W1LMINQ TON N. C. : Saturday Morning, October 0, 1880. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD XllK EPISCOPALIANS. TRIENNIAL GENERAL CONVENTION IN SESSION AT NEW YORK RETORT OF THE DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MIS SIONAST SOCIETY. rBj Telegraph to the MornlntStar.l New York, October a Both Houses of the Episcopal General Convention held a joint session this morning as a Board of Missions, Bishop Smith, or Kentucky, pre aidinjc, and making a brief address. Presi dent Beard sley, of the House of Deputies, occupied the chair to the right of the pre siding bishop, and Bishop Lee, of Dela ware, was seated at his left. Rev. Dr. Henry C. Potter, Secretary of the House of Bishops, then read a report of the Board of Managers of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. The total income for missions from 1874 to 1877, was f7S3.897.80, while from 1877 to Septem ber last, it reached the sum of $948,958.04. In eleven missionary jurisdictions and 23 dioceses, receiving their entire or partial support from the Domestic Committee, there are 9 missionary bishops and 265 clergymen, among white people; among the Chinese, 1 Chinese clergyman; among the colored people, 13 white clergymen, 11 colored clergymen, four Uy readers, and 18 teachers; among the Indians, 1 missionary bishop, 12 white clergymen, 11 native cler gymen, 3 teachers, 10 native catechists, and 12 women helpers. The receipts by the Foreign Committee from September 1, 1879. to September 1, 1880, were $163, 184.25. The cayments duriDg the same period were $166,670.56. In conclusion, the report stated (bat the Women's Auxiliary Society renders effi cient aid in the work of all the depart ments of the Board. nALTlfllOttB. THE SESQUI CENTENNIAL CELEBBA TION PBEPABATIONS FOB A GBAND DISPLAY. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. - Baltimore, Oct. 8. The celebration cf the Sesqui-Centennial of Baltimore will far outstrip anything of the kind ever attempted in that city. The most elaborate arrange ments have been made, and from one end of the city to the other people are now busily engaged in the work of decoration. Already most of the prominent streets are dressed in holiday attire and thronged with thousands of people. The procession for Monday, the first day, will be composed of historical tableaux. It is expected that the line will extend for a distance of nearly lea miles. The second day's procession will be composed of Masons, Knights Templars, and children of the public and private-schooli Wednesday's procession will include city and visiting military, fire men, police, etc. On Thursday, all the re ligious, social, benevolent, medical and temperance societies, together with several orders of Catholic Knighthood, will com pose the procession. On Friday the Inde in:ndent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Heptasophs, Golden Circle and other orders will parade. The procession will wind up with a tug boat parade in the harbor on Saturday, when the United States, ships Vandalia and Kearsage will be "pnSent. On Tuesday, the 19th, there will be a general illumination of the city. KOKEIGN 1NTLLISENCK. TURKEY AND THE POWEES GERMANY HOLDING BACK A NEW PLAN OF ACTION AGREED UPON DISTURB ANCES IN IRELAND SPINNING MILL BURNED. I B Cable to the Maniac SUr.l Dublin. October 8. The Gazette con uios a proclamation declaring Galway and Mayo in a state of disturbance, requiring additional police. London, October 8. A Berlin dispatch says: Germany will refuse to join in co ercive measures against Turkey unless all the Powers participate in them. The Park Street Spinning Company's mills, at Haywood, containing 40,000 spin dles, have been burned. Vienna, October 8. The Political Car respondent says England has now received the declarations of ail the Powers that they nre prepared to assent to the proposal of England to sieze some place in the Arche pclago. The commanders of the fleet are ius'.ructed to report in twenty-fonr hours for a fresh destination. VIBGIR1A. THE DE JARNETTE MURDER CASE OUTRAGE AND LYNCHING ACQUIT TAL OF CITY SERGEANT LEE. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Danville, October 8. In the case of Do Jaraette, convicted of the murder of his sister and sentenced to be hanged on the 29th inst, the Supreme Court of Appeals has awarded a writ of error and supersedeas and will bear the case at Richmond in De cember next. Richmond, October 8. An outrage waa perpetrated a few nights since on a widow named Mrs. Maaaie, and her daughter.living in Nelson county, by two white men. The parties are reported to have been arrested, tried before a justice and committed to jail, but that the officer having them in custody was overpowered by an armed body of citizens who executed summary justice by hanging both of the culprits to a tree near Massie's Mill, in Nelson county. City Sergeant N. M. Lee, charged with obtaining money from the State Treasury under false pretences, was acquitted in the Hustings Court to-day. New York Comparative cotton state ment. New Yore, Oct. 8. The; following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: 1880. 1879. Net receipts at all United States ports during wee 197,819 169,753 Total receipts to this date 688,620 542,710 Exports for week 134,093 125,816 Total exports to this B date. 380.482 170,244 Stock in all U. S. ports. 358,988 318,923 Stock in all interior towns. 59,701 22,094 'Stock in Liverpool 439,000 213,000 American afloat for GreA Britain 166,000 118,000 Senna missing The three cargoes of cotton on the British steamers wrecked at the Azores were in sured at New Orleans for $225,000. A report f rota. Illinois. Daniel Ward, of Naples, says: "Tail's Pills are even better than represented. As an anti-bilious med icine they have no equal. They seem to act on the mind as well as body. I was continually morose and gloomy, with fore bodings of ievil I am now another man; have good appetite and digestion, and fee) ch;erf nl and happy," j r KLECTKl SPABKS. Sergeant Ossian Aldricbjpof'the Signal Corps, ba8 been senieoced to be dishonora bly discharged and to one year's imprison ment for raising money on fraudulent vouchers. B.F. Owens, a justice of the peace, and J. W. Glover, a farmer, of Barbour county, Miss., shot and killed each other in a fight yesterday. Both young men of good standing. Gen. Grant left Chicago for New York last night. He said he had nor yet ro ceived any communication from Gen. Hancock in reference to the Fowler in terview. The Commercial Convention at Boston adopted a resolution calling for the aboli tion of compulsory pilotage, and expressed decided opposition to free ships and against the repeal of the navigation laws. At Canton, III., a young man named Sellers, upon tbu icfusal of a Miss Baker to promise to marry liim, shot the girl, her mother and himself. Every shot proved fatal. Asister of the girl witnessed the tragedy. Lizzie Q , widow of the late VV. C. Ral ston, whose estate ia said to have amounted to about 130,000.000, has brought suit against Senator Sharon, one of her hus band's executors, for defrauding her by false representations of a large amount of her husband's properly. . Near the town of Bisbce, Arizona, last Tuesday, a man named . Dodson attempted to outrage a young lady. Her father hav ing rescued her, Dodson presently returned with a carbine and fired two shots, killing the girl's brother and wounding the girl herself. Dodson escaped but a party is in pursuit of him. TUG RIAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office aa follows: CLOSE. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A.M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 5:00 P. M Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 P. Western mails (C.C. R'y)daily M (except Sunday) . . 5:00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 7.45 P. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston .7:45 P. Fayette ville, end offl ces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays lKJOP Fayettevillc, via Lumberton, M. M. daily, except Sundays.... 5.00 P.M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate- offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6.-00 A Smithville mails, by steam M. boat, daily (except Sundays) 9:00 A. M Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 6:00 A. M 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7.