1 HE HORNING STAR. By Wa. II. HEIt.tJ .'ITUL1SHKD DAILY KXCXTT UOMA VS jaw year, toy ra.uj poetspo ;:i iii months, - 4 iu ' n: atocui : ... ........ t 00 To City Qafeeailbon, delivered to any pari "of the cut, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are iot authorised to collect for more than throe month? n advance. MORNING EDITION. Sntcrod at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, aa Bocona-ciass mailer. J OUTLIKKK Farther reports from the cotton crop pub lished; tj Sa?annab Cotton Exchange. A frightful collision of trains in Pittsburg, Pa., occurred; about forty persons were tilled and fatally injured; many were slightly injured; twenty-one deaths have occurred: The political excitement in Indiana is intense; two affrays of a serious character occurred on Saturday; at Shelby ville numerous bar-room fights occurred; Sheriff McOorkle, Democrat, was killed by a Republican, supposed to be Ed. Kennedy; partie3 are hunting him and if found he will be lynched; Sheriff Leo was badly bruised; at Evansville a white man and a negro shot each other; Rouse, white will die. Baltimore ia celebrating its 150th aouiTeraary. Bogardus and Hon- worth had a shooting match at St. Louis at wild birds; lie, each killing 03 of a possi ble 190 The Indiana vote will be compared with that for Governor in 1876. John Merritt, who murdered E. M. Hicks- at Weldon, is again in jiil for a deadly assault uu J. T. Evans, postmaster, and J. O. Brady, bar-tender; the latter is seriously hurt. McClure House at Red Oak, Pa., burnt by lamp explosion. New York markets: Mouey 33 percent; cotton firm at 11 5-lGll 7-16 cents; south ern flour quiet and very firm at $5 007 00; wheat, ungraded red $1 09$ I 18; corn, ungraded 55J5Ce; spirits turpentine higb.r auil firm at 4S43j cents; resin sirouger at $1 701 80. INDIAN, OHIO AND WKM V1K 61NI A. The great battle iu Indiana and Onto comes off to-day. The cam paign has been as enthusiastic aud earnoHt as any that ever occurred in our country. Who will be victors remains to be aeou. We do not ex pect to carry Ohio, and we have Htrong hopo-of a victory in Indiana. If we were engaged in a contest with an honorable adversary we should ex peoL Landers to be elected by at leant 7,000 majority. But remembering the ohaiacter of the raeu who lead the Radical hordes weuanuot predict confidently the result. If a are de feated in Indiana it will he by fraud, by local iasuep, and by the unpopu larity of LanJern. Senator Mo Donald ays he is weaker by 3,000 than the State ticket, but will not run probably much behind, as the Democrats know they are really voting to eleot Hancock when they vote for Landers. We do not, there fore, believe that a defeat in Iudiaua would settle the election in Novem ber against Hancock. Let us look at it for a moment. It is stated as a fact that there is not a Democratic candidate in Indi ana running for any ofiice who is as strong among his own people as Han cock is stronger than any candidate of his party now in the field iu Indi ana. What may we expect then? Why, naturally, that ho will reoeive at least 3,000 more votes iu Novem ber than the State ticket will gel to day. Senator McDonald thinks if the present State ticket were td be voted for on their own strength alone, without help, it would ran much be hind the vota it will receive to-day. So we do not give up Hancock's election, though we are cheated out of Indiana to-day. The Radicals cannot cheat on November 2, as they oau uow. Their iepeaters and ras cals will be needed at home. If the election to-day should be adverse let us work the harderjlet us redouble our exertions. This is the way we look at it now. " West Virginia also votes to-day. We have reason to expect a victory in Indiana and West Virgsnia'. The head lines of the Indianapolis letter (from staff correspondent) to the Philadelphia Times read thus: "Indiana Democratic. The poll showing a good majority. The low est estimate leaving the Republi cans 6,000 m the minority. Fears of bloodshed on election day. Phila delphia roughs by the score rallying to Indianapolis." That tells the fcttory. Comment