. Lewis, pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3 o'clock, p. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m. First Baptist Church, colored, corner of Fifth and Red Cross streets. Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Sabbath school at 9 a.m. Sunday school Bible Union at 5 p.m. Ser vices at 11 o'clock a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p.m. Bible reading every Wednesday at 8 p, m. pirits Turpentine. RichmondjBounty is threatened with four newspapers. Elizabeth City Economist: Dr. Haleey died very suddenly in Plymouth on the 28th ot August There will be a large railroad meeting at Hertford. Per quimans county, on next Saturday week. Raleigh Visitor : Col. W. L. Sanders returned to the city yesterday, very much improved in health. We regret to announce that Miss Pattie Bledsoe, daughter of M. A. Bledsoe, Esq , died this morning. Toisnot Mome: The murder oase of Wiley Brantley, for the killing of Craw ford Eatman sometime last year, was tried atTMashville last week. Brantley was con victed and sentenced by Judge Gudger to be hung on October 29th, 1880, but an ap peal was takes to the Supreme Court. The Raleigh Advocate reports many revivals of religion. At Straits 20 professions; Rock Spring circnit 70 profes sions; many converts on Stokes circuit; 20 conversions on Deep River circuit; 12 pro fessions on Lincolnton circuit; 46 profes sions on Hillsboro circuit; 10 accessions on Neuse circuit; 85 professions on Jones cir cuit; 27 professions on Wilkes circuit; Rockingham 38 conversions. Raleigh Observer: Dr. Worth, XJtywtfartls-ri the commissioners to examine Jhe Western North Carolina Railroad, stated at Ashe? ville that they had , examined the work and that satisfactory progress had been made And they farther state that $100,000 had been paid by Mr. Best on account of the road, whereof $30,000 had been paid on account of the floating debt, and $30,000 bad also been expended is the purchase of iron and spikes, then on the way to Ashe ville. Raleigh Advocate: Rev. C. C. Dodson, of Thomasville, writes: We are haying a good meeting here, some converts penitents nightly at the altar, the church being blessed. Rev. A. D. Betts, of Kenansville Circuit, writes: We have had good revivals at Carlton's, Haw Branch, Richlands and Providence. Some con versions and accessions. Rev. M. L. Wood, in a private note, says : I have just, an hour or two ago, returned -from Bethel camp meeting, South Cinrlotte Circuit . We had, a good meeting. - LaGrsnge Review: It is thought5 that the crop will be sufficient for the de mand and supply of both man and beast ; but there will be no excess. For months in the counties of Greene and Lenoir there has not been an ear of corn in cribs which were never before destitute. Not a word about Kansas and the other place, this Fall, among the darkies. Occasionally, a refugee returns, and others write to their friends for funds to help them back ; but we hear of none being sent. The darkies in 'North (Carolina, think it strange that their friends went out to get rich, and have fot too poor to pay their way back. Sam erry, thelr.loader, did not prove to be a Moses Monroa Express: A few days ago, on Mr. J. S. Marsh's place, near Beaver Dam, Henry Rowland, Will Leak and Phil Githings, all colored, got into a difficulty, when Leak was shot in the head with a pistol, the ball ranging "around the skull, and then cot in seventeen places. Row land was arrested and lodged in jail to await the result of Leak's injuries. On last Saturday, at Mr. Robert McNeeley's grocery store, eleven miles from here on the Lancaster road. Hood Richardson and H. A. Baker, both of them being drunk, got into a difficulty, when Richardson drew bis knife and cut Baker aterriblo gash in the side, and -was just in the act of cutting his throat when Mr. McNceley knocked him down with a piece of plank. Life is but shoit, and we should do all we can to prolong it. Check a Couh-or Cold at once by using an old and reliable remedy, such as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. The official or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE, Sept. 11, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was firm at 32 cents per gallon, bid, wi Un reported sales. ROSIN The market was dull at $1 15 for Strained and $1 20 for Good Straiucd, with no sales to report. Sales of 125 bbls fine rosins at $1 85 for II. No 1, $2 12 for I Extra No. 1, $2 50 fr K Low Pale, $2 75 for M Pale and $3 for N Extra Pale. The sale of 1,000 bbls rosin at $1 20, re ported yesterday, was Good Slraiccd. TAR The market was firm at $1 80 per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales reported at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was firm at $2 00 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin, with sales of receipts at quo tations. COTTON The market opened quiet and uncbanged.with sales of 431 bales on a basis of 104 cents per lb for Middling, clos ing firm. Futures for September opened firm in New York at 11.21 cts and closed firm at 11.23 cts; November opened firm at 10-70 cents and closed firm at 10.76 cents. The following were the official quotations here ; Ordinary. . , , , , cents tb Good Ordinary ,.. Strict Good Ordinary. . " Low Middling ID 3-16 ' Middling lOf Good Middling PEANUTS Sales reported at 30 40 cts for shelling stock, 50 cts for Ordinary, 60 cents for Prime, 70 cents for Extra Prime, and 80 cents for Fancy. Market quiet. RECEIPTS. a Cotton 659 bales. Spirits turpentine 236 casks. Rosin 1653 bbls. Tar 12 " Crude turpentine 102 " UOIT1B8TIU Sl&KH BT. I By Telegraph to tke Horning Star. Financial. New York, September 11 Evening. Money 28 per cent. Sterling exchange 480. Governments firm but inactive; new fives 102ft; four and a half per Cents 110$; four per cents 11 Of. State bonds quiet and firm. Commercial. Evening. Cotton steady; the sales to-day were 894 bales; middling uplands 1111-16 cents; Orleans 11 13-16 cents; consolidated net receipts 15.340 bales; exports to Great Britain 7,442 bales. Flour southern firm and quiet; common to fair extra $4 50 5 50; good to choice do $6 25 6 50. Wheat heavy; ilc lower, with a fairly active trade; ungraded red 95c$l 06. Corn a skade lower and moderately active at a decline; ungraded 50i51$c. Oats heavy and l2c lower; No. 3, 3940ic. Coffee firm and quiet; Rio 13 17c. Sugar quiet Molasses dull and unchanged. Rice In fair demand and unchanged. Rosin quiet and firm at $1 52il 57. Spirits turpentine firm at 35c. Pork dull and rather easier at $16 00; middles firm and quiet; long clear middles $8 85; short 9e, Lard about steady and the trade light at $S 808 40. Freights firm, Cotton Net receipts bales; gross 5,841 bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 69,000 bales at the following quotations : September 11.2211.23cts, Octoberl0.87 10.88 cents, November 10.76 cents, De cember 10.7710.78 cents, January 10.88 cents, February 11.01 11.03 cents, March ll.14ll.16 cents; April 11.23 cts. r Baltimore, Sept. 11. .Flour firm and tending up, with higher rates asked for family. Wheat steady southern red $1 03 1 0 j amber $1 10 1 13; No 1 Maryland nominal t No 2 western winter red on spot and September delivery $1 0gU 04ft; Oc tober delivery $1 031 05 j; November $1 06fl 07; December $1 081 08f . Corn southern higher and quiet; western dull; southern white 55a; yellow nominal. Oats firmer with sales of western white at 4243c Provisions firm and nnchanged. Coffee firm Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 1316c. Sugar firm; A soft lOfc. Whis key firm at $1 18. Freights unchanged. Chicago, September 11. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat steady and in fair demandVNo. 3 red . winter 92c: No. 2 Chi cago spring83T8Sfcoash;8i92ic Oc tober; 9293c November, Corn dull; 89c cash; 40Jc October; 40fc November, Oats easier; 28i28ic cash j 28c October ihd "November. Pork steady and un: changed. Lard fairly active and a shade higher at $7 95. . Whiskey steady and un changed, at $1 13. Bulk meats steady and Unchanged,' . --: . 7 -t St. Lo dib, September 11. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat opened higher; cash lower but options advanced; No. 2 red fall 90f90jc cash; 9192o October; 93 93fc November; 94o December. Corn firmer; 3838$c cash; 87J88c October; 3838ftc November. Oats lower; ,29; 29c cash ; 2728c October; 28c Novem ber. Whiskey steady at $1 13. Provisions dull sud unchanged. l H ON ,R1 A t 11 KTN. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Sept. 11, Galvoston, Bteady at 10 cts net receipts 2,425 bales; Norfolk, steady at 114 cents net receipts ,1,288 bales; Balti more, firm at lift cts net receipts bales;; "Boston, quiet at llf cents net receipts 283: bales; Philadelphia, ffttn ul 12cts net re ceipts 270 bales; Suvauuah, quiet and stea dy at 10 cents net receipts 7,129 bales; New Orleans, firm at llj cents net re ceipts 705 bales; Mobile, firm at 10J cents net receipts bales; Memphis, quiet at 10 cents net receipts 108 bales; Augusta, firm, at 10ft cts net receipts 1,215 bales; Charles ton, firm at 117 ccnta-net receipts 2,710 bales. MARLNE. Port Almanac September 12. Sun Uises 5:41 A. M. Sun Sets ....... 6.11 P. M. Bigh Water (Smithvillef. . ... . 1.09 Morn. " (Wilmington)..... 5.09 Even. Day's Longth I2h. 30m. ARRIVED. Stmr D Murchison, Garrasoa, Fuyalte ville, Williams & Murchison. - Stmr Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smituvilie, mas ter. Steam yacht Passport, Harper.Smithville, master. Ger barquentiue Herman Wolf, Pre mier, Antwerp, E Peschau & Wester mann. CLEARED. . Steam yacht Passport, Harper.Smithville, master. Stmr Elisabeth, Blsbce, SimthvilJe, mas ter. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cas well, R P Paddison. Stmr D Murchison, Garrason, , Fayetto ville, Williams & Murchison. ' Brig Afton, Johnson, Ponce, P R, Har ries & Howell; cargo by E Kidder '& Sons. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Ponce. P R brig Afton 213.814 ft lumber, 46,000 shingles. SABINE DIRECTORY. Xilat of Vessels In tns Port f Wil mington, N. C, Kept. IO. ;i880. IThia list does not embrace vessels an dor 60 tons.1 BARQUES. LydU Peschau (Ger.), 381 tons, Brcmers, E Peschau & Westcrmann BRIGS. Afton, 252 tons, Johnson, Harris & Howell SCHOONERS. Harriss & Howell Mary Bear, 168 tons, Chad wick, S Bear & Bros Etta M Barter, 273 tons, Barter, E G Barker & Co Notich. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal OlSce, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. For Rent. STORK ON WA.T2B,NEAR MULBEB- 5 ore r.o. 9, Market street; Store on Market,near Front ttreet, now occupied by Mr. P. M. King; Store and Dwelling corner Sixth and Harnett; Store on Fourth, near Castle; Dwellirg on north aide or Market, b-tvreen. Fifth and Sixth, at present occupied by Mr. Shrier. Dwelling on Second, between Princess and Chesnut; Dwelling on Tfoird, between Walnut and Bed Cross; Dwelling on Sixth, between Dock and Orange; Dwelling on Sixth, between Cheenut and Mul berry; Dwelling corner Market and Eighth, Dwelling corner Second and Ann; Dwelling on Sixth, near Nan; Dwelling on Second, between Church and Cas tle; Dwelling on Castle, between Sixth and Se venth; Five small Dwellings on Castle, between BUhth ann Ninth. Apply to D O'CONNOR, K,9al Eitate, Banting and Collecting Agent. Offlco on Princess, between Front and Second streets. se8 tf For Eent. FKOM OCTOBER FIRST STOBB NO. ! L B Market street; also Offices and Booms in Gas Office building on Princess street. Appiy to ee 8 1 w HANCOCK & DAGGETT. Strayed. Lost or Stolen. DARK RED COW, (NO HORNS) IN GOOD condition, with white spots. A suitable reward will be paid for her return to WM. II. GREEN, City. sell Removal. IHA.VE REMOVED FROM; MY OLD STAND on Front street to the convenient and commo dious Store on Market street, recently occupied by Capt. Coney, and next east of Lippitt's corner, where I will be prepared this fall to oiler the hand somest stock or goods In my line ever brought to Wilmington. JOHN M. ROBINSON, selo tf Hatter. ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina If yon want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of The Western Courier. It is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, fan of interesting reading matter, and devoted to the interests of Western Nofth Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, Henderson ville, N . C. WILMINGTON MERCHANTS t WILL FIND THE LATJRINBURG ENTEEPEISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and In the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large and increasing circulation In the Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; having obtained a large circulation in the latter during the six months it was published in Fayettevttle befo re its removal to Laurinburg, and in the former within the last two months. Advertisements will be inserted by the month, quarter and year at reasonable rates. Address II. I. MpIlWJFIfU DWtf Lanrinbnrg, N. O. NEWSP. aRS,SUJTABL8 Wrapping and other 1 'AB office: i purposes Can be hod r.t the STAR IN ANY QUANTITY JOB PRINT! lUC. THE HORNING STAR Steam Printing House, MORNING STAB BUILDING, - PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY, FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER ft MERCANTILE PRlNTWQm BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, V THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES & TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD 'WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIMEt AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY OTHER OFFICE IX WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN1 PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Savannah WeeklyiNews Of FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters or acnamung serial story, enttued M U F F I T, BY MRS. OPHELIA NISBET REID, oir BATOHTOK, SA., Author of "My Mother's Daughter," 'Afterward,, and "Mrs. Dare." Those who have enjoyed the pleasure afforded by the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous productions, will need no commendation of this her last and most successful effort to pre pare them for the rare literary treat that awaits them. MUFFTT is story of "absorbing interest, and its puoncauon wut run tnrougn some eignt to ten issues of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM. Subscription S3 a year. $1 for six months. Mo ney can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express, at our risk . J. EL K8TILL, feb 3 tf Savannah, Geo. THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81A1ESVILLK, IREDELL CO., 2T. 0 IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western Forth Carolina- it ia the only Democratic Paper published ia Ire- oeu county one or tne largest ana weaitmest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger loca circulation wan any paper ever neretorore puDiunea in tne county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, AUe- rnany. xacunn, Davie ana xreaeii, is larger tfean that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only Daoer in Western North Carolina that employs a Rjesbxb Cahvabbiko Asxkt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thi system a rapuuy increasing circiuatiou u tne result makinx the Lakdila.uk THBliCST ADVERTISING 2HBDITJB1 IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, dertf-t; " LANDIHARK," Statesville. N.C: Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN, THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY. FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE, AND ALL OOT-DOOB RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS (1 00 a. Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest A Stream Publishing Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Ou No. 108.) New York. Post Office Box 183. sept ST-tf The Marion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pes Dee section, one of the wealthiest and mostprosperous in the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent medium of communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me chanics, planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. Address THE STAB, sept S3 tf Marion, B.C. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, $3 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of its location, the number a.n1 oft tivity of its agents, and the constan tly increasing de mand f orit among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronaee af the advartla.'nir nnhiir. Verms very favorable. Consult your business inter ecus, mna aaaress uiu txuwr J. L. MICHAUX, i Greensboro, N. C. The Favetteville Examiner, ' A Weekly Democratic Newspaper, j Published at FA YETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, I By Terms $3.00 a year in advance. Send for a spe cimen copy. my 5 tf STAPLER FANCY DRY GOODS. Silks, Cashmeres, V'"- Mermos, Wool Berges, Mohair, Flannel, Boysj Wear, v White 'Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Notions, &c, At Very Low Prices, AT 1L . 1L . KATZ'S, au 15 tf 1 Notice this Advertisement. J HAVE TO-DAY PURCHASED A FINE LOT of North Carolina Hams, bides and Hhouldors. They are very nice, and can't be h id every day. I am retailing reliable Condensed Milk at lijc, 15c and 30c. Ferris' Fulton Market Beef , Fig Tork Dried Beef, Smoked Sagar Cured Shoulders, and the Trade Mark Hams, uncovered, received to day Fresh Northern. Cabbages.Applea and Onions, by A. C. L. to day. Porto Rico Molanscs, pronounced by Judges to bo' the best ever imported to this market; and also Cuba and Sugar House and Crys tal Drips. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar for Tickling. Vanilla,;Lcmon and Mint Drops. Wafers about 400 to the lb. for sale by Jas. C Stevenson. B3 4 tf Goal ! Coal ! 1 flfl 1102(13 BLACKSMITHS1, now landing. ALSO. GRATE, STOVE and FOUNDRY COAL. O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., JyS tf .iOQOrange and S. Water eta Extra Family Flour Freshly gbound fbom new wheat. Meal ground dally and nightly. No better in the State. New Eastern Hay and New Oats just ar rived. Mixed Provender In any quantity; Chops. Shorts, Corn Bran, Wheat Bran. White Corn and Mixed Corn in abundance. For sale by G. BONEY A SONS, au30 tf at the Cape Fear Mills. The Camden Journal Published Every Thursday, at Oamden, S. 0., 18 THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the county. I tollers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir ible Medium fr Advertising, the country in which U circulates, being connected with that city by steam er on the Wateree ; River, and the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad. Liberal terms will be made with thooe desiring to advertise. Subscription price, $S 50 per annnm. UAt eb, FRANTHAM & HAY, feb S7 t Editnrs and Proprietor. Articles for the Toilet. JUBIN'S EXTRACTS, SOAP. GBBMAN COLOGNE, TOOTH BBUSHES, HAND MIRRORS, BPONGB, &C., &C, For sale by WM. H. GREEN, Apothecary, Market Street. Candy Factory. HOME MADB CANDY FOR FAMILY USE, which is warranted strictly Pure and Fresh. The Best and Choicest Fruits of the Season always on hand, with Pure Cold Soda Water, and a large variety of Syrups, Fruit Juices, &c. At D. U. flUKTllMUr'B aa 39 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Toilet Soaps. A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TOILET Soaps just received, and for sale very low at J. H. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, New Market. seiCtf Leave Your Orders. QUB MERCHANT TAILORING DEPART MBNT is complete in every respect. We have this season the Largest and Prettiest Stock of Cloths and Casaimeres ever brought to Wilmlncton. Leave your orders and get the 11 rat pick of all the Novelties in this llnetof ore they are sold. VI3D, sell U Merchant Tailor and Clothier. The Place r0 BUY DRUGS, " PATENT MEDICINES, is BUEBANK'S Pharmacy, - Corner Front and Princess Sts. my SJUw t ' e we Steamer . abSport "yiLL RESUME HER REGULAR TRIPS TO Smithvillo and the Forts JUNE 30TH, leaving her Wharf, foot of Market Street, 9.80 A. M. J. W. HARPER, :jo 27 oawtf su . Master and Agent. Boots and Shoes. TUST RECEIVED A 'FEW CASES OF MENS tf aad Boy's Heavy and Fancy Boots, which I am Ottering at a bargain. A full line of Penitentiary Brogons. Women's Gram Shoes, good quality, at $1 00 per pair. For goodjrooda and fow prices call at seStf . N o. 47 North Market 8 For Sale Low, WO 1-HORSE TRUCKS,. ONE ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough .order Can bo bought cheap. Apply at my3Q tf THISOPFICB XJBW WIND8OR COLLEGE AND -BEMINAYR enced instructors ; both sexes admitted and gradua ted. Address Rev. A. M. JELLY, D.O., Pros't, New