r V l 1 a B IV S A S N O U ,N O B SI K N i m URNIMd8TAlt,the oldest "daily new .1, . u. aorm uarouna.is puoiiraea aaiiv. oemui Nt tudAV, i $700 per year. $4 00 fur Bixiaonthe, H . fur three months, $1 00 for one month, to wa'.i uo.-crihors. Delivered to city subscribers at Wtr 15 cents per week for any period from ono rv.x ut oil year. 1'U.S ViCStLLY 8TAK la published every Friday .....ruiu at l 30 per year, $ CO for six months, bH w.iui fir Uiroo mouths. .t tJ ' 8KTISING RATES OJA1LY). Onu square -ut. day, $!.: two days, $1.75; three days, $3.50; .or iays,$300;nvo days, $3.50; one week, $4.00: -v.i wevka, $6.50; three weeks, $3.50; one mouth, u.iM; two months, $17.00; three months, $44.00; jt mouth-, $40.00; twelve months, $00.00. Ten :i. s of solid Nonpareil type make one square. At; announcement of aira. Festivals, Balls, t ips, Pic-Nica, Society Meetings, Political Meet- lerrwill be charged regular advertising rates, i.i advertisements inserted in Locu'. (hilanui at .- price. Notices auter; bead of K)ity Items'" J cents per na io nret useruon, ana 15 cod la per line for C3.cn lUeqaent laueruon. aq vertiscments Inserted once a wcuX in Daily will :o cUArrcaSl IX) per square for each insertion, av ry other (ay, three fourths of daily rate. Twice vcfertwcKthlrds of daily rate. Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Hs--tpect, Resolutions of Thanka. &c. are charged for ia ordinarr advertisements, oat only nail rates vhea paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 50 enta will pay for a simple announcement of Mar "te or ueatn. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to ocapy any special piace, wui do cnargea extra ac t.raing lome ixkuuvu ucoireu. Advertisements on which no specified number of Mtwrttons ia marked will De con tinned "till forbid," 5, the option of the publisher, and charged up to t v.- d.ite or aieconunuauwj. v ,i tartinenients discontinued bofore the time eon. n-io'wi for ha expired, charged transient rates for i;c time actually punnaaea. a crdnemeuts kept under the head of "Mew Ad v -rtixuments" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. -vm.isement. Auction and Official advertisements our. dollar per square for each insertion. aU announcements and recommendations of can it Mates for office, whether in the shaoeof comniu- Qtcationd or otherwise, will be charged aa advertise ments. he.mittancca must be made by Check, Draft, Pos- - -U Money Order. Express, or in Registered Letter. Only Boca remittances will be at the risk of the pobBaher Commnnicatlons, nnleea they contain important news, or discuss oen y and properly BUDjects or real merest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every nber way, they will invariably be rejected if the i eai name of the author is withheld. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed tneir space or advertise any thing foreign to their tegular business without extra charge at iraneient rates. Payments for transient advertisements must be made ia hfrrr Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac cording to contract. Advertisers should always specify the issue or is sues) they deaire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement will be inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be seat to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the in ailing of the paper to his address. 0ruing minx. i;vi:ning edition. JUXf AM OP OLD. JAM&S W. RILKT. Jusixisol old! The world rolld oq ami on; i'be day ilies into night the night into da dusk ihronh centuries un Ju5t ts of old. luiliid stream still I": cue toilers I i brnik or nut. Th- white with blossoms or with xuows; 1 -- ii.tr; ur wurm ol J, with spriu Just K or winter f old,' wheie is the bfgiiniint;, wi.c-n- (be t i d Of irm pjmli'XiQg !-k-ia f life, my fuemi? ! !i-ivVi-rd vvil i 't nil:::Ce ot imre g .11. Jus; Hn of .:.i i ' i.rt'so t - Dr. b'owiur's interview, alleged, -.!. U.mii, sliuAS ih Mrikirg danger ymeu applyiu: i ttii; tiVi-niB of this r A .fi. Uc oi-flal:iiy winch oi-fiai:iiy winch ll!y profess in .! .I io Hie ii;currrricf a of next .apringjudd RepuUioan. The Republican party cannot ii-i.l wjII nt take upon itself lbesiosof i Ut.t a, or Patterson, or Ames, or Kelly, or i Mi it!. Riiier h will bo irua to its mis md place the seal of its condemua- K Umiu Them all. Concord Monitor, Rep., February 20, 1373 Senator Eaton brought down ti uo-e rtceolr- wbea he said that he Lad co mud to fliog at Garfield. The Re-tn-ieo ptpers of 1873, be said, did that ain(de. They covered him all over with mud titeo, and now tbey are at work trying to h it off. Mr. Eaton left Gen. Garfield iiuder itui iioes of bis own party. i lie New York Exchange has organized English Victory club. Mitiintz Stock a 11 Hi cock ana with eighty-five mem hers enrolled. In Daviess