unnecessary. The Xomaville Courier-Journal says if the thousands of negroes who have gone from Kentucky to Indiana within the last month are allowed to vote the Democrats will be beaten. It publishes letters from Proctor Knott and a large number of men of honor and intelligence giving particulars of the large negro exodus from various counties. The Maine Republican Committee met at Portland, and conceded the election of Gen. Plaisted. He has a plurality of some 300. He will be naugurated. VOL. XXVII. NO. 17. tue STaTE oanpaiqr. rrr TT" Maj. John W. Daniel, of Virginia, made an hour and a half speech at Greensboro that i onnn of a r. t.- :Zi:t:L v ar V1 UIlcuy r ' Senator Vance will speak as fol- lows: Monroe. Tuesday, 12th lust.:! 01i, Iredoll oouDty, Tuesday, 14th; "uuuului oaturuay, x utu, uriiaiu, 1 uesday, 19th. Wcare informed that r. W. G. Pool, of this county, a-brother of ex- Senator Pool, and a life-long Re- ' publican, will vote the Democratic ticket at the coming election. With a full vote, a tree Daiiot ana a rair count, iamam win ue eieuteu uy Elizabeth City Mdcon. y Senator Ransom will address the people of the First District as fol- lows: yoleraine; Gertie county, Wednesday, October 13; Gatesville, aies couniy, xnursaay votoDer jlo; uedar lirove, Perquimans county, Friday, October 15; Camden Court House, Saturday, October 16: Curi- tuck Court House, Monday, October 18; Elizabeth City, luesday, Octo- uer iy. oDOaKlOf lO Delu &L k& ill- a a 0 oeuator V ance has consented to address the New Hancock Club at the Hornets' armory on Monday night immediately after the club organization has been effected. aor Uowd has just returned from two weeks work and speakiDg in the lower counties 01 me aisirici ana nere- uorts oheerfollv of Demoo.ratin nros- pects, especially in Anson and Mont- gotnery, where we can expect large r. k. K. Bryan, the Hancock and English elector fur this district. addressed the citizens at Wilson last week in behalf of the Democratic candidates for President and Vice President. Mr. Bryan is a fine speak er and made a very favorable impres sion. We are sorry to sav we at have never known so little interest takfii in a political campaign in this . .... ...I couniv an is at present. Iheieisnot i lie first Democratic club in the county. Toisnot tunny Home. The extract concerning the State ticket credited in our last to the Economist ouht to have been cred ited to the Eiiz iboth City Carolinian. The or: f comment wan separated by a paragraph luLoi veiling m making up the form. Judge Slerrimon will make a brief but effective canvass in the First District. His appointments are as follows: Bayboro, Pamlico county, Thursday, October 21 ; Wash ington, Beaufort county, Friday, Oc tober 22: North Creek. Beaufort county, Saturday, October 23; Falk- land Pitt county, Monday, October 25: Plvmonth. Washinp'ton countv. I Wednesday, October 27; Windsor, Bertie county, Thursday, October 28; Coleraine, Bertie county, Friday, Oc- tober 29; Elizabeth .Cay, Pasquotank county, Saturday, October 30. r r : . i tt . u a I vxen. yui, m wu w weeu- at least 3,000 majority. There will be a grand barbecue and ratifi- try are ordered out for parade this after cation meeting at Jackson, N. C, on noon at 4.30 o'clock. Wednesday October 27, 1880, at Mn j w Shackelford, our can- which time Gov. Vance, Gov. Jams, , . ' Gen. Ransom, Judge Fowle, Maj! didato for Congress, arrived in the city John W. Daniel, of Virginia, and la8t n,Sht t rom Burgaw. other distinguished speakers will ad- There was onlyone trifling case dress tho people upon the issues of for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, the day. -Politics in this county and that was continued over. is very much mixed in the Radical camp, ine iaas nave nominated a I nero named Hicks, which causes I dissatisfaction among the white I Radioal brethren. The Green- backers have also put a ticket in the field. The Democrats have made no nominations as yet. Mr. ab. hi. iSusbee returned to the city last evening. He spoke at Scotland Neck on Wednesday. He will speak at Smithville, Johnston I county, on Tuesday. - Governor