-00 A. M. Southern mails 7:30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 10. -00 A. M. General delivery open from 6 .00 A. M to 6:50 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp omce is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every aay at oau .tv.nL. Quarterly meeting. Fen tee WrutENSTOH District, Mxthodist E Chubch, South FotfBTii Rottxd. Wllnunston. at Fifth Street, Octo'r 810 Wkltc ville. at Shlioh, Octo'r 18 17 Topsail, at Union, Octo'r 2324 New Kiver, Octo'r 37 Onslow, Queen's Crock. Octo'r 3031 Duplin, at Wesley, Nov'r 6 7 Clinton, at Clinton, Nev'r 1314 uonane, at Newton Grove, not r SO SI Ll. S. Burkhxad. Presiding Elder. Let eyery official member attend the Fourth Onar terly Conference, and. dear Brethren, let ns oresa the battle all over the District and look to God for victory. Take Notice ! POSTMASTERS AND THE PUBLIC will tale notice that the recent order of toe-Postmaster General excluding from the mails, does NOT apply to the Louisiana State Lottery, and that Utters wiU be rtg- istertd and money orders issued to this Cotnpanyfas heretofore. A sriiENDID OPPOBTDIIITY TO WIN A POHTUNB. TENTH GBAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS K, AT NSW ORLKAN8 , TUKS- iax, LMjiutsjstt . lKW-iz&in mommy Lonisiana State Lottery Company. This institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature or the State tor Bdacauonai ana Chari table purposes in 0868. FOB THK TBBM OF T WENT Y-FIVB YEARS, to which contract the in violable faith or the Stato la pledged, whicfi pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popalar vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution adopted December id, A. D. 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, te which it haa since added a reserve fond of $350,000. ITS GKAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTBIBTJ TION will take place monthly on the second Tuea .day. It never scales or postpones. IjOoe at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Priae 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 3 Prizes of $2500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1000 5.000 30 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10.0W 300 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 30 10,000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 , 9 Approximation Prizes of 300 9 Approximation Prizes of 10 J 2,700 1.800 900 1837 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation wm oe paia. Write, clearly stating full address, for further in formation, or send orders by express or in a Regis tered Letter or Money Order by mail addressed on ly to At. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, Louisiana. or same person at no. BUBKUAUwax, wtsw xuua. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. ae 15-D3aw4w&W wc sat Tourists AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Bass can be furnished at the lowest prices from our new stock just arrived. Oar Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment can't be beat for Latest Styles and Best Goods for ue least money, jxo. 8 south Front at oc 3 tf MALLARD BO WD EN. Orders ! Carriages for families , Buggies for a couple, Phietons for comfort. Drays for Draymen, Wagons for Wagoners, Shoes for Hones, The same for Mules, Ropalra for everything In the line. Working constantly at oc 3 tf MpDOUGALL WJLLJAMSON. COMMERC1A W ILMINGTON MAIIK T. The official or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at I P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE, October 8, 0 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Toe mar ket opened dull at 89 cents per gallon, witu sales reported of 800 casks at that price, closing firm. ROSIN The market was firm at $1 30 for Strained and $1 85 for Good Strained, with Salea of 1,000 casks at quotations. TAR Tho markeWwas firm at $2 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs, witb sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm, witb sales reported at $1 40 for Hard and $3 25 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin. COTTON The market was quoted firm, with sales of 275 bales on a basis of 10J cents per lb for Middling. Futures for Oc tober opened firm in New York at 11.03 cents, and closed barely steady at 11.02 cts; December opened firm at 10.88 eta and closed barely steady at 10.89 cents. The following were the official quotations here: Ordinary. . . Good Ordinary. . . . cents f? lb. Strict Good Ordinary. 