county, Indiana, last tUiurday, a Democrat sold for $50, and in teu minutes afterward deposited the $50 in the Trea4aQtijB'Hancock'CIab. The Ilaucock Veterans of Fitch burg, Mas?., have a membership of sixty two, old soldiers and sailors, of whom, twenty have hitherto acted with the Repub lican party. Ex-Architect Mullctt, while on Lis way to Colorado, stopped over in St. Louis, and while there remarked to the Post DlspaUtii vl know James A. Garfield to be a corrupt, hypocritical and nnworthj man, nd I wih naver vote forhim. I know Hancock Kbeorave, honest,sincere man, and I caq' trust 'him. When I first beard of bis nosaiaation I sent him the following telegram: 'As a Republican who bales fraud, ircacbory and lying, I thank God for your nomination,- and predict your tri umphant election.'" PEUSOJJAL. Judge Tiffany, of Chicago, will lecture at the Grand Opera House in that city on "What Ingersoll must do to be iteved." Madison Wells, who stele the vote of Louisiana for Hayes, is said to have .Southern claims amounting to $450,000. lie does not like. fLaocock's letter. NHie Hubbard, daughter of the ox-Governor of Connecticut, who mar ried ber father's coachman; has not been forgiven. 8be takes irr sewfng, whi!e her Lusband drives a back. James Stephens, a few years mho the head centre, of the Fenian Brother hood, and $be ftpremost Irish patriot, is now in ahjecJL deititutioa and dependent on cbiruy for subsistence. U'rs countrymen a em to have forsaken Jtra in his old hge. ' CstiVn. LN. . Y. Financial Chronicle. Friday, , V. it, Oct. 8, 1 880. The movement of the crop, as indi cated by oar telegrams from the Sooth to-night, is given below. For the week Ending ihie - evenings (Oci 8), ,tb total receipts have reaebed 199,094 bales, against 172221 bales last week, 130,413 bales the pre vious week, and IQ2,695 bales three weeks sinoe; making the total receipts Bince the 1st . of September, 1880, 692,758 bales, against 580,347 bales for the same period of 1879, showing ' j au increase siqce September-1, 1880, of 1 1 2,4 1 baited - a The exports fortbe week ending thja eveniuij raach a total of 132,009 bale?, of which 108,500 were to Great Britain, 9,555 to France, and 13,954 to rest of theUnutinetiti while the stocks aa made up this evening are now 358, 081 balen. T7 I i rroci tue toregoing statement it vill be seen that, compared with the corresponding week of last season, thero is an increase in the exports this week of 14,26 bales, while the stocks to-night are 38,107 bales more man tney were at this time a ago. ' -! . , v year Gexiuine, LIVERPOOL SALT. NOW LANDING 5000 Striped Sacks. Full yc3g!il Guaranteed. For sale by Kerchner Calder Bros. oclOta Daily Additions RE BEING MADE TO,, OUR LARGE STOCK of GROCERIES, Ac, and as a part thereof we are offering onr patrons 2?jQ Boxes CHEESE, JOQ Boxes MEAT, ij Barrels APPLES, JQQ Barrels POTATOES, 1500 225 200 250 1000 500 300 250 200 Bbls FLOUR all grades, Bbls SUGAR, Bags COFFEE, Java, Lagnira and Rio. Uo:ia BAGGING, Bdls TIES. Boxes SOAP, STARCH, CANDY, CANDLES, CRACKERS, Boxes MATCH BS, CANNED GOODS, Kegs NAILS, Bags SHOT, Ac , for sale by ADRIAN A VOLLERS, oc 10 tf S. E. coiner Front and Dock bU. W CELEBRATED The accumulated eridenee ot fieaiiv thirty years shows that the Bitters is a certain remedy for mala rial disease, as well as its surest preventive! that it eradicates dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency to gout, rheumatism, urinary and utefifia disorders, that it imparts vigor to the feeble,"! and cheers the mind while it invigorates the body. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. oc 2 Deod&Wly tu th'sa nrm Onl v Vep-etatfe CoMfMa that j: 1 T A jI acts uiretuv uuuii uicjuivcii anu T .F T.L...t ' cures i-ivcr uiiipiciuius, jcvun- dice, BfliQHiwgs, Uahef&s regulates the bbwels,purinesthe blood.AABdccsent freel - Dr. Sanforj 52lBrpadwa? NSY fob! ftujq ! BrrSJSiSPQtSsrt Je29eod6m ; . j. nrm . , j-..'-..-.-. A lt frf.--Tr" ' Edwards; Brougnton A, Co. REV. C. T. BAlfa-fiffltbr," REV. B. HATCHER, Associate Bditer. Orgai of KertS j-j, In its 44tn Tear. EVERY BAPTIST BllOT; Tlkil' At an Advertising Meditua TJrisTirpaJ58edJ OairW.OO per i(srr 5i- : Addree4 i BIBLICAL RECORDER,'1 decM-tt Raleigh. N. C. IV V 9 u wau i mm YHOl,AI,IE PRICES. &a?"our 'iUftiAi.ojis, it Baould be axmer8tood re jaaki.v. u? small orders higher prices have to t ibijcaargea fKicsa HAUvJJNO Gunny...; .... Standard CACOS North Carolina, 0!) (i llama, ?i a (new; Shoulders, i it. ....... Sides, K. C choice, Western isniotod Sams............. i ...... i ......j t Sides, S.. Shooldera,.... Dry Salted o u 0 & 0 Q dideafi fc. ... ...... j Shoulders BEfiF Llvo weigh t..i.... 1 BAliKBLS Spirit jTurp8nOap. j Second Hand, each.... j New New York, each. , i Now City," ef.cn....... i BSKSWAX 9 B LUCKS Wilmington, Northern..;.,... ,. 