I J arvis arrived in. the city last nht Company Shops and came in on a special train. Raleigh News and Ob server. m pirits Turpentine, Maj. John W. Moore, is to make speech at Chapel Hill, October 12th, on what is called "University Day.w ; . The venerabJeEdwftd J, Hale is the New York "conefpoo dent of' the'1 Charlotte Democrat, Hit- letters are'euter- taiin and often instructive:: i Senator ItaMOtn is fihysavea l years old -r$M J Tt hinfe h u wirm't&u R5-Rrix! I Charlotte JWsTlw-ted rjlate of the COttOn QOmpreSr Weigtiag. twenty I tons, was broken on Saturday and it will I aDoui iyinai uwMwuwa up r uw re- mainuer or tne season.. . .. ; . . I -n,fA xtZ; TMn. 'i&L n-r rA Female Seminary js.suiirJyloOmbig. Nine wt new additions among- the boarding nouse pupils. There are now 4gbty-flve nirla at I the Seminary with the certainty ef aaany I more "Toiot Bme: Tf6110 UU a TT J A.KM.aV - m Mri ' A f As mI Kin WKSSaWS ai xown (jrees unurcu at me ume oi ma i death. Mr. J. G. Rawls, of Wilson, has I invented and obtained a patent on the api-, I rai couou cbopper. Tnere Will be a cranu lonrnament ana coronation Dan at I i . . .... i tbis place on the 10th of November. '' Tnr ma M.Si AJJ 1Ha As ILi r T ' I. M. Lone, of Goose Creek Towasbio. was ! diiring along the road, aear his home, Befef the bushes on the-roadatder- Fortunatehr a very narrow eavapc, u uu. w dbuu waa i sufficiently near as to flash its fire into his I Moil H WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1880. i face. Mr. Howie, of Goose Creek, I while on his way to Charlotte early on last J Monday morning, was knocked from his f wagon by some one by being sirucK on tue 1 back of the head with a stick. The object of his assailant was. no doubt, robbery. - Milton Chronicle: On Saturday I niffht before last while Mr. Glenn, who. we j think, lives in the Olive Hill township, of Person, was spending the night at a tobacco "f i img nouse or jar. uienn, ana, entering toe I bed room of Mrs. Glenn, proceeded to pass bed with "butthe WahVnro(nK in contact with the wool on the neero'i h,er screams aroused the family and Inn noclnr villain m o H a hia aoao a Kii r ma( rtt'Sn He wa arrested, however, a few days afterwards. I as we learn, and committed to Koxborough j-- Cochrane of this city, who had the beer privileee at the Kine's Mountain Centen- nial, soon dealt out 128 kegs of that never- age to the patriotic crowd. That is 1,350 -ercs at thTsaW staurJa't tSeKins Mountain centennial grounds, day before i yesterday, bad been concluded, tne im - I mense crowd raued a cry for Vance. Me aeciineupersisienuyiocomeiorwaru. nut 5fejfi j but their voices were drowned. Finally I the Senator had to yield, and as he arose I wq biiuub wuuwwa wiv6 shout went ud as will never be heard re - I verberating through those hills again. I Raleish. News and Observer: Mr. I Ford's excellent company will give us I some good acting in pleasant performances XSilSL1: ' There were at King's I Mountain. Had the State Guard gone asa I body there would have been thirty-six com - 1 fa"ico pieocu num xouu uaiuuua uuira. A Greensboro paper compares Ike that ia Inst a shade ronirh on the kniffht of the sawdust Maj. R. C. Badger is canvassing the 8tate of New York under I mittee of that State. President Kemp P. Battle, of the University of North Caro lina, will deliver an address be tore tne North Carolina Agricultural Society at the Capitol durine Fair week. There are some strange people in this State. We see bration. One was a colored woman forty- nine years old and fourteen inches high, frnm f!lAnvnlanri nnnntv Thn nthpr wait ft I white man, over five feet high, but poa- .WM.W.WMM VWM J . wva .. sessed of a silken beard five feet long and reaching nearly to his feet jsj pity" MIW AUVKUTISBlflKnt-tM. Hall & Pkabsalz. Mullets. J. C. Munds German colognr. Munson Ready made clothing. Attention Third Ward Democrats1. It. W. Chad wick Notice toteacheis. Atte-ntton Wilmington Light Iafanrry. Local uois. Cotton receipts yesterd'ay 1,089 bales. Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, of the Bttievs ba3 been ite 8ick The Greenbackers were howling ia the First Ward last night. Messrs. Shackelford and Cana- Whiteville to-day. Tho fnntwallr inst this side of SmUh,g Cfeek bridge g ou, of repair The Wilmington Light Infan- 1 preached his farewell sermon at St. John's Church on Sunday night, to a large con- I gregation. I Hon. W. M. Robbins spent SnndftvRt thA RnnnH hMA li w lhe guest of Maj. C. M. Stedman. Yesterday he; spoke at Burgaw. i . I Mr. J. L Macks, of this City, has accepted an invitation to address the Rocky I P6iflt Democratic Club, and the citizens of I Pender generally, on Friday next, the 15th inst. I The buildings on the fair I erouads near this city are tenanted by about I twenty colored people. Tho grand stand. I which was blown down some '-time since, j has been used for fuel, and the houses are I all coin u, wreck. t f tt r th I 1st to 13th of October, 1879, footed up 6,- .179 bales; the receipts from the 1st to the 11th of October, 1880, amounted to 7,683 balps; showing an increase of 1,504 bales 'o1!1. and two days to spare. a meeting of tho French Democratic Club at Schilling's Hall, New xot 8 Iew maw Hinuo' u' BVJU, iormeriy or uxw uivy, waa one ui iuc Boeakers. and related to his hearers, in con neclion with his remarks about Gen. Han- . . . , . ... . . epeki a very interesting episode at the battle xiie niwi to-nisui. Our friends are cordially invited to call J on us to-night aud hear the news from the I great October States.: We kaow we can ID pii "om - ginia. wo wireo wn uu s.o i nrrta from Indiana: and as to Ohio, if we 1 , . .w,h;niy oanA from that State it will be - .... ftKAVA iiiwirthi , n ATnwi ."6". -t.-.. . VAann kan KantprintAn Sa a AAn at.it Tl ft broken down by disease. If4t is the result ef fast livine. the excessive use of Whiskey, fast living, the eweasive use of Whiskey, Ma miasmatic regions, sedentary habits, t win icoiuio juu w uuw, u,uw w desired than gold. T 1HK PBARDT CHOP. Production of 18T0-'8O and In Pre Ions Years Estimate of ibe In coming Crop e. We glean from the Cincinnati Prieea' Current and Commercial Review of October I 7th some facts of interest in connection with I " -f in October, but in Virginia it commences mue earue' ' virgmi. pnuw. uou ou P6 cent- of the crP r tbe Un,ted Tennessee about 35 per cent, and North .. . 4 i aD.0Ut .""V Ane "PP"" paaouw on uaoo temper low, were ngn m an ui iue receiving yuiaw auu were praiijr cuolCu ue- The peanut crop produced ia 1879. like all t . .u.. A ..., UB "cuuurai crop, o. iu m: year, mrgeiy exceeaeu uio eBuuiiea ui u L for VirSInia. 750,000 for Tennessee, and 1 w,wu ior nunu varunau, of 2,220,000 bushels, against the estimate made Qne of 1,733,000 bushels. not been all marketed. I and it is estimated that there remain un- I marketed 75,000 to 100,000 bushels in Vir- 1 8", 2o,000 bushels in Tennessee, and a few in North Carolina. The trade in peanuts has been compara- I tively fre9 from , speculation during the whole year, but there has been an enlarged consumptive demand, and prices have not been sublet to frequent and wide flaclua- 1 tions, which have prevailed in some former years. The Virginia crop of peanuts for the year 1879-80, besides being the largest ever produced WM of aQ unusually good qaali- ty, causing it to be more sought for by consumers. The quality of the Njrth Carol ia it pea nut crop in 1879-80 was not good, and nl- I though the quantity t small compared I wiih that of other States there rem ined I yet to corns in at the close of the year. TheTenne8Jee peanut crop in 1879-80 the trade, only m preceding crop having approached U in quniity, aud that was in 1872-3. when it reached ($75,000 bushels. The quality was scarcely uji t- 1 : -vergj. The producers who aild e ir-y pi aoa- son bad a profitable outc nix-, out siiippers ,hVJ not been so .fortunate, s prices have 1eeu relatively higher moat of the year in the producing sections thau in Ih'u markot. which is the principal point of distribution The estimated crop of peanuts for the year 1880-81, the incoming crop, based on information furnished to the paper men tioned above, and the crops of seven pre vious years, are shown in the following table: Virginia. Tennessee. JX. uarouna Ttnahnla Rnahfllll- Ruflhfila. i 880 -81.. 