Tursday Morning, October 1 2, 1 880 MQRNINGr EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS; FROM ALL PABTS OF THE WORLD WELDOIf FAIR. PROMISE OF A '- FESTIS , $ SUCCESS GOV. JABVIS TO SPKAK THURSDAY. Special Dispatch to Mcenmg Star. YVeldon, N. C", Oct. 11 The Fair has commenced.- Everything promises the beat Fair ever held here. Gov. Jarvis will speak on Thursday, when a tremendous crowd is expected. j BALrinoBE. THE SESQUI CENTENNIAL CELEBRA TION FIBST DAYS PEOCEED1NGS THE PROCESSION, AC. 87 Telegraph to the Morning Bt&r. Baltimoke, October 11 The grand procession, which was composed of ten divisions, began its march at the intersect tion of Broadway and Canton avenue, at 9:30 A. H. It was headed by a platoon of mounted police and eighteen carriages, in which were the mayor of the city and other municipal authorities, clergy and orators of the day, escorted by 250 mounted aids. The first division was composed of em ploys of the BaUimore & Ohio Railroad Co., eevea thousand men in all, uniformed ia c&pa Uh white taesels, blue shirts and Mck pantaloons. Every phase of the railroad's history and development was illustrated by a float, bearing an animated tableaux, and every department was repre sented by workmen engaged ia their re spective employment. Tbia display of this Company was the grand feature or the procession. The remaining seven divisions were taken up with representations of the various man ufactures, trades, etc Each division com prised hundreds of wagons and thousands of men. The head of the first division moved at 9.30 A, M., and it was after 3 o'clock when the last wagon passed. The celebration to-day has in every re spect far exceeded anything that it was sup posed Baltimore could possibly do. The city to-night ia ablaze with electric and calcium lights, and the City Hall and Washington monument are brilliantly il luminated with thousands of gas jets. The streets are thronged with people. At this hour, 10 o'clock, no serious accidents are reported. f OilEIGN INTELLIUENC'K. THE EASTERN QUESTION THE SULTAN DECLINES TO YIELD RELEASE OF ilAJ. CANZIO, &C. I By Cable to the Morning Star.i Paius, October 10 It is semi-offlcially declared that a Council of Ministers, under President Grevy, will this week deliberate oa the line of conduct to be pursued in view of the new position of affairs created by the attitude of Germany and Austria, who appear to hesitate to accept England's proposals. CoJtSTANTTNCPLE, October 10. The Ger man and French Ambassdora have had an interview with the Saltan, in which they tried to induce him to yield. RoMErOctober 10. It is asserted that Russia is the only Power which has uncon ditionally adopted the English proposals. Maj. Canzio, son-in-law of Gen. Garibaldi, has been released from prison . Bucharest, October 16. The succession to the throne has been definitely settled upon Prince Charles Anthony, ihird son of Prince Leopold, of Hohenzollern. Constantinople, October 11. One of the murderers of Dr. Parsons.the American missionary, has been condemned to death, and two others sentenced to fifteen years penla servitude. Lojtdon, October 11. A dispatch from Constantinople says that the Porte and the Saltan have agreed to au unconditional surrender of Dalcigno. The Saltan has declared that if the fleets come to Constan tinople he will abdicate. He has been doing his utmost to make separate terms with Russia, but without success. TUB ARCTIC. THE CRUISE OF THE CUTTER CORWIN NO TIDINGS OF &C. THE JEANNETTE, By Telegraph to the Morning Star. San Francisco, Oct 11. The Vail of this manning publishes an interview with Li. Jno. Wyckoff, of the U. S. Revenue Cutter Corwin, who has arrived here on ilu-. steam whaler Mary and Helen, in twenty-one days from the Arctic Ocean. The Corwin made trips to Herald Island without beingable to land on account of ice. She has traversed the Arctic waters in every direction between Point Barrow and Herald Island, without gaining any in telligence of the Jeannette. The cruising whalers were unable to reach