00 00 00 SI an 3o 15 S3 185 1 85 1 90 23 9 50 & 14 0C BUi'riitt ortn uaroaaa, y e Northern, 9 to..... CANDLES Sperm, y & Tallow, 9& Adamantine, 9 Jz.. 20 S3 86 IS 10 ux 15 80 so 13 UK 0 0 & co o 10 S8 O 18- 70 CHfiSas Northern Factory & & Dairy, cream V .. State, A OUFFBSJava. Bio, W D Lagnayra, f) S... CORN MKAL fl.bnsheLia sacks COTTON TIES Slbdle 75 2 25 DOKKSTICS eheUna.-4. V yd 7 00 varn, y ouncn BOGS ...i 1 IU 18 .1 CO .1 IS 00 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbL Q 20 00 "O. l, V M DDI KaekereirN9.S,9 bbl No. S. 9 X bbl ;8 5C a io so & 10.00 a 6 oo & 7 00 & 875 Q 400 fix es 63 50 60 00 60 00 9 UU 00 Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl. ...... Mullets. bbl N.O. Herring, Koe, keg.,.. Dry Cod, E 6 50 8 50 8 00 00 FeraTlanQuano, 9 300U fts Baugh's Phosphate, " Carolina FertQiser, " M Ground Bone, " -Bono Meal, " - Flour, w NavassaGuano, ' Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ' M Wando Phosphate. Berger A BuU's Phosph. " Excel! enaa Cotton Fertilizer 67 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 65 90 0 00 675 635 7 50 6 00 5 75 6 35 40 00 45 00 6700 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 ,5 00 FLOUK Fine, V DDI I Snner. Northern. Sbbl. 6 00 9 00 900 6 CO 600 650 Family " bbl..... City Mills Extra, V bbl.... (Family, 9 bbl.. I4I.1K i E 11 13 GRAIN Corn, In store, la oajraj Corn, Cargo, V bushel... 67 59HO 19 60 85 A 195 1 20 . IX) rn, mixed w Dusnei,ui oags. Oats, 9 total.. Peae, Oow-, 9 bushel HIDES Green, 9 & 50 80 4 Ttrw. 19 k. 133 1 15 1 10 i oo eh HAT Bastern. 8 100 Ss.. Western, 9 100 fts.. North River, 103 a . HOOP IRON 9 ton.. . LARD Northern, 9 & ... North Carolina, & ... limb bbl I 15 0 00 90 9 9kQ 10 00 10 10 25 LUMBER Crrr StxaxSawid Ship stuff, resaweOfV m. n. . RoaghBdgo Plank, M ft. . , Weitlndia Cargoes jaccordinf to quality, M ft Dressed Flooring, seasoned . . Scantiinx and Bo arcs, com' as If ft 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 !S 00 00 7 00 00 35 00 SO 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 UlUUl 7 .......... in" ... . MOLASSES New cplCuba,hhds 40 New crop Cuba, DDia V gal Porto Rico,hhds . 40 4J DDIS 46 - 87 27 80 3 50 13 145 100 18 20 22 2.V 18 1 00 80 75 Sugar House, hhds, B gal.. . " bbi8.V gal.... i Syrup, .bls, 9 gal NAILS Cut, lOd basis, 9 keg. . . OILS Kerosene, 9 K&l Lard, 9 gal..; Linseed, v gal............... Rosin, gal Tar. I per gal - Deck and Spar, per gal POULT K Z CMckenajl ve.grown 40. OWT 11 1 10 SO 15 00 00 SO 8 75 0 65 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . O 8 & & oprmg... Turkeys I PEANUTS 9 bushol POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel . Irish, flb&l PORK Northern, City Mass 3 75 17 50 00 00 1100 10 00 Thin, 9 n i .,.. Prime, f: Wi,., Rump, & ebl RICE Caroliii-v. 9 . Rough, 9 hanh... RAGS Con itr, 9 & 7X 1 15 I 50 IK id City, $ BOPK SALT ft ' t.flbttahoi.... L!co. . -1, e3ck, Lisbon, 9 sack American, $2 sack.. . SUaAR Cnba, B . Porto liico, SB a. CoS oo, S 1MQ 14 00 00 00 00 0 0 10 1C SK 6 23 75 85 ?5 75 11 11 ' . u " 9 -to - : C 9 & Ex. C- 3 to Crushoi, -y to wJAP Northern, 9 SHXNQLES Contract , 5 j - Common, 9 M...'. ... CypressSaps 9 M, Cypress Has rts 9 H. . STAVES WJDBbl., V K B. O. Hhd., X Cypress, 9 M TALLOW 9 t TIXBHR Shipping, 9 11.. TTgxtra Shipping -I I 9 10 12& 5 00 2 00 4 50 .00 13 00 10 00 00 00 Gtt 13 00 13 03 9 00 7 50 5 CO 4 53 1 00 1 00 20 30 18 7 00 3 33 5 00 7 5C tl5 00 00 0C . , 00 00 7 - 13 0J 14 50 . niiimme 11 (W Mill Fair, , Common 8 03 650 5 00 6 0S 3 60 26 32 20 ; Inferior to Ordinary, 9 ML.... WHISKEY Northern, tp gal.... North Carolina, gal........ WOOL Unwashed, S wasnea.v x Burry Wool WILMINGTON mONEl J1ABEE1 Bxchange (sight) on Now York, Xdisen. Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia.... Western Cities,, fisehange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank, : 85 75 125 wavaesa uuano ud. ' " N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon Do. Funding 1866 Do. " 1868.. I t Do. Now 4's.. Do. Special Tax Do. to N. C. Railroad W. as. W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int) Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 flc. MtU rnl Ainu H. " . , .S3 .. 8 .-8 .68 . 4 .80 113 .CO .00 .Wilmington City Bonds, 7 c. ....... .85 . Old s c 85 i " " new 6 c. ! " " 8 New Hanover County . . . . 6 9 c 85 .85 .85 (Cur. Int) W.W. Railroad Stock Mj0,..65fo I Nortn uaroiina k. k. " u I W1L Gas Light Co. 45 Wilmington Cotton Mills.. Autliorizcd Capital - $1 ,000,000. jasn Capital paid in $300,000. surplus Fund 850,000. - -" t DIJZEG7 0TS. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STSDMAN ISAAC BATES, .IAS. A. LEAK . H; P.