1,300.000 600,000 125.000 1879-80.. 1,350,000 750,000 120,000 1878-79.. 875,000 425,000 90,000 1877-78.. 405,000 325,000 100,000 1876-77.. 780,000 500,000 125,000 1875-76. . 450,000 . 235,000 100,000 1874-75.. 850,000 200,000 120,000 1873-74.. 225.000 170,000 GU.UW ; The aggregate, value of the peanut crop of the United States of 1879-80, at the average prices which prevailed In the dis tributing markets is about $2,150,000, against $1,500, OOP for the preceding year. I Messrs. Meilen, Brown & Co.'s circular, of Cincinnati, estimates the crops for the year ending September 30, 1881, in bushels, as follows: North Car oiiu a 120,000; Ten nessee C50.000; Virginia 1,550.000. Ai Convlei : nakea aaAHailt lit i OaardaadTltreatslXlUUliiaV ?Oo Friday last, we ei a old colored man let John Fisher, an inmate of the County Work House, where he was seat for a term of onn year, hava his gtturMi 400t 801118 blrd milh' Mr. TbomM Dmuu, me guaru in cuarge oi iub prw- f er. reported the matter to the Deputy DupermwuuBoi, uu u aiu uiu occur again, s isner go winu oi iuo tlLt thflnftrrl had renorterl him. and on aiTnw aw,nr frtrhiA nnnnnnniiv. hi r.nr-ed and abtrsed Mr. Smith at a fear- ftl rale flntlly assaulted him, knocking Vidr, Anvrn Wjnd striVrav him anveral blows. besides threatening to kill him. Mr. Smith M armed only with a very small Smith & Wesson's pistol, aud was afraid to use it on Ffeher, being apprehensive that in case of a failure to inflict a seriousVound the des- perate man, wnois very powenui wiiuw, would carry out his threat (nd kill him. Sam. Smith, another colored convict, was present at the time and also cursed and abbsed Mr. Smith, but did Hot strike him. fir. S. was here yesterday, aud received advice as to how he hall proceed in ease "Fisher or anv ether convict makes another debonstration, and from appearances when he started to resuoieJi3j.dutie8 Jae was pre- 94msSmSSSS. i.w:jiw'"'ryvw?. 'f"" 1 wak iintenced to the VwSw jSouse for har boring the notorious Johnson. IiartMrrlne DaWtftefi George Connor nUa$03teqiQ . Jackson,, colored, was antedJ'jfsTefday pn the1 charge of harboring a' deserter from, fene of the! feakets in port .; Mfendant was br3 deiBd: to give a iujtrfrSd iScd ltt lhoaum of r hppearaKJe Jfefde Justice Mc- V$&Si&Km, 0j wWchhe waa colnmutea to Jail, t ' m m ' if,-. -f Through telegrifcirieelved yest$r-l kuTaQ;-wtu.jjirA4.i. a if.rt. i mw ,i wftw.i- nwwrw iiww . j w , - i3 jto' i!. a . I receii rains, whYclfcrm I mufcfti ; i? 1 1 Ai ml: .V-i"r.V I liorsoflidMihwiUljarja J H simNi wnwu iu ifiuici ouu uuvu 1 for a cougfa. i T Ataxia trate'a Court. Thomas Daniels, colored, was arraigned before Justice Millis, yesterday, on the charge of committing assault and battery upon, the person of James Nash. Judg ment suspended on tbo payment of the costs, Sarah Ann Betts was arraigned before Justice Gardner on the charge of assault imotMkj. j i Defendant submitted and was ordered to a pay one n and tQ COBt8 The same defendant was arraigned on a peace warrant sworn out by Melissa Russ, Defendant submitted and was ordered to ; PV the costs and give bond in the sum o for her appearance at Justice Gardner's offlce OQ tne fir8t Monday in Jahuary, and pf ia lue meantime. k! !! o?mh!!I saultand battery upon the person of Meli&sa Ru8J Defendant submitted and wasor- dered to pay one peQny and lhe eosts Meli88a Ra6a hAd hw turn next OQ caarg0 of commuting 83ault and battery on Sarah Ann Belts. Defendant submitted and was required to pay one penny and the costs. - ' David Sidney was arraigned on the affi davit of Eliza Finch, charged with assault. Case dismissed at the cost of the prose cutor. All the above parties were colored. Dally Weather Bulletin, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at I 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean j time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches lor the twenty-four hours ending at 3 P. M., as furnished by Sergeant James W. VVatsoo, Signal Officer at this Station Tem. R. F. Weather. Cloudy Fair Clear Fair Cloudy Fair Cloudy ti ram Cloudy Fair Fair Cldudy Fair Ctoudy Fair Clear Cloudy Fair The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day Partly cloudy weather and local rains in the southerly portioi:winds generally from cast lo south and no decided change in lemperaiure or barometer. TUB MAlItS. The mails close aad arrive at the City rost uxnee aa iouows: CLOEK. Northern through and way. mails 5:30 A. M. Raleigh . 