Windsor, Md. Jy 81 3m 36 Market Street. The Outlook. JN A YEAR OR TWO THERE WILL lift no lawyers, .doctors, clergymen, or array. )t!iro4d men, editors and politicians are now, wlmt n10y used to be. When a mail can carry a car physic in his vcet pocket.what's the ae of a Doctor. Our har bore will eoon bo better defended by clcclr'.e bit teries lhan cannon and there will be no toldicr We have no time for spcec'ics". The llanko di th. collecting, and soon lawyers will be t carco M lamp lighters er hen's teeth, but people MUnt EAT, and so there will always be groceries. P. L, Bridgers & Go. 20, 22, 21, 26 A 28 Front m , Wilmington, N. C, are only one of the ninety. About one In sthc.u sand of all the people you see sell WHISKEY, MOLASSES. DRIED AND CHIPPED BBSP, TOMATOES, POTATOES, U IN, SUGAR, SPICES, MOLAB8SH AND COPKEK, for a li?ing; Fomcthing to eat and to wotr; wbllo the rest are fed and clothed ont of tho profit of (he WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCBHY UL'NI NESS, in which the now Cclebratod Establishment of P. L. Bridgers & Co. SO, 22, 24, 2C, & 23 North Front St. , Wilmington, N. C, holds the leading part. We andcrstand and appre ciate tho reasons of our tuccons in building p ih!n trade, and they are briefly tkotc: WE KEEP THE BEST GOODS ! WK SELL Fou tub LEAST PROFIT I We give credit 10 those who secure as from toe. We keep a fresh stock, and we havo lock lu o'tr investments, sales and purchases. We consult no opinion other than that of oar customers. We koep posted in all mailer, con nected with Groceries and Grocery .ales, mid above all SELL OUT AT T11K PROPER MOMENT. Keep no stock over for the next season, and bnvc no useless expenses. This enables u to divide profits with our patrons and to KBttl 1'Klt'h.K DOWN. We havo done moro to make grocurit; cheap in Wilmington than all the otber Storm combined. We are in no ring or clique, and belong to no body or corporation. Hence it Is that busi ness is always brisK with s. and stranger coming to town Invariably enqniie for the Imiurnao Khuii lishmcnt of P. L. Bridgers & Co. 23. 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St Wilmington, H- C- EC 5 DAWlf SUNDRIES. 100 QQQ PoaDd8D'saDaSmocdlliUA"'' 1 Aft Ail Pounds Prlrno S. C. 1UUUU Canvassed II A JIM. rAAA Pounds Canvassed 11 a MM OUUU Slightly r-oarod. 1200 Bbl FLODR 911 R' 120 Tl0rCeB Tubs LARD, rQ Flrkino and Tubs Cboico niTTTKU. 3Q Boxes Prime CHEESE, 1 K A Hhds and bbls Cuba and 10 U N. o. MWLASMRN, orn Bags COFFEE, Java, ZD) Lagutra and R to. nop Bbls SUGAR, Crashed, Powdered. LLo Granulated. A, Ex C, Ac iirA Boxes Chewing TOBACCO, ZQVJ all grade. 1 AAA Pounds Dorham SMOKING 1UUU TOBACCJ, 2QQ Hampers APOLLINAU13 W AT ) Cases Huaysdi Jano. , ZD M1NKRAL WATKK. gAQ Rolls and Half Rolls BAoyiNO. 1000 Bdl ARR0W T1K3, 1500 sacks Salt, 11 barrels Cider, 50 bbls l'oik and Beef. 60 barrels, halves and quarters MackcrH. Starch, Candy, Snuff, Spices, Lemons, Soaps. Boda,. Matches. Llqnors, Wines, Cigars, Canned Goods, Paper, Bags, Twine, Ac. , for sale by ADRIAN A VOLLKRH. au 39 tf 8. E. corner Front and Dook stv Charlotte Female In stitute. Session begins Sept. 8, 18S0. Can givo sncqnaled testimonials from the first teachers and professors in the South as to tho thoroughness aad bigh stan dard of Instruction. Music and Art specialties. A Cooking School will be opened every term. Artdrrm the Principal. Rev. WM. R ATKINBOH. je 26 DAWSm Charlotte. N. - IN ITS 1TTH VOLUME. The Raleigh News. P. M. EiLl, Editor. L. L. Pout, Correa. Editor. Edwards, BnonairroK A Co. , Business Mannr"1' A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOUKNAU DAILY AND WEEKLY. TERMS : $7 03 I Weekly, one year, 1 J 8 M I ' six Bioa. 1 w 1 THE RALEIGH NEWS, KaJeiRli, N. C. Dally, 1 year, " 6 months, 8 months. Address, Jy 13 tf The Lincoln Progress Published Saturday at Lvnodnton, N. C ia nnvii.vt in T.invln county . .rilb. I.ILa amMl tft MOT cnaatasjcnwrs and all classes of buslaeM men m "YoV to the Merchants of Wltaahton a s slrablemodium for advertising their boatae throughout Western North Oaroilna. Liberal terms vnU be amoved on yearly tisemonts BubserloiJon. price, nD,!"