- LITTLE Di R. MURCHISON DONALD KcRAR H VOLLERS R. R. BBjDOEB& K. B-; BORDB9 fT r.jW.ATKINSON ; CHAS. M. HTED.y.A;j, President. f i ISAAC BATES, Vice President.. , 8,'D. WAtuai. Cashier . .. . iaug30-tf & THE HAEiEIGH hristian Advocate, Edited and Published by fa ihn nrtran of abont 6A.O00 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest' circulation .of any pa per in tbe-Stota It gives thrarketa, seealar andj relivkms news. -Ia aweeftryVelght page, religions, family newspaper. Only, $2.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once, r Hk. . -Advertising rates liberal. Ian 24 tr 1 : . . - : : ,j r. ' ' Iniuranbe llobms, BANK OF SBW HANqyjSRBniLDINa. . r ! Ffre; HffM vtfr Lp Comrames. Aggregate Capital Bepresentr-d Over $100,000,0001 Je 11-tf CELLANEOUS. 12 13 15 ts 10 18X 10 W 9 r. mis : OF A FAR HIGHER CLAS3 than any other pro prietary medicine of the day stands Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient And for this reason: it Is an exact counterpart of one oi me most Ttuuame natural meaicines in tne world. We refer to the great Seltaer Spring of Germany, to which thousands of the dyspeptic, the bilious, the rheum&tic, and the victims of venal; diseases resort annually, and return to their homes convalescent or cured. The ADerient is one of the! nrst and oy lar tne most succeasiui oi au tne efforts made to reproduce, la a portable form, the popular mineral waters of Europe. see that you purchase only tne genuine article. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. sep 30 Deod&W Sw tu th sa tmc3p The rvlorningStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY 4 Sniscriplion Bates In Afltance DAILY STAR. One Year, postage paid, .$7 00 Six Months ... .... 4 00 " Three Months" " 3 25 One Month " " 1 00 WaKELY STA1C One, Year postage paid, (1 50 SlxMonthB, " Three Mouths " 100 50 Notices of the Press? The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in Long life the State, as bright and newsy as ever. to it. Salem Frets. t -, The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth rear. As a daily journal of news it stands "up lead." Concord Register. The Wilmington Stab has entered Its twenty- fifth volume. There is no better paper published In the BULte.nLentir Twic . The Wilmington Stab has entered upen its thir teenth year, it is one of the best papers in the 8tate . Warrmton Gazette.. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth I Sear, it nas Decome one ei tne leading papers ex le South. Oxford Torchlioht. i i The Wilmington Stab is not only onewf the best 'edited papers ia the State, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot bo beat en Jackson Reporter. j The Wilmington Star is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability at d independence. Petertburq (Va ) Index-Appeal. '. .We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited,, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. Mt. Airy Visitor. i AlUlUugn au U1V IIGHU Ul pi goo iu biuo vmikj w jail that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it (continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first nagnitude. May Its lustre never wane. The Free wut isavnsi. The Wilmington (N. C) Mobnikq Stab is a mo- jdel newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits wnen we say it is in& newsiest tsec nlar) paper published in theonth. Itickmond Va.) Jleliawus Herald. ' ''!.. ! The WHmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-uf th volume. One of Che best (iondncted addeditsd papers in the South, fend, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. iTarooro Southerner. The stab is so well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing or hich Its thousands or readers ao not Already snow. t is in every respect one of the best dallies in the outh. Bobestmum. . The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth ear. nut most excellent newspaper, wen eaitea- compendium of all the news of the day. and an onor to its cltv. to ; North Carolina and to-North Carolina iournalism. Charlotte. Observer. iflTlrt prnmMPTi Steam wi STAB baS Completed ts twenty-second volume, nil Js one; o(,thintQet brilliant, erudite and snarkung dailies souutoi tne . . TM J . . I i "Tnesvstem get up of the paper iurpssserthdnt au. Tarboro Southerner. tee S ' Ttie ume3 cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. Asa newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous life to it Beidsvilie flmes. Whv IB it mat au gob iators witn tne name ec Star are such bright little journals f The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks urg Star, News York ,Star, for example. There mustbesnsoethixg 1 mi name aftet all Kickuknd iVa.) scats. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, till continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of e very best of our exchanges, and consider it tne r or any journal puDuenea in tne oonsn. wjc- d Free Lance, '.fT- iMr --I" The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular idnhrht Associated Press reDorts. and has besides it creased the amount ot its reading matter. The frR is an excellent Daner. Its Drosocrity Is not stirprieing since it is so, deserving. Charlotte Ob- Thi Mobotno- STAJfl(nefe6est dailies we iow. and as a newsuaoorv in -our opinion, the very best, has entered anon Its twelfth vear. In every phrticular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as tie principal daily' in our chief commercial city. Lteng may it twinkle, Alegmanee GUmsr. IThe TTnTnlnrtmi fiTtsji bej ontmnfl nrm its 12th vplume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa per a that comes tec this pfiice. Its news columns ale alwavs a little fuller than those Of any Other of toftr exchanges, and its editorial department Is con ducted witn mucn &owij.Morqanwn jngoe. Humble In its beginnings, as was Inseparable from af. enterprise begua'JBDld the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, e stab nas iiiniiiinj wiup swun ii now o earns plendent in the full glow of a. constantly bright lag prosperity .' As newpaper-A has few equals, a no superior, ror appropriate , selection ana ju sious arranffemenb and ejfe "are loroud to rank It among our most acceptable exchanges, Hillsboro Recorder. -.l..v1 feTSSij, Che WilmintOn MORStzHKTAltlias entered upon s thirteenth year of its existence, and we take s opportunity to coErtttfllate Jt upon Its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Star is dBwnocity tricr attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully tool. 48h,hat it always has the news, and this ia the first bABAUg AU Jttii imiiniii, W.UCV W lB,iVB. - lc-jsm so aeu that tne lerm or gooa newspaper" implies, ana iia -corus of editors irs- are thoroughly edu Cated newsbaner men. ,y tae neaitniui, morai uence or tne stab never do retaraea, ana may genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more py years 01 usetnessK00ra. messenger fhe LinQoln Progress Saturdays at JUncolTikm, If. O. " S the only naner nnblished m Lincoln count: and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the State. It offers to the Merchants of .Wilmington a de- el&ble medium for adVerQsing their business throughout Western North Carolina. . , Liberal terms will be aHoWed on yearly adver- tisementa Suhscrintioa price,. $8 00 per annum f r1dre v. B. DbLANK. ttaKot and Proprie tor rjhXSl bLD'is1! NSPAPER PUBLISHED m' JL thePewDeesUooneof 4hewarUileet and mestprosperous in, the StaterOSeni to CommiSBlon ' and Wholesale Merchanta aba Maaufaeturersi and totbbsewho: have-adopted iaaplaai of aelttag by sample, an excellent melm: of iitommunication! withja large and Innnfctiai class of aaaichanta, me-' cJiBnifflJlftnterB and-aaval etoremea, whose paV : roaageia woi solirttation.t AaverttaateataaaeV Business Cards inserted oa liberal terms, f Address THE STAR, eept 23 tf Marion . 8 . C. MISCELLANEOUS. Lowell Machine Sliop, iiowell, Masii,- MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON EIACHINEBY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Pap e r .HI ac h i n e ry ALSO, TUKDIE WHEELS, Slttifltlng and bearing. Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, &c. PLAHS FOR COTTON AND PAPXR MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, Snp't. LOWBLL, MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treas., : mh 3 tf 8 Pemherton Square, Boston. j JNCOUBAGE HOMB INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOSE IK8UEANCE CORJPAW RALSIGH. N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at f a rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Tko "HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property Ut North Carolina. 1ST Agents in all parts of the State. ,J0 JOHN" GATLIWQ, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER. Snnervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING. Aanrro, aog 1-tf Wilminzton. N. li. Received This Day, pJQ CASES RO ED BRER & CO. DRY BOWZY CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price. GEO. MYERS, Agent. tA CASES FRENCH BRANDY. JU FROM BOND THIS DAY : And for sale at Importer's Prices Only $1.50 for a Bottle of Imported French Brandy, At GEO. MYERS' 25 Tnbs GILT EDGE BUTTER, 30 CENTS A POUND. Choicest Grass Bnttcr. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. At Popular Prices. GEO. MXKKH, , my 37 tf Nos. 11, 13, 10 South Front st. ; The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifally Illustrated. 5th YEAR. i The Scientific American. mHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Flrst- : A. Class Weekly Neyfspapejc or Sixteen Pages nrinted in the most beautiful style. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the-1 most recent advances in tne Arts ana sciences ; ln- llorticalture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social science, Katnrai History, ueoiogy, Astronomy. fThe most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. - - " , Terms, per year, si.bu nau year, wmcn m Idudes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park How, K ew xotsl. fD A ITlT'aTfTID In connection with the rJl.jSia IB. scientific American HesarsMuHH Oo. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience. and now have the largest establishment in the World, - Patents are obtained on the best terms. A Upeclal notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name ana residence or tne patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, am) Sales or introduction often easily effected. : Aai person who has made a new diacovery.ot In vention, can ascertain, ram ox CHAnea, whether a. fcattnt can Tr6ba!blv. be obtained, hv writins to lfinraA Get.- . Wei aTfWMfirift Vim onr Hand Hnrifr ibout;ha Patent JwsvPatents, Caveau;Iad . Marxa, tneif costs, ana new procured, wrtn runts for procuring Myances oninyentions. Address for the Paper, or cosfcernlng patents; ! . -MUNN a 'OOm 37 Park Row.Hew York. Branch Office, cor. F. At 7th Staj Washington, D.C. Forest and Stream, i ' AND - ROD JUXD GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S VERNAL I A WEEKLY PApM TJEVOTED' TO flELB SPOJtTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HD3 iTORYr Fissraamras, protbction of i GAME, PRBSERVATKJKOy FORESTS. 1 YACHTING AND BOATUiG. OLUTLlU PRACTICE. AND ATitt1 OtTX-DOOB RECREATIONS AND- STUDY. fi'UJ 30l UU 44 y-jiiB This ia.the.onlv Journal la the-Gwntrw that ftiDr euppues tne wants ana necessiaes oi tne j Oontlcman Sportsman. TERMS $4 0p. Yoai; Jepd,fcSpoclmOdCppy I forest Sc Stream FuDllfsmil8; Co., - LiitU FULTON" 81V, (Osd N. 103.) :. - -Jw-Hewiora:, J Poet Office Box 8afc,. . ;ept yiTtf OR THE LOCAL jfc EOLIJieAIi NEWS OF THE FIRST D18TRIC .i tdaBunectlbelor ,tdt; AJemocraac Newspaper. PUBLHED AELLtABETH CITY, N. C. fcSent to any address tg January 1,1881, for ONBDO&LARJ ';M U IHfB'"- 'UB'J. : 1 I ItwtJi. SH' Z-h t- -riA. a. L a:- 'i iJljadUBIlLrai iTrUbebb&IlV US AND FAMILY NEWS. Manor and the Organ of the Methodlat Protes t Church in North Carolina is published at teeasDoro, fx. u. enne. as uu per annum, m aavance. , , hencrUinitv oc its looauon. tna nam her and ac tvof its aseatst and toecqnaxanUyinJGreafting de riS frvrit. amnnir tha morAaahd classed of randan- various sectionBTgive tie CENTRAL peculiar claims upon tne panonage ei tne aaverwH.ngpuDnc ima.vexyiavoranie. vwnann yonx auuiaeas inter ests, and address tne eaitor ?'. sts,!ndaddre8S the editor j -'.ff'r-:. - ''!-:.- - - ' J T. M ff 1U 1 TTY ejre' a Ta ATw rf lli a e Greensboro, N. C. Mi-- ' J HERCfiAPS- nWLLLjJPJN ;s or f 1 n ..siL-iiiLtj ''i;iwwiM. I THE LAUEliiBTjS(j ElfTEFISE THROUGH I W MjoifTt) ADVi?HtT3e w -J FAUkI WINTBtlOODS long tin people of RsonTOlwaad An b conntioe, m North CaTOhaad-' ttAfbttrdJec Lcountles 6f SOuth 1 . The. EICRPaiS hasalarge-andtocreasing eurcnmuon- m im ,rto 5ifl mCGMB Tear section rf this -StaWi haVlnff a ayeueviua.oeiofe and ' In the farmer .wWuaJtheilastwtQB ; 1 v. Advertisements will be, inserted by the: month, quarter and fear at reasonable rate. 0 Addreaa . , . ' Mi liaV t KXcDfJTFIE, PAW tf Laurlnburg, N. C. oquined a jargeuiaiaupn six months It waanunuanea m its re!or to'Lrtrtob1ire. RAILROAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Orrm or Gjctc. acfmituiTawDmtT, ' Wilmington, N. C Sept 18, 1C80. Change or Scliedule. ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 19, 1S80, AT 8.40 P. M., PasseBW Trains en the Wllmtag ton ft Weldcc Railroad will run an follow: Day Mall and.Exprect Train Dallr No. 47 Nortb and 4S konib. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:60 A. Arrive at Weldon 13:50 P. M. Loaro Weldon 3:40 P, M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 11:63 P. M Night PAsaxNexx. Maix. ahd Exfbxss Tbaixs Paeut Noa. 45 Nubtq akd 43 8outu. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8:40 P, & Arrive at Weldon 3:50 A. M. Leave Weldon 2:15 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front SL Depot, ft. 49 A. M. . Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Dally, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5.05 A. M. Return-, ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Dailv, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 30 P. al. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Ltae, Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washing ton, and makes close connection dally to Rich mond, and dally except Saturday nbzhts for all points north of Richmond. Both trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and havo Pullman Palaco Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger A?ent. Be BO-tr General Sup'ts Office, WI1.MINOT01V, COH'MBIA Jt AC GU8TA li. St. COMPANY. Z. WILMINGTON. N. C. Sept. 19. 