5:30 A. Mi aad 5:00 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there- from, including A. & N. C. . Railroad, at. ; 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for air points , South, daily.... :. 7JP. M. Western mails 3. C; ft'y) daily (except Sunday) 5:O0PiL Mail for Oheraw & Darliagton i Raikoad...,.......lv,.;.. '7:45 P. M. llailsfor points -between FkH - i rence and Charleston.... 7:45 P.M. Fayettev4Ue,andoflice80wnCape . Fear River, Tuesdays and ' . Fridays........... ld)0P M. Fayetteville, via Lumbertoo, - daily, except Sundays.... 5. -00 P. M. Onslow C. 1L and interme- ; diateofSces, Mondays and j Tburadys.4k..vw.7... 6J00A M. Smithville mails,, by steam- : - boat, daily (except Sundays), 9K)0 . A. M Mails for Easy HiU, vTowh Creek, Shallotte and Little ; River, Mondays andThars1- day8......4........i.. 0:00 A. M Wilmingtoc and Black River a Chapel, Mondays, Weoaes-' " ' . . . : davs and Fridays. ....... . 5:00 A. M. OBN VOK BBZAVEKti Northern through : aad way - mails ......;..! ;.-00, A M. Southern mails. . ......... .... 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... JOKX) A. M. General delivery open f rorn n :Q0 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., and on SundayfrOm80to 9130 A. M. : Stamp Offlce open from 8 A. M, to 12 M., aid from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Mbney order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . Stamps for sale at'feeiftratTlelivery when stamp offlce is erosed."11 :mc 1 jMails collected from street boxes every diy at3.S0P. M. ; We guarantor no rbetter oodS-rAada than Black. weU'e Durham Ijong Cut and Clsarettes. Late Pafbbb. To the Harris' News Stand, south side Front Street, we are Indebted for copies of the New York Ladotr, CMmney Corner and Frank LaHM$ MustratM Newspaper tot the tforrent week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. ... 1 .' " : Beats the world BlaekweH's DArham Long Cat and Cigarettes. Opinion of Eminent Dr. H. R. Walton. Annapo liai Md-Cbldefi'S Uebig'8 Extract of Beef .and Tohtelfl8BHtorrls mottxoeUeittnepaaatton. It la par excellence, . Superior to , Cod. Llyer Oil or any Qdng erer uoa in waetrd or Impaired constl .tion -anT an excellent -praventiYe fa yalarial Oiseaflea. ,.i , , : vsammt Fuunma, Amenta. wuraingtoB. 1-1 Conaoissenrs pronounce them very fine Black- swell's Durham IiOhg ; Cat and Cigarettes. T-i ; - m BOOTS CERTIFICATES. It ia no vile-dragged uffupretenojng to m made or wenaermi. foreign xoota. rMLrks, Ac , and puffed up by long bogus cer tUcatoa of Dretendad rmlracnloma enrea, but a alm- ei pure, effective medicine, made or weu tnown ruluable remedies, that furniahea tfe owttcertill- ! remeoies, bv its enrea. , , r we reiec to nop wttara,uii ; aBdne3t bflnedlcihes. See another column. Republican. HThe healthiest, flneat, an4 pure'sT smoke Black WeU'aDurltoLoag CntWClgatrettea, V I n Aiatnrhed at 4 aictttehild aoff erlnr and errinc with too excra ttnit pain- of , catting: teeth- iJt o,(go.atrne ad get a bottle of MRS. WINBLOW'S bOOTHLNU .rsnp, i Jt will reHevathsDoor Btflo sufferer Im mediately depend -upon it; .there Is not mistake about It' There is not a -mother on earth who- has Iter used it, who wHk not eUjroit a msthatt will rtgulata the bowels, and give net to the moth irf. and relief and health to the child, operattng like aucaaea. In the United States; Sold everywhere. 5 cents a bottle. Atlanta ..... 74 .00 Augusta 81 .00 Charleston 77 .00 Charlotte . . 76 .00 Corsicana 82 .00. Galveston........ 80 .00 Havana 85 .00 Indianola 76 .29' Jacksonville 78 .00 Key West....... 85 .25 Mobile 83 .02 Montgomery 81 .04 New Orleans 82 .85 Punta Rassa. . . . 