9i Low Middling 10 Middling 10 Good Middling PEANUTS Sales reported at 3040 cts for shelling stock, 50 cents for Ordinary, CO ceuts for Prime, 70 cents for Extra Prime, and 80 cents for.' Fancy. Market quiet. HBGEI FTRi fjollou 571 Spirits turpentine 163 Rosin 12 Tar 127 Crude turpentine 30t$ bales. casks, bbls. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, j Financial. New York, October 8 Evening. Money 23 per cent. Sterling exchange 4801. Governments quiet aud turn; new fives 1024; four an3 a haIf Per cents 103; four per cents 107. State bonds dull. Commercial. Evenjoir Cotton steady; middling up lands 11 5-16 cents; Orleans 11 7-16 cents; weekly net receipts 1,890 bales, gross 31,723 bales; exports to Great Britaio 8,163 baleB; to France 1,431 bales; to the coutinent 2,360 bales; sales 0,930 bales; stock 53,211 bales. Southern flour firm and quiet; common to fair extra $4 905 40; good to choieo dot5 50a0 75. Wheat l2c better, with fair export demand and a large business on speculative account; ungraded red $1 04 J 51 14f . Corn market aic better and fairly active: ungraded 53 53 1 cts. Oats opened strong and closed dull and a shade lower; No. 3, 88c. Coffee dull and un changed. Sugar easier; Muscovado 7c; centrifugal 7f8c; fair to good refining 74 7fc; prime 7Tc; refined fairly active, un- unsettled and lower; standard A. yc. mo lasses quiet and uuchanged. Rice in fair demand and unchanged. Rosin strong at $1 60 1 C7T. Spirits turpentine higher and Etrong at 42a424c Pork in belter demand for export; options dull and nominal; mets for export $ 10 OU; middles unchanged and quiet Lard again higher and fairly active. closine strong at $8 72a8 80. Freights firm. Cotton Net receipts 114 bales; gross 3.337 bales. Futures closed barely steady. with sales of 102,000 bales at the following quotations: October ll.U2l 1,04 cents, No vember 10.88 cents, December 10.89 cents. January 11.0211.03 cents, February 11.17 11.18 cents, March 11.3311.34 cents, April 11.4911.50 cents. May 11.6411.66 cents. Baltimore, Oct. 8. Flour very firm and active: Howard street and western su per $3 C04 00; extra $4 255 00; fami ly $525 0 00; city mills super $3 50 4 00: extra S4 25a5 00; family S8 00a 6 25; Rio brands $6 0OQ 25; Patapsco family to 75. Wheat southern very firm and higher; western active, firm and higher; southern red $1 051 10; amber $1 10 1 20; No. 1 Maryland nominal; No. 2 western winter red on spot and October delivery $1 1 If; November delivery $1 Hi 1 llf; December delivery $1 12fl 12; January delivery SI 14I 15. Southern corn steady; western quiet; southern white 55c; yellow 54c. Oats steady; western white 4041c; do mixed 89i40c. Provisions easier. Mess pork $16 50. Bulk meats loose shoulders none offering; clear sides. none offering; packed 69c. Bacon shoulders 6c: clear rib sides 91c; hams 12131c. Lard refined 0c. St. Louis, October 8. Flour strong and higher; double extra $3 75 4 00; choice to fancy S4 905 50. Wheat strong, high er and active; No. 2 red fall 9697c cash and October; 9Si9V4c November; 99fc $101. Corn lower; 88Jc cash ; 38i38fc October; 38ic December. Oats higher; 29S29tc cash; 30c December; 34c May. Whiskey steady at $1 10. Pork dull and jobbing at $16 00. Lard higher at 8c asked : 8c bid. Bulk meats dull and nomi nal; shoulders $5 00; rib $7 80; sides $8 10. Bacon dull; shoulders $5 75; rib $8 75; sides $9 00. Chicago. October 8. Flour in fair de mand and firm. Wheat strong, higher and in active demand; No. 2 red winter 96 96ic; No. 2 Chicago spring 95i95c cash; 961c November: 975c December. Corn easier; 89o bid cash; 40c bid November; 40c December. Oats dull and a shade lower: 291c cash; 291c November. Pork in good demand and steady at $18 00. Lard strong and higher at $8 42i. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders $5 20; ribs $7 90; clear $8 10. Whiskey steady and unchanged. 4JOTTON ISAKEETfl. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Oct. 8. Galveston, steady at 10i cents net receipts 1,582 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10 11-16 cents net receipts b,361 bales; Baltimore, quiet at 101 cents net receipts bales; Boston, dull at llf cts net re ceipts 356 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 577 bales; Savannah, firm at Kif cents net receipts 6,668 bales; New Orleans, steady at Hi cents net re ceipts 7,805 bales; Mobile, firm at 10 cents net receipts 1,962 bales; Memphis, steady at lOf cents net receipts 2,150 bales; Au- I gnstaT firmer at 10icts-net receipts 3,381 bales; Charleston, steady at iut cents net receipts 6,407 bales. Wekkt.y Receipts. Galveston, 14.268 bales; Norfolk, 30.059 bales; Baltimore, 467 bales; Boston, 2,832 bales; Philadel- Sbia, 295. bales; Savannah, 43,555 bales; Tew Orleans, 89,844 bales: Mobile 14.470 bales ;Mempbis,12,010 bales;Augu8ts, 10,839 Dales; unarieatoB,aa.443 sales. weekly Report of the Liverpool Cot 'ton Trade. IBy Cable to the Morning Star Liverpool, October 8. The weekly cir cular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' As sociation says: "Cotton in fair demand throughout the week, with a tendency gen erally in favor of buyers and quotations of almost all descriptions are reduced. American was in fair request, with some pressure to sell and quotations are reduced i3-16d. In Sea Island : there was fair business, chieflv in Florida, and prices are unchanged. Futures ODened dull and een- erally throughout the week were quiet, with small fluctuations. Closiner prices show a decline of 3-32d. - Cbarleatoti Naval Stores Marker The receipts were 176 casks spirits tur pentine and 639. bbls rosin. There was a quiet but steady market for rosins. Sales 500 barrels at $L 20 per bbl for c l 35 forD, $1 401'45 for E; $1 501 60 for F; $1 801.85 for Q;, $1 D01 95 for H; $2 15 fori; $2 CO for Kt $2 802 87 for M; $a I08 12f for Nj $3 253 35 for window glass. Spirits turpentine was strong and advancing, with sales of 250 casks on private terms,, and transactions at the close at88ic per ' gallon-for regulars. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 25 per bbl for virgin and yellow dip. New Yortt Maval Storen iriamei, October 6. Spirits Turpentine showed here early. Sales of 350 bbls at 40c, and later 150 bbls brought 41c, closing with reserved offer ings, the improvement resulting from Wilmington, where 'here was an advance of 2c per gallon. Ruains are slow and un changed. The following are the quota tions: Good strained at $1 60; common do $1 55; No. 2 E F $1 70 15; No. 1 G II $2 252 55; good No. 1 I $2 75 2 87; low pale K $3 003 12; Pale M $3 253 50; extra pale N $3 623 75, and window glass W $3 874 25. City pitch at $1 85. Tur is ouoted nominal at from $2 753 25. KUKBIUN MAKCi. f H. Uv Cable to the Murning Mar. 1 Liverpool, October 8, 5.15 P. M. Mid dling uplands, 1 m c, October and Novem ber delivery 6 7-16J, also 0 13 82d; No vember aDd December delivery 613-32d; December and January delivery 6 13 32d. Futures closed steady. Spirits turpentine 31s. MARINE. Sort aliuaitae-Occober 9. tiuu Rises 6.03 A. M Sun Sets 5 32 P. M High Water (Smithville) 11.59 Even " (Wilmington).... 3.59 Morn Day's Length lib. 29m ARRIVED. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Eliz ibethtown Williams & Murchison. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cas well, R P Paddison. Stmr Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithville, mas ter. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Jonea.New York T EBond. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Eliz .bethlowu Williams & Murchison. Stmr Elizabeth, llisbee, SmilhvilU-, mas ter. Steam yacht Passport, llarper.Smithville, master. Schr Sallie Coursey, Purdee, George town, S U, Ilarriss & Howell. EXPOUTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 5.000 fl lumber. 7 hhla nnaniilu 4R:t iln lar 225 casks spirits turpentine, 242 bbls rosin, 1,528 bales cotton, 100 do pinestraw, 110 psga shoots, 23 do mdse. MARINE DIRECTORY. Llat or Veaaela in (na for or Wll minctOD, N. C, Oct. 0. 1880. IThis list docs not embrace veaaela under 60 tons. BARQUES. Abraham Skalle (Nor.) 342 tons,Gregenen, C P Mebane Guslafa (Swed.) 312 tons, Ohrnberg. ileide & Co Progress (Nor.) 437 tons, Talleksen, Heide & Co Ujeinmet (Nor.) 380 tons, Inglemensen, Ueide & Co Magnus IIuss (Swcd) 532 tons, Tiulin. Heide & Co Minnie Gray (Br.), 349 tons, Berrell, C P Mebane Albambra (Nor.), 469 tons, Cornielsen. E Peschau & Westermann Herman Wolf (Ger), 567 tons, Permier. E Peschau & Westermann Thcodor, Nor., 293 tons. Danieleen, Heide & Co Mioloer, Nor., 361 tons, Kaldaser. Paterson, Downing & Co Ue!io3, ior., 46J tons, Waaze, Heide & Co BRIGS. Alkor(Nor ), 258 tons, Wilhelmsen, Ueide & Co SCHOONERS. Alfaie ti 3 Snare, 252 tons. Si are. E G Barker & Co Sallie Coursey. 