1E80. JK Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 15, 1830, at 10.13 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will ho run on this road: DAT PA38XSaEB,HAU. AND EXPBXES TRAINS .DAILT Nos. 42 West and 45 East. Leave Wilmington 9:00 A. M Leave Florence 1:30 P. M. Leave Florence 3:50 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:20 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily) Noa. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 10:18 P. M. Leave Flore- S :0 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 5:45 A. M. Arrive at Columbia..... 5:55 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction 10:33 P. M. Leave Florence S :80 A : M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. This Train stonsonlv at Brinklev's. Whlteville. Flemlngton, Fair Bluif, Marion, Florence, Tim monsviUe, Maysvillc, Sumter, Camden Junction and E as ton. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A O. SLR.. C V. A A.1U R. Stations. Aiken June - I. tlon, and all points beyond, should tako No. 43 Might express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on trains 47 and 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. Gen'l Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. se au-tr CAROLINA fiEHTSAL RAILWAY CO. Owvtob Gkbtxbal SurwiiimirDXjrT Wilmington, N. C, June 16, I860. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 18. I860, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : ) Leave .Wllmmcton at. 6:00 P.M. ..1:25 A.M. .7:00 A.M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. . . I cnariotte at. 1 Leavo Charlotte at 8:90 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:97 A.M. I " Wilmington at 9:00 A.M. No. 1 Train lis Dailv cxcepfSundavs. but makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturdays. i no. 1 iTain is Dauy except Saturdays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. i (Leave Charlotte 8:00A.M. J . . . ( v WW u uv.. u t ........ ........ . . VfJ B, I Leave Shelby 2:00 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte 6 :00 P. M. ioA. LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington : A. M. Arrives at LanrXnburg 5:10 P, M ives unariette 4.10A.S1, lvesatLaurlnburg... 4:00 P.M. ives Laurinburz 5:30 A. M. Arrives at Charlotte 4:90 P.M. Leaves Laurlnburg. . . 5 :00 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4:15 P. M. ; These 'Trains leave Wilmington and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburgw mouoays, vv iquhu7s ana main, 1 Close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, and at Charlotte "via Btatesville, to all poinu ia Western North Carolina and to AshevlTIe. I Alio via Spartanburg to Henderson ville, adjacent points and Ashevllle. 1 Passengers for Ashevllle via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at IP. M. next day. 1 V L t "1 UM AIUVUU .IHJM to andxrm Charlotte and Wilmington . ' Through Sleepers will also be run ta and from Raleigh and Charlotte. Je 17-tf General Superintendent CLYDE'S N"ew York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Capt. JONES, HILL BAIL XROM NEW YORK, Saturday Oetober 10. grShippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING i of Steamers as advertised. jWj s For Freight Engagements apply to TIIOITIAS B. BOND. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. I 'Txteo. H. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. VV. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents. decStf 35 Broadway. New York. ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina i If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of j tne soutn, sena ior a specimen copy ox "yiie Western Courier. Itis a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY. full of intereetini? readhur matter, and devcted to 1 abb Interests of Western Noath Carolina. ' Address ' : muni nnnnimi rmuvAW J 1 Hendcrsonvillo, N. C' i ! Xfi 1.tl!Af1 TsAflPO rCwamSH. IRISH AND GORDON BBTTSRB. Of Oie Choiceet Breed, with gaanmtecd pedigrees. ror aaie oy E. P. WELSH. nov7 D&Wtf York, Penn. ; i. - . . MISCKLLANKO If tC : THE BROWN COTTON GIN Ctoana) th Bd bettor. Run Lighter, Gin a Pavcr mtui Oocts LM Money than any otfterOln In the Market. Every maohlne fully and les;ally sxuarranteed. S f Urn. f 0 f v 1 tUM I fs ,. i Those martilmwi ara mad of tha bat material, and th workmanship and flnlnh are nnnxoellad. Bavobaon awanled premiums at all th Suvt fair, 0oriia Traaa, etc Upwards of WOO of our Onts ar In constant um ia the loathern state, over 1008 aarlaf been sold In U7I. Price List of Gins, Feeder and Condensers Boxed ready for shipment and doll ro red at our factory. Prloaof Ulna, Prio with Self ftedor or Oondanaar. IVio with Self reader and Oondenr. 