81 .06 Savannah. . ....... 77 .04 Wilmington :. 79 .00 Cedar Keys 79 .03 Penaacola 78 . .05 LTElUUlBf 4 1,111 n 1IIVT f 1 nurnt ana nroKen oi toot WHOLE NO. 4,106 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention TMrfl War Democrats. TBS DEMOCRATS OF THE THIRD WARD are requested to meet at the nnial place (op- jHwwueu:; uaij) tnia (TTJK8DA Y)!evenlng,at 8 ii every uemocrat orme Third Ward cpme and enlist under Hancocr, Jarrls and Shack elford . By order of the Prebident, , JA8. W. EENQ, ocl It ( Kovlow copy Becretary. Attention f il. nut Mantny. rpHK MBMBEBS OF THE W. L. I. are hereby ordered to meet at their Armory this (TUESDAY) afternoon, at 4.80 o'clock, In fa all dress, for parade. bj oraer or uaptain, oclUt R. D. GRANT, O. 8. Notice to Teachers. IWDLL ATTEND AT THE COURT HOUSE on Thursday. Friday and Batnrdav of tht. week for the pmrpoae of examining such persons ac may apply for Certificates as Teachers In the Pub lic Schools of New Hanover conntv. r New Hanover comity. R. W. CHADW1CK, Kxamlner. OC13 It We Keep: R EPLENISH1NQ CUR ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE CLOTHING. WPPtlr Onr BtrwW- 1 thai freah and atylish. Prices ARE AH LOW as any nouse in tne South MTJNSON, oc 12 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor, German Cologne. JUNBKRQ'S EXTRACTS, LUBIN'S BX tracts, Co'gate's Toilet Waters, and a full line of juuec ana r ancy Articles. J. C. MUNDS, Druggist, oc IS tf 35 North Front street Another Cargo New River Mullets, Large, Bright and Fat. HALL & PEARSALL. ocl2 DAWtf A y a 'id : IfK ti III tHX " . rarivr, ro insure ODtaini ng the genuine that the corks bear the Apollfnaria brand. Sold by ADRIAN & YOLLERS. WUmingtoa, N. C. th sa tu nrmlp bo 33 eodlm Notice. J WILL BH AT EL BUHKHIMER'S STORE, on Tharsday, October 16th, to receive Taxes. Parties In Wilmington ewine Taxes in Brunswick take notice. I shall levy after 1st of November. (S. W. TAYLOR, Bberiff oc 10 ll6oc Brunawick County. There is UNo "BEE IN OUR BONNET" WHEN WE iay the 4 Best Bolted Meal in the City. " Grain of ail kiada Hay. Feed, ic. . PRESTON CUM MING A CO.. Millers and Grain Dealer a. clOtf fDyer's Prize Puzzle." Our first ia in Shirt, with a "Paris" Collar; Our second lain "Scarf," that costs a dollar; Our third la in Fanta" to match your suit. And our fourth is In "Cap," but not in boot; Atif fifth la In wPnln " a-nA a.1ai 4m UKmnbi. tl And our sixth is In collar, a perfect "Little Joker;" Our last is in Neckwear, but not in bows. And the whole is a man that everbody- knows. Wo Mean Bnslness. rpHK NEW FURNITURE STORE OF BSH I herds MONROE, 8. B. corner Market and 3d streets, Wilmington, N. C, having received their Fall Stock, comprising tne largest assort ment and latest styles of Marble Top and Parlor Furniture, have opened an additional Ware Boom, aad will positively undersell any house in the 8tate. oclO tf Leading Novelties. QILK. STIFFJAND SOFT HATS I LADIES' HATS 1 HARRISON ALLEN, Hatters. 1 oclO tf WILLIAM H. GREEN, (Successor to Green Planner.) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Market Street. oclQtf Tnning and Repairing Pianos, Mel ode- bus, Eeed and Pipe Organs. JOSEPH DENCK, from Columbia, S. C will re main in Wilmington a few weeks to Tune and Re pair the above Instruments, and his charges will be moderate. Orders left at Mr. Helnsberger'a Book Btare will be promptly attended to. oc 7 2w Removal. I HAVE REMOVED FROM NO. 1 TO NO. 9 South Front Street, 3rd door from Solomon's Corner. . I am not the only German Barber in town, but have the Neatest shop and can always be found at my poet, with polite and No. 1 Assistants. oclOtf H. C. PREMPERT. Come and See, J. HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH with a beautiful line of Hats in all Styles and Quality, which I will be glad to eh aad the public, aad which Iprope torn Prices. JOHN M. show to my friends so to sell at not- ROBINSON. oc 10 tf Market St. , next door to Mcllbenny's BATES Oat AOVJtRTISirfti. Ono ttqnara one day,. . .. . ..J tl 00 vwouays,., , i 15 " inreeaaya,....;;. foar days,, .......... M five days,.., " One week,., , Two