179 tons. Pardue, Master James Slater, 311 tons, Tooker. Paterson, Downing & Co a w Aicuoiiy, 125 tons, Austin, Harriss & Howell Wyumiag.147 toes, Foss, E G Barker & Co Noticb. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal umce, me vessel so designated. should send ashore for teletrram. Music Books for Schools. TUB WELCOME CHORUS. (11. or 9 per dozen.) By W. 8. TILDEN. This is a new and BUDorior nieh School Rnncr Book, with advanced elements, and a ereat varietv of moaic, secular and e acred, to be sung in one two or four parts. Mr. Tilden's previous works have oeen highly approved. SONG BSIjLS. (50 cts.) By L. O. EMERSON. No more attractive School Sonz Book haa for a long tune appeared. It la not graded, and will do for any class. Great variety mt Bongs, subjects ae lccted with great skill, and music ia of the beet. Introduce our new Sabbath School Sons Book. WHITE ROBES. (30 cental at once to vonr Snnrtnv School. No better book exists ! Books for Muaic Teachers for the Fall namnntm . All are eood and practical books. Do not rail m examine them. Emerson's Voice of Worship ($1) for Sing. Schools. Perkins' Temple. (SI) for Sineine School. Johnson's New Method for Blnemc Classes. fdOc l Johnson's Parlor Organ Instruction Book. (1.50) ii. a. vunBorvaiurv Atsuioa lor nano. (X31. Also subscribe now for THE MUSIual. rrh. OKD, ($3), a Weekly Musical Paper with all the news. Any book mailed for retail price. Oliver Ditson & Co., BOSTON. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. I J. B. DITSON & CO. 848 Broadway, N. Y. 982Chestnutst., Phil, se 18-dwtf Wed & Sat Thf TlllYIlP.n.1 Rppnrrloi Alie -D1011WU X6C0raer. PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton &. Co. RALEIGH, N. C. KKY. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, RSV. 11. HATCHER, Aeeociato Editor. Organ of Nortn Carolina ; Baptists In Its 44th Year. EVEHY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.00 per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORnreir dec33-tf Ralciifh. N. a. John Dawson & Co. LEAD THE HARDWARE TRADE IN NORTH Carolina, buy direct from the Manufactures. pay cash on the spot, handle the best goods, and at as low prices as any House ia the country . All they asks ia an examination of their stock. ia. and 83 Market St,, oc 3 tf Wilmihtrton. N? C. JOB PRINTING. THE MORNING STAR Steam Printing House, MOUNWO STAB BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. HOST TllOR O VQIIL T EQ U2PPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY, FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER A MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CIIEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES St TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS, DODGERS. TEAMSHLP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIMK AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY 0 THER OFFICE A WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOn PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN PART OF THE UNITED STATES. C. O. D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 1 Hh SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81 Al E8 VILLE. IREDELL CO., N. C IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger loca circulation than aay paper ever heretofore published in tne county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Foreythe, Durry, jiow&n anu western mecKienourg. It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a RsetruLB Cahyabsiks Aoxkt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result mainni; the Lojtdxarx THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, "LANUMAttK," dc tt-tf Statesville. N.Cr MTJFFIT The Savannah Weekly.News Of FEBRUARY 7th will contain the opening chap ters ui a cu&TEiuig Bcritu buory, enuuuu JML U F F I T, BY MRS OPUKLIA NISJ3KT REID OF KATONTON, OA., Anthor of "My Mother's Daughter," 'Afterward, ana Jirs. uaxe." Those who have en loved the