Wrangle Land, for which landing the ships were headed when last seen. Another attempt will be made to reach Herald Island before the close of the season. The schooner Loletta was seized at Port Hope, August 20, for violation of the revenue laws, and Lieutenant Wykoff put in charge. On September 4th she went ashore on the north side of St. Lawrence Island and be came a total less. On September 12th Lt. Wykoff made Plover bay, where he found the Mary and -Helen, and took passage upon her for this port. - THE EPISCOPALIANS. THE REVISED BIBLE REPORT ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, AC. By Telegraph to the Morning star.i New York, October 11. In the House of Deputies of the Protestant General Con vention this morning. Rev. Dr. Johnson offered a resolution providing that a com mittee composed of three bishops, three clergymen and three laymen be appointed t ) examine the new (English) revision of the Bible, and report whether such revised Bible shall be adopted in the authorized veisionof the Church. The report of the Committee on Chris tiaa Education was made by Rev. Dr. Coppee, of Central, Pennsylvania. It re commends the maintenance of parochial schools of various grades commensurate with the demands of the age, and seeds of the people in science, literature and art. This includes the idea of securing such en dowments as will give prominence and en able church schools to compete successfully with other in the matter of charges. The report and suggestions were adopted. OHIO. FINAL ORDERS FOR TO-DAY AN IM MENSB VOTE TO BE POLLED. TBy Telegraph to the Morning Star.i Columbus, October . 11. To-day has been occupied by toth of the State Com mittees ia sending out instructions to their followers. Both parties have splendid or ganizations in the State, and: an immense vote will be polled to-morrow. An engineer was killed and seven cars were wrecked by an accident on the South western Railroad of Georgia yesterday ELECTION OF BRIQHAH YOUNG8 SUC CESSOR, -AC. ., I Br Telegraph to the Morning Star. 1 Salt Lake. Oct. 11. The Mormon Conference, which adjourned yesterday, was chit fly notable for the filling of the first Presidency, which has been vacant 6ince Brigham Young's death. John Taylor was elected President, with Gen. Q. Cannon as First and Joseph N. Smith as Second Counsellors. Mr. Cannon is the delegate to Congress, and was renominated on the 7th inst. Joseph N. Smith is a nephew of the original Joseph Smith. John Taylor was the ranking member of the twelve apostles Mr. Cannon is re garded as the ruling spirit the power be hind the throne. SOUTH CAROLINA AN AFFRAY AT A POLITICAL MEETING NEAR GREENVILLE. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Greenville, Oct 11. An affray oc curred near here Saturday night, after a joint meeting of negroes and white men of the county. Stones and pistols were used. Two negroes were injured one severely- and ono white man was seriously wounded : and several were slightly injured by stones. All is quiet now, and no trouble is expected, although there were disturbing rumors last night. It is said the trouble arose be tween colored Democrats and Republicans. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Negotiations for peace between Chili and Peru have been opened at Arica, through the intervention of the United States. A passenger and an engineer were killed and three cars wrecked by an accident on the New York ElevatedRailroad yesterday morning. A gravel train on the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Railroad was thrown from the track by a drove of cows. Thirteen men and boys were killed and wounded. The lottery cases in the U. 8. Supreme Court yesterday were indefinitely postponed on motion of Attorney General Devens. New suits will probably be begun In the lower courts against tho Postmaster Gen eral. Horseford's Acid Phosphate in Dyspep sia. I believe Horsford's Acid Phosphate is a valuable remedy in mauy cases of Neurasthenia and Dyspepsia. C. C. Higgins, M. D f Chicago, III. OFFICE OF COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTE CO COURIER-JOURNAL BUILDING, Louisville, Ky.. Sept. S4, 1880. , in direct viola tien of aa agreement with Ex-Post-master General Key, ordering the delivery of .Regis tered Letters and the payment of Money Order to the undersigned, pending the litfgafion in the Uni ted States Supreme Court, the Third Assistant Poet master General has seen fit, in the absence of hit su periors, to set aside said order. The grounds upon which he Joe tinea this action are, that all lotteries in Kentucky have been repealed, and are therefore illegal, and being illegal, are necessarily fraudulent, when, in fact, the franchise under which this Com pany draws, unlike thht of the Louisiana Lottery Company has never been repealed, and yet the Fort Office Department discriminates li favor of that Company. Comment is useless. Legal action will at once be taken by this Company, and. until farther notice, correspondents are requested to send all remittan ces by plain letter or bv express. Donlt send by money order or registered letter.. Popular Monthly Drawing of the Ooiionwcaltli Dition Coiy. At Macaulcy'a Theatre, In the city of Louisville, on Saturday, Oct. 130th, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORISED BY THK LEGISLATURE of 1878, and SUSTAIN KD BY TUB COURTS of KENTUCKY, occur regularly on the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sun days and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIYK Y KAR8. The United States Circuit Court on March 31 ren dered the following decisions : 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. id. ITS DRAWINGS ARB FAIR. N. B. This Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizee for TUB OCTOBKR DRAWING. 1 Prize $30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 10,000 1 rrize 6,000 600 Prizes 20 each li,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 30 Prizes 500 10.000 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $3,700 9 Prizes 300 each, " " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, - "900 1,960 Prizes. ' Whole Tickets, $3. h Tickets, $50. $113,400 Half Tickets, $1. 55 Tickets, $100. REMIT BY MONEY IN LETTER. BY BANK DRAFT OB BXPRRSS, to R. M. BOAKDMAN, (Courier-Journal Building,) LOUIS VTLLK, Ky., or Nos. 307 & 3o9 Broadway, NSW YORK. oc 3 eodaw ta th sa Administrator's Notiqe. THB UNDERSIGNED, HAVING QUALIFIED as administrator of George Myers, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons holding claims against the said estate to exhibit the same-to him a or before the 7th day of September, A. D., 1S8L R.C. MYERS, Sept. 8th. 18S0. Administrator. se8 oaw 6w ta Bricklayers Wanted. PPLY AT WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL- Road Shops, to oc 7 lw B. S. RADCLIFFK. THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT Q1A1E8VILLE, IREDELL CO., 2T. 0 a THE Leading newspaper in Western North Carolina. It Is the only Democratic Paps published ia Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger Iocs circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. Its drcnlatlon in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Foreythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a Rzohijlb Cawassiho Asxht, and 4 urns Kepi constantly Dei ore me people, under thU system a rapidly increasing eireulatioa is the result making the La.hdila.bx 111 E BEST ADVERTISING MEDIVH1 IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, fcANOMAItK," fler -tf Statesville. N,C: The Biblical Eecorder, PUBLISHED BY . Cd wards, BrdOffhton A. Co. ' RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, REV. H. HATCHER, Associate EaiUr. Organ of Nertfi Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Hedinlnnsarjpassed only Y2.00 per Year. . BIBLICAL RECORDER, dectt-tf Raleigh. N.C. W 1 17 &l I N Q.T O N M A U K K. Tj V .v -1 - - v : - SPIRITS TURPENTINE The markei w9 firm, with sales reported 400 ca&ks 40 cents psr gallon. ROSIN The market was quoted Arm at $1 40 for Strained and $1 45 for Quod Strained, without