wooka,..,.,. " Three wecka,.. " One month.4 " " TwoBfiOBtha, " " Three monUia,. ' " " Blxjnontba,,., " One year.... S 00 t B0 ' 4 00 M 8 M 10 00 17 no 14 00 40 U eo w Con tract Adreniaemeau lakon at pror" tlonately low rates. " " " Tea lines eelld NoJparciltypo make one eqaare. Mrs. S. J. Baker, New GtOuSjMilliisryaiid , Ncllons. J HAVE JG8T KETVRNED f OK Tim NORTH with a nice Minloery '6ood, Hau, Bonnets, Poathera, Plowfrs. A.c.,whlch I can oftVr at very reaaoaable terma. Crocheted on hand and made to order. ; : Hair Work for talc and done over In Lha nut approved stylos. Corner 3d and Orange Bt. Dress Making done by Lady of eTeral veer.' ezporleoce. Cutting and Pltttnir a claltr. oc iu t uorner oa ana vrnvg hu. rjMIE MERCHANT TAILOR, SOLICITS A CALL from oar friends for an early inspection of oar Im portatlons of Clothes and Casslmcres from Paris and London direct, for Pall and Winter wear. Our Ready ITIudo Clothing are selling beyond oar expectations, ar.d wo arc in dally receipt of New Goods No wonder when we can aell Mean' Salt for ti SO, and npwardw; T oaths' Baits $3 75, and apwards, and Boys' Halt $3 00, and upwarda. A. DAVID, oc 10 tf . Wholesale and Retaii Clotl.li r At Reduced Prices. gCHOOL BOOKS AND fcCHOOL STATIONBKY. Parents and teachers will find It to tbelr interest by nrpt railing at Heinsberger's. How Then IT WE ARB ALL STRAIGHTENED UP IN OUK large new Store (only Dvo steps from our Old Stand) and offer the anest line of Stoves of all kinds to be found anywhere In North Carolina, and every one marked down to where we are bound to con tinue to lead the trade. Jn Lamps we offor the handsomest lot ever brought oat. Write for Illus trated catalogue of Htovoe and list Hon so Furnish ing Goods. oc 10 tf F. M. KING Js CO. Still they Come. Carpets. Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains. Dry Goods Embracing many new end drelrale trticlet. Boms real BAHRAIN- In Black Ml Its, Illack and Colored Cashmeres WHITE FLANNEL beautifally embroidered for Ladles and ChU drone' Skirt. Respectfully. It. 91. Mclnilre. oclOtf Scott's Electric Hair Bribes, M A88DEM'S PICTORAL BALUB, BROWN'S Acacian Balenm. Simmon'a Heoatle Comnoand. and an elcgaui assortment of Fancy aad Toilet aruciea. For sale at J. H. HAADIN'b. Apothecary, New Market. oclOtf Self Feeders. JE HAVE THE FINEST STOCK EVER IN TT I this market We have the "Cadet" and are for "Gaiety." We can "Surprise" you and o such "HarmoaT" as waa never known south of th. "Delaware," ail of which "Brlgataaa' home. All kinds of Heaters, from a lightning bog up iv -vfiani. Ltmpi Bruu.ni. oc 10 tr PARKER tft TAYLOR. BROOKLYN QOCOANUTS, APPLES FOB COOKING AND eating. Pearl Barley, Buckwheat, the Boat Butter and the best Meats sold in this city. Fresh Cakes and Crackers, all kinds. If you will trade in BROOKLYN WITH UB you will receive polite attention .'-fair dealing, and your purchases will be delivered promptly and in good order. oc 10 tf J. O. STEVENSON A CO. To Married Ladies, F YOU WISH YOUR OLD BLANKETS AND Woolens made whit, hght and soft hava them cieanea ax WILMINGTON DYEING E8TAJ1. OC10 tf Market St., bet. M ana ad. Orders ! Carriageafor famUies, Buggies for a ceuple, Pbastons for comfort, Drays for Draymen, Wagons for wagoners, - Shoes for Horses, The same for Mules , Repairs for everything In the lino. Working constantly at oc 10 tf MoDOUGALL A WILLIAMSON. For Sale Low, JWO 1 -HORSE TRUCKS, ONE ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough order Can be bought cheap. Apply at mySOtf THIS OFFICE MENS CASTOR,DOG SKIN AND KID GLOVE Hosiery, Neckwear, Collars and Caffs, ' Red and White Flannel Underwear, Reversible Overcoats, Ulatera aad Cuts way Suite, - Roller, Spring and Cham Suspenders, ' Bilk. Wool and rnrTop WrUUets. Finest, Largest and Cheapest stoclr of Ready Made yiouung in ue cuy. vnsnwuHU, oc; lotr Men's Wear Depot Have You Seen Our IS RIB UMBRELLA T BSOWN Js RODDICK. nave Ton noon tne JEAN DRAWERS WE MANUFACTURE BROWN RODDICi, Have Yon Seen tho NEW CORSET WB RETAIL AT TS CTSt BROWN RODDICK, Have Yon Seen Tbat '" ' JOB LOT RUFFLING AT M CTS. A PI CCS t au W tf BROWN RODDICK. s 00 i