80 aaw 86 " 10 o " eo " 7 " so " 7( 00 sr 60 1000 118 M ia oo 140 00 MM) OO 1M 0 loom 111 00 in ao ia oo io oo )M OS 00 sa oo S1K00 14 M )M 0 170 M 198 0 aw oo U44 o WTorms given on Application. .A3 From UUS to IBM we mairafaotwed Olnsat Ootomjiaa, Oa. under th Arm name of K. X. Tatlob AOo aterwarda CLKMOira, Baoww t Co., and mad what waathen known a th Taylor Ola, Purine the year Win removed to this place, whore we hav beea wiloalvely oraired in tnanu f aetarlnir Oins ever alnoew With long zpeiieaos, the brt labor aarins; machinery and aUlle4 workmen, we pnw advaatatrae me eaJoTedTby any OUier maan fantarer la our line, for producing he imt work for the utri money. The demand last year waaao great that near ly uo order nuiwiwu uuiiiiqu, uui w nmw utiuiwu our nanvxeraorinB' oaoaoltr and hone to be able to meet all lanudi auu i. f. oapaoity and hope to be able to meet all demands, mt rly. from over 600 urn, entArprlKlna; plantera, li eaii i Tnrlne ana oompiute ouuit rumiaaca wnon aesirea. Addres BROWN COTTON GIN CO., MTMW UCOTDOlf. OOXJIL JOHN DAWSON A CO., Agents, mh 16 DJkWSm Wilmington. N C. itlCLfl Prices In ti((lund. $63.00, $73.75, JS0.25, f,100.00, flS5.00. tltO.U Delivered in New York, duty elusive : and ail charncx i $103.28, fll7.7S, t!81.97, $150.63, $184.28, $313.00 Theabovo mayM ordered "Full Choke," "Mn dlum Choke,' or Cyllador Bore, at theso prlcei. We are now making small bores of Non. 14, H and 20 gaugo, which are scarcely inferior In nwt to the larger bores. Weight of SO-Boro from 5x1b. "1416 bw " 12 tu " " 10 8 Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a 1i ploma of Merit at tho Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have.purchated and are now uslnc onr guns Hon. Walter L. Steele, M . C, Rockingham, ttU h mond county, N. C. Cant. D. R. Murchlson. Wilmington, N. C. iui. . r . uiue.uiue'i amis, ti. 1 ). James A. Leak, Esq ., Wadesboro. N. C. Wm. H. Bernard. Esq., Wilmington, N. C. j. a w. Volley. Pioneer Works. St Mary's Sonar. oct 3 DAWtf Birmingham. Kngland. GRAY'S 8PECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADEMARK THE GREAT TRADEMARK SNGLI8H REM EDY. An unfail ing cure for Sem inal Weaknoss. 8 p e r matorrbca. Impotency, and all disease that follow, as a so- AhnaA 11 mm rtt I IEF0BE TAKllfl.Memory, Uaivcr A PTE I TAIIia. sal Lassitude, Pain la the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and mwy other Diseases Uial lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. tar" Full particulars in our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mail to every one. I 1 The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mall on receiptor the money, by ad dressing THE fiiUY MEDICINE OO , I No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich, l8oldln Wilmington by GREEN A FLANNKK, Wholesale and Retail, and all Druggists every where, mh 6 DAWly MARBLE TS AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW TOHi. PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MA II WOKK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. niCntllD WATIIAN eV CO., 57 Lafayette Place, New Yorh. Wathan's-Monumental Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAW if PRESCRIPTION FREE Yfarthe speedy Care oTSmiaal vTeakaa,Lect H Baahooda prsaiatare DebiUty, Xsrvoasaesa, pespondener Coafstioa of Ideas, Avmioa to Socfetvi Defecttve Memory, and all . Disorders Bronchi ea by Seeret VablM aad Exeesses. Any BTUgffis nas is aaajreawats. aocrasa, -. OR. JAQUE8 A CO., 130 Wert Sixth Bt, UaOIafiAIL OHIO. feb;i5 lyDAW ' . ... iy. A. 8TEDHAN. Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ELIZABETH TON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Up stairs, ia Brick Building, occupied by Rlnalal AOo. Special attention to Clalma Col lections on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent If without suit Drawing Deed. Mortgagee, 'Ac-jja specialty. ap5-DAWU The Favettevillo Examiner, Weekly Democratic IVctvpHprrt Published at FAYETTEVILLE, NOHTH CAROLINA, By 32. SZ.BKlTLlsr 1 . Terms $2.00 a yoar 4a advaane. Send for a spe cimen copy. my 6 tf The Camden Journal Publuhed Em? Thunday, at QmdeiB, C, IB THE OLDXSt-XfrTABIJSHZD PAPER IN 1 Kershaw county, aad has an extaeaivecircalaUoa among the Merchanta, V armors aad ell -elace of btabaeeemeaiatbeeoaaty. -1 It offers to the Merchants of Wllmiagtoa a deelr able Medium for Advertising, the ceuntry In wbirk Uoirculatea, being eswnectedwtth that city by steam eron the Wateree Rrretvand the WTfinlngtoa, Co lnmbia and Aagnsta Railroad. Liberal terms will be made with tho desiring 10 advertise.' ' ubecrtpUoB price, $2 50 per aanem. AAAr m, FRANTHAM A HAY, f eh 27 f Editors and Proprietor. i"" srercyour oraere in early, nana for Illustrated pamphlet rlvta maltmtar tomUnvmialm 0RAWIKCS x V --zIxa r ' FREE QY MA,L PIONEER WORKS W J E N 0 LAN D VgJe t