reported transactions. Small sales of fine rosins on private terms. - TAR The market was firm at $2 10 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market fiinv with sales reported at $1 60 for Hard and, $2 50 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin.'; COTTON Tho market was quoted steady, with sales of 275 bales on a basis of lOf cents per lb for Middling. Fu tures opened steady in New York for Oc tober at 11.05 cents and closed steady at 11.01 cents;' December opened steady at 10-93 and closed steady at 10.93 cents. The following were the official quotations here: Ordinary cents lb Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. . 9 4 Low Middling. 10 Middling..... 10 ii it Good Middling PEANUTS Sales reported at 8040 cts for shelling stock, 50 cents for Ordinary. 60 cents for Prime, 70 cents lor ExUa Prime, aad 80 cents for Fancy. Market quiet. U8CEIFT5. Uotlou 1089 Spirits turpentine 165 Rosin 867 Tar 41 Crude turpentino 51 bales. ca&ks, bbfs. COTTON AND NAVAL STORE WEKKL BTATBIB BM T. RECEIPTS From OcL 1st to Oct llth, 1880. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 7,683 1,630 4,736 1,110 1,777 RECEIPTS From OjI lat to Oct. Wh, 1870 Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude 6,179 3.2S6 12.627 399 3,150 .EXPORTS From, Oct. 1st to OcL lWi, 1880 Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude, Douics'c, 2.806 962 1,036 1,294 33 Foreign, 1,150 000 000 000 00 Totai.. 3,956 962 1,036 1,294 33 EXPORTS. From Oct. 1st to Oct. 13ih, 1879. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domes'c, 4,096 863 2,160 894 50 Foreign, 000 3.753 8.304 COO 00 Total.. 4,096 4.621 10.464 894 STOCKS. 50 Ashore and Afloat October 11, 1880. Ashore. 6,394 6.425 118,992 1,844 425 Afloat, 3,625 700 12.884 COO 000 Totals. Cotton. , Spirits. . Rosin.. . Tar Crude . , 10,019 7,125 131,876 1.844 425 STOCKS. AiJiore and Afloat October 13, 1879. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 5.877 9,544 122,974 4,387 981 QUOTATIONS October 1, 1879. Cotton.... 9j Spirits. ... 28 Rosin. .... 90Q95 Tar 97 Crude fl 90 October 13, 1879- 29 $1 20 $1 CO f 1 90 lis Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. New York, October 11 Evening. Money 2& per cent. Sterliag exchange 480. Governments quiet and lower; new fives 102; four and a half per cents lOSi; four per cents 1071. State bonds firm but to active. Oowunerosal. f Evening Cotton . firm; middling up lands 11 516 cents; Orleans 11 7-16 cents; consolldatea net receipts sn,vsi Dales; ex- Eto Great Britain 21,573 bales; to France ties; to the continent 600 bales; sales bales. Southern floor quiet and very firm; common to lair extra 5 005 60; good to choiee do t5 65? 00. Wheat opened ftghSfe better, feverish, excited and ensealed, but afterwards the advance Was lost and closed heavy and l2ic lower, with aa active speculative inquiry ;angraded red f 1 091 18. Corn opened flc better, but closed heavy with the advance lost; sngraded 55r50 cents. Oats opened firm and closed dull and heavy; No. 3, 38ic. Coffee dull and nominally unchanged, ttu gar unchanged and dull; refined firmer and In good demand. Molasses dull and nomU nal. Rice in fair demand and steady. Rosin stronger at. $1 7Q1 80l . Spirits turpentine higher and Arm at 434c. fork dull and wholly nominal at $16 2516 50, with noth ing doing; middles quiet and' firm; long clear $8 40; short $8 75; long and short $8 50. Lard opened about 10c higher and closed weak with the advance lost at $8 85 8 87. Freights quiet. Cotton Net receipts bales; gross 10.812 bales. Future closed steady, with sales of 102,QOO bales at the following quo tations: October . 11.01 cents, November 10.91 cents, December 10.9310.94 cents, January 11.04 cents, February 11.2111.22 cents, March 11.33 cts, April 11.53 11.54 cents, May 11 A9ll.71 cents. Chicago, October 11. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and opened strong and higher, closnd at inside prices; No. 2 red winter 99ca$l 00; No. 2 Chi cago spring 97c cash ; 98c November ; 99c December; No 3 do 92c. Corn excited and unsettled, opened strong and higher, closed at inside prices ;3939c cash; 40fc November; 40fc December. Oats 'unset tled and generally higher, closing weak; 29jc cash and November; 80c December. Pork irregular and steady, closings very weak at $18 00. Lard- unsettled and gen eraHyJtfgher .t $S 8313 33 IBulk meats fairly active and a shade! higher; shouldeis $5 20jbB $8 fi0; clear ; $8mv . WWikeyl sreaay ana uncnangea. . 8t. Louis, October 11. Flour quiet &d unchanged. Wheat opened active, closed weak and lower; Noi 2 red fall $1 00ta 1 00J cash ; $1 001 1 02T October; $102 &1 04fNovember. Corn higher; 39l 39c cart; 88c October; S8iS8io Novem ber. Oata higher at opening but declined; 29f30cr-i-cash; r 29f31j December. Whiskey steady at $1 10. Pork quiet and jobbing at $15 8516 00. Lard nomi nally lower. Bulk meats firmer but not quotably higher; shoulders $5 00; rib $8 00; Sides $3 80. BaCOb 8tronr: fihonlrlern -$5 75; rib $3 75; sides $9 00 And generally -v - m n OTTOH fllSBKBTS. tBi.Tlemnh to Oc JCoeaing star. ,Oct. ll-43alveBtQni buyers ndi: sellers jeady at 11 cea-ts net eeelpts 4S9 bales ihiladetohiaivaniet at'114 ientswnet ceiptslSl bales; Savannah, very firm and. Asking 4o higher at: I0f cents net receipts 7,959 bales; New Orleans, firm at 1H cts net receiptS7,685 balesi Mobile, firm at apart ai i au net receipts 5,445 bales; s'S'tUK ceotsUnfit receipts 2.797 jMtfesV BaItirMrVLfcolidar BoatoB 10 cts net receipts: 8.040 bales; Mem- I phis, firm at 10ft cents net receipts 4,178 ' bales; AQgUBta, steady at 10J cents net receipts 1,346 bales; Charleston, firm at 10$ cents net receipts 5 838 bales;! ' I OIIBION 01 AKHtf t S Bf Cab'lo to the Jlrorntas Star. liiVERPooLOciober 11, 5. 15 P. M. Mid dling uplands, lm C, November and De cember delivery 6 7-16d December and January delivery 6 7-16d; January and February 6 15-82d; February and March delivery 6 15-32d; March and April delivery 6 17-82d; May and:June delivery 6 19-32d. Futures firm. - Spirits turpentine 82s. " Loudon, Oct. 11, 6 P. 41. Spirits ur pontine 32 i 6d..r MARINE. Pori altaMiii October 12. Sun Rises ........ . 6 .05 A. M. Sun Sets 5.28 P. M. High Water (Bmithville) 2.07 Morn. " (Wilmington).... 6 07 Morn. Day's Length....... llh. 23m. ARRIVED. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Puint Cas well, RPPaddison. Stmr North State, Gheen, Cypress, Worth & Worth. Steam yacht PaaBport.llarper.Smithville, master. Stmr Elizabeth. Bisbce, Smilhville, mas ter. t Schr Louise Fray8er,348 tons, Crawford, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss& Co. Schr Argyle, Lewis, Shallotte, naval stores toKerchncr & Calder Brus. CLEARED. Stmr North Statu, Green, Cypress, Worth & Worth. Stmr Elisabeth, Uisbee, Smilhville, cuts ter. Steam yacht Passport, Uarper.Smithvilie, master. German barque Hermann Wolf, Per mier, Liverpool, E Peschau & Wester mann. Schr A S Snare, Snare, Baltimore. J W Taylor & Co. Schr Argyle, Lewis, Shallotte, Kerch ner & Cajder Bros. KX POUTS. COASTWISE. Baltimore Schr A S Snare 207,761 ft lumber. FOREIGN. Glasgow Ger barque lloftnauo Wolf 4,80 bbls rosin. List of VeaeelN In ta Port of WIl- MlnEtoa. rt. C. oei. 12. 1880. This hat does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Geo Walker (Br A 437 tons. Peterson. E Peschau & Westermann Abmhira Skal!e(Nor.)342 tons.Gregeneeo, CPMebane Gustafa (Swed.) 312 tons, Ohrnberg. Heide & Co Proaies- (Nor.) 437 tons. Talleksen. Heide & Co lijeratnct (Nor.) 380 tons. Inglemen6en. Heide & Co Magnus Uuss (Swed) 533 tons. Tiulio. Heide & Co Miaci-j Gray (Br.). 349 tons. Ben ell. C P Mebane Alhambra(Nor.), 469 tons, Cornielsen, E Peschau & Westermann Herman Wolf (Ger). 567 tons. Fermipr E Peschau & Westermann AJio'.ocr. Nor.. 361 tons. Kaldacer. Paterson, Dowuing & Co vi T z. ;iieaos, lor,, im tons, vvaage, Heide & Co BRIGS. Alkor(Nor ), 258 tons. Wilhelmseo. ! Heide & Go bUHOOKKRo. Alf .-iie ta S Snare. 252 tons. Snaro. E G Barker & Co James Slater, 311 tons, Tooker, Paterson, Downing & Co u w Aicuuiiy, lao tons, Austin, Harriss & Howell Wyoming, 147 tons, Foss, EG Barker & Co NOTICK. If thn nicrMttl InttflNnfkiivvM. sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig- dv wwee, uio vessel so aesignatea snonia send ashore for telegram. - jos PRiryTirac. THE MORHING STAB : Steam Printing House, MORNING STAB BUZLDINO, psiNCsaa stssst. Most TnosotronfirEquippBDritiNTiNo OFFICE IN THB CITY. FINE BOOK, NXW8FAFBB MERCANTILE PSINTJNO AND BINDING, CHEAP FOB CA&H. ' I ALSO, THEATRICAL FOSTERS PROGRAMMES dt TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS, DODGERS. TEA MSHTPf STEAMS GAlP AND RAILROAD WORE: EXECUTED jff QUICKER T1MK '.- AND BETTED STYLE THAN J51 ANY OTHEROFFICE A J WILMINGTON.. FIBST CLASS WOEK AND LOW PRICES THE .MORNING STAR STEAM FEINTING j " ''-'nQUSMt jnGESB STWSBT,'. . OrSeRS BY MALI, PROMPTLY ATTENDED i TO AND WORK SENT TO ANl PART OF THE UNITED STATES, : O. 6. D. ; SALL ORDERS SAME PROMPTNESS AS " . ' LARGER ONES. ! The I$8ixStar npHB OUJEST NEWSPAPEtt 'PUBLISHED IN A toe Pee Dee aectionVoneef the wealthiest and mest orameroaala 4Jle fttnfre nffmrw nr.i-i.,i.i.i .i and Whfilesiae Mcrehasts and Manafacturers, and sample, an excellea. -medium W comihauieation Wtr-h alargeand influential class of saerehante. me- ""sww wm m . m h,iMWuu,. verwaemenCT ana BusineaaCards interted on ilbersJ teras! - ept,2tf MartoB..C. us- : Brovn C Roddick 4A ftiarket Street, : r WE DiaiRB TO CALL THB ATTENTION OF the general public to oar arrivals of Kali Stock. W e are offering very marked Inducements to tho WHOLESALE TJBADE,and are telling many of the staple lines below the Market Value, lt will be to the Interest of all buyers to give as a call. We call particular attention to the following: CALICOES. New Fall Calicoes at all prices. The designs are really works of Art, far surpassing the productions of the past Season. PLAID HOMESPUNS. We are prepared to show the best and Cheapest Stock of the above that can be found in ANY Mar ket. Bleached and. IMleacM Cottons. We have laid in a very Heavy Stock of this class of goods, and embrace all the popular brands. They are much lower than former prices. Call and ex amine our 4 4 Bleached Barker at 10 cents. A FEW JOBS In Gent's Dogskin Driving Gloves, slightly spotted, 75 cents former price $1 CO. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, a job at 10 cents. BKOWN A RODDICK, 45 Market street. Jj 9tf For Sale at Low Prices. 300 1000 100 500 100 300 300 Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING, Bale Arrow and Delta TIBS. Boxes D. S. and Smoked BACON, Bbls FLOUR, all grades,. Bags COFFEE, 50 bbls SUGAR. 500 kega NAILS. BdlsHOOPIHON, 1.000 New and Second-Hand SPIRIT BARRELS, Cases Soaps, Lye, Potaan, anna, Tonacco, Boaa, uracsers, uneese Lard, &c , &c Belitf WORTH WORTH. Bagging, Ties, Twine. 1400 80118 6011011 LAGGING, 4500 Bandles Ncw and Pcd TIKS 1000 Lba 0011011 Bagslng twinb Flour, Bacon, IXolasses lOAA Bbls FLOUR, Super to 1 L U U Extra Family OtA Boxes Pork STRIPS. iOJ Smoked and D. 8. SIDES. QAA Hhds and Bbls Porto Rico, New Crop idjj uubaana New wieans mLiAiss, Sugar, Coffee, &c. OA A Bbls BUQAR, Cut Loaf. Granulated, tdij standard A. extra V and , OTC Bags COFFEE. & t O Rio, Laguyra and Java, 100 zoa Assortea vashi, 150 TUbB 0X0100 1247 LARD, jyp Boxes STARCH, 200 80X68 LTS and FOTAsn' 125 60X08 Laandry 80 AP Tobacco. Snuff, Paper. Matches, Shot, Pepper, Ginger, uoop iron, spins Barrels, ac For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHIUON. Wholesale Gro. Com. McrU. oc 10 if School Books. A LARGE STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES. Old Books taken in part payment for Ncw Books upon first Introduction. Headquarters for au rex i noons usea ia me ramie ana ravate Schools. Special terms to country Merchants and ueacner. oc 3 if C. W. YATES. For Sale, O SECOND HAND P HE LANS CARON B1L- J hard Tables, 5x10 feet: 3 Second Hand Pbclaas 4 pocket Billiard Tables, Syxll feet; 1 Bet Second Hand 15 Ball Pool Balls, 2S inch; S Large Mirrors, else of Frames, SSfxft feei; 1 Whitfield Ale and Beer ramp, silver riated, 4 bandies. oc8 lw . JOS. IL NEFF. Seeds. Seeds. rjHK PUREST AND MOST RELIABLE STOCK of TURNIP and CABBAGE SEEDS In the world. grown by U. Juandretn s sons, and for talc at re ouced pi ices bv JOHN K. MoILHBNNY, Druggist, Je S7 1 f Cor. Market aad Front streets. Arrived! The first New Kiver Oysters of the season at ocstf MOZART SALOON. Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL BUS : TORY. FISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Ceuntry that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman portsm&n. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy it A strvstm anlntiInK Co.. Ill FULTON ST., OuNo..l03,) ' New York. Post Ofilce Box 188. aept S7-tf FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON , A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. t3HT"Sent to any address to January 1, 1831, for ONEDOLLAR. . m y 36 tf The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- &Dun(iuiauivi(iuiui tag aaeuoaisi notes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at reeasboro.N. C. Terms, f oo per annum, in advance. tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in' va.rfona RAt.imi. trivm tha fWTOir, nu.. claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public A vuua-o iw; laTwaum vvuQLUb jrURT pUBineBS inter u. Li. SUCHAUA, .Gceensboro, N. C. WILfHNGTOH HERC8AHTS WILL FIND THE LATTEIKBtraa E5TEEPEISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of. Robeson, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and in the border conn ties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a largo and increasing eireulatioa in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; having obtained a large circulation in tho latter during the six months lt was published In Fayetteville' before Us removal to LauriL burg, and ,ia the former within the last two months. Advertisements I will he inserted by the month, ouarter and 7ear at reasonable rates. Address II. I. ICIoDUFFIB. DAW tf Laurlnburg, N. C. Vi' ARID WINTER GOODS NOW OPEN AT j.V. KATZ'S, 36 Market Street. All the Latest Novelties in DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Fuller advertisement in a few days. to oall on or order of oc 10 tf To the Friends and Patrons of P. L, Bridgers & Go. W UKN TniS IS READ TURY WILL BE IN their Handsome New Store north of Geo. R. French & Sons. On your way down town drop In and take odo look, and you will acknowledge that the y can still Justly claim to have the finest Grocery House In the Southern t tales. Quick Dispatch. We closed when the bell rang at 7 o'clock; we opened in the New Store at 6 the next morning. Cheap Goods. Immense caving in store rent, clerks' and por- i - tors' hire, to be given to the patrons of P. L. Bndgers & Co. oclDAWtf To my Friends and Cus tomers. J AM NOW DAILY RECEIVING MY FALL stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of aU tie Latest Styles. My past stock and aaj success sieakVfoT themsdttt, and I only ask a continuance of your faros so laterally bestowed on me. Please call and VfaitnlnS my stock as regards quality and prices. double to show the goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. , Respectfully, . ; . C ROSEraTH At 33 lBsKKKT ST. Ben tf . 1 8 km of tho Show Case. ! Brick! Brick! 15 00() 0800 DAUTY For sale by seS4tf O. G. PARSLEY, JR. Fino IIoTintain Beef. WILL OFFER TO-DAY SOME FINE MOUNTAIN BBKP. Ust received. Also LAMB, MlDTTDXI. Ao a ;Qtirrt KsAet ah4 Foarth Street MaikRt.near Eonsy Bridge- - , se n.1 ifei&IBBB'A 00.-. TFT im i i i t - 1 " anaBnoeo.' JDSTEECKTVEir A !FEW CASE3VOF MENS aad Boy's Heavy and Fancy Boots, which I am offering at a bargains A full line of Penitentiary Bsogaas. Women's Gram Shoes, good quality, at $1 00 per pair. For good foods and lowprfcr call at V .: TltOMAS H. HOWEY. seStf ,' ;io.orth Market. ews Of FEBRUARY 7th will Ofuitain the opening chap- tera or acnarmingserlai storjy enUUed . . BY MRS. OPHELIA, NISfiET HELD, OT BATQirW,Aw . . ... ASthor of "My Mother's Daughter," Afterward, mnA 'lira. Item." Those who have eujoted the pleasure affordad tv the perusal of this gifted and accomplished lady's prYHxw pruuscuuoa, wiu. eea uo. commencaUoQ of this her last and suoat vuceessfui effort to pre. uaro uitua w w. imf lMyTJ. KCSl USt awalU them. MUFFPT Is a atorv of abamrMn lntArmit. ui f ta publicailom will ran through some- eixht to ten Issues of the WEEKLY NEWS and the SUNDAY TELEGRAM.. . . - . tubecriotion El a var 1 tar aix maathav Mo ney can be sent oy Money Order, Registered Letter orBxpresB. atonr risk. J. H. ESTILL. Buyers will find it to their interest "JSL. IsL. EZATZ, 36 Market Street. THOMAS H. McKOY (SUCCESSOR TO Bo at wright & McKoy, Rcppcef ally end earbeotly Calls the attention ot the public generally to the large and varied assortment ef G-IR, O O BBIBS 1 hat he keeps in Slock. He is prepared at all times to exe:ote promptly all orders. Fresh Goods arriving daily, (inaran tees every article sold by him Is satisfied to make small profits. Deals only in tho beat o. Oood. Cal and ecc him; you will meet with a polite reception. Til OS. II McKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 5 A 7 North i'rwnt M. P. 8. All our bills are made np to date-both Boatwrigbt Mc soy's and my own. Don't forget mo. oc3 DAWtf TilOS. 11. McKtA. A Bee Hive. jyjY STORE 18 A BUS lilVB IN ACTIVITY. It is crowded to the celling with goods. My gooU are of tbo Best Quality aad tho Lowest PrlCM. I keep everything usually kept by Fancy Kamtfy Grocers. Have Just received Sweet Orangca,Lcmnia, I'orou Nats, Cabbages and Apples and iiirh I olili.in Ferris and; Uolio Hams, fcmokrd 11 of ami Tongues. FlckledPUt Tongue?, Dolightrul Rcllrh, 10c ca h. Pickled Sparc Uib3, Urut quality, tc per 11). Cucumber Pickles looec In bbls. Complete- Assortment or Fancy Candle, Prrati Rye Flour and Oatmeal . If yon want tho bc-s'. goodi, polllo attention, prompt delivery, and every rca.onablo accoiumn dation, call on mc. Jas. G. Stevenson, oc7tf MaaketStrorL By Express. LACE FICUUS. LACE TIES, LACK CAMUK1" Handkerchiefs, Bilk Handkerchiefs, Glass Doylas, Table Damaak and the beet stock of Towels and Towelling In the city. All cheap. my 2 U JOHN J. UKOKJCK. Coal ! Coal 1 TONS BLACKSMITHS', now landtag. ALSO. 100 GRATE, STOVE and FOUNDRY XAI. O. G. PARbLKY. Jr., Jyt tf Cor. Orange aad 8. Wtr sir Fishing Tackle. JCST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF SKIPJ ACK and Drum Hooks, Lines, Corks, &c Breech Load ing Gans, Shot. Powder, Caps, Ac Now stock coming in every day. Kerosene Oil, lt cents per gallon, at T GEORGE A. PECK'S, So 19 tf tS South Front BL I Price Reduced. ' THE LADIES ARB INFORMED THAT MltH. VIRGINIA, A. ORB baa vaatae4 k prttm of shaping, bleaching, and dying lAdtoa' and Chil dren's Hats from FIFTY toTTWENTY-FIVB CT8 RESIDENCE One door east of Frutit, oa Chorcb ptreet. " : oat l if Tin Toilet Sets HD FANCY GOODS. LARGE ASSOlCfMSNT ut received by ociotf GILES MURCIIISON, 38 and 40 MtmAiao. tIMk. T Black Walnut' Chamber suits, another wjppi-x kk eefved this wock. Window Shad atea aiga ; Parlor Salts, (Jflleo. Farnitore, Msttrs es aad Feathers. For sale at low prices . , OclOtf No. 43 North rout puwst . For Stile. QRAYS, CARTS, BUGGIES HARNESS, BADDLK3, WHIPS, Ac. al GERHARD A CO, One Door North D. A. Smith A Co.' oc 10 tf ' 45 North Frm Street, Tourists. AND ALL PERSONS WANTING TRUNKS and Traveling Baes can be farnlahod at the lowest prices from oar nrw stock Jaat arrived . Our Wholesale and Retail Uarnaes Katahllahraec t can't be beat (or Latest Htytaaod BatiUocaM' tor the least moaev. No. 8 South iTroo , oclOtf MsXLABO ABOWptN. John Dawson & Co. LEAD THE HARD WARE? TKADS Hi NOKTn Carollua, bay direct from the MaaufsctUMS, pay caah on the spot, baa die the best geoda, and at as low prices as any House in the couatry. All tkey aaka is an examination of tholr stock. i 1, 11 and 8 Market Ht , . ofc 101 . WUoaiAgMxvM. C OLD NEWSPAPERS, tSUITABLE for Wrappmr and other tkurpoaes i?aa be hod at the STAR OFFICE: .. . feb 3 t' Savannah. Geo . IN ANY QUANVm