bleaanrc afforded h the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's previous prouacuons, wiu neea no commencation or tnis ner last and most enccesefal effort to pre pare them for the raro literary treat that awaits them. MUFFIT Is a Btory of absorbing interest, and its puoucauon win ruu turougn borne eignt to ten Isaacs of the WKlsKLY KKWri aud the SUNDAY TJLJUUA.K. Subscription (3 a year. $1 for Fix months Mo ney can be sent by Money Order. Rcirietered Letter sent by Hon , at oar risk. or jsxprees. ll. ESTILL. fob 3 tf Savannah, Goo. Removal. W S HAVE REMOV2D OUR STOCK OF Stoves, Tinware and Uonsc-Farnishing Goods five steps below oar Old Stacd to the Large store. No. o atarcet street. Opening new goods every day. ocatf F. M. KING CO. Fresh Arrivals. "DRUNES. DRIED APPLES. COCOA-NUTS. XT Pearl Barley and Saga Another lot of that fine Fnlton Market Reef. Northern Irish Potatoes. A lot of Brooms, will sell low at retail; Wood and Willow Ware: a fall line or Family Groceries. Ci gars, Tooacco and Liquors, au at Bottom races. can ana tee. l.. uiuL.ntm, oc 3 tf 36 and 28 Sonth Front street. I am Hanging. QHADRS AT 75c, $1 CO, fl 25 AND $1 50. THE Largest fc'tock in the city. Rooms papered. Sofas done over. Carpets cat and made toorder. BEN WHITE. Market, bet Sd and 31 Sta. oc 3 A LARGE aSTOCK OF Sash, Boors. Blinds. AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK. 9 LUMBER, LA MIS, &c., FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & Co., Factoht: Foot of Walnut et. oc3tf Ornoi: Nutt, near Red Grogs st. Echo." E SELL IT 1 ALSO IF YOU WANT uook ucove tnat yon can rely on every time lust ' " wi ouuw jruu me stove, words are cheap, but Good Stoves are not bought everv . uvMb.u umfv. ui cuujoh variety , fit ocStf PARKER & TAYLOR. A Full Assortment (V PATENT MEDICINE3.SFANCY AND TOI- let Articles, Foap3, Perfumeries. Combs, Brushes, J. H. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, cc3tf New Market. Too Thin to Wash. A LTHOUGS IT COMES FROM A VERY THICK t. source. 11. C. PREMPiSRT wouldadvise his visiting friends and patrons net to heed the report that he has removed to Raleigh, as that is only. uone Dy designing persona to try ana injure nis business, but be sure and call on him at No. 7 Front Street, two doors below Maiket. His Saloon second to none in the city. Je 8 if : STAPLE $ FAWCY DRY GOODS Silks, Cashmeres, Merinos, Wool Berges, Mohair, Flannel, Boys' Wear, , White Goods, 9 Housekeeping Goods, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Notions, &c, At Very Low Prices AT . an 15 tf . SUNDRIES. 100.000 10000 36000 1200 120 Pounds D. S. and Smoked MEATS, Pounds Prlrao S. C. Canvassed HAMS, Pounds Canvassed HAMS Slightly Soured, Bbls FLOUR-all grades, Tierces and Tubs LARD, Firkins and Tubs Choice UUTTKR. Boxes Prime CHEESE, 50 30 150 250 225 250 1000 200 25 300 Ends and bbls Cuba and N. O. MttLASSSS, Bags COFFEE, Java, iaguira and Rio. Bbls SUGAR, Crushed, Powdered. Granulated. A, Ex C, Ac. Boxes Chewing TOBACCO, all grades. Founds Durham SMOKING tt n 4 nnrt Hampers APOLLINARIS WATER Cases Hunyadi Janos MINERAL WATER. Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING. 1 A A A Bdls ARROW TIES. 1 U V u 1500 sacks Salt, 13 barrels Cider. 50 bbls Poik aad Beef. 60 barrels, halves and quarters Mackerel, starch. Candy, Snuff. Spices, Lemons, Soaps, Soda, Matches, Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Canned Goods, raper, Dags, Twine, sc., lor aaie oy ADRIAN A VOLLBRS, au 39 tf S. E. corner Front and Dock eU Brick! Brick! 15,000 GSOD B1U" For sale by sc34tf O. Q. PARSLEY, JH. Fine Mountain Beef. WJK WILL OFFER TO-DAY SOME FINE f v MOUNTAIN BEEF, JaBt received. Also LAMB. MUTTON. tc, at Citizens' Market and Fourth Street Market, near Boney Bridge. se 2a tr t. a. watson uo. To the Ladies ! J AM RECEIVING DAILY JUST SUCH AK- ticlea as you wish, in the line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Also many novelties and pretty things in Drcas Goods. A fall assortment of eixce: Children's Undo S ults. Shirts and-Druwera, LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDER GARMENTS. To arrivo in a day or two other new Carpets, Bogs, &c. Respectfully, oc3tf U. M. McINTIRK. To my i'riends and Cus tomers. T AM NOW DAILY RECEIVING MY FALL stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of all the Latest Styles. My past stock and my success speak for themselves, and I only aak a continuance of your favra so liberally bestowed on mo. Please call and examine my stock as regards quality and prices. No trouble to show the goods. Will bo pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 MARKET ST. se 13 tf Slim of the Show Case. Boots and Shoes. JUST RECEIVED A FEW CASES OF MENS aad Boy's Heaw and Fanev Boots, which I am offering at a bargain. A full line of Penitentiary Brogana. Women's Gram Shoes, rood quality, at f 1 00 per pair. For good roods and low prices call at THnu in it urearw se 5tf No. 47 North Market . !A Pome. I am dyeing them daily in every shade, , Under the ran.. Wool, silk and cotton of erary grade: Still they come i . The colon are bright, ana when washed Will never ran. If done bv Klnir on Market Street. oc 8 U Ia Wilmington. Bricklayers Wanted. A PPLY AT WILMINGTON A WELDON RAIL- Road Shops, to oc71w R. 8. BADCLITFK. Tuning and Repairing Pianos, Melode ons, Eeed and Pipe Organs. JOSEPH DENCK, from Columbia. S. 0 will re- main In Wilmington a few week to Tune and Be paw sue aoove inatrmmenta. ana nicnargewut oe moderate; Orders left at Mr. Heinaberger's Book Store will be promptly attended to,- f . .oc7Jw School Books. A LARGE STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES. Old Books taken in Dart payment for New Books upon first introduction. Headquarters for all Text Books used In the Public and Private Schools. SDOclal terms to country Merchants and Teachers. oc 3 tf C. W. YATES. No Change. yV I AM STILL AT MY OLD STAND, I"""' where I keep a full supply of Carriages. y Boggles, wagons. Carta and Drays. Iam now o penis e a lanre stoek at Harness. Saddles. Bridles and Halters, and keen conatantlv on hand every thing ba my line of busmeasat low est prices. ' Repalrrug done at short notice. P. H. HAYDEN'S Factory, oc a tf . Third, bet. Market and Princess st 36 Market Street. GREETING To the Friends ami Patron of P. L, Bridgers & Go. EN THIS IS KKAD TUKV WILL hit IN their Handsome New Store north at Uo French & Sons . On yonr Why down town drop in and uki om- look, and yon will nc mowlodc that lh y run xilil justly claim to have the Uncut Grocery klui i the Southern Males. Quick Dispatch. We cloecd wtco the boll -arK at 7 o'clock ; we opened In the Nt w Store at f. Hie nrxt )Doriilii('. Cheap Goods. Immense faving in vloro roat, clcrkh and pk tcrs' hire, to be ;lvrn lo ibo patram of P. L. Bridgers & Co. oc 1 DAW If Seed Cotton. 500 000 LU8' HBBDCOTTON WANTSl) for which a fair price will, be paid IX CASH. Apply at WILLAKDn, au afi Sm North Water SL, Wilmington, N. C Extra Family Flour Freshly ground from new wubat. Meal ground daily and nightly. No bottrr in the State. New Eastern Hay and New Oats juat ar rived. Mixed Provender in any quantity: Chop. Shorts, Corn Bran, Wheat Bran. White Com ami Mixed Corn in abundance. For aale by G. BON It Y HONS. auSO tf at the Capo Fear MU1 Latest Designs jn fine black walnut cuamusu Furniture, now on exhibition at oar Ware inonu Large stock of Furniture of all kind sat D. A. SMITH atv., so 20 tf No. 43 North Front 8tci. By Express. Lace fichus, lack ties, lacb Cjum Handkerchiefs, BUk UandXaMkJera Glass Doylas, Table Uamaak aad the best stock of Twik aad T&weUlag In the city. All cheap. my S tf JOHN J H KOKICK Rqmoval. I HAVE REMOVED FROM MY OLD BTANlh on Front street to the convenient and canamo- dloua Store on Market street, recently occupied by Capt. Ceney. and next east of Llppltt's corner,. where I will be prepared this fall to onar the band somost Stack of goods to my line ever brooght U Wilmington. JOHN M. ROBINHON. soiotr IlalUr Coal! Coal! 1 An TOMS BLACKSMITHS'.bow landtag. ALSO. GRATE, STOVE and FOUNDRY COAL. O. Q. PARSLEY. Jr.. JyS tf Cor. Orange and B. Wator f For Sale Low, WO 1-HORSB TRUOS.B4 ONE ALMOST NEW, Dotu la UMruaji'li ntdrt Can be bought choc p.. Apply at mylOtf rtua orrica Fishihg Tacklor JUST BBOBIVEO A FINS IiOT WMCirJ AVK and Dram Hooks, Llfecs Cbrka A A- fcb Loat In? Gana.att0(v-C.M A. Mew atoc coining in every dajr. Kerosene OU., II ceaU i gallon, at GEORGE PECK'S, $